#item   ####description                                      ###on off ###
rm -f /tmp/SeTnewtag # empty the return file
dialog --title "SELECTING X SERVER FROM SERIES X (XFree86 3.1.1)" \
       --checklist "Please select the X server you wish to install \
from series X. \
In most cases, you'll only want to \
install the X server needed for your video card, but if you plan to \
export your /usr partition via NFS, you may need other servers as well. \
Press ENTER when you are \
done." 22 70 11 \
"x3118514" "X server for cards using IBM8514 chips" "off" \
"x311agx" "X server for cards using AGX chips" "off" \
"x311ma8" "X server for cards using Mach8 chips" "off" \
"x311ma32" "X server for cards using Mach32 chips" "off" \
"x311ma64" "X server for cards using Mach64 chips" "off" \
"x311mono" "A Monochrome X server" "off" \
"x311p9k" "X server for cards using P9000 chips" "off" \
"x311s3" "X server for cards using S3 chips" "off" \
"x311svga" "X server for SuperVGA cards" "off" \
"x311vga" "A 16-color generic X server" "off" \
"x311w32" "X server for cards using the ET4000/W32 chipset" "off" \
2> /tmp/SeTpkgs
if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
 rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs
cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in x3118514 x311agx x311ma8 x311ma32 x311ma64 x311mono x311p9k \
x311s3 x311svga x311vga x311w32 ; do
 if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" /tmp/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
  echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
  echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
dialog --title "SELECTING PACKAGES FROM SERIES X (XFree86 3.1.1)" \
       --checklist "Please select the packages you wish to install \
from series X. \
Recommended packages have already been selected. \
Press ENTER when you are \
done." 21 70 12 \
"x311doc" "Documentation for XFree86 3.1.1" "off" \
"fvwmicns" "Color icons from xpm3icons.tar.Z" "off" \
"x311cfg" "XDM configuration, chooser, and FVWM" "on" \
"x311ctrb" "Extra programs from X11R6 contrib" "off" \
"x311bin" "Basic client binaries required for X" "on" \
"x311ubin" "Daemon needed for rstart" "off" \
"x311inc" "Header files for X programming" "on" \
"x311lib" "Libraries and bitmaps for X" "on" \
"x311man" "Man pages for XFree86 3.1.1" "on" \
"oldlibs" "XFree86 2.1.1 shared libraries" "on" \
"xpm" "The Xpm shared library" "on" \
"x311xtra" "Two experimental X servers" "off" \
"x311fnt" "Basic fonts needed to run X" "on" \
"x311f75" "75 dpi fonts" "on" \
"fnt100_1" "100 dpi fonts, part one" "off" \
"fnt100_2" "100 dpi fonts, part two" "off" \
"fntbig1" "Big fonts, part one" "off" \
"fntbig2" "Big fonts, part two" "off" \
"fntbig3" "Big fonts, part three" "off" \
"x311fscl" "Scalable Speedo/Type1 fonts" "off" \
"xlock" "A screensaver/locker for X" "on" \
2> /tmp/SeTpkgs
if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
 rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs
for PACKAGE in x311doc fvwmicns x311cfg x311ctrb x311bin x311ubin x311inc \
x311lib x311man oldlibs xpm x311xtra x311fnt x311f75 fnt100_1 fnt100_2 \
fntbig1 fntbig2 fntbig3 x311fscl xlock ; do
 if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" /tmp/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
  echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
  echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs