Title: flit.tcz Description: Clock, Sound, and Battery tray. Version: Author: Michael A. Losh and and Jakob Bysewski Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 24KB Extension_by: roberts, Michael A. Losh Tags: fltk clock sound battery tray Comments: PPI compatible. - Version 1.3.1 alternate config files, prevent/force multiple instances, dockable in some WM trays, supports ALSA or OSS, ACPI or OLPC XO-1 battery status, scalable screen sizes, - To start flit on X start, add to .xsession: [ $(which flit) ] && flit & Change-log: 2009/09/13 Original 2009/09/23 Updated to v0.9.8 2009/10/04 Updated to v1.0 2010/05/10 Updated to v1.2.0 2010/06/06 Updated to v1.2.1 2011/07/23 Updated to v1.3.1 2013/09/08 recompiled for tc-5.x (juanito) 2019/01/29 recompiled for fltk-1.3 (juanito) 2019/02/27 recompiled using correct version (juanito) 2019/02/28 adjusted help file location (juanito) 2019/03/08 various sound fixes from Rich (juanito) Current 2024/05/20 added default conf from Rich (juanito)