Title: gvim-base.tcz Description: VI Improved text editor support files common to both console and GUI versions Version: 8.1.2200 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Original-site: http://www.vim.org/ Copying-policy: GPL 2 Size: 7.7M Extension_by: andyj Tags: vim vi text editor gui gtk3 console Comments: Supporting files for both GUI and console versions ---- Change-log: 2016/04/06 First version, 7.4.1721 2016/09/18 upgraded to version 8.0.5 2017/01/26 updated to version 8.0.0142 2017/07/01 updated to version 8.0.0600, recompiled for TC 8.x 2018/01/06 updated to version 8.0.1428 2018/08/17 upgraded to version 8.1.0193 2018/11/11 updated to version 8.1.0451 2019/01/21 updated to version 8.1.0784, recompiled for TC 10.x 2019/05/05 updated to version 8.1.1280 2019/07/06 updated to version 8.1.1585 Current: 2019/10/22 updated to version 8.1.2200