Article 13609 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!gatech!swrinde!sgiblab!!olivea!charnel!garryf From: (Garry Lester Freemyer) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 06:51:37 GMT Organization: California State University, Chico Lines: 20 Sender: Garry Freemyer Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by the install program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, Snake-Pit" I would like to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that (I've tried) without proof that this is the hoax I think it is. Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid thing up about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware 1.1.1 Send mail to All replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Article 13610 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!!armand From: (Armand) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 06:57:50 GMT Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz Lines: 23 Message-ID: <2gj15e$ghq@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) wicca is a pagan organization that dealls with alternative ways od living and leading ones own life, yes there are many things that arent considered 'acceptable by christian society, but wicca is anything but a group of satanists. in fact that claim is so far from the truth that is amuses me. i'm not involved with wicca at this time, but i have been in the past and i resent that a bit. sorry, but whoever started that rumor should atleast research their false claims before making them. they are making themselves appear foolish. to say that slackware was put together by a bunch of witches is more accurate (although i wasnt aware of wiccan involvement with slackware). if you are interested in wicca, try some books by scott cunningham, or drop in on the irc channel #wicca Article 13611 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!emory!!!moore From: (Keith Moore) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 07:09:02 GMT Organization: Univ. of Tenn. Computer Science, Knoxville Lines: 27 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of > messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" > (Satanists) He claims that several different sources have claimed this > and that even the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. > [ ... ] > Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware > 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their > machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Well, I can't speak for the people who produced slackware, and I really don't care what their religion is. (Not sure, but I don't think Wiccans are Satanists either...someone correct me if I'm wrong.) And I certainly wouldn't trust the so-called "prodigy organization" (or any subscriber thereof) as an authority on such things. As for people deleting slackware off of their systems...well, people who will put more faith in rumors than in their own ability to observe and experience ... are probably going to lose in one way or another. (heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about subliminal messages...) -- Keith Moore / U.Tenn CS Dept / 107 Ayres Hall / Knoxville TN 37996-1301 Internet: BITNET: moore@utkvx The Secretary will disavow any knowledge of my actions. Article 13612 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!fee From: (Chuck Fee) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 07:25:23 GMT Organization: The Syd Barrett Appreciation Society Lines: 17 Message-ID: <2gj2p3$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: : I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages : claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) : He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even : the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think : this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about : this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware : 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their : machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Pat Volkerding is a really nice guy and my best guess is that the worst thing that he is is a deadhead :-) Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at their nearest hospital. Article 13620 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!glasgow!watersoj From: (John Waterson) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept. References: <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 11:45:54 GMT Lines: 11 (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch > of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by > "Wicca's" (Satanists). Your friend's name wouldn't be Peter McDonald by any chance? :-) John. Article 13624 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!sun4nl!!pieterh From: (Peter Herweijer) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News owner) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands X-Newsreader: NN version 6.4.19 References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 12:50:56 GMT Lines: 17 (Keith Moore) writes: >(heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about >subliminal messages...) You mean, like, after backwards masking of pop records (or simple forwards masking in the case of Slayer and Morbid Angel ]:^) and parental advisory stickers on metal CD's we'll now get a "Source Code Against Satanism" lobby campaign? No doubt your system administrators will be forced to convert their daemons to aengels ;^> Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... Peter Herweijer Article 13627 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Martin Koch) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 14:44:20 +0100 Organization: Universitaet Paderborn, Germany Lines: 29 Message-ID: <2gjovk$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Hey this program that produces this messages is called 'fortune' and is included in every Un*x distribution. ;-) [Rest of nonsense deleted] --- Bye ;-) Martin Koch --- email : Bodelschwinghstraße 8 --- phone : +49 5251 31104 Q D-33102 Paderborn Germany --------------Escape the Gates of Hell, use Linux---------- There is a theory which states that if anyone discovers what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. (The restaurant at the end of the universe/Douglas Adams) Article 13630 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!uunet!destroyer!!sarr From: (Sarr J. Blumson) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 14:19:08 GMT Organization: IFS Project, University of Michigan Lines: 30 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2gjr0s$> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: |> I have just heard from a friend of mine that |> has just read a bunch of messages |> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together |> by "Wicca's" (Satanists) |> He claims that several different sources have |> claimed this and that even |> the prodigy organization has posted a message |> about it. Frankly I think |> this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much |> like to hear any comments about |> this. Several of the people locally here that I |> have helped get slackware |> 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping |> their Linux stuff off their |> machines because of this and the claim that it |> flashes subliminal messages. |> Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the Christian fascists that circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. -- -------- Sarr Blumson voice: +1 313 764 0253 home: +1 313 665 9591 CITI, University of Michigan, 519 W William, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4943 Article 13632 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uchinews!quads!goer From: (Richard L. Goerwitz) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News System) Reply-To: Organization: University of Chicago References: <> <2gj2p3$> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 15:09:25 GMT Lines: 12 (Chuck Fee) writes: > >Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal >messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at >their nearest hospital. Maybe they ought to do it, just for fun. -- -Richard L. Goerwitz goer%midway@uchicago.bitnet rutgers!oddjob!ellis!goer Article 13634 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!!sernews!!tom From: (nibmtld@ralvm29|tp|219368|Tom Drabenstott) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Sender: Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 14:16:12 GMT Lines: 53 Reply-To: (nibmtld@ralvm29|tp|219368|Tom Drabenstott) References: <> <2gj2p3$> Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: IBM, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 In article <2gj2p3$>, (Chuck Fee) writes: |> Path: sernews!!!!agate!!!!fee |> From: (Chuck Fee) |> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc |> Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? |> Date: 7 Jan 1994 07:25:23 GMT |> Organization: The Syd Barrett Appreciation Society |> Lines: 17 |> Message-ID: <2gj2p3$> |> References: <> |> NNTP-Posting-Host: |> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] |> |> Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: |> : I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages |> : claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) |> : He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even |> : the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think |> : this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about |> : this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware |> : 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their |> : machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. |> Who cares what religious affiliation the Slackware people are? Does it make their distribution any better or worse? From now on, I decree that every distribution should include the following information: Name: Religion: Type of Religion (GOOD/EVIL/UNIX/C++/GNU/Atari ST/Linux/vi/NFL): Favorite Color: Number of fingers on left hand: Number tatooed on skull: Number of horns: Number of tails: Prefer HOT or cold weather: Subliminal words coded into operating system: Ever make a deal with a supernatural being: Favorite classic rock group (EAGLES/ZEPPELIN/OTHER): Does your code run backwards: If so, and an audio card is attached, what words can be faintly discerned: Does your dog respond when called "Hound of Hell": Graduate from law school: Apologies to the humor impaired. -- Tom Drabenstott Article 13635 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!!!jp6t+ From: John M Prevost <visigoth+@CMU.EDU> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 10:23:04 -0500 Organization: Freshman, University Choice Program, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 35 Message-ID: <> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-Reply-To: <> On 7 Jan 1994, Garry Lester Freemyer spake thus: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Not likely... For one thing (as several people have pointed out), Wiccans aren'T satanists. For another, the source of the thing is obvious. Slack is a virtue upheld by the Church of the Subgenius, which is a spoof religion that worships "BoB" (You can see a picture of BoB in the slackware distribution of one of the X file managers... ;>) Subgenii delight in silly things: >It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by the install >program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, Snake-Pit" I would like >to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that (I've tried) without >proof that this is the hoax I think it is. And a subgenius would really think it was funny as all get-out that someone removed linux from their system because of that... ;> They'd pry put it IN just for that! If you want, tell them that it's just a post-hippy silly sort of thing. Nothing to worry about... And if one of them claims to see satanic subliminal messages, remove the OS yourself! They obviously aren't intelligent enough to make good use of it! -- ___ ___ "I burn my candle at both ends; \\ / John Prevost It will not last the night; \\ / visigoth+@CMU.EDU But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-- \\/ It gives a lovely light!" ~~~~ --Edna St. Vincent Millay Article 13637 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!tulane!!CAJHO From: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 15:48:07 GMT Organization: Computer Science Dept., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA Lines: 7 Message-ID: <2gk07n$> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) "Linux, the free OS....except for your SOUL! MOUHAHAHAHA!" Article 13639 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!swrinde!sgiblab!!olivea!!!news From: James Hammett <> Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Sender: Message-ID: <> X-Useragent: Version 1.1.3 Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 15:50:44 GMT X-Xxdate: Fri, 7 Jan 94 09:51:33 GMT References: <> <> <2gjud1$> Organization: Apple Computer Lines: 13 In article <2gjr0s$> Sarr J. Blumson, writes: >Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the >Christian fascists that >circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. > >-- >-------- >Sarr Blumson >voice: +1 313 764 0253 home: +1 313 665 9591 >CITI, University of Michigan, 519 W William, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4943 MS-DOS and Windows? :=< Article 13640 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!ra!!eric From: (Eric Youngdale) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Naval Research Laboratory References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 15:56:02 GMT Lines: 31 In article <> (Peter Herweijer) writes: > (Keith Moore) writes: > > >(heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about > >subliminal messages...) > >You mean, like, after backwards masking of pop records (or simple forwards >masking in the case of Slayer and Morbid Angel ]:^) and parental advisory >stickers on metal CD's we'll now get a "Source Code Against Satanism" lobby >campaign? No, probably someone noticed mention of RFC 666 compliance. >No doubt your system administrators will be forced to convert their daemons >to aengels ;^> > >Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... No fair. There are extremists that are equally crazy in Europe :-). On a more serious note, Proctor & Gamble has had continuing difficulties over the years with some idiotic rumor that they are a Satanic organization. They have spent untold amounts of money to squash this rumor whenever it comes up. It may sound dumb, but it might be best not to ignore this sort of stupidity, since there are a lot of people in this country who do not know any better. -Eric -- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep." Article 13643 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!agate!ames!aio!Schultz,.Russell From: (Schultz, Russell) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> X-Posted-From: InterNews Lines: 13 Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[7157] Organization: nasa-jsc References: <> <2gj2p3$> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 16:35:50 GMT Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. In article <2gj2p3$> (Chuck Fee) writes: > Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal > messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at > their nearest hospital. Well...i dunno about pagan subliminal messages telling me to worship satan or whatever, but when using vi, and doing scrolling--the left half of the screen does 'flash' for an instant sometimes--but it looks more like random text/memory than an order from old fiery himself. Russ. Article 13646 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!cmcl2!!cs!fox From: (David Fox) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 07 Jan 1994 16:06:36 GMT Organization: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Lines: 34 Message-ID: <> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Jan 1994 06:51:37 GMT In article <> (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: ] Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware ] 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off ] their machines because of this and the claim that it flashes ] subliminal messages. Good riddance to them. I assumed slackware was more of a Sub-Genius/Bob Dobbs kind of thing? @@@@@@@^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^@@@@@@@@ "I don't practice what I @@@@@@^ ~^ @ @@ @ @ @ I ~^@@@@@@ preach, because I'm not @@@@@ ~ ~~ ~I @@@@@ the kind of person I'm @@@@' ' _,w@< @@@@ preaching to." @@@@ @@@@@@@@w___,w@@@@@@@@ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*@[ i @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[][ | ]@@@ @@@@ ~_,,_ ~@@@@@@@~ ____~ @ @@@ @@@@ _~ , , `@@@~ _ _`@ ]L J@@@ @@@@ , @@w@ww+ @@@ww``,,@w@ ][ @@@@ @@@@, @@@@www@@@ @@@@@@@ww@@@@@[ @@@@ @@@@@_|| @@@@@@P' @@P@@@@@@@@@@@[|c@@@@ @@@@@@w| '@@P~ P]@@@-~, ~Y@@^'],@@@@@@ @@@@@@@[ _ _J@@Tk ]]@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@,@ @@, c,,,,,,,y ,w@@[ ,@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ i @w ====--_@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@`,P~ _ ~^^^^Y@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@^^=^@@^ ^' ,ww,w@@@@@ _@@@@@@@@@@ @@@_xJ~ ~ , @@@@@@@P~_@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @, ,@@@,_____ _,J@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@L `' ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Article 13647 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!!sg2s+ From: Sean Michael Goller <wipeout+@CMU.EDU> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 11:32:32 -0500 Organization: Fifth yr. senior, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 15 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-Reply-To: <> Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.linux.misc: 7-Jan-94 Slackware by Satanists? by Garry L. Freemyer@ecst.c > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages > > claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) No, no, NO....not Wicca's (sp). Didn't you know? Pat Volkerding is actually L. Ron Hubbard in disguise...Slackware is nothing but a huge plot to convert the entire Linux community to Scientology....... ^_^ (apologies to Pat... ^_^) Sean "Hey! I *liked* Mission Earth! So what if he was 'dead'?" Goller Article 13649 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!sun4nl!!HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL!U001295 From: U001295@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL (R. Schalk) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <16F37FC5ES85.U001295@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL> Sender: (News owner) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: K.U. Nijmegen References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 16:56:44 GMT Lines: 28 In article <> (Eric Youngdale) writes: > On a more serious note, Proctor & Gamble has had continuing >difficulties over the years with some idiotic rumor that they are a Satanic >organization. They have spent untold amounts of money to squash this rumor >whenever it comes up. It may sound dumb, but it might be best not to ignore >this sort of stupidity, since there are a lot of people in this country who do >not know any better. Well I agree completely, I guess it's best to end this discussion, this crap could only harm Linux. The same thing happened with Marlboro & the KKK thing. These things can be horrific for products even if they're non-commercial. > >-Eric >-- >"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, >And lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep." Grtx Ronald ******************************************************************** * ing. Ronald Schalk, afdeling CS, sectie COOS * * Universitair Centrum Informatievoorziening (UCI) * * University of Nijmegen (KUN) snailmail: Geert Grooteplein 41 * * e-mail : 6525 GA Nijmegen * * tel: +31 80 617997 fax: +31 80 617979 The Netherlands * ******************************************************************** Article 13650 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!ig25 From: (Thomas Koenig) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 17:38:30 GMT Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Lines: 182 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2gk6mm$> References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Keith Moore ( wrote in article <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU>: >(heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about >subliminal messages...) Ok... time for RFC 1097, methinks. BTW, if anybody can figure out how to send a command code of 257 in telnet, please tell me ;-) Network Working Group B. Miller Request for Comments: 1097 CMU-NetDev 1 April 1989 TELNET SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE Option Status of this Memo This RFC specifies a standard for the Internet community. Hosts on the Internet that display subliminal messages within the Telnet protocol are expected to adopt and implement this standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. 1. Command name and code. SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE 257 2. Command meanings. IAC WILL SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE The sender of this command REQUESTS permission to, or confirms that it will, display subliminal messages. IAC WONT SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE The sender of this command REFUSES to display subliminal messages. IAC DO SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE The sender of this command REQUESTS that the receiver, or grants the receiver permission to, display subliminal messages. IAC DONT SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE The sender of this command DEMANDS that the receiver not display subliminal messages. IAC SB SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE <16-bit value> <16-bit value> <string> IAC SE The sender specifies a message to be subliminaly displayed by the remote host. If the client has agreed (via the standard WILL WONT DO DONT mechanism) to display subliminal messages, it must accept this subnegotiation and attempt to display the message string on the users console for the specified duration and continue to do so at fixed intervals until another SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE subnegotiation is received. The position and rendering of the message of Miller [Page 1] RFC 1097 SUBLIMINAL 1 April 1989 implementation dependent. The first 16-bit value specifies the duration of the message in milliseconds. It is sent MSB first. The second 16-bit value specifies the frequency with which the message is displayed. It represents the number of seconds between displays and is also sent MSB first. The final parameter is the message itself. The syntax for this subnegotiation is: IAC SB SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE DURATION[1] DURATION[0] FREQUENCY[1] FREQUENCY[0] MESSAGE_STRING IAC SE As required by the Telnet protocol, any occurence of 255 in the subnegotiation must be doubled to destinguish it from the IAC character (which has a value of 255). 3. Default. WONT SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE DONT SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE i.e., subliminal messages will not be displayed. 4. Motivation for the option Frequently the use of "Message of the day" banners and newsletters is insufficient to convince stubborn users to upgrade to the latest version of telnet. Some users will use the same outdated version for years. I ran across this problem trying to convince people to use the REMOTE-FLOW-CONTROL Telnet option. These users need to be gently "persuaded". 5. Description and implementation notes. The quality of the client implementation will depend on it's ability to display and erase text strings in a small amount of time. The current implementation at CMU takes into acount terminal line speed, advanced video capabilities, and screen phospher persistance when calculating how long to wait before erasing a message. While it is permitted for the client to display the message text "in-line", best results at obtained by printing the message at the top or side of console screen where it will just catch the corner of Miller [Page 2] RFC 1097 SUBLIMINAL 1 April 1989 the user's visual field. A version is currently under development at CMU to display the message using morse-code over the keyboard caps-lock LED. 6. Examples In the following example all numbers are in decimal notation. 1. Server suggests and client agrees to use SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE. (Server sends) IAC DO SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE (Client sends) IAC WILL SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE (Server sends) IAC SB SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE 0 5 0 20 "Use VMS" IAC SE [The server is "suggesting" that the user employ a stable operating system, not an unreasonable request...] The client should immediately begin displaying the message and should continue to do so at regular intervals. 2. Server preempts previous subliminal message. (Server sends) IAC SB SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE 0 5 0 20 "Go home" IAC SE The client should now no longer display the previous message and should immediately begin displaying the new one. 3. Server has messed with user enough for one day. (Server sends) IAC SB SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE 0 0 0 0 "" IAC SE The client must cease display of any subliminal messages. 7. Acknowledgements. We do things just a little sneakier here at CMU. Miller [Page 3] -- Thomas Koenig,, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic diagram. Article 13651 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!emory!!!!!laphroaig!cflatter From: (Chris Flatters) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: Reply-To: Organization: NRAO References: <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 17:41:04 GMT Lines: 11 This has to be the most bizarre thread I've seen since the space potato appeared over in sci.astro. I'd be real interested to know how this particular urban legend got started. Incidentally, the idea of subliminal persuasion is itself bunkum (see the sci.skeptic FQA for references). Chris Flatters Article 13655 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!cf-cm!cybaswan!iiitac From: iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <1994Jan7.181050.16450@swan.pyr> Organization: Swansea University College References: <> <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 18:10:50 GMT Lines: 14 In article <> (John Waterson) writes: > (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: > >> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch >> of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by >> "Wicca's" (Satanists). > >Your friend's name wouldn't be Peter McDonald by any chance? > No. Its the 386BSD people - all the BSD books and releases with the little demon on them (the guy with the pitchfork..) say no more,say no more... Alan Article 13656 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!cf-cm!cybaswan!iiitac From: iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <1994Jan7.181239.16585@swan.pyr> Organization: Swansea University College References: <> <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 18:12:39 GMT Lines: 19 In article <> (Michael Gerlek) writes: >In article <> (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch >> of messages >> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >> He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >> the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >> this is all a bunch of hoey [...] > >Before this gets out of hand, how about citing some actual sources? >What "messages" did your friend read? (Can someone out there who's on >Prodigy repost whatever's on their groups?) > Especially to the author, since defamation does seem to be a fairly juicy civil offence.. Alan Article 13664 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!uunet!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!!fame!smasters From: smasters@fame (Shawn C. Masters) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 19:47:56 GMT Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA Lines: 12 Message-ID: <2gke9c$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] And here I thought Satan was Bill Gates. Guess I better dig up my copy of windows/dos, pull the stake out and reinstall. Want to avoid that eternal damnation of software. :-) -- Shawn C. Masters I speak for myself, not my department or institution. Article 13665 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!!haynes From: (James H. Haynes) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 20:05:26 GMT Organization: University of California; Santa Cruz Lines: 16 Message-ID: <2gkfa6$vh@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> References: <> <2gjr0s$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <2gjr0s$> writes: >|> >Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the >Christian fascists that >circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. MS-DOS, no doubt :-) -- haynes@cats.bitnet "Ya can talk all ya wanna, but it's dif'rent than it was!" "No it aint! But ya gotta know the territory!" Meredith Willson: "The Music Man" Article 13673 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!!!plux!rene From: (Rene COUGNENC) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 14:29:28 GMT Organization: France, sweet France Lines: 18 Message-ID: <2gjrk8$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Ce brave Garry Lester Freemyer ecrit: > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages > claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) > this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware > 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their > machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Oh yes, and when their machine will print BogoMips: 666, this will announce the end of the world, for sure. One of the most international thing is stupidity. And there is no medecine for that, you'd better find other friends :-)) -- linux linux linux linux -[ ]- linux linux linux Article 13680 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!uunet!olivea!!!not-for-mail From: (Keith Hearn) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 14:46:00 -0800 Organization: Pyramid Technology Corporation Lines: 75 Message-ID: <2gkon8$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. > >It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by the install >program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, Snake-Pit" I would like >to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that (I've tried) without >proof that this is the hoax I think it is. > >Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid thing up >about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware 1.1.1 > >Send mail to > >All replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Lets see... 1) Wiccans are not Satanists. They worship 'The Goddess', who is roughly equivalent to Mother Nature (altho I'm sure any Wiccans reading this could point out that I obviously don't know much about Wicca, which is true, but I do know that the Goddess is *not* Satan). I know a few Wiccans, and they are nice people, not evil, baby-eating, feinds. 2) Full sources come with Slackware, so if there *were* subliminal messages, they'd be easy to find in the source, and you'd have seen a *huge* uproar here already, because *someone* would have found them by now. 3) Subliminal messages (drink Coke) don't work. 4) Since when is 'Gonzo' Satanic? :) Or even 'Snake-Pit' for that matter? Ok, 'Satan' is definitely related to, er, Satan, I'll give you that. But somehow, I suspect that that is someone's handle. It's not an unusual (or particularly original) one. I doubt Gonzo is anyone's real name. Why don't your friends think that Slackware is put out by Gonzonics (Whorshipers of Gonzo, a rather weird muppet)? I'd certainly be interested in whatever sources your friend saw. I'll bet the message from 'the prodigy organization' was actually just some idiot posting on Prodigy. I can't beleive the people running it would be stupid enough to put their butts on the legal firing line by claiming that the guy who put together Slackware is a satanist and is distributing subliminal messages. (But then, maybe Prodigy *is* run by idiots) Frankly, I'd put more faith in the theory that eating Pop Rocks and drinking carbonated sodas will make your stomach explode. Final analysis: Your friends would appear to be endowed with room temperature IQs, at best. Trade them in on some who only panic at unfounded rumors that *might* have some faint possibility of being true. Besides, Satan is dead, I saw a picture of his skull on the cover of The Weekly World News just last week. That's probably about as reliable of a source as whatever your friend saw. Keith We now return you to your regularly scheduled lunacy. -- Keith Hearn \ There are times when \ I think a nuclear war Pyramid Technology Corporation \ might benefit mankind. (408) 428-7304 or (408) 263-2701 \ Delenda est Barney. Article 13683 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!tai50080 From: (Thomas Aaron Insel) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 7 Jan 1994 23:14:26 GMT Organization: Defenestrating Illini, Urbana Illinois Lines: 18 Message-ID: <2gkqci$> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Originator: (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. If you cat the default kernel that comes with Slackware through /dev/audio, you can clearly hear "Serve Satan" after 11.1 seconds of static. And, we all know that 11.1 is 1/60 the number of the Beast... -- Thomas Insel ( "Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt." -- Clarence Darrow Article 13686 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!news From: (David G. Boney) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Reply-To: Organization: Texas Tech Dept of C.S. References: <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 23:52:43 GMT Lines: 22 In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: |> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages |> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) |> He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even |> the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think |> this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about |> this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware |> 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their |> machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. |> I believe that Haldol might relieve some of the symptoms of the folk who think that there their software might be controlled by Satan. It generally works wonders with the people you talk to either God or Satan. This is commonly observed in the phych wards. Sincerely, David G. Boney American Heart Association Medical Student Research Fellow Texas Tech School of Medicine Lubbock, Texas Article 13687 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!uunet!butch!rapnet!news From: (Scott Babb) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <1994Jan7.231450.4527@Rapnet.Sanders.Lockheed.Com> Sender: news@Rapnet.Sanders.Lockheed.Com (USENET News System) Organization: Lockheed Sanders X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] References: <> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 23:14:50 GMT Lines: 22 Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: : this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware : 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their : machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. OK, *HOW* does it flash the subliminal messages? Does it do it in X-windows (which wasn't written by Patrick) or does it do it only in the character-mode display, using the terminal drivers (which also weren't written by Patrick)? : Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid thing up : about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware 1.1.1 If they're this worried about the Dark Side of the Force, then you should drop a copy of the GNU GPL on them and watch them go into total brain-failure. -- Lockheed Sanders may disagree so these are solely the opinions of: Scott L. Babb - "We didn't inherit the Earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children." Article 13690 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!csn!yuma!pyeatt From: pyeatt@CS.ColoState.EDU (Larry Pyeatt) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Originator: pyeatt@CS.ColoState.EDU Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account) Message-ID: <CJAC6x.xzL@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 00:32:57 GMT References: <> <> Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Colorado State University, Computer Science Department Lines: 16 In article <>, (Schultz, Russell) writes: |> In article <2gj2p3$> |> (Chuck Fee) writes: |> |> > Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal |> > messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at |> > their nearest hospital. |> |> Well...i dunno about pagan subliminal messages telling me to worship |> satan or whatever, Pagans do not worship satan. Please do not insult us. -- Larry D. Pyeatt All standard disclaimers apply. Void where prohibited. Article 13693 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!jimi!ftlofaro From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News User) Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas References: <> <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 00:52:31 GMT Lines: 19 In article <> (John Waterson) writes: > (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: > >> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch >> of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by >> "Wicca's" (Satanists). > >Your friend's name wouldn't be Peter McDonald by any chance? > >:-) > >John. Peter Macdonald. Now there is a person whose distribution _is_ bad enough to be called satanic. 1/2 :) Article 13694 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uunet!!jimi!ftlofaro From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News User) Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas References: <> <2gjr0s$> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 00:54:55 GMT Lines: 29 In article <2gjr0s$> writes: >In article ><>, > (Garry Lester Freemyer) >writes: >|> I have just heard from a friend of mine that >|> has just read a bunch of messages >|> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together >|> by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >|> He claims that several different sources have >|> claimed this and that even >|> the prodigy organization has posted a message >|> about it. Frankly I think >|> this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much >|> like to hear any comments about >|> this. Several of the people locally here that I >|> have helped get slackware >|> 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping >|> their Linux stuff off their >|> machines because of this and the claim that it >|> flashes subliminal messages. >|> >Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the >Christian fascists that >circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. > SLS? Article 13695 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!jimi!ftlofaro From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News User) Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas References: <> <2gj2p3$> <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 00:59:05 GMT Lines: 7 In article <> (nibmtld@ralvm29|tp|219368|Tom Drabenstott) writes: >Does your dog respond when called "Hound of Hell": Ask the Kerberos people about that! :) Article 13702 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!caen!!witch!techshop!dsmith Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Message-ID: <> References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <><> Reply-To: (Douglas E. Smith) From: (Douglas E. Smith) Date: Fri, 07 Jan 1994 22:36:36 GMT Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Lines: 5 Has anyone thought that this might be Zappa haunting the net and messing with the clueless among us? Doug Article 13718 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!agate!!uknet!!sun4nl!!!paai From: (J.J. Paijmans) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 08 Jan 94 16:52:42 GMT Organization: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Nntp-Posting-Host: kubix References: <> <> Lines: 13 ... > >(The Satan/Gonzo/Snakepit stuff is pretty lame and juvenile in any >case, imho. The Slackware folks should save disk space for something >useful.) ... I know who Satan is and I can imagine something with 'Snakepit' but who the hell (pun not intended) is 'Gonzo'? Paai. Article 13722 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!sunic!!sun4nl!!!paai From: (J.J. Paijmans) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 08 Jan 94 19:10:24 GMT Organization: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Nntp-Posting-Host: kubix References: <> <2gj2p3$> <> Lines: 13 About Slackware, Satanists and subliminal messages: didn't you folks know that this 'subliminal message'-stuff was a hoax. I'll look up the references if you want, but the original 'inventors' of the short advertising-flash inserted in the reel of a movie have admitted that they invented the story in order to raise money to examine excactly that phenomenom. When the possibility of inflencing people by those means was again experimented with, no confirmation was found. Hans Paijmans. Article 13730 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uchinews!quads!goer From: (Richard L. Goerwitz) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Followup-To: talk.bizarre Sender: (News System) Reply-To: Organization: University of Chicago References: <> <> <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 23:21:14 GMT Lines: 21 (Curt L. Olson (Admin)) writes: >>> >>>That's the problem right there. Anything that mentions Satan is >>>evil. > >>The book of Job for one. > >I suppose the context of the mentioning could be important. Yeah. Any book that mentions someone actually conversing with Satan, betting with him, and allowing Satan to destroy someone's life, could be called evil. Like the book of Job. Seriously, can't we get away from this Satan crap? Or at least divert the discussion to the spot where they discuss things like the Santa and the Tooth Fairy? Or just plain bizarre talk? -- -Richard L. Goerwitz goer%midway@uchicago.bitnet rutgers!oddjob!ellis!goer Article 13855 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!cf-cm!cybaswan!iiitac From: iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <1994Jan10.170715.18478@swan.pyr> Organization: Swansea University College References: <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:07:15 GMT Lines: 16 In article <> (Russell Nelson) writes: >In article <> writes: > It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by > the install program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, > Snake-Pit". > >That's the problem right there. Anything that mentions Satan is >evil. Grin.. most preachers and religious books mention him a lot. Guess that says it all [And Russ has done the same just now] Alan Hail Eris! Article 13919 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!psuvax1!!!swrinde!!ames!!amdahl!!belvedere!root From: (David E. Fox) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <> <> Organization: Dave's really K-Rad Linux Box Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:11:47 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Message-ID: <> Lines: 25 Richard L. Goerwitz ( wrote: : Russell Nelson writes: : > : > It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by : > the install program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, : > Snake-Pit". : > : >That's the problem right there. Anything that mentions Satan is : >evil. : The book of Job for one. Actually, much of the Bible mentions Satan someplace or other. BURN IT! :) : -- : -Richard L. Goerwitz goer%midway@uchicago.bitnet : rutgers!oddjob!ellis!goer -- David Fox 5479 Castle Manor Drive San Jose, CA 95129 Thanks for letting me change 408/253-7992 magnetic patterns on your hard disk. Article 13743 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!wupost!!!cjs From: (Christopher Shaulis) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) References: <> <2gkon8$> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 04:21:53 GMT Lines: 36 (Keith Hearn) writes: >2) Full sources come with Slackware, so if there *were* subliminal > messages, they'd be easy to find in the source, and you'd have seen > a *huge* uproar here already, because *someone* would have found > them by now. >3) Subliminal messages (drink Coke) don't work. What do you mean subliminal messages don't work? Consume. I can't belive that you are going to sit there say that! Merry and reproduce. Everybody and his mother knows that subliminal messages work! fnord. If subliminal messages didn't work, then why did the government outlaw them? Watch Barney. I dare you to prove that they don't work. Choose AT&T. I bet that you work for THEM don't you? Kill Ted Kopple. Your one of the conspirators, aren't you? Remove your pants. Don't you think its just a LITTLE too convenient that everyone is dropping Windows for Linux? Mow Linus's Living Room. Why do people keep using Slackware when it is so reputed for being buggy? Worship your god. I mean, how many people have actually ever seen Ian Jackson? Read the FAQ. What do you want to bet that H.J. Lu is none other then BILL GATES? Reject IBM. I bet you believe that Eric Youngdale is a real person too! Obey. Well I've got news for you, buddy -- hes actually a BOT from Bell Labs!! Ignore your government. The only reason Linus sleeps in class is because of the microchips in his brain! Send me money. Oh yes, its all just a little too convenient if you ask me!! Vote Democrate. I hope you think twice before you ever post again. Sleep. Christopher. I am your leader. ___ _ ___ ____ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ / __|_ | |/ __| / __ \| \| | __|_ _|/ __|/ _ \| \/ | / __|/ _ \| \/ | | (__| |_| |\__ \/ / _` | .` | _| | | | (__| (_) | |\/| | _| (__| (_) | |\/| | \___|\___/ |___/\ \__,_|_|\_|___| |_| \___|\___/|_| |_|(_)\___|\___/|_| |_| ------------------\____/------------------------------------------------------- Accept. Article 13768 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!lutzifer!wolfhh!umibox!root From: (Bernd Meyer) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <2gj2p3$> <> Organization: Main linux support mailbox in Hamburg, Germany (040-7654276) Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 13:28:15 GMT Message-ID: <> Lines: 30 (Schultz, Russell) writes: >In article <2gj2p3$> > (Chuck Fee) writes: >> Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal >> messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at >> their nearest hospital. >Well...i dunno about pagan subliminal messages telling me to worship >satan or whatever, but when using vi, and doing scrolling--the left >half of the screen does 'flash' for an instant sometimes--but it looks >more like random text/memory than an order from old fiery himself. Actually, I believe it has to do with "fast scrolling". The kernel normally doesn't really move data around, but adjusts the start of the frame buffer. Now sometimes the available space is used, and the currently displayed screen (at the end of memory) hast to be copied to the beginning - on top of what has just left your screen some pages before. Maybe this effect even happens when the several, awfully distributed bit of frame buffer start adress get written one after another and something time-consuming happens in between... Bernie -- "And the band played 'Waltzing Mathilda' / as we stopped to bury our slain; And we buried our's / and the Turks buried their's ========================== And it started all over again" [] "Nobody is a failure who has friends" (The Pogues, "Waltzing Mathilda") [] (from: "It's a wonderful life") Article 13769 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!gatech!!!!!rosevax!hydro!grante From: (Grant Edwards) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Rosevax USENET News auto-admin account) Nntp-Posting-Host: hydro Organization: Rosemount, Inc. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] References: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:27:04 GMT Lines: 75 Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: : I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch : of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by : "Wicca's" (Satanists) Anybody who confuses Wiccans and Satanists is as dumb as a brick and twice as ignorant. : He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that : even the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly : I think this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear : any comments about this. So what if it's true? Why not use a distribution created by wiccans or satanists? The last time I checked, the US still claimed to have freedom of religion? They better find out what religion Bill Gates is if they care that much about the religion of the people who create the software they use. : Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware : 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off : their machines because of this and the claim that it flashes : subliminal messages. Good! I really wouldn't want anybody that moronic, narrow-minded, and hateful as part of the Linux community anyway. Good riddance. I'm surprised anybody that stupid can run a computer that isn't already set up for them running windows. If I were you I would stop associating with such ignorant bigots -- they are irritating, and usually beyond help. It's like trying to teach a mule to read: it doesn't work, and it annoys the mule. That aside: Point 1: Subliminal messages don't work, so why worry. Point 2: Run "strings" on any suspected program. (I suppose that the author of strings is part of the great satanic (or was it wiccan) global conspiracy. : It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by : the install program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, : Snake-Pit" Too bad fundementalist christians seem to be totally lacking in humor and common sense. The world is indeed a grim place for such literal minded cretins. : I would like to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that : (I've tried) without proof that this is the hoax I think it is. Why? I would encourage them to burn thier computers also. Once you've run satanist, wiccan, buddhist, presbiterian, or democratic software, your hardware has been contaminated permanently. WAIT, BROTHER! A 1280x1024 true-color vision of Jusus has just appeared and told me in 16bit 44K samples/sec stereo that burning the stuff is still too dangerous -- they are to ship the contaminated hardware to me, and I'll dispose of it properly. (And believe me that was a MIRACLE, becuase I run a machine with hercules monochrome video and NO sound board -- PRAISED BE to GOD! (And yes, Jesus DOES have BLUE EYES and speaks in 16th century ENGLISH!)) : Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid : thing up about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware : 1.1.1 Unfortunately, I _do_ I believe you. -- Grant Edwards |Yow! I have the power to Rosemount Inc. |HALT PRODUCTION on all |TEENAGE SEX COMEDIES!! | Article 13771 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!gatech!swrinde!!wupost!!!!!jliddle From: (Jean Liddle) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 18:20:40 GMT References: <> <19940108153124.Vester.Scott@vscott2.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM> Organization: Illinois State University Followup-To: Lines: 55 In article <19940108153124.Vester.Scott@vscott2.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM> Vester.Scott@AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Vester Scott) writes: >In Article <> " (Garry Lester Freemyer)" says: >> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >> He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >> the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >> this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >> this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >> 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >> machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. >> >> It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by the install >> program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, Snake-Pit" I would like >> to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that (I've tried) without >> proof that this is the hoax I think it is. >> >> Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid thing up >> about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware 1.1.1 >> >How is ANYBODY or ANYTHING going to erase all doubt from their minds? >It's THEIR software and THEIR perceived problem. >Let it go, m'man. #1 Prodogy is to the Internet as the Globe is to the New York Times. It is certainly not a reliable source for information, particularly about "freeware", whos philosophy conflicts with, or is at least alien and even incomprehensible to, many corporate world pictures. #2 Wiccan's are not Satanists, they are witches who worship a completely non-cristian entity. As an atheist, that is about all I know of their belief system. One thing I can say, however, is that a Wiccan friend of mine is far less offensive and overbearing in practicing her beleifs than some christian acquaintances of mine. But enough of comparitive mythology, which doesn't belong in this group anyway (please not the followup: entry). #3: In reponse to the last post: Here here!! If some religious bigots or paranoics want to get rid of their software, let them. The only people they are intellectually castrating are themselves, and it might serve to take some noise out of the Linux arena. I agree with another poster: let's move all of the nonsense to, or perhaps the comp.os.msdos heirarchy, where these poor deluded creatures will no doubt be hanging out now that Daddy .. ah, sorry, big brother .. has taken their Linux away... (you may place smileys here if it makes you feel better) Jean. -- Jean Liddle Computer Science, Illinois State University e-mail: -------------------------------------------- Article 13772 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!gatech!!!!!rosevax!hydro!grante From: (Grant Edwards) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Rosevax USENET News auto-admin account) Nntp-Posting-Host: hydro Organization: Rosemount, Inc. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] References: <> <2gkon8$> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:47:34 GMT Lines: 40 Keith Hearn ( wrote: : 1) Wiccans are not Satanists. They worship 'The Goddess', who is : roughly equivalent to Mother Nature (altho I'm sure any Wiccans : reading this could point out that I obviously don't know much about : Wicca, which is true, but I do know that the Goddess is *not* : Satan). I know a few Wiccans, and they are nice people, not evil, : baby-eating, feinds. Actually, neither are satanists. The only organized satanic church that I'm familiar with is the "Church of Satan" founded by an ex-circus promoter named LaVey who wrote the "Satanic Bible." The LaVey satanism is really a cross between libterianism and hedonism. The philosophy is "Do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anybody." They don't approve of harming other people. The use of animals in rituals is also frowned upon. They don't actually believe in the existance of Satan -- it's just a symbol of their rejection of christianity and the mainstream american culture. There is also the "Temple of Set" which worships an Egyptian god named Set. They are sometimes called satanists, but I haven't figured out why. The "baby-eating" satanists are purely an invention of christians so that they can have somebody to hate. There seems to be a number of christian sects that are only happy when they have somebody to hate -- which doesn't seem very christian to me. I'm not a christian, but to me, revelling in hate didn't sound like what Jesus was trying to teach. In addition to the people who love to hate, there are a bunch of people raking in the dough by writing books and conducting training seminars on "Satanism" in order to take advantage of the narrow minded suckers. -- Grant Edwards |Yow! Pardon me, but do you Rosemount Inc. |know what it means to be |TRULY ONE with your BOOTH! | Article 13791 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 22:56:32 GMT Lines: 35 In article <>, Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Hahahahhahah :) I've met the maker of Slackware he wasn't wearing pentagrams or drinking blood. There are some hidden things in Slackware but they have nothing to do with Satanism, I won't spoil the surprise. Hint, the name Slackware is the first clue... BTW- Wicca!=Satanism >It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by the install >program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, Snake-Pit" I would like >to disuade them from deleting it but I cannot do that (I've tried) without >proof that this is the hoax I think it is. > >Believe me this is a serious message and I'm not making this stupid thing up >about the locals destroying their copies of Linux Slackware 1.1.1 Don't stop them, idiocy is its own punishment, let them using Messy Loss. -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13792 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!eff!!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 22:59:42 GMT Lines: 27 In article <>, Peter Herweijer <> wrote: > (Keith Moore) writes: > > >(heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about > >subliminal messages...) > >You mean, like, after backwards masking of pop records (or simple forwards >masking in the case of Slayer and Morbid Angel ]:^) and parental advisory >stickers on metal CD's we'll now get a "Source Code Against Satanism" lobby >campaign? > >No doubt your system administrators will be forced to convert their daemons >to aengels ;^> > >Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... I know someone who almost got killed wearing a Unix T shirt in the south, it had a picture of a Daemon on it, the person decided it was to cute and that Satan shouldn't be displayed that way. When people ask you to help remove condoms from schools remember what level of IQ your dealing with. -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13793 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!eff!!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> <2gj2p3$> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:02:38 GMT Lines: 27 In article <2gj2p3$>, Chuck Fee <> wrote: >Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: >: I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >: claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >: He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >: the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >: this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >: this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >: 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >: machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. > >This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Pat Volkerding >is a really nice guy and my best guess is that the worst thing that he is >is a deadhead :-) > >Anyone who believes that Slackware flashes satanic subliminal >messages should have themselves checked into a psychiatric ward at >their nearest hospital. Are you sure these arn't the computers in the ward :) -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13794 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!eff!!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> <> <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:05:59 GMT Lines: 17 In article <>, J.J. Paijmans <> wrote: >... >> >>(The Satan/Gonzo/Snakepit stuff is pretty lame and juvenile in any >>case, imho. The Slackware folks should save disk space for something >>useful.) >... > >I know who Satan is and I can imagine something with 'Snakepit' but >who the hell (pun not intended) is 'Gonzo'? The author :) -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13795 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!swrinde!sgiblab!!olivea!decwrl!decwrl!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> <2gjr0s$> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:18:51 GMT Lines: 70 In article <2gjr0s$>, Sarr J. Blumson <> wrote: >In article ><>, > (Garry Lester Freemyer) >writes: >|> I have just heard from a friend of mine that >|> has just read a bunch of messages >|> claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together >|> by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >|> He claims that several different sources have >|> claimed this and that even >|> the prodigy organization has posted a message >|> about it. Frankly I think >|> this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much >|> like to hear any comments about >|> this. Several of the people locally here that I >|> have helped get slackware >|> 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping >|> their Linux stuff off their >|> machines because of this and the claim that it >|> flashes subliminal messages. >|> >Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the >Christian fascists that >circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. The SBC (southern baptist convention) version, certified free of code written by sinners. Note incorrect answers to any initial questions will result in your modem dialing a central sinner tracking system for remedial "therapy". Here is the installation screen: SBC 2.3.5 Do you believe in the divinity of Christ? y Do you listen to heavy metal? n Have you ever consumed any mind altering substance (wine doesn't count)? n Have you ever had sex before marriage? n Have you ever lusted after members of the same sex? n Do you believe that sex on TV is worse than violence on TV? y Can condoms help prevent the spread of HIV? n Can condoms be used to prevent pregnancy? n Do you plan to use any programs that run backwards? n Would you like your modem configured to call the SBC bbs? y Would you like your drive scanned for unholy files before installation? y Scanning...... Deleting cindy+mike+bob.gif Deleting communist-manifesto.txt Deleting Deleting aclu-newsletter43.txt Drive purified, press enter to continue: bible.tgz Bible viewing software [required] ********************************************************** Selects random biblical verse for viewing when logging in, except inconvient verses like the sermon on the mount and the relationship of David and Joshua. ********************************************************** Would you like to install bible.tgz? y .... -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13797 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!msuinfo!!!!dlj0 From: (DAVID L. JOHNSON) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 22:07:27 GMT Organization: Lehigh University Lines: 17 In article <>, (Peter Herweijer) writes: > (Keith Moore) writes: > >No doubt your system administrators will be forced to convert their daemons >to aengels ;^> > >Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... > ^^^^^^^^^ Hmm. I'm not sure I want to be thrown into the same catagory as people who would believe this sort of nonsense. -- David L. Johnson ID: Department of Mathematics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) 215-828-3708 (home) Linux, the people's unix. Article 13798 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!msuinfo!!!!dlj0 From: (DAVID L. JOHNSON) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 22:14:02 GMT Organization: Lehigh University Lines: 19 In article <>, James Hammett <> writes: >In article <2gjr0s$> Sarr J. Blumson, > writes: >>Can anybody tell me what version is favored by the >>Christian fascists that >>circulate this garbage, so I can avoid THAT. > >MS-DOS and Windows? :=< > If ANY OS (and I use the term loosly) were devised by Satan, don't you think DOS would be the best candidate? -- David L. Johnson ID: Department of Mathematics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) 215-828-3708 (home) Linux, the people's unix. Article 13799 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!msuinfo!!!!dlj0 From: (DAVID L. JOHNSON) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 22:20:10 GMT Organization: Lehigh University Lines: 39 In article <>, (Eric Youngdale) writes: >In article <> (Peter Herweijer) writes: >> (Keith Moore) writes: >> >>Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... > > No fair. There are extremists that are equally crazy in Europe :-). > > On a more serious note, Proctor & Gamble has had continuing >difficulties over the years with some idiotic rumor that they are a Satanic >organization. They have spent untold amounts of money to squash this rumor >whenever it comes up. It may sound dumb, but it might be best not to ignore >this sort of stupidity, since there are a lot of people in this country who do >not know any better. > This is true. It had something to do with their logo, which contained stars and a moon. It is also true that it is not good to just ignore such claims, since they can take on a life of their own. Perhaps a judicious re-write of some of the cute jokes referred to earlier on this thread that are in Slackware would calm the seas a little. And, there certainly are extremists that are equally crazy in Europe. Where, afer all, did all this fear of ``witchcraft'' come from, if not from Druid and other pagan religions that were supplanted by Christianity in Europe. Also, read the news; there are a few crazies still there. The rest are in Southern California... >-Eric >-- >"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, >And lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep." > -- David L. Johnson ID: Department of Mathematics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) 215-828-3708 (home) Linux, the people's unix. Article 13801 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!wupost!decwrl!decwrl!netcomsv!!bsandlin From: (Brian Sandlin) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 deamon) References: <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 01:44:38 GMT Lines: 25 In article <>, Lawrence Foard <> wrote: >In article <>, >Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: >>I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch >>of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by >>"Wicca's" (Satanists) He claims that several different sources have >>claimed this and that even the prodigy organization has posted a >>message about it. > >Hahahahhahah :) >I've met the maker of Slackware he wasn't wearing pentagrams or drinking >blood. There are some hidden things in Slackware but they have nothing to >do with Satanism, I won't spoil the surprise. HA! Then explain why it says this on the last line of my screen: "/etc/passwd" 18 lines, 666 characters Need I say more? PS: 18 is 6+6+6 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Brian Sandlin | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 13809 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!rpi!psinntp!psinntp!!!lruppert From: (Ludwig Van.) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY References: <> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 21:47:26 EST Lines: 33 In article <> (DAVID L. JOHNSON) writes: >If ANY OS (and I use the term loosly) were devised by Satan, don't you think >DOS would be the best candidate? Nooo. It says in the Bible, (Proverbs?) That idle hands do the devils work. You have to press ctrl-alt-del almost constantly with dos and windows, so that can't be the devil's OS. Macintoshes are the devil's OS. Remember the christian story that the devil tempted Eve with an *Apple*? Where do you think that mouse-shaped lump in men's throats comes from? (sorry for the off-topicness, but it is not often that theology and computer science cross paths, and being both a computer addict and devoutly religious, my non-idle fingers couldn't resist an opportunity to post.) -Lou Ruppert Semi-Professional UNIX weenie. >-- > >David L. Johnson ID: >Department of Mathematics >Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) > 215-828-3708 (home) >Linux, the people's unix. -- "Until you stalk and overrun, you can't devour anyone." -Hobbes Lou Ruppert Note that the opinions expressed above are most likely not those of Computing Services, for whom I am currently working. I value my job. Article 13816 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!pipex!uunet!!widsith From: (David Devejian) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc Date: 10 Jan 1994 04:57:41 GMT Organization: [MindVox] / Phantom Access Technologies / (+1 800-MindVox) Lines: 11 Message-ID: <2gqn85$> References: <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I LOVE THIS!! I was browsing here to figure which version of Linux to install, but after this, I think that I hve no choice but to install Slackware now. Wicca = Satanism Gonzo = Satan So thats why all the cartoons of witches have really long noses! Article 13820 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!envoy!jimi!ftlofaro From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News User) Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas References: <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 06:07:01 GMT Lines: 36 In article <> (Grant Edwards) writes: > >Point 1: Subliminal messages don't work, so why worry. >Point 2: Run "strings" on any suspected program. (I suppose that the > author of strings is part of the great satanic (or was it > wiccan) global conspiracy. > First things first. This "satanism" thing is rather silly, and I don't believe even for an attosecond (1x10^-18 sec :) that Linux flashes subliminal messages praising the devil. However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. One could for example write a back door into a program that takes a certain password without strings finding it. I know from experience. The following C fragment illustrates: char foobar[5] foobar[4]='n' foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; foobar[0]='S' foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary would find it? NOT! Of course I don't think anything of the sort is being done in the case of Linux/Slackware, I must stress that those rumors are total BS. But I must also stress, strings on a binary, while useful, will NOT protect you from everything (e.g. back door passwords) if the attacker is clever enough. Trust me on this. Article 13835 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!msc From: () Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Originator: Sender: (News id) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 13:46:08 GMT References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> Organization: IBM Austin Lines: 28 In article <>, (Peter Herweijer) writes: > (Keith Moore) writes: > > >(heck, you can paw through the *source code* if you want to know about > >subliminal messages...) > > You mean, like, after backwards masking of pop records (or simple forwards > masking in the case of Slayer and Morbid Angel ]:^) and parental advisory > stickers on metal CD's we'll now get a "Source Code Against Satanism" lobby > campaign? > > No doubt your system administrators will be forced to convert their daemons > to aengels ;^> > > Gawd don't you just *love* Americans... > > Peter Herweijer > Yes, and you know what this will mean..... Since aengels only serve God, your machine won't work. And you thought you had problems before ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Charrier | Internet: | Post Simsvum Sequitur Lead RS/6000 Tech | VM ID: MSC@AUSVM6 | Septuna Luna Subset --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All comments are the ravings of a lunatic mind and not the opinions of IBM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 13842 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!gatech!!!!!!jwest From: () Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Elect. and Comp. Engineering, Okla. State U. References: <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 14:51:29 GMT Lines: 24 In article <> (Lawrence Foard) writes: >I've met the maker of Slackware he wasn't wearing pentagrams or drinking >blood. There are some hidden things in Slackware but they have nothing to >do with Satanism, I won't spoil the surprise. Hint, the name Slackware is >the first clue... > Hmm...I don't like "surprises" on systems that I use to process some extremely important data. I would like to request that you let me know what these "surprises" are. And remember, surprises that are intended to be benign don't always turn out that way (remember the great worm/virus fiasco of the late 80's). Isn't paranoia wonderful? Jim ---------- Jim West Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Oklahoma State University Article 13852 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!swrinde!emory!!ornl!de5 From: (Dave Sill) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News poster) Organization: Workstation Support, Oak Ridge National Lab References: <> <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:43:17 GMT Lines: 33 In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: > > However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. True. >... The following C fragment illustrates: > >char foobar[5] >foobar[4]='n' >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >foobar[0]='S' >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary >would find it? NOT! Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would fail, of course. > But I must also stress, strings on a binary, while useful, >will NOT protect you from everything (e.g. back door passwords) if the >attacker is clever enough. Trust me on this. True. -- Dave Sill ( Computers should work the way beginners Martin Marietta Energy Systems expect them to, and one day they will. Workstation Support -- Ted Nelson URL Article 13858 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!bcm!aio!Schultz,.Russell From: (Schultz, Russell) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> X-Posted-From: InterNews Lines: 67 Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[7157] Organization: nasa-jsc References: <> <2gjr0s$> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 19:02:51 GMT Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. In article <> (Lawrence Foard) writes: Just as many have claimed that christians are ignorant and intolerant of other religions...some dope posts this crap: > > The SBC (southern baptist convention) version, certified free of > code written by sinners. Note incorrect answers to any initial Christian != free of sin. The central core of christianity is that all people are 'sinners' and only(sorta) through Christ can your sins be forgiven and entrance into ever-lasting life attained. I say (sorta) because judaism allows (or did in the old testament) blood sacrifices--which christ's crucifixion now represents. > questions will result in your modem dialing a central sinner > tracking system for remedial "therapy". > > Here is the installation screen: > > SBC 2.3.5 > > Do you believe in the divinity of Christ? y > Do you listen to heavy metal? n > Have you ever consumed any mind altering substance (wine doesn't count)? n Not all christian denimonations have wine as part of the ceromony(specifically southern baptist, the aforementioned denomination of evil stupid christians). > Have you ever had sex before marriage? n > Have you ever lusted after members of the same sex? n > Do you believe that sex on TV is worse than violence on TV? y Well--on that note, it's not that hard to make an interesting story without sex, but cut violence and you have barney--who is undeniably a minion of satan. ;) > Can condoms help prevent the spread of HIV? n > Can condoms be used to prevent pregnancy? n Whether or not condoms do or don't prevent HIV/pregnancy has nothing to do with _conservative_ thinking on distribution of condoms in schools. The primary concern in that argument is whether distribution==tacit consent for sex in minors. > Do you plan to use any programs that run backwards? n > Would you like your modem configured to call the SBC bbs? y > Would you like your drive scanned for unholy files before installation? y > Scanning...... > Deleting cindy+mike+bob.gif > Deleting communist-manifesto.txt (beautiful idea, that manifesto. Human nature prevents its fruition, IMHO) > Deleting > Deleting aclu-newsletter43.txt > > Drive purified, press enter to continue: > > b I understand that the post to which I replied was mostly in jest. But I must protest the general emphasis of this thread (religious people are sub-moronic haters of all things that are right). I personally don't agree with wiccan==evil being, and that SLACKWARE should be deleted based on it being produced by a wiccan(whether he is not). But, IMHO, if somebody wants to remove a product with which they have a problem with the producter of that products ideas or beliefs, they have every right. Russ. Article 13862 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!sun4nl!!!paai From: (J.J. Paijmans) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 19:31:13 GMT Organization: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Nntp-Posting-Host: kubix References: <> <> <> Lines: 44 In article <> (Dave Sill) writes: >In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: >> >> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > >True. > >>... The following C fragment illustrates: >> >>char foobar[5] >>foobar[4]='n' >>foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >>foobar[0]='S' >>foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; >> >>The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary >>would find it? NOT! > >Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're >still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and >strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would ... Are you sure? and what will this program do? char foobar[5] ... printf("%s",foobar); foobar[4]='n'; foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; foobar[0]='S'; foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; ... If 'strings -i satan' on the binary would produce 'satan', I would go and sacrifice goats all over the place... I confess I really love the original poster of the satan-in-slackware hoax. The best laugh I had for weeks, reading all the reactions. Paai. Article 13866 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!glasgow!watersoj From: (John Waterson) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept. References: <> <> <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:21:21 GMT Lines: 49 (Dave Sill) writes: > In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: > > > >char foobar[5] > >foobar[4]='n' > >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; > >foobar[0]='S' > >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > > > >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary > >would find it? NOT! > Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're > still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and > strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would > fail, of course. I hate to continue this almost-serious trend in what has otherwise been an entirely ludicrous and irrelevant thread, but... Frank may yet be right. You're loading those values into the array at run-time, not compile time, so the instructions will be stored as a sequence of memory and register accesses, not just a contiguous chunk of data. If you could call strings on the running program's memory segment after those lines of code had been executed, then the word 'satan' would probably be there, but unless the compiler does some clever optimisation (which is altogether possible) you still won't find the word in the binary. An interesting point does arise though. I quickly tried a few tests of this theory, by writing the relevant C and some equivalent Pascal (I don't trust my C - I barely know the language). Whilst neither delivered 'Satan' in the binary (even gcc -O2) the SunOS Pascal compiler - I kid you not - came up with `atan.S' once and the word `sin' many times. This, for me, is conclusive proof that Sun Microsystems is a company founded on the unholy triptych of devil worship, virgin-sacrifice, and proprietry operating systems. I asked a reformed satanist for his views on this matter. He looked at what I had found, shook his head gravely, and said the word `trigonometry' before walking away. I presume that `trigonometry' is some form of black art performed by satanists, and that Sun are subliminally trying to make us more receptive to the idea. Somebody in authority should be told. John Waterson Article 13867 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!eff!!ub!csn!yuma!pyeatt From: pyeatt@CS.ColoState.EDU (Larry Pyeatt) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Originator: pyeatt@CS.ColoState.EDU Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account) Message-ID: <CJFo5w.1t6s@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:39:32 GMT References: <> <> Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Colorado State University, Computer Science Department Lines: 25 In article <>, (Schultz, Russell) writes: |> |> I understand that the post to which I replied was mostly in jest. But |> I must protest the general emphasis of this thread (religious people |> are sub-moronic haters of all things that are right). I personally |> don't agree with wiccan==evil being, and that SLACKWARE should be |> deleted based on it being produced by a wiccan(whether he is not). |> But, IMHO, if somebody wants to remove a product with which they have a |> problem with the producter of that products ideas or beliefs, they have |> every right. But it should be pointed out to them that there is a 99.99% probability that the computer that they are deleting the software from contains some parts which were manufactured, assembled, and/or installed by a Buddist. So, if that idiot is deleting the software because he does not wish to contaminate himself with non-christian products, then he should quit using the computer alltogether. Also, he should refrain from using most VCRs, televisions, telephones, sterios, and many automobiles. Join the fight against hipocrisy!! Do not allow science haters to use the products of science!! -- Larry D. Pyeatt All standard disclaimers apply. Void where prohibited. Article 13881 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!ornl!!de5 From: (Dave Sill) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News poster) Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: <> <> <> <> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 01:26:44 GMT Lines: 36 J.J. Paijmans ( wrote: : In article <> (Dave Sill) writes: : >In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: : >> : >>... The following C fragment illustrates: : >> : >>char foobar[5] : >>foobar[4]='n' : >>foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; : >>foobar[0]='S' : >>foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; : >> : >>The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary : >>would find it? NOT! : > : >Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're : >still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and : >strings will find it. : Are you sure? No, apparently my head was up when my butt when I wrote that. : I confess I really love the original poster of the satan-in-slackware hoax. : The best laugh I had for weeks, reading all the reactions. Really. People gullible (and/or stupid) enough to believe that rumor deserve to spend the rest of eternity in hell, or, even worse, DOS! Well, maybe that last is a little too harsh. -- Dave Sill ( Computers should work the way beginners Martin Marietta Energy Systems expect them to, and one day they will. Workstation Support -- Ted Nelson URL Article 13886 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!rosevax!aquarius!grante From: (Grant Edwards) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Rosevax USENET News auto-admin account) Nntp-Posting-Host: aquarius Organization: Rosemount, Inc. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] References: <> <> <> <> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:57:26 GMT Lines: 42 Dave Sill ( wrote: : > However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. : >... The following C fragment illustrates: : > : >char foobar[5] : >foobar[4]='n' : >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; : >foobar[0]='S' : >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; : > : >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary : >would find it? NOT! : Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but : you're still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive : locations, and strings will find it. Nope. The letters S, a, t, a, n aren't consecutive until run time when the execution of the program puts them into the array foobar. In the object file, they aren't consecutive. : Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would fail, of course. To be safe, they should not use ANY files that contain any of the following letters in either case: SATAN, DEVIL, BEELZEBUB, 666, etc. They should also avoid any files that contain bytes that can be combined mathematically or logially with one another to produce any of the suspect characters. In fact, they better just stay at home under the covers and do nothing but PRAY! -- Grant Edwards |Yow! We are now enjoying Rosemount Inc. |total mutual interaction in |an imaginary hot tub... | Article 13892 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!envoy!jimi!ftlofaro From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News User) Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas References: <> <> <> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 03:04:04 GMT Lines: 36 In article <> (Dave Sill) writes: >In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: >> >> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > >True. > >>... The following C fragment illustrates: >> >>char foobar[5] >>foobar[4]='n' >>foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >>foobar[0]='S' >>foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; >> >>The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary >>would find it? NOT! > >Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're >still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and >strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would >fail, of course. > But they are only in consecutive locations of the process address space _when it is running_. Before the calulcations are done, the letters haven't been calulated (e.g. the t formed by adding 33 to S), and they are operands to different machine instructions, etc. and are not consecutive. Strings on the binary would'nt find it. Strings on /proc/pid/mem probably would (?) or /dev/{k}mem, /dev/swap or wherever the address space is accessible. I saw something like this used as a (IMHO) stupid way to embed a password in a binary. Strings didn't find the password in the binary. Someone with a lot of spare time could disassemble and figure it out though. Article 13893 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!ukma!n-f-m From: (Mike Mills) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Date: 10 Jan 1994 22:14:02 -0500 Organization: University of Kentucky Lines: 29 Message-ID: <2gt5hq$> References: <> <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: (Frank Lofaro) writes: >In article <> (John Waterson) writes: >> (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >> >>> I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch >>> of messages claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by >>> "Wicca's" (Satanists). >> >>Your friend's name wouldn't be Peter McDonald by any chance? >> >>:-) >> >>John. >Peter Macdonald. Now there is a person whose distribution _is_ bad >enough to be called satanic. >1/2 :) Both of you keep your stupid personal insults to yourselves. Surely you're at least in college; act like it. Followups to /dev/null, or e-mail at best. -- --Mike Mills E-Mail:, {rutgers, uunet}!ukma!sam --(606) 263-0721 (home) Article 13904 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,rec.humor,alt.religion.kibology Path:!!purdue!!kodak From: (Jason 'KodaK' Balicki) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Followup-To: alt.religion.kibology Organization: Purdue University References: <> <2gj2p3$> <> <> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 05:11:06 GMT Lines: 25 Xref: comp.os.linux.misc:7241 rec.humor:116332 alt.religion.kibology:17882 (J.J. Paijmans) writes: >About Slackware, Satanists and subliminal messages: didn't you folks >know that this 'subliminal message'-stuff was a hoax. I'll look up >the references if you want, but the original 'inventors' of the short >advertising-flash inserted in the reel of a movie have admitted that >they invented the story in order to raise money to examine excactly >that phenomenom. >When the possibility of inflencing people by those means was again >experimented with, no confirmation was found. >Hans Paijmans. Dear Mr Pajamas: The "subliminal flash" that you speak of being a hoax is in fact not a hoax. It a true fact proven time and time again. In the "WEEKLY WORLD NEWS" there was a story of a man who bought 500 boxes of Crest toothpaste because HIS SUBCONCIOUS MIND PICKED IT OFF OF A TV ADD. Thank you, Jason_-_Balicki Article 13908 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!!!!pce60!stub From: () Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Operator) Organization: String to put in the Organization Header X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 02:36:08 GMT Lines: 6 Keith Moore ( wrote: : (Not sure, but I don't : think Wiccans are Satanists either...someone correct me if I'm wrong.) You're right ! Article 13933 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!world!entropy From: (Lawrence Foard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA References: <> <> <> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 03:59:18 GMT Lines: 24 In article <>, <> wrote: >In article <> (Lawrence Foard) writes: > >>I've met the maker of Slackware he wasn't wearing pentagrams or drinking >>blood. There are some hidden things in Slackware but they have nothing to >>do with Satanism, I won't spoil the surprise. Hint, the name Slackware is >>the first clue... >> > >Hmm...I don't like "surprises" on systems that I use to process some >extremely important data. I would like to request that you let me know >what these "surprises" are. And remember, surprises that are intended >to be benign don't always turn out that way (remember the great worm/virus >fiasco of the late 80's). > >Isn't paranoia wonderful? Its text contained in some obscure files, nothing that will get executed. -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . Article 13940 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!!sun4nl!!!!muts From: (Peter Mutsaers) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? In-Reply-To: U001295@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL's message of Fri, 7 Jan 1994 16:56:44 GMT References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> <> <16F37FC5ES85.U001295@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL> Sender: (Peter Mutsaers) Organization: My unorganized home Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 08:44:53 GMT X-Attribution: PLM Message-ID: <> Lines: 16 >> On Fri, 7 Jan 1994 16:56:44 GMT, U001295@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL >> (R. Schalk) said: RS> Well I agree completely, I guess it's best to end this RS> discussion, this crap could only harm Linux. The same thing RS> happened with Marlboro & the KKK thing. These things can be RS> horrific for products even if they're non-commercial. Indeed. Who would be behind this? Novell? Microsoft? They must be feeling threatened because Linux might make their OS products superfluous in the future. -- Peter Mutsaers, Bunnik (Ut), the Netherlands. home: work: Disclaimer: This reflects the official opinions of my employer. Article 13954 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,sci.skeptic Path:!!!!!alberta!fantom!crs-sys!nextedm!spl4!cuugnet!rpjday From: (R. Day) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 02:36:33 GMT References: <> <> Organization: Calgary UNIX User's Group X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc,sci.skeptic Lines: 14 Xref: comp.os.linux.misc:7291 sci.skeptic:61298 Lawrence Foard ( wrote: : I thought I'd pass this on to sci.skeptic, its to funny to pass up: : In article <>, : Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: : >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages : >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) This is a totally nonsensical claim as there is a world of difference between Wicca and Satanism. Anyone making this kind of claim has only proven how thorougly ignorant and gullible they really are. R. Day Vice-chair, Alberta Skeptics Article 13963 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!fauern!!!!!!!seneca!hm From: (Harald Milz) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> Organization: Harry's BBS on Linux Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:39:27 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Lines: 23 Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: : > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages : > claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) : > He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even : > the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think : > this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about : > this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware : > 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their : > machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Ouch. Good luck in the psychiatrics. Ciao, hm : > All replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Here you go. -- Harald Milz ( Article 13968 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!!!fjh From: (Fergus Henderson) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Followup-To: alt.religion.computers Sender: Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia References: <> <> <> <> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:58:09 GMT Lines: 22 (Frank Lofaro) writes: >> (Frank Lofaro) writes: >>> >>> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > >Strings on the binary would'nt find it. Strings on /proc/pid/mem probably >would (?) or /dev/{k}mem, /dev/swap or wherever the address space is >accessible. I just did a "grep -i SATAN /dev/mem", and came up with 105 hits! The more I repeat the command, the more occurences it finds!!! My Linux system must be possessed!!!!!!! P.S. This entire thread belongs in alt.computers.religion, not comp.os.linux.misc. Followups redirected. -- Fergus Henderson | "People who brook no compromise in programming | languages should program in lambda calculus or | machine language, depending." --Andrew Koenig. | For the humour impaired -----------------> :-) Article 13969 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root From: (Remco Treffkorn) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <> <> <> Organization: European MikroGraf Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:38:07 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Lines: 30 Dave Sill ( wrote: : In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: : >char foobar[5] : >foobar[4]='n' : >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; : >foobar[0]='S' : >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; : > : >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary : >would find it? NOT! : Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're : still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and : strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would : fail, of course. ..I edited a bit to shorten the text. Sorry, if I changed the meaning.. I tend to not agree with your assertion. String will not be able to find what you expect. The Array is initialized at runtime. If you would check the in-memory data segment at runtime after the code initialized the array, then you would be able to find the offending string. This thread is better the the comedy hour on cable :-) Remco -- Remco Treffkorn, DC2XT <<-- REAL reply address !! (408) 685-1201 Article 13970 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root From: (Remco Treffkorn) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> Organization: European MikroGraf Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:43:33 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Lines: 13 wrote: : Keith Moore ( wrote: : : (Not sure, but I don't : : think Wiccans are Satanists either...someone correct me if I'm wrong.) : You're right ! That was totally uncalled for !