Mon Jan 17 06:40:41 UTC 2022
	- Release 15.0.10
	- Fix link address (Emmet Ford)
	- Remove mirrors (Emmet Ford)
	- Remove from mirrors (Emmet Ford)
	- Unattended usage improvements (PiterPUNK)
	- Create file to flag if the system needs restart (PiterPUNK)

Mon Dec 13 00:27:34 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.9
	- files/mirrors-x86*: Remove bad mirrors from list (Emmet Ford)
	- Automatically rebuild package lists if missing (Piter PUNK)

Sun Oct 24 19:44:21 CDT 2021
	- Release 15.0.8
	- New exit status for different situations (Piter PUNK)

Mon Aug 16 02:14:02 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.7
	- Remove from mirrorlist
	- Allow "slackpkg help" to work after slackpkg is upgraded (JK Wood)

Tue Jul  6 03:01:40 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.6
	- Fix getting gpg key on ARM ; use only
	- Remove support for Slackintosh project - it's dead, Jim

Sat Jun  5 03:54:45 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.5
	- Add "--" option to "command cd" in bash completion file

Sat Jun  5 03:30:43 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.4
	- shell-completions/slackpkg.bash: add "show-changelog"
	- Import bash-completion file from upstream project
	- Added the new-config actions for specific files (Piter PUNK)
	- Harden slackpkg with respect to obtaining GPG key (CRTS)

Mon May  3 23:53:57 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.3
	- Fix 'continue' error message (dive)

Tue Apr 20 19:44:02 UTC 2021
	- Release 15.0.2
	- Fix package duplicate bug (PiterPUNK)

Tue Apr 13 06:48:40 UTC 2021
	- Fix break error messages (dive)
	- Remove now pointless if/then/else (dive)
	- Safer config sourcing (dive)
	- files/slackpkg: replace #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash (Eugen Wissner)
	- Don't create blacklist when running update (dive)
	- Add show-changelog & help to non-root commands (dive)
	- Improve search blacklisting (dive)

Sun Mar 14 15:17:21 UTC 2021
	- Re-release slackpkg-15.0.1 (no package generated yet anyway)
	- Modifiy blacklist regex line ending

Sat Mar 13 03:30:01 UTC 2021
	- Release slackpkg-15.0.1
	- Tweak default blacklist file's help text (thanks, dive)
	- Fix display of blacklisted packages
	- Tweaks to slack-desc
	- Note that kernel-headers should not be blacklisted
	- Added Lithuania mirrors (Totoro-kun on LQ)
	- Fix exit code for pending updates (dive)
	- Avoid matching txz/tgz etc extension when blacklisting (dive)
	- Use https for all slackpkg homepage links
	- Update mirror files (14.2 -> 15.0)
	- Add blacklist to search option
	- Move applyblacklist to end of makelist()
	- Clarify how to blacklist duplicate packages
	- Fix new-config dialog
	- Reduce false positives in DOUBLEFILES detection
	- Remove spaces in awk.
	- More blacklisting fixups (see full commit msg)
	- Escape plus signs in blacklist regex
	- Convert ${ROOT}/${WORKDIR} > ${WORKDIR} (dive)
	- Convert ${ROOT}/${CONF} -> ${CONF} and tweak blacklists (dive)
	- Further fixup/enhancement to blacklisting issues
	- Fix "slackpkg blacklist" so that it shows blacklist again
	- Fixup internal blacklist handling
	- Use ERE for sanity_check() function (David Woodfall)
	- Remove "slackpkg blacklist" from manual pages
	- Fix aaa_elflibs --> aaa_libraries in sample blacklist file (mozes)
	- Split aarch64 and arm mirrors into separate files (mozes)
	- Allow new-config after slackpkg upgrade itself (PiterPUNK)

Wed Feb  3 04:40:10 UTC 2021
	- Release slackpkg-15.0 (yes, jump from 2.84_beta12 to 15.0)
	- add aaa_glibc-solibs and aaa_libraries to the early routine
	- add 'download' to options in usage() ; remove dupes from manpage
	  (Peter Hyman)
	- do not allow adding blacklist packages from slackpkg exec

Tue Jan 19 00:29:32 UTC 2021
	- 2.84.0_beta12
        - Added support for Slackware-AArch64 (Stuart Winter)
        - ARM mirror links use http:// or https:// instead of ftp://

Tue Jan  5 05:13:50 UTC 2021
	- 2.84.0_beta11
	- add show-changelog option and update manpage (Peter Hyman)
	- backwards-incompatibility warning: check-updates will now return
	  1 if there are updates available - this will make it easier to
	  use this feature with cron (Peter Hyman)
	- document issues with filenames having spaces (Eric Pozharski)

Fri Nov 27 21:14:26 UTC 2020
	- 2.84.0_beta10
	- Fix output if package is incorrectly named (phenixia2003)
Mon Aug  3 05:21:07 UTC 2020
	- 2.84.0_beta9
	- Add Switzerland mirrors (xpetrl)
	- Replace tempfile with mktemp (I.G.O.R)

Thu Feb 27 03:52:32 UTC 2020
	- 2.84.0_beta8
	- Revert "More fixups for alternate ROOT (zerouno)"
Wed Feb 19 20:38:23 2020 -0600
	- 2.84.0_beta7
	- More fixups for alternate ROOT (zerouno)
	- Uncomment mirror by default (zerouno)

Mon Jul 15 20:30:01 UTC 2019
	- 2.84.0_beta6
	- Add mirrors to sample mirror list
	- install-new: catch packages added to /patches after -stable release

Mon May 20 06:00:56 UTC 2019
	- 2.84.0_beta5
	- In, remove /var/lib/slackpkg/CHECKSUMS* when slackpkg
	  itself is upgraded

Mon Jan 28 06:44:29 UTC 2019
	- 2.84.0_beta4
	- Remove subshell usage and save a trivial amount of time
	- Catch errors and return exit status 1 if they occur
	- Fixup blacklist checking and appending when using alt $ROOT

Mon Dec 31 06:46:15 UTC 2018
	- 2.84.0_beta3
	- Really fix support for blacklisting entire package sets
	  (David Woodfall)

Sun Dec 30 10:21:10 UTC 2018
	- 2.84.0_beta2
	- Fix support for blacklisting entire package sets; blacklisted sets 
	  now need a trailing slash, e.g. kde/  (David Woodfall)

Sun Dec  2 06:46:33 UTC 2018
	- 2.84.0_beta1
	- Allow blacklisting of individual packages without collateral 
	  damage (e.g. glibc ---> glibc-*). This changes the prior behavior
	  of the blacklist function; previously, adding "glibc" to the
	  blacklist would cause glibc, glibc-profile, glibc-zoneinfo, et al
	  to be ignored by slackpkg. The new behavior is that *only* the 
	  glibc package is ignored. If you want to blacklist all packages
	  whose names begin with glibc, you would need to add "glibc.*" to
	  the blacklist now.  Also note that any special characters, e.g. "+",
	  will need to be escaped in the blacklist file. (David Woodfall)
	- Add support for listing .new files without PAGER (David Woodfall)
	- Remove mirrors
	- Add config option to allow *not* saving .orig configs (Darren Austin)
	- Mention possible stale mirror if CHECKSUMS.md5 gpg verify fails
	- Clarify that a press of "Enter" is needed to confirm kernel change
	  (Mario Preksavec)
	- Don't remove ChangeLog.txt upon upgrade/reinstall.
	  (Patrick Volkerding)
	- mirrors-x86*.sample: Remove mirror
	- Fix for /var/log/packages/ possibly being a symlink to elsewhere
	- Use CHECKSUMS.md5.asc to determine ChangeLog newness
	  (Patrick Volkerding)

Thu May 29 19:15:21 UTC 2018
	- 2.83.0
	- tweaks to build script

Wed Apr  4 07:14:01 UTC 2018
	- 2.83.0beta2
	- tweak handling of new kernel prompts
	- mandoc lint fixes

Wed Apr  4 01:06:05 UTC 2018
	- 2.83.0beta1 (yes, jump from 2.82.3betas)
	- fix stray stuff in vimdiff prompt
	- sort .new files list from looknew() (thanks to Eduard Rozenberg)
	- make sure user is aware of kernel update (require keypress)
	- respect $ROOT in looknew() (thanks to burdi01 on LQ)
	- inform user that the warning about a -current mirror
	  only occurs once, and also point the location of the
	  file to remove if they want the warning back
	- don't offer to run lilo if initrd is in lilo.conf

Sat Jan  6 23:54:27 UTC 2018
	- 2.82.3beta5
	- minor tweaks to slack-desc
	- check for existence of /etc/lilo.conf too before offering
	  to run lilo after kernel upgrades
	- make sure user actually wants to run lilo (fix answer
	- warn user and require confirmation the first time a -current
	  mirror is selected (thanks to Didier Spaier)
	- improve handling of SOURCE from /etc/slackpkg/mirrors; e.g.
	  don't fail if trailing slash is accidentally omitted
	  (thanks to Didier Spaier)

Fri Jan  5 03:24:31 UTC 2018
	- 2.82.3beta4
        - Abort if system date is near epoch (needed on ARM)

Tue Jan  2 22:24:50 CST 2018
	- 2.82.3beta3
	- included some more fixups for respecting $ROOT
	  (thanks to burdi01 on LQ)
	- use correct GPG key for Slackware ARM
	- update sample mirror list for Slackware ARM

Thu Nov  9 04:03:07 UTC 2017
	- 2.82.3beta2
	- Fix error in patch application for vimdiff addition
	  (thanks to David Allen)

Wed Nov  8 00:45:00 UTC 2017
	- 2.82.3beta1
	- Add an option to use vimdiff for comparing changes in .new files
	  (thanks to David Allen)

Sun Oct 10  07:48:13 UTC 2017
	- Updated mirrors-x86*.sample to remove dead mirrors and clarify
	  intent to use
	- Updated mirrors-arm.sample to sync with mozes' copy
	- Add /usr/share/vim/ and /var/yp/ to search path for .new files
	- Minor tweaks to default blacklist file
	- Minor tweaks to manual pages
	- Released as 2.82.2 (rworkman)

Wed May 11 04:23:52 UTC 2016
	- Updated mirrors-x86*.sample for Slackware 14.2.
	- Released as 2.82.1-1 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2014 Thu Jul 10
        - Patched to respect the $ROOT environment variable to point to the
          location to update (like installpkg does), and also to use the
          $CONF environment variable to point to the slackpkg config file.
          Thanks to Matteo Bernardini.
        - Released as 2.82.0-13 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2013 Sun Oct 20
        - Corrected some typos in the slackpkg man page.
          Thanks to sycamorex.
        - Released as 2.82.0-12 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2013 Fri Oct 11
        - Verified and corrected the mirrors lists for x86 and x86_64.
        - Changed version numbers from 14.0 to 14.1 in preparation for
          the upcoming Slackware 14.1 release.
        - Corrected a manpage bug in the file-search section.
        - Released as 2.82.0-11 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2013 Tue Sep 17
        - Patched to fix searching for qt, phonon,
          and other packages in cases where package names overlap.
          Thanks to Sébastien Ballet.
        - Released as 2.82.0-10 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2013 Wed May 22
        - Set DOWNLOAD_ALL=on by default.  This avoids issues where
          components that are needed by slackpkg requires library
          updates in a different package.  Without downloading all
          packages first failures are all too common.
        - Released as 2.82.0-9 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2012 Thu Aug 30
        - Merged a few fixes to the mirror lists for x86 and x86_64.
          Thanks to Jordan Clarke for the help!
        - Released as 2.82.0-8 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2012 Fri Aug 24
        - Updated mirrors for Slackware 14.0 release.
          Thanks to Jordan Clarke for the help!
        - Released as 2.82.0-7 (yet another unauthorized volkerdi release)

2012 Sun Jul 22
        - Added support for the XFCE series
        - Released as 2.82.0-6 (Clandestine release by volkerdi  ;-)

2011 Tue Apr 05
        - Fixed regex bugs (packages with 'asc' in the name ignored by
          clean-system).        (Thanks David Somero)
        - Released as 2.82.0-5

2011 Wed Mar 30
	- Updated mirrors for Indonesia and Servia
				(Thanks Willy Sudiarto and Branko Grubic)
	- Better explanation about regex blacklisting in blacklist sample
	  file.			(Thanks crocket and rworkman)
	- Last ChangeLog date fixed, was Mar 23 and the correct is Mar 24
	- Released as 2.82.0-4

2011 Thu Mar 24
	- Fixed ARCH string for ARMedslack.
				(report and fix by Niels Horn)
	- Updated mirrors file to include slackware 13.37 mirrors
				(thanks volkerdi)
	- Updated blacklist sample file to include new usage examples
	- Released as 2.82.0
2011 Thu Feb 17
	- Fixed problem in "search" function:
	  If the package name string matches the end of a previous
	  package name it will not be in the "search" package list
						(reported by David Lee)
	- Removed old checkblacklist function and all references to it

2010 Sun Dec 05
	- Some fixes in blacklist new function. The old one have problems
	  when making the install list (all blacklisted packages appears
	  as installables).

2010 Fri Sep 10
	- Change in blacklist function. Using a fresh new one.
	  Now blacklist is applied in package lists and not package-by-package.
	  This speeds package list generation and allow the use of regexp
	  on blacklist file.

2010 Thu May 13
	- Include 2010 on Copyright notices
	- Added slackware 13.1 on mirrors file (x86, x86_64 and arm)
	- Released as 2.81.1

2010 Sat May 01
	- Use $TMPDIR/pkglist instead $WORKDIR/tmplist on many places.
	  This avoids problems when slackpkg does self-upgrade.
	- Change CHECKSIZE default to "off"
	- Fix CHECKSIZE to only check mountpoints. This avoids problems when
	  the system have networked or DVD/CDs mounted
					(Thanks alienbob and vbatts)
	- Change version number to 2.81.1
	- Released as 2.81.1beta1. Happy Workers Day!

2010 Wed Apr 28
	- Fix blacklist checking on 'slackpkg clean-system'. It was
	  checking if the package is blacklisted but didn't use this
					(Reported by Greg and Shuren)
	- Change 2.81 release date on ChangeLog and README to 2010 *Fri* 
	  Apr 23, not 2010 *Thu* Apr 23.
					(Thanks gui_ap)

2010 Fri Apr 23
	- Fixed some typos in 'slackpkg help'
	- Fixed 'update gpg' to use the unified getfile function
	- Released as 2.81

2010 Tue Apr 20
	- Unified download code. Function getfile is the only place
	  with download instructions and getpkg uses it.
	- Added DOWNLOADER variable. You can choose between "curl" and "wget" 

2010 Mon Apr 19
	- Now we can, before install or upgrade a package, verify
	  if the system have enough available space in its filesystems.
	  This can slowdown the upgrade/install process but can save a lot
	  of problems.
		. Added CHECKSIZE on slackpkg.conf
		. Added CHECKSIZE on slackpkg.conf manpage
		. Added -checksize on usr/sbin/slackpkg
		. Added havespace and checksize functions on
	- Released as slackpkg-2.81beta2

2010 Sun Apr 18
	- Added DIALOG_MAXARGS variable. This is to set the max number of
	  characters that dialog can handle. If DIALOG_MAXARGS is unset we
	  use the traditional 19500 characters. Removing hints when
	  we reach DIALOG_MAXARGS *ISN'T A BUG* is a *FIX*. Without that,
	  upgrade from slackware-X to slackware-X+1 will be impossible.
		. Added DIALOG_MAXARGS on slackpkg.conf
		. Added DIALOG_MAXARGS on slackpkg.conf manpage
		. Added -dialog_maxargs on usr/sbin/slackpkg
2010 Tue Feb 16
	- Fix x86 32bits regexp to not catch x86_64 packages
	- Applied more patches from Grissiom:
		. uniq in listpkgname function
		. tell the user the ignored arguments
		. respect only .sh functions on functions.d
	- Split mirrors file by architecture. copy the
	  right file to right place.
	- Change references to <> to 

2009 Sat Dec 12
	- Fix link problem with non-existent files
	- Fix pkglist.awk to be compatible with new awk
					(reported by rworkman)
	- Now users can run "help" function
	- Update man-pages with file-search, help and search
	- Applied a lot of patches from Grissiom:
		. Change mktemp creation test to be more "standard"
		. Use parameter expansion instead "echo STRING | cut" in
		  some places
		. Use MORECMD to show blacklist if needed
		. Change all `command` to $(command)
		. Check if lilo is installed before trying to run it
		. Some minor formating changes
	- Other minor formating changes
	- Update version on many places to 2.81

2009 Tue Nov 24
	- Move search code from /sbin/slackpkg to
	- Use spinning bar on search and file-search
	- Move existing "search" function to "file-search" and create a
	  new "search", that looks for package's name
	- Update usage and full_usage to reflect "search" and "file-search"
	- Update a lot of system checks to take care of file-search.

2009 Mon Nov 23
	- Add listpkgname function to create spkg, lpkg and dpkg files
	- Change upgrade-all to use listpkgname function
	- Enhance clean-system performance using listpkgname function
	  to list packages
	- Put comments on some functions to be more useful
	- Change usage function to show only the slackpkg's syntax
	  Old usage is now "slackpkg help", with a short description
	  of each slackpkg command.

2009 Sun Nov 22
	- Applied patch to link local files instead copying
	  The old way was really stupid, why copy a file that
	  already is there?
					(Thanks Grissiom)
	- Changed the way that slackpkg make the upgrade-all list
	  Now the list is created very faster than before
	  				(Thanks Grissiom)
	- Added spinning bar to sanity-check function
	  Good to give some feedback to user
	- Move awk code from cutpkg function to cutpkg.awk
	  Now we have cutpkg function, to handle a single package name
	  and batchcutpkg to read many package names from stdin
	  This speed sanity-check function
	- Deactivate spinning bar when tput command is not found
	- Force cursor back to normal mode in cleanup function
					(Thanks NaCl)

2009 Thu Jul 30
	- Change version number in manpages
	- Released as 2.80.2

2009 Mon Jul 27
	- Bumped version number to 2.80.2

2009 Sun Jul 26
	- Changed [[:digit:]] references to [^-] in usr/sbin/slackpkg
	  that makes some packages don't be found by slackpkg.
					(Thanks Niels Horn and Grissiom)
	- Removing leading spaces or tabs in mirrors file.
	 				(Thanks Luke, Max, Cezar Rangel and
					 other guys on slack-users-br list)
	- Fix slackpkg.conf comments about BATCH mode. 
					(Thanks Bruce Hill and AlienBob)
	- Fix Indonesian mirrors.
					(Thanks Willy Sudiarto Raharjo)
	- Fix some Polish mirrors.
					(Thanks Dexen deVries)
	- Fix some UK mirrors.
					(Thanks Andrew Fielder)
2009 Tue Jul 14
	- Added ARMedslack mirrors
					(Thanks MoZes)
	- Fix in generate-template to honor USE_INCLUDES option
	- Released as 2.80.1

2009 Wed Jul 08
	- Updated the Slackpkg's mirrors file.
					(Thanks DagMoller)

2009 Thu Jun 18
	- Merged some patches from Daniel Levai to enhance the config
	  merge options.
	- Released as 2.80

2009 Thu Jun 11
	- Fixed a circular check: new-config needs update and update
	  needs new-config.

2009 Sun Jun 07
	- Change in to remove old pkglist at slackpkg's
	  install.				(Thanks Klein)
	- Change in slackpkg to use most of time ${TMPDIR}/pkglist instead
	- Released as 2.80beta3

2009 Wed Jun 03
	- Change "tput cub1" to "tput sc" and "tput rc". This give back to
	  us the option of multi-character "spinning bars".
	- Create function showmenu to handle aligned options in
	- Released as 2.80beta2

2009 Mon Jun 01
	- Use cub1 instead "cub N" in spinning bar. cub1 is
	  supported by "linux" terminal.
					(Thanks KynDer)
	- Honors $PAGER variable if set.
					(Thanks Daniel Levai)
	- Added interactive merge option to this makes
	  very easier to manage .new files.
					(Thanks Daniel Levai)
	- Changes on to show aligned options in "(P)rompt"
	  and "(M)erge" functions.

2009 Fri May 29
	- Eliminate ARCH test when new-config is called
	- Use $PRIORITY in search command 
					(Thanks Supergrilo)

2009 Thu May 28
	- Released as 2.80beta1

2009 Thu May 21
	- Fix usage message formatting
	- new-config can run with outdated slackpkg.conf. With that
	  you can use new-config to update the slackpkg.conf -;) 

2009 Tue May 19
	- Released Slackware64! Congratulations to everyone in
	  Slackware Team!
	- Fix a problem with rpm2tgz package (again?!?!?)
					Thanks Niels Horn
	- Added Slackware key configuration to x86_64 architecture
	- Added remove-template, install-template and generate-template
	  to usage function

2009 Mon May 04
	- Fixed .new detection.		(Thanks Stuart Winter)
	- Renamed the "CHECKPKG" variable to "CHECKMD5" (and changed the 
	  relevant command line options; this is more appropriate for what
	  the function does (it checks md5 sums of the packages), and it's 
	  easier to tell the difference between it and CHECKGPG at a glance.
					(Thanks Robby Workman)
	- Added check to see if slackpkg.conf version matches slackpkg
	- More changes in install-new's ChangeLog.txt parsing

2009 Sun May 03
	- Added generate-template, remove-template, and install-template 
	  commands. The first one creates a template with all official 
	  slackware packages installed in the machine. The template is saved 
	  in /etc/slackpkg/templates. You can copy this template to other
	  machines and install it with install-template.
	- Added a spinning bar to give visual feedback of slackpkg "thinking".
	- SPINNING is added to slackpkg.conf. It can enable (on) and
	  disable (off) the spinning bar.
	- Added USE_INCLUDES to manage whether template includes should be
	  processed by slackpkg.
	- ARCH now needs to be in the same format of "uname -m".
	  slackpkg can change it automagically. If you need to override what 
	  slackpkg detects, set the variable in slackpkg.conf.
	- MAIN is now handled internally by slackpkg. You can no longer change
	  this variable using slackpkg.conf.
	- PKGMAIN is set by slackpkg to the appropriate value for your 
	  ARCH port.
	- SLACKKEY now can be set in slackpkg.conf. Usually slackpkg will 
	  handle this automagically.
	- FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, and FIFTH are replaced by a single 
	  array: PRIORITY. The contents of those five variables now are 
	  inside PRIORITY array.
	- Added support to Slackintosh with the inclusion of "mac" series.
	- Some changes in install-new's ChangeLog.txt parsing
	- slackpkg.conf bumped to version 2.8
	- updated slackpkg and slackpkg.conf manpages

2009 Sat May 02
	- Released as slackpkg 2.71.1

2009 Sat Apr 25
	- Fixed parsing of .t[blxg]z extension in packages
	  with tgz, tlz, tbz or txz inside file name.
					(Thanks Erik Jan Tromp)

2009 Thu Apr 23
	- Released 2.71!

2009 Sat Apr 18
	- Removing source files in md5 package search
					(Thanks Alan Hicks)
	- Fixed problem in search function and packages with
	  letters, _ or . in RELEASE field.
					(Thanks mrgobling)
	- Released as 2.71beta5 (i think last one)

2009 Wed Apr 15
	- Fix problem in checking md5 of some packages
	- Fix pkglist.awk script. The changes to support
	  tbz, tlz and txz brokes the local package list.
	- 2.71beta4!! Man, we don't stop!

2009 Fri Apr 10
	- Now use CHECKSUMS.md5 as primary source of package
	- Check if FILELIST.TXT is newer than last update.
	  That will prevents you to accidentaly downgrade
	  your machine using an outdated mirror.
	- Added a lot of new security checks
		- check CHECKSUMS.md5 against CHECKSUMS.md5.asc
		- check FILELIST.TXT against CHECKSUMS.md5
		- check all downloaded .asc against CHECKSUMS.md5
			(CHECKSUMS.md5.asc is excluded of this check)

2009 Tue Apr 07
	- Added support to other package extensions.
	  Now slackpkg can handle tgz, tbz, tlz and txz.
	  Of course, this depends on pkgtools with the
	  same capabilities.

2009 Mon Mar 23
	- Put findutils to be upgraded before glibc-solibs.
	  I think this is wrong. But for some strange reason
	  findutils brokes if glibc is upgraded first.
	- Packaged and relased as 2.71beta3 (hope last)

2009 Wed Mar 18
	- Non root users can use "check-updates" command in slackpkg
	- Show to user if using FILELIST.TXT or CHECKSUMS.md5 as package
	  lista source.
	- Added ONLY_NEW_DOTNEW variable to slackpkg configuration file
	  (and -only_new_dotnew to command line). With that, only the
	  latest .new files will be checked by post-install function.
	- Added ONLY_NEW_DOTNEW and PKGMAIN description on slackpkg.conf
	- Added "check-updates" on slackpkg man-page.
	- Random fixes in both man-pages.
	- Fix "check-updates" to be used without Slackware Project GPG
	  Key imported. (thanks guax)

2009 Sat Mar 14
	- Change update and getpkg functions to create a slackware
	  tree inside /var/cache/packages.

2009 Fri Mar 06
	- If FILELIST.TXT isn't found, use CHECKSUMS.md5 to the
	  same thing
	- Fix some problems in parsing MANIFEST.bz2 files
	- Release as first 2.71beta1

2008 Mon Dec 22
	- Include check-updates option
	- Fix problem with MORE env variable. Now slackpkg uses
	  MORECMD internally

2008 Thu Dec 04
	- Change version in man-pages (ok, put the version in man-pages
	  probably was the most stupid idea that i had).
	- Released 2.70.5

2008 Mon Dec 01
        - Update mirrors file for Slackware 12.2 (Thanks rworkman!)
	- Change version to 2.70.5 (Thanks rworkman!)

2008 Tue Nov 25
        - Fix install-new.awk file to catch the return of
          bluez-libs and bluez-utils

2008 Fri Nov 21
	- We are in Slackware main-tree!!! Big Thanks Patrick!
	  Big thanks to all our users!

2008 Fri May 02
	- Fix regexp in slackpkg.conf to x86 arch. It was missing
	  kernel-headers package
	- Released 2.70.4 

2008 Wed Apr 30
        - Fix regexps to catch "fw" packages
	- Released 2.70.3

2008 Tue Apr 08
	- Added xbacklight, ntfs-3g, wqy-zenhei-font-ttf, 
	  xf86-video-geode and ghostscript packages to install-new
	- Released 2.70.2 

2008 Sat Mar 15
	- Released 2.70.1

2008 Fri Mar 14
	- Compressed man-pages
	- Fix problem with somo proxys adding ^M at FILELIST.TXT

2008 Tue Jan 29
	- Released slackpkg 2.70
	- Happy Birthday Marina!

2008 Mon Jan 28
	- Fix problem with duplicated packages in package list
			(reported by gar0t0)
	- Fixed pattern matching problems with g++ and other packages
	  with special characters. (reported by gar0t0)

2008 Tue Jan 22
	- Better error handling in update from wrong mirrors
			(problem reported by redhate)

2008 Mon Jan 21
	- Fixed install-new ChangeLog parsing problem. 
	  Some packages are missing from install-new list.

2008 Sat Jan 19
	- Not released. Bugs everywhere
	- slackpkg info doesn't work (info was using deprecated
	  PATTERN variable) (reported by redhate)
	- slackpkg update corrupts file lists and package 
	  information. Now all the files are first in TMPDIR
	  before goes to WORKDIR. (reported by redhate)
	- slackpkg download isn't in new command line parser.
				(reported by redhate)
	- Fix all commands to doesn't work without a configured
	- Fixed some format errors in "usage"

2008 Fri Jan 18
	- Fixed an error when checking GPG key. This is caused
	  by the "backticks" enhancement, reported by many and
	  fixed by rworkman, many thanks!
	- No more bug reports in a week, time to release

2008 Wed Jan 10 
	- Updated "mirrors" file
	- Fixed stall on "search" (reported by The-spiki)
	- Fixed misbehavior of "update gpg" (The-spiki, again. Thanks!)
	- Added local:// as the same of file:// and cdrom://
	  in mirrors definitions. 	(thanks rworkman!)
	- Removed backticks `commmand` and using now $(command)
					(thanks rworkman!)
	- Fixed many en_BR bugs in docs and configuration files
					(thanks again rworkman!)

2008 Wed Jan 09
	- A new command line parser, much better than the older one.
	  Now you can override slackpkg.conf configurations from
	  command line:

		slackpkg -checkpkg=off upgrade-all

	  Will disable the checkpkg feature. Many slackpkg.conf
	  can be overrided using that. You can also specify a
	  different mirror, using -mirror=URL/
	- Additional check to see if "which" is there
	- Added "new-config" option, it will search for .new files
	  and ask to user what to do with them. (suggested by X-Gizmo)

2008 Wed Jan 07
	- Added BATCH and DEFAULT_ANSWER options in slackpkg.conf,
	  you can use those two to make automated upgrades without
	  human intervention. (suggested by Clayton and many others).

2008 Wed Jan 04
	- Fixes in install-new.awk to catch more new packages

2007 Sat Jun 09
	- Removed "httpd" from the hardcoded list. It isn't needed.
	- Released the 2.61

2007 Tue Jun 05
	- Fixes in almost all slackpkg messages and in README file
				(Thanks Robby Workman!)
	- Included (I) to ignore duplicated files... well, this can
	  burn your computer... but who am I to don't let you do that?
				(Thanks Robby Workman, again)
	- Included httpd in hardcoded install-new files.
	- Bumped the version number to 2.61

2007 Sun May 27
	- Back to the xargs combo in dialog-functions. --file doesn't 
	  works in slackware 10.1.
	- Fix some bugs in file list generation. Some declarations
		local VAR=`something`
	  doens't works well in older bash (in 10.1). This bug
	  generates a lot of "dialog" bugs. I hope they are fixed
	- Better error handling in dialog-functions. Now we can
	  detect when dialog fails and print one error message. 

2007 Tue May 15
	- Added one / before ${NAMEPKG} in check md5sum. It prevents
	  a match with vim and vim-gvim (and possible other packages)
	  and subsequent m5sum errors.
			 (Reported by Diniz Bortolotto)
	- Swap some "ls" uses by -e to check if one file exists
	- Changed the way of error treatment. Now we have:
		. One log of what package gives error
		. What error happens in each package
		. Not install one package if the GPG signature
		  is OK but md5sum isn't (maybe a corrupted
		. Shows all logged errors when slackpkg

2007 Tue May 08
	- Correct the release date of 2.52
	- Change version number to 2.60 instead 2.60beta
	- Added one tip in slackpkg's man page telling about
	  slackpkg upgrade slackware
	- Released slackpkg 2.60!!

2007 Wed May 02
	- Added fontconfig in the hardcoded install-new packages
	- Make install-new to search only in the main slackware
	  series. No more /extra and /pasture packages
	- Changes in dialog functions. To prevent some strange
	  errors we use grep -m1 to use only the first match
	  and --file in dialog to prevent bizarre xargs
	  errors (reported by many)
	- Fixes in sanity-check function to discover
	  duplicated packages. (Thanks Sasha Alexandr)

2007 Sat Mar 17
	- Change VERSION to 2.52 instead 2.52beta
	- Added a test do detect old slackpkg.conf versions
	- Added hardcoded dialog and aaa_terminfo in install-new
	- Released slackpkg 2.52!!

2007 Mon Mar 12 
	- Changing NOGPG to CHECKGPG. Is more coherent with the other
	  options. Thanks Robby to point that.
	- Many update and grammar fixes in documentation.
		(Thanks again Robby Workman!)

2007 Mon Jan 05
	- Fix many errors in "install-new". It didn't found any
	  package with [A-Z] or [0-9] in his names.
	- Still in "install-new", now we can detect more new packages,
	  the awk script is a lot better now.
	- Correct the .tgz parsing in pkglist.awk, using \.tgz instead.
	- Newer (and i hope, good) man-pages.

2006 Wed Nov 08
	- Fixed the "upgrade" package parsing. It was going wrong
	  with nn and glib packages.
		(Reported by Ralph Alvy)
	- Fixed "reinstall" it was ignoring the blacklist and given
	  wrong packages to reinstall.
	- Now blacklist can handle directories beginning with a / and not
	  with ./ (very better, and this is the needed behavior).
	- Accept the list of packages from a file
		(e.g.: slackpkg upgrade /etc/slackpkg/files)
	  We accept relative (./something, ../something) and absolute 
	  paths (/something).
	- Release 2.51beta

2006 Sun Oct 29
	- Fixes to install/upgrade (it was broked when i change the
	  tmplist). Now it's OK
	- Fixes in remove and reinstall, they are showing duplicated
	  entries in the list. Now it's OK
	- Fix in download... it was total crazy! Now it's OK
	- Added install-new.awk and improve the ChangeLog.txt parser
	  now we don't have any package hardcoded.
	- Fix in upgrade-all to remove the unused variable NAME now we can use
	  the data in pkglist. 
	- Minor fix in clean-system.
	- Change the variable's scope to "local" in many functions

2006 Sat Oct 28
	- Change the tmplist format to be the same as pkglist
	- New functions to make the package list with that we now can:
		- Handle multiple files in the command line.
		  (e.g.: slackpkg upgrade kernel x11 lsof)
		- Use the package series as the pattern, without the
		  trailing / hack.
		  (e.g.: slackpkg remove a)
		- "download" don't use the blacklist. The user now can
		  download one blacklisted package.
	- Release slackpkg 2.5beta

2006 Fri Oct 27
	- A lot of job rebuilding (again) the package parser. This
	  is the logic that search for apropriate packages and see if
	  that packages are or not in blacklist. This is the harder
	  piece of slackpkg development. For now we made:
		. a new pkglist.awk that creates a really new and
		  more featureful pkglist. The new slackpkg can't work
		  anymore with the old pkglist.
		. One blacklist function that can match: 
			. directories
		 	. package-names
			. package-names with version
		  	. package-names with version and arch
			. package-names with version, arch and release.
		. This fix a problem with some packages being override
		  by others with "similar" names.
		  (e.g.: k3b being override by k3b-i18n)

2006 Thu Oct 26
	- Create the WORKDIR variable and put all package and file lists
	  there. Now ppl that wants to mount / read-only can do that.
		(Thanks to Trevor Caira)
	- Added a little bit of sanity in slackpkg.conf. Now all options
	  uses "on" to be activated and "off" to be deactivated. No more
	  "1", "0", "On", "ON" and all the chaos that we had before.
		(Thanks to Robby Workman) 
	- Added one FIFTH directory. Now people can use /testing as a
	  repository, too (of course this will break a lot of things)
	- Added one MAIN variable. This is used instead slackware to
	  identify the main distro directory.
	- Move /etc/slackpkg/filelist.awk to /usr/libexec/slackpkg. This
	  is the correct place to a executable.

2006 Mon Aug 28
	- Fixed a problem with upgrade-all when try to upgrade directly
	  from 10.2 to 11rc3. xargs can only handle 20k lines.
	- Changed version to 2.09
	- Released 2.09

2006 Sat Aug 26
	- Fixed a typo in ChangeLog.txt message
		(Thanks Cameron Willians)
	- Fixed two problems in install-new:
		bug0: install-new duplicates packages
		bug1: install-new doesn't catch lm_sensors package we wasn't
		      ready to handle packages with a _.

2006 Wed Aug 23
	- Fixes in, nothing more.
	- Released a repackaged 2.08-3

2006 Fri Aug 18
	- Fixed typos in manpages
	- Changed version to slackpkg 2.08
	- Released 2.08

2006 Thu Aug 17
	- Revert the "typo fix" and now "Formating" is "Formatting" again.
	- A little fix in install-new to better handler the newer packages
	- Big fixes in new priority check

2006 Mon Aug 14
	- Released 2.07

2006 Sun Aug 13
	- Added another test to solve problems with "install-new"
	  and no ARCH match.
		(Thanks to Ralph Alvy)
	- Removed some debug messages 

2006 Fri Aug 11
	- Solves the problem with -upgraded-$TIMESTAMP 
	  packages in /var/log/packages.
		(Thanks to Ralph Alvy and Ing Nicolo Chiellini)
	- Added l/mm in install-new

2006 Wed Aug 09 
	- Change in search function, now it uses the priority to
	  sort packages.
	- Some fix in changes from yesterday and move the blacklist
	  and check to a separate function.
	- Non-root users now can see the slackpkg help
		(Thanks to Thomas)
	- Changed slackpkg's to use the config function from from other packages
		(Thanks Ernani (idea) and Patrick (the function itself))
	- Put the ChangeLog in reverse order. Is very easier to see the
	  news now.
	- Changed the version number to 2.07

2006 Tue Aug 08
	- Changed the function that give priority and check the
	  blacklist in install, upgrade, reinstall, download and
	- Blacklist now supports blacklist entire directories.

2006 Wed Aug 02
	- Fixed a typo in "Formatting". Now is "Formating" -;)
		(Thanx Devin J. Pohly)

2006 Fri Jul 28
	- Added xfsdump (hardcoded) in install-new
	- Change the list generation in install-new to handle Renamed
	  and Split files.
	- Change copyright notices to include 2006
	- Released slackpkg 2.06

2006 Thu Jun 08
	- Added acl, attr and dmapi (hardcoded) in install-new
	- Changed the list generation in sanity_check. We had problems
		with non-standard package names.
			(Thanx Rolando Roman)
	- Released slackpkg 2.05

2006 Tue Jun 06
	- A better message in sanity_check
	- Fixes in the grepping of packages in sanity_check function
			(Thanx Rolando Roman)
	- Changed version to 2.05

2006 Thu Jun 01
	- More modularized functions. Now upgrade and upgrade-all, remove and
	  clean-system, install and install-new shares the same code
	- makelist now work for all commands
	- Some sanity_checks, to saw if the machine have some doubled packages

2006 Thu May 25
	- Create a manpage for slackpkg.conf (probably full of typos)
	- Changed versions to 2.04

2006 Wed May 24
	- Fix some problems in install-new. If the package are ugraded before
	  added in slackware, the install-new only finds the old package.

