#! /bin/sh -f
# Fig2ps2tex - generate a TeX file for including a PostScript file
#		 involves calculating the bounding box from fig2ps output
# version for Linux -- uses bash and bc and awk 
bbox=`grep "^%%BoundingBox:" $1`

bbox2=`echo $bbox | awk '{print $2}'`
bbox3=`echo $bbox | awk '{print $3}'`
bbox4=`echo $bbox | awk '{print $4}'`
bbox5=`echo $bbox | awk '{print $5}'`

xsp=`echo "scale=3; ( $bbox4 - $bbox2 ) / 72" | bc`
ysp=`echo "scale=3; ( $bbox5 - $bbox3 ) / 72" | bc`

echo "\makebox[${xsp}in][l]{"
echo "  \vbox to ${ysp}in{"
echo "    \vfill"
echo "    \special{psfile=$1}"
echo "  }"
echo "  \vspace{-\baselineskip}"
echo "}"