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[2.6.32-17.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-16.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-15.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-14.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-13.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-12.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-11.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-10.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-9.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-8.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-7.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-6.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-5.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-4.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-3.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-2.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-1.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-0.54.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-0.53.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-0.52.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-0.51.el6]Aristeu Rozanski [2.6.32-0.50.el6]- [crypto] crc32c: Kill pointless CRYPTO_CRC32C_X86_64 option (Jarod Wilson) [1175509 1036212] - [crypto] testmgr: add larger crc32c test vector to test FPU path in crc32c_intel (Jarod Wilson) [1175509 1036212] - [crypto] tcrypt: Added speed test in tcrypt for crc32c (Jarod Wilson) [1175509 1036212] - [crypto] crc32c: Optimize CRC32C calculation with PCLMULQDQ instruction (Jarod Wilson) [1175509 1036212] - [crypto] crc32c: Rename crc32c-intel.c to crc32c-intel_glue.c (Jarod Wilson) [1175509 1036212]- [kernel] ipc/sem: Fully initialize sem_array before making it visible (Rik van Riel) [1172029 1165277] - [kernel] ipc/sem: synchronize semop and semctl with IPC_RMID (Rik van Riel) [1172029 1165277] - [kernel] ipc/sem: update sem_otime for all operations (Larry Woodman) [1172025 1168588] - [fs] fuse: prevent null nd panic on dentry revalidate (Brian Foster) [1172022 1162782] - [net] netfilter: ipset: timeout values corrupted on set resize (Marcelo Leitner) [1172764 1152754] - [net] netfilter: fix xt_TCPOPTSTRIP in forwarding path (Marcelo Leitner) [1172027 1135650] - [usb] ehci: Fix panic on hotplug race condition (Don Zickus) [1172024 1107010] - [usb] usb_wwan: replace release and disconnect with a port_remove hook (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1172030 1148615] - [x86] traps: stop using IST for #SS (Petr Matousek) [1172810 1172811] {CVE-2014-9322}- [fs] ext4: don't count external journal blocks as overhead (Eric Sandeen) [1168504 1163811] - [net] sctp: fix NULL pointer dereference in af->from_addr_param on malformed packet (Daniel Borkmann) [1163090 1153980] {CVE-2014-7841} - [netdrv] e100: fix typo in MDI/MDI-X eeprom check in e100_phy_init (John Greene) [1165985 1156417] - [powerpc] Add smp_mb()s to arch_spin_unlock_wait() (Gustavo Duarte) [1165986 1136224] - [powerpc] Add smp_mb() to arch_spin_is_locked() (Gustavo Duarte) [1165986 1136224] - [kernel] cpuset: PF_SPREAD_PAGE and PF_SPREAD_SLAB should be atomic flags (Aaron Tomlin) [1165002 1045310] - [documentation] cpuset: Update the cpuset flag file (Aaron Tomlin) [1165002 1045310] - [alsa] control: Make sure that id->index does not overflow (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1149140 1117312] {CVE-2014-4656} - [alsa] control: Handle numid overflow (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1149140 1117312] {CVE-2014-4656} - [s390] mm: fix SIGBUS handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1169433 1145070] - [fs] gfs2: fix bad inode i_goal values during block allocation (Abhijith Das) [1165001 1130684] - [md] dm-thin: fix pool_io_hints to avoid looking at max_hw_sectors (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230]- [fs] nfsd: don't halt scanning the DRC LRU list when there's an RC_INPROG entry (J. Bruce Fields) [1168129 1150675]- [fs] nfs: Make sure pre_change_attr is initialized correctly (Scott Mayhew) [1163214 1160042] - [usb] ehci: Fix a regression in the ISO scheduler (Gustavo Duarte) [1162072 1145805]- [s390] zcrypt: toleration of new crypto adapter hardware (Hendrik Brueckner) [1158311 1134984] - [s390] zcrypt: support for extended number of ap domains (Hendrik Brueckner) [1158311 1134984] - [md] dm-thin: fix potential for infinite loop in pool_io_hints (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230]- [fs] udf: Avoid infinite loop when processing indirect ICBs (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1142319 1142320] {CVE-2014-6410} - [fs] isofs: unbound recursion when processing relocated directories (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1142268 1142269] {CVE-2014-5472 CVE-2014-5471} - [net] ipv6: delete expired route in ip6_pmtu_deliver (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1161418 1156137] - [net] sctp: fix remote memory pressure from excessive queueing (Daniel Borkmann) [1155746 1154676] {CVE-2014-3688} - [net] sctp: fix panic on duplicate ASCONF chunks (Daniel Borkmann) [1155733 1154676] {CVE-2014-3687} - [net] sctp: fix skb_over_panic when receiving malformed ASCONF chunks (Daniel Borkmann) [1147857 1154676] {CVE-2014-3673} - [net] sctp: handle association restarts when the socket is closed (Daniel Borkmann) [1147857 1154676] - [md] dm-thin: refactor requeue_io to eliminate spinlock bouncing (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: optimize retry_bios_on_resume (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: sort the deferred cells (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: direct dispatch when breaking sharing (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: remap the bios in a cell immediately (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: defer whole cells rather than individual bios (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: factor out remap_and_issue_overwrite (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: performance improvement to discard processing (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: grab a virtual cell before looking up the mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: implement thin_merge (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm: improve documentation and code clarity in dm_merge_bvec (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: adjust max_sectors_kb based on thinp blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] block: fix alignment_offset math that assumes io_min is a power-of-2 (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: throttle incoming IO (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: prefetch missing metadata pages (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-transaction-manager: add support for prefetching blocks of metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: change dm_thin_find_block to allow blocking, but not issuing, IO (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-bio-prison: switch to using a red black tree (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-bufio: evict buffers that are past the max age but retain some buffers (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-bufio: switch from a huge hash table to an rbtree (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-bufio: update last_accessed when relinking a buffer (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-bufio: use kzalloc when allocating dm_bufio_client (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: do not allow the data block size to change (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup noflush_work to use a proper completion (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [md] dm-thin: fix DMERR typo in pool_status error path (Mike Snitzer) [1161420 1161421 1142773 1145230] - [fs] xfs: xlog_cil_force_lsn doesn't always wait correctly (Eric Sandeen) [1158325 1133304] - [netdrv] ixgbe: allow TXDCTL.WRTHRESH to be 1 will small ITR values (John Greene) [1158326 1132267] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Intel Change to allow itr changes without CONFIG_BQL support (John Greene) [1158326 1132267] - [video] offb: Fix setting of the pseudo-palette for >8bpp (Gerd Hoffmann) [1158328 1142450] - [video] offb: Add palette hack for qemu "standard vga" framebuffer (Gerd Hoffmann) [1158328 1142450] - [video] offb: Fix bug in calculating requested vram size (Gerd Hoffmann) [1158328 1142450] - [net] sock_queue_err_skb() dont mess with sk_forward_alloc (Jiri Benc) [1155427 1148257] - [net] guard tcp_set_keepalive() to tcp sockets (Florian Westphal) [1141744 1141746] {CVE-2012-6657} - Revert: [net] revert "bridge: Set vlan_features to allow offloads on vlans" (Vlad Yasevich) [1144442 1121991] - [x86] kvm: fix PIT timer race condition (mguzik) [1149592 1149593] {CVE-2014-3611} - [x86] kvm: vmx: handle invept and invvpid vm exits gracefull (mguzik) [1144826 1144837 1144827 1144838] {CVE-2014-3646 CVE-2014-3645}- [fs] call d_op->d_hash on last component of umount path (Abhijith Das) [1145193 1129712] - [usb] serial: memory corruption flaw (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141401 1141402] {CVE-2014-3185} - [char] ipmi: Clear drvdata when interface is removed (Tony Camuso) [1149578 1135910] - [char] ipmi: init shadow_ipmi_smi_handlers early in ipmi_si_intf (Tony Camuso) [1149580 1139464] - [net] ipsec: update MAX_AH_AUTH_LEN to support sha512 (Herbert Xu) [1149083 1140103] - [net] revert "bridge: Set vlan_features to allow offloads on vlans" (Vlad Yasevich) [1144442 1121991] - [netdrv] virtio-net: fix big buffer receiving (Jason Wang) [1148693 1144073] - [netdrv] tg3: prevent ifup/ifdown during PCI error recovery (Ivan Vecera) [1142570 1117009]- [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: set skb->rxhash" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Use netif_set_real_num_rx/tx_queues()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Turn on delayed ACK" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use ULP_MODE_TCPDDP" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Debugfs dump_qp() updates" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Drop peer_abort when no endpoint found" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Detect DB FULL events and notify RDMA ULD" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Common platform specific changes for DB Drop Recovery" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add debugfs RDMA memory stats" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add DB Overflow Avoidance" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use vmalloc() for debugfs QP dump" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Remove kfifo usage" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Include vmalloc.h for vmalloc and vfree" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: set maximal number of default RSS queues" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Remove duplicate register definitions" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Update RDMA/cxgb4 due to macro definition removal in cxgb4 driver" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Move dereference below NULL test" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix incorrect values for MEMWIN*_APERTURE and MEMWIN*_BASE" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add functions to read memory via PCIE memory window" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Code cleanup to enable T4 Configuration File support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add support for T4 configuration file" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add support for T4 hardwired driver configuration settings" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Don't attempt to upgrade T4 firmware when cxgb4 will end up as a slave" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix error handling in create_qp()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Dynamically allocate memory in t4_memory_rw() and get_vpd_params()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix build error due to missing linux/vmalloc.h include" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: allocate enough data in t4_memory_rw()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Address various sparse warnings" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Remove unnecessary #ifdef condition" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Don't free chunk that we have failed to allocate" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix unable to get UP event from the LLD" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix initialization of SGE_CONTROL register" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: use WARN" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Chelsio FCoE offload driver submission" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: remove __dev* attributes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add T4 filter support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add LE hash collision bug fix path in LLD driver" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix LE hash collision bug for active open connection" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix LE hash collision bug for passive open connection" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix bug for active and passive LE hash collision path" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Use netdev_ and pr_" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix incorrect PFVF CMASK" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Abort connections that receive unexpected streaming mode data" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Abort connections when moving to ERROR state" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Display streaming mode error only if detected in RTS" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Keep QP referenced until TID released" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Always log async errors" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Only log rx_data warnings if cpl status is non-zero" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix endpoint timeout race condition" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Don't reconnect on abort for mpa_rev 1" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Don't wakeup threads for MPAv2" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Insert hwtid in pass_accept_req instead in pass_establish" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Address sparse warnings" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: "cookie" can stay in host endianness" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix cast warning" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Allow for backward compatibility with new VPD scheme" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add register definations for T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add macros, structures and inline functions for T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Initialize T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Dump T5 registers" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add T5 write combining support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Enable doorbell drop recovery only for T4 adapter" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add T5 debugfs support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add T5 PCI ids" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Update driver version and description" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Disable SR-IOV support for PF4-7 for T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add Support for Chelsio T5 adapter" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Turn off db coalescing when RDMA QPs are in use" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add module_params to enable DB FC & Coalescing on T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use DSGLs for fastreg and adapter memory writes for T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Map pbl buffers for dma if using DSGL" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Bump tcam_full stat and WR reply timeout" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix onchip queue support for T5" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix error return code in create_qp()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix SQ allocation when on-chip SQ is disabled" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix pci_device_id structure initialization with correct PF number" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: fix error recovery when t4_fw_hello returns a positive value" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Force uninitialized state if FW_ON_ADAPTER is < FW_VERSION and we're the MASTER_PF" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Do not set net_device::dev_id to VI index" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix stack info leak in c4iw_create_qp()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add routines to create and remove listening IPv6 servers" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add CLIP support to store compressed IPv6 address" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cma: Add IPv6 support for iWARP" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add support for active and passive open connection with IPv6 address" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Handle newer firmware changes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use correct bit shift macros for vlan filter tuples" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix QP flush logic" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix accounting for unsignaled SQ WRs to deal with wrap" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Set arp error handler for PASS_ACCEPT_RPL messages" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Always do GTS write if cidx_inc == CIDXINC_MASK" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Advertise ~0ULL as max MR size" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Issue RI.FINI before closing when entering TERM" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: remove workqueue when driver registration fails" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cgxb4: remove duplicate include in cxgb4.h" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Much cleaner implementation of is_t4()/is_t5()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: added much cleaner implementation of is_t4()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add new scheme to update T4/T5 firmware" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix formatting of physical address" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Make _c4iw_write_mem_dma() static" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: calls skb_set_hash" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Reserve stid 0 for T4/T5 adapters" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Include TCP as protocol when creating server filters" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Assign filter server TIDs properly" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Account for stid entries properly in case of IPv6" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add API to correctly calculate tuple fields" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: make functions static and remove dead code" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Calculate the filter server TID properly" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Server filters are supported only for IPv4" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use cxgb4_select_ntuple to correctly calculate ntuple fields" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: allow large buffer size to have page size" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Changed FW check version to match FW binary version" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: silence shift wrapping static checker warning" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Avoid disabling PCI device for towice" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Don't retrieve stats during recovery" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix gcc warning on 32-bit arch" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix referencing freed adapter" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add missing neigh_release in LE-Workaround path" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add support to recognize 40G links" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Print adapter VPD Part Number instead of Engineering Change field" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Allow >10G ports to have multiple queues" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: LE-Workaround is not atomic in firmware" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Query firmware for T5 ULPTX MEMWRITE DSGL capabilities" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Remove unused registers and add missing ones" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Don't assume LSO only uses SGL path in t4_eth_xmit()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add more PCI device ids" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cgxb4: Stop using ethtool SPEED_* constants" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: use remove handler as shutdown handler" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix some small bugs in t4_sge_init_soft() when our Page Size is 64KB" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add code to dump SGE registers when hitting idma hangs" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Rectify emitting messages about SGE Ingress DMA channels being potentially stuck" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Updates for T5 SGE's Egress Congestion Threshold" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Calculate len properly for LSO path" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Treat CPL_ERR_KEEPALV_NEG_ADVICE as negative advice" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Doorbell Drop Avoidance Bug Fixes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix underflows in c4iw_create_qp()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix four byte info leak in c4iw_create_cq()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Cap CQ size at T4_MAX_IQ_SIZE" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Allow loopback connections" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Always release neigh entry" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix incorrect BUG_ON conditions" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Mind the sq_sig_all/sq_sig_type QP attributes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Default peer2peer mode to 1" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Save the correct map length for fast_reg_page_lists" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Don't leak skb in c4iw_uld_rx_handler()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix possible memory leak in RX_PKT processing" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Ignore read reponse type 1 CQEs" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Connect_request_upcall fixes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Update snd_seq when sending MPA messages" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Call dev_kfree/consume_skb_any instead of kfree_skb" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxbg4: Remove addressof casts to same type" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio Adapters" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: set error code on kmalloc() failure" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Lock around accept/reject downcalls" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Drop RX_DATA packets if the endpoint is gone" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: rx_data() needs to hold the ep mutex" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Disable DSGL use by default" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use the BAR2/WC path for kernel QPs and T5 devices" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Endpoint timeout fixes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: rmb() after reading valid gen bit" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: SQ flush fix" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Max fastreg depth depends on DSGL support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use pr_warn_ratelimited" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Initialize reserved fields in a FW work request" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add missing debug stats" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Use uninitialized_var()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix over-dereference when terminating" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Save the correct mac addr for hw-loopback connections in the L2T" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: use the correct max size for firmware flash" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix endpoint mutex deadlocks" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Force T5 connections to use TAHOE congestion control" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Only allow kernel db ringing for T4 devs" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Update Kconfig to include Chelsio T5 adapter" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Decode PCIe Gen3 link speed" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix memory leaks in c4iw_alloc() error paths" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Fix vlan support" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: Add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_create_cq_resp" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "cxgb4: add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_alloc_ucontext_resp" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Decode the firmware port and module type a bit more for ethtool" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Check if rx checksum offload is enabled, while reading hardware calculated checksum" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: Allocate and use IQs specifically for indirect interrupts" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: Choose appropriate hw mtu index and ISS for iWARP connections" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: don't truncate the recv window size" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Change default Interrupt Holdoff Packet Count Threshold" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fixes cxgb4 probe failure in VM when PF is exposed through PCI Passthrough" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Use FW interface to get BAR0 value" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Replaced the backdoor mechanism to access the HW memory with PCIe Window method" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio T4 Adapters" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: remove unnecessary null test before debugfs_remove_recursive" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: Detect Ing. Padding Boundary at run-time" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: use firmware ord/ird resource limits" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: display TPTE on errors" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: work request logging feature" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "iw_cxgb4: Move common defines to cxgb4" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Add the MC1 registers to read in the interrupt handler" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fixed incorrect check for memory operation in t4_memory_rw" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: only free allocated fls" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Fix possible race condition in cleanup" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [infiniband] revert "iw_cxgb4: fix for 64-bit integer division" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Add core T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function hardware definitions and device communication code" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Add T4 Virtual Function Scatter-Gather Engine DMA code" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Add main T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver for cxgb4vf" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Add new Makefile for T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver cxgb4vf" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Stitch new T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver into the build" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Remove obsolete comment about the lack of a TX Timer Callback" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Use correct shift factor for extracting the SGE DMA Ingress Padding Boundary" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: remove obsolete DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_ADDR usage" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Implement "Unhandled Interrupts" statistic" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix TX Queue restart" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix SGE resource resource deallocation bug" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Fix off-by-one error checking for the end of the mailbox delay array" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Fix bug where we were only allocating one queue in MSI mode" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: do not use PCI resources before pci_enable_device()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Use netif_set_real_num_rx/tx_queues()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: make single bit signed bitfields unsigned" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: remove call to stop TX queues at load time" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: don't implement trivial (and incorrect) ndo_select_queue()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix bug in Generic Receive Offload" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix some errors in Gather List to skb conversion" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: flesh out PCI Device ID Table" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Fail open if link_start() fails" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: add call to Firmware to reset VF State" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: minor comment/symbolic name cleanup" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: add ethtool statistics for GRO" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix up "Section Mismatch" compiler warning" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Advertise NETIF_F_TSO_ECN" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix setting unicast/multicast addresses" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Ingress Queue Entry Size needs to be 64 bytes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: fix mailbox data/control coherency domain race" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: recover from failure in cxgb4vf_open()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Check driver parameters in the right place" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Behave properly when CONFIG_DEBUG_FS isn't defined" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Quiesce Virtual Interfaces on shutdown" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Use defined Mailbox Timeout" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: improve Kconfig dependencies" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: do vlan cleanup" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: remove __dev* attributes" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "chelsio: Use netdev_ and pr_" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Fix extraction of cpl_rx_pkt from the response queue descriptor" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Fix VLAN extraction counter increment" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Add support for Chelsio T5 adapter" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "net: cxgb4vf: Staticize local symbols" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "net: cxgb4vf: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "net: cxgb4vf: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: added much cleaner implementation of is_t4()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: make functions static and remove dead code" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msix()" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4vf: Adds device Id for few more Chelsio adapters" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: Export symbols required by cxgb4i for ipv6 support and required defines" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [scsi] revert "libcxgbi: Add ipv6 api to driver" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [scsi] revert "cxgb4i: Add ipv6 code to driver, call into libcxgbi ipv6 api" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [scsi] revert "cxgb4i: Fix ipv6 build failure caught with randconfig" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [scsi] revert "cxgb4i: remove spurious use of rcu" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743] - [scsi] revert "cxgb4i: Guard ipv6 code with a config check" (Prarit Bhargava) [1140743]- [kernel] futex: Fix errors in nested key ref-counting (Denys Vlasenko) [1094458] {CVE-2014-0205} - [fs] vfs: add missing __putname() in patch_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [1135165] - [fs] nfs: Don't busy-wait on SIGKILL in __nfs_iocounter_wait (Benjamin Coddington) [1113269] - [netdrv] mlx4: add vlan_rx_register to the master ops (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: use right macro in query ah (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: resolve L2 address when creating user AH (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: get vlan tag from ib_qp_attrs (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: add default gid at index 0 (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: obtain sl from deivce structure (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: do not skip setting deffered_arm (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Initialize the GID table while registering the device (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increase the size of STAG array in dev structure to 16K (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add missing adapter mailbox opcodes (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Return proper value for max_mr_size (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Allow only SEND opcode in case of UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Avoid reporting wrong completions in case of error CQEs (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Query and initalize the PFC SL (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Avoid posting DPP requests for RDMA READ (Doug Ledford) [1133506] - [infiniband] core: When marsheling uverbs path, clear unused fields (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Avoid executing gid task when device is being removed (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix lockdep splat for the iboe lock (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Get upper dev addresses as RoCE GIDs when port comes up (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Reorder steps in RoCE GID table initialization (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't duplicate the default RoCE GID (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [infiniband] mlx4: Avoid null pointer dereference in mlx4_ib_scan_netdevs() (Amir Vadai) [1130394] - [netdrv] b43: fix the wrong assignment of status.freq in b43_rx() (John Greene) [1132160] - [lib] lzo: properly check for overruns (Denys Vlasenko) [1113901] {CVE-2014-4608} - [lib] lzo: Update LZO compression to current upstream version (Denys Vlasenko) [1113901] {CVE-2014-4608} - [drm] nouveau: add more checks to PRAMIN image fetching (Ben Skeggs) [1133695 1076733] - [drm] nouveau: allow non-optimus setups to load vbios from acpi (Ben Skeggs) [1133695 1076733] - [drm] nouveau: fix a potential NULL deref in the PROM shadowing function (Ben Skeggs) [1133695 1076733] - [drm] nouveau: fetch the vbios from PROM using only aligned 32-bit accesses (Ben Skeggs) [1133695 1076733] - [net] Revert "introduce netif_skb_dev_features" (Florian Westphal) [1029603] - [net] revert "ip, ipv6: handle gso skbs in forwarding path" (Florian Westphal) [1029603]- [kernel] audit: audit_log_start running on auditd should not stop (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019898] - [kernel] audit: drop audit_cmd_lock in AUDIT_USER family of cases (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019898] - [security] selinux: call WARN_ONCE() instead of calling audit_log_start() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019898] - [crypto] drbg: fix failure of generating multiple of 2**16 bytes (Herbert Xu) [1130529] - [x86] uv: Set n_lshift based on GAM_GR_CONFIG MMR for UV3 (George Beshers) [1096981] - [fs] nfs: Close another NFSv4 recovery race (Steve Dickson) [1093922] - [fs] nfs: Refactor _nfs4_open_and_get_state to set ctx->state (Steve Dickson) [1093922] - [fs] nfs: cleanup: pass the nfs_open_context to nfs4_do_open (Steve Dickson) [1093922] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle EPIPE in xprt_connect_status (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure xprt_connect_status handles all potential connection errors (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that we handle ENOBUFS errors correctly (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure call_connect_status() deals correctly with SOFTCONN tasks (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that call_connect times out correctly (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle connect errors ECONNABORTED and EHOSTUNREACH (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: call_connect_status should recheck bind and connect status on error (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] sunrpc: Report network/connection errors correctly for SOFTCONN rpc tasks (Steve Dickson) [1130619] - [fs] ext3: Fix fdatasync() for files with only i_size changes (Eric Sandeen) [1127023] - [fs] gfs2: Change maxlen variables to size_t (Robert S Peterson) [1126899] - [mm] hugetlb: add cond_resched_lock() in return_unused_surplus_pages() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1129085] - [mm] hugetlb: fix softlockup when a large number of hugepages are freed (Motohiro Kosaki) [1129085] - [net] fix ipv4: match prefsrc when deleting routes (Jiri Benc) [1056443] - [net] bridge: explictly tag vlan-accelerated frames destined to the host (Vlad Yasevich) [1121991] - [net] ipv4: avoid parallel route cache gc executions (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1121228] - [net] ipv4: move route garbage collector to work queue (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1121228] - [net] ethtool: reallow ETHTOOL_SFLAGS to set TX/RX VLAN offloads (Michal Schmidt) [1134359] - [net] tcp: tsq: fix nonagle handling (Jiri Pirko) [1134401] - [kvm] iommu: fix the third parameter of kvm_iommu_put_pages (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1131953] {CVE-2014-3601} - [s390] sysinfo: convert /proc/sysinfo to seqfile (Hendrik Brueckner) [1130987] - [s390] con3215: fix hanging console issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1130986] - [s390] dasd: validate request size before building CCW/TCW request (Hendrik Brueckner) [1130988] - [scsi] revert "fc: ensure scan_work isn't active when freeing fc_rport" (Maurizio Lombardi) [1135888] - [edac] sb_edac: Modify H/W event reporting policy (Rui Wang) [1129067] - [alsa] control: Fix replacing user controls (Denys Vlasenko) [1117322] {CVE-2014-4654 CVE-2014-4655} - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix RSS on big-endian (Michal Schmidt) [1119291] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Utilize FW 7.10.51 (Michal Schmidt) [1119291] - [netdrv] firmware: add bnx2x FW 7.10.51 (Michal Schmidt) [1119291] - [security] selinux: fix a problem with IPv6 traffic denials in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1130082]- [md] revert "raid1: Rewrite the implementation of iobarrier" (Jes Sorensen) [1127231] - [md] revert "raid1: fix request counting bug in new 'barrier' code" (Jes Sorensen) [1127231] - [scsi] hpsa: version string change (Tomas Henzl) [1054631] - [scsi] hpsa: change doorbell reset delay to ten seconds (Tomas Henzl) [1054631] - [scsi] hpsa: add a delay to kdump path (Tomas Henzl) [1054631] - [infiniband] ipoib: No longer use flush as a parameter (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make ipoib_mcast_stop_thread flush the workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use dedicated workqueues per interface (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: change init sequence ordering (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix mcast_dev_flush/mcast_restart_task race (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix MCAST_FLAG_BUSY usage (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make the carrier_on_task race aware (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Consolidate rtnl_lock tasks in workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid multicast join attempts with invalid P_key (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid flushing the workqueue from worker context (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use P_Key change event instead of P_Key polling mechanism (Doug Ledford) [1111073] - [infiniband] mlx5: Enable "block multicast loopback" for kernel consumers (Doug Ledford) [1128863] - [mm] memory-failure: support use of a dedicated thread to handle SIGBUS BUS_MCEERR_AO (Rui Wang) [1108366] - [mm] memory-failure: don't let collect_procs() skip over processes for MF_ACTION_REQUIRED (Rui Wang) [1108366] - [mm] memory-failure: send right signal code to correct thread (Rui Wang) [1108366] - [x86] mce: Pay no attention to 'F' bit in MCACOD when parsing 'UC' errors (Rui Wang) [1093437] - [x86] kvm: trace kvm_ple_window grow/shrink (Radim Krcmar) [1093208] - [x86] kvm: vmx: dynamise PLE window (Radim Krcmar) [1093208] - [x86] kvm: vmx: make PLE window per-VCPU (Radim Krcmar) [1093208] - [x86] kvm: introduce sched_in to kvm_x86_ops (Radim Krcmar) [1093208] - [virt] kvm: add kvm_arch_sched_in (Radim Krcmar) [1093208] - [fs] Add full_check test before calling add_to_tfile_check() to prevent panic in reverse_path_check_proc() (Larry Woodman) [1130730] - [perf] x86: Fix Silvermont offcore masks (Jiri Olsa) [1036335] - [perf] x86: Add model number for Avoton Silvermont (Jiri Olsa) [1036335] - [perf] x86: Add Silvermont 22nm Atom support (Jiri Olsa) [1036335] - [perf] x86: use INTEL_UEVENT_EXTRA_REG to define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_X (Jiri Olsa) [1036335] - [perf] x86: Fix Intel shared extra MSR allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1036335] - [x86] amd: perf: Unify AMD's generic and family 15h pmus (Jiri Olsa) [1133680]- [mm] hugetlb: correct missing private flag clearing (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: return a reserved page to a reserved pool if failed (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: undo change to page mapcount in fault handler (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: fix subpool accounting handling (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: protect reserved pages when soft offlining a hugepage (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: decrement reserve count if VM_NORESERVE alloc page cache (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: remove decrement_hugepage_resv_vma() (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: add VM_NORESERVE check in vma_has_reserves() (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [mm] hugetlb: do not use a page in page cache for cow optimization (Petr Holasek) [1127126] - [crypto] modsign: crypto_alloc_shash() returns an error code not NULL on failure (David Howells) [1099208] - [drm] nouveau: behave better if ioremap failed (Ben Skeggs) [1076992] - [fs] fuse: ignore entry-timeout LOOKUP_REVAL (Carlos Maiolino) [1127702] - [fs] fuse: Timeout comparison fix (Carlos Maiolino) [1127769] - [fs] ext4: verify block bitmap (Lukas Czerner) [1087584] - [fs] ext4: fix type declaration of ext4_validate_block_bitmap (Lukas Czerner) [1087584] - [fs] ext4: error out if verifying the block bitmap fails (Lukas Czerner) [1087584] - [fs] fsnotify: delay unmounting until all inode are fput (Eric Paris) [886723] - [fs] inotify: determine wd before races are possible (Eric Paris) [886723] - [fs] fsnotify: do not hold notification mutex when putting events (Eric Paris) [886723] - [fs] fsnotify: use GFP_NOFS when allocating event holders (Eric Paris) [886723] - [fs] locks: eliminate BUG() call when there's an unexpected lock on file close (Benjamin Coddington) [1113096] - [fs] gfs2: Request demote when a "try" flock fails (Robert S Peterson) [1129445] - [fs] nfsd: allow turning off nfsv3 readdir_plus (J. Bruce Fields) [1117468] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix kexec regression caused by CPPR tracking (Gustavo Duarte) [1129453] - [scsi] Fix erratic device offline during EH (Gustavo Duarte) [1126088] - [net] openvswitch: fix panic with multiple vlan headers (Jiri Benc) [1122405] - [net] ipvs: extract race fixes for sync daemon setups (Jesper Brouer) [1117536]- [scsi] cxgb4i: Guard ipv6 code with a config check (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [scsi] cxgb4i: remove spurious use of rcu (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Fix ipv6 build failure caught with randconfig (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Add ipv6 code to driver, call into libcxgbi ipv6 api (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [scsi] libcxgbi: Add ipv6 api to driver (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Export symbols required by cxgb4i for ipv6 support and required defines (Sai Vemuri) [1122829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Adds device Id for few more Chelsio adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msix() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4: make functions static and remove dead code (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: added much cleaner implementation of is_t4() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] net: cxgb4vf: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] net: cxgb4vf: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] net: cxgb4vf: Staticize local symbols (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add support for Chelsio T5 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix VLAN extraction counter increment (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix extraction of cpl_rx_pkt from the response queue descriptor (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] chelsio: Use netdev_ and pr_ (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: remove __dev* attributes (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: do vlan cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: improve Kconfig dependencies (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use defined Mailbox Timeout (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Quiesce Virtual Interfaces on shutdown (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Behave properly when CONFIG_DEBUG_FS isn't defined (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Check driver parameters in the right place (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: recover from failure in cxgb4vf_open() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix mailbox data/control coherency domain race (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Ingress Queue Entry Size needs to be 64 bytes (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix setting unicast/multicast addresses (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Advertise NETIF_F_TSO_ECN (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix up "Section Mismatch" compiler warning (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: add ethtool statistics for GRO (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: minor comment/symbolic name cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: add call to Firmware to reset VF State (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fail open if link_start() fails (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: flesh out PCI Device ID Table (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix some errors in Gather List to skb conversion (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix bug in Generic Receive Offload (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: don't implement trivial (and incorrect) ndo_select_queue() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: remove call to stop TX queues at load time (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: make single bit signed bitfields unsigned (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use netif_set_real_num_rx/tx_queues() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: do not use PCI resources before pci_enable_device() (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix bug where we were only allocating one queue in MSI mode (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix off-by-one error checking for the end of the mailbox delay array (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix SGE resource resource deallocation bug (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: fix TX Queue restart (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Implement "Unhandled Interrupts" statistic (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: remove obsolete DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_ADDR usage (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use correct shift factor for extracting the SGE DMA Ingress Padding Boundary (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Remove obsolete comment about the lack of a TX Timer Callback (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Stitch new T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver into the build (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add new Makefile for T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver cxgb4vf (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add main T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function driver for cxgb4vf (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add T4 Virtual Function Scatter-Gather Engine DMA code (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add core T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Function hardware definitions and device communication code (Sai Vemuri) [1112417] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: fix for 64-bit integer division (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix possible race condition in cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: only free allocated fls (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fixed incorrect check for memory operation in t4_memory_rw (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add the MC1 registers to read in the interrupt handler (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Move common defines to cxgb4 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: work request logging feature (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: display TPTE on errors (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: use firmware ord/ird resource limits (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Detect Ing. Padding Boundary at run-time (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove unnecessary null test before debugfs_remove_recursive (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio T4 Adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Replaced the backdoor mechanism to access the HW memory with PCIe Window method (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use FW interface to get BAR0 value (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fixes cxgb4 probe failure in VM when PF is exposed through PCI Passthrough (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Change default Interrupt Holdoff Packet Count Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: don't truncate the recv window size (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Choose appropriate hw mtu index and ISS for iWARP connections (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Allocate and use IQs specifically for indirect interrupts (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Check if rx checksum offload is enabled, while reading hardware calculated checksum (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Decode the firmware port and module type a bit more for ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_alloc_ucontext_resp (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_create_cq_resp (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix vlan support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix memory leaks in c4iw_alloc() error paths (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Decode PCIe Gen3 link speed (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update Kconfig to include Chelsio T5 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Only allow kernel db ringing for T4 devs (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Force T5 connections to use TAHOE congestion control (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix endpoint mutex deadlocks (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: use the correct max size for firmware flash (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Save the correct mac addr for hw-loopback connections in the L2T (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix over-dereference when terminating (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use uninitialized_var() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing debug stats (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Initialize reserved fields in a FW work request (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use pr_warn_ratelimited (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Max fastreg depth depends on DSGL support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: SQ flush fix (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: rmb() after reading valid gen bit (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Endpoint timeout fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use the BAR2/WC path for kernel QPs and T5 devices (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Disable DSGL use by default (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: rx_data() needs to hold the ep mutex (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Drop RX_DATA packets if the endpoint is gone (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Lock around accept/reject downcalls (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: set error code on kmalloc() failure (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio Adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxbg4: Remove addressof casts to same type (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Call dev_kfree/consume_skb_any instead of kfree_skb (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update snd_seq when sending MPA messages (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Connect_request_upcall fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Ignore read reponse type 1 CQEs (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix possible memory leak in RX_PKT processing (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't leak skb in c4iw_uld_rx_handler() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Save the correct map length for fast_reg_page_lists (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Default peer2peer mode to 1 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Mind the sq_sig_all/sq_sig_type QP attributes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix incorrect BUG_ON conditions (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Always release neigh entry (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Allow loopback connections (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Cap CQ size at T4_MAX_IQ_SIZE (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix four byte info leak in c4iw_create_cq() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix underflows in c4iw_create_qp() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Doorbell Drop Avoidance Bug Fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Treat CPL_ERR_KEEPALV_NEG_ADVICE as negative advice (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Calculate len properly for LSO path (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Updates for T5 SGE's Egress Congestion Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Rectify emitting messages about SGE Ingress DMA channels being potentially stuck (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add code to dump SGE registers when hitting idma hangs (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix some small bugs in t4_sge_init_soft() when our Page Size is 64KB (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: use remove handler as shutdown handler (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cgxb4: Stop using ethtool SPEED_* constants (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add more PCI device ids (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't assume LSO only uses SGL path in t4_eth_xmit() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove unused registers and add missing ones (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Query firmware for T5 ULPTX MEMWRITE DSGL capabilities (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: LE-Workaround is not atomic in firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Allow >10G ports to have multiple queues (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Print adapter VPD Part Number instead of Engineering Change field (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to recognize 40G links (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing neigh_release in LE-Workaround path (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix referencing freed adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix gcc warning on 32-bit arch (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't retrieve stats during recovery (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Avoid disabling PCI device for towice (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: silence shift wrapping static checker warning (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Changed FW check version to match FW binary version (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: allow large buffer size to have page size (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use cxgb4_select_ntuple to correctly calculate ntuple fields (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Server filters are supported only for IPv4 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Calculate the filter server TID properly (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: make functions static and remove dead code (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add API to correctly calculate tuple fields (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Account for stid entries properly in case of IPv6 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Assign filter server TIDs properly (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Include TCP as protocol when creating server filters (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Reserve stid 0 for T4/T5 adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: calls skb_set_hash (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Make _c4iw_write_mem_dma() static (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix formatting of physical address (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add new scheme to update T4/T5 firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: added much cleaner implementation of is_t4() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Much cleaner implementation of is_t4()/is_t5() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cgxb4: remove duplicate include in cxgb4.h (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove workqueue when driver registration fails (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Issue RI.FINI before closing when entering TERM (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Advertise ~0ULL as max MR size (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Always do GTS write if cidx_inc == CIDXINC_MASK (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Set arp error handler for PASS_ACCEPT_RPL messages (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix accounting for unsignaled SQ WRs to deal with wrap (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix QP flush logic (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use correct bit shift macros for vlan filter tuples (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Handle newer firmware changes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add support for active and passive open connection with IPv6 address (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cma: Add IPv6 support for iWARP (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add CLIP support to store compressed IPv6 address (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add routines to create and remove listening IPv6 servers (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix stack info leak in c4iw_create_qp() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Do not set net_device::dev_id to VI index (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Force uninitialized state if FW_ON_ADAPTER is < FW_VERSION and we're the MASTER_PF (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix error recovery when t4_fw_hello returns a positive value (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Support CPL_SGE_EGR_UPDATEs encapsulated in a CPL_FW4_MSG (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix pci_device_id structure initialization with correct PF number (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix SQ allocation when on-chip SQ is disabled (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix error return code in create_qp() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix onchip queue support for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Bump tcam_full stat and WR reply timeout (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Map pbl buffers for dma if using DSGL (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use DSGLs for fastreg and adapter memory writes for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add module_params to enable DB FC & Coalescing on T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Turn off db coalescing when RDMA QPs are in use (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add Support for Chelsio T5 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Disable SR-IOV support for PF4-7 for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update driver version and description (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add T5 PCI ids (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add T5 debugfs support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Enable doorbell drop recovery only for T4 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add T5 write combining support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Dump T5 registers (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Initialize T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add macros, structures and inline functions for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add register definations for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Allow for backward compatibility with new VPD scheme (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix cast warning (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: "cookie" can stay in host endianness (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Address sparse warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Insert hwtid in pass_accept_req instead in pass_establish (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't wakeup threads for MPAv2 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't reconnect on abort for mpa_rev 1 (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix endpoint timeout race condition (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Only log rx_data warnings if cpl status is non-zero (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Always log async errors (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Keep QP referenced until TID released (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Display streaming mode error only if detected in RTS (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Abort connections when moving to ERROR state (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Abort connections that receive unexpected streaming mode data (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix incorrect PFVF CMASK (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use netdev_ and pr_ (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix bug for active and passive LE hash collision path (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix LE hash collision bug for passive open connection (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix LE hash collision bug for active open connection (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add LE hash collision bug fix path in LLD driver (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add T4 filter support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove __dev* attributes (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Chelsio FCoE offload driver submission (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: use WARN (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix initialization of SGE_CONTROL register (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix unable to get UP event from the LLD (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't free chunk that we have failed to allocate (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove unnecessary #ifdef condition (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Address various sparse warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: allocate enough data in t4_memory_rw() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix build error due to missing linux/vmalloc.h include (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Dynamically allocate memory in t4_memory_rw() and get_vpd_params() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix error handling in create_qp() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't attempt to upgrade T4 firmware when cxgb4 will end up as a slave (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for T4 hardwired driver configuration settings (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for T4 configuration file (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Code cleanup to enable T4 Configuration File support (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add functions to read memory via PCIE memory window (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix incorrect values for MEMWIN*_APERTURE and MEMWIN*_BASE (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Move dereference below NULL test (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update RDMA/cxgb4 due to macro definition removal in cxgb4 driver (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove duplicate register definitions (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: set maximal number of default RSS queues (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Include vmalloc.h for vmalloc and vfree (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove kfifo usage (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use vmalloc() for debugfs QP dump (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add DB Overflow Avoidance (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add debugfs RDMA memory stats (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Common platform specific changes for DB Drop Recovery (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Detect DB FULL events and notify RDMA ULD (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Drop peer_abort when no endpoint found (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Debugfs dump_qp() updates (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use ULP_MODE_TCPDDP (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Turn on delayed ACK (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use netif_set_real_num_rx/tx_queues() (Sai Vemuri) [1121803] - [netdrv] cxgb4: set skb->rxhash (Sai Vemuri) [1121803]- [drm] i915: fix backport typo (Rob Clark) [1131218] - [net] revert: bridge: Provide VLAN registration and GRO acceleration for ports (Jiri Pirko) [1121991] - [net] revert: bridge: Correctly receive hw-accelerated vlan traffic (Jiri Pirko) [1121991] - [net] revert: vlan: Allow accelerated packets to flow through the bridge (Jiri Pirko) [1121991] - [net] ipv6: fix calculation of option len in ip6_append_data (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127225] - [net] ipv6: pmtudisc setting not respected with UFO/CORK (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127225] - [net] ipv4: fix DO and PROBE pmtu mode regarding local fragmentation with UFO/CORK (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127225] - [net] rtnetlink: fix VF info size (Jiri Benc) [1126761] - [scsi] fc: ensure scan_work isn't active when freeing fc_rport (Maurizio Lombardi) [1120036] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Safe bnx2x_panic_dump() (Michal Schmidt) [1121539] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Enlarge the dorq threshold for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1123412] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 1G-baseT link (Michal Schmidt) [1123412] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link for KR with swapped polarity lane (Michal Schmidt) [1123412] - [md] raid: avoid data corruption during recovery of double-degraded RAID6 (Jes Sorensen) [1090423] - [perf] tools: Show better error message in case we fail to open counters due to EBUSY error (Jiri Olsa) [1103196] - [perf] tools: Add filename__read_str util function (Jiri Olsa) [1103196] - [kvm] revert "x86: increase VCPU limit to 240" (Radim Krcmar) [864242] - [virt] revert "virtio-net: initialize vlan_features" (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1132588]- [net] ipv6: fix headroom calculation in udp6_ufo_fragment (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1121522] - [net] udp6: Fix udp fragmentation for tunnel traffic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1121522] - [net] sctp: inherit auth_capable on INIT collisions (Daniel Borkmann) [1123760] {CVE-2014-5077} - [net] sctp: only warn in proc_sctp_do_alpha_beta if write (Daniel Borkmann) [1081372] - [net] sctp: fix permissions for rto_alpha and rto_beta knobs (Daniel Borkmann) [1081372] - [scsi] scsi_lib: remove the description string in scsi_io_completion() (Maurizio Lombardi) [710111] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [919831 990690] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove restriction on starting remote device discovery on port update (Chad Dupuis) [990690] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move mailbox failure messages to a default debug level (Chad Dupuis) [919831] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Keep only one driver entry release mlx4_priv (Amir Vadai) [1121531] - [netdrv] be2net: fix qnq mode detection on VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1123790] - [netdrv] be2net: ignore get/set profile FW cmd failures (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: use adapter->flags to track SRIOV state (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid SRIOV config for BE2 chip (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: use be_max_vfs() macro to access max-vfs (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: create optimal number of queues on SR-IOV config (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: read VF's capabilities from GET_PROFILE_CONFIG cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [netdrv] be2net: remove be_cmd_get_profile_config_mbox/mccq() variants (Ivan Vecera) [1110417] - [x86] perf: Fix AMD NB and L2I "uncore" support (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Remove old-style NB counter support from perf_event_amd.c (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Add support for AMD NB and L2I "uncore" counters (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] Add cpu_has_topoext (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Enable northbridge performance counters on AMD family 15h (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: add global get_ibs_caps() (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Share IBS macros between perf and oprofile (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Generalize northbridge constraints code for family 15h (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Allow for architecture specific RDPMC indexes (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Move MSR address offset calculation to architecture specific files (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] perf: Use rdpmc() rather than rdmsr() when possible in the kernel (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] Add rdpmcl() (Prarit Bhargava) [922929] - [x86] efi: Properly pre-initialize table pointers (Laszlo Ersek) [1129282] - [md] raid1, raid10: always abort recover on write error (Jes Sorensen) [1124351]- [xen] smp: Unifiy some of the PVs and PVHVM offline CPU path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] smp: Fix leakage of the spinlock interrupt line for every CPU online/offline (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] disable PV spinlocks on HVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] smp: initialize IPI vectors before marking CPU online (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] Do not enable PV IPIs when vector callback not present (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] pv on hvm support PV spinlocks and IPIs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [xen] percpu: make percpu symbols in xen unique (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1123370] - [kernel] sched: Fix possible divide by zero in avg_atom() calculation (Mateusz Guzik) [1109489] - [kernel] add div64_ul() (Mateusz Guzik) [1109489] - [kernel] sched: Move idle_balance() stats back where they were instead of at the end of the sched_domain (Larry Woodman) [1119156] - [perf] x86: ignore CondChgd bit to avoid false NMI handling (Don Zickus) [1116947] - [s390] fix restore of invalid floating-point-control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1121962] - [s390] sclp_vt220: Enable ASCII console per default (Hendrik Brueckner) [1112743] - [x86] apic: Remove noisy zero-mask warning from default_send_IPI_mask_logical() (Prarit Bhargava) [745124] - [drm] i915: lock around link status and link training (Dave Airlie) [1126640] - [drm] i915: only hook up hpd pulse for DP outputs (Dave Airlie) [1126640] - [alsa] control: Don't access controls outside of protected regions (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1117329] {CVE-2014-4653} - [md] dm-thin: set minimum_io_size to pool's data block size (Mikulas Patocka) [1121779] - [md] dm: allocate a special workqueue for deferred device removal (Mike Snitzer) [1109431] - [kernel] coredump: redefine SIGNAL_GROUP_COREDUMP to fix the conflict with SIGNAL_CLD_STOPPED (Oleg Nesterov) [1106519] - [powerpc] pseries: Track previous CPPR values to correctly EOI interrupts (Gustavo Duarte) [1089977] - [netdrv] tg3: Modify tg3_tso_bug() to handle multiple TX rings (Ivan Vecera) [1123530] - [netdrv] bna: fix performance regression (Ivan Vecera) [1121039] - [netdrv] bna: fill the magic in bnad_get_eeprom() instead of validating (Ivan Vecera) [1119123] - [netdrv] e1000e: implement 82577/579 MDI setting support (Ivan Vecera) [1105604] - [netdrv] igb: update to allow reading/setting MDI state (Ivan Vecera) [1105604] - [netdrv] e1000e: implement MDI/MDI-X control (Ivan Vecera) [1105604] - [netdrv] e1000: configure and read MDI settings (Ivan Vecera) [1105604] - [netdrv] ethtool: MDI setting support (Ivan Vecera) [1105604] - [netdrv] bna: remove use of ndo_set_multicast_list in drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1120510] - [netdrv] bna: fix vlan tag stripping and implement its toggling (Ivan Vecera) [1120510] - [netdrv] bna: convert to hw_features (Ivan Vecera) [1120510]- [powerpc] pci: Improve device hotplug initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [powerpc] pci: fix PCI-e devices rescan issue on powerpc platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [powerpc] pci: Cleanup device dma setup code (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [pci] Add pcibios_add_device (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [pci] fix undefined reference to 'pci_fixup_final_inited' (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [pci] call final fixups hot-added devices (Gustavo Duarte) [1084398] - [mm] vmscan: Fix memcg forced scan of anonymous pages (Jerome Marchand) [1124895] - [mm] try_to_unmap_cluster() should lock_page() before mlocking (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1093081] {CVE-2014-3122} - [video] fbmem: convert fb_mmap to vm_iomap_memory() helper (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1035242] {CVE-2013-2596} - [s390] add dummy io_remap_pfn_range() to asm/pgtable.h (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1035242] {CVE-2013-2596} - [mm] add vm_iomap_memory() helper function (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1035242] {CVE-2013-2596} - [hv] hv_fcopy: fix a race condition for SMP guest (Jason Wang) [1118123] - [hv] util: Fix a bug in the KVP code (Jason Wang) [1118123] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in the channel callback dispatch code (Jason Wang) [1118123] - [scsi] virtio_scsi: fix memory leak on full queue condition (Fam Zheng) [1111485] - [scsi] storvsc: Correctly handle TEST_UNIT_READY failure (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Set srb_flags in all cases (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Implement a eh_timed_out handler (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix a bug in handling VMBUS protocol version (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Filter commands based on the storage protocol version (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Set cmd_per_lun to reflect value supported by the Host (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [scsi] storvsc: Change the limits to reflect the values on the host (Jason Wang) [1120468] - [fs] xfs: always do log forces via the workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1028831] - [fs] xfs: Do background CIL flushes via a workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1028831] - [fs] vfs: fix ELOOP error handling in path_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [1121323] {CVE-2014-5045} - [fs] vfs: fix ref count leak in path_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [1121323] {CVE-2014-5045} - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_itruncate_data (Brian Foster) [1113418] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_itruncate_finish (Brian Foster) [1113418] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_itruncate_start (Brian Foster) [1113418] - [fs] xfs: factor extent map manipulations out of xfs_bmapi (Brian Foster) [1113418] - [fs] gfs2: Allow caching of glocks for flock (Robert S Peterson) [1110421] - [fs] gfs2: Allow flocks to use normal glock dq rather than dq_wait (Robert S Peterson) [1110421] - [fs] xfs: don't log dummy transaction on frozen fs (Eric Sandeen) [1076286] - [fs] ext4: set extents flag when migrating file to use extents (Eric Sandeen) [952005]- [netdrv] sfc: Add 40G link capability decoding (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1111076] - [netdrv] sfc: Adding PCI ID for Solarflare 7000 series 40G network adapter (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1111076] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Add memory barriers for send / receive (Gustavo Duarte) [1099590] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Abort init sequence during error recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1099590] - [driver] core: fix addition of delayed probe infrastructure (Doug Ledford) [1116871] - [uapi] rdma_user_cm.h: include socket.h (Doug Ledford) [1072857] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix set_setting for some PHYs (Michal Schmidt) [1009332] - [net] bridge: unregister rtnl message types correctly (Jiri Benc) [1114445]- [drm] nouveau: backport display fixes from upstream (Ben Skeggs) [1105194] - [drivers] platform: use always ->name for uevent (Prarit Bhargava) [1120675] - [hv] remove meaningless pr_err() in vmbus_recvpacket_raw() (Jason Wang) [1112076] - [x86] mm: fix crash when booting as a hyperv NUMA guest (Luiz Capitulino) [979364] - [powerpc] kexec: fix access to kexec_state table (Gustavo Duarte) [1118904] - [powerpc] Dynamic update cache list during suspend and resume (Gustavo Duarte) [1087793] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Initialize mailbox cmd structure to zero (Chad Dupuis) [1115438] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix NULL pointer dereference bug (Chad Dupuis) [1110938] - [x86] hpet: Fix bogus error check in hpet_assign_irq() (Prarit Bhargava) [1117874] - [pci] dmar: Fix return value check of create_irq() (Prarit Bhargava) [1117874] - [md] dm-thin: relax external origin size constraints (Mike Snitzer) [1030411] - [md] dm-thin: switch to an atomic_t for tracking pending new block preparations (Mike Snitzer) [1030411] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix for offlining devices during error recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1108718] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Suppress ABTS if target gone (Gustavo Duarte) [1108718] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Send cancel when link is down (Gustavo Duarte) [1108718] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Support FAST_IO_FAIL in EH handlers (Gustavo Duarte) [1108718] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Properly set cancel flags when cancelling abort (Gustavo Duarte) [1108718] - [scsi] bnx2i: Update driver version to (Maurizio Lombardi) [1120723] - [net] l2tp: don't fall back on UDP getsockopt / setsockopt (Petr Matousek) [1119462] {CVE-2014-4943}- [crypto] md5: Set statesize (Mike Snitzer) [1114137] - [crypto] hash: Fix async import on shash algorithm (Mike Snitzer) [1114137] - [crypto] drbg: Enable DRBG by default (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: drbg_exit() can be static (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: HMAC-SHA1 DRBG has crypto strength of 128 bits (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Mix a time stamp into DRBG state (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Select correct DRBG core for stdrng (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Call CTR DRBG DF function only once (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Fix format string for debugging statements (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: cleanup of preprocessor macros (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Use Kconfig to ensure at least one RNG option is set (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: use of kernel linked list (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: fix memory corruption for AES192 (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: simplify ordering of linked list in drbg_ctr_df (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: Add DRBG test code to testmgr (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: DRBG testmgr test vectors (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: compile the DRBG code (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: DRBG kernel configuration options (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: header file for DRBG (Herbert Xu) [1105601] - [crypto] drbg: SP800-90A Deterministic Random Bit Generator (Herbert Xu) [1105601]- [crypto] fips: only panic on bad/missing crypto mod signatures (Jarod Wilson) [1105596] - [kernel] futex: avoid race between requeue and wake (Larry Woodman) [1118434] - [kernel] futex: revert back to the explicit waiter counting code (Larry Woodman) [1118434] - [kernel] futex: Avoid taking the hb->lock if there's nothing to wake up (Larry Woodman) [1118434] - [fs] epoll: do not take the nested ep->mtx on EPOLL_CTL_DEL (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [fs] epoll: do not take global 'epmutex' for simple topologies (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [fs] epoll: fix spurious lockdep warnings (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [usb] ehci: fix HUB TT scheduling issue with iso transfer (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: reorganize isochronous scheduler routine (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: add missing frame -> microframe conversion (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: simplify remainder computations (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: fix audio record functionality for some Full speed sound blaster devices (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: Respect IST when scheduling new split iTDs (Gopal) [1092967] - [usb] ehci: Minor constant fix for SCHEDULE_SLOP (Gopal) [1092967] - [scsi] ipr: Add new CCIN definition for Grand Canyon support (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Format HCAM overlay ID 0x21 (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Handle early EEH (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Add new CCIN definition for new hardware support (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Remove extended delay bit on GSCSI reads/writes ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: increase dump size in ipr driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Increase msi-x interrupt vectors to 16 (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [scsi] ipr: Add sereral new CCIN definitions for new adapters support (Gustavo Duarte) [1054284] - [powerpc] pseries: Add backward compatibilty to read old kernel oops-log (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Read common partition via pstore (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Read of-config partition via pstore (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Distinguish between a os-partition and non-os partition (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Read rtas partition via pstore (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Read/Write oops nvram partition via pstore (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Add version and timestamp to oops header (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [powerpc] pseries: Introduce generic read function to read nvram-partitions (Gustavo Duarte) [929309] - [s390] crypto: Fix aes-cbc IV corruption (Herbert Xu) [1003528] - [s390] crypto: Don't panic after crypto instruction failures (Herbert Xu) [1003528] - [s390] crypto: cleanup DES code (Herbert Xu) [1003528] - [s390] crypto: des_s390 use generic weak key check (Herbert Xu) [1003528] - [s390] crypto: remove des3_ede128 mode (Herbert Xu) [1003528] - [s390] af_iucv: correct cleanup if listen backlog is full (Hendrik Brueckner) [1112347] - [kernel] auditsc: audit_krule mask accesses need bounds checking (Denys Vlasenko) [1102705] {CVE-2014-3917} - [acpi] Fix bug when ACPI reset register is implemented in system memory (Nigel Croxon) [1102955] - [net] gro: fix deliver of trunk packets to VLAN interfaces (Marcelo Ricardo Leitner) [1112324] - [block] blk-cgroup: Accept tab as valid field delimiter (Vivek Goyal) [788580]- [kernel] utrace: force IRET path after utrace_finish_vfork() (Oleg Nesterov) [1115933] {CVE-2014-4699} - [kernel] ipc: fix race with LSMs (Paul Moore) [1115477] - [kernel] ipc: ipc_rcu_alloc() cacheline align allocation (Paul Moore) [1115477] - [kernel] ipc: ipc_schedule_free() can do vfree() directly now (Paul Moore) [1115477] - [mm] make vfree() safe to call from interrupt contexts (Paul Moore) [1115477] - [kernel] ipc: Convert ipc_immediate_free() RCU callback to kfree_rcu() (Paul Moore) [1115477] - [mm] hugetlb: ensure hugepage access is denied if hugepages are not supported (Gustavo Duarte) [1086450] - [block] rsxx: Fix possible kernel panic with invalid config (Gustavo Duarte) [1054285] - [crypto] nx: rework Kconfig (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix SHA-2 for chunks bigger than block size (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix GCM for zero length messages (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix XCBC for zero length messages (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CCM (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-XCBC (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-GCM (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CTR (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CBC (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-ECB (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: add offset to nx_build_sg_lists() (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix nx-aes-gcm verification (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix concurrency issue (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: saves chaining value from co-processor (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for SHA-2 (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix physical addresses added to sg lists (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [crypto] nx: fix typo in nx driver config option (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [powerpc] pseries: Add pseries update notifier for OFDT prop changes (Gustavo Duarte) [1053844] - [netdrv] i40e: fix receive of VLAN packets (Stefan Assmann) [1113513] - [hv] Handle the case when the target file exists correctly (Jason Wang) [1102259] - [hv] Implement the file copy service (Jason Wang) [1102259] - [kernel] uuid: add uuid.h to exported header list (Jason Wang) [1102259] - [block] rename blk_get_queue to blk_get_request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1098658] - [block] misc updates to blk_get_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1098658] - [module] add support for soft module dependencies (Neil Horman) [968872] - [crypto] crct10dif: Simple correctness and speed test for CRCT10DIF hash (Neil Horman) [968872] - [crypto] crct10dif: Glue code to cast accelerated CRCT10DIF assembly as a crypto transform (Neil Horman) [968872] - [crypto] crct10dif: Accelerated CRC T10 DIF computation with PCLMULQDQ instruction (Neil Horman) [968872] - [crypto] crct10dif: Wrap crc_t10dif function all to use crypto transform framework (Neil Horman) [968872] - [crypto] testmgr: remove empty element from alg_test_descs (Jan Stancek) [1114983] - [block] revert "block: improve queue_should_plug() by looking at IO depths" (Jeff Moyer) [1003678] - [hv] balloon: Ensure pressure reports are posted regularly (Luiz Capitulino) [1102275] - [kvm] iommu: fix releasing unmapped page (Alex Williamson) [1110977]- [fs] sunrpc: refactor rpcauth_checkverf error returns (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] nfs: avoid expired credential keys for buffered writes (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: new rpc_credops to test credential expiry (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: don't map EKEYEXPIRED to EACCES in call_refreshresult (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: set gss gc_expiry to full lifetime (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: handle EKEYEXPIRED in call_refreshresult (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: Use __func__ in dprintk() in auth_gss.c (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix machine creds in generic_create_cred and generic_match (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: Clean up the RPCSEC_GSS service ticket requests (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] sunrpc: Reduce switch/case indent (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] nfsd: fix minor memory leak (Scott Mayhew) [786463] - [fs] nfs: Don't mark the data cache as invalid if it has been flushed (Scott Mayhew) [1109365] - [fs] nfs: Clear NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE when we update the file size (Scott Mayhew) [1109365] - [fs] nfs: Fix cache_validity check in nfs_write_pageuptodate() (Scott Mayhew) [1109365] - [fs] vfs: plug dentry leak in mountpoint_last (Mateusz Guzik) [1114387] - [fs] nfsd: Don't hand out delegations for 30 seconds after recalling them (J. Bruce Fields) [998024] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix potential null pointer dereference and memory leak (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix missing NULL pointer checks and memory leaks (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Spinlock fix (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fixed return value issue (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Removing redundant code snippets (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Tasklets synchronization fix (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Resetting the phy state (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix for direct attached device (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Firmware logging support (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Phy settings support for motherboard controller (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: IButton security feature support for motherboard controllers (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Print SAS address of IO failed device (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: 4G boundary fix (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Set device state response logic fix (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Display controller BIOS version (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Indirect SMP request fix (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Device id changes to support series 8 controllers (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix for 32 bit compilation warning (Rich Bono) [1054927] - [security] keys: Increase root_maxkeys and root_maxbytes sizes (Steve Dickson) [1113607] - [net] ipv4: fix route cache rebuilds (Jiri Pirko) [1111631] - [net] sch_tbf: handle too small burst (Florian Westphal) [1103694] - [net] don't account for udp header size when computing seglen (Florian Westphal) [1103694] - [net] sctp: Fix sk_ack_backlog wrap-around problem (Daniel Borkmann) [1085932] {CVE-2014-4667} - [net] neigh: set nud_state to NUD_INCOMPLETE when probing router reachability (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1110192] - [scsi] dual scan thread bug fix (David Milburn) [1079922] - [scsi] fix our current target reap infrastructure (David Milburn) [1079922] - [netdrv] sfc: Demote "MC Scheduler error" messages (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [805817] - [input] wacom: fix regression on X220 tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1112852] - [doc] procfs: fix incorrect formula to calculate CommitLimit value (Petr Oros) [1050174] - [netdrv] tg3: Clear NETIF_F_TSO6 flag before doing software GSO (Ivan Vecera) [1108572] - [fs] devpts: Add ctl_names back to moved proc files' ctl_tables (Prarit Bhargava) [1105533]- [drm] i915: backport fixes from upstream (Dave Airlie) [1110555] - [acpi] acpi_pad: power_saving_thread() call schedule() when need_resched is true (Tony Camuso) [831828] - [x86] apic: Plug racy xAPIC access of CPU hotplug code (Igor Mammedov) [1075145] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add CPU IDs for Broadwell processors (Steve Best) [1109389] - [x86] exec: fix leak of 32-bit libary mapping behavior to 64-bit children (Denys Vlasenko) [1064475] - [mm] memcg: fix race condition between memcg teardown and swapin (Johannes Weiner) [1001197] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: adjust ring sizes when interface is down (Neil Horman) [1079060] - [x86] kvm: expose ADX feature to guest (Don Dugger) [1097017] - [x86] kvm: expose new instruction RDSEED to guest (Don Dugger) [1097017] - [x86] cpufeature: Add the RDSEED and ADX features (Don Dugger) [1097017] - [x86] avx-512: Enable AVX-512 States Context Switch (Rui Wang) [1036233] - [x86] avx-512: AVX-512 Feature Detection (Rui Wang) [1036233] - [acpi] emca: Combine eMCA/EDAC event reporting priority (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [edac] Add an edac_report parameter to EDAC (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [x86] Export 'boot_cpu_physical_apicid' to modules (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] Fix extended error log driver to depend on CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [dmi] Avoid unaligned memory access in save_mem_devices() (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] Move cper.c from drivers/acpi/apei to drivers/firmware/efi (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] cper: Cleanup CPER memory error output format (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] cper: Enhance memory reporting capability (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] cper: Add UEFI 2.4 support for memory error (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [x86] mce: Add validation check before GHES error is recorded (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [dmi] Parse memory device type 17 in SMBIOS (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [dmi] Add DMI entry types to the headers (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] Extended error log driver for x86 platform (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [edac] bitops: Introduce a more generic BITMASK macro (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] cper: Update cper info (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] cper: Fix status check during error printing (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] ghes: add the needed hooks for EDAC error report (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [acpi] ghes: move structures/enum to a header file (Rui Wang) [1032255] - [lib] ratelimit: fix the return value when __ratelimit() fails to acquire the lock (Jiri Pirko) [1082772] - [lib] ratelimit: Fix/allow use in atomic contexts (Jiri Pirko) [1082772]- [fs] fuse: fix nlink after unlink (Brian Foster) [1054351] - [fs] fuse: fix fallocate vs. ftruncate race (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: wait for writeback in fuse_file_fallocate() (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: use list_for_each_entry() for list traversing (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: readdir: check for slash in names (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: hotfix truncate_pagecache() issue (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: invalidate inode attributes on xattr modification (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: postpone end_page_writeback() in fuse_writepage_locked() (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: fix readdirplus Oops in fuse_dentry_revalidate (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: allocate for_background dio requests based on io->async state (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: optimize wake_up (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: implement exclusive wakeup for blocked_waitq (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: skip blocking on allocations of synchronous requests (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: add flag fc->initialized (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: make request allocations for background processing explicit (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: fix hang of single threaded fuseblk filesystem (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: allow control of adaptive readdirplus use (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: avoid out-of-scope stack access (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: Adapt readdirplus to application usage patterns (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: delete dead .write_begin and .write_end aops (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: separate queue for FORGET requests (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: flush background queue on connection close (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: support splice() reading from fuse device (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: export generic_pipe_buf_*() to modules (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: allow splice to move pages (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: support splice() writing to fuse device (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] fuse: get page reference for readpages (Brian Foster) [1035422] - [fs] bio: modify __bio_add_page to accept pages that dont start a new segment (Maurizio Lombardi) [885517] - [fs] bio: modify __bio_add_page() to accept pages that don't start a new segment (Maurizio Lombardi) [885517] - [fs] gfs2: Only wait for demote when last holder is dequeued (Robert S Peterson) [1110421] - [fs] btrfs: fix bio rw flag usage (Zach Brown) [1072112] - [fs] nfsd: notify_change needs elevated write count (Mateusz Guzik) [1105057] - [fs] cifs: ensure that srv_mutex is held when dealing with ssocket pointer (Sachin Prabhu) [1010233] - [fs] nfsv4: close needs to handle NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED (Dave Wysochanski) [1082127] - [fs] ext4: init pagevec in ext4_da_block_invalidatepages (Lukas Czerner) [876803] - [fs] ext4: Report max_batch_time option correctly (Lukas Czerner) [1100523] - [fs] ext4: fix deadlock when writing in ENOSPC conditions (Lukas Czerner) [1075780] - [fs] ext4: set b_blocknr to zero when block_validity fails (Lukas Czerner) [997894] - [fs] nfs: Use error handler on failed GETATTR with successful OPEN (Steve Dickson) [1104292] - [fs] lockd: Ensure that nlmclnt_block resets block->b_status after a server reboot (Steve Dickson) [959006] - [fs] nfs: Handle session reset before lease check (Scott Mayhew) [1090656] - [fs] ext4: Avoid underflow in ext4_trim_fs() (Lukas Czerner) [998785] - [fs] gfs2: When adding a new dir entry, inc link count if it is a subdir (Robert S Peterson) [1092083] - [fs] gfs2: Make gfs2_dir_del update link count when required (Robert S Peterson) [1092083] - [fs] gfs2: Don't use gfs2_change_nlink in link syscall (Robert S Peterson) [1092083] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add missing size to net_device_ops_ext structures (Amir Vadai) [1059086] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Implement ndo_get_phys_port for VF's (Amir Vadai) [1059086]- [infiniband] usnic: fix up Kconfig items (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: drop hpn module option (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reset RoCE VF gids when guest driver goes down (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Invoke UPDATE_QP for proxy QP1 on MAC changes (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add UPDATE_QP SRIOV wrapper support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix slave id computation for single port VF (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Adjust port number in qp_attach wrapper when detaching (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: don't use napi_synchronize inside mlx4_en_netpoll (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Defer VF initialization till PF is fully initialized (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Preserve pci_dev_data after __mlx4_remove_one() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add block multicast loopback support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Unregister inet notifier when unloading ocrdma (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix warnings about pointer <-> integer casts (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Code clean-up (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Display FW version (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Query controller information (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Support non-embedded mailbox commands (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Handle CQ overrun error (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Display proper value for max_mw (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Use non-zero tag in SRQ posting (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Memory leak fix in ocrdma_dereg_mr() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increment abi version count (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update version string (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: ABI versioning between ocrdma and be2net (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Allow DPP QP creation (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Read ASIC_ID register to select asic_gen (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: SQ and RQ doorbell offset clean up (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: EQ full catastrophe avoidance (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Don't resolve passive side RoCE L2 address in CMA REQ handler (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Remove overload in ib_sg_dma* (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ehca: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipath: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Bump driver version to 1.3 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Update Mellanox copyright note (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Print QP information once connection is established (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Remove struct iscsi_iser_conn (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Drain the tx cq once before looping on the rx cq (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Fix sector_t format warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Make buffer larger to avoid overflow warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix some indenting in mlx4_ib_add() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mad: Check and handle potential DMA mapping errors (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ehca: Returns an error on ib_copy_to_udata() failure (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mthca: Return an error on ib_copy_to_udata() failure (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support for CONFIG_DEV command (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: USe one wrapper that returns -EPERM (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: pass pci_device_id.driver_data to __mlx4_init_one during reset (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use actual number of PCI functions (PF + VFs) for alias GUID logic (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Fix a race condition between failing I/O and I/O completion (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid that writing into "add_target" hangs due to a cable pull (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Make writing into the "add_target" sysfs attribute interruptible (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid duplicate connections (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Add more logging (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Check ib_query_gid return value (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Fix two kernel-doc warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adapt num_vfs/probed_vf params for single port VF (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adapt code for N-Port VF (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add utils for N-Port VFs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add data structures to support N-Ports per VF (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4_ib: Adapt code to use caps.num_ports instead of a constant (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Cleanup qib_register_observer() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Change SDMA progression mode depending on single- or multi-rail (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Publish T10-PI support to SCSI midlayer (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Implement check_protection (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add check_protection callback for transports (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Support T10-PI operations (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Initialize T10-PI resources (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Introduce pi_enable, pi_guard module parameters (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize fall_to_bounce_buf routine (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize iser_unmap_task_data and finalize_rdma_unaligned_sg (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Replace fastreg descriptor valid bool with indicators container (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Keep IB device attributes under iser_device (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Move fast_reg_descriptor initialization to a function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Push the decision what memory key to use into fast_reg_mr routine (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Avoid FRWR notation, use fastreg instead (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Suppress completions for fast registration work requests (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix a sparse endianness warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix compiler warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Remove duplicate check in get_a_ctxt() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove '0x' when using pa format (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Fix memory leak of recv context when driver fails to initialize (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: fixup indentation in qib_ib_rcv() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: add missing braces in do_qib_user_sdma_queue_create() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Modify software pma counters to use percpu variables (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Add percpu counter replacing qib_devdata int_counter (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Fix debugfs ordering issue with multiple HCAs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipath: Fix potential buffer overrun in sending diag packet routine (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Fix potential buffer overrun in sending diag packet routine (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix wrong dump of the vxlan offloads device capability (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Activate RoCE/SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_ib: Fix SIDR support of for UD QPs under SRIOV/RoCE (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Implement IP based gids support for RoCE/SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add ref counting to port MAC table for RoCE (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: In RoCE allow guests to have multiple GIDS (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: For RoCE, allow slaves to set the GID entry at that slave's index (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adjust QP1 multiplexing for RoCE/SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5_core: remove unreachable function call in module init (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Expose support for signature MR feature (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Collect signature error completion (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Support IB_WR_REG_SIG_MR (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Keep mlx5 MRs in a radix tree under device (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove MTT access mode from umr flags helper function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Break up wqe handling into begin & finish routines (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Initialize mlx5_ib_qp signature-related members (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement create_mr and destroy_mr (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Introduce signature verbs API (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Introduce protected memory regions (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: mlx4_init_slave() shouldn't access comm channel before PF is ready (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix memory access error in mlx4_QUERY_DEV_CAP_wrapper() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: mlx4_en_verify_params() can be static (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Support shutdown() interface (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] Refactor umem to use linear SG table (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Change Connect-X description in kconfig (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use union for BlueFlame WQE (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix sparse warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix selftest failing on non 10G link speed (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Replace mlx4_en_mac_to_u64() with mlx4_mac_to_u64() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Move queue stopped/waked counters to be per ring (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Pad ethernet packets smaller than 17 bytes (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Verify mlx4_en module parameters (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix UP limit in ieee_ets->prio_tc (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix bad use of dev_id (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx: Bump all Mellanox driver versions (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix limiting number of IRQ's instead of RSS queues (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Set number of RX rings in a utility function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix load time panic during GID table init (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix traffic class shift (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Fix use after free in iser_snd_completion() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Avoid dereferencing iscsi_iser conn object when not bound to iser connection (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix smatch endianness error (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dependency on X86 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add include of because of kzalloc()/kfree() use (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] Report using RoCE IP based gids in port caps (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Build the port IBoE GID table properly under bonding (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do IBoE GID table resets per-port (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do IBoE locking earlier when initializing the GID table (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Move rtnl locking to the right place (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Make sure GID index 0 is always occupied (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't allocate range of steerable UD QPs for Ethernet-only device (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Don't set "block multicast loopback" capability (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix binary compatibility with libmlx5 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix RC transport send queue overhead computation (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Verify reserved fields are cleared (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove old field for create mkey mailbox (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Abort driver cleanup if teardown hca fails (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Allow creation of QPs with zero-length work queues (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix PowerPC support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: use uintptr_t casts to work around gcc warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Improve debugfs readability (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add support for resize CQ (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Implement modify CQ (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Make sure doorbell record is visible before doorbell (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use mlx5 core style warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Clear out struct before create QP command (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix out arg size in access_register command (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove unused includes of (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Fix unused variable warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: Handle global/non-linklocal IPv6 addresses in cma_check_linklocal() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove unnecessary validation for port number (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Use GFP_ATOMIC under spinlock (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Fix kernel-doc warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Fix a race condition (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Block rport upon TL error even with fast_io_fail_tmo = off (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add dependency on INET (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Move ocrdma_inetaddr_event outside of "#if CONFIG_IPV6" (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add dependency INET (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cm: Fix missing unlock on error in cm_init_qp_rtr_attr() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Make ib_addr a core IB module (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Resolve Ethernet L2 addresses when modifying QP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Populate GID table with IP based gids (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Handle Ethernet L2 parameters for IP based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Handle Ethernet L2 parameters for IP based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use IBoE (RoCE) IP based GIDs in the port GID table (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: IBoE (RoCE) IP-based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix error return code (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove unused variable in usnic_debugfs_exit() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Set userspace/kernel ABI ver to 4 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Advertise usNIC devices as RDMA_NODE_USNIC_UDP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add support for RDMA_NODE_USNIC_UDP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add dependency on CONFIG_INET (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix endianness-related warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: clean up srq_res_start_move_to() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: clean up cq_res_start_move_to() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Ethernet L2 attributes in verbs/cm structures (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add support for steerable IB UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add mechanism to support flow steering over IB links (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Enable device-managed steering support for IB ports too (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add support for steerable IB UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add support for IB L2 device-managed steering (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add flow steering support for IPoIB UD traffic (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix micro UAR allocator (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Remove dead code (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove unused code in mr.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Append documentation to usnic_transport.h and cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix typo "Ignorning" -> "Ignoring" (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Expose flows via debugfs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Use for_each_sg instead of a for-loop (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove superflous parentheses (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add RDMA_TRANSPORT_USNIC_UDP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support in usnic_ib_qp_grp.h, usnic_ib_qp_grp.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support in u*verbs.c, u*main.c and u*util.h (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support to usnic_transport.h, usnice_transport.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support to usnic_fwd.h, usnic_fwd.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Update ABI and Version file for UDP support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over sysfs to new usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over usnic_ib_qp_grp.* to new usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over main.c and verbs.c to the usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Push all forwarding state to usnic_fwd.h & uscnic_fwd.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add struct usnic_transport_spec (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Change WARN_ON to lockdep_assert_held (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] usnic: Add Cisco VIC low-level hardware driver (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix OCRDMA_GEN2_FAMILY macro definition (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix AV_VALID bit position (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Select PTP_1588_CLOCK (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] make sure the src net is infiniband when create new link (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Only cycle port if HW timestamp config changes (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add PTP hardware clock (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: slight optimization of addr compare (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check access to userspace response buffer in extended command (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check input length in flow steering uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Set error code when fail to consume all flow_spec items (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check reserved fields in create_flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check comp_mask in destroy_flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check reserved field in extended command header (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: New macro to set pointers to NULL if length is 0 in INIT_UDATA() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [net] rds: prevent BUG_ON triggered on congestion update to loopback (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Check port number for validity before accessing data (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add NAPI support for transmit side (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Ignore irrelevant hypervisor events (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Set CQE/EQE size to 64B by default (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Implement ndo_get_phys_port_id (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Expose physical port id as PF/VF capability (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Introduce nic_info new flag in QUERY_FUNC_CAP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Rename QUERY_FUNC_CAP fields (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove zeroed out of explicit QUERY_FUNC_CAP fields (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: const'ify inbuf in struct ib_udata (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iwcm: Don't touch cm_id after deref in rem_ref (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Roll back round robin bitmap allocation commit for CQs, SRQs, and MPTs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: destroy workqueue when driver fails to register (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove selftest TX queues empty condition (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Re-enable create_flow/destroy_flow uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: extended command an improved infrastructure for uverbs commands (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Remove ib_uverbs_flow_spec structure from userspace (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Use a common header for uverbs flow_specs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Make uverbs flow structure use names like verbs ones (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Rename 'flow' structs to match other uverbs structs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: clarify overflow/underflow checks on ib_create/destroy_flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ucma: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix page shift in create CQ for userspace (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix device max capabilities check (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix list_del of empty list (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dead code (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Encorce MR access rights rules on kernel consumers (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix endless loop in resize CQ (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ucma: Discard events for IDs not yet claimed by user space (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add Cisco usNIC rdma node and transport types (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Report receive errors correctly (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid offlining operational SCSI devices (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Remove target from list before freeing Scsi_Host structure (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Add change_queue_depth and change_queue_type support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Make queue size configurable (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce srp_alloc_req_data() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Export sgid to sysfs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Add periodic reconnect functionality (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Add periodic reconnect support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Start timers if a transport layer error occurs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Use SRP transport layer error recovery (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Add transport layer error handling (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Keep rport as long as the IB transport layer (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Make transport layer retry count configurable (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipath: Convert ipath_user_sdma_pin_pages() to use get_user_pages_fast() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove redundant check in ocrdma_build_fr() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix a crash in rmmod (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Silence an integer underflow warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use enum to indicate adapter page size (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Update opt param mask for RTS2RTS (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove "Always false" comparison (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dead code in mr.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Change optimal_reclaimed_pages for better performance (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Clear reserved area in set_hca_cap() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support communicating arbitrary host page size to firmware (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix cleanup flow when DMA mapping fails (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix srq free in destroy qp (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Simplify mlx5_ib_destroy_srq (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix overflow check in IB_WR_FAST_REG_MR (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Multithreaded create MR (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix check of number of entries in create CQ (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] netlink: Remove superfluous RDMA_NL_GET_OP() masking (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Pass imm_data from ib_uverbs_send_wr to ib_send_wr correctly (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Start multicast join process only on active ports (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Add path query flushing in ipoib_ib_dev_cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix usage of uninitialized multicast objects (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid flushing the driver workqueue on dev_down (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix deadlock between dev_change_flags() and __ipoib_dev_flush() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ipoib: Change CM skb memory allocation to be non-atomic during init (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] ipoib: Fix crash in dev_open error flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Datapath structures are allocated per NUMA node (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: ICM pages are allocated on device NUMA node (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Datapath resources allocated dynamically (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add immediate activate for VGT->VST->VGT (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Initialize all mailbox buffers to zero before use (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add RFS support in UDP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: Set IBoE SL (user-priority) by egress map when using vlans (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Implement resource quota enforcement (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix quota handling in the QUERY_FUNC_CAP wrapper (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Structures and init/teardown for VF resource quotas (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix checking order in MR table init (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Don't fail reg/unreg vlan for older guests (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Resource tracker for reg/unreg vlans (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use vlan id instead of vlan index for unregistration (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix reg/unreg vlan/mac to conform to the firmware spec (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix register/unreg vlan flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix call to __mlx4_unregister_mac (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Temporarily disable create_flow/destroy_flow uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Unused local variable in mlx4_opreq_action (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix typo, move similar defs to same location (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Clean the code to eliminate trivial build warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] Remove unnecessary semicolons (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Ensure proper synchronization accessing memory (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix alignment of reg umr gather buffers (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix eq names to display nicely in /proc/interrupts (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix error code translation from firmware to driver (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix opt param mask according to firmware spec (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix opt param mask for sq err to rts transition (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Disable atomic operations (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix layout of struct mlx5_init_seg (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Keep polling to reclaim pages while any returned (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Avoid async events on invalid port number (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Decrease memory consumption of mr caches (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove checksum on command interface commands (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix memory leak in mlx5_ib_create_srq (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Flush cache workqueue before destroying it (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix send work queue size calculation (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Rename name of mlx4_en_rx_alloc members (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove unused MLX5_DEBUG param in Kconfig (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix compiler warning about int/pointer size mismatch (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Fix redundant pointer check in dealloc flow (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Fix possible memory leak in iser_create_frwr_pool() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix passing wrong opcode to modify_srq (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fill PVID in UMC case (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add ABI versioning support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Consider multiple SGES in case of DPP (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix for displaying proper link speed (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increase STAG array size (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Dont use PD 0 for userpace CQ DB (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: FRMA code cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: For ERX2 irrespective of Qid, num_posted offset is 24 (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix to work with even a single MSI-X vector (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove the MTU check based on Ethernet MTU (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add support for fast register work requests (FRWR) (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Create IRD queue fix (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Better checking of userspace values for receive flow steering (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add receive flow steering support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Export ib_create/destroy_flow through uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Infrastructure for extensible uverbs commands (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add receive flow steering support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Reduce scope of local variables in mlx4_en_xmit (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix handling of dma_map failure (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Notify user when TX ring in error state (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Disable global flow control when PFC enabled (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Coding style cleanup in mlx4_en_dcbnl_ieee_setpfc() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Support MANAGE_PAGES and QUERY_PAGES firmware command changes (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Fixes to XRC reference counting in uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add locking around event dispatching on XRC target QPs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix XRC QPs detection in the resource tracker (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Cache recv DB until QP moved to RTR (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove __packed (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove driver QP state machine (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Don't allow zero/invalid sgid usage (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove redundant dev reference (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Style and redundant code cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Introduce fast memory registration model (FRWR) (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Place the fmr pool into a union in iser's IB conn struct (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Handle unaligned SG in separate function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize rdma memory registration (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Accept session->cmds_max from user space (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Restructure allocation/deallocation of connection resources (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] iser: Use proper debug level value for info prints (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Staticize local functions (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove health handler plugin (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: rename CONFIG_NET_LL_RX_POLL to CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: VFs must ignore the enable_64b_cqe_eqe module param (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Don't give VFs MAC addresses which are derived from the PF MAC (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Variable may be used uninitialized (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Implement new initialization sequence (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix stack info leak in mlx5_ib_alloc_ucontext() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix error return code in init_one() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: Only call cma_save_ib_info() for CM REQs (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: Fix accessing invalid private data for UD (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix error return code in mlx5_alloc_uuars() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] cma: Fix gcc warning (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Respond to operation request by firmware (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: use after free in mlx5_cmd_comp_handler() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5 core: Fix __udivdi3 when compiling for 32 bit arches (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5: Return -EFAULT instead of -EPERM (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Adjust hca_cap.uar_page_sz to conform to Connect-IB spec (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Let srp_abort() return FAST_IO_FAIL if TL offline (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] rename ll methods to busy-poll (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] rename include/net/ll_poll.h to include/net/busy_poll.h (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] uverbs: Use get_unused_fd_flags(O_CLOEXEC) instead of get_unused_fd() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fixes for sparse warnings (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Make profile[] static in main.c (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add HW enforcement to VF link state (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add driver for Mellanox Connect-IB adapters (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Add reserved values to enums for low-level driver use (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Bump driver version and release date (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Make HCA completion vector configurable (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Maintain a single connection per I_T nexus (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Fail I/O fast if target offline (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Skip host settle delay (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid skipping srp_reset_host() after a transport error (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] srp: Fix remove_one crash due to resource exhaustion (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove an unnecessary test (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix a race between napi poll function and RX ring cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Move register_netdev() to the end of initialization function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] core: Fix error return code in add_port() (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add VF link state support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add VF MAC spoof checking support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] mlx4: use __netdev_pick_tx instead of __skb_tx_hash in mlx4_en_select_queue (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Low Latency recv statistics (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add Low Latency Socket (LLS) support (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] switch infiniband uverbs to anon_inodes (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] qib: Optimize CQ callbacks (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [infiniband] drivers: avoid format string in dev_set_name (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [fs] make get_unused_fd_flags() a function (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [base] drivercore: Add driver probe deferral mechanism (Doug Ledford) [1029861 1030158 1043993 1051207 1053497 1054375 1059083 1059086 1059087 1059089 1062766 1078538 696003 807078 826288] - [net] vlan: Implement vlan_dev_get_egress_qos_mask as an inline (Doug Ledford) [1051207] - [net] vlan: Provide read access to the vlan egress map (Doug Ledford) [1051207] - [net] vlan: fix a race in egress prio management (Doug Ledford) [1051207] - [net] core: Add VF link state control policy (Doug Ledford) [1059086] - [net] core: Add VF link state control (Doug Ledford) [1059086] - [net] rtnetlink: Fix VF IFLA policy (Doug Ledford) [1059086] - [net] if_link: Add additional parameter to IFLA_VF_INFO for spoof checking (Doug Ledford) [1059086] - [firmware] iwlwifi: update firmware for 7260 / 3160 devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1054423]- [fs] vfs: fix autofs/afs/etc magic mountpoint breakage (Frantisek Hrbata) [1079347] {CVE-2014-0203} - [kernel] sched_cpupri: Fix memory barriers for vec updates to always be in order (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1079478] - [kernel] sched_cpupri: Remove the vec->lock (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1079478] - [md] always set MD_RECOVERY_INTR when interrupting a reshape thread (Jes Sorensen) [1109782] - [md] always set MD_RECOVERY_INTR when aborting a reshape or other "resync" (Jes Sorensen) [1109782] - [md] avoid possible spinning md thread at shutdown (Jes Sorensen) [1109782] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add hash value into RNDIS Per-packet info (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Properly handle checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable sendbuf mechanism on the send path (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Simplify the send_completion variables (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Remove recv_pkt_list and lock (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add support for virtual Receive Side Scaling vRSS (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [hv] vmbus: Implement per-CPU mapping of relid to channel (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [hv] Eliminate the channel spinlock in the callback path (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Address UDP checksum issues (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Negotiate suitable ndis version for offload support (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Allocate memory for all possible per-pecket information (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable large send offload (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable send side checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable receive side IP checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable offloads on the host (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Cleanup the send path (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Enable scatter gather I/O (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [hv] vmbus: Increase the limit on the number of pfns we can handle (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add latest NetVSP versions to auto negotiation (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Cleanup the netvsc receive callback functio (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Cleanup the receive path (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [netdrv] hyperv: Get rid of the rndis_filter_packet structure (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [hv] vmbus: Support per-channel driver state (Jason Wang) [1102261] - [kernel] kthread: ensure locality of task_struct allocations (Doug Ledford) [1109975] - [kernel] kthread: make kthread_create() killable (Doug Ledford) [1109975] - [kernel] kthread: NUMA aware kthread_create_on_node() (Doug Ledford) [1109975] - [kernel] NUMA aware alloc_thread_info_node() (Doug Ledford) [1109975] - [kernel] NUMA aware alloc_task_struct_node() (Doug Ledford) [1109975] - [netdrv] sfc: use gso_max_segs and remove RHEL-specific hack (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1021960] - [block] brd: Fix brd_lookup_page() race (Jeff Moyer) [962593] - [scsi] isci: fix needless ata reset escalation (David Milburn) [1074943] - [acpi] acpica: Add "Windows 2013" string to _OSI support (Lenny Szubowicz) [1093502] - [acpi] acpica: Add Windows8/Server2012 string for _OSI method (Lenny Szubowicz) [1093502] - [acpi] acpica: Add Vista SP2 to supported _OSI strings (Lenny Szubowicz) [1093502] - [x86] Replace left over sti/cli in ia32 audit exit code (Niels de Vos) [1105048] - [kernel] audit: Call tty_audit_push_task() outside preempt disabled (Mateusz Guzik) [1097315] - [kernel] watchdog: touch_nmi_watchdog should only touch local cpu not every one (Don Zickus) [646626] - [kernel] Fix race condition in add_memory_block that can cause kernel panic when ballooning down memory (Larry Woodman) [1102551] - [kernel] percpu: fix this_cpu_sub() subtrahend casting for unsigneds (Doug Ledford) [1105648] - [kernel] percpu: fix __this_cpu_*_return() definition (Doug Ledford) [1105648] - [kernel] percpu: Generic support for this_cpu_add, sub, dec, inc_return (Doug Ledford) [1105648] - [kernel] percpu: make alloc_percpu() handle array types (Doug Ledford) [1105648] - [kernel] this_cpu: Introduce this_cpu_ptr() and generic this_cpu_* operations (Doug Ledford) [1105648] - [net] tcp: syncookies: do not use getnstimeofday() (Florian Westphal) [1084438] - [net] tcp: syncookies: reduce mss table to four values (Florian Westphal) [1084438] - [net] tcp: syncookies: update mss tables (Florian Westphal) [1084438] - [net] tcp: syncookies: reduce cookie lifetime to 128 seconds (Florian Westphal) [1084438] - [net] rate-limit warn-bad-offload splats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1103683] - [net] Use device model to get driver name in skb_gso_segment() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1103683] - [net] openvswitch: fix use-after-free bug in netns (Flavio Leitner) [1100127] - [net] llc: Fix length check in llc_fixup_skb() (Jiri Benc) [1101053] - [net] unix socket code abuses csum_partial (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1077296] - [net] fix wrong mac_len calculation for vlans (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1102044] - [net] tcp: fix a timewait refcnt race (Jiri Benc) [1098048] - [net] filter: add vlan tag access (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [net] filter: add XOR operation (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [net] filter: add SKF_AD_RXHASH and SKF_AD_CPU (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [net] filter: Socket filter ancilliary data access for skb->dev->type (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [net] filter: Add SKF_AD_QUEUE instruction (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [net] filter: ingress socket filter by mark (Jiri Benc) [1082097] - [scsi] bnx2i: Make boot_nic entry visible in the sysfs session objects (Maurizio Lombardi) [1101442] - [scsi] hpsa: update driver version to 3.4.4-1-RH1 (Tomas Henzl) [1108346] - [scsi] hpsa: add new Smart Array PCI IDs (May 2014) (Tomas Henzl) [1108346] - [scsi] hpsa: Checking for a NULL return from a kzalloc call (Tomas Henzl) [1108346]- [scsi] Add timeout to avoid infinite command retry (David Milburn) [974583] - [md] dm-thin: update discard_granularity to reflect the thin-pool blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [1108809] - [md] dm-bio-prison: implement per bucket locking in the dm_bio_prison hash table (Mike Snitzer) [1108809] - [md] dm-thin: return ENOSPC instead of EIO when error_if_no_space enabled (Mike Snitzer) [1108809] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't use RESETTING state during reinit (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove storm control (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Remove reserved PCTYPE defines (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Update check for AQ aliveness (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use is_multicast_ether_addr helper (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: control auto ITR through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: set proper default for ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: make ethtool_ops const (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't lie to ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use macro param for ethtool stats (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Fix the headers and update copyright year (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Remove unused defines (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Update AdminQ interface (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: enable CONFIG_I40EVF (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: fixes to get i40evf working with RHEL6.6 (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40evf: initial commit (Stefan Assmann) [1038788] - [netdrv] i40e: relax the firmware API version check (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40: disable FCoE for MFP modes (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: add clear_pxe AdminQ request (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Clear recovery pending, if reset failed (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Change type to u32 to avoid sparse error (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: remove storm control (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Use the new i40e_get_fd_cnt_all function in other places (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Report cmd->data in ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLCNT instead of ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRULE (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove reserved PCTYPE defines (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Tx/Rx rings declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: enable descriptor prefetch for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Update check for AQ aliveness (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: fix passing wrong error code to i40e_open() (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Check PCI_IOV config to avoid compile error (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: remove Tx work for ptp (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't disable SR-IOV when VFs are assigned (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: remove hardcode of stats struct size in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: control auto ITR through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: set proper default for ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: add required include (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: fix Timesync Tx interrupt handler code (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: enable CONFIG_I40E (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: fixes to get i40e working with RHEL6.6 (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] i40e: initial commit (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [pci] pci_regs: Add PCI bus link speed and width defines (Stefan Assmann) [1038787] - [netdrv] veth: fix NULL dereference in veth_dellink() (Ivan Vecera) [1108641] - [netdrv] veth: fix a NULL deref in netif_carrier_off (Ivan Vecera) [1108641] - [netdrv] veth: avoid a NULL deref in veth_stats_one (Ivan Vecera) [1108641] - [scsi] lpfc: Update version for 10.2.8020.1 driver release (Rob Evers) [1109274] - [scsi] lpfc: Add iotag memory barrier (Rob Evers) [1109274] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix ExpressLane priority setup (Rob Evers) [1109274] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix for initializing RRQ bitmap (Rob Evers) [1109274] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix for cleaning up stale ring flag and sp_queue_event entries (Rob Evers) [1109274]- [kernel] cred: Fix double free in prepare_usermodehelper_creds() error handling (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1087544] - [kernel] cred: Fix memory leak in error handling (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1087544] - [drm] i915: mst topology dumper in debugfs (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: add DP 1.2 MST support (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: check connector->encoder before using it (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: split some DP modesetting code into a separate function (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp_helper: add Displayport multi-stream helper (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] add a path blob property (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] fb_helper: allow adding/removing connectors later (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] crtc: add interface to reinitialise the legacy mode group (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] fix memory leak around mode_group (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: add some registers need for displayport MST support (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] add DP MST encoder type (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp_helper: add defines for DP 1.2 and MST support (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: support address only i2c-over-aux transactions (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: use the new drm helpers for dp i2c-over-aux (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: move dp aux ch register init to aux init (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: use the new drm helpers for dp aux (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: move edp vdd enable/disable at a lower level in i2c-over-aux (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: split edp_panel_vdd_on() for reuse (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: fix order of dp aux i2c device cleanup (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: add unregister callback to connector (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] i915: Enable 5.4Ghz HBR2 link rate for Displayport 1.2-capable devices (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp_helper: don't return EPROTO for defers (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: Update comments about common i2c over dp assumptions (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: let drivers specify the name of the I2C-over-AUX adapter (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: Allow registering AUX channels as I2C busses (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: Add DisplayPort link helpers (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: Add drm_dp_dpcd_read_link_status() (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp: Add AUX channel infrastructure (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] dp_helper: Add DP test sink CRC definition (Dave Airlie) [1074025] - [drm] radeon: fix register typo on si (Rob Clark) [1082803] - [drm] i915: add locking to fixed panel edid probing (Rob Clark) [1082803] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.14.2 (Rob Clark) [1082803] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.13.11 (Rob Clark) [1082801] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.12.18 (Rob Clark) [1082794] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.11.10 (Rob Clark) [1082788] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.10.38 (Rob Clark) [1082786] - [netdrv] bna: Update the Driver Version to (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Firmware Patch Simplification (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Embed SKB Length in TX Vector (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Handle the TX Setup Failures (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Add NULL Check Before Dereferencing TCB (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: CQ Read Fix (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: RX Processing and Config Changes (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Enable Multi Buffer RX (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: RX Filter Enhancements (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Fix Filter Add Del (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Set Get IOC fw State (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [netdrv] bna: Add software timestamping support (Ivan Vecera) [1054464] - [kernel] tracing: Add BUG_ON when stack end location is over written (Aaron Tomlin) [1094831] - [netdrv] bonding: look for bridge IPs in arp monitoring (Veaceslav Falico) [704190] - [kernel] sched: free per cpu migration threads on suspend (Prarit Bhargava) [1020466] - [ata] ahci: AHCI-mode SATA patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1053911] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE-mode SATA patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1053911] - [i2c] i801: SMBus patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1053911] - [mfd] lpc_ich: iTCO_wdt patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1053911] - [firmware] efi-pstore: Make efi-pstore return a unique id (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054513] - [firmware] efivars: Hold off deletion of sysfs entry until the scan is completed (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054514] - [firmware] efi-pstore: Cocci spatch "memdup.spatch" (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054514] - [firmware] efi-pstore: Read data from variable store before memcpy() (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054514] - [firmware] efivars: efivar_entry API (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054514] - [firmware] efivarfs: Return an error if we fail to read a variable (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1054513] - [acpi] acpica: Add a lock to the internal object reference count mechanism (Naoya Horiguchi) [1023242] - [acpi] acpica: Standardize integer output for ACPICA warnings/errors (Naoya Horiguchi) [1023242] - [acpi] acpica: Change package length error message to an info message (Naoya Horiguchi) [1023242] - [acpi] acpica: Use acpi_os_create_lock interface (Naoya Horiguchi) [1023242] - [acpi] osl: add acpi_os_create_lock interface (Naoya Horiguchi) [1023242] - [edac] mce_amd: Add MCE decoding support for Family 16h (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] mce_amd: Make MC2 decoding per-family (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] mce_amd: Dump error status (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] mce_amd: Report decoded error type first (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] mce_amd: Dump CPU f/m/s triple with the error (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] mce_amd: Remove functional unit references (Kim Naru) [989776] - [edac] Revert "Add error decoding support for AMD Fam16h processors" (Kim Naru) [989776] - [hv] hyperv-fb: kick off efifb early (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [hv] hyperv-fb: add support for generation 2 virtual machines (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [hv] vmbus: use resource for hyperv mmio region (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [hv] vmbus: add missing breaks (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [hv] vmbus: Extract the mmio information from DSDT (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [input] hyperv-keyboard - pass through 0xE1 prefix (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [input] add a driver to support Hyper-V synthetic keyboard (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] Remove useless reinitialization of irq descriptors (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] pic: Fix section mismatch in legacy pic (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] pic: Probe for legacy PIC and set legacy_pic appropriately (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] hyperv: Correctly guard the local APIC calibration code (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] hyperv: Get the local APIC timer frequency from the hypervisor (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] legacy_irq: Remove left over nr_legacy_irqs (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] pic: Make use of legacy_pic abstraction (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] pic: Introduce legacy_pic abstraction (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [x86] apic: Allow use of lapic timer early calibration result (Jason Wang) [1056676] - [edac] sb_edac: add support for Haswell based systems (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: remove bogus assumption on mc ordering (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: fix socket detection on Ivy Bridge controllers (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: update Kconfig description (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: search devices using product id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: make RIR limit retrieval per model (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: make node id retrieval per model (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [edac] sb_edac: make memory type detection per memory controller (Aristeu Rozanski) [1010484] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix ip_tunnel_find to return NULL in case the tunnel is not there (Jiri Pirko) [1104503] - [net] ip6ip6: autoload ip6 tunnel (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1104038] - [net] netlink: Use netlink_ns_capable to verify the permisions of netlink messages (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Add variants of capable for use on netlink messages (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] Add file_ns_capable() helper function for open-time capability checking (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] security: remove the security_netlink_recv hook as it is equivalent to capable() (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: rename ssk to sk in struct netlink_skb_params (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Make the sending netlink socket availabe in NETLINK_CB (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: kill loginuid/sessionid/sid members from struct netlink_skb_parms (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: kill eff_cap from struct netlink_skb_parms (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Rename netlink_capable netlink_allowed (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Fix permission check in netlink_connect() (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: fix possible spoofing from non-root processes (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Make NETLINK_USERSOCK work again (Jiri Benc) [1094267] {CVE-2014-0181}- [netdrv] qlogic: Use time_before() (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] net: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not disable SR-IOV on PF unload when VFs are assigned to VMs (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.59 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Collect firmware dump using DMA on 82xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add mac learning support to SR-IOV VF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support to process commands in atomic context (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow SR-IOV VF probe in hypervisor (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Set real_num_tx_queues, real_num_rx_queues properly (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix panic while dumping TX queues on TX timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.58 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Limit vNIC support in legacy interrupt mode (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add driver logs in error path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow setting TX interrupt coalescing parameters from VF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add hwmon-sysfs interface to export board temperature (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Optimize MAC learning code (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix memory leak (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Reset firmware API lock at driver load time (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix MSI-X initialization code (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not disable SR-IOV when VFs are assigned in guest OS (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix QLogic application/driver interface for virtual NIC configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix PVID configuration on eSwitch port (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix max ring count calculation (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix to send INIT_NIC_FUNC as first mailbox (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix panic due to uninitialzed delayed_work struct in use (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: include irq.h for irq definitions (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove casts of pointer to same type (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.57 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix a couple off-by-one bugs (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix number of rings when we fall back from msix to legacy (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow any VLAN to be configured from VF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix function return error check (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.56 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance semaphore lock access failure error message (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow vlan0 traffic (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance driver message in failed state (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Updates to QLogic application/driver interface for virtual NIC configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Re-factor firmware minidump template header handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Cleanup qlcnic_enable_msix() return values (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.55 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix loopback test failure (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix tx timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix initialization of vlan list (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Correct off-by-one errors in bounds checks (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance logic to calculate msix vectors (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Refactor interrupt coalescing code for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update poll controller code path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Interrupt code cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance Tx timeout debugging (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use bool for rx_mac_learn (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unused code (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: make local functions static (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.54 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable IPv6 LRO even if IP address is not programmed (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix SR-IOV cleanup code path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable beaconing for 83xx/84xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do MAC learning for SRIOV PF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Turn on promiscous mode for SRIOV PF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable VF flood bit on PF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Restrict VF from configuring any VLAN mode (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Convert vmalloc/memset to kcalloc (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool statistics length calculation (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix bug in TX statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix bug in Tx completion path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix resource allocation for TX queues (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix loopback diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Mark functions as static in qlcnic_83xx_hw.c (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Mark functions as static in qlcnic_io.c (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.53 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support for 16 virtual NIC functions (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: VLAN enhancement for 84XX adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow single Tx/Rx queue for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Refactor initialize nic code path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Issue INIT_NIC command only once (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Disable DCB operations from SR-IOV VFs (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Dump mailbox registers when mailbox command times out (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix mailbox processing during diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow firmware dump collection when auto firmware recovery is disabled (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix memory allocation (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix TSS/RSS validation for 83xx/84xx series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix TSS/RSS ring validation logic (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic test for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix usage of netif_tx_wake, netif_tx_stop api during link change (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix typo in printk (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.52 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable multiple Tx queue support for 83xx/84xx Series adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: refactor Tx/SDS ring calculation and validation in driver (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance ethtool Statistics for Multiple Tx queue (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Register netdev in FAILED state for 83xx/84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not read QLCNIC_FW_CAPABILITY_MORE_CAPS bit for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not force adapter to perform LRO without destination IP check (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Validate Tx queue only for 82xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.51 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Skip unknown entry type while collecting firmware dump (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: dcb code cleanup and refactoring (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove redundant eSwitch enable commands (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update ethtool standard pause settings (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Firmware dump collection when auto recovery is disabled (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance ethtool to display ring indices and interrupt mask (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Print informational messages only once during driver load (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add missing destroy_workqueue() on error path in qlcnic_probe() (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix SR-IOV configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix register device in FAILED state for 82xx (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix VF reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix warning reported by kbuild test robot (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: use standard NAPI weights (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix sparse warning (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.50 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for per port eswitch configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Restructuring of qlc_83xx_fw_info structure (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add AER support for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add AER callback handlers (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Store firmware dump state in CAMRAM register (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use firmware recommended dump capture mask as default (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove inline keyword (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance PVID handling for 84xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: underflow in qlcnic_validate_max_tx_rings() (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.49 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: dcb: Add support for CEE Netlink interface (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: dcb: Register DCB AEN handler (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: dcb: Get DCB parameters from the adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: dcb: Query adapter DCB capabilities (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.48 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable diagnostic test for multiple Tx queues (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable Tx queue changes using ethtool for 82xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Multi Tx queue support for 82xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.47 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for 84xx adapters to load firmware from file (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Loopback Inter Driver Communication AEN handler (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add PVID support for 84xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable support for 844X adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.46 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Dump mailbox command data when a command times out (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix driver initialization for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Flush mailbox command list when mailbox is not available (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Reinitialize mailbox data structures after firmware reset (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic interrupt test for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix beacon state return status handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix set driver version command (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.45 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable mailbox interface in poll mode when interrupts are not available (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Replace poll mode mailbox interface with interrupt based mailbox interface (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Interrupt based driver firmware mailbox mechanism (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance diagnostic loopback error codes (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix for flash update failure on 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix link speed and duplex display for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix link speed display for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix external loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Removed adapter series name from warning messages (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Free up memory in error path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ingress MAC learning (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix MAC address filter issue on 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic interrupt test for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix setting Guest VLAN (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix operation type and command type (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix initialization of work function (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix guest VLAN (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix releasing of Tx frag which was never mapped (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix dump template version mask (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool display for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix panic while setting VF's MAC address (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix multicast packet handling for PF and VF (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix NULL pointer dereference in VF probe path (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Set __QLCNIC_DEV_UP in adapter state before enabling interrupts (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix invalid register offset calculation (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.44 (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for 83xx suspend and resume (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for 'set driver version' in 83XX (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Cleanup of structure qlcnic_hardware_context (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for PEX DMA method to read memory section of adapter dump (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Secondary unicast MAC address support (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Minimize sleep duration within loopback diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Handle qlcnic_alloc_mbx_args() failure (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not sleep while holding spinlock (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove redundant D0 power state set (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix typo in printk (Chad Dupuis) [1054305] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Check for assigned VFs and block remove if VFs are active (Bandan Das) [1016487] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Do not disable SR-IOV when VFs are assigned to VMs (Bandan Das) [1011773] - [netdrv] benet: convert to hw_features - fixup (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: re-factor MCCQ error status handling code (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: support flashing new regions on Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: skip multicast promiscuos setting in already set (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: enable interrupts in EEH resume (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: use MCCQ instead of MBOX in be_cmd_rss_config() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: include rx-compl error counter in ethtool stats (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unused code in be_cmd_vlan_config() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: covert vlan array to bit-map (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix line wrap and function call indentation in be_ethtool.c (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix function call indentation in be_cmds.c (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix line wrap and function call indentation in be_main.c (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Support for configurable RSS hash key (Ivan Vecera) [982896 1054277] - [netdrv] ethtool: Support for configurable RSS hash key (Ivan Vecera) [982896 1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix invocation of be_close() after be_clear() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to reap TX compls till HW doesn't respond for some time (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Add abi version between be2net and ocrdma (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: add FW cmds needed for VxLAN offloads (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version to 10.2 (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix vlans_added counter (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Create multiple TXQs on RSS capable multi-channel BE3-R interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix pmac_id allocation size (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: log LPVID used in multi-channel configs (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Use GET_PROFILE_CONFIG cmd for BE3-R to query max-vfs (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: do external loopback test only when it is requested (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: dma_sync each RX frag before passing it to the stack (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: use the dma state API instead of the pci equivalents (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: isolate TX workarounds not applicable to Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix skb double free in be_xmit_wrokarounds() failure path (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: clear promiscuous bits in adapter->flags while disabling promiscuous mode (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to reset transparent vlan tagging (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor multi-channel config code for Skyhawk-R chip (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fixup log messages (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Update copyright year (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Log a kernel message when UE is detected in BE & Skyhawk (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix be_vlan_add/rem_vid() routines (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: add dma_mapping_error() check for dma_map_page() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version to 10.0.x (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup wake-on-lan code (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: use GET_MAC_LIST cmd to query mac-address from a pmac-id (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: do not use frag index in the RX-compl entry (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove "10Gbps" from driver description string (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix incorrect setting of cmd_privileges for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: do not call be_set/get_fw_log_level() on Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Log the profile-id used by FW during driver initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: don't set "pport" field when querying "pvid" (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: set and query VEB/VEPA mode of the PF interface (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Use MCC_CREATE_EXT_V1 cmd for Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix max_evt_qs calculation for BE3 in SR-IOV config (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: disable RSS when number of RXQs is reduced to 1 via set-channels (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: slight optimization of addr compare (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: calls skb_set_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Free/delete pmacs in be_clear() only if they exist (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix Lancer error recovery to distinguish FW download (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: call napi_disable() for all event queues (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid programming permenant MAC by BE3-R VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: set coalesce-wm in CQ_CREATE_V2 cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Disabling and enabling interrupts in suspend and resume (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix unconditional enabling of Rx interface options (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Make lancer_wait_ready() static (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove interface type (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: add support for ndo_busy_poll (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Rework PCIe error report log messaging (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: change the driver version number to (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Display RoCE specific counters in ethtool -S (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Call version 2 of GET_STATS ioctl for Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: add a counter for pkts dropped in xmit path (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fix adaptive interrupt coalescing (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Call be_vf_setup() even when VFs are enbaled from previous load (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to display the VLAN priority for a VF (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to configure VLAN priority for a VF interface (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to allow VLAN configuration on VF interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix number of VLANs supported in UMC mode for BE3-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix VLAN promiscuous mode programming (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix the size of be_nic_res_desc structure (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: missing variable initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Check for POST state in suspend-resume sequence (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Initialize "status" in be_cmd_get_die_temperature() (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: fixup log msgs for async events (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix displaying supported speeds for BE2 (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Do not call get_die_temperature cmd for VF (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Adding more speeds reported by get_settings (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Staticize local functions (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: ignore mac-addr set call for an already programmed mac-addr (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: Delete secondary unicast MAC addresses during be_close (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: convert to hw_features - fixup (Ivan Vecera) [1054277] - [netdrv] be2net: convert to hw_features (Ivan Vecera) [1054277]- [netdrv] sfc: fix calling of free_irq with already free vector (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: stop PIO for RHEL6 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: On MCDI timeout, issue an FLR and mark MCDI to fail-fast (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Call efx_set_channels() before efx->type->dimension_resources() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: check for NULL efx->ptp_data in efx_ptp_event (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add/remove blank lines to taste (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fail self-test with -EBUSY, not -EIO, if the device is busy (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Cosmetic changes to self-test from the out-of-tree driver (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Update product naming (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use canonical pointer type for MAC address in efx_set_mac_address() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename 'use_options' variable in tso_start() to clearer 'use_opt_desc' (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Preserve rx_frm_trunc counters when resizing DMA rings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct comment about number of TX queues used on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unused definitions of EF10 user-mode DMA descriptors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rewrite adjustment of PPS event in a clearer way (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Cache skb->data in local variable in efx_ptp_rx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Removed adhoc scheme to rate limit PTP event queue overflow message (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: fix build warning in ethernet/sfc/tx.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use the correct maximum TX DMA ring size for SFC9100 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix transposed ptp_undersize_sync_windows, ptp_oversize_sync_windows statistics (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Change efx_mcdi_reset_port to use ENTITY_RESET MC command (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: calls skb_set_hash (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix RX drop filters for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add PTP counters to ethtool stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Changed the statistic name emerg_fetch and emerg_wait to hlb_fetch and hlb_wait (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: remove unused 'enum efx_rx_alloc_method' (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: remove unused 'refcnt' from efx_rx_page_state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement efx_nic_type->filter_clear_rx() operation for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow filter removal only with exactly matching priority (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't refer to 'stack' in filter implementation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Change priority and flags for automatic MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Change efx_nic_type->rx_push_indir_table() to push hash key as well (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add more information to many warnings using WARN() and netdev_WARN() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unnecessary condition for processing the TX timestamp queue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't clear timestamps in efx_ptp_rx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable PTP clock and timestamping for all functions on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Associate primary and secondary functions of controller (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Store VPD serial number at probe time (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add RX packet timestamping for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Copy RX prefix into skb head area in efx_rx_mk_skb() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: split setup of hardware timestamping into NIC-type operation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for SFC9100 timestamp format (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Tidy up PTP synchronization code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: PTP - tidy up unused/useless variables (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove kernel-doc for efx_ptp_data fields not present in this version (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Initialise efx_ptp_data->phc_clock_info() from a static template (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not use MAC address as clock name (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Store flags from MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH for later use (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove dependency of PTP on having a dedicated channel (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Split PTP multicast filter insertion/removal out of efx_ptp_start(), efx_ptp_stop() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Return EBUSY for filter insertion on EF10, matching Falcon/Siena (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Expose NVRAM_PARTITION_TYPE_LICENSE on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fold efx_flush_all() into efx_stop_port() and update comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Map MCDI error MC_CMD_ERR_ENOTSUP to Linux EOPNOTSUPP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Log all unexpected MCDI errors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add new sensor names (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Revise sensor names to be more understandable and consistent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Report units in sensor warnings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct RX dropped count for drops while interface is down (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make initial fill of RX descriptors synchronous (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Tighten the check for RX merged completion events (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add MC BISTs to ethtool offline self test on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Poll for MCDI completion once before timeout occurs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor efx_mcdi_poll() by introducing efx_mcdi_poll_once() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: RX buffer allocation takes prefix size into account in IP header alignment (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: replace dma_set_mask() and dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix DMA unmapping issue with firmware assisted TSO (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Only bind to EF10 functions with the LinkCtrl and Trusted flags (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add PM and RXDP drop counters to ethtool stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add definitions for new stats counters and capability flag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor EF10 stat mask code to allow for more conditional stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix internal indices of ethtool stats for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add rmb() between reading stats and generation count to ensure consistency (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Increase MCDI status timeout to 250ms (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Wait for MC reboot to complete before scheduling driver reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove extern from function prototypes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Support ARFS for IPv6 flows (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use TX PIO for sufficiently small packets (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Introduce inline functions to simplify TX insertion (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Separate out queue-empty check from efx_nic_may_push_tx_desc() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Allocate and link PIO buffers; map them with write-combining (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement firmware-assisted TSO for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fold tso_get_head_fragment() into tso_start() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add EF10 registers to register dump (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: efx_ef10_filter_update_rx_scatter() can be static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: efx_ethtool_get_ts_info() can be static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Reinitialise and re-validate datapath caps after MC reboot (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Clean up validation of datapath capabilities (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Reset derived rx_bad_bytes statistic when EF10 MC is rebooted (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable PTP on EF10 until we're ready to handle inline RX timestamps (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Minimal support for 40G link speed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: check for allocation failure (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Update copyright banners (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for Solarflare SFC9100 family (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make efx_mcdi_init() and efx_mcdi_fini() call efx_mcdi_drv_attach() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Allocate NVRAM partition ID range for PHY images (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add EF10 register and structure definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Extend struct efx_tx_buffer to allow pushing option descriptors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use a global count of active queues instead of pending drains (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Prepare for RX scatter on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Initialise IRQ moderation for all NIC types from efx_init_eventq() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow efx_nic_type->dimension_resources() to fail (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow event queue initialisation to fail (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Document conditions for multicast replication vs filter replacement (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement asynchronous MCDI requests (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unnecessary use of atomic_t (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor efx_mcdi_rpc_start() and efx_mcdi_copyin() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for new board sensors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use extended MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO and MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Return an error code when a sensor is busy (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for reading packet length from prefix (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Generalise packet hash lookup to support EF10 RX prefix (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename EFX_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE to EFX_VI_PAGE_SIZE and adjust comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove early call to efx_nic_type->reconfigure_mac() in efx_reset_up() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: use MCDI epoch flag to improve MC reboot detection in the driver (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add EF10 support for TX/RX DMA error events handling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add a function pointer to abstract write of host time into NIC shared memory (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: PTP MCDI requests need to initialise periph ID field (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Delegate MAC/NIC statistic description to efx_nic_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove driver-local struct ethtool_string (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove more left-overs from Falcon GMAC support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move MTD operations into efx_nic_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move NIC-type-specific MTD partition date into separate structures (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Eliminate struct efx_mtd (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename SPI stuff to show that it is Falcon-specific (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Cleanup Falcon-arch simple MAC filter state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Define and use MCDI_POPULATE_DWORD_<1-7> (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add flag for stack-owned RX MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor Falcon-arch filter removal (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make most filter operations NIC-type-specific (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor Falcon-arch search limit reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Split Falcon-arch-specific and common filter state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Extend and abstract efx_filter_spec to cover Huntington/EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Name the RX drop queue ID (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename Falcon-arch filter implementation types and functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unused filter_flags variables and efx_farch_filter_id_flags() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not assume efx_nic_type->ev_fini() is idempotent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: EFX_WORKAROUND_ALWAYS is really specific to Falcon-architecture (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Get rid of per-NIC-type phys_addr_channels and mem_map_size (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Update and improve kernel-doc for efx_mcdi_state & efx_mcdi_iface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix race in completion handling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for MCDI v2 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Translate MCDI error numbers received in events (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move and rename Falcon/Siena common NIC operations (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor queue teardown sequence to allow for EF10 flush behaviour (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove bogus call to efx_release_tx_buffers() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop RX refill before flushing RX queues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Limit scope of a Falcon A1 IRQ workaround (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rework IRQ enable/disable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove efx_process_channel_now() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename Falcon-architecture register definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make struct efx_special_buffer less special (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add GFP flags to efx_nic_alloc_buffer() and make most callers allow blocking (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make MCDI independent of Siena (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make efx_mcdi_init() call efx_mcdi_handle_assertion() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Collect all MCDI port functions into mcdi_port.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure() to siena.c and rename (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move siena_reset_hw() and siena_map_reset_reason() into MCDI module (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Add and use MCDI_SET_QWORD() and MCDI_SET_ARRAY_QWORD() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Ensure MCDI buffers, but not lengths, are dword aligned (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use proper macros to declare and access MCDI arrays (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Introduce and use MCDI_CTL_SDU_LEN_MAX_V1 macro for Siena-specific code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Fill out the set of MCDI accessors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Rationalise MCDI buffer accessors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Introduce and use MCDI_DECLARE_BUF macro (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move more Falcon-specific code and definitions into falcon.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Move details of a Falcon bug workaround out of ethtool.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Use efx_mcdi_mon() to find efx_mcdi_mon structure from efx_nic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: const-qualify source pointers for MMIO write functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct MAC filter bitfield definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527] - [netdrv] sfc: Make all MAC statistics consistently 64 bits wide (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1057527]- [x86] efi: Pass a proper identity mapping in efi_call_phys_prelog (Nigel Croxon) [1044709] - [usb] usbcore: check usb device's state before sending a Set SEL control transfer (Don Zickus) [929314] - [kernel] rename cpu stop machine thread to stopper (Prarit Bhargava) [1022465] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: Fix cstate counter detection (Steve Best) [1103371] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: Tidy up error handling in powerclamp_init (Steve Best) [1103371] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: Add newer CPU models (Steve Best) [1103371] - [netdrv] hyperv: Move state setting for link query (Jason Wang) [1027155] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix the carrier status setting (Jason Wang) [1027155] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix race between probe and open calls (Jason Wang) [1027155] - [char] ipmi: Add MODULE_ALIAS for autoloading ipmi driver on ACPI systems (Charles Rose) [825196] - [char] ipmi: Improve error messages on failed irq enable (Charles Rose) [825196] - [char] ipmi: Turn off all activity on an idle ipmi interface (Tony Camuso) [1077493] - [char] ipmi: Fix a race restarting the timer (Tony Camuso) [1098324] - [char] ipmi: Reset the KCS timeout when starting error recovery (Tony Camuso) [1085350] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Updated version to 2.4.2 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054586] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed the handling for the SCSI retry delay (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054586] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed scsi_remove_target soft lockup when rmmod bnx2x (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054586] - [net] cnic: Update version to 2.5.20 and copyright year (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Use proper ulp_ops for per device operations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Add a signature to indicate valid doorbell offset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Remove extern from function prototypes (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Update version to 2.5.18 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Eliminate local copy of pfid (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Eliminate CNIC_PORT macro and port_mode in local struct (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Redefine BNX2X_HW_CID using existing bnx2x macros (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Update version to 2.5.17 and copyright year (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Add missing error checking for RAMROD_CMD_ID_CLOSE (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [net] cnic: Update TCP options setup for iSCSI (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054581 1054561] - [net] cnic: Reset tcp_flags during cnic_cm_create() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [scsi] cnic: Simplify cnic_release() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [scsi] cnic: Simplify netdev events handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [scsi] cnic: bnx2i: bnx2fc: Fix inconsistent use of page size (Maurizio Lombardi) [1054561] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix bad if expression (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix memory leak in error path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Jump to 'free_memory' is apparently missing (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump driver version (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix destroy MCC-CQ before MCC-EQ is destroyed (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory corruption in MBX path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix TCP parameters while connection offloading (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix interrupt Coalescing mechanism (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix exposing Host in sysfs after adapter initialization is complete (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix retreving MCCQ_WRB in non-embedded Mbox path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix DMA Out of SW-IOMMU space error (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix scsi_cmnd leakage in driver (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the session cleanup when reboot/shutdown happens (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix doorbell format for EQ/CQ/RQ s per SLI spec (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix port speed typo in driver (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix handling timed out MBX completion from FW (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix memory leak in error path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix SGL posting for unaligned ICD values (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix AER handling in driver (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Invalidate WRB in Abort/Reset Path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Insufficient Buffer Error returned in MBX Completion (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix log level for protocol specific logs (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MSIx creation for SKH-R adapter (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Display Port Identifier for each iSCSI function (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Dispaly CID available for connection offload (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix chute cleanup during drivers unload (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix connection offload to support Dual Chute (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix CID allocation/freeing to support Dual chute mode (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix WRB_Q posting to support Dual Chute mode (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix SGL Initilization and posting Pages for Dual Chute (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Template HDR support for Dual Chute mode (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix changes in ASYNC Path for SKH-R adapter (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Config parameters update for Dual Chute Support (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix soft lock up issue during UE or if FW taking time to respond (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix locking mechanism in Unsol Path (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix negotiated parameters upload to FW (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix repeated issue of MAC ADDR get IOCTL (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the MCCQ count leakage (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Template HDR IOCTL (Rob Evers) [1054371] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dont reload on GRO change (Michal Schmidt) [1022020 1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow ethtool to enable/disable loopback (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allow GRO_ENABLE_FLAG (Michal Schmidt) [1022020 1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix incorrect busy-poll backport (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix backport of bnx2x_low_latency_recv() (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove cosmetic differences from upstream (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: drop no longer necessary netdev_printk workaround (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update MAINTAINERS for bnx2x and e-mail addresses (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Convert return 0 to return rc (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix build when BNX2X_SRIOV is not enabled (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: added 'likely' to fast-path skb existence (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix crash while ethtool -t (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support for byte queue limits (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Memory leak during VF removal (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: include irq.h for irqreturn_t definitions (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't allow VFs to become promiscuous (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't show port statistics for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix failure to configure VF multicast filters (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix vlan credit issues for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix possible memory leak on iov error flow (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove the sriov VFOP mechanism (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compilation when CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Create workqueue for IOV related tasks (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support mng. request for driver version (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add missing bit in default Tx switching (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: save RAM in kdump kernel by disabling TPA (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: save RAM in kdump kernel by using a single queue (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: clamp num_queues to prevent passing a negative value (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove hidden flow control goto from BNX2X_ALLOC macros (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: utilize FW 7.8.19 (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: semantic revise scheduling of sp_rtnl (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix bnx2x_panic_dump for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revise IOV vlan/mac validation (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support in PF driver for RSC (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic Validate vlan/mac changes (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove unnecessary internal mem config (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove unused iov code (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: change verbosity of some prints (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow VF rss on higher PFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Make module parameters readable (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix L2-GRE TCP issues (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix generic option settings (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: More Shutdown revisions (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF flr flow (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't release PCI bars on shutdown (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix sparse warning (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct default Tx switching behaviour (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix DMA unmapping of TSO split BDs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent WARN during driver unload (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: namespace and dead code cleanups (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix VLAN configuration for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix AFEX memory overflow (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clean before update RSS arrives (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct number of MSI-X vectors for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: limit number of interrupt vectors for 57711 (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix KR2 work-around detection of BCM8073 (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix incorrect link-up report (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix Duplex setting for 54618se (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix passive DAC cable detection (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 578xx-KR 1G link (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: downgrade "valid ME register value" message level (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: slight optimization of addr compare (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix build with SRIOV disabled (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add VF Multicast filters support (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add num of VFs to Management statistics (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: no error when RSS configuration fails (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add Big-Endian ethtool comment (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add AER support (missing bits) (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: cleanup skb_set_hash (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: calls skb_set_hash (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: populate skb->l4_rxhash (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid null pointer dereference when enabling SR-IOV (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent "timeout waiting for state X" (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent CFC attention (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent panic during DMAE timeout (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clean the sp rtnl task upon unload (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: replace dma_set_mask() and dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add ndo_get_phys_port_id support (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change variable type to bool (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: skb_is_gso_v6() requires skb_is_gso() (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for EXTPHY2 LED mode (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change function prototype (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't disable/enable SR-IOV when loading (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct VF driver info (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Test nvram when interface is down (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Staticize local symbols (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Disable VF access on PF removal (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent FW assert on low mem during unload (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Set NETIF_F_HIGHDMA unconditionally (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't pretend during register dump (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent null pointer dereference on error flow (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix config when SR-IOV and iSCSI are enabled (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix Coalescing configuration (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Unlock VF-PF channel on MAC/VLAN config error (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent an illegal pointer dereference during panic (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: record rx queue for LRO packets (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent masked MCP parities from appearing (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent masking error from cnic (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing VF resource allocation during init (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix support for VFs on some PFs (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent mistaken hangup between driver & FW (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 848xx duplex settings (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: 57840 non-external loopback test fail on 1G (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix bnx2i and bnx2fc regressions (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use pci_dev pm_cap (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix configuration of doorbell block (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Restore a call to config_init (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add missing braces in bnx2x_link_initialize() (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix broken compilation with CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF RSS support - VF side (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF RSS support - PF side (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revising locking scheme for MAC configuration (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [netdrv] firmware: add bnx2x FW 7.8.19 (Michal Schmidt) [1054563 1054273] - [net] export physical port id via sysfs (Michal Schmidt) [1098227] - [net] rtnl: export physical port id via RT netlink (Michal Schmidt) [1098227] - [net] add ndo to get id of physical port of the device (Michal Schmidt) [1098227] - [lib] vsprintf: add support of '*ph' (Michal Schmidt) [1098227]- [video] vgacon: clear buffer attributes when we load a 512 character font (Rob Clark) [1082803] - [fs] consolidate the reassignments of ->f_op in ->open() instances (Rob Clark) [1082799] - [video] fbdev: add a MIPI DSI header (Rob Clark) [1082799] - [kernel] kref: Implement kref_get_unless_zero (Rob Clark) [1082791] - [kernel] time: export ktime_get_monotonic_offset (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] sysfs: Add sysfs_add/remove_files utility functions (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] Add arch_phys_wc_add, arch_phys_wc_del to manipulate WC MTRRs if needed (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Move ww_mutex definitions to ww_mutex.h (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [base] reservation: cross-device reservation support (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] locking-selftests: Handle unexpected failures more strictly (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Add more w/w tests to test EDEADLK path handling (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Add more tests to lib/locking-selftest.c (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Add w/w tests to lib/locking-selftest.c (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Add w/w mutex slowpath debugging (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] mutex: Add support for wound/wait style locks (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [kernel] arch: Make __mutex_fastpath_lock_retval return whether fastpath succeeded or not (Rob Clark) [1082787] - [fs] procfs: add proc_remove_subtree() (Rob Clark) [1082782] - [lib] scatterlist: sg_page_iter support sg lists w/o backing pages (Rob Clark) [1082782] - [lib] scatterlist: use page iterator in the mapping iterator (Rob Clark) [1082782] - [lib] scatterlist: add simple page iterator (Rob Clark) [1082782] - [lib] scatterlist: add sg_alloc_table_from_pages function (Rob Clark) [1082782] - [netdrv] qlge: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix ethtool statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: Enhance nested VLAN Q-in-Q handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: call ql_core_dump() only if dump memory was allocated (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: add missing free_netdev() on error in qlge_probe() (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] qlge: fix dma map leak when the last chunk is not allocated (Chad Dupuis) [1054333] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix kernel crash and data miscompare after EEH recovery (Michal Schmidt) [1029600] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Adapter not recovery from EEH error injection (Michal Schmidt) [1029600] - [netdrv] tg3: Override clock, link aware and link idle mode during NVRAM dump (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Update copyright and version to 3.137 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Prevent page allocation failure during TSO workaround (Ivan Vecera) [1029192 1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't modify ip header fields when doing GSO (Ivan Vecera) [1029192 1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: remove empty MDIO bus reset function (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Do not include vlan acceleration features in vlan_features (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't check undefined error bits in RXBD (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix deadlock in tg3_change_mtu() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: cleanup an error path in tg3_phy_reset_5703_4_5() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: delete non-required instances of include linux/init.h (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.136 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Set the MAC clock to the fastest speed during boot code load (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Add unicast filtering support (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Refactor __tg3_set_mac_addr() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Initialize REG_BASE_ADDR at PCI config offset 120 to 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.135 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Expand multicast drop counter miscounting fix to 5762 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix bit definition for the nvram Auto Power Down setting (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Add flag to disable 1G Half Duplex advertisement (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't add rxbds_empty to rx_over_errors (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Give up chip reset and carrier loss handling if PCI device is not present (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Validate hwtstamp_config completely before applying it (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: use phylib when robo switch is in use (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: add support a phy at an address different than 01 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.134 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary spinlock (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Appropriately classify interrupts during request_irq (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove redundant if check (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove if 0'd code (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: LED in shared mode does not blink during traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Add support for new 577xx device ids (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Add function tg3_phy_shdw_write() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Use pci_dev pm_cap (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: fix NULL pointer dereference in tg3_io_error_detected and tg3_io_slot_reset (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.133 (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable support for timesync gpio output (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Implement the shutdown handler (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow NVRAM programming when interface is down (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix warning from pci_disable_device() (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix kernel crash (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Avoid delay during MMIO access (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: restore rx_dropped accounting (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Consilidate MAC loopback code (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow ethtool to enable/disable loopback (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [net] Allow ethtool to set interface in loopback mode (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: convert to hw_features (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Do not use legacy PCI power management (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove TG3_VLAN_TAG_USED macro (Ivan Vecera) [1054558] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ethtool stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] Replace u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh to u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] vxlan: virtual extensible lan (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] ifb: convert to 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] ppp: make ppp_get_stats64 static (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] ppp: add 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] slip: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] slip: fix get_stats() method (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] veth: reduce stat overhead (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] veth: fix 64bit stats on 32bit arches (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] veth: convert to 64 bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] net: fix race condition in several drivers when reading stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] virtio-net: fix a race on 32bit arches (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] virtio-net: Fix panic in virtnet_remove (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] virtio-net: per cpu 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: convert to 64 bit stats interface (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] xen: convert to 64 bit stats interface (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] via-rhine: add 64bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] niu: support 64 bit stats interface (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] r8169: add 64bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] 8139too: Add 64bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] netxen: convert to 64 bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] forcedeth: account for dropped RX frames (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] forcedeth: implement ndo_get_stats64() API (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] forcedeth: fix stats on hardware without extended stats support (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] forcedeth: Improve stats counters (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] forcedeth: remove unneeded stats updates (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] vxge: fix 64 bit access on 32 bit platforms (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] vxge: Implement 64bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] myricom: update to 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] sky2: implement 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: provide 64 bit statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix stats handling (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] igb: fix stats handling (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert to stats64 (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] be2net: use stats-sync to read/write 64-bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] enic: update to support 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] cxgb4: switch to 64 bit inteface statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] bna: fix stats handling (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] tg3: 64 bit stats on all arches (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] bnx2: 64 bit stats on all arches (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] b44: add 64 bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] dummy: percpu stats and lockless xmit (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement 64-bit net device statistics on all architectures (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] bridge: 64bit rx/tx counters (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] bridge: per-cpu packet statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] vlan: lockless transmit path (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] congestion notifications are not dropped packets (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] vlan: 64 bit rx counters (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] macvlan: 64 bit rx counters (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] loopback driver cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] loopback: use u64_stats_sync infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] loopback: Implement 64bit stats on 32bit arches (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [net] export netdev_stats_to_stats64 (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] Enable 64-bit net device statistics on 32-bit architectures (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [netdrv] bonding: Remove net_device_stats from bonding struct (Ivan Vecera) [1098515] - [fs] sysfs: don't panic when in different netns (Daniel Borkmann) [1034696 1020145] - [fs] cifs: Check if prefixpath starts with '\' in cifs_parse_mount_options (Sachin Prabhu) [1104268] - [fs] gfs2: Ensure workqueue is scheduled after noexp request (Robert S Peterson) [1101740] - [fs] ext3: Allow quota file use root reservation (Lukas Czerner) [1102234] - [fs] ext4: Allow quota file use root reservation (Lukas Czerner) [802214] - [fs] pipe: skip file_update_time on frozen fs (Eric Sandeen) [1093077] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_flush_completed_IO wait semantics (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: completed_io locking cleanup (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: fix unwritten counter leakage (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: give i_aiodio_unwritten a more appropriate name (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: ext4_inode_info diet (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: optimize locking for end_io extent conversion (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: remove unnecessary call to waitqueue_active() (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: Use correct locking for ext4_end_io_nolock() (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [fs] ext4: don't check io->flag when setting EXT4_STATE_DIO_UNWRITTEN inode state (Lukas Czerner) [1023141] - [md] dm-crypt: fix cpu hotplug crash by removing per-cpu structure (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: rename struct convert_context sector field (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: store crypt_config instead of dm_target struct (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: move cipher data out of per_cpu struct (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: rename pending field (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: replace simple_strtoul (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm: reject trailing characters in sccanf input (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: add missing error handling (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: suppress endian warnings (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: add loop aes iv generator (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [crypto] md5: Add export support (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: add multi key capability (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: add post iv call to iv generator (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: use io thread for reads only if mempool exhausted (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: scale to multiple cpus (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-crypt: simplify compatible table output (Mike Snitzer) [1076147] - [md] dm-thin: add 'no_space_timeout' dm-thin-pool module param (Mike Snitzer) [1098656] - [md] dm-thin: add timeout to stop out-of-data-space mode holding IO forever (Mike Snitzer) [1098656] - [md] dm-thin: allow metadata commit if pool is in PM_OUT_OF_DATA_SPACE mode (Mike Snitzer) [1098655] - [md] dm-cache: always split discards on cache block boundaries (Mike Snitzer) [1103790] - [md] dm-cache: fix writethrough mode quiescing in cache_map (Mike Snitzer) [1103790] - [x86] efi: earlyprintk=efi,keep fix (Rui Wang) [1031867] - [x86] efi: earlyprintk off-by-one bugfix (Rui Wang) [1031867] - [x86] efi: Add EFI framebuffer earlyprintk support (Rui Wang) [1031867] - [powerpc] mm: fix ".__node_distance" undefined (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Retry failed commands with non-fatal errors (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Fix divide-by-zero in nvme_trans_io_get_num_cmds (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Add getgeo to block ops (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Start-stop nvme_thread during device add-remove (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Make I/O timeout a module parameter (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] per-cpu io queues (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Replace DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] IOCTL path RCU protect queue access (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] RCU protected access to io queues (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Initialize device reference count earlier (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866] - [nvme] Add CONFIG_PM_SLEEP to suspend/resume functions (David Milburn) [1091088 1020866]- [kernel] futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi (Jerome Marchand) [1104517] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust (Jerome Marchand) [1104517] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic() (Jerome Marchand) [1104517] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: prevent requeue pi on same futex (Jerome Marchand) [1104517] {CVE-2014-3153} - [alsa] aloop: Close races at restarting the stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] aloop: Export snd_pcm_constraint_mask64() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] pcm: Warn when buffer preallocation fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] aloop: Add SNDRV_PCM_STATE_PAUSED case in wait_for_avail function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] jack: Unregister input device at disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] aloop: Optimize module name check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] pcm: Add fallthru comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] aloop: Fix Oops while PM resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [alsa] aloop: add locking to timer access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1078592] - [mmc] Fix sd/sdio/mmc initialization frequency retries (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] fix mmc_set_bus_width_ddr() call without bus-width-test cap (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] Test bus-width for old MMC devices (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] Fix printing of card DDR type (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] propagate power save/restore ops return value (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] refine DDR support (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] Fixes for Dual Data Rate support (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] MMC 4.4 DDR support (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] Make ID freq configurable (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] Add helper function to check if a card is removable (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] add erase, secure erase, trim and secure trim operations (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] only set blockaddressed for > 2GiB cards (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] recognize CSD structure (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] fix incorrect interpretation of card type bits (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] allow for MMC v4.4 (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] fix all hangs related to mmc/sd card insert/removal during suspend/resume (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] sdio: recognize io card without powercycle (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] sdio: introduce API for special power management features (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [mmc] add module parameter to set whether cards are assumed removable (Neil Horman) [1103848] - [usb] xhci: add the meaningful IRQ description if it is empty (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Kill streams URBs when the host dies (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Refactor command watchdog and fix split string (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Handle MaxPSASize == 0 (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: The trb_address_map radix tree expects 1KB segment memory aligment (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: xhci_mem_cleanup make sure cmd_ring_reserved_trbs really is 0 (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Remove segments from radix tree on failed insert (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [lib] radix-tree: make radix_tree_node_alloc() work correctly within interrupt (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [pci] Move Renesas PCI IDs to a better place (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: For streams the dequeue ptr must be read from the stream ctx (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Set SCT field for Set TR dequeue on streams (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: For streams the css flag most be read from the stream-ctx on ep stop (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Check size rather then number of streams when allocating stream ctxs (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Free streams when they are still allocated on a set_interface call (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix usb3 streams (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: make warnings greppable (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Change how we indicate a host supports Link PM (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Fix resume issues on Renesas chips in Samsung laptops (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Remove unused variable 'addr' in inc_deq() and inc_enq() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Add quirks module option (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: clarify logging in xhci_setup_device (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Limit the spurious wakeup fix only to HP machines (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_writel() with writel() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_readl() with readl() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove conversion from generic to pci device in xhci_mem.c (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_count_num_dropped_endpoints() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_count_num_new_endpoints() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary check in xhci_free_stream_info() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix SCT_FOR_CTX(p) macro (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace USB_MAXINTERFACES with config->desc.bNumInterface (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_address_device() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix sparse warning in xhci-trace.h (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix derivation of TRB's DMA address in xhci_log_event Trace Event Class (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in handle_device_notification() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: convert TRB_CYCLE to le32 before using it to set Link TRB's cycle bit (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove the unused ->address field (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: kill a conditional when toggling cycle (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace 'event' with 'cmd_comp_code' in set_deq and reset_ep handlers (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add argument 'slot_id' in stop_ep, set_deq and reset_ep cmd handlers (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace 'xhci->cmd_ring->dequeue' with 'trb' in stop_ep cmd handler (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_type' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_trb' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_comp_code' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_CONFIG_EP case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove unused 'ep_ring' variable in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_EVAL_CONTEXT case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_NEC_GET_FW case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_RESET_DEV case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: use completion event's slot id rather than dig it out of command (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_ADDR_DEV case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_DISABLE_SLOT case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_ENABLE_SLOT case into function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: rename existing Command Completion Event handlers (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove unused argument from xhci_giveback_urb_in_irq() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: correct the usage of USB_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Staticize xhci_del_comp_mod_timer (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Set L1 device slot on USB2 LPM enable/disable (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Fix spurious wakeups after S5 on Haswell (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix write to USB3_PSSEN and XUSB2PRM pci config registers (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: quirk for extra long delay for S4 (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Don't enable/disable RWE on bus suspend/resume (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Fix race between ep halt and URB cancellation (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] Fix xHCI host issues on remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Ensure a command structure points to the correct trb on the command ring (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Fix oops happening after address device timeout (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix port BESL LPM capability checking (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix dma mask setup in xhci.c (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: trace debug statements related to ring expansion (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: trace debug messages related to driver initialization and unload (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: trace debug statements for urb cancellation (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add xhci_cmd_completion trace event (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add xhci_address_ctx trace event (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to endpoint reset (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to quirks (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to changing contexts (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add traces for debug messages in xhci_address_device() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD_DEBUGGING and unused code (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace printk(KERN_DEBUG ...) (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_info() with xhci_dbg() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] usb: Add Device Tree support to XHCI Platform driver (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add missing dma-mapping.h includes (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: fix null pointer dereference on ring_doorbell_for_active_rings (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Enable XHCI_SPURIOUS_SUCCESS for all controllers with xhci 1.0 (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Mark two functions __maybe_unused (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Avoid NULL pointer deref when host dies (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Correct misplaced newlines (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Report USB 2.1 link status for L1 (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Refactor port status into a new function (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add the suspend/resume functionality (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Add missing unlocks on error paths (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci-plat: release mem region while removing module (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: check for failed dma pool allocation (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: remove BUG() in xhci_get_endpoint_type() (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG in xhci_setup_addressable_virt_dev (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG_ON in xhci_get_input_control_ctx (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG_ON() in xhci_alloc_container_ctx (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: add USB2 Link power management BESL support (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: define port register names and use them instead of magic numbers (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci: check usb2 port capabilities before adding hw link PM support (Don Zickus) [1103370] - [usb] xhci-dbg: Display endpoint number and direction in context dump (Don Zickus) [1103370]- [documentation] sysctl: fix the VM knobs descritpion WRT pdflush (Jerome Marchand) [1024086] - [char] ipmi: implement shadow struct for ipmi_smi_handlers (Tony Camuso) [1063878] - [s390] af_iucv: wrong mapping of sent and confirmed skbs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102248] - [s390] af_iucv: recvmsg problem for SOCK_STREAM sockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102248] - [s390] af_iucv: fix recvmsg by replacing skb_pull() function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102248] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove wait for online from host reset handler (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do logins from a chip reset in DPC thread instead of the error handler thread (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove mapped vp index iterator macro dead code (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add MBC option for fast SFP data access (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix beacon blink logic for ISP26xx/83xx (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't check for firmware hung during the reset context for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Delay driver unload if there is any pending activity going on (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear loop_id for ports that are marked lost during fabric scanning (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Adjust adapter reset routine to the changes in firmware specification for ISPFx00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: IOCB data should be copied to I/O mem using memcpy_toio (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use proper log message for flash lock failed error (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Decrease pci access for response queue processing for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change copyright year to 2014 in all the source files (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Introduce fw_dump_flag to track fw dump progress (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unnecessary delays from fw dump code path (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Track the process when the ROM_LOCK failure happens (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Issue abort command for outstanding commands during cleanup when only firmware is alive (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not schedule reset when one is already active when receiving an invalid status handle (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Wait for reset completion without lock for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Re-sync module parameter descriptions with the code (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix error handling of qla2x00_mem_alloc() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add IOCB Abort command asynchronous handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix Task Management command asynchronous handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Read capture firmware dump on mailbox timeout for ISP8044 and ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Simplify the ISPFX00 interrupt handler code for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid poisoning in the response queue for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove Marker type IOCB logic for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly handle 32 bit mailbox register for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable the Flash Access Control (FAC) mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Select correct request queue for error type IOCB for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove init control block related dead code for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace constant value for IOCTL IOCB abort execution status with a macro for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add handling for boot indication progress AENs for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add mutex around optrom calls to serialize accesses (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Poll during initialization for ISP25xx and ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace a constant with a macro definition for host->canqueue assigmnment (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Only complete dcbx_comp and lb_portup_comp for virtual port index 0 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use scnprintf() instead of snprintf() in the sysfs handlers (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes to obtain ISPFX00 adapters product information in accordance with firmware update (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add logic to abort BSG commands for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear RISC INT reg only for an event and not always while polling (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix undefined behavior in call to snprintf() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add BSG interface for read/write serdes register (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix issue with not displaying node name after system reboot (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add BPM support for ISP25xx (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly set mailboxes for extended init control block (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable INTx interrupt for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Honor execute firmware failures (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print proper QLAFX00 product name at probe (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use standard PCIe Capability Link register field names (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use pcie_is_pcie() to simplify code (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: print MAC via pMR (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly print out/in mailbox registers (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add a new interface to update versions (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Select link initialization option bits from current operating mode (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add loopback IDC-TIME-EXTEND aen handling support (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set default critical temperature value in cases when ISPFX00 firmware doesn't provide it (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: QLAFX00 make over temperature AEN handling informational, add log for normal temperature AEN (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct Interrupt Register offset for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove handling of Shutdown Requested AEN from qlafx00_process_aen() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Send all AENs for ISPFx00 to above layers (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes in initialization for ISPFX00 cards with BIOS (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes to support extended IOs for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add missing FCP statistics to sysfs interface (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Make log message that prints when a completion status requires a port down more readable (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add critical temperature handling for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Notify ISPFX00 firmware when driver is unloaded or system is shut down (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reconfigure thermal temperature (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add setting of driver version string for vendor application (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_17 defines from qla_nx.c (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ISPFX00 specific bus reset routine (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform warm reset every 2 minutes if firmware load fails for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set factory reset recovery timeout to 10 min. for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct multiqueue offset calculations (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix incorrect test after list_for_each_entry() exits (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print some variables to hexadecimal string via *phN format (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warnings in qlafx00_fxdisc_iocb function (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly set the tagging for commands (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix a memory leak in an error path of qla2x00_process_els() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove an unused variable from qla2x00_remove_one() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix qla2xxx_check_risc_status() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Help Coverity with analyzing ct_sns_pkt initialization (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove redundant assignments (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove a dead assignment in qla24xx_build_scsi_crc_2_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove two superfluous tests (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove dead code in qla2x00_configure_hba() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clean up qla84xx_mgmt_cmd() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clean up qla24xx_iidma() (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning from qla_mr.c and qla_iocb.c (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not take a second firmware dump when intentionally generating one (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not query FC statistics during chip reset (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move qla2x00_free_device to the correct location (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set the index in outstanding command array to NULL when cmd is aborted when the request timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update firmware link in Kconfig file (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: qla2x00_sp_compl can be static (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix sparse warning "large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type" (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add IS_P3P_TYPE macro (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reduce the time we wait for a command to complete during SCSI error handling (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid escalating the SCSI error handler if the command is not found in firmware (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set host can_queue value based on available resources (Chad Dupuis) [1054299] - [x86] Fix stack frame warning in check_irq_vectors_for_cpu_disable() (Prarit Bhargava) [1023834] - [x86] Add check for number of available vectors before CPU down (Prarit Bhargava) [1023834] - [x86] Skip migrating IRQF_PER_CPU irqs in fixup_irqs() (Prarit Bhargava) [1023834] - [net] filter: prevent nla extensions to peek beyond the end of the message (Jiri Benc) [1096779] {CVE-2014-3144 CVE-2014-3145} - [net] increase frag hash size (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] frag queue per hash bucket locking (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] inet: frag: make sure forced eviction removes all frags (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] fix possible deadlock in sum_frag_mem_limit (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] use lib/percpu_counter API for fragmentation mem accounting (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] cacheline adjust struct netns_frags for better frag performance (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] frag, avoid several CPUs grabbing same frag queue during LRU evictor loop (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] fix for a race condition in the inet frag code (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] frag, fix race conditions in LRU list maintenance (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] use the frag lru_lock to protect netns_frags.nqueues update (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] kABI workaround for netns_frags LRU list lock (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] frag, move LRU list maintenance outside of rwlock (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] frag helper functions for mem limit tracking (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ipv6: make ip6_frag_nqueues() and ip6_frag_mem() static inline (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] cacheline adjust struct inet_frag_queue (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] cacheline adjust struct inet_frags for better frag performance (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ip_frag: struct inet_frags match() method returns a bool (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ipv6: unify fragment thresh handling code (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] increase fragment memory usage limits (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ipv6: reassembly: replace calculated magic number with multiplication (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ipv6: reassembly: replace magic number with macro definitions (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] nf_conntrack_reasm: add fast path for in-order fragments (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] fragment: add fast path for in-order fragments (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ip_frag: frag_kfree_skb() cleanup (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [net] ip_frag: Remove some atomic ops (Jesper Brouer) [859249] - [powerpc] Wire up new syscall clock_adjtime (Jiri Benc) [1099152] - [block] xen-blkfront: make blkif_io_lock spinlock per-device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102879] - [x86] mce: Fix CMCI preemption bugs (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] cmci: Add proper detection of end of CMCI storms (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Fix mce_start_timer semantics (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Add CMCI poll mode (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Remove the frozen cases in the hotplug code (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Split timer init (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Add the dropped timer interval init back (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Fix the MCE poll timer logic (Rui Wang) [916094] - [x86] mce: Cleanup timer mess (Rui Wang) [916094] - [powercap] Add to drivers Kconfig and Makefile (Steve Best) [1036309] - [powercap] Documentation (Steve Best) [1036309] - [powercap] Fix build error with option -Werror=format-security (Steve Best) [1036309] - [powercap] Introduce Intel RAPL power capping driver (Steve Best) [1036309] - [powercap] Add class driver (Steve Best) [1036309] - [kernel] device: add RW and RO attribute macros (Steve Best) [1036309] - [kernel] sysfs: add __ATTR_RW() macro (Steve Best) [1036309] - [kernel] bitops: Introduce BIT_ULL (Steve Best) [1036309] - [input] wacom: create inputs when wireless connect (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: wireless monitor framework (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: LED is only supported through digitizer interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: isolate input registration (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: add support for three new Intuos Pro devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: use per-device instance of wacom_features (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] wacom: clean up wacom_query_tablet_data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1004617] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for the ThinkPad W540 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for ThinkPad Edge E431 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for ThinkPad T431s, L440, L540, S1 Yoga and X1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: report INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] Add INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD device property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] i8042: add firmware_id support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] serio: add firmware_id sysfs attribute (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: add manual min/max quirk for ThinkPad X240 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: add manual min/max quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: initialize pointer emulation usage (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: add image sensor support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: refactor initialization of abs position axes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: refactor agm packet parsing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: refactor y inversion (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: fix reporting of min coordinates (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: set minimum coordinates as reported by firmware (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: process button bits in AGM packets (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: rename set_slot to be more descriptive (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: fuzz position for touchpad with reduced filtering (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: set resolution for MT_POSITION_X/Y axes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: report clickpad property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] synaptics: fix incorrect placement of __initconst (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [input] psmouse: do not carry DMI data around (Benjamin Tissoires) [1042514] - [dmi] add support for exact DMI matches in addition to substring matching (Rob Clark) [1042514] - [netdrv] igb: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: remove return statements for void functions (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Change memcpy to struct assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Replace 1/0 return values with true/false (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to remove unneeded extern declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to replace deprecated DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix static initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix msleep warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix line length warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to remove return parentheses (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix missing break in switch statements (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix assignment in if error (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to change comment style on license headers (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix for trailing statement (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix pointer location error (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix incorrect indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups to fix braces location warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Cleanups for messaging (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix message terminations (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix stats for i210 rx_fifo_errors (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix last_rx_timestamp usage (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Convert iounmap to pci_iounmap (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix race conditions on queuing skb for HW time stamp (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: never generate both software and hardware timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Unset IGB_FLAG_HAS_MSIX-flag when falling back to msi-only (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix Null-pointer dereference in igb_reset_q_vector (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: specify phc_index of 82575 for get_ts_info (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix memory leak in igb_get_module_eeprom() (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: add register rd/wr for surprise removal (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: implement SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: enable VLAN stripping for VMs with i350 (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Add register defines needed for time sync functions (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: remove references to long gone command line parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix code comment (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for devices using ethtool for EEE settings (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: call skb_set_hash to set the hash and its type in a skbuff (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix warning if !CONFIG_IGB_HWMON (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix array size calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Update license text to remove FSF address and update copyright (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: make local functions static and remove dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Change to use statically allocated array for MSIx entries (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix queue allocation method to accommodate changing during runtime (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for issue where values could be too high for udelay function (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Start temperature sensor attribute index with 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Add new feature Media Auto Sense for 82580 devices only (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Support ports mapped in 64-bit PCI space (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Add media switching feature for i354 PHY's (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fixed Wake On LAN support (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Don't let ethtool try to write to iNVM in i210/i211 (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix master/slave mode for all m88 i354 PHY's (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Avoid uninitialized advertised variable in eee_set_cur (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Add ethtool support to configure number of channels (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Add ethtool offline tests for i354 (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Fix ethtool loopback test for 82580 copper (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: Remove extern from function prototypes (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: fix up function prototypes after __dev* removals (Stefan Assmann) [1038782] - [netdrv] igb: remove __dev* attributes (Stefan Assmann) [1038782]- [documentation] vm: clarify vfs_cache_pressure description (Denys Vlasenko) [804463] - [kernel] sched_rt: Use root_domain of rt_rq not current processor (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1101301] - [kernel] cgroups: fix a css_set not found bug in cgroup_attach_proc (Petr Oros) [1078263] - [virt] kvm: enable PCI multiple-segments for pass-through device (Michael S. Tsirkin) [1103471] - [kvm] x86: increase VCPU limit to 240 (Radim Krcmar) [864242] - [x86] Mark Intel Broadwell processor as supported (David Milburn) [1032351] - [x86] kvm: expose invariant tsc cpuid bit (Marcelo Tosatti) [996770] - [pci] Fix section mismatch - pcibios_scan_root() to .devinit.text:pci_scan_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1104384] - [net] mac80211: don't validate unchanged AP bandwidth while tracking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1090428] - [usb] don't enable remote wakeup by default (Don Zickus) [698729] - [usb] Update USB default wakeup settings (Don Zickus) [698729] - [usb] obey the sysfs power/wakeup setting (Don Zickus) [698729] - [s390] kernel: avoid page table walk on user space access (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099146] - [s390] qeth: postpone freeing of qdio memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094379] - [s390] qeth: Fix retry logic in hardsetup (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094379] - [s390] qeth: Recognize return codes of ccw_device_set_online (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094379] - [s390] qdio: remove API wrappers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094379] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add bit to mark work queue initialization (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix rcu warnings induced by LER (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Change ixgbe_read_reg to ixgbevf_read_reg (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Additional adapter removal checks (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Check for adapter removal on register writes (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Check register reads for adapter removal (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Make the ethtool register test use accessors (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use static inlines instead of macros (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Protect ixgbevf_down with __IXGBEVF_DOWN bit (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Indicate removal state explicitly (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: delete unneeded call to pci_set_power_state (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL when doing TSO (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix handling of tx checksumming (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: merge ixgbevf_tx_map and ixgbevf_tx_queue into a single function (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: redo dma mapping using the tx buffer info (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make the first tx_buffer a repository for most of the skb info (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add tx counters (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: remove counters for Tx/Rx checksum offload (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: move ring specific stats into ring specific structure (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make use of the dev pointer in the ixgbevf_ring struct and remove externs (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: bump version (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: create function for all of ring init (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Convert ring storage form pointer to an array to array of pointers (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: use pci drvdata correctly in ixgbevf_suspend() (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: set the disable state when ixgbevf_qv_disable is called (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add DCB configuration into queue setup (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Focus config of head, tail ntc, and ntu all into a single function (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: cleanup IXGBE_DESC_UNUSED (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: remove redundant workaround (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add zero_base handler to network statistics (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add BP_EXTENDED_STATS for CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: implement CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: have clean_rx_irq return total_rx_packets cleaned (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add ixgbevf_rx_skb (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: bump driver version (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: implement ethtool get/set coalesce (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Adds function to set PSRTYPE register (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add wait for Rx queue disable (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: cleanup redundant mailbox read failure check (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: do not print registers to dmesg in ixgbevf_get_regs (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add checksum statistics counters to rings (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Make use of NETIF_F_RXCSUM instead of keeping our own flag (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: convert to ndo_fix_features (Andy Gospodarek) [1038785] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix message terminations (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean up Rx time stamping code (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add bit to mark service task initialization (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix rcu warnings induced by LER (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_check_reset_blocked() declaration (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race conditions on queuing skb for HW time stamp (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: never generate both software and hardware timestamps (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove redundant if clause from PTP work (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Break recursion in case of removal (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable tx queues after link up (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Stop cacheing if the MNG FW enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean up ixgbe_atr_compute_perfect_hash_82599 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use ixgbe_read_pci_cfg_word (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove unused media type (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_setup_mac_link_82599 autoc variables (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_stop_mac_link_on_d3_82599 to check mng correctly (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check Core Clock Disable bit (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix errors related to protected AUTOC calls (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add ixgbe_write_pci_cfg_word with ixgbe_removed check (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix some multiline hw_dbg prints (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fixup header for ixgbe_set_rxpba_82598 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add Linux NICS mailing list to contact info (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: move setting rx_pb_size into get_invariants (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix format string in ixgbe_fcoe.c (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: calls skb_set_hash (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: implement SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check config reads for removal (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix up some ethtool results when adapter is removed (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Restore hw_addr in LER recovery paths (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add check for FW veto bit (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix bit toggled for 82599 reset fix (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: collect all 82599 AUTOC code in one function (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix to use correct timeout interval for memory read completion (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add WoL support for a new device (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: don't use magic size number to assign ptp_caps.name (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: modify behavior on receiving a HW ECC error (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bump version number (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add braces around else condition in ixgbe_qv_lock_* calls (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: set driver_max_VFs should be done before enabling SRIOV (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: define IXGBE_MAX_VFS_DRV_LIMIT macro and cleanup const 63 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix incorrect logic for fixed fiber eeprom write (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: reinit_locked() should be called with rtnl_lock (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clear head write-back registers on VF reset (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Force QDE via PFQDE for VFs during reset (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Additional adapter removal checks (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check for adapter removal on register writes (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check register reads for adapter removal (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make ethtool register test use accessors (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use static inlines instead of macros (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixbge: Protect ixgbe_down with __IXGBE_DOWN bit (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Indicate removal state explicitly (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: slight optimization of addr compare (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix for unused variable warning with certain config (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Start temperature sensor attribute index with 1 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make ixgbe_identify_qsfp_module_generic static (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add warning when max_vfs is out of range (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reduce memory consumption with larger page sizes (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix qv_lock_napi call in ixgbe_napi_disable_all (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use pcie_capability_read_word() to simplify code (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove marketing names from busy poll code (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup the use of tabs and spaces (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ethtool DCB registers dump for 82599 and x540 (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove extern from function prototypes (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ethtool reporting of supported links for SFP modules (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: limit setting speed to only one at a time for QSFP modules (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ethtool loopback diagnostic with DCB enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fully disable hardware RSC logic when disabling RSC (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for older QSFP active DA cables (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: include QSFP PHY types in ixgbe_is_sfp() (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add 1Gbps support for QSFP+ (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix SFF data dumps of SFP+ modules from an offset (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup some log messages (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: zero out mailbox buffer on init (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix link test when connected to 1Gbps link partner (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix incorrect limit value in ring transverse (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check return value on eeprom reads (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: disable link when adapter goes down (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: rename LL_EXTENDED_STATS to use queue instead of q (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update ixgbe driver to use __netdev_pick_tx in ixgbe_select_queue (Andy Gospodarek) [1038784] - [netdrv] e1000e: Out of line __ew32_prepare/__ew32 (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix expand setting EEE link info to all affected parts (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup parenthesis around return value (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82574/82583 TimeSync errata for SYSTIM read (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Failure to write SHRA turns on PROMISC mode (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup use of deprecated DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup checkpatch extra space (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup to fix checkpatch missing blank lines (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup return values in ethtool (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Restrict MDIO Slow Mode workaround to relevant parts (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix issue with link flap on 82579 (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Expand workaround for 10Mb HD throughput bug (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Workaround for dropped packets in Gig/100 speeds on 82579 (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix message terminations (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix no connectivity when driver loaded with cable out (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove redundant if clause from PTP work (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: add timeout for TX HW time stamping work (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix Explicitly set Transmit Control Register (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix Hardware Unit Hang (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix SHRA register access for 82579 (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix ethtool offline tests for 82579 parts (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix not generating an error on invalid load parameter (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add missing branding strings in ich8lan.c (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup - Update GPL header and Copyright (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix 82579 sets LPI too early (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Resolve issues with Management Engine briefly blocking PHY resets (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: PTP lock in e1000e_phc_adjustfreq (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix maybe-unitialized variable compiler warning (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix compiler warnings (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix overrun of PHY RAR array (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup boolean comparison to true (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: balance semaphore put/get for 82573 (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: resolve checkpatch JIFFIES_COMPARISON warning (John Greene) [1038781] - [netdrv] e1000e: Avoid kernel crash during shutdown (John Greene) [1038781] - [cciss] touch version string (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] Fallback to MSI rather than to INTx if MSI-X failed (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] drivers/block/cciss.c:cciss_init_one(): use proper errnos (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] Adds simple mode functionality (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] add cciss_allow_hpsa module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] bug fix to prevent cciss from loading in kdump crash kernel (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] add transport mode attribute to sys (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] fix flush cache transfer length (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] Inform controller we are using 32-bit tags (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] fix invalid use of sizeof in cciss_find_cfgtables() (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] set max scatter gather entries to 32 on P600 (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] The Windows driver .inf disables ASPM on all cciss devices. Do the same (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] auto engage SCSI mid layer at driver load time (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] return 0 from driver probe function on success, not 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] add readl after writel in interrupt mask setting code (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] Fix scsi tape io with more than 255 scatter gather elements (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] Initialize scsi host max_sectors for tape drive support (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] fix missed command status value CMD_UNABORTABLE (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [cciss] fix incorrect scsi status reporting (Tomas Henzl) [1052275] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Don't disable device twice at suspend (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove phys on topology change (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver version to v16.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for kernel panic when driver loads with HBA connected to non LUN 0 configured expander (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: when Async scanning is enabled then while scanning, devices are removed but their transport layer entries are not removed (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Infinite loop can occur if MPI2_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE is not returned (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: The copyright in driver sources is updated for the year 2013 (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev X (2.00.16) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Change in MPI2_RAID_ACTION_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_INITIATED notification methodology (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Null pointer deference possibility in mpt2sas_ctl_event_callback function (Tomas Henzl) [1059137] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix cleanup on controller resource mapping failure (Tomas Henzl) [1059137]- [block] floppy: don't write kernel-only members to FDRAWCMD ioctl output (Denys Vlasenko) [1094310] {CVE-2014-1738} - [block] floppy: ignore kernel-only members in FDRAWCMD ioctl input (Denys Vlasenko) [1094310] {CVE-2014-1737} - [kbuild] Remove export of trace_clock.h (Prarit Bhargava) [1092110] - [kbuild] asm-generic support (Prarit Bhargava) [1092110] - [kbuild] headers_check: recursively search for linux/types.h inclusion (Prarit Bhargava) [1092110] - [netdrv] bonding: add an option to fail when any of arp_ip_target is inaccessible (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] bonding: don't trust arp requests unless active slave really works (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] bonding: don't add duplicate targets to arp_ip_target (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] bonding: arp_ip_count and arp_targets can be wrong (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] bonding: make arp_ip_target parameter checks consistent with sysfs (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] bonding: add helper function bond_get_targets_ip() (Veaceslav Falico) [975493] - [netdrv] netxen: Update version to 4.0.82 (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Correct off-by-one errors in bounds checks (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Print ULA information (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Remove extern from function prototypes (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Update version to 4.0.81 (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Convert mac address uses of 6 to ETH_ALEN (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Avoid mixed mode interrupts (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: netxen_setup_intr() function code cleanup (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Log proper error message in case of mismatched adapter type (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Log driver version with firmware version (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: replace ip_fast_csum with csum_replace2 (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: fix off by one bug in netxen_release_tx_buffer() (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: remove __dev* attributes (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: Fixed a coding style issue in netxen_nic_ethtool.c (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] netxen: explicity handle pause autoneg parameter (Veaceslav Falico) [1054332] - [netdrv] enic: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Fix 64 bit divide on 32bit system (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Add support for adaptive interrupt coalescing (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: include irq.h for irqreturn_t definitions (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: slight optimization of addr compare (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: cisco-enic calls skb_set_hash (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: update enic maintainers and driver (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Exposing symbols for Cisco's low latency driver (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Try DMA 64 first, then failover to DMA (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: record q_number and rss_hash for skb (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Add multi tx support for enic (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Generate notification of hardware crash (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Add an interface for USNIC to interact with firmware (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Adding support for Cisco Low Latency NIC (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] enic: Move ethtool code to a separate file (Stefan Assmann) [1024064] - [netdrv] igbvf: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: slight optimization of addr compare (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: add missing iounmap() on error in igbvf_probe() (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: integer wrapping bug setting the mtu (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: Remove extern from function prototypes (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [netdrv] igbvf: use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset() (Stefan Assmann) [1038783] - [kernel] mutex: Unlock the mutex without the wait_lock (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] mutex: Do not unnecessarily deal with waiters (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] mutex: Introduce cancelable MCS lock for adaptive spinning (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] mutex: Modify the way optimistic spinners are queued (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] mutex: Queue mutex spinners with MCS lock to reduce cacheline contention (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] mutex: Make more scalable & Back out architecture specific check (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] sched: Periodically decay max cost of idle balance (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] sched: Consider max cost of idle balance per sched domain (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] sched: Reduce overestimating rq->avg_idle (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [kernel] futex: Increase hash table size for better performance (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [fs] epoll: optimize EPOLL_CTL_DEL using rcu (Larry Woodman) [1100855] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: Skip setting affinity on uninitialized vq (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: Fix hotcpu_notifier use-after-free with virtscsi_freeze (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: Fix virtqueue affinity setup (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: reset virtqueue affinity when doing cpu hotplug (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: introduce multiqueue support (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: push vq lock/unlock into virtscsi_vq_done (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: pass struct virtio_scsi to virtqueue completion function (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: redo allocation of target data (Jason Wang) [1098309] - [i2c] i801: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (David Milburn) [922970] - [ata] ahci: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP (David Milburn) [922970] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (David Milburn) [922970] - [hda] alsa: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (David Milburn) [922970] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove pci id for ISP8042 (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add local_ipaddr parameter in iscsi_conn struct (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] IB/iser: Add Discovery support (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Export ISCSI_PARAM_LOCAL_IPADDR attr for iscsi_connection (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add host statistics support (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Additional parameters for network settings (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Remove net param enum values (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add support to set CHAP entries (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix smatch warning in func qla4xxx_conn_get_param (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix smatch warning in func qla4xxx_get_ep_param (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory leak for ha->saved_acb (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Export sysfs DDBs from DPC handler (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Disable INTx interrupt for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory leak in func qla4_84xx_config_acb() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Initialize hardware queue for ISP40XX (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Check for correct return status (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Move qla4_8xxx_ms_mem_write_128b to ql4_nx.c (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added PEX DMA Support for ISP8022 Adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new opcodes for 84XX Minidump template (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support of 0xFF capture mask for minidump (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Change default capture to firmware defined capture mask (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Do not wait for IO completion, after issuing stop_firmware (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Handle IPv6 AEN notifications (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in func qla4xxx_do_dpc() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in func qla4xxx_eh_abort() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in qla4xxx_mailbox_command() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Updated print for device login, logout path (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove unused code from qla4xxx_set_ifcb() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix failure of mbox 0x31 (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Reduce rom-lock contention during reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Driver not able to collect minidump for ISP84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix pending IO completion in reset path before initiating chip reset (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix processing response queue during probe (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix failure of IDC Time Extend mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear DDB index map upon connection close failure (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Return correct error status from func qla4xxx_request_irqs() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed AER reset sequence for ISP83xx/ISP84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correctly handle msleep_interruptible (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Rename ACB_STATE macros with IP_ADDRSTATE macros (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Improve loopback failure messages (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use IDC_CTRL bit1 directly instead of AF_83XX_NO_FWDUMP flag (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix comments in code (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Print WARN_ONCE() if iSCSI function presence bit removed (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: ISP8xxx: Correct retry of adapter initialization (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: treewide: fix comments and printk msgs (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Recreate chap data list during get chap operation (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for ISCSI_PARAM_LOCAL_IPADDR sysfs attr (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add host statistics support (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for Diagnostics MBOX command (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: overflow in qla4xxx_set_chap_entry() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for additional network parameters settings (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support to get CHAP details for flash target session (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support to set CHAP entries (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use offset based on adapter type to set CHAP entry in flash (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Populate local CHAP credentials for flash target sessions (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: correctly update session discovery_parent_idx (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Return error if minidump data collection fails (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix the minidump data collection check in for loop (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add pex-dma support for capturing minidump (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update Copyright header (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Implementation of ACB configuration during Loopback for ISP8042 (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for ISP8042 (Chad Dupuis) [1053365] - [net] bridge: add empty br_mdb_init() and br_mdb_uninit() definitions (Vlad Yasevich) [1097915] - [net] bridge: Correctly unregister MDB rtnetlink handlers (Vlad Yasevich) [1097915] - [net] rds: prevent dereference of a NULL device in rds_iw_laddr_check (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1083277] {CVE-2014-2678} - [netdrv] bnx2x: convert to hw_features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [netdrv] bnx2x: drop two RHEL-specific hacks that cancel each other (Michal Schmidt) [1020367] - [netdrv] virtio-net: Set RXCSUM feature if GUEST_CSUM is available (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [netdrv] virtio_net: convert to hw_features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [netdrv] veth: features fixup (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [netdrv] veth: convert to hw_features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] loopback: convert to hw_features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] warn if mixing ndo features with legacy ops (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: fix copy&paste errors in __ethtool_get_one_feature_actor (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: __ethtool_set_sg: check for function pointer before using it (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: wanted_features hack for legacy drivers (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: allow ETHTOOL_GSSET_INFO for users (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] remove NETIF_F_ALL_TX_OFFLOADS (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [documentation] net: Add documentation for netdev features handling (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] allow user to change NETIF_F_HIGHDMA (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] fix ETHTOOL_SFEATURES compatibility with old ethtool_ops.set_flags (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: add two missing netdev_features_strings (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: fix IPV6 checksum feature name string (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Change netdev_fix_features messages loglevel to debug (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Change netdev_fix_features messages loglevel (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] make WARN_ON in dev_disable_lro() useful (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] fix hw_features ethtool_ops->set_flags compatibility (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] add RTNL_ASSERT in __netdev_update_features() (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Call netdev_features_change() from netdev_update_features() (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Fix dev dev_ethtool_get_rx_csum() for forced NETIF_F_RXCSUM (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] implement dev_disable_lro() hw_features compatibility (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Implement SFEATURES compatibility for not updated drivers (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Fix ETHTOOL_GFEATURES compatibility (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] avoid initial "Features changed" message (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] fix "unregistered net_device: Features changed" message (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] introduce NETIF_F_RXCSUM (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] use ndo_fix_features for ethtool_ops->set_flags (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: use ndo_fix_features for offload setting (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] add accessors to hw_features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Introduce new feature setting ops (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: factorize get/set_one_feature (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: factorize ethtool_get_strings() and ethtool_get_sset_count() (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: Use noinline_for_stack (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: Add direct access to ops->get_sset_count follow-up (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: Add direct access to ops->get_sset_count (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: enable GSO and GRO by default (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] ethtool: reduce stack usage (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] reduce and unify printk level in netdev_fix_features() (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] Move check of checksum features to netdev_fix_features() (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [netdrv] Fix too optimistic NETIF_F_HW_CSUM features (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] netdevice: use __printf attribute (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] netdevice: Convert netdev_ logging macros to functions (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [drivers] use __printf not __attribute__((format(printf, ...))) (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [drivers] core: Convert dev_ logging macros to functions (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [scsi] Remove warnings after vsprintf pV introducation (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [scsi] fix warning zero-length gnu_printf format string (Michal Schmidt) [1029841] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: don't add null bindings if no nat requested (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: force null nat binding on insert (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: move alloc_null_binding to nf_nat_core.c (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: don't release a conntrack with non-zero refcnt (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix soft lockup when netlink adds new entries (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix RCU race in nf_conntrack_find_get (Florian Westphal) [1089562] - [drivers] Ensure drvdata = NULL when no driver is bound (John Greene) [1056266] - [pci] msi: Add pci_enable_msi_range() and pci_enable_msix_range() (John Greene) [1056266] - [net] Add netdev interfaces for recording sends/comp (John Greene) [1056266] - [net] net_tstamp: Add SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl to match SIOCSHWTSTAMP (John Greene) [1056266] - [net] Add function to set the rxhash (John Greene) [1056266] - [kernel] dma-api: provide a helper to set both DMA and coherent DMA masks (John Greene) [1056266]- [perf] evsel: Synthesize PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] test: Update "sample parsing" test for PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Add missing overflow check for TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] test: Consider PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION in the "sample parsing" test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] test: Clarify the "sample parsing" test entry (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] test: Update command line callchain attribute tests (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fixup mmap event consumption (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] top: Split -G and --call-graph (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] record: Split -g and --call-graph (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Add color overhead for stdio output buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix up /proc/PID/maps parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] script: Fix mem leak due to missing Py_DECREFs on dict entries (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Disable PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 support (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] script: Fix build error on Fedora 12 (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] probe: Fix to initialize fname always before use it (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Fix infinite loop on invalid perf.data file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix installation of libexec components (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] probe: Fix to find line information for probe list (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix libaudit test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] stat: Set child_pid after perf_evlist__prepare_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add default handler for mmap2 events (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] revert "symbols: Demangle cloned functions" (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] symbols: Demangle cloned functions (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] machine: Fix path unpopulated in machine__create_modules() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Explicitly add libdl dependency (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] probe: Fix probing symbols with optimization suffix (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add mmap2 handler (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Uninclude linux/magic.h in debugfs.c (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix old GCC build error in trace-event-parse.c::parse_proc_kallsyms() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] probe: Fix finder to find lines of given function (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Check for SIGINT in more loops (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix compile with libelf without get_phdrnum (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix buildid cache handling of kallsyms with kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Fix objdump line parsing offset validation (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fill in new definitions for madvise()/mmap() flags (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Sharpen the libaudit dependencies test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add attr->mmap2 support (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Add attr->mmap2 attribute to an event (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Fix sample_type manipulation (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Fix id pos in perf_evlist__open() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Handle perf.data files with no tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Separate progress bar update when processing events (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Check if MAP_32BIT is defined (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Fix formatting of long symbol names (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Fix parsing with no sample_id_all bit set (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add test for parsing with no sample_id_all bit (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Check control+C more often (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Tell arg formatters the arg index (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for open's flags arg (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for lseek's whence arg (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix symbol offset computation for some dsos (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] list: Skip unsupported events (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add 'keep tracking' test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add support for PERF_COUNT_SW_DUMMY (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for futex 'operation' parm (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Allow syscall arg formatters to mask args (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Handle missing HUGEPAGE defines (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Honor target pid / tid options when analyzing a file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add option to analyze events in a file versus live (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Add tracepoint lookup by name (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add a sample parsing test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add a function to calculate sample event size (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Expand perf_event__synthesize_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add missing 'abi' member to 'struct regs_dump' (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add support for PERF_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Move perf_evlist__config() to a new source file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove references to struct ip_event (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] callchain: Remove unnecessary validation (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Tidy up sample parsing overflow checking (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: change machine__findnew_thread() to set thread pid (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Fixup jobserver setup (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add pid to struct thread (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for madvise behaviour/advice parm (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for mmap flags parm (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add beautifier for mmap prot parm (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Allow overiding the formatting of syscall fields (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add aliases to remaining syscalls of the sys_enter_newfoo (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Allow printing syscall return values in hex (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Simplify sys_exit return printing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Introduce syscall arg formatters (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Hide sys_exit messages about syscall id = -1 (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Add --verbose option (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Support ! in -e expressions (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Don't install scripting files files when disabled (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Sample after exit loses thread correlation (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Make command line arguments consistent with perf-record (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Implement -o/--output filename (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Try to increase the file descriptor limits on EMFILE (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Remove force option to cmd_record (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Allow specifying which syscalls to trace (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Improve robustness of topology parsing code (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Fix compile failure on do_sort_something (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove filter parameter of thread__find_addr_map() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove filter parameter of thread__find_addr_location() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove filter parameter of perf_event__preprocess_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] mem: Remove unused symbol filter member (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] report: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] top: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] machine: Add symbol filter to struct machine (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Change perf_session__has_traces to actually check for tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Add option to limit stack depth in callchain dumps (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Add option to print stack trace on single line (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tool: Simplify options to perf_evsel__print_ip (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] sched: Remove sched_process_fork tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] sched: Remove sched_process_exit tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] sched: Remove thread lookup in sample handler (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] sched: Simplify arguments to read_events (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Update documentation with live command (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Option to print events that exceed a duration (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] revert "tools: Fix for cross build" (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] machine: Do not require /lib/modules/* on a guest (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add tests of new pinned modifier (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add support for pinned modifier (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] gtk: Fix segmentation fault on perf_hpp__for_each_format loop (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] report: Add option to analyze specific VM (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Add min and max stats to display (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Add live mode (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Export queue_event function (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Improve description of '?' hotkey (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Add call target name if it is missing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Remove nop at end of annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Put dso name in symbol annotation title (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] annotate: Allow disassembly using /proc/kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add kcore to the object code reading test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Adjust the vmlinux symtab matches kallsyms test again (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] symbols: Add support for reading from /proc/kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Make it possible to read object code from kernel modules (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Adjust the vmlinux symtab matches kallsyms test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Make it possible to read object code from vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] symbols: Load kernel maps before using (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add test for reading object code (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] symbols: avoid SyS kernel syscall aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] stat: Flush output after each line in interval mode (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Remove obsolete dummy execve (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] kvm: Split out tracepoints from record args (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Export a few functions for event processing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] stats: Add max and min stats (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] top: move CONSOLE_CLEAR to header file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Add parse_nsec_time() function (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] python: Remove duplicate TID bit from mask (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] trace: Beautify 'connect' result (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Actually show symbol offset in stack trace when requested (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add parse events tests for leader sampling (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add attr record group sampling test (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add 'S' event/group modifier to read sample value (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add broken install-* tests into tests/make (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add 'make install/install-bin' tests into tests/make (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Add DESTDIR=TMP_DEST tests/make variable (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Rename TMP to TMP_O tests/make variable (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Run ctags/cscope make tests only with needed binaries (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix build with perl 5.18 (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Support callchain sorting based on addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evsel: Handle ENODEV on default cycles event (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] script: Fix named threads support (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] header: Recognize version number for perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] header: Introduce feat_offset into perf_header (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] header: Remove attr_offset from perf_header (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] header: Remove data_offset seek as it's not needed (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] session: Use session->fd instead of passing fd as argument (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] symbols: Do not apply symfs for an absolute vmlinux path (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Fix 'make tools/perf' (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove event types framework completely (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] record: Remove event types pushing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove event types from perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] timechart: Remove event types framework only user (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] timechart: Use traceevent lib event-parse.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Move hist_entry__period_snprintf into stdio code (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Add generic order option for compute sorting (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Making compute functions static (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Update perf diff documentation for multiple data comparison (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Change diff command to work over multiple data files (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Move columns into struct data__file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Move diff related columns into diff command (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Display data file info ahead of the diff output (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Marking dummy hists entries (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Switching the base hists to be pairs head (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] diff: Introducing diff_data object to hold files (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Centralize default columns init in perf_hpp__init (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add struct perf_hpp_fmt into hpp callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] top: Add option to collapse undesired parts of call graph (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Default to cpu// for events v5 (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: struct thread has a tid not a pid (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Validate perf event header size (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Tidy duplicated munmap code (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add const specifier to perf_pmu__find name parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] inject: Add missing 'finished_round' (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Set rules hint for the hist browser (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Add a double-click handler for callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Make column headers resizable (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Display callchain overhead also (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Add support for callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] hists: Use GtkTreeStore instead of GtkListStore (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] sched: Move struct perf_sched definition out of cmd_sched() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Remove unused enum and macro in trace-event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: No need to call read_trace_init() in tracing_data_header() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Rename read_*() functions in trace-event-info.c (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] script: Adopt latency_format variable (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Get rid of unused header_page_* variables (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Parse header_page to get proper long size (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Skip reading header_event file (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Make file/host_bigendian variable local (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Save long size of traced system (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Save page size in a trace file to pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Port kbuffer parser routines (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Add page_size field to pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Add trace_seq_reset() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Add const qualifier to string arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Get rid of unused gui target (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] traceevent: Remove unused install targets (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] events: Demystify memory allocations (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Make terms a stack variable in test_term (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Don't free list head in parse_events__free_terms (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] evlist: Fix use of uninitialized variable (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] report: Fix perf_session__delete removal (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Do not elide parent symbol column (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Use evsel->name to get tracepoint_paths (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] util: Move debugfs/tracing helper functions to util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove callchain_cursor_reset call (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add methods for setting/retrieving priv element of thread struct (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Use default include path notation for libtraceevent headers (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Make TEST_ASSERT_VAL global (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tests: Omit end of the symbol check failure for test 1 (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Remove cwd from perf_session struct (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] top: Add --objdump option (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Rename cpu_map__all() to cpu_map__empty() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Remove the 'match' callback for auxiliary events processing (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Factor out auxiliary events notification (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Fix EXIT event notification (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] events: Protect access via task_subsys_state_check() (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Clarify perf_cpu_context::active_pmu usage by renaming it to perf_cpu_context::unique_pmu (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] Add a dummy software event to keep tracking (Jiri Olsa) [1101039] - [perf] tools: Add support for record transaction flags (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] record: Add abort_tx, no_tx, in_tx branch filter options to perf record -j (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] tools: Support sorting by in_tx or abort branch flags (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] stat: Add perf stat --transaction (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] tools: Fix sorting for 64bit entries (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] stat: Add support for --initial-delay option (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] evsel: Add support for enabling counters (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] evsel: Add PERF_SAMPLE_READ sample related processing (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] evlist: Add perf_evlist__id2sid method to get event ID related data (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] evlist: Fix event ID retrieval for group format read case (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] tools: Add support for parsing PERF_SAMPLE_READ sample type (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] evlist: Use PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID perf ioctl to read event id (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] tools: Move weight back to common sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] list: List kernel supplied event aliases (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] Fix UAPI export of PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] Add PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID ioctl to return event ID (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] fix Haswell precise store data source encoding (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Suppress duplicated abort LBR records (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add Haswell specific transaction flag reporting (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] Add generic transaction flags (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] make events stream always parsable (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] Update perf_event_type documentation (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Clean up EVENT_ATTR_STR() muck (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Clean-up/reduce PEBS code (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Clean up checkpoint-interrupt bits (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add Haswell TSX event aliases (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Report TSX transaction abort cost as weight (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Avoid checkpointed counters causing excessive TSX aborts (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add Haswell ULT model number used in Macbook Air and other systems (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Support full width counting (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add mem-loads/stores support for Haswell (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Support Haswell/v4 LBR format (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Move NMI clearing to end of PMI handler (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add Haswell PEBS support (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add simple Haswell PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Add Haswell PEBS record support (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Don't assume there can be only 4 PEBS events (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Fix uninitialized pt_regs in intel_pmu_drain_bts_buffer() (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: fix wrmsr_on_cpu() warning on suspend/resume (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: fix kernel crash with PEBS/BTS after suspend/resume (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Move Intel specific code to intel_pmu_init() (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] x86: Rename Intel specific macros (Jiri Olsa) [829875] - [perf] Export perf_assign_events() (Jiri Olsa) [829875]- [scsi] aacraid: kdump fix (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] aacraid: prevent invalid pointer dereference (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] aacraid: avoid parsing names as kthread_run() format strings (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] aacraid: suppress two GCC warnings (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] aacraid: SCSI dma mapping failure case handling (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] aacraid: fix mem leak in aac_send_raw_srb() (Rich Bono) [1054925] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add Dell PowerEdge VRTX SR-IOV VF support (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Return leaked MPT frames to MPT frame pool (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix megasas_ioc_init_fusion (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Load correct raid context timeout (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Performance boost fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set 32-bit DMA mask (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Big endian code related fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Don't wait forever for non-IOCTL DCMDs (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: check return value for megasas_get_pd_list() (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas_fusion: Return correct error value in megasas_get_ld_map_info() (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas_fusion: correctly pass queue info pointer (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid: missing bounds check in mimd_to_kioc() (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid: Use resource_size_t for PCI resources, not long (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fixes for few endianess issues (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: addded support for big endian architecture (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix a bug for 64 bit arches (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix memory leak if SGL has zero length entries (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid: minor cut and paste error fixed (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: release lock on error path (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use correct #define for MSI-X capability (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: combine kmalloc+memset into kzalloc (Tomas Henzl) [1059073] - [target] tcm_fc: Fix use-after-free of ft_tpg (Andy Grover) [1084646] - [scsi] Set the minimum valid value of 'eh_deadline' as 0 (Ewan Milne) [987789] - [scsi] Unlock accesses to eh_deadline (Ewan Milne) [987789] - [scsi] scsi_error: Escalate to LUN reset if abort fails (Ewan Milne) [987789] - [scsi] Adjust eh_deadline changes to match final upstream version (Ewan Milne) [987789] - [scsi] Generate uevents on certain unit attention codes (Ewan Milne) [741163] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for 10.2.8020.0 driver release (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed unused variable in lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Update Copyright on changed files from 8.3.45 patches (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Update Copyright on changed files (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fixed locking for scsi task management commands (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Convert runtime references to old xlane cfg param to fof cfg param (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix FW dump using sysfs (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix SLI4 s abort loop to process all FCP rings and under ring_lock (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fixed kernel panic in lpfc_abort_handler (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix locking for postbufq when freeing (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix locking for lpfc_hba_down_post (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix dynamic transitions of FirstBurst from on to off (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed crash during driver unload (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed driver error messages after firmware download (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed missing initialization for task management IOCBs (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fix sysfs buffer overrun in read of lpfc_fcp_cpu_map for 128 CPUs (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Incorporate changes to use reason in change_queue_depth function (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Incorporated support of a low-latency io path (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Added dport mailbox pass through support (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fixed unassigned variable in ELS timeout message (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fixed incorrect allocation of iDiags directories/files in debugfs (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fix Crash in lpfc_els_timeout_handler (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fixed stopped FCF discovery on failed FCF record read (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fixed IO hang when in msi mode (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix wrong assignment in lpfc_debugfs.c (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix typo on NULL assignment (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.43: Fixed not processing task management IOCB response status (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.43: Fixed invalid Total_Data_Placed value received for els and ct command responses (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.43: Fixed invalid fcp_rsp length fir FCP_ICMND (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.43: Fixed invalid mailbox timeouts (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.43: Fix crash after xri limit is reached (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fix driver's abort loop functionality to skip IOs already getting aborted (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fix WARN_ON when driver unloads (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Avoided making pci bar ioremap call during dual-chute WQ/RQ pci bar selection (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed driver iocbq structure's iocb_flag field running out of space (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fix crash on driver load due to cpu affinity logic (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed logging format of setting driver sysfs attributes hard to interpret (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed back to back RSCNs discovery failure (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed race condition between BSG I/O dispatch and timeout handling (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Back out data count, (residual fcfi_parm) fix for bad target (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed mailbox memory leak (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fix random errors using first burst (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed not able to log informational messages at early stage of driver init time (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed using unsafe linked list macro for walking and deleting linked list (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Update copyrights for 8.3.41 modifications (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed the format of some log message fields (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Add first burst support to driver (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed not able to perform PCI function reset when board was not in online mode (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed failure in setting SLI3 board mode (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed SLI3 failing FCP write on check-condition no-sense with residual zero (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed support for 128 byte WQEs (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Ensure driver properly zeros unused fields in SLI4 mailbox commands (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed max value of lpfc_lun_queue_depth (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed Receive Queue varied frame size handling (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fix mailbox byteswap issue on PPC (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.41: Fixed freeing of iocb when internal loopback times out (Rob Evers) [1054369] - [scsi] hpsa: version string change (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix handling of hpsa_volume_offline return value (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: return -ENOMEM not -1 on kzalloc failure in hpsa_get_device_id (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad comparison of signed with unsigned in hpsa_update_scsi_devices (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not ignore failure of sense controller parameters command (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in hpsa_hba_mode_enabled (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad endif placement in RAID 5 mapper code (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Do not zero fields of ioaccel2 command structure twice (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Add hba mode to the hpsa driver (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused struct request from CommandList (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: increase the probability of a reported success after a device reset (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: bring format-in-progress drives online when ready (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused kthread.h header (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fixup MSI-X registration (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Add support for a few HP Storage controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add HP/3PAR vendor id to pci_ids.h (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add sysfs debug switch for raid map debugging messages (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: improve error messages for driver initiated commands (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: only do device rescan for certain events (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: when switching out of accel mode await only accel command completions (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add controller base data-at-rest encryption compatibility ioaccel2 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: update source file copyrights (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: retry certain ioaccel error cases on the RAID path (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not inquire for unsupported ioaccel status vpd page (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: allow VPD page zero to be queried (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: rescan devices on ioaccel2 error (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: allow user to disable accelerated i/o path (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: complete the ioaccel raidmap code (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: make device update copy the raid map also (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add task management for ioaccel mode 2 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: teach hpsa_device_reset to do either target or lun reset (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: get ioaccel mode 2 i/o working (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix NULL dereference in hpsa_put_ctlr_into_performant_mode() (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: initialize controller to perform io accelerator mode 2 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: get physical device handles for io accel mode 2 as well as mode 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do ioaccel mode 2 resource allocations (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Acknowledge controller events in ioaccell mode 2 as well as mode 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add ioaccel mode 2 structure definitions (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: complain if physical or logical aborts are not supported (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add hp_ssd_smart_path_enabled sysfs attribute (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not rescan controllers known to be locked up (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: poll controller to detect device change event (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: update raid offload status on device rescan (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add ioaccell mode 1 RAID offload support (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix task management for mode-1 ioaccell path (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: only allow REQ_TYPE_FS to use fast path (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add support for 'fastpath' i/o (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: mark last scatter gather element as the last (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: use extended report luns command for HP SSD SmartPath (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: allow SCSI mid layer to handle unit attention (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not require board "not ready" status after hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: enable unit attention reporting (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: rename scsi prefetch field (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: use workqueue instead of kernel thread for lockup detection (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: remove P822se PCI ID (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: prevent stalled i/o (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: cap CCISS_PASSTHRU at 20 concurrent commands (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add MSA 2040 to list of external target devices (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in CCISS_BIG_PASSTHRU ioctl (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unneeded include of seq_file.h (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: add 5 second delay after doorbell reset (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not attempt to flush the cache on locked up controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: return 0 from driver probe function on success, not 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: do not discard scsi status on aborted commands (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: fix warning with smp_processor_id() in preemptible (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: check for dma_mapping_error in hpsa_passthru ioctls (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: reorganize error handling in hpsa_passthru_ioctl (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: check for dma_mapping_error in hpsa_map_sg_chain_block (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Check for dma_mapping_error for all code paths using fill_cmd (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] hpsa: Check for dma_mapping_error in hpsa_map_one (Tomas Henzl) [1052272] - [scsi] bfa: Driver version upgrade to (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: Fix smatch warnings (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: change FC_ELS_TOV to 20sec (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: Observed auto D-port mode instead of manual (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: Fix for bcu or hcm faa query hang (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: LUN discovery issue in direct attach mode (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: Register port with SCSI even on port init failure (Chad Dupuis) [1054461] - [scsi] bfa: Firmware patch simplification (Chad Dupuis) [1054461]- [scsi] Ensure medium access timeout counter resets (David Jeffery) [1036884] - [scsi] Fix error handling when no ULD is attached (David Jeffery) [1036884] - [scsi] Handle disk devices which can not process medium access commands (David Jeffery) [1036884] - [hv] vmbus: Negotiate version 3.0 when running on ws2012r2 hosts (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Don't timeout during the initial connection with host (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Specify the target CPU that should receive notification (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] make "monitor_pages" a "real" pointer array (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in channel rescind code (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] Fix wrong check for synic_event_page (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: fix vmbus_recvpacket_raw() return code (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Terminate vmbus version negotiation on timeout (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Do not attempt to negoatiate a new version prematurely (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in the handling of channel offers (Jason Wang) [1071723] - [x86] pci: Clean up and mark early_root_info_init() as deprecated (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Stop enabling ECS for AMD CPUs after Fam16h (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Work around AMD Fam15h BIOSes that fail to provide _PXM (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Warn if we have to "guess" host bridge node information (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] acpi: Use __weak, not the gcc-specific version (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] acpi: Make __acpi_map_pxm_to_node(), acpi_get_pxm() static (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] acpi: Simplify acpi_get_node() style (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] acpi: Fix acpi_get_node() prototype (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Remove acpi_get_pxm() usage (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Use NUMA_NO_NODE, not -1, for unknown node (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Remove unnecessary &pci_root_infos list_empty() check (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Remove mp_bus_to_node(), set_mp_bus_to_node(), get_mp_bus_to_node() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Use x86_pci_root_bus_node() instead of get_mp_bus_to_node() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Add x86_pci_root_bus_node() to look up NUMA node from PCI bus (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Drop return value of pcibios_scan_root() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Merge pci_scan_bus_on_node() into pcibios_scan_root() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Use pcibios_scan_root() instead of pci_scan_bus_on_node() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Use pcibios_scan_root() instead of pci_scan_bus_with_sysdata() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Drop pcibios_scan_root() check for bus already scanned (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Drop "__" prefix on __pci_enable_device_flags() (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Use "unsigned long" for __pci_enable_device_flags to match ioport.h (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Remove unused pci_root_bus (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: put busn resource in pci_root_info for native host bridge drivers (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: build amd_bus.o only when CONFIG_AMD_NB=y (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: amd: factor out MMCONFIG discovery (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pci: Kill misleading message about enablement of IO access to PCI ECS (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] Adjust section placement in AMD northbridge related code (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] Use PCI method for enabling AMD extended config space before MSR method (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [x86] pnp: work around Dell 1536/1546 BIOS MMCONFIG bug that breaks USB (Myron Stowe) [1040440] - [fs] proc: Assure /proc/meminfo legacy backwards compatibility when adding new statistics (Rafael Aquini) [1032702] - [kvm] mmu: fix incorrect check of guest cr4 bits (Bandan Das) [1007164] - [kernel] Fix BUG() upon security_cred_alloc_blank() failure (Eric Paris) [717904]- [fs] nfs: Fix calls to drop_nlink() (Steve Dickson) [1093819] - [fs] xfs: fix directory readahead offset off-by-one (Eric Sandeen) [1093820] - [fs] btrfs: don't oops on mount failure due to unsupported features (Eric Sandeen) [889471] - [fs] gfs2: check NULL return value in gfs2_ok_to_move (Abhijith Das) [1060246] - [fs] gfs2: avoid locking while unfreezing fs (Benjamin Marzinski) [1056625] - [fs] nfsd: Change name of extended attribute containing junction (J. Bruce Fields) [1024034] - [fs] nfsd: Add a cache for fs_locations information (J. Bruce Fields) [1024034] - [fs] ext4: include journal blocks in df overhead calcs (Lukas Czerner) [1003476] - [fs] ext4: add mmp fs freeze protection (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [fs] ext4: MMP: kmmpd should use nodename from init_uts_ns.name, not sysname (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [fs] ext4: MMP: fix error message rate-limiting logic in kmmpd (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [fs] ext4: Fix comparison endianness problem in MMP initialization (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [fs] ext4: Fix endianness bug when reading the MMP block (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [fs] ext4: add support for multiple mount protection (Eric Sandeen) [1012412] - [block] mtip32xx: mtip_async_complete() bug fixes (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Unmap the DMA segments before completing the IO request (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Set queue bounce limit (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Correctly handle security locked condition (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Make SGL container per-command to eliminate high order dma allocation (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Correctly handle bio->bi_idx != 0 conditions (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix NULL pointer dereference during module unload (David Milburn) [1059099] - [block] mtip32xx: Add SRSI support (David Milburn) [980257] - [netdrv] forcedeth: run loopback test only on chipsets that support it (Ivan Vecera) [1030782] - [scsi] libfc: don't exch_done() on invalid sequence ptr (Mateusz Guzik) [1065162] - [security] selinux: fix selinuxfs policy file on big endian systems (Eric Paris) [739866] - [drm] nouveau: fix nasty bug which can clobber SOR0's clock setup (Ben Skeggs) [1095796] - [s390] crypto: fix aes, des ctr mode concurrency finding (Hendrik Brueckner) [1096328] - [s390] add support to start the kernel in 64 bit mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [1053826]- [i2c] i2c-ismt: support I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA transaction type (Neil Horman) [1030646] - [kernel] kthread_worker: reimplement flush_kthread_work() to allow freeing the work item being executed (David Milburn) [1091083] - [kernel] kthread_worker: reorganize to prepare for flush_kthread_work() reimplementation (David Milburn) [1091083] - [s390] cio: fix unlocked access of global bitmap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094381] - [s390] css: stop stsch loop after cc 3 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1094381] - [x86] intel_pstate: Use del_timer_sync in intel_pstate_cpu_stop (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Set core to min P state during core offline (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: fix pid_reset to use fixed point values (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: remove unneeded sample buffers (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Change busy calculation to use fixed point math (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add support for Baytrail turbo P states (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Use LFM bus ratio as min ratio/P state (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Remove energy reporting from pstate_sample tracepoint (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Take core C0 time into account for core busy calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add trace point to report internal state (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add X86_FEATURE_APERFMPERF to cpu match parameters (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Fail initialization if P-state information is missing (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Remove periodic P state boost (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add setting voltage value for baytrail P states (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: skip the driver if ACPI has power mgmt option (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add static declarations to internal functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add Baytrail support (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Refactor driver to support CPUs with different MSR layouts (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Correct calculation of min pstate value (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Improve accuracy by not truncating until final result (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Fix type mismatch warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Fix max_perf_pct on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] cpufreq: add new routine cpufreq_verify_within_cpu_limits() (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: fix no_turbo (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add Haswell CPU models (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Change to scale off of max P-state (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add additional supported CPU ID (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: use vzalloc() instead of vmalloc()/memset(0) (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Remove idle mode PID (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: use lowest requested max performance (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: fix ffmpeg regression (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: remove idle time and duration from sample and calculations (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] intel_pstate: Optimize intel_pstate_set_policy (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [x86] msr: add 64bit _on_cpu access functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1038318] - [net] net: sctp: remove NULL check in sctp_assoc_update_retran_path (Daniel Borkmann) [1040897] - [net] sctp: rework multihoming retransmission path selection to rfc4960 (Daniel Borkmann) [1040897] - [net] sctp: retran_path not set properly after transports recovering (Daniel Borkmann) [1040897] - [net] sctp: test if association is dead in sctp_wake_up_waiters (Daniel Borkmann) [1082453] - [net] sctp: wake up all assocs if sndbuf policy is per socket (Daniel Borkmann) [1082453] - [kernel] list: introduce list_next_entry() and list_prev_entry() (Daniel Borkmann) [1082453] - [net] netdevice: add struct net_device_ops_ext (Michal Schmidt) [1029869] - [net] netpoll: netpoll_poll_dev() should access dev->flags (Florian Westphal) [1095252] - [net] busy_poll: backport missed snmp mib item rename (Jiri Pirko) [1093806] - [net] ip_tunnel: Set network header properly for IP_ECN_decapsulate() (Jiri Pirko) [1094418] - [net] ptp: validate the requested frequency adjustment (Jiri Benc) [1092968] - [net] bridge: fix race with topology change timer (Jiri Benc) [1058517] - [net] bridge: avoid OOPS if root port not found (Jiri Benc) [1058517]- [security] selinux: put the mmap() DAC controls before the MAC controls (Paul Moore) [1070859] - [serial] bring DTR up after speed change from B0 (Aristeu Rozanski) [991667] - [mm] compaction: acquire the zone->lock as late as possible (Jerome Marchand) [975902] - [mm] compaction: acquire the zone->lru_lock as late as possible (Jerome Marchand) [975902] - [mm] swap: do not skip lowest_bit in scan_swap_map() scan loop (Rafael Aquini) [1060886] - [mm] swap: fix shmem swapping when more than 8 areas (Rafael Aquini) [1060886] - [mm] swap: fix swapon size off-by-one (Rafael Aquini) [1060886] - [x86] mm: Add missing TLB page invalidation for hugetlb_cow() (Larry Woodman) [1097917] - [char] n_tty: Lock access to tty->pgrp for POSIX job control (Prarit Bhargava) [1098982] - [kernel] resource: correct the comment of allocate_resource() (Myron Stowe) [744239] - [kernel] resource: move EXPORT_SYMBOL right after definition (Myron Stowe) [744239] - [kernel] resource: fix wrong resource window calculation (Myron Stowe) [744239] - [kernel] resource: Add lookup_resource() (Myron Stowe) [744239] - [kernel] resource: handle reinsertion of an already-inserted resource (Myron Stowe) [744239] - [pm] intel_powerclamp: off by one in start_power_clamp() (Steve Best) [1036301] - [pm] Introduce Intel PowerClamp Driver (Steve Best) [1036301] - [s390] zcrypt: remove zcrypt kmsg documentation again (Hendrik Brueckner) [1053830] - [s390] zcrypt: add support for EP11 coprocessor cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1053830] - [s390] crypto: fix des and des3_ede ctr concurrency issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1065404] - [s390] crypto: fix des and des3_ede cbc concurrency issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1065398] - [watchdog] hpwdt: patch to display informative string (Nigel Croxon) [1053685] - [netdrv] tg3: Poll cpmu link state on APE + ASF enabled devices (Ivan Vecera) [1057283] - [netdrv] virtio-net: make all RX paths handle errors consistently (Jason Wang) [1032458] - [netdrv] virtio-net: fix error handling for mergeable buffers (Jason Wang) [1032458] - [netdrv] bonding: use the correct ether type for alb (Veaceslav Falico) [1027480] - [netdrv] ether: add loopback type ETH_P_LOOPBACK (Veaceslav Falico) [1027480] - [kernel] futex: Forbid uaddr == uaddr2 in futex_wait_requeue_pi() (Mateusz Guzik) [1097760] {CVE-2012-6647} - [libata] ahci: accommodate tag ordered controller (David Milburn) [1083748] - [net] mac80211: crash dues to AP powersave TX vs. wakeup race (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1083532] {CVE-2014-2706} - [netdrv] ath9k: tid->sched race in ath_tx_aggr_sleep() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1083250] {CVE-2014-2672}- [perf] kvm: Fix kvm report without guestmount (Jiri Olsa) [1038418] - [perf] script: Fix broken include in Context.xs (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix -ldw/-lelf link test when static linking (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Revert regression in configuration of Python support (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix perf version generation (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] stat: Fix per-socket output bug for uncore events (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] symbols: Fix vdso list searching (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] evsel: Fix missing increment in sample parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Update symbol_conf.nr_events when processing attribute events (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix new_term() missing free on error path (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix parse_events_terms() segfault on error path (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] evsel: Fix count parameter to read call in event_format__new (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix -x/--exclude-other option for report command (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] evlist: Enhance perf_evlist__start_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] record: Remove -f/--force option (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] record: Remove -A/--append option (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] stat: Avoid sending SIGTERM to random processes (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] lib: Fix for cross build (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Include termios.h explicitly (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix build errors with O and DESTDIR make vars set (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix output directory of Documentation/ (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Get only verbose output with V=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Add missing liblk.a dependency for python/perf.so (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Remove '?=' Makefile STRIP assignment (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Replace multiple line assignment with multiple statements (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Replace tabs with spaces for all non-commands statements (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Add NO_BIONIC variable to confiure bionic setup (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Switch to full path C include directories (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Merge all *LDFLAGS* make variable into LDFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Merge all *CFLAGS* make variable into CFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] evlist: Reset SIGTERM handler in workload child process (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] lib: Respect CROSS_COMPILE (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Remove cwdlen from struct perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Remove frozen from perf_header struct (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tests: Fix exclude_guest|exclude_host checking for attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tests: Fix attr test for record -d option (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Final touches for CHK config move (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move paths config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libnuma check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move stdlib check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libbfd check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libpython check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libperl check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move gtk2 check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move slang check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libaudit check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libunwind check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libdw check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move libelf check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move compiler and linker flags check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move programs check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Move arch check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Add automated make test suite (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Save parent pid in thread struct (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] stats: Fix divide by 0 in variance (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] kvm: Handle realloc failures (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] evsel: Fix printing of perf_event_paranoid message (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] test: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] hists: Rename hist_entry__add_pair arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] diff: Use internal rb tree for hists__precompute (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] report: Add report.percent-limit config variable (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] top: Add --percent-limit option (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] report: Add --percent-limit option (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] report: Don't bother locking when adding hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] hists: Move locking to its call-sites (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] top: Get rid of *_threaded() functions (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] top: Fix percent output when no samples collected (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] top: Fix -E option behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] record: handle death by SIGTERM (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Handle JITed code in shared memory (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix tab vs spaces issue in Makefile ifdef/endif (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] hists browser: Use sort__has_sym (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] top: Use sort__has_sym (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Cleanup sort__has_sym setting (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Reorder HISTC_SRCLINE index (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] archive: Fix typo on Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Consolidate sort_entry__setup_elide() (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Separate out memory-specific sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Factor out common code in sort_dimension__add() (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] sort: Introduce sort__mode variable (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] report: Fix alignment of symbol column when -v is given (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] hists: Free unused mem info of a matched hist entry (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] hists: Fix an invalid memory free on he->branch_info (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Fix bug in isupper() and islower() (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] tools: Re-implement debug print function for linking python/perf.so (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] Generate EXIT event only once per task context (Jiri Olsa) [1096519] - [perf] Reset hwc->last_period on sw clock events (Jiri Olsa) [1096519]- [hid] core do not use hid-multitouch for Win 7 devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] mt: disable reset_resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add multitouch backport from 3.14 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] do not init input reports for Win 8 multitouch devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] detect Win 8 multitouch devices in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Use hid_parser for pre-scanning the report descriptors (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] don't register unmapped input devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Extend the interface with idle requests (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Extend the interface with wait io request (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Extend the interface with report requests (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add hid_hw_open/close/power() handlers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add "report" hook, called once the report has been parsed (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] introduce helper for hid_driver boilerplate (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] factorize hid_input allocation (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Fix unit exponent parsing again (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] round return value of hidinput_calc_abs_res (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] fix unit exponent parsing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] export hidinput_calc_abs_res (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Add digitizer tilt usage support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] length resolution should be reported units/mm (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add absolute axis resolution calculation (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add usage_index in struct hid_usage (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Allow more fields in the hid report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Add an input configured notification callback (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] hid-multitouch: Switch to device groups (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Create a generic device group (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Allow bus wildcard matching (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Scan the device for group info before adding it (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Add device group to modalias (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Handle driver-specific device descriptor in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Do not create input devices for feature reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] set HID_MAX_FIELD at 128 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] add feature_mapping callback (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Add a hid quirk for input sync override (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] Support for MosArt multitouch panel (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [hid] let hid-input accept digitizers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: do not apply filtering on emulated events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: add input_mt_is_used (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: document new 'flags' argument of input_mt_init_slots() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] fix sparse warning in multitouch code (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: Get slot by key (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: Add in-kernel tracking (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: Handle frame synchronization in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: Add flags to input_mt_init_slots() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] Break out MT data (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: fix null pointer warning (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] Use accessor for MT values (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] mt: Include win8 support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] add BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP for reporting 5 fingers on touchpad (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] properly assign return value of clamp() macro (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] Improve the events-per-packet estimate (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] estimate number of events per packet (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] kabi fixes after addition of hint_events_per_packet field (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] evdev: use driver hint to compute size of event buffer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] evdev: convert to dynamic event buffer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] kabi fixes after addition of propbit field (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662] - [input] introduce device properties (Benjamin Tissoires) [1076662]- [scsi] libsas: introduce scmd_dbg() to quiet false positive "timeout" messages (David Milburn) [1074955] - [md] raid5: fix a race of stripe count check (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: get_active_stripe avoids device_lock (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: make_request does less prepare wait (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] avoid oops on unload if some process is in poll or select (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] bitmap: don't abuse i_writecount for bitmap files (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: restore ability for check and repair to fix read errors (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: close recently introduced race in stripe_head management (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: fix long-standing problem with bitmap handling on write failure (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] check command validity early in md_ioctl() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] ensure metadata is writen after raid level change (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid10: avoid fullsync when not necessary (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] allow a partially recovered device to be hot-added to an array (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] Change handling of save_raid_disk and metadata update during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] fix problem when adding device to read-only array with bitmap (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid10: fix bug when raid10 recovery fails to recover a block (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: fix a recently broken BUG_ON() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: fix request counting bug in new 'barrier' code (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid10: fix two bugs in handling of known-bad-blocks (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Fix possible confusion when multiple write errors occur (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: fix newly-broken locking in get_active_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] test mddev->flags more safely in md_check_recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: fix new memory-reference bug in alloc_thread_groups (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Use conf->device_lock protect changing of multi-thread resources (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Before freeing old multi-thread worker, it should flush them (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: For stripe with R5_ReadNoMerge, we replace REQ_FLUSH with REQ_NOMERGE (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: Rewrite the implementation of iobarrier (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: Add some macros to make code clearly (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: Replace raise_barrier/lower_barrier with freeze_array/unfreeze_array when reconfiguring the array (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: Add a field array_frozen to indicate whether raid in freeze state (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: avoid deadlock when raid5 array has unack badblocks during md_stop_writes (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] use MD_RECOVERY_INTR instead of kthread_should_stop in resync thread (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] fix some places where mddev_lock return value is not checked (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Retry R5_ReadNoMerge flag when hit a read error (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: relieve lock contention in get_active_stripe() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] llists: move llist_reverse_order from raid5 to llist.c (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: relieve lock contention in get_active_stripe() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: add proper locking to error path of raid5_start_reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: Use slow_path to release stripe when mddev->thread is null (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] avoid deadlock when md_set_badblocks (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: only wakeup necessary threads (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: flush out all pending requests before proceeding with reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: use seqcount to protect access to shape in make_request (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: sysfs entry to control worker thread number (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: offload stripe handle to workqueue (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: fix stripe release order (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid5: make release_stripe lockless (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] Don't test all of mddev->flags at once (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] Fix apparent cut-and-paste error in super_90_validate (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] fix safe_mode buglet (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] don't call md_allow_write in get_bitmap_file (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] raid1: fix bio handling problems in process_checks() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [kernel] wait: add wait_event_lock_irq() interface (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [kernel] wait: add wait_event_cmd() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [kernel] wait: Make the __wait_event*() interface more friendly (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [kernel] wait: Introduce ___wait_event() (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [md] Introduce BIO_NOMERGE flag (Jes Sorensen) [1030619] - [mm] vmscan: change type of vm_total_pages to unsigned long (George Beshers) [1086943] - [fs] nfsd: change type of max_delegations, nfsd_drc_max_mem and nfsd_drc_mem_used (George Beshers) [1086943] - [fs] change type of max_buffer_heads to unsigned long (George Beshers) [1086943] - [mm] fix return type for functions nr_free_*_pages (George Beshers) [1086943]- [char] n_tty: Fix n_tty_write crash when echoing in raw mode (Aristeu Rozanski) [1094237] {CVE-2014-0196} - [fs] nfs: Ensure that test_stateid and free_stateid use correct credentials (Steve Dickson) [1079075] - [fs] cifs: fix offset handling in cifs_iovec_write (Sachin Prabhu) [1044438] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a livelock problem in the xprt->backlog queue (Steve Dickson) [1075170] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix an RCU dereference in xprt_reserve (Steve Dickson) [1075170] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix infinite loop in RPC state machine (Steve Dickson) [1075170] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix races in xs_nospace() (Steve Dickson) [1075170] - [fs] cifs: set MAY_SIGN when sec=krb5 (Sachin Prabhu) [976331] - [fs] cifs: stop trying to use virtual circuits (Sachin Prabhu) [1026346] - [fs] autofs: fix symlinks aren't checked for expiry (Ian Kent) [1035630] - [fs] ext4: force ro mount if ext4_setup_super() fails (Eric Sandeen) [1093471] - [fs] gfs2: Fixing double brelse'ing bh allocated in gfs2_meta_read when EIO occurs (Robert S Peterson) [892710] - [fs] gfs2: Refresh quota after setting through quotactl (Abhijith Das) [1077463] - [fs] nfs: pass string length to pr_notice message about readdir loops (Jeff Layton) [1040764] - [fs] svcrdma: fix offset calculation for non-page aligned sge entries (Jeff Layton) [857020] - [fs] cifs: fix bad error handling in crypto code (Sachin Prabhu) [872311] - [fs] cifs: Limit allocation of crypto mechanisms to dialect which requires (Sachin Prabhu) [872311] - [fs] nfs: Fail the truncate() if the lock/open stateid is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: Servers should only check SETATTR stateid open mode on size change (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: Fail data server I/O if stateid represents a lost lock (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: Fix the return value of nfs4_select_rw_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: Use the open stateid if the delegation has the wrong mode (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_stateid_is_current should return 'true' for an invalid stateid (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] nfs: fix error return in nfs4_select_rw_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1075123] - [fs] sunrpc: do not fail gss proc NULL calls with EACCES (Steve Dickson) [1079562] - [usb] xhci: change enumeration scheme to 'new scheme' by default (Gopal) [1066423] - [x86] ioapic: Restore the mask bit correctly in eoi_ioapic_irq() (Jason Wang) [1031488] - [vhost] don't forget to schedule() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [1095627] - [virt] kvm: Introduce KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID macro (Eduardo Habkost) [1010882] - [virt] kvm: Rename KVM_MAX_VCPUS to KVM_MAX_VCPU_COUNT (Eduardo Habkost) [1010882] - [virt] kvm: fix "Improve create VCPU parameter" (Andrew Jones) [1010882] - [acpi] apei: Add a boot option to disable ff mode for corrected errors (Steve Best) [947993] - [acpi] apei: Only disable banks listed in HEST if mce is configured (Steve Best) [947993] - [x86] mce: Honour Firmware First for MCA banks listed in APEI HEST CMC (Steve Best) [947993] - [x86] mca: Convert dont_log_ce, banks and tolerant (Steve Best) [947993] - [acpi] apei: Soft-offline a page on firmware GHES notification (Steve Best) [947993] - [x86] mce: Remove bios_cmci_threshold sysfs attribute (Steve Best) [929317] - [x86] mce: Provide boot argument to honour bios-set CMCI threshold (Steve Best) [929317] - [x86] mce: Make cmci_discover() quiet (Steve Best) [929317] - [mm] fix readahead failure for memoryless NUMA nodes and limit readahead pages (Steve Best) [862177]- [netdrv] be2net: increase the timeout value for loopback-test FW cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1039122] - [kernel] hrtimer: Prevent all reprogramming if hang detected (Prarit Bhargava) [1075805] - [module] show version information for built-in modules in sysfs (Tony Camuso) [1065913] - [mm] Increase RECLAIM_DISTANCE to 30 (Larry Woodman) [1005921] - [mm] fix backport of overcommit_kbytes sysctl variable (Jerome Marchand) [1078131] - [mm] vmscan: do not allow kswapd to scan at maximum priority (Jerome Marchand) [949166] - [mm] memcg: further prevent OOM with too many dirty pages (Johannes Weiner) [870011] - [mm] memcg: prevent OOM with too many dirty pages (Johannes Weiner) [870011] - [virtio] delete napi structures from netdev before releasing memory (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: correctly handle cpu hotplug notifier during resuming (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: refill only when device is up during setting queues (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: don't respond to cpu hotplug notifier if we're not ready (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: fix the race between channels setting and refill (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: enable napi for all possible queues during open (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: fill only rx queues which are being used (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: reset virtqueue affinity when doing cpu hotplug (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: split out clean affinity function (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: fix the set affinity bug when CPU IDs are not consecutive (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: fix a typo in virtnet_alloc_queues() (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: support changing the number of queue pairs through ethtool (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: multiqueue support (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: separate fields of sending/receiving queue from virtnet_info (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: fix oom handling on tx (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: move sg off stack (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: Make delayed refill more reliable (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-net: send gratuitous packets when needed (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] introduce an API to set affinity for a virtqueue (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [virtio] virtio-ring: move queue_index to vring_virtqueue (Jason Wang) [1039825] - [nvme] Namespace use after free on surprise removal (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Correct uses of INIT_WORK (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Include device and queue numbers in interrupt name (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Add a pci_driver shutdown method (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] kthread_work: make lockdep happy (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] kthread: implement kthread_worker (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Disable admin queue on init failure (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Dynamically allocate partition numbers (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Async IO queue deletion (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Surprise removal handling (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Abort timed out commands (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Schedule reset for failed controllers (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Device resume error handling (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Cache dev->pci_dev in a local pointer (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Fix lockdep warnings (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] compat SG_IO ioctl (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED (David Milburn) [1030635] - [nvme] Avoid shift operation when writing cq head doorbell (David Milburn) [1030635] - [usb] Using correct way to clear usb3.0 device's remote wakeup feature (Don Zickus) [924089] - [usb] improved error handling in usb_port_suspend() (Don Zickus) [924089]- [fs] Removed unused typedef to avoid "unused local typedef" warnings (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [media] tuner-xc2028: fix compile warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix ctnetlink_parse_tuple() warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [ata] ahci: Fix warning comparison between 'enum ' and 'enum ' (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [net] ipv6: Fix return of xfrm6_tunnel_rcv() (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [xen] Provide a variant of __RING_SIZE() that is an integer constant expression (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [media] budget-av: only use t_state if initialized (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [media] max2165: trival fix for some -Wuninitialized warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [ata] sata_sil: fix used-uninit warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [char] cm4000_cs: Fix undefined ops warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [netdrv] de4x5: remove undefined operations (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [netdrv] chelsio: Fix build warning (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [bluetooth] Fix abuse of the preincrement operator (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [usb] wusb: check CHID is all zeros before stopping the host (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [netdrv] Fix MAC address access in 3c507, ibmlana, pcnet32 and libertas (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [fs] nfs: Fix the initialisation of the readdir 'cookieverf' array (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [fs] nfs: Remove pointless memset in nfsacl_encode() (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [crypto] gf128mul: fix call to memset() (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [net] xfrm: fix XFRMA_MARK extraction in xfrm_mark_get (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [scsi] pmcraid: remove duplicate struct member (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [x86] gcc-4.6: Use gcc -m options when building vdso (Michal Schmidt) [1035341] - [net] rtnetlink: Only supply IFLA_VF_PORTS information when RTEXT_FILTER_VF is set (Jiri Pirko) [1081282] - [net] rtnetlink: Warn when interface's information won't fit in our packet (Jiri Pirko) [1081282] - [net] ipv4: current group_info should be put after using (Jiri Benc) [1087414] {CVE-2014-2851} - [net] Start with correct mac_len in skb_network_protocol (Vlad Yasevich) [1067448] - [net] Account for all vlan headers in skb_mac_gso_segment (Vlad Yasevich) [1067448] - [net] nf_conntrack: decrement global counter after object release (Jiri Pirko) [1089189] - [net] neigh: fix unres_qlen value manipulation (Jiri Pirko) [1073711] - [net] tcp: add mib counters to track zero window transitions (Florian Westphal) [1035908] - [net] tcp: use zero-window when free_space is low (Florian Westphal) [1035908] - [net] bridge: Correctly receive hw-accelerated vlan traffic (Vlad Yasevich) [1067722] - [net] vlan: Allow accelerated packets to flow through the bridge (Vlad Yasevich) [1067722] - [net] sysctl: Keep tcp_syn_retries inside the boundary (Michal Tesar) [985323] - [net] ipv6: don't call fib6_run_gc() until routing is ready (Florian Westphal) [1049733] - [net] Report dev->promiscuity in netlink reports (Seth Jennings) [1015438]- [kernel] tracing: Reset ring buffer when changing trace_clocks (Marcelo Tosatti) [1018138] - [netdrv] sfc: Maintain current frequency adjustment when applying a time offset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop/re-start PTP when stopping/starting the datapath (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [netdrv] sfc: Rate-limit log message for PTP packets without a matching timestamp event (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [netdrv] sfc: Moderate log message on event queue overflow (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [netdrv] sfc: Add length checks to efx_xmit_with_hwtstamp() and efx_ptp_is_ptp_tx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix lookup of default RX MAC filters when steered using ethtool (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1017591] - [net] Revert "disable the new NAPI weight error message for RHEL 6.5" (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] qeth: use default napi weight (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] ps3_gelic: lower NAPI weight (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] IPoIB: lower NAPI weight (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] jme: lower NAPI weight (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] netxen: lower NAPI weight (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] virtio_net: use default napi weight by default (Michal Schmidt) [1017841] - [netdrv] ethtool: allow custom interval for physical identification (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] tg3: implement ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] sky2: support ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] skge: implement set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement ethtool_ops::set_phys_id instead of ethtool_ops::phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] s2io: convert to set_phys_id - v2 (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] pcnet32: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] niu: convert to new ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] cxgb3: implement set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] bnx2: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1035269] - [netdrv] vxge: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] qlge: use ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] qlcnic: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] ixgb: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] igb: convert to ethtool set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] e1000: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] e100: implemenet set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [netdrv] cxgb4: drop phys_id interface and implement the newer set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [1040420] - [fs] dlm: Do not allocate a fd for peeloff (Aaron Tomlin) [1075629] - [net] sctp: Export sctp_do_peeloff (Aaron Tomlin) [1075629] - [mm] hugetlbfs: partial merge of hugetlbfs directio optimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [1045045] - [infiniband] qib: Fix QP check when looping back to/from QP1 (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib_fs: fix some dcache abuses (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Fix checkpatch __packed warnings (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Convert qib_user_sdma_pin_pages() to use get_user_pages_fast() (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Drop qib_tune_pcie_caps() and qib_tune_pcie_coalesce() return values (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Use pcie_set_mps() and pcie_get_mps() to simplify code (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [pci] export 4 symbols (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Use pci_is_root_bus() to check whether it is a root bus (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Move COUNTER_MASK definition within qib_mad.h header guards (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Make qib_driver static (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Improve SDMA performance (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add err_decode() call for ring dump (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Log all SDMA errors unconditionally (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Fix module-level leak (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: New transmitter tunning settings for Dell 1.1 backplane (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add qp_stats debug file (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add per-context stats interface (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Convert opcode counters to per-context (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add dual-rail NUMA awareness for PSM processes (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add optional NUMA affinity (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Update minor version number (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Remove atomic_inc_not_zero() from QP RCU (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add DCA support (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Fix lockdep splat in qib_alloc_lkey() (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Correct qib_verbs_register_sysfs() error handling (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [firmware] ib: qib: revert firmware file move (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: change QLogic to Intel (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Fix QP locate/remove race (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Add missing serdes init sequence (Doug Ledford) [1005491] - [infiniband] qib: Fix txselect regression (Doug Ledford) [1005491]- [perf] tools: Add debug prints (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] net_dropmonitor: Remove progress indicator (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] net_dropmonitor: Use bisection in symbol lookup (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] net_dropmonitor: Do not assume ordering of dictionaries (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] net_dropmonitor: Fix symbol-relative addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] net_dropmonitor: Fix trace parameter order (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] treewide: Fix typo in printks (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] map: Exit just on well known key presses (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove dependency on libnewt (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] map: Use ui_browser__input_window() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] python: Fix dependency for python/perf.so (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Convert needless static variable to local (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Fix output of symbol_daddr offset (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] machine: Detect data vs. text mappings (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Add new mem command for memory access profiling (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] report: Add support for mem access profiling (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] record: Add support for mem access profiling (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Add mem access sampling core support (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Add support for weight v7 (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] report: Add --no-demangle option (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Add per-core aggregation (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Rename --aggr-socket to --per-socket (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Refactor aggregation code (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Cleanup calc_data_size logic (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of die() calls in trace-data-read.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of read_or_die() in trace-event-read.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in trace-event-read.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Handle failure case in trace_report() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of die() calls from trace-event-info.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of write_or_die() from trace-event-info.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in trace-event-info.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Let get_tracing_file() return NULL to indicate failure (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Get rid of redundant _FILE_OFFSET_BITS definition (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Add a test case for checking sw clock event frequency (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Introduce evlist methods to allocate/free the stats (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Introduce --repeat forever (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] test: Add test case for checking number of EXIT events (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Fixup return path of perf record test case (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Fixup return path of open-syscall-tp-fields test case (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] record: Fixup return path of cmd_record() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] trace: Free evlist resources properly on return path (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__close() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evsel: Cleanup perf_evsel__exit() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove duplicated page_size definition (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove unused macro definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove unnecessary calc_data_size variable (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove unused struct definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove unused trace_read_data function (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] report: Remove duplicated include (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] machine: Move machine__remove_thread and make static (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] session: Remove unused perf_session__remove_thread method (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove unused tracing functions (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] trace: Get rid of a duplicate code (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Support event group view on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Support event group view on GTK (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Use disasm__calc_percent() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Make browser_disasm_line->percent an array (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Support event group view for --print-line (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Factor out struct source_line_percent (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__is_group_event() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Add basic support to event group view (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Cleanup disasm__calc_percent() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Factor out disasm__calc_percent() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Add a comment on the symbol__parse_objdump_line() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] annotate: Pass evsel instead of evidx on annotation functions (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] stat: Use perf_evlist__prepare/start_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Add want_signal parameter to perf_evlist__prepare_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Do not pass struct record_opts to perf_evlist__prepare_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Pass struct perf_target to perf_evlist__prepare_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Add thread_map__nr() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Use cpu_map__nr() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] evlist: Remove cpus and threads arguments from perf_evlist__new() (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE builds (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Extract perf-specific stuff from debugfs.c (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Introduce tools/lib/lk library (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] Make perf build for x86 with UAPI disintegration applied (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Add attr stat -C cpu test (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Add attr record -C cpu test (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Make attr script test event cpu (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tests: Make attr script verbose friendly (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Sort command-list.txt alphabetically (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Correct Makefile.include (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Honor parallel jobs (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Pass the target in descend (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Honour the O= flag when tool build called from a higher Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Define a Makefile function to do subdir processing (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Let O= makes handle relative paths (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Cleanup EXTRA_WARNINGS (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] tools: Remove a write-only variable in the debugfs code (Jiri Olsa) [1070896] - [perf] x86: Add a microcode revision check for SNB-PEBS (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [x86] intel: Output microcode revision in /proc/cpuinfo (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Enable raw event access to Intel offcore events (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] Fix comments in PERF_MEM_LVL bitmask (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] Add PERF_RECORD_MISC_MMAP_DATA to RECORD_MMAP (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add support for PEBS Precise Store (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Export PEBS load latency threshold register to sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add memory profiling via PEBS Load Latency (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] Add generic memory sampling interface (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] core: Add weighted samples (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add flags to event constraints (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Improve sysfs event mapping with event string (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Support CPU specific sysfs events (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] Make EVENT_ATTR global (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Fix sparse warnings (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add hardware events translations for Intel P6 cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add hardware events translations for AMD cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Add hardware events translations for Intel cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Filter out undefined events from sysfs events attribute (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [perf] x86: Make hardware event translations available in sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1059205] - [kernel] sched: fix cpu_power initialization (Radim Krcmar) [1065304] - [x86] add VMWare exception to support check (Prarit Bhargava) [1084456] - [char] ipmi_watchdog: restore settings when BMC reset (Tony Camuso) [1080098] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix vlan acceleration (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1069028] - [netdrv] tg3: update rx_jumbo_pending ring param only when jumbo frames are enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1073146] - [netdrv] tg3: Expand 4g_overflow_test workaround to skb fragments of any size (Ivan Vecera) [1058864] - [netdrv] be2net: Create single TXQ on BE3-R 1G ports (Ivan Vecera) [976179] - [crypto] Move to DSA-2048 and SHA-256 for module signing (David Howells) [1012593]- [fs] sunrpc: Fix a UDP transport regression (Jeff Layton) [906809] - [kernel] Remove setting of TAINT_HARDWARE_UNSUPPORTED flag (Prarit Bhargava) [956219] - [kernel] audit: allow checking the type of audit message in the user filter (Richard Guy Briggs) [952295] - [security] selinux: Fix kernel BUG on empty security contexts (Paul Moore) [1064545] {CVE-2014-1874} - [perf] x86: Disable uncore on virtualized CPUs (Radim Krcmar) [1063836] - [s390] dump: Fix dump memory detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1065391] - [md] avoid deadlock when dirty buffers during md_stop (Jes Sorensen) [994724] - [ata] ahci: disabled FBS prior to issuing software reset (David Milburn) [843060] - [scsi] mvsas: config change (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Fix kernel panic on tile due to unaligned data access (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fixed timeout issue when removing module (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Fix oops when ata commond timeout (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: OCZ RevoDrive3 & zDrive R4 support (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fix undefined bit shift (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: update driver version (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fixed SMP request watchdog timeout issue (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: expander write performance enhancement (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: change SL mode0 register value (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fixed wrong destination when hiting NAK for command frame (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fixed some disk spin up issue (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: add support for 9480 device id (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fix expander link error (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Add support for interrupt tasklet (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: update comments (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: misc improvements (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Add new macros and functions (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Remove unused macros, variables and functions (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fix 94xx hotplug issue (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Add driver version and interrupt coalescing to device attributes in sysfs (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: add support for 94xx phy tuning and multiple revisions (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Add support for Non specific NCQ error interrupt (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: add support for Task collector mode and fixed relative bugs (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: add support for Marvell 88SE9445/88SE9485 (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: Add support for HighPoint RR27xx series HBA (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fix potential NULL dereference (David Milburn) [1072052] - [scsi] mvsas: fix hot plug handling and IO issues (David Milburn) [1072052]- [virt] kvm: Improve create VCPU parameter (Andrew Jones) [1010882] - [char] tty: move pty count limiting into devpts (Prarit Bhargava) [1061555] - [documentation] proc: fix mistake in the description of Committed_AS (Minto Joseph) [1008376] - [netdrv] macvtap: limit head length of skb allocated (Jason Wang) [1029381] - [netdrv] macvtap: do not zerocopy if iov needs more pages than MAX_SKB_FRAGS (Jason Wang) [1029381] - [netdrv] macvtap: correctly linearize skb when zerocopy is used (Jason Wang) [1029381] - [netdrv] tuntap: limit head length of skb allocated (Jason Wang) [1029381] - [net] tcp: Fix a connect() race with timewait sockets (with reuse) (Jiri Pirko) [1084525] - [net] tcp: Fix a connect() race with timewait sockets (Jiri Pirko) [1084525] - [net] proc_fs: print UIDs as unsigned int (Francesco Fusco) [996124] - [net] ipv6: Unify raw6_sock_seq_show and udp6_sock_seq_show (Francesco Fusco) [996124] - [net] busy_poll: preserve kabi (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename busy poll MIB counter (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename CONFIG_NET_LL_RX_POLL to CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: fix a compile error when CONFIG_NET_LL_RX_POLL is not set (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename busy poll socket op and globals (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename ll methods to busy-poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename include/net/ll_poll.h to include/net/busy_poll.h (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: fs: change busy poll time accounting (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: rename low latency sockets functions to busy poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: lls fix build with allnoconfig (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: convert lls to use time_in_range() (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: avoid calling sched_clock when LLS is off (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: fix LLS debug_smp_processor_id() warning (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: poll/select low latency socket support (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add support for ndo_ll_poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: add socket option for low latency polling (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: remove NET_LL_RX_POLL config menu (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: convert low latency sockets to sched_clock() (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: change sysctl_net_ll_poll into an unsigned int (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add extra stats for ndo_ll_poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for ndo_ll_poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] tcp: add low latency socket poll support (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] udp: add low latency socket poll support (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] busy_poll: add low latency socket poll (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] add napi_id and hash (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [kernel] hashtable: introduce a small and naive hashtable (Jiri Pirko) [1000460] - [net] rds: dereference of a NULL device (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1079219] {CVE-2013-7339} - [s390] cio: add condev keyword to cio_ignore (Hendrik Brueckner) [1053831] - [s390] cio: add ipldev keyword to cio_ignore (Hendrik Brueckner) [1053831] - [s390] crypto: fix concurrency issue in aes-ctr mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [1063478] - [netdrv] libertas: potential oops in debugfs (Denys Vlasenko) [1034177] {CVE-2013-6378} - [kernel] cgroup: move put_css_set() after setting CGRP_RELEASABLE bit to fix notify_on_release (Naoya Horiguchi) [1037465] - [kernel] sched: Use exit hook to avoid use-after-free crash (Naoya Horiguchi) [1032347] - [kernel] cgroup: replace list_del() with list_del_init() to avoid panic (Naoya Horiguchi) [1032343]- [documentation] kernel-parameters: replace kernelcore with Movable (Weiping Pan) [887213] - [tools] perf: Fix attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Enable dwarf unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Keep the perf_event_attr on version 3 (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Add feature that measures the performance of the arch/x86/lib/memcpy_64.S memcpy routines via 'perf bench mem' (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Add attribute to filter out callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] events: Add ability to set a target task for events (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Add ability to attach user stack dump to sample (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Add perf_output_skip function to skip bytes in sample (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Factor __output_copy to be usable with specific copy function (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Add ability to attach user level registers dump to sample (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Unified API to record selective sets of arch registers (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [kernel] perf: Pass last sampling period to perf_sample_data_init() (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Update attr_file_abi_sizes array properly (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Add ABI reference sizes (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Fix strict alias issue for find_first_bit (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [tools] perf: Fix parse events test (Jiri Olsa) [1070238] - [bluetooth] Use USB_VENDOR_AND_INTERFACE() for Broadcom devices (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] Add USB_VENDOR_AND_INTERFACE_INFO() for Broadcom/Foxconn (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] Add Foxconn / Hon Hai IDs for btusb module (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add vendor specific ID "0489 e042" for BCM20702A0 (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add vendor specific ID "0a5c 21f4" BCM20702A0 (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add USB device ID "0a5c 21e8" (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] btusb: add support for BCM20702A0 "0a5c 21e6" (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add vendor specific ID "0a5c 21f3" for BCM20702A0 (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [bluetooth] Add support for BCM20702A0 "0a5c 21e3" (Jay Fenlason) [885100] - [nvme] fixup usage of bio rw flag (David Milburn) [1056539] - [kernel] fix wrong usage of __ratelimit() (Jeff Layton) [1025441] - [fs] nfs: Document the recover_lost_locks kernel parameter (Jeff Layton) [963785] - [fs] nfs: Don't try to recover NFSv4 locks when they are lost (Jeff Layton) [963785] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that layoutreturn uses the correct credential (Jeff Layton) [966832] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that layoutget is called using the layout credential (Jeff Layton) [966832] - [fs] nfs: Ensure the LOCK call cannot use the delegation stateid (Jeff Layton) [962561] - [fs] nfs: Fix handling of partially delegated locks (Jeff Layton) [959788] - [fs] nfs: Convert the nfs4_lock_state->ls_flags to a bit field (Jeff Layton) [959788] - [fs] pnfs: fix resend_to_mds for directio (Jeff Layton) [913655] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: avoid deadlock on TCP connection due to memory pressure (J. Bruce Fields) [905236] - [x86] turbostat: display C8, C9, C10 residency (Neil Horman) [1080637] - [x86] tsc: output boot TSC value for Ivybridge E5v2 (Prarit Bhargava) [1046422] - [usb] CP210x Fix Break On/Off (Don Zickus) [888003]- [vhost] fix total length when packets are too short (Michael S. Tsirkin) [1064444] {CVE-2014-0077} - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1063699] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.44: Fix kernel panics from corrupted ndlp list (Rob Evers) [1063699] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fixup looking for a space in the outstanding_cmds array in qla2x00_alloc_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [1070856] - [mfd] rtsx: fix deadlock (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] Add mmc_op_multi function (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Remove redundant suspend and resume callbacks (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx_pcr: Remove redundant dev_set_drvdata (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Modify rts5249_optimize_phy (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [memstick] rtsx: remove unnecessary platform_set_drvdata() (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Modify copyright comments (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Clear SD_CLK toggle enable bit if switching voltage fail (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Change default tx phase (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Copyright modifications (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Configure to enter a deeper power-saving mode in S3 (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Clear hardware PFM mode in rtl8411b (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Move some actions from rtsx_pci_init_hw to individual extra_init_hw (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Add shutdown callback in rtsx_pci_driver (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Read vendor setting from config space (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Add support for RTL8411B (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Support RTS5249 (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx_pcr: Fix probe fail path (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx_pci_sdmmc: Don't execute power up sequence repeatedly (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: remove driving adjustment (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix issue that booting OS with SD card inserted (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Support RTS5227 (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Optimize card detect flow (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Use macros to replace some variables (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix checkpatch warning (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Declare that the DMA address limitation is 32bit explicitly (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Remove redundant code (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix typo in comment (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix oops when rtsx_pci_sdmmc is not probed (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Add clock divider hook (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Call MFD hook to switch output voltage (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] rtsx: Add output voltage switch hook (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] remove __dev* attributes (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Explicitely include slab.h in rtsx_pci_sdmmc.c (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Configure SD_CFG2 register in sd_rw_multi (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] rtsx: Remove a duplicate command in sd_rw_multi (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] Explicitely include slab.h to rtsx (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [memstick] Add realtek pcie memstick host driver (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mmc] Add realtek pcie sdmmc host driver (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [mfd] Add realtek pcie card reader driver (Neil Horman) [1024205] - [s390] css: Prevent unnecessary allocation in subchannel loop (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076467] - [s390] cio: Perform subchannel scan only when needed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076467] - [s390] cio: Relax subchannel scan loop (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076467] - [s390] cio: Delay scan for newly available I/O devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076467] - [s390] cio: More efficient handling of CHPID availability events (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076467] - [s390] cio: improve cio_commit_config (Hendrik Brueckner) [1065403] - [s390] fix kernel crash due to linkage stack instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1065399] - [s390] crypto: fix aes_s390 crypto module unload problem (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034256] - [md] dm-thin: fix rcu_read_lock being held in code that can sleep (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: irqsave must always be used with the pool->lock spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [scsi] isci: fix reset timeout handling (David Milburn) [1040393] - [scsi] isci: correct erroneous for_each_isci_host macro (David Milburn) [1059325] - [ata] libata: report link resume failure as KERN_WARNING instead of ERR (David Milburn) [1029395] - [char] ipmi: revert special case for UV systems (Tony Camuso) [1063878] - [acpi] ipmi: create dependencies so ipmi loads before power_meter (Tony Camuso) [1063878] - [acpi] Not an error if IPMI handlers are not available at boot (Tony Camuso) [1063878] - [char] ipmi: allow building ipmi_si and ipmi_msghandler as loadable modules (Tony Camuso) [1063878] - [kernel] sched: Fix small race where child->se.parent, cfs_rq might point to invalid ones (Naoya Horiguchi) [1032350] - [kernel] sched: suppress RCU lockdep splat in task_fork_fair (Naoya Horiguchi) [1032350] - [kernel] sched: add local variable to store task_group() to avoid kernel stall (Naoya Horiguchi) [1043733] - [edac] pci: remove unnecessary debug printk (Aristeu Rozanski) [755026] - [x86] Optimize switch_mm() for multi-threaded workloads (Rik van Riel) [991518] - [fs] vfs: enclose vfs_check_frozen macro (Mateusz Guzik) [1056303] - [fs] jbd: Remove j_barrier mutex (Mateusz Guzik) [1052757]- [md] dm-cache: fix a lock-inversion (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: take care to copy the space map roots before locking the superblock (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: fix corruption due to non-atomic transaction commit (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-era: fixes for issues identified upstream (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: remove remainder of distinct discard block size (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: prevent corruption caused by discard_block_size > cache_block_size (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix access beyond end of origin device (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix truncation bug when copying a block to/from >2TB fast device (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-era: mark as tech preview for RHEL6.6 (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-era: port to RHEL6.6 (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-bitset: only flush the current word if it has been dirtied (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-era: support non power-of-2 blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm: add era target (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-mq: fix memory allocation failure for large cache devices (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix truncation bug when mapping I/O to >2TB fast device (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: mark as tech preview (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix RHEL6 incompatibility with upstream's hook/unhook (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix bug in cache-mode based per-bio data destruction (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: port to RHEL6 (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: do not add migration to completed list before unhooking bio (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: move hook_info into common portion of per_bio_data structure (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add policy name to status output (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add block sizes and total cache blocks to status output (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-btree: add dm_btree_find_lowest_key (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: introduce three promotion threshold tunables (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: use list_del_init instead of list_del + INIT_LIST_HEAD (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-array: fix a reference counting bug in shadow_ablock (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: actually resize cache (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: update Documentation for invalidate_cblocks's range syntax (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: fix promotions to occur as expected (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: resolve small nits and improve Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add cache block invalidation support (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add remove_cblock method to policy interface (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: reduce memory requirements (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: check the metadata version when reading the superblock (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add passthrough mode (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: cache shrinking support (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: promotion optimisation for writes (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: be much more aggressive about promoting writes to discarded blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: implement writeback_work(), mq_set_dirty() and mq_clear_dirty() (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: optimize commit_if_needed (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: log error message if dm_kcopyd_copy() fails (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: use cell_defer() boolean argument consistently (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: return -EINVAL if the user specifies unknown cache policy (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: return bool from __superblock_all_zeroes (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: a few small fixes (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy: remove return from void policy_remove_mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: improve efficiency of quiescing flag management (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix a race condition between queuing new migrations and quiescing for a shutdown (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: io destined for the cache device can now serve as tick bios (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: protect residency method with existing mutex (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-array: fix bug in growing array (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: eliminate holes in cache structure (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix stacking of geometry limits (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add data block size limits to code and Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: document metadata device is exclussive to a cache (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: avoid conflicting remove_mapping() in mq policy (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix arm link errors with inline (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] doc: fix dm-cache misspelling found with 'codespell' tool (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: set config value (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: move config fns (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: replace memcpy with struct assignment (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix typos in comments (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache-policy: fix description of lookup fn (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: tune migration throttling (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix error return code in cache_create (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: reduce bio front_pad size in writeback mode (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix writes to cache device in writethrough mode (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: policy ignore hints if generated by different version (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: policy change version from string to integer set (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: fix race in writethrough implementation (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: metadata clear dirty bits on clean shutdown (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: avoid calling policy destructor twice on error (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: detect cache_create failure (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: avoid 64 bit division on 32 bit (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add cleaner policy (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-cache: add mq policy (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm: add cache target (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-persistent-data: add bitset (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-persistent-data: add transactional array (Mike Snitzer) [1038227] - [md] dm-log-userspace: allow mark requests to piggyback on flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-sysfs: fix a module unload race (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: use dm-bufio prefetch (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: use dm-bufio (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: prepare for switch to using dm-bufio (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: use GFP_KERNEL when initializing exceptions (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: wait until embedded kobject is released before destroying a device (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: remove pointless kobject comparison in dm_get_from_kobject (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-table: remove unused buggy code that extends the targets array (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-stats: initialize read-only module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-table: fail dm_table_create on dm_round_up overflow (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: avoid snapshot space leak on crash (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-delay: fix a possible deadlock due to shared workqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: allow remove to be deferred (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-mpath: requeue I_O during pg_init (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-mpath: fix race condition between multipath_dtr and pg_init_done (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: allocate buffer for messages with small number of arguments using GFP_NOIO (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: add reserved_bio_based_ios module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: add reserved_rq_based_ios module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: lower bio-based mempool reservation (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-snapshot: fix performance degradation due to small hash size (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-stats: fix possible counter corruption on 32-bit systems (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-mpath: do not fail path on -ENOSPC (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [scsi] Return ENODATA on medium error (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [scsi] return ENOSPC on thin provisioning failure (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [scsi] Set hostbyte status in scsi_check_sense() (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [scsi] Document enhanced error codes (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-stripe: silence a couple sparse warnings (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: add statistics support (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] math64: New separate div64_u64_rem helper (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-ioctl: cleanup error handling in table_load (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-ioctl: increase granularity of type_lock when loading table (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm-ioctl: prevent rename to empty name or uuid (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: allow error target to replace bio-based and request-based targets (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] bump ioctl version from "dm: optimize use SRCU and RCU" (Mike Snitzer) [1057707] - [md] dm: document iterate_devices (Mike Snitzer) [1057707]- [fs] xfs: prevent stack overflows from page cache allocation (Eric Sandeen) [1020574] - [fs] gfs2: Fix uninitialized VFS inode in gfs2_create_inode (Abhijith Das) [1059808] - [fs] cifs: mask off top byte in get_rfc1002_length() (Sachin Prabhu) [1069737] - [fs] nfs: add memory barriers around NFS_INO_INVALID_DATA and NFS_INO_INVALIDATING (Jeff Layton) [908603] - [fs] nfs: Fix races in nfs_revalidate_mapping (Jeff Layton) [908603] - [fs] nfs: fix the handling of NFS_INO_INVALID_DATA flag in nfs_revalidate_mapping (Jeff Layton) [908603] - [fs] nfs: don't invalidate dentries that act as mountpoints (Jeff Layton) [1023276] - [kernel] Prevent deadlock when post_schedule_rt() results in calling wakeup_kswapd() on multiple CPUs (Larry Woodman) [1009626] - [s390] cio: Fix missing subchannels after CHPID configure on (Hendrik Brueckner) [1076468] - [scsi] AACRAID Driver compat IOCTL missing capability check (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1033534] {CVE-2013-6383} - [ata] libata: Include WWN ID in inquiry VPD emulation (David Milburn) [1032443] - [acpi] ipmi: Fix atomic context requirement of ipmi_msg_handler() (Tony Camuso) [868399 968459] - [x86] hyperv: bypass the timer_irq_works() check (Jason Wang) [1040349] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: don't return -ERFKILL if SEND_IF_RFKILL is set (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1065147] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix initialisation while RF-kill is asserted (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1065147] - [cpufreq] Invoke __cpufreq_remove_dev_finish() after releasing cpu_hotplug.lock (Petr Oros) [1051352] - [cpufreq] Split __cpufreq_remove_dev() into two parts (Petr Oros) [1051352] - [cpufreq] Fix sysfs deadlock with concurrent hotplug/frequency switch (Petr Oros) [1051352] - [acpi] Enhance ACPI warning for memory/IO address conflicts (Prarit Bhargava) [1033939] - [acpi] acpica: Add support for region address conflict checking (Prarit Bhargava) [1033939] - [firmware] dmi: kernel parameter smbios_26_uuid needs to be early_param (Prarit Bhargava) [1030721] - [serial] 8250: Add support for Broadcom TruManage redirected serial port (Prarit Bhargava) [953260] - [x86] cpu: Always print SMP information in /proc/cpuinfo (Prarit Bhargava) [1073898] - [Documentation] alt-smp-once should be alt-smp-boot (Prarit Bhargava) [1027505] - [pci] irq_remapping: Clean up x2apic opt-out security warning mess (Prarit Bhargava) [907549] - [block] nvme: fixup build warnings (David Milburn) [1014725]- [md] dm-thin: sort the per thin deferred bios using an rb_tree (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: use per thin device deferred bio lists (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: simplify pool_is_congested (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix dangling bio in process_deferred_bios error path (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: take care to copy the space map root before locking the superblock (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-transaction-manager: fix corruption due to non-atomic transaction commit (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix refcount decrement below 0 which caused corruption (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix Documentation for held metadata root feature (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix noflush suspend IO queueing (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix deadlock in __requeue_bio_list (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix out of data space handling (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: ensure user takes action to validate data and metadata consistency (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: synchronize the pool mode during suspend (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] fix Kconfig indentation (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: allow metadata space larger than supported to go unused (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix the error path for the thin device constructor (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: avoid metadata commit if a pool's thin devices haven't changed (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix bug in resizing of thin metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix pool feature parsing (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix extending the space map (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-common: make sure new space is used during extend (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix set_pool_mode exposed pool operation races (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: eliminate the no_free_space flag (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: add error_if_no_space feature (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: requeue bios to DM core if no_free_space and in read-only mode (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup and improve no space handling (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: log info when growing the data or metadata device (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: handle metadata failures more consistently (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: factor out check_low_water_mark and use bools (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: add mappings to end of prepared_* lists (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: return error from alloc_data_block if pool is not in write mode (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: use bool rather than unsigned for flags in structures (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-persistent-data: cleanup dm-thin specific references in text (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: limit errors in sm_metadata_new_block (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix discard support to a previously shared block (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: initialize dm_thin_new_mapping returned by get_next_mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map: disallow decrementing a reference count below zero (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: allow pool in read-only mode to transition to read-write mode (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: re-establish read-only state when switching to fail mode (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: always fallback the pool mode if commit fails (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: switch to read-only mode if metadata space is exhausted (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: switch to read only mode if a mapping insert fails (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: return on failure in sm_metadata_new_block (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map-disk: optimise sm_disk_dec_block (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-table: print error on preresume failure (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: do not expose non-zero discard limits if discards disabled (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: always return -ENOSPC if no_free_space is set (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: set pool read-only if breaking_sharing fails block allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: prefix pool error messages with pool device name (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-space-map: optimise sm_ll_dec and sm_ll_inc (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-btree: prefetch child nodes when walking tree for a dm_btree_del (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-btree: use pop_frame in dm_btree_del to cleanup code (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix stacking of geometry limits (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: add data block size limits to Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: fix metadata dev resize detection (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: generate event when metadata threshold passed (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-persistent-metadata: add space map threshold callback (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-persistent-data: add threshold callback to space map (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: detect metadata device resizing (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-persistent-data: support space map resizing (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-thin: refactor data dev resize (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-bufio: initialize read-only module parameters (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-bufio: submit writes outside lock (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-bufio: add recursive IO request BUG_ON (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-bufio: prefetch (Mike Snitzer) [1060381] - [md] dm-bufio: fix slow IO latency issue specific to RHEL6 (Mike Snitzer) [1058528] - [netdrv] tun: fix LSM/SELinux labeling of tun/tap devices (Vlad Yasevich) [1004625] - [netdrv] tuntap: fix leaking reference count (Vlad Yasevich) [1004625] - [netdrv] tun: release the reference of tun device in tun_recvmsg (Vlad Yasevich) [1004625] - [netdrv] tuntap: move socket to tun_file (Vlad Yasevich) [1004625] - [netdrv] tun: don't hold network namespace by tun sockets (Vlad Yasevich) [1004625] - [char] tty: Correct tty buffer flush (Prarit Bhargava) [999913]- [vhost] validate vhost_get_vq_desc return value (Michael S. Tsirkin) [1058677] {CVE-2014-0055} - [net] ip_gre: fix msg_name parsing for recvfrom/recvmsg (Jiri Pirko) [1076379] - [net] ip_tunnel: Fix a memory corruption in ip_tunnel_xmit (Jiri Pirko) [1076379] - [net] ip_gre: fix ipgre_header to return correct offset (Jiri Pirko) [1075579] - [net] gre: fix hard header destination address checking (Jiri Pirko) [1075579] - [x86] Adjust irq remapping quirk for older revisions of 5500/5520 chipsets (Neil Horman) [995262] - [x86] kvm: introduce periodic global clock updates (Andrew Jones) [1078929] - [x86] kvm: rate-limit global clock updates (Andrew Jones) [1072373] - [hid] wacom: Add reporting of wheel for Intuos4 WL (Aristeu Rozanski) [959596] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixed crash when port type is changed (Amir Vadai) [1059586] - [netdrv] be2net: Warn users of possible broken functionality on BE2 cards with very old FW versions with latest driver (Ivan Vecera) [998013] - [pci] pciehp: replace unconditional sleep with config space access check (Myron Stowe) [988052] - [pci] Separate pci_bus_read_dev_vendor_id from pci_scan_device (Myron Stowe) [988052] - [pci] pciehp: wait 100 ms after Link Training check (Myron Stowe) [988052] - [pci] pciehp: wait 1000 ms before Link Training check (Myron Stowe) [988052] - [pci] pciehp: fix power fault interrupt storm problem (Myron Stowe) [988052]- [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix netpoll race condition (Neil Horman) [1073218] - [net] ip_tunnel: Remove double unregister of the fallback device (Florian Westphal) [1020426] - [net] ip_tunnel: return more precise errno value when adding tunnel fails (Florian Westphal) [1020426] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add fallback tunnels to the hash lists (Florian Westphal) [1020426] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_dccp: fix skb_header_pointer API usages (Jiri Pirko) [1077346] {CVE-2014-2523} - [net] ip_tunnel: (revert old)/fix ecn decapsulation behaviour (Jiri Pirko) [1059402] - [net] ipvs: Add missing locking during connection table hashing and unhashing (Jesper Brouer) [1069874] - [net] don't send NEWLINK in UNREGISTER_BATCH case (Florian Westphal) [1062254] - [net] openvswitch: Use flow hash during flow lookup operation (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: TCP flags matching support (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Widen TCP flags handling (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Enable all GSO features on internal port (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: collect mega flow mask stats (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify mega-flow APIs (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Move mega-flow list out of rehashing struct (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Restructure datapath.c and flow.c (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: remove duplicated include from vport-gre.c (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: remove duplicated include from vport-vxlan.c (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Move flow table rehashing to flow install (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: flow: fix potential illegal memory access in __parse_flow_nlattrs (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Fix alignment of struct sw_flow_key (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: optimize flow compare and mask functions (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Rename key_len to key_end (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Add SCTP support (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] ipv6: Add NEXTHDR_SCTP to ipv6.h (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] sctp: Refactor SCTP skb checksum computation (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] sctp: prevent checksum.h from double inclusion (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Mega flow implementation (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Use non rcu hlist_del() flow table entry (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Use RCU lock for flow dump operation (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] openvswitch: Use parallel_ops genl (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] genl: Allow concurrent genl callbacks (Francesco Fusco) [1002053] - [net] ipv6: del unreachable route when an addr is deleted on lo (Vivek Dasgupta) [1028372] - [net] ipv6: add ip6_route_lookup (Vivek Dasgupta) [1028372] - [net] ethtool: added support for 40GbE link (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1024039] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix a small problem when reading state value from hw (Tomas Henzl) [1065187] - [fs] gfs2: Increase the max number of ACLs (Robert S Peterson) [1075713] - [kernel] hrtimers: Move SMP function call to thread context (Mateusz Guzik) [1073129] - [kernel] hrtimers: Support resuming with two or more CPUs online (Mateusz Guzik) [1073129]- [net] sctp: fix sctp_sf_do_5_1D_ce to verify if peer is AUTH capable (Daniel Borkmann) [1067451] {CVE-2014-0101} - [fs] dcache: fix cleanup on warning in d_splice_alias (J. Bruce Fields) [1042731] - [fs] ext4: Fix buffer head leaks after calls to ext4_get_inode_loc() (Eric Sandeen) [1058583] - [fs] autofs4: fix device ioctl mount lookup (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: introduce kern_path_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: rename user_path_umountat() to user_path_mountpoint_at() (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: massage umount_lookup_last() a bit to reduce nesting (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: allow umount to handle mountpoints without revalidating them (Ian Kent) [999708] - [net] ip, ipv6: handle gso skbs in forwarding path (Florian Westphal) [1029603] - [net] introduce netif_skb_dev_features (Florian Westphal) [1029603] - [net] add and use skb_gso_transport_seglen() (Florian Westphal) [1029603] - [net] bridge: apply multicast snooping to IPv6 link-local, too (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: fix mdb info leaks (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: fix a possible use after free (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: Pseudo-header required for the checksum of ICMPv6 (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: correct IPv6 checksum after pull (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: Do not send queries on multicast group leaves (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: Fix return values of br_multicast_add_group/br_multicast_new_group (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: don't try to update timers in case of broken MLD queries (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] bridge: prevent flooding IPv6 packets that do not have a listener (Francesco Fusco) [1020579] - [net] ipv6: mcast: use in6_dev_put in timer handlers instead of __in6_dev_put (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: document force_mld_version in ip-sysctl.txt (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: introduce mld_*_stop_timer functions (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: refactor query processing into v1/v2 functions (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: similarly to MLDv2 have min max_delay of 1 (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: implement RFC3810 MLDv2 mode only (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: get rid of MLDV2_MRC and simplify calculation (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: clean up MLD_V1_SEEN macro (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mld: fix v1/v2 switchback timeout to rfc3810, 9.12 (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: mcast: minor: use defines for rfc3810/8.1 lengths (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv6: minor: *_start_timer: rather use unsigned long (Florian Westphal) [1026520] - [net] ipv4: processing ancillary IP_TOS or IP_TTL (Francesco Fusco) [990694] - [net] ipv4: IP_TOS and IP_TTL can be specified as ancillary data (Francesco Fusco) [990694] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: avoid large timeout for mid-stream pickup (Jiri Benc) [1033869] - [net] tcp: preserve ACK clocking in TSO (Jesper Brouer) [1015147] - [documentation] add missing documentation about network stack scaling (Ivan Vecera) [961555] - [netdrv] bonding: check for vlan device in bond_3ad_lacpdu_recv() (Veaceslav Falico) [1050224] - [netdrv] bonding: move bond_compute_features out of locks (Veaceslav Falico) [1021442] - [netdrv] bnx2: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Convert dma_alloc_coherent() to dma_zalloc_coherent (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version to 2.2.4 (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Refactor WoL setup into a separate function (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use kernel APIs for WoL and power state changes (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Handle error condition in ->slot_reset() (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: use pdev->pm_cap instead of pci_find_capability() (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use module_pci_driver to register driver (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: make cnic_probe static (Neil Horman) [1054555] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix accidental reversions (Neil Horman) [1054555]- [net] sctp: fix sctp_connectx abi for ia32 emulation/compat mode (Daniel Borkmann) [1053547] - [net] packet: improve socket create/bind latency in some cases (Daniel Borkmann) [1045150] - [net] filter: let bpf_tell_extensions return SKF_AD_MAX (Daniel Borkmann) [960275] - [net] introduce SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS (Daniel Borkmann) [960275] - [net] tcp_probe: adapt tbuf size for recent changes (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: allow more advanced ingress filtering by mark (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: add IPv6 support (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: kprobes: adapt jtcp_rcv_established signature (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: also include rcv_wnd next to snd_wnd (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: cleanup snprintf() use (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] tcp_probe: avoid modulus operation and wrap fix (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [lib] vsprintf: add IPv4/v6 generic format specifier (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [lib] vsprintf: Add IPV4 options for host, network, big and little endian (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [lib] vsprintf: Update pI6c to not compress a single 0 (Daniel Borkmann) [1000466] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: use RCU safe kfree for conntrack extensions (Jesper Brouer) [1015122] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: Fix pvscsi_abort() function (Ewan Milne) [1002727] - [scsi] scsi_dh: cosmetic change to sizeof() (Ewan Milne) [1062494] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Add module parameter to allow failover to non preferred path without STPG (Maurizio Lombardi) [1020554] - [x86] Support Silvermont (Neil Horman) [1048304] - [netdrv] bonding: don't permit to use ARP monitoring in 802.3ad mode (Veaceslav Falico) [1029315] - [security] audit: suppress stock memalloc failure warnings since already managed (Richard Guy Briggs) [890899] - [kernel] sched: Avoid throttle_cfs_rq() racing with period_timer stopping (Seth Jennings) [844450] - [hv] ballon: Make pressure posting thread sleep interruptibly (Luiz Capitulino) [1065274] - [virt] virtio_balloon: fix handling of PAGE_SIZE != 4k (Steve Best) [1034793] - [virt] virtio_balloon: Fix endian bug (Steve Best) [1034793] - [kvm] x86: emulator: Implement jmp far opcode ff/5 (Laszlo Ersek) [1059496] - [kvm] x86: emulator: Add decoding of 16bit second in memory argument (Laszlo Ersek) [1059496] - [virt] xenfv: cpuid filtering, allow 'em all on v4 (Andrew Jones) [1064971] - [virt] xenfv: cpuid filtering, check xen major version (Andrew Jones) [1064971] - [kernel] errno.h: remove "NFS" from descriptions in comments (Eric Sandeen) [1009681] - [virt] xen: mask x2APIC feature in PV (Andrew Jones) [1061348 1064974] - [virt] xen: filter APERFMPERF cpuid feature out (Andrew Jones) [1061348 1064974] - [virt] xenpv: fix xen_cpuid mwait leaf case (Andrew Jones) [1061348 1064974] - [virt] xenpv: improve xsave detection (Andrew Jones) [1061348 1064974] - [virt] xen: mask the MTRR feature from the cpuid (Andrew Jones) [1061348 1064974] - [s390] crypto: Fix aes-xts parameter corruption (Hendrik Brueckner) [1043540] - [x86] crypto: xor - Check for osxsave as well as avx in crypto/xor (Andrew Jones) [1061348] - [x86] add cpu_has_osxsave (Andrew Jones) [1061348] - [virt] revert "xen: don't touch xsave in cr4" (Andrew Jones) [1061348] - [virt] revert "xen: mask cpu feature avx" (Andrew Jones) [1061348] - [x86] intel-iommu: fix off-by-one in pagetable freeing (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: Free old page tables before creating superpage (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] amd-iommu: Fix memory leak in free_pagetable (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] kvm: iommu: hva align mapping page size (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: fix return value of iommu_unmap() API (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: Fix leaks in pagetable freeing (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] amd-iommu: Make iommu_map_page and alloc_pte aware of page sizes (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: fix superpage support in pfn_to_dma_pte() (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: set iommu_superpage on VM domains to lowest common denominator (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] intel-iommu: Enable super page support (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] kvm: Fix order passed to iommu_unmap (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] kvm: Change kvm_iommu_map_pages to map large pages (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] vt-d: Change map_range functions to implement map interface (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] iommu-api: Add ->*map callbacks to iommu_ops (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] iommu-api: Add iommu_map and iommu_unmap functions (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] iommu-api: Rename ->*map function pointers to ->*map_range (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] kvm: Introduce kvm_host_page_size (Marcelo Tosatti) [635846] - [x86] kvm: Enable EPT 1GB page support (Marcelo Tosatti) [998745] - [x86] kvm: Rename gb_page_enable() to get_lpage_level() in kvm_x86_ops (Marcelo Tosatti) [998745] - [x86] kvm: Moving PT_*_LEVEL to mmu.h (Marcelo Tosatti) [998745]- [edac] sb_edac: add support for Ivy Bridge (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: avoid decoding the same error multiple times (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: rename mci_bind_devs() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: enable multiple PCI id tables to be used (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: rework sad_pkg (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: allow different interleave lists (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: allow different dram_rule arrays (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: isolate TOHM retrieval (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: rename pci_br (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: isolate TOLM retrieval (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [edac] sb_edac: make RANK_CFG_A value part of sbridge_info (Aristeu Rozanski) [1005266] - [char] tty: ldisc, wait for ldisc infinitely in hangup (Aristeu Rozanski) [983146] - [char] tty: ldisc, move wait idle to caller (Aristeu Rozanski) [983146] - [char] tty: ldisc, allow waiting for ldisc arbitrarily long (Aristeu Rozanski) [983146] - [char] tty: ldisc, do not close until there are readers (Aristeu Rozanski) [983146] - [char] tty: restore tty_ldisc_wait_idle (Aristeu Rozanski) [983146] - [acpi] thermal: Check for thermal zone requirement (Nigel Croxon) [1021044] - [acpi] thermal: Don't invalidate thermal zone if critical trip point is bad (Nigel Croxon) [1021044] - [powerpc] mm: Fix mmap errno when MAP_FIXED is set and mapping exceeds the allowed address space (Jerome Marchand) [848316] - [mm] add overcommit_kbytes sysctl variable (Jerome Marchand) [967101] - [mm] factor commit limit calculation (Jerome Marchand) [967101] - [kernel] futex: fix handling of read-only-mapped hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1045050] - [mm] flush pages from pagevec of offlined CPU (Naoya Horiguchi) [1037467] - [fs] Change fsnotify() to call fsnotify_create_event() with GFP_NOFS instead of GFP_KERNEL (Larry Woodman) [1032264] - [x86] Stop recursive fault in print_context_stack after stack overflow (Aaron Tomlin) [1028407] - [mm] fix BUG in __split_huge_page_pmd (Andrea Arcangeli) [949735] - [fs] GFS2: Lock i_mutex and use a local gfs2_holder for fallocate (Robert S Peterson) [1061910] - [fs] xfs: deprecate nodelaylog option (Eric Sandeen) [1055644] - [fs] nfsd: fix a race between returning and breaking the same delegation (Scott Mayhew) [914772] - [fs] cifs: escaping special characters in cifs_show_options (Cedric Buissart) [1023373] - [fs] ext4: fix WARN_ON from ext4_releasepage() (Carlos Maiolino) [1036814] - [scsi] sg: Fix user memory corruption when SG_IO is interrupted by a signal (David Milburn) [913199] - [fs] vfs: fix getname() && do_getname() interaction (Oleg Nesterov) [1024689] - [fs] ext3: pass custom EOF to generic_file_llseek_size() (Eric Sandeen) [1007459] - [fs] ext4: use core vfs llseek code for dir seeks (Eric Sandeen) [1007459] - [fs] vfs: allow custom EOF in generic_file_llseek code (Eric Sandeen) [1007459] - [fs] ext3: return 32/64-bit dir name hash according to usage type (Eric Sandeen) [1007459] - [fs] ext4: replace cut'n'pasted llseek code with generic_file_llseek_size (Eric Sandeen) [1007459] - [fs] vfs: add generic_file_llseek_size (Eric Sandeen) [1007459]- [x86] apic: Make disabled_cpu_apicid static read_mostly, fix typos (Nigel Croxon) [980621] - [x86] kexec: Add disable_cpu_apicid kernel parameter (Nigel Croxon) [980621] - [net] neigh: fix setting of default gc_* values (Jiri Pirko) [1070363] - [net] ipv4: fix route deletion for IPs on many subnets (Jiri Benc) [1056443] - [net] ipv4: match prefsrc when deleting routes (Jiri Benc) [1056443] - [net] tcp: tsq: restore minimal amount of queueing (Jiri Pirko) [1044053] - [net] ipv6: fix potential use after free in tcp_v6_do_rcv (Jiri Benc) [1004164] - [net] ipv6: Use ipv6_get_dsfield() instead of ipv6_tclass() (Jiri Benc) [1004164] - [fs] proc: meminfo: provide estimated available memory (Luiz Capitulino) [1032702] - [mm] vmscan: re-introduce the ZONE_RECLAIM_NOSCAN bailout for zone_reclaim() (Rafael Aquini) [1039534] - [mm] vmscan: compaction works against zones, not lruvecs (Johannes Weiner) [982770]- [fs] Fix mountpoint reference leakage in linkat (Jeff Layton) [1059943] - [net] sock: Fix release_cb kABI brekage (Thomas Graf) [1039723] - [kvm] x86: use kvm_read/write_guest_virt_system in task switch (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581] - [kvm] x86: small cleanups to kvm_task_switch (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581] - [kvm] x86: propagate error from kvm_load_segment_descriptor (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581] - [kvm] x86: improve save_guest_segment_descriptor (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581] - [kvm] x86: introduce kvm_write_guest_virt_system (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581] - [kvm] x86: Fix task switch privilege checks (Paolo Bonzini) [1018581]- [powerpc] Make function that parses RTAS error logs global (Steve Best) [1028682] - [powerpc] pseries: Add RTAS event log v6 definition (Steve Best) [1028682] - [powerpc] pseries: Parse and handle EPOW interrupts (Steve Best) [1028682] - [net] loopback: set default mtu to 64K (Jiri Pirko) [1057610] - [net] netpoll: take rcu_read_lock_bh() in netpoll_send_skb_on_dev() (Florian Westphal) [1049052] - [net] tcp: call tcp_replace_ts_recent() from tcp_ack() (Jiri Pirko) [1056516] - [net] tcp: accept RST without ACK flag (Jiri Pirko) [890377] - [net] tcp: should drop incoming frames without ACK flag set (Jiri Pirko) [890377] - [fs] cifs: sanity check length of data to send before sending (Sachin Prabhu) [1062590] {CVE-2014-0069} - [fs] cifs: ensure that uncached writes handle unmapped areas correctly (Sachin Prabhu) [1062590] {CVE-2014-0069} - [fs] xfs: xfs_remove deadlocks due to inverted AGF vs AGI lock ordering (Brian Foster) [1059334]- [pci] Retry allocation of only the resource type that failed (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] cleanup assign_requested_resources_sorted() kernel-doc warning (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] add a PCI resource reallocation config option (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] print out suggestion about using pci=realloc (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] prepare pci=realloc for multiple options (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Retry on IORESOURCE_IO type allocations (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Skip cardbus assigned resource reset during pci bus rescan (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Fix "cardbus bridge resources as optional" size handling (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Disable cardbus bridge MEM1 prefetchable bit (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Fix /sys warning when sriov enabled and card is hot removed (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] remove add_to_failed_list() (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] add debug print out for add_size (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] make free_list() into a function (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Rename dev_res_x to add_res or fail_res (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Merge pci_dev_resource_x and pci_dev_resource (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Replace resource_list with generic list (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Move struct resource_list to setup-bus.c (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Move pdev_sort_resources() to setup-bus.c (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] make re-allocation try harder by reassigning ranges higher (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Make pci_rescan_bus handle add_list (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Make rescan bus increase bridge resource size if needed (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Use add_list in pcie hotplug path (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] try to assign required+option size first (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Move get_res_add_size() function (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Make add_to_list() return status (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Calculate right add_size (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] set pci sriov page size before reading SRIOV BAR (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] delay configuration of SRIOV capability (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Fix hotplug of Express Module with pci bridges (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] defer enablement of SRIOV BARS (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Make pci_setup_bridge() non-static for use by arch code (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] code and comments cleanup (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] make cardbus-bridge resources optional (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] make SRIOV resources optional (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] ability to relocate assigned pci-resources (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] honor child buses add_size in hot plug configuration (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] remove printks about disabled bridge windows (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] ability to resize an allocated resource (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] pciehp: cleanup flow in pciehp_configure_device (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] Combined back-port of changes to drivers/pci/setup-bus.c to end up in sync with upstream at commit f483d39 (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] set PCI_PREF_RANGE_TYPE_64 in pci_bridge_check_ranges (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] rework "pci: add failed_list to pci_bus_assign_resources" (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] rework "pci: add pci_bridge_release_resources and pci_bus_release_bridge_resources" (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] rework "pci: separate pci_setup_bridge to small functions" (Myron Stowe) [1033748] - [pci] claim SR-IOV BARs in pcibios_allocate_resource (Myron Stowe) [1033748]- [x86] apic: Map the local apic when parsing the MP table (Prarit Bhargava) [1061873] - [kvm] x86: fix tsc catchup issue with tsc scaling (Marcelo Tosatti) [1005143] - [char] virtio-rng: don't register buffer if data isn't read out (Amos Kong) [1008273] - [netdrv] enic: remove enic->vlan_group check (Stefan Assmann) [1057704] - [netdrv] bonding: add NETIF_F_NO_CSUM vlan_features (Ivan Vecera) [1059777] - [infiniband] ipoib: Report operstate consistently when brought up without a link (Michal Schmidt) [995300]- [security] selinux: fix broken peer recv check (Paul Moore) [1043051] - [perf] tools: Enable branch profiling (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] Fix hypervisor branch sampling permission check (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Check branch sampling priv level in generic code (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] Demand proper privileges for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_KERNEL (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Fix intel LBR filter (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] Add callback to flush branch_stack on context switch (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] Disable PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_* when not supported (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Add LBR software filter support for Intel CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Implement PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH for Intel CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Disable LBR support for older Intel Atom processors (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [perf] x86: Sync branch stack sampling with precise_sampling (Jiri Olsa) [1057869] - [char] n_tty: Fix unsafe update of available buffer space (Jiri Benc) [980188] - [char] n_tty: Fix stuck throttled driver (Jiri Benc) [980188] - [char] tty: Add safe tty throttle/unthrottle functions (Jiri Benc) [980188] - [char] tty: note race we need to fix (Jiri Benc) [980188] - [fs] nfsd: don't try to reuse an expired DRC entry off the list (Jeff Layton) [1036972] - [fs] nfsd: when reusing an existing repcache entry, unhash it first (Jeff Layton) [1036972] - [fs] GFS2: Fix slab memory leak in gfs2_bufdata (Robert S Peterson) [1024024] - [fs] GFS2: Fix use-after-free race when calling gfs2_remove_from_ail (Robert S Peterson) [1024024] - [fs] nfs: always make sure page is up-to-date before extending a write to cover the entire page (Scott Mayhew) [1054493] - [fs] GFS2: Increase i_writecount during gfs2_setattr_chown (Robert S Peterson) [1046168] - [fs] xfs: ensure we capture IO errors correctly (Lachlan McIlroy) [1021325] - [mm] get rid of unnecessary pageblock scanning in setup_zone_migrate_reserve (Motohiro Kosaki) [1043353]- [security] selinux: process labeled IPsec TCP SYN-ACK packets properly in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1024631] - [security] selinux: look for IPsec labels on both inbound and outbound packets (Paul Moore) [1024631] - [security] selinux: handle TCP SYN-ACK packets correctly in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1024631] - [security] selinux: handle TCP SYN-ACK packets correctly in selinux_ip_output() (Paul Moore) [1024631]- [edac] e752x_edac: Fix pci_dev usage count (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029530] - [md] fix lockdep warning in dm-thin (Mikulas Patocka) [952815] - [md] optimize use SRCU and RCU (Mikulas Patocka) [1011985] - [s390] mm: handle asce-type exceptions as normal page fault (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034268] - [s390] mm: correct tlb flush on page table upgrade (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034269] - [kvm] vmx: Properly return error to userspace on vmentry failure (Andrew Jones) [1054139] - [net] neigh: fix kabi breakage of the set (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: use neigh_parms_net() to get struct neigh_parms->net pointer (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] ipv4: loopback device: ignore value changes after device is upped (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: ipv6: respect default values set before an address is assigned to device (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: restore old behaviour of default parms values (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: introduce neigh_parms_family helper (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: wrap proc dointvec functions (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: do not use ctl_table->extra (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] neigh: convert parms to an array (Jiri Pirko) [1023278] - [net] fix memory information leaks in recv protocol handlers (Florian Westphal) [1039869] {CVE-2013-7271} - [net] ipv6: netfilter: ip6t_LOG: fix mark logging for IPv6 packets (Jiri Pirko) [1029970] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: Make tproto signed in socket_mt6_v1() (Jiri Pirko) [1022201] - [net] af_unix: If we don't care about credentials coallesce all messages (Jiri Pirko) [1024635]- [mm] memcg: fix oom schedule_timeout() (Ulrich Obergfell) [1034237] - [mm] memcg: change memcg_oom_mutex to spinlock (Ulrich Obergfell) [1034237] - [mm] memcg: fix hierarchical oom locking (Ulrich Obergfell) [1034237] - [mm] memcg: make oom_lock 0 and 1 based rather than counter (Ulrich Obergfell) [1034237] - [usb] cdc-wdm: fix buffer overflow (Alexander Gordeev) [922001] {CVE-2013-1860} - [usb] cdc-wdm: Fix race between autosuspend and reading from the device (Alexander Gordeev) [922001] {CVE-2013-1860}- [perf] tools: Fix LIBNUMA build with glibc 2.12 and older (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] probe: Fix segfault (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] record: Fix -C option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: check if -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 is allowed (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Fix build with NO_NEWT=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] annotate: Fix build with NO_NEWT=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] Enable building perf tools for Meta (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] Enable building perf tools for ARC (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix build with bison 2.3 and older (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Limit unwind support to x86 archs (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] annotate: Make it to be able to skip unannotatable symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/annotate: Fail early if it can't annotate (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/annotate: Show source lines with gray color (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/annotate: Support multiple event annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/gtk: Implement basic GTK2 annotation browser (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] annotate: Fix warning message on a missing vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] buildid-cache: Add --update option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] python: Link with sysfs.o (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evlist: Pass the event_group info via perf_attr_details (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix calloc argument ordering (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Adding automated parsing tests for group :GH modifiers (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix perf_evsel::exclude_GH handling (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists browser: Add support to display whole group data for raw columns (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] stat: Add per processor socket count aggregation (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Add cpu_map processor socket level functions (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evlist: Make event_copy local to mmaps (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Check return value of strdup() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Make setup_sorting returns an error code (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Drop ip_* arguments from _sort__sym_cmp() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Check for flex and bison before continuing building (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evlist: Fix set event list leader (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Enable the runtime switching of perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists browser: Add option for runtime switching perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evlist: Add --group option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Add report.group config option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Add --group option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Show group description when event group is enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Bypass non-leader events when event group is enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/browser: Trim column header string when event group enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/browser: Add support for event group view (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists browser: Add suppport for event group view (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists browser: Move coloring logic to hpp functions (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/hist: Add support for event group view (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] gtk/browser: Convert hpp helpers to a function (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists browser: Convert hpp helpers to a function (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/hist: Consolidate hpp helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Resort hist entries using group members for output (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Make another loop for linking group hists (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] header: Add HEADER_GROUP_DESC feature (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Add group test conditions (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Keep group information (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] top: Delete maps on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] top: Stop using exit() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] header: Fix double fclose() on do_write() failure (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] header: Fix memory leak for the "Not caching a kptr_restrict'ed /proc/kallsyms" case (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix memory leak on error (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Use pclose() instead of fclose() on pipe stream (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix possible double free on error (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools, powerpc: Fix compile warnings in tests/attr.c (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Fix memory leaks on evsel->counts (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] stat: Add interval printing (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Add prev_raw_count field (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Make numa benchmark optional (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] Add 'perf bench numa mem' NUMA performance measurement suite (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Fix leaks on PERF_RECORD_* test (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Call machine__exit in the vmlinux matches kallsyms test (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui browser: Free browser->helpline() on ui_browser__hide() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] header: Stop using die() calls when processing tracing data (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] kmem: Use memdup() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Use memdup in map__clone (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Stop using 'self' in map.c and map.h (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Stop using 'self' in strlist (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Allow skipping tests (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Allow passing a list to intlist__new (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Allow passing NULL to intlist__find (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] script: Remove workqueue-stats script (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] script: hook up perf_scripting_context->pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] script: Don't display trace info when invoking scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Remove some needless die() calls from the main routine (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] pmu: Privatize perf_pmu_format and perf_pmu_alias structs (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Use ARRAY_SIZE() were applicable (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix usage of __ in event parsing struct names (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui browsers: Fix usage of __ in struct names (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] pmu: Fix usage of __ in struct names (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix usage of __ in parse_events_term struct (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Move ltrim() to util/string.c (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix PMU format parsing test failure (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Do not include PERF-VERSION-FILE to Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Get rid of unused include of config.mak (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Remove unused 'unset' parameter from parse_events (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Mark branch_info maps as referenced (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] annotate browser: Fix segfault when drawing out-of-bounds jumps (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Move get_term_dimensions from top to util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Mark vmlinux filename as allocated (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Move name malloc to when needed in dso__load (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] report: Update documentation for sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Separate out branch stack specific sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Clean up sort__first_dimension setting (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Calculate parent column width too (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Align cpu column to right (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Fix --sort pid output (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Get rid of unnecessary __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] sort: Move misplaced sort entry functions (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] probe: Allow of casting an array of char to string (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Add anonymous huge page recognition (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] bench: Flush stdout before starting bench suite (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Include elf.h header regardless LIBELF_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix possible but unlikely buffer overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix GNU make v3.80 compatibility issue (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/gtk: Setup browser window early (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/gtk: Factor out common browser routines (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] script: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of reinventing it (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] kmem: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of reinventing it (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: remove redundant checks from _sort__sym_cmp (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Don't fail if a matching vmlinux isn't found, skip that test (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Add return states enum for tests (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] machine: Simplify accessing the host machine (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Fix PYTHONPATH for python-use test tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] machine: Introduce struct machines (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] session: There is no need for a per session hists instance (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Rename hists__fprintf_nr_events to events_stats__fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] record: Don't pass host machine to guest synthesizer (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] header: Ensure read/write finished successfully (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Check python path on attr and binding test (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Add event parsing test for '*:*' tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Add missing closedir in multi tracepoint processing (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Check for linking problems in the python binding (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__open_strerror method (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Introduce event fallback method (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Do missing feature fallbacks in just one place (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tests: Adjust some message log levels to help diagnosing problems in attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Remove leftover temp file left by one of the attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Add a test case for hists__match, hists__link (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] diff: Use internal rb tree for compute resort (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Link hist entries before inserting to an output tree (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Exchange order of comparing items when collapsing hists (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] top: Use perf_evlist__config() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] record: Export the callchain parsing routine and help (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] record: Pass perf_record_opts to the callchain cmdline parsing callback (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Decode read_format and sample_type in perf_evsel__fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Add install-bin Makefile target (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Adopt fprintf routine from 'perf evlist' (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evlist: Set the leader in the perf_evlist__config method (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: No need to always ask for PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED/_RUNNING (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: No need to always ask for PERF_FORMAT_ID in read_format (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Introduce method to request IDs be used (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Use perf_evsel__newtp constructor in the tracepoint tests (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] test: Fixup error reporting in basic mmap test (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Update sample_size when setting sample_type bits (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] machine: Move more machine methods to machine.c (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] buildid-cache: Add option to show build ids that are missing in the cache (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Generalize filter in __fprintf_buildid methods (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] diff: Remove displacement output option (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] buildid-list: We need to check if a file is ELF first (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix TUI helpline output (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Don't check configuration on make tags (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] diff: Change formula methods to work with pair directly (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] diff: Change compute methods to work with pair directly (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] diff: Remove displacement from struct hist_entry_diff (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Convert to _is_group_leader method (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] evsel: Set leader evsel's ->leader to itself (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Link hist entry pairs to leader (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Fix typo on hist__entry_add_pair (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Ignore ABS symbols when loading data maps (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] hists: Introduce perf_hpp__list for period related columns (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Fix mmap limitations on 32-bit (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] top: Add missing newline on pr_err call (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] session: Free environment information when deleting session (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] tools: Don't check configuration on make clean (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui/helpline: Introduce ui_helpline__vshow() (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] ui: Always compile error printing code (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [perf] symbols: Fix dso__fprintf() print statement (Jiri Olsa) [1034843] - [net] sctp: fix checksum marking for outgoing packets (Daniel Borkmann) [1040385]- [fs] fuse: never d_drop() dentry mountpoints on failed reval (Brian Foster) [1026952] - [fs] cifs: don't instantiate new dentries in readdir for inodes that need to be revalidated immediately (Sachin Prabhu) [1017883] - [fs] cifs: revalidate directories instiantiated via FIND_* in order to handle DFS referrals (Sachin Prabhu) [1017883] - [fs] cifs: only set ops for inodes in I_NEW state (Sachin Prabhu) [1017883] - [fs] nfs: fix handling of invalid mount options in nfs_remount (Jeff Layton) [968185] - [fs] nfs: reject version and minorversion changes on remount attempts (Jeff Layton) [968185] - [fs] nfsd: add private md5 hashing implementation to get around FIPS blacklisting (Jeff Layton) [1020176] - [fs] nfs: Always clear the NFS_INO_LAYOUTCOMMIT in layoutreturn (Jeff Layton) [921540] - [fs] nfs: Send atime and mtime as a 64bit value (Jeff Layton) [996548] - [fs] nfs: fix mknod() on nfs4 (Jeff Layton) [921684] - [fs] nfs: nameidata_to_nfs_open_context() doesn't need nameidata (Jeff Layton) [921684] - [md] Re-enable TRIM on MD RAID5 devices (Jes Sorensen) [1023424] - [md] raid5: avoid finding "discard" stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1023424] - [md] raid5: set bio bi_vcnt 0 for discard request (Jes Sorensen) [1023424] - [s390] fix save and restore of the floating-point-control register (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034270] - [s390] signal: change return values to -EFAULT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034270] - [kernel] ptrace: Cleanup useless header (Aaron Tomlin) [1036312] - [kernel] ptrace: kill BKL in ptrace syscall (Aaron Tomlin) [1036312] - [x86] kvm: fix cross page vapic_addr access (Paolo Bonzini) [1032215] {CVE-2013-6368} - [x86] kvm: fix division by zero in apic_get_tmcct (Paolo Bonzini) [1032213] {CVE-2013-6367}- [scsi] scsi_debug: fix endianness bug in sdebug_build_parts() (Maurizio Lombardi) [563489] - [scsi] bfa: Chinook quad port 16G FC HBA claim issue (Vijay Guvva) [1038186] - [scsi] bfa: Fix crash when symb name set for offline vport (Vijay Guvva) [1032731] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA handler attach should succeed while TPG is transitioning (Maurizio Lombardi) [1019480] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA check sense should retry device internal reset unit attention (Maurizio Lombardi) [1019480] - [scsi] don't kfree an initialized struct device (Maurizio Lombardi) [908150] - [fs] nfs: Prevent a 3-way deadlock between layoutreturn, open and state recovery (Steve Dickson) [1034487] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that rmdir() waits for sillyrenames to complete (Steve Dickson) [1034348] - [fs] nfs: wait on recovery for async session errors (Steve Dickson) [1030049] - [fs] nfs: Re-use exit code in nfs4_async_handle_error() (Steve Dickson) [1030049] - [fs] nfs: Update list of irrecoverable errors on DELEGRETURN (Steve Dickson) [1030049] - [exec] ptrace: fix get_dumpable() incorrect tests (Petr Oros) [1039487] {CVE-2013-2929} - [net] ipv6: router reachability probing (Jiri Benc) [1029585] - [net] ipv6: remove the unnecessary statement in find_match() (Jiri Benc) [1029585] - [net] ipv6: fix route selection if kernel is not compiled with CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTER_PREF (Jiri Benc) [1029585] - [net] ipv6: Fix default route failover when CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTER_PREF=n (Jiri Benc) [1029585] - [net] ipv6: probe routes asynchronous in rt6_probe (Jiri Benc) [1030094] - [net] ndisc: Update neigh->updated with write lock (Jiri Benc) [1030094] - [net] ipv6: prevent fib6_run_gc() contention (Jiri Benc) [1030094] - [net] netfilter: push reasm skb through instead of original frag skbs (Jiri Pirko) [1011214] - [net] ip6_output: fragment outgoing reassembled skb properly (Jiri Pirko) [1011214] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_ipv6: improve fragmentation handling (Jiri Pirko) [1011214] - [net] ipv4: fix path MTU discovery with connection tracking (Jiri Pirko) [1011214] - [net] ipv6: Make IP6CB(skb)->nhoff 16-bit (Jiri Pirko) [1011214] - [input] uinput: setup MT usage during device creation (Aristeu Rozanski) [903081] - [input] add static inline accessors for ABS properties (Aristeu Rozanski) [903081] - [edac] revert sdram_scrub_rate behavior change (Aristeu Rozanski) [738592] - [edac] Add error decoding support for AMD Fam16h processors (Prarit Bhargava) [1020290] - [hda] alsa: fix the no-sound issue for Creative Recon3D cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1007460]- [powerpc] signals: Improved mark VSX not saved with small contexts fix (Seth Jennings) [1044117] - [powerpc] signals: Mark VSX not saved with small contexts (Seth Jennings) [1044117]- [pci] Remove pcie_cap_has_devctl() (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Support PCIe Capability Slot registers only for ports with slots (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Remove PCIe Capability version checks (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Allow PCIe Capability link-related register access for switches (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Add offsets of PCIe capability registers (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Tidy bitmasks and spacing of PCIe capability definitions (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Remove obsolete comment reference to pci_pcie_cap2() (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Clarify PCI_EXP_TYPE_PCI_BRIDGE comment (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Rename PCIe capability definitions to follow convention (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [pci] Add PCI_EXP_TYPE_PCIE_BRIDGE value (Myron Stowe) [1025994] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct VF-PF channel locking scheme (Michal Schmidt) [1029203] - [netdrv] bnx2x: handle known but unsupported VF messages (Michal Schmidt) [1029203] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Lock DMAE when used by statistic flow (Michal Schmidt) [1029200] - [net] ipv6: fix leaking uninitialized port number of offender sockaddr (Florian Westphal) [1035883] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] inet: fix addr_len/msg->msg_namelen assignment in recv_error functions (Florian Westphal) [1035883] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] inet: prevent leakage of uninitialized memory to user in recv syscalls (Florian Westphal) [1035883] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] ipvs: Add boundary check on ioctl arguments (Denys Vlasenko) [1030818] {CVE-2013-4588}- [s390] qeth: avoid buffer overflow in snmp ioctl (Hendrik Brueckner) [1034266] - [md] fix calculation of stacking limits on level change (Jes Sorensen) [1026864] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: fix up semctl_setval discrepancies with upstream (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: fix race in sem_lock() (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] fix kABI issues (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: Fix missing wakeups in do_smart_update_queue() (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: fix GETNCNT semctl() case (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: fix GETZCNT semctl() case (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: simplify rcu_read_lock() in semctl_nolock() (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: simplify semtimedop/semctl_main() common error path handling (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: move sem_obtain_lock() rcu locking into the only caller (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: fix double sem unlock in semctl error path (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: move the rcu_read_lock() from sem_lock_and_putref() into callers (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: sem_putref() does not need the semaphore lock any more (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: move rcu_read_unlock() out of sem_unlock() and into callers (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: fix GETALL/IPC_RM race for sysv semaphores (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: fine grained locking for semtimedop (Rik van Riel) [1024265 880024] {CVE-2013-4483} - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: have only one list in struct sem_queue (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: open code and rename sem_lock (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: do not hold ipc lock more than necessary (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: introduce lockless pre_down ipcctl (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: introduce obtaining a lockless ipc object (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: remove bogus lock comment for ipc_checkid (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: get rid of union semop in sys_semctl() arguments (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: handle spurious wakeups (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: remove private structures from public header file (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: update description of the implementation (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: move wake_up_process out of the spinlock section (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: optimize update_queue() for bulk wakeup calls (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc: remove unreachable code in sem.c (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: optimize single sops when semval is zero (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: optimize single semop operations (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: add a per-semaphore pending list (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: optimize if semops fail (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: sem preempt improve (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: sem use list operations (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: sem optimise undo list search (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: fix race with concurrent semtimedop() timeouts and IPC_RMID (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [kernel] ipc/sem.c: bugfix for semop() not reporting successful operation (Rik van Riel) [880024] - [net] don't drop TSO features for NO_CSUM devices (Ivan Vecera) [1030631] - [ata] ahci: fix turning on LEDs in ahci_start_port() (David Milburn) [1017105] - [ata] libata: implement cross-port EH exclusion (David Milburn) [1017105] - [ata] libata add ap to ata_wait_register and intro ata_msleep (David Milburn) [1017105]- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Check device state when setting coalescing (Amir Vadai) [975908] - [netdrv] igb: Update link modes display in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1019578] - [block] fix race between request completion and timeout handling (Jeff Moyer) [919756]- [net] ip_output: do skb ufo init for peeked non ufo skb as well (Jiri Pirko) [1023491] {CVE-2013-4470} - [net] ip6_output: do skb ufo init for peeked non ufo skb as well (Jiri Pirko) [1023491] {CVE-2013-4470} - [net] bridge: disable snooping if there is no querier (Vlad Yasevich) [952012] - [net] Revert "bridge: only expire the mdb entry when query is received" (Vlad Yasevich) [952012] - [net] Revert "bridge: fix some kernel warning in multicast timer" (Vlad Yasevich) [952012] - [net] Revert "bridge: do not call setup_timer() multiple times" (Vlad Yasevich) [952012] - [net] Revert "bridge: update mdb expiration timer upon reports" (Vlad Yasevich) [952012] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a data corruption issue when retransmitting RPC calls (Jeff Layton) [1030046] - [fs] gfs2: Implement a "rgrp has no extents longer than X" scheme (Robert S Peterson) [998625] - [fs] gfs2: Drop inadequate rgrps from the reservation tree (Robert S Peterson) [998625] - [fs] gfs2: If requested is too large, use the largest extent in the rgrp (Robert S Peterson) [998625] - [fs] gfs2: Add allocation parameters structure (Robert S Peterson) [998625] - [fs] nfs: Don't check lock owner compatability unless file is locked - part 2 (Jeff Layton) [1007039] - [fs] nfs: Don't check lock owner compatibility in writes unless file is locked (Jeff Layton) [1007039] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: move API neg to reset path (Andy Gospodarek) [1019346] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix inconsistent clearing of the multicast table (Andy Gospodarek) [975248] - [mm] Group e820 entries together and add map_individual_e820 boot option (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [mm] Exclude E820_RESERVED regions and memory holes above 4 GB from direct mapping (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [mm] Find_early_table_space based on ranges that are actually being mapped (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [fs] nfs: Fix the sync mount option for nfs4 mounts (Scott Mayhew) [915862] - [fs] nfsv4: Missing Chunk of Back Port Patch Causes Hang (Steve Dickson) [1024006] - [fs] xfs: Ensure sync updates the log tail correctly (Dave Chinner) [1025439] - [fs] xfs: only update the last_sync_lsn when a transaction completes (Dave Chinner) [1025439] - [fs] xfs: prevent deadlock trying to cover an active log (Dave Chinner) [1014867] - [kernel] signal: stop info leak via the tkill and the tgkill syscalls (Petr Holasek) [970878] {CVE-2013-2141} - [block] rsxx: Disallow discards from being unmapped (Steve Best) [1023897] - [netdrv] brcmsmac: Module alias support missing from backport (John Green) [1020461] - [netdrv] bonding: Remove redundant VLAN tag insertion logic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1025224] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix pages never dma unmapped on rx (Steve Best) [1023272] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix BlueFlame race (Amir Vadai) [987634] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1024683] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.42: Fixed failure to allocate SCSI buffer on PPC64 platform for SLI4 devices (Rob Evers) [1024683] - [scsi] Revert "qla2xxx: Ramp down queue depth for attached SCSI devices when driver resources are low." (Chad Dupuis) [995576] - [netdrv] tg3: avoid double-freeing of rx data memory (Ivan Vecera) [1020685] - [hda] alsa: Final fix for the Haswell HDMI audio 44.1kHz rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1024548] - [input] wacom: do not report ABS_MISC on TPC2FG touch device (Aristeu Rozanski) [1032256]- [md] Disabling of TRIM on RAID5 for RHEL6.5 was too aggressive (Jes Sorensen) [1028426]- [x86] Revert "efi: be more paranoid about available space when creating variables" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efivars: firmware bug workarounds should be in platform code" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efi: Export efi_query_variable_store() for efivars.ko" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efi: Check max_size only if it is non-zero" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efi: Distinguish between "remaining space" and actually used space" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efi: Implement efi_no_storage_paranoia parameter" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "Modify UEFI anti-bricking code" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173] - [x86] Revert "efi: Fix dummy variable buffer allocation" (Rafael Aquini) [1012370 1023173]- [fs] revert xfs: prevent deadlock trying to cover an active log (Eric Sandeen) [1014867]- [fs] Revert "vfs: allow umount to handle mountpoints without revalidating them" (Rafael Aquini) [1024607] - [fs] Revert "vfs: massage umount_lookup_last() a bit to reduce nesting" (Rafael Aquini) [1024607] - [fs] Revert "vfs: rename user_path_umountat() to user_path_mountpoint_at()" (Rafael Aquini) [1024607] - [fs] Revert "vfs: introduce kern_path_mountpoint()" (Rafael Aquini) [1024607] - [fs] Revert "autofs4: fix device ioctl mount lookup" (Rafael Aquini) [1024607]- [tools] perf: Add ref-cycles into array of tested events (Jiri Olsa) [968806] - [pci] Revert "make SRIOV resources optional" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "ability to relocate assigned pci-resources" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "honor child buses add_size in hot plug configuration" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "make cardbus-bridge resources optional" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "code and comments cleanup" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "make re-allocation try harder by reassigning ranges higher in the heirarchy" (Myron Stowe) [1022270] - [pci] Revert "Calculate right add_size" (Myron Stowe) [1022270]- [block] loop: unplug_fn only when backing file is attached (Lukas Czerner) [1022997] - [fs] ext4: Remove warning from ext4_da_update_reserve_space() (Lukas Czerner) [1011876] - [kernel] async: Revert MAX_THREADS to 256 (Neil Horman) [1021705] - [net] ipv6: restrict neighbor entry creation to output flow (Jiri Pirko) [997103] - [net] ipv6: udp packets following an UFO enqueued packet need also be handled by UFO (Jiri Pirko) [1011930] {CVE-2013-4387} - [net] ipv4: blackhole route should always be recalculated (Herbert Xu) [1010347] - [net] unix: revert/fix race in stream sockets with SOCK_PASS* flags (Daniel Borkmann) [1019343] - [net] Loosen constraints for recalculating checksum in skb_segment() (Vlad Yasevich) [1020298] - [drm] nouveau: fix vblank deadlock (Rob Clark) [1013388] - [usb] xhci: refactor EHCI/xHCI port switching (Don Zickus) [970715] - [fs] compat_ioctl: VIDEO_SET_SPU_PALETTE missing error check (Phillip Lougher) [949573] {CVE-2013-1928} - [fs] vfs: fix d_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [1011337] - [fs] autofs4: fix device ioctl mount lookup (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: introduce kern_path_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: rename user_path_umountat() to user_path_mountpoint_at() (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: massage umount_lookup_last() a bit to reduce nesting (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] vfs: allow umount to handle mountpoints without revalidating them (Ian Kent) [999708] - [fs] nfs: Remove the 'FIFO' behaviour for nfs41_setup_sequence (Steve Dickson) [1022257] - [fs] nfs: Record the OPEN create mode used in the nfs4_opendata structure (Steve Dickson) [1019439] - [fs] nfs: Simulate the change attribute (Steve Dickson) [1018653] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix synchronization problem between sysPD IO path and AEN path (Tomas Henzl) [1019811]- [md] dm-snapshot: fix data corruption (Mikulas Patocka) [974481] {CVE-2013-4299} - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: add platform driver module alias (Neil Horman) [1019497] - [hda] alsa: disable 44.1kHz rate for Haswell HDMI/DP audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [831970] - [x86] Update UV3 hub revision ID (George Beshers) [1018962] - [fs] xfs: Don't reference the EFI after it is freed (Eric Sandeen) [1018469] - [security] keys: Fix a race between negating a key and reading the error set (Dave Wysochanski) [890231] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure memory ordering between nfs4_ds_connect and nfs4_fl_prepare_ds (Jeff Layton) [1012439] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_fl_prepare_ds - fix bugs when the connect attempt fails (Jeff Layton) [1012439] - [md] Disable TRIM on RAID5 for RHEL 6.5 (Jes Sorensen) [837097] - [md] raid5: BIO_RW_SYNCIO is a bit number, not a bitmask (Jes Sorensen) [837097] - [virt] hyperv: framebuffer pci stub (Gerd Hoffmann) [1013335] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing enum channel_tlvs definitions (Michal Schmidt) [1015137] - [netdrv] bnx2x: KR2 disablement fix (Michal Schmidt) [1015137] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Specific Active-DAC is not detected on 57810 (Michal Schmidt) [1015137] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Generalize KR work-around (Michal Schmidt) [1015137] - [usb] usbnet: use ethd name for known ethernet devices (Don Zickus) [1014224] - [usb] cdc_ether: use ethd name for known ethernet devices (Don Zickus) [1014224] - [mm] Revert "Find_early_table_space based on ranges that are actually being mapped" (Rafael Aquini) - [mm] Revert "Exclude E820_RESERVED regions and memory holes above 4 GB from direct mapping" (Rafael Aquini) - [mm] Revert "Group e820 entries together and add map_individual_e820 boot option" (Rafael Aquini) - [net] bridge: update mdb expiration timer upon reports (Vlad Yasevich) [1013816] - [net] veth: Remove NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX capability (Thomas Graf) [1018158] - [net] gre/vxlan: handle 802.1Q inner header properly (Thomas Graf) [997632] - [net] disable the new NAPI weight error message for RHEL 6.5 (Michal Schmidt) [1012090] - [scsi] sd: Fix parsing of 'temporary ' cache mode prefix (Ewan Milne) [955441] - [scsi] sd: fix array cache flushing bug causing performance problems (Ewan Milne) [955441] - [scsi] bfa: firmware update to (Rob Evers) [1002770] - [netdrv] bna: firmware update to (Ivan Vecera) [1002771]- [block] loop: fix crash when using unassigned loop device (Mike Snitzer) [989795] - [fs] xfs: prevent deadlock trying to cover an active log (Dave Chinner) [1014867] - [x86] microcode: Fix patch level reporting for AMD family 15h (Prarit Bhargava) [1014401] - [hda] alsa: enable switcheroo code in the snd-hda-intel driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1013993] - [x86] reboot: Fix a warning message triggered by stop_other_cpus() (Jerome Marchand) [840710] - [kernel] async: Bump up the MAX_THREADS count for the async subsystem (Neil Horman) [1010666] - [pci] Calculate right add_size (Myron Stowe) [997672] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: add SKUs for 6000, 6005 and 6235 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1013951] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: add new SKUs for 7000 & 3160 NIC series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1013951] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: enable shadow registers for 7000 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1013951] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new 7260 and 3160 series device IDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1013951] - [netdrv] be2net: pass if_id for v1 and V2 versions of TX_CREATE cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1014360] - [netdrv] be2net: call ENABLE_VF cmd for Skyhawk-R too (Ivan Vecera) [1014360] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to prevent Tx stall on SH-R when packet size < 32 (Ivan Vecera) [1014360] - [scsi] pm8001: Queue rotation logic for inbound and outbound queues (Rich Bono) [1013771] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1004841] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed spinlock hang (Rob Evers) [1004841] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed spinlock inversion problem (Rob Evers) [1004841] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed inconsistent spin lock useage (Rob Evers) [1004841] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [912652] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix request queue null dereference (Chad Dupuis) [912652] - [net] tcp: TSQ can use a dynamic limit (Jiri Pirko) [996802] - [net] tcp: TSO packets automatic sizing (Jiri Pirko) [996802] - [net] tcp: Apply device TSO segment limit earlier (Jiri Pirko) [996802] - [net] Allow driver to limit number of GSO segments per skb (Jiri Pirko) [996802] - [net] cleanups in RX queue allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1012388] - [net] Update kernel-doc for netif_set_real_num_rx_queues() (Ivan Vecera) [1012388] - [net] netif_set_real_num_rx_queues may cap num_rx_queues at init time (Ivan Vecera) [1012388]- [kvm] pmu: add proper support for fixed counter 2 (Gleb Natapov) [1000956] - [kvm] vmx: do not check bit 12 of EPT violation exit qualification when undefined (Gleb Natapov) [1006139] - [kvm] vmx: set "blocked by NMI" flag if EPT violation happens during IRET from NMI (Gleb Natapov) [1006139] - [edac] Fix workqueue-related crashes (Aristeu Rozanski) [831127] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix driver module removal (Aristeu Rozanski) [831127] - [md] raid5: BIO flags adjust (Jes Sorensen) [837097] - [md] Fix skipping recovery for read-only arrays (Jes Sorensen) [1014102] - [kernel] audit: fix mq_open and mq_unlink to add the MQ root as a hidden parent audit_names record (Richard Guy Briggs) [1009386] - [kernel] audit: log the audit_names record type (Richard Guy Briggs) [1009386] - [kernel] audit: add child record before the create to handle case where create fails (Richard Guy Briggs) [1009386] - [kernel] audit: format user messages to size of MAX_AUDIT_MESSAGE_LENGTH (Richard Guy Briggs) [1007069] - [netdrv] tg3: Expand led off fix to include 5720 (Ivan Vecera) [991498] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't turn off led on 5719 serdes port 0 (Ivan Vecera) [991498] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix UDP fragments treated as RMCP (Ivan Vecera) [991498] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove incorrect switch to aux power (Ivan Vecera) [991498] - [i2c] ismt: initialize DMA buffer (Neil Horman) [1014753] - [scsi] libfcoe: Make fcoe_sysfs optional / fix fnic NULL exception (Neil Horman) [1014864] - [fs] gfs2: Fix race in iteration of glocks for unfreeze/umount (Abhijith Das) [999909] - [fs] gfs2: dirty inode correctly in gfs2_write_end (Benjamin Marzinski) [991596] - [x86] Mark Intel Atom Avoton processor as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [914842] - [mm] vmscan: fix zone shrinking exit when scan work is done (David Gibson) [985155] - [block] free bios when failing blk_execute_rq_nowait calls (Jeff Moyer) [1009312] - [netdrv] be2net: fix disabling TX in be_close() (Ivan Vecera) [951271] - [crypto] Fix race condition in larval lookup (Herbert Xu) [916361]- [fs] fuse: drop dentry on failed revalidate (Brian Foster) [924014] - [fs] fuse: clean up return in fuse_dentry_revalidate() (Brian Foster) [924014] - [fs] fuse: use d_materialise_unique() (Brian Foster) [924014] - [mm] Group e820 entries together and add map_individual_e820 boot option (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [mm] Exclude E820_RESERVED regions and memory holes above 4 GB from direct mapping (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [mm] Find_early_table_space based on ranges that are actually being mapped (Larry Woodman) [876275] - [hid] pantherlord: heap overflow flaw (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1000435] {CVE-2013-2892} - [virt] hv: Correctly support ws2008R2 and earlier (Jason Wang) [1007341] - [powerpc] iommu: Use GFP_KERNEL instead of GFP_ATOMIC in iommu_init_table() (Steve Best) [1012666] - [powerpc] Add isync to copy_and_flush (Steve Best) [1014475] - [block] rsxx: Kernel Panic caused by mapping Discards (Steve Best) [1013728] - [kernel] audit: avoid soft lockup due to audit_log_start() incorrect loop termination (Richard Guy Briggs) [990806] - [fs] nfsv4: Remove the BUG_ON() from nfs4_get_lease_time_prepare() (Steve Dickson) [1012688] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix loss of VLAN priority information in received TPA-aggregated packets (Michal Schmidt) [1014694] - [fs] gfs2: garbage quota usage reported due to uninitialized inode during creation (Abhijith Das) [1008947] - [fs] nfs: fix filelayout_commit_call_ops (Scott Mayhew) [1012479] - [netdrv] igb: fix driver reload with VF assigned to guest (Stefan Assmann) [985733] - [md] Fix bio flags for md raid5 (Jes Sorensen) [837097] - [md] Fix bio flags for md raid10 (Jes Sorensen) [837097] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [1011476] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Support setting of local CHAP index for flash target entry (Chad Dupuis) [1011476] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correct the check for local CHAP entry type (Chad Dupuis) [1011476] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1012961] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed function mode field defined too small for not recognizing dual-chute mode (Rob Evers) [1012961] - [net] Revert "net: more accurate skb truesize" (Francesco Fusco) [889181] - [net] fix multiqueue selection (Michal Schmidt) [1011939]- [scsi] bnx2fc: Bump version from 1.0.14 to 2.4.1 (Tomas Henzl) [1008733] - [scsi] bnx2fc: hung task timeout warning observed when rmmod bnx2x with active FCoE targets (Tomas Henzl) [1008733] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed a SCSI CMD cmpl race condition between ABTS and CLEANUP (Tomas Henzl) [1008733] - [scsi] cnic: Fix crash in, cnic_bnx2x_service_kcq() (Tomas Henzl) [1004554] - [hid] zeroplus: validate output report details (Frantisek Hrbata) [999906] {CVE-2013-2889} - [hid] provide a helper for validating hid reports (Frantisek Hrbata) [999906] {CVE-2013-2889} - [netdrv] sfc: Add SIOCEFX:EFX_MCDI_REQUEST ioctl to workaround MTD limits (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1008705] - [netdrv] sfc: deny changing of unsupported flags (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1010840] - [kernel] __ptrace_may_access() should not deny sub-threads (Oleg Nesterov) [927360] - [tools] perf: Make kmem work for non numa machines (Jiri Olsa) [984788] - [powerpc] Bring all threads online prior to migration/hibernation (Steve Best) [1010528] - [kvm] introduce guest count uevent (Paolo Bonzini) [1004802] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: consider session state in iscsi_sw_sk_state_check (Chris Leech) [840638] - [crypto] ansi_cprng: Fix off by one error in non-block size request (Neil Horman) [1007694] {CVE-2013-4345} - [infiniband] cache: don't fill the cache with junk (Doug Ledford) [920306] - [usb] core: don't try to reset_device() a port that got just disconnected (Don Zickus) [1000944] - [usb] Fix connected device switch to Inactive state (Don Zickus) [1000944] - [usb] Don't use EHCI port sempahore for USB 3.0 hubs (Don Zickus) [1000944] - [netdrv] macvtap: Ignore tap features when VNET_HDR is off (Vlad Yasevich) [987201] - [netdrv] macvtap: Correctly set tap features when IFF_VNET_HDR is disabled (Vlad Yasevich) [987201] - [netdrv] macvtap: simplify usage of tap_features (Vlad Yasevich) [987201] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use default pkey when creating tunnel QPs (Doug Ledford) [993587] - [infiniband] core: Create QP1 using the pkey index which contains the default pkey (Doug Ledford) [993587] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make sure child devices use valid/proper pkeys (Doug Ledford) [993587] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix pkey change flow for virtualization environments (Doug Ledford) [993587] - [netdrv] igb: don't deprecate the max_vfs parameter (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Read flow control for i350 from correct EEPROM section (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Add additional get_phy_id call for i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Update version number (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation to report advertised/supported link on i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Get speed and duplex for 1G non_copper devices (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Support to get 2_5G link status for appropriate media type (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: No PHPM support in i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: M88E1543 PHY downshift implementation (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: New PHY_ID for i354 device (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation of 1-sec delay for i210 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Don't look for a PBA in the iNVM when flashless (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Expose RSS indirection table for ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Add macro for size of RETA indirection table (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Fix get_fw_version function for all parts (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Add device support for flashless SKU of i210 device (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Refactor NVM read functions to accommodate devices with no flash (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Refactor of init_nvm_params (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Update MTU so that it is always at least a standard frame size (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: don't allow SR-IOV without MSI-X (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Added rcu_lock to avoid race (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Read register for latch_on without return value (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] igb: Reset the link when EEE setting changed (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [netdrv] treewide: relase -> release (Stefan Assmann) [1005877] - [scsi] iterate over devices individually for /proc/scsi/scsi (David Milburn) [966170] - [scsi] zfcp: fix lock imbalance by reworking request queue locking (Mikulas Patocka) [803592] - [kernel] pidns: fix two invalid task_active_pid_ns() usages (Aristeu Rozanski) [984597] - [netdrv] be2net: implement ethtool set/get_channel hooks (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor be_setup() to consolidate queue creation routines (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix be_cmd_if_create() to use MBOX if MCCQ is not created (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor be_get_resources() code (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: don't limit max MAC and VLAN counts (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixup profile management routines (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: use EQ_CREATEv2 for SH-R (Ivan Vecera) [975885] - [netdrv] be2net: delete primary MAC address while unloading (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: use SET/GET_MAC_LIST for SH-R (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor MAC-addr setup code (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: fix pmac_id for BE3 VFs (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: allow VFs to program MAC and VLAN filters (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: fix MAC address modification for VF (Ivan Vecera) [874733] - [netdrv] be2net: don't use dev_err when AER enabling fails (Ivan Vecera) [986513] - [netdrv] be2net: Clear any capability flags that driver is not interested in (Ivan Vecera) [998856] - [net] ethtool: fix RHEL backport of ETHTOOL_RESET (Jiri Benc) [1008678] - [net] gact: Fix potential panic in tcf_gact() (Jiri Benc) [1003781] - [net] tcp: fix FIONREAD/SIOCINQ (Francesco Fusco) [1001479] - [net] vxlan: Avoid creating fdb entry with NULL destination (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] bridge: sync the definition of struct br_mdb_entry with upstream (Amerigo Wang) [1010251] - [fs] proc/ns: Fix ABI of proc_inode (Thomas Graf) [1005224] - [fs] nfs: Fix writeback performance issue on cache invalidation (Scott Mayhew) [1010038] - [fs] xfs: switch stacks for bmap btree modifications (Dave Chinner) [918359] - [fs] GFS2: Dont flag consistency error if first mounter is a spectator (Robert S Peterson) [997929] - [x86] Mark Intel Haswell-EP as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [948339] - [s390] tx: allow program interruption filtering in user space (Hendrik Brueckner) [1006523] - [tty] hvc_iucv: Disconnect IUCV connection when lowering DTR (Hendrik Brueckner) [1007570] - [tty] hvc_console: Add DTR/RTS callback to handle HUPCL control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1007570] - [netdrv] bonding: fix bond_arp_rcv setting and arp validate desync state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1003697] - [netdrv] bonding: fix store_arp_validate race with mode change (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1003697] - [netdrv] bonding: fix set mode race conditions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1003697] - [bluetooth] rfcomm: Fix info leak in RFCOMMGETDEVLIST ioctl() (Radomir Vrbovsky) [922409] {CVE-2012-6545} - [bluetooth] rfcomm: Fix info leak via getsockname() (Radomir Vrbovsky) [922409] {CVE-2012-6545} - [mm] mlock: operate on any regions with protection != PROT_NONE (Larry Woodman) [982460] - [mm] mlock: avoid dirtying pages and triggering writeback (Larry Woodman) [982460]- [net] ipv6: Don't depend on per socket memory for neighbour discovery messages (Thomas Graf) [963317] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing ethtool ops of virtual functions (Michal Schmidt) [1009492] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid atomic allocations during initialization (Michal Schmidt) [1004645 1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF stats sync (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF memory leak unload (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix functionality of configuring vlan list (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix move FP memory deallocations (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: vf mark stats started (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: set VF DMAE when first function has 0 supported VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Protect against VFs' ndos when SR-IOV is disabled (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent VF benign attentions (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Consider DCBX remote error (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change DCB context handling (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dropless flow control not always functional (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix PTE write access error (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix memory leak in VF (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update fairness parameters following DCB negotiation (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [netdrv] bnx2x: protect different statistics flows (Michal Schmidt) [1007900] - [scsi] lpfc: update version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1007485] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.42: Fixed issue of task management commands having a fixed timeout (Rob Evers) [1007485] - [scsi] rdac: Add new IBM product id to the RDAC devlist (Rob Evers) [1006061] - [block] hpsa: remove unused Smart Array ID (Tomas Henzl) [1002788] - [block] hpsa: bump driver version to reflect changes (Tomas Henzl) [1002788] - [block] hpsa: housekeeping patch for device_id and product arrays (Tomas Henzl) [1002788] - [block] hpsa: add HP Smart Array Gen8 names (Tomas Henzl) [1002788] - [block] hpsa: add HP Smart Array Gen9 PCI ID's (Tomas Henzl) [1002788] - [block] hpsa: remove unneeded variable (Tomas Henzl) [893773] - [block] hpsa: fix a race in cmd_free/scsi_done (Tomas Henzl) [893773] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Export more firmware info in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Only BIOS boot target entries should be at index 0 and 1 (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: discovery_parent_idx can be shown without any check (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Set IPv6 traffic class if device type is IPv6 (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use discovery_parent_idx instead of discovery_parent_type (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Allow removal of failed session using logout (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add missing prints for session and connection sysfs attrs (Chad Dupuis) [982175] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add High Availability clustering support using shared Logical Disks (Tomas Henzl) [997004] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [997004] - [net] cnic: Use CHIP_NUM macros from bnx2x.h (Tomas Henzl) [1004554] - [hid] validate HID report id size (Frantisek Hrbata) [1000453] {CVE-2013-2888} - [infiniband] cma: Check for GID on listening device first (Doug Ledford) [920306] - [infiniband] cma: use cached gids (Doug Ledford) [920306] - [input] wacom: collect device quirks into single function (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: add device type to device name string (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: request tablet data for Bamboo Pens (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: implement missing multitouch wrappers (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: fix bug in HID parsing introduced by last patchset (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [fs] nfsv4: Clean up delegation recall error handling (Steve Dickson) [1007556] - [fs] nfsv4: Clean up nfs4_open_delegation_recall (Steve Dickson) [1007556] - [fs] nfsv4: Clean up nfs4_lock_delegation_recall (Steve Dickson) [1007556] - [fs] nfs: It is not safe to dereference lsp->ls_state in release_lockowner (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we free the lock stateid on the server (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Don't free the nfs4_lock_state until after the release_lockowner (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Convert nfs41_free_stateid to use an asynchronous RPC call (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Clean up TEST_STATEID and FREE_STATEID error reporting (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Clean up handling of privileged operations (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs41_setup_sequence (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: Pass a stateid to test_stateid() and free_stateid() (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [fs] nfs: added FREE_STATEID call (Steve Dickson) [962844] - [virt] xen: mask cpu feature avx (Andrew Jones) [1006549] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix up nfs4_proc_lookup_mountpoint (Jeff Layton) [997133] - [block] rsxx: Moving pci_map_page to prevent overflow (Steve Best) [1001555] - [block] rsxx: Handling failed pci_map_page on PowerPC and double free (Steve Best) [1001545] - [kernel] sched/rt: Add a tuning knob to allow changing SCHED_RR timeslice (Herbert Xu) [919238] - [kernel] sched: Make initial SCHED_RR timeslace DEF_TIMESLICE (Herbert Xu) [919238] - [block] nvme: nvme_submit_bio_queue fixup check for DISCARD (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Update nvme_id_power_state with latest spec (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Split header file into user-visible and kernel-visible pieces (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Merge issue on character device bring-up (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Handle ioremap failure (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Add pci suspend/resume driver callbacks (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Use normal shutdown (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Separate controller init from disk discovery (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Separate queue alloc/free from create/delete (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Group pci related actions in functions (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Disk stats for read/write commands only (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Bring up cdev on set feature failure (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Fix checkpatch issues (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Namespace IDs are unsigned (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Call nvme_process_cq from submission path (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Remove "process_cq did something" message (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Return correct value from interrupt handler (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Disk IO statistics (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Restructure MSI / MSI-X setup (David Milburn) [1006051] - [block] nvme: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc+memset (David Milburn) [1006051] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add code to check for failure of pci_disable_link_state call (John Green) [1000548] - [tools] perf: Fix missing tool parameter (Jiri Olsa) [984785] - [tools] perf: Remove builtin-inject unused parameter (Jiri Olsa) [984785] - [mm] pagewalk: walk_page_range should avoid VM_PFNMAP areas (Larry Woodman) [990753] - [mm] pagemap: set pagemap walk limit to PMD boundary (Motohiro Kosaki) [991260] - [mm] task_mmu: fix buffer overflow in add_page_map() (Motohiro Kosaki) [991260] - [mm] proc: copy_to_user() returns unsigned (Motohiro Kosaki) [991260] - [mm] pagemap: Hold mmap_sem during page walk (Motohiro Kosaki) [991260] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix lockdep annotation issue for ptp's work item (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for quad-port x520 adapter (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clear semaphore bits on timeouts (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix semaphore lock for I2C read/writes on 82598 (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new media type (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bump version number (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix SFF data dumps of SFP+ modules (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix Tx Hang issue with lldpad on 82598EB (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix fc autoneg ethtool reporting (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Retain VLAN filtering in promiscuous + VT mode (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use pci_vfs_assigned instead of ixgbe_vfs_are_assigned (Andy Gospodarek) [986967] - [lib] dma-debug: Fix comparison using wrong pointer variable in dma debug code (Stefan Assmann) [1002992] - [lib] dma-debug: hash_bucket_find needs to allow for offsets within an entry (Stefan Assmann) [1002992] - [mm] x86-64: fall back to regular page vmemmap on allocation failure (Johannes Weiner) [854363] - [mm] x86-64: use vmemmap_populate_basepages() for !pse setups (Johannes Weiner) [854363] - [mm] x86-64: remove dead debugging code for !pse setups (Johannes Weiner) [854363] - [mm] sparse-vmemmap: specify vmemmap population range in bytes (Johannes Weiner) [854363]- [netdrv] bonding: Fix corrupted queue_mapping (Veaceslav Falico) [991799] - [fs] xfs: fallback to vmalloc for large buffers in xfs_attrlist_by_handle (Eric Sandeen) [905086] - [fs] nfs: set open access operation call flag in nfs4_init_opendata_res (Jeff Layton) [1002855] - [kernel] Prevent RT process stall due to missing upstream scheduler bug fix (Larry Woodman) [1002765]- [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent crash in shutdown flow with CNIC (Michal Schmidt) [1003436] - [fs] nfs: Minor cleanups for nfs4_handle_exception and nfs4_async_handle_error (Dave Wysochanski) [998752] - [wireless] iwl4965: fix rfkill set state regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] rt2800: fix wrong TX power compensation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: add missing channel context release (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: add a flag to indicate CCK support for HT clients (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k_htc: Restore skb headroom when returning skb to mac80211 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k: Enable PLL fix only for AR9340/AR9330 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: disable L1 Active after pci_enable_device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: dvm: fix calling ieee80211_chswitch_done() with NULL (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] Hostap: copying wrong data prism2_ioctl_giwaplist() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] zd1201: do not use stack as URB transfer_buffer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: unregister leds when registration failed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: take the seqno from packet if transmit failed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: don't set the MCAST queue in STA's queue list (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: properly tell the fw that a STA is awake (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix MCAST in AP mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: correctly configure MCAST in AP mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: don't wait for TX status forever (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] nl80211: fix another nl80211_fam.attrbuf race (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] cfg80211: fix P2P GO interface teardown (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: continue using disabled channels while connected (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: fix infinite loop in ieee80211_determine_chantype (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: ignore HT primary channel while connected (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwl4965: reset firmware after rfkill off (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwl4965: set power mode early (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: dvm: don't send BT_CONFIG on devices w/o Bluetooth (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: set SSID bits for passive channels (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] rt2x00: fix stop queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: fix monitor interface suspend crash regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: fix ethtool stats for non-station interfaces (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: fix duplicate retransmission detection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211/minstrel_ht: fix cck rate sampling (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211/minstrel: fix NULL pointer dereference issue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] nl80211: fix mgmt tx status and testmode reporting for netns (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k_htc: reboot firmware if it was loaded (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k_htc: do some initial hardware configuration (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix flushing not started aggregation sessions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: add DELL SKU for 5150 HMC (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: refuse connection to APs with BI < 16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix bug in scan ssid (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix L2P BA ressources leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] mac80211: close AP_VLAN interfaces before unregistering all (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] b43: ensue that BCMA is "y" when B43 is "y" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k: Do not assign noise for NULL caldata (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k: Fix noisefloor calibration (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] ath9k_hw: Assign default xlna config for AR9485 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] rt2x00: rt2800lib: fix default TX power check for RT55xx (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] rt2x00: read 5GHz TX power values from the correct offset (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: wake the queue if stopped when being unmapped (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: fix race in queue unmapping (Stanislaw Gruszka) [992969] - [fs] ext4: don't let i_reserved_meta_blocks go negative (Lukas Czerner) [916592] - [fs] ext4: introduce reserved space (Lukas Czerner) [916592]- [target] Set bi_destructor in iblock_get_bio (Andy Grover) [999490] - [target] Fix calling bdev_get_queue on a NULL *bio (Andy Grover) [999490] - [net] ipv6: remove max_addresses check from ipv6_create_tempaddr (Petr Holasek) [999365] {CVE-2013-0343} - [net] soreuseport: UDP/IPv6 implementation (Thomas Graf) [991600] - [net] soreuseport: TCP/IPv6 implementation (Thomas Graf) [991600] - [net] soreuseport: UDP/IPv4 implementation (Thomas Graf) [991600] - [net] soreuseport: TCP/IPv4 implementation (Thomas Graf) [991600] - [net] soreuseport: infrastructure (Thomas Graf) [991600] - [kernel] prevent an older auditd shutdown from orphaning a newer auditd startup (Richard Guy Briggs) [742562] - [kernel] audit: add an option to control logging of passwords with pam_tty_audit (Richard Guy Briggs) [725100] - [misc] hpilo: Correct panic when an AUX iLO is detected (Nigel Croxon) [996600] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Patch to ignore auxilary iLO devices (Nigel Croxon) [996608] - [netdrv] igb: fix vlan filtering in promisc mode when not in VT mode (Stefan Assmann) [996277] - [char] random: fix priming of last_data (Jarod Wilson) [997985] - [char] random: prime last_data value per fips requirements (Jarod Wilson) [997985] - [char] random: simplify fips mode (Jarod Wilson) [997985] - [fs] nfs: don't extend writes to cover entire page if pagecache is invalid (Jeff Layton) [1002830] - [fs] nfs: fix inode reference leak (Steve Dickson) [998694] - [fs] nfs: Use session max response size for GETDEVICEINFO gdia_maxcount (Steve Dickson) [922810] - [fs] nfs: Simplify the NFSv4 REMOVE, LINK and RENAME compounds (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Simplify the NFSv4 CREATE compound (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Simplify the NFSv4 OPEN compound (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Simplify the cache invalidation code (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Change attribute updates should set NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Simplify nfs_fhget() (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Always trust the PageUptodate flag when we have a delegation (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Optimise away nfs_check_inode_attributes() when holding a delegation (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Dont force page cache revalidations when holding a delegation (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Retrieve attributes _before_ calling delegreturn (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [fs] nfs: Fix a typo in NFS4_enc_link_sz (Steve Dickson) [998697] - [scsi] Fix bug on some bnx2x devices that don't support iSCSI (Tomas Henzl) [957217] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added a driver module parameter max_msix_vectors (Tomas Henzl) [997045] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix for arrays going offline in the system. System hangs (Rich Bono) [996207]- [fs] gfs2: dont overrun reserved revokes (Benjamin Marzinski) [996637] - [s390] qeth: change default standard blkt settings for OSA (Hendrik Brueckner) [997625] - [s390] kernel: z90crypt module load crash (Hendrik Brueckner) [997621] - [s390] dasd: fix hanging devices after path events (Hendrik Brueckner) [996185] - [cpufreq] revert "remove rwsem lock from CPUFREQ_GOV_STOP call -- second call site" (Prarit Bhargava) [869899] - [perf] Fix regs retrieval for tracepoints events (Jiri Olsa) [1000706] - [tools] perf: Fix period symbol_conf.field_sep display (Jiri Olsa) [985968] - [tools] traceevent: Handle dynamic array's element size properly (Jiri Olsa) [664899] - [tools] perf: Fix perf build make command and BuildRequires (Jiri Olsa) [968186] - [tools] perf: Add support for wildcard in tracepoint system name (Jiri Olsa) [664899] - [perf] Add support for PERF_HW_COUNT_REF_CPU_CYCLES (Jiri Olsa) [968806] - [perf] events: Add Intel x86 mapping for PERF_COUNT_HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES (Jiri Olsa) [968806] - [perf] events: Add PERF_COUNT_HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES generic PMU event (Jiri Olsa) [968806] - [perf] events: Enable raw event support for Intel unhalted_reference_cycles event (Jiri Olsa) [968806] - [net] phonet: some signedness bugs (Francesco Fusco) [1000271] - [net] phonet: put protocols array under RCU (Francesco Fusco) [1000271] - [net] openvswitch: Add vxlan tunneling support (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Add tx-vlan offload support (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Improve vxlan headroom calculation (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Factor out vxlan send api (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Extend vxlan handlers for openvswitch (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Add vxlan recv demux (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Restructure vxlan receive (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: Restructure vxlan socket apis (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] openvswitch: Reset tunnel key between input and output (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] openvswitch: Use correct type while allocating flex array (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] openvswitch: Fix bad merge resolution (Amerigo Wang) [981285] - [net] vxlan: fix a soft lockup in vxlan module removal (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix a regression of igmp join (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix rcu related warning (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fdb: replace an existing entry (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [kernel] list: introduce list_first_entry_or_null (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix igmp races (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: unregister on namespace exit (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: add necessary locking on device removal (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Fix kernel crash on rmmod (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix function name spelling (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fdb: allow specifying multiple destinations for zero MAC (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] rtnetlink: allow using zero MAC address in rtnl_fdb_add, rtnl_fdb_del (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] fix address check in rtnl_fdb_del (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: allow removal of single destination from fdb entry (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: introduce vxlan_fdb_parse (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: introduce vxlan_fdb_find_rdst (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: add implicit fdb entry for default destination (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Fix sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: cosmetic cleanup's (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Use initializer for dummy structures (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: port module param should be ushort (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: convert remotes list to list_rcu (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: make vxlan_xmit_one void (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: move cleanup to uninit (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix race caused by dropping rtnl_unlock (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: send notification when MAC migrates (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: move IGMP join/leave to work queue (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix crash from work pending on module removal (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix out of order operation on module removal (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix check for migration of static entry (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: handle skb_clone failure (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: only migrate dynamic FDB entries (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix race between flush and incoming learning (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: defer vxlan init as late as possible (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: use unsigned int instead of unsigned (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: remove the unused rcu head from struct vxlan_rdst (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Update vxlan fdb 'used' field after each usage (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: listen on multiple ports (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: do not set SKB_GSO_UDP (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: allow choosing destination port per vxlan (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: compute source port in network byte order (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: source compatiablity with IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix byte order issues with NDA_PORT (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: document UDP default port (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: update mail address and copyright date (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Allow L2 redirection with L3 switching (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Allow setting destination to unicast address (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: don't bypass encapsulation for multi- and broadcasts (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: use htonl when snooping for loopback address (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: fix some sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Bypass encapsulation if the destination is local (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Fix sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Use IP Tunnels tunnel ENC encap API (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: generalize forwarding tables (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Add vlan support to static neighbors (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: allow live mac address change (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: add DOVE extensions for VXLAN (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: move SET_ETHTOOL_OPS() to vxlan_newlink() (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: specify fl4.proto before calling ip_route_output_key() (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] vxlan: Depend on CONFIG_INET (Amerigo Wang) [923915] - [net] fix invalid usage of netdev->priv_flags (Stanislaw Gruszka) [984373]- [drm] upstream sync to 3.9.9 (Rob Clark) [818344 902637 962824] - [uapi] install UAPI headers in the correct path (Rob Clark) [962824] - [debug] lockdep: provide mutex_lock_nest_lock (Rob Clark) [962824] - [pci] backport PCIE_SPEED_* (Rob Clark) [962824] - [pci] Add PCIe Link Capability link speed and width names (Rob Clark) [962824] - [fs] export get_task_comm() (Rob Clark) [962824] - [x86] sgi-xp: handle non-fatal traps - headers (George Beshers) [956876] - [x86] sgi-xp: handle non-fatal traps (George Beshers) [956876] - [x86] irq: Rename gsi_end gsi_top, and fix off by one errors (Prarit Bhargava) [998602] - [x86] ioapic: In mpparse use mp_register_ioapic (Prarit Bhargava) [998602] - [x86] ioapic: Teach mp_register_ioapic to compute a global gsi_end (Prarit Bhargava) [998602] - [x86] Reinsert "io_apic: initialize nr_ioapic_registers early in mp_register_ioapic()" (Prarit Bhargava) [855057 998602] - [virt] Add a check to catch KVM emulation of Hyper-V (Jason Wang) [985747] - [virt] kvm: Switch to use hypervisor_cpuid_base() (Jason Wang) [985747] - [x86] Introduce hypervisor_cpuid_base() (Jason Wang) [985747] - [kernel] kexec: add the values related to buddy system for filtering free pages (Nigel Croxon) [960746] - [virt] hv_balloon: Initialize the transaction ID just before sending the packet (Jason Wang) [993473] - [virt] hv_balloon: Do not post pressure status if interrupted (Jason Wang) [993473] - [virt] hv_balloon: Fix a bug in the hot-add code (Jason Wang) [993473] - [kernel] sysctl: range checking in do_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies_conv (Francesco Fusco) [972430] - [net] neigh: prevent overflowing params in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/ (Francesco Fusco) [972430] - [net] neigh: fix some compiler warning in net/core/neighbour.c (Francesco Fusco) [972430] - [net] neigh: prohibit negative value for unres_qlen_bytes parameter (Francesco Fusco) [972430] - [net] netfilter: don't permit ct creation with random tuple (Thomas Graf) [994393] - [net] netfilter: fix BUG_ON while removing nf_conntrack with netns (Thomas Graf) [991246] - [net] gro: Fix kcalloc argument order (Amerigo Wang) [995405] - [net] gro: fix a race in gro_cell_poll() (Amerigo Wang) [995405] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix a pointer cast in ip_tunnel_xmit() (Amerigo Wang) [995405] - [virt] xen: avoid allocation causing potential swap activity on the resume path (Radim Krcmar) [996631] - [virt] xen: ensure timer tick is resumed even on CPU driving the resume (Radim Krcmar) [996631] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix race in deleting ipoib_neigh entries (Doug Ledford) [987174] - [scsi] libiscsi: Added new boot entries in the session sysfs (Chris Leech) [994743] - [x86] kvm: use kernel_fpu_begin/end() in kvm_load/put_guest_fpu() (Fam Zheng) [988658] - [block] do not pass disk names as format strings (Alexander Gordeev) [971372] {CVE-2013-2851}- [fs] Revert "ext4: dont let i_reserved_meta_blocks go negative" (Rafael Aquini) [916592] - [fs] Revert "ext4: introduce reserved space" (Rafael Aquini) [916592] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fill in sane dump flag information (Michal Schmidt) [995475 996988] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove zeroing of dump data buffer (Michal Schmidt) [995475 996988] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix dump flag handling (Michal Schmidt) [995475 996988] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix crash in bnx2x_set_vlan_stripping() (Michal Schmidt) [995475] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge with "lpfc 8.3.31: Fixed system panic due to midlayer abort and (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: Removed obsolete fcp_eq_count and fcp_wq_count driver attributes (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Update Copyrights to 2013 for 8.3.38, 8.3.39, and 8.3.40 modifications (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed a race condition between SLI host and port failed FCF rediscovery (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed issue mailbox wait routine failed to issue dump memory mbox command (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed system panic due to unsafe walking and deleting linked list (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: lpfc 8.3.40: Fixed FCoE connection list vlan identifier and add FCF list debug (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Clarified the behavior of the lpfc_max_luns module parameter (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fix to allow OCM to report FEC status (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed a missing return code in a logging message (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed some logging message fields (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed list corruption when lpfc_drain_tx runs (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fix starting reference tag when calculating BG error (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fix inconsistent list removal causes crash (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed system panic during handling unsolicited receive buffer error condition (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fix BlockGuard error checking (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fixed crash during FCoE failover testing (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.40: Fix lpfc_used_cpu to be more dynamic (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed driver handling of CLEAR_LA with NPIV enabled causing SID=0 frames out (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Reduced tmo value set to FLOGI WQE for quick recovery from FLOGI sequence timeout (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Add log message when completes with clean address bit set to zero (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed driver vector mapping to CPU affinity (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed iocb flags not being reset for scsi commands (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed system panic during EEH recovery due to midlayer acting on outstanding I/O (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed not returning FAILED status when SCSI invoking host reset handler failed (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed bad book keeping in posting els sgls to port (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed BlockGuard to take advantage of rdprotect/wrprotect info when available (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Reduced spinlock contention on SCSI buffer list (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed crash when processing bsg's sg list with high memory pages (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Remove lpfc_fcp_look_ahead module parameter (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fix driver issues with SCSI Host reset (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Doorbell formation information logged in dual-chute mode WQ and RQ setup (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fix driver issues with large s/g lists for BlockGuard (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fix driver issues with large lpfc_sg_seg_cnt values (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed pt2pt and loop discovery problems on topology changes (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Remove driver dependency on HZ (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed BlockGuard error reporting (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.39: Fixed VPI allocation issues after firmware dump is performed (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: fix potential NULL pointer dereference in lpfc_sli4_rq_put() (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed potential mis-interpretation of READ_TOPOLOGY reserved fields (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fix default value for lpfc_enable_rrq (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed circular locking dependency and inconsistent lock state issues (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed PT2PT bring up problem for FC SLI4 (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed OXID reuse issue (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed async FCF modified event to in-use FCF failure to trigger recovery (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed deadlock condition in FCF round robin handling (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed bsg timeout handling issues that would result in crashes ? applied and checked into RHEL6.5 (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed degraded performance after cable pulls (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.38: Fixed NMI watch dog panic's when resetting the hba (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: treewide: Fix typos in kernel messages (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: fix lpfc build when wmb() is defined as mb() (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed infinite loop in lpfc_sli4_fcf_rr_next_index_get (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed crash due to SLI Port invalid resource count (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Provide support for FCoE protocol dual-chute (ULP) operation (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed stale ndlp state when the node is marked for deferred removal (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fix potential memory corruption bug (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed no-context ABTS failed with BA_RJT (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Removed use of NOP mailboxes for interrupt verification (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed exhausted retry for plogi to nameserver (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Fixed ELS_REC received on the unsolicited receive queue (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.37: Provide support for change_queue_type (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.36: Correct mask error (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.36: Correct buffer length overrun (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.36: Update DIF support for passthru/strip/insert (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.36: Fix bug with Target Resets and FCP2 devices (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.35: Fixed not checking solicition in progress bit when verifying FCF record for use (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.35: Fixed PRLI not being retried if a LS_RJT with a reason (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.35: Expand I/O channel support for large systems (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.34: Adjust IO Channels to 1 when INTx (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.35: Fix interrupt delay multipler conversion for eq_create (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.34: Correct typecasts for snprintf messages (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.34: Fix number of IO channels to match CPUs (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Fixed debugfs queInfo to include queue stats (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Add lpfc_fcp_look_ahead module parameter (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Make I/O to hw queue distribution algorithm a module parameter (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Change Naming convention for SLI4 Interrupt vector (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Allow per-hba interrupt rate tuning (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Tie parallel I/O queues into separate MSIX vectors (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Add Interrupts per second stats via debugfs (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Parallelize SLI-4 Q distribution (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Formally separate lpfc_sli_ring SLI-3 and SLI-4 variantions (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: 8.3.33: Add debugfs interface to display SLI queue information (Rob Evers) [947546] - [scsi] lpfc: treewide: fix comment/printk/variable typos (Rob Evers) [947546] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.43 (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance virtual NIC logging (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: qlcnic_get_board_name() function cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Implement GET_LED_STATUS command for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: modify reset recovery path in diag mode (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: diagnostics routine changes (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Convert nested if-else to switch-case (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Initialize trans_work and idc_aen_work at VF probe (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove qlcnic_config_npars module parameter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update IRQ name for 8200 and 8300 Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Disable INT-x interrupt for 83xx on driver unload (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support spoof check config (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix LRO bugs while tuning offloads using Q application (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable LRO if it was disabled by RX checksum (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove netdev->trans_start updates within the driver (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Return proper error codes from probe failure paths (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix validation of link event command (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix mailbox response handling (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix bug in diagnostics test reset recovery path (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix reset recovery after transmit timeout (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool supported port status for 83xx (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix missing bracket in module parameter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool strings (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix setting MAC address (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.42 (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add identifying string for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Rename the IRQ description (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enable Interrupt Coalescing for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add eSwitch statistics support (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Take EPORT out of reset sequence before disabling PAUSE (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Enhance channel configuration logs (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.41 (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support polling for mailbox events (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix loopback test for SR-IOV PF (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support VLAN id config (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support MAC address, Tx rate config (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: VF reset recovery implementation (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: VF FLR implementation (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Change 82xx adapter VLAN id endian type (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix typo in logs (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix TSO race condition (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Stop traffic before performing loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix beaconing test for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix set_flags handler for ethtool (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.2.40 (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix NULL dereference in error path (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix potential NULL dereference (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.2.39 (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support atomic commands (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support VF-PF communication channel commands (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: VF-PF communication channel implementation (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use shared interrupt vector for Tx and Rx (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: SR-IOV VF probe (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support SR-IOV enable and disable (Chad Dupuis) [927395] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add QLCNIC_SRIOV to Kconfig (Chad Dupuis) [927395]- [mm] reinstate mmap -EINVAL return error code when mapping length is zero (Rafael Aquini) [995339] - [fs] ext4: introduce reserved space (Lukas Czerner) [916592] - [fs] ext4: dont let i_reserved_meta_blocks go negative (Lukas Czerner) [916592] - [firmware] efivars: Use correct efi_pstore_info struct when calling pstore_register (Lenny Szubowicz) [867689] - [s390] zfcp: block queue limits with data router (Hendrik Brueckner) [952734] - [char] ipmi: eliminate long delay in ipmi_si on SGI UV2 (George Beshers) [876778] - [net] bridge: fix a conflict in if_bridge.h with glibc headers (Amerigo Wang) [981325] - [usb] fix endpoint-disabling for failed config changes (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] Free the allocated memory before exiting on error (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix list access before init (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci-mem: init list heads at the beginning of init (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: override bogus bulk wMaxPacketSize values (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] enclose USB_XHCI_HCD related symbols within a if USB_XHCI_HCD block (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: clarify compliance mode debug messages (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Rename SEGMENT_SIZE and SEGMENT_SHIFT as the former is used in a.out.h (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Use ilog2() rather than __ffs() for calculating SEGMENT_SHIFT (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Don't warn on empty ring for suspended devices (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix TRB transfer length macro used for Event TRB (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix build warning (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix bit definitions for IMAN register (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: correctly enable interrupts (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix memory leak of URB-private data (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect bit test (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix TD size for isochronous URBs (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix isoc TD encoding (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: remove unused trb var in xhci_irq() (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Add Lynx Point LP to list of Intel switchable hosts (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: move HC_STATE_SUSPENDED check to xhci_suspend() (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Stricter conditional for Z1 system models for Compliance Mode Patch (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Extend Fresco Logic MSI quirk (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: fix null-pointer dereference when destroying half-built segment rings (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix TD Size calculation on 1.0 hosts (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix conditional check in bandwidth calculation (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Avoid global symbol pollution with handshake (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Remove assigned but unused ep_ctx (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Remove assigned but unused slot_ctx (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix missing break in xhci_evaluate_context_result (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Fix potential NULL ptr deref in command cancellation (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Remove __force__ __u16 before assigning DeviceRemovable and assign directly (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci-ring: removes unnecessary semicolon (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: update a comment regarding the BOS descriptor to reflect the code (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: sparse fixes (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] Fail a get config when the port is powered off (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Handle clear PORT_POWER feature (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] redefine DeviceRemovable and wHubDelay as _le16 (Don Zickus) [889391] - [usb] xhci: Avoid "dead ports", add roothub port polling (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Handle warm reset failure on empty port (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Ignore port state until reset completes (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Increase reset timeout (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Allow USB 3.0 ports to be disabled (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Ignore xHCI Reset Device status (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Handle auto-transition from hot to warm reset (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] xhci: Handle HS bulk/ctrl endpoints that don't NAK (Don Zickus) [894180] - [usb] Enable LPM after a failed probe (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Don't enable LPM if the exit latency is zero (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Send Set SEL before enablng parent U1/U2 timeout (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: endianness xhci_calculate_intel_u2_timeout (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: fix integer overflow (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Fix LPM disable count mismatch on driver unbind (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Disable LPM while the device is unconfigured (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Fix LPM disable/enable during device reset (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Fix DIV_ROUND_UP compile error (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Fix compile with CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND=n (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Fix core compile with CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND=n (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Disable hub-initiated LPM for comms devices (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Add Intel U1/U2 timeout policy (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Add infrastructure for host-specific LPM policies (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Add macros for interrupt endpoint types (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Reserve one command for USB3 LPM disable (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Some Evaluate Context commands must succeed (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Disable USB 3.0 LPM in critical sections (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Add support to enable/disable USB3 link states (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Allow drivers to disable hub-initiated LPM (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Calculate USB 3.0 exit latencies for LPM (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Refactor code to set LPM support flag (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] Make sure to fetch the BOS desc for roothubs (Don Zickus) [815547] - [usb] xhci: Add roothub code to set U1/U2 timeouts (Don Zickus) [815547] - [scsi] pm8001: Add new driver pmc8001 to RHEL 6.5 (Rich Bono) [922129] - [scsi] bnx2fc: introduce missing kfree (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix common misspellings (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Drivers: scsi: remove __dev* attributes (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Make the fcoe_cltr the SCSI host parent (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.14 (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update copyright dates (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix race condition between IO completion and abort (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Include chip number in the symbolic name (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Enable cached tasks to improve performance (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: adjust duplicate test (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.13 (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Support max IO size to 512KB (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Tx/Rx byte counts reset to 0 when exceeding 32 bit values (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Map the doorbell register between offload and enable requests (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Move offload/upload wait logic into a function (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: support software fcoe target (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: remove useless calls to memset() (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: use fcoe_get_lesb/fcoe_ctlr_get_lesb() directly from libfcoe (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: use fcoe_link_speed_update() from the exported symbol in libfcoe (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: add support to get_netdev for bnx2f_interface (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Use the fcoe_sysfs control interface (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] libfcoe, fcoe, bnx2fc: Add new fcoe control interface (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: treewide: fix typo of "suppport" in various comments (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] fix various printk and comment typos (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] fcoe, bnx2fc, libfcoe: SW FCoE and bnx2fc use FCoE Syfs (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Allocate fcoe_ctlr with bnx2fc_interface, not as a member (Jan Vesely) [916004] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fixed bugs in the handling of unsolicited NOP-Ins (Jan Vesely) [916003] - [scsi] bnx2i: Update version and copyright year 2013 (Jan Vesely) [916003] - [scsi] bnx2i: Drivers: scsi: remove __dev* attributes (Jan Vesely) [916003] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fix typo in printk and comments (Jan Vesely) [916003] - [scsi] bnx2i: fix the bit manipulation when setting the error mask (Jan Vesely) [916003] - [scsi] bnx2i: removed the individual PCI DEVICE ID checking (Jan Vesely) [916003]- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix broken module parameter IntMode (Andy Gospodarek) [958967] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix broken module parameter FdirMode (Andy Gospodarek) [958967] - [fs] fuse: initialize dentry->d_op properly in fuse_direntplus_link() (Brian Foster) [994492] - [fs] nfs4: Fix infinite loop in nfs4_lookup_root (Scott Mayhew) [987426] - [tracing] Replace syscall_meta_data struct array with pointer array (Jiri Olsa) [992987] - [tracing] Replace trace_event struct array with pointer array (Jiri Olsa) [992987] - [mm] percpu: don't implicitly include slab.h from percpu.h (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: fix per_cpu_ptr_to_phys() handling of non-page-aligned addresses (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: explain why per_cpu_ptr_to_phys() is more complicated than necessary (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: fix chunk range calculation (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: should use is_vmalloc_addr() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: fix pcpu_last_unit_cpu (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: fix first chunk match in per_cpu_ptr_to_phys() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: fix trivial bugs in pcpu_build_alloc_info() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: move vmalloc based chunk management into percpu-vm.c (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: misc preparations for nommu support (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: reorganize chunk creation and destruction (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: factor out pcpu_addr_in_first/reserved_chunk() and update per_cpu_ptr_to_phys() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: add __percpu sparse annotations to core kernel subsystems (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: avoid calling __pcpu_ptr_to_addr() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: refactor the code in pcpu_depopulate_chunk() (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: add missing per_cpu_ptr_to_phys() definition for UP (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] percpu: Fix kdump failure if booted with percpu_alloc=page (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] Revert: percpu: fix chunk range calculation (Baoquan He) [878312] - [mm] Revert: percpu: Fix kdump crash_notes content lost in case i386 debug (Baoquan He) [878312] - [md] raid5: fix interaction of 'replace' and 'recovery' (Jes Sorensen) [994382] - [md] raid10: remove use-after-free bug (Jes Sorensen) [994382] - [md] Remove recent change which allows devices to skip recovery (Jes Sorensen) [994382] - [md] raid10: fix two problems with RAID10 resync (Jes Sorensen) [994382] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix several stack info leaks (Doug Ledford) [827601] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove unused include (Doug Ledford) [827601] - [infiniband] hw: import new ocrdma driver from upstream tree (Doug Ledford) [827601] - [infiniband] cma: Export AF_IB statistics (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to specify AF_IB when joining multicast (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to pass AF_IB into resolve (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to bind to AF_IB (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Name changes to indicate only IP addresses supported (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Add ability to query GID addresses (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Export cma_get_service_id() (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Support querying when IB paths are not reversible (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] sa: Export function to pack a path record into wire format (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] ucma: Support querying for AF_IB addresses (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Only listen on IB devices when using AF_IB (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Set qkey for AF_IB (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Expose private data when using AF_IB (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Merge cma_get/save_net_info (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Remove unused SDP related code (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to cma_get_service_id() (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to rdma_resolve_route() (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to rdma_resolve_addr() (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Verify that source and dest sa_family are the same (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Restrict AF_IB loopback to binding to IB devices only (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Add helper functions to return id address information (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Do not modify sa_family when setting loopback address (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Allow user to specify AF_IB when binding (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Update port reservation to support AF_IB (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Add AF_IB support to ip_addr_size (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Include AF_IB in loopback and any address checks (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] cma: Allow enabling reuseaddr in any state (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [infiniband] rdma: Define native IB address (Michal Schmidt) [908111] - [netdrv] mlx4: Set link type for RAW PACKET QPs in the QP context (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Disable VLAN stripping for RAW PACKET QPs (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fetch XRC SRQ in the CQ polling code (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Advertise MW support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Support memory window binding (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove redundant NULL check before kfree (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix compiler warning about uninitialized 'vlan' variable (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Convert is_xxx variables in build_mlx_header() to bool (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove local invalidate segment unused fields (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adjust duplicate test (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix bug unwinding on error in mlx4_ib_init_sriov() (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix build error on platforms where UL is not 64 bits (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix unresolved 64bit math in mellanox/mlx4/en_dcb_nl.c (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Can set maxrate only for TC0 (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Set max rate-limit for a TC (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] dcb: Add an optional max rate attribute (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Disable RFS when running in SRIOV mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Initialize RFS filters lock and list in init_netdev (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Limit the RFS filter IDs to be < RPS_NO_FILTER (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add accelerated RFS support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add rmap support to mlx4_assign_eq (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix small memory leak on error (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Dynamic VST to VST vlan/qos changes (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fail device init if num_vfs is negative (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add warning in case of command timeouts (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Replace sscanf() with kstrtoint() (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add prints when TX timeout occurs (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix a race between napi poll function and RX ring cleanup (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Change log level from error to debug for vlan related messages (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Move register_netdev() to the end of initialization function (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Do not query stats when device port is down (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix resource leak in error flow (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: allow order-0 memory allocations in RX path (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: use one page fragment per incoming frame (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx_en: Timestamping is not supported in slave mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Keep VF assigned MAC in the PF admin table (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Handle unassigned VF MAC address correctly (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix adaptive moderation cq update (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Strengthen VLAN tags/priorities enforcement in VST mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add missing report on VST and spoof-checking dev caps (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix a build error on 32bit arches (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support to get VF config (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add set VF default vlan ID and priority support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add set VF mac address support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add structures to keep VF Ethernet ports information (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add reference counting to MAC registeration (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Disable HW clock overflow check when no HW support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Disable HW timestamping for VFs (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Expose a few helpers to fill DMFS HW strucutures (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Directly expose fields of DMFS HW rule control segment (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Change a few DMFS fields names to match firmare spec (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Match DMFS promiscuous field names to firmware spec (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Move DMFS HW structs to common header file (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reduce warning message for SRQ_LIMIT event to debug level (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add a service task (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Support software timestamping (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add HW timestamping support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Read HCA frequency and map internal clock (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add timestamping device capability (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Implement SRQ object lookup from srqn (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: set correct MTU in SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Translate guest B0 steering rules to DMFS (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add helper function to translate B0 steering rules to DMFS (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Advertize DCB_CAP_DCBX_HOST in getdcbx (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Enable DCB ETS ops only when supported by the firmware (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Added proper description for two device capabilities (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix setting initial MAC address (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Disallow releasing VF QPs which have steering rules (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Always use 64 bit resource ID when doing lookup (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove ethtool flow steering rules before releasing QPs (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix wrong order of flow steering resources removal (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix wrong mask applied on EQ numbers in the wrapper (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Cleanup MAC resources on module unload or port stop (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix race when setting the device MAC address (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix endianness bug in set_param_l (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Turn off device-managed FS bit in dev-cap wrapper if DMFS is not enabled (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Disable mlx4_QP_ATTACH calls from guests if the host uses flow steering (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Implement memory windows allocation and deallocation (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enable memory windows in INIT_HCA and QUERY_HCA (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Disable memory windows for virtual functions (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix allocation of device tx_cq (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Propagate MR deregistration failures to caller (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Rename MPT-related functions to have mpt_ prefix (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add unicast MAC filtering (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Manage hash of MAC addresses per port (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Save previous MAC address of the port so we can replace it later (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Re-arrange ndo_set_rx_mode related code (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Move Ethernet related functionality from mlx4_core to mlx4_en (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Cleanup multiline strings (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Optimize Rx fast path filter checks (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Optimize loopback related checks in data path (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Assigning TX irq per ring (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix compilation error when CONFIG_INET isn't defined (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix error propagation for ethtool helper function (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix transmit timeout when driver restarts port (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Don't reassign port mac address on firmware that supports it (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use firmware driven flow steering hash mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix ethtool rules leftovers after module unloaded (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Block insertion of ethtool steering rules while the interface is down (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix vlan mask for ethtool steering rules (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Validate VLAN IDs provided in ethtool flow steering rules (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix ip/udp steering rules multicast mac when attached via ethtool (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Set correctly allow_loopback flag (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Directly expose fields of HW flow steering rule control segment (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix a race when closing TX queue (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Return proper error code when __mlx4_add_one fails (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use the correct netif lock on ndo_set_rx_mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix traffic loss under promiscuous mode (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Issue the dump eth statistics command under lock (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove redundant code (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add support for destination MAC in steering rules (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use generic etherdevice.h functions (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Set number of rx/tx channels using ethtool (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix TX moderation info loss after set_ringparam is called (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Adjusting moderation per each ring (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove remnants of LRO support (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Unmap UAR also in the case of error flow (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Don't use vlan tag value as an indication for vlan presence (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Perform correct resource cleanup if mlx4_QUERY_ADAPTER() fails (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove annoying debug messages from SR-IOV flow (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix skb truesize underestimation (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] etherdevice.h: Add ether_addr_equal_64bits (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] ethtool: Add destination MAC address to flow steering API (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixing TX queue stop/wake flow (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: nullify cq->vector field when closing completion queue (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Checksum counters per ring (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix vlan table overflow (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Adding 40gb speed report for ethtool (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix crash upon device initialization error (Amir Vadai) [950401 950910 950913 950915] - [net] introduce IFF_NO_UNICAST_FLT (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] ipoib: Add more rtnl_link_ops callbacks (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] ipoib: Add rtnl_link_ops support (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] ib_srp: Eliminate state SRP_TARGET_DEAD - minus system_long_wq (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Allow SRP disconnect through sysfs (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp_transport: Simplify attribute initialization code (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp_transport: Fix attribute registration (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp_transport: Document sysfs attributes (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: use __scsi_target_unblock (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Add Mellanox copyright (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Fix device removal flow (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Add support for iser CM REQ additional info (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Return error to upper layers on EAGAIN registration failures (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Move informational messages from error to info level (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Add module version (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: add support for TIPC protocol (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Fix ipoib_hard_header() return value (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Fix send lockup due to missed TX completion (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] rds: zero last byte for strncpy (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] rds: simplify a warning message (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] rds: limit the size allocated by rds_message_alloc() (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Free ipoib neigh on path record failure so path rec queries are retried (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Fail I/O requests if the transport is offline (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid endless SCSI error handling loop (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid sending a task management function needlessly (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Track connection state properly (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Enable iser when FMRs are not supported (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Avoid error prints on EAGAIN registration failures (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Use proper define for the commands per LUN value advertised to SCSI ML (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Don't attempt to release resources on error flow (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Add version and firmware info to ethtool reporting (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Fix ipoib_neigh hashing to use the correct daddr octets (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Fix crash due to skb double destruct (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] rds: remove depends on CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Call skb_dst_drop() once skb is enqueued for sending (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: send disconnect request without waiting for CM timewait exit (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: destroy and recreate QP and CQs when reconnecting (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce the helper function srp_remove_target() (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Suppress superfluous error messages (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Process all error completions (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce srp_handle_qp_err() (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Simplify SCSI error handling (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Keep processing commands during host removal (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Eliminate state SRP_TARGET_CONNECTING (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] srp: Increase block layer timeout (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] iser: Add more RX CQs to scale out processing of SCSI responses (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] core: Don't touch cmid after dropping reference (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] core: Verify that QP handler is valid before dispatching events (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] uverbs: Implement memory windows support in uverbs (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] core: Add "type 2" memory windows support (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117] - [infiniband] core: Change return value from find_gid_port() (Doug Ledford) [791284 865301 950918 983117]- [fs] autofs: remove autofs dentry mount check (Ian Kent) [947275] - [net] bridge: do not call setup_timer() multiple times (Amerigo Wang) [994430] - [mm] compaction: fixup need_compaction (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] compaction: add compaction to zone_reclaim_mode (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] zone_reclaim: after a successful zone_reclaim check the min watermark (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] compaction: increase the high order pages in the watermarks (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] compaction: don't require high order pages below min wmark (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] compaction: reset before initializing the scan cursors (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] compaction: don't depend on kswapd to invoke reset_isolation_suitable (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] zone_reclaim: compaction: scan all memory with /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] zone_reclaim: remove ZONE_RECLAIM_LOCKED (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [mm] page_alloc: avoid marking zones full prematurely after zone_reclaim() (Andrea Arcangeli) [953225] - [x86] trace: Add irq_enter/exit() in smp_trace_reschedule_interrupt() (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Add config option checking to the definitions of mce handlers (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Do not call local_irq_save() in load_current_idt() (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Move creation of irq tracepoints from apic.c to irq.c (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Add irq vector tracepoints (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Introduce entering/exiting_irq() (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] trace: Add DEFINE_EVENT_FN() macro (Seiji Aguchi) [738712] - [x86] uv3: Trim MMR register definitions after code changes for SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Check current gru hub support for SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Update Time Support for SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Update x2apic Support for SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Update Hub Info for SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Update ACPI Check to include SGI UV3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [x86] uv3: Update MMR register definitions for SGI Ultraviolet System 3 (George Beshers) [988345] - [kernel] coredump: change wait_for_dump_helpers() to use wait_event_interruptible() (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: introduce dump_interrupted() (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: Un-inline the core-dump helper functions (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: sanitize the setting of signal->group_exit_code (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: ensure that SIGKILL always kills the dumping thread (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: only SIGKILL should interrupt the coredumping task (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [kernel] coredump: set ->group_exit_code for other CLONE_VM tasks too (Oleg Nesterov) [773215] - [fs] procfs: allow threads to rename siblings via /proc/pid/tasks/tid/comm (Jerome Marchand) [950840] - [security] selinux: make security_sb_clone_mnt_opts return an error on context mismatch (Jeff Layton) [800218] - [netdrv] bna: fix vlan_grp handling (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix vlgrp handling (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [netdrv] qlge: fix vlgrp handling (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix vlgrp handling (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [fs] nfs4: end back channel session draining (Steve Dickson) [984118] - [fs] nfs4: Fix a pNFS session draining deadlock (Steve Dickson) [984118] - [fs] xfs: Fix delalloc WARN_ON() in xfs_vm_releasepage() (Aaron Tomlin) [991496] - [fs] nfs: Fix access to suid/sgid executables (Niels de Vos) [988135] - [fs] nfs4: don't put ACCESS in OPEN compound if O_EXCL (Niels de Vos) [988135] - [fs] nfs4: Add ACCESS operation to OPEN compound (Niels de Vos) [988135] - [fs] livelock avoidance in sget() (Eric Sandeen) [916811] - [fs] ext4: create a new BH_Verified flag to avoid unnecessary metadata validation (Lukas Czerner) [879163] - [fs] ext4: Fix dirtying of journalled buffers in data=journal mode (Lukas Czerner) [834919] - [fs] ext4: fix ext_remove_space for punch_hole case (Lukas Czerner) [969307] - [fs] ext4: punch_hole should wait for DIO writers (Lukas Czerner) [969307] - [fs] ext4: prevent race while walking extent tree for fiemap (Lukas Czerner) [692063] - [fs] ext4: Fix possibly very long loop in fiemap (Lukas Czerner) [692063] - [fs] ext4: make FIEMAP and delayed allocation play well together (Lukas Czerner) [692063] - [fs] ext4: handle NULL p_ext in ext4_ext_next_allocated_block() (Lukas Czerner) [692063] - [fs] ext4: drop ec_type from the ext4_ext_cache structure (Lukas Czerner) [692063] - [fs] lockd: protect nlm_blocked list (David Jeffery) [967095] - [virt] hv: Populate the guest ID with RHEL info (Jason Wang) [969230] - [virt] hv: Fix a bug in version negotiation code for util services (Jason Wang) [980554] - [netdrv] e1000e: disable ASPM L1 on 82583 (Dean Nelson) [991242] - [pci] Fix bit definitions of PCI_EXP_LNKCAP2 register (Myron Stowe) [989252] - [virt] storvsc: Increase the value of STORVSC_MAX_IO_REQUESTS (Jason Wang) [969537 969548] - [virt] storvsc: Support FC devices (Jason Wang) [969537] - [virt] storvsc: Implement multi-channel support (Jason Wang) [969537] - [virt] storvsc: Update the storage protocol to win8 level (Jason Wang) [969537] - [virt] storvsc: Increase the value of scsi timeout for storvsc devices (Jason Wang) [969548] - [virt] hv: Add the GUID fot synthetic fibre channel device (Jason Wang) [969537] - [s390] sclp: add parameter to specify number of buffer pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [990853] - [usb] fix thread-unsafe anchor utiliy routines (Stanislaw Gruszka) [993005] - [kernel] hung_task: print more info when reporting the problem (Oleg Nesterov) [976899] - [cpufreq] Convert the cpufreq_driver_lock to a rwlock (Prarit Bhargava) [887045] - [scsi] fnic: fix sleeping function called from invalid context during probe (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: potential dead lock in fnic_is_abts_pending() (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: Incremented driver version (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: fix kernel panic due to FIP mode misconfiguration (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: FIP VLAN Discovery Feature Support (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: Fnic Trace Utility (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: New debug flags and debug log messages (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: fnic driver may hit BUG_ON on device reset (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: Fix SGEs limit (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: fixing issues in device and firmware reset code (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: fix for trusted cos (Chris Leech) [829506] - [scsi] fnic: fix incorrect use of SLAB_CACHE_DMA flag (Chris Leech) [829506] - [x86] pmu: prepare for migration support (Paolo Bonzini) [928866] - [x86] kvm: Add code to track call origin for msr assignment (Paolo Bonzini) [928866] - [x86] kvm: add kvm_arch_vcpu_postcreate callback, move TSC initialization (Paolo Bonzini) [928866] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix I217/I218 PHY initialization flow (Dean Nelson) [981032] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable support for new device IDs (Dean Nelson) [981032] - [input] wacom: BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP is not a valid device_type (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: use BTN_TOOL_FINGER to indicate touch device type (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: remove pressure for touch devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: report id 3 returns 4 bytes of data (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: add support for Lenovo tablet ID 0xE6 (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: support 2FGT in MT format (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: support one finger touch the touchscreen way (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: process pen data in its own routine (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: share pen info with touch of the same ID (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: fix runtime PM related deadlock (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: add support for new LCD tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: add defines for packet lengths of various devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [input] wacom: fix error path in wacom_probe() (Aristeu Rozanski) [815589] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] Revert "qla2xxx: Add setting of driver version string for vendor application." (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear the MBX_INTR_WAIT flag when the mailbox time-out happens (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix for locking issue between driver ISR and mailbox routines (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add clarifying printk to thermal access fail cases (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Wait for IDC complete event to finish loopback operation (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't process state change aen for reset owner (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't process RSCNs for a vport on the same physical adapter (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correction of comment in MBC opcode defines (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct list-iteration bug in Report-ID Acquisition codes (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enhancements to support ISPFx00 (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Integrate generic card temperature with mezz card temperature (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add setting of driver version string for vendor application (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the copyright information (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display the lock owner on lock acquire failure (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move loopback mode reset after chip reset check (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Extra loopback error handling for ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: don't free pool that wasn't allocated (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Unload hangs after issuing BSG commands to vport (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do MPI reset only for 81xx (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do link initialization on get loop id failure (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the FTP site references in the driver sources (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reject loopback request if one is already in progress (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print thermal unsupported message (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid null pointer dereference in shutdown routine (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Get VPD information from common location for CNA (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct race in loop_state assignment during reset handling (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display that driver is operating in legacy interrupt mode (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Free rsp_data even on error in qla2x00_process_loopback() (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Dont clear drv active on iospace config failure (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla2xxx driver (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update ql2xextended_error_logging parameter description with new options (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Parameterize the link speed of hba rather than fcport (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add 16Gb/s case to get port speed capability (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move marking fcport online ahead of setting iiDMA speed (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Obtain loopback iteration count from bsg request (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add acquiring of risc semaphore before doing ISP reset (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly set result field of bsg_job reply structure for success and failure (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix coccinelle warnings in qla2x00_relogin (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Ignore driver ack bit if corresponding presence bit is not set (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use correct Request-Q-Out register during bidirectional request processing (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla83xx_fw_dump function (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add Gen3 PCIe speed 8GT/s to the log message (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move noisy Start scsi failed messages to verbose logging level (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Honor status value of 2 for report-id acquisition (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix for warnings reported by sparse (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: No fcport FC-4 type assignment in GA_NXT response (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change in setting UNLOADING flag and FC vports logout sequence while unloading qla2xxx driver (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear unsupported 'states' during Get-FW-State queries (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove spurious taking of ha->vport_slock spinlock (Chad Dupuis) [927382] - [cciss] Silence noisy per-device cciss messages (Tomas Henzl) [972697] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump driver version to v02.100.00.00-rh1 (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: when async scanning is enabled then while scanning, devices are removed but their transport layer entries are not removed (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI2.5 Rev F v2.5.1.1 specification (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Infinite loops can occur if MPI2_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE is not returned (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix for kernel panic when driver loads with HBA conected to non LUN 0 configured expander (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updated the Hardware timing requirements (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: 2013 source code copyright (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: don't wank with fasync on ->release() (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix typos in printk (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: remove unused variables (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove unneeded version.h header inclusion (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: cut and paste bug storing trigger mpi (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] mpt3sas: add new driver supporting 12GB SAS (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: add 12GB definitions for mpt3sas (Tomas Henzl) [839470] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: megaraid_sas driver init fails in kdump kernel (Tomas Henzl) [833299] - [scsi] sd_dif: problem with verify of type 1 protection information (PI) (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] sd: Ensure we correctly disable devices with unknown protection type (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] sd: Avoid remapping bad reference tags (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] sd: Allow protection_type to be overridden (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] Disable DIF on Hitachi Ultrastar 15K300 (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] Fix printing of variable length commands (Ewan Milne) [956402] - [scsi] Fix race between starved list and device removal (Ewan Milne) [916994] - [scsi] Add 'eh_deadline' to limit SCSI EH runtime (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] remove check for 'resetting' (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] dc395: Move 'last_reset' into internal host structure (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] tmscsim: Move 'last_reset' into host structure (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] advansys Remove 'last_reset' references (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] dpt_i2o: return SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY when in reset (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [scsi] dpt_i2o: Remove DPTI_STATE_IOCTL (Ewan Milne) [923876] - [net] ipv6: prevent race between address creation and removal (Jiri Pirko) [953380] - [net] ipv6: call udp_push_pending_frames when uncorking a socket with AF_INET pending data (Jiri Benc) [987651] {CVE-2013-4162} - [net] netlabel: improve domain mapping validation (Paul Moore) [963427] - [net] netlabel: correctly list all the static label mappings (Paul Moore) [918803] - [x86] Revert "io_apic: initialize nr_ioapic_registers early in mp_register_ioapic()" (Rafael Aquini) [855057]- [x86] Revert: power: Initialize MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS due to performance regression (Neil Horman) [968981] - [mm] mmu_notifier: re-fix freed page still mapped in secondary MMU (George Beshers) [910085] - [x86] Round the calculated scale factor in set_cyc2ns_scale() (Prarit Bhargava) [975507] - [x86] sched: Fix overflow in cyc2ns_offset (Prarit Bhargava) [975507] - [virt] virtio: support unlocked queue poll (Jason Wang) [989411] - [netdrv] virtio_net: fix race in RX VQ processing (Jason Wang) [989411] - [watchdog] Use pr_ and pr_ (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] cleanup spaces before tabs (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] sbc_fitpc2_wdt: fix crash on systems without DMI_BOARD_NAME (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] sbc_fitpc2_wdt: fixed "scheduling while atomic" bug (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] sbc_fitpc2_wdt: fixed I/O operations order (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] watchdog_info constify (Don Zickus) [796364] - [watchdog] sbc_fitpc2_wdt: fix I/O space access technique (Don Zickus) [796364] - [block] aoe: adjust ref of head for compound page tails (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update internal version number to v83 (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update copyright date (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: perform I/O completions in parallel (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: replace kmalloc and then memcpy with kmemdup (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: reserve enough headroom on skbs (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: get rid of cached bv variable in bufinit() (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: fix use after free in aoedev_by_aoeaddr() (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update internal version number to 81 (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: identify source of runt AoE packets (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: allow comma separator in aoe_iflist value (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: allow user to disable target failure timeout (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: use dynamic number of remote ports for AoE storage target (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: avoid races between device destruction and discovery (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: improve handling of misbehaving network paths (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: return real minor number for static minors (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: initialize sysminor to avoid compiler warning (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: make error messages more specific in static minor allocation (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: remove call to request handler from I/O completion (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: cleanup: correct comment for aoetgt nout (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: increase default cap on outstanding AoE commands in the network (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: remove vestigial request queue allocation (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: copy fallback timing information on destination failover (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update driver-internal version to 64+ (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: commands in retransmit queue use new destination on failure (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: use high-resolution RTTs with fallback to low-res (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: manipulate aoedev network stats under lock (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: err device: include MAC addresses for unexpected responses (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: improve network congestion handling (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: provide ATA identify device content to user on request (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update driver-internal version number to 60 (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: whitespace cleanup (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: cleanup: remove unused ata_scnt function (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: "payload" sysfs file exports per-AoE-command data transfer size (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: support larger I/O requests via aoe_maxsectors module param (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update cap on outstanding commands based on config query response (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: support the forgetting (flushing) of a user-specified AoE target (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: print warning regarding a common reason for dropped transmits (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: avoid running request handler on plugged queue (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update aoe-internal version number to 50 (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update documentation to better reflect aoe-plus-udev usage (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: remove unused code (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: make dynamic block minor numbers the default (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update and specify AoE address guards and error messages (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: retain static block device numbers for backwards compatibility (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: support more AoE addresses with dynamic block device minor numbers (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update documentation with new URL and VM settings reference (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update copyright year in touched files (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: update internal version number to 49 (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: remove unused code and add cosmetic improvements (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: increase net_device reference count while using it (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: associate frames with the AoE storage target (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: disallow unsupported AoE minor addresses (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: do revalidation steps in order (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: failover remote interface based on aoe_deadsecs parameter (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: use packets that work with the smallest-MTU local interface (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: use a kernel thread for transmissions (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: become I/O request queue handler for increased user control (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: kernel thread handles I/O completions for simple locking (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: for performance support larger packet payloads (David Milburn) [976900] - [block] aoe: assert AoE packets marked as requiring no checksum (David Milburn) [976900] - [md] dm-raid: Remember the last sync operation that was performed (Jonathan E Brassow) [985920] - [md] dm-raid: silence compiler warning on rebuilds_per_group (Jonathan E Brassow) [985920] - [md] dm-raid: Fix raid_resume not reviving failed devices in all cases (Jonathan E Brassow) [913650] - [md] dm-raid: Break-up untidy function (Jonathan E Brassow) [913650] - [md] dm-raid: Add ability to restore transiently failed devices on resume (Jonathan E Brassow) [913650] - [md] dm-raid: Add message/status support for changing sync action (Jonathan E Brassow) [985920] - [md] dm-raid: round region_size to power of two (Jonathan E Brassow) [985920] - [block] nvme: fixup nvme_dev_open for ioctl's (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Return the result from user admin command IOCTL even in case of failure (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add MSI support (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use dma_set_mask() correctly (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Do not cancel command multiple times (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: fix error return code in nvme_submit_bio_queue() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: check for integer overflow in nvme_map_user_pages() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: update NVM EXPRESS DRIVER file list (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix a signedness bug in nvme_trans_modesel_get_mp (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove redundant version.h header include (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use user defined admin ioctl timeout (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Simplify Firmware Activate code slightly (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Only clear the enable bit when disabling controller (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Wait for device to acknowledge shutdown (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Schedule timeout for sync commands (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Meta-data support in NVME_IOCTL_SUBMIT_IO (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Device specific stripe size handling (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Split non-mergeable bio requests (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove dead code in nvme_dev_add (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Check for NULL memory in nvme_dev_add (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix error clean-up on nvme_alloc_queue (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Free admin queue on request_irq error (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add scsi unmap to SG_IO (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: queue usage fixes in nvme-scsi (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE before processing queues (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add a character device for each nvme device (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix endian-related problems in user I/O submission path (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix I/O cancellation status on big-endian machines (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix sparse warnings in scsi emulation (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Don't fail initialisation unnecessarily (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Abstract out sector to block number conversion (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use round_jiffies_relative() for the periodic, once-per-second timer (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add nvme-scsi.c (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add definitions for format command (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Move structures & definitions to header file (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename nvme.c to nvme-core.c (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add discard support for capable devices (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add namespaces with no LBA range feature (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add entry for the NVMe driver (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Initialize iod nents to 0 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Define SMART log (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add result to nvme_get_features (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set result from user admin command (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: End queued bio requests when freeing queue (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Free cmdid on nvme_submit_bio error (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Cancel outstanding IOs on queue deletion (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Free admin queue memory on initialisation failure (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use ida for nvme device instance (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix whitespace damage in nvme_init (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: handle allocation failure in nvme_map_user_pages() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix uninitialized iod compiler warning (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Do not set IO queue depth beyond device max (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set block queue max sectors (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: use namespace id for nvme_get_features (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: replace nvme_ns with nvme_dev for user admin (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix nvme module init when nvme_major is set (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set request queue logical block size (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set number of queues correctly (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Version 0.8 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Set queue flags correctly (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Simplify nvme_unmap_user_pages (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Mark the end of the sg list (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix DMA mapping for admin commands (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename IO_TIMEOUT to NVME_IO_TIMEOUT (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Merge the nvme_bio and nvme_prp data structures (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Change nvme_completion_fn to take a dev (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Change get_nvmeq to take a dev instead of a namespace (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Simplify completion handling (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Update Identify Controller data structure (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Implement doorbell stride capability (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Version 0.7 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Don't probe namespace 0 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix calculation of number of pages in a PRP List (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Create nvme_identify and nvme_get_features functions (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix memory leak in nvme_dev_add() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix calls to dma_unmap_sg (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Correct sg list setup in nvme_map_user_pages (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix bug in NVME_IOCTL_SUBMIT_IO (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rework ioctls (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add the nvme thread to the wait queue before waking it up (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Return real error from nvme_create_queue (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Version 0.6 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add a few calling convention notes (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Handle failures from memory allocations in nvme_setup_prps (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use an IDA to allocate minor numbers (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add include of delay.h for msleep (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add support for timing out I/Os (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename cancel_cmdid_data to cancel_cmdid (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix bug in error handling (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Time out initialisation after a few seconds (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix warning in free_irq (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Correct the Controller Configuration settings (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Version 0.5 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Change the definition of nvme_user_io (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Correct the definitions of two ioctls (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add compat_ioctl (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Simplify queue lookup (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove the kthread from the wait queue (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix off-by-one when filling in PRP lists (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix interpretation of 'Number of Namespaces' field (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove outdated comments (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix comment formatting (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Convert comments to kernel-doc notation (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Update admin opcodes to match the 1.0RC spec (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Version 0.4 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Reduce maximum queue depth by 1 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix discontiguous accesses (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Handle bios that contain non-virtually contiguous addresses (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Implement Flush (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Mark CMD_CTX_CANCELLED as being unlikely (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Correct SQ doorbell semantics (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Let the kthread take care of devices earlier (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename nr_queues to nr_io_queues (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove setting of 'flags' in rw command (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Release 0.3 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add a kthread to handle the congestion list (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Handle failures differently in nvme_submit_bio_queue() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Update BAR structure to match the current spec (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Handle physical merging of bvec entries (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Check for DMA mapping failure (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Pass the nvme_dev to nvme_free_prps and nvme_setup_prps (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Optimise memory usage for I/Os between 4k and 128k (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Switch to use DMA Pool API (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename nvme_req_info to nvme_bio (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Initial PRP List support (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Advance the sg pointer when filling in an sg list (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Renumber the special context values (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Handle the congestion list a little better (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Record the timeout for each command (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Need to lock queue during interrupt handling (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Detect command IDs completing that are out of range (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Detect commands that are completed twice (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use a symbolic name to represent cancelled commands instead of 0 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add a module parameter to use a threaded interrupt (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Call put_nvmeq() before calling nvme_submit_sync_cmd() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Allow fatal signals to interrupt I/O (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Release 0.2 (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add download / activate firmware ioctls (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add remaining status codes (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Move sysfs entries to the right place (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Disable the device before we write the admin queues (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Request I/O regions (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Allow queues to be allocated above 4GB (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Enable device DMA (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Enable and disable the PCI device (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Check returns from nvme_alloc_queue() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Remove 'node' from nvme_dev (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Read the model, serial & firmware rev from the controller (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add NVME_IOCTL_SUBMIT_IO (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Create nvme_map_user_pages() and nvme_unmap_user_pages() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Change NVME_IOCTL_GET_RANGE_TYPE to return all the ranges (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Zero the command before we send it (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Add nvme_setup_prps() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Make nvme_common_command more featureful (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Use PRP2 for the nvme_identify ioctl (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Fix admin IRQ claim on real hardware (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Rename 'cycle' to 'phase' (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Implement per-CPU queues (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Reduce set_queue_count arguments by one (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: Factor out queue_request_irq() (David Milburn) [922973] - [block] nvme: New driver (David Milburn) [922973]- [alsa] fix for !CONFIG_SND_DMA_SGBUF after ALSA update from upstream (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add new GPU codec ID to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: pm_runtime backport specific fixes to get things working (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm: try to retain kABI compatibility / modversions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: remove unused variable warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] rawmidi: fix oops (use after free) when unloading a driver module (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] rawmidi: fix the get next midi device ioctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] rawmidi: fix opened substreams count (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: automatically add .llseek fop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] timer: Add NULL-check for invalid slave timer (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] timer: Fix Oops at closing slave timer (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] take tu->qlock with irqs disabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] jack: Add "Line In" input jack constants (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] jack: fix one memory leak in sound jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] vmaster: Fix the regression of missing vmaster hook call (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] vmaster: Add snd_ctl_sync_vmaster() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] vmaster: Fix slave change notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] vmaster: fix core/vmaster.c kernel-doc warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] vmaster: Free slave-links when freeing the master element (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] control: Fix missing VOLATILE flag at creating controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] control: Fixe a trailing white space error (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: release the constraint check for replace ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: trivial code style fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] control: clean up snd_ctl_hole_check() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] control: fix numid conflict check for new controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: Define llseek fops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm: Optimize the call of snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr() in read/write loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm: fix race condition in wait_for_avail() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm_lib: avoid timing jitter in snd_pcm_read/write() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm: Don't check DMA time-out too shortly (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm_lib: fix xrun_log (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] pcm_lib: xrun_log log also in_interrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: Avoid endless sleep after disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] PCM: Fix some races at disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] info: Small refactoring and a sanity check in snd_info_get_line() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] info: Avoid leaking kernel memory (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] info: Implement common llseek for binary mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] info: Remove BKL (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] info: Check file position validity in common layer (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: remove unused variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: Don't use 'default' for default (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Fix yet another race in disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] fix comment/printk typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] core: Allow card id change to the same string (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_CA0132_DSP define to rhel specific config (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Keep halting ALC5505 DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix EAPD vmaster hook for AD1884 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add Dell SSID to support Headset Mic recording (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: relase -> release (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix the max length of control name in generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Guess what, it's two more Dell headset mic quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Yet another Dell headset mic quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add support for ALC5505 DSP power-save mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing alc_inv_dmic_sync() call in alc269_resume() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous stac_resume() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: poll eld at resume time (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: clean up code to reset hda link (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add In-driver connection info (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use auto_mute_via_amp=1 for VT1708 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add auto_mute_via_amp flag to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: reset hda link during system/runtime suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Make Thinkpad X220-tablet use generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing Mic Boost controls for VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use snd_hda_check_power_state() in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid choose same converter for unused pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Cache the MUX selection for generic HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Haswell converter power state D0 verify (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix return value of snd_hda_check_power_state() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't take unresponsive D3 transition too serious (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Introduce bit flags to snd_hda_codec_read/write() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Drop hard dependency on CONFIG_SND_DYNAMIC_MINORS (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Use standard snd_hda_shutup_pins() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add models for Dell headset jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix pin configurations for MacBook Air 4,2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Headset mic support for three more machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add mic fixup for ALC269VB on Ordissimo EVE2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Clean up duplicated codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Fix wrongly cleared pins after suspend on VT1802 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add keep_eapd_on flag to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow setting automute/automic hooks after parsing (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Disable broken dynamic power control (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add headset quirk for two Dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add dock support for Thinkpad T431s (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous pci_set_drvdata() at remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable mic-mute LED on more HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add PCI IDs for Intel BayTrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda: Fix wrong power setup for HP paths of VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add headset mic support for another Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check the activity of the NID to be powered down (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix wrong power setup for HP paths of VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda: Don't set up active streams twice (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Apply pin-enablement workaround to all Haswell HDMI codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix Oops caused by dereference NULL pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix 3.9 regression of EAPD init on Conexant codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix system panic when DMA > 40 bits for Nvidia audio controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move Thinkpad X220 to use auto parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add the support for ALC286 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Limit internal mic boost for a few Asus machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Disable the sanity check in snd_hda_add_pincfg() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix error return code in patch_alc662() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't call vmaster hook when bus->shutdown is set (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fixup D3 pin and right channel mute on Haswell HDMI audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use the primary DAC for all aamix outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix aamix activation with loopback control on VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix headset mic support for Asus X101CH (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Implement headset jack functionality for some Dell hw (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Handle Headphone Mic jack more generic (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add some small convenience functions to auto parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: allow "Headphone Mic" parser flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add a quirk for AC700 Chromebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/cirrus: Add a quirk for Stumpy ChromeBox (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Update latency based on DSP state (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Introduce get_delay codec PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix uninitialized variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow power_save_controller option override DCAPS" (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix typo in proc output (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enabling Realtek ALC 671 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: bug fix on HDMI ELD debug message (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: bug fix on return value when getting HDMI ELD info (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Delay HP amp turnon (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: VIA prefers side surrounds over HP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Lower the badness for independent HP penalty (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow codec drivers to give own badness tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix DAC assignment for independent HP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable "Headset Mic" name for some Dell Latitude devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Introduce "Headset Mic" name (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix abuse of snd_hda_lock_devices() for DSP loader (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix typo in checking IEC958 emphasis bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix yet missing GPIO/EAPD setup in cirrus driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add GPIO-based LED support on HP desktop machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Make the resume of digital beep setup proper (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix power-saving during playing beep sound (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move beep attach/detach calls in hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/cirrus: Fix the digital beep registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing beep detach in patch_conexant.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing EAPD/GPIO setup for Cirrus codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Remove extra setting of dsp_state (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Check download state of DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Check if dspload_image succeeded (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Disable IDT eapd_switch if there are no internal speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't apply EAPD power filter as default (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow unlimited pins and converters in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Drop explicit memset() by reallocation with __GFP_ZERO (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix snd_hda_get_num_raw_conns() to return a correct value (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't re-initialize shared hp/mic pinctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid automatic pin-ctl update for hp/mic when jack ctl exists (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Consolidate add_in_jack_modes and add_out_jack_modes hints (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow to change I/O direction in hp/mic jack mode ctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add some model name strings for ALC260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Handle shared hp/mic jack mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add the generic Headphone Mic feature (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add support of new codec ALC233 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Avoid division by zero in dspxfr_one_seg() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: check NULL pointer when creating SPDIF PCM switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: check NULL pointer when creating SPDIF controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable beep for ASUS EeeBox EBP1501P (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Make jacks phantom, if they're not detectable (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Notify userspace when ELD control changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Protect ELD buffer (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Refactor hdmi_eld into parsed_hdmi_eld (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Do not expose eld data when eld is invalid (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: ELD shouldn't be valid after unplug (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix the silent speaker output on Fujitsu S7020 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add quirks for mute LED on two HP machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove speaker clicks on CX20549 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Disable runtime PM for Intel 5 Series/3400 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Increase badness for missing multi-io (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix broken workaround for HDMI/SPDIF conflicts (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add missing n to debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix type of INVALID_CHIP_ADDRESS (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: update documentation for no-primary-hp fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Workaround for silent output on Sony Vaio VGC-LN51JGB with ALC889 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Slight optimization for build with DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix memory leak and error handling in CA0132 DSP loader (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Improve the DSP transfer timeout calculations (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/intel: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Yet another fix for broken HSW HDMI pin connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup for Haswell to enable all pin and convertor widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Support rereading widgets under the function group (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove limit of widget connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Set non-snoop for Creative HD-audio controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix misc compile warnings in patch_ca0132.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic array for loopback list management (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable loopback accounts for CONFIG_PM=n, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Apply mic-mute LED fixup for new HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: detect jacks on VT1708 even when no streams are active (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix phantom jacks on VT1708 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add new Kconfig CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_CA0132_DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Release assigned pin/cvt at error path of hdmi_pcm_open() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: New PCI ID for Haswell ULT (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add support for IDT 92HD95 HDA codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix non-snoop page handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable LPIB delay count for Poulsbo / Oaktrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix powermap for external mics on IDT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix inverted internal mic on Acer AOA150/ZG5 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable power down of unused widgets for IDT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Implement path-based power filter to the generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_check_power_state() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Synchronize the power state at the end of codec init (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add power state filtering (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Fix wrong checks of power state bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix wrong arguments for path deactivation checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add auto-mute support to PB desktop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a fixup for Packard-Bell desktop with ALC880 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add chained_before flag to the fixup entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Small code refactoring about path re-initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing path between aamix and outputs in AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix inconsistent pin states after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid snd_BUG_ON() in alc271_hp_gate_mic_jack() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Select auto-parser as default for AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Convert some static quirks to fixup codes for AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Rearrange for dropping static quirk codes in AD codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add SPDIF mux control to AD codec auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Combine snd_hda_codec_flush_*_cache() to a single function (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing call of cmd flush in capture volume put callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing exports to helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Revive SPDIF mux for IDT/STAC codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Disable HP auto-mute during independent HP mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Set individual name to secondary analog PCM stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add aamix NID to AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add Conexant CX20755/20756/20757 codec IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add aamix NID to IDT 92HD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous header inclusions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Enable parsing the independent HP mode as default for VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix conflicts between Loopback Mixing and Independent HP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check aamix-output paths from other DACs, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing badness evaluation for unresolved paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Set the pin targets after deciding output config (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Improve debug prints for output paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup for Acer AO725 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Set mixer NID 0x19 for CX20551 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Correct more array rooms in hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix the wrong adc_idx for capture source (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't add unnecessary indices on HDMI and SPDIF (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: don't compare with yourself in fill_input_pin_labels (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: make sure there are enough input labels and paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix speaker pin of FSC Lifebook S7110 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add boost to line inputs, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Add bass speaker support for HP ENVY Spectre XT (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Consolidate cap_sync_hook and capture_switch_hook (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing call of capture_switch_hook (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Look for boost controls more deeply (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid mute in path activation (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Unify input label creations in generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Keep autocfg.input idx value in imux table (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing unsol event handler in some codec drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser for STAC/IDT codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Improve naming rule for primary output (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add PCM capture hook to hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Record all detected ADCs in hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move vmaster TLV parsing to snd_hda_gen_parse_auto_config() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add input jack mode enum controls to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Minor cleanup/fixes for patch_sigmatel.c fixup transition (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Give more comments to hda_gen_spec flags (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add suppress_auto_mute flag to hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Record the current speaker / LO mute status in hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Properly call automute/switch hooks at init (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Make sure fill_all_dac_nids is called for digital only codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: force different capture controls if amp caps differ (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: do not add non-existing Mic boost controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: initialize channel counts correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix wrong adc_idx in generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check array bounds in get_input_path (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Make some symbols static (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add prefer_hp_amp flag to hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix a wrong comma in snd_printdd() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Declare firmware only when really built (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix possible invalid DMA channel deallocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix possible NULL dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix another smatch warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix superfluous unsigned check (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Use snd_hda_set_pin_ctl() helper again (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda: Add firmware caching to CA0132 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix potential init errors and update module description (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Shuffle to group together related code (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Code shuffle to group similar functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add tuning controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add unsol handler for DSP and jack detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add PCM enhancements (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add DSP mixer controls and helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Init chip, DSP effects and mixer settings (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Add new definitions and structs for DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix OOPS in hda_mark_cmd_cache_dirty (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Remove superfluous fields from sigmatel_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Move w/a for HP Mini 110 LED to fixup table (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Remove PCI id check in find_mute_led_cfg() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for IDT92HD83xxx (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for IDT92HD73xx (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for IDT92HD71Bxx (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check pincap while parsing the configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC927x (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC922x (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC9205 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC9872 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC925x (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard fixup table for STAC9200 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add capture_switch_hook to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser for VIA codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add generic parser support to Analog Device codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Rearrange for dropping static quirk codes in Coexant driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser in Conexant codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser for Cirrus codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser for CA0110 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic codec parser for C-Media codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow user to give hints for codec parser behavior (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_get_int_hint() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Protect user-defined arrays via mutex (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Generic mute LED implementation for HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix the timing for some fixups (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add a fixup for FSC S7020 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add output jack mode enum controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Update automute / automic upon jack retasking (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a new fixup type to override pinctl values (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Read the cached pinctl value in fixups (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop aliases for old fixups (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid auto-mute or auto-mic of retasked jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Manage current pinctl values in generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: More strict correction of invalid pinctl bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add helper functions to cache the current pinctl target (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clear the dropped paths properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow aamix as a capture source (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix inconsistent input_paths after ADC reduction (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Return "Headphone Mic" from hda_get_autocfg_input_label() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Exclude aamix from capture paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a flag to suppress mic auto-switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Handle BOTH jack port as a fixed output (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Re-define snd_hda_parse_nid_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Manage input paths via path indices (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix multi-io channel mode management (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't set up active streams twice (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove unused dac reference in create_multi_out_ctls() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use direct path reference in assign_out_path_ctls() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clear path indices properly at each re-evaluation (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add brief comments to exported snd_hda_gen_*_() functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove dead HDA_CTL_BIND_VOL and HDA_CTL_BIND_SW codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_gen_free() and snd_hda_gen_check_power_status() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow jack detection when polling is enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add pcm_playback_hook to hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Drop bind-volume workaround (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Drop unneeded pin argument from set_output_and_unmute() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing slave names for Speaker Surround, etc (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Prefer binding the primary CLFE output (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix truncated control names (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add Loopback Mixing control (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Correct aamix output paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Initialize digital-input path properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Manage using output/loopback path indices (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix multi-io pin assignment in create_multi_out_ctls() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Simplify the multi-io assignment with multi speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check the existing path in snd_hda_add_new_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid duplicated path creations (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Initialize output paths with current active states (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't skip amp init for activated paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add hooks for HP/line/mic auto switching (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Revive snd_hda_get_conn_list() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add codec->inv_jack_detect flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add inv_eapd flag to struct hda_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Implement independent HP control (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow aamix in the primary output path (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Define HDA_PARSE_* for snd_hda_parse_nid_path() argument (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix typos in debug_show_configs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add more debug prints about new paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Drop spec->channel_mode field from hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix PCM name string for generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use cached version for changing pins in hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Dynamically turn on/off EAPD in generic codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix initialization of primary outputs in hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Refactor init_extra_out() in hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clear unsol enable bits on unused pins in generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add spec->vmaster_mute_enum flag to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Begin HDA_GEN_* event tag from 1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Increase the max depth of widget connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid access of amp cache element outside mutex (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix wrong dirty check in snd_hda_codec_resume_amp() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Do sequential writes in snd_hda_gen_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add / fix comments about capture vol/sw controls in hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing amp cache flush for bound capture vol/sw ctls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_codec_flush_*_cache() aliases (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Flush dirty amp caches before writing inv_dmic fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check CORB overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clear cached_write flag in snd_hda_codec_resume_*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clear dirty flag upon cache write (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow one chance for zero NID in connection list (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use "Capture Source" for single sources (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use generic parser codes for Realtek driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Export standard jack event handlers for generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix NULL dereference in snd_hda_gen_build_controls() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move the call of snd_hda_parse_pin_defcfg() from snd_hda_gen_parse_auto_config() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Export snd_hda_gen_add_kctl() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add EAPD control to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Merge Realtek parser code to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove redundant argument from alc_mux_select() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: More generic auto-mic switching for Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Rearrange INPUT_PIN_ATTR_* (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix split stereo dmic code (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move fixup code into struct hda_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add conexant-style inverted dmic handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Allow multiple individual capture volume/switch controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Allow passing name=NULL to alc_kcontrol_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Merge a few split functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Assign Master mixer when possible (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Handle vmaster hook in the parser side (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove unused fields and macro definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop auto_mic_valid_imux flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Allow different pins for shared hp/mic vref check (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Parse digital input path (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rename add_new_out_path() with add_new_nid_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove superfluous input amp init (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Clean up some spec fields (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Make input path parser more generic (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Don't change connection at path deactivation (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Initialize loopback paths properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add boost volumes to path list (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add missing initialization of multi-io routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix the initialization of pin amp-in (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rename get_out_path() to get_nid_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Use path-based parser for digital outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Consolidate to a single path list (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Consolidate is_reachable_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add path active flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove non-standard automute mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Introduce snd_hda_codec_amp_init*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Introduce cache & flush cmd / amp writes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove snd_hda_codec_amp_update() call from patch_*.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix initialization of input amps in output paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Check amp capabilities of aa-mixer widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Parse analog loopback paths more generically (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Parse input paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Make path->idx and path->multi consistent (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Simplify the output volume initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Reduce vol/mute ctl lookups at parsing codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix mono amp values in proc output (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Manage mixer controls in out_path list (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add output path parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: List up all available DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Simplify alc_auto_is_dac_reachable() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add support of new codec ALC284 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow power_save_controller option override DCAPS (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda: Shut up pins at power-saving mode with Conexant codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Disable runtime D3 for Intel CPT & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: print power state for AFG node in proc file (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add mute LED for HP Pavilion 17 (Realtek codec) (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Switch "On" and "Off" for "Mute-LED Mode" kcontrol (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix sound resume hang (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: bug fix for invalid connection list of Haswell HDMI codec pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix the wrong pincaps set in ALC861VD dallas/hp fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Set codec->single_adc_amp flag for Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous zero-clear memset in patch_ca0132.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix NULL dereference in error path of patch_ca0132.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove unnecessary struct hda_stream_format from CA0132 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Update chipio functions and DSP write wait timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Change return value for load_dsp_prepare() to -ENOSYS (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add comments and descriptions to CA0132 functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add firmware caching to CA0132 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Update CA0132 codec to load DSP firmware binary (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add DSP firmware enums and defs to CA0132 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add CA0132 register definitions file (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add new DSP loader callback routines (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda: bug fix for invalid connection list of Haswell HDMI codec pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: bug fix for invalid connection list of Haswell HDMI codec pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Always turn on pins for HDMI/DP (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix pin configuration of HP Pavilion dv7 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move runtime PM check to runtime_idle callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add stereo-dmic fixup for Acer Aspire One 522 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Avoid doubly suspend after vga switcheroo (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Check validity of CORB/RIRB WP reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: use usleep_range in link reset and change timeout check (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Add support for codec VT1808 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: Add support for codec VT1705CF (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove the rest of __devinit* in comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous DELAYED_INIT*_MARK (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: remove __dev* attributes (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add PCI device prefix for clarity (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix yet another race of vga_switcheroo registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Keep the channel count for multiple speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a helper function for simple enum kcontrols (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Pass errors properly in alc_auto_check_switches() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Refactor alc_kcontrol_new() usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard sort function in hda_auto_parser.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Call snd_array_init() early and only once (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix build without CONFIG_PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a fixup for internal mic on MacBook Pro 8,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing verb applications in patch_cirrus.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Move static ADC setup for CS4206 to init verbs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't release firmware when CONFIG_PM is set (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't overwrite the pin default configs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove shutup calls in free callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Use standard helper functions in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/cirrus: Correctly clear line_out_pins when moving to speaker (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add support for Realtek ALC292 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Limit runtime PM support only to known Intel chips (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix Acer Aspire models with analog mics (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Allow jack state to depend on another jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix recursive suspend/resume call (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add a missing quirk entry for iMac 9,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Removed unused non-standard name "C/LFE" (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Give standard "Bass Speaker" mixer for 2.1 speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add new codec ALC668 and ALC900 (default name ALC1150) (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Improve HP depop when system enter to S3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add pin fixups for ASUS G75 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid connections in VT1802 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix empty DAC filling in patch_via.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Keep power link on for PantherPoint HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Force to reset IEC958 status bits for AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Mark CS260x immutable structures const (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix digital microphone on CS420x (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Cirrus: Fix coefficient index for beep configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: stop setup_dig_out_stream() causing clicks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add tracepoints to HD-audio controller driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: remove unused variable in azx_position_ok() (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Don't enable unsol for jacks we're polling (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add workaround for conflicting IEC958 controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Print PCI device name at "spurious message" warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Implement a poll loop for jacks as a module parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Make hda sound card usable for Loongson (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix mute-LED setup for HP dv5 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent headphone output from Toshiba P200 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add dock support for Thinkpad T430 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Always check array bounds in alc_get_line_out_pfx (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Stop LPIB delay counting on broken hardware (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix registration race of VGA switcheroo (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clean up superfluous position_fix list entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: do not detect jack on internal speakers for Realtek (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing beep on ASUS X43U notebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove AZX_DCAPS_POSFIX_COMBO (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Warn an allocation for an uninitialized array (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/cirrus: Add missing init/free of hda_gen_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix memory leaks at error path in patch_cirrus.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add missing hda_gen_spec to struct via_spec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: remove "Mic Jack Mode" for headset jacks (Latitude Exx30) (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: make Cirrus codec use generic unsol event handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: make VIA codec use generic unsol event handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Remove dead GPIO code for VIA codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add new codec ALC283 ALC290 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: avoid unneccesary indices on "Headphone Jack" controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: fix indices on boost volume on Conexant (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix hang caused by race during suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clean up redundant FG checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix detection of ALC271X codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add inverted internal mic quirk for Lenovo IdeaPad U310 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: make Realtek/Sigmatel/Conexant use the generic unsol event (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: make a generic unsol event handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add PCI identifier for Intel 5 Series/3400 (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: use LPIB for delay estimation (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: force use of SSYNC bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda/via: don't report presence on HPs with no presence support (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Add external mic quirk for Asus Zenbook UX31A (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Yet another fix for D3 stop-clock refcounting (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Optimize bitfield usage in struct hda_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix D3 clock stop check for codecs with own set_power_state op (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Clean up CONFIG_SND_HDA_POWER_SAVE (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix runtime PM leftover refcounts (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: bug fix on references without checking CONFIG_SND_HDA_POWER_SAVE (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: add runtime PM support (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible compile warnings regarding CONFIG_PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] hda: Convert to new pm_ops for PCI drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [916264] - [alsa] Revert: hda_intel: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (Jarod Wilson) [916264]- [virt] kvm: validate userspace_addr of memslot (Petr Matousek) [950498] {CVE-2013-1943} - [x86] edac: Apply patch to support ECC error decoding for Fam16h (Kim Naru) [922941] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus sanity checks (Niels de Vos) [981741] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus cleanup (Niels de Vos) [981741] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus change attributes once (Niels de Vos) [981741] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus fix instantiate (Niels de Vos) [981741] - [fs] fuse: fix readdirplus dentry leak (Niels de Vos) [981741] - [fs] fuse: hold i_mutex in fuse_file_fallocate() (Brian Foster) [979433] - [fs] cifs: on send failure, readjust server sequence number downward (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: don't try to unlock pagecache page after releasing it (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: bugfix for unreclaimed writeback pages in cifs_writev_requeue() (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: move check for NULL socket into smb_send_rqst (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: fix writeback race with file that is growing (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: adjust sequence number downward after signing NT_CANCEL request (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: remove kmap lock (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: replace kvec array in readdata with a single kvec (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: convert async read code to use pages array without kmapping (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: turn the pages list in cifs_readdata into an array (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: allocate kvec array for cifs_readdata as a separate allocation (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: remove the kmap size limit from wsize (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: convert async write code to pass in data via rq_pages array (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: change cifs_call_async to use smb_rqst structs (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: teach signing routines how to deal with arrays of pages in a smb_rqst (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: teach smb_send_rqst how to handle arrays of pages (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: cork the socket before a send and uncork it afterward (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: convert send code to use smb_rqst structs (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: change signing routines to deal with smb_rqst structs (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: print error code if smb signature verification fails (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: rename cifs_sign_smb2 to cifs_sign_smbv (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: remove bogus reset of smb_buf_length in smb_send routines (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: convert cifs_iovec_write to use async writes (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: call cifs_update_eof with i_lock held (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: fix up get_numpages (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: fix allocation in cifs_write_allocate_pages (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: allow caller to specify completion op when allocating writedata (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: add pid field to cifs_writedata (Sachin Prabhu) [877010] - [fs] cifs: fix issue mounting of DFS ROOT when redirecting from one domain controller to the next (Sachin Prabhu) [976535] - [fs] gfs2: go back to try locks if reservation does not fit our needs (Robert S Peterson) [989669] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_get_buftarg_list (Eric Sandeen) [973769] - [fs] xfs: check for stale inode before acquiring iflock on push (Brian Foster) [971441] - [fs] xfs: fix sgid inheritance for subdirectories inheriting default acls (Carlos Maiolino) [876528] - [fs] xfs: use XFS_BMAP_BMDR_SPACE vs. XFS_BROOT_SIZE_ADJ (Eric Sandeen) [886566] - [fs] xfs: check on-disk, not incore, btree root size in dfrag.c (Eric Sandeen) [886566] - [fs] writeback: avoid extra sync work at enqueue time (Eric Sandeen) [915546] - [fs] writeback: the kupdate expire timestamp should be a moving target (Eric Sandeen) [915546] - [fs] fix typo on bio_get_nr_vecs (Carlos Maiolino) [982344] - [fs] gfs2: Reserve journal space for quota change in do_grow (Robert S Peterson) [976823] - [fs] nfsd: permit read opens of executable-only files (Niels de Vos) [988120] - [fs] nfsd: when dentry_open returns an error do not propagate as struct file (Harshula Jayasuriya) [987142] - [fs] nfs: Make nfs_readdir revalidate less often (Scott Mayhew) [976879] - [fs] nfs: Make nfs_attribute_cache_expired() non-static (Scott Mayhew) [976879] - [fs] nfs: set verifier on existing dentries in nfs_prime_dcache (Scott Mayhew) [976879] - [fs] nfs: fix open() O_RDONLY|O_TRUNC in NFS4.0 (Jeff Layton) [982688] - [fs] vfs: remove unused __d_splice_alias argument (J. Bruce Fields) [820446] - [fs] vfs: stop d_splice_alias creating directory aliases (J. Bruce Fields) [820446] - [fs] nfs: Allow nfs_updatepage to extend a write under additional circumstances (Scott Mayhew) [983288] - [fs] nfs: add filehandle crc for debug display (Dave Wysochanski) [918580] - [fs] nfs: add fh_crc to debug output (Dave Wysochanski) [918580] - [fs] nfs: Add a client-side function to display NFS file handles (Dave Wysochanski) [918580] - [fs] nfs: include filelayout DS rpc stats in mountstats (Steve Dickson) [963096] - [fs] nfs: fix a leak at nfs_lookup_revalidate() (Dave Wysochanski) [975211] - [fs] NFS returns EIO for EDQUOT and others (Scott Mayhew) [888944] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that NFS file unlock waits for readahead to complete (Dave Wysochanski) [976915] - [fs] nfs: Add functionality to allow waiting on all outstanding reads to complete (Dave Wysochanski) [976915] - [fs] nfs: Convert nfs_get_lock_context to return an ERR_PTR on failure (Dave Wysochanski) [976915] - [netdrv] lseek() does not go to eof - n (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Driver and Firmware Updated (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Enahncement to Identify Default IOC Function (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Fix Ucast Failure Handling (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Clear Driver Config Flags When HW Resets (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: add missing iounmap() on error in bnad_init() (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: dma_alloc_coherent: use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset() (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: fix declaration mismatch (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Driver Version Updated to (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Firmware update (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Add RX State (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Rx Page Based Allocation (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: TX Intr Coalescing Fix (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Tx and Rx Optimizations (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: use device model DMA API (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Code Cleanup and Enhancements (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: remove useless calls to memset() (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [netdrv] bna: Fix warning false positive (Ivan Vecera) [928987] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: dis-associate bfa path_tov with dev_loss_tmo (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Support for chinook-quad port card (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: fix endianess issue for firmware stats (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix bug_on condition in RPSC rsp handling (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Allow rsp queue process during ioc disable (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: firmware statistics update (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: fru vpd date update changes (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: driver compatibility with 32bit libs (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: kdump fix on 815 and 825 adapters (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix FDISC timeout handling (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix 1860 port initialize when ATC is enabled (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: FDMI enhancements (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix WARN_ON condition check (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add dynamic diagnostic port support (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Forward Error Correction status (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Support for FC BB credit recovery (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: fix for FC Direct Attach LUN discovery failure (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: fix faulty handling of events in lps sm (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: fix strncpy() limiter in bfad_start_ops() (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to read/update the FRU data (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Support Power on Hours display and diag temp sensor fixes (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to configure min/max bandwidth for a pcifn (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support for IO throttling at port level (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support for user to configure bandwidth on QoS priorities (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fabric Assigned Address implementation fix (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add diagnostic port support (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to handle firmware tskim abort request response (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix few attributes in the RHBA CT passthru command (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to have mfg date as part of adapter attributes (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Flash Controller PLL initialization fixes (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: IOCFC state machine enhancements (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support for FC Arbitrated Loop topology (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support for max target ports discovery (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to register node symbolic name with name server (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to process mbox interrupts only if interrupts are enabled in INTx mode (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add PowerPC support and enable PCIE AER handling (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Add new hardware model info to sysfs model description routine (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Make changes to FCXP resource management (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: FCS remote port enhancements (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Support vport symbolic name change from sysfs (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to set correct return error codes and misc cleanup (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to defer vport delete handler invocation till firmware logo response (Vijay Guvva) [928983] - [scsi] fix race in scsi_target_reap (Tomas Henzl) [910203] - [scsi] iscsi class, qla4xxx: fix sess/conn refcounting when find fns are used (Chad Dupuis) [917577] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add missing spaces to error messages (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix iocb_cnt calculation in qla4xxx_send_mbox_iocb() (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Assign values using correct datatype (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix smatch warnings (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix sparse warning for qla4xxx_sysfs_ddb_tgt_create (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Silence gcc warning (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added print statements to display AENs (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use correct value for max flash node entries (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Restrict logout from boot target session using session id (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use correct flash ddb offset for ISP40XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Replace dev type macros with generic portal type macros (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add flash node mgmt support (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Skip retry of initialize_adapter for ISP80XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Assign correct CHAP table address to FLT (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added missing check for ISP83XX in CHAP related functions (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed request queue count manipulation on response path (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix debug level to avoid floods of same message (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Pass correct LUN address to firmware in case of lun_reset (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix double reset in case of firmware hung for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Set graceful reset bit for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Boot from SAN fix for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Take E-port out of reset before disabling pause frames (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove __dev* attributes (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: don't free NULL dma pool (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix return code for qla4xxx_session_get_param (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: wait for boot target login response during probe (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for force firmware dump (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Re-register IRQ handler while retrying initialize of adapter (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Throttle active IOCBs to firmware limits (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove unnecessary code from qla4xxx_init_local_data (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Quiesce driver activities while loopback (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Rename MBOX_ASTS_IDC_NOTIFY to MBOX_ASTS_IDC_REQUEST_NOTIFICATION (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add spurious interrupt messages under debug level 2 (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory corruption issue in qla4xxx_get_ep_fwdb (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Allow reset in link down case (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix MBOX intr switching from polling to intr mode for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [917585] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [917577] - [scsi] libiscsi: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [917577] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Declare portal type string macros for generic use (Chad Dupuis) [917572] - [scsi] libiscsi: export function iscsi_switch_str_param (Chad Dupuis) [917572] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add flash node mgmt support (Chad Dupuis) [917572] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: export iscsi class session's target_id in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [917577] - [md] dm-flakey: correct ctr alloc failure mesg (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-mpath: fix ioctl deadlock when no paths (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm: use __GFP_HIGHMEM in __vmalloc (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-ioctl: set noio flag to avoid __vmalloc deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-bufio: avoid a possible __vmalloc deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-thin: open dev read only when possible (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-persistent-data: fix error message typos (Mike Snitzer) [987566] - [md] dm-snapshot: fix error return code in snapshot_ctr (Mike Snitzer) [987566]- [x86] mce: Add quirk for instruction recovery on Sandy Bridge processors (Rui Wang) [832367] - [x86] mce: Avoid reading every machine check bank register twice (Rui Wang) [832367] - [x86] mce: Fix siginfo_t->si_addr value for non-recoverable memory faults (Rui Wang) [832367] - [x86] mce: Only restart instruction after machine check recovery if it is safe (Rui Wang) [832367] - [x86] mce: Add instruction recovery signatures to mce-severity table (Rui Wang) [832367] - [x86] thermal: Disable power limit notification interrupt (Shyam Iyer) [908990] - [x86] thermal: Delete power-limit-notification console messages (Shyam Iyer) [908990] - [virtio] console: prevent use-after-free of port name in port unplug (Amit Shah) [827300] - [virtio] console: fix locking around send_sigio_to_port() (Amit Shah) [986960] - [virtio] console: add locking in port unplug path (Amit Shah) [795678 956637] - [virtio] console: add locks around buffer removal in port unplug path (Amit Shah) [827300] - [virtio] console: fix raising SIGIO after port unplug (Amit Shah) [986960] - [virtio] console: return -ENODEV on all read operations after unplug (Amit Shah) [975661] - [virtio] console: clean up port data immediately at time of unplug (Amit Shah) [795678 796048 827300 947024 956637] - [virtio] console: fix race in port_fops_open() and port unplug (Amit Shah) [827300] - [virtio] console: fix race with port unplug and open/close (Amit Shah) [795678 796048 827300 947024 956637] - [virtio] console: Add pipe_lock/unlock for splice_write (Amit Shah) [987004] - [virtio] console: Quit from splice_write if pipe->nrbufs is 0 (Amit Shah) [987004] - [virtio] console: replace EMFILE with EBUSY for already-open port (Amit Shah) [986986] - [virtio] console: fix error handling in init() function (Amit Shah) [986990] - [ftrace] syscalls: Fix typo in SYSCALL_DEFINE0 (Jiri Olsa) [989503] - [ftrace] syscalls: Set event_enter_##sname->data to its metadata (Jiri Olsa) [989503] - [ftrace] syscalls: Remove unused event_syscall_enter and event_syscall_exit (Jiri Olsa) [989503] - [x86] efi: Fix dummy variable buffer allocation (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] Modify UEFI anti-bricking code (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi: Implement efi_no_storage_paranoia parameter (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi: Distinguish between "remaining space" and actually used space (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi: Check max_size only if it is non-zero (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi: Export efi_query_variable_store() for efivars.ko (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efivars: firmware bug workarounds should be in platform code (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi: be more paranoid about available space when creating variables (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efivars: Handle duplicate names from get_next_variable() (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efivars: explicitly calculate length of VariableName (Seiji Aguchi) [985577] - [x86] efi_pstore: Introducing workqueue updating sysfs (Seiji Aguchi) [985551] - [x86] efivars: Disable external interrupt while holding efivars->lock (Seiji Aguchi) [985551] - [x86] efi_pstore: Add a format check for an existing variable name at reading time (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Add a format check for an existing variable name at erasing time (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Add a sequence counter to a variable name (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Add ctime to argument of erase callback (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Remove a logic erasing entries from a write callback to hold multiple logs (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Add a logic erasing entries to an erase callback (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [x86] efi_pstore: Check remaining space with QueryVariableInfo() before writing data (Seiji Aguchi) [826190] - [powerpc] perf: Power8 PMU support (Steve Best) [976911] - [powerpc] perf: Add support for SIER (Steve Best) [976911] - [powerpc] perf: Add regs_no_sipr() (Steve Best) [976911] - [powerpc] perf: Add an accessor for regs->result (Steve Best) [976911] - [powerpc] perf: Convert mmcra_sipr/sihv() to regs_sipr/sihv() (Steve Best) [976911] - [powerpc] perf: Add an explict flag indicating presence of SLOT field (Steve Best) [976911] - [scsi] ipr: IOA Status Code IOASC update (Steve Best) [983765] - [scsi] ipr: qc_fill_rtf() method should not store alternate status register (Steve Best) [983765] - [scsi] ipr: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected (Steve Best) [983765] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set timer timeout correctly (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel-pstate: Use #defines instead of hard-coded values (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix calculation of current frequency (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add function to check that all MSRs are valid (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not load on VM that does not report max P state (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix intel_pstate_init() error path (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add kernel command line option disable intel_pstate (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix 32 bit build (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix kobject usage (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add P-state driver for sandy bridge (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] Do not track governor name for scaling drivers with internal governors (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [x86] cpu: Add driver auto probing for x86 features (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [cpufreq] Unify sysfs attribute definition macros (Lenny Szubowicz) [956824] - [acpi] efivars: If pstore_register fails, free unneeded pstore buffer (Lenny Szubowicz) [867689] - [acpi] Eliminate console msg if pstore.backend excludes ERST (Lenny Szubowicz) [867689] - [acpi] Return unique error if backend registration excluded by kernel param (Lenny Szubowicz) [867689] - [x86] io_apic: initialize nr_ioapic_registers early in mp_register_ioapic() (Tony Camuso) [855057] - [mm] tmpfs: distribute interleave better across nodes (George Beshers) [988063] - [kernel] sched: Bail out of yield_to when source and target runqueue has one task (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Add config to support ple or cpu relax optimzation (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Iterate over only vcpus that are preempted (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Record the preemption status of vcpus using preempt notifiers (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Handle yield_to failure return code for potential undercommit case (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Choose better candidate for directed yield (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] s390: Implement the directed yield (diag 9c) hypervisor call for KVM (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [kvm] Note down when cpu relax intercepted or pause loop exited (Rik van Riel) [864233] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable RX scatter for flows steered by RFS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [987200] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix aRFS UDP flow steering problem (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [984933] - [md] dm-thin: remove cells from stack (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-bio-prison: pass cell memory in (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] persistent-data: add btree_walk (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] persistent-data: set some btree fn parms const (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] persistent-data: remove CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-bufio: use WRITE_FLUSH instead of REQ_FLUSH (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] persistent-data: dm-transaction-manager.c: rename HASH_SIZE (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-thin: fix non power-of-two discard granularity calculation (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-kcopyd: introduce configurable throttling (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-ioctl: allow message to return data (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-ioctl: optimize functions without variable params (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-ioctl: introduce ioctl_flags (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm-table: remove superfluous variable reset (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [md] dm: fix truncated status strings (Mike Snitzer) [922212] - [usb] host: Fix lockdep warning in AMD PLL quirk (Don Zickus) [854353] - [usb] ehci: fix obscure race in ehci_endpoint_disable (Don Zickus) [877123] - [usb] don't read past config->interface if usb_control_msg() fails in usb_reset_configuration() (Don Zickus) [877123] - [char] tpm: fix regression caused by section type conflict of tpm_dev_release() in ppc builds (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: fix regression causesd by ppi (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: declare internal symbols as static (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: add PPI support in tpm driver (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: Add securityfs support for event log (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: Export wait_for_stat for other vendor specific drivers (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: modularize event log collection (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [Documentation] ABI: sysfs for Physical Presence Interface (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [char] tpm: fix memleak when register hardware fails (Tony Camuso) [732942] - [lib] raid6: cleanup gen_syndrome function selection (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [lib] raid6: update test program for recovery functions (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [lib] raid6: fix test program build (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [x86] add AVX optimized RAID5 checksumming (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [crypto] disable preemption while benchmarking RAID5 xor checksumming (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [crypto] wait for a full jiffy in do_xor_speed (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [x86] Add cpu_has_ssse3 and cpu_has_avx definitions (Jes Sorensen) [915995] - [md] raid10: fix bug which causes all RAID10 reshapes to move no data (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: allow 5-device RAID6 to be reshaped to 4-device (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: fix two bugs affecting RAID10 reshape (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Remember the last sync operation that was performed (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] fix buglet in RAID5 -> RAID0 conversion (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: check In_sync flag in 'enough()' (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: locking changes for 'enough()' (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Wait for md_check_recovery before attempting device removal (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1,raid10: use freeze_array in place of raise_barrier in various places (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1: consider WRITE as successful only if at least one non-Faulty and non-rebuilding drive completed it (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] md_stop_writes() should always freeze recovery (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] bad block list should default to disabled (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622 882413] - [md] raid1/raid10 md devices leak memory when stopping (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622 956769] - [md] Export 'md_reap_sync_thread' function (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] don't update metadata when stopping a read-only array (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Allow devices to be re-added to a read-only array (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Allow skipping recovery when clean arrays are assembled (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Fix typos in MD documentation (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: avoid an extra write when writing to a known-bad-block (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: Change or of some order to improve efficiency (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] use set_bit_le and clear_bit_le (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] HOT_DISK_REMOVE shouldn't make a read-auto device active (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] use common code for all calls to ->hot_remove_disk() (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] never update metadata when array is read-only (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] block: Add submit_bio_wait(), remove from md (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] block: Use bio_sectors() more consistently (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] remove CONFIG_MULTICORE_RAID456 entirely (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: ensure sync and DISCARD don't happen at the same time (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Prevent sysfs operations on uninitialized kobjects (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: Avoid accessing gendisk or queue structs when not available (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: schedule_construction should abort if nothing to do (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622 882413] - [md] expedite metadata update when switching read-auto -> active (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] remove CONFIG_MULTICORE_RAID456 (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid0: improve error message when converting RAID4-with-spares to RAID0 (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid0: fix error return from create_stripe_zones (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] fix two bugs when attempting to resize RAID0 array (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Improve redundancy for 'far' and 'offset' algorithms II (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Improve redundancy for 'far' and 'offset' algorithms I (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Minor non-functional code changes (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] protect against crash upon fsync on ro array (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [crypto] async_tx: fix checking of dma_wait_for_async_tx() return value (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [crypto] async_tx: fix build for async_memset (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [crypto] async_tx: add missing DMA unmap to async_memcpy() (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: add blktrace calls (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: use async_tx_quiesce() instead of open-coding it (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Use ->curr_resync as last completed request when cleanly aborting resync (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Update checkpoint of resync/recovery based on time (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Add place to update ->recovery_cp (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] re-indent various 'switch' statements (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] close race between removing and adding a device (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] removed unused variable in calc_sb_1_csm (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: decrement correct pending counter when writing to replacement (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: close race that lose writes lost when replacement completes (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: Make sure we clear R5_Discard when discard is finished (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: move resolving of reconstruct_state earlier in stripe_handle (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: round discard alignment up to power of 2 (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] make sure everything is freed when dm-raid stops an array (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Avoid write invalid address if read_seqretry returned true (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Reassigned the parameters if read_seqretry returned true in func md_is_badblock (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Fix oops when creating RAID10 arrays via dm-raid.c (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1: Fix assembling of arrays containing Replacements (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Fix typo in drivers/md (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] refine reporting of resync/reshape delays (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: be careful not to resize_stripes too big (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] make sure manual changes to recovery checkpoint are saved (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: use correct limit variable (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] writing to sync_action should clear the read-auto state (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] change resync_mismatches to atomic64_t to avoid races (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: make sure to_read and to_write never go negative (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] When RAID5 is dirty, force reconstruct-write instead of read-modify-write (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: protect debug message against NULL derefernce (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: add some missing locking in handle_failed_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: avoid unnecessary zero page for trim (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5 trim support (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] bitmap: Don't use IS_ERR to judge alloc_page() (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] avoid taking the mutex on some ioctls (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] change the parameter of md thread (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid 10 supports TRIM (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid 1 supports TRIM (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid 0 supports TRIM (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] linear supports TRIM (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] linear: rcu_dereference outside read-lock section (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: fix "enough" function for detecting if array is failed (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [block] makes bio_split support bio without data (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: add missing spin_lock_init (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] make sure metadata is updated when spares are activated or removed (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: fix calculate of 'degraded' when a replacement becomes active (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: fix problem with on-stack allocation of r10bio structure (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622 982360] - [md] raid5: raid5d handle stripe in batch way (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1: Add missing case for attempting to repair known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] remove duplicated test on ->openers when calling do_md_stop() (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: Add R5_ReadNoMerge flag which prevent bio from merging at block layer (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1: prevent merging too large request (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] md/raid1: read balance chooses idlest disk for SSD (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] md/raid1: make sequential read detection per disk based (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: add a per-stripe lock (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: remove unnecessary bitmap write optimization (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: lockless access raid5 overrided bi_phys_segments (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid5: reduce chance release_stripe() taking device_lock (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid1: Fix handling of SYNC requests and bio->bi_rw (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] raid10: Fix handling of SYNC requests and bio->bi_rw (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Add missing blank line to avoid conflict in follow-on cherry-pick (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] Add set_bit_le/clear_bit_le to RHEL6 compat macros (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622] - [md] dm-raid: Set recovery flags on resume - include upstream missing bits (Jes Sorensen) [837097 869622]- [netdrv] eth: Make is_link_local() consistent with other address tests (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Do not forward LLDP type frames (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] bridge: Use is_link_local() in store_group_addr() (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: handle link local multicast addresses in SR-IOV mode (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Adjust to handle unassigned MAC address from PF (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: don't release the soft entries (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixbgevf: Remove dma_alloc_coherent OOM messages (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: use PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Make next_to_watch a pointer and adjust memory barriers to avoid races (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Make sure link status and speed are fetched (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix link speed message to support 100Mbps (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix statistics corruption (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix link up messages (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Synch out of tree and in tree mailbox interrupt handlers (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix up function prototypes after __dev* removals (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: remove __dev* attributes (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove unneeded and obsolete comment (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: White space and comments clean up (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove mailbox spinlock from the reset function (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove checking for mac.ops function pointers (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove the ring adapter pointer value (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix unnecessary dereference where local var is available (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Streamline the rx buffer allocation (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Reduce size of maximum rx buffer (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add flag to indicate when rx is in net poll (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix possible use of uninitialized variable (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make sure probe fails on MSI-X enable error (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update version string (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix softirq-safe to unsafe splat on internal mbx_lock (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Check for error on dma_map_single call (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make netif_napi_add and netif_napi_del symmetric (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add VF DCB + SR-IOV support (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Limit maximum jumbo frame size to 9.5K to avoid Tx hangs (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Set the netdev number of Tx queues (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add fix to VF to handle multi-descriptor buffers (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix AIM (Adaptive Interrupt Moderation) (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove unused parameter in ixgbevf_receive_skb (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix code for handling timeout (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: scheduling while atomic in reset hw path (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add support for VF API negotiation (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Cleanup handling of configuration for jumbo frames (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add suspend and resume support to the VF (Andy Gospodarek) [923902] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set the SW prio_tc values at initialization to the HW setting (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add mac type to the version in ethtool_regs (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for disabling link at boot time on 82599 (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cache AUTOC reads (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix register access during ethtool loopback test (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix EICR write in ixgbe_msix_other (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add WOL support for new subdevice ID (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add SFP+ LX module support (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: rename wol_supported to more fitting wol_enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add driver support for x520 OCP adapter (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix possible divide by zero in ixgbe_update_itr (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unnecessary #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS tests (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for WoL on 82599 SFP+ LOM (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: in shutdown, do netif_running() under rtnl_lock (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix a bug in setting VF VLAN via PF (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bump version number (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix 1G link WoL (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix MNG FW support when adapter not up (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable devices with internal switch to read pci parent (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: create conversion functions from link_status to bus/speed (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable support for recognizing PCI-e Gen3 link speed (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop check for PAGE_SIZE from ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: don't do arithmetic operations on bitmasks (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Mask off check of frag_off as we only want fragment offset (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix registration order of driver and DCA nofitication (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update DESC_NEEDED define to adjust for changes to MAX_SKB_FRAGS (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: implement SFF diagnostic monitoring via ethtool (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup error checking in ixgbe_identify_sfp_module_generic() (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix possible data corruption in read_i2c_byte (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for set_channels ethtool operation (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for displaying the number of Tx/Rx channels (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make ixgbe_setup_tc usable even when DCB is not enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Define FCoE and Flow director limits much sooner to allow for changes (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: refactor initialization of feature flags (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove remaining alloc/OOM messages (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix SR-IOV MTU warning (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Replace rmb in Tx cleanup with read_barrier_depends (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update date to 2013 (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix return values and memcpy parameters to eliminate Smatch warnings (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix potential null dereference (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: allow reading of SFF-8472 data over i2c (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: autoneg variable refactoring (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: removed unused variable from setup_link_speed (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: rename autoneg variables (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix device ref count bug (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reset the NIC if up2tc has changed (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit number of reported VFs to device specific value (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Implement PCI SR-IOV sysfs callback operation (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Modularize SR-IOV enablement code (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make mailbox ops initialization unconditional (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Inline Rx PTP descriptor handling (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add warning when scheduling reset (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add ptp work item to poll for the Tx timestamp (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use watchdog check in favor of BPF for detecting latched timestamp (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update ptp_overflow check comment and jiffies (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add missing supported filters to get_ts_info (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ethtool ixgbe_diag_test cleanup (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Improve performance and reduce size of ixgbe_tx_map (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update ixgbe Tx flags to improve code efficiency (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Always use context 0, even for FCoE and TSO (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make TSO check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL to avoid skb_is_gso check (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: SR-IOV: dynamic IEEE DCBx default priority changes (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix overwriting of rx_mtrl in ixgbe_ptp_hwtstamp_ioctl (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: only compile ixgbe_debugfs.o when enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix up function prototypes after __dev* removals (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check whether thermal sensor is enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use is_valid_ether_addr (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove __dev* attributes (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not parse past IP header on fragments beyond the first (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bump version number (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix incorrect disabling of Tx hang check in case of PFC (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop RLPML configuration from x540 RXDCTL register configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ethtool correctly identify autoneg setting (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove needless queuing for L4 ptp packets (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use ETQF filter name instead of magic number (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to use simple_open() (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reformat output of ixgbe_dump (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not use DCA to prefetch the entire packet into the cache (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix default setting of TXDCTL.WTHRESH (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add/update descriptor maps in comments (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not decrement budget in ixgbe_clean_rx_irq (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Return success or failure on VF MAC filter set (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean up the condition for turning on/off the laser (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix return value from macvlan filter function (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for pipeline reset (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix possible memory leak in ixgbe_set_ringparam (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add function ixgbe_reset_pipeline_82599 (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop unnecessary addition from ixgbe_set_rx_buffer_len (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correcting small packet padding (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: using is_zero_ether_addr() to simplify the code (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: (PTP) refactor init, cyclecounter and reset (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add WOL support for new subdevice id (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable support for VF API version 1.1 in the PF (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for GET_QUEUES message to get DCB configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for tracking the default user priority to SR-IOV (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for IPv6 and UDP to ixgbe_get_headlen (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add mailbox API version negotiation support to ixgbe PF (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Move message handling routines into their own functions (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable jumbo frames support w/ SR-IOV (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Initialize q_vector cpu and affinity masks correctly (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit maximum jumbo frame size to 9.5K to avoid Tx hangs (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for X540-AT1 (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix poll loop for FDIRCTRL.INIT_DONE bit (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix PTP ethtool timestamping function (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not read the spoofed packets counter when not in IOV mode (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Improve statistics accuracy for DDP traffic (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: added reg_ops file to debugfs (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: added netdev_ops file to debugfs (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add debugfs support (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix VF rate limiting to correctly account for more queues per VF (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix ordering of things so that PF correctly configures its VLANs (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove old init remnant (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Roll RSC code into non-EOP code (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make allocating skb and placing data in it a separate function (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Copybreak sooner to avoid get_page/put_page and offset change overhead (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make pull tail function separate from rest of cleanup_headers (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Have the CPU take ownership of the buffers sooner (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Only use double buffering if page size is less than 8K (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: combine ixgbe_add_rx_frag and ixgbe_can_reuse_page (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove code that was initializing Rx page offset (Andy Gospodarek) [923901] - [net] veth: add vlan features (Flavio Leitner) [959817] - [net] sctp: verify length provided in heartbeat information parameter (Daniel Borkmann) [855383] - [net] openvswitch: Add Kconfig dependency on GRE-DEMUX (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Add gre tunnel support (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize flow key match for non tunnel flows (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Expand action buffer size (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Add tunneling interface (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Copy individual actions (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify interface ovs_flow_metadata_from_nlattrs() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: make skb->csum consistent with rest of networking stack (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Fix misspellings in comments and docs (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: fix variable names in comment (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Unify vport error stats handling (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unused get_config vport op (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Immediately exit on error in ovs_vport_cmd_set() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unneeded ovs_netdev_get_ifindex() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify datapath locking (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Use ETH_ALEN to define ethernet addresses (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: datapath.h: Fix a stale comment (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Don't insert empty OVS_VPORT_ATTR_OPTIONS attribute (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Move common genl notify code into ovs_notify() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Refine Netlink message size calculation and kill FLOW_BUFSIZE (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Use nla_memcpy() to memcpy() data from attributes (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Specify the minimal length of OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET in the policy (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: correct an invalid BUG_ON (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] openvswitch: Preallocate reply skb in ovs_vport_cmd_set() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_gre: fix a soft lockup in ipgre_fini() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: Fix MTU sizing check for gretap tunnels (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: Use skb-len to PMTU check (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: fix a regression in ioctl (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add dont fragment flag (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: push generic protocol handling to ip_tunnel module (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: extend iptunnel_xmit() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: export gre_handle_offloads() function (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: export gre_build_header() function (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: Allow multiple protocol listener for gre protocol (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: Simplify gre protocol registration locking (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: remove __net_init/exit from exported functions (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: specify protocol outside IP header (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix kernel panic with icmp_dest_unreach (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_gre: fix a possible crash in ipgre_err() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ipv4: typo issue, remove erroneous semicolon (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_gre: fix a possible crash in parse_gre_header() (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_gre: don't overwrite iflink during net_dev init (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip_tunnel: Fix off-by-one error in forming dev name (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] gre: Refactor GRE tunneling code (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] ip: convert __IPTUNNEL_XMIT() to an inline function (Amerigo Wang) [976810] - [net] br: fix schedule while atomic issue in br_features_recompute() (Jiri Pirko) [980876] - [net] ipvs: reduce sync rate with time thresholds (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Add sysctl_sync_threshold() sysctl_sync_period() (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: wakeup master thread (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] export sysctl symbols needed by ip_vs_sync (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: always update some of the flags bits in backup (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: fix ip_vs_try_bind_dest to rebind app and transmitter (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: remove check for IP_VS_CONN_F_SYNC from ip_vs_bind_dest (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: ignore IP_VS_CONN_F_NOOUTPUT in backup server (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: try also real server with port 0 in backup server (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Backup, adding version 0 sending capabilities (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Backup, Change sending to Version 1 format (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Backup, Adding Version 1 receive capability (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Backup, Adding structs for new sync format (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: use pkts for SCTP too (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: skb defrag in L7 helpers (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Split ports array into src_port and dst_port (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Backup, Prepare for transferring firewall marks to the backup daemon (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: add static and read_mostly attributes (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: buffer argument to ip_vs_process_message() should not be const (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Remove useless blocks from ip_vs_process_message() (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Make the cp argument to ip_vs_sync_conn() static (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Only match pe_data created by the same pe (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Add persistence engine to connection entry (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: inherit forwarding method in backup (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: ip_vs_dbg_callid() is only needed for debugging (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: sip persistence engine (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Fallback if persistence engine fails (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Allow configuration of persistence engines (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: management of persistence engine modules (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Add persistence engine data to /proc/net/ip_vs_conn (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Add struct ip_vs_pe (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Allow boot time change of hash size (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: ip_vs_bind_scheduler and ip_vs_unbind_scheduler NULL arguments (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Allow null argument to ip_vs_scheduler_put() (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: fix matching of fwmark templates during scheduling (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: Add struct ip_vs_conn_param (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: compact ip_vs_sched_persist() (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: extend connection flags to 32 bits (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] nf_conntrack_sip: Add callid parser (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] nf_conntrack_sip: Allow ct_sip_get_header() to be called with a null ct argument (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: fix synchronization on connection close (Jesper Brouer) [854454] - [net] ipvs: one-packet scheduling (Jesper Brouer) [854454]- [char] tty: Fix BUG() on hangup (Aaron Tomlin) [985429] - [trace] Fix hang in write to sysprof_sample_period (Josh Poimboeuf) [959063] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: fix LUNs greater than 255 (Laszlo Ersek) [978202] - [scsi] isci: Fix a race condition in the SSP task management path (David Milburn) [978609] - [idle] intel_idle: initial C8, C9 and C10 support (Jane Lv) [970729] - [x86] Fix up numa_node information for AMD CPU family 15h model 0-0fh northbridge functions (Prarit Bhargava) [787034] - [x86] tsc: add option to output TSC initial value at boot (Prarit Bhargava) [986353] - [fs] fscache: The retrieval remaining-pages counter needs to be atomic_t (David Howells) [965759] - [fs] cachefiles: remove unused macro list_to_page() (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Simplify cookie retention for fscache_objects, fixing access problems (David Howells) [928746] - [fs] fscache: Fix object state machine to have separate work and wait states (David Howells) [921178] - [kernel] wait: Add wait_on_atomic_t() and wake_up_atomic_t() (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Wrap checks on object state (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Uninline fscache_object_init() (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Don't sleep in page release if __GFP_FS is not set (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] cachefiles: name i_mutex lock class explicitly (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: remove spin_lock() from the condition in while() (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Clear remaining page count on retrieval cancellation (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Mark cancellation of in-progress operation (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Remove unneeded null checks (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: One of the write operation paths doesn't set the object state (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Fix signal handling during waits (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Add transition to handle invalidate immediately after lookup (David Howells) [921178 928746] - [fs] fscache: Exclusive op submission can BUG if there's been an I/O error (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fsache: Limit the number of I/O error reports for a cache (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Don't mask off the object event mask when printing it (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] fscache: Initialise the object event mask with the calculated mask (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] cachefiles: Add missing retrieval completions (David Howells) [921178] - [fs] cachefiles: add support for large files in filesystem caching (David Howells) [921178] - [netdrv] igbvf: Make next_to_watch a pointer and adjust memory barriers to avoid races (Stefan Assmann) [923900] - [netdrv] igbvf: update version number (Stefan Assmann) [923900] - [netdrv] igbvf: Check for error on dma_map_single call (Stefan Assmann) [923900] - [netdrv] enic: release rtnl_lock on error-path (Stefan Assmann) [922984] - [netdrv] enic: change sprintf() to snprintf() (Stefan Assmann) [922984] - [netdrv] enic: be less verbose about non-critical firmware errors (Stefan Assmann) [922984] - [netdrv] enic: fix up function prototypes after __dev* removals (Stefan Assmann) [922984] - [pci] Remove the obsolete no_pci_devices() check (Myron Stowe) [966887] - [pci] Use pci_device_id on stack for pci_get_subsys/class() to avoid kmalloc (Myron Stowe) [966887] - [netdrv] bonding: properly unset current_arp_slave on slave link up (Veaceslav Falico) [988460] - [firmware] add bnx2x FW 7.8.2, 7.8.17 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: ignore unknown ethtool flags (Michal Schmidt) [915517 928435] - [netdrv] bnx2x: advertise transmit time stamping (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 914797 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add transmit timestamping support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 914797 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove sparse and coccinelle warnings (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 20G KR2 support claims (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: improve VF timings (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF ndo sanity (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compilation with no IOV support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Improve PF behaviour toward VF (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove redundant D0 power state set (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: replace mechanism to check for next available packet (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix a power state test (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: semi-Semantic changes (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revise prints (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic removal and beautification (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revise comments and alignment (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic change of empty lines (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use XPS if possible for bnx2x_select_queue instead of pure hash (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change to D3hot only on removal (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Implement PCI shutdown (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Count number of possible FCoE interfaces (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Ack unknown VF messages (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add and correct PCI link speed prints (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Zero VFs starting MACs (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Enable `set_phys_id' for all functions (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Wait for MCP validity during AER (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510 921799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Link-flap avoidance in switch dependent mode (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add Private Flags Support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix bridged GSO for 57710/57711 chips (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix TCP offload for tunneling ipv4 over ipv6 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix GSO for 57710/57711 chips (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent memory leak when cnic is absent (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct reading of speed capabilities (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent NULL pointer dereference in kdump (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use per port max exchange resources (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow recovery from second slot reset (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix memory leak (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Enhance MAC configuration for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow RX/TX pause control in autoneg (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent GRO false checksum claims (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.78.17-0 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add additional regions for CRC memory test (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove non-necessary assignment (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix byte-by-byte nvram write for BE machines (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: refactor nvram read procedure (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Cosmetic changes (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support reading I2C EEPROM SFF8472 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix compilation without CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent VF race (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF outer vlan removal (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF statistics (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: missing ARI should not be lethal (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix AER semaphore release (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510 921799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: AER revised (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510 921799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add RSS capability for GRE traffic (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dma_alloc_coherent: use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset() (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use list_move instead of list_del/list_add (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Restore FCoE 4-port devices support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use FW 7.8.17 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Avoid using zero MAC (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Control SFP+ tap values via nvm config (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add EEE support for BCM84834 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add RJ45 SFP module detection (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Get gso_segs from FW (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Control number of vfs dynamically (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add iproute2 support for vfs (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent "Unknown MF" print in SF mode (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Take chip version from MFW (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Set ethtool ops for vfs (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix vlan-mac memory leak (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use the default NAPI weight (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix typo in printk and comments (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix status blocks configuration (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent UNDI FW illegal host access (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent null pointer dereference in AFEX mode (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix KR2 rapid link flap (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix assignment of signed expression to unsigned variable (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix occasional statistics off-by-4GB error (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 871164 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing napi deletion in error path (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix SFP+ misconfiguration in iSCSI boot scenario (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix intermittent long KR2 link up time (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix KR2 work-around condition (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix KR2 link (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix port identification for the 84834 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix UDP checksum for 57710/57711 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove dead code and make local funcs static (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Replace incomming with incoming in all comments and strings (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic: Remove unnecessary alloc/OOM messages, alloc cleanups (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Force link UP when the interface is in LOOPBACK mode (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: SR-IOV version compatibility bugfix (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compilation with stop-on-error (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add CNIC_DRV_STATE_HANDLES_IRQ to ethdev->drv_state (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct memory release scheme (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove many sparse warnings (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Modify unload conditions (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct memory preparation and release (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add missing VFs reference in macros (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add additional debug information (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct usleep_range usage (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: reorganization and beautification (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic renovation (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix GRO parameters (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Introduce 2013 and advance version to 1.78.02 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added FW GRO bridging support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] Revert "bnx2x: set gso_type" (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clean previous IGU status before ack (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: improve stop-on-error (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add `ethtool -w' support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510 921560] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added nvram personalities support (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix rare self-test failures (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use SAN Mac for FCoE (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add an additional fatal hw assertion - BRB_HW_INTERRUPT (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clear dirty status when booting after UNDI (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow management traffic after boot from SAN (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix fastpath structures when memory allocation fails (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: move debugging code before the return (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: align define usage to satisfy static checkers (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: NULL dereference on error in debug code (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Segregate SR-IOV code (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add VF device ids and enable feature (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support PF <-> VF Bulletin Board (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support VF FLR (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF release request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF close request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF q_teardown request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF q_filters request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF setup_q request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support statistics collection for VFs by the PF (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF init request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support of PF driver of a VF acquire request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Infrastructure for VF <-> PF request on PF side (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prepare device and initialize VF database (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allocate VF database in PF when VFs are present (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF fastpath (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support ndo_set_rxmode in VF driver (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add teardown_q and close to VF <-> PF channel (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add init, setup_q, set_mac to VF <-> PF channel (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Separate VF and PF logic (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add to VF <-> PF channel the release request (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF <-> PF channel 'acquire' at vf probe (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support probing and removing of VF device (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use ARRAY_SIZE where possible (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use prandom_bytes() (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typo of "suport" (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: almost 'use netdev_alloc_frag()' (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix up function prototypes after __dev* removals (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Simplify cnic probing (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add fw defs for use in cnic (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic, bnx2x, bnx2: Simplify cnic probing (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic: Include bnx2x.h (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add BNX2 prefix to CHIP ID and name macros (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add BNX2 prefix to descriptor structures and macros (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix rare race condition during iSCSI disconnect (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic: Reset iSCSI EQ during shutdown (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove __dev* attributes (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] cnic: remove __dev* attributes (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: recognize fan failure (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct PFC disablement (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix 'Ethtool -A' when autoneg (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent DCB if disabled in nvram (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Handle a rarely missed interrupt (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: mask CPL_OF interrupt (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: IGU parse error cause probe failure (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Ext config accessed only on non-E1x (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: nvram enables dropless flow control (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct advertised speed/duplex (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Filter packets on FCoE rings (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Management can control PFC/ETS (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: parity recovery flow enhancement (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: revised and corrected SPIO access (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change duplex setting in EEE function (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add warning message in case of non-10G SFP module (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Cosmetic changes (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Always take PHY lock (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for BCM84834 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix SFP+ current leakage (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for 20G-KR2 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove duplicate inclusion of bnx2x_hsi.h (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add static declaration to several functions (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix typo in bnx2x driver (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix HW initialization using fw 7.8.x (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support loading cnic resources at run-time (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510 920624] - [netdrv] bnx2x: HSI change for 'update' ramrod (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.78.00-0 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x,cnic: use FW 7.8.2 (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Improve code around bnx2x_tests_str_arr (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix comment/printk/variable typos (Michal Schmidt) [825729 828818 915420 915422 915517 919510] - [net] In unregister_netdevice_notifier unregister the netdevices (Michal Schmidt) [987451] - [net] introduce NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT (Michal Schmidt) [987451] - [net] Export __netdev_pick_tx so that it can be used in modules (Michal Schmidt) [987451] - [net] Split core bits of netdev_pick_tx into __netdev_pick_tx (Michal Schmidt) [987451] - [net] netpoll: call ->ndo_select_queue() in tx path (Michal Schmidt) [987451] - [lib] introduce prandom_bytes() and prandom_bytes_state() (Michal Schmidt) [987451]- [pci] pcie: Reset link for devices below Root Port or Downstream Port (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [acpi] apei: Force fatal AER severity when component has been reset (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [pci] Remove "extern" from function declarations (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [pci] pcie: Move AER severity defines to aer.h (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [pci] pcie: Set dev->__aer_firmware_first only for matching devices (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [pci] pcie: Factor out HEST device type matching (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [pci] pcie: Don't parse HEST table for non-PCIe devices (Myron Stowe) [966755] - [acpi] Move cper_print_aer() call out of interrupt context (Myron Stowe) [967981] - [pci] pcie: Remove local PCI_BUS() define and use PCI_BUS_NUM() from PCI (Myron Stowe) [967981] - [pci] Add PCI_BUS_NUM() and PCI_DEVID() interfaces (Myron Stowe) [967981] - [pci] pcie: pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() call missing required pci_dev_put() (Myron Stowe) [911740] - [pci] pcie: Report success only when every device has AER-aware driver (Myron Stowe) [911740] - [pci] Fix deadlock when unbinding device if parent in D3cold (Myron Stowe) [911740] - [pci] Make pci_error_handlers const (Myron Stowe) [911740] - [pci] pcie: Remove the port driver module exit routine (Myron Stowe) [911740] - [acpi] apei: Add missed ACPI5 support for error trigger table (Myron Stowe) [893388] - [acpi] apei: fix error status check condition for CPER (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [edac] add support for error type "Info" (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [pci] pcie: Cleanup log output for AER (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [acpi] apei: Enhanced AER logging (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [trace] Trace Event for PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [acpi] edac.h: Add generic layers for describing a memory location (Myron Stowe) [825641] - [acpi] CPER failed to handle generic error records with multiple sections (Myron Stowe) [816520] - [acpi] APEI build fix (Myron Stowe) [816520] - [acpi] apei: Fix crash in apei_hest_parse() for acpi=off (Myron Stowe) [816515] - [acpi] apei: Fixup incorrect 64-bit access width firmware bug (Myron Stowe) [816515] - [acpi] apei: Fix ERST header length check (Myron Stowe) [816515] - [acpi] apei: Remove table not found message (Myron Stowe) [816515] - [pci] Print completion message at KERN_INFO to match starting message (Myron Stowe) [736984] - [acpi] Add PCIe AER recovery support (Myron Stowe) [736984] - [pci] pcie: add aer_recover_queue (Myron Stowe) [736984] - [netdrv] be2net: fix VLAN traffic if no VLAN group is registered (Stefan Assmann) [980772] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Reduce log spam in heavy tx, make err print in debug (John Green) [960977] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Increase version string (Linda Knippers) [985144] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Add check for UEFI bits (Linda Knippers) [985144] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to avoid hardware workaround when not needed (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: use pci_vfs_assigned()/pci_num_vf() instead of be_find_vfs() (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix 32-bit DMA Mask handling (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Implement initiate FW dump feature for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix crash on 2nd invocation of PCI AER/EEH error_detected hook (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Mark checksum fail for IP fragmented packets (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Trim padded packets for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Pad skb to meet min Tx pkt size in lancer (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup be_get_drvinfo() (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor HW workarounds in be_xmit() (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: bug fix on returning an invalid nic descriptor (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid double insertion of vlan tags (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: disable TX in be_close() (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix EQ from getting full while cleaning RX CQ (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix payload_len value for GET_MAC_LIST cmd req (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: provision VF resources before enabling SR-IOV (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to fail probe if MSI-X enable fails for a VF (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid napi_disable() when it has not been enabled (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix firmware download for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to receive Multicast Packets when Promiscuous mode is enabled on certain devices (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to show tx priority pause counter in ethtool -S (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to use 32-bit stats to report rx_drops_no_fragment (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to use version 2 of cq_create for SkyHawk-R devices (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: FLR must be first cmd issued to Lancer FW (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Use GET_FUNCTION_CONFIG V1 cmd (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to show wol disabled/enabled state correctly (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixed memory leak (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid diagnostic test in certain versions of firmware to avoid NIC freeze (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Renamed rx_address_mismatch_errors to rx_address_filtered (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Add support for setting and getting rx flow hash options (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix PVID tag offload for packets with inline VLAN tag (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix a Tx stall bug caused by a specific ipv6 packet (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove an incorrect pvid check in Tx (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: enable IOMMU pass through for be2net (Ivan Vecera) [819453 947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Use GET_PROFILE_CONFIG V1 cmd for BE3-R (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid flashing BE3 UFI on BE3-R chip (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Don't log "Out of MCCQ wrbs" error (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Use TXQ_CREATE_V2 cmd (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: take care of __vlan_put_tag return value (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unused variable 'sge' (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: dma_alloc_coherent: use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset() (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove dma_alloc_coherent OOM messages (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Use new F/W mailbox cmd to manipulate interrupts (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: enable interrupts in be_probe() (RoCE and other ULPs need them) (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Update copyright year (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: use CSR-BAR SEMAPHORE reg for BE2/BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] benet: Wait f/w POST until timeout (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version to 4.6.x (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix re-loaded PF driver to re-gain control of its VFs (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Updating Module Author string and log message string to "Emulex Corporation" (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix drvinfo strings set in drivers (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove bogus dependencies on INET (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: remove adapter->eq_next_idx (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: remove roce on lancer (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix access to SEMAPHORE reg (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: re-factor bar mapping code (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: do not use sli_family to identify skyhawk-R chip (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix wrong usage of adapter->generation (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: remove LANCER A0 workaround (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix smatch warnings in be_main.c (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] be2net: fix wrong frag_idx reported by RX CQ (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [netdrv] benet: convert to set_phys_id (Ivan Vecera) [947543] - [virt] hv: allocate synic structures before hv_synic_init() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hv: check interrupt mask before read_index (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hv: switch to use mb() instead of smp_mb() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hv: vmbus: Implement multi-channel support (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hv: Fix a bug in get_vp_index() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv_fb: Backport to RHEL 6.5 (Jason Wang) [927424] - [virt] add Hyper-V Synthetic Video Frame Buffer Driver (Jason Wang) [927424] - [virt] hv: Add a new driver to support host initiated backup (Jason Wang) [927409] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix a compiler warning in netvsc_send() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix RNDIS send_completion code path (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix a kernel warning from netvsc_linkstatus_callback() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: fix wrong length of mac address (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add an error message to rndis_filter_set_device_mac() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Remove unnecessary comments in rndis_filter_receive_data() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add buffer for extended info after the RNDIS response message (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Report actual status in receive completion packet (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Remove extra allocated space for recv_pkt_list elements (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix page buffer handling in rndis_filter_send_request() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix the missing return value in rndis_filter_set_packet_filter() (Jason Wang) [927435] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix the max_xfer_size in RNDIS initialization (Jason Wang) [927435] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: remove old RHEL6 specific code (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Notify the host of permanent hot-add failures (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Support 2M page allocations for ballooning (Jason Wang) [927417] - [mm] page_alloc: export split_page() (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Permit Linux to specify hot-add alignment requirements (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: make local functions static (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Implement hot-add functionality (Jason Wang) [927417] - [mm] memory_hotplug: extend memory hotplug API to allow memory hotplug in virtual machines (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Make the balloon driver not unloadable (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Execute hot-add code in a separate context (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Execute balloon inflation in a separate context (Jason Wang) [927417] - [virt] hyperv/balloon: Do not request completion notification (Jason Wang) [927417] - [fcoe] libfc: extend ex_lock to protect all of fc_seq_send (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfc: Correct check for initiator role (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Fix fcoe_sysfs VN2VN mode (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Split fc_disc_init into fc_disc_init and fc_disc_config (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Always use fcoe_disc_init for discovery layer initialization (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Fix deadlock between create and destroy paths (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Fix Conflicting FCFs issue in the fabric (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Revert "fcoe: fix fcoe enable on link toggle while it is still disabled" (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Check for unusable FCFs before looking for conflicting FCFs (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Handle CVL while waiting to select an FCF (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Fix deadlock while deleting FCoE interface with NPIV ports (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] close race on link speed detection in fcoe code (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] debris left by "libfcoe: Remove mutex_trylock/restart_syscall checks" (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] consolidate the fcoe_ctlr_get_lesb/fcoe_get_lesb (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] move fcoe_link_speed_update() to libfcoe and export it (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] add support to the get_netdev() for fcoe_interface (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] prep work to start consolidate the usage of fcoe_netdev (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Convert debug_logging macros to pr_info (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Use the fcoe_sysfs control interface (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Add new fcoe control interface (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Save some memory and optimize name lookups (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Add fcoe_sysfs debug logging level (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] Cleanup locking on fcoe_percpu_receive_thread (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Fix section mismatch (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] bnx2fc: cleanup fcoe_dev_stats (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: SW FCoE and bnx2fc use FCoE Syfs (Neil Horman) [829784] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Add fcoe_sysfs (Neil Horman) [829784] - [powerpc] iommu: Fix multiple issues with IOMMU pools code (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] iommu: Fix iommu pool initialization (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] iommu: Implement IOMMU pools to improve multiqueue adapter performance (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] iommu: Push spinlock into iommu_range_alloc and __iommu_free (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] iommu: Reduce spinlock coverage in iommu_free (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] iommu: Reduce spinlock coverage in iommu_alloc and iommu_free (Steve Best) [929290] - [powerpc] pseries: Disable interrupts around IOMMU percpu data accesses (Steve Best) [929290] - [block] rsxx: Adding in debugfs entries (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Fixes incorrect stats calculation (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Adding EEH check inside cregs timeout (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Adapter address space sanity check (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Fixes DLPAR add kernel panic if partition still mounted (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Changing the adapter name to the official name (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Adding in sync_start module paramenter (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Allow block size to be determined by configuration (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Fixes soft-lockup issues during DMAs (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Restructured DMA cancel scheme (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Individual workqueues for interruptible events (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: remove unused variable (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: enable error return of rsxx_eeh_save_issued_dmas() (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: removes dynamic allocation on stack (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: fix missing unlock on error return in rsxx_eeh_remap_dmas() (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: Adding in EEH support to the IBM FlashSystem 70/80 device driver (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 error message bug fix (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 branding changes (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 fixes inconsistent locking (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 trivial changes (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 driver fixes (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: add slab.h include to dma.c (Steve Best) [929277] - [block] rsxx: IBM RamSan 70/80 device driver (Steve Best) [929277] - [target] target/file: Fix off-by-one READ_CAPACITY bug for !S_ISBLK export (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] Re-instate sess_wait_list for target_wait_for_sess_cmds (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] close target_put_sess_cmd() vs. core_tmr_abort_task() race (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] iblock: Fix WCE=1 + DPOFUA=1 backend WRITE regression (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] Use FD_MAX_SECTORS/FD_BLOCKSIZE for blockdevs using fileio (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] tcm_fc: Check for aborted sequence (Andy Grover) [982777] - [target] Change default sense key of NOT_READY (Andy Grover) [982777]- [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.38 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Clear link status when interface is down (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: change mdelay to msleep (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Log warning message for 83xx adapter in MSI mode (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix configure mailbox interrupt command for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.37 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Implement flash sysfs callback for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove duplicated include from qlcnic_sysfs.c (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.36 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool statistics collection (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ethtool statistics for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix endian issues in 83xx driver (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.35 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix configure interrupts for 83xx adapter types (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix internal loopback test for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.34 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix ping resumption to a VM after a live migration (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix estimation of receive MSS in case of LRO for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: refactor Legacy interrupt handling for 83xx (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix mailbox interrupt (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix unsupported CDRP command error message (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix mailbox response handling (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: enhance MSIX allocation failure log message (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix async event handling during diagnostic loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: refactor 83xx diagnostic IRQ test (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: refactor 83xx diagnostic loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: helper routine to handle async events (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix firmware based IDC participation (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix initialize NIC mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Updating copyright information (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: silence false positive overflow warning (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.33 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix minidump in NPAR mode (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: driver LRO bug fix (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix bug in reading HW reset template (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix sparse check endian warnings (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bump up the version to 5.1.32 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: sleeping function called from invalid context (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix LED/Beaconing tests to work on all ports of an adapter (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: avoid mixed mode interrupts for some adapter types (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: enable RSS for TCP over IPv6 (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: enable LRO on IPv6 without dest ip check (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: set driver version in firmware (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: guard __vlan_find_dev_deep() by rcu_read_lock (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix build error (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: do not duplicate infrastructure functions (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update driver version (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unused definitions from header file (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx ethtool interface routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx register dump routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: enable 83xx virtual NIC mode (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: flash template based firmware reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx CNA inter driver communication mechanism (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx adpater flash interface routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx sysfs routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx base driver (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx data path routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: 83xx memory map and HW access routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: macros for common register access (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: change driver hardware interface mechanism (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update driver version (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix unused variable warnings (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: rename module params with module_param_named (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix bug in LRO descriptor access macro (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update NIC partition interface routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: get board name API (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: modify PCI and register access routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: move HW specific data to seperate structure (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add 82xx adapter specific checks (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove __dev* attributes (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove duplicated include from qlcnic_sysfs.c (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix coding style issues in qlcnic_minidump.c (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: create file qlcnic_minidump.c for dump utility (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix style issues in qlcnic_sysfs.c file (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: create file qlcnic_sysfs.c for sysfs routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix coding style issues in qlcnic_io.c (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: create file qlcnic_io.c for datapath routines (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix sparse check endian warnings (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix compiler warnings (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix error return code (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix scheduling while atomic bug (Chad Dupuis) [694104] - [virt] kvm: Fix iommu map/unmap to handle memory slot moves (Alex Williamson) [978472] - [virt] kvm: perform an invalid memslot step for gpa base change (Alex Williamson) [978472] - [video] vgacon: add cond reschedule points in vgacon_do_font_op (Marcelo Tosatti) [971311] - [kernel] tracing: Format non-nanosec times from tsc clock without a decimal point (Marcelo Tosatti) [911564] - [kernel] tracing: Add a TSC trace_clock (Marcelo Tosatti) [911564] - [perf] kvm: Initialize file_name var to fix segfault (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Add braces around multi-line statements (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Total count is a u64, print as so (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Remove typecast in init_kvm_event_record (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Only process events for vcpus of interest (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Fix building perf kvm on non x86 arches (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Rename perf_kvm to perf_kvm_stat (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Move global variables into a perf_kvm struct (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Use perf_evsel__intval (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] kvm: Events analysis tool (Jiri Olsa) [977969] - [perf] Check proper prev_state size for sched_switch tp (Jiri Olsa) [984006] - [perf] Revert "perf sched: Handle PERF_RECORD_EXIT events" (Jiri Olsa) [984006] - [perf] Fix breakage introduced by the test_attr infrastructure (Jiri Olsa) [984006] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix compile warning (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Workaround for unaligned writes (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Disable TRIM support (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix a smatch warning (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix two smatch warnings (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Add debugfs entry device_status (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: return 0 from pci probe in case of rebuild (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: recovery from command timeout (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix error return code in mtip_pci_probe() (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: add missing GENERIC_HARDIRQS dependency (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix sparse warning, symbol 'mtip_send_trim' was not declared (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: add trim support (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix for crash when the device surprise removed during rebuild (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix for driver hang after a command timeout (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix padding issue (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix potential NULL pointer dereference in mtip_timeout_function() (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix shift larger than type warning (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix incorrect mask used for erase mode (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix to make lba address correct in big-endian systems (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: fix potential crash on SEC_ERASE_UNIT (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Added appropriate timeout value for secure erase (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove dead code (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Change printk to pr_xxxx (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Proper reporting of write protect status on big-endian (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Increase timeout for standby command (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Handle NCQ commands during the security locked state (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Add support for new devices (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Create debugfs entries for troubleshooting (David Milburn) [927436] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove version.h header file inclusion (David Milburn) [927436] - [scsi] ipr: Avoid target_destroy accessing memory after it was freed (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] Handle MLQUEUE busy response in scsi_send_eh_cmnd (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: SATA DVD probing failed with 64bit adapter (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Need to reset adapter after the 6th EEH error (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Need to reset adapter after the 6th EEH error (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: fix addition of abort command to HRRQ free queue (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: ipr_test_msi() fails when running with msi-x enabled adapter (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Fix oops while resetting an ipr adapter (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Fix sparse error in ipr driver (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.6.0 (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Implement block iopoll (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Reduce lock contention (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Add support for MSI-X and distributed completion (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Resource path error logging cleanup (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Handler ID memory allocation failure at module load time (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] ipr: Add several new CCIN definitions for new adapters support (Steve Best) [929279] - [scsi] storvsc: avoid usage of WRITE_SAME (Jason Wang) [969541] - [scsi] storvsc: Handle dynamic resizing of the device (Jason Wang) [927414] - [scsi] storvsc: Restructure error handling code on command completion (Jason Wang) [927414] - [scsi] storvsc: Initialize the sglist (Jason Wang) [969545] - [input] alps: add "Dolphin V1" touchpad support (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: remove unused argument to alps_enter_command_mode() (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: enable trackstick on Rushmore touchpads (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: add support for "Rushmore" touchpads (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: make the V3 packet field decoder "pluggable" (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: move pixel and bitmap info into alps_data struct (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: fix command mode check (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: rework detection of Pinnacle AGx touchpads (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: move addr_command, nibble_command settings into alps_set_defaults() (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: use function pointers for different protocol handlers (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: rework detection sequence (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: introduce helper function for repeated commands (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: move alps_get_model() down below hw_init code (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: copy "model" info into alps_data struct (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [input] alps: fix touchpad detection when buttons are pressed (Aristeu Rozanski) [837091] - [virt] hyperv: Handle Xen emulation of Hyper-V more gracefully (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Handle channel rescind message correctly (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Fix a bug in hv_need_to_signal() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: remove cast for kmalloc return value (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Use the new infrastructure for delivering VMBUS interrupts (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Handle Hyper-V vmbus interrupts as special hypervisor interrupts (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: Prevent the host from ballooning the guest too low (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: Add a parameter to delay pressure reporting (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Execute shutdown in a thread context (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hid-hyperv: Use consolidated GUID definitions (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Use the consolidated GUID definition (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/netvsc: Use the consolidated GUID definition (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Use consolidated GUID definitions (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Consolidate all offer GUID definitions in hyperv.h (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Bind all vmbbus interrupts to the boot CPU (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: vmbus_flow_handler() can be static (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: Fix a bug in the definition of struct dm_info_msg (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: remove unused variable in vmbus_recvpacket_raw() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Cleanup and consolidate reporting of build/version info (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Capture the host build information (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Implement flow management on the send side (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Enable protocol negotiation with win8 hosts (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Add a check to deal with spurious interrupts (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Handle vmbus interrupts concurrently on all cpus (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Manage event tasklets on per-cpu basis (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Get rid of unnecessary request for offers (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Get rid of the unused global signaling state (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Add code to distribute channel interrupt load (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Modify the interrupt handling code to support win8 and beyond (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Add state to manage incoming channel interrupt load (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Setup a mapping for Hyper-V's notion cpu ID (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Cleanup vmbus_set_event() to support win7 and beyond (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Manage signaling state on a per-connection basis (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Move vmbus version definitions to hyperv.h (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Change the signature of vmbus_set_event() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Change the signature for hv_signal_event() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Save and export negotiated vmbus version (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Extend/modify vmbus_channel_offer_channel for win7 and beyond (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Update the ring buffer structure to match win8 functionality (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Support handling multiple VMBUS versions (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Get rid of hv_get_ringbuffer_interrupt_mask() (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Optimize the signaling on the write path (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Optimize signaling in the read path (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Turn off batched reading for util drivers (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Add state to manage batched reading (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: Implement routines for read side signaling optimization (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: remove duplicated include from hv_balloon.c (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv/hv_balloon: mark a function static (Jason Wang) [927359] - [virt] hyperv: remove unused variable from channel_mgmt.c (Jason Wang) [927359] - [usb] make the usbfs memory limit configurable (Gopal) [970457] - [powerpc] PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE does not reenable event (Steve Best) [986077] - [trace] sched: Add tracepoint for accounting blocked time (Michal Schmidt) [596098] - [kernel] kexec: export PG_hwpoison flag into vmcoreinfo (Vivek Goyal) [975267] - [base] core: Don't remove kobjects in device_shutdown (Mateusz Guzik) [972831] - [s390] kernel: add support for physical memory > 4TB (Hendrik Brueckner) [913220] - [kernel] time: enable clocksource watchdog for tsc and kvm guest (Marcelo Tosatti) [873659] - [acpi] Rework acpi_get_child() to be more efficient (Tony Camuso) [907241] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: fix ip_summed checksum reporting on rx (Veaceslav Falico) [877556]- [wireless] iwlwifi: bump required firmware API version for 3160/7260 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [842846 916050] - [wireless] iwlwifi: adjust firmware D3 configuration API (Stanislaw Gruszka) [842846 916050] - [wireless] iwlwifi: support BSS only (Stanislaw Gruszka) [842846 916050] - [wireless] leds: merge net/mac80211/leds-compat.* to drivers/leds (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Update rndis_wlan driver to compile with new wireless stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Update at76c50x driver to compile with new wireless stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Update adm8211 driver to compile with new wireless stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Update zd1211rw driver to compile with new wireless stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Update brcmsmac driver to compile with new wireless stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport ti drivers from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport mwl8k driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport mac80211_hwsim driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport libertas_tf driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport orinoco driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport hostap driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport rtl818x driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport b43legacy driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport b43 driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport p54 driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [firwmare] add htc_7010.fw and htc_9271.fw (Stanislaw Gruszka) [955782] - [firmware] add carl9170fw (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport carl9170 driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport ath5k/ath9k drivers from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Remove iwmc3200wifi driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport iwlegacy driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [firmware] iwlwifi: add firmware for 7260 / 3160 devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [842847 916051] - [wireless] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [842846 882300 916050 954239] - [net] Backport mac80211 from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [wireless] Backport wireless core from linux 3.10 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] export unregister_netdevice_many symbol (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [kernel] driver core: add module_platform_driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [pcmcia] introduce helper for pcmcia_driver module boilerplate (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] add GENLMSG_DEFAULT_SIZE to RHEL6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [fs] procfs: add PDE_DATA (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [netdrv] add netdev_continue_rcu (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [kernel] driver core: create lock/unlock functions for struct device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [input] add KEY_WPS_BUTTON definition (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [pci] add PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_ASPM_L1 and PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_ASPM_L0S (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] add mac_pton() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] etherdevice.h: Add is_unicast_ether_addr function (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] etherdevice: introduce eth_broadcast_addr (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] add netdev_features_t (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [kconfig] Introduce IS_ENABLED(), IS_BUILTIN() and IS_MODULE() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] netlink: advertise incomplete dumps (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] netlink: add signed types (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [net] add ETH_P_802_3_MIN (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [kernel] workqueue: add work_busy() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [882300] - [firmware] Update Broadcom wifi 4313 smac firware to version 610.812 (John Green) [965253] - [wireless] brcmsmac: request firmware in .start() callback (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] Revert: brcmsmac: support 4313iPA (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] init spin lock (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove unnecessary memset casts (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Downgrade d11hdrs_mac80211 error messages to warnings (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix brcms_c_country_valid() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: avoid 512 byte stack variable (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix u16 overflow warning (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: rework of mac80211 .flush() callback operation (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] unregister gpios before unloading bcma (John Green) [757944] - [mtd] bcm47xxsflash: add own struct for abstracting bus type (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] cc: fix (and rename) define of NAND flash type (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] Xflash: reorder includes to make pr_fmt work (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] register platform device for parallel flash (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix NAND flash validation (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix tx status processing (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] use consistent case for 'hex' constants (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add support for 1 and 2 byte extended config space access (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] don't map/unmap a subset of the PCI config space (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] jump to 'out' label for invalid 'func' value (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] update pci configuration for bcm4706/bcm4716 (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: rename oldirqflag to irqinitmask (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: remove assigned_irqs from structure (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: show also disabled IRQs (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: make some info messages debug messages (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: explicit assign IRQ numbers (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] make bcma_find_core_unit() accessible (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove dead code (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: allow user-space setting of interface address (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: use perimeter lock in add_interface() callback (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: increase timer reference count for new timers only (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: initialize morepending in brcms_b_recv() (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] remove __dev* attributes (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: add copyright information for Canonical (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] correct M25P32 serial flash ID (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO should depend on GPIOLIB instead of selecting it (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mips: fix clearing device IRQ (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: add support for BCM43224 with PCI id of 14e4:a8d8 (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: do a read after the write of the objmem on broken PCIe controllers (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] unify naming schema for clock functions (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: add support for cores with revision 17 (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix uninitialized variable warning on arm architecture (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: remove __dev* attributes (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add methods for watchdog driver (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] set the pmu watchdog if available (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add bcma_chipco_alp_clock (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove duplicated include from debug.c (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add common header for watchdog (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in _dma_ctrlflags() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: support 4313iPA (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: move PHY functions (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: hardware info in debugfs (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix bounds checking in tx/rx (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: cleanup in isr code (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: handle packet drop during transmit correctly (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] handle return value of pci_assign_resource (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add more package IDs (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add __printf verification to logging prototypes (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] export PLL reading function (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add GPIO driver (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add comment to bcma_chipco_gpio_control (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add bcma_chipco_gpio_pullup and bcma_chipco_gpio_pulldown (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add locking around GPIO register accesses (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove stray argument from debug macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove unused wlc_prio2prec_map and _BRCMS_PREC_* constants (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove some noisy and uninformative debug messages (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add tracepoint for AMPDU session information (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add tracepoint for macintstatus (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Improve tx trace and debug support (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add brcms_dbg_ht() debug macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add brcms_dbg_dma() debug macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add brcms_dbg_int() debug macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add rx and tx debug macros (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add brcms_dbg_mac80211() debug macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Use debug macros for general error and debug statements (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add support for writing debug messages to the trace buffer (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add module parameter for setting the debug level (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: Convert log message levels to debug levels (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: Allow trace support to be enabled separately from debug (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Reduce number of entries in tx DMA rings (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Use correct descriptor count when calculating next rx descriptor (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove internal tx queue (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Use IEEE 802.11 AC levels for pktq precedence levels (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Remove unimplemented flow control functions (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Add helper function for updating txavail count (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Don't weight AMPDU packets in txfifo (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Introduce AMPDU sessions for assembling AMPDUs (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] suspend/resume callbacks should be conditionally compiled on CONFIG_PM_SLEEP (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] do not initialize deactivated PCIe cores (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add an extra pcie core struct (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] use fallback sprom if sprom on card was not valid (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add some more flash chips for serial flash (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] extract drv_cc in bcma_core_mips_flash_detect() (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mark nflash if it is the boot flash (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add and use constants for the flash windows (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] mark pflash as present when available (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] init sprom struct earlier (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] just do the necessary things in early register on SoCs (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix unregistration of cores (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] Convert #include ... to #include in kernel system headers (John Green) [757944] - [mtd] bcm47xxsflash: basic read-only driver for BCMA serial flash (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] change delays to follow timers-howto guide (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] handle BCM43227 (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: Remove bogus memcpy in ai_detach (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix mismatch in number of custom regulatory rules (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] don't leak memory for PCIE, MIPS, GBIT cores (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: set interface down on reset (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] detect and register NAND flash device (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] detect and register serial flash device (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: document firmware dependencies (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add (mostly) NAND defines (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] make some functions static (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: use ieee80211_channel_to_frequency (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] BCM43228 support (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix invalid PMU chip control masks (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add missing iounmap on error path (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix regression in interrupt assignment on mips (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add place for flash memory support (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] cc: update defines (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add new cores at the end of list (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add trivial GBIT MAC COMMON driver (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix typo reading number of slave wrappers (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] support alternative (BCM4706) ChipCommon core id (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: restructure info->control.sta handling as it is going to be removed soon (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add PMU clock support for BCM4706 (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] fix CC driver compilation on MIPS (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: handle non PCI devices in the phy code (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix read in write_phy_reg (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: extend brcms_c_chipmatch() to also handle non PCIe devices (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix DMA on SoCs (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: extend xmtfifo_sz array (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: add some workarounds for other chips again (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: add a conditions for core rev 17 again (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove some unnessessacry casts and void pointer (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: use core id constants from bcma (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove some redundant chip common workarounds (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove si_pmu_spuravoid_pllupdate() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove si_pmu_init() and si_pmu_res_init() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove ai_findcore() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: use container_of instead of cast (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove ai_get_buscoretype() and ai_get_buscorerev() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove PCI_FORCEHT() macro (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove PCIE() macro (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] use custom printing functions (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix brcms_c_regd_init() which crashed after 11ad patch (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add mdelay bcma_pmu_resources_init() (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add bcma_pmu_spuravoid_pllupdate() (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] remove chip ids doing nothing from PMU initialization (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] remove bcma_pmu_pll_init() and bcma_pmu_swreg_init() (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] complete workaround for BCMA43224 and BCM4313 (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add PCI ID for BCM43224 (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] remove fix for 4329b0 bad LPOM is detection (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] add constants for chip ids (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] extend workaround for bcm4331 (John Green) [757944] - [bcma] define some additional cores IDs (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix NULL pointer crash in brcms_c_regd_init() (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: use current regulatory domain when checking whether OFDM is allowed (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: don't validate channels against internal regulatory data (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: use mac80211 channel data for tx power limits (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: enable/disable radio on regulatory updates (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: inform mac80211 of the X2 regulatory domain (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: clean up channel.c (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: remove unused code for 40MHz channels (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: always set channel specified by mac80211 (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: don't set up tx power limits during initialization (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: fix smatch warning found in ampdu.c (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: remove brcms_set_hint() function (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: fixed checkpatch and sparse warnings (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: Remove casts to same type (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: brcmu_pkt_buf_free_skb() should handle NULL (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcm80211: remove an unneeded NULL check (John Green) [757944] - [wireless] brcmsmac: initial backport of brcmsmac wifi driver (John Green) [757944] - [firmware] Add brcmsmac wireless firmware (John Green) [757944]- [netdrv] e1000e: Release mutex lock only if it has been initially acquired (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup whitespace (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: panic caused by Rx traffic arriving while interface going down (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: prevent multiple calls to e1000e_down() and e1000_free_irq() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix numeric overflow in phc settime method (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add missing dma_mapping_error-call in e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: increase driver version number (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup unused defines (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add support for LTR on I217/I218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: EEE capability advertisement not set/disabled as required (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: long access timeouts when I217/I218 MAC and PHY are out of sync (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix LED blink logic for designs with LEDs driven by cathode (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: slow performance between two 82579 connected via 10Mbit hub (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: additional error handling on PHY register accesses (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: workaround DMA unit hang on I218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - move defines to appropriate header file (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup format of struct e1000_opt_list struct (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix scheduling while atomic bug (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix scheduling while atomic bugs (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup USLEEP_RANGE checkpatch checks (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup unnecessary line breaks (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup formatting of static structs (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup unusually placed comments (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup (add/remove) blank lines where appropriate (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup SPACING checkpatch checks (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup LEADING_SPACE checkpatch warnings (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup LONG_LINE checkpatch warnings (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup SPACING checkpatch errors and warnings (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup CODE_INDENT checkpatch errors (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: display a warning message when SmartSpeed works (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup checkpatch braces checks (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert enums of register offsets and move #defines to regs.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines and prototypes to the new manage.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines and function prototypes to the new nvm.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines and function prototypes to the new phy.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of function prototypes to the new mac.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines and prototypes to the new ich8lan.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines to the new 80003es2lan.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic move of #defines and prototypes to the new 82571.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: use generic IEEE MII definitions (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: resolve -Wunused-parameter compile warnings (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup some whitespace and indentation issues (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: group OR'ed bit settings with parens (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup defines.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove comments which are no longer applicable (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup hw.h (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unused #define (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: adjust PM QoS request (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: correct maximum frame size on 82579 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove e1000e_commit_phy() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove e1000_get_cable_length() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove e1000_get_phy_cfg_done() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: rename e1000_get_cfg_done() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove e1000_force_speed_duplex() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove e1000_set_d0_lplu_state() (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: do not assign a variable a value when not necessary (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: do not ignore variables which get set a value (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unnecessary function prototypes (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove definition of struct which is no longer used (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix PHY init workarounds for i217/i218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: correct maximum frame size on i217/i218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: update copyright date (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove prototype of non-existent function (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: prevent hardware from automatically configuring PHY on I217/I218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable ECC on I217/I218 to catch packet buffer memory errors (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add support for IEEE-1588 PTP (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix flow-control thresholds for jumbo frames on 82579/I217/I218 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix ethtool offline register test for I217 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add support for hardware timestamping on some devices (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add ethtool .get_eee/.set_eee (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: merge multiple conditional statements into one (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup code duplication (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup magic number (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup unnecessary line wrap (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup unusual comment placement (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: resolve checkpatch PREFER_PR_LEVEL warning (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add missing bailout on error (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: unexpected "Reset adapter" message when cable pulled (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix enabling of EEE on 82579 and I217 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82577: workaround for link drop issue (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: helper functions for accessing EMI registers (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: Invalid Image CSUM bit changed for I217 (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: Acquire/release semaphore when writing each EEPROM page (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: SerDes autoneg flow control (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic cleanup of comments (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: Minimum packet size must be 17 bytes (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: Change wthresh to 1 to avoid possible Tx stalls (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: add transmit timestamping support (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup e1000_set_phys_id (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [netdrv] e1000e: implement ethtool set_phys_id (Dean Nelson) [923897] - [bluetooth] L2CAP - Fix info leak via getsockname() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [922418] {CVE-2012-6544} - [bluetooth] HCI - Fix info leak in getsockopt() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [922418] {CVE-2012-6544} - [netdrv] igbvf: be sane about random MAC addresses (Stefan Assmann) [870635] - [net] mii: Remove references to DP83840 PHY in mii.h (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [856764] - [kernel] err: add a function to cast error-pointers to a return value (Neil Horman) [856764] - [net] etherdevice: introduce help function eth_zero_addr() (Neil Horman) [856764] - [net] mii: Convert spaces to tabs in mii.h (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [856764] - [netdrv] tg3: Wait for boot code to finish after power on (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add read dma workaround for 5720 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: remove redundant pm init code (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary lock around tg3_flag_set (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix misplaced empty line (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use descriptive label names in tg3_start (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Make tg3_rings_reset() more concise (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Simplify ring control block setup (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Split APE driver state change out of boot reset signature update (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.132 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Ensure boot code has completed initialization before accessing hardware (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use module_pci_driver to register driver (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Implement set/get_eee handlers (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Simplify tg3_phy_eee_config_ok() by reusing tg3_eee_pull_config() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add tg3_eee_pull_config() function (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add ethtool_eee struct and tg3_setup_eee() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Skip powering down function 0 on certain serdes devices (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix data corruption on 5725 with TSO (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: fix to append hardware time stamping flags (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: shows HW time stamping support only if ptp_capable is present (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use bool not int (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.131 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Reset the phy to allow modified EEE settings to take effect (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Pull the phy advertised speed and flow control settings on driver load (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add support for link flap avoidance (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add SGMII phy support for 5719/5718 serdes (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add tg3_clear_mac_status() common function (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add a warning during link settings change if mgmt enabled (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary phy reset during ethtool commands (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix NVRAM size detection for the STM45PE20 pinstrap on 5762 devices (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix flow control settings not propagated to hardware (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: fix length overflow in VPD firmware parsing (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: dma_alloc_coherent, use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: 5715 does not link up when autoneg off (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Update link_up flag for phylib devices (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Download 57766 EEE service patch firmware (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Enhance firmware download code to support fragmented firmware (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup firmware parsing code (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Refactor the 2nd type of cpu pause (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Refactor cpu pause/resume code (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add new FW_TSO flag (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use different macros for pci_chip_rev_id accesses (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove define and single use of GET_CHIP_REV_ID (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.130 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Set initial carrier state to off (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 5762 NVRAM sizing (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Expand EEE support for all 5717 B0 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 57766 device support (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: add support for Ethernet core in bcm4785 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: make it possible to provide phy_id in ioctl (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary alloc/OOM messages, alloc cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: missing break statement in tg3_get_5720_nvram_info() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove CONFIG_HWMON IS_ENABLED() check (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Improve PCI function number detection (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add NVRAM support for 5762 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add support for new 5762 ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix sparse warning: constant 0x7fffffffffffffff is so big it is long long (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: PTP - Enable the timestamping feature in hardware and fill skb tx/rx timestamps (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: PTP - Add the hardware timestamp ioctl (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: PTP - Implement the ptp api and ethtool functions (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: PTP - Add header definitions, initialization and hw access functions (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix inconsistent locking for tg3_netif_start() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use tp->rxq_cnt when checking RSS tables (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup hardcoded ethtool test array indexes (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Prevent spurious tx timeout by setting carrier off before tx disable (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Set 10_100_ONLY flag for additional 10/100 Mbps devices (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Call tg3_netif_stop() from tg3_stop() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Support 5717 C0 (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: unconditionally select HWMON support when tg3 is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable multiple TX rings by default due to hardware flaw (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Add support for ethtool -L|-l to get/set the number of rings (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Refactor tg3_close() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Refactor tg3_open() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Separate coalescing setup for rx and tx (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow number of rx and tx rings to be set independently (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Introduce separate functions to allocate/free RX/TX rings (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix single-vector MSI-X code (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Make the RSS indir tbl admin configurable (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: switch to build_skb() infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix EEE debounce timer values (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: add skb frag size accessors (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: use DMA_x_DEVICE and dma_mapping_error with skb_frag_dma_map (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: convert to SKB paged frag API (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Reorg tg3_napi members (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix MII_TG3_DSP_EXP8 offset (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove tg3_config_info definition (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Set real_num_rx_queues for non-multiq devs (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Use netif_set_real_num_rx_queues() and netif_set_real_num_tx_queues() (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: use the DMA state API instead of the pci equivalents (Ivan Vecera) [915516] - [netdrv] tg3: Avoid null pointer dereference in tg3_interrupt in netconsole mode (Ivan Vecera) [887908] - [netdrv] virtio_net: introduce a new control to set macaddr (Amos Kong) [904924] - [net] split eth_mac_addr for better error handling (Amos Kong) [904924] - [netdrv] virtio_net: move virtnet_send_command() above virtnet_set_mac_address() (Amos Kong) [904924] - [netdrv] virtio_net: use IFF_LIVE_ADDR_CHANGE priv_flag (Amos Kong) [904924] - [net] eth: reset addr_assign_type if eth_mac_addr() called (Amos Kong) [904924] - [net] set IFF_LIVE_ADDR_CHANGE to ext_priv_flags (Amos Kong) [904924] - [net] ipvs: fix CHECKSUM_PARTIAL for TCP, UDP (Thomas Graf) [973122] - [net] ethtool: allow enable GRO even if RX csum is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [962460] - [net] bonding: enable gro by default (Ivan Vecera) [962460] - [net] bridge: fix some kernel warning in multicast timer (Amerigo Wang) [952012] - [net] sctp: confirm route during forward progress (Daniel Borkmann) [980053] - [net] bridge: Provide VLAN registration and GRO acceleration for ports (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [858198]- [netdrv] macvtap: Perform GSO on forwarding path (Vlad Yasevich) [885662] - [netdrv] macvtap: Let TUNSETOFFLOAD actually controll offload features (Vlad Yasevich) [885662] - [netdrv] macvtap: Consistently use rcu functions (Vlad Yasevich) [885662] - [netdrv] macvtap: Convert to using rtnl lock (Vlad Yasevich) [885662] - [powerpc] power8: Fix oprofile and perf (Steve Best) [929283] - [powerpc] POWER8 cputable entry (Steve Best) [929283] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix memory leak when discarding scattered packets (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove write permission from phy_type attribute (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix IRQ cleanup in case of a probe failure (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not pass non-TCP packets into GRO code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Define and set RX buffer flag for packets parsed as TCP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable accelerated RFS on vlans (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Report software timestamping capabilities (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Increase size of RX SKB header area (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable RX checksum offload for packets not handled by GRO (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix EEH with legacy interrupts (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Store port number in private data, not net_device::dev_id (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Reduce RX scatter buffer size, and reduce alignment if appropriate (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: fix return value check in efx_ptp_probe_channel() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix naming of MTD partitions for FPGA bitfiles (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: make local functions static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: pass __GFP_ZERO to dma_alloc_coherent() instead of using memset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: remove duplicated include from efx.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: allocate more RX buffers per page (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Replace efx_rx_is_last_buffer() with a flag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: reuse pages to avoid DMA mapping/unmapping costs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable RX DMA scattering where possible (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Update RX buffer address together with length (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Explicitly prefetch RX hash prefix, not just Ethernet heade (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Replace efx_rx_buf_eh() with simpler efx_rx_buf_va() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Wrap __efx_rx_packet() with efx_rx_flush_packet() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Make RX queue descriptor counts unsigned for consistency (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Properly distinguish RX buffer and DMA lengths (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Document current usage of efx_rx_buffer::len and efx_nic::rx_buffer_len (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Add AER and EEH support for Siena (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable RSS when using SR-IOV and only 1 RX queue on the PF (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix replacement detection in efx_filter_insert_filter() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Merge efx_filter_search() into efx_filter_insert() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't use efx_filter_ functions for default MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove redundant parameter to efx_filter_search() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: More sensible semantics for efx_filter_insert_filter() replace flag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove rx_alloc_method SKB (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix Kconfig typo (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Only use TX push if a single descriptor is to be written (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct efx_rx_buffer::page_offset when EFX_PAGE_IP_ALIGN != 0 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable soft interrupt handling during efx_device_detach_sync() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Detach net device when stopping queues for reconfiguration (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix efx_rx_buf_offset() in the presence of swiotlb (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Properly sync RX DMA buffer when it is not the last in the page (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Make module parameters really boolean (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix timekeeping in efx_mcdi_poll() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: lock TX queues when calling netif_device_detach() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Work-around flush timeout when flushes have completed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Reset driver's MAC stats after MC reboot seen (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not initialise buffer in efx_alloc_special_buffer() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Correctly initialise reset_method in siena_test_chip() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove confusing MMIO functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix check for failure of MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Delete redundant page_addr variable from efx_init_rx_buffers_page() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Really disable flow control while flushing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix byte order warning in self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix byte order warnings for ethtool RX filter interface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: use standard _bit_le() functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix loopback self-test with separate_tx_channels=1 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix MCDI structure field lookup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Add parentheses around use of bitfield macro arguments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Avoid generating over-length MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES request (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Bump version to 3.2 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Support variable-length response to MCDI GET_BOARD_CFG (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Convert firmware subtypes to native byte order in efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix reporting of IPv4 full filters through ethtool (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Assign efx and efx->type as early as possible in efx_pci_probe() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove bogus comment about MTU change and RX buffer overrun (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove overly paranoid locking assertions from netdev operations (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix reset vs probe/remove/PM races involving efx_nic::state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Improve log messages in case we abort probe due to a pending reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Never try to stop and start a NIC that is disabled (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Hold RTNL lock only when calling efx_stop_interrupts() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Keep disabled NICs quiescent during suspend/resume (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Hold the RTNL lock for more of the suspend/resume cycle (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Change state names to be clearer, and comment them (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Stash header offsets for TSO in struct tso_state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Replace tso_state::full_packet_space with ip_base_len (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Simplify TSO header buffer allocation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop TX queues before they fill up (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor struct efx_tx_buffer to use a flags field (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: initialize dynamic sysfs attributes for lockdep (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct some comments on enum reset_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix interface statistics running backward (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable VF queues during register self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Explain why efx_mcdi_exit_assertion() ignores result of efx_mcdi_rpc() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Use dev_kfree_skb() in efx_end_loopback() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Use strlcpy() to copy ethtool stats names (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop changing header offsets on TX (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove dead write to tso_state::packet_space (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Use generic DMA API, not PCI-DMA API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] Fix non-kernel-doc comments with kernel-doc start markers (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] Fix kernel-doc comments for various functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement module EEPROM access for SFE4002 and SFN4112F (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Added support for new ethtool APIs for obtaining module eeprom (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix mapping of reset reasons and flags to methods (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [953929]- [mm] transparent hugepage core changes related to MADV_HUGEPAGE/MADV_NOHUGEPAGE (Larry Woodman) [891857] - [mm] thp: define MADV_NOHUGEPAGE (Larry Woodman) [891857] - [mm] thp: define MADV_HUGEPAGE (Larry Woodman) [891857] - [mm] thp: Add madvise MADV_NOHUGEPAGE (Larry Woodman) [891857] - [mm] thp: Add madvise MADV_HUGEPAGE (Larry Woodman) [891857] - [net] tuntap: initialize vlan_features (Vlad Yasevich) [951458] - [net] netlink_dump: fix locking regression in error path (Daniel Borkmann) [982108] - [net] ip6_fib: Various cleanups (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: return errno pointers consistently for fib6_add_1() (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: fix return value check in fib6_add() (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib/ip6_route: Standardize prefixes for message logging (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: Use pr_warn() (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: Fix a crash when trying to replace non existing route (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: Removing unnecessary NULL checks (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_fib: add NLM_F_* flag support for route (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_route: Various cleanups (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] ip6_route: add support for NLM_F_* flags (Jiri Pirko) [958215] - [net] af_key: fix info leaks in notify messages (Jiri Benc) [981004] {CVE-2013-2234} - [net] af_key: initialize satype in key_notify_policy_flush() (Thomas Graf) [981227] {CVE-2013-2237} - [net] ipv4: ipmr_expire_timer causes crash when removing net namespace (Amerigo Wang) [972573] - [net] ipv6: ip6_sk_dst_check() must not assume ipv6 dst (Jiri Pirko) [981559] {CVE-2013-2232} - [net] ipv6: remove old token ipv6 address as soon as possible (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: check return value of ipv6_get_lladdr (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: don't call addrconf_dst_alloc again when enable lo (Jiri Benc) [744655] - [net] rps: Ensure that an expired hardware filter can be re-added later (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [crypto] algboss: Hold ref count on larval (Daniel Borkmann) [889992] - [net] sctp: fix NULL pointer dereference in socket destruction (Daniel Borkmann) [889992] - [net] Use separate workqueue for linkwatch events (Jan Vesely) [783615]- [x86] Revert: Allow greater than 1TB of RAM on AMD x86_64 sytems (Larry Woodman) [970735] - [x86] Revert: Prevent panic in init_memory_mapping() when booting more than 1TB on AMD systems (Larry Woodman) [970735] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Changelog and driver version update (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support to differentiate between iMR vs MR Firmware (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for Uneven Span PRL11 (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for Extended MSI-x vectors for 12Gb/s controller (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set IoFlags to enable Fast Path for JBODs for 12 Gb/s controllers (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support to display Customer branding details in syslog (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for MegaRAID Fury (device ID-0x005f) 12Gb/s controllers (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set IO request timeout value provided by OS timeout for Tape devices (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Free event detail memory without device ID check (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update balance count in driver to be in sync of firmware (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix the interrupt mask for Gen2 controller (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Return DID_ERROR for SCSI IO, when controller is in critical h/w error (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Dont load DevHandle unless FastPath enabled (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add 4k FastPath DIF support (Tomas Henzl) [949084] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver vesion to v15.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix for unused variable 'event_data' warning (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for device scan following host reset could get stuck in a infinite loop (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for issue Missing delay not getting set during system bootup (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev W (2.00.15) specification (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Calulate the Reply post queue depth calculation as per the MPI spec (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix firmware failure with wrong task attribute (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Update the timing requirements for issuing a Hard Reset (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: update version string to (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Add support for OEM specific controller (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Add a module parameter that permits overriding protection capabilities (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Return the correct sense key for DIF errors (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix double mutex lock in NON_BLOCKING state (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for issue - Unable to boot from the drive connected to HBA (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for With post diag reset same set of device gets added, removed and then again gets added with new target ids (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for staged device discovery functionality of driver not working (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas : MPI 2.0 Rev V(2.0.14) specification (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: minor fix to follow upstream (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Provide sysfs attribute to report Backup Rail Monitor Status (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: To include more Intel Branding (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: 2012 source code copyright (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for Driver oops, when loading driver with max_queue_depth command line option to a very small value (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix unsafe using smp_processor_id() in preemptible (Tomas Henzl) [947078] - [scsi] mpt2sas: move the scsi_host_put to the right place (Tomas Henzl) [947078]- [ata] ahci: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH RAID mode (John Villalovos) [922969] - [i2c] i801: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (John Villalovos) [922969] - [ata] ahci: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH AHCI mode (John Villalovos) [922969] - [sound] hda_intel: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (John Villalovos) [922969] - [ata] ata_piix: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (John Villalovos) [922969] - [usb] uhci: fix for suspend of virtual HP controller (Gopal) [960026] - [usb] uhci: Remove PCI dependencies from uhci-hub (Gopal) [960026] - [scsi] st: add MTWEOFI to write filemarks without flushing drive buffer (Jan Vesely) [888903] - [mm] reinstate the first-fit scheme for arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown() (Rafael Aquini) [980273] - [netdrv] tg3: Prevent system hang during repeated EEH errors (Ivan Vecera) [973209] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change MDIO clock settings (Michal Schmidt) [901747] - [scsi] aacraid: Dual firmware support (Rich Bono) [924346] - [scsi] aacraid: 1024 max outstanding command support for Series 7 and above (Rich Bono) [903799 952342] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: increase max_lun to ~0, don't care (Jan Vesely) [588679] - [scsi] st: Take additional queue ref in st_probe (Tomas Henzl) [927988]- [mm] block: optionally snapshot page contents to provide stable pages during write (Rafael Aquini) [951937] - [mm] only enforce stable page writes if the backing device requires it (Rafael Aquini) [951937] - [mm] bdi: allow block devices to say that they require stable page writes (Rafael Aquini) [951937] - [mm] fix writeback_in_progress() (Rafael Aquini) [951937] - [mm] ksm: unfolding of ksm_drop_anon_vma and hold_anon_vma functions (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: allocate roots when needed (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: swapoff might need to copy (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: FOLL_MIGRATION do migration_entry_wait (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: shrink 32-bit rmap_item back to 32 bytes (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: treat unstable nid like in stable tree (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: add some comments (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: stop hotremove lockdep warning (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: enable KSM page migration (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: make !merge_across_nodes migration safe (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: make KSM page migration possible (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: remove old stable nodes more thoroughly (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: get_ksm_page locked (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: reorganize ksm_check_stable_tree (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: trivial tidyups (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: add sysfs ABI Documentation (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [mm] ksm: allow trees per NUMA node (Petr Holasek) [947944] - [virt] kvm: Add a tracepoint write_tsc_offset (Marcelo Tosatti) [911567] - [net] ipv4: fix invalid free in ip_cmsg_send() callers (Petr Matousek) [979788] {CVE-2013-2224}- [x86] Revert: amd: Do not enable ARAT feature on AMD processors below family 0x12 (Prarit Bhargava) [808192 979105] - [x86] Revert: apic: disable ARAT by default (Prarit Bhargava) [808192 979105] - [x86] Revert: apic: mark ARAT Support as Tech Preview (Prarit Bhargava) [808192 979105] - [s390] iucv: fix kernel panic at reboot (Hendrik Brueckner) [967907] - [kernel] smp: introduce a generic on_each_cpu_mask() function (Hendrik Brueckner) [967907] - [kernel] audit: wait_for_auditd() should use TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE (Oleg Nesterov) [962976] - [kernel] audit: avoid negative sleep durations (Oleg Nesterov) [962976] - [s390] dasd: fix hanging device after resume with internal error 13 (Hendrik Brueckner) [974191] - [s390] cio: suppress 2nd path verification during resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [974191] - [virt] kvm: Export svm/vmx exit code and vector code to userspace (Andrew Jones) [970607] - [s390] mm: fix flush_tlb_kernel_range() (Hendrik Brueckner) [974192] - [powerpc] Add VDSO version of getcpu (Steve Best) [929224] - [kernel] sched: make weird topologies bootable (Radim Krcmar) [892677] - [x86] perf: Fix offcore_rsp valid mask for SNB/IVB (Jiri Olsa) [971315] {CVE-2013-2146} - [scsi] libsas: use right function to alloc smp response (David Milburn) [949887] - [tools] perf/Documentation: Fix typos (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/evsel: Introduce is_group_member method (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/ui: Always compile browser setup code (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/ui: Add ui_progress__finish() (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Implement ui_progress functions (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/ui: Introduce generic ui_progress helper (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Move progress.c under ui/tui directory (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add basic event modifier sanity check (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Omit group members from perf_evlist__disable/enable (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Ensure single disable call per event in record comand (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix 'disabled' attribute config for record command (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix attributes for '{}' defined event groups (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Use sscanf for parsing /proc/pid/maps (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add gtk. config option for launching GTK browser (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix compile error on NO_NEWT=1 build (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/hists: Initialize all of he->stat with zeroes (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Stop using 'self' in pstack (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Check for mkstemp return value in dso-data test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Final cleanup for builtin-test move (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move pmu tests into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__syscall_open_tp_fields into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move perf_evsel__tp_sched_test into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move perf_evsel__roundtrip_name_test into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__rdpmc into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__PERF_RECORD into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__basic_mmap into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__open_syscall_event_on_all_cpus into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__open_syscall_event into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test__vmlinux_matches_kallsyms into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/annotate: Merge same lines in summary view (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/annotate: Don't try to follow jump target on PLT symbols (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/annotate: Whitespace fixups (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/test: fix a build error on builtin-test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/machine: Move more methods to machine code (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Use hists__link when not pairing just with baseline (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/hists: Introduce hists__link (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Move hists__match to the hists lib (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Start moving to support matching more than two hists (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Don't try to lookup objdump for live mode (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add arbitary aliases and support names with - (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add LIBDW_DIR Makefile variable to for alternate libdw (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move attr.py temp dir cleanup into finally section (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/hists: Free branch_info when freeing hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix detection of stack area (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/machine: Set kernel data mapping length (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Removing 'optional' field (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix attr watermark field name typo (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Factor attr tests WRITE_ASS macro (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add missing attr stat basic test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/report: Postpone objdump check until annotation requested (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Introduce struct hist_browser_timer (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Use normalized arch name for searching objdump path (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add documentation for attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr stat default test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr stat default test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr stat event syntax group test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr stat group test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr stat no-inherit test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record branch filter tests (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record branch any test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record no delay test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record raw test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record data test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record no-inherit test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record no samples test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record period test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record graph test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record count test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record freq test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record event syntax group test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record group test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr tests under builtin test command (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record basic test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Add framework for automated perf_event_attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/tests: Move test objects into 'tests' directory (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/browser: Don't show scripts menu for 'perf top' (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Remove BINDIR define from exec_cmd.o compilation (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/annotate: Handle XBEGIN like a jump (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Handle --version string generation on machines without git (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Further speed up the perf build (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Speed up the perf build time by simplifying the perf --version string generation (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add info about cross compiling for Android ARM (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Warn about missing libelf (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/python: Initialize 'page_size' variable (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/record: Fix mmap error output condition (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/header: Add is_perf_magic() func (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/browser: Integrate script browser into main hists browser (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/browser: Integrate script browser into annotation browser (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/browser: Add a browser for perf script (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/script: Add more filter to find_scripts() (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add a global variable "const char *input_name" (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move dso_* related functions into dso object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move strxfrchar into string object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move hex2u64 into util object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move BUILD_ID_SIZE into build-id object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move build_id__sprintf into build-id object (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Move parse_events error printing to parse_events_options (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/stat: Add --pre and --post command (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/inject: Mark a dso if it's used (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/inject: Merge sched_stat_* and sched_switch events (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/inject: Work with files (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix LIBELF_MMAP checking (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Always show CHK message when doing try-cc (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Convert invocation of MAKE into SUBDIR (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Cleanup doc related targets (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Compat changes (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Use sched:sched_stat_runtime to provide a thread summary (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Count number of events for each thread and globally (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Don't stop synthesizing threads when one vanishes (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Try to build Documentation when installing (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Print the name of a syscall when failing to read its info (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Pretty print errno for some more functions (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Add duration filter (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Add an event duration column (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Support interrupted syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/test: Align the 'Ok'/'FAILED!' test results (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Give user better message if precise is not supported (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Account the nr_entries in rblist properly (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Try to find cross-built objdump path (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Remove noise in python version feature test (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Diplays more output on features check for make V=1 (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/test: Add automated tests for pmu sysfs translated events (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add support to specify hw event as PMU event term (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Fix PMU object alias initialization (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/Documentation: add documentation on compiling for Android (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Update Makefile for Android (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Add on_exit implementation (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Remove duplicated include from trace-event-python.c (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/machine: Carve up event processing specific from perf_tool (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/sched: Handle PERF_RECORD_EXIT events (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/annotate: Handle PERF_RECORD_EXIT events (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/event: No need to create a thread when handling PERF_RECORD_EXIT (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/machine: Introduce find_thread method (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf: Have the page size value available for all tools (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Display empty space for non paired samples (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Include samples without symbol in overall stats (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add -F option to display formula for computation (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add -p option to display period values for hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add weighted diff computation way to compare hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add option to sort entries based on diff computation (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add ratio computation way to compare hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/diff: Add -b option for perf diff to display paired entries only (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Add support for tracing workload given by command line (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Explicitly enable system-wide mode if no option is given (Jiri Olsa) [970529] - [tools] perf/trace: Validate target task/user/cpu argument (Jiri Olsa) [970529]- [fs] xfs: don't use speculative prealloc for small files (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: xfs_iomap_prealloc_size() tracepoint (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add quota-driven speculative preallocation throttling (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: xfs_dquot prealloc throttling watermarks and low free space (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: pass xfs_dquot to xfs_qm_adjust_dqlimits() instead of xfs_disk_dquot_t (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: push rounddown_pow_of_two() to after prealloc throttle (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: reorganize xfs_iomap_prealloc_size to remove indentation (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: Define a new function xfs_inode_dquot() (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: Define a new function xfs_this_quota_on() (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_iomap_eof_prealloc_initial_size type (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: increase prealloc size to double that of the previous extent (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: fix potential infinite loop in xfs_iomap_prealloc_size() (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: limit speculative prealloc size on sparse files (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: limit speculative prealloc near ENOSPC thresholds (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add background scanning to clear eofblocks inodes (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add minimum file size filtering to eofblocks scan (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: support multiple inode id filtering in eofblocks scan (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add inode id filtering to eofblocks scan (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add XFS_IOC_FREE_EOFBLOCKS ioctl (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: create function to scan and clear EOFBLOCKS inodes (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_free_eofblocks() non-static, return EAGAIN on trylock failure (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: create helper to check whether to free eofblocks on inode (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: support a tag-based inode_ag_iterator (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] xfs: add EOFBLOCKS inode tagging/untagging (Brian Foster) [955254] - [fs] ext3: Dont call dquot_free_block() if we dont update anything (Eric Sandeen) [790278] - [fs] ext3: Update ctime in ext3_splice_branch() only when needed (Eric Sandeen) [790278] - [fs] GFS2: Fall back to vmalloc if kmalloc fails for dir hash tables (Robert S Peterson) [962468] - [fs] GFS2: Remove inode from i_ordered list in gfs2_clear_inode (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] GFS2: fix FITRIM boundary condition errors (Abhijith Das) [891699] - [fs] jbd[2]: enable CONFIG_JBD[2]_DEBUG on debug kernels (Eric Sandeen) [851269] - [fs] nfsd4: dont close read-write opens too soon (J. Bruce Fields) [955238] - [fs] GFS2: Add origin indicator to glock callbacks (Robert S Peterson) [855381] - [fs] GFS2: Don:t cache iopen glocks (Robert S Peterson) [855381] - [fs] ext2: update ctime when changing the file:s permission by setfacl (Eric Sandeen) [969323] - [fs] fuse: fix alignment in short read optimization for async_dio (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: return -EIOCBQUEUED from fuse_direct_IO() for all async requests (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: add flag to turn on async direct IO (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: truncate file if async dio failed (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: optimize short direct reads (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: enable asynchronous processing direct IO (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: make fuse_direct_io() aware about AIO (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: add support of async IO (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: move fuse_release_user_pages() up (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: Do not use RCU for current process credentials (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: mark pages accessed when written to (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: cleanup fuse_direct_io() (Brian Foster) [949805] - [fs] fuse: update inode size and invalidate attributes on fallocate (Brian Foster) [927324] - [fs] fuse: truncate pagecache range on hole punch (Brian Foster) [927324] - [fs] fuse: optimize fallocate on permanent failure (Brian Foster) [927324] - [fs] fuse: convert inode fallocate to file fallocate (Brian Foster) [927324] - [fs] fuse: add FALLOCATE operation (Brian Foster) [927324] - [fs] GFS2: Increase i_writecount during gfs2_setattr_size (Robert S Peterson) [968031] - [fs] NFS4.1 Fix data server connection race (Steve Dickson) [961887] - [fs] NFSv4: Dont recheck permissions on open in case of recovery cached open (Steve Dickson) [956865] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Fix the callback highest_used_slotid behaviour (Steve Dickson) [960224] - [fs] NFS: Cache state owners after files are closed (Steve Dickson) [800677] - [fs] NFS: Move cl_state_owners and related fields to the nfs_server struct (Steve Dickson) [800677] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix a readdir regression (Steve Dickson) [963337] - [fs] xfs: return EOPNOTSUPP for unsupported acl format (Eric Sandeen) [963686] - [fs] ext2: clear uptodate flag on super block I/O error (Eric Sandeen) [679930] - [fs] ext4/jbd2: dont wait (forever) for stale tid caused by wraparound (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] jbd: dont wait (forever) for stale tid caused by wraparound (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] ext4: fix waiting and sending of a barrier in ext4_sync_file() (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] jbd2: Add function jbd2_trans_will_send_data_barrier() (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] jbd2: fix sending of data flush on journal commit (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] ext4: fix fdatasync() for files with only i_size changes (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] ext4: Initialize fsync transaction ids in ext4_new_inode() (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [fs] ext4: Rewrite __jbd2_log_start_commit logic to match upstream (Eric Sandeen) [955807] - [net] sctp: Use correct sideffect command in duplicate cookie handling (Daniel Borkmann) [963843] {CVE-2013-2206} - [net] macvlan: fix checksums error when we are in bridge mode (Vlad Yasevich) [893151] - [net] bridge: Add const to dummy br_netpoll_send_skb (Flavio Leitner) [924294] - [net] bridge: send query as soon as leave is received (Amerigo Wang) [952012] - [net] bridge: only expire the mdb entry when query is received (Amerigo Wang) [952012] - [net] bridge: Replace mp->mglist hlist with a bool (Amerigo Wang) [952012] - [net] bond: add support to read speed and duplex via ethtool (Veaceslav Falico) [961131] - [net] bridge: set fake_rtable's dst to NULL to avoid kernel Oops (Thomas Graf) [924033] - [net] bonding: fire NETDEV_RELEASE event only on 0 slaves (Veaceslav Falico) [805098]- [netdrv] igb: Removed unused i2c function (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation of i210/i211 LED support (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix possible panic caused by Rx traffic arrival while interface is down (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix set_ethtool function to call update nvm for entire image (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: SerDes flow control setting (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Support for SFP modules discovery (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add update to last_rx_timestamp in Rx rings (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Changed LEDs blink mechanism to include designs using cathode (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: limit udelay for phy changes to 10000us (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Bump version of driver (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Remove id's that will not be productized for Linux (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Remove dead code path (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Retain HW VLAN filtering while in promiscuous + VT mode (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: display a warning message when SmartSpeed works (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Use pci_vfs_assigned instead of igb_vfs_are_assigned (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add SMBI semaphore to I210/I211 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: SERDES loopback sigdetect bit on i210 devices (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Enable EEE LP advertisement (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix code comments and whitespace (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix sparse warnings on function pointers (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Use rx/tx_itr_setting when setting up initial value of itr (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Pull adapter out of main path in igb_xmit_frame_ring (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Mask off check of frag_off as we only want fragment offset (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: random code and comments fix (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Implement support to power sfp cage and turn on I2C (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Support to read and export SFF-8472/8079 data (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Support for 100base-fx SFP (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: fix PHC stopping on max freq (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: make sensor info static (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: fix i350 anti spoofing config (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for lockdep issue in igb_get_i2c_client (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix link setup for I210 devices (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Refractoring function pointers in igb_get_invariants function (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Intialize MAC function pointers (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Initialize NVM function pointers (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Initialize PHY function pointers (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update igb to use a path similar to ixgbe to determine when to stop Tx (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Refix sparse warning in igb_get_i2c_client (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for improper allocation flag in igb_get_i2c_client (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for improper exit in igb_get_i2c_client (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Remove unnecessary alloc/OOM messages, alloc cleanups (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Copyright string update to year 2013 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Replace rmb in Tx cleanup with read_barrier_depends (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Use in-kernel PTP_EV_PORT #define (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Free any held skb that should have been timestamped on remove (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add mechanism for detecting latched hardware Rx timestamp (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add timeout for PTP Tx work item (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for SW timestamping (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: enable CONFIG_IGB_HWMON (Dean Nelson) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Enable hwmon data output for thermal sensors via I2C (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add support functions to access thermal data (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add i2c interface to igb (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update igb version to 4.1.2 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix SerDes autoneg flow control (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Unset sigdetect for SERDES loopback on 82580 and i350 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Workaround for global device reset problem on 82580 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Refactoring of i210 file (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Acquire, release semaphore for writing each EEPROM page (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Updates to read nvm function for i211 device (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Use a 32-bit mask when calculating the flow control watermarks (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Do not parse past IP header on fragments beyond the first (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: No longer rely on APME to determine WoL settings (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update PTP Rx filters (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Ethtool support to enable and disable EEE (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Improve performance and reduce size of igb_tx_map (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: consolidate creation of Tx buffer info and data descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: convert to SKB paged frag API (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update igb Tx flags to improve code efficiency (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Make TSO check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL to avoid skb_is_gso check (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Support for modifying UDP RSS flow hashing (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Clear Go Link Disconnect for 82580 and later devices (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Enable clock drivers along with associated net/PHY drivers (Dean Nelson) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix EEPROM writes via ethtool on i210 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Add function to read i211's invm version (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Remove workaround for EEE configuration on i210/I211 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix sparse warning in igb_ptp_rx_pktstamp (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update firmware version info for ethtool output (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Enable auto-crossover during forced operation on 82580 and above (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update version (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Update get cable length function for i210/i211 (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Split igb_update_dca into separate Tx and Rx functions (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Lock buffer size at 2K even on systems with larger pages (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Move rx_buffer related code in Rx cleanup path into separate function (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Map entire page and sync half instead of mapping and unmapping half pages (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Combine post-processing of skb into a single function (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Do not use header split, instead receive all frames into a single buffer (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Split Rx timestamping into two separate functions (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Correcting and improving small packet check and padding (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Use dma_unmap_addr and dma_unmap_len defines (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Simplify how we populate the RSS key (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Change how we populate the RSS indirection table (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Change Tx cleanup loop to do/while instead of for (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Fix stats output on i210/i211 parts (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Support to enable EEE on all eee_supported devices (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] igb: Remove artificial restriction on RQDPC stat reading (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [netdrv] pci: Add SRIOV helper function to determine if VFs are assigned to guest (Stefan Assmann) [914835 923899 947526] - [net] phy: fix a bug when verify the EEE support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [896263] - [net] mdio: translation of MMD EEE registers to/from ethtool settings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [896263] - [net] phy: add the EEE support and the way to access to the MMD registers (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [896263] - [edac] avoid mce decoding crash after edac driver unloaded (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [x86] mce: Drain mcelog buffer (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [x86] mce: Add wrappers for registering on the decode chain (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [edac] sb_edac: Add it to the building system (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [edac] i7core_edac: Drop the edac_mce facility (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [x86] mce: Use notifier chain only for MCE decoding (Prarit Bhargava) [787999] - [s390] crash: Fuzzy live dump for System z (Hendrik Brueckner) [929262] - [s390] mm: allow absolute memory access for /dev/mem (Hendrik Brueckner) [929262] - [s390] zcrypt: ap bus rescan problem when toggle crypto adapters on/off (Hendrik Brueckner) [929259] - [s390] zcrypt: Handle AP configuration changes (Hendrik Brueckner) [929259] - [s390] smp: lost IPIs on cpu hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [975179] - [cdrom] use kzalloc() for failing hardware (Frantisek Hrbata) [973106] {CVE-2013-2164}- [net] bridge: Set vlan_features to allow offloads on vlans (Vlad Yasevich) [951458] - [virt] virtio-net: initialize vlan_features (Vlad Yasevich) [951458] - [net] ipv6: assign rt6_info to inet6_ifaddr in init_loopback (Jiri Benc) [744655] - [net] ipv6: Fix broken IPv6 routing table after loopback down-up (Jiri Benc) [744655] - [s390] cio: add channel ID sysfs attribute (Hendrik Brueckner) [929274] - [s390] cio: make use of newly added format 1 channel-path data (Hendrik Brueckner) [929274] - [s390] cio: collect format 1 channel-path description data (Hendrik Brueckner) [929274] - [s390] qeth: Support VEPA mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [929275] - [s390] ccwgroup: allow drivers to call set_{on, off}line (Hendrik Brueckner) [929275] - [s390] dasd: add safe offline interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [929264] - [s390] dasd: add shutdown action (Hendrik Brueckner) [929264] - [s390] dasd: Correct retry counter for terminated I/O (Hendrik Brueckner) [929264] - [s390] perf_cpum_cf: fallback to software sampling events (Hendrik Brueckner) [823012] - [s390] perf_cpum_cf: Add support for counters available with IBM zEC12 (Hendrik Brueckner) [823012] - [s390] perf_cpum_cf: get rid of compile warnings (Hendrik Brueckner) [823012] - [s390] perf: add support for s390x CPU counters (Hendrik Brueckner) [823012] - [ata] libata-sff: port_task is SFF specific (David Milburn) [808672] - [ata] libata-sff: introduce ata_sff_init/exit() and ata_sff_port_init() (David Milburn) [808672] - [netdrv] qlge: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [927891] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix ethtool autoneg advertising (Chad Dupuis) [927891] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix receive path to drop error frames (Chad Dupuis) [927891] - [netdrv] qlge: Fixed a coding style issue (Chad Dupuis) [927891] - [kernel] sched: Do not account bogus utime (Stanislaw Gruszka) [912662] - [kernel] sched: Avoid cputime scaling overflow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [912662] - [acpi] Verify device status after eject (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Update CPU hotplug error messages (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add acpi_handle_() interfaces (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Export functions for hot-remove (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add ACPI CPU hot-remove support (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Fix stale pointer access to flags.lockable (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: prevent cpu from becoming online (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Set hotplug _OST support bit to _OSC (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add _OST support for ACPI container hotplug (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add _OST support for ACPI memory hotplug (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add _OST support for ACPI CPU hotplug (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add _OST support for sysfs eject (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] Add an interface to evaluate _OST (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] scan: return -ENODEV if no device was found (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: add missing kfree (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: Add CPU hotplug support for processor device objects (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: Do not try to set up acpi processor stuff on cores exceeding maxcpus (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [idle] intel_idle: Don't register CPU notifier if we are not running (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [idle] intel_idle: break dependency between modules (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: remove duplicated lines of merging problems with acpi_processor_add (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: Delay acpi_processor_start() call for hotplugged cores (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: Split up acpi_processor_add (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [idle] intel_idle: Split up and provide per CPU initialization func (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [acpi] processor_core: Remove unneeded variable passed by acpi_processor_hotadd_init (Nigel Croxon) [869134] - [s390] scm: process availability (Hendrik Brueckner) [929257] - [s390] scm_blk: suspend writes (Hendrik Brueckner) [929257] - [s390] scm_drv: extend notify callback (Hendrik Brueckner) [929257] - [s390] scm_blk: fix request number accounting (Hendrik Brueckner) [929257] - [s390] scm: reorder scm_remove (Hendrik Brueckner) [929257]- [crypto] Revert: unmark gcm(aes) as fips_allowed (Jarod Wilson) [915637] - [crypto] testmgr: allow aesni-intel and ghash_clmulni-intel in fips mode (Jarod Wilson) [915637] - [crypto] testmgr: silence warnings about no tests for aesni algorithms (Jarod Wilson) [915637] - [crypto] Use scatterwalk_crypto_chain (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] scatterwalk: Add scatterwalk_crypto_chain helper (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fix Kconfig problem with CRYPTO_GLUE_HELPER_X86 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] gcm: Add RFC4543 wrapper for GCM (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] glue_helper: add more optimized XTS-mode for serpent-avx (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: add more optimized XTS mode for x86-64 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] glue_helper: use le128 instead of u128 for CTR mode (Jarod Wilson) [786968] - [crypto] glue_helper: cast6/avx, avoid using temporary stack buffers (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] glue_helper: serpent-sse2, split generic glue code to new helper module (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] ghash-intel: assembler clean-up, use ENDPROC at end of assember functions (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: add ENDPROC statements for assembler functions (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aes-x86: assembler clean-ups, use ENTRY/ENDPROC, localize jump targets (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: remove rfc3686(ctr(aes)), utilize rfc3686 from ctr-module instead (Jarod Wilson) [786968] - [crypto] ctr: make rfc3686 asynchronous block cipher (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [net] xfrm_algo: probe asynchronous block ciphers instead of synchronous (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fix XTS mode on x86-32, add wrapper function for asmlinkage aesni_enc() (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] lrw: add interface for parallelized cipher implementions (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] lrw: split gf128mul table initialization from setkey (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] lrw: use blocksize constant (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] crypto: cryptd - disable softirqs in cryptd_queue_worker to prevent data corruption (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: improve lrw and xts performance by utilizing parallel AES-NI hardware pipelines (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] xts: remove dependency on EXPERIMENTAL (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] lrw: remove dependency on EXPERIMENTAL (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] xts: add interface for parallelized cipher implementations (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] xts: use blocksize constant (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fix wrong kfree pointer (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: change to use shared ablk_* functions (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: use crypto_{un}register_algs (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] Add bulk algorithm registration interface (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] ablk_helper: move ablk_* functions from serpent-sse2/avx glue code to shared module (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fix unaligned cbc decrypt for x86-32 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: move more common code to ablk_init_common (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aes-x86: quiet sparse noise about symbol not declared (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] cryptd: Use subsys_initcall to prevent races with aesni (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] ghash-intel: Fix set but not used in ghash_async_setkey() (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fix aesni build on i386 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Merge with fpu.ko (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: fixed problem with packets that are not multiple of 64bytes (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Fix remaining leak in rfc4106_set_hash_key (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Don't leak memory in rfc4106_set_hash_subkey (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] ghash-intel: ghash-clmulni-intel_glue needs err.h (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Fixed build with binutils 2.16 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Fixed build error on x86-32 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Ported implementation to x86-32 (Jarod Wilson) [786968 786972 969522] - [crypto] aesni-intel: RFC4106 AES-GCM Driver Using Intel New Instructions (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] cryptd: Adding the AEAD interface type support to cryptd (Jarod Wilson) [786972] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Fix another CTR build failure with gas 2.16.1 (Jarod Wilson) [786968] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Fix CTR optimization build failure with gas 2.16.1 (Jarod Wilson) [786968] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Add AES-NI accelerated CTR mode (Jarod Wilson) [786968] - [crypto] ghash-clmulni-intel: Put proper .data section in place (Jarod Wilson) [921642] - [s390] Revert: kernel: add support for physical memory > 4TB (Jarod Wilson) [913220] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_for_each() to use sibling (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [x86] perf: Add format attributes for p4 (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [x86] perf: Adding sysfs group format attribute for pmu device (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [x86] perf: Fix local vs remote memory events for NHM/WSM (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [tools] perf: Remove deprecated WARN_ON_ONCE() (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [tools] perf: Call perf_cgroup_event_time() directly (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [tools] perf: Don't call release_callchain_buffers() if allocation fails (Jiri Olsa) [967933] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add support for Intel Avoton SoC (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Use devres API to allocate private data (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add Device IDs for Intel Wellsburg PCH (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Fix gpio base and control offsets (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: One uninitialized cell is no error (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Fix resource request for mem 0x00000000 (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Fix regression for iTCO_wdt driver (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] Check for mem_base when building IORESOURCE_MEM resources (Neil Horman) [922965] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: Convert iTCO_wdt driver to mfd model (Neil Horman) [922965] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: Use pr_ and pr_ (Neil Horman) [922965] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: fix TCO V1 timeout values and limits (Neil Horman) [922965] - [mfd] Add LPC driver for Intel ICH chipsets (Neil Horman) [922965] - [i2c] i801: SMBus patch for Intel Avoton DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [922965] - [i2c] iSMT: add Intel Avoton DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [922965] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE-mode SATA patch for Intel Avoton DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [922965] - [ata] ata_piix: make DVD Drive recognisable on systems with Intel Sandybridge chipsets (Neil Horman) [922965] - [ata] ahci: AHCI-mode SATA patch for Intel Avoton DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [922965] - [usb] xhci: correct comp_mode_recovery_timer on return from hibernate (Tony Camuso) [888974] - [acpi] Don't let acpi_pad needlessly mark TSC unstable (Lenny Szubowicz) [907545] - [acpi] acpica: Remove extraneous warning for very large GPE registers (Nigel Croxon) [924873] - [kernel] async: Make async execution api a little more fair in scheduling (Neil Horman) [871955] - [md] dm-stripe: fix regression in stripe_width calculation (Mike Snitzer) [960277] - [block] fix ext_devt_idr handling (Tomas Henzl) [735927] - [md] dm-crypt: fix mempool deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [831158] - [scsi] libsas: fix handling vacant phy in sas_set_ex_phy() (David Milburn) [949905] - [mm] swap: avoid read_swap_cache_async() race to deadlock while waiting on discard I/O completion (Rafael Aquini) [827548] - [mm] compaction: fix /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory crash (Johannes Weiner) [953680 955525] - [mm] fadvise: drain all pagevecs if POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED fails to discard all pages (Larry Woodman) [957821] - [pci] dmar: Remove warning for HPET scope type (Nigel Croxon) [956310]- [fs] nfs: Fix an NFS client lockdep issue (Jeff Layton) [891937] - [acpi] acpi_pad: fix power_saving thread deadlock (Lenny Szubowicz) [751123] - [powerpc] rtas_flash: Fix validate_flash buffer overflow issue (Steve Best) [956385] - [powerpc] rtas_flash: Fix bad memory access (Steve Best) [956385] - [powerpc] rtas_flash: New return code to indicate FW entitlement expiry (Steve Best) [956385] - [powerpc] rtas_flash: Update return token comments (Steve Best) [956385] - [powerpc] rtas_flash: Free kmem upon module exit (Steve Best) [956385] - [netdrv] igb: SR-IOV init reordering (Stefan Assmann) [920652] - [netdrv] igb: Fix null pointer dereference (Stefan Assmann) [920652] - [netdrv] igb: Enable SR-IOV configuration via PCI sysfs interface (Stefan Assmann) [920652] - [powerpc] Fix VMX fix for memcpy case (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Fix VMX in interrupt check in POWER7 copy loops (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] POWER7 optimised memcpy using VMX and enhanced prefetch (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] POWER7 optimised copy_page using VMX and enhanced prefetch (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Rename copyuser_power7_vmx.c to vmx-helper.c (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Use enhanced touch instructions in POWER7 copy_to_user/copy_from_user (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Simplify 4k/64k copy_page logic (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Add 64bit csum_and_copy_to_user (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Optimise 64bit csum_partial_copy_generic and add csum_and_copy_from_user (Steve Best) [929280] - [powerpc] Optimise 64bit csum_partial (Steve Best) [929280] - [kernel] trace: Allow archs to ignore tracing compat syscalls (Josh Poimboeuf) [881038] - [kernel] trace: Fix perf syscall tracing when syscall_nr == -1 (Josh Poimboeuf) [881038] - [netdrv] 8139cp: Prevent dev_close/cp_interrupt race on MTU change (John Green) [767885] - [netdrv] 8139cp: properly support change of MTU values (John Green) [767885] - [pci] make re-allocation try harder by reassigning ranges higher in the heirarchy (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [pci] code and comments cleanup (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [pci] make cardbus-bridge resources optional (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [pci] honor child buses add_size in hot plug configuration (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [pci] ability to relocate assigned pci-resources (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [pci] make SRIOV resources optional (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965006] - [s390] console: fix 3215 console crash (Hendrik Brueckner) [970779] - [s390] scm_blk: allow more cluster size values (Hendrik Brueckner) [963068] - [s390] mm: protection exception PSW for aborted transaction (Hendrik Brueckner) [958271] - [s390] hibernate: Save and restore absolute zero pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [952739] - [s390] kdump: Add PM notifier for kdump (Hendrik Brueckner) [952738] - [s390] qeth: fix qeth_wait_for_threads() deadlock for OSN devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [952448] - [s390] module: Add missing R_390_NONE relocation type (Hendrik Brueckner) [952449] - [s390] dasd: fix unresponsive device after all channel paths were lost (Hendrik Brueckner) [915731] - [s390] kernel: add support for physical memory > 4TB (Hendrik Brueckner) [913220] - [s390] zcore: Add hsa file (Hendrik Brueckner) [915356] - [s390] ipl: Implement diag308 loop for zfcpdump (Hendrik Brueckner) [915364] - [s390] eadm_sch: fix driver initialization (Hendrik Brueckner) [912489] - [s390] zfcp: Do not wakeup while suspended (Hendrik Brueckner) [855129] - [s390] time: fix sched_clock() overflow (Hendrik Brueckner) [903334] - [s390] irq: enable irq sum accounting for /proc/stat again (Hendrik Brueckner) [903333] - [s390] dasd: prevent path verification before resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [903331] - [s390] dasd: fix unaccessible device after resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [903339] - [security] selinux: fix parallel compile error (Frantisek Hrbata) [962427] - [acpi] Evaluate thermal trip points before reading temperature (Tony Camuso) [929293] - [kernel] time: Fix setting of hardware clock in NTP code (Prarit Bhargava) [912704] - [x86] quirks: use 'intremap=off' instead of 'nointremap' for consistency (Prarit Bhargava) [960828] - [fs] proc: fix pagemap_read() error case (Larry Woodman) [918119] - [base] node: fix off-by-one bug in print_nodes_state() (Prarit Bhargava) [871215] - [netdrv] sky2: fix scheduling while atomic in sky2_vlan_rx_register (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [920754] - [netdrv] netxen: write IP address to firmware when using bonding (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [924667] - [netdrv] be2net: remove BUG_ON() in be_mcc_compl_is_new() (Ivan Vecera) [909488] - [netdrv] igb: increase timeout for ethtool offline self-test (Stefan Assmann) [906240] - [netdrv] qlcnic: sleeping function called from invalid context (Amerigo Wang) [907310] - [netdrv] be2net: ensure all events are ack'ed prior calling be_eq_clean (Ivan Vecera) [884442] - [pci] Document MPS parameters pci=pcie_bus_safe, pci=pcie_bus_perf, etc (Myron Stowe) [910604]- [virt] kvm: fix copy to user with irq disabled (Michael S. Tsirkin) [906602] {CVE-2013-1935} - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: apply usbnet_link_change (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: demote "unexpected notification" to debug level (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: return -ENOMEM if kzalloc fails (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: allow user to prefer NCM for backwards compatibility (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: tag Huawei devices (e.g. E5331) with FLAG_WWAN (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix probing of devices with multiple control interface altsettings (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add another Huawei vendor specific device (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: use IAD provided by the USB core (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add support FLAG_NOARP for Infineon modem platform (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix error path for single interface probing (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: workaround for missing CDC Union (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix drvinfo strings set in drivers for ethtool (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: use generic usbnet_manage_power() (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add Huawei devices (Neil Horman) [815934] - [usb] add USB_VENDOR_AND_INTERFACE_INFO() macro (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: error path lock fix (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: big endian fix (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: apply introduced usb command APIs (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: do not bind to NCM compatible MBIM devices (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: adding MBIM driver (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: export shared symbols and definitions (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: errata updates for cdc.h (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix one more typo (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add missed constants and structures (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: typo and style fixes (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: ncm constants and structures added (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: refactoring for tx multiplexing (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: splitting rx_fixup for code reuse (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: process chained NDPs (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] net/cdc_ncm: refactor bind preparing for MBIM support (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] net/cdc_ncm: adding MBIM support to ncm_setup (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add MBIM constants and structures (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: workaround NTB input size firmware bug (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: tag Ericsson WWAN devices (eg F5521gw) with FLAG_WWAN (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: tag Ericsson WWAN devices (eg F5521gw) with FLAG_WWAN (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Disable hub-initiated LPM for comms devices (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: avoid discarding datagrams in rx path (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix MTU and max_datagram_size handling (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: reduce driver latency in the data path (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: print MAC via printk format specifier (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: make ethtool_ops const (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Use kzalloc rather than kmalloc followed by memset with 0 (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: convert drivers/net/* to use module_usb_driver() (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Don't use stack variables for DMA (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix endianness problem (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Remove unneeded version.h includes from drivers/net/ (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: add missing .reset_resume hook (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: release interfaces fix in unbind() (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Add mising short packet in cdc_ncm driver (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: fix short packet issue on some devices (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: use ethd name for known ethernet devices (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: errata updates for cdc_ncm host driver (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: tx_fixup() race condition fix (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: Don't deref NULL in cdc_ncm_rx_fixup() and don't use uninitialized variable (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/cdc_ncm: USB CDC NCM host driver (Neil Horman) [815934] - [netdrv] usb/serial/sierra: Add support for Sierra Wireless AirCard 320U modem (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: keep status interrupt URB active (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: apply usbnet_link_change (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: Remove unnecessary alloc/OOM messages (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: fix ethtool drvinfo strings set in drivers (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: shut up sparse restricted type warnings (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: sierra_net: apply introduced usb command APIs (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: Endianess bug fix (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: removes unnecessary semicolon (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: make private symbols static (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: device IDs for Aircard 320U++ (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: make ethtool_ops const (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: convert to use module_usb_driver() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: don't use flush_scheduled_work() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: return operator cleanup (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: use __packed annotation (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: initiate sync sequence in sierra_net.c driver (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] sierra_net: add sierra_net driver (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: allow status interrupt URB to always be active (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: handle link change (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: apply usbnet_link_change (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: introduce usbnet_link_change API (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Remove unnecessary alloc/OOM messages (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix tx_dropped statistics (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: prevent buggy devices from killing us (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix regression from FLAG_NOARP code (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: add new flag FLAG_NOARP for usb net devices (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: generic manage_power() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: handle PM failure gracefully (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: ratelimit kevent may have been dropped warnings (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: runtime wake up device before calling usbnet_{read|write}_cmd (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: introduce usbnet_{read|write}_cmd_nopm (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Fix memory leak on Tx data path (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: introduce usbnet 3 command helpers (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Support devices reporting idleness (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix softirq storm on suspend (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix deadlock in resume (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Use eth_random_addr (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: handle remote wakeup asap (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: clear OPEN flag in failure path (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: sanitise overlong driver information strings (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: don't initialize transfer buffer before submit status URB (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove declaration for intr_complete (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove usb_get/put_dev in .probe and .disconnect (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix skb traversing races during unlink (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix failure handling in usbnet_probe (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix leak of transfer buffer of dev->interrupt (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: consider device busy at each recieved packet (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: don't clear urb->dev in tx_complete (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: increase URB reference count before usb_unlink_urb (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: use netif_tx_wake_queue instead of netif_start_queue (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: reserve headroom on rx skbs (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: avoid recursive locking in usbnet_stop() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix oops in usbnet_start_xmit (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix a few typos in comments (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix out of memory during runtime pm (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove flag of EVENT_DEV_WAKING (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Resubmit interrupt URB if device is open (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Use FIELD_SIZEOF macro in usbnet_init() function (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: use ethd name for known ethernet devices (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Fix up 'FLAG_POINTTOPOINT' and 'FLAG_MULTI_PACKET' overlaps (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Ethernet quirks for the LG-VL600 4G modem (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Fix leak when usb_autopm_get_interface() returns less than zero in kevent() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: don't use flush_scheduled_work() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: changes for upcoming cdc_ncm driver (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix usb_autopm_get_interface failure (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: rx_submit() should return an error code (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove noisy and hardly useful printk (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: use jiffies in schedule_timeout(), not msecs (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: use newly introduced hex_to_bin() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Set parent device early for netdev_printk() (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Print device statistics as unsigned (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Adding URB_ZERO_PACKET flag to usbnet.c (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Use netif_ logging facilities (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Convert dev(dbg|err|warn|info) macros to netdev_ (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Autosuspend for online devices (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Move && and || to end of previous line (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Set link down initially for drivers that update link state (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Set device type for wlan and wwan devices (Neil Horman) [884869] - [netdrv] usbnet: Use wwand interface name for mobile broadband devices (Neil Horman) [884869] - [edac] sb_edac: do not require prescence of IMC_DDRIO device (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [923451] - [edac] sb_edac: fix the error about memory type detection on SandyBridge (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [923451] - [dma] ioat: Fix excessive CPU utilization (John Feeney) [883575] - [wireless] b43: stop format string leaking into error msgs (John Linville) [971389] {CVE-2013-2852}- [powerpc] crypto: Enable the PFO-based encryption device (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: Build files for the nx device driver (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: Fixes for multiple races and issues (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: debugfs routines and docs for the nx device driver on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: SHA512 hash routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: SHA256 hash routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-XCBC mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-GCM mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-ECB mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-CTR mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-CCM mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: AES-CBC mode routines for nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [crypto] nx: driver code supporting nx encryption on powerpc (Steve Best) [929325] - [x86] apic: mark ARAT Support as Tech Preview (Prarit Bhargava) [808192] - [x86] apic: disable ARAT by default (Prarit Bhargava) [808192] - [x86] amd: Do not enable ARAT feature on AMD processors below family 0x12 (Prarit Bhargava) [808192] - [tools] perf: Fix SIGALRM and pipe read race for rwtop (Jiri Olsa) [907366] - [tools] perf: Removing 'nr' field from rw* scripts (Jiri Olsa) [905007] - [netdrv] bnx2: dma_alloc_coherent, use __GFP_ZERO instead of memset(, 0) (Neil Horman) [917110] - [netdrv] bnx2: Rename register read and write macros (Neil Horman) [917110] - [char] n_tty: Remove BUG_ON from n_tty_read() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [848085] - [base] cpu: emit KOBJ_ADD after 'online' attribute is created (Igor Mammedov) [878749] - [target] backport LIO from upstream 3.9 (Andy Grover) [903297] - [scsi] Allow error handling timeout to be specified (Ewan Milne) [826061] - [pci] make sriov work with hotplug remove (Takahiro MUNEDA) [965002] - [nfs] sunrpc: Prevent an rpc_task wakeup race (Dave Wysochanski) [840860] - [nfs] sunrpc: clarify comments on rpc_make_runnable (Dave Wysochanski) [840860]- [fs] gfs2: Use single-block reservations for directories (Robert S Peterson) [914725] - [fs] gfs2: Speed up gfs2_rbm_from_block (Robert S Peterson) [914725] - [fs] gfs2: Remove vestigial parameter ip from function rs_deltree (Robert S Peterson) [914725] - [fs] ext4: update percpu counters after journal replay (Eric Sandeen) [961930] - [fs] gfs2: Use ->dirty_inode() (Robert S Peterson) [887341] - [fs] btrfs: update timestamps on truncate() (Eric Sandeen) [893397] - [fs] ext4: remove unaligned AIO warning printk (Eric Sandeen) [905397] - [fs] ext4: limit group search loop for non-extent files (Eric Sandeen) [958939] - [fs] ext4: fix online resizing for ext3-compat file systems (Eric Sandeen) [958939] - [fs] nfsd: make symbol nfsd_reply_cache_shrinker static (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: scale up the number of DRC hash buckets with cache size (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: keep stats on worst hash balancing seen so far (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: add new reply_cache_stats file in nfsdfs (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: track memory utilization by the DRC (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: break out comparator into separate function (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: eliminate one of the DRC cache searches (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: only unhash DRC entries that are in the hashtable (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: fix startup order in nfsd_reply_cache_init (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: fix compiler warning about ambiguous types in nfsd_cache_csum (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: fix comments on nfsd_cache_lookup (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: keep a checksum of the first 256 bytes of request (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [net] sunrpc: trim off trailing checksum before returning decrypted or integrity authenticated buffer (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [net] sunrpc: fix comment in struct xdr_buf definition (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [net] sunrpc: copy scope ID in __rpc_copy_addr6 (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: register a shrinker for DRC cache entries (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: add recurring workqueue job to clean the cache (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: when updating an entry with RC_NOCACHE, just free it (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: remove the cache_disabled flag (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: dynamically allocate DRC entries (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: track the number of DRC entries in the cache (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: always move DRC entries to the end of LRU list when updating timestamp (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: break out hashtable search into separate function (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: clean up and clarify the cache expiration code (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: remove redundant test from nfsd_reply_cache_free (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: add alloc and free functions for DRC entries (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: create a dedicated slabcache for DRC entries (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of RC_INTR (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: remove unneeded spinlock in nfsd_cache_update (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: fix IPv6 address handling in the DRC (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: make op_cacheresult another flag (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: fix v4 reply caching (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: turn on reply cache for NFSv4 (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] nfsd: introduce OPDESC helper (Jeff Layton) [681606] - [fs] bio: fix allocation failure due to bio_get_nr_vecs() (Carlos Maiolino) [956947] - [fs] bio: dont overflow in bio_get_nr_vecs() (Carlos Maiolino) [956947] - [fs] vfs: fix spurious return of ESTALE errors when cwd on nfs is renamed on server (Jeff Layton) [896580] - [fs] vfs: revert most of dcache remove d_mounted (Ian Kent) [907512]- [net] rtnl: fix info leak on RTM_GETLINK request for VF devices (Flavio Leitner) [923659] {CVE-2013-2634 CVE-2013-2635} - [net] dcbnl: fix various netlink info leaks (Flavio Leitner) [923659] {CVE-2013-2634 CVE-2013-2635} - [net] tcp: fix tcp_trim_head() to adjust segment count with skb MSS (Daniel Borkmann) [970609] - [net] af_netlink: force credentials passing (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] af_unix: Only allow recv on connected (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] scm: fix incorrect credentials passing (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] llc: Fix missing msg_namelen update in llc_ui_recvmsg() (Jesper Brouer) [956100] {CVE-2013-3231} - [net] rps: Update RFS target at poll for tcp/udp (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] rps: Fix brokeness causing OOO packets (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] rps: enable RFS before first data packet is received (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] ipv6: Enable RFS sk_rxhash tracking for ipv6 sockets (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement hardware acceleration of RFS (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] rps: Make hardware-accelerated RFS conditional on NETIF_F_NTUPLE (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] rps: Enable hardware acceleration of RFS (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [lib] cpu_rmap: avoid flushing all workqueues (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] rps: Protect cpu_rmap.h from double inclusion (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [lib] cpu_rmap: CPU affinity reverse-mapping (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [kernel] genirq: Add IRQ affinity notifiers (Daniel Borkmann) [893177] - [net] bonding: fix enslaving in alb mode when link down (Veaceslav Falico) [965132] - [net] sch_tbf: segment too big GSO packets (Jiri Pirko) [875750] - [net] Documentation: add nf_conntrack sysctl api documentation (Jiri Pirko) [747951]- [x86] perf: Add IvyBridge EP support (Prarit Bhargava) [892531] - [x86] perf: Fix Intel Ivy Bridge support (Prarit Bhargava) [892531] - [x86] perf: Add Intel LBR mappings for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH filters (Prarit Bhargava) [892531] - [x86] perf: Add Intel LBR sharing logic (Prarit Bhargava) [892531] - [x86] perf: Add Intel LBR MSR definitions (Prarit Bhargava) [892531] - [netdrv] usb/asix: add support for Lenovo X1 Carbon adapter (Dave Airlie) [907174] - [netdrv] usb/asix: handle packets crossing URB boundaries (Dave Airlie) [907174] - [x86] amd_iommu: initialize the device table after dma_ops (Don Dutile) [920672] - [pci] intel-iommu: eliminate warning that may indicate bad BIOS (Don Dutile) [952399] - [kernel] pidns: Outlaw thread creation after unshare(CLONE_NEWPID) (Aristeu Rozanski) [919065] - [fs] proc: Usable inode numbers for the namespace file descriptors (Aristeu Rozanski) [919069] - [fs] proc: Allow proc_free_inum to be called from any context (Aristeu Rozanski) [919069] - [fs] proc: fix inconsistent lock state (Aristeu Rozanski) [919069] - [fs] proc: Generalize proc inode allocation (Aristeu Rozanski) [919069] - [kernel] pidns: Add setns support (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060] - [kernel] pidns: add reboot_pid_ns() to handle the reboot syscall (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060] - [fs] vfs: Add setns support for the mount namespace (Aristeu Rozanski) [919067] - [kernel] pidns: Support unsharing the pid namespace (Aristeu Rozanski) [919065] - [kernel] pidns: Deny strange cases when creating pid namespaces (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] sys_unshare: remove the dead CLONE_THREAD/SIGHAND/VM code (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] check_unshare_flags: kill the bogus CLONE_SIGHAND/sig->count check (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] pidns: Consolidate initialzation of special init task state (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] pidns: Make the pidns proc mount/umount logic obvious (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] pid: remove the child_reaper special case in init/main.c (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] pid: reduce code size by using a pointer to iterate over array (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] pidns: Use task_active_pid_ns where appropriate (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] namespaces, pid_ns: fix leakage on fork() failure (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] namespaces: make sure that nsproxy_cache is initialized early enough (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065 919067 919069] - [kernel] pidns: call pid_ns_prepare_proc() from create_pid_namespace() (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [fs] procfs: setting ->proc_mnt doesnt belong in proc_get_sb() (Aristeu Rozanski) [919069] - [kernel] signals/send_signal: use si_fromuser() to detect from_ancestor_ns (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [kernel] signals: SEND_SIG_NOINFO should be considered as SI_FROMUSER() (Aristeu Rozanski) [919060 919065] - [x86] acpi: Avoid SRAT table checks for Fujitsu Primequest systems (Prarit Bhargava) [966853] - [kernel] tick: Cleanup NOHZ per cpu data on cpu down (Prarit Bhargava) [950068]- [net] tcp: Fix oops from tcp_collapse() when using splice() (Nikola Pajkovsky) [863512] {CVE-2013-2128} - [net] ipv6: only invalidate previously tokenized addresses (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: also allow token to be set when device not ready (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: minor: use in6addr_any in token init (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: add tokenized interface identifier support (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: unify logic evaluating inet6_dev's accept_ra property (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: Send ICMPv6 RSes only when RAs are accepted (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv4: kill an RCU warning in inet_fill_link_af() (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] rtnetlink: make link af-specific updates atomic (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: AF_INET6 link address family (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv4: AF_INET link address family (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv4: Define IPV4_DEVCONF_MAX (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] rtnetlink: Link address family API (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] ipv6: addrconf.h cleanups (Daniel Borkmann) [876634] - [net] Revert: openvswitch: Make Open vSwitch use non-accel VLAN tagging (Thomas Graf) [919068] - [net] offloading: Do not mask out NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX for vlan (Thomas Graf) [919068] - [net] offloading: Support multiple vlan tags in GSO (Thomas Graf) [919068] - [net] vlan: Enable software emulation for vlan accleration (Thomas Graf) [919068] - [net] vlan: adjust vlan_set_encap_proto() for its callers (Thomas Graf) [919068] - [net] veth: extend device features (Thomas Graf) [959780] - [net] tcp: connect() race with timewait reuse (Jiri Pirko) [947041] - [net] vxlan: Fix TCPv6 segmentation (Amerigo Wang) [960008] - [net] gre: Fix GREv4 TCPv6 segmentation (Amerigo Wang) [960008] - [net] sctp: set association state to established in dupcook_a handler (Michele Baldessari) [916291] - [net] openvswitch: Use FIELD_SIZEOF() in dp_init() (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Allow OVS_USERSPACE_ATTR_USERDATA to be variable length (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Change ENOENT return value to ENODEV in lookup_vport() (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Make OVSP_LOCAL 32-bit (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Avoid useless holes in struct vport (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Use eth_mac_addr() instead of duplicating it (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] introduce new priv_flag indicating iface capable of change mac when running (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: remove some useless comments (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: fix the calculation of checksum for vlan header (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Fix parsing invalid LLC/SNAP ethertypes (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Call genlmsg_end in queue_userspace_packet (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_vport_cmd_new return value on success (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_vport_cmd_del return value on success (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Use RCU callback when detaching netdevices (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: add skb mark matching and set action (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: use this_cpu_ptr per-cpu helper (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: add ipv6 'set' action (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] core: add function for incremental IPv6 pseudo header checksum updates (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] ipv6: improve ipv6_find_hdr() to skip empty routing headers (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] ipv6: Move ipv6_find_hdr() out of Netfilter code (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] netfilter: ip6_tables: add flags parameter to ipv6_find_hdr() (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Process RARP packets with ethertype 0x8035 similar to ARP packets (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Store flow key len if ARP opcode is not request or reply (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Print device when warning about over MTU packets (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unecessary semicolon (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Increase maximum number of datapath ports (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: using kfree_rcu() to simplify the code (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] openvswitch: Stop using NLA_PUT*() (Thomas Graf) [923212] - [net] af_unix: dont send SCM_CREDENTIALS by default (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] scm: Capture the full credentials of the scm sender (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] af_unix: Allow connecting to sockets in other network namespaces (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] af_unix: Allow credentials to work across user and pid namespaces (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] scm: Capture the full credentials of the scm sender (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] af_netlink: Add needed scm_destroy after scm_send (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] af_unix: Allow SO_PEERCRED to work across namespaces (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] sock: Introduce cred_to_ucred (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [kernel] user_ns: Introduce user_nsmap_uid and user_ns_map_gid (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] scm: Reorder scm_cookie (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] rtnetlink: Allow setting the network namespace by fd (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] rtnetlink: Fix ip link add netns oops (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] Support specifying the network namespace upon device creation (Thomas Graf) [880142] - [net] ns: add a printk to explain a failure (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for network namespaces (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [netdrv] veth: Enforce minimum size of VETH_INFO_PEER (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [netdrv] veth: Fix packet checksumming (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [netdrv] veth: Fix the byte counters (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] fix incorrect getting net device's name (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] rtnetlink: Add missing manual netlink notification in dev_change_net_namespaces (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] fix dev_get_valid_name (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] device name allocation cleanups (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [netdrv] dummy: fix rcu_sched self-detected stalls (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] dev_close() should check IFF_UP (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Move rcu_barrier from rollback_registered_many to netdev_run_todo (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Fix more stale on-stack list_head objects (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] deinit automatic LIST_HEAD (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] factorize sync-rcu call in unregister_netdevice_many (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] use rcu_barrier() in rollback_registered_many (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] use list_first_entry macro (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Handle NETREG_UNINITIALIZED devices correctly (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] NETDEV_UNREGISTER_PERNET -> NETDEV_UNREGISTER_BATCH (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] introduce NETDEV_UNREGISTER_PERNET (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Introduce unregister_netdevice_many() (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Introduce unregister_netdevice_queue() (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] rtnetlink: speedup rtnl_dump_ifinfo() (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] dev_forward_skb() should clear skb_iif (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] fix mtu check when TSO is enabled (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] Allow tagged VLAN packets to flow through VETH devices (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] dev_forward_skb should call nf_reset (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: keep vlan slaves on master netns move (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: Fix the namespace inode permission checks (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] improve scalability of pseudo filesystems (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: prevent crash when ns_entries is empty (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: fix net_alloc_generic() (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: fix proxy ARP entries listing on a netns (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: get_net_ns_by_fd() oopses if proc_ns_fget() returns an error (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: fix get_net_ns_by_fd for !CONFIG_NET_NS (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] ns proc: Return -ENOENT for a nonexistent /proc/self/ns/ entry (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: Fix Oops on stat of /proc//ns/net (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [net] ns: Allow setting the network namespace by fd (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: Add support for the ipc namespace (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: Add support for the uts namespace (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: Add support for the network namespace (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [kernel] ns: Wire up the setns system call (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [kernel] ns: Introduce the setns syscall (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [fs] proc/ns: proc files for namespace naming policy (Amerigo Wang) [880142] - [netdrv] mlx4: change TX coalescing defaults (Amerigo Wang) [864597] - [net] tcp: add LAST_ACK as a valid state for TSQ (Amerigo Wang) [864597] - [net] tcp: TCP Small Queues (Amerigo Wang) [864597] - [net] netfilter/ipset: fix crash if IPSET_CMD_NONE command is sent (Thomas Graf) [889048]- [x86] efi: Set runtime_version to the EFI spec revision (Lenny Szubowicz) [917193] - [x86] efi: initialize efi.runtime_version to make query_variable_info/update_capsule workable (Lenny Szubowicz) [917193] - [x86] efi: Add infrastructure for UEFI 2.0 runtime services (Lenny Szubowicz) [917193] - [netdrv] sfc: tidy up PTP synchronize function efx_ptp_process_times() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: PTP changes to support improved UUID filtering mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow efx_channel_type::receive_skb() to reject a packet (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc/ptp: adjust duplicate test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Select PTP_1588_CLOCK (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] ptp: Enable clock drivers along with associated net/PHY drivers (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc/ptp: use list_move instead of list_del/list_add (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix the reported priorities of different filter types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix null function pointer in efx_sriov_channel_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Expose FPGA bitfile partition through MTD (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for IEEE-1588 PTP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix maximum array sizes for various MCDI commands (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow efx_mcdi_rpc to be called in two parts (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Add channel specific receive_skb handler and post_remove callback (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [netdrv] sfc: Add explicit RX queue flag to channel (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [862340] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Add hardware memory error recovery support (Dean Nelson) [736982] - [mm] memory-failure: add memory_failure_queue() (Dean Nelson) [736982] - [virt] apic: Allow x2apic without IR on VMware platform (Marcelo Tosatti) [905688] - [virt] apic: Move hypervisor detection of x2apic to hypervisor.h (Marcelo Tosatti) [905688] - [virt] kvm: Add x86_hyper_kvm to complete detect_hypervisor_platform check (Marcelo Tosatti) [905688] - [firmware] add kernel parameter to output SMBIOS UUID in proper endian format (Prarit Bhargava) [806134] - [firmware] dmi_scan: check dmi version when get system uuid (Prarit Bhargava) [806134] - [firmware] dmi_scan: use pUB to print UUIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [806134] - [virt] kvm: Use __print_symbolic() for vmexit tracepoints (Stefan Hajnoczi) [891036] - [virt] kvm: Record instruction set in kvm_exit tracepoint (Stefan Hajnoczi) [891036] - [fs] hugetlbfs: add thread name and pid to SHM_HUGETLB mlock rlimit warning (Rafael Aquini) [885706] - [fs] hugetlbfs: lessen the impact of a deprecation warning (Rafael Aquini) [885706] - [misc] hpilo: ignore auxiliary HP iLO BMCs (Tony Camuso) [826725] - [misc] hpilo: remove pci_disable_device (Tony Camuso) [826725] - [misc] hpilo: update module version (Tony Camuso) [826725] - [powerpc] perf: Fix finding overflowed PMC in interrupt (Steve Best) [905138] - [powerpc] perf: Fix for PMCs not making progress (Steve Best) [905138] - [x86] pvpanic: add pvpanic device driver (Andrew Jones) [831178] - [virt] kvm: limit difference between kvmclock updates (Marcelo Tosatti) [952174] - [virt] kvm: Fix invalid secondary exec controls in vmx_cpuid_update() (Andrew Jones) [916932] - [i2c] i2c-i801: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (John Villalovos) [847118] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (John Villalovos) [847118] - [ata] ata_piix: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (John Villalovos) [847118] - [ata] ahci: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (John Villalovos) [847118] - [input] wacom: cleanup feature report for bamboos (Aristeu Rozanski) [949379] - [kernel] kexec: improve logging when crashkernel=auto can't be satisfied (Steve Best) [929286] - [usb] uhci: fix IRQ race during initialization (Dave Young) [915834] - [pci] acpiphp: remove all functions in slot, even without ACPI _EJx (Amos Kong) [890253] - [x86] oprofile: Fix crash when unloading module in nmi timer mode (Don Zickus) [828936] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Remove the scsi host device when removing device (Steve Best) [908030]- [net] ipvs: sctp: fix checksumming on snat and dnat handlers (Daniel Borkmann) [892256] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable VLAN RX/TX in PROMISC mode (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [netdrv] bnx2x: strip VLAN header in PROMISC mode (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [net] vlan: handle packets with empty vlan_group via VLAN code (Stefan Assmann) [886420] - [net] ptp: remove Tech Preview status (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: dynamic allocation of PHC char devices (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [pps] Fix a use-after free bug when unregistering a source (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: reduce stack usage when measuring the system time offset (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: reduce stack usage when reading external time stamps (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: update adjfreq callback description (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: add an ioctl to compare PHC time with system time (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: Make PTP_1588_CLOCK select rather than depend on PPS (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] pps, ptp: Remove dependencies on EXPERIMENTAL (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: clarify the clock_name sysfs attribute (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [pps] default echo function (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: validate HWTSTAMP ioctl parameters (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: introduce ptp one step time stamp mode for sync packets (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] ptp: fix L2 event message recognition (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] correct comment on where to place transmit time stamp hook (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] packet: support for TX time stamps on RAW sockets (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] Documentation: corrected documentation for hardware time stamping (Jiri Benc) [920155] - [net] bridge: Add multicast_querier toggle and disable queries by default (Flavio Leitner) [905561] - [net] bridge: Fix fatal typo in setup of multicast_querier_expired (Flavio Leitner) [905561] - [net] bridge: Restart queries when last querier expires (Flavio Leitner) [905561] - [net] bridge: Add br_multicast_start_querier (Flavio Leitner) [905561] - [net] sctp: Validate parameter size for SCTP_GET_ASSOC_STATS (Thomas Graf) [755486] - [net] sctp: sctp_close: fix release of bindings for deferred call_rcu's (Daniel Borkmann) [903296] - [net] sctp: refactor sctp_outq_teardown to insure proper re-initalization (Daniel Borkmann) [913170] - [net] ipv6: TX timestamps for IPv6 UDP packets (Jiri Benc) [904172] - [net] af_packet: remove BUG statement in tpacket_destruct_skb (Daniel Borkmann) [905335] - [net] ipv4: prevent setting ttl=0 via IP_TTL (Amerigo Wang) [893306] - [net] bridge: Correctly encode addresses when dumping mdb entries (Amerigo Wang) [856262] - [net] bridge: Do not unregister all PF_BRIDGE rtnl operations (Amerigo Wang) [856262] - [net] bridge: export multicast database via netlink (Amerigo Wang) [856262] - [net] netfilter: allow NFQUEUE bypass if no listener is available (Daniel Borkmann) [854259] - [net] netfilter: reduce NF_VERDICT_MASK to 0xff (Daniel Borkmann) [854259] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: do not free skb on error (Daniel Borkmann) [854259] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: return error number to caller (Daniel Borkmann) [854259] - [net] netfilter: xt_NFQUEUE: consolidate v4/v6 targets into one (Daniel Borkmann) [854259] - [net] ipv6: Remove IPV6_ADDR_RESERVED (Amerigo Wang) [860764]- [fs] xfs: avoid xfs_dir_fsync() to dereference a NULL inode pointer (Carlos Maiolino) [950638] - [fs] super: fix get_active_super()/umount() race (Carlos Maiolino) [918724] - [fs] cifs: ensure that we always do cifsFileInfo_get under the spinlock (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: convert async read callback to slow_work (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: convert cifs_iovec_read to use async reads (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: add wrapper for cifs_async_readv to retry opening file (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: add refcounting to cifs_readdata structures (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: abstract out function to marshal the iovec for readv receives (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: make cifs_readdata_alloc take a work_func_t arg (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: make cifsFileInfo_get return the cifsFileInfo pointer (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Change mid_q_entry structure fields (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Expand CurrentMid field (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Separate protocol-specific code from cifs_readv_receive code (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Separate protocol-specific code from demultiplex code (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Separate protocol-specific code from transport routines (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Delete echo_retries module parm (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Prepare credits code for a slot reservation (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Make wait_for_free_request killable (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Introduce credit-based flow control (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Simplify inFlight logic (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Respect negotiated MaxMpxCount (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: better instrumentation for coalesce_t2 (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Fix error handling in cifs_readv_complete (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup use of CONFIG_CIFS_STATS2 ifdef to make transport routines more readable (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: when server doesnt set CAP_LARGE_READ_X, cap default rsize at MaxBufferSize (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: allow for larger rsize= options and change defaults (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: convert cifs_readpages to use async reads (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: add cifs_async_readv (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: fix protocol definition for READ_RSP (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: add a callback function to receive the rest of the frame (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: break out 3rd receive phase into separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: find mid earlier in receive codepath (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: move buffer pointers into TCP_Server_Info (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: eliminate is_multi_rsp parm to find_cifs_mid (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: move mid finding into separate routine (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: add a third receive phase to cifs_demultiplex_thread (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: keep a reusable kvec array for receives (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: turn read_from_socket into a wrapper around a vectorized version (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] add new module parameter enable_oplocks (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: clean up check_rfc1002_header (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: simplify read_from_socket (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: check for unresponsive server every time we call kernel_recvmsg (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: make smb_msg local to read_from_socket (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: remove obsolete comment (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: consolidate signature generating code (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: clean up checkSMB (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: untangle server->maxBuf and CIFSMaxBufSize (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: use memcpy for magic string in cifs signature generation BSRSPYL (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup demupltiplex thread exiting code (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Move mid search to a separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Move RFC1002 check to a separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Simplify socket reading in demultiplex thread (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Move buffer allocation to a separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup: check return codes of crypto api calls (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: fix the type of cifs_demultiplex_thread() (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] cifs: connect.c remove one to many l's in the word (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [mm] export lru_cache_add_*() to modules (Sachin Prabhu) [734728] - [fs] ext4: Use single thread to perform DIO unwritten convertion (Carlos Maiolino) [914783] - [fs] gfs2: Flush work queue before clearing glock hash tables (Robert S Peterson) [952836] - [fs] cifs: delay super block destruction until all cifsFileInfo objects are gone (Mateusz Guzik) [917890] - [fs] namei.c: Dont allow to create hardlink for deleted file (Brian Foster) [908158] - [net] sunrpc: don't use a credential with extra groups (Mateusz Guzik) [955712] - [fs] xfs: don't free EFIs before the EFDs are committed (Carlos Maiolino) [947582] - [fs] xfs: pass shutdown method into xfs_trans_ail_delete_bulk (Carlos Maiolino) [805407] - [fs] gfs2: Reinstate withdraw ack system (Robert S Peterson) [908093] - [fs] gfs2: Fix unlock of fcntl locks during withdrawn state (Robert S Peterson) [894093] - [fs] nfs: open a file descriptor for fsync in nfs4 recovery (J. Bruce Fields) [915479] - [fs] nfs: add more context to state manager error mesgs (Dave Wysochanski) [917711] - [fs] nfs: Rate limit the state manager for lock reclaim warning messages (Dave Wysochanski) [917711] - [fs] nfs: Rate limit the state manager warning messages (Dave Wysochanski) [917711] - [fs] nfs: even if __func__ shown (Dave Wysochanski) [917711] - [fs] nfs: printks in fs/nfs/ should start with NFS: (Dave Wysochanski) [917711] - [kernel] audit: destroy filename correctly (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make lremovexattr retry once on ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make removexattr retry once on ESTALE (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make llistxattr retry once on ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make listxattr retry once on ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make getxattr retry once on an ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: allow lsetxattr() to retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: allow setxattr to retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: allow utimensat() calls to retry once on an ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix user_statfs to retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: revert changes to arch/alpha and arch/parisc from statfs cleanup (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] clean statfs-like syscalls up (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make fchownat retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: Make chown() and lchown() call fchownat() (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make fchmodat retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: have chroot retry once on ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: have chdir retry lookup and call once on ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: have faccessat retry once on an ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: have do_sys_truncate retry once on an ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix renameat to retry on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make do_unlinkat retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make do_rmdir retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix linkat to retry once on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix symlinkat to retry on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix mkdirat to retry once on an ESTALE error (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix mknodat to retry on ESTALE errors (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: add a flags argument to user_path_parent (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: fix readlinkat to retry on ESTALE (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make fstatat retry on ESTALE errors from getattr call (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] namei: include errno.h (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: add a retry_estale helper function to handle retries on ESTALE (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] procfs: don't need a PATH_MAX allocation to hold a string representation of an int (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: embed struct filename inside of names_cache allocation if possible (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: make audit_inode take struct filename (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make do_filp_open take a struct filename (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: make __link_path_walk take a struct filename (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: allow audit code to satisfy getname requests from its names_list (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [mm] swapfile: fix name leak in swapoff (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: revert changes from last patch in code that we don't ship (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: define struct filename and have getname() return it (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: constify dirname argument to do_mount (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: paper over lack of const qualifiers in execve code (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [target] delousing target_core_file a bit (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] acct: constify the name arg to acct_on (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] vfs: allocate page instead of names_cache buffer in mount_block_root (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: overhaul __audit_inode_child to accomodate retrying (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: optimize audit_compare_dname_path (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: make audit_compare_dname_path use parent_len helper (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: remove dirlen argument to audit_compare_dname_path (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: set the name_len in audit_inode for parent lookups (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: add a new "type" field to audit_names struct (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: reverse arguments to audit_inode_child (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: no need to walk list in audit_inode if name is NULL (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [kernel] audit: pass in dentry to audit_copy_inode wherever possible (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] audit: Lose the first argument of audit_inode_child() (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] audit: __link_path_walk should call audit_inode with original "name" (Jeff Layton) [678544] - [fs] fuse: fix stat call on 32 bit platforms (Brian Foster) [872629]- [net] tcp: sk_add_backlog() is too agressive for TCP (Jiri Benc) [947950] - [net] add a limit parameter to sk_add_backlog() (Jiri Benc) [947950] - [net] sctp: fix Kconfig bug in default cookie hmac selection (Daniel Borkmann) [918316] - [net] sctp: Change defaults on cookie hmac selection (Daniel Borkmann) [918316] - [net] sctp: Make hmac algorithm selection for cookie generation dynamic (Daniel Borkmann) [918316] - [net] ipv6: bind() use stronger condition for bind_conflict (Flavio Leitner) [917872] - [net] tcp: bind() use stronger condition for bind_conflict (Flavio Leitner) [894683] - [net] vxlan: add ethtool support (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: Use UDP Tunnel segmention (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: fix oops when delete netns containing vxlan (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: reset nf before xmit vxlan encapsulated packet (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: Use tunnel_ip_select_ident() for tunnel IP-Identification (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: Add capability of Rx checksum offload for inner packet (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] vxlan: capture inner headers during encapsulation (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] tunneling: Add generic Tunnel segmentation (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] tunneling: Inherit NETIF_F_SG for hw_enc_features (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] Kill link between CSUM and SG features (Amerigo Wang) [918014] - [net] ip_gre: fix the inner header offset for gretap (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: enable GRO by default (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: add GRO capability (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: get rid of ipgre_lock (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gro: add gro_cells infrastructure (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gro: add checksuming helpers (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ipv4: Fix ip-header identification for gso packets (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: add ethtool support to gre tunnel (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: Fix GRE_CSUM case (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: Fix IP-Identification (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: remove an extra dst_release() (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: allow CSUM capable devices to handle packets (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gre: Add TCP segmentation offload for GRE (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gso: factor out skb_mac_gso_segment() from skb_gso_segment() (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ipv4: fix warning in xfrm4_mode_tunnel_input (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ipv6: fix warning in xfrm6_mode_tunnel_input (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] Add skb_unclone() helper functions (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Handle encapsulated offloads before fragmentation or handing to lower dev (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Add support for hardware-offloaded encapsulation (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: When TOS is inherited, use configured TOS value for non-IP packets (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: Fix kernel panic in IP_GRE with GRE csums (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: set transport header correctly to gre header (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: fix possible use after free (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gre: add GSO support (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: Fix ip_gre lockless xmits (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: lockless xmit (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gre: fix improper error handling (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gre: PPP over IPv4 (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] ip_gre: include route header_len in max_headroom calculation (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: do not disable sg for packets requiring no checksum (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: fix can_checksum_protocol() arguments swap (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Convert checksums to use centrally computed features (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Convert skb_need_linearize() to use precomputed features (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Convert dev_gso_segment() to use precomputed features (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Pass features into netif_needs_gso() (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] offloading: Generalize netif_get_vlan_features() (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] Rename skb_has_frags to skb_has_frag_list (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] fix a wrong assignment in skb_split() (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] tso: Fix possible wrong checksum generation (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gso: fix possible wrong checksum generation (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gro: Re-fix different skb headrooms (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] gro: fix different skb headrooms (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] Fix skb_copy_expand() handling of ->csum_start (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] Fix corruption of skb csum field in pskb_expand_head() of net/core/skbuff.c (Amerigo Wang) [918011] - [net] netlink: drop_monitor/dropwatch friendly (Amerigo Wang) [915552] - [net] netlink: dont drop packet but consume it (Amerigo Wang) [915552] - [net] drop_monitor: convert some kfree_skb call sites to consume_skb (Amerigo Wang) [915552] - [net] more accurate network taps in transmit path (Amerigo Wang) [915552] - [net] openvswitch: Move LRO check from transmit to received (Amerigo Wang) [904914] - [net] adjust skb_gso_segment() for calling in rx path (Amerigo Wang) [904914] - [net] bonding: unset primary slave via sysfs (Veaceslav Falico) [905932] - [net] netem: fix possible skb leak (Amerigo Wang) [903961] - [net] WARN if skb_checksum_help() is called on skb requiring segmentation (Amerigo Wang) [903961]- [net] macvlan: remove bogus check in macvlan_handle_frame() (Jiri Pirko) [952785] - [net] macvlan: fix passthru mode race between dev removal and rx path (Jiri Pirko) [952785] - [kernel] rcu: Replace list_first_entry_rcu() with list_first_or_null_rcu() (Jiri Pirko) [952785] - [kernel] tick: Don't invoke tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick() if the cpu is offline (Prarit Bhargava) [950068] - [kernel] tick: Cleanup NOHZ per cpu data on cpu down (Prarit Bhargava) [950068] - [mm] memory-failure: fix wrong num_poisoned_pages in handling memory error on thp (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: clean up soft_offline_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: use num_poisoned_pages instead of mce_bad_pages (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: do code refactor of soft_offline_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: fix an error of mce_bad_pages statistics (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: fix wrong argument of migrate_huge_pages() in soft_offline_huge_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: let the compiler add the function name (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: change order of error_states[]'s elements (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: fix misjudgement of page_action() for errors on mlocked pages (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: fix action_result() to print out dirty/clean (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [mm] memory-failure: split thp at the beginning of soft_offline_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [954045] - [net] bluetooth/rfcomm: Fix missing msg_namelen update in rfcomm_sock_recvmsg() (Weiping Pan) [955654] {CVE-2013-3225} - [net] bluetooth: fix possible info leak in bt_sock_recvmsg() (Radomir Vrbovsky) [955604] {CVE-2013-3224}- [fs] gfs2: Use ->writepages for ordered writes (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Merge gfs2_attach_bufdata() into trans.c (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Copy gfs2_trans_add_bh into new data/meta functions (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Split gfs2_trans_add_bh() into two (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Merge revoke adding functions (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Remove bd_list_tr (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up gfs2_create (Robert S Peterson) [859444] - [fs] nfs: Fix another reboot recovery race (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Use CLAIM_DELEG_CUR_FH opens when available (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Enable open-by-filehandle (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Add xdr support for CLAIM_FH and CLAIM_DELEG_CUR_FH opens (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs4_opendata_alloc in preparation for NFSv4.1 open modes (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: implement new 4.1 open reclaim types (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Select the "most recent locking state" for read/write/setattr stateids (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Prepare for minorversion-specific nfs_server capabilities (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: __nfs_find_lock_context needs to check ctx->lock_context for a match too (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Dont accept more reads/writes if the open context recovery failed (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Fail I/O if the state recovery fails irrevocably (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Resend the READ/WRITE RPC call if a stateid change causes an error (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: The stateid must remain the same for replayed RPC calls (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Add a helper for encoding opaque data (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Clean up helper function nfs4_select_rw_stateid() (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs4_select_rw_stateid() (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Rename encode_stateid() to encode_open_stateid() (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Dont copy read delegation stateids in setattr (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Add helpers for basic copying of stateids (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Rename nfs4_copy_stateid() (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Further clean-ups of delegation stateid validation (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] nfs: Fix matching of the stateids when returning a delegation (Steve Dickson) [923939] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up inode creation path (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: dont reference inode:s glock during block allocation trace (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Use proper allocation context for new inodes (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Move all locking inside the inode creation function (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up symlink creation (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up mkdir (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Make . and .. qstrs constant (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Add Orlov allocator (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [fs] gfs2: Add "top dir" flag support (Robert S Peterson) [859446] - [virt] kvm: fix maintenance of guest/host xcr0 state (Paolo Bonzini) [952252] - [virt] xen-netfront: reduce gso_max_size to account for max TCP header (Andrew Jones) [957231] - [fs] gfs2: Issue discards in 512b sectors (Robert S Peterson) [922779] - [fs] nfs: Check for buffer length in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (Sachin Prabhu) [906056] - [kernel] tick: Change log level of NOHZ local_softirq_pending message (Radomir Vrbovsky) [907516] - [x86] vdso: avoid overflow in vgetns() (Prarit Bhargava) [902320] - [block] propagate proper return codes from blk_get_request callers (Jeff Moyer) [927918] - [block] Check the return value from blk_get_request (Jeff Moyer) [927918]- [kernel] perf: fix perf_swevent_enabled array out-of-bound access (Petr Matousek) [962794] {CVE-2013-2094} - [tools] perf: Fix strbuf_addf() when the buffer needs to grow (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Fix numa topology printing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Fix exclude_guest parse events tests (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: do not flush maps on COMM for perf report (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/help: Fix --help for builtins (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/trace: Check if sample raw_data field is set (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/trace: Validate syscall id before growing syscall table (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/python: Properly link with libtraceevent (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Add back callchain folding symbol (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix build on sparc (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/python: Link with libtraceevent (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/python: Initialize 'page_size' variable (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix missed freeing of subargs in free_arg() in filter (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Add back pevent assignment in __pevent_parse_format() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Fix off-by-two bug on the first column (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Remove warnings on JIT samples for srcline sort key (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix segfault when using srcline sort key (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Precise mode requires exclude_guest (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Add more helpers for hist entry stat (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Move he->stat.nr_events initialization to a template (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Introduce struct he_stat (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/diff: Removing the total_period argument from output code (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add hpp interface to enable/disable hpp column (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Removing hists pair argument from output path (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Separate overhead and baseline columns (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/diff: Refactor diff displacement position info (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Add struct hists pointer to struct hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Complete tracepoint event names (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Remove some unused methods (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce add_newtp method (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to BACKTRACE_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Long option completion support for each subcommands (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Complete long option names of perf command (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Check existence of _get_comp_words_by_ref when bash completing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/inject: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/record: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/top: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/probe: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/buildid-list: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/timechart: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/lock: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/kmem: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/help: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/stat: Don't use globals where not needed to (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Look up thread using tid instead of pid (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/inject: Remove static variables (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/inject: Remove unused 'input_name' static var (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/trace: Use evsel->handler.func (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to HAVE_STRLCPY (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to GTK2_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to NEWT_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to LIBAUDIT_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to LIBUNWIND_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Convert to LIBELF_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Remove unused PYRF_OBJS variable on Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Move libdw availability check before arch Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/trace: Add aliases for some syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/probe: Print an enum type variable in "enum variable-name" format when showing accessible variables (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Check libaudit availability for perf-trace builtin (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Add missing period_* fields when collapsing a hist entry (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/trace: New tool (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Export the event_format constructor (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Introduce rawptr() method (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Use perf_evsel__newtp in the event parser (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: The tracepoint constructor should store sys:name (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce set_filter() method (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Renane set_filters method to apply_filters (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Add test to check we correctly parse and match syscall open parms (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Handle endianity in intval method (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Know if byte swap is needed (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Allow handling a NULL cpu_map as meaning "all cpus" (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Improve tracepoint constructor setup (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix error path on pevent_parse_event (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Fix build failure (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Handle alloc_arg failure (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Add test for the sched tracepoint format fields (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Provide a new constructor for tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Carve out events format parsing routine (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Remove some die() calls (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix afterlife gotos (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Use calloc were applicable (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Use asprintf were applicable (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: bfd.h/libbfd detection fails with recent binutils (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Free field if an error occurs on process_flags/symbols (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Free field if an error occurs on process_fields (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Make sure that arg->op.right is set properly (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix error path on process_array() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: remove sscanf extension as (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Remove unused @feat arg from ->process callback (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Use pre-processed session env when printing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Add ->process callbacks to most of features (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Add struct perf_session_env (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/timechart: Use zalloc and fix a couple leaks (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/lock: Use perf_evsel__intval and perf_session__set_tracepoints_handlers (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/kmem: Use perf_evsel__intval and perf_session__set_tracepoints_handlers (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/record: Print event causing perf_event_open() to fail (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix a compiling error in util/map.c (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix a compiling error in trace-event-perl.c for 32 bits machine (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/stat: Check PMU cpumask file (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/report: Add missing perf_hpp__init for pipe-mode (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Export a find_scripts() function (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Add event_analyzing_sample-record/report (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Add --symbols option to handle specific symbols (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Filter samples with unresolved symbol when "--symbols" option is used (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/archive: Make 'f' the last parameter for tar (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/archive: Remove -f from the rm command (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/stat: Move stats related code to util/stat.c (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/report: Enable integrated annotation only if possible (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add sort__has_sym (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Fix first column printing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Fix output for 100.00 (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Define _GNU_SOURCE in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Fixup for the die() removal (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/probe: Add union member access support (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Don't read all tracepoint variables in advance (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Use perf_evsel__{int, str}val (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__{str, int}val methods (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Use perf_tool as ancestor (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove unused thread parameter (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Use __maybe_used for unused variables (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Back vdso DSO with real data (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Make dsos__find function globally available (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add memdup function (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Do backtrace post unwind only if we regs and stack were captured (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: fix ALIGN redefinition in system headers (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: include __WORDSIZE definition (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Update types definitions for Android (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add missing perf_regs.h file to MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: include wrapper for magic.h (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/kmem: Remove die() calls (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove die() calls (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove BIONIC wrapper around libgen.h (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/probe: Make a copy of exec path for passing to basename (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/annotate: Make a copy of filename for passing to basename (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/gtk/browser: Use perf_hpp__format functions (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Use perf_hpp__format functions (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Use perf_hpp__format->width to calculate the column widths (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Handle field separator properly (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Introduce perf_hpp for hist period printing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/bench: fix assert when NDEBUG is defined (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix build for another rbtree.c change (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: add NO_BACKTRACE for application self-debugging (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: replace mempcpy with memcpy (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: replace mkostemp with mkstemp (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: include missing pthread.h header (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: fix missing winsize definition (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: include basename for non-glibc systems (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Replace sort's standalone field_sep with symbol_conf.field_sep (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/diff: Make diff command work with evsel hists (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Get rid of die() from pevent_register_print_function (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Get rid of die() from pevent_register_event_handler (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Get rid of die() from pretty_print() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Ignore compiled python binaries (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix cache event name generation (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Add roundtrip test for hardware cache events (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add fprintf method (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Remove extraneous newline when parsing hardware cache events (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Add round trip test for sw and hw event names (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Prepare tracepoint events regardless of name (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Fix a typo on evsel (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Clean target should do clean for lib/traceevent too (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Allow user to indicate path to objdump in command line (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Replace mempcpy with memcpy (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Swap pmu mapping numbers if needed (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Set tracepoint event name only if not set (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Use evlist->nr_entries on write_event_desc() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: remove unneeded include of network header files (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Remove the node from rblist in strlist__remove (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix intlist node removal (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix x86 builds with ARCH specified on the command line (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/record: Remove use of die/exit (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Remove use of die/exit (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/help: Remove use of die and handle errors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/stat: Remove use of die/exit and handle errors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/lock: Remove use of die and handle errors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: handle errors in synthesized event functions (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/session: flush_sample_queue needs to handle errors from handlers (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Modify header to work in C++ programs (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix off-by-one bug in pevent_strerror() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix strerror_r() use in pevent_strerror (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Introduce pevent_strerror (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Introduce pevent_errno (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Do not link broken field arg for an old ftrace event (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Keep the perf_event_attr on version 3 (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add pmu mappings to header information (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/report: Update event names from header description (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Refactor print_event_desc() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/test: Do not abort tests on error (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix 'No libunwind found' make warning message (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Rename and move some functions (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Separate out hist print functions (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix include order for bison/flex-generated C files (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix builds with NO_LIBELF set (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: silence GTK2 probing errors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Fix libexec scripts path in Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Ensure not to call gtk_main_quit() twice (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Rename global variable 'events' in util/header.c (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Rename some variables for better understanding (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Report number of pmu type of unknown events (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix type for evsel->ids and add size check for ids (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Add perf_gtk__show_helpline() for pr_* (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Use helpline API in browser (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Implement helpline_fns (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/ui: Introduce struct ui_helpline (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce evsel list accessors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evlist: Rename __group method to __set_leader (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add description of JIT interface (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Use both runtime and debug images (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Convert dso__load_syms to take 2 symsrc's (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Factor want_symtab out of dso__load_sym() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Switch dso__synthesize_plt_symbols() to use symsrc (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Set symtab_type in dso__load_sym (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Introduce symsrc structure (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Track symtab_type of vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Avoid segfault in elf_strptr (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: only set vmlinux longname & mark loaded if really loaded (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Simplify out_fixup in kernel syms loading (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove unused 'end' arg in kallsyms parse cb (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Correct comment wrt kallsyms loading (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove unneeded call to dso__set_long_name() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Don't try to synthesize plt without dynstr (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove unused function map__objdump_2ip (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Only un-prelink non-zero symbols (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/compat: Disable dwarf unwind (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Support for DWARF mode callchain (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Support for DWARF CFI unwinding on post processing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Support user regs and stack in sample parsing (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add libunwind dependency for DWARF CFI unwinding (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add interface to arch registers sets (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/compat: Force PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER0 perf event abi (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Adding PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER2 to the header swap check (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Implement poor man's ELF parser (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Support minimal build without libelf (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Split out util/symbol-elf.c (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/symbols: Introduce symbol__elf_init() (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix /etc config related installation (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Support for events bash completion (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Initial bash completion support (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/lock: improve message when tracepoints are not enabled (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Correct handler check and spelling errors (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Add event_analyzing_sample.py as a sample for general event handling (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Add a python library EventClass.py (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/scripts: Pass event/thread/dso name and symbol info to event handler in python (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Replace struct thread with struct addr_location as a parameter for process_event (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Add general python handler to process non-tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/list: Document precise event sampling for AMD IBS (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/list: Update documentation about raw event setup (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] traceevent: Fix cast from pointer to integer for 32 bit (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix parsing of 64 bit raw config value for 32 bit (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix lib/traceevent build dir with OUTPUT variable set (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix version file for perf documentation with OUTPUT variable set (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/script: Stop using pevent directly (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/sched: Use perf_sample (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/lock: Use evsel->tp_format and perf_sample (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/kmem: Use evsel->tp_format and perf_sample (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/evsel: Cache associated event_format (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/header: Set the tracepoint names on PERF_RECORD_HEADER_TRACING_DATA (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Add dump_stack function (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf/hists: Add verbose mode hotkey (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [tools] perf: Fix typo in tools/perf (Jiri Olsa) [927866] - [idle] intel_idle: additional Haswell CPU-id (John Villalovos) [818357] - [idle] intel_idle: support Haswell (John Villalovos) [818357] - [fs] udf: avoid info leak on export (Nikola Pajkovsky) [922355] {CVE-2012-6548} - [powerpc] oprofile: Fix error in oprofile power7_marked_instr_event() function (Steve Best) [912482] - [kernel] tracing: Fix timer tracing (Jiri Olsa) [881030] - [block] dump request state on seeing a corrupted request completion (Mike Snitzer) [957259] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed deadlock between hbalock and nlp_lock use (Rob Evers) [960717] - [netdrv] cxgb4: set coalesce parameters on all queues (Steve Best) [895115] - [kernel] tracing: Fix possible NULL pointer dereferences (Weiping Pan) [952213] {CVE-2013-3301} - [kernel] tracing: Fix panic when lseek() called on "trace" opened for writing (Weiping Pan) [952213] {CVE-2013-3301}- [netdrv] vmxnet3: prevent div-by-zero panic when ring resizing uninitialized dev (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: make local function static (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: set carrier state properly on probe (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: better RSS support (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove unused irq_share_mode (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use static RSS key (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use netdev_ printk wrappers (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove VMXNET3_MAX_DEVICES (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove device counter (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use netdev_dbg (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove unnecessary bookkeeping (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix messages printed before registration (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix drvinfo strings set in drivers (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove __dev* attributes (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix indentation (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: convert BUG_ON(true) into a simple BUG() (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: must split too big fragments (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix race between dev_open() and register_netdev() (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Define and apply a default policy for RX flow hash indirection (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Centralise validation of ETHTOOL_{G, S}RXFHINDIR parameters (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove use of ndo_set_multicast_list in drivers (Neil Horman) [922299] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Enable GRO support (Neil Horman) [922299] - [kernel] hrtimer: add expiry time overflow check in hrtimer_interrupt (Prarit Bhargava) [947659] - [kernel] time: Move ktime_t overflow checking into timespec_valid_strict (Prarit Bhargava) [947659] - [kernel] time: Improve sanity checking of timekeeping inputs (Prarit Bhargava) [947659] - [powerpc] pseries: Enable the PFO-based RNG accelerator (Steve Best) [947106] - [char] hw_random/pseries-rng: PFO-based hwrng driver (Steve Best) [947106] - [powerpc] vio: Remove dma not supported warnings (Steve Best) [947106] - [powerpc] pseries: Add PFO support to the VIO bus (Steve Best) [947106] - [powerpc] pseries: Add new hvcall constants to support PFO (Steve Best) [947106] - [virt] x86/paravirt: don't enter/leave lazy mode in interrupts (Andrew Jones) [874053] - [powerpc] pSeries_lpar_hpte_remove fails from Adjunct partition being performed before the ANDCOND test (Steve Best) [952309] - [powerpc] pseries/eeh: Fix crash when error happens during device probe (Steve Best) [905264] - [kernel] resource: fix stack overflow in __reserve_region_with_split() (Myron Stowe) [858087] - [md] dm-raid: Fix for "sync" directive ineffectiveness (Jonathan E Brassow) [859562] - [block] fix max discard sectors limit (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix inconsistent LRO state after initialization (Neil Horman) [918203] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix ethtool ring buffer size setting (Neil Horman) [913615] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Fix DMA unmap error (Steve Best) [902923] - [net] atm: update msg_namelen in vcc_recvmsg() (Nikola Pajkovsky) [955225] {CVE-2013-3222} - [net] veth: Dont kfree_skb() after dev_forward_skb() (Jiri Benc) [957713] {CVE-2013-2017} - [x86] power: Correct the MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS message (Neil Horman) [917147] - [x86] msr: Fix typo in ENERGY_PERF_BIAS_POWERSAVE (Neil Horman) [917147] - [x86] power: Initialize MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS (Neil Horman) [917147] - [x86] power: define RAPL MSRs (Neil Horman) [917147] - [x86] turbostat: display SMI count by default (Neil Horman) [917147] - [idle] intel_idle: disable Atom/Lincroft HW C-state auto-demotion (Neil Horman) [917147] - [idle] intel_idle: disable NHM/WSM HW C-state auto-demotion (Neil Horman) [917147] - [x86] turbostat: share kernel MSR #defines (Neil Horman) [917147] - [fs] compat: fix build on MIPS/s390/ppc64 (Jeff Moyer) [885239] - [fs] readv/writev: do the same MAX_RW_COUNT truncation that read/write does (Jeff Moyer) [885239]- [fs] nfs: Fix handling of revoked delegations by setattr (Steve Dickson) [952329] - [fs] nfs: Return the delegation if the server returns NFS4ERR_OPENMODE (Steve Dickson) [952329] - [fs] nfs: Fix another potential state manager deadlock (Steve Dickson) [950598] - [fs] nfs: Fix another open/open_recovery deadlock (Steve Dickson) [916806] - [fs] nfs: Hold reference to layout hdr in layoutget (Steve Dickson) [916726] - [fs] nfs: add "pnfs_" prefix to get_layout_hdr() and put_layout_hdr() (Steve Dickson) [916726] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_open_done first must check that GETATTR decoded a file type (Steve Dickson) [916722] - [net] sunrpc: Dont start the retransmission timer when out of socket space (Steve Dickson) [916735] - [fs] nfs: Dont use SetPageError in the NFS writeback code (Steve Dickson) [912867] - [fs] nfs: Dont decode skipped layoutgets (Steve Dickson) [904025] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_proc_layoutget returns void (Steve Dickson) [904025] - [fs] nfs: defer release of pages in layoutget (Steve Dickson) [904025] - [fs] nfs: Use kcalloc() when allocating arrays (Steve Dickson) [904025] - [fs] nfs: Fix an ABBA locking issue with session and state serialisation (Steve Dickson) [912842] - [fs] nfs: Fix a race in the pNFS return-on-close code (Steve Dickson) [912842] - [fs] nfs: Do not accept delegated opens when a delegation recall is in effect (Steve Dickson) [912842] - [fs] nfs: Fix a reboot recovery race when opening a file (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Ensure delegation recall and byte range lock removal don't conflict (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Fix up the return values of nfs4_open_delegation_recall (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Dont lose locks when a server reboots during delegation return (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Move nfs4_wait_clnt_recover and nfs4_client_recover_expired_lease (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Add NFSDBG_STATE (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: nfs_inode_return_delegation() should always flush dirty data (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: nfs_client_return_marked_delegations cant flush data (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Prevent deadlocks between state recovery and file locking (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [fs] nfs: Allow the state manager to mark an open_owner as being recovered (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [kernel] seqlock: Dont smp_rmb in seqlock reader spin loop (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [kernel] seqlock: add 'raw_seqcount_begin()' function (Steve Dickson) [908524] - [kernel] seqlock: optimise seqlock (Steve Dickson) [908524]- [net] tcp: Reallocate headroom if it would overflow csum_start (Thomas Graf) [896233] - [net] tcp: take care of misalignments (Thomas Graf) [896233] - [net] skbuff.c cleanup (Thomas Graf) [896233] - [net] ipv6: fix incorrect route 'expires' value passed to userspace (Thomas Graf) [912029]- [fs] nfs: don't allow nfs_find_actor to match inodes of the wrong type (Jeff Layton) [913660] - [mm] hugetlbfs: add swap entry check in follow_hugetlb_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [928883] - [fs] binfmt_elf: fix hugetlb memory check in vma_dump_size() (Naoya Horiguchi) [928883] - [x86] remove BUG_ON(TS_USEDFPU) in __sanitize_i387_state() (Oleg Nesterov) [920445] - [fs] coredump: ensure the fpu state is flushed for proper multi-threaded core dump (Oleg Nesterov) [920445] - [kernel] perf, x86: Fix raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore() usage (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf, x86: Implement user-space RDPMC support, to allow fast, user-space access to self-monitoring counters (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Fix mmap_page::offset computation (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf, arch: Rework perf_event_index() (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Update the mmap control page on mmap() (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Fix enable_on_exec for sibling events (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Remove superfluous arguments (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf, x86: Prefer fixed-purpose counters when scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] events: Don't divide events if it has field period (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Carve out callchain functionality (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] x86: Perf_event_amd.c needs (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf_events: Fix slow and broken cgroup context switch code (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf, x86: Avoid kfree() in CPU_STARTING (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] x86, perf: Make copy_from_user_nmi() a library function (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] x86, perf: Add constraints for architectural PMU (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Remove the perf_output_begin(.sample) argument (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf: Remove the nmi parameter from the swevent and overflow interface (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] events: Ensure that timers are updated without requiring read() call (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf_event: Fix broken calc_timer_values() (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] events: Move lockless timer calculation into helper function (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] events: Add note to update_event_times comment about holding ctx->lock (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [kernel] perf_events: Fix perf buffer watermark setting (Jiri Olsa) [927177] - [net] ieee802154: Remove static CFLAGS in net/ieee802154/Makefile (Aristeu Rozanski) [920620] - [net] sunrpc: Add barriers to ensure read ordering in rpc_wake_up_task_queue_locked (Dave Wysochanski) [840860]- [x86] apic: Add probe() for apic_flat (Prarit Bhargava) [953342] - [x86] apic: Work around boot failure on HP ProLiant DL980 G7 Server systems (Prarit Bhargava) [912963] - [x86] apic: Use probe routines to simplify apic selection (Prarit Bhargava) [912963] - [x86] x2apic: Simplify apic init in SMP and UP builds (Prarit Bhargava) [912963] - [virt] virtio-rng: fix crashes by disallowing multiple device registrations (Amit Shah) [953097] - [virt] virtio-console: add locking around c_ovq operations (Amit Shah) [928207] - [virt] virtio-console: rename cvq_lock to c_ivq_lock (Amit Shah) [928207] - [virt] virtio_console: Merge struct buffer_token into struct port_buffer (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Free buffers from out-queue upon close (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Use kmalloc instead of kzalloc (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Free buffer if splice fails (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio-trace: Fix pthread flag for Makefile of trace-agent used (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio-trace: do not use unavailable fcntl (F_SETPIPE_SZ) (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] tools: Add guest trace agent as a user tool (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Allocate scatterlist according to the current pipe size (Amit Shah) [840454] - [trace] ftrace: Allow stealing pages from pipe buffer (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Wait until the port is ready on splice (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Add a failback for unstealable pipe buffer (Amit Shah) [840454] - [virt] virtio_console: Add splice_write support (Amit Shah) [840454] - [s390] kdump: Do not add standby memory for kdump (Hendrik Brueckner) [922943] - [fs] vfs: remove unneeded permission check from path_init (Jeff Layton) [884863] - [idle] intel_idle: Initialize driver_data correctly in ivb_cstates on IVB processor (Prarit Bhargava) [953630] - [mm] fix fs oops due to dirty pages without buffers on s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [692530] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: set carrier state properly on probe (Neil Horman) [861131]- [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump driver version (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix issue in passing the exp_cmdsn and max_cmdsn (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix possible reentrancy issue in be_iopoll (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the copyright information (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix checking Adapter state while establishing CXN (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix dynamic CID allocation Mechanism in driver (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the NOP-In handling code path (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the Port Link Status issue (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix displaying the Active Session Count from driver (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix displaying the FW Version from driver (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix support for DEFQ extension (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MACRO for checking the adapter type (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix freeing CXN specific driver resources. (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MSIx support in SKH-R to 32 (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MBX Command issues (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix returning Failure when MBX fails with Insufficient buffer error (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Send uninitialize pattern to FW (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Unrecoverable Error Detection (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for MBX timeout issue (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update the copyright information (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix issue of displaying adapter family (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Task Completion Event handling (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix session update context with V2 version (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix support for V2 version of WRB (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix support for handling CQ_CREATE V2 version (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix max EQ supported by the driver (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix driver support for Skyhawk-R adapter (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix return value and typo (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix kernel panic in blk_iopoll disable mode (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Issue an function level reset when driver is loaded (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Display driver name and version in device attribute (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix max supported EQ count to 8.a (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory leak in control path of driver (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Display Completion Event string instead of Opcode (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the issue with soft reset (Rob Evers) [947550] - [scsi] be2iscsi: cleanup a min_t() call (Rob Evers) [947550] - [kernel] percpu-rw-sem: remove the percpu rw semaphore implementation (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: don't read inode->i_blkbits multiple times (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] vfs: add missing virtual cache flush after editing partial pages (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] vfs: fix O_DIRECT read past end of block device (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] vfs: clear to the end of the buffer on partial buffer reads (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] vfs: avoid "attempt to access beyond end of device" warnings (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] blkdev_max_block: make private to fs/buffer.c (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] blockdev: remove bd_block_size_semaphore again (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] buffer.c: make block-size be per-page and protected by the page lock (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io.c: adjust suspicious bit operation (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: optimize cache misses in the submission path (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io.c: calculate fs_count correctly in get_more_blocks() (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: merge direct_io_walker into __blockdev_direct_IO (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: inline the complete submission path (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: separate map_bh from dio (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: use a slab cache for struct dio (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: rearrange fields in dio/dio_submit to avoid holes (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: fix a wrong comment (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [fs] direct-io: separate fields only used in the submission path from struct dio (Jeff Moyer) [909482] - [powerpc] pci: convert devtree bus addresses to resource (Myron Stowe) [953181] - [acpi] create _SUN sysfs file (Motohiro Kosaki) [908606]- [pci] Remove spurious error for sriov_numvfs store and simplify flow (Don Dutile) [887398] - [pci] Provide method to reduce the number of total VFs supported (Don Dutile) [887398] - [pci] SRIOV control and status via sysfs (Don Dutile) [887398] - [pci] Use is_visible() with boot_vga attribute for pci_dev (Don Dutile) [887398] - [pci] Add pci_device_type to pdev's device struct (Don Dutile) [887398] - [x86] Allow greater than 1TB of RAM on AMD x86_64 sytems (Larry Woodman) [869736 876275] - [mm] writeback: Fix Kernel divide by zero panic in get_dirty_limits() (Rafael Aquini) [871599] - [scsi] scsi_debug: Fix off-by-one bug when unmapping region (Ewan Milne) [902973] - [md] dm-snap: provide module alias in dm-snapshot (Mikulas Patocka) [889973] - [x86] mce: Fix return value of mce_chrdev_read() when erst is disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [742385] - [x86] Prevent panic in init_memory_mapping() when booting more than 1TB on AMD systems (Larry Woodman) [869736] - [kernel] TAINT_TECH_PREVIEW should not disable lock debugging (Prarit Bhargava) [872688] - [Documentation] remove doc for obsolete dynamic-printk kernel-parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [883911] - [kernel] coredump: backport E option for /proc/sys/kernel/coredump_pattern (Dave Anderson) [905122] - [s390] mm: Fix crst upgrade of mmap with MAP_FIXED (Hendrik Brueckner) [915357] - [virt] kvm/mmu: fix hashing for TDP and non-paging modes (Marcelo Tosatti) [908751] - [virt] kvm/mmu: Fix free memory accounting race in mmu_alloc_roots() (Marcelo Tosatti) [908751] - [virt] kvm/mmu: Don't flush shadow when enabling dirty tracking (Marcelo Tosatti) [908751] - [mm] memcg: fix totalpages calculation for memory.swappiness==0 (Satoru Moriya) [887402] - [mm] memcg: fix unit mismatch in memcg oom limit calculation (Satoru Moriya) [887397] - [x86] pci: Allow x86 platforms to use translation offsets (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Clear host bridge aperture struct resource (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: use _CRS bus number aperture for host bridges from ACPI (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: fix unused variable warning in amd_bus.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: merge pcibios_scan_root() and pci_scan_bus_on_node() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: dynamically allocate pci_root_info for native host bridge drivers (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: embed pci_sysdata into pci_root_info on ACPI path (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: embed name into pci_root_info struct (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: add host bridge resource release for _CRS path (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: refactor get_current_resources() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add host bridge release support (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add generic device into pci_host_bridge struct (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] rename pci_host_bridge() to find_pci_root_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: fix memleak with get_current_resources() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] move host bridge-related code to host-bridge.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] collapse pcibios_resource_to_bus (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: get rid of device resource fixups (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add generic pcibios_resource_to_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] convert bus addresses to resource when reading BARs (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add struct pci_host_bridge_window with CPU/bus address offset (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add struct pci_host_bridge and a list of all bridges found (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] don't publish new root bus until it's fully initialized (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] make pci_flags non-weak (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: replace pci_probe_only with pci_flags (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: make pci_probe_only default to 0 (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add pci_clear_flags() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] make pci_flags always available (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: fix memleak when ACPI _CRS is not used (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: don't fall back to defaults if _CRS has no apertures (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] remove pci_create_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: convert to pci_create_root_bus() and pci_scan_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: use pci_scan_bus() instead of pci_scan_bus_parented() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: convert to pci_create_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: split PHB part out of pcibios_map_io_space() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: make pcibios_setup_phb_resources() static (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] deprecate pci_scan_bus_parented() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] convert pci_scan_bus_parented() to use pci_create_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] convert pci_scan_bus() to use pci_create_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add pci_scan_root_bus() that accepts resource list (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add pci_create_root_bus() that accepts resource list (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] show host bridges and root bus resources (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [pci] add helpers for building PCI bus resource lists (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Ignore CPU non-addressable _CRS reserved memory resources (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: fix a brace coding style issue in probe.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] pci: move powerpc pci flag functions into asm-generic (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [powerpc] rename ppc_pci_*_flags to pci_*_flags (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci/sysfs: move bus cpuaffinity to class dev_attrs (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: add rescan to /sys/.../pci_bus/.../ (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: use kasprintf in acpi.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Enable pci root res read out for 32bit too (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Add cap_resource() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Use u64 instead of size_t in amd_bus.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: AMD one chain system to use pci read out res (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: Use resource_size_t in update_res (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] Move range related operation to one file (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: fix section mismatch on update_res() (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: seperate x86_pci_rootbus_res_quirks from amd_bus.c (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: fix comment typo in bus_numa.h (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] mtrr: Fix sorting of mtrr after subtracting (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [x86] pci: read root resources from IOH on Intel (Myron Stowe) [836569] - [block] Consolidate command flag and queue limit checks for merges (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [scsi] sd: Permit merged discard requests (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [block] Clean up special command handling logic (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [block] separate out blk_rq_merge_ok() and blk_try_merge() from elevator functions (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [block] cleanup previous backport of blk_throtl_bio() reorganization (Mike Snitzer) [910054] - [i2c] Adding support for Intel iSMT SMBus 2.0 host controller (Neil Horman) [910427] - [asm-generic] architecture independent readq/writeq for 32bit environment (Neil Horman) [910427] - [kvm] vmx: provide the vmclear function and a bitmap to support VMCLEAR in kdump (Andrew Jones) [908608] - [x86] kexec: VMCLEAR VMCSs loaded on all cpus if necessary (Andrew Jones) [908608] - [netdrv] igb: release already assigned MSI-X interrupts if setup fails (Stefan Assmann) [804724] - [netdrv] igb: remove duplicate code for fallback interrupt initialization (Stefan Assmann) [804724] - [netdrv] igb: Combine q_vector and ring allocation into a single function (Stefan Assmann) [804724] - [netdrv] igb: Remove logic that was doing NUMA pseudo-aware allocations (Stefan Assmann) [804724] - [netdrv] igb: Move the calls to set the Tx and Rx queues into igb_open (Stefan Assmann) [804724] - [char] ipmi: add options to disable openfirmware and PCI scanning (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: use locks on watchdog timeout set on reboot (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: simplify locking (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix message handling during panics (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: Fix IPMI errors due to timing problems (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi/ipmi_si_intf: fix cleanup_one_si section mismatch (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix OOPS caused by pnp_unregister_driver on unregistered driver (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [Documentation] IPMI: Add the document description of ipmi_get_smi_info (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix __init and __exit attribute locations (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: proper spinlock initialization (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix hardcoded ipmi device exit path warning (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix acpi probe print (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: print info for spmi and smbios paths like acpi and pci (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix memleaking for add_smi when duplicating happen (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: update driver to use dev_printk and its constructs (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi/ipmi_si_intf: fix variable 'addr_space' set but not used warning (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix sysfs lockdep warning in ipmi code (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: remove ipmi_smi.h self-include (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: fix slave_addrs setting to actually work (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: Use KCS_IDLE_STATE (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [char] ipmi: refer to table as "SPMI", not "ACPI" (Tony Camuso) [924736] - [mm] enforce mmap_min_addr on x86_64 (Rik van Riel) [790921] - [mm] optional next-fit policy for arch_get_unmapped_area (Rik van Riel) [790921] - [mm] fix quadratic behaviour in get_unmapped_area_topdown (Rik van Riel) [790921] - [scsi] Revert: qla2xxx: Optimize existing port name server query matching (Chad Dupuis) [924804] - [scsi] Revert: qla2xxx: Avoid losing any fc ports when loop id's are exhausted (Chad Dupuis) [924804]- [fs] defer do_filp_open() access checks to may_open() (Eric Sandeen) [920752] - [infiniband] ipoib: Add missing locking when CM object is deleted (Doug Ledford) [913645] - [virt] kvm: accept unaligned MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME writes (Petr Matousek) [917021] {CVE-2013-1796} - [char] tty: hold lock across tty buffer finding and buffer filling (Prarit Bhargava) [901780]- [net] tcp: fix for zero packets_in_flight was too broad (Thomas Graf) [920794] - [net] tcp: frto should not set snd_cwnd to 0 (Thomas Graf) [920794] - [net] tcp: fix an infinite loop in tcp_slow_start() (Thomas Graf) [920794] - [net] tcp: fix ABC in tcp_slow_start() (Thomas Graf) [920794] - [md] dm-thin: bump the target version numbers (Mike Snitzer) [922931] - [md] dm-thin: use block_size_is_power_of_two (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-thin: support a non-power-of-2 discard_granularity (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-thin: fix queue limits stacking (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm: sync misc small differences from upstream (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] persistent-data: improve improve space map block alloc failure message (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-thin: use DMERR_LIMIT for errors (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] persistent-data: use DMERR_LIMIT for errors (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] persistent-data: fix nested btree deletion (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-thin: move bio_prison code to separate module (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-thin: prepare to separate bio_prison code (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] persistent-data: convert to use le32_add_cpu (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-bufio: use ACCESS_ONCE for sysfs values (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-bufio: use list_move (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-ioctl: use kmalloc if possible (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-ioctl: remove PF_MEMALLOC (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-ioctl: prevent unsafe change to dm_ioctl data_size (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm-snap: optimize track_chunk (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [md] dm: fix deadlock with request based dm and queue request_fn recursion (Mike Snitzer) [904161] - [fs] ext3: Fix format string issues (Nikola Pajkovsky) [920785] {CVE-2013-1848} - [netdrv] ehea: avoid accessing a NULL vgrp (Steve Best) [911359] - [kernel] signal: always clear sa_restorer on execve (Nikola Pajkovsky) [920506] {CVE-2013-0914} - [md] dm-thin: fix discard corruption (Mike Snitzer) [922931] - [md] persistent-data: rename node to btree_node (Mike Snitzer) [922931] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Only set gso_type to SKB_GSO_TCPV4 as RSC does not support IPv6 (Michael S. Tsirkin) [908196] - [netdrv] bnx2x: set gso_type (Michael S. Tsirkin) [908196] - [netdrv] qlcnic: set gso_type (Michael S. Tsirkin) [908196] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix gso type (Michael S. Tsirkin) [908196] - [net] sunrpc: Get rid of the redundant xprt->shutdown bit field (J. Bruce Fields) [893584] - [virt] kvm: do not #GP on unaligned MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME write (Gleb Natapov) [917021] {CVE-2013-1796} - [fs] gfs2: Allocate reservation structure before rename and link (Robert S Peterson) [922999] - [drm] i915: bounds check execbuffer relocation count (Nikola Pajkovsky) [920525] {CVE-2013-0913} - [x86] irq: add quirk for broken interrupt remapping on 55XX chipsets (Neil Horman) [887006] - [md] dm: fix limits initialization when there are no data devices (Mike Snitzer) [908851] - [kvm] Convert MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME to use gfn_to_hva_cache functions (Gleb Natapov) [917025] {CVE-2013-1797} - [kvm] Fix for buffer overflow in handling of MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME (Gleb Natapov) [917021] {CVE-2013-1796} - [kvm] Fix bounds checking in ioapic indirect register reads (Gleb Natapov) [917032] {CVE-2013-1798} - [kvm] x86: release kvmclock page on reset (Gleb Natapov) [917025] {CVE-2013-1797} - [security] keys: Fix race with concurrent install_user_keyrings() (David Howells) [913258] {CVE-2013-1792}- [fs] xfs: use maximum schedule timeout when ail is empty (Brian Foster) [883905] - [net] xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_tmpl() (Thomas Graf) [922429] {CVE-2012-6537} - [net] xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_policy() (Thomas Graf) [922429] {CVE-2012-6537} - [net] xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_state() (Thomas Graf) [922429] {CVE-2012-6537} - [net] xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_auth() (Thomas Graf) [922429] {CVE-2012-6537} - [net] atm: fix info leak in getsockopt(SO_ATMPVC) (Thomas Graf) [922387] {CVE-2012-6546} - [net] atm: fix info leak via getsockname() (Thomas Graf) [922387] {CVE-2012-6546} - [fs] nls: improve UTF8 -> UTF16 string conversion routine (Nikola Pajkovsky) [916119] {CVE-2013-1773} - [fs] fat: Fix stat->f_namelen (Nikola Pajkovsky) [916119] {CVE-2013-1773} - [netdrv] tun: fix ioctl() based info leaks (Thomas Graf) [922351] {CVE-2012-6547} - [net] llc: fix info leak via getsockname() (Thomas Graf) [922333] {CVE-2012-6542} - [virt] x86: Add a check to catch Xen emulation of Hyper-V (Andrew Jones) [918239] - [fs] cifs: fix expand_dfs_referral (Sachin Prabhu) [902492] - [fs] cifs: factor smb_vol allocation out of cifs_setup_volume_info (Sachin Prabhu) [902492] - [fs] cifs: have cifs_cleanup_volume_info not take a double pointer (Sachin Prabhu) [902492] - [fs] nfs: Dont allow NFS silly-renamed files to be deleted, no signal (Dave Wysochanski) [905095]- [Documentation] vxlan: fix command usage in its doc (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: Add ethtool drvinfo (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: Use the underlying device index when joining/leaving multicast groups (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: remove unused variable (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: Update hard_header_len based on lowerdev when instantiating VXLAN (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: fix a typo (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: Fix error that was resulting in VXLAN MTU size being 10 bytes too large (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: allow a user to set TTL value (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: don't expire permanent entries (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: fix oops when give unknown ifindex (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: fix receive checksum handling (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: add additional headroom (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: allow configuring port range (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: associate with tunnel socket on transmit (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: fix byte order in hash function (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: minor output refactoring (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: fix more sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: remove unused including (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: put UDP socket in correct namespace (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] vxlan: virtual extensible lan (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] igmp: export symbol ip_mc_leave_group (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] netlink: Add nla_put_net{16,32,64}() helpers (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] dst: Introduce skb_tunnel_rx() helper (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] rtnetlink: do not check master for bridge ports (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] rtnetlink: notify events for FDB NTF_SELF adds and deletes (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] rtnetlink: add attributes to fdb interface (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] netdevice: make address const in device address management (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] add generic PF_BRIDGE:RTM_ FDB hooks (Amerigo Wang) [907447] - [net] xfrm: fix RCU bugs (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Replace rwlock on xfrm_policy_afinfo with rcu (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] flow: Add a flow_cache_flush_deferred function (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Refcount destination entry on xfrm_lookup (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: avoid possible oopse in xfrm_alloc_dst (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Fix xfrm_state_migrate leak (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] flow: Make flow cache namespace-aware (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: do not assume that template resolving always returns xfrms (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: check bundle policy existance before dereferencing it (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: fix policy unreferencing on larval drop (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm6: ensure to use the same dev when building a bundle (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Fix crashes in xfrm_lookup() (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] flow: delayed deletion of flow cache entries (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: remove policy garbage collection (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: cache bundles instead of policies for outgoing flows (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: deal with dst entries in netns (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] flow: virtualize flow cache entry methods (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] flow: structurize flow cache (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: remove policy lock when accessing policy->walk.dead (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Flushing empty SAD generates false events (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Flushing empty SPD generates false events (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] pfkey: fix SA and SP flush sequence (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: validate attributes (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: verify policy direction at XFRM_MSG_POLEXPIRE handler (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Remove xfrm_state_genid (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] ipv4: check rt_genid in dst_check (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Fix bogus bundle flowi (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: clone mark when cloning policy (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Allow user space manipulation of SPD mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: Allow user space config of SAD mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: SP lookups with mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: SP lookups signature with mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: SA lookups with mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: SA lookups signature with mark (Amerigo Wang) [885247] - [net] xfrm: introduce basic mark infrastructure (Amerigo Wang) [885247]- [fs] NLM: Ensure that we resend all pending blocking locks after a reclaim (Steve Dickson) [913704] - [fs] xfs: remove log force from xfs_buf_cond_lock() (Brian Foster) [896224] - [fs] xfs: recheck buffer pinned status after push trylock failure (Brian Foster) [896224] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we check lock exclusive/shared type against open modes (Dave Wysochanski) [916324] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix partition migration hang in stop_topology_update (Steve Best) [910597] - [infiniband] qib: correction for faulty sparse warning correction (Jay Fenlason) [901701] - [usb] io_ti: Fix NULL dereference in chase_port() (Nikola Pajkovsky) [916200] {CVE-2013-1774} - [net] bluetooth: Fix incorrect strncpy() in hidp_setup_hid() (Nikola Pajkovsky) [914691] {CVE-2013-0349} - [char] tty: set_termios/set_termiox should not return -EINTR (Oleg Nesterov) [904907] - [netdrv] ehea: fix VLAN support (Steve Best) [911359] - [net] xfrm_user: return error pointer instead of NULL (Thomas Graf) [919389] {CVE-2013-1826} - [net] dccp: check ccid before NULL poiter dereference (Weiping Pan) [919188] {CVE-2013-1827}- [Documentation] ipv6: Update ip-sysctl.txt documentation (Jacob Tanenbaum) [795367] - [net] ipv6: add special mode forwarding=2 to send RS while configured as router (Jacob Tanenbaum) [795367] - [net] ipv6: add special mode accept_ra=2 to accept RA while configured as a router (Jacob Tanenbaum) [795367] - [net] netfilter: improve out-of-sync situation in TCP tracking (Flavio Leitner) [629857] - [net] sctp: Add support to per-association statistics via a new SCTP_GET_ASSOC_STATS call (Michele Baldessari) [755486] - [net] fix netdev_increment_features() (Amerigo Wang) [892868] - [net] Disable all TSO features when SG is disabled (Amerigo Wang) [892868] - [net] tcp: tcp_replace_ts_recent() should not be called from tcp_validate_incoming() (Weiping Pan) [843126] - [net] tcp: RFC 5961 5.2 Blind Data Injection Attack Mitigation (Weiping Pan) [843126] - [net] tcp: refine SYN handling in tcp_validate_incoming (Weiping Pan) [843126] - [net] tcp: implement RFC 5961 4.2 (Weiping Pan) [843126] - [net] tcp: implement RFC 5961 3.2 (Weiping Pan) [843126] - [net] ipv6: Preserve ipv6 functionality needed by NET (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] use right lock in __dev_remove_offload (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Pull IPv6 GSO registration out of the module (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv4: Pull GSO registration out of inet_init() (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Update ipv6 static library with newly needed functions (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Move exthdr offload support into separate file (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Separate out UDP offload functionality (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Separate tcp offload functionality (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Separate ipv6 offload support (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Switch to using new offload infrastructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv4: Switch to using the new offload infrastructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] ipv6: Add new offload registration infrastructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] Add net protocol offload registration infrustructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] Switch to using the new packet offload infrastructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] Add generic packet offload infrastructure (Vlad Yasevich) [801856] - [net] update SOCK_MIN_RCVBUF (Daniel Borkmann) [782886] - [net] sctp: Fix list corruption resulting from freeing an association on a list (Jiri Pirko) [887868] - [net] netfilter/ipset: timeout can be modified for already added elements (Daniel Borkmann) [881599] - [net] tcp: Don't change unlocked socket state in tcp_v4_err() (Jiri Benc) [757658] - [net] packet: fix network header offset in skb for raw sockets (Stefan Assmann) [845515] - [mm] tmpfs: fix use-after-free of mempolicy object (Nikola Pajkovsky) [915715] {CVE-2013-1767} - [fs] fuse: set page_descs length in fuse_buffered_write() (Brian Foster) [915135] - [fs] vfs: fix pointer dereference validation in d_validate (Carlos Maiolino) [876600]- [pci] Fix PCI Express Capability accessors for PCI_EXP_FLAGS (Myron Stowe) [912505] - [pci] introduce accessor to retrieve PCIe Capabilities Register (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/portdrv: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] portdrv: Don't create hotplug slots unless port supports hotplug (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [drm] radeon: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [infiniband] qib: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [infiniband] mthca: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [wireless] iwlwifi: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [wireless] iwlegacy: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] ath9k: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] atl1c: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] myri10ge: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] niu: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] mlx4: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] igb: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] tg3: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] r8169: Preserve other Device Control bits when setting NOSNOOP_EN (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] r8169: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/aspm: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/aer: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pciehp: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/portdrv: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] hotplug: Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Use PCI Express Capability accessors (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Add accessors for PCI Express Capability (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Remove unused field pcie_type from struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Introduce pci_pcie_type(dev) to replace pci_dev->pcie_type (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Add pcie_flags_reg to cache PCIe capabilities register (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [scsi] qla2xxx: remove unnecessary reads of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] remove redundant capabilities checking in pci_{save, restore}_pcie_state (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/aer: use pci_is_pcie() instead of obsolete pci_dev.is_pcie (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] move pci_find_saved_cap out of linux/pci.h (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] myri10ge: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [netdrv] niu: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] Track the size of each saved capability data area (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/portdrv: remove redundant definitions (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] hotplug: use pci_is_pcie() (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/aspm: use pci_is_pcie() (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pciehp: use pci_pcie_cap() (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/aspm: use pci_pcie_cap() (Myron Stowe) [904203] - [pci] pcie/portdrv: use pci_pcie_cap() (Myron Stowe) [904203]- [kernel] utrace: ensure arch_ptrace/ptrace_request can never race with SIGKILL (Oleg Nesterov) [912074] {CVE-2013-0871} - [security] device_cgroup: fix RCU usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: fix unchecked cgroup parent usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: add proper checking when changing default behavior (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: stop using simple_strtoul() (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: rename deny_all to behavior (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: fix invalid rcu dereference (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: rename whitelist to exception list (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: convert device_cgroup internally to policy + exceptions (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: introduce dev_whitelist_clean() (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] device_cgroup: add "deny_all" in dev_cgroup structure (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] devcgroup_inode_permission: take "is it a device node" checks to inlined wrapper (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [security] rcu: Convert call_rcu(whitelist_item_free) to kfree_rcu() (Aristeu Rozanski) [819366] - [fs] cifs: after upcalling for krb5 creds, invalidate key rather than revoking it (Niels de Vos) [885899] - [fs] cifs: tmp_key_invalidate() should not set key->expiry to 0 (Niels de Vos) [885899] - [block] disable discard request merge temporarily (Mike Snitzer) [907844]- [netdrv] mlx4: Set number of msix vectors under SRIOV mode to firmware defaults (Michal Schmidt) [904726] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix bridged vSwitch configuration for non SRIOV mode (Michal Schmidt) [903644] - [net] rtnetlink: Fix IFLA_EXT_MASK definition (regression) (Thomas Graf) [903220] - [x86] msr: Add capabilities check (Nikola Pajkovsky) [908699] {CVE-2013-0268} - [x86] msr: Remove incorrect, duplicated code in the MSR driver (Nikola Pajkovsky) [908699] {CVE-2013-0268} - [virt] xen: don't assume ds is usable in xen_iret for 32-bit PVOPS (Andrew Jones) [906311] {CVE-2013-0228}- [kernel] cputime: Avoid multiplication overflow on utime scaling (Stanislaw Gruszka) [862758] - [net] sunrpc: When changing the queue priority, ensure that we change the owner (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure we release the socket write lock if the rpc_task exits early (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we free the rpc_task after read and write cleanups are done (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure that we free the rpc_task after cleanups are done (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [net] sunrpc: Don't allow low priority tasks to pre-empt higher priority ones (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Add sequence_priviliged_ops for nfs4_proc_sequence() (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: The NFSv4.0 client must send RENEW calls if it holds a delegation (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_proc_renew should be declared static (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_locku_done must release the sequence id (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: We must release the sequence id when we fail to get a session slot (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Add debugging messages to NFSv4's CLOSE procedure (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [net] sunrpc: Clear the connect flag when socket state is TCP_CLOSE_WAIT (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: cleanup DS stateid error handling (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: handle DS stateid errors (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Fix potential races in xprt_lock_write_next() (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Ensure correct locking when accessing the 'lock_states' list (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [fs] nfs: Fix the handling of NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED errors (Steve Dickson) [902965] - [block] cciss: use lun reset not target reset (Tomas Henzl) [893022] - [block] cciss: get rid of message related magic numbers (Tomas Henzl) [893022] - [fs] nfsd: default server numeric idmapping to off (J. Bruce Fields) [815908] - [fs] nfsd: allow numeric idmapping (J. Bruce Fields) [815908] - [x86] perf: Export Sandy Bridge uncore clockticks event in sysfs (Luming Yu) [886374] - [x86] perf: Add Intel Westmere-EX uncore support (Luming Yu) [886374] - [powerpc] perf: Sample only if SIAR-Valid bit is set in P7+ (Steve Best) [873425] - [powerpc] oprofile: Fix marked events support on Power7+ not set (Steve Best) [873425] - [powerpc] Define Power7+ PV constant PV_POWER7p (Steve Best) [873425] - [netdrv] netxen: check for root bus in netxen_mask_aer_correctable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [846123] - [netdrv] be2net: fix unconditionally returning IRQ_HANDLED in INTx (Ivan Vecera) [909464] - [netdrv] be2net: fix INTx ISR for interrupt behaviour on BE2 (Ivan Vecera) [909464] - [netdrv] be2net: fix a possible events_get() race on BE2 (Ivan Vecera) [909464] - [virt] hv_balloon: Make adjustments to the pressure report (Jason Wang) [902232]- [fs] gfs2: Get a block reservation before resizing a file (Robert S Peterson) [875753] - [net] ipv6: do not create neighbor entries for local delivery (Jiri Pirko) [896020] - [net] bonding: check for assigned mac before adopting the slaves mac address (Veaceslav Falico) [905126] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_xdr_enc_layout{commit, return} must return status (Steve Dickson) [907227] - [fs] set s_type before destroy_super in sget() (Eric Sandeen) [904982] - [scsi] ses: Avoid kernel panic when lun 0 is not mapped (Ewan Milne) [886867] - [block] avoid divide-by-zero with zero discard granularity (Mike Snitzer) [901705] - [block] discard granularity might not be power of 2 (Mike Snitzer) [901705] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix crc errors on jumbo frame receive (Ivan Vecera) [895336] - [netdrv] igb: set E1000_IMS_TS interrupt bit in igb_irq_enable (Stefan Assmann) [871795] - [pci] intel-iommu: Prevent devices with RMRRs from being placed into SI Domain (Tony Camuso) [678451] - [scsi] sd: Reshuffle init_sd to avoid crash (Ewan Milne) [888417] - [mm] add numa node symlink for cpu devices in sysfs (Neil Horman) [878708]- [fs] Fix sget() race with failing mount (Eric Sandeen) [883276]- [virt] xen: Fix stack corruption in xen_failsafe_callback for 32bit PVOPS guests (Andrew Jones) [896050] {CVE-2013-0190} - [block] sg_io: use different default filters for each device class (Paolo Bonzini) [875361] {CVE-2012-4542} - [block] sg_io: prepare for adding per-device-type filters (Paolo Bonzini) [875361] {CVE-2012-4542} - [virt] virtio-blk: Don't free ida when disk is in use (Asias He) [870344] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove FCS bytes from packet length (Doug Ledford) [893707] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_reasm: fix conntrack reassembly expire code (Amerigo Wang) [726807]- [char] ipmi: use a tasklet for handling received messages (Prarit Bhargava) [890160] - [char] ipmi: handle run_to_completion properly in deliver_recv_msg() (Prarit Bhargava) [890160] - [usb] xhci: Reset reserved command ring TRBs on cleanup (Don Zickus) [843520] - [usb] xhci: handle command after aborting the command ring (Don Zickus) [874541] - [usb] xhci: cancel command after command timeout (Don Zickus) [874541] - [usb] xhci: add aborting command ring function (Don Zickus) [874541] - [usb] xhci: add cmd_ring_state (Don Zickus) [874541] - [usb] xhci: Fix Null pointer dereferencing with non-DMI systems (Don Zickus) [874542] - [usb] xhci: Intel Panther Point BEI quirk (Don Zickus) [874542] - [usb] xhci: Increase XHCI suspend timeout to 16ms (Don Zickus) [874542] - [powerpc] Revert: pseries/iommu: remove default window before attempting DDW manipulation (Steve Best) [890454] - [serial] 8250_pnp: add Intermec CV60 touchscreen device (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [894445] - [char] ipmi: apply missing hunk from upstream commit 2407d77a (Tony Camuso) [882787] - [acpi] Fix broken kernel build if CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is enabled (Lenny Szubowicz) [891948] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Test and clear FCPORT_UPDATE_NEEDED atomically (Chad Dupuis) [854736] - [mm] vmalloc: remove guard page from between vmap blocks (Johannes Weiner) [873737] - [mm] vmalloc: vmap area cache (Johannes Weiner) [873737] - [fs] vfs: prefer EEXIST to EROFS when creating on an RO filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [878091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: change queue depth ramp print to debug print (Rob Evers) [893113] - [fs] nfs: Fix umount when filelayout DS is also the MDS (Steve Dickson) [895194] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: add set-clear layoutdriver interface (Steve Dickson) [895194] - [fs] nfs: Don't call nfs4_deviceid_purge_client() unless we're NFSv4.1 (Steve Dickson) [895194] - [fs] nfs: Wait for session recovery to finish before returning (Steve Dickson) [895176] - [mm] compaction: validate pfn range passed to isolate_freepages_block (Johannes Weiner) [889456 890498] - [drm] nouveau: ensure legacy vga is re-enabled during POST (Ben Skeggs) [625441] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove stops to further access to BE NIC on UE bits (Ivan Vecera) [894344] - [virt] kvm: invalid opcode oops on SET_SREGS with OSXSAVE bit set (Petr Matousek) [862904] {CVE-2012-4461}- [netdrv] qlge: remove NETIF_F_TSO6 flag (Amerigo Wang) [891839] - [fs] ext3: Remove BKL from ext3_put_super() and ext3_remount() (Carlos Maiolino) [885945] - [lib] switch the protection of percpu_counter list to spinlock (Carlos Maiolino) [885945] - [virt] hv: Add Hyper-V balloon driver (Jason Wang) [885572] - [mm] export a function to get vm committed memory (Jason Wang) [885572] - [drm] nouveau: extend prevent display switching issues by disabling pageflip (Ben Skeggs) [853226] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix advertisement of wrong PF context behaviour (Alex Williamson) [894060]- [char] ipmi: add new kernel options to prevent automatic ipmi init (Tony Camuso) [877177] - [usb] xhci: New system added for Compliance Mode Patch on SN65LVPE502CP (Don Zickus) [856709] - [x86] quirks: Mark Haswell HDMI Audio as unsupported (Prarit Bhargava) [883428] - [scsi] bfa: fix crash in bfa_cb_ioim_done when performing failover/failback tests (Vijay Guvva) [878618] - [fs] autofs4: Fix sparse warning: context imbalance in autofs4_d_automount() different lock contexts for basic block (Ian Kent) [876795] - [fs] jbd, jbd2: don't wake kjournald unnecessarily (Eric Sandeen) [886318] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Rob Evers) [890727] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correct the validation to check in get_sys_info mailbox (Rob Evers) [890727] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Pass correct function param to qla4_8xxx_rd_direct (Rob Evers) [890727] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: update copyrights in LICENSE.qla4xxx (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Disable generating pause frames for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix double clearing of risc_intr for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: IDC implementation for Loopback (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix panic while rmmod (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fail probe_adapter if IRQ allocation fails (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Prevent MSI/MSI-X falling back to INTx for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update idc reg in case of PCI AER (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix double IDC locking in qla4_8xxx_error_recovery (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear interrupt while unloading driver for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Print correct IDC version (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new mbox cmd to pass driver version to FW (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix various printk and comment typos (Chad Dupuis) [878048] - [fs] autofs4: use simple_empty() for empty directory check (Ian Kent) [876795] - [fs] autofs4: dont clear DCACHE_NEED_AUTOMOUNT on rootless mount (Ian Kent) [876795] - [fs] gfs2: Fix race in gfs2_rs_alloc (Abhijith Das) [878476] - [fs] xfs: fix broken error handling in xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [874539] - [drm] radeon: force rn50 chip to always report connected on analog output (Jerome Glisse) [892723] - [sound] alsa: add support for Teradici 2200 host card audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [890581] - [md] dm-raid: Fix RAID10's check for sufficient redundancy (Jonathan E Brassow) [889358] - [scsi] hpsa: update version number to 3.2.0 (Tomas Henzl) [891935] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Initialize data structures before using (Steve Best) [885756]- [mm] pageattr: prevent PSE and GLOABL leftovers to confuse pmd/pte_present and pmd_huge (Andrea Arcangeli) [878877] - [fs] gfs2: Fix FITRIM argument handling (Abhijith Das) [866932] - [fs] gfs2: Require user to provide argument for FITRIM (Abhijith Das) [866932] - [fs] exec: do not leave bprm->interp on stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [880146] {CVE-2012-4530} - [fs] exec: use -ELOOP for max recursion depth (Josh Poimboeuf) [880146] {CVE-2012-4530} - [fs] btrfs: close exclusive opens with close_bdev_exclusive() (Zach Brown) [874505] - [kernel] sched_rt: Fix hang where umount is stuck in synchronize_sched_expedited (Larry Woodman) [814768]- [md] raid10: Do not call md_raid10_unplug_device while holding spinlock (Jonathan E Brassow) [886658] - [md] dm-thin: commit before gathering status (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup dead code (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: rename cell_defer_except to cell_defer_no_holder (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: emit "ignore_discard" in status if discards are disabled (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: wake the worker when a discard is prepared (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: fix race between simultaneous io and discards to same block (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [md] dm-thin: replace calls to cell_release_singleton with cell_defer_except (Mike Snitzer) [882426] - [mm] Revert: ksm: numa awareness sysfs knob (Jarod Wilson) [743643] - [fs] gfs2: Reset rd_last_alloc when it reaches the end of the rgrp (Robert S Peterson) [882381] - [fs] gfs2: Stop looking for free blocks at end of rgrp (Robert S Peterson) [882381] - [drm] nouveau: cache ramcfg value for RAM_RESTRICT_ZM_GROUP (Ben Skeggs) [878384] - [drm] nouveau: disable use of tesla/fermi copy engines for buffer moves (Ben Skeggs) [878384] - [fs] xfs: fix direct IO nested transaction deadlock (Dave Chinner) [876426]- [kernel] ptrace-utrace: fix PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG(pid) in sub-namespace (Oleg Nesterov) [782330] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix for driver fails EEH recovery from injected pci bus error (Tomas Henzl) [829149] - [mm] memcontrol: propagate LRU accounting state when splitting THP (Johannes Weiner) [881714] - [net] sctp: proc: protect bind_addr->address_list accesses with rcu_read_lock() (Thomas Graf) [706038] - [net] sctp: Add RCU protection to assoc->transport_addr_list (Thomas Graf) [706038] - [s390] zfcp: Adapt to new FC_PORTSPEED semantics (Hendrik Brueckner) [855128] - [virt] virtio_net: allow to change mac when iface is running (Jiri Pirko) [882868] - [virt] kvm: Minimal hyper-v support (Vadim Rozenfeld) [871350] - [fs] gfs2: Journal DLM lock has wrong label (Steven Whitehouse) [884822] - [mm] huge_memory: fix typo in transparent_hugepage sysfs symlink (Jeremy Eder) [887308] - [mm] ksm: numa awareness sysfs knob (Petr Holasek) [743643] - [fs] btrfs: handle IS_ERR(inode) in btrfs_lookup() (Zach Brown) [870944] - [kernel] sched: Add irq_{enter,exit}() to scheduler_ipi() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [836964] - [kernel] panic: fix a possible deadlock in panic() (Tatsuya Kitamura) [871939]- [powerpc] perf: power_pmu_start restores incorrect values, breaking frequency events (Jiri Olsa) [880525] - [netdrv] mlx4: Allow choosing flow steering mode (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adjustments to Flow Steering activation logic for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix wrong error flow in the flow steering wrapper (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add QPN enforcement for flow steering rules set by VFs (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [infiniband] mlx4: 64-byte CQE/EQE support (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix potential deadlock in mlx4_eq_int() (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix spinlock order to avoid lockdep warnings (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Removing reserve vectors (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix double-release-range in tx-rings (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix QP1 P_Key processing in the Primary Physical Function (PPF) (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [infiniband] mlx4: Synchronize cleanup of MCGs in MCG paravirtualization (Doug Ledford) [885191] - [net] bonding: Bonding driver does not consider the gso_max_size setting of slave devices (Ivan Vecera) [883643] - [net] tcp: Fix >4GB writes on 64-bit (Daniel Borkmann) [885238] - [net] bridge: skip forwarding delay if not using STP (Thomas Graf) [881682] - [fs] nfs: Fix open(O_TRUNC) and ftruncate() error handling (Steve Dickson) [884263] - [fs] nfsd: add proc file listing kernel's gss_krb5 enctypes (Steve Dickson) [877113] - [fs] nfs: add nfs_sb_deactive_async to avoid deadlock (Steve Dickson) [871968] - [fs] nfs: fix page dirtying in NFS DIO read codepath (Jeff Layton) [876514] - [fs] nfs: don't zero out the rest of the page if we hit the EOF on a DIO READ (Jeff Layton) [876514] - [fs] handle null sb in get_super_thawed (Eric Sandeen) [874521] - [scsi] Fix race when removing SCSI devices (Tomas Henzl) [820880] - [netdrv] be2net: enable GRO by default (Ivan Vecera) [849930] - [netdrv] igb: fix compile warning if CONFIG_IGB_PTP is not set (Stefan Assmann) [886519] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent link flaps when booting from SAN (Michal Schmidt) [881068] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Activate LFA (Michal Schmidt) [881068] - [acpi] apei: Fixup common access width firmware bug (Prarit Bhargava) [880465] - [acpi] apei: Avoid too much error reporting in runtime (Prarit Bhargava) [880465] - [acpi] apei: Fix incorrect APEI register bit width check and usage (Prarit Bhargava) [880465] - [virt] vhost: fix length for cross region descriptor (Michael S. Tsirkin) [862265] - [fs] nfs: Use FS-Cache invalidation (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] cachefiles: Implement invalidation (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] vfs: Make more complete truncate operation available to CacheFiles (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Provide proper invalidation (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Fix operation state management and accounting (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Make cookie relinquishment wait for outstanding reads (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] cachefiles: Make some debugging statements conditional (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Check cookie is still correct in __fscache_read_or_alloc_pages() (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Check that there are no read ops when cookie relinquished (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] cachefiles: Downgrade the requirements passed to the allocator (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Validate page mapping pointer value (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Fix the marking of cached pages (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: nfs_migrate_page() does not wait for FS-Cache to finish with a page (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Fix __fscache_uncache_all_inode_pages()'s outer loop (David Howells) [699931] - [fs] fscache: Add a helper to bulk uncache pages on an inode (David Howells) [699931] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Ramp down queue depth for attached SCSI devices when driver resources are low (Chad Dupuis) [829739] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Determine the number of outstanding commands based on available resources (Chad Dupuis) [829739] - [s390] zfcp: return early from slave_destroy if slave_alloc returned early (Hendrik Brueckner) [878372] - [scsi] fcoe: fix fcoe enable on link toggle while it is still disabled (Neil Horman) [875271] - [scsi] Log thin provisioning threshold event (Ewan Milne) [847998] - [netdrv] qlge: NETIF_F_GRO needs to be part of hw_features instead of features (John Green) [849749] - [s390] qeth: set new mac even if old mac is gone (Hendrik Brueckner) [883458] - [s390] qeth: Fix IPA_CMD_QIPASSIST return code handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [882792]- [redhat] kabi: additional whitelist symbols for RHEL-6.4 (Jiri Olsa) [866427]- [ipc] mqueue: Prevent mq_send/receive memory corruption (Larry Woodman) [885030] - [fs] nfs: prevent delegreturn attr deadlock (David Jeffery) [870142] - [netdrv] tg3: Do not set TSS for 5719 and 5720 (John Feeney) [823371] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed setting sequential delivery bit in a service class that is not valid (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed boot from san failure when SLI4 FC device presented on the same PCI bus (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Add LOGO support after ABTS compliance (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not reporting logical link speed to SCSI midlayer when QoS not on (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SCSI host create showing wrong link speed on SLI3 HBA ports (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed kernel warning on spinlock usage on some distributions (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Linux generic firmware download on SLI4 devices with longer module names (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix error with fabric service parameters causing performance issues (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed messages for misconfigured port errors (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCP2 Retries for non-r/w commands (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix incorrect comment in T10 DIF attributes (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct missing queue destroy on function reset (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Added checking BMBX register for RDY bit before writing the first address in (Rob Evers) [877149] - [scsi] lpfc: Misc changes to optimize critical path (Rob Evers) [877149] - [s390] qdio: fix kernel panic for zfcp 31-bit (Hendrik Brueckner) [878380] - [s390] zcrypt: msgType50 (RSA-CRT) fix (Hendrik Brueckner) [875977] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix uninitialized event.type in ixgbe_ptp_check_pps_event (Andy Gospodarek) [884369] - [netdrv] ixgbe: (PTP) Fix PPS interrupt code (Andy Gospodarek) [884369] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix PTP X540 SDP alignment code for PPS signal (Andy Gospodarek) [884369] - [s390] zfcp: support for hardware data router (Hendrik Brueckner) [823016] - [s390] qdio: base support for hardware data router with zfcp (Hendrik Brueckner) [823016] - [s390] qdio: Split SBAL entry flags (Hendrik Brueckner) [823016] - [net] netfilter/ipset: Check and reject crazy /0 input parameters (Thomas Graf) [880920] - [kernel] kmod: make __request_module() killable (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [kernel] kmod: introduce call_modprobe() helper (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [kernel] usermodehelper: implement UMH_KILLABLE (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [kernel] usermodehelper: introduce umh_complete(sub_info) (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [kernel] call_usermodehelper: simplify/fix UMH_NO_WAIT case (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [kernel] wait_for_helper: SIGCHLD from user-space can lead to use-after-free (Oleg Nesterov) [819529] {CVE-2012-4398} - [netdrv] qlge: Backport offload features to vlan interfaces (John Green) [849749] - [netdrv] igbvf: work around i350 erratum (Stefan Assmann) [870638]- [netdrv] be2net: Update driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix skyhawk VF PCI Device ID (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix FW flashing on Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Enabling Wake-on-LAN is not supported in S5 state (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix VF driver load on newer Lancer FW (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix unnecessary delay in PCI EEH (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix issues in error recovery due to wrong queue state (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix ethtool get_settings output for VF (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix error messages while driver load for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup code related to be_link_status_query() (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix configuring VLAN for VF for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Wait till resources are available for VF in error recovery (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix change MAC operation for VF for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: remove type argument of be_cmd_mac_addr_query() (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix setting QoS for VF for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix driver load failure for different FW configs in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [868896] - [md] dm-thin: remove tech preview status (Mike Snitzer) [798835] - [md] dm-thin: log errors using DMERR_LIMIT instead of DMERR (Mike Snitzer) [798835] - [md] persistent-data: log errors using DMERR_LIMIT instead of DMERR (Mike Snitzer) [798835] - [md] dm-block-manager: reinstate context for which block failed a validator check (Mike Snitzer) [798835] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove redundant warning log (Michal Schmidt) [879279] - [pci] fix broadcom 57840_MF pci id (Michal Schmidt) [871475] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Disable FCoE for 57840 since not yet supported by FW (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix no link on 577xx 10G-baseT (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix unrecognized SFP+ module after driver is loaded (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix potential incorrect link speed provision (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Restore global registers back to default (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link down in 57712 following LFA (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 57810 1G-KR link against certain switches (Michal Schmidt) [871532] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix handling mf storage modes (Michal Schmidt) [867872] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use strlcpy() to copy a string (Michal Schmidt) [872228] - [tools] perf: Fix a NULL pointer dereference (Jiri Olsa) [879509] - [tools] perf: Add probe command into perf help message (Jiri Olsa) [879452] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure that rpc_release_resources_task() can be called twice (Jeff Layton) [878204] - [fs] nfs: Check validity of cl_rpcclient in nfs_server_list_show (Steve Best) [874834] - [sound] alsa: fix pcm procfs race (Jaroslav Kysela) [867120] - [kernel] module: Last symbol in a module's symtab is not shown in /proc/kallsyms (Seiji Aguchi) [878024] - [scsi] isci: copy fis 0x34 response into proper buffer (David Milburn) [876912] - [netdrv] bna: put back VLAN tag stripped in promisc mode when no VLAN is configured (Ivan Vecera) [870279]- [net] ipset: list-set: fix adding 'after' (Thomas Graf) [880464] - [net] ipset: take into account cidr value for the from address when creating the set (Thomas Graf) [879539] - [net] net_sched: gred: Fix oops in gred_dump() in WRED mode (Thomas Graf) [874872] - [net] IPv4: Send gratuitous ARP for secondary IP addresses also (Jason Wang) [875309] - [net] arp_notify: unconditionally send gratuitous ARP for NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS (Jason Wang) [875309] - [net] fix net.core.?mem_max defaults (Thomas Graf) [878072] - [net] pktgen: fix crash when generating IPv6 packets (Thomas Graf) [877327] - [net] netfilter/ipset: fix hash size checking in kernel (Thomas Graf) [876831] - [net] sctp: send abort chunk when max_retrans exceeded (Neil Horman) [876249]- [fs] ext4: race-condition protection for ext4_convert_unwritten_extents_endio (Lukas Czerner) [869906] {CVE-2012-4508} - [fs] ext4: serialize fallocate with ext4_convert_unwritten_extents (Lukas Czerner) [869906] {CVE-2012-4508} - [fs] ext4: flush the i_completed_io_list during ext4_truncate (Lukas Czerner) [869906] {CVE-2012-4508} - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix AB-BA deadlock when deleting neighbours (Doug Ledford) [873949] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix memory leak in the neigh table deletion flow (Doug Ledford) [873949] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix RCU pointer dereference of wrong object (Doug Ledford) [873949] - [misc] Make rcu_dereference_bh work (Doug Ledford) [873949] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use a private hash table for path lookup in xmit path (Doug Ledford) [873949] - [net] netlink: move min_dump_alloc to netlink_callback_extended (Weiping Pan) [872067] - [infiniband] pass rdma_cm module to netlink_dump_start (Weiping Pan) [872067] - [net] netlink: add reference of module in netlink_dump_start (Weiping Pan) [872067] - [net] netfilter: add netlink_dump_control structure for netlink_dump_start() (Weiping Pan) [872067] - [net] netlink: handle errors from netlink_dump() (Weiping Pan) [872067] - [powerpc] mm: Export memory limit via device tree (Baoquan He) [674664] - [powerpc] mm: Change memory_limit from phys_addr_t to unsigned long long (Baoquan He) [674664] - [drm] radeon: For single CRTC GPUs move handling of CRTC_CRT_ON to crtc_dpms() (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [drm] radeon: Fix TV DAC Load Detection for single CRTC chips (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [drm] radeon: Clean up code in TV DAC load detection (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [drm] radeon: On DVI-I use Load Detection when EDID is bogus (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [drm] radeon: Fix primary DAC Load Detection for RV100 chips (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [drm] radeon: Fix Load Detection on legacy primary DAC (Jerome Glisse) [873728] - [netdrv] ixgbe: PTP get_ts_info missing software support (Andy Gospodarek) [876810] - [pci] dmar: use PF's pci-dev struct for IOMMU association for VFs (Don Dutile) [873462]- [netdrv] pch_gbe: don't reset MAC_RX on FIFO overflow (Veaceslav Falico) [858747] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: don't re-set RX_FIFO_ERR flag in napi_poll (Veaceslav Falico) [858747] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: create functions for MAC_RX enable, disable (Veaceslav Falico) [858747] - [s390] prevent kABI checking for transactional execution and RI (Hendrik Brueckner) [823011] - [s390] add support for transactional memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [823011] - [s390] add support for runtime instrumentation (Hendrik Brueckner) [823011] - [block] sg_io: introduce unpriv_sgio queue flag (Paolo Bonzini) [841577] - [block] sg_io: pass request_queue to blk_verify_command (Paolo Bonzini) [841577] - [scsi] have scsi_internal_device_unblock take new state (Chris Leech) [854140] - [scsi] add new SDEV_TRANSPORT_OFFLINE state (Chris Leech) [854140] - [fs] sysfs: Cache the last sysfs_dirent to improve readdir scalability (Jes Sorensen) [869037] - [fs] cifs: when CONFIG_HIGHMEM is set, serialize the write kmaps (Sachin Prabhu) [832252] - [fs] cifs: abstract out function to marshal up the iovec array for async writes (Sachin Prabhu) [832252] - [fs] cifs: on CONFIG_HIGHMEM machines, limit the wsize to the kmap space (Sachin Prabhu) [832252] - [fs] gfs2: fix truncation of journaled data files (Abhijith Das) [864634] - [fs] gfs2: re-fix kernel panic with small gfs2 filesystems (Abhijith Das) [838638] - [target] iblock: Add parameter to specify read-only devices (Andy Grover) [877561] - [ata] sata_svw: check DMA start bit before reset (David Milburn) [737836] - [scsi] hpsa: Use LUN reset instead of target reset (Tomas Henzl) [875091] - [net] bonding: prevent deadlock on slave store with alb mode (Veaceslav Falico) [849129] - [net] fix divide by zero in tcp algorithm illinois (Flavio Leitner) [866514] {CVE-2012-4565}- [mm] percpu: Fix kdump crash_notes content lost in case i386 debug (Baoquan He) [828045] - [mm] percpu: fix chunk range calculation (Baoquan He) [828045]- [netdrv] pch_gbe: align skbs to 64byte (Veaceslav Falico) [814481] - [Documentation] nfs: Update kernel idmapping documentation (Steve Dickson) [823359] - [scsi] cxgb3i, cxgb4i: driver updates for rhel6.4 (Jeff Garzik) [747142 747143] - [net] rtnetlink: Fix problem with buffer allocation (Andy Gospodarek) [845081] - [net] RTNETLINK adjusting values of min_ifinfo_dump_size (Andy Gospodarek) [845081] - [net] rtnetlink: Compute and store minimum ifinfo dump size (Andy Gospodarek) [845081] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix timezone update (Prarit Bhargava) [868859] - [net] sunrpc: add the ability to monitor dynamic slot allocation (Harshula Jayasuriya) [876632] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Ignore fabric RSCNs when link is dead (Steve Best) [875945] - [x86] abort secondary CPU bring-up gracefully if do_boot_cpu timed out on cpu_callin_mask (Igor Mammedov) [816899] - [fs] vfs: get rid of S_BIAS (Ian Kent) [872813] - [fs] gfs2: Test bufdata with buffer locked and gfs2_log_lock held (Benjamin Marzinski) [874319] - [kernel] cpu: fix cpu_chain section mismatch (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [kernel] sched: Don't modify cpusets during suspend/resume (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [kernel] sched, cpuset: Drop __cpuexit from cpu hotplug callbacks (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [kernel] sched: adjust when cpu_active and cpuset configurations are updated during cpu on/offlining (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [kernel] cpu: return better errno on cpu hotplug failure (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [kernel] cpu: introduce cpu_notify(), __cpu_notify(), cpu_notify_nofail() (Frederic Weisbecker) [852148] - [fs] fuse: optimize __fuse_direct_io() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: optimize fuse_get_user_pages() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: use get_user_pages_fast() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: pass iov to fuse_get_user_pages() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [mm] minor cleanup of iov_iter_single_seg_count() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: use req->page_descs for argpages cases (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: add per-page descriptor to fuse_req (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: rework fuse_do_ioctl() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: rework fuse_perform_write() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: rework fuse_readpages() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: categorize fuse_get_req() (Brian Foster) [858850] - [fs] fuse: general infrastructure for pages of variable size (Brian Foster) [858850] - [mm] memcg: fix split_huge_page_refcounts() (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: count pte references from every member of the reclaimed hierarchy (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] make per-memcg LRU lists exclusive (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] collect LRU list heads into struct lruvec (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: convert global reclaim to per-memcg LRU lists (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: remove optimization of keeping the root_mem_cgroup LRU lists empty (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] move memcg hierarchy reclaim to generic reclaim code (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: per-priority per-zone hierarchy scan generations (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: distinguish between memcg triggering reclaim and memcg (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: distinguish global reclaim from global LRU scanning (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: consolidate hierarchy iteration primitives (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: remove isolate_pages callback scan control (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: Introduces for_each_mem_cgroup_all (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: use for_each_mem_cgroup (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: extract mem_group_usage() from mem_cgroup_read() (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: skip scanning active lists based on individual size (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] compaction: avoid double mem_cgroup_del_lru() (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [kernel] events: Switch to internal refcount, fix race with close() (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: De-schedule a task context when removing the last event (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Change close() semantics for group events (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Do no try to schedule task events if there are none (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Do not set task_ctx pointer in cpuctx if there are no events in the context (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Collect the schedule-in rules in one function (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Fix initial task_ctx/event installation (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Simplify and fix __perf_install_in_context() (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Remove task_ctx_sched_in() (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [kernel] events: Clean up 'ctx' reference counting (Jiri Olsa) [874723] - [s390] qeth: fix deadlock between recovery and bonding driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [869647] - [fs] xfs: fix reading of wrapped log data (Dave Chinner) [874322] - [x86] mm: fix signedness issue in mmap_rnd() (Petr Matousek) [875036] - [net] netlink: fix for too early rmmod (Weiping Pan) [874444] - [net] af_key: fix netns ops ordering on module load/unload (Weiping Pan) [874434] - [net] ipv6/netfilter: fix overlap check for fragments (Amerigo Wang) [726807]- [fs] cifs: deal with id_to_sid embedded sid reply corner case (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: fix hardcoded default security descriptor length (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: extra sanity checking for cifs.idmap keys (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: ensure we revalidate the inode after readdir if cifsacl is enabled (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: don't override the uid/gid in getattr when cifsacl is enabled (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: avoid extra allocation for small cifs.idmap keys (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: simplify id_to_sid and sid_to_id mapping code (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: remove uneeded __KERNEL__ block from cifsacl.h (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: fix the format specifiers in sid_to_str (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: redefine NUM_SUBAUTH constant from 5 to 15 (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: make cifs_copy_sid handle a source sid with variable size subauth arrays (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: make compare_sids static (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: use the NUM_AUTHS and NUM_SUBAUTHS constants in cifsacl code (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: move num_subauth check inside of CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 check in parse_sid() (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: clean up id_mode_to_cifs_acl (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [fs] cifs: fix potential buffer overrun in cifs.idmap handling code (Sachin Prabhu) [868433] - [net] bonding: fix a NULL pointer dereference bug in bond_enslave() (Amerigo Wang) [873226] - [fs] pnfs: export symbol nfs_fhget (Steve Dickson) [872232] - [fs] pnfs: export the symbol nfs_fs_type (Steve Dickson) [872229] - [net] pkt_sched: enable QFQ to support TSO/GSO (Amerigo Wang) [816888] - [net] pkt_sched: fix virtual-start-time update in QFQ (Amerigo Wang) [816888] - [net] sched: add missing group change to qfq_change_class (Amerigo Wang) [816888]- [scsi] sd: fix crash when UA received on DIF enabled device (Ewan Milne) [865682] - [scsi] hpsa: fix pci-IDs, add gen8plus Smart Array IDs (Tomas Henzl) [870513] - [fs] nfs: fix bug in legacy DNS resolver (Steve Dickson) [873816] - [fs] nfsd: add get_uint for u32's (Steve Dickson) [873816] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure we return EAGAIN in xs_nospace if congestion is cleared (Steve Dickson) [871128] - [net] sunrpc: Prevent races in xs_abort_connection() (Steve Dickson) [871128] - [net] Revert: sunrpc: Ensure we close the socket on EPIPE errors too (Steve Dickson) [871128] - [net] sunrpc: Get rid of the xs_error_report socket callback (Steve Dickson) [871128] - [fs] ext4: Use proper flags in ext4_ext_insert_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [873394] - [idle] intel_idle: enable Ivy Bridge Xeon support (Lenny Szubowicz) [870209] - [md] dm-raid: Transiently failed devices do not undergo resync (Jonathan E Brassow) [870246] - [md] dm-thin: bump thin and pool target versions to 1.5 (Mike Snitzer) [872249] - [mm] Prevent kernel panic in NUMA related system calls after memory hot-add (Larry Woodman) [870350]- [Documentation] vm: Transparent Hugepage Support (Baoquan He) [852802] - [mm] huge_memory: create sysfs symlink to redhat_transparent_hugepage (Baoquan He) [852802] - [net] openvswitch: allow to turn off TSO on internal devices (Amerigo Wang) [871275] - [net] WARN if struct ip_options was allocated directly by kmalloc (Jiri Pirko) [872799] - [net] fix bug that causes no RX queue entries to be created under /sys/devices (Tatsuya Kitamura) [869770] - [fs] xfs: move allocation stack switch up to xfs_bmapi_allocate (Dave Chinner) [867277] - [fs] xfs: introduce XFS_BMAPI_STACK_SWITCH (Dave Chinner) [867277] - [fs] xfs: zero allocation_args on the kernel stack (Dave Chinner) [867277] - [kernel] Do not include asm-generic/bitops/le.h directly, use linux/bitops.h (Jes Sorensen) [871142] - [s390] dasd: move wake_up call (Hendrik Brueckner) [869753] - [md] dm-raid: Use safe version of rdev_for_each (Jonathan E Brassow) [871630]- [netdrv] igb: schedule watchdog every second to update statistics fixup (Stefan Assmann) [838404] - [s390] smsgiucv: reestablish IUCV path after resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [869752] - [kernel] events: Fix perf tool is_active old behaviour leftover (Jiri Olsa) [865380] - [mm] hugetlb: fix non-atomic enqueue of huge page (Rafael Aquini) [869750] - [char] random: Use arch-specific RNG to initialize the entropy store (Prarit Bhargava) [862344] - [drm] i915: Use cpu relocations if the object is in the GTT but not mappable (Dave Airlie) [869856] - [scsi] storvsc: Account for in-transit packets in the RESET path (Jason Wang) [870297] - [netdrv] ixgbe: reduce PTP rx path overhead (Jiri Benc) [868214] - [net] relax rcvbuf limits (Weiping Pan) [860778] - [lib] Fix rwsem to not hang the system (David Howells) [852847] - [input] wacom: add support to Cintiq 22HD (Aristeu Rozanski) [857062]- [fs] ext4: Adding error check after calling ext4_mb_regular_allocator() (Eric Sandeen) [852810] - [md] faulty: use disk_stack_limits() (Eric Sandeen) [868233] - [fs] autofs4: fix reset pending flag on mount fail (Ian Kent) [866271] - [net] netfilter/nfnetlink_queue: do not allow to set unsupported flag bits (Steve Best) [822598] - [net] netfilter: Add fail-open support (Steve Best) [822598] - [pci] intel-iommu: Increase the number of iommus supported to MAX_IO_APICS (George Beshers) [787724] - [pci] intel-iommu: Fix identity mapping for sandy bridge (George Beshers) [787724] - [netdrv] tg3: Support the get_ts_info ethtool method (Jiri Benc) [866624] - [netdrv] tg3: enable transmit time stamping (Jiri Benc) [866624] - [kernel] audit: do not print error when SELinux disabled (Eric Paris) [785936] - [kernel] resource: make sure requested range is included in the root range (Johannes Weiner) [845632] - [kernel] ntp: fix non privileged system time shifting (Jan Stancek) [868827] - [x86] mce: Fix race in MCE cpu synchronization (Prarit Bhargava) [868110] - [net] cfg80211, mac80211: avoid state mismatch on deauth (Stanislaw Gruszka) [866417] - [net] mac80211: check if key has TKIP type before updating IV (Stanislaw Gruszka) [859355]- [tools] perf: Catch event names from command line (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [tools] perf: Allow pmu events parsing for RHEL6 (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Make UNCORE_PMU_HRTIMER_INTERVAL 64-bit (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [kernel] events: provide PMU when initing events (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [kernel] events: Remove perf_event_attr::type check (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Fix LLC-* and node-* events on Intel SandyBridge (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add generic NODE cache events (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Fix format definition of SNB-EP uncore QPI box (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add Intel Nehalem-EX uncore support (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Detect number of instances of uncore CBox (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Fix event constraint for SandyBridge-EP C-Box (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Use 0xff as pseudo code for fixed uncore event (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Fix section mismatch in uncore_pci_init() (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Lowercase uncore PMU event names (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add Intel Nehalem and Sandy Bridge-EP uncore support (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add generic PCI uncore PMU device support (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add Intel Nehalem and Sandy Bridge uncore PMU support (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Add generic Intel uncore PMU support (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [x86] perf: Clean up perf_event cpu code (Luming Yu) [696579 696580] - [ata] ata_piix: defer disks to the Hyper-V drivers by default (Jason Wang) [834682] - [ata] libata: add a host flag to ignore detected ATA devices (Jason Wang) [834682] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add the Hyper-V network driver (Jason Wang) [834682] - [scsi] hyperv: Add the storvsc driver (Jason Wang) [834682] - [hid] hyperv: Add the Hyper-V mouse driver (Jason Wang) [834682] - [virt] hyperv: Add the vmbus and util drivers (Jason Wang) [834682] - [staging] hyperv: Get rid of all the staging hv drivers (Jason Wang) [834682] - [scripts] hyperv: fix up alias creation logic for hv_vmbus_device_id (Jason Wang) [834682] - [scripts] hyperv: Add code to parse struct hv_vmbus_device_id table (Jason Wang) [834682] - [x86] cpu: Integrate the clocksource with Hyper-V detection code (Jason Wang) [834682] - [x86] cpu: Export the symbol ms_hyperv (Jason Wang) [834682] - [misc] vmware_balloon: use the new x86_hyper API (Jason Wang) [834682] - [x86] hypervisor: Export the x86_hyper* symbols (Jason Wang) [834682] - [x86] cpu: Clean up the hypervisor layer (Jason Wang) [834682] - [x86] cpu: Detect running on a Microsoft HyperV system (Jason Wang) [834682] - [virt] hyperv: Add HYPER-V header file (Jason Wang) [834682] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version, Changelog, Copyright update (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove duplicate code (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add SystemPD FastPath support (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add array boundary check for SystemPD (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Load io_request DataLength in bytes (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add module param for configurable MSI-X vector count (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove un-needed completion_lock spinlock calls (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Move poll_aen_lock initializer (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add resetwaittime module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add throttlequeuedepth module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add fpRead/WriteCapable, fpRead/WriteAcrossStripe checks (Tomas Henzl) [841724] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure that the TCP socket is closed when in CLOSE_WAIT (Steve Dickson) [863212] - [fs] nfs: Make v3 mounts fail with ETIMEDOUTs instead EIO on mountd timeouts (Steve Dickson) [835966] - [md] raid1: Don't release reference to device while handling read error (Jes Sorensen) [853049] - [netdrv] sfc: backport cleanups (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [865751] - [net] fix a sysctl check warning in conntrack reasm code (Amerigo Wang) [867688]- [fs] fuse: implement NFS-like readdirplus support (Brian Foster) [841514] - [drm] nouveau: prevent display switching issues by disabling pageflip (Ben Skeggs) [867698] - [drm] nouveau: restore pre-suspend fence buffer context on resume (Ben Skeggs) [867698] - [drm] nouveau: fix shadowing of ACPI ROM images larger than 64KiB (Ben Skeggs) [867698] - [netdrv] igb: Add 1588 support to I210/I211 (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Prevent dropped Tx timestamps via work items and interrupts (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Store the MAC address in the name in the PTP struct (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Correct PTP support query from ethtool (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Update PTP function names/variables and locations (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Tidy up wrapping for CONFIG_IGB_PTP (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Support the get_ts_info ethtool method (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Add switch case for supported hardware to igb_ptp_remove (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: Add Support for new i210/i211 devices (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: offer a PTP Hardware Clock instead of the timecompare method (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [netdrv] igb: add PTP Hardware Clock code (Jiri Benc) [864881] - [net] mark ptp support as Tech Preview (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] link the phc device to its parent device (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] provide the clock's adjusted frequency (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] remember the adjusted frequency (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Allow PHC devices to adjust PPS events for known delay (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Fix clock_getres() implementation (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Fix some locking bugs in ptp_read() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Return -EFAULT on copy_to_user() errors (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] return PTR_ERR on error in device_create (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] class_create() returns an ERR_PTR, not NULL (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] simplify conditions a bit (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] make idr lock a mutex and protect idr_pre_get (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] move idr stuff to pps.c (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] convert printk/pr_* to dev_* (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] access pps device by direct pointer (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] fix race in PPS_FETCH handler (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] declare variables where they are used in switch (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] trivial fixes (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [drm] i915: use correct CONFIG for iommu in rhel6 (Dave Airlie) [865666] - [gpu] vga_switcheroo: Don't require handler init callback (Dave Airlie) [867169] - [x86] amd_iommu: attach device fails on the last pci device (Don Dutile) [861164]- [mm] compaction: clear PG_migrate_skip based on compaction and reclaim activity (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: fix bit ranges in {get,clear,set}_pageblock_skip() (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [netdrv] e1000e: add device IDs for i218 (Clarkville-LP) (Dean Nelson) [862764] - [infiniband] mxl4: Fix build error on platforms where UL is not 64bit (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adjust flow steering attach wrapper so that IB works on SR-IOV VFs (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Create paravirt contexts for VFs when master IB driver initializes (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Modify proxy/tunnel QP mechanism so that guests do no calculations (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Paravirtualize Node Guids for slaves (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Activate SR-IOV mode for IB (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Miscellaneous adjustments for SR-IOV IB support (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [netdrv] mlx4: INIT/CLOSE port logic for IB ports in SR-IOV mode (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [netdrv] mlx4: Adjustments to SET_PORT for IB SR-IOV (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add iov directory in sysfs under the ib device (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Propagate P_Key and guid change port management events to slaves (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add alias_guid mechanism (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add IB port-state machine and port mgmt event propagation (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add CM paravirtualization (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add multicast group (MCG) paravirtualization for SR-IOV (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: MAD_IFC paravirtualization (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: SR-IOV multiplex and demultiplex MADs (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Implement QP paravirtualization and maintain phys_pkey_cache for smp_snoop (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Initialize SR-IOV IB support for slaves in master context (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add proxy and tunnel QPs to the reserved QP area (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] mlx4: SR-IOV IB context objects and proxy/tunnel SQP support (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] core: Add ib_find_exact_cached_pkey() (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] core: Handle table with full and partial membership for the same P_Key (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [infiniband] core: Handle table with full and partial membership for the same P_Key (Doug Ledford) [586028 756396] - [net] rds: fix rds-ping spinlock recursion (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Check that retry count values are in range (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Add missing break to switch. (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: dont orphan skbs in mlx4_en_xmit() (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Disable SENSE_PORT for multifunction devices (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Clean up enabling of SENSE_PORT for older (ConnectX-1/-2) HCAs (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Stash PCI ID driver_data in mlx4_priv structure (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid having aborted requests hang (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] srp: Fix use-after-free in srp_reset_req() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Fix compilation error when nes_debug is enabled (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Print hardware resource type (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Fix for crash when TX checksum offload is off (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Fix for incorrect MSS when TSO is on (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Fix incorrect resolving of the loopback MAC address (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix crash on uninitialized priv->cmd.slave_sem (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Trivial cleanups to driver log messages (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Trivial readability fix: "0X30" -> "0x30" (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove annoying debug message in the resource tracker (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix wrong offset in parsing query device caps response (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fill in sq_sig_type in query QP (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix use-after-free of multicast object (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Use consistent component mask for IPoIB port space multicast joins (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Remove unused variables in ucm/ucma (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [net] rds: Don't disable BH on BH context (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Fix local access validation for user MRs (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Add a qib driver version (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Fix failure of compliance test C14-024#06_LocalPortNum (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix integer overflows so 8TBs of memory registration works (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Return the error value in case of command initialization failure (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fixing error flow in case of QUERY_FW failure (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add security check / enforcement for flow steering rules set for VMs (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Put Firmware flow steering structures in common header files (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Check iboe netdev pointer before dereferencing it (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Clean up buddy bitmap allocation (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix integer overflow issues around MTT table (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Allow large mlx4_buddy bitmaps (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] srp: Fix a race condition (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Fix error return code in qib_init_7322_variables() (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] Fix typos in infiniband drivers (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix mcg.c error return code (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ucma.c: Fix for events with wrong context on iWARP (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix possible deadlock on sm_lock spinlock (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove port type restrictions (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Fix size of cc_supported_table_entries (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] ucma: Convert open-coded equivalent to memdup_user() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: checkpatch fixes (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Add congestion control agent implementation (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Reduce sdma_lock contention (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Fix an incorrect log message (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [netdrv] mlx4: map entire pages to increase throughput (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Move MAC_MASK to a common place (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Fix QP RCU sparse warnings (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [netdrv] mlx4: dereferencing freed memory (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: off by one in parse_trans_rule() (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Put physical GID and P_Key table sizes in mlx4_phys_caps struct and paravirtualize them (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Allow guests to have IB ports (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Implement mechanism for reserved Q_Keys (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Free ICM table in case of error (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cm: Destroy idr as part of the module init error flow (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove double function declarations (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fill the masked_atomic_cap attribute in query device (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mthca: Fill in sq_sig_type in query QP (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mthca: Warning about event for non-existent QPs should show event type (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix skb truesize underestimatiom (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Fix sparse RCU warnings in qib_keys.c (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [netdrv] mlx4: Initialize IB port capabilities for all slaves (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use port management change event instead of smp_snoop (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: RCU locking for MR validation (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Avoid returning EBUSY from MR deregister (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Fix UC MR refs for immediate operations (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] core: Move CM_xxx_ATTR_ID macros from cm_msgs.h to ib_cm.h (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] sa: Add GuidInfoRecord query support (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add debug prints (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Pass an invalid PCI id number to VFs (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Allow user to restrict listens to bound address family (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Listen on specific address family (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Bind to a specific address family (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support for drop action through ethtool (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Manage flow steering rules with ethtool (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: set number of rx rings used by RSS using ethtool (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Implement promiscuous mode with device managed flow-steering (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add resource tracking for device managed flow steering rules (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add device managed flow steering firmware API (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add firmware commands to support device managed flow steering (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Set steering mode according to device capabilities (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Re-design multicast attachments flow (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change resource tracking ID to be 64 bit (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change resource tracking mechanism to use red-black tree (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: set maximal number of default RSS queues (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] netlink: Move away from NLMSG_NEW() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Release QP range in free_resources (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Use single completion vector after NOP failure (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Set correct port parameters during device initialization (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: QP type check on received REQs should be AND not OR (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix max_wqe capacity reported from query device (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix setting VL_cap in mlx4_SET_PORT wrapper flow (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix EQ deallocation in legacy mode (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix obscure mlx4_cmd_box parameter in QUERY_DEV_CAP (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Check port out-of-range before using in mlx4_slave_cap (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fixes for VF / Guest startup flow (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix improper use of "port" parameter in mlx4_en_event (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix number of EQs used in ICM initialisation (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix the slave_id out-of-range test in mlx4_eq_int (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix mlx4_ib_add() error flow (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Fix IB_SA_COMP_MASK macro (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] iser: Fix error flow in iser ep connection establishment (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Increase the number of vectors (EQs) available for ULPs (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: num cores tx rings for every UP (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fixed error flow in rem_slave_eqs (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add XRC domains and counters to resource tracker (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix potential kernel Oops in res tracker during Dom0 driver unload (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Address build warnings on set but not used variables (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix init_port mask state for slaves (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change SYNC_TPT to be native (not wrapped) (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove unused *_str functions from the resource tracker (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Do not reset module-parameter num_vfs when fail to enable sriov (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change bitmap allocator to work in round-robin fashion (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Don't call event handler if pointer is NULL (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] nes: Fix for the ORD value of the connecting peer (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Add cache line awareness to qib_qp and qib_devdata structures (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: MADs with misset M_Keys should return failure (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Fix M_Key lease timeout handling (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Fix QLE734X link cycling (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Display correct value for number of contexts (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Correct ordering of reregister vs. port active events (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Optimize pio ack buffer allocation (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Add prefetch for eager buffers (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] mlx4: Replace printk(KERN_yyy...) with pr_yyy(...) (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add second capabilities flags field (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Put priority bits in WQE of IBoE MLX QP (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Add raw packet QP type (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add raw packet QP support (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] uverbs: Make lockdep output more readable (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] uverbs: Lock SRQ / CQ / PD objects in a consistent order (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] cma: Fix lockdep false positive recursive locking (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ipath: Replace open-coded ARRAY_SIZE with macro (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ipath: Replace open-coded ARRAY_SIZE with macro (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Use qp->usecnt to track multicast attach/detach (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mad: Don't send response for failed MADs (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mad: Set 'D' bit in response for unhandled MADs (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [net] mlx4: Moving to Interrupts for TX completions (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Added Ethtool support for TX Interrupt coalescing (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [net] rds: Move all of the network sysctls without a namespace into init_net (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix spelling typo in net (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] rdma_cm: TOS <=> UP mapping for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: sk_prio <=> UP for untagged traffic (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Use netif_set_real_num_{rx, tx}_queues() (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: DCB QoS support (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: set port QoS attributes (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Force user priority by QP attribute (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Don't return EINVAL from sysfs rate attribute for invalid speeds (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't return an invalid speed when a port is down (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] Stop using NLA_PUT*() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [net] rds: use gfp flags from caller in conn_alloc() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [net] rds: Remove printk from rds_sendmsg (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Scale size of MTT table with system RAM (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Allow dynamic MTU configuration for IB ports (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix info returned when querying IBoE ports (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix possible missed completion event (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Report thermal error events (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix one more static exported function (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] Change CQE csum_ok field to a bit flag (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] iwcm: Reject connect requests if cmid is not in LISTEN state (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Get rid of redundant ext_port_cap flags (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: defining functions as static (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unused functions (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unused functions (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: fixing sparse warnings when copying mac, address to gid entry (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix sparse warnings on wrong type for RSS keys (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix sparse warnings on TX blue flame buffer (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Saving mem access on data path (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove sparse errors (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ucma: Fix AB-BA deadlock (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] ehca: Fix ilog2() compile failure (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] Use central enum for speed instead of hard-coded values (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] iser: Free IB connection resources in the proper place (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] srp: Consolidate repetitive sysfs code (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] srp: Use pr_fmt() and pr_err()/pr_warn() (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] core: Fix SDR rates in sysfs (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: dont change mac_header on xmit (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Enforce device max FMR maps in FMR alloc (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mlx4: Set bad_wr for invalid send opcode (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mad: Return error response for unsupported MADs (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] mad: Add MAD error codes from IBA spec (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [infiniband] qib: Avoid filtering LID on SMA portinfo (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] qib: Add logic for affinity hint (Doug Ledford) [818562] - [infiniband] nes: Fixes for sparse endianness warnings (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unnecessary variables and arguments (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unused field high_prios (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [net] rds: Fix typo in iw_recv.c and ib_recv.c (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix typo in cmd.c (Doug Ledford) [826346 826348 826349] - [net] ipv4/route: export symbol ip_tos2prio (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [misc] Backport of pr_*_once() functions (Doug Ledford) [818562 826346 826348 826349] - [mm] Revert: reduce memcg memory overhead (Jarod Wilson) [808538]- [drm] i915: block haswell support (Dave Airlie) [862376] - [powerpc] fadump: Remove the phyp assisted dump code (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] pseries: Call ibm, os-term if the ibm, extended-os-term is present (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Invalidate the fadump registration during machine shutdown (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Invalidate registration and release reserved memory for general use (Steve Best) [739124] - [fs] proc/vmcore: Introduce cleanup routine to invalidate /proc/vmcore (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Add PT_NOTE program header for vmcoreinfo (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Convert firmware-assisted cpu state dump data into elf notes (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Initialize elfcore header and add PT_LOAD program headers (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Register for firmware assisted dump (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Reserve the memory for firmware assisted dump (Steve Best) [739124] - [powerpc] fadump: Add documentation for firmware-assisted dump (Steve Best) [739124] - [net] Add rtnetlink init_rcvwnd to set the TCP initial receive window (Jesper Brouer) [795598] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix write errors on NPIV ports (Neil Horman) [857575] - [scsi] fcoe: Allocate fcoe_ctlr with fcoe_interface, not as a member (Neil Horman) [857575] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix up rmmod crash (Neil Horman) [860846] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Clean up layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [net] nfs: Fix buffer overflow checking in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: Fix the acl cache size calculation (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: Fix range checking in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached and __nfs4_proc_set_acl (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: nfs_getaclargs.acl_len is a size_t (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: Don't use private xdr_stream fields in decode_getacl (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: Fix pointer arithmetic in decode_getacl (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] nfs: Simplify the GETATTR attribute length calculation (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] sunrpc: Add the helper xdr_stream_pos (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] sunrpc: Don't decode beyond the end of the RPC reply message (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] sunrpc: Clean up xdr_set_iov() (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [net] sunrpc: xdr_read_pages needs to clear xdr->page_ptr (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [fs] nfs: Avoid beyond bounds copy while caching ACL (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [fs] nfs: Avoid reading past buffer when calling GETACL (Sachin Prabhu) [822871] {CVE-2012-2375} - [virt] kvm: Use accessors function to access cr4 (Gleb Natapov) [866452] - [fs] xfs: report projid32bit feature in geometry call (Eric Sandeen) [865929] - [usb] serial/ti_usb: fix module removal (Don Zickus) [864186] - [fs] nfs: do not send an empty SETATTR compound (J. Bruce Fields) [863912]- [scsi] libfc: fix lun reset failure bugs in fc_fcp_resp handling of FCP_RSP_INFO (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: fix retries with FDMI lport states (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: remove lport from net device before doing per cpu rx thread cleanup (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: flush lport worker after its disabled (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: defer releasing master lport until complete fcoe interface cleanuped up (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Support extra MAC descriptor to be used as FCoE MAC (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] foce: remove bh disable from fcoe sw transport rcv function (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: remove frame dropping code from fcoe_percpu_clean (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: reduce contention for fcoe_rx_list lock (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: fcoe_transport_create fails in single-CPU environment (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Remove duplicate vn port reset operation (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Remove reference counting on 'stuct fcoe_interface' (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Allow exposing FDMI attributes via sysfs (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: fix fcoe in a DCB environment by adding DCB notifiers to set skb priority (Neil Horman) [789103] - [net] dcb: Use ifindex instead of ifname (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: avoid exchanges collision during lport reset (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: fix fc_eh_host_reset (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix deadlock between fip's recv_work and rtnl (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Move common functions to fcoe_transport library (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: convert to SKB paged frag API (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Rearrange fcoe port and NPIV port cleanup (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: add ddp_targ() to libfc function template to supprot FCoE DDP in target mode (Neil Horman) [789103] - [net] add ndo_fcoe_ddp_target() to support FCoE DDP in target mode (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: support ndo_fcoe_ddp_target() for DDP in FCoE target (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: support ndo_fcoe_ddp_target() for DDP in FCoE targe (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Prevent creation of an NPIV port with duplicate WWPN (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Incorrect CVL handling for NPIV ports (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: have fcoe log off and lport destroy before ndo_fcoe_disable (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: remove duplicate ema_list init (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: Move host_lock usage into ramp_up/down routines (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] use list_move() instead of list_del()/list_add() combination (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: correct checking for bonding (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] libfc: initialize EM anchors list and then update npiv EMs (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: Move common code from fcoe to libfcoe module (Neil Horman) [789103] - [scsi] fcoe: use dedicated workqueue instead of system_wq (Neil Horman) [789103] - [fs] quota: move remount handling into the filesystem (Lukas Czerner) [805769] - [fs] allow fs to handle quota enable/disable kABI friendly (Lukas Czerner) [805769] - [fs] cifs: fix oops while traversing open file list (Sachin Prabhu) [707700] - [fs] cifs: add a cache= option to better describe the different cache flavors (Sachin Prabhu) [850751] - [s390] scm_block: Force cluster writes (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: Add scm block driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: add eadm subchannel driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: move asms to generic header (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: Add scm notification (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: Add SCM bus driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] chsc: implement store SCM information (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: Add eadm related structures (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] cio: move orb definitions to separate header (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] css: Add eadm facility bits (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [s390] css: Allow drivers to trigger sch evaluation (Hendrik Brueckner) [834290] - [fs] block_dev: Fix crash when block device is read and block size is changed at the same time (Mikulas Patocka) [855906] - [tracing] remove kabi workaround that is no longer needed (Jeff Moyer) [855906] - [mm] tracing: Move include of trace/events/kmem.h out of header into slab.c (Jeff Moyer) [855906] - [mm] slab: Move kmalloc tracepoint out of inline code (Jeff Moyer) [855906] - [virt] kvm: fix race with level interrupts (Michael S. Tsirkin) [847722] - [usb] usbhid: Fix use-after-free in USBHID (James Paradis) [857518] - [kernel] sched_rt: Ignore RT queue throttling if idle task has RT policy (Igor Mammedov) [843541] - [md] Don't truncate size at 4TB for RAID0 and Linear (Jes Sorensen) [865637] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix double completion on abort timeout (Steve Best) [865115]- [fs] nfs: tear down caches in nfs_init_writepagecache when allocation fails (Steve Dickson) [857555] - [fs] pnfs: client fails to select correct DS from multipath (Steve Dickson) [851312] - [fs] ext4: remove mb_groups before tearing down the buddy_cache (Lukas Czerner) [859457] - [usb] Add kernel parameter to force io_watchdog for Intel EHCI HCD (James Paradis) [846024] - [fs] btrfs: Convert to new freezing mechanism (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] btrfs: Push mnt_want_write() outside of i_mutex (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] btrfs: fix min csum item size warnings in 32bit (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] btrfs: backport from mainline linux 3.5 kernel (Zach Brown) [698324] - [kernel] tracing: Don't use p->len field to determine output in __print_*() functions (Zach Brown) [698324] - [kernel] tracing: Don't print an extra separator of flags (Zach Brown) [698324] - [kernel] tracing: Add __print_symbolic_u64 to avoid warnings on 32bit machine (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] btrfs: add BTRFS_MINOR for auto-loading (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] add FS_NOCOW_FL inode attribute flag (Zach Brown) [698324] - [fs] ext4: fix undefined bit shift result in ext4_fill_flex_info (Lukas Czerner) [809691] {CVE-2012-2100} - [fs] ext4: fix undefined behavior in ext4_fill_flex_info() (Lukas Czerner) [809691] {CVE-2012-2100} - [virt] kvm: change PT_FIRST_AVAIL_BITS_SHIFT to avoid conflict with EPT Dirty bit (Don Dugger) [736906] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Enable EPT A/D bits if supported by turning on relevant bit in EPTP (Don Dugger) [736906] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Use EPT Access bit in response to memory notifiers (Don Dugger) [736906] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Add EPT A/D bits definitions (Don Dugger) [736906] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Add parameter to control A/D bits support, default is on (Don Dugger) [736906] - [s390] zfcp: disable DIX support (Hendrik Brueckner) [694237] - [s390] zfcp: non-experimental support for DIF/DIX (Hendrik Brueckner) [694237] - [s390] zfcp: Introduce experimental support for DIF/DIX (Hendrik Brueckner) [694237] - [s390] zfcp: Enable data division support for FCP devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [694237] - [s390] zfcp: Update FCP protocol related code (Hendrik Brueckner) [694237] - [mm] memcg: count pte references from every member of the reclaimed hierarchy (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] make per-memcg LRU lists exclusive (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] collect LRU list heads into struct lruvec (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: convert global reclaim to per-memcg LRU lists (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: remove optimization of keeping the root_mem_cgroup LRU lists empty (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] move memcg hierarchy reclaim to generic reclaim code (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: per-priority per-zone hierarchy scan generations (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: distinguish between memcg triggering reclaim and memcg (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: distinguish global reclaim from global LRU scanning (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: consolidate hierarchy iteration primitives (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] vmscan: remove isolate_pages callback scan control (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: Introduces for_each_mem_cgroup_all (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: use for_each_mem_cgroup (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [mm] memcg: extract mem_group_usage() from mem_cgroup_read() (Jerome Marchand) [808538] - [s390] hugetlb: use direct TLB flushing for hugetlbfs pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [861177] - [s390] mm: fix user access page-table walk code (Hendrik Brueckner) [861176] - [s390] dasd: fix pathgroup race (Hendrik Brueckner) [859526] - [fs] gfs2: Consolidate free block searching functions (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Fix unclaimed_blocks() wrapping bug and clean up (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Improve block reservation tracing (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Fall back to ignoring reservations, if there are no other blocks left (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Use rbm for gfs2_setbit() (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Use rbm for gfs2_testbit() (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Update rgblk_free() to use rbm (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Update gfs2_get_block_type() to use rbm (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Replace rgblk_search with gfs2_rbm_find (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Add structure to contain rgrp, bitmap, offset tuple (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate redundant calls to may_grant (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Combine functions gfs2_glock_dq_wait and wait_on_demote (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Combine functions gfs2_glock_wait and wait_on_holder (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: inline __gfs2_glock_schedule_for_reclaim (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: change function gfs2_direct_IO to use a normal gfs2_glock_dq (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Allow more dirty buffers and reduce journal commits (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: eliminate log elements and simplify (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate vestigial sd_log_le_rg (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Make gfs2_log_fake_buf() write the buffer too (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Move two functions from log.c to lops.c (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Drop "pull" argument from log_write_header() (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Add missing static to bd_cmp() (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [fs] gfs2: Remove rs_requested field from reservations (Bob Peterson) [848109] - [block] Fix hanging kernel threads in blk_execute_rq() (James Paradis) [855984] - [target] Fix crash in iblock backstore (Andy Grover) [863221] - [target] Do not print error if can't load target_core_stgt (Andy Grover) [822075]- [netdrv] sfc: Fix division by zero when using one RX channel and no SR-IOV (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Backport cleanup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix calculation of vf_i in map_vi_index() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct validation of peer_page_count in efx_vfdi_set_status_page() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add SR-IOV back-end support for SFC9000 family (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Work around bogus 'uninitialised variable' warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for TX MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for configuring RX unicast/multicast default filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove now-unused filter function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement ethtool RX NFC rules API instead of n-tuple API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for retrieving and removing filters by ID (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use consistent types for filter IDs, indices and search depths (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Change filter ID generation to satisfy priority semantics of RX NFC (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix assertions in efx_filter_rfs() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix loop condition for efx_filter_search() when !for_insert (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement hardware acceleration of RFS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Limit filter search depth further for performance hints (i.e. RFS) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Generalise filter spec initialisation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove filter table IDs from filter functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] drivers/net: use vzalloc() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't try to set filters with search depths we know won't work (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement the ethtool RX n-tuple control functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add filter table management (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for RXFH (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Update cleanup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix num_tc usage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: By default refill RX rings as soon as space for a batch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fill RX rings completely full, rather than to 95 full (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix missing cleanup in failure path of efx_pci_probe() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not attempt to flush queues if DMA is disabled (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Log the part number on probe (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove efx_channel::last_eventq_read_ptr (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Run event/IRQ self-test asynchronously when interface is brought up (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Encapsulate access to efx_{channel, nic}::last_irq_cpu in self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Test all event queues in parallel (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Raise self-test timeouts (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove TX completions from adaptive IRQ scoring (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Update comments on efx_rx_packet_gro() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove redundant function efx_nic_has_mc() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix assignment of ip_summed for pre-allocated skbs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue() to skip non-TX channels (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Minor formatting cleanup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Reverse initial buffer table allocation to allow for later resizing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Allocate SRAM between buffer table and descriptor caches at init time (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for 'extra' channel types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for 'extra' channel types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Make all CPU/IRQ/channel/queue counts unsigned (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Make buffer table indices and counts consistently unsigned (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable flow control during flushes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Generalise event generation to cover VF-owned event queues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use proper function to test for RX channel in efx_poll() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Leave interrupts and event queues enabled whenever we can (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Generate RX fill events based on RX queues, not channels (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Generalise driver event generation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Warn if unable to create MTDs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not retry hardware probe if it schedules a reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Skip RX end-of-batch work on channels without an RX queue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use a more sensible cast in efx_rx_buf_offset() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: MTD: Leave the DEBUG macro alone (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Replace efx_rx_buffer::is_page and other booleans with a flags field (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Move the end of the non-GRO RX path into its own function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove redundant 'rc' variable, always set to 0 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Minor formatting fixes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use existing local variables instead of repeated indirect lookups (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove remnants of on-load self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove obsolete function efx_dev_name() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Update the description of SFC_MTD (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add hwmon driver for boards using SFC9000-family controllers (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Clean up test interrupt handling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Partly revert "sfc: Handle serious errors in exactly one interrupt handler" (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove dependence on NAPI polling in efx_test_eventq_irq() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct interrupt timer quantum for Siena (normal and turbo mode) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Support extraction of CAPABILITIES from GET_BOARD_CFG response. (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Consistently test DEBUG macro, not EFX_ENABLE_DEBUG (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove efx_nic_type::push_multicast_hash operation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Merge efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault() and efx_mcdi_get_mac_faults() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Merge efx_mac_operations into efx_nic_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Hold efx_nic::stats_lock while reading efx_nic::mac_stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use new names for MC shared memory layout constants (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Make handling of MC reboot more reliable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove fallback for invalid permanent MAC address (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Set default parallelism to per-core by default (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename efx_wanted_channels() to efx_wanted_parallelism() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI (firmware interface) definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unnecessary inclusion of , prompted by checkpatch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Const-qualify static data as appropriate, partly prompted by checkpatch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove parentheses around return expressions, reported by checkpatch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Avoid assignment in an if-statement, reported by checkpatch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix some formatting errors reported by checkpatch (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables. (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use skb_fill_page_desc() to simplify passing of page buffers to GRO (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use kcalloc instead of kzalloc to allocate array (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add moduleparam.h to drivers as required. (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: add skb frag size accessors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: use DMA_x_DEVICE and dma_mapping_error with skb_frag_dma_map (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: ethtool: Clean up definitions of rule location arrays in RX NFC (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use correct fields of struct ethtool_coalesce (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Validate IRQ moderation parameters in efx_init_irq_moderation() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct reporting and validation of TX interrupt coalescing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use consistent types for interrupt coalescing parameters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Correct error code for unsupported interrupt coalescing parameters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove 'Communications' after 'Solarflare' in references to hardware (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove 'Solarstorm' from Kconfig descriptions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix Siena mac statistics on big endian platforms (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow resets to be upgraded; use atomic ops for safety (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove casts of void * (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add appropriate include for prefetch users (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Don't use enums as a bitmask. (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Use netif_device_{detach, attach}() around reset and self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix TX queue numbering when separate_tx_channels=1 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix return value from efx_ethtool_set_rx_ntuple() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: ethtool: Call ethtool's get/set_settings callbacks with cleaned data (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix common misspellings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not use efx_process_channel_now() in online self-test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop the TX queues during loopback self-tests (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: make function tables const (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable all TSO features on VLANs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] net: Add NETIF_F_ALL_TSO define to include/linux/netdevice.h (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Move test of rx_checksum_enabled from nic.c to rx.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Bump version to 3.1 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove configurable FIFO thresholds for pause frame generation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Expose TX push and TSO counters through ethtool statistics (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Update copyright dates (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not read STAT1.FAULT in efx_mdio_check_mmd() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Read MC firmware version when requested through ethtool (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Reduce size of efx_rx_buffer further by removing data member (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Reduce size of efx_rx_buffer by unionising skb and page (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] Revert "[netdrv] sfc: disable RX hash insertion" (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Add TX queues for high-priority traffic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Distinguish queue lookup from test for queue existence (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [netdrv] sfc: Move TX queue core queue mapping into tx.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [824042] - [alsa] usb: Enable TerraTec DMX 6Fire USB and Edirol UA-101/UA-1000 drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add endpoint usage definitions to ch9.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] pcm: Call pgprot_noncached() for vmalloc'ed buffers (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] ua101: use vmalloc buffer helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] pcm: add vmalloc buffer helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: use old usb_buffer_alloc()/usb_buffer_free() fcns (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] ua101: fix crash when unplugging (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Select missing SND_VMASTER option in Kconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Update kernel configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] ua101: remove experimental status (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Fix signedness bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Add support for S32_LE format (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Fix pcm rate assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: signedness bug in usb6fire_pcm_prepare() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: disable broken hw volume for Tenx TP6911 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: print small buffers via *ph[C] (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: use NULL instead of 0 for pointer assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: don't use custom hex_to_bin() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Fix double-free bug in usb6fire_fw_ezusb_upload() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Don't leak firmware in error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: use the kernel's built-in bit reverse table (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Improve firmware loader (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: add analog input volume control (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: add mute control for analog outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: add individual volume control for analog channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: add tlv to controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Add support of digital-thru mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: remove driver version information (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Avoid unnecessary EP setups in prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Move configuration to prepare. (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Don't require hw_params in endpoint. (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: set period_bytes in substream. (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix bogus error messages for delay accounting (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Add quirks for Playback Designs devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Support for (original) Xbox Communicator (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix cross-interface streaming devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix calls to next_packet_size (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: restore delay information (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: use list_for_each_safe for endpoint resources (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Fix URB cancellation at stream start (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Remove obsoleted fields in struct snd_usb_substream (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix scheduling-while-atomic bug in PCM capture stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix clock source validity index (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: initialize card pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: move calls to usb_set_interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix the first PCM interface assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add BOSS GT-100 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: ignore ctrl errors on QuickCam Pro for Notebooks (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: ignore ctrl errors on QuickCam E3500 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Convert table to preferred C99 format (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Use a table of mixer controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: make snd_usb_substream_capture_trigger static (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix sync pipe check (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix substream assignments (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix rate_list memory leak (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix stream info output in /proc (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Call get_min_max_*() after determining the name string (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix some typos in endpoint.c documentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: sound/usb/endpoint.c: suppress warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add missing error checks in snd_ebox44_create_mixer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: M-Audio Fast Track Ultra: Add effect controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Rename Fast Track Ultra mixer quirk functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add TLV to M-Audio Fast Track Ultra controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Rename and export mixer_vol_tlv (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Unify M-Audio Fast Track Ultra and Ebox-44 mixer quirks. (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: remove refactorization left-overs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Replace mixer for Electrix Ebox-44 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Skip un-parseable mixer units instead of erroring (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Remove obsoleted fields from struct snd_usb_substream (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Fix fill_max flag set (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: add some documentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: add support for implicit feedback (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: remove old streaming logic (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: switch over to new endpoint streaming logic (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: implement new endpoint streaming model (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: add snd_usb_audio-wide mutex (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix build error by consitification of rate list (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usx2y: Fix typo in usbusx2yaudio.c and usx2yhwdeppcm.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Fix the return of XRUN (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: avoid integer overflow in create_fixed_stream_quirk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Edirol UM-3G support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Avoid flood of frame-active debug messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: Delete calls to preempt_disable (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix possible hang and overflow in parse_uac2_sample_rate_range() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: convert sound/* to use module_usb_driver() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Yamaha MOX6/MOX8 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: added VOX ToneLab ST midi handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Support for Roland GAIA SH-01 Synthesizer (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Use kmemdup rather than duplicating its implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Logitech HD Webcam c510 to quirk-384 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix the missing volume quirks at delayed init (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix possible access over audio_feature_info[] array (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Add support for Maschine (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Fix NULL dereference in input.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: increase control transfer timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Check for possible chip NULL pointer before clearing probing flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: clear chip->probing on error exit (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Added support for Roland UM-ONE midi-usb interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: move code from urb.c to endpoint.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: re-order code (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: re-order the Makefile (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: refine delay information with USB frame counter (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Starr Labs USB MIDI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Check the dB-range validity in the later read, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix missing mixer dB information (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: track submitted output urbs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Correct offset fields of outbound iso_frame_desc (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add quirk for BOSS Micro BR-80 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Fix keymap for RigKontrol3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Fix uninitialized variable usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add quirk for Keith McMillen StringPort (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: operate on given mixer interface only (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: avoid dividing by zero on invalid input (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Accept UAC2 FORMAT_TYPE descriptors with bLength > 6 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add quirk for Roland / BOSS BR-800 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add quirks for M-Audio Fast Track Pro and Quattro (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: replace "void *" with more specific pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: turn off de-emphasis in s/pdif for cm6206 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: more control quirks for M-Audio FastTrack devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add new quirk type QUIRK_AUDIO_STANDARD_MIXER (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: export snd_usb_feature_unit_ctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: rework add_control_to_empty() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: move assignment of chip->ctrl_intf (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add support for USB X-Fi S51 Pro (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: handle "Fast Track Ultra" with USB_DEVICE_VENDOR_SPEC() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: assume valid clock (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add quirks for Roland GR-55 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add quirk for KORG PANDORA PX5D MIDI interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: remove invalid extra mixers for Komplete Audio 6 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: include format.h in format.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: make hwc_debug a noop in case HW_CONST_DEBUG is not set (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Terratec Aureon 7.1 USB ID as C-Media cm6206 quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Don't expose broken dB ranges (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add quirks for Audio Kontrol 6 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: define another USB ID for a buggy USB MIDI cable (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Support for Boss JS-8 Jam Station (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Remove trailing spaces from USB card name strings (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: implement USB autosuspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add "cval->res = 384" quirk for Logitech Webcam C600 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add volume range check and warn if it too big (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix oops due to cleanup race when disconnecting (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: reconstruct some dispatcher functions to use switch-case (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add support for Native Instruments MK2 devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Add support for Traktor Audio 2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Enable the E-MU 0204 USB (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Cakewalk UM-1G support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/6fire: Driver for TerraTec DMX 6Fire USB (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: Fix missing NULL checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: Fix MIDI output (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Edirol SD-90 PCM support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: use enum control info helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fixed typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Support for Power/Status LED on Creative USB X-Fi S51 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: driver neglects kmalloc return value check and may deref NULL (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: automatically detect feedback format (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Creative USB X-Fi volume knob support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Novation Launchpad support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/usx2y: simplify conditional (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/mixer: remove bogus cast (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix an unused-variable compile warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add more Yamaha USB MIDI devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Add support for Traktor Kontrol S4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: drop version number (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix Fast Track Ultra (8R) 44.1 sample rates (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add BOSS ME-25 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Roland A-PRO support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Edirol PCR-1 PCM support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Release capture substream URBs properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix detection of vendor-specific device protocol settings (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Assume first control interface is for audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: USB3 SuperSpeed sound support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] sound/usb/format: silence uninitialized variable warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Correct audio problem for Hauppage HVR-850 and others rel. to urb data align (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix comnment/printk typos concerning "empty" (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: silence a superfluous warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Fix compile error with CONFIG_SND_DEBUG_VERBOSE=y (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: simplify control interface access (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: move and add some comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb-midi: whitespace fixes (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: unify UAC macros and struct names (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: clean up includes in clock.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add volume resolution quirk for some Logitech webcams (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/endpoint: fix dangling pointer use (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix UAC2 control value queries (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: parse UAC2 sample rate ranges correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix control messages for USB_RECIP_INTERFACE (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add check for faulty clock in parse_audio_format_rates_v2() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: export UAC2 clock selectors as mixer controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: clean up find_audio_control_unit() (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add UAC2 sepecific Feature Unit controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: unify constants from specification (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: parse clock topology of UAC2 devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: support partially write-protected UAC2 controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] audio-v2.h: add more UAC2 details (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: UAC2: clean up parsing of bmaControls (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Bump version number to 1.3.21 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] Revert: snd-usb-caiaq: Set default input mode of A4DJ (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Simplify single case to an 'if' (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Restore 'Control vinyl' input mode on A4DJ (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix feature unit parser for UAC2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add support for UAC2 pitch control (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: parse UAC2 endpoint descriptors correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix return values (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: parse more format descriptors with structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/caiaq: fix Traktor Kontrol X1 ABS_HAT2X axis (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add support for Akai MPD16 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fixup for usb_buffer_alloc/free rename (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: fix selector unit string index accessor (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: include/usb/*.h checkpatch cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] sound/usb: add preliminary support for UAC2 interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] audio.h: add __attribute__((packed)) to uac_iso_endpoint_descriptor (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] sound/usb: fix UAC1 regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: use get_iface_desc() rather than direct structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: update gfp/slab.h includes (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb pcm: use of kmalloc requires the include of slab.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: use of kmalloc/kfree requires the include of slab.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Add basic support for M-Audio Fast Track Ultra series (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb-mixer: Add support for Audio Class v2.0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb-mixer: parse descriptors with structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: rename usbmixer.[ch] -> mixer.[ch] (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb-mixer: use defines from audio.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: fix usb build error when PM is not enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] audio.h: split parts of header into audio-v2.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add support for samplerate setting on v2 devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: support multiple formats with audio class v2 devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: use a format bitmask per alternate setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: rename substream format field to altset_idx (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb-mixer: factor out quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: refactor code (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: header file cleanups (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: move ua101 driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb/caiaq: Add support for Traktor Kontrol X1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] ua101: add Edirol UA-1000 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Fix wrong bitrate for Creative Creative VF0470 Live Cam (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] sound/usb/caiaq/midi.h: Checkpatch cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: remove debug "SAMPLE BYTES" printk line (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] audio.h: Fix field order in uac_format_type_i_ext_descriptor (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: consolidate header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: bail out early when parsing audio class v2 descriptors (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: implement basic set of class v2.0 parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: introduce new types for audio class v2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: parse USB descriptors with structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Mbox support, output only (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: use MAX_ID_ELEMS where possible (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: add usb_id value to usbmixer proc file (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: introduce /proc/asound/card#/usbmixer file (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: MIDI support for Access Music VirusTI (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: reduce MIDI packet size to work around broken firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmixer: add possibility to remap dB values (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: use usbquirk.h for detection of HVR-950Q/850 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: relax urb data align. restriction HVR-950Q and HVR-850 only (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: make buffer pointer based on bytes instead on frames (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: Added functionality for E-mu 0404USB/0202USB/TrackerPre (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: use vmalloc buffer helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] add Edirol UA-101 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: add product IDs of US-122MKII and US-144MKII (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: Fix mixer map for Hercules Gamesurround Muse Pocket LT (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbmidi: Use hweight16 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: add Roland UA-1G support (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usxxx: cleanup chip field (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usb: make the USB MIDI module more independent (0/268) (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] usbaudio: allow switching altsetting on Roland USB MIDI devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: corrent error number for not probing US-144 on ehci-hcd (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586] - [alsa] snd-usb-us122l: add support for US-144 (Jaroslav Kysela) [664586]- [char] ipmi: Fix KABI issues with acpi_ipmi addition (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [acpi] acpi_ipmi: Add a default handler for IPMI operation regions (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [char] ipmi: Add a callback to indicate that probing has finished (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [acpi] ipmi: Reorder makefiles (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [acpi] acpi_ipmi: Add the IPMI opregion driver to enable ACPI to access BMC controller (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [char] ipmi: Add one interface to get more info of low-level IPMI device (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [char] ipmi: fix ACPI detection with regspacing (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [char] ipmi: convert tracking of the ACPI device pointer to a PNP device (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [char] ipmi: add PNP discovery (ACPI namespace via PNPACPI) (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [pnp] pnpacpi: add interface to retrieve ACPI device from a PNPACPI device (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [pnp] pnpacpi: save struct acpi_device, not just acpi_handle (Matthew Garrett) [803653] - [mm] hugetlb: do not use vma_hugecache_offset() for vma_prio_tree_foreach (Frederic Weisbecker) [843035] {CVE-2012-2133} - [mm] hugepages: fix use after free bug in "quota" handling (Frederic Weisbecker) [843035] {CVE-2012-2133} - [mm] hugetlb: fix pgoff computation when unmapping page from vma (Frederic Weisbecker) [843035] {CVE-2012-2133} - [mm] hugetlb: fix ENOSPC returned by handle_mm_fault() (Frederic Weisbecker) [843035] {CVE-2012-2133} - [block] loop: remove the incorrect write_begin/write_end shortcut (Lukas Czerner) [766815] - [block] loop: Fix discard_alignment default setting (Lukas Czerner) [766815] - [block] loop: fix loop block driver discard and encryption comment (Lukas Czerner) [766815] - [block] loop: add discard support for loop devices (Lukas Czerner) [766815] - [s390] dasd: check count address during online setting (Hendrik Brueckner) [853234] - [scsi] fix softlockup regression on hot remove (Chris Leech) [863077]- [netdrv] qlge: fix endian issue (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Bumped driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Refactoring of ethtool stats (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Moving low level frame error to ethtool statistics (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Fixed double pci free upon tx_ring->q allocation failure (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Added missing case statement to ethtool get_strings (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Clean up ethtool set WOL routine (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix ethtool WOL calls to operate only on devices that support WOL (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Cleanup atomic queue threshold check (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix TX queue stoppage due to full condition (Chad Dupuis) [826571] - [virt] virtio-scsi: fix copying of sg_list in the presence of of HighMem pages (Paolo Bonzini) [816059 840458] - [virt] virtio-scsi: support online resizing of disks (Paolo Bonzini) [840458] - [virt] virtio-scsi: initialize scatterlist structure for events (Paolo Bonzini) [840458] - [virt] virtio-scsi: hotplug support for virtio-scsi (Paolo Bonzini) [840458] - [virt] virtio-scsi: split scatterlist per target (Paolo Bonzini) [841622] - [virt] virtio-scsi: release sg_lock after add_buf (Paolo Bonzini) [841622] - [virt] virtio-scsi: split locking per vq (Paolo Bonzini) [841622] - [virt] virtio-scsi: unlock during kick (Paolo Bonzini) [841622] - [virt] virtio: support unlocked queue kick (Paolo Bonzini) [841622] - [virt] kvm: Add PCIDE bit to the guest/host mask for CR4 (Don Dugger) [736907] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Implement PCID/INVPCID for guests with EPT (Don Dugger) [736907] - [virt] kvm: Add cpuid_update() callback to kvm_x86_ops (Don Dugger) [736907] - [virt] kvm: expose Intel cpu new features (HLE, RTM) to guest (Don Dugger) [736907] - [virt] kvm: retain pvclock guest stopped bit in guest memory (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] kvm: fix pvclock guest stopped flag reporting (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] kvmclock: remove check_and_clear_guest_paused warning (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] kvmclock: remove unneeded EXPORT macro (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] watchdog: add check for suspended vm in softlockup detector (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] kvm: Add ioctl for KVM_KVMCLOCK_CTRL (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] kvmclock: Add functions to check if the host has stopped the vm (Amit Shah) [739151] - [virt] x86, pvclock: Add flag to indicate that a vm was stopped by the host (Amit Shah) [739151] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver vesion to (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for panic happening because of improper memory allocation (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for hard drive going OFFLINE when hard reset issued and simultaneously another hard drive is hot unplugged (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Set the phy identifier of the end device to the phy number of the parent device it is linked to (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: While enabling phy, read the current port number from sas iounit page 0 instead of page 1 (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix linux driver sparse errors (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix security scan issues reported by source code analysis tool (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: better protect sas_device, raid_device, and expander_device lists (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Perform Target Reset instead of HBA reset when a SATA_PASSTHROUGH cmd timeout happens (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added multisegment mode support for Linux BSG Driver (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Removed redundant global mutex for IOCTLs (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI next revision header update (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: use pci_dev->revision (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: remove extraneous sas_log_info messages (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: spell "primitive" correctly in function prototype (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix mismatch in mpt2sas_base_hard_reset_handler() mutex lock-unlock (Tomas Henzl) [826414] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix rx performance regression due to small ring size (Michal Schmidt) [862244]- [fs] xfs: handle EOF correctly in xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: really fix the cursor leak in xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix allocbt cursor leak in xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: kill copy and paste segment checks in xfs_file_aio_read (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: xfs_vm_writepage clear iomap_valid when !buffer_uptodate (REV2) (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: switch to proper __bitwise type for KM_... flags (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: add trace points for log forces (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix memory reclaim deadlock on agi buffer (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: stop the sync worker before xfs_unmountfs (Dave Chinner) [737529] - [fs] xfs: flush outstanding buffers on log mount failure (Dave Chinner) [737529] - [fs] xfs: prevent recursion in xfs_buf_iorequest (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Properly exclude IO type flags from buffer flags (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use iolock on XFS_IOC_ALLOCSP calls (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use kmem_zone_zalloc for buffers (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix incorrect b_offset initialisation (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: check for buffer errors before waiting (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix buffer lookup race on allocation failure (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Use preallocation for inodes with extsz hints (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: limit specualtive delalloc to maxioffset (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: don't assert on delalloc regions beyond EOF (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: prevent needless mount warning causing test failures (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: punch new delalloc blocks out of failed writes inside EOF. (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: page type check in writeback only checks last buffer (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: using GFP_NOFS for blkdev_issue_flush (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: punch all delalloc blocks beyond EOF on write failure. (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use shared ilock mode for direct IO writes by default (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: push the ilock into xfs_zero_eof (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: reduce ilock hold times in xfs_setattr_size (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: reduce ilock hold times in xfs_file_aio_write_checks (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: avoid taking the ilock unnessecarily in xfs_qm_dqattach (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: Ensure inode reclaim can run during quotacheck (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: don't fill statvfs with project quota for a directory (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: add lots of attribute trace points (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix fstrim offset calculations (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Account log unmount transaction correctly (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: trace xfs_name strings correctly (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: don't defer metadata allocation to the workqueue (Dave Chinner) [693280] - [fs] xfs: introduce an allocation workqueue (Dave Chinner) [693280] - [fs] xfs: Fix open flag handling in open_by_handle code (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix deadlock in xfs_rtfree_extent (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fallback to vmalloc for large buffers in xfs_getbmap (Dave Chinner) [858353] - [fs] xfs: fallback to vmalloc for large buffers in xfs_attrmulti_attr_get (Dave Chinner) [858353] - [fs] xfs: reimplement fdatasync support (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: split in-core and on-disk inode log item fields (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_inode_item_size idempotent (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: log timestamp updates (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: log file size updates at I/O completion time (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: log file size updates as part of unwritten extent conversion (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: do not require an ioend for new EOF calculation (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: only take the ILOCK in xfs_reclaim_inode() (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: split and cleanup xfs_log_reserve (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: share code for grant head availability checks (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: share code for grant head wakeups (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: share code for grant head waiting (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: add xlog_grant_head_wake_all (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: add xlog_grant_head_init (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: add the xlog_grant_head structure (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: remove log space waitqueues (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_log_space_wake (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_trans_unlocked_item (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: do exact log space wakeups in xlog_ungrant_log_space (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: split tail_lsn assignments from log space wakeups (Dave Chinner) [854465] - [fs] xfs: xfs_trans_add_item() - don't assign in ASSERT() when compare is intended (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: show uuid when mount fails due to duplicate uuid (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: pass KM_SLEEP flag to kmem_realloc() in xlog_recover_add_to_cnt_trans() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_file_aio_write (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: always return with the iolock held from xfs_file_aio_write_checks (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: remove the i_new_size field in struct xfs_inode (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: remove the i_size field in struct xfs_inode (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: make i_flags an unsigned long (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: fix force shutdown handling in xfs_end_io (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_qm_detach_gdquots (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: make sure to really flush all dquots in xfs_qm_quotacheck (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: untangle SYNC_WAIT and SYNC_TRYLOCK meanings for xfs_qm_dqflush (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix allocation length overflow in xfs_bmapi_write() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: do not flush data workqueues in xfs_flush_buftarg (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_ioerror_alert in xfs_buf_iodone_callbacks (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_ioerror_alert (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: clean up buffer allocation (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: optimize fsync on directories (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: reduce the number of log forces from tail pushing (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Dont allocate new buffers on every call to _xfs_buf_find (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: XFS_TRANS_SWAPEXT is not a valid flag for xfs_trans_commit (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: don't ignore error code from xfs_bmbt_update (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Check the return value of xfs_trans_get_buf() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Check the return value of xfs_buf_get() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: improve ioend error handling (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: wait for I/O completion when writing out pages in xfs_setattr_size (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: reduce ioend latency (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: defer AIO/DIO completions (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: remove dead ENODEV handling in xfs_destroy_ioend (Dave Chinner) [807503] - [fs] xfs: Fix oops on IO error during xlog_recover_process_iunlinks() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix nfs export of 64-bit inodes numbers on 32-bit kernels (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix attr2 vs large data fork assert (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use doalloc flag in xfs_qm_dqattach_one() (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: Return -EIO when xfs_vn_getattr() failed (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: use a cursor for bulk AIL insertion (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: start periodic workers later (Dave Chinner) [859242] - [fs] xfs: fix possible overflow in xfs_ioc_trim() (Dave Chinner) [700324] - [fs] xfs: fix endian conversion issue in discard code (Dave Chinner) [700324] - [fs] xfs: do not discard alloc btree blocks (Dave Chinner) [700324] - [fs] xfs: add online discard support (Dave Chinner) [700324] - [fs] xfs: fix buffer flushing during unmount (Dave Chinner) [737529] - [fs] xfs: force buffer writeback before blocking on the ilock in inode reclaim (Dave Chinner) [737529] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_mark_inode_dirty during umount (Dave Chinner) [737529] - [fs] xfs: fix error handling for synchronous writes (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: log all dirty inodes in xfs_fs_sync_fs (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: log the inode in ->write_inode calls for kupdate (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] xfs: fix ->write_inode return values (Dave Chinner) [845233] - [fs] Documentation: Correct s_umount state for freeze_fs/unfreeze_fs (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] missed mnt_drop_write() in do_dentry_open() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext2: Implement freezing (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] btrfs: Convert to new freezing mechanism (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] fuse: Convert to new freezing mechanism (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext3: Enable the new freeze paths w/ the special KABI flag (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] gfs2: Convert to new freezing mechanism (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] xfs: Convert to new freezing code (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext4: Convert to new freezing mechanism (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext4: allow an active handle to be started when freezing (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext4: fix freeze deadlock under IO (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] ext4: don't return to userspace after freezing the fs with a mutex held (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Use old freeze mechanism when appropriate (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Protect write paths by sb_start_write - sb_end_write (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Skip atime update on frozen filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Add freezing handling to mnt_want_write() / mnt_drop_write() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Add old freeze paths back in; use if FS_HAS_NEW_FREEZE fs flag is not set (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Improve filesystem freezing handling (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Move grabbing s_umount to callers of grab_super() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] get rid of open-coded grab_super() in get_active_super() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] nfsd: Push mnt_want_write() outside of i_mutex (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] new helpers: fh_{want,drop}_write() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] nfsd: link returns nfserr_delay when breaking lease (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] nfsd: don't leak dentry count on mnt_want_write failure (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] btrfs: Push mnt_want_write() outside of i_mutex (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] fat: Push mnt_want_write() outside of i_mutex (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Push mnt_want_write() outside of i_mutex (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] mm: Continue to update file time in fault paths for OOT filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] mm: Make default vm_ops provide ->page_mkwrite handler (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] mm: Update file times from fault path only if .page_mkwrite is not set (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] sysfs: Push file_update_time() into bin_page_mkwrite() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] gfs2: Push file_update_time() into gfs2_page_mkwrite() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] Push file_update_time() into __block_page_mkwrite() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] fb_defio: Push file_update_time() into fb_deferred_io_mkwrite() (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] pipe: block pipe_write() on a frozen filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [768304] - [fs] namespace.c: avoid panic for NULL mnt_ns in do_add_mount() (Eric Sandeen) [732340] - [fs] ext4: always set then trimmed blocks count into len (Lukas Czerner) [858012] - [fs] ext4: fix trimmed block count accounting (Lukas Czerner) [858012] - [fs] ext4: fix start and len arguments handling in ext4_trim_fs() (Lukas Czerner) [858012] - [fs] xfs: fix race while discarding buffers (Carlos Maiolino) [829066] - [fs] gfs2: Write out dirty inode metadata in delayed deletes (Robert S Peterson) [748827]- [mm] vmscan: add in_reclaim_compaction (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: stop reclaim/compaction earlier due to insufficient progress if !__GFP_REPEAT (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [usb] ch9: define Set SEL and Set Isoch Delay macros (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] ch9: add function defines from ch9, USB 3.0 spec (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: fix compilation error for non-PCI based stacks (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: use ioremap_nocache in xhci-plat (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Fix Compliance Mode on SN65LVPE502CP Hardware (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Make handover code more robust (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Fix a logical vs bitwise AND bug (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Only switch the switchable ports (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Recognize USB 3.0 devices as superspeed at powerup (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Switch PPT ports to EHCI on shutdown (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Fix bug after deq ptr set to link TRB (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Add Etron XHCI_TRUST_TX_LENGTH quirk (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Increase reset timeout for Renesas 720201 host (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Add a sysfs file to show LTM capabilities (Don Zickus) [815470] - [usb] Enable Latency Tolerance Messaging (LTM) (Don Zickus) [815470] - [usb] xhci: Export Latency Tolerance Messaging capabilities (Don Zickus) [815470] - [usb] xhci: Fix hang on back-to-back Set TR Deq Ptr commands (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Add support for root hub port status CAS (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Increase the timeout for controller save/restore state operation (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Don't free endpoints in xhci_mem_cleanup() (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Fix invalid loop check in xhci_free_tt_info() (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: fix resource leak in xhci power loss path (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] enable USB2 LPM if port suspend fails (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Add new short TX quirk for Fresco Logic host (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: testing sizeof xhci_doorbell_array 2 time (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: print URB's expected length in decimal, not hex (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Add Lynx Point to list of Intel switchable hosts (Don Zickus) [817872] - [usb] xhci: Handle COMP_TX_ERR for isoc tds (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: keep track of ports being resumed and indicate in hub_status_data (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Correct the #define XHCI_LEGACY_DISABLE_SMI (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: use gfp flags from caller instead of GFP_ATOMIC (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: add XHCI_RESET_ON_RESUME quirk for VIA xhci host (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] fix bug of device descriptor got from superspeed device (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Fix register save/restore order (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Restore event ring dequeue pointer on resume (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Don't write zeroed pointers to xHC registers (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Warn when hosts don't halt (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: don't re-enable IE constantly (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: fix section mismatch in xhci-pci (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: correct to print the true HSEE of USBCMD (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Don't make USB_ARCH_HAS_{XHCI, OHCI, EHCI} depend on USB_SUPPORT (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: add platform driver support (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: update sg tablesize (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: check enqueue pointer advance into dequeue seg (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Allocate 2 segments for transfer ring (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: dynamic ring expansion (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: set cycle state when allocate rings (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: factor out segments allocation and free function (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: count free TRBs on transfer ring (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: store ring's last segment and segment numbers (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: store ring's type (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: use __ffs() instead of hardcoding shift (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: BESL calculation based on USB2.0 LPM errata (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Set wakeup bits for all children hubs (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Support device-initiated USB 3.0 resume (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Refactor hub remote wake handling (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Enable USB 3.0 hub remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Suspend functions before putting dev into U3 (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Enable remote wakeup for USB3 devices (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] xhci: Kick khubd when USB3 resume really completes (Don Zickus) [836217] - [usb] Adding #define in hub_configure() and hcd.c file (Don Zickus) [836217] - [fs] ext4: fix failure exits (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: Free resources in some error path in ext4_fill_super (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: fix missing iput of root inode for some mount error paths (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: avoid hangs in ext4_da_should_update_i_disksize() (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: display the correct mount option in /proc/mounts for [no]init_itable (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_end_io_dio() racing against fsync() (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: fix racy use-after-free in ext4_end_io_dio() (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [fs] ext4: initialization of ext4_li_mtx needs to be done earlier (Lukas Czerner) [859545] - [md] dm-raid: Fix possible kernel panic from bad index check (Jonathan E Brassow) [855448] - [md] raid10: Add plugging functions (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] dm-raid: Validate RAID10 replacement devices (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] dm-raid: Move some code to its own function (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid10: Adjust for no gendisk structure (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] dm-raid: Should select MD_RAID10 module (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] dm-raid: Support RAID10 (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid10: export md_raid10_congested (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid: Move macros (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid1: rename mirror_info struct (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid10: Rename mirror_info struct (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [md] raid10: Fix compiler warning (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [dm] dm-raid: Use md_error (Jonathan E Brassow) [854058] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: minor return fix for rdac (Rob Evers) [822984] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Consolidate rdac strings together (Rob Evers) [822984] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Add a new netapp vendor/product string (Rob Evers) [822984] - [firmware] netxen_nic: add firmware version 4.0.588 (Veaceslav Falico) [826664]- [fs] Check for immutable/append flag in fallocate path (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: remove restrictive checks for EOFBLOCKS_FL (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fix kernel BUG on large-scale rm -rf commands (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fix hole punch failure when depth is greater than 0 (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: hole-punch use truncate_pagecache_range (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [mm] add truncate_pagecache_range() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: correct ext4_punch_hole return codes (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: give more helpful error message in ext4_ext_rm_leaf() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: remove unused code from ext4_ext_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: rewrite punch hole to use ext4_ext_remove_space() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: correctly handle pages w/o buffers in ext4_discard_partial_buffers() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: remove messy logic from ext4_ext_rm_leaf (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: only call ext4_jbd2_file_inode when an inode has been extended (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fix 2nd xfstests 127 punch hole failure (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: teach ext4_ext_split to calculate extents efficiently (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: Fix flag testing in ext4_ext_insert_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: let ext4_discard_partial_buffers handle unaligned range correctly (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: return ENOMEM if find_or_create_pages fails (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: move vars to local scope in ext4_discard_partial_page_buffers_no_lock() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fix xfstests 75, 112, 127 punch hole failure (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: Add new ext4_discard_partial_page_buffers routines (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add action of moving index in ext4_ext_rm_idx for Punch Hole (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: punch hole optimizations: skip un-needed extent lookup (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: enable "punch hole" functionality (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add "punch hole" flag to ext4_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: punch out extents (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add new function ext4_block_zero_page_range() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add flag to ext4_has_free_blocks (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fix endianness breakage in ext4_split_extent_at() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add ext4_split_extent_at() and ext4_split_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: add a function merging extents right and left (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: rename {ext, idx}_pblock and inline small extent functions (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: Add flags and structure used in ext4_ext_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [mm] fix possible cause of a page_mapped BUG (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] make the feature checks in ->fallocate future proof (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] btrfs: fail if we try to use hole punch (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] gfs2: fail if we try to use hole punch (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] ext4: fail if we try to use hole punch (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] xfs: handle hole punching via fallocate properly (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] add hole punching to fallocate (Lukas Czerner) [739101] - [fs] nfs: prevent race that allowed use of freed layout in _pnfs_return_layout (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: need to put_layout_hdr on _pnfs_return_layout error path (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: fix several problems with _pnfs_return_layout (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: fix pnfs regression with directio writes (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: fix pnfs regression with directio reads (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Create an write_pageio_init() function (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Create an read_pageio_init() function (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Fix list manipulation snafus in fs/nfs/direct.c (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Initialise commit_info.rpc_out when !defined(CONFIG_nfs_V4) (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Fix a refcounting issue in O_DIRECT (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: fix directio refcount bug on commit (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Fix a commit bug (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Fix a bad reference count issue in the pnfs commit code (Steve Dickson) [858361] - [fs] nfs: Clean up - Simplify reference counting in fs/nfs/direct.c (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Clean up - Rename nfs_unlock_request and nfs_unlock_request_dont_release (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Clean up - simplify nfs_lock_request() (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: nfs_set_page_writeback no longer needs to reference the page (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Prevent a deadlock in the new writeback code (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Fix sparse warnings (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: COMMIT does not need post-op attributes (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Dont request cache consistency attributes on some writes (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Simplify the nfs_read_completion functions (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs read and write error paths (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Read cleanups (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Use kmem_cache_zalloc() in nfs_direct_req_alloc (Steve Dickson) [858357] - [fs] nfs: Fix O_DIRECT compile warnings (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Simplify O_DIRECT page referencing (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: O_DIRECT pgio_completion_ops error_cleanup must unlock the request (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we break out of read/write_schedule_segment on error (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Define dummy nfs_init_cinfo() and nfs_init_cinfo_from_inode() (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Define nfs_direct_write_schedule_work() when v3 and v4 are disabled (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: pnfs_pageio_init_read() and init_write() need an extra argument (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Fix a use-before-initialised warning in fs/nfs/write.c and fs/nfs/pnfs.c (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: Prevent garbage cinfo->ds from leaking out (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: rewrite directio write to use async coalesce code (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: avoid some stat gathering for direct io (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: add dreq to nfs_commit_info (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: create nfs_commit_completion_ops (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: create struct nfs_commit_info (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: create nfs_generic_commit_list (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] nfs: rewrite directio read to use async coalesce code (Steve Dickson) [857110] - [fs] ext3: Replace lock/unlock_super() with an explicit lock for resizing (Eric Sandeen) [804988] - [fs] cifs: Initialise mid_q_entry before putting it on the pending queue (Sachin Prabhu) [832209] - [fs] ext4: correct comments for ext4_free_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [847981] - [fs] ext4: fix i_blocks/quota accounting when extent insertion fails (Lukas Czerner) [847981] - [fs] ext4: Add flags to the ext4_free_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [847981] - [fs] ext4: fold ext4_free_blocks() and ext4_mb_free_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [847981]- [alsa] oxygen: remove no_period_wakeup handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] firewire-speakers, oxygen, ua101: allow > 10 s periods (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: Xonar DS: fix polarity of front output (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add Xonar DGX support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen, virtuoso: fix exchanged L/R volumes of aux and CD inputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add S/PDIF input support for all Xonars (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG: fix CS4245 register writes (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix Xonar DG input (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] include delay.h for msleep in Xonar DG support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Essence ST(X) S/PDIF input (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix silent analog output on Xonar Essence ST Deluxe (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix output routing on Xonar DG (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] Xonar, CS43xx: Don't overrun static array (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add S/PDIF source selection for Claro cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix CD/MIDI for X-Meridian (2G) (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add some card names (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: do not show chip revision in card longname (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: X-Meridian: add S/PDIF source selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add digital input validity check switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] core, oxygen, virtuoso: add an enum control info helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add Xonar HDAV1.3 Slim support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add Xonar DG support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add X-Meridian 2G support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add more PCI IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: reduce MCLK in double rate modes (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: simplify model-specific MCLK handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: use headphone gain setting only on front DAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: handle DAC oversampling automatically (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: use lower master clock with H6 daughterboard (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: configure correct master clock frequency on the CS2000 (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: remove non-working controls on Essence ST Deluxe (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: change PCM1796 format to I2S (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: wait for PCM1796 clock to become stable (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: do not use fast I2C speed (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix SPI clocks slower than 6.25 MHz (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: remove oxygen_model::private_data field (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: allow different number of PCM and mixer channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: update hardware comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: show correct package ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: allow to dump codec registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: Xonar DS: add stereo upmixing to center/LFE channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: automatically handle Xonar DS headphone routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add Xonar DS headphone jack detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Xonar DS input switches (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix WM8766 register writes with MSB (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix setting of Xonar DS line-in/mic-in controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: change || to && (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix front panel routing for D1/DX/ST(X) (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add HDMI enable switch for HDAV1.3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: initialize unknown GPIO bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add HiFier Serenade support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: reorganize PCI IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add Kuroutoshikou CMI8787-HG2PCI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: support for period wakeup disabling (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: merge HiFier driver into snd-oxygen (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: Add a SSID for CMI8787-HG2PCI (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add PEX8111 initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: rewrite PCIe bridge initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix for PI7C9X110 compatibility (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: do not try to restore nonexistent EEPROM (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: reduce minimum period count (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix input monitor dB scale (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix chip ID register symbols (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Xonar STX anti-pop delay (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add HDAV1.3 Slim PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: handle CD input configuration with a flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Xonar DS chip name (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix analog capture on Claro halo cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: work around missing reset in the Xonar DS Windows driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Xonar D1/DX front panel microphone (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add Xonar DS support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add high-pass filter control (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add digital filter control (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add PCM1796 oversampling control (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: allow custom MCLK rates (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: add headphone impedance control (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: cache codec registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: fix Xonar Essence ST support (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: fix input monitor control names (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: more hardware documentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: add stereo upmixing to center/LFE channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] oxygen: better defaults for upmixing control (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [alsa] virtuoso: split virtuoso.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [816880] - [mm] migrate: fix kABI issues (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: Restart compaction from near where it left off (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: Cache if a pageblock was scanned and no pages were isolated (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: Abort compaction loop if lock is contended or run too long (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: Abort async compaction if locks are contended or taking too long (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: consider swap space when deciding whether to continue reclaim (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: when reclaiming for compaction, ensure there are sufficient free pages available (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: introduce sync-light migration for use by compaction (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] page_alloc: do not call direct reclaim for THP allocations while compaction is deferred (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: allow compaction to isolate dirty pages (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] migration: clean up unmap_and_move() (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: make isolate_lru_page() filter-aware again (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: make isolate_lru_page() filter-aware (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: change isolate mode from #define to bitwise type (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: determine if dirty pages can be migrated without blocking within ->migratepage (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: do not OOM if aborting reclaim to start compaction (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: abort reclaim/compaction if compaction can proceed (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: limit direct reclaim for higher order allocations (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: check if we isolated a compound page during lumpy scan (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] compaction: use synchronous compaction for /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] vmscan: reclaim order-0 and use compaction instead of lumpy reclaim (Rik van Riel) [713546 783248] - [mm] shmem: fix up rhel-6.4 kABI issues (Rafael Aquini) [857000] - [mm] shmem: remove shmem_readpage() (Rafael Aquini) [857000] - [mm] shmem: refine shmem_file_splice_read() (Rafael Aquini) [857000] - [mm] shmem: clone shmem_file_splice_read() (Rafael Aquini) [857000] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Fix kdump issue in hpwdt (Don Zickus) [828941] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Unregister NMI events on exit (Don Zickus) [818372] - [x86] nmi: Add new NMI queues to deal with IO_CHK and SERR (Don Zickus) [818372] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Only BYTE reads/writes to WD Timer port 0x72 (Don Zickus) [818372] - [net] ipvs: IPv6 MTU checking cleanup and bugfix (Jesper Brouer) [854066] - [net] ipvs: allow transmit of GRO aggregated skbs (Jesper Brouer) [854066] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: propagate page->pfmemalloc from skb_alloc_page to skb (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix namespace issue with ixgbe_write_eitr (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add lock around mailbox ops to prevent simultaneous access (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix multiple issues in ixgbevf_get/set_ringparam (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Consolidate Tx context descriptor creation code (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add support for PCI error handling (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add netdev to ring structure (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Do not rewind the Rx ring before bumping tail (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update descriptor macros to accept pointers and drop _ADV suffix (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use igb style interrupt masks instead of ixgbe style (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Move Tx clean-up into NAPI context (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update q_vector to contain ring pointers instead of bitmaps (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix panic when loading driver (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Cleanup accounting for space needed at start of xmit_frame (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Drop use of eitr_low and eitr_high for hard coded values (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Drop netdev_registered value since that is already stored in netdev (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Drop all dead or unnecessary code (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix nearly-kernel-doc comments for various functions (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update version string (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Make sure jumbo frames are set correctly after PF reset (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add support to recognize 100mb link speed (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make wired ethernet driver message level consistent (rev2) (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: print MAC via printk format specifier (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: rename dev_hw_addr_random and remove redundant second (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove unnecessary k.alloc/v.alloc OOM messages (Andy Gospodarek) [819105] - [kernel] perf: Change and simplify ctx::is_active semantics (Jiri Olsa) [853215] - [kernel] ntp: Fix STA_INS/DEL clearing bug (Prarit Bhargava) [862271] - [acpi] Add acpi_ns_remove_null_elements() to prevent null dereference on package elements (Lenny Szubowicz) [835744] - [usb] core: Fix device removal race condition (James Paradis) [849188] - [fs] sysfs: fix corruption in rb-tree caused by name change (John Green) [839984] - [mm] x86_32: fix SHLIB_BASE address typo (Aristeu S. Rozanski F) [804956] {CVE-2012-1568} - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove false warning regarding interrupt number (Michal Schmidt) [860007]- [net] vlan: Match underlying dev carrier on vlan add (Amerigo Wang) [845172] - [net] link_watch: allow vlans to get carrier changes faster (Amerigo Wang) [845172] - [net] allow netif_carrier to be called safely from IRQ (Amerigo Wang) [845172] - [net] netdevice: provide common routine for macvlan and vlan operstate management (Amerigo Wang) [845172] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix incorrect memset in bnx2fc_parse_fcp_rsp (Tomas Henzl) [860174] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove potential NULL dereference (Tomas Henzl) [860174] - [scsi] isci: Allow SSP tasks into the task management path (David Milburn) [860241] - [netdrv] igb: Change how we check for pre-existing and assigned VFs (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Supported and Advertised Pause Frame (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: reduce Rx header size (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Add loopback test support for i210 (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: implement 580 MDI setting support (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Fix register defines for all non-82575 hardware (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: fix panic while dumping packets on Tx hang with IOMMU (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: add delay to allow igb loopback test to succeed on 8086:10c9 (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: don't break user visible strings over multiple lines in igb_ethtool.c (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: correct hardware type (i210/i211) check in igb_loopback_test() (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for failure to init on some 82576 devices (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: reset PHY in the link_up process to recover PHY setting after power down (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Use eth_random_addr (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comments for various functions (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Version bump (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Update firmware info output (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Streamline RSS queue and queue pairing assignment logic (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: A fix to VF TX rate limit (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Fix incorrect RAR address entries for i210/i211 device (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Disable the BMC-to-OS Watchdog Enable bit for DMAC (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Add Support for new i210/i211 devices (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Add function and pointers for 82580 low power state settings (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: fix rtnl race in PM resume path (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Use netif_set_real_num_{rx,tx}_queues() (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: output register's information related to RX/TX queue (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Force flow control off during reset when forcing speed (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Update version to 3.4.7 (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] intel: make wired ethernet driver message level consistent (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: fix warning about unused function (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: fix vf lookup (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: Update Copyright on all Intel copyrighted files (Stefan Assmann) [819102] - [netdrv] igb: make local functions static (Stefan Assmann) [819102]- [netdrv] e1000e: use correct type for read of 32-bit register (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new configuration options (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add skb frag size accessors (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix VLAN stripping and filtering problems (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix nearly-kernel-doc comments for ptp functions (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix PHC loophole allowing misconfiguration of increment register (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check PTP Rx timestamps via BPF filter (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: PTP Fix hwtstamp mode settings (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ptp code cleanup (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: support software timestamping (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for get_ts_info (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable timesync clock-out feature for PPS support on X540 (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Hardware Timestamping + PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add missing braces (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix panic while dumping packets on Tx hang with IOMMU (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use 1TC DCB instead of disabling DCB for MSI and legacy interrupts (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for new 82599 device (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove extra unused queues in DCB + FCoE case (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix RAR entry counting for generic and fdb_add() (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use num_tcs.pg_tcs as upper limit for TC when checking based on UP (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reduce Rx header size to what is actually used (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix handling of FDIR_HASH flag (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix build with PCI_IOV enabled. (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Change how we check for pre-existing and assigned VFs (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop probe_vf and merge functionality into ixgbe_enable_sriov (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable FCoE FSO and CRC offloads based on CAPABLE instead of ENABLED flag (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Only enable anti-spoof on VF pools (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correctly set SAN MAC RAR pool to default pool of PF (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make FCoE allocation and configuration closer to how rings work (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Merge all FCoE percpu values into a single structure (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup configuration of FCoE registers (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop references to deprecated pci_ DMA api and instead use dma_ API (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix memory leak when SR-IOV VFs are direct assigned (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use VMDq offset to indicate the default pool (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup holes in flags after removing several of them (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Retire RSS enabled and capable flags (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for SR-IOV w/ DCB or RSS (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update configure virtualization to allow for multiple PF pools (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup logic for MRQC and MTQC configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update the logic for ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb and DCB RSS configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Move configuration of set_real_num_rx/tx_queues into open (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Handle failures in the ixgbe_setup_rx/tx_resources calls (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Ping the VFs on link status change to trigger link change (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Merge FCoE set_num and cache_ring calls into RSS/DCB config (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add function for obtaining FCoE TC based on FCoE user priority (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Populate the prio_tc_map in ixgbe_setup_tc (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup unpacking code for DCB (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Simplify logic for getting traffic class from user priority (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Merge RSS and flow director ring register caching and configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean up a useless switch statement and dead code in configure_srrctl (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add feature offset value to ring features (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add upper limit to ring features (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: count q_vectors instead of MSI-X vectors (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix nearly-kernel-doc comments for various functions (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB and SR-IOV can not co-exist and will cause hangs (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not pad FCoE frames as this can cause issues with FCoE DDP (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: simplify padding and length checks (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix memory leak in ixgbe when receiving traffic on DDP enabled rings (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean up ixgbe_get_settings ethtool function (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for 1G SX modules (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not compile ixgbe_sysfs.c when CONFIG_IXGBE_HWMON is not set (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: align flow control DV macros with datasheet (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: IXGBE_RXD_STAT_VP set even with Rx stripping enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix_features rxvlan is independent of DCB and needs to be set (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update version number (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup the hwmon function calls (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: correct disable_rx_buff timeout (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix bogus error message (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set Drop_EN bit when multiple Rx queues are present w/o flow control (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean up priority based flow control (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Exit on error case in VF message processing (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: dcb: IEEE PFC stats and reset logic incorrect (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update link flow control to correctly handle multiple packet buffer DCB (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reorder link flow control functions in ixgbe_common.c (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use __free_pages instead of put_page to release pages (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make ixgbe_fc_autoneg return void and always set current_mode (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reorder the ring to q_vector mapping to improve performance (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Track instances of buffer available but no DMA resources present (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race condition with shutdown (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix use after free on module remove (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reset max_vfs to zero when user request is out of range (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Deny MACVLAN requests from VFs with admin set MAC (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add hwmon interface to export thermal data (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support functions to access thermal data (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix calling skb_put on nonlinear skb assertion bug (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix a memory leak in IEEE DCB (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check for WoL support in single function (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Identify FCoE rings earlier to resolve memory corruption w/ FCoE (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add missing rtnl_lock in PM resume path (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: UTA table incorrectly programmed (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: allow RAR table to be updated in promisc mode (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add I2C clock stretching (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix WoL issue with fiber (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: consolidate reporting of MSIX vectors into a single function (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update version number (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix typo in enumeration name (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: make wired ethernet driver message level consistent (rev2) (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix issues with SR-IOV loopback when flow control is disabled (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix namespace issues when FCoE/DCB is not enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: FCoE: Add support for ndo_get_fcoe_hbainfo() call (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for enabling UDP RSS via the ethtool rx-flow-hash command (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Whitespace cleanups (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Two minor fixes for RSS and FDIR set queues functions (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: drop err_eeprom tag which is at same location as err_sw_init (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Move poll routine in order to improve readability (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup logic for the service timer and VF hang detection (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update layout of ixgbe_ring structure to improve cache performance (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Store Tx flags and protocol information to tx_buffer sooner (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: always write DMA for single_mapped value with skb (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Write gso_segs and bytcount to the ring sooner (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Place skb on first buffer_info structure to avoid using stack space (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use packets to track Tx completions instead of a seperate value (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Modify setup of descriptor flags to avoid conditional jumps (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make certain that all frames fit minimum size requirements (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup logic in ixgbe_change_mtu (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Replace standard receive path with a page based receive (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: dcb: use DCB config values for FCoE traffic class on open (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix race condition where RX buffer could become corrupted. (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use typed min/max functions where possible (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix obvious return value bug. (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Replace eitr_low and eitr_high with static values in ixgbe_update_itr (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not disable read relaxed ordering when DCA is enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Simplify logic for ethtool loopback frame creation and testing (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add iterator for cycling through rings on a q_vector (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allocate rings as part of the q_vector (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop unnecessary napi_schedule_prep and spare blank line from ixgbe_intr (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Default to queue pairs when number of queues is less than CPUs (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Address issues with Tx WHTRESH value not being set correctly (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reorder adapter contents for better cache utilization (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do no clear Tx status bits since eop_desc provides enough info (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove tie between NAPI work limits and interrupt moderation (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: dcb: check setup_tc return codes (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix comments that are out of date or formatted incorrectly (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix spelling errors (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Minor formatting and comment corrections for ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove boolean comparisons to true/false (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Combine post-DMA processing of sk_buff fields into single function (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop the _ADV of descriptor macros since all ixgbe descriptors are ADV (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add function for testing status bits in Rx descriptor (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Let the Rx buffer allocation clear status bits instead of cleanup (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Address fact that RSC was not setting GSO size for incoming frames (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Minor refactor of RSC (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ethtool: stats user buffer overrun (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix stats handling (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to ndo_fix_features (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update ethtool_rxnfc::rule_cnt on return from ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for displaying ntuple filters via the nfc interface (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ring assignment issues for SR-IOV and drop cases (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for nfc addition and removal of filters (Andy Gospodarek) [819101] - [net] ethtool: Add a common function for drivers with transmit time stamping (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [net] ethtool: Introduce a method for getting time stamping capabilities (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Add a method for obtaining the device index (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] Added a brand new class driver for ptp clocks (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [pps] unify timestamp gathering (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [ptp] added a BPF to help drivers detect PTP packets (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [net] skbuff: add driver hook for tx time stamping (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [net] add net_tstamp.h to headers_install (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-clock: Replace mutex with reader/writer semaphore (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-clock: Introduce dynamic clocks (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Cleanup namespace (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Add support for fd based clocks (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [x86] Add clock_adjtime (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Introduce a syscall for clock tuning (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] time: Splitout compat timex accessors (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] ntp: Add ADJ_SETOFFSET mode bit (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Update comment (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Make posix-cpu-timers functions static (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Remove CLOCK_DISPATCH leftovers (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert timer_delete() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert timer_gettime() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert timer_settime() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert timer_create() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Remove useless res field from k_clock (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert clock_getres() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Make clock_getres and clock_get mandatory (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert clock_gettime() to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert clock_settime to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-cpu-timers: Remove the stub nanosleep functions (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Cleanup restart_block usage (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert clock_nanosleep_restart to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Convert clock_nanosleep to clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Introduce clockid_to_kclock() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Introduce clock_posix_cpu (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Cleanup struct initializers (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Define nanosleep not supported error separate (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Move copy_to_user(created_timer_id) down in timer_create() (Jiri Benc) [829785] - [kernel] posix-timers: Fix error path in timer_create (Jiri Benc) [829785]- [netdrv] be2net: fix vfs enumeration (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [netdrv] be2net: Regression bug wherein VFs creation broken for multiple cards (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [pci] intel-iommu: use physfn to search drhd for VF (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [netdrv] be2net: do not use SCRATCHPAD register (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [netdrv] be2net: fix max VFs reported by HW (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid disabling sriov while VFs are assigned (Ivan Vecera) [819782] - [netdrv] be2net: add skb frag size accessors (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: use PCIe AER capability (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: modify log msg for lack of privilege error (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fixup malloc/free of adapter->pmac_id (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix FW default for VF tx-rate (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: create RSS rings even in multi-channel configs (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Add a missing CR in the end of message (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to parse RSS hash from Receive completions correctly. (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Missing byteswap in be_get_fw_log_level causes oops on PowerPC (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Ignore physical link async event for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix VF driver load for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: dont pull too much data in skb linear part (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Add description about various RSS hash types (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Enable RSS UDP hashing for Lancer and Skyhawk (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix port name in message during driver load (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix cleanup path when EQ creation fails (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Activate new FW after FW download for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix initialization sequence for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix die temperature stat for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix error while toggling autoneg of pause parameters (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix Endian (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: set maximal number of default RSS queues (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to trim skb for padded vlan packets to workaround an ASIC Bug (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Explicitly clear the reserved field in the Tx Descriptor (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Increase statistics structure size for skyhawk. (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Modify error message to incorporate subsystem (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix a race in be_xmit() (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix driver load for VFs for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unnecessary usage of unlikely() (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix reporting number of actual rx queues (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: do not modify PCI MaxReadReq size (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup be_vid_config() (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: don't call vid_config() when there's no vlan config (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Add functionality to support RoCE driver (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Add function to issue mailbox cmd on MQ (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to allow get/set of debug levels in the firmware. (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to apply duplex value as unknown when link is down. (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to not set link speed for disabled functions of a UMC card (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: update the driver version (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix speed displayed by ethtool on certain SKUs (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix FW download for BE (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix Lancer statistics (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix ethtool self test for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix VLAN/multicast packet reception (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix ethtool get settings (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix number of vlan slots in flex mode (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: enable WOL by default if h/w supports it (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove unused OFFSET_IN_PAGE() macro (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: reset queue address after freeing (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: fix tx completion cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: event queue re-design (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [netdrv] be2net: allocate more headroom in incoming skbs (Ivan Vecera) [827593] - [tools] perf: Add missing files to build the python binding (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Remove brace expansion from clean target (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm top: Limit guest kernel info message to once (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Introduce intlist (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Change strlist to use the new rblist (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Introducing rblist (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm: Use strtol for walking guestmount directory (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/tool: Save cmdline from user in file header vs what is passed to record (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/top: Error handling for counter creation should parallel perf-record (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/session: Remove no longer used synthesize_sample method (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Adopt parse_sample method from perf_event (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__parse_sample (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/session: Use perf_evlist__id_hdr_size more extensively (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/session: Use perf_evlist__sample_id_all more extensively (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/session: Use perf_evlist__sample_type more extensively (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Precalculate the sample size (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/target: Fix check on buffer size (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix array sizes for binary types arrays (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/test: Fix parse events automated tests (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/annotate: Prevent overflow in size calculation (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Fix build error with bison 2.6 (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: use XSI-complaint version of strerror_r() instead of GNU-specific (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Make the breakpoint events sample period default to 1 (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/test: Add dso data caching tests (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add dso data caching (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add interface to read DSO image data (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Factor DSO symtab types to generic binary types (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/hists: Print newline between hists callchains (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Fix trace events storms due to weight demux (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/hists: Return correct number of characters printed in callchain (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Dump exclude_{guest, host}, precise_ip header info too (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm: Limit repetitive guestmount message to once per directory (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix bug resolving guest kernel syms (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm: Guest userspace samples should not be lumped with host uspace (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/kvm: Set name for VM process in guest machine (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add machine id to modules debug message (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Split event symbols arrays to hw and sw parts (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Split out PE_VALUE_SYM parsing token to SW and HW tokens (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Add empty rule for new line in event syntax parsing (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/test: Use ARRAY_SIZE in parse events tests (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Adding round_up/round_down macros (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add '.note' check into search for NOTE section (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Fix generation of pmu list (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Handle hw breakpoints event names in perf_evsel__name() (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Fix hw breakpoint's type modifier parsing (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Trivial build fix (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/report: Delay sample_type checks in pipe mode (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/bench: Documentation update (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/symbols: Follow .gnu_debuglink section to find separate symbols (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Stop using a global trace events description list (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/test: Fix parse events test to follow proper raw event name (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Fix a build failure on cross compilation (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/annotate: Check null of sym pointer before using it (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Make some methods private (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Remove unused evsel parameter from machine__resolve_callchain (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Reconstruct raw event with modifiers from perf_event_attr (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Remove __event_name (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Don't access evsel->name directly (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/script: Replace __event_name uses with perf_evsel__name (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Move all users of event_name to perf_evsel__name (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Handle all event types in perf_evsel__name (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Reconstruct sw event with modifiers from perf_event_attr (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Reconstruct hw cache event with modifiers from perf_event_attr (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/evsel: Carve out event modifier formatting (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/hists: Implement printing snapshots to files (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/lib: Introduce rtrim (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Use struct perf_error_ops (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Add GTK info_bar widget to browser window (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Add GTK statusbar widget to browser window (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Introduce struct perf_gtk_context (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf/ui: Introduce struct perf_error_ops (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Add sort by src line/number (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Add automated test for pure terms parsing (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [tools] perf: Add PMU event alias support (Jiri Olsa) [860404] - [kernel] irq: export irq_modify_status symbol (Stanislaw Gruszka) [862025] - [hid] hidraw: fix window in hidraw_release (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] hidraw: protect hidraw_disconnect() better (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] hidraw: remove excessive _EMERG messages from hidraw (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] hidraw: fix hidraw_disconnect() (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] fix a NULL pointer dereference in hidraw_write (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] fix a NULL pointer dereference in hidraw_ioctl (Don Zickus) [839973] - [hid] remove BKL from hidraw (Don Zickus) [839973] - [x86] bordenville: enable gpio, watchdog and mfd hardware (Neil Horman) [817979]- [alsa] hda: make sure alc268 does not OOPS on codec parse (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix ugly debug prints with CONFIG_SND_VERBOSE_PRINTK=y (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: remove *_quirks.c (obsolete) (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: avoid non-standard "Docking" name in mixers (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: limit internal mic boost for Asus X202E (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add another pci id for Haswell board (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add mic-mute LED control for HP laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Yet another position_fix quirk for ASUS machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Allow to pass position_fix=0 explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix disordered enum definitions in patch_cirrus.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add support for MacBook Pro 10,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Replace with the generic fixup codes in patch_cirrus.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Check bit mask for codec SSID in snd_hda_pick_fixup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/intel: add position_fix quirk for Asus K53E (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix Oops at codec reset/reconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove ignore_misc_bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Move non-PCM check to per_pin in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: fix control names for multiple speaker out on IDT/STAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing Master volume for STAC9200/925x (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Setup channel mapping for non_pcm audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Enable HBR feature on Intel chips (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix channel_allocation array wrong order (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add missing function declaration (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Avoid unnecessary parameter read for EPSS (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Implement snd_hda_power_sync() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Don't trust codec EPSS bit for IDT 92HD83xx & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Make clear built-in driver optimization (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Call snd_hda_jack_report_sync() generically in hda_codec.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Do not set GPIOs for speakers on IDT if there are no speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add missing ifdef CONFIG_SND_HDA_POWER_SAVE to tracepoints (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Check the power state when power_save option is changed (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add tracepoints at snd_hda_power_up/down entrances. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add 3stack-automute model to AD1882 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: show ICT/KAE control bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix forgotten ifdef CONFIG_SND_HDA_PATCH_LOADER (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Deferred probing with request_firmware_nowait() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Load firmware in hda_intel.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix leftover codec->power_transition (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: don't create dysfunctional mixer controls for ca0132 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Don't send invalid volume knob command on IDT 92hd75bxx (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix 'Beep Playback Switch' with no underlying mute switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: fix Copyright debug message (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: bug fix on checking the supported power states of a codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix panned "Beep Playback Switch" (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/intel: Add Device IDs for Intel Lynx Point-LP PCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix pop noise in headphones on S3 for Asus X55A, X55V (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add missing SPDIF I/O setup for CA0132 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Use the standard PCM ops for CA0132 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix superfluous "-in" suffix from CA0132 capture items (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add codec->pcm_format_first flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix double quirk for Quanta FL1 / Lenovo Ideapad (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: remove redundant auto quirks for conexant 506x (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: remove quirk for Dell Vostro 1015 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add dock support for Thinkpad X230 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix regression of HDMI codec probing (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add dock support for Thinkpad T430s (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Support dock on Lenovo Thinkpad T530 with ALC269VC (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix mute-LED GPIO initialization for IDT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix polarity of mute LED on HP Mini 210 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Workaround for silent output on VAIO Z with ALC889 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix WARNING from HDMI/DP parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Detach from converter at closing in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix mute-LED GPIO setup for HP Mini 210 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid D3 of headphone DAC on VT202x codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add dock support for Thinkpad X230 Tablet (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Turn on PIN_OUT from hdmi playback prepare. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add support for Realtek ALC282 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix index number conflicts of phantom jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add new GPU codec ID to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix driver type of Haswell controller to AZX_DRIVER_SCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add Haswell HDMI codec id (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add DeviceID for Haswell HDA (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Always call standard unsolicited event for Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Avoid possible race of beep on/off (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Move beep helper functions to hda_beep.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: give 3-pin jack the name "Headphone Mic Jack" (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Support single 3-pin jack without VREF on the actual pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix no sound from ALC662 after Windows reboot (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix power-map regression for HP dv6 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Initialize caches at codec reconfiguration (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix memory leaks at module unload (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix memory leaks in Realtek & Conexant codec parsers (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add Realtek ALC280 codec support (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove suprefluous EAPD init verbs for ALC660vd (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add inv-dmic model to possible Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add inverted mic quirks for Asus U41SV, Acer 1810TZ and AOD260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add the inverted digital mic workaround to Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Don't power up when not powered down. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add inverted internal mic quirk for Lenovo S205 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix ALC272X codec detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Correct info print in HDMI non-intrinsic unsol event (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Don't rely on event tag for simple_hdmi (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove loop from simple_hdmi*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Move one-time init codes from generic_hdmi_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add missing snd_hda_jack_detect_enable() for simple_hdmi*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix the pin nid assignment in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Enable unsol event for ATI and Nvidia HDMI codecs too (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove invalid init verbs for Nvidia 2ch codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Use common codes for ATI, Nvidia and VIA simple codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Merge ATI/VIA HDMI simple init functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add the support for VIA HDMI pin detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/intel: activate COMBO mode for Intel client chipsets (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Create phantom jacks for fixed inputs and outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add support for HD-Audio CODECes of VIA HDMI GFX Cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add support for HD-Audio of VIA HDMI GFX Cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: power setting error check (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: check proper return value (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: reduce msleep time if EPSS power states supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: check supported power states (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Show D3cold state in proc files (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add power states information in proc (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Handle open while transitioning to D3. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Don't forget to call init verbs added by fixup list (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Pin fixup for Zotac Z68 motherboard (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix detection of Creative SoundCore3D controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: HDMI Audio init all connectors when VGA-switcheroo is off (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix uninitialized HDMI controllers with VGA-switcheroo (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add new codec support for ALC269VD (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix unused variable compile warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible races of accesses to connection list array (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: unlock on error in azx_interrupt() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/idt: Cache the power-map bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/idt: Clean up power-map check code (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Evaluate gpio_led hints at the right moment (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/idt: Fix power-map for speaker-pins with some HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Support VGA-switcheroo (disabled for RHEL6) (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add a hook capability to vmaster controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Export snd_hda_lock_devices() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Check the dead HDMI audio controller by vga-switcheroo (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Disable FLOAT format support (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Correct vendor IDs for new codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix concurrent hash accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Protect SPDIF-related stuff via spdif_mutex (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add Conexant CX20751/2/3/4 codec support (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add the support for Creative SoundCore3D (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: More robustify the power-up/down sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove pre_resume and post_suspend ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Lessen CPU usage when waiting for chip to respond (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Move BIOS pin-parser code to hda_auto_parser.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Move up the fixup helper functions to the library module (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Protect the power-saving count with spinlock (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Clear the power-saving states properly at reset (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Always resume the codec immediately (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible access to uninitialized work struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Call a common helper for alc_spec initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Revert "ALSA: hda - Set codec to D3 forcibly even if not used" (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Call alc_auto_parse_customize_define() always after fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add missing CD-input pin for MSI-7350 mobo (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add a fixup for Acer Aspire 5739G (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix oops caused by recent commit "Fix internal mic for Lenovo Ideapad U300s" (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix internal mic for Lenovo Ideapad U300s (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Skip pin capability sanity check for bogus values (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_get_default_vref() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Introduce snd_hda_set_pin_ctl*() helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Set up the missing docking-station pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add external mic quirk for Asus Zenbook UX31E (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Don't set HP pin-control bit unconditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Fix inverted mute LED (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix regression on Quanta/Gericom KN1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix mem leak (and rid us of trailing whitespace). (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add quirk for Mac Pro 5,1 machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add a fixup entry for Acer Aspire 8940G (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix GPIO1 setup for Acer Aspire 4930 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add a few ALC882 model strings back (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: hide HDMI/ELD printks unless snd.debug=2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: clean up CX20549 test mixer setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: CX20549 doesn't need pin_amp_workaround. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Remove CD control from model=benq for CX20549 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: fix record volume controls of CX20459 ("Venice") (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Rename capture sources of CX20549 to match common conventions (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix proc output for ADC amp values of CX20549 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix ADC assignment with a shared HP/Mic pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix build with CONFIG_PM=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix build of patch_sigmatel.c without CONFIG_SND_HDA_POWER_SAVE (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: fix printing of high HDMI sample rates (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add expose_enum_ctl flag to snd_hda_add_vmaster_hook() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add "Mute-LED Mode" enum control (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add EAPD control to Conexnat auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Rewrite the mute-LED control with vmaster hook for ALC269 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Rewrite the mute-LED hook with vmaster hook in patch_sigmatel.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Return the created kcontrol in __snd_hda_add_vmaster() (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Typos: change aditional to additional. (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Reuse init_hook for ALC269VB coef setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent speaker output on Acer Aspire 6935 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Initialize vmaster slave volumes (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Set codec to D3 forcibly even if not used (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add Gigabyte GA-MA790X to the beep whitelist (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: fix broken automute/autoswitch for Realtek (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Clear unsol events on unused pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Enable docking-station SPDIF for Thinkpad (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add position_fix=4 (COMBO) option (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix audio playback support on HP Zephyr system (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add id for Atom Cedar Trail HDMI codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/via: Add a few sanity checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/via: Don't create duplicated boost controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Small code cleanups (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix the wrong offset for two-speaker systems (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix the possible conflicts of Bass Speaker name (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Create individual mute switches for shared DAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix possible Oops with NULL input_mux (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Parse aa-loopback items dynamically (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove the last static quirks for ALC882 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add model=fixup not to apply fix-ups (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop all ALC880 static quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop model=asus* from ALC880 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=asus-w1v with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=z71v with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=uniwill-dig with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=uniwill with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=uniwill-p53 with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=F1734 with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=futjisu with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Apply probe-fixup really after probing (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Replace ALC880 model=tcl with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop ALC880 model=clevo (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Refactor the DAC filler function (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=w810 with auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Rewrite ALC880 model=lg with the auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Adjust badness calculation for multi-ios (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Show multi-io pins in debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Try harder to fit the single-connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Finer tuning of auto-parser with badness evaluation (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Improve the signel-connection check (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Disable static fixups for ASUS with ALC269 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove leftover static quirks for ALC260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop model=fujitsu from ALC260 static quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Drop model=favorit100 for ALC260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add the support for HP Presario B1900 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Replace ALC260 model=replacer with the auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Replace ALC260 model=acer with the auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add the fixup codes for ALC260 model=will (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add another jack-detection suppression for ASUS ALC892 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Suppress auto-mute feature on some machines with ALC861 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Add codec->no_jack_detect flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Make is_jack_detectable() as non-inlined (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Apply the coef-setup only to ALC269VB (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add quirk to detect CD input on Gigabyte EP45-DS3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Kill hyphenated names (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Always set HP pin in unsol handler for STAC/IDT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix resume of multiple input sources (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix overflow of vol/sw check bitmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix initialization of secondary capture source on VT1705 (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix mute-LED VREF value for new HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: Fix error handling in patch_ca0132.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [alsa] hda: add support for Uniwill ECS M31EI notebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [838558] - [x86] Mark Intel Crystal Well CPU as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [861060] - [x86] Mark Intel Ivy Town Processor as Supported (Prarit Bhargava) [847372] - [x86] apic: Use x2apic physical mode based on FADT setting (Prarit Bhargava) [832162] - [s390] zcrypt: Add support for CEX4 crypto card (Hendrik Brueckner) [823010]- [md] dm-thin: support discard with non power of two blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-thin: fix discard support for data devices (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-thin: tidy discard support (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-thin: do not set discard_zeroes_data (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm: handle requests beyond end of device instead of using BUG_ON (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm: retain table limits when swapping to new table with no devices (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-table: clear add_random unless all devices have it set (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-mpath: only retry ioctl when no paths if queue_if_no_path set (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [md] dm-mpath: fix check for null mpio in end_io fn (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [block] split discard into aligned requests (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [block] reorganize rounding of max_discard_sectors (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [scsi] Fix dm-multipath starvation when scsi host is busy (Mike Snitzer) [858858] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix interrupt control bitmap (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove casts to same type (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix log messages and corrects some typos (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix transport header size (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix typo in vmxnet3_drv.c (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove unnecessary k.alloc/v.alloc OOM messages (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: cleanup tso headers manipulation (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: make ethtool ops const (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Sweep away N/A fw_version dustbunnies from the .get_drvinfo routine of a number of drivers (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Add module.h to drivers who were implicitly using it (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: add skb frag size accessors (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix skb truesize underestimation (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use DMA_x_DEVICE and dma_mapping_error with skb_frag_dma_map (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: convert to SKB paged frag API (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Don't enable vlan filters in promiscuous mode (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix advertising HW_CSUM feature to use csum_start (Neil Horman) [829953] - [netdrv] net: fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.124 (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix race condition in tg3_get_stats64() (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add New 5719 Read DMA workaround (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix Read DMA workaround for 5719 A0 (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Request APE_LOCK_PHY before PHY access (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add hwmon support for temperature (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add APE scratchpad read function (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add common function tg3_ape_event_lock() (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix the setting of the APE_HAS_NCSI flag (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: add device id of Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet device (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Apply short DMA frag workaround to 5906 (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: remove redundant NULL test before release_firmware() call (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Avoid panic from reserved statblk field access (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 5717 serdes powerdown problem (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove all #inclusions of asm/system.h (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix RSS ring refill race condition (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Recode PCI MRRS adjustment as a PCI quirk (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix poor tx performance on 57766 after MTU change (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add memory barriers to sync BD data (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix jumbo loopback test on 5719 (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix tg3_get_stats64 for 5700 / 5701 devs (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: unify return value of .ndo_set_mac_address if address is invalid (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Create timer helper functions (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Clear RECOVERY_PENDING with reset_task_cancel (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove SPEED_UNKNOWN checks (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix link check in tg3_adjust_link (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: remove IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM flag (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Update copyright (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Use *_UNKNOWN ethtool definitions (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unneeded link_config.orig_... members (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unused link config code (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Consolidate ASIC rev detection code (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Reduce UMP event collision window (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix copper autoneg adv checks (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix stats while interface is down (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable new DMA engine for 57766 (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Move transmit comment to a better location (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Eliminate unneeded prototype (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Relocate tg3_find_peer (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Move tg3_nvram_write_block functions (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Move tg3_set_rx_mode (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Move tg3_change_mtu to a better location (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Relocate tg3_reset_task (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Move tg3_restart_hw to a better location (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Break out RSS indir table init and assignment (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Use mii_advertise_flowctrl (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Make the TX BD DMA limit configurable (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable EEE support for capable 10/100 devs (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Track LP advertising (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Integrate flowctrl check into AN adv check (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix advertisement handling (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Change mii to ethtool advertisement function names (John Feeney) [826718] - [netdrv] tg3: Add ethtool to mii advertisment conversion helpers (John Feeney) [826718] - [firmware] add Ralink rt2800 firmware images (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841604] - [mm] x86_32: randomize SHLIB_BASE (Aristeu Rozanski) [804956] {CVE-2012-1568}- [kernel] cgroups: don't attach task to subsystem if migration failed (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroups: more safe tasklist locking in cgroup_attach_proc (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroups: use flex_array in attach_proc (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [lib] flex_array: allow zero length flex arrays (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [lib] flex_array: fix flex_array_put_ptr macro to be valid C (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [lib] flex_array: add helpers to get and put to make pointers easy to use (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroups: make procs file writable (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroups: add per-thread subsystem callbacks (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroup_freezer: fix freezing groups with stopped tasks (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroup_freezer: update_freezer_state() does incorrect state transitions (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroups: read-write lock CLONE_THREAD forking per threadgroup (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroup_freezer: fix can_attach() to prohibit moving from/to freezing/frozen cgroups (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroup_freezer: unnecessary test in cgroup_freezing_or_frozen() (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [kernel] cgroup_freezer: Update stale locking comments (Frederic Weisbecker) [751817] - [net] nf_defrag_ipv6: fix oops on module unloading (Amerigo Wang) [726807]- [fs] ext4: check for zero length extent (Lukas Czerner) [813097] - [fs] cifs: Fix the conflict between rwpidforward and rw mount options (Sachin Prabhu) [852747] - [fs] cifs: Fix wrong length in cifs_iovec_read (Sachin Prabhu) [851694] - [fs] gfs2: Make write size hinting code common (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Fix missing allocation data for set/remove xattr (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Take account of blockages when using reserved blocks (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Reduce file fragmentation (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate unnecessary check for state > 3 in bitfit (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Fold quota data into the reservations struct (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Extend the life of the reservations structure (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Add rgrp information to block_alloc trace point (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate unused "new" parameter to gfs2_meta_indirect_buffer (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Remove redundant metadata block type check (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate needless parameter from function gfs2_setbit (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Use variable rather than qa to determine if unstuff necessary (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Remove i_disksize (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: New truncate sequence (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Change variable blk to biblk (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Fix function parameter comments in rgrp.c (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate offset parameter to gfs2_setbit (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Use slab for block reservation memory (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: make function gfs2_page_add_databufs static (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Rename function gfs2_close to gfs2_release (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Dump better debug info if a bitmap inconsistency is detected (Bob Peterson) [753337] - [fs] gfs2: Use seq_vprintf for glocks debugfs file (Robert S Peterson) [847377] - [fs] seq_file: Add seq_vprintf function and export it (Robert S Peterson) [847377] - [fs] gfs2: Size seq_file buffer more carefully (Robert S Peterson) [847377] - [fs] gfs2: Cache last hash bucket for glock seq_files (Robert S Peterson) [847377] - [fs] gfs2: Increase buffer size for glocks and glstats debugfs files (Robert S Peterson) [847377] - [fs] gfs2: glock statistics gathering (Robert S Peterson) [806385] - [fs] jbd: clear revoked flag on buffers before a new transaction started (Lukas Czerner) [804281] - [fs] ext3: Avoid filesystem corruption after a crash under heavy delete load (Lukas Czerner) [804281] - [fs] nfs: prepare coalesce testing for directio (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: create completion structure to pass into page_init functions (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: remove unused wb_complete field from struct nfs_page (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: merge _full and _partial write rpc_ops (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Don't use DATA_SYNC writes (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: merge _full and _partial read rpc_ops (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Dont rely on PageError in nfs_readpage_release_partial (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: create struct nfs_page_array (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: create common nfs_pgio_header for both read and write (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: make pnfs_ld_[read|write]_done consistent (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] pnfs: make _set_lo_fail generic (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of the unused nfs_read_data->flags field (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of the unused nfs_write_data->flags field (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused variable from write.c (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of the nfs_rdata_mempool (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of unnecessary calls to ClearPageError() in read code (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of nfs_restart_rpc() (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: use req_offset where appropriate (Steve Dickson) [854746] - [fs] nfs: Clean up - simplify the switch to read/write-through-MDS (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: remove unnecessary casts of void pointers in nfs4filelayout.c (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: reverse arg order in nfs_initiate_[read|write] (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: add a struct nfs_commit_data to replace nfs_write_data in commits (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Remove nfs4_setup_sequence from generic read code (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Remove nfs4_setup_sequence from generic write code (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Add a new helper nfs4_init_sequence() (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Add lseg to struct nfs4_fl_commit_bucket (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Revert pnfs ugliness from the generic nfs read code path (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: File layout only supports whole file layouts (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: make pnfs_ld_[read|write]_done consistent (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Remove pnfs bloat from the generic write path (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] pnfs: Must return layout on IO error (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] pnfs: layoutret_on_setattr (Steve Dickson) [846714] - [fs] nfs: Revert coalesce small, page-aligned direct I/Os (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: dprintks in directio code were referencing task after put (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: grab open context in direct read (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: put open context on error in nfs_flush_multi (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: put open context on error in nfs_pagein_multi (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: remove duplicate variable declaration in filelayout_clear_request_commit (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: Use cond_resched_lock() to reduce latencies in the commit scans (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [kernel] list: add list_safe_reset_next (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] nfs: Fix a few issues in filelayout_commit_pagelist (Steve Dickson) [846708] - [fs] ext3, ext4: don't clear orphan list on ro mount with errors (Eric Sandeen) [852771] - [block] replace __getblk_slow misfix by grow_dev_page fix (Jeff Moyer) [534080] - [fs] buffer: remove BUG() in possible but rare condition (Jeff Moyer) [534080] - [fs] gfs2: Add kobject release method (Robert S Peterson) [826089] - [fs] nfs: check for req==NULL in nfs_try_to_update_request cleanup (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: ncommit count is being double decremented (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Clean ups and bugfixes for the pnfs read/writeback/commit code (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Revert pnfs ugliness from the generic nfs read code path (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] pnfs: recoalesce when ld read pagelist fails (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Move the pnfs write code into pnfs.c (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Move the pnfs read code into pnfs.c (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Cache rpc_ops in struct nfs_pageio_descriptor (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: split out the RPC transmission from nfs_pagein_multi/one (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs_read_rpcsetup and nfs_write_rpcsetup (Steve Dickson) [846688] - [fs] pnfs: recoalesce when ld write pagelist fails (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: Allow the nfs_pageio_descriptor to signal that a re-coalesce is needed (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: Use stable writes when not doing a bulk flush (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: remove nfs_inode radix tree (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: nfs_open_context doesn't need struct path either (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_opendata doesn't need struct path either (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_closedata doesn't need to mess with struct path (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: Fix a hang in the writeback path (Steve Dickson) [833091] - [fs] nfs: remove nfs_PAGE_TAG_LOCKED (Steve Dickson) [833091]- [netdrv] qlcnic: get rid of a redundant test for NULL before call to release_firmware() (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unnecessary setting of skb->dev (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: off by one in qlcnic_init_pci_info() (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: vlan workaround for mac deletion bug in firmware (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix turnaround delay during migration (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix protcol type in case of inband vlan. (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix unsupported CDRP command error message. (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix estimation of recv MSS in case of LRO (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow a predefined set of capture masks for FW dump (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Adding mac statistics to ethtool. (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Register device in FAILED state. (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bug fix for LRO (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Added sysfs Node fwdump_state (Chad Dupuis) [826572] - [scsi] aacraid: respond automatically to volumes added by config tool (Rich Bono) [857561] - [scsi] aacraid: reset should disable MSI interrupt (Rich Bono) [857561] - [scsi] aacraid: prohibit access to array container space (Rich Bono) [857561] - [scsi] aacraid: expose physical devices for models with newer firmware (Rich Bono) [857561] - [scsi] aacraid: add support for handling ATA pass-through commands (Rich Bono) [857561] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix endianness of addition to mpa->private_data_size (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix crash when peer address is (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add query_qp support (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove kfifo usage (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Disable interrupts in c4iw_ev_dispatch() (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add DB Overflow Avoidance (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use dst parameter in import_ep() (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing peer2peer check in MPAv2 code (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Consolidate 3 copies of the same operation into 1 helper function (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Rename dst_get_neighbour{, _raw} to dst_get_neighbour_noref{, _raw} (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix RCU lockdep splats (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Abstract dst->neighbour accesses behind helpers (Jay Fenlason) [747145] - [edac] mce_amd: Drop too granulary family model checks (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Constify error tables (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Correct bank 5 error signatures (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Rework NB MCE signatures (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix K8 revD and later chip select sizes (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix missing csrows sysfs nodes (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup return type of amd64_determine_edac_cap() (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add a fix for Erratum 505 (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Simplify NB MCE decoder interface (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Drop local coreid reporting (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Print valid addr when reporting an error (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [edac] mce_amd: Print CPU number when reporting the error (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [822275] - [firmware] bnx2x: add FW (Michal Schmidt) [819842] - [netdrv] bnx2x: enable previously disabled ethtool ops (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: convert to .set_phys_id extended ethtool op (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Utilize Link Flap Avoidance (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Link Flap Avoidance (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: link code refactoring (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use native EEE instead of auto-greeen (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct & clean 10G EEE requirements (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: EEE code refactoring (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add EEE support for 4-port devices (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: EEE status is read locally (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix rx checksum validation for IPv6 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add missing afex code (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix registers dumped (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct advertisement of pause capabilities (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: display the correct duplex value (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent timeouts when using PFC (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix stats copying logic (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Avoid sending multiple statistics queries (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct the ndo_poll_controller call (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move netif_napi_add to the open call (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compiler warnings (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix recovery flow cleanup during probe (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix unload previous driver flow when flr-capable (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix mem leak when command is unknown (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove cast around the kmalloc in bnx2x_prev_mark_path (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct EEE statistics gathering (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add new 57840 device IDs (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: organize BDs calculation for stop/resume (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix non-kernel-doc comments with kernel-doc start markers (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comment (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: set maximal number of default RSS queues (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change bnx2x_tests_str_arr to static char (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [scsi] bnx2i: use strlcpy() instead of memcpy() for strings (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x, bnx2fc, bnx2i, cnic: Add statistics support and FCoE capabilities advertisement (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fixed NULL ptr deference for 1G bnx2 Linux iSCSI offload (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Allocate UIO resources only on devices that support iSCSI. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Allocate kcq resource only on devices that support FCoE. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Add function pointers to arm IRQ for different devices. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Free UIO rings when the device is closed. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Add functions to allocate and free UIO rings (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix non-kernel-doc comments with kernel-doc start markers (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: remove invalid reference to list iterator variable (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix mmap regression. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Handle RAMROD_CMD_ID_CLOSE error. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Remove uio mem[0]. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Read bnx2x function number from internal register (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix occasional NULL pointer dereference during reboot. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] cnic: Remove casts to same type (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.12 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: use list_entry instead of explicit cast (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: Improve error recovery by handling parity errors (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: Support interface creation on non-VLAN interface also (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: Reduce object size by consolidating formats (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2i: Removed the reference to the netdev->base_addr (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix link for BCM57711 with 84823 phy (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix I2C non-respondent issue (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: link module eeprom (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: 1G sfp+ module handling (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: revised link register access (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: treat 0 speed as link down (copper) (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: link cleanup (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: sfp+ Tx fault detection added (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change date and version to 1.72.51-0 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Support DCBX for all functions (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for ethtool -L (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow up to 63 RSS queues (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Split the FP structure (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move the CNIC L2 CIDs to be right after the RSS CIDs (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Make the transmission queues adjacent (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow more than 64 L2 CIDs (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for 4-tupple UDP RSS (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Return only online tests for MF (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for external LB (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correct LPI pass-through configuration (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix panic when TX ring is full (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix checksum validation (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added EEE Ethtool support. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added EEE support (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: bug fix when loading after SAN boot (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix handling single MSIX mode for 57710/57711 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove some bloat (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: off by one in bnx2x_ets_e3b0_sp_pri_to_cos_set() (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update driver version to 1.72.50-0 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove gro workaround (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add afex support (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clear MDC/MDIO warning message (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix BCM57711+BCM84823 link issue (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clear BCM84833 LED after fan failure (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix BCM84833 PHY FW version presentation (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link issue for BCM8727 boards. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Restore 1G LED on BCM57712+BCM8727 designs. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix BCM578x0-SFI pre-emphasis settings (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix BCM57810-KR AN speed transition (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix BCM57810-KR FC (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: PFC fix (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing parenthesis to prevent u32 overflow (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change to driver version 1.72.10-0 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change comments and white spaces (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: change to the rss engine (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: congestion management re-organization (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added support for a new device - 57811 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: added support for working with one msix irq. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: enable inta on the pci bus when used (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unnecessary dmae code (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unnecessary .h dependencies (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix vector traveling while looking for an empty entry (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: previous driver unload revised (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: validate FW trace prior to its printing (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: changed iscsi/fcoe mac init and macros (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: added TLV_NOT_FOUND flags to the dcb (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: removed dcb unused code (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: reduced sparse warnings (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: revised driver prints (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use ethtool_rxfh_indir_default() (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: call netif_set_real_num_rx_queues() (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: code doesn't use stats for allocating Rx BDs (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: ethtool returns req. AN even when AN fails (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: ethtool now returns unknown speed/duplex (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: mark functions as loaded on shared memory (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use param's id instead of sp_obj's id (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: set_one_mac_e1x uses raw's state as input (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: removed unused function bnx2x_queue_set_cos_cid (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: move LLH_CAM to header, apply naming conventions (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update driver version to 1.72.10-0 (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add gro_check (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: make bnx2x_close() static again (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_random() and reset addr_assign_type (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allow all functions to display the phy FW version (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: removed code re-checking memory base after device open (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allow BCM84833 phy to advertise 100Base-T speeds (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: notify cnic of address of info-to-the-mcp (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allocate smaller Rx rings for 1G functions (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allocate memory dynamically in ethtool self-test. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: force 10G on 84833 phy should be autoneg with only 10G advertised (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: added autoneg-restart after link advertisement changes (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: ethtool publishes link partners speed and FC (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: half duplex support added for several boards (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove boolean comparisons to true/false (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Look inside vlan when determining checksum proto. (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] bnx2x: cut down on pointless differences from upstream (Michal Schmidt) [819842 826277 826295 826302] - [netdrv] igb: schedule watchdog every second to update the statistics (Stefan Assmann) [838404] - [pci] Set device power state to PCI_D0 for device without native PM support (Laszlo Ersek) [849223]- [block] fix up use after free in __blkdev_get (Jeff Moyer) [847838] - [firmware] r8169: update the firmware for RTL8168F variant (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: use unlimited DMA burst for TX (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: add D-Link DGE-560T identifiers. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: verbose error message. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: remove rtl_ocpdr_cond. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix argument in rtl_hw_init_8168g. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: support RTL8168G (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: abstract out loop conditions. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: ephy, eri and efuse functions signature changes. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: csi_ops signature change. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: mdio_ops signature change. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: add RTL8106E support. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: RxConfig hack for the 8168evl. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: avoid NAPI scheduling delay. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: call netif_napi_del at errpaths and at driver unload (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix unsigned int wraparound with TSO (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: support the new RTL8411 chip. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: adjust some functions of 8111f (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: support the new RTL8402 chip. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: add device specific CSI access helpers. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: modify pll power function (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: 8168c and later require bit 0x20 to be set in Config2 for PME signaling. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: Config1 is read-only on 8168c and later. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: enable napi on resume. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix comment typo (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: stop using net_device.{base_addr, irq}. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move rtl_cfg_info closer to its caller. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move the netpoll handler after the irq handler. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move rtl8169_open after rtl_task it depends on. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move rtl_set_rx_mode before its rtl_hw_start callers. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move net_device_ops beyond the methods it references. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move the driver probe method to the end of the driver file. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move the driver removal method to the end of the driver file. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: runtime resume before shutdown. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: corrupted IP fragments fix for large mtu. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: spinlock redux. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: avoid a useless work scheduling. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: move task enable boolean to bitfield. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: bh locking redux and task scheduling. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix early queue wake-up. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: remove work from irq handler. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: missing barriers. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: irq mask helpers. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: factor out IntrMask writes. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: stop delaying workqueue. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: remove rtl8169_reinit_task. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: remove hardcoded PCIe registers accesses. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: increase the delay parameter of pm_schedule_suspend (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix runtime power management (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169 / PCI / PM: Add simplified runtime PM support (rev. 3) (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix potentially dangerous trailing '; ' in #defined values/expressions (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix wrong eee setting for rlt8111evl (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix driver shutdown WoL regression. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: add skb frag size accessors (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: do not enable the TBI for anything but the original 8169. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: remove erroneous processing of always set bit. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: fix WOL setting for 8105 and 8111evl (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: add MODULE_FIRMWARE for the firmware of 8111evl (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] r8169: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Ivan Vecera) [842651] - [netdrv] bna: fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Fix non-kernel-doc comments with kernel-doc start markers (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comments for various functions (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Remove casts to same type (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: remove redundant NULL test before release_firmware() (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Update driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Function name changes and cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Remove tx tasklet (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: tx rx cleanup fix (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: ioc cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Flash controller ioc pll init fixes (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Serialize smem access during adapter initialization (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Remove boolean comparisons to true/false (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: fix error handling of bnad_get_flash_partition_by_offset() (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Implement ethtool flash_device entry point (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Remove unnecessary k.alloc/v.alloc OOM messages (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: fix sparse warnings/errors (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: make ethtool_ops and strings const (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Add debugfs interface (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Added flash sub-module and ethtool eeprom entry points (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: Convert MAC_ADDRLEN uses to ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: sweep the floors and convert some .get_drvinfo routines to strlcpy (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] bna: add skb frag size accessors (Ivan Vecera) [830018] - [netdrv] be2net: implement unicast filtering (Ivan Vecera) [813400] - [netdrv] bna: don't set ndo_set_rx_mode (Ivan Vecera) [815303] - [net] Statically initialize init_net.dev_base_head (Weiping Pan) [853302] - [net] cgroup: fix access the unallocated memory in netprio cgroup (Weiping Pan) [853302] - [net] cgroup: fix out of bounds accesses (Weiping Pan) [853302] - [net] cgroup: fix panic in netprio_cgroup (Weiping Pan) [853302] - [netdrv] enic: remove unnecessary setting of skb->dev (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: Convert compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: replace open-coded ARRAY_SIZE with macro (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: Stop using NLA_PUT*() (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: Fix addr valid check in enic_set_vf_mac (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: fix an endian bug in enic_probe() (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [netdrv] enic: Fix endianness bug (Stefan Assmann) [829503] - [pci] x2apic: fix optout message (Prarit Bhargava) [860729] - [tools] perf: fix parallel build (Eric Sandeen) [859259] - [scsi] remove no longer valid BUG_ON in scsi_lld_busy (Jeff Garzik) [842881] - [net] Add netif_get_num_default_rss_queues (Michal Schmidt) [859399]- [usb] serial: qcserial avoid pointing to freed memory (Don Zickus) [699676] - [usb] serial: Fix qcserial memory leak on rmmod (Don Zickus) [699676] - [usb] serial: fix a memory leak in qcprobe error path (Don Zickus) [699676] - [virt] kvmclock: unbreak registration by aligning with upstream (Michael S. Tsirkin) [856198] - [x86] apic: replace eoi_write on apic disable (Michael S. Tsirkin) [856198] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update Copyright header (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for ISP83XX (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new function qla4_8xxx_get_minidump (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Set IDC version in correct way (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Replace all !is_qla8022() with is_qla40XX() (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new functions in isp_ops (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clean-up and optimize macros (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Rename macros from 82XX to 8XXX (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update func name from ql4_ to qla4_ (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update structure and variable names (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update function name from 8xxx to 82xx (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Wait for cmd to complete before chip reset for ISP40XX (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear interrupt while unloading driver (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix lockdep warning in qla4xxx_post_work() (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Properly handle SCSI underrun while processing status IOCBs (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix multiple conn login event issue during session recovery (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix gcc warning for x86 system (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory corruption issue in qla4xxx_ep_connect (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix Spell check (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix a Sparse warning message (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: multi-session fix for flash ddbs (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Capture minidump for ISP82XX on firmware failure (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add change_queue_depth API support (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix clear ddb mbx command failure issue (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix kernel panic during discovery logout (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correct early completion of pending mbox (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [scsi] qla4xxx: use pci_dev->revision (Chad Dupuis) [826570] - [drm] edid: limit printk when facing bad edid (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [drm] backport 3.6 drm into rhel6.4 kernel (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [mm] backport the extended prefault helpers from upstream (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [gpu] vga drivers backport (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [base] dma-buf: backport dma-buf support (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [acpi] export symbol acpi_get_table_with_size (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [kernel] sched: Add __wake_up_all_locked() API (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [kernel] sched: wait_event_interruptible_locked() interface (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [pci] pci_regs: define LNKSTA2 pcie cap + bits (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [mm] slab: introduce kmalloc_array() (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [fs] sysfs: Add sysfs_merge_group() and sysfs_unmerge_group() (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [i2c] export bit-banging algo functions (Dave Airlie) [857792] - [netdrv] bnx2: Clean up remainint iounmap (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Try to recover from PCI block reset (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix bug in bnx2_free_tx_skbs() (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add missing netif_tx_disable() in bnx2_close() (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add "fall through" comments (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version 2.2.2 (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Read PCI function number from internal register (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Dump additional BC_STATE during firmware sync timeout (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Dump all FTQ_CTL registers during tx_timeout (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: Remove casts to same type (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: replace open-coded ARRAY_SIZE with macro (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: stop using net_device.{base_addr, irq} (Neil Horman) [826727] - [netdrv] bnx2: unify return value of .ndo_set_mac_address if address is invalid (Neil Horman) [826727] - [usb] ti_usb: fix printk format warning (Don Zickus) [846419] - [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: adding multitech dialup fax/modem devices (Don Zickus) [846419] - [pci] Enable ATS at the device state restore (Don Dugger) [767886] - [pci] intel-iommu: Move duplicate list-mangling code into unlink_domain_info() helper (Don Dugger) [767886] - [pci] intel-iommu: Add device info into list before doing context mapping (Don Dugger) [767886] - [netdrv] igbvf: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comments for various functions (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: fix divide by zero (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: fix the bug when initializing the igbvf (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] intel: make wired ethernet driver message level consistent (rev2) (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: Use ETH_ALEN (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: reset netdevice addr_assign_type if changed (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: rename dev_hw_addr_random and remove redundant second (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: refactor Interrupt Throttle Rate code (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: change copyright date (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [netdrv] igbvf: remove unneeded cast (Stefan Assmann) [819104] - [x86] cpu: keep SEP flag enabled on 64-bit if execshield is on (Eduardo Habkost) [821463] - [x86] Revert: intel_idle: disable NHM/WSM HW C-state auto-demotion (Matthew Garrett) [834097] - [block] cciss: fix handling of protocol error (Tomas Henzl) [858292] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE-mode SATA patch for Intel DH89xxCC DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [859491] - [scsi] hpsa: fix handling of protocol error (Tomas Henzl) [857956] - [x86] mce: Introduce mce_gather_info() (Luming Yu) [855775] - [mm] hwpoison: Remove extra unwanted call to send_sig_info() (Lenny Szubowicz) [855775]- [misc] sgi-xp: fails to load when cpu 0 is out of IRQ resources (George Beshers) [854677] - [misc] sgi-xp: nested calls to spin_lock_irqsave() (George Beshers) [854677] - [net] openvswitch: Make Open vSwitch use non-accel VLAN tagging (Thomas Graf) [859048] - [net] vlan: dont drop packets from unknown vlans in promiscuous mode (Thomas Graf) [859048] - [netdrv] e1000e: update driver version number (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - remove unnecessary variable (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - remove inapplicable comment (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup strict checkpatch check (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup strict checkpatch MEMORY_BARRIER checks (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: DoS while TSO enabled caused by link partner with small MSS (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix panic while dumping packets on Tx hang with IOMMU (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82571 Tx Data Corruption during Tx hang recovery (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix test for PHY being accessible on 82577/8/9 and I217 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Correct link check logic for 82571 serdes (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Program the correct register for ITR when using MSI-X. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup code logic in e1000_check_for_serdes_link_82571() (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comments for various functions (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove use of IP payload checksum (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: use more informative logging macros when netdev not yet registered (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: test for valid check_reset_block function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix Rapid Start Technology support for i217 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix typo in definition of E1000_CTRL_EXT_FORCE_SMBUS (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix merge conflict (net->net-next) (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: clear REQ and GNT in EECD (82571 && 82572) (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable forced master/slave on 82577 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: initial support for i217 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Remove special case for 82573/82574 ASPM L1 disablement (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Disable ASPM L1 on 82574 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Driver workaround for IPv6 Header Extension Erratum. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Resolve intermittent negotiation issue on 82574/82583. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup long {read|write}_reg_locked PHY ops function pointers (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: suggest a possible workaround to a device hang on 82577/8 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix .ndo_set_rx_mode for 82579 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: PHY initialization flow changes for 82577/8/9 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: workaround EEPROM configuration change on 82579 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82579 potential system hang on stress when ME enabled (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82579 packet drop workaround (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Enable DMA Burst Mode on 82574 by default. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Disable Far-End LoopBack following reset on 80003ES2LAN. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix default interrupt throttle rate not set in NIC HW (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: MSI interrupt test failed, using legacy interrupt (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup boolean logic (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup remaining strings split across multiple lines (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: issues in Sx on 82577/8/9 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup indexed register arrays (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup NAPI routine (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Minor comment clean-up. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: Guarantee descriptor writeback flush success. (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: make wired ethernet driver message level consistent (rev2) (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: use msleep instead of mdelay (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup whitespace and indentation (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup incorrect filename in comment (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: rename e1000e_reload_nvm() and call as function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - remove unnecessary variable (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: use true/false for boolean send_xon, do not assume always true (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup comment in e1000_hash_mc_addr() (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: rename e1000e_config_collision_dist() and call as function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: comment correction in e1000e_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup calls to setup_physical_interface function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup use of check_reset_block function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup use of check_mng_mode function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: rename e1000e_setup_link() and call as function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: rename e1000e_id_led_init() and call as function pointer (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic comment changes to make lines less than 80 characters (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cosmetic change to boolean comparisons (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup goto statements to exit points without common work (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: potentially incorrect return for e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: potentially incorrect return for e1000_init_hw_ich8lan (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: minor whitespace addition (insert blank line separator) (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unnecessary variable initializations (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unnecessary test and return (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unnecessary variable ret_val (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unreachable statement (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: potentially incorrect return for e1000_set_d3_lplu_state_ich8lan (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: always return 0 (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: remove unnecessary assignments just before returning (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: potential incorrect return for e1000_setup_copper_link_80003es2lan (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: potentially incorrect return for e1000_cfg_kmrn_10_100_80003es2lan (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: rename goto labels to be more meaningful (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup: use goto for common work needed by multiple exit points (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: replace '1' with 'true' for boolean get_link_status (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: pass pointer to hw struct for e1000_init_mac_params_XXX() (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: use true/false for bool autoneg_false (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove unnecessary parentheses (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove unnecessary returns from void functions (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove test that is always false (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [netdrv] e1000e: add skb frag size accessors (Dean Nelson) [819103] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use the right field for container_of. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow MSI interrupt registration for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't toggle RISC interrupt bits after IRQ lines are attached. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix incorrect status reporting on DIF errors. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF - ISP83xx changes. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix for legacy interrupts for ISP83xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable fw attributes for ISP24xx and above. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Get fcal position map should not be called for p2p topology. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set Maximum Read Request Size to 4K. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enclose adapter related calls in adapter check in failed state handler. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix for handling some error conditions in loopback. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix description of qla2xmaxqdepth parameter. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: set idc version if function is first one to come. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not restrict the number of NPIV ports for ISP83xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do PCI fundamental reset for ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fail initialization if unable to load RISC code. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Ensure PLOGI is sent to Fabric Management-Server upon request. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove setting Scsi_host->this_id during adapter probe. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use defines instead of hardcoded values for intr status. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Dont call nic restart firmware if it is already active and running. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Wrong PCIe(2.5Gb/s x8) speed in the kerenel message for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform ROM mbx cmd access only after ISP soft-reset during f/w recovery. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implement beacon support for ISP83xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix for continuous rescan attempts in arbitrated loop topology. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Only enable link up on the correct interrupt event. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the driver copyright. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't register to legacy interrupt for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Changes for ISP83xx loopback support. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add bit to identify adapters for thermal temp. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implemetation of mctp. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: IDC implementation for ISP83xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FW DUMP SIZE sysfs attribute. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implementation of bidirectional. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use bitmap to store loop_id's for fcports. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display mailbox failure by default. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla2xxx files (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove redundant NULL check before release_firmware() call. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add check in qla82xx_watchdog for failed hardware state. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add I2C BSG interface. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Bind to ISP8031 devices. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] Revert: qla2xxx: During loopdown perform Diagnostic loopback. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display proper firmware version when new minidump template is gathered for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't capture minidump for ISP82xx on flash update from application. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Log link up and link down messages to track link flops. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix discrepencies between RHEL 6 and upstream. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid losing any fc ports when loop id's are exhausted. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Optimize existing port name server query matching. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove mirrored field vp_idx from struct fc_port. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fixups for ISP83xx. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display proper supported speeds for 16G FC adapters. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: handle default case in qla2x00_request_firmware() (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla_mbx.c (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Micro optimization in queuecommand handler (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla_init.c (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in qla_bsg.c (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Stats should be different from physical and virtual ports (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ql_dbg_verbose logging level. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle interrupt registration failures more gracefully. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change "Done" to "Entering" in the debug print statement in qla2x00_port_logout. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Detect PEG errors. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unneeded DPC wakeups from qla82xx_watchdog. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in bus-reset handler. (Chad Dupuis) [826565] - [mm] thp: fix pmd_present for split_huge_page and PROT_NONE with THP (Andrea Arcangeli) [858385] - [wireless] rt2x00: Add support for BUFFALO WLI-UC-GNM2 to rt2800usb (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] cfg80211: process pending events when unregistering net device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [net] mac80211: cancel mesh path timer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] iwlwifi: fix debug print in iwl_sta_calc_ht_flags (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] rt61pci: fix NULL pointer dereference in config_lna_gain (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] iwlwifi: disable greenfield transmissions as a workaround (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [net] mac80211: fail authentication when AP denied authentication (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] reg: restore previous behaviour of chan->max_power calculations (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [net] mac80211: fix read outside array bounds (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] ath9k: Add PID/VID support for AR1111 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] b43: fix crash with OpenFWWF (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] iwlwifi: Check BSS ctx active before call mac80211 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] rndis_wlan: release BSS structures returned by cfg80211_inform_bss() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [net] mac80211: fix crash with single-queue drivers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] rt2800usb: 2001:3c17 is an RT3370 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport ti drivers from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport orinoco driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport rtl818x driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport ipw2x00 driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport p54 driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport ath drivers family from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport b43legacy driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport bcma bus driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport b43 driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport ssb bus driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [818672 841578] - [wireless] Backport iwlegacy driver from 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport mac80211 from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] fix kabi breakage caused by wireless update (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [wireless] Backport wireless core from linux 3.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [841578] - [x86] pci: Add option to not assign BAR's if not already assigned (George Beshers) [859966] - [edac] sb_edac: Avoid overflow errors at memory size calculation (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [859132] - [Documentation] kernel-parameters.txt: Add intel_idle.max_cstate (Prarit Bhargava) [858337] - [kernel] rcu: Remove function versions of __kfree_rcu and offset (Neil Horman) [813086] - [scsi] fix NULL request_queue in scsi_requeue_run_queue() (Jeff Garzik) [842881] - [netdrv] tg3: Set RX_CHECKSUMS appropriately (John Feeney) [828967] - [firmware] iwlwifi: update firmware for 6205 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [850579] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: vlan skb len fix (Veaceslav Falico) [851682] - [net] ipv4/cipso: don't follow a NULL pointer when setsockopt() is called (Amerigo Wang) [842872] - [net] bridge: Fix timer typo that may render snooping less effective (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [676938]- [net] svcrpc: fix BUG() in svc_tcp_clear_pages (J. Bruce Fields) [769045] - [fs] nfs: Properly handle the case where the delegation is revoked (Steve Dickson) [842435] - [fs] nfs: Move cl_delegations to the nfs_server struct (Steve Dickson) [842435] - [fs] nfs: Introduce nfs_detach_delegations() (Steve Dickson) [842435] - [fs] nfs: Fix a number of RCU issues in the NFSv4 delegation code (Steve Dickson) [842435] - [netdrv] netxen: fix link notification order (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: remove unnecessary setting of skb->dev (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: restrict force firmware dump when dump is disabled (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: Error return off by one for XG port (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: Error return off by one in netxen_nic_set_pauseparam() (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix estimation of recv MSS in case of LRO (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: added miniDIMM support in driver (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: Allow only useful and recommended firmware dump capture mask values (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: disable minidump by default (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: get rid of a redundant test for NULL before call to release_firmware() (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix endian bug (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [netdrv] netxen: unify return value of .ndo_set_mac_address if address is invalid (Veaceslav Falico) [826574] - [mm] coredump: add VM_NODUMP, MADV_DONTDUMP, MADV_DODUMP (Jason Baron) [739001] - [mm] coredump: remove VM_ALWAYSDUMP flag (Jason Baron) [739001] - [net] ipv6: unify conntrack reassembly expire code with standard one (Amerigo Wang) [726807] - [net] ipv6: add a new namespace for nf_conntrack_reasm (Amerigo Wang) [726807] - [net] ipv6: fix overlap check for fragments (Amerigo Wang) [726807] - [net] netfilter: discard overlapping IPv6 fragment (Amerigo Wang) [726807] - [net] netfilter: defrag: remove one redundant atomic ops (Amerigo Wang) [726807] - [acpi] Fix logic for removing mappings in 'acpi_unmap' (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] acpica: Expand OSL memory read/write interfaces to 64 bits (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] Remove ./drivers/acpi/atomicio.[ch] (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] Add RAM mapping support to ACPI (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] apei: Add 64-bit read/write support for APEI on i386 (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] apei: Convert atomicio routines (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] Export interfaces for ioremapping/iounmapping ACPI registers (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [acpi] Fix a fix section mismatch (Myron Stowe) [816517] - [net] ethtool: update ethtool_rx_flow_spec and avoid kabi breakage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: add ntuple flow specifier data to network flow classifier (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Add Ethernet MAC-level filtering/steering (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Remove unimplemented flow specification types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Allow drivers to select RX NFC rule locations (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Fix potential user buffer overflow for ETHTOOL_{G, S}RXFH (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: add rtnetlink & sched.h in ifndef GENKSYMS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Added kernel support in EEE Ethtool commands (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Add reset operation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Change ETHTOOL_PHYS_ID implementation to allow dropping RTNL (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Extend the ethtool API to obtain plugin module eeprom data (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool: Added support for FW dump (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [net] ethtool support to configure number of channels (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [847019] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Enable STPG for unavailable ports (Ewan Milne) [857145] - [net] skbuff: do not take an additional reference in skb_frag_set_page (Neil Horman) [859433] - [i2c] add support for iSMT on bordenville (Neil Horman) [791368] - [pci] iommu, dmar: Use pr_format() instead of PREFIX to tidy up pr_*() calls (Don Dutile) [726531] - [pci] iommu, dmar: Reserve mmio space used by the IOMMU, if the BIOS forgets to (Don Dutile) [726531] - [pci] intel-iommu: Replace printks with appropriate pr_*() (Don Dutile) [726531] - [mm] fix potential anon_vma locking issue in mprotect() (Andrea Arcangeli) [858389] - [block] mtip32xx: fix user_buffer check in exec_drive_command (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: remove HOTPLUG_PCI_PCIE dependancy (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Convert macro definitions for flag bits to enum (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove 'registers' and 'flags' from sysfs (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Changes to sysfs entries (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: minor performance tweak (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix to support more than one sector in exec_drive_command() (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Use plain spinlock for 'cmd_issue_lock' (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Set block queue boundary variables (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix to handle TFE for PIO(IOCTL/internal) commands (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Change HDIO_GET_IDENTITY to return stored data (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Set custom timeouts for PIO commands (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: fix clearing an incorrect register in mtip_init_port (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: release the semaphore on an error path (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: dump tagmap on failure (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: fix handling of commands in various scenarios (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Shorten macro names (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: misc changes (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Add new sysfs entry 'status' (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: make setting comp_time as common (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: Add new bitwise flag 'dd_flag' (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: fix error handling in mtip_init() (David Milburn) [837370] - [block] mtip32xx: fix incorrect value set for drv_cleanup_done, and re-initialize and start port in mtip_restart_port() (David Milburn) [837370] - [kernel] tracing: Convert format output to seq_file (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Remove show_format and related macros from TRACE_EVENT (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Use defined fields and print_fmt to print formats (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Init print_fmt for kprobe events (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Init print_fmt for syscall events (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Add print_fmt field (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [kernel] tracing: Have __dynamic_array() define a field (Jiri Olsa) [797067] - [pci] remove redundant checking in PCI Express capability routines (Myron Stowe) [832591] - [pci] Introduce command line option to disable ARI (Myron Stowe) [832591] - [pci] use pci_is_pcie() in pci core (Myron Stowe) [832591] - [serial] Basic support for Moschip 9900 family I/O chips (Steve Best) [850941] - [idle] intel_idle: ivybridge support (Matthew Garrett) [746722] - [block] Avoid missed wakeup in request waitqueue (Asias He) [848260] - [netdrv] mlx4: check promisc on proper port (Doug Ledford) [854052] - [netdrv] mlx4: attach multicast with correct flag (Doug Ledford) [854376] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove redundant adding of steering type to gid (Doug Ledford) [854053] - [netdrv] Revert: Fix a merge issue (Doug Ledford) [854053] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version to (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix null pointer error for piocbq (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add missing jumps to mempool_free (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed leaking memory from pci dma pool (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Log SCSI XRI on abort handler timeout (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix logging too many fcp underruns (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SCSI device reset escalation (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard messages (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix param field to mask for LOCAL_REJ. (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add SLI-4 V1 Cap/Res desc support (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: complete list of commands w/ ext. tmo (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix adding fc_host rport entries (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix conflicts in log message numbers (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Cosmetic changes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix discovery bug when swapping cables (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed scsi_eh escalation kernel panic (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: check data transfered on writes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: remove incorrect message 2520 (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: destroy rrq_pool during driver removal (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: attach OCe14000 adapters (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: set valid bit for loopback testing (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: report misconfigured ports (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Panic During IO Test (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: dynamic delay multiplier param. (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix abort status (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed PCI resource provision (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix system hang due to bad mod params (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed debug helper routine (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix using the wrong xritag (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Debug routines for dumping SLI4 queues (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: LPe16000 discovery fixes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Reregister VPI for SLI3 (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix log message 2597 when no error (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: FCP LOG for Finisar trace correlation (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix error displayed (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Read Link status data (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: dix, create vports on FCoE SLI4 HBA (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix flogi after flogi ack from target (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: add get controller attributes command (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: handle SLI4-port XRI profile change (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add -Werror compilation flag (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Change def. DA_ID to enabled (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: remove scsi vport host when unloading (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Increment T10 DIF error injection (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyright date for files (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Refine T10 DIF debugfs error injection (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Make BA_ACC work on exchange (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix KERNEL allocation while lock held (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix usage of bghm for BlockGuard errs (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: inject T10 DIF errors via debugfs (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard for prot. data from HBA (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: add logs in port error/reset (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Sync up with upstream lpfc driver code (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed T10 DIF/Blockguard on 16Gb FC (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix files depending on module.h (Rob Evers) [827566] - [usb] core: fix deadlock in bConfigurationValue attribute method (Don Zickus) [832126] - [usb] allow drivers to use allocated bandwidth until unbound (Don Zickus) [832126] - [tools] perf: Add automated tests for event group parsing (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Enable grouping logic for parsed events (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to update event modifier (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to parse event group syntax (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Fix parse events automated tests (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to reuse event grammar to parse out terms (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Make the event parser re-entrant (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Use data struct for arg passing in event parse function (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [scsi] ipr: missing unlock before a return (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.4 (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Reduce interrupt lock time (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Reduce queuecommand lock time (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.3 (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Increase alignment boundary of command blocks (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Increase max concurrent oustanding commands (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Remove unnecessary memory barriers (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Remove unnecessary interrupt clearing on new adapters (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Fix target id allocation re-use problem (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: update PCI ID definitions for new adapters (Steve Best) [822647] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Fix typos in infiniband drivers (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Don't pass irq flags to flush_qp() (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [infiniband] cxgb3, cxgb4: Remove dead code (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [virt] kvm: Don't automatically expose the TSC deadline timer in cpuid (Don Dugger) [740712] - [virt] kvm: emulate lapic tsc deadline timer for guest (Don Dugger) [740712] - [virt] kvm: x86 TSC deadline definitions (Don Dugger) [740712] - [kernel] cgroup: add cgroup_root_mutex (Frederic Weisbecker) [844531] - [md] raid1: don't abort a resync on the first badblock (Jes Sorensen) [858219] - [mm] Hold a file reference in madvise_remove (Jerome Marchand) [849739] {CVE-2012-3511} - [net] ethtool: Extend ethtool_ops, add new ethtool types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [844395] - [scsi] aacraid: Series 7 Async. (performance) mode support (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix endian issues in core and SRC portions of driver (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Relax the tight timeout loop on fib commands (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Better handling of in-flight events on thread stop (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Use resource_size_t for IO mem pointers and offsets (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: add an iounmap call to aac_src_ioremap (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Added Sync.mode to support series 7/8/9 controllers (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: use lower snprintf() limit (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Drop __TIME__ usage (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Do not set DMA mask to 32 bit first if adapter only supports 31 (Rich Bono) [824892 832495]- [netdrv] mlx4: check promisc on proper port (Doug Ledford) [854052] - [netdrv] mlx4: attach multicast with correct flag (Doug Ledford) [854376] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove redundant adding of steering type to gid (Doug Ledford) [854053] - [netdrv] Revert: Fix a merge issue (Doug Ledford) [854053] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version to (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix null pointer error for piocbq (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add missing jumps to mempool_free (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed leaking memory from pci dma pool (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Log SCSI XRI on abort handler timeout (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix logging too many fcp underruns (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SCSI device reset escalation (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard messages (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix param field to mask for LOCAL_REJ. (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add SLI-4 V1 Cap/Res desc support (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: complete list of commands w/ ext. tmo (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix adding fc_host rport entries (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix conflicts in log message numbers (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Cosmetic changes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix discovery bug when swapping cables (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed scsi_eh escalation kernel panic (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: check data transfered on writes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: remove incorrect message 2520 (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: destroy rrq_pool during driver removal (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: attach OCe14000 adapters (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: set valid bit for loopback testing (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: report misconfigured ports (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Panic During IO Test (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: dynamic delay multiplier param. (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix abort status (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed PCI resource provision (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix system hang due to bad mod params (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed debug helper routine (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix using the wrong xritag (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Debug routines for dumping SLI4 queues (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: LPe16000 discovery fixes (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Reregister VPI for SLI3 (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix log message 2597 when no error (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: FCP LOG for Finisar trace correlation (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix error displayed (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Read Link status data (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: dix, create vports on FCoE SLI4 HBA (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix flogi after flogi ack from target (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: add get controller attributes command (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: handle SLI4-port XRI profile change (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Add -Werror compilation flag (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Change def. DA_ID to enabled (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: remove scsi vport host when unloading (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Increment T10 DIF error injection (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyright date for files (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Refine T10 DIF debugfs error injection (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Make BA_ACC work on exchange (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix KERNEL allocation while lock held (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix usage of bghm for BlockGuard errs (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: inject T10 DIF errors via debugfs (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard for prot. data from HBA (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: add logs in port error/reset (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Sync up with upstream lpfc driver code (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed T10 DIF/Blockguard on 16Gb FC (Rob Evers) [827566] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix files depending on module.h (Rob Evers) [827566] - [usb] core: fix deadlock in bConfigurationValue attribute method (Don Zickus) [832126] - [usb] allow drivers to use allocated bandwidth until unbound (Don Zickus) [832126] - [tools] perf: Add automated tests for event group parsing (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Enable grouping logic for parsed events (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to update event modifier (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to parse event group syntax (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Fix parse events automated tests (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Add support to reuse event grammar to parse out terms (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Make the event parser re-entrant (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [tools] perf: Use data struct for arg passing in event parse function (Jiri Olsa) [695765] - [scsi] ipr: missing unlock before a return (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.4 (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Reduce interrupt lock time (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Reduce queuecommand lock time (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.3 (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Increase alignment boundary of command blocks (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Increase max concurrent oustanding commands (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Remove unnecessary memory barriers (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Remove unnecessary interrupt clearing on new adapters (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: Fix target id allocation re-use problem (Steve Best) [822647] - [scsi] ipr: update PCI ID definitions for new adapters (Steve Best) [822647] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Fix typos in infiniband drivers (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Don't pass irq flags to flush_qp() (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [infiniband] cxgb3, cxgb4: Remove dead code (Jay Fenlason) [747144] - [virt] kvm: Don't automatically expose the TSC deadline timer in cpuid (Don Dugger) [740712] - [virt] kvm: emulate lapic tsc deadline timer for guest (Don Dugger) [740712] - [virt] kvm: x86 TSC deadline definitions (Don Dugger) [740712] - [kernel] cgroup: add cgroup_root_mutex (Frederic Weisbecker) [844531] - [md] raid1: don't abort a resync on the first badblock (Jes Sorensen) [858219] - [mm] Hold a file reference in madvise_remove (Jerome Marchand) [849739] {CVE-2012-3511} - [net] ethtool: Extend ethtool_ops, add new ethtool types (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [844395] - [scsi] aacraid: Series 7 Async. (performance) mode support (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix endian issues in core and SRC portions of driver (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Relax the tight timeout loop on fib commands (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Better handling of in-flight events on thread stop (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Use resource_size_t for IO mem pointers and offsets (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: add an iounmap call to aac_src_ioremap (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Added Sync.mode to support series 7/8/9 controllers (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: use lower snprintf() limit (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Drop __TIME__ usage (Rich Bono) [824892 832495] - [scsi] aacraid: Do not set DMA mask to 32 bit first if adapter only supports 31 (Rich Bono) [824892 832495]- [net] core: Fix napi_gro_frags vs netpoll path (Amerigo Wang) [845347] - [netdrv] benet: disable BH in callers of be_process_mcc() (Amerigo Wang) [845347] - [net] bonding: remove IFF_IN_NETPOLL flag (Amerigo Wang) [845347] - [mm] mmu_notifier: restore kabi (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [mm] mmu_notifier: have mmu_notifiers use a global SRCU so they may safely schedule (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [mm] mmu_notifier: fix-inconsistent-memory-between-secondary-mmu-and-host-fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [mm] mmu_notifier: fix inconsistent memory between secondary MMU and host (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [mm] mmu_notifier: fix freed page still mapped in secondary MMU (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [mm] Revert: Have mmu_notifiers use SRCU so they may safely schedule (Andrea Arcangeli) [854584] - [x86] amd_iommu: Cache pdev pointer to root-bridge (Frank Arnold) [814709] - [x86] amd_iommu: Make sure IOMMU interrupts are re-enabled on resume (Frank Arnold) [814709] - [x86] amd_iommu: Set iommu configuration flags in enable-loop (Frank Arnold) [814709] - [x86] amd_iommu: enable iommu before attaching devices (Frank Arnold) [814709] - [netdrv] cxgb3: treewide use of RCU_INIT_POINTER (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Add export.h to files using EXPORT_SYMBOL/THIS_MODULE (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: unify return value of .ndo_set_mac_address if address is invalid (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: update firmware version (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: add skb frag size accessors (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: convert to SKB paged frag API (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] cxgb3: remove use of ndo_set_multicast_list in drivers (Jay Fenlason) [847358] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: add extra clean tx (Veaceslav Falico) [853112] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: fix transmit watchdog timeout (Veaceslav Falico) [853112] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: fix transmit races (Veaceslav Falico) [853112] - [x86] cpu/amd: Fix crash as Xen Dom0 on AMD Trinity systems (Frank Arnold) [822278] - [x86] cpu/amd: Re-enable CPU topology extensions in case BIOS has disabled it (Frank Arnold) [822278] - [net] openvswitch: set openvswitch_handle_frame_hook (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [lib] flex_array: flex_array_prealloc takes a number of elements, not an end (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Fix FLOW_BUFSIZE definition (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Fix typo (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Relax set header validation (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Do not send notification if ovs_vport_set_options() failed (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Enable retrieval of TCP flags from IPv6 traffic (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Fix typo in documentation (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Replace Nicira Networks (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Check gso_type for correct sk_buff in queue_gso_packets() (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Check currect return value from skb_gso_segment() (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [net] openvswitch: Reset upper layer protocol info on internal devices (Thomas Graf) [854628] - [sound] alsa: snd-aloop copy fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [854696] - [base] driver-core: fix device_register race (Rob Evers) [833098] - [netdrv] 8139cp: set intr mask after its handler is registered (Jason Wang) [815199] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: Do not abort probe on bad MAC (Veaceslav Falico) [851675] - [pci] fix upstream P2P bridge checks when enabling OBFF and LTR (Myron Stowe) [834711]- [mm] fix contig_page_data kABI breakage and related memory corruption (Satoru Moriya) [853007] - [mm] hugetlbfs: close race during teardown of hugetlbfs shared page tables (Rafael Aquini) [856325] - [mm] hugetlbfs: Correctly detect if page tables have just been shared (Rafael Aquini) [856325] - [mm] Revert: Eliminate kernel crash due to races in hugetlbfs (Rafael Aquini) [856325] - [net] sctp: backport sctp cache ipv6 source after route lookup (Michele Baldessari) [855759] - [net] sctp: backport support of sctp multi-homing ipv6 source address selection (Michele Baldessari) [855759] - [net] ipv6: backport RTA_PREFSRC ipv6 source route selection support (Michele Baldessari) [851118] - [input] wacom: add Intuos5 Touch Ring LED support (Aristeu Rozanski) [841611] - [net] core: allocate skbs on local node (Andy Gospodarek) [843163] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix maximum number of TSO segments and minimum TX queue size (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [845557] {CVE-2012-3412} - [net] etherdevice: Rename random_ether_addr to eth_random_addr (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] etherdevice: rename dev_hw_addr_random and remove redundant second (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pcmcia] Introduce PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID3 (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] add a truesize parameter to skb_add_rx_frag() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] rtnetlink: add rtnl_dereference() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] rtnetlink: Add checking to rcu_dereference() primitives (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] rcu: define __rcu address space modifier for sparse (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] rcu: Add rcu_access_pointer and rcu_dereference_protected (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] rcu: Add lockdep checking to rhel (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] rcu: Make __kfree_rcu() less dependent on compiler choices (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] rcu: introduce kfree_rcu() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [mmc] sdio: add quirk to clamp byte mode transfer (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] pm_runtime: Generic resume shouldn't set RPM_ACTIVE unconditionally (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] workqueue: unify spelling of 'freeze' + 'able' to 'freezable' (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] Allow drivers to compile with #include (Neil Horman) [813086] - [mmc] sdio: add new function for RAW (Read after Write) operation (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] Uset set_irq_type() to define irq_set_irq_type() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] irq: Provide status modifier (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] Simulate pm_qos_X_reuest() using existing qos RHEL6 infrastructure (Neil Horman) [813086] - [lib] cordic: add library module providing cordic angle calculation (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pcmcia] add PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD_PROD_ID3 (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pcmcia] add pcmica_{read,write}_config_byte (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pcmcia] Add {pccard,pcmcia}_loop_tuple (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pcmcia] add pcmica_{read,write}_config_byte (Neil Horman) [813086] - [pci] Add helper macro for pci_register_driver boilerplate (Neil Horman) [813086] - [usb] Add helper macro for usb_driver boilerplate (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] device: Generalize module_platform_driver (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] dma-mapping: add dma_zalloc_coherent() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] Empty implementation of functions to make drivers compile (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] split out the EXPORT_SYMBOL into export.h (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] pm_qos: Define pm_qos_request() as pm_qos_requirement() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] replace USHORT_MAX, SHORT_MAX and SHORT_MIN with USHRT_MAX, SHRT_MAX and SHRT_MIN (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] add wireless TX status socket option (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] workqueue: implement alloc_ordered_workqueue() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] pm_qos: Move and rename the implementation files (Neil Horman) [813086] - [kernel] atomic: add atomic_inc_not_zero_hint() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [fs] vfs: introduce noop_llseek() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] Add net_ratelimited_function and net__ratelimited macros (Neil Horman) [813086] - [fs] libfs: add simple_open() (Neil Horman) [813086] - [base] core: device_rename's new_name can be const (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] Add a boolean function to check if 2 ethernet addresses are the same (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] Allow changing number of RX queues after device allocation (Neil Horman) [813086] - [net] Introduce skb_checksum_start_offset() to replace repetitive calculation (Neil Horman) [813086] - [netdrv] e1000e: drop check of RXCW.CW to eliminate link going up and down (Dean Nelson) [847310] - [net] core: add unknown state to sysfs NIC duplex export (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [855062] - [pci] read-modify-write the PCIe device control register when initiating FLR (Myron Stowe) [848358]- [s390] zfcp: No automatic port_rescan on events (Hendrik Brueckner) [855131] - [fs] xfs: push the AIL from memory reclaim and periodic sync (Dave Chinner) [855139] - [powerpc] perf: Use perf_instruction_pointer in callchains (Steve Best) [850575] - [powerpc] perf: Always use pt_regs for userspace samples (Steve Best) [850575] - [powerpc] perf: Move code to select SIAR or pt_regs into perf_read_regs (Steve Best) [850575] - [powerpc] perf: Create mmcra_sihv/mmcra_sipv helpers (Steve Best) [850575] - [powerpc] perf: Fix instruction address sampling on 970 and Power4 (Steve Best) [850575] - [netdrv] ehea: fix losing of NEQ events when one event occurred early (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: only register irq after setting up ports (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: make some functions and variables static (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Use round_jiffies_relative to align workqueue (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Reduce memory usage in buffer pools (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove unused tcp_end field in send WQ (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Add GRO support (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove LRO support (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove some unused definitions (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Simplify type 3 transmit routine (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Merge swqe2 TSO and non TSO paths (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Simplify ehea_xmit2 and ehea_xmit3 (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Allocate large enough skbs to avoid partial cacheline DMA writes (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Add vlan_features (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Dont check NETIF_F_TSO in TX path (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove num_tx_qps module option (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove force_irq logic in napi poll routine (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Update multiqueue support (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove NETIF_F_LLTX (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Remove sleep at .ndo_get_stats (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: do vlan cleanup (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: fix wrongly reported speed and port (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Fix a DLPAR bug on ehea_rereg_mrs() (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: don't use flush_scheduled_work() (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: kill unused ehea_rereg_mr_task (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Fixing LRO configuration (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Fixing statistics (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: fix use after free (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: simplify conditional (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Fix a checksum issue on the receive path (Steve Best) [822659] - [netdrv] ehea: Allocate stats buffer with GFP_KERNEL (Steve Best) [822659] - [net] drop_monitor: dont sleep in atomic context (Neil Horman) [817146] - [net] drop_monitor: prevent init path from scheduling on the wrong cpu (Neil Horman) [817146] - [net] drop_monitor: Make updating data->skb smp safe (Neil Horman) [817146] - [net] drop_monitor: fix sleeping in invalid context warning (Neil Horman) [817146] - [scsi] bfa: firmware image name update (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Fix error codes and misc cleanup (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: squelch lockdep complaint (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: dereferencing freed memory in bfad_im_probe() (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: off by one in bfa_ioc_mbox_isr() (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to set vport FC host sysfs entries (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Fix bfa logging port state change (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: defer vport delete handler till fw logo (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: BSG and User interface fixes. (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Fix to avoid vport delete hang on request queue full scenario. (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Move service parameter programming logic into firmware. (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Revise Fabric Assigned Address(FAA) (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Flash controller IOC pll init fixes. (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Serialize the IOC hw semaphore unlock (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Modify ISR to process pending completions (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Add fc host issue lip support (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] bfa: Fix endian bug (Rob Evers) [830008] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver version (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix panic because of TCP RST/FIN (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: configure VLAN parameters (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Format the MAC_ADDR with sysfs (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Set log levels for various events (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: MBX Cmd for login, crashdump mode (Rob Evers) [827594] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove the iscsi_data_pdu setting (Rob Evers) [827594] - [target] tcm_fc: Add abort flag for gracefully handling exchange timeout (Neil Horman) [829932] - [scsi] fcoe: Ensure fcoe_recv_frame is always called in process context (Neil Horman) [829932] - [target] Fix possible NULL pointer with __transport_execute_tasks (Neil Horman) [829932] - [usb] usbdevfs: Add a USBDEVFS_GET_CAPABILITIES ioctl (Don Zickus) [828271]- [scsi] hpsa: bump version number (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: add marketing names for Gen8 controllers (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: dial down lockup detection during firmware flash (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: removed unused member maxQsinceinit (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: add new RAID level "1(ADM)" (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_free_irqs_and_disable_msix (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: refine interrupt handler locking for greater concurrency (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: use multiple reply queues (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out tail calls to next_command() in process_(non)indexed_cmd() (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: do aborts two ways (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: add abort error handler function (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused parameter from finish_cmd (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: do not give up retry of driver cmds after only 3 retries (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: retry driver initiated commands on busy status (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: do not read from controller unnecessarily in completion code (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: suppress excessively chatty error messages (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: enable bus master bit after pci_enable_device (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: do not skip disabled devices (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: call pci_disable_device on driver unload (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: use check_signature (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: use find_first_zero_bit (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out driver name (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: removed unneeded structure member max_sg_entries and fix bad name (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix per device memory leak on driver unload (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: do not sleep in atomic context in rmmod path. (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: Disable ASPM (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: detect controller lockup (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix flush cache transfer length (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused busy_initializing and busy_scanning (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: set max sectors instead of taking the default (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: change confusing message to be more clear (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix physical device lun and target numbering problem (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix problem that OBDR devices are not detected (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: retry commands completing with status of UNSOLICITED_ABORT (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix potential overrun while memcpy'ing sense data (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: fix dma unmap error in hpsa_passthru_ioctl (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [scsi] hpsa: Change memset using sizeof(ptr) to sizeof(*ptr) (Tomas Henzl) [737644] - [x86] perf: Enable/Add IvyBridge hardware support (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [x86] perf: Update SNB PEBS constraints (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [x86] perf: Implement cycles:p for SNB/IVB (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [x86] perf: Prettify pmu config literals (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [x86] perf: Implement arch event mask as quirk (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [x86] perf: Disable PEBS on SandyBridge chips (Prarit Bhargava) [829872] - [virt] kvm: Add accessor for reading cr4 (or some bits of cr4) (Gleb Natapov) [832301] - [kernel] sched: Create special class for stop/migrate work (Igor Mammedov) [843541] - [net] ipv4: Add interface option to enable routing of (Thomas Graf) [831623] - [net] ipv6: Move ipv6 proc file registration to end of init order (Thomas Graf) [809297] - [net] sctp: Don't charge for data in sndbuf again when transmitting packet (Thomas Graf) [809792]- [x86] acpi: Fix use-after-free in acpi_map_lsapic (Igor Mammedov) [826067] - [drm] ttm: use shmem_read_mapping_page (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [drm] i915: use shmem_read_mapping_page (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [drm] i915: use shmem_truncate_range (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [fs] udf: fix retun value on error path in udf_load_logicalvol (Nikola Pajkovsky) [843143] {CVE-2012-3400} - [fs] udf: Improve table length check to avoid possible overflow (Nikola Pajkovsky) [843143] {CVE-2012-3400} - [fs] udf: Fortify loading of sparing table (Nikola Pajkovsky) [843143] {CVE-2012-3400} - [fs] udf: Avoid run away loop when partition table length is corrupted (Nikola Pajkovsky) [843143] {CVE-2012-3400} - [fs] udf: Use 'ret' instead of abusing 'i' in udf_load_logicalvol() (Nikola Pajkovsky) [843143] {CVE-2012-3400}- [virt] kvm: fix KVM_GET_MSR for PV EOI (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: update KVM_SAVE_MSRS_BEGIN to correct value (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: switch to apic_set_eoi_write, apic_write (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: add apic_set_eoi_write for PV use (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: host side for eoi optimization (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: introduce kvm_read_guest_cached (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: Add memory slot versioning and use it to provide fast guest write interface (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm_host: add kvm_memslots wrapper (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: only sync when attention bits set (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] bitops: note on __test_and_clear_bit atomicity (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: guest side for eoi avoidance (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: make apic_probe extern (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: add apic_flat to apic_probe on x86_64 (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: add paravirt cpu notifier stubs (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: optimize ISR lookups (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: document lapic regs field (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: Implement EIO micro-optimization (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: Add apic->eoi_write() callback (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: Use symbolic APIC_EOI_ACK (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] apic: Fix typo EIO_ACK -> EOI_ACK and document it (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: Introduce bitmask for apic attention reasons (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [virt] kvm: dont clear TMR on EOI (Michael S. Tsirkin) [835095] - [x86] efi_ioremap may not map the entire physical address space requested (Larry Woodman) [840691] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add remote-fault link detection (Michal Schmidt) [814877] - [virt] vhost: poll vq in zerocopy callback (Jason Wang) [734731] - [virt] vhost_net, zerocopy: adding and signalling immediately when fully copied (Jason Wang) [734731] - [virt] vhost_net: re-poll only on EAGAIN or ENOBUFS (Jason Wang) [734731] - [net] sunrpc: svc_xprt sends on closed socket should stop immediately (J. Bruce Fields) [849702]- [fs] jbd2: fix fsync() tid wraparound bug (Dave Wysochanski) [735768] - [fs] jbd: fix fsync() tid wraparound bug (Dave Wysochanski) [735768] - [fs] jbd, jbd2: fixed typos (Dave Wysochanski) [735768] - [x86] perf: disable PEBS on a guest entry (Gleb Natapov) [845664] - [fs] dlm: make dlm_recv single threaded (David Teigland) [821060] - [fs] dlm: fix granting from recovery (David Teigland) [821824] - [fs] dlm: fix deadlock between dlm_send and dlm_controld (David Teigland) [824964] - [kernel] fork: fix overflow in vma length when copying mmap on clone (Anton Arapov) [815891] - [fs] fuse: update attributes on aio_read (Brian Foster) [850642] - [fs] fuse: invalidate inode mapping if mtime changes (Brian Foster) [850642] - [fs] fuse: add FUSE_AUTO_INVAL_DATA init flag (Brian Foster) [850642] - [net] cls_cgroup: Allow net_cls cgroups to have their classid reset to 0 (Neil Horman) [831456] - [mm] clarify the radix_tree exceptional cases (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs, radix_tree: locate_item to speed up swapoff (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] a few small updates for radix-swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: convert shmem_writepage and enable swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: convert mem_cgroup shmem to radix-swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: convert shmem_getpage_gfp to radix-swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: convert shmem_unuse_inode to radix-swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: convert shmem_truncate_range to radix-swap (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: copy truncate_inode_pages_range (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: miscellaneous trivial cleanups (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: demolish old swap vector support (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] let swap use exceptional entries (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [lib] radix_tree: exceptional entries and indices (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: simplify unuse and writepage (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: simplify filepage/swappage (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: simplify prealloc_page (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: pass gfp to shmem_getpage_gfp (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: no need to use i_lock (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] pincer in truncate_inode_pages_range (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] consistent truncate and invalidate loops (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tidy vmtruncate_range and related functions (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] truncate functions are in truncate.c (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] filemap: cleanup descriptions of filler arg (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: add shmem_read_mapping_page_gfp (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] tmpfs: take control of its truncate_range (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] move shmem prototypes to shmem_fs.h (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] move vmtruncate_range to truncate.c (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [mm] remove worrying dead code from find_get_pages() (Rafael Aquini) [806049] - [lib] radix-tree: fix RCU bug (Rafael Aquini) [819243]- [ata] libata: Add space to fix 2GB ATA Flash Disk/ADMA428M blacklist (Prarit Bhargava) [843849] - [char] hw_random: check for errors in data_present() return value (Amit Shah) [849196] - [char] hwrng: Revert back to older API to prevent (k)abi bugs (Amit Shah) [849196] - [char] Revert: hw_random/virtio-rng: don't wait on host when module is going away (Amit Shah) [849196] - [pci] add pci_pcie_cap2() check for PCIe feature capabilities >= v2 (Myron Stowe) [834700] - [pci] use pci_pcie_cap() in pci core (Myron Stowe) [834700] - [s390] dasd: add sanity check to detect path connection error (Hendrik Brueckner) [823015] - [s390] kernel: Add z/VM LGR detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [823014] - [message] mptfusion: Fix for device removed in blocked state (Tomas Henzl) [831865] - [mm] avoid swapping out with swappiness==0 (Satoru Moriya) [787885]- [pci] disable MEM decoding while updating 64-bit MEM BARs (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [pci] leave MEM and IO decoding disabled during 64-bit BAR sizing, too (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [pci] Use class for quirk for host bridge mmio_always_on (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [pci] fold pci_calc_resource_flags() into decode_bar() (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [pci] treat mem BAR type "11" (reserved) as 32-bit, not 64-bit, BAR (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [pci] disable mmio during bar sizing (Myron Stowe) [841973] - [fs] nfs: nfs_attr_use_mounted_on_file() missing return value. (Steve Dickson) [842312] - [fs] gfs2: Make gfs2_write_end not dirty the inode with every write (Robert S Peterson) [844814] - [x86] cpufeature: Add CPU features from Intel document 319433-012A (John Villalovos) [841661] - [virt] kvm: expose latest Intel cpu new features (BMI1/BMI2/FMA/AVX2) to guest (John Villalovos) [841661] - [tools] perf kvm: Fix segfault with report and mixed guestmount use (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf kvm: Fix regression with guest machine creation (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf script: Fix format regression due to libtraceevent merge (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix synthesizing tracepoint names from the perf.data headers (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf stat: Fix default output file (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf tools: Fix endianity swapping for adds_features bitmask (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf uprobes: Remove unnecessary check before strlist__delete (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf symbols: Check for valid dso before creating map (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evsel: Fix 32 bit values endianity swap for sample_id_all header (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf session: Handle endianity swap on sample_id_all header data (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf symbols: Handle different endians properly during symbol load (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evlist: Pass third argument to ioctl explicitly (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Update ioctl documentation for PERF_IOC_FLAG_GROUP (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Make --version show kernel version instead of pull req tag (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Check if callchain is corrupted (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf callchain: Make callchain cursors TLS (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix pager on minimal-install embedded systems (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix make tarballs (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf script: Fix regression in callchain dso name (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf stat: Initialize default events wrt exclude_{guest, host} (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Fix help window entry for navigating to hottest line (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf report: Use the right symbol for annotation (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf probe: Detect probe target when m/x options are absent (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf compat: Make a note in documentation about uprobe interface (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf probe: Provide perf interface for uprobes (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui browser: Stop using 'self' (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Read perf config file for settings (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf config: Allow '_' in config file variable names (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Make feature toggles global (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: The idx_asm field should be used in asm only view (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Convert critical messages to ui__error() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui: Make --stdio default when TUI is not supported (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf record: Fix branch_stack type in perf_record_opts (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Reconstruct event with modifiers from perf_event_attr (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf top: Fix counter name fixup when fallbacking to cpu-clock (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: fix thread_map__new_by_pid_str() memory leak in error path (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Do not use _FORTIFY_SOURCE when DEBUG=1 is specified (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evlist: Explicititely initialize input_name (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf compat: Disable perf branch sampling in evlist command (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evlist: Show event attribute details (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Bump default sample freq to 4 kHz (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf buildid-list: Work better with pipe mode (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix piped mode read code (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf inject: Fix broken perf inject -b (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: rename HEADER_TRACE_INFO to HEADER_TRACING_DATA (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Add union u64_swap type for swapping u64 data (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Carry perf_event_attr bitfield throught different endians (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf record: Fix documentation for branch stack sampling (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Add cpu flag to sample_type if target has cpu (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Add hardcoded name term for pmu events (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Separate 'mem:' event scanner bits (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Use allocated list for each parsed event (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Add support for displaying event parser debug info (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf test: Move parse event automated tests to separated object (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evsel: Create events initially disabled -- again (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Split term type into value type and term type (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf hists: Fix callchain ip printf format (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Add uses_mmap field (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] Revert: perf evlist: Fix creation of cpu map (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Rename functions to avoid double negation (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Add key bindings help window (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Show 'jumpy' functions (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Count the numbers of jump sources to a target (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Introduce ->free() method in ins_ops (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Augment lock instruction output (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Resolve symbols using objdump comment for single op ins (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Resolve symbols using objdump comment (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Use raw form for register indirect call instructions (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf hists browser: Use '/' for search/filter instead of 's' (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: shorten helpline so it fits in visible space (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf record: Reset event name when falling back to cpu-clock (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf top: Update event name when falling back to cpu-clock (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf record: Fix fallback to cpu-clock on ppc (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf report: Fix format string for x86-32 compilation (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf top: Default to system wide using perf_target methods (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf stat: Use perf_evlist__create_maps (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Consolidate target task/cpu checking (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Introduce perf_target__strerror() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Introduce perf_target__parse_uid() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Introduce perf_target_errno (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix creation of cpu map (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf top: Set target.system_wide (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf session: Fail on processing event with unknown size (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui: Change fallback policy of setup_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui: Add gtk2 support into setup_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui gtk: Rename functions for consistency (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui gtk: Drop arg[cv] arguments from perf_gtk_setup_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui: Make setup_browser() generic (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf target: Split out perf_target handling code (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Check more combinations of PID/TID, UID and CPU switches (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf evlist: Make create_maps() take struct perf_target (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Introduce perf_target__validate() helper (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf top: Convert to struct perf_target (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf stat: Convert to struct perf_target (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Introduce struct perf_target (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix include header files in util/parse-events.h (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Compact 'nop' output (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Do raw printing in 'o'ffset in a single place (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Don't change the asm line color when toggling source (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: More clearly separate columns (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui browser: Introduce routine to draw vertical line (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Don't display 0.00 percentages (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Remove the vertical line after the percentages (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Show current jump, back or forward (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui browser: Add method to draw up/down arrow line (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Add a right arrow before call instructions (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Don't draw jump connectors for out of function jumps (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Mark jump instructions with no offset (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Disambiguage offsets and addresses in operands (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Handle NULL jump targets (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Initial loop detection (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Cleanup realloc use (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] ui browser: Add method to write graphical characters (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Handle retq instructions (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Add visual cue for retq instruction (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Add visual cues on jump lines (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Suppress the callq address (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Bandaid offsets/jump label objdump ambiguity (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Group operands members (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Add missing jump variants (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Use a vertical line as percentage separator (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Make lines more compact (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Align jump labels (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Hide non jump target addresses in offset mode (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf symbols: Introduce symbol__size method (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Rename disasm_line_rb_node (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Introduce scnprintf ins_ops method (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Parse call targets earlier (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Disassembler instruction parsing (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Use the disasm_line instruction name and operand fields (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Parse instruction (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Rename objdump_line to disasm_line (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf record: Use sw counter only if hw pmu is not detected (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Fix thread map that is type pid_t (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf stat: Declare some references static (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Move GTK+ bits to tools/perf/ui/gtk directory (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Move UI bits to tools/perf/ui directory (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix a build error (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: string search: /?n (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf report: Correct display of samples and events in header (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Initial support for navigating jump instructions (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui annotate browser: Add list based search for addr offset (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui annotate browser: Move callq handling to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui annotate browser: Allow toggling addr offset view (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf annotate: Allow printing objdump line addr in different color (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf ui browser: Return the current color when setting a new one (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Ignore TRACEEVENT-CFLAGS file (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Detect build environment changes (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Cleanup realloc use (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Add missing break in make_bprint_args (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Check return value of arg_to_str() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Check result of malloc() during reading token (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix some comments (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Do not call add_event() again if allocation failed (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Pass string type argument to args (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Handle realloc() failure path (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Handle strdup failure cases (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Introduce extend_token() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix printk_cmp() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix trace_printk for long integers (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix pM print format arg handling (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Add support to show migrate disable counter (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Add support for ".*s" in bprintk events (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Let filtering numbers by string use function names (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Replace malloc_or_die to plain malloc in alloc_event() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Add support for __print_hex() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Use local variable 'field' (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Check string is really printable (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Make dependency files regeneratable (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Teach [ce]tags about libtraceeevent error codes (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix clean target in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Silence compiler warning on 32bit build (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix signature of create_arg_item() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Use proper function parameter type (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix freeing arg on process_dynamic_array() (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix a possibly wrong memory dereference (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Fix a possible memory leak (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] traceevent: Allow expressions in __print_symbolic() fields (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Always try to build libtraceevent (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Rename libparsevent to libtraceevent in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Rename struct record to struct pevent_record (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf/events: Add flag to produce nsec output (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Have perf use the new libtraceevent.a library (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Build libtraceevent.a (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf: Separate out trace-cmd parse-events from perf files (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf script: Rename struct event to struct event_format in perl engine (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf script: Explicitly handle known default print arg type (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] Add Makefile.include (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-event: Fix memset pointer size bug in handle (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Allow '*' and '/' operations in TP_printk (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Support '+' opcode in print format (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Let pevent_free() take a NULL pointer (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Handle opcode parsing error (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] parse-events: Handle invalid opcode parsing gracefully (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf/events: Correct size given to memset (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] perf/events: Add flag/symbol format_flags (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] events: Update tools/lib/traceevent to work with perf (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [tools] events: Add files to create libtraceevent.a (Jiri Olsa) [846702] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix (nearly-)kernel-doc comments for various functions (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove casts to same type (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: DB Drop Recovery for RDMA and LLD queues (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Common platform specific changes for DB Drop Recovery (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Detect DB FULL events and notify RDMA ULD (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: unify return value of .ndo_set_mac_address if address is invalid (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for Chelsio's T480-CR and T440-LP-CR adapters (Jay Fenlason) [847356] - [x86] mce: Disable error thresholding bank 4 on some AMD models (Frank Arnold) [823617] - [x86] bitops: Move BIT_64 for a wider use (Frank Arnold) [823617] - [x86] mce_amd: Hide interrupt_enable sysfs node (Frank Arnold) [823617] - [x86] mce_amd: Make APIC LVT thresholding interrupt optional (Frank Arnold) [823617] - [s390] kernel: incorrect task size after fork of a 31 bit process (Hendrik Brueckner) [845133] - [net] sock: delete unnecessary call of sk_alloc_size() (Weiping Pan) [850736]- [tracing] kprobes: Fix KABI break caused by new #include (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tools] perf: Enable the probe command (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Modify is_delete, is_return from int to bool (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Rename probe_* to trace_probe_* (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] ftrace, kprobes: Fix not to delete probes if in use (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix kprobe-tracer to support stack trace (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [kernel] stack_trace: Add weak save_stack_trace_regs() (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [x86] Swap save_stack_trace_regs parameters (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix kprobe selftest for gcc 4.6 (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix common misspellings (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix NULL pointer deref check (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add bitfield type (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Support longer (>128 bytes) command (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Cleanup strict_strtol() using code (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix handling of C-unlike argument names (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix handling of argument names (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix a memory leak in error case (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: fix printk typo 'faild' (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: unregister_trace_probe needs to be called under mutex (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] perf, kprobes: Remove duplicate includes from many files (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Support "string" type (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Support basic types on dynamic events (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Fix typo of info text in trace_kprobe.c (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix probe parsing (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Cleanup unused return value of tracing functions (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] perf: Factorize trace events raw sample buffer operations (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Update kprobe tracing self test for new syntax (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Drop function argument access syntax (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Show sign of fields in trace_kprobe format files (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Check new event/group name (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix field creation's bad error handling (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Support delete probe syntax (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix a memory leak bug and check kstrdup() return value (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Don't output zero offset (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Always show group name (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix memory leak (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] perf, kprobes: Fix lock recursion (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Rename Kprobe-tracer to kprobe-event (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Compare both of event-name and event-group to find probe (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add failure messages for debugging (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Update kprobe-tracer selftest against new syntax (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Robustify fixed field names against variable field names conflicts (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Avoid field name confliction (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Make special variable names more self-explainable (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Remove '$ra' special variable (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add $ prefix to special variables (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Use global event perf buffers in kprobe tracer (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Merge conflicts changes (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Disable kprobe events by default after creation (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix profiling alignment for perf_counter buffer (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add probe handler dispatcher to support perf and ftrace concurrent use (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix trace_probe registration order (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Support custom subsystem for each kprobe event (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Show event name in trace output (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add argument name support (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add event profiling support (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Cleanup kprobe tracer code. (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix probe offset to be unsigned (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Merge conflicts changes (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Change trace_arg to probe_arg (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Fix format typo in trace_kprobes (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: Add kprobes event profiling interface (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] kprobes: tracer assigns new event ids for each event (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Generate names for each kprobe event automatically (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Kprobe-tracer supports more than 6 arguments (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Add kprobe-based event tracer documentation (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [tracing] Add kprobe-based event tracer (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [x86] ptrace: Fix regs_get_argument_nth() to add correct offset (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [x86] Add pt_regs register and stack access APIs (Jiri Olsa) [786489] - [net] sched/act_mirred: do not drop packets when fails to mirror it (Jason Wang) [846585] - [net] sched: fix race in mirred device removal (Jason Wang) [846585] - [net] sched: printk message severity (Jason Wang) [846585] - [net] sched: act_mirred cleanup (Jason Wang) [846585] - [kernel] events: Fix double start/stop in x86_pmu_start() (Jerome Marchand) [803900] - [kernel] events: Fix broken interrupt rate throttling (Jerome Marchand) [803900] - [kernel] events: Avoid a useless pmu_disable() in the perf-tick (Jerome Marchand) [803900] - [input] wacom: add support for Bamboo Pen ID 0xd4 (Aristeu Rozanski) [798796] - [input] wacom: add Intuos5 Touch Ring/ExpressKey support (Aristeu Rozanski) [841611] - [input] wacom: add basic Intuos5 support (Aristeu Rozanski) [841611] - [virt] virtio: Use ida to allocate virtio index (Asias He) [844542] - [virt] kvm: apply kvmclock offset to guest wall clock time (Marcelo Tosatti) [817243] - [virt] kvm: Fix PCI header check on device assignment (Alex Williamson) [829031] - [virt] kvm: Don't save/restore MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS (Karen Noel) [816308] - [s390] kernel: CPU idle vs CPU hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [845132] - [powerpc] pseries/iommu: remove default window before attempting DDW manipulation (Steve Best) [822614] - [char] tty: Fix possible race in n_tty_read() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [765665] - [x86] crash: prepare for pseudo-phys pages without machine frames (Laszlo Ersek) [848766] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Set vlan_feature on net_device (Steve Best) [841993] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support for EEH error recovery (Steve Best) [822654] - [netdrv] e1000e: add missing clear of E1000_RCTL_VFE to e1000e_set_rx_mode() (Dean Nelson) [832573] - [netdrv] e1000: Prevent reset task killing itself (Dean Nelson) [842886] - [netdrv] r8169: fix invalid firmware for 8168d and include ones for newer chipsets (Ivan Vecera) [840591] - [net] netconsole: disable netconsole target before releasing target_list_lock (Amerigo Wang) [849571] - [net] netconsole: fix deadlock when removing net driver that netconsole is using (Amerigo Wang) [769734] - [net] ethtool: Report link-down while interface is down (Ivan Vecera) [821674]- [x86] mce: Replace MCM_ with MCI_MISC_ (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce: Move MCACOD defines from mce-severity.c to (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Fix check for processor context when machine check was taken (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Replace hard coded hex constants with symbolic defines (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Recognise machine check bank signature for data path error (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Clean up trivial coding style problems (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Cleanup severity table (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Make formatting a bit more readable (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce-severity: Fix two severities table signatures (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce: Handle "action required" errors (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce: Add mechanism to safely save information in MCE handler (Luming Yu) [696033] - [x86] mce: Create helper function to save addr/misc when needed (Luming Yu) [696033] - [mm] HWPOISON: Add code to handle "action required" errors (Luming Yu) [696033] - [mm] HWPOISON: Clean up memory_failure() vs. __memory_failure() (Luming Yu) [696033] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Fix pci_device_id array (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: fix bogus values with current BIOSes (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Increase output resolution (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Correct sign extension of running_avg_capture (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] Add driver for AMD family 15h processor power information (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [pci] amd-nb: Rename CPU PCI id define for F4 (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] k10temp: Add support for AMD Trinity CPUs (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [hwmon] k10temp: Update documentation for Fam12h (Frank Arnold) [822277] - [md] raid1: close some possible races on write errors during resync (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] avoid crash when stopping md array races with closing other open fds. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] fix bug in handling of new_data_offset (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: fix use-after-free bug in RAID1 data-check code. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] support re-add of recovering devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: fix bug in read_balance introduced by hot-replace (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: delayed stripe fix (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid456: When read error cannot be recovered, record bad block (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] make 'name' arg to md_register_thread non-optional. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: fix failure when trying to repair a read error. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: fix refcount problem when blocked_rdev is set. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: In ops_run_io, inc nr_pending before calling md_wait_for_blocked_rdev (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: Do not add data_offset before call to is_badblock (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: prefer replacing failed devices over want-replacement devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Don't try to recovery unmatched (and unused) chunks. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1, raid10: fix problem with merge_bvec_fn (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: record the space available for the bitmap in the superblock. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Remove extras after reshape to smaller number of devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: improve removal of extra devices after reshape. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] check the return of mddev_find() (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: Allow reshape while a bitmap is present. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: resize bitmap when required during reshape. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] allow array to be resized while bitmap is present. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: make sure reshape request are reflected in superblock. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: add bitmap_resize function to allow bitmap resizing. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: use DIV_ROUND_UP instead of open-code (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: create a 'struct bitmap_counts' substructure of 'struct bitmap' (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: make bitmap bitops atomic. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: make _page_attr bitops atomic. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: merge bitmap_file_unmap and bitmap_file_put. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove async freeing of bitmap file. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: convert some spin_lock_irqsave to spin_lock_irq (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: use set_bit, test_bit, etc for operation on bitmap->flags. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove single-bit manipulation on sb->state (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove bitmap_mask_state (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: move storage allocation from bitmap_load to bitmap_create. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: separate bitmap file allocation to its own function. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: store bytes in file rather than just in last page. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: move some fields of 'struct bitmap' into a 'storage' substruct. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: change *_page_attr() to take a page number, not a page. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: centralise allocation of bitmap file pages. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: allow a bitmap with no backing storage. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: add new 'space' attribute for bitmaps. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: disentangle two different 'pending' flags. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: support sync request (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: remove unused variables (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Fix memleak in r10buf_pool_alloc (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: allow fix_read_error to read from recovering device. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] move freeing of badblocks.page into md_rdev_clear (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] dm-raid should call helper function to clear rdev. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [lib] raid6: Add SSSE3 optimized recovery functions (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: add reshape support (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: split out interpretation of layout to separate function. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Introduce 'prev' geometry to support reshape. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] use resync_max_sectors for reshape as well as resync. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] teach sync_page_io about new_data_offset. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: collect some geometry fields into a dedicated structure. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: allow for change in data_offset while managing a reshape. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: Use correct data_offset for all IO. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] add possibility to change data-offset for devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] allow a reshape operation to be reversed. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] using GFP_NOIO to allocate bio for flush request (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: fix transcription error in calc_sectors conversion. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: set dev_sectors properly when resizing devices in array. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: fix calculation of 'chunks' - missing shift. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] fix possible corruption of array metadata on shutdown. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] don't call ->add_disk unless there is good reason. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: prevent bitmap_daemon_work running while initialising bitmap (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1, raid10: Fix calculation of 'vcnt' when processing error recovery. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] Bitmap version cleanup (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1, raid10: don't compare excess byte during consistency check. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: Fix a bug about judging if the operation is syncing or replacing (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1:Remove unnecessary rcu_dereference(conf->mirrors[i].rdev). (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: fix handling of bad blocks during recovery. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: If md_integrity_register() failed, run() must free the mem (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid0: If md_integrity_register() fails, raid0_run() must free the mem. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] linear: If md_integrity_register() fails, linear_run() must free the mem. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] Add judgement bb->unacked_exist in function md_ack_all_badblocks(). (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] fix clearing of the 'changed' flags for the bad blocks list. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: discard CHUNK_BLOCK_SHIFT macro (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove unnecessary indirection when allocating. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove some pointless locking. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: change a 'goto' to a normal 'if' construct. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: move printing of bitmap status to bitmap.c (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: remove some unused noise from bitmap.h (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10 - support resizing some RAID10 arrays. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: handle merge_bvec_fn in member devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: handle merge_bvec_fn in member devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] add proper merge_bvec handling to RAID0 and Linear. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] tidy up rdev_for_each usage. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1, raid10: avoid deadlock during resync/recovery. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] don't set md arrays to readonly on shutdown. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] allow re-add to failed arrays. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: use atomic_dec_return() instead of atomic_dec() and atomic_read(). (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] Use existed macros instead of numbers (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: removed unused 'added_devices' variable. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: remove unnecessary smp_mb() from end_sync_write (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: make sure reshape_position is cleared on error path. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: fix assembling of arrays with replacement devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: fix handling of error on last working device in array. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: fix buglet in md_raid1_contested. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] two small fixes to handling interrupt resync. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] notify the 'degraded' sysfs attribute on failure. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: Mark device want_replacement when we see a write error. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: If there is a spare and a want_replacement device, start replacement. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: recognise replacements when assembling arrays. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: handle activation of replacement device when recovery completes. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: Allow a failed replacement device to be removed. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: Allocate spare to store replacement devices and their bios. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid1: Replace use of mddev->raid_disks with conf->raid_disks. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: If there is a spare and a want_replacement device, start replacement. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: recognise replacements when assembling array. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Allow replacement device to be replace old drive. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: handle recovery of replacement devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: Handle replacement devices during resync. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: writes should get directed to replacement as well as original. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: allow removal of failed replacement devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: preferentially read from replacement device if possible. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: change read_balance to return an rdev (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid10: prepare data structures for handling replacement. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: Mark device want_replacement when we see a write error. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: If there is a spare and a want_replacement device, start replacement. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: recognise replacements when assembling array. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: handle activation of replacement device when recovery completes. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: detect and handle replacements during recovery. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: writes should get directed to replacement as well as original. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: allow removal for failed replacement devices. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: preferentially read from replacement device if possible. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: remove redundant bio initialisations. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: raid5.h cleanup (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: allow each slot to have an extra replacement device (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] create externally visible flags for supporting hot-replace. (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] change hot_remove_disk to take an rdev rather than a number (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] remove test for duplicate device when setting slot number (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: be more consistent when setting new bits in memory bitmap (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] Fix userspace free_pages() macro (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid5: be more thorough in calculating 'degraded' value (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] bitmap: daemon_work cleanup (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] allow non-privileged uses to GET_*_INFO about raid arrays (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] update documentation for md/rdev/state sysfs interface (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [kernel] Add DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL and DIV_ROUND_UP_SECTOR_T macro usage (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [kernel] add roundup() code comment from akpm (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [kernel] Constify temporary variable in roundup() (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [kernel] roundup should only reference arguments once (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] raid: remove sparse warning:symbol XXX was not declared (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] convert bitmap code to use compat macros for le-bitops (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [md] add rhel6 compat macros for upstream le-bitops (Jes Sorensen) [817970] - [scsi] cleanup usages of scsi_complete_async_scans (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] queue async scan work to an async_schedule domain (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] async: make async_synchronize_full() flush all work regardless of domain (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] async: introduce 'async_domain' type (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] isci: make function declaration match implementation (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] cleanup ata_host flags initialization via ata_host_init (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] fix hot unplug vs async scan race (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] libsas: fix taskfile corruption in sas_ata_qc_fill_rtf (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] sd: limit the scope of the async probe domain (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas_discover_devices return code handling (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] cleanup setting task state in scsi_error_handler() (David Milburn) [839070] - [scsi] Revert: scsi_transport_sas: fix delete vs scan race (David Milburn) [839070]- [kernel] sched: fix divide by zero at {thread_group,task}_times (Stanislaw Gruszka) [843771] - [scsi] alua: backoff alua rtpg retry linearly (Rob Evers) [820567] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: fix scan when devs are offline (Rob Evers) [822691] - [scsi] alua: retry extended header for illegal response (Rob Evers) [678069] - [scsi] alua: implement 'implied transition timeout' (Rob Evers) [678069] - [scsi] alua: Re-enable STPG for unavailable ports (Rob Evers) [807486] - [scsi] alua: Optimize the STPG command (Rob Evers) [807486] - [scsi] alua: Store the PREF bit from RTPG (Rob Evers) [807486] - [scsi] alua: Introduce set params interface (Rob Evers) [807486] - [dm] dm-thin: add read only and fail io modes (Mike Snitzer) [814826] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: introduce dm_pool_abort_metadata (Mike Snitzer) [814826] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: introduce dm_pool_metadata_set_read_only (Mike Snitzer) [814826] - [dm] dm-persistent-data: introduce dm_bm_set_read_only (Mike Snitzer) [814826] - [dm] dm-thin: reduce number of metadata commits (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: add dm_thin_changed_this_transaction (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: add format option to dm_pool_metadata_open (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: tidy up open and format error paths (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: only check incompat features on open (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: remove duplicate pmd initialisation (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: remove create parameter from __create_persistent_data_objects (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: move __superblock_all_zeroes to __open_or_format_metadata (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: remove nr_blocks arg from __create_persistent_data_objects (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: split __open or format metadata (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: use struct dm_pool_metadata members in __open_or_format_metadata (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: zero unused superblock uuid (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: lift __begin_transaction out of __write_initial_superblock (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: move dm_commit_pool_metadata into __write_initial_superblock (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: factor out __write_initial_superblock (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: lift some initialisation out of __open_or_format_metadata (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: factor __destroy_persistent_data out of dm_pool_metadata_close (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: move bm creation code into create_persistent_data_objects (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: rename init_pmd to __create_persistent_data_objects (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: wrap superblock locking (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-persistent-data: stop using dm_bm_unlock_move when shadowing blocks in tm (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-persistent-data: tidy transaction manager creation fns (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: stop tracking need for commit (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] persistent-data: create new dm_block_manager struct (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: factor __setup_btree_details out of init_pmd (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: set flush_supported (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] allow targets to request flushes regardless of underlying device support (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] persistent-data: only commit space map if index changed (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] persistent-data: always unlock superblock in dm_bm_flush_and_unlock (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: avoid unnecessarily breaking sharing for flushes (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: fix memory leak in process_prepared_mapping error paths (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: split discards on block boundary (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] introduce split_discard_requests (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-raid: move sectors_per_dev calculation (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-raid: restructure parse_raid_params (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-mpath: add retain_attached_hw_handler feature (Mike Snitzer) [818374] - [scsi] scsi_dh: add scsi_dh_attached_handler_name (Mike Snitzer) [818374] - [dm] dm-thin: optimize power of two block size (Mike Snitzer) [814823] - [dm] dm-thin: support for non power of 2 pool blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [814823] - [dm] dm-stripe: optimize chunk_size calculations (Mike Snitzer) [814820] - [dm] dm-stripe: remove minimum stripe size (Mike Snitzer) [814820] - [dm] dm-stripe: support for non power of 2 chunksize (Mike Snitzer) [814820] - [dm] support non power of two target max_io_len (Mike Snitzer) [814820] - [dm] dm-stripe: remove stripes_mask (Mike Snitzer) [814820] - [dm] dm-snapshot: remove redundant assignment in merge fn (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: provide specific errors for two table load failure cases (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: introduce THIN_MAX_CONCURRENT_LOCKS (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: remove pointless label from __commit_transaction (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-persistent-data: remove debug space map checker (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: clean up compiler warning (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: reduce endio_hook pool size (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] replace simple_strtoul (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: convert from simple_strto* to kstrto* (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-raid1: set discard_zeroes_data_unsupported (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-thin: do not send discards to shared blocks (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [dm] dm-table: introduce discard_zeroes_data_unsupported (Mike Snitzer) [844808] - [block] do not artificially constrain max_sectors for stacking drivers (Mike Snitzer) [844968] - [dm] persistent-data: fix allocation failure in space map checker init (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] persistent-data: handle space map checker creation failure (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] persistent-data: fix shadow_info_leak on dm_tm_destroy (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: commit metadata before creating metadata snapshot (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: provide userspace access to pool metadata (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: use slab mempools (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: correct module description (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: add pool target flags to control discard (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: support discards (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: prepare to support discard (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: use dm_target_offset (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: support read only external snapshot origins (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: relax hard limit on the maximum size of a metadata device (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] persistent-data: remove space map ref_count entries if redundant (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: commit outstanding data every second (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: fix stacked bi_next usage (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-bufio: there's no need to include linux/version.h (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin-metadata: pass correct space map to dm_sm_root_size (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] persistent-data: remove redundant value_size arg from value_ptr (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-thin: correct comments (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] persistent-data: fix btree rebalancing after remove (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-mpath: allow ioctls to trigger pg init (Mike Snitzer) [760438] - [dm] dm-mpath: delay retry of bypassed pg (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-mpath: reduce size of struct multipath (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-mpath: detect invalid map_context (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] clear bi_end_io on remapping failure (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] reject trailing characters in sccanf input (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-table: simplify call to free_devices (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-exception-store: fix init error path (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-flakey: fix crash on read when corrupt_bio_byte not set (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-log-userspace: add log device dependency (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] remove superfluous smp_mb (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] use local printk ratelimit (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] dm-ioctl: add flag to wipe buffers for secure data (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] fix idr leak on module removal (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [dm] replicator: remove all related code (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [block] rename __make_request() to blk_queue_bio() (Mike Snitzer) [828955] - [block] export __make_request (Mike Snitzer) [828955]- [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: set max_id suggested by device (Rob Evers) [830357] - [scsi] fix medium error problems (Rob Evers) [845135] - [char] hw_random/virtio-rng: s3/s4 support (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hw_random/virtio-rng: split out common code in probe / remove for s3/s4 ops (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hw_random/virtio-rng: don't wait on host when module is going away (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hw_random/virtio-rng: allow tasks to be killed that are waiting for rng input (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hwrng: virtio-rng - Convert to new API (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hwrng: core - Fix double unlock in rng_dev_read (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [char] hwrng: core - Replace u32 in driver API with byte array (Amit Shah) [844579 844582 844583] - [kernel] timekeeping: Add missing update call in timekeeping_resume() (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] hrtimer: Update hrtimer base offsets each hrtimer_interrupt (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide hrtimer update function (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] hrtimers: Move lock held region in hrtimer_interrupt() (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] timekeeping: Maintain ktime_t based offsets for hrtimers (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix leapsecond triggered load spike issue (Prarit Bhargava) [836803] - [kernel] hrtimer: Provide clock_was_set_delayed() (Prarit Bhargava) [836803]- [powerpc] pci-dma: use include/linux/pci-dma.h (Stanislaw Gruszka) [827193] - [x86] pci-dma: use include/linux/pci-dma.h (Stanislaw Gruszka) [827193] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Printk queued error record before panic (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Distinguish interleaved error report in kernel log (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei: Add Kconfig option IRQ_WORK for GHES (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: 32-bit buildfix (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Add hardware memory error recovery support (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Error records content based throttle (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: printk support for recoverable error via NMI (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [lib] genalloc: Make gen_pool memory allocator lockless (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [misc] Add Kconfig option ARCH_HAVE_NMI_SAFE_CMPXCHG (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [acpi] apei/ghes: Do not ratelimit fatal error printk before panic (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [lib] genalloc: add support for specifying the physical address (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [lib] genalloc: add multiple-inclusion guards (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [lib] genalloc: fix allocation from end of pool (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [lib] genalloc: use bitmap_find_next_zero_area (Myron Stowe) [816496] - [usb] xhci: Fix oops caused by more USB2 ports than USB3 ports (Don Zickus) [738470 813677] - [i2c] i2c-i801: Add device IDs for Intel Lynx Point (John Villalovos) [738470] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: add Intel Lynx Point DeviceIDs (John Villalovos) [738470] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE-mode SATA patch for Intel Lynx Point DeviceIDs (John Villalovos) [738470] - [ata] ahci: AHCI-mode SATA patch for Intel Lynx Point DeviceIDs (John Villalovos) [738470] - [sound] alsa: Add Lynx Point HD Audio Controller DeviceIDs (John Villalovos) [738470] - [netdrv] e1000e: prevent oops when adapter is being closed and reset simultaneously (Dean Nelson) [826375] - [fs] cifs: possible memory leak in xattr (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: integer overflow in parse_dacl() (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Call id to SID mapping functions to change owner/group (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Add data structures and functions for uid/gid to SID mapping (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Do not set cifs/ntfs acl using a file handle (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Fix endian error comparing authusers when cifsacl enabled (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Change key name to cifs.idmap, misc. clean-up (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Invoke id mapping functions (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Add idmap key and related data structures and functions (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Allow to set extended attribute cifs_acl (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: Use mask of ACEs for SID Everyone to calculate all three permissions user, group, and other (Sachin Prabhu) [824065] - [fs] cifs: goto out here is unnecessary (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: remove bogus call to cifs_cleanup_volume_info (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: tidy cifs_do_mount() up a bit (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: close sget() races (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: pull freeing mountdata/dropping nls/freeing cifs_sb into cifs_umount() (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: move cifs_umount() call into ->kill_sb() (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: pull cifs_mount() call up (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: sanitize cifs_umount() prototype (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: initialize ->tlink_tree in cifs_setup_cifs_sb() (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: allocate mountdata earlier (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: don't pass superblock to cifs_mount() (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: don't leak nls on mount failure (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: double free on mount failure (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: trivial cleanup fscache cFYI and cERROR messages (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Fix memory leak in cifs_do_mount (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: When mandatory encryption on share, fail mount (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Move smb_vol to cifsglob.h (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Rename three structures to avoid camel case (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Remove unused inode number while fetching root inode (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Remove build warning (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Fix undefined behavior when mount fails (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Simplify mount code for further shared sb capability (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Simplify connection structure search calls (Sachin Prabhu) [823934] - [fs] cifs: Add rwpidforward mount option (Sachin Prabhu) [823902] - [fs] cifs: Use pid saved from cifsFileInfo in writepages and set_file_size (Sachin Prabhu) [823902] - [fs] cifs: clean up error handling in cifs_mknod (Sachin Prabhu) [823902] - [fs] cifs: Fix to problem with getattr caused by invalidate simplification patch (Sachin Prabhu) [823878] - [fs] cifs: Simplify invalidate part (Sachin Prabhu) [823878] - [fs] cifs: Add launder_page operation (Sachin Prabhu) [823878] - [fs] cifs: Use invalidate_inode_pages2 instead of invalidate_remote_inode (Sachin Prabhu) [823878] - [fs] cifs: Fix oplock break handling (Sachin Prabhu) [823843] - [fs] cifs: switch cifs_open and cifs_create to use CIFSSMBUnixSetFileInfo (Sachin Prabhu) [823630] - [fs] cifs: Simplify cifs_open code (Sachin Prabhu) [823630] - [fs] cifs: Simplify non-posix open stuff (Sachin Prabhu) [823630] - [fs] cifs: fix handling of scopeid in cifs_convert_address (Sachin Prabhu) [823625] - [fs] cifs: add attribute cache timeout (actimeo) tunable (Sachin Prabhu) [823620] - [fs] cifs: TCP_Server_Info diet (Sachin Prabhu) [823842] - [fs] cifs: directio read/write cleanups (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Fix variable types in cifs_iovec_read/write (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Add strictcache mount option (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Implement cifs_strict_writev (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Implement cifs_strict_readv (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Implement cifs_file_strict_mmap (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Implement cifs_strict_fsync (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] cifs: Make cifsFileInfo_put work with strict cache mode (Sachin Prabhu) [742314] - [fs] NFS: Don:t leak in nfs_proc_symlink() (Jeff Layton) [802538] - [fs] nfs: skip commit in releasepage if we:re freeing memory for fs-related reasons (Jeff Layton) [832434] - [fs] gfs2: fix kernel panic with small gfs2 filesystems - 1 RG (Abhijith Das) [838638] - [block] fix infinite loop in __getblk_slow (Jeff Moyer) [534080] - [fs] block_dev: don't mark buffers beyond end of disk as mapped (Jeff Moyer) [534080] - [fs] nfs4: fix referrals on mounts that use IPv6 addrs (Steve Dickson) [820734] - [fs] nfsd: add IPv6 addr escaping to fs_location hosts (Steve Dickson) [820734] - [fs] nfs: Enclose hostname in brackets when needed in nfs_do_root_mount (Steve Dickson) [820734] - [fs] nfs4: serialize layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: cleanup_layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: encode_layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: let layoutcommit handle a list of lseg (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: save layoutcommit cred at layout header init (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: save layoutcommit lwb at layout header (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [block] virtio-blk: Call revalidate_disk() upon online disk resize (Jeff Moyer) [693940] - [fs] fs/direct-io.c: dont try to allocate more than BIO_MAX_PAGES in a bio (Jeff Moyer) [832962] - [fs] nfsd: don't fail unchecked creates of non-special files (J. Bruce Fields) [808112] - [fs] NFS: fix return value of nfs_pagein_one/nfs_flush_one (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pNFS: Fall back to ordinary i/o through the mds if we have no layout segment (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pNFS: Add an initialisation callback for pNFS (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] pnfs: write: Set mds_offset in the generic layer - it is needed by all LDs (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] NFS: move pnfs layouts to nfs_server structure (Steve Dickson) [837871] - [fs] NFS: fix umount of pnfs filesystems (Steve Dickson) [837871]- [mm] check PageUnevictable in lru_deactivate() (Jan Stancek) [846253] - [virt] virtio-blk: Use block layer provided spinlock (Asias He) [734051] - [virt] virtio-blk: Reset device after blk_cleanup_queue() (Asias He) [734051] - [virt] virtio-blk: Call del_gendisk() before disable guest kick (Asias He) [734051] - [virt] virtio-blk: Fix hot-unplug race in remove method (Asias He) [734051] - [virt] virtio_blk: Drop unused request tracking list (Asias He) [734051] - [acpi] apei: new einj parameter to control trigger action (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: limit the range of einj_param (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: Use acpi_os_map_memory() instead of ioremap() in einj driver (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: cleanup 0 vs NULL confusion (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: Allow empty EINJ Trigger Error Action Table (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: Add extensions to EINJ from rev 5.0 of acpi spec (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [acpi] apei: Print resource errors in conventional format (Myron Stowe) [816508] - [net] dev: consolidate netif_needs_gso() checks (Amerigo Wang) [822737] - [net] skbuff: add check for non-linear to warn_if_lro and needs_linearize (Amerigo Wang) [822737] - [net] dev: Optimize non-gso test checks (Amerigo Wang) [822737] - [powerpc] time: Fixups for powerpc timekeeping code (Prarit Bhargava) [843138] - [mm] Eliminate kernel crash due to races in hugetlbfs (Larry Woodman) [822458] - [net] tcp: clear hints to avoid a stale one (Andy Gospodarek) [807704] - [net] fix rtnetlink IFF_PROMISC and IFF_ALLMULTI handling (Jiri Benc) [838450]- [net] openvswitch: checking wrong variable in queue_userspace_packet() (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Validation of IPv6 set port action uses IPv4 header (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Release rtnl_lock if ovs_vport_cmd_build_info() failed (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Add length check when retrieving TCP flags (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Fix checksum update for actions on UDP packets (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Honor dp_ifindex, when specified, for vport lookup by name (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Fix multipart datapath dumps (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: small potential memory leak in ovs_vport_alloc() (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] openvswitch: Add Open vSwitch kernel components (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [lib] flex_array: export symbols to modules (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] net: Add rcu_dereference_rtnl (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] Add skb_reset_mac_len helper (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] rcu: add __rcu API for later sparse checking (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] ipv6: Add fragment reporting to ipv6_skip_exthdr() (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] vlan: Move vlan_set_encap_proto() to vlan header file (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] genetlink: Add rcu_dereference_genl and genl_dereference (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] genetlink: Add lockdep_genl_is_held() (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] netlink: Export genl_lock() API for use by modules (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [net] genetlink: Add genl_notify() (Herbert Xu) [805656] - [x86] setup: Update hardware check to support Intel Haswell processors (Prarit Bhargava) [842862] - [kernel] tracing, function tracer: Clean up strstrip() usage (Jiri Olsa) [838745] - [kernel] tracing: Support multiple pids in set_pid_ftrace file (Jiri Olsa) [838745] - [mm] thp: remove unnecessary tlb flush for mprotect (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [mm] thp: improve order in lru list for split huge page (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [mm] thp: Set compound tail page _count to zero (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [mm] thp: Add compound tail page _mapcount when mapped (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [mm] thp: reduce khugepaged freezing latency (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [mm] Fix slab->page flags corruption (Andrea Arcangeli) [823994] - [powerpc] oprofile: Handle events that raise an exception without overflowing (Steve Best) [834157] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Don't pass irq flags to flush_qp() (Steve Best) [829758] - [usb] ehci: go back to using the system clock for QH unlinks (Gerd Hoffmann) [816576] - [md] dm-raid1: Fix mirror crash when discard request is sent and sync is in progress (Mikulas Patocka) [837607] - [scsi] st: increase max number of tapes configured (Rob Evers) [533469] - [mm] Never OOM kill tasks outside of memory cgroup when memory.limit_in_bytes is exceeded by a Transparent Huge Page (Larry Woodman) [811255] - [netdrv] bond_alb: don't disable softirq under bond_alb_xmit (Jiri Pirko) [841987]- [net] ipv4: add RCU protection to inet->opt (Jiri Pirko) [829109] - [x86] perf: Update event scheduling constraints for AMD family 15h models (Jiri Olsa) [739441] - [x86] ioapic: Fix kdump race with migrating irq (Don Zickus) [783322] - [net] sctp: Implement quick failover draft from tsvwg (Neil Horman) [830716] - [net] sctp: be more restrictive in transport selection on bundled sacks (Neil Horman) [830716] - [net] rds: set correct msg_namelen (Weiping Pan) [822731] {CVE-2012-3430}- [s390] kernel: pfault task state race (Hendrik Brueckner) [831262] - [powerpc] pseries: Support lower minimum entitlement for virtual processors (Steve Best) [822651] - [kernel] sched: Fix signed unsigned comparison in check_preempt_tick() (Frederic Weisbecker) [835797] - [edac] i5000_edac: Fix the fatal error channel report (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [806796] - [security] selinux: fix error codes in cond_read_bool() (Eric Paris) [839315] - [mm] page-writeback: Improvement of page writeback ordering (Naoya Horiguchi) [786025] - [mm] reduce page fragmentation in buddy allocator (Jarod Wilson) [786318]- [pci] print out PCI device info along with duration (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Move "pci reassigndev resource alignment" out of quirks.c (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for usb host controller fixup (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for netmos class fixup (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for intel e100 interrupt fixup (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for legacy ATA NO_D3 (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for cardbus_legacy (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for pci_fixup_video (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class quirk for intel fix_transparent_bridge (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Use class for quirk for via_no_dac (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Add class support in quirk handling (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] Annotate PCI quirks in initcall_debug style (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [kernel] async: remove redundant declaration (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [pci] init.h: Add "extern int initcall_debug" (Myron Stowe) [808213] - [powerpc] Make keyctl new_session work on powerpc (David Howells) [830152] - [pci] Fix uninitialized variable 'cap_mask' (Myron Stowe) [813363] - [s390] enable ARCH_DMA_ADDR_T_64BIT with 64BIT (Prarit Bhargava) [715410] - [x86] Enable ARCH_DMA_ADDR_T_64BIT with X86_64 || HIGHMEM64G (Prarit Bhargava) [715410] - [powerpc] enable ARCH_DMA_ADDR_T_64BIT with ARCH_PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT (Prarit Bhargava) [715410] - [kernel] add the common dma_addr_t typedef to include/linux/types.h (Prarit Bhargava) [715410] - [pci] ahci: add pci quirk for JMB362 (Prarit Bhargava) [836880] - [net] tun: allow tap iface in netconsole'd bridge (Jiri Benc) [838025] - [net] netconsole: fix deadlock on network restart (Jiri Benc) [839266] - [net] ipv4/ping: Fix recvmsg MSG_OOB error handling (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] fix some sparse errors (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: dont increment ICMP_MIB_INERRORS (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: remove some sparse errors (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: fix the coding style (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: make local functions static (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: cleanups ping_v4_unhash() (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ipv4/ping: Remove duplicate icmp.h include (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: fix build failure (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: dont call udp_ioctl() (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ping: small changes (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [net] ipv4: add IPPROTO_ICMP socket kind (Jiri Pirko) [787705] - [x86] amd_iommu: Fix SRIOV and hotplug devices (Stefan Assmann) [832009] - [mm] hugetlb: fix resv_map leak in error path (Motohiro Kosaki) [824351] {CVE-2012-2390}- [crypto] signature: remove module signing xtime usage (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix CLOCK_MONOTONIC inconsistency during leapsecond (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix a few minor newline issues (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: fix s/then/than/ spelling errors (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Avoid scary backtraces when warning of > 11 adj (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] ntp: Fix leap-second hrtimer livelock (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Fix change_clocksource locking (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move common updates to a function (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Reorder so the hot data is together (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Remove most of xtime_lock usage in timekeeping.c (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] ntp: Add ntp_lock to replace xtime_locking (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] ntp: Access tick_length variable via ntp_tick_length() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Add timekeeper lock (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Cleanup global variables and move them to the top (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move raw_time into timekeeper structure (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move xtime into timekeeeper structure (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move wall_to_monotonic into the timekeeper structure (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move total_sleep_time into the timekeeper structure (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Fix spelling mistakes in new comments (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: fix bogus comment in timekeeping_get_ns_raw (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: add arch_offset hook to ktime_get functions (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] clocksource: Avoid selecting mult values that might overflow when adjusted (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Improve documentation of timekeeeping_adjust() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Fix stupid KERN_WARN compile issue (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Avoid accumulating time drift in suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Catch invalid timespec sleep values in __timekeeping_inject_sleeptime (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] hrtimers: Prepare for cancel on clock was set timers (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Add timekeeping_inject_sleeptime (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Extend get_xtime_and_monotonic_offset() to also return sleep (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Introduce get_monotonic_boottime and ktime_get_boottime (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Introduce timekeeping_inject_offset (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Correct the *settime* parameters (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Provide xtime_update() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Remove unused __get_wall_to_monotonic() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Provide get_xtime_and_monotonic_offset() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Move do_timer() to kernel/time/timekeeping.c (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Make local variables static (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Compensate for rounding on odd-frequency clocksources (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Workaround gcc loop optimization that causes 64bit div errors (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix overflow in rawtime tv_nsec on 32 bit archs (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix update_vsyscall to provide wall_to_monotonic offset (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [powerpc] kernel: RHEL6 xtime removal (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Make xtime and wall_to_monotonic static (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [powerpc] kernel: Cleanup xtime usage (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] hrtimer: Cleanup direct access to wall_to_monotonic (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Kill off CONFIG_GENERIC_TIME (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Implement timespec_add (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Remove xtime_cache (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Fix accumulation bug triggered by long delay (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Clean up warp_clock() (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [virt] time: Clean up direct xtime usage in xen (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [s390] kernel: Cleanup xtime usage (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] Export the symbol of getboottime and mmonotonic_to_bootbased (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] clocksource: add suspend callback (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] ntp: Cleanup xtime references in ntp.c (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] Revert: time: Remove xtime_cache (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix clock_gettime vsyscall time warp (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] nohz: Prevent clocksource wrapping during idle (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Remove xtime_cache (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] time: Implement logarithmic time accumulation (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] Revert: time: Implement logarithmic time accumalation (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] Revert: Export the symbol of getboottime and mmonotonic_to_bootbased (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [s390x] Revert: timekeeping: Fix accumulation bug triggered by long delay (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [s390x] Revert: timekeeping: Fix clock_gettime vsyscall time warp (Prarit Bhargava) [836748] - [kernel] Revert: nohz: Prevent clocksource wrapping during idle (Prarit Bhargava) [836748]- [netdrv] be2net: reduce gso_max_size setting to account for ethernet header (Ivan Vecera) [834185] - [netdrv] dl2k: fix unfiltered netdev rio_ioctl access by users (Jacob Tanenbaum) [818825] {CVE-2012-2313} - [fs] proc/stat: fix whitespace damage in use arch_idle_time patch (Steve Best) [841149] - [virt] kvm: disable writeback for TEST in emulator (Gleb Natapov) [842211] - [x86] lapic-timer: Increase the max_delta to 31 bits (Prarit Bhargava) [832138] - [net] 8021q/vlan: filter device events on bonds (Neil Horman) [841983]- [fs] nfs: fix EOF incorrectly set on short read for nfsv2 (Sachin Prabhu) [827126] - [usbhid] hiddev: Consolidate device existence checks in hiddev_ioctl (Don Zickus) [839973] - [usbhid] hiddev: Fix race between disconnect and hiddev_ioctl (Don Zickus) [839973] - [usbhid] hiddev: protect against disconnect/NULL-dereference race (Don Zickus) [839973] - [perf] events: Fix ring_buffer_wakeup() brown paperbag bug (Frederic Weisbecker) [839105] - [perf] Fix loss of notification with multi-event (Frederic Weisbecker) [839105] - [perf] Split up buffer handling from core code (Frederic Weisbecker) [839105] - [drm] i915: fix integer overflow in i915_gem_do_execbuffer() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [824563] {CVE-2012-2384} - [crypto] algapi: Move larval completion into algboss (Herbert Xu) [832135] - [kernel] pm_qos: Accept ASCII values for latency (Herbert Xu) [833456] - [x86] Use .cfi_sections for assembly code (Mark Wielaard) [823990] - [scsi] mpt2sas: reduce lock contention (Tomas Henzl) [790506] - [net] ipv4: fix panic while tuning accept_local (Weiping Pan) [835911]- [powerpc] Fix wrong divisor in usecs_to_cputime backport (Steve Best) [821374] - [drm] i915: fix integer overflow in i915_gem_execbuffer2() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [824555] {CVE-2012-2383} - [fs] proc/stat: Use arch_idle_time for idle and iowait times if available (Steve Best) [841149] - [lib] kstrto: Reduce the number of expensive division instructions done by _parse_integer() (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] kstrtox: common code between kstrto*() and simple_strto*() functions (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] make _tolower() public (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] vsprintf: use TOLOWER whenever possible (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] lib: add kstrto*_from_user() (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] kstrtox: simpler code in _kstrtoull() (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] kstrto: converting strings to integers done (hopefully) right (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [lib] vsprintf: reuse almost identical simple_strtoulX() functions (Sachin Prabhu) [820847] - [usb] core: change the memory limits in usbfs URB submission (Don Zickus) [828271] - [usb] core: unify some error pathways in usbfs (Don Zickus) [828271] - [base] firmware: Fix an oops on reading fw_priv->fw in sysfs loading file (Prarit Bhargava) [819877]- [tools] perf, spec: Add bison and flex build BuildRequires (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, compat: Disable hw breakpoint events (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, compat: Disable branch stack feature (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, compat: Disable PMU events (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, stat: handle ENXIO error for perf_event_open (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Turn off compiler warnings for flex and bison generated files (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, stat: Fix case where guest/host monitoring is not supported by kernel (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, build-id: Fix filename size calculation (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, symbols: Read plt symbols from proper symtab_type binary (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add 'G' and 'H' modifiers to event parsing (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Drop CROSS_COMPILE from flex and bison calls (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Fix crash showing warning related to kernel maps (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, archive: Correct cutting of symbolic link (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Ignore auto-generated bison/flex files (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix parsers' rules to dependencies (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: fix NO_GTK2 Makefile config error (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, session: Skip event correctly for unknown id/machine (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, kvm: Finding struct machine fails for PERF_RECORD_MMAP (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Validate addr in symbol__inc_addr_samples (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, hists browser: Fix NULL deref in hists browsing code (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, hists: Catch and handle out-of-date hist entry maps. (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Fix hist decay (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, top: Add intel_idle to the skip list (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix getrusage() related build failure on glibc trunk (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Remove auto-generated bison/flex files (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Fix off by one symbol hist size allocation and hit accounting (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: addr2line wants addresses in same format as objdump (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, probe: Finder fails to resolve function name to address (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, symbols: Handle NULL dso in dso__name_len (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, symbols: Do not include libgen.h (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix bug in raw sample parsing (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix display of first level of callchains (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, diff: Fix to work with new hists design (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix modifier to be applied on correct events (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix various casting issues for 32 bits (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Simplify event_read_id exit path (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Use scnprintf where applicable (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Incorrect use of snprintf results in SEGV (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: Fix buffer overrun bug in tracepoint_id_to_path() (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Add a simple GTK2-based 'perf report' browser (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Document --symbol-filter option (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, ui browser: Clean lines inside of the input window (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Treat an argument as a symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Add --symbol-filter option (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, ui browser: Add 's' key to filter by symbol name (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, ui browser: Introduce ui_browser__input_window (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, hists: Add hists__filter_by_symbol (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Do not disable members of group event (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, stat: Fix event grouping on forked task (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add support to specify pmu style event (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add perf pmu object to access pmu format definition (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add config options support for event parsing (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add parser generator for events parsing (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Adjust make rules (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Fix annotate double quit issue in branch view mode (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Remove duplicate annotate choice in branch view mode (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Enable TUI in branch view mode (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Auto-detect branch stack sampling mode (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: Add HEADER_BRANCH_STACK tag (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: Provide default branch stack sampling mode option (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Make perf able to read files from older ABIs (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix ABI compatibility bug in print_event_desc() (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Enable reading of perf.data files from different ABI rev (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, report: Add support for taken branch sampling (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: Add support for sampling taken branch (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add code to support PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Add missing newline on error message (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Fix help string on tui (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Restore title when came back to original symbol (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Handle lower case key code in annotate_browser__run() (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, annotate: Print asm code as blue when source code is displayed (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add descriptions of missing Makefile arguments (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, evlist: Restore original errno after open failed (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, probe: Ensure offset provided is not greater than function length without DWARF info too (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Ensure comm string is properly terminated (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, probe: Ensure offset provided is not greater than function length (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, evlist: Return first evsel for non-sample event on old kernel (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: fix broken perf record -a mode (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Remove duplicated string.h includes (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Allow expressions in __print_symbolic() fields (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Invert the sample_id_all logic (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Handle kernels that don't support attr.exclude_{guest, host} (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: cleanup initialization of attr->size (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Factor out feature op to process header sections (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Moving code in header.c (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add bitmap_or function into bitmap object (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add sysfs mountpoint interface (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Remove unused functions from debugfs object (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Get rid of ctype.h in symbol.c (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: ctype.c only wants util.h (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Implement islower/isupper macro into util.h (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Change perf_guest default back to false (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, top: Don't process samples with no valid machine object (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Allow multiple threads or processes in record, stat, top (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix out of tree compiles (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix build dependency of perf python extension (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: No build id option fails (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: fix endianness detection in perf.data (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, stat: Align scaled output of cpu-clock (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, stat: Adjust print unit (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, doc: Allow producing documentation in a specified output directory (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, evsel: Fix an issue where perf report fails to show the proper percentage (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, record: Make feature initialization generic (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, probe: Rename target_module to target (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Remove distclean from Makefile help output (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, evlist: Make splice_list_tail method public (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, python: Use attr.watermark in twatch.py (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Remove unnecessary ctype.h inclusion (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, lock: Document lock info subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, top: Fix number of samples displayed (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, script: Add option resolving vmlinux path (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, script: Add the offset field specifier (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, script: Print branch_from and branch_to of BTS events (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, script: Unify the expressions indicating "unknown" (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, evsel: Fix spelling typo (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix strlen() bug in perf_event__synthesize_event_type() (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: probe usability fixes (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Fix broken build by defining _GNU_SOURCE in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Introduce per user view (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add fprintf methods for thread_map and cpu_map classes (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf: Add support for guest/host-only profiling (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [tools] perf, kvm: Do guest-only counting by default (Jiri Olsa) [827474] - [fs] ext4: properly dirty split extent nodes (David Jeffery) [838640] - [netdrv] ixgbe: BIT_APP_UPCHG not set by ixgbe_copy_dcb_cfg() (Andy Gospodarek) [814044] - [netdrv] ixgbe: driver fix for link flap (Andy Gospodarek) [814044] - [net] tcp: Add TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket option (Jiri Benc) [819610]- [net] bridge: Fix enforcement of multicast hash_max limit (Thomas Graf) [832575] - [net] bluetooth: fix sco_conninfo infoleak (Jacob Tanenbaum) [681308] {CVE-2011-1078} - [wireless] ipw2200: remove references to CFG80211_WEXT config option (John Linville) [839311] - [virt] kvm: whitelist-based GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID (Eduardo Habkost) [832486] - [virt] kvm: handle last_boosted_vcpu = 0 case (Rik van Riel) [827031] - [net] ehea: fix promiscuous mode (Steve Best) [826075] - [net] ehea: fix allmulticast support (Steve Best) [826075] - [s390] kdump: Move early_pgm_check_handler() to text section (Hendrik Brueckner) [831288]- [s390] kdump: Fix PSW restart on offline CPUs (Hendrik Brueckner) [831277] - [s390] kdump: Use real mode for PSW restart and kexec (Hendrik Brueckner) [831278] - [s390] kernel: clear page table for sw large page emulation (Hendrik Brueckner) [831265] - [s390] dasd: re-prioritize partition detection message (Hendrik Brueckner) [831261] - [s390] zfcpdump: Implement async sdias event processing (Hendrik Brueckner) [818893] - [mm] readahead: readahead page allocations are OK to fail (Jeff Moyer) [804815] - [base] firmware_class: fix memory leak - free allocated pages kabi fixes (Prarit Bhargava) [745657] - [base] firmware_class: fix memory leak - free allocated pages (Prarit Bhargava) [745657] - [fs] tmpfs: fix highmem swapoff crash regression (Rafael Aquini) [817719] - [fs] tmpfs: fix race between truncate and writepage (Rafael Aquini) [817719] - [fs] tmpfs: fix race between swapoff and writepage (Rafael Aquini) [817719] - [fs] tmpfs: fix spurious ENOSPC when racing with unswap (Rafael Aquini) [817719] - [fs] tmpfs: fix race between umount and swapoff (Rafael Aquini) [817719] - [fs] tmpfs: fix race between umount and writepage (Rafael Aquini) [817719]- [net] ipv6/netfilter: fix null pointer dereference in nf_ct_frag6_reasm() (Petr Matousek) [833412] {CVE-2012-2744} - [x86] io-apic: IO-APIC MMIO should not fail on resource insertion (Prarit Bhargava) [790726] - [x86] apic: Use PAGE_SIZE instead of numbers (Prarit Bhargava) [790726] - [firmware] dmi: bail earlier if no smbios found (Jarod Wilson) [833588] - [x86] cpu: mark hardware unsupported in single function (Prarit Bhargava) [829436] - [net] 9p: replace p9_poll_task with a work (Prarit Bhargava) [789126] - [net] 9p: use system_wq instead of p9_mux_wq (Prarit Bhargava) [789126] - [bluetooth] btusb: typo in Broadcom SoftSailing id (Don Zickus) [768385] - [bluetooth] btusb: add device entry for Broadcom SoftSailing (Don Zickus) [768385] - [ipc] mqueue: add rbtree node caching support checkpatch fixes (Doug Ledford) [826177] - [ipc] mqueue: add rbtree node caching support (Doug Ledford) [826177] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: separate out common code between remove and freeze functions (Amit Shah) [813227] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: drop restore_common() (Amit Shah) [813227] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: let host know of updated balloon size before module removal (Amit Shah) [813227] - [crypto] sha512: Fix byte counter overflow in SHA-512 (Jarod Wilson) [830977] - [kernel] Prevent keyctl new_session from causing a panic (David Howells) [827424] {CVE-2012-2745} - [mm] reclaim invalidated page ASAP (Rafael Aquini) [817659] - [mm] memcg: move memcg reclaimable page into tail of inactive list (Rafael Aquini) [817659] - [mm] deactivate invalidated pages (Rafael Aquini) [817659] - [mm] filemap: find_get_pages_contig fixlet (Rafael Aquini) [819001] - [netdrv] be2net: enable GRO by default (Ivan Vecera) [837230] - [wireless] ath9k: fix dynamic WEP related regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [807367] - [net] rfs: better sizing of dev_flow_table (Jiri Pirko) [810073] - [net] rps: fix insufficient bounds checking in store_rps_dev_flow_table_cnt() (Jiri Pirko) [810073] - [net] ipvs: IPv6 tunnel mode fix (Jesper Brouer) [835535] - [Documentation] networking: update the description of rp_filter in ip-sysctl.txt (Amerigo Wang) [786411] - [net] ipv6: discard overlapping fragment (Jiri Pirko) [819952] - [net] tcp: Fix race in tcp_poll (Jiri Pirko) [831663] - [net] ipv6: fix incorrect TCP checksums with single-fragment packets (Jiri Benc) [759313] - [net] ipv6: fix panic in tcp SYN processing (Jesper Brouer) [803920] - [net] ipv4: IP_MULTICAST_IF setsockopt now recognizes struct mreq (Jiri Pirko) [803202]- [net] bonding: Fix up refcounting issues with bond/vlan config (Neil Horman) [836164] - [net] bonding: Always add vid to new slave group (Neil Horman) [834764] - [fs] procfs: do not confuse jiffies with cputime64_t (Steve Best) [821374] - [kernel] time: Add nsecs_to_cputime64 interface for asm-generic (Steve Best) [821374] - [powerpc] Fix wrong divisor in usecs_to_cputime (Steve Best) [821374]- [kernel] futex: Fix uninterruptible loop due to gate_area (Jerome Marchand) [834038] - [kernel] futex: Fix regression with read only mappings (Jerome Marchand) [834038] - [fs] pnfs: Fix an off-by-one error in pnfs_generic_pg_test (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] pnfs: Fix some issues with pnfs_generic_pg_test (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] nfs: file layout must consider pg_bsize for coalescing (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] pnfs: fix break condition in pnfs_find_lseg (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] nfs: Cleanup of the nfs_pageio code in preparation for a pnfs bugfix (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] nfs: define nfs_generic_pg_test (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] pnfs: use pnfs_generic_pg_test directly by layout driver (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] pnfs: change pg_test return type to bool (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] pnfs: unify pnfs_pageio_init functions (Steve Dickson) [826650] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: encode_layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: Use byte-range for cb_layoutrecall (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: alloc and free layout_hdr layoutdriver methods (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: support for non-rpc layout drivers (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: align layoutget requests on page boundaries (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: Use byte-range for layoutget (Steve Dickson) [825009] - [fs] nfsv4.1 fix page number calculation bug for filelayout decode buffers (Steve Dickson) [758202] - [fs] nfs: Adapt readdirplus to application usage patterns (Steve Dickson) [819891] - [fs] nfs: Backport of upstream xdr routines to rhel6 (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [net] sunrpc/auth_gss: the list of pseudoflavors not being parsed correctly (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Use correct variable for page bounds checking (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Remove secinfo knowledge out of the generic client (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Remove unused function nfs_lookup_with_sec() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Honor the authflavor set in the clone mount data (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Fix following referral mount points with different security (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Do secinfo as part of lookup (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFSv4: Translate NFS4ERR_BADNAME into ENOENT when applied to a lookup (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Handle exceptions coming out of nfs4_proc_fs_locations() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Remove the unused "lookupfh()" version of nfs4_proc_lookup() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Clean up nfs4_xdr_dec_secinfo() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Fix decode_secinfo_maxsz (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Return meaningful status from decode_secinfo() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC outside of nfs4_handle_exception() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: don't negotiate when user specifies sec flavor (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Attempt mount with default sec flavor first (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Remove unused argument from nfs_find_best_sec() (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Change initial mount authflavor only when server returns NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Fix a signed vs. unsigned secinfo bug (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Don't leak RPC clients in NFSv4 secinfo negotiation (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Determine initial mount security (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: use secinfo when crossing mountpoints (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: Add secinfo procedure (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: lookup supports alternate client (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFS: convert call_sync() to a function (Steve Dickson) [784174] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure continued open and lockowner name uniqueness (Steve Dickson) [784174]- [fs] xfs: disable xfsaild idle mode (Brian Foster) [813137] - [fs] xfs: fix the logspace waiting algorithm (Brian Foster) [813137] - [fs] xfs: add AIL pushing tracepoints (Brian Foster) [813137] - [fs] xfs: force the log if we encounter pinned buffers in .iop_pushbuf (Brian Foster) [813137] - [fs] xfs: do not update xa_last_pushed_lsn for locked items (Brian Foster) [813137] - [net] rpc: handle rotated gss data for Windows interoperability (Steve Dickson) [796992] - [md] raid5: Reintroduce locking in handle_stripe() to avoid racing (Jes Sorensen) [828065] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Fix KVM_SET_SREGS with big real mode segments (Orit Wasserman) [756044] - [virt] virtio_console: Use wait_event_freezable instead of _interruptible (Amit Shah) [823428] - [virt] virtio_console: Ignore port name update request if name already set (Amit Shah) [820945] - [x86] kprobes: Fix a bug which can modify kernel code permanently (Dave Anderson) [726270] - [x86] kprobes: Fix instruction recovery on optimized path (Dave Anderson) [726270] - [net] bonding: show all the link status of slaves (Amerigo Wang) [826945]- [fs] writeback: merge for_kupdate and !for_kupdate cases (Eric Sandeen) [818172] - [fs] writeback: fix queue_io() ordering (Eric Sandeen) [818172] - [fs] writeback: don't redirty tail an inode with dirty pages (Eric Sandeen) [818172] - [fs] nfs: Map minor mismatch error to protocol not support error (Steve Dickson) [796352] - [fs] ext4: Fix overflow caused by missing cast in ext4_fallocate() (Lukas Czerner) [830209] - [ata] libata: Add 2GB ATA Flash Disk/ADMA428M to DMA blacklist (Prarit Bhargava) [812904] - [netdrv] r8169: fix typo in firmware filenames (Ivan Vecera) [829211] - [net] bonding: fix regression on vlan module removal (Neil Horman) [823822]- [netdrv] mlx4: ignore old module parameters (Jay Fenlason) [830553]- [kernel] sysctl: silence warning about missing strategy for file-max at boot time (Jeff Layton) [803431] - [net] sunrpc: make new tcp_max_slot_table_entries sysctl use CTL_UNNUMBERED (Jeff Layton) [803431] - [drm] i915: set AUD_CONFIG N_value_index for DisplayPort (Dave Airlie) [747890] - [scsi] scsi_lib: fix scsi_io_completion's SG_IO error propagation (Mike Snitzer) [827163] - [fs] nfs: Fix corrupt read data after short READ from server (Sachin Prabhu) [817738]- [scsi] be2iscsi: fix dma free size mismatch regression (Mike Christie) [824287] - [scsi] libsas: check dev->gone before submitting sata i/o (David Milburn) [824025]- [net] ipv4/netfilter: TCP and raw fix for ip_route_me_harder (Jiri Benc) [812108]- [net] bridge: fix broadcast flood regression (Jesper Brouer) [817157] - [ipc] mqueue: use correct gfp flags in msg_insert (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [security] fix compile error in commoncap.c (Eric Paris) [806726] {CVE-2012-2123} - [security] fcaps: clear the same personality flags as suid when fcaps are used (Eric Paris) [806726] {CVE-2012-2123} - [fs] proc: Fix vmstat crashing with trap divide error (Larry Woodman) [820507] - [net] rds: fix rds-ping inducing kernel panic (Jay Fenlason) [803936] {CVE-2012-2372} - [net] sock: validate data_len before allocating skb in sock_alloc_send_pskb() (Jason Wang) [814504] {CVE-2012-2136} - [virt] kvm: Fix buffer overflow in kvm_set_irq() (Avi Kivity) [816155] {CVE-2012-2137}- [net] sunrpc: fix loss of task->tk_status after rpc_delay call in xprt_alloc_slot (Jeff Layton) [822189] - [net] sunrpc: suppress page allocation warnings in xprt_alloc_slot() (Jeff Layton) [822189] - [net] netfilter: Fix ip_route_me_harder triggering ip_rt_bug (Jiri Benc) [812108] - [net] netfilter/tproxy: do not assign timewait sockets to skb->sk (Jiri Benc) [812108] - [usb] Don't fail USB3 probe on missing legacy PCI IRQ (Don Zickus) [812254] - [usb] Fix handoff when BIOS disables host PCI device (Don Zickus) [812254] - [usb] Remove duplicate USB 3.0 hub feature #defines (Don Zickus) [812254] - [usb] Set hub depth after USB3 hub reset (Don Zickus) [812254] - [usb] xhci: Fix encoding for HS bulk/control NAK rate (Don Zickus) [812254] - [usb] Fix issue with USB 3.0 devices after system resume (Don Zickus) [812254] - [virt] xenpv: avoid paravirt __pmd in read_pmd_atomic (Andrew Jones) [822697]- [s390] qeth: remove siga retry for HiperSockets devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [817090] - [scsi] lpfc: Changed version number to (Rob Evers) [821515] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system crash due to not providing SCSI error-handling host reset handler (Rob Evers) [821515] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct handling of SLI4-port XRI resource-provisioning profile change (Rob Evers) [821515] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver crash during back-to-back ramp events. (Rob Evers) [821515] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system panic due to midlayer abort and driver complete race on SCSI cmd (Rob Evers) [821515] - [scsi] sd: Fix device removal NULL pointer dereference (Rob Evers) [817853] - [md] Add del_timer_sync to mddev_suspend, fixes a panic (Jonathan E Brassow) [818371] - [virt] virtio_net: invoke softirqs after __napi_schedule (Michael S. Tsirkin) [819435] - [virt] virtio_net: do not reschedule rx refill forever (Michael S. Tsirkin) [819435]- [md] bitmap: ensure to load bitmap when creating via sysfs (Jes Sorensen) [821329] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix RoCE oops (Doug Ledford) [749059] - [x86] setup: Add rh_check_supported() (Prarit Bhargava) [821561] - [mm] read_pmd_atomic: fix pmd_populate SMP race condition (Andrea Arcangeli) [820762] {CVE-2012-1179} - [drm] i915: add Ivy Bridge GT2 Server entries (Dave Airlie) [817926]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly check for current state after the fabric-login request (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Proper completion to scsi-ml for scsi status task_set_full and busy (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix reset time out as qla2xxx not ack to reset request (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Block flash access from application when device is initialized for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove resetting memory during device initialization for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Proper detection of firmware abort error code for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Additional corrections for ISP83xx support (Chad Dupuis) [816331] - [scsi] bfa: remove tech-preview tainting (Rob Evers) [744301] - [input] wacom: add support for Cintiq 24HD (Aristeu Rozanski) [773052] - [netdrv] bna: remove tech-preview status (Ivan Vecera) [744302] - [net] xfrm: impement kabi work-arounds for alg_trunc_len (Jarod Wilson) [768460] - [net] xfrm: Add SHA384 and SHA512 HMAC authentication algorithms to XFRM (Jarod Wilson) [768460] - [net] xfrm: Use the user specified truncation length in ESP and AH (Jarod Wilson) [768460] - [net] xfrm: Store aalg in xfrm_state with a user specified truncation length (Jarod Wilson) [768460] - [net] xfrm: Define new XFRM netlink auth attribute with specified truncation bits (Jarod Wilson) [768460] - [scsi] bxn2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.11 (Mike Christie) [813065] - [scsi] bnx2fc: cleanup task management IO when it times out. (Mike Christie) [813065] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Decrememnt io ref count when abort times out (Mike Christie) [813065] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Allow FLOGI to be retried when receiving bad responses. (Mike Christie) [813065] - [netdrv] be2net: Ignore status of some ioctls during driver load (Ivan Vecera) [818561] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix wrong status getting returned for MCC commands (Ivan Vecera) [818561] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix traffic stall INTx mode (Ivan Vecera) [818561] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix FW download in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [818561] - [netdrv] be2net: enable RSS for ipv6 pkts (Ivan Vecera) [818561] - [s390] af_iucv: allow shutdown for HS transport sockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [815273] - [infiniband] cxgb4: handle wake up waiters and add check for invalid endpoint (Steve Best) [811023] - [drm] radeon: deal with errors from framebuffer init path (Dave Airlie) [736376] - [fs] proc: restore "huge" tag for hugetlb vmas in numa_maps (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: teach /proc/$pid/numa_maps about transparent hugepages (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: break out numa_maps gather_pte_stats() checks (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: make /proc/$pid/numa_maps gather_stats() take variable page size (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: allocate storage for numa_maps statistics once (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: make struct proc_maps_private truly private (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [fs] proc: move show_numa_map() to fs/proc/task_mmu.c (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: declare mpol_to_str() when CONFIG_TMPFS=n (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: remove check_huge_range() (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: make gather_stats() type-safe and remove forward declaration (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: remove MPOL_MF_STATS (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: use walk_page_range() instead of custom page table walking code (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [mm] mempolicy: export get_vma_policy() (Larry Woodman) [818746] - [block] mtip32xx: fix missing mtip32xx.ko in installer initrd (Shyam Iyer) [819947] - [input] wacom: add LED support for Cintiq 24HD (Aristeu Rozanski) [808315] - [input] wacom: make LED status readable through sysfs (Aristeu Rozanski) [808315] - [input] wacom: add LED support for Cintiq 21ux2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [808315] - [input] wacom: add interface to control LEDs in Wacom tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [808315] - [vhost] net: fix possible NULL pointer dereference of vq->bufs (Jason Wang) [814288] {CVE-2012-2119} - [net] macvtap: validate zerocopy vectors before building skb (Jason Wang) [814288] {CVE-2012-2119} - [net] macvtap: set SKBTX_DEV_ZEROCOPY only when skb is built successfully (Jason Wang) [814288] {CVE-2012-2119} - [net] macvtap: put zerocopy page when fail to get all requested user pages (Jason Wang) [814288] {CVE-2012-2119} - [net] macvtap: fix zerocopy offset calculation when building skb (Jason Wang) [814288] {CVE-2012-2119} - [netdrv] be2net: Fix EEH error reset before a flash dump completes (Ivan Vecera) [818568] - [netdrv] be2net: cancel be_worker during EEH recovery (Ivan Vecera) [818568] - [net] bonding: assign slaves their own vlan_groups (Neil Horman) [804232] - [net] vlan: Add helper functions to manage vlans on bonds and slaves (Neil Horman) [804232] - [virt] kvm: Fix kvm_arch_vcpu_put() crash with vmm_exclusive=0 (Avi Kivity) [704173]- [netdrv] be2net: Record receive queue index in skb to aid RPS (Ivan Vecera) [818558] - [scsi] bnx2i: Updated version and copyright year (Mike Christie) [816376] - [scsi] bnx2i: Added the setting of target can_queue via target_alloc (Mike Christie) [816376] - [netdrv] be2net: fix calling __vlan_put_tag() after eth_type_trans() (Ivan Vecera) [815670] - [s390] af_iucv: detect down state of HS transport interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [815274] - [s390] qeth: Improve OSA Express 4 blkt defaults (Hendrik Brueckner) [808486] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct Adaptive Interrupt Moderation so that it will change values (Andy Gospodarek) [802837] - [mm] x86: Move do_page_fault()'s error path under unlikely() (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [mm] x86: make pagefault killable (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [mm] x86: Handle mm_fault_error() in kernel space (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [mm] introduce wait_on_page_locked_killable() (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [mm] oom_kill: remove memcg argument from oom_kill_task() (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [mm] oom-kill: remove boost_dying_task_prio() (Motohiro Kosaki) [770376] - [net] rds: RDS over QLogic hardware fails to work (Jay Fenlason) [797530] - [net] netpoll: fix Allow netpoll_setup/cleanup recursion (Herbert Xu) [816034] - [netdrv] atl1c: add workaround for issue of bit INTX-disable for MSI interrupt (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: enlarge L1 response waiting timer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove PHY polling from atl1c_change_mtu (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Disable L0S when no cable link (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: do MAC-reset when PHY link down (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: cancel task when interface closed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine mac address related code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove code of closing register writable attribution (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: clear WoL status when reset pcie (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: add PHY link event(up/down) patch (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine start/enable code for MAC module (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: add function atl1c_power_saving (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove PHY reset/init for link down event (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: update PHY reset related routine (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove PHY polling from atl1c_open (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine SERDES-clock related code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove PHY contrl in atl1c_reset_pcie (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine phy-register read/write function (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove REG_PHY_STATUS (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove MDIO_REG_ADDR_MASK in atl1c_mdio_read/write (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: fix WoL(magic) issue for l2cb 1.1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine atl1c_pcie_patch (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine/update ASPM configuration (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: clear bit MASTER_CTRL_CLK_SEL_DIS in atl1c_pcie_patch (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: refine reg definition of REG_MASTER_CTRL (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: clear PCIE error status in atl1c_reset_pcie (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove dmar_dly_cnt and dmaw_dly_cnt (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: update right threshold for TSO (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: add module parameter for l1c_wait_until_idle (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: threshold for ASPM is changed based on chip capability (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: restore max-read-request-size in Device Conrol Register (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: using fixed TXQ configuration for l2cb and l1c (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove dmaw_block (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: correct wrong definition of REG_DMA_CTRL (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: wrong register used to stop TXQ (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove code related to rxq 1/2/3 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: split 2 32bit registers of TPD to 4 16bit registers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove SMB/CMB DMA related code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove VPD register (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove HDS register (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove multiple-RX-Q code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: update author contact info & company/driver desciption (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: stop using net_device.{base_addr, irq} (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: set ATL1C_WORK_EVENT_RESET bit correctly (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: dont use highprio tx queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: set addr_assign_type if random_ether_addr() used (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: ethernet dev_alloc_skb to netdev_alloc_skb (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Sweep away N/A fw_version dustbunnies from the .get_drvinfo routine (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: add skb frag size accessors (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: use DMA_x_DEVICE and dma_mapping_error with skb_frag_dma_map (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: convert to SKB paged frag API (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Remove unneeded version.h includes from drivers/net/ (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove interrupt.h inclusion from netdevice.h (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: atl1c_resume() is only used when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is defined (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Use ethtool's ethtool_cmd_speed API (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Fix work event interrupt/task races (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Fix set-but-unused variable (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: fix sparse warnings (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Do not call device_init_wakeup() in atl1c_probe() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Add missing PCI device ID (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove private #define (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Comment typo fixes for 'descriptor' (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Do not use legacy PCI power management (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Fix hardware type check for enabling OTP CLK (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: make functions static (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: avoid some skb->ip_summed initializations (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Remove double test (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Add AR8151 v2 support and change L0s/L1 routine (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Remove unnecessary returns from void function()s (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove redundant code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Update gfp.h and slab.h includes to prepare for breaking implicit slab.h inclusion from percpu.h (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr, part3 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: Add support for Atheros AR8152 and AR8152 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: fix assorted typos all over the place (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: use pM to show MAC address (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c:add pci map direction in atl1c_buffer flags (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: remove exceptional & on function name (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: change atl1c_buffer struct and restructure clean atl1c_buffer procedure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [netdrv] atl1c: duplicate atl1c_get_tpd (Stanislaw Gruszka) [809036] - [fs] epoll: clear the tfile_check_list on -ELOOP (Jason Baron) [817140] - [fs] epoll: Don't limit non-nested epoll paths (Jason Baron) [817137] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix ethtool self tests (John Feeney) [808243 809036] - [infiniband] mlx4: check return code and bail on error (Doug Ledford) [749059] - [infiniband] mlx4: use locking when walking netdev list (Doug Ledford) [749059] - [x86] asm: undo paravirt_patch_template kABI breakage (Rik van Riel) [813682] - [fs] cifs: check S_AUTOMOUNT in revalidate (Ian Kent) [786149] - [fs] vfs: fix LOOKUP_DIRECTORY not propagated to managed_dentry() (Ian Kent) [786149] - [s390x] kdump: Change default action from reipl to stop for on_restart (Hendrik Brueckner) [806152] - [s390x] qeth: add missing wake_up call (Hendrik Brueckner) [806151] - [s390x] lcs: lcs offline failure (Hendrik Brueckner) [804643] - [s390x] ctcmpc: use correct idal word list for ctcmpc (Hendrik Brueckner) [798641] - [s390x] dasd: fix fixpoint divide exception in define_extent (Hendrik Brueckner) [798002] - [s390x] mm: prevent memory zone interleave (Hendrik Brueckner) [797936] - [s390x] qeth: synchronize discipline module loading (Hendrik Brueckner) [795462] - [powerpc] perf: Check current->mm in read_user_stack_slow (Steve Best) [804569] - [powerpc] perf: Disable pagefaults during callchain stack read (Jiri Olsa) [804569] - [tools] selftests: mqueue mq_perf_tests checkpatch fixes (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [ipc] mqueue: strengthen checks on mqueue creation fix (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [misc] rbtree: backport rb_init_node() (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [tools] selftests: add mq_perf_tests (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [tools] selftests: add mq_open_tests (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [ipc] mqueue: strengthen checks on mqueue creation (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [ipc] mqueue: correct mq_attr_ok test (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [ipc] mqueue: improve performance of send/recv (Doug Ledford) [750260] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: default SMI clearing to old behaviour (Prarit Bhargava) [727875 811324] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: problems with newer hardware due to SMI clearing (Prarit Bhargava) [727875 811324] - [sound] alsa: fix Conexant CX20561 audio mute functionality (Jaroslav Kysela) [816569] - [s390] kdump: Use 4 GiB for KEXEC_AUTO_THRESHOLD (Hendrik Brueckner) [815599] - [net] bonding: verify for NULL when getting bridge from bond_dev->br_port (Veaceslav Falico) [816034 817145] - [md] dm-mpath: only try to load the scsi_dh module if the scsi_dh doesn't exist (Mike Snitzer) [788591] - [virt] kvm/svm: handle adjustment of negative tsc offsets (Marcelo Tosatti) [817236] - [netdrv] be2net: fix programming of VLAN tags for VF (Ivan Vecera) [816013] - [scsi] isci: End the RNC resumption wait when the RNC is destroyed. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Fixed RNC bug that lost the suspension or resumption during destroy (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Fix RNC AWAIT_SUSPENSION->INVALIDATING transition. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Manage the IREQ_NO_AUTO_FREE_TAG under scic_lock. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Remove obviated host callback list. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Check IDEV_GONE before performing abort path operations. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Restore the ATAPI device RNC management code. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Don't wait for an RNC suspend if it's being destroyed. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Change the phy control and link reset interface for HW reasons. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Added timeouts to RNC suspensions in the abort path. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Add protocol indicator for TMF requests. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Directly control IREQ_ABORT_PATH_ACTIVE when completing TMFs. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Wait for RNC resumption before leaving the abort path. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Fix RNC suspend call for SCI_RESUMING state. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Manage tag releases differently when aborting tasks. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Callbacks to libsas occur under scic_lock and are synchronized. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: When in the abort path, defeat other resume calls until done. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Implement waiting for suspend in the abort path. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Make sure all TCs are terminated and cleaned in LUN reset. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Manage the LLHANG timer enable/disable per-device. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Save the suspension hint for upcoming suspensions. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Fix the terminated I/O to not call sas_task_abort(). (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Distinguish between remote device suspension cases (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Remove isci_device reqs_in_process and dev_node from isci_device. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Only set IDEV_GONE in the device stop path. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: All pending TCs are terminated when the RNC is invalidated. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Device access in the error path does not depend on IDEV_GONE. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Add suspension cases for RNC INVALIDATING, POSTING states. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Redesign device suspension, abort, cleanup. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Escalate to I_T_Nexus_Reset when the device is gone. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Remote device stop also suspends the RNC and terminates I/O. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Remote device must be suspended for NCQ cleanup. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Manage device suspensions during TC terminations. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Terminate outstanding TCs on TX/RX RNC suspensions. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Handle all suspending TC completions (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Fixed bug in resumption from RNC Tx/Rx suspend state. (David Milburn) [809954] - [scsi] isci: Manage the link layer hang detect timer for RNC suspensions. (David Milburn) [809954]- [x86] Revert: kdump: No need to disable ioapic in crash path (Don Zickus) [815785] - [mm] mempolicy: do_migrate_pages cleanup (Larry Woodman) [801904] - [mm] mempolicy: do_migrate_pages fix (Larry Woodman) [801904] - [ata] ahci: add another PCI ID for marvell (David Milburn) [813365] - [ata] ahci: recognize Marvell 88se9125 PCIe SATA 6.0 Gb/s controller (David Milburn) [813365] - [ata] ahci: HFLAG_YES_FBS fix legacy IDE interface (David Milburn) [813365] - [ata] ahci: add HFLAG_YES_FBS and apply it to 88SE9128 (David Milburn) [813365] - [sound] alsa: enable OSS emulation in rhel configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [657291] - [sound] alsa: add probe_mask=0x101 automatically for WinFast VP200 H (Jaroslav