2006 Sat May 20
	- Put -- in many "grep" to prevent using grep options as a
		package pattern.
	- Added DOWNLOAD_ALL in slackpkg.conf, with that you can download
		all packages and after that install/upgrade all.

2006 Thu May 18
	- Fix a mistype in install-new
	- Put dialog functions disabled by default. If you want, you can
	  try it using: chmod +x /usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/dialog*
	- Fix permissions to root.root
	- Released version 2.03

2006 Mon May 16
	- Fix errors in install-new list.
			(Reported by rick276 and gar0t0, thanx!)
	- Put one version warning in dialog functions
			(Thanx coqui)
	- Included install-new on the man-page and in README

2006 Fri May 12
	- Added install-new, it searches for packages added in slackware
		distribution and install them.

2006 Thu May 11
	- Upgrade the mirrors list to include slackware 11.0. Well,
		it is in pre-order, probably we need to upgrade soon
	- More two patches from Marek
	- One to show the diff between "something" and "".
		This make the life more easier
	- Another to include dialog lists when you need to choose packages.
		If you want to disable this feature, you can remove the
		executable permission from:
	- Set the PATH in the beginning of slackpkg script to prevent
		problems with . in the PATH
	- Fix in filelist.awk, the ARCH upgrade brokes "search" function
			(Thanks gar0t0)
	- Move syntax checking from slackpkg to
	- To minimize the downloads, now slackpkg first download the
	  ChangeLog and, only if something changes, it download the rest
	  of files. 

2006 Wed May 10
	- A new variable in slackpkg.conf (ARCH), with that we can use
		slackpkg with the unofficial slackware ports, like
		slackintosh and slamd64. This is VERY experimental.
			(Inspired by a Carlos C patch, thanx!)
	- Fix a typo in slackpkg (Thanx Chess Griffin)
	- Include "readline" in upgrade-all first upgrades

2005 Thu Oct 06
	- Applied patch from Marek Wodzinski
	- Updating file list, md5 sums etc (in 'slackpkg update' part) are 
		moved from main scipt to into function 
			(Thanx Marek!)
	- showlist() now return list of packages in $SHOWLIST variable. 
		This is preparation for dialog function to really choose 
		for which packages we want to say 'yes'.
			(Thanx Marek!)
	- Don't copy/download .asc files if $NOGPG=1
			(Thanx Marek!)
	- slackpkg number bumped to 1.99beta -:)

2005 Sun Sep 12
	- Correct one mirror typo (Thanx Daniel de Kok)
	- Repackaged (1.5.2-2)

2005 Sun Sep 11
	- Correct removing temporary dirs.
	- Better error handling
	- Fix post-functions to not show the question when the only .new files
		are,,, and
	- Change version number to 1.5.2
	- Released slackpkg 1.5.2

2005 Wed Aug 17
	- Fix some blacklist problems (problems AGAIN with the + signal)
	- Updated mirrors file
			(Thanks fizban)
	- Change version number to 1.5.1
	- Released slackpkg 1.5.1

2005 Tue Aug 02
	- Fix copyright notices (to include 2004 and 2005)
	- Fix mirrors file
			(Thanks fizban and Ivan Kalvachev)

2005 Fri Jul 29
	- Fix some errors creating temporary dirs on slackware 10.0 and
	  		(Thanks Sasha Shipka)

2005 Fri Jul 22
	- Correct a little problem in clean-system. When clean-system
	  don't found any package to clen, it already shows the "question".
	  Now it exits the program.
	  		(Thanks mrgoblin)
	- New mirrors list. Now including the (not released yet) 
	  slackware 10.2. Now we are ready to the next slackware release -:)
	  		(Thanks fizban)
	- Released slackpkg 1.5.0!

2005 Thu Jul 21
	- Correct many typos and spelling errors
			(Thanks fizban, amrit and mrgoblin for this help!)
	- Don't run post-install if the action is clean-system
	- Now, if something goes wrong when slackpkg run, in the end of
	  operation we will show a BIG WARNING. And no more reports about
	  that -;)
	  		(Thanks amrit to help me with the message)
	- Another fix with the "+" signal, now in remove option.
	- Fix the default action in:
		"Do you wish to xxxxxx selected packages (Y/n)?"
	  The default should be "Y", but is "n". Now it's corrected and
	  the default is "Y".
	  		(Thanks gar0t0)

2005 Wed Jul 20
	- Correct tabulation errors in usage
			(Thanks Steven E. Woorlard)
	- Some problems with the "+" signal in upgrade-all. Solved Now.
			(Thanks Sulamita Garcia)
	- Wrong version number in slackpkg's now is 1.5.0 (unreleased)
		. Put correct version in /usr/sbin/slackpkg
		. Put correct version in slackpkg's man page
	- Put new options and correct some small things in man page
	- Same thing, but now in README

2005 Tue Jul 19
	- Changed number version to 1.4.99 is a beta release to slackpkg 1.5
	- Included two new options:
		. clean-system (suggested by Steven E. Woolard)
			Removes from the machine all packages removed
			from slackware. It removes packages external of
			distro, too. Keep your house clean, man!
		. upgrade-all (suggested by Jaroslav Imrich)
			Look all installed packages and keep it synced
			with the mirror. The "true" way to get all distro
	- Changes in "post-install" features. Now they are more closer to
	  the script in slackware's UPGRADE.TXT

2005 Wed Jun 22
	- Changed small problem with some "trash" temporary files.
	- Released slackpkg 1.4.1

2005 Tue Jun 21
	- Change the "remove" behavior, now it's remove not only one package,
	  but all packs with the same "beginning" (slackpkg remove kde,
	  removes all kde* packs).
	  			(Thanks web-knows)
	- Using now secure temporary files, created by mktemp.
				(Thanks Larhzu)
	- Changed version to 1.4.1 (security and bug fixes)

2005 Thu Jan 27
	- OK, i released 1.4 yesterday, but mrgoblin send to me some patches
	  a few minutes after send 1.4
	  	. I don't change the version number (is almost the same pack)
		. Fixed many and many grammar errors in slackpkg program files
		. Correct a small error in post-install
	- Released 1.4 (again)

2005 Tue Jan 25
	- Forgot some "echo" debug messages. Now they are all removed and
	  the post-install really works. (thanks toledo)
	- Don't run post-install when update/remove/search/blacklist 
					 (thanks toledo)
	- Added blacklist list option (thanks toledo, again!)
	- Changed version number to 1.4

2005 Mon Jan 24
	- Added post-install functions! -;) After upgrade/reinstall/whatever
	  your packages, now slackpkg searchs for NEW configuration files
	  (.new) and checks if your kernel is updated (and runs lilo).

