#item   ####description                                      ###on off ###
rm -f /tmp/SeTnewtag # empty the return file
       --checklist "Please select the package you wish to install \
from series Q. Use the UP/DOWN keys to scroll through the list, and the SPACE \
key to select the packages you wish to install. Select a maximum of one kernel \
image, and make sure to reinstall LILO before rebooting (if you use it). \
If you have special hardware (like a CD-ROM drive) you ***MUST*** install \
a kernel that supports it, or it won't work when you reboot. Press ENTER \
when you are done." \
20 70 7 \
"aztech1" "1.2.1 image with Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes IF" "off" \
"aztech2" "1.2.1 image with Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes IF" "off" \
"bare" "1.2.1 image with IDE support only" "off" \
"cdu31a1" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Sony CDU31/33a & net" "off" \
"cdu31a2" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Sony CDU31/33a & net" "off" \
"cdu535_1" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Sony CDU531/535 & net" "off" \
"cdu535_2" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Sony CDU531/535 & net" "off" \
"idecd1" "1.2.1 image with EIDE/ATAPI CD-ROM support" "off" \
"idecd2" "1.2.1 image with EIDE/ATAPI CD-ROM support" "off" \
"idenet" "1.2.1 image with IDE and ethernet drivers" "off" \
"mitsumi1" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Mitsumi CD, & net" "off" \
"mitsumi2" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, Mitsumi CD, & net" "off" \
"sbpcd1" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, SoundBlaster CD, & net" "off" \
"sbpcd2" "1.2.1 image with SCSI, SoundBlaster CD, & net" "off" \
"scsi" "1.2.1 image with SCSI disk, tape, and CD drivers" "off" \
"scsinet1" "1.2.1 image with SCSI and ethernet drivers" "off" \
"scsinet2" "1.2.1 image with SCSI and ethernet drivers" "off" \
"xt" "1.2.1 image with MFM/RLL hard disk drivers" "off" \
2> /tmp/SeTpkgs
if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
 rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs
cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in aztech1 aztech2 bare cdu31a1 cdu31a2 cdu535_1 cdu535_2 idecd1 \
idecd2 idenet mitsumi1 mitsumi2 sbpcd1 sbpcd2 scsi scsinet1 scsinet2 xt ; do
 if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" /tmp/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
  echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
  echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag
rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs