Package: abs-guide Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349 Description-fi: Edistynyt Bash-skriptausopas Syvällinen matka komentojonoskriptien taitoon. . Tämä opas olettaa, että et omaa aikaisempaa kokemusta ohjelmoinnista, mutta etenee nopeasti kohti keskitasoisia ja edistyneitä ohjeita ... antaen koko ajan pieniä pätkiä UNIX-viisautta ja -tietämystä. Se toimii oppikirjana, oppaana itsenäiseen opiskeluun ja komentoriviohjelmoinnin tietopankkina. Harjoitukset ja runsaskommenttiset esimerkit kutsuvat lukijaa osallistumaan pitäen lähtökohtana sitä, että ainoa tapa oppia ohjelmointia on kirjottaa ohjelmakoodia. . Tämä kirja sopii luokkahuonekäyttöön yleisenä ohjelmoinnin käsitteiden esittelynä. Package: album Description-md5: 3eaaefa453087570fb45ac51eeccbe7c Description-fi: teemoja tukeva HTML-kuva-albumien kehitin Album on perl-skripti, joka osaa luoda HTML-kuva-albumeita kuvakansioistasi. Se tukee teemoja, joilla voit määritellä albumiesi ulkonäön. Album luo tarvittaessa esikatselukuvat ja "keskikokoiset" versiot kuvista nettikatselua varten pitkien latausaikojen välttämiseksi. Voit myös muokata kuva-albumeitasi monin muin tavoin. . Tämä ohjelma ei vaadi että palvelin toimii. Kun HTML on luotu, voi siirtää sen "www"-hakemistoosi Package: album-data Description-md5: 34adea76df6b2c02712e3838461edbb2 Description-fi: teemat, liitännäiset ja käännökset Albumille Album on perl-skripti, joka voi luoda HTML kuva-albumeja kuvakansioillesi. Tämä paketti tarjoaa teemat, liitännäiset ja käännökset Albumia varten. . The available languages are Catalan, Chinese, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Swedish Chef, and Leet Hacker. The original Album package is in English. . Theme's demo site: Translations status: Screenshots of themes: Package: alien-arena Description-md5: de2b3d0db5845c79b22ffc0c38842f1b Description-fi: Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Tämä paketti asentaa SDL-asiakasohjelman Alien Arenaa varten. Package: alien-arena-data Description-md5: f930829d2a1207940bee317dc2015735 Description-fi: Game data files for Alien Arena ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Tämä paketti asenttaa data-, botinfo- ja arena-tiedostot joita tarvitaan Alien Arenan suorittamisessa. Package: alien-arena-server Description-md5: 5096fa975d49e1d2781f93bd7781f913 Description-fi: Omistautunut palvelin Alien Arenalle ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Tämä paketti asentaa vannoutuneen palvelimen Alien Arenalle Package: alsa-firmware-loaders Description-md5: 631dd818c28b45f8af844a1ba49ddcd6 Description-fi: ALSA ohjelmalataimet tietylle laitteistolle A collection of software loaders for specific hardware: . cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program hdsploader - firmware loader for the RME Hammerfall DSP cards mixartloader - firmware loader for Digigram's miXart board sound drivers pcxhrloader - firmware loader for Digigram pcxhr compatible soundcards sscape_ctl - SoundScape control utility and firmware loader usx2yloader - firmware loader for Tascam USX2Y USB soundcards vxloader - firmware loader for Digigram VX soundcards Package: amiwm Description-md5: a2a0859394562edd6b9857a5292439dd Description-fi: Amiga look alike window manager Amiwm on X ikkunointijärjestelmän hallintatyökalu, joka pyrkii tekemään työasemasi Amigan näköiseksi. Miksi? Koska tämän paketin kehittäjä halusi niin, joten ole hyvä! Package: amoeba Description-md5: d79071f380a0fcf700f7b1ed1856dab1 Description-fi: fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess, showing realtime graphics effects in perfect sync with music. It features a full customizable demo engine, several visual effects, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack. . Amoeba won first prize in the demo competition at Underscore 02, a demoscene party held in Gothenburg, Sweden. . Huomioi että tämä on vain demon moottori -- katsoaksesi demon tarvitset myös amoeba-data -paketin. Package: amoeba-data Description-md5: 034c9cfac5217a9a6eb4db71c1f05423 Description-fi: Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess (data) Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess, showing effects using your 3D card in perfect sync with Ogg Vorbis music. It features a full XML-scripted GPLed demo engine, several object manipulations, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack. . Amoeba sijoittui ensimmäiseksi Ruotsin Jönköpingissä järjestetyssä Underscore -tapahtuman demokilpailussa vuonna 2002. ( . Tämä paketti sisältää tiedostoja joita tarvitaan demon näyttämiseen -- katsoaksesi sen tarvitset myös amoeba -paketin, joka sisältää demomoottorin. Package: assaultcube Description-md5: 7576f391baa8701ed9ad64162252916a Description-fi: realistinen pelaajan näkökulmasta kuvattu ammuntapeli AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. . Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun. . The game data required to play this game will be downloaded automatically when this package is installed. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-ac Description-md5: 6003e10e8d730cd4bf00c2cbb31bf858 Description-fi: LPR ajurit ac brother -tulostimille Tämä paketti tarjoaa LPR-ajurit seuraaville malleille: HL-4040CN HL-4040CDN HL-4050CDN HL-4070CDW MFC-9440CN MFC-9450CDN MFC-9840CDW DCP-9040CN DCP-9042CN DCP-9045CDN Package: brother-lpr-drivers-bh7 Description-md5: ee596a8df57d84fbdaee5161e27f44a8 Description-fi: LPR ajurit bh7 brother -tulostimille Tämä paketti sisältää kaikki LPR ajurit malleille DCP-130C DCP-330C DCP-540CN DCP-750CW FAX-1860C FAX-1960C FAX-2480C FAX-2580C MFC-240C MFC-3360C MFC-440CN MFC-5460CN MFC-5860CN MFC-660CN MFC-665CW MFC-845CW Package: brother-lpr-drivers-common Description-md5: 1de5691537d6c0bd87454fb64831e82f Description-fi: Yhteiset tiedostot brother-lpr-drivers -paketeille Tämä paketti sisältää yhteiset tiedostot "Brother LPR ajurit" -paketeille Package: brother-lpr-drivers-extra Description-md5: f595fa60a7e2031b268c9e3ee6b6318f Description-fi: LPR drivers for extra brother printers Tämä paketti tarjoaa LPR-ajurit seuraaville malleille: FAX-1815C FAX-1820C FAX-1835C FAX-1840C FAX-1920CN FAX-1940CN FAX-2440C MFC-210C MFC-3220C MFC-3240C MFC-3320CN MFC-3340CN MFC-3420C MFC-3820CN MFC-410CN MFC-420CN MFC-5440CN MFC-5840CN MFC-620CN DCP-110C DCP-310CN DCP-560CN DCP-770CW DCP-350C DCP-353C MFC-465CN MFC-680CN MFC-685CW MFC-885CW MFC-230C MFC-235C MFC-260C DCP-135C DCP-150C DCP-153C Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser Description-md5: a0fc374172c63f660ac7fca929833494 Description-fi: LPR-ajurit Brotherin laser-tulostimille Tämä paketti tarjoaa LPR-ajurit seuraaville malleille: DCP-7010 DCP-7020 DCP-7025 DCP-8060 DCP-8065DN FAX-2820 FAX-2920 HL-2030 HL-2040 HL-2070N HL-5240 HL-5250DN HL-5270DN HL-5280DW MFC-7220 MFC-7225N MFC-7420 MFC-7820N MFC-8460N MFC-8660DN MFC-8860DN MFC-8870DW Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser1 Description-md5: 6ed095936b6a1517465a8778ace2ee3f Description-fi: LPR-ajurit Brotherin Laser1-tulostimille Tämä paketti tarjoaa LPR-ajurit seuraaville malleille: DCP-1000 DCP-1400 DCP-8020 DCP-8025D DCP-8040 DCP-8045D FAX-2850 FAX-2900 FAX-3800 FAX-4100 FAX-4750e FAX-5750e HL-1030 HL-1230 HL-1240 HL-1250 HL-1270N HL-1430 HL-1440 HL-1450 HL-1470N HL-1650 HL-1670N HL-1850 HL-1870N HL-5030 HL-5040 HL-5050 HL-5070N HL-5130 HL-5140 HL-5150D HL-5170DN HL-6050 HL-6050D MFC-4800 MFC-6800 MFC-8420 MFC-8440 MFC-8500 MFC-8820D MFC-8840D MFC-9030 MFC-9070 MFC-9160 MFC-9180 MFC-9660 MFC-9700 MFC-9760 MFC-9800 MFC-9860 MFC-9880 Package: brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn Description-md5: 6ba30886958fe27faa54a9e980e3829f Description-fi: LPR-ajuri Brotherin MFC-9420CN-tulostimelle Tämä paketti tarjoaa LPR-ajurin Brotherin MFC-9420CN-tulostimelle Package: bsdgames-nonfree Description-md5: a0df62b17337e5cbd12de06fb52cd546 Description-fi: klassikko luolaseikkailupeli rogue This is a text-based game common on (traditional) BSD systems. It may not be distributed freely, so it had to be broken off from the main bsdgames package and placed in non-free. . Tämä paketti sisältää nyt ainoastaan roguen Package: chaplin Description-md5: 4b291946f818007dc5a07f07b10f6fbb Description-fi: DVD chapter extractor The tool parses a DVD disc or image and extracts the exact duration for each chapter of a given title. Then the total list of chapters is split into a user-selectable number of subsets. Each subset should have approximately the same duration. . Package: cim-schema Description-md5: 7d2f73ec99fe6ac800286af990c46c9d Description-fi: DMTF CIM Schema The DMTF Common Information Model (CIM) Schema in Managed Object Format (MOF). . This the final version of the CIM Schema. Package: gstreamer1.0-fdkaac Description-md5: 8a6ba7d84515005d9fd880d33f218f45 Description-fi: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins GStreamer on mediavirtojen käsittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu mediadataa käsitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tätä kirjastoa käyttävät sovellukset voivat tehdä mitä tahansa tosiaikaisesta äänenkäsittelystä videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median käsittelyyn. Sen liitännäisiin perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai käsittelyominaisuuksien lisäämisen asentamalla uusia liitännäisiä. . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains the FDK AAC plugins. Package: kubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: d1762d094551b6ebca85a1049fc60dc1 Description-fi: Kubuntun yleisesti käytetyt rajoitetut paketit This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu universe and multiverse repositories. . You should not install this package directly, but instead install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package. Package: mythmusic Description-md5: 934232dd58c42a6e29a6f5e799fd49b5 Description-fi: Musiikkilisäosa MythTV:tä varten MythMusic provides a digital audio jukebox integrated with MythTV. It supports Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP3 streams, displays visualizations, and can also encode new Ogg Vorbis or FLAC streams from audio CDs using a CD- ROM drive. Package: mythtv Description-md5: 0b065b744205faaa940ed448d970a06f Description-fi: Personal video recorder application (client and server) MythTV implements the following PVR features, and more, with a unified graphical interface: . - Basic 'live-tv' functionality. Pause/Fast Forward/Rewind "live" TV. - Video compression using RTjpeg or MPEG-4 - Program listing retrieval using XMLTV - Themable, semi-transparent on-screen display - Electronic program guide - Scheduled recording of TV programs - Resolution of conflicts between scheduled recordings - Basic video editing . . This package will install a complete MythTV client/server environment on a single system. If you are intended on using this as your only MythTV machine, and this machine is already configured as a desktop, this package will get you up and running switfly. . If you are intended on installing this on a standalone/non-desktop machine, you should look into the Metapackages available: mythtv-backend- master (backend with a local database) mythtv-backend (backend needing a remote database) Package: mythweather Description-md5: 0ee3d1458b56866d56ec87dc37b10bef Description-fi: Säälisäosa MythTV:tä varten MythWeather displays current and forecast weather information within MythTV. Package: nouveau-firmware Description-md5: 0422b15056d913dbcb543511da67cbae Description-fi: Laiteohjelmisto Nvidian näytönohjaimille Contains the firmware-like context programs for the open-source nouveau nVidia drivers. These are required for acceleration (both 2D and 3D) on nVidia cards of the nv40 generation and above (GeForce6 and above). . Although the nouveau drivers are now able to generate this firmware for nv40 generation cards this package still contains the nvidia context programs for debugging purposes. . This package is temporary; the nouveau drivers will soon be able to generate this data on the fly. Package: powder Description-md5: e033547e1c2f1ddb020725d21e965c32 Description-fi: Graafinen luolapeli This is a roguelike originally developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16x16) rather than the traditional characters. Package: rar Description-md5: 649b872741c4c5402456879832c70c03 Description-fi: Pakkausohjelma .rar-tiedostoille This is the RAR archiver from Eugene Roshal. It supports multiple volume archives and damage protection. It can also create SFX-archives. There are versions which run on DOS, Windows, FreeBSD, BSDI. . This program is shareware and you must register it after 40 days of use. Package: ripoff-mp3-plugin Description-md5: 738b5df6673459df2a085fddfc7f8c66 Description-fi: MP3 plugin for ripoff RipOff is a GTK+ based CD Ripper for Linux that sports a simple interface, CDDB lookups, and a plugin-based encoder architecture. . Tämä paketti sisältää MP3-liitännäisen. Package: steam-installer Description-md5: 1628561328c024db73bb48ba285fc9ad Description-fi: Steam, Valven digitaalinen sisällönjakelujärjestelmä Steam ( is a software content delivery system developed by Valve software ( There is some free software available, but for the most part the content delivered is non-free. . This package provides a script that downloads and installs the Steam client, and depends on 32-bit and 64-bit libraries and other components that are required by the Steam client. The actual Steam installation and all Steam games will be installed into the home directory of each user who runs the installer script. . Because Steam requires 32-bit libraries, before installing this package it will be necessary to run, as root: . dpkg --add-architecture i386; apt update . Use of Steam is subject to several license agreements and other legal terms. Please see and for more details, and pay attention and read carefully if you're worried about your rights. Package: ubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: 1a61890ad8e3fb16727ca6a6b66aacbf Description-fi: Ubuntun yleisesti käytetyt rajoitetut paketit This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Ubuntu universe and multiverse repositories. Package: unrar Description-md5: 363f696bb115028ffafb265ccc9f32fb Description-fi: Rar-tiedostojen (.rar) purkaja (ei-vapaa versio) Unrar kykenee purkamaan tiedostoja .rar-arkistoista. Jos haluat luoda .rar-arkistoja, asenna paketti rar. Package: virtualbox Description-md5: 30f96d22c1a6ca04db16bdc1e79ad965 Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - base binaries VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the binaries for VirtualBox. Either the virtualbox- dkms or the virtualbox-source package is also required in order to compile the kernel modules needed for virtualbox. A graphical user interface for VirtualBox is provided by the package virtualbox-qt. Package: virtualbox-dkms Description-md5: 4d42f0fe51c4a92f2aed5071f84524ae Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the source code for the virtualbox kernel module to be build with dkms. Kernel sources or headers are required to compile this module. Package: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso Description-md5: 11a9eaac064138ec238f7c2ee4c018df Description-fi: guest additions iso image for VirtualBox VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides an iso image which contains the guest additions for Linux, Solaris and Windows to be installed on the host system. The guest systems then can mount the iso and install the guest additions from there. Package: virtualbox-guest-utils Description-md5: 0c420aa026ad03a572b15c6e38dbebf7 Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the non-X11 guest utilities for VirtualBox. These utilities are meant to be run inside the virtual machine. They provide closer integration and allow to share data through shared folders between the host system and the virtual machine. Package: virtualbox-guest-x11 Description-md5: 3487afde0b114ec7e205b11f1dd3f7a5 Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the X11 guest utilities for VirtualBox. These utilities are meant to be run inside the virtual machine. They provide closer integration and improve the interactive performance. Package: virtualbox-qt Description-md5: 41ed29f36ba23b3ce0155f9a8efcff60 Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the Qt based graphical user interface for VirtualBox. Package: virtualbox-source Description-md5: 53035ede584988f3413156cb7a5dbe8b Description-fi: x86 virtualization solution - kernel module source VirtualBox on vapaa x86-virtualisointiratkaisu. Se tukee monien x86- käyttöjärjestelmien, kuten Windows, DOS, BSD ja Linux ajamista Linux- järjestelmässä. . This package provides the source code for the virtualbox kernel module. The virtualbox package is also required in order to make use of these modules. Kernel sources or headers are required to compile this module. . The source is placed under /usr/src, and after decompression it can be built to produce a virtualbox-modules-_KVERS_ providing "virtualbox- modules" package. Package: xubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: bb5192b841eb0c67202acae1287bc5ce Description-fi: Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu (transitional) This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Ubuntu universe and multiverse repositories. . Tätä pakettia ei tulisi asentaa sellaisenaan, vaan tämän paketin sijaan tulisi asentaa ubuntu-restricted-extras. . This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: steamcmd Description-md5: b07248086cabb08bc2914064e12c69a2 Description-fi: Command-line interface for Valve's Steam Steam ( on Valve softwaren ( kehittämä sisällönjakelujärjestelmä. Se sisältää joitakin vapaita ohjelmistoja, mutta suurin osa sisällöstä on ei- vapaata. . The Steam Console Client or SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client. Its primary use is to install and update various dedicated servers available on Steam using a command-line interface. . This package comes with a fairly substantial non-free license agreement that must be accepted before installing the software. If you have any opposition to non-free work, please select "I DECLINE" during the package installation dialogs.