2005 Wed Jan 26
	- include "info" in post-install's don't runs.
	- redirect some warning and md5sum errors to /dev/null.
					(thanks phrag)
	- correct some typos in slackpkg's description
					(thanks phrag)
	- Released 1.4

2005 Tue Jan 11
	- Finally solved some gpg errors. Some users had telled that error
	  to me but i can't reproduce. Yesterday i saw one machine with the
	  stupid error and made a fix -:) gpg don't works without .gnupg dir
	  and not create that dir -:(

2004 Wed Dec 29
	- Changed /usr/doc dir from 1.3 to 1.3.1
	- Removed many vim's backup files
	- Released 1.3.1

2004 Mon Dec 20
	- change all "/etc/slackpkg" to ${CONF}. Now is safe change the 
	  configuration dir of slackpkg.
	  	(Thanx toledo)
	- added "How many" packages in package list. Is a little cosmetic
	  change but don't hurt.
	  	(Thanx toledo)

2004 Wed Nov 24
	- fixed regexp to support ./pasture/package.tgz
	Fixed /usr/libexec/slackpkg/ to support packages in
	both ./somedir/ (eg. ./pasture/proftpd-1.2.10-i486-1.tgz) and ./
	somedir/seconddir/ instead of only second one.
		(Thanx Marek Wodzinski)
	- Changed version number to 1.3.1

2004 Fri Nov 12
	- Some mirrors from Ireland are in the wrong place (Italy). It's
	  fixed now.
	  	(Thanx Marek Januszewski)
	- Changed number version on /usr/sbin/slackpkg, now is 1.3, not 1.2.2

2004 Mon Nov 01
	- Massive updates in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors. Many mirrors included and
	  many deleted.
	- Added "dummy" support to 10.1 mirrors... if it had 10.0 and an
	  updated current, we put one 10.1 entry... now we only needs to wait
	  new slackware releases -;)
		(Thanx Jorge Arellano Cid)

2004 Fri Oct 29
	- Don't use temporary files to uncompress MANIFEST.bz2, now we are
	  using pipes, that approach drastically reduces the amount of disk
	  space needed to "slackpkg update"
	  	(Thanx Maxim Krikun)
	- Removed vi backup files from slackpkg package
	- Changed version to 1.3

2004 Wed Oct 13
	- Fixed error in install script. Removed de leading / in slackpkg's
	  configuration path.
	  	(Thanx Valter Douglas Lisbôa Júnior)
	- Fixed some problems when two (or more) packages had the same name,
	  version, etc... now slackpkg picks only the first pack.
	  	(Thanx to Alexandre Pinaffi Andrucioli)

2004 Mon Jun 21
	- Updated "mirrors" file. Now we are ready to slackware 10.0!!
		(Thanx Lorn!)

2004 Tue Jun 15 
	- Changed version to 1.2.2
2004 Mon Jun 14
	- Exclude "testing". Testing packages aren't to be installed
	  through automated tools. Testing needs more care from sysadmin
	- Removed aaa_base from default blacklist (aaa_elflibs will stay

2004 Wed May 19
	- Changed version to 1.2.1

2004 Thu May 06
	- Fixed CRLF in and
	- Changed "usage" message. Now we have more information about
	  slackpkg use

2004 Wed Apr 14
	- Fixed another bug in regex. Problems with "+" again... 
			(reported by gar0t0, thanx!)
	- Fixed typing and grammar errors in slackpkg.conf and blacklist.
	  		(Thanx mRgOBLIN)

2004 Tue Apr 13
	- Fixed a bug in "parser". GPG checking now are better.
			(Thanx mRgOBLIN)
	- Added aaa_elflibs in default blacklist. 
	  > A word of advice:  you should ***NEVER*** upgradepkg aaa_elflibs.
	  > It's well-known that it can downgrade some shared libraries and 
	  > lead to bugs
	- Added aaa_base too...

2004 Mon Apr 05
	- Non-root can (again) use info and search. Changes in other places
	  change the behavior of slackpkg "parser"...
	- Fixed a bug with "." and "+" in filenames.

2004 Wed Mar 31
	- Fixed one bug in "search" (yes, another bug!) (Thanx toledo, again)
	- Change (again) the behavior of "Do you want to...". Now it's much
	  more logic, Y or y or <nothing> continues, any other key, quit.

2004 Tue Mar 30
	- Revert behavior of "Do you want to foobar those packages (Y/n)" back
	  to original. N or n quits, any other key continue

2004 Fri Mar 26
	- One more "error" message (isn't a error... it's more a info)
	- Some cosmetic changes in other messages
	- Another fix in "search" bug. (Thanx toledo)

2004 Thu Mar 25
	- Fixed some bugs added by the regex changes.
	- Added a test to "first time running". Now slackpkg give some
	  tips to the user...
	- Change the GPG download behavior. Now, if doesn't have the slackware
	  GPG key, the key will be downloaded in "slackpkg update"

2004 Wed Mar 24
	- Fixed many regex bugs and changes a lot of "greps".
	- Fixed ls bugs -- changed to "ls -1" to stop multi column lists
	- Added sed substitutions to fix problems with + in packagenames
	- Altered awk script in info case statement to properly format output
	  when more than one result is returned 
	- Changed showlist function so that only Y/y will continue, any other
	  character will cleanup -- safeguards against a wrong key pressed
			(all these fix cames from mRgOBLIN)
	- Another feature to "non-root" users... now they can use "info"

2004 Mon Mar 22
	- Search function all overwrited by mRgOBLIN. The new function fixes
	  some bugs and add a feature, telling to the user what package needs
	  upgrade and the name of newer package version.
        - Minor changes in some error messages
        - Now "non-root" users can use "search" without install Slackware GPG

2004 Thu Mar 18
	- Put an error message when md5sum or gpg doesn't match.
			(Thanx mRgOBLIN)
	- Correct filelist.awk to fix some UGLY bugs in search function.
	  Now it's correct.
			(Thanx mRgOBLIN, for the bug report and the tip of fix)

2004 Mon Mar 01
	- Added GPG function. Now slackpkg check all packages against its
	  .asc file. This option are enabled by default, if you doesn't like
	  that, you can change the configuration in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf

2004 Thu Feb 26
	- Fixed a bug with VIM package (yes, the bug affect only
	  vim package...)
	- A little change in makelist function. Now we got our speed
	  back... when fixed duplicate packages the fix make slackpkg
	  more slow (4 minutes to make list for "slackpkg upgrade slackware"). 
	  Now we doesn't have duplicated packages and have back our normal
	  speed (1 minute to "slackpkg upgrade slackware" list)
	- Change version on all places to 1.03.1

2004 Tue Feb 18
	- Now when we show a big package list, you can scroll with "more"
	  and can see all packages
	- Bug fix! Something changed in FILELIST.TXT and slackpkg brokes
	  all package lists. Now it's ok.
		(Thanx to chvt and Steven De Kock)
	- New man-page provided by Rob. Thanx!
	- Changed VERSION to 1.03

2004 Tue Feb 10
	- We added a new system to make easy add new functions in slackpkg.
	  You only needs put your new function in a shell script and that
	  script under /usr/share/slackpkg/functions.d

	  With that, if you want GPG checking (example), you only needs
	  add one checkgpg function and rewrite/change the getpkg. It's
	  a nice way of extend slackpkg.

	- Changed /usr/share to /usr/libexec. It makes more sense.
			(Thanx thefallen)
	- Fixed blacklist duplicate packages problem. Blacklist doesn't use
	  the default makelist function (now it uses).
			(Thanx chvt for bug reports)

2004 Thu Feb 06
	- Corrected a little bug in makelist option. Some packages are
	  duplicated in the list. Now it's correct.
	- Put "update" in "case-esac". It is the only option in a "if-fi"

2004 Thu Feb 05
	- Version are wrong in VERSION var. Now it's good.
	- A lot of design changes. The "new" output style is a big mistake.
	  I am reverting slackpkg to the old one.
	- We are splitting slackpkg in two parts. One with slackpkg functions
	  and other with the main program itself. It's really good.
	- Put all options in a big "case-esac" instead multiple "if-fi"

2004 Mon Feb 02
	- A new "sleep" test to solve problems in Slackware 9.1
	- One tr -d "\r" to fix a bug in pkglist generation
		(Thanx to Anatol)
	- Added a new "clean" of tmp files in the slackpkg startup. It fixes
	  some ugly errors (slackpkg never-ends, slackpkg duplicate packages,
		(Thanx Lorn, toledo and gar0t0)
	- Little changes in "info" now you will give an error if try to see
	  a "generic" info. "info" needs one package-name.