-) -- Remco Treffkorn, DC2XT <<-- REAL reply address !! (408) 685-1201 Article 14007 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!!zrz.TU-Berlin.DE!!odb!eurom!misch From: (Michaela Merz) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Message-ID: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Organization: FSAG ++49-69-6312083 X-Newsreader: MINEWS [FSAG] Version: 0.1 Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 19:53:51 GMT Lines: 58 On Mon, 10 Jan 94 19:31:13 GMT, (J.J. Paijmans) wrote: > In article <> (Dave Sill > ) writes: > >In article <>, (Frank Lofa > ro) writes: > >> > >> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > > > >True. > > > >>... The following C fragment illustrates: > >> > >>char foobar[5] > >>foobar[4]='n' > >>foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; > >>foobar[0]='S' > >>foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > >> > >>The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary > >>would find it? NOT! > > > >Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're > >still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and > >strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would > ... > > Are you sure? and what will this program do? > > char foobar[5] > ... > printf("%s",foobar); > > foobar[4]='n'; > foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; > foobar[0]='S'; > foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > ... > > If 'strings -i satan' on the binary would produce 'satan', I would go and > sacrifice goats all over the place... > > I confess I really love the original poster of the satan-in-slackware hoax. > The best laugh I had for weeks, reading all the reactions. The only thing that might happen, would be a satanic core dump. You forgot to end up the array with a 0x0 ;-) Just 4 information and to prevent some "what does 'satan' dump core" questions. MM. ---- FREE SOFTWARE ASSOCIATION irc: misch @ #fsag OF GERMANY gopher: Voice: ++49-69-6312083 www: Article 14036 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!uunet!rde!gator!edus!wvolusia!news From: (David Vessell) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 18:35:44 EST References: <> Organization: West Volusia Cyberspace, DeLand FL X-Newsreader: rusnews v1.01 Lines: 28 In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Allow me to enumerate my comments. 1. Anything called 'Slackware' is more likely to have been put together by Subgenii than anyone else. A typical Subgenius is a little eccentric but largely harmless. 2. Wiccans are not Satanists. They're probably closer to Druids than anyone else. 3. Your friend and everyone like him should realize their imaginations are getting the better of them. 4. Prodigy is much closer to Evil Incarnate than Slackware likely is. -- ------ dR.Dave....Making the world safe for intelligent dance music. ------- David Vessell---West Volusia Cyberspace--DeLand, Article 14041 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!sun4nl!!!paai From: (J.J. Paijmans) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 94 08:53:26 GMT Organization: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Nntp-Posting-Host: kubix References: <> Lines: 36 In article <> (Michaela Merz) writes: >On Mon, 10 Jan 94 19:31:13 GMT, (J.J. Paijmans) wrote: > ... >> >> Are you sure? and what will this program do? >> >> char foobar[5] >> ... >> printf("%s",foobar); >> >> foobar[4]='n'; >> foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >> foobar[0]='S'; >> foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; >> ... >> >> If 'strings -i satan' on the binary would produce 'satan', I would go and >> sacrifice goats all over the place... >> >> I confess I really love the original poster of the satan-in-slackware hoax. >> The best laugh I had for weeks, reading all the reactions. > >The only thing that might happen, would be a satanic core dump. You forgot >to end up the array with a 0x0 ;-) You won't catch me that easy. The dots above the print statement mean exactly that 8^) > >MM. > Paai. Article 14046 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!ogicse!!!!person From: (Brett Person) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Jan 94 11:34:20 GMT Article-I.D.: ns1.CJKG58.1ypy References: <> <> <CJFo5w.1t6s@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> Sender: (Usenet login) Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network Lines: 14 Nntp-Posting-Host: We've said it for years. Now computer science really *has* become a religeous argument. maybe we should create comp.os.linux.religieon? I know Pat very well,and the crap is really silly. Maybe the hell account is there cause he did a hell of a job putting things together. Satan could be used to keep track of daemon processes. Snake-pit. See MIT. -- Brett Person North Dakota State University || person@plains.bitnet Due to budgetary constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel is being turned off. Article 14073 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!kf8nh!bsa From: (Brandon S. Allbery) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <2gkon8$> <> Organization: Brandon's Linux box and AmPR node, Mentor, OH Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 21:36:51 GMT Message-ID: <> Lines: 19 In article <>, (Grant Edwards) says: +--------------- | There is also the "Temple of Set" which worships an Egyptian god named | Set. They are sometimes called satanists, but I haven't figured out | why. +--------------- Trivial. The brain-deaders honestly believe that anyone who worships anything (or nothing!) different from *their* God, in *their* way, is a "Satanist". I haven't the faintest idea what said idiots use their *God*given*for-crying- out-loud!!! brains for, but it's NOT for thinking. ++Brandon -- Brandon S. Allbery "MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years of careful development." Do not taunt Happy Fun Coder. (seen on the Net...) Article 14089 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!kf8nh!bsa From: (Brandon S. Allbery) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? References: <> <> <> <> Organization: Brandon's Linux box and AmPR node, Mentor, OH Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 00:55:18 GMT Message-ID: <> Lines: 38 In article <>, (Dave Sill) says: +--------------- | In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: | >char foobar[5] | >foobar[4]='n' | >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; | >foobar[0]='S' | >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; | > | >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary | >would find it? NOT! | | Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're | still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and | strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would | fail, of course. +--------------- Won't work on the binary, either; it *will* work on /proc/<pid>/mem *after* the assignments execute. The binary, however, contains a bunch of assembler statements whose disassembly looks roughly like: movb $0x6e,0xfffffffc(%ebp) movb $0x61,0xfffffff9(%ebp) movb $0x61,0xfffffffb(%ebp) movb $0x53,0xfffffff8(%ebp) movb 0xfffffff8(%ebp),%dl addb $0x21,%dl movb %dl,0xfffffffa(%ebp) Not much in that that strings can decompose... ++Brandon -- Brandon S. Allbery "MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years of careful development." Do not taunt Happy Fun Coder. (seen on the Net...) Article 14096 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!ieunet!ieunet!!nick From: (Nick Hilliard) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 1994 23:00:44 GMT References: <> <19940108153124.Vester.Scott@vscott2.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM> Organization: Apathy Activists Inc. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Lines: 27 In Article <> " (Garry Lester Freemyer)" says: > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages > claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) > He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even > the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think > this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about > this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware > 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their > machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. One sure way to exorcise your Linux box is the following: find / -perm 666 -exec rm {} ';' For further information, see exorcise(1). [ Smiley for the humor impaired: :-) ] Seriously, though, this is one of the most bizarre net.rumors I have seen in a long time. Well, I guess, variety is the spice of life. Nick -- | Nick Hilliard | e-mail: | | Quay Financial Software, | Phone: [+353] 1 6612377 | | 48-53, Lower Mount St, | The opinions expressed above do not | | Dublin 2, Ireland | necessarily reflect those of my employers | Article 14124 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!liberty!news From: (Jonathan Gentry) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Sender: (CNEWS Userid) Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 1994 15:11:05 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The National Center for Toxicological Research X-Newsreader: LA Times for OS/2 [version: 2.50 UNREGISTERED 9 days remaining] Lines: 24 >In article <> (Lawrence Foard) writes: > >>I've met the maker of Slackware he wasn't wearing pentagrams or drinking >>blood. There are some hidden things in Slackware but they have nothing to >>do with Satanism, I won't spoil the surprise. Hint, the name Slackware is >>the first clue... >> > >Hmm...I don't like "surprises" on systems that I use to process some >extremely important data. I would like to request that you let me know >what these "surprises" are. Send me two dollars, and I'll tell you. Or kill me. >. . .Isn't paranoia wonderful? Do you know how easy is it to control someone in that state of mind? _______ ____ \ / NBCS V1.9.1 Jonathan Gentry \/ B0(Go T) t+ cd g++ k+(+) s+ m e h r 501 543 7185 8:00a - 4:30p CST 501 374 2462 5:30p - 11:00p CST finger Article 14190 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!caen!!!slhpv From: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Jan 94 01:31:48 MDT References: <> <2gjr0s$> <2gkfa6$vh@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> Organization: Utah State University Lines: 4 Actually a release called "The Satanware Unix Distribution" would pull in a lot of young male hobbiests. Dave Article 14205 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!uunet!amiserv!obdient!abacab!ulysses!allegra!alice!jj From: (jj, curmudgeon and all-around grouch) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Jan 94 15:45:35 GMT Article-I.D.: alice.27526 References: <> <> <> Reply-To: jj@alice.UUCP (jj, curmudgeon and all-around grouch) Organization: NJ State Home for Bewildered Terminals Lines: 16 Xref: comp.os.linux.misc:7542 sci.skeptic:61780 In article <> (R. Day) writes: >This is a totally nonsensical claim as there is a world of difference >between Wicca and Satanism. Anyone making this kind of claim has only >proven how thorougly ignorant and gullible they really are. Not that I disagree at all with the above, but it amazes me how it is considered possible for someone who does not believe in any incarnation of ultimate evil to be a satanist. I guess it's all part of "never suffer a thinker to live". Oh, that's not what they said, is it? Just what they seem to mean. -- Copyright alice!jj 1994, all rights reserved, except transmission by USENET and like facilities granted. Said permission is granted only for complete copies that include this notice. Use on pay-for-read services or non-electronic media specifically disallowed. ------- Colored lights can hypnotize, shine in someone else's eyes ----- Member HASA - Atheist Scum Division Article 14579 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!psinntp!daneel!seldon!nathan From: (Number 6) Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> Organization: Triicon Systems, Inc., Lompoc, CA References: <> <> <> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 05:22:47 GMT Lines: 37 Xref: sci.skeptic:62396 comp.os.linux.misc:7916 Okay, this doesn't belong here, and this is getting old...but! Well, while grep'ing for Satan in my AIX (IBM RS/6000) /dev/kmem...IBM decided to have a very virtuous (or not) operating system. My machine hung after it had pulled up all the rn headers with Satan in them (i.e., this thread!)....soon after it pulled up those messages, BOOM! Instant panic. I guess IBM doesn't want you to find Satan, or Satan doesn't want him to find him in AIX! (Yes, my machine died, completely, and rebooted itself. No, on my little 3LED panel I did NOT see 666....I will note that IBM has NO 6 based error codes...did they want to avoid Satan? I will say, that on a newer machine than mine...666 WILL and DOES appear when loading up a driver for a NONIBM peripheral!!!!) Weird. Silly and STUPID. This thread has given me a wonderful laugh even my totally noncomputer literate mother in law when she was visiting last week had a great laugh (and I can't ever get her to laugh under any circumstances!) (I'll note that if I grep for ANYTHING in /dev/kmem, it'll panic and reboot....) My machine also has no 3rd party stuff, so no 666 in my machine! (The box at work does, and it's funny seeing that 'ol 666 go by after every reboot but I only remembered the 666 after the earthquake and I had to go reboot the machines after the mega power failure). Have fun! (Why doesn't someone write a driver for the old Everex 386/20 machines that had the LED panel....what a kick that would be... sneak it into the kernel distribution "666 booting linux"...or, better yet, "666 you didn't boot Linux you fool!") *********************************************************************** Nathan D. Lane, VP Triicon Systems. Lompoc, CA (805) 7331849 NaN != 6, 6 == 1. I am not a number, I am a free list! I'm a programmer my computers are more valuable than my cars. Article 13989 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!pipex!uunet!!uniwa!DIALix!not-for-mail From: (Cameron Newham) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: satan in the machine Date: 12 Jan 1994 21:32:17 +0800 Organization: DIALix Services, Perth, Western Australia Lines: 24 Sender: Message-ID: <2h0u51$3pt$> Summary: satan satan satan - geez, am I damned now? X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #5 (NOV) I can't believe this! I just can't. I've been away from the Linux discussion for 6 months and I come back to find this?! An almost exact repeat of what happened with Doom in pc.action. Ok - the games up. Yes, the Unix community is really made up of devil worshipers. No question about it - look at all those daemons running amok on these systems! Sheesh. Well, I have one question :- If having Satan written or stored in any way means or form is a cause for concern, perhaps these Xtian's who get so upperty about it would like to have a lobotomy? After all, they must have the word and idea stored in their brains. Get a life people. And, yes, this is off topic (just like the other dozen or so messages on this thread). -cameron. (a happy atheist who doesn't get upset over mere words or ideas). Article 14026 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!batcomputer!steam!strike From: (Tim "Strikemaster" Bowser) Subject: Re: satan in the machine Organization: Iron Horse InfoSys Date: Wed, 12 Jan 94 23:13:39 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <2h0u51$3pt$> Lines: 37 (Cameron Newham) writes: >I can't believe this! I just can't. I've been away from the Linux >discussion for 6 months and I come back to find this?! >An almost exact repeat of what happened with Doom in pc.action. >Ok - the games up. Yes, the Unix community is really made up of >devil worshipers. No question about it - look at all those daemons >running amok on these systems! Sheesh. I've heard it said that "God is in the details", so those who live for tweaking source code must be "in balance" as far as this religious thing goes. My first and last input on the subject... >Get a life people. Never happen. >And, yes, this is off topic (just like the other dozen or so messages >on this thread). >-cameron. >(a happy atheist who doesn't get upset over mere words or ideas). Count me as a Transcendental Atheistic Christian Karmatic Yuppie (T.A.C.K.Y) ... :) -- Tim Bowser ("Strikemaster") | or try Chip Socketer & Tape Twiddler of | batcomputer!steam!strike The Iron Horse Information Service |-------------------------------- Article 14115 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!eff!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Derek Jones) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 14 Jan 1994 07:21:24 -0500 Organization: The Internet Lines: 36 Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Reply-To: (Derek Jones) NNTP-Posting-Host: I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is MAILTO=satan A search of /etc/crond does not reveal this message. I am not particularly worried about the supposed "satanism" aspect of this, (BTW the biblical references to 666 in revelation are that a.) it is the number of man and b.) that knowing this is a comfort to Christians. If you ask yourself why - it's because of satan's ultimate defeat. That's what revelation is all about***), rather the fact that all mail from crontab is supposedly redirected to a user name I have removed . . . Any ideas? ***I'm not saying I wouldn't do something more drastic about perhaps removing Slackware on the machines I run it on but that having followed this discussion with some despair at ignorance, *and* technical interest I see no immediate reason to do so. I have enjoyed using what seems to me to be pretty stable release. kind regards Derek -- Derek Jones. System Manager. A.I. Vision Research Unit, Sheffield University, Western Bank, Sheffield. S10 2TN. U.K. Tel: (+44) (0)742 826551 email: FAX: (+44) (0)742 766515 Article 14139 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!uknf From: (Olaf Titz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 14 Jan 1994 19:11:13 GMT Organization: Fachschaft math/inf, Uni Karlsruhe, FRG Lines: 19 Message-ID: <2h6qoh$> References: <2h62o4$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <2h62o4$>, Derek Jones <> wrote: > # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is > MAILTO=satan Apparently this is from the Slackware pre-installed root crontab, look in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs. (I have come across this when a partial re-install of the system replaced my root crontab with one containing this header...) Oh, btw., there are newsgroups better suited for discussion of religious topics than c.o.l.m. Olaf -- olaf titz o praetorius@irc _>\ _ LINUX - the choice karlsruhe germany (_)<(_) uknf@dkauni2.bitnet of a GNU generation what good is a photograph of you? everytime i look at it it makes me feel blue Article 14143 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!pipex!uknet!!jon From: (Jon Tombs) Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Message-ID: <> Originator: jon@cato.robots Organization: Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Sevilla, Spain. References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 1994 19:32:20 GMT Lines: 21 In article <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Derek Jones) writes: > >I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned >discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred >mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me >sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): Now what was it again that you typed in order to search for the string "satan". Can you see any command that is now running with the string satan in it? I can name two straight of, not counting how many times your shell will hold the command line. Try this strings /dev/mem | grep -i "ThisIsAStupidExecise" and see how many you get for that. The lack of :-)s in your post worries me that you might have been serious! Jon. Article 14157 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!!ai-lab!!burley From: (Craig Burley) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 14 Jan 94 18:03:55 Organization: Free Software Foundation 545 Tech Square Cambridge, MA 02139 Lines: 29 Message-ID: <> References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of Fri, 14 Jan 1994 19:32:20 GMT In article <> (Jon Tombs) writes: Try this strings /dev/mem | grep -i "ThisIsAStupidExecise" and see how many you get for that. Well, I just tried that on my old SLS system, and got over 35 matches!! I'll never use SLS again. Imagine wasting so much of my precious memory on a string as obviously useless as "ThisIsAStupidExercise" (I corrected your spelling)?!?!?!??? :-) :-) :-) Seriously, I _was_ a little suprised to see some interesting strings come up when I subsequently tried the command with "satan"...then I tried it with "wasting" before typing the smileys above but while doing this post (working in another VC) and, hey! "Imagine wasting so much of my precious" came up! (While checking for "satan", I was still looking at a post on the subject on another VC.) Guess this proves that if you go looking for Satan, you're going to find him! (This doesn't surprise me at all. :-) -- James Craig Burley, Software Craftsperson Member of the League for Programming Freedom (LPF) Article 14158 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!usc!!sgiblab!!!!news From: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 14 Jan 1994 23:24:02 GMT Organization: US EPA Environmental Research Lab, Corvallis, Oregon Lines: 49 Message-ID: <2h79ii$> References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: In <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Derek Jones) writes: >I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned >discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred >mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me >sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): Everything displayed on your screen will be found in /dev/mem. Leave this message, or one that contains several copies of whatever string you're looking for on the screen, and try the grep . Wow! Most of the occurances are from that screen. Try 'grep -i -4 satan /dev/mem' to get some context. ># mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is >MAILTO=satan This is from Slackware's /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root file, as distributed in 1.02 at least. Of course within a few days mine said "MAILTO=jacobsd" as it still does. There's not some magical mystical smail link that somehow routes all mail from any user named 'satan' to the netherworld. I can see these programmers now, worrying about which Powers they might have forgot ... "Thor's Hammer, Todd! You almost forgot the code to route Odin's mail! Now what was that address again, was it or" "Uh, I think. Now where do we route mail to The Nameless One?" >A search of /etc/crond does not reveal this message. I am not particularly >worried about the supposed "satanism" aspect of this, [...] But some people seem to be. Too bad he didn't make another user called 'jesus' (which means just as much to Linux and sendmail as 'satan' does) so people could post how all mail was personally read by Jesus Himself (except some people would take offence at it being 'jesus' instead of 'Jesus'). If this goes on we'll be showing up on the 700 Club before long, seeing how "EUNICS" is a work of Satanists and how all good Christians should be sure to use something like DOS or just send more money to Pat Robertson. Heck, they'd probably misunderstand and before you know it, the whole Internet is a vile scheme of the liberal democrats, er oops, Satanists. Still, this is one of the more entertaining threads in a while. My worry is that people will just see parts of it and believe it. I mean, Satanic Wiccans indeed! "OK, now for the blood sacrifices!" "Hey! All life is sacred, remember?" "Oh yeah, er, maybe we could fake it..." The evil Gonzo -- Praise be to the Long Nosed One! -- Dana Jacobsen Trystero Systems "When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white men came, an Indian said simply, ``Ours.''" -- Vine Deloria, Jr. Article 14172 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!agate!!!caen!!!not-for-mail From: (Just a fellow traveller...) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 15 Jan 1994 01:05:00 -0500 Organization: Limbo, Org. (how low can you go) Lines: 19 Message-ID: <2h812c$> References: <2h62o4$> <2h6qoh$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Olaf Titz ( wrote: : In article <2h62o4$>, : Derek Jones <> wrote: : > # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is : > MAILTO=satan : Apparently this is from the Slackware pre-installed root crontab, look : in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs. (I have come across this when a partial : re-install of the system replaced my root crontab with one containing : this header...) : Oh, btw., there are newsgroups better suited for discussion of : religious topics than c.o.l.m. Are you sure? _Really_? ;) Jim Article 14193 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!!!!rabe From: (Matthias Rabe) Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Sender: (News Administrator) Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 1994 19:59:59 GMT References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> <2h79ii$> Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Math Madhouse Bielefeld, Germany Lines: 14 In article <2h79ii$>, <> wrote: >to the netherworld. I can see these programmers now, worrying about >which Powers they might have forgot ... "Thor's Hammer, Todd! You >almost forgot the code to route Odin's mail! Now what was that >address again, was it or" "Uh, >I think. Now where do we route mail to The Nameless One?" Try to send it to @ :-) -- Matthias Rabe Universit"at Bielefeld Privat: Avenwedder Str. 494 U5-133 D 33335 G"utersloh Tel.: (0521) 106-3871 Tel.: (05209) 6673 Article 14226 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!dirac!!bcr From: (Bill C. Riemers) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Jan 94 19:59:07 GMT References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> <> <> Sender: Organization: Purdue University Physics Department Lines: 41 In article <> (Craig Burley) writes: ]In article <> (Jon Tombs) writes: ] strings /dev/mem | grep -i "ThisIsAStupidExecise" ] and see how many you get for that. ]Well, I just tried that on my old SLS system, and got over 35 matches!! ]I'll never use SLS again. Imagine wasting so much of my precious ]memory on a string as obviously useless as "ThisIsAStupidExercise" ]Guess this proves that if you go looking for Satan, you're going to ]find him! (This doesn't surprise me at all. :-) Remember there is good and evil everywhere. Just try: strings /dev/mem|grep -i "Jesus"|wc -l I just tried: Jesus --> 363 Satan --> 512 God --> 23 Holy Ghost --> 19 HolyGhost --> 21 The Lord --> 42 333 --> 27 666 --> 175 So it looks like the devil is more prevalent than God in my system. Obcourse this doesn't tell me which is more powerfull. But if I check my Gif collection, I would say the devil is winning hands down. :-) :-) :-) Bill P.S. Do those really look like smily faces to anyone? How about: o o o o O O ^ ! | \___/ \___/ \___/ Article 14241 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!rutgers!!!!dlj0 From: (DAVID L. JOHNSON) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Message-ID: <> Date: 16 Jan 94 20:27:07 GMT Organization: Lehigh University Lines: 29 In article <>, (Jon Tombs) writes: >In article <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Derek Jones) writes: >> >>I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned >>discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred >>mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me >>sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): > >Now what was it again that you typed in order to search for the string >"satan". Can you see any command that is now running with the string >satan in it? I can name two straight of, not counting how many times your >shell will hold the command line. > >Try this > >strings /dev/mem | grep -i "ThisIsAStupidExecise" > >and see how many you get for that. > For those who don't get the joke: just look for it; it will be there.. But then, look at the context, and you'll see why it's there. -- David L. Johnson ID: Department of Mathematics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) 215-828-3708 (home) Linux, the people's unix. Article 14251 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!eff!!!!Hypatia!leb From: (Lee E. Brotzman) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 17 Jan 94 03:52:26 GMT Organization: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center -- InterNetNews site Lines: 39 Message-ID: <leb.758778746@Hypatia> References: <2h62o4$> <2h6qoh$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Olaf Titz) writes: >In article <2h62o4$>, >Derek Jones <> wrote: >> # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is >> MAILTO=satan > >Apparently this is from the Slackware pre-installed root crontab, look >in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs. (I have come across this when a partial >re-install of the system replaced my root crontab with one containing >this header...) Since I do not choose to load the package which contains the additional user accounts (satan, et al.), my version of /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root reads thus: # mail any output to `postmaster' no matter whose crontab this is MAILTO=postmaster If it is true that installing these "demo" user accounts results in a modified crontab file, than that is clearly inappropriate. However the fix is simple... don't install "user" accounts for users that don't exist on your system. The package descriptions for the slackware distribution were descriptive enough that I knew to avoid them, however no mention of altered crontab entries was made. What's the final story? >-- > olaf titz o praetorius@irc > _>\ _ LINUX - the choice >karlsruhe germany (_)<(_) uknf@dkauni2.bitnet of a GNU generation >what good is a photograph of you? everytime i look at it it makes me feel blue -- -- Lee E. Brotzman Internet: -- Hughes STX, NSSDC DECNET: NSSDCA::BROTZMAN -- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center BITNET: ZMLEB@GIBBS Article 14272 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!!!!gramlich From: gramlich@nibelung.Worms.Fh-Rpl.DE (Pangaea) Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Sender: news@nibelung.Worms.Fh-Rpl.DE Message-ID: <Jan14.151802.38288@nibelung.Worms.Fh-Rpl.DE> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 1994 15:18:02 GMT References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Organization: Fachhochschule-Rheinland-Pfalz Lines: 21 In article <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>, (Derek Jones) writes: |> # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is |> MAILTO=satan |> |> A search of /etc/crond does not reveal this message. |> Any ideas? |> I am not sure but I think it was somewhere in var/spool/cron* - something I have found this text some time ago and removed. Can anyone give the correct path? Thilo _________________________________________________ \ / \ / \ REUNITE PANGAEA! / \ ________________________________________/ This message was brought to you from the romantical Rhine valley, just beside the BASF AG ... Article 14440 of comp.os.linux.misc: Path:!!!!!!ganter From: (Fritz Ganter) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem Date: 17 Jan 1994 02:59:52 GMT Organization: Graz University of Technology Lines: 47 Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Derek Jones ( wrote: : I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned : discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred : mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me : sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): : # mail any output to `satan' no matter whose crontab this is : MAILTO=satan : A search of /etc/crond does not reveal this message. I am not particularly You find it in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root : worried about the supposed "satanism" aspect of this, (BTW the biblical : references to 666 in revelation are that a.) it is the number of man and : b.) that knowing this is a comfort to Christians. If you ask yourself why - : it's because of satan's ultimate defeat. That's what revelation is all : about***), rather the fact that all mail from crontab is supposedly redirected : to a user name I have removed . . . : Any ideas? : ***I'm not saying I wouldn't do something more drastic about perhaps removing : Slackware on the machines I run it on but that having followed this discussion : with some despair at ignorance, *and* technical interest I see no immediate : reason to do so. I have enjoyed using what seems to me to be pretty stable : release. : kind regards : Derek : -- : Derek Jones. : System Manager. : A.I. Vision Research Unit, Sheffield University, Western Bank, : Sheffield. S10 2TN. U.K. : Tel: (+44) (0)742 826551 email: : FAX: (+44) (0)742 766515 -- Fritz Ganter Graz University of Technology, Austria Email:, HAM-Radio: OE6FAD@OE6XYG.AUT.EU, OE6FAD@OE6FAD.AMPR.ORG Phone: +43 316 873-7222 (Office), +43 316 663243 (home) ********** Linux... try it, use it, love it. ************ Article 14488 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!!uunet!!!!!!!!!!seneca!hm From: (Harald Milz) Subject: Re: serious comment about satan in /dev/mem References: <> Followup-To: rec.humor.funny Organization: Harry's BBS on Linux Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 17:57:45 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Lines: 29 Jon Tombs ( wrote: : > In article <2h62o4$j9t@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Derek Jones) writes: : > > : > >I have done a strings /dev/mem | grep -i satan and as mentioned : > >discovered a number of occurences. (not as many as the several hundred : > >mentioned by a previous poster.) However, a couple that particularly made me : > >sit up and look were the following (from a purely technical point of view): : > Now what was it again that you typed in order to search for the string : > "satan". Can you see any command that is now running with the string : > satan in it? I can name two straight of, not counting how many times your : > shell will hold the command line. : > Try this : > strings /dev/mem | grep -i "ThisIsAStupidExecise" : > and see how many you get for that. : > The lack of :-)s in your post worries me that you might have been serious! Yup, and the next thing those folks are gonna do is eliminate all files with 666 perms ;-) Ciao, hm -- Harald Milz ( Article 14156 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Path:!!psuvax1!!!!!dlj0 From: (DAVID L. JOHNSON) Subject: In defense of Slackware Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 1994 21:48:04 GMT Organization: Lehigh University Lines: 36 It's a shame that Slackware has gotten all this negative baggage about Satanic versus. I just upgraded my machine with slackware 1.1.1, and found it to be the easiest distribution yet. I've used mcc-interim (linux 0.96c I believe), SLS 1.02, and now Slackware. This was very easy to install. In fact, I did a lot of things by hand before, like setting up the filesystems using fdisk and mke2fs, that are part of the installation (at least installing the filesystems was). The distribution was very complete, and relatively bug-free. My worst problems were involved in downloading all those disks: household hint: use new disks for this. I did half of it over the modem, since I ran out of time at the office. One thing to be sure about: my installation did not set /etc/rc.d/rc.M to the right permissions, so it did not run at bootup. If you can't get your domain name, check this. But hey, the earlier distributions had so many incorrect permissions it took days to track them down. It is a BIG collection of stuff. Installing eerything would have to take 130-140 meg. I reccomend not letting it install whole disk sets automatically, but have it ask you what you want. That prevents you from having 10 unwanted news servers on a stand-alone machine like mine. Again, nice job. -- David L. Johnson ID: Department of Mathematics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Telephone: 215-758-3759 (office) 215-828-3708 (home) Linux, the people's unix. Article 14229 of comp.os.linux.misc: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: In defense of Slackware From: (John Will) Path:!!agate!msuinfo!!ubos!satalink!john.will Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 94 12:52:00 -0640 Organization: DSC/Voicenet * Ivyland, PA * (215) 443-9434 Lines: 6 D >It's a shame that Slackware has gotten all this negative baggage about D >Satanic versus. I just upgraded my machine with slackware 1.1.1, and found D >it to be the easiest distribution yet. I doubt there is any significant "negative baggage". Any one stupid enough to believe that garbage isn't going to be a serious Linux user anyway. :-) From!!!emory!!ornl!de5 Thu Jan 13 22:15:39 CST 1994 Article: 6490 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!emory!!ornl!de5 Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Dave Sill) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:43:17 GMT Sender: (News poster) References: <> <> <> Organization: Workstation Support, Oak Ridge National Lab Lines: 33 In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: > > However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. True. >... The following C fragment illustrates: > >char foobar[5] >foobar[4]='n' >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >foobar[0]='S' >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary >would find it? NOT! Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would fail, of course. > But I must also stress, strings on a binary, while useful, >will NOT protect you from everything (e.g. back door passwords) if the >attacker is clever enough. Trust me on this. True. -- Dave Sill ( Computers should work the way beginners Martin Marietta Energy Systems expect them to, and one day they will. Workstation Support -- Ted Nelson URL From!!!!!pipex!uknet!cf-cm!cybaswan!iiitac Thu Jan 13 22:15:56 CST 1994 Article: 6493 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!!!pipex!uknet!cf-cm!cybaswan!iiitac Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <1994Jan10.170715.18478@swan.pyr> From: iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:07:15 GMT References: <> <> Organization: Swansea University College Lines: 16 In article <> (Russell Nelson) writes: >In article <> writes: > It doesn't help that by default the three sample users created by > the install program just happened to be named "Satan, Gonzo, > Snake-Pit". > >That's the problem right there. Anything that mentions Satan is >evil. Grin.. most preachers and religious books mention him a lot. Guess that says it all [And Russ has done the same just now] Alan Hail Eris! From!!!!!!bcm!aio!Schultz,.Russell Thu Jan 13 22:16:39 CST 1994 Article: 6496 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!!!!bcm!aio!Schultz,.Russell Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Schultz, Russell) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 19:02:51 GMT Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[7157] References: <> <2gjr0s$> <> Organization: nasa-jsc X-Posted-From: InterNews Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. Lines: 69 In article <> (Lawrence Foard) writes: Just as many have claimed that christians are ignorant and intolerant of other religions...some dope posts this crap: > > The SBC (southern baptist convention) version, certified free of > code written by sinners. Note incorrect answers to any initial Christian != free of sin. The central core of christianity is that all people are 'sinners' and only(sorta) through Christ can your sins be forgiven and entrance into ever-lasting life attained. I say (sorta) because judaism allows (or did in the old testament) blood sacrifices--which christ's crucifixion now represents. > questions will result in your modem dialing a central sinner > tracking system for remedial "therapy". > > Here is the installation screen: > > SBC 2.3.5 > > Do you believe in the divinity of Christ? y > Do you listen to heavy metal? n > Have you ever consumed any mind altering substance (wine doesn't count)? n Not all christian denimonations have wine as part of the ceromony(specifically southern baptist, the aforementioned denomination of evil stupid christians). > Have you ever had sex before marriage? n > Have you ever lusted after members of the same sex? n > Do you believe that sex on TV is worse than violence on TV? y Well--on that note, it's not that hard to make an interesting story without sex, but cut violence and you have barney--who is undeniably a minion of satan. ;) > Can condoms help prevent the spread of HIV? n > Can condoms be used to prevent pregnancy? n Whether or not condoms do or don't prevent HIV/pregnancy has nothing to do with _conservative_ thinking on distribution of condoms in schools. The primary concern in that argument is whether distribution==tacit consent for sex in minors. > Do you plan to use any programs that run backwards? n > Would you like your modem configured to call the SBC bbs? y > Would you like your drive scanned for unholy files before installation? y > Scanning...... > Deleting cindy+mike+bob.gif > Deleting communist-manifesto.txt (beautiful idea, that manifesto. Human nature prevents its fruition, IMHO) > Deleting > Deleting aclu-newsletter43.txt > > Drive purified, press enter to continue: > > b I understand that the post to which I replied was mostly in jest. But I must protest the general emphasis of this thread (religious people are sub-moronic haters of all things that are right). I personally don't agree with wiccan==evil being, and that SLACKWARE should be deleted based on it being produced by a wiccan(whether he is not). But, IMHO, if somebody wants to remove a product with which they have a problem with the producter of that products ideas or beliefs, they have every right. Russ. From!!!gatech!!!sun4nl!!!paai Thu Jan 13 22:17:22 CST 1994 Article: 6502 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!gatech!!!sun4nl!!!paai Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (J.J. Paijmans) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 19:31:13 GMT References: <> <> <> Organization: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Nntp-Posting-Host: kubix Lines: 44 In article <> (Dave Sill) writes: >In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: >> >> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > >True. > >>... The following C fragment illustrates: >> >>char foobar[5] >>foobar[4]='n' >>foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; >>foobar[0]='S' >>foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; >> >>The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary >>would find it? NOT! > >Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're >still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and >strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would ... Are you sure? and what will this program do? char foobar[5] ... printf("%s",foobar); foobar[4]='n'; foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; foobar[0]='S'; foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; ... If 'strings -i satan' on the binary would produce 'satan', I would go and sacrifice goats all over the place... I confess I really love the original poster of the satan-in-slackware hoax. The best laugh I had for weeks, reading all the reactions. Paai. From!!!!!pipex!uknet!glasgow!watersoj Thu Jan 13 22:18:01 CST 1994 Article: 6510 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!!!pipex!uknet!glasgow!watersoj Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (John Waterson) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:21:21 GMT References: <> <> <> <> Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept. Lines: 49 (Dave Sill) writes: > In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: > > > >char foobar[5] > >foobar[4]='n' > >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; > >foobar[0]='S' > >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; > > > >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary > >would find it? NOT! > Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're > still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and > strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would > fail, of course. I hate to continue this almost-serious trend in what has otherwise been an entirely ludicrous and irrelevant thread, but... Frank may yet be right. You're loading those values into the array at run-time, not compile time, so the instructions will be stored as a sequence of memory and register accesses, not just a contiguous chunk of data. If you could call strings on the running program's memory segment after those lines of code had been executed, then the word 'satan' would probably be there, but unless the compiler does some clever optimisation (which is altogether possible) you still won't find the word in the binary. An interesting point does arise though. I quickly tried a few tests of this theory, by writing the relevant C and some equivalent Pascal (I don't trust my C - I barely know the language). Whilst neither delivered 'Satan' in the binary (even gcc -O2) the SunOS Pascal compiler - I kid you not - came up with `atan.S' once and the word `sin' many times. This, for me, is conclusive proof that Sun Microsystems is a company founded on the unholy triptych of devil worship, virgin-sacrifice, and proprietry operating systems. I asked a reformed satanist for his views on this matter. He looked at what I had found, shook his head gravely, and said the word `trigonometry' before walking away. I presume that `trigonometry' is some form of black art performed by satanists, and that Sun are subliminally trying to make us more receptive to the idea. Somebody in authority should be told. John Waterson From!!!gatech!!!!!alberta!fantom!crs-sys!nextedm!spl4!cuugnet!rpjday Thu Jan 13 22:22:20 CST 1994 Article: 6604 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!gatech!!!!!alberta!fantom!crs-sys!nextedm!spl4!cuugnet!rpjday Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (R. Day) Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 02:36:33 GMT Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc,sci.skeptic References: <> <> Organization: Calgary UNIX User's Group X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Lines: 14 Xref: msus1 comp.os.linux.misc:6604 sci.skeptic:43203 Lawrence Foard ( wrote: : I thought I'd pass this on to sci.skeptic, its to funny to pass up: : In article <>, : Garry Lester Freemyer <> wrote: : >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages : >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) This is a totally nonsensical claim as there is a world of difference between Wicca and Satanism. Anyone making this kind of claim has only proven how thorougly ignorant and gullible they really are. R. Day Vice-chair, Alberta Skeptics From!!!gatech!!! fauern!!!!!!!seneca!hm Thu Jan 13 22:22:56 CST 1994 Article: 6613 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!gatech!!! fauern!!!!!!!seneca!hm Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Harald Milz) Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:39:27 GMT Reply-To: References: <> Organization: Harry's BBS on Linux X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Lines: 23 Garry Lester Freemyer ( wrote: : > I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages : > claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) : > He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even : > the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think : > this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about : > this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware : > 1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their : > machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Ouch. Good luck in the psychiatrics. Ciao, hm : > All replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Here you go. -- Harald Milz ( From!!!!sgiblab!!!!fjh Thu Jan 13 22:23:19 CST 1994 Article: 6618 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!!sgiblab!!!!fjh Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Fergus Henderson) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:58:09 GMT Sender: Followup-To: alt.religion.computers References: <> <> <> <> Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia Lines: 22 (Frank Lofaro) writes: >> (Frank Lofaro) writes: >>> >>> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. > >Strings on the binary would'nt find it. Strings on /proc/pid/mem probably >would (?) or /dev/{k}mem, /dev/swap or wherever the address space is >accessible. I just did a "grep -i SATAN /dev/mem", and came up with 105 hits! The more I repeat the command, the more occurences it finds!!! My Linux system must be possessed!!!!!!! P.S. This entire thread belongs in alt.computers.religion, not comp.os.linux.misc. Followups redirected. -- Fergus Henderson | "People who brook no compromise in programming | languages should program in lambda calculus or | machine language, depending." --Andrew Koenig. | For the humour impaired -----------------> :-) From!!!emory!!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root Thu Jan 13 22:23:28 CST 1994 Article: 6619 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!emory!!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Remco Treffkorn) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:38:07 GMT Reply-To: References: <> <> <> <> Organization: European MikroGraf X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Lines: 30 Dave Sill ( wrote: : In article <>, (Frank Lofaro) writes: : >char foobar[5] : >foobar[4]='n' : >foobar[3]=foobar[1]='a'; : >foobar[0]='S' : >foobar[2]=foobar[0]+33; : > : >The array now contains the word 'Satan'. Think strings on the binary : >would find it? NOT! : Yep. That's a convoluted way to create the string "Satan", but you're : still putting the letters S, a, t, a, and n in consecutive locations, and : strings will find it. Strings (or grep -i satan) on the *source* would : fail, of course. ..I edited a bit to shorten the text. Sorry, if I changed the meaning.. I tend to not agree with your assertion. String will not be able to find what you expect. The Array is initialized at runtime. If you would check the in-memory data segment at runtime after the code initialized the array, then you would be able to find the offending string. This thread is better the the comedy hour on cable :-) Remco -- Remco Treffkorn, DC2XT <<-- REAL reply address !! (408) 685-1201 From!!!emory!!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root Thu Jan 13 22:23:40 CST 1994 Article: 6620 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!emory!!!usc!!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!emc!root Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Remco Treffkorn) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 04:43:33 GMT Reply-To: References: <> <2gj1qeINN53r@CS.UTK.EDU> <> Organization: European MikroGraf X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Lines: 13 wrote: : Keith Moore ( wrote: : : (Not sure, but I don't : : think Wiccans are Satanists either...someone correct me if I'm wrong.) : You're right ! That was totally uncalled for !-) -- Remco Treffkorn, DC2XT <<-- REAL reply address !! (408) 685-1201 From!!!!!pipex!uunet!!uniwa!DIALix!not-for-mail Thu Jan 13 22:25:23 CST 1994 Article: 6639 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!!!pipex!uunet!!uniwa!DIALix!not-for-mail Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: satan in the machine Message-ID: <2h0u51$3pt$> From: (Cameron Newham) Date: 12 Jan 1994 21:32:17 +0800 Sender: Organization: DIALix Services, Perth, Western Australia Summary: satan satan satan - geez, am I damned now? X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #5 (NOV) Lines: 24 I can't believe this! I just can't. I've been away from the Linux discussion for 6 months and I come back to find this?! An almost exact repeat of what happened with Doom in pc.action. Ok - the games up. Yes, the Unix community is really made up of devil worshipers. No question about it - look at all those daemons running amok on these systems! Sheesh. Well, I have one question :- If having Satan written or stored in any way means or form is a cause for concern, perhaps these Xtian's who get so upperty about it would like to have a lobotomy? After all, they must have the word and idea stored in their brains. Get a life people. And, yes, this is off topic (just like the other dozen or so messages on this thread). -cameron. (a happy atheist who doesn't get upset over mere words or ideas). From!!!gatech!!!!!!!batcomputer!steam!strike Thu Jan 13 22:31:52 CST 1994 Article: 6676 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!gatech!!!!!!!batcomputer!steam!strike Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: satan in the machine Message-ID: <> From: (Tim "Strikemaster" Bowser) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 94 23:13:39 GMT References: <2h0u51$3pt$> Organization: Iron Horse InfoSys Lines: 37 (Cameron Newham) writes: >I can't believe this! I just can't. I've been away from the Linux >discussion for 6 months and I come back to find this?! >An almost exact repeat of what happened with Doom in pc.action. >Ok - the games up. Yes, the Unix community is really made up of >devil worshipers. No question about it - look at all those daemons >running amok on these systems! Sheesh. I've heard it said that "God is in the details", so those who live for tweaking source code must be "in balance" as far as this religious thing goes. My first and last input on the subject... >Get a life people. Never happen. >And, yes, this is off topic (just like the other dozen or so messages >on this thread). >-cameron. >(a happy atheist who doesn't get upset over mere words or ideas). Count me as a Transcendental Atheistic Christian Karmatic Yuppie (T.A.C.K.Y) ... :) -- Tim Bowser ("Strikemaster") | or try Chip Socketer & Tape Twiddler of | batcomputer!steam!strike The Iron Horse Information Service |-------------------------------- From!!!emory!swrinde!!uunet!rde!gator!edus!wvolusia!news Thu Jan 13 22:33:09 CST 1994 Article: 6686 of comp.os.linux.misc Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!emory!swrinde!!uunet!rde!gator!edus!wvolusia!news Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (David Vessell) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 18:35:44 EST References: <> Organization: West Volusia Cyberspace, DeLand FL X-Newsreader: rusnews v1.01 Lines: 28 In article <>, (Garry Lester Freemyer) writes: >I have just heard from a friend of mine that has just read a bunch of messages >claiming that Slackware 1.1.1 was put together by "Wicca's" (Satanists) >He claims that several different sources have claimed this and that even >the prodigy organization has posted a message about it. Frankly I think >this is all a bunch of hoey and would very much like to hear any comments about >this. Several of the people locally here that I have helped get slackware >1.1.1 are jumping on the bandwagon and dumping their Linux stuff off their >machines because of this and the claim that it flashes subliminal messages. Allow me to enumerate my comments. 1. Anything called 'Slackware' is more likely to have been put together by Subgenii than anyone else. A typical Subgenius is a little eccentric but largely harmless. 2. Wiccans are not Satanists. They're probably closer to Druids than anyone else. 3. Your friend and everyone like him should realize their imaginations are getting the better of them. 4. Prodigy is much closer to Evil Incarnate than Slackware likely is. -- ------ dR.Dave....Making the world safe for intelligent dance music. ------- David Vessell---West Volusia Cyberspace--DeLand, From!!!emory!!!!!world!entropy Thu Jan 13 22:35:37 CST 1994 Article: 1546 of alt.religion.computers Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!emory!!!!!world!entropy Newsgroups: alt.religion.computers Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Lawrence Foard) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 07:00:05 GMT References: <> <> <> <> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA Lines: 25 In article <>, Fergus Henderson <> wrote: > (Frank Lofaro) writes: > >>> (Frank Lofaro) writes: >>>> >>>> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. >> >>Strings on the binary would'nt find it. Strings on /proc/pid/mem probably >>would (?) or /dev/{k}mem, /dev/swap or wherever the address space is >>accessible. > >I just did a "grep -i SATAN /dev/mem", and came up with 105 hits! >The more I repeat the command, the more occurences it finds!!! >My Linux system must be possessed!!!!!!! But explain this: grep -c "Bow down to his majesty Satan Prince of the underworld." /dev/mem -- ------ Legalize: >--<o | I confess to an unatural, and abnormal . \ / :-)-~ o>--< | act I have programmed a computer. . . \ / You are ~1,000,000,000,000,000 .1ms NAND gates have a nice day. . . . \/ The true theory of everything will run on a finite turing machine. . . . From!!!gatech!!!!!!!!bof Fri Jan 14 10:09:47 CST 1994 Article: 1550 of alt.religion.computers Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site Path:!!!gatech!!!!!!!!bof Newsgroups: alt.religion.computers,alt.religion.kibology Subject: Re: Slackware by Satanists? Message-ID: <> From: (Patrick Schaaf) Date: Thu, 13 Jan 1994 23:01:29 GMT References: <> <> <> <> <> Organization: Yoyodyne Posting Systems, Bellona Lines: 26 Xref: msus1 alt.religion.computers:1550 alt.religion.kibology:17929 (Lawrence Foard) writes: >In article <>, >Fergus Henderson <> wrote: >> (Frank Lofaro) writes: >>>> (Frank Lofaro) writes: >>>>> However, strings will NOT catch every act of chicanery. >>>Strings on the binary would'nt find it. Strings on /proc/pid/mem probably >>>would (?) or /dev/{k}mem, /dev/swap or wherever the address space is >>>accessible. >>I just did a "grep -i SATAN /dev/mem", and came up with 105 hits! >>The more I repeat the command, the more occurences it finds!!! >>My Linux system must be possessed!!!!!!! >But explain this: >grep -c "Bow down to his majesty Satan Prince of the underworld." /dev/mem Aaaaarrrrrggghhhhh. It's a virus! So far it has infected both bellona (where I read news) and midget (here...), and it's spreading. A reboot seems to fix it, but as I write this reply, it starts again! This is plain pl14, and no steenking distribution thingie. patrick (hmm... politically correct RAM chips, perhaps?)