turnkey-youphptube-15.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Rebuild to resolve inadvertant removal of mariadb during sec-updates - part of #1246. * Fix Apache redirect to domain (now supports setting APP_DOMAIN to IP address). Part of #1230. * Include encoding support. [ https://github.com/MPTMG ] -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Wed, 21 Nov 2018 18:34:03 +1100 turnkey-youphptube-15.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Initial appliance release based on lamp appliance * Includes v6.1 of youphptube, installed from github repo -- Miles McQuiston <ptm@tapbop.com> Mon, 14 Oct 2018 23:56:00 +0000