2004 Fri Jan 30
	- Put a spinning bar when making one slow action. Thanx to toledo!!!
	  The code for spinning bar works really fine, and now our users can
	  see: "something is happenning..."
	- Edit a lot of small things in everywhere to use spinning bar.
	- man-page, README and other docs are "updated".
	- fixed some sleep problems in slackware 8.1/9.0, now our program call
	  an internal sleep function

2004 Wed Jan 21
	- Fixed "update" option. When we work with local dirs, the PACKAGES.TXT
	  are not "downloaded".

2004 Mon Jan 19
	- New option added! slackpkg info package can tell to you the 
	  information about that package.
	- Correct some small bugs in cutpkg (very small bugs... i can detect 
	  they only now!!!)
	- Changed update option to download PACKAGES.TXT too...

2004 Fri Jan 17
	- Changed the default wget to not show any info. Now we got a much more
	  cleaner output on screen.
	- Corrected some bugs in new clean output system

2004 Mon Jan 12
	- Changed the ChangeLog file format.
	- Corrected a bug in blacklist option. It's the same bug that happenned
	  in "download" option. The bug are reported by Toledo (again)
	- Now slackpkg can "search" files in /extra and /pasture too

Tue Nov 11 - Fixed a little problem with duplicated packages in reinstall
	   - Corrected a bug in download option. It asks to "download" from
	     an empty line. Now it's fixed  (bug report by Toledo)

Mon Nov 10 - Changed version to 1.00
		. we have 1.00beta, 1.00beta1 and 1.00beta2 in internal tests
	   - Many, many changes in the backend...
		. The package scan are completely rewroted. Now we can
		  make the package list 30% faster than old code.
		. Now we have a lot of functions. The code are much more
		  flexible and readable
		. Thanx to Jochem Kossen!
	   - New "download" function.
		. Thanx to DaMouse!
	   - Some english typos corrected... (and some new introduced)
	   - Upgraded the man-page and README

Thu Sep 25 - Updated man-page to show blacklist option
	   - Updated README to show blacklist option and to show the correct
	     release number.
	   - Correct the "usage" message to include blacklist option
	   - Ok, we remove kernel-* from blacklist and put in here a 
	     message telling automated upgrade kernel-* isn't a good idea.
	     A lot of people tell me blacklist need to be empty... and i
	     approve that idea.
	   - Change the way of how detect packages that will be upgraded or
	     reinstalled. Old way thinks: package-1.2.3-i386-1 are the same
	     of package-1.2.3-i386-12345, now it's correct.
	   - Now slackpkg checks if the package is already in 
	     /var/cache/packages before to download. If it's in cache, only
	     upgrade|install|reinstall, don't make a new download.
		. Thanx Leandro Toledo

Wed Sep 24 - Added "blacklist" command, to put packages in blacklist.
	     put all i18n packages manually is terrible. 

		slackpkg blacklist kde-i18n

	     will be help you (and me).
	   - Updated mirrors list. slackware 9.1 isn't out but we are
	     ready -:) (Thanx Cubano) 
	   - Changed search function. Now, if we have one package installed
	     in your machine and one different in the MIRROR, the slackpkg
	     will tell to you to [  upgrade  ]. Suggested by Nathan Morell
	   - Changed version to 0.99.1

Fri Sep 19 - Putting all kernel-packages in blacklist file.
	     It's a better idea upgrade kernel packages manually
	     Thanx to Buick_Sk.

Mon Sep 15 - A warning telling to users DOESN'T USE as your
	     default mirror.
	   - Merged a patch from pvg, making the package selection more
	   - Changed version number to 0.99
	   - Changed owner of some files and gzipped man-page. That makes
	     the package more "Slackware" compliant (Thanks Patrick)
	   - Leandro Toledo makes a patch with some fixes in CHECKSUMS.MD5 
	   - Changed default package locations from /usr/local/packages to
	     /var/cache/packages. It's more compatible with FHS specifications
	     Thanx Patrick.

Thu Aug 21 - Finally!!! One man page!!! Now slackpkg have a man-page and
	     you can type: man slackpkg to see more info.
		. Thanx for William N. Zanatta for that manpage
	   - More syntax checkings... slackpkg have a lot of syntax checkings

Wed Aug 20 - Changes in md5sum checking code. Original code are more
	     technical, but more complex. New code more clean.

Tue Aug 19 - Changed version number to 0.98
	   - Now we have md5sum check of packages. With that, is very
	     hard install a corrupt pack.
		. Thanx for William N. Zanatta for that code
	   - Now we can install/upgrade/reinstall from a CD-ROM or other
	     dir in your HD.
	   - Some code cleanups using functions instead duplicate code.
	   - Corrected a bug in permissions check. Now, a normal user can
	     search for one (or more) files in packages.

Fri Aug 01 - Updated mirrors file (now Slackware 9.0!!!)
		. Thanx Cubano, Udontknow and gar0t0
	   - Fixed problem with DELALL (old DELALL doesn't delete all,
	     delete only the last pack, now it works well and delete
	     really all)
		. Thanx Isaque Galdino for the bug report and fix
	   - Deprecated MANIFEST.gz now the system only reads MANIFEST.bz2
	   - Fixed a lot of typos (Udontknow)
	   - Check if the user is root before trying upgrade/install/remove
	     a package

Thu Apr 10 - Added blacklist support with the packages that can't be 
		. Thanx Gondim for that idea
	   - Changed version number to 0.96

Fri Apr 04 - Fix a bug with the kernel-sources package. Before that fix,
	     kernel-source are invisible to slackpkg 

Mon Mar 17 - Changed MANIFEST.gz to MANIFEST.bz2 (Patrick has changed that
	     and  a lot of mirrors have changed too...)
	   - Fix a lock bug.
	   - Changed version number to 0.95

Wed Mar 12 - Changed FILELIST.TXT filter to exclude .asc files
	   - Changed version number to 0.94

Fri Feb 28 - Better "case" structure to select between 
	   - Now we have an LOCK file. No more two slackpkg working at
	     same time.
	   - A trap and cleanup function to remove all garbage generated
	     by slackpkg.

Fri Feb 14 - Change release number to 0.93
	   - New install scripts, no more erased confs
	   - New option in slackpkg.conf, WGETFLAGS. Now you can specify
	     some wget confs with that option.
	   - New feature, reinstall.
		install -> install new software
		upgrade -> upgrade existing software with new version.
		reinstall -> re-install already installed software
	   - Some upgrades in package lists generation.

Wed Feb  5 - Change release number to 0.92
	   - Correct search to know if other version (not in MANIFEST) of
	     software is installed.
	   - New tests to validate configuration files syntax
	   - No more default mirror. You really need to choice.
	   - Finally, a README file!
	   - Change slackpkg command location to /usr/sbin

Thu Jan 23 - Change release number to 0.91
	   - Add new function: search! Now you can search in slackware package
	     and find a "selected" file.
	   - More fixes in system messages... much more complete.
	   - New tests to validate command syntax before execution.

Wed Jan 22 - Some feature fix in 0.90
		. Check if package can be installed/upgraded BEFORE download
		. Cosmetic fix in some system messages.

Tue Jan 21 - First public release 0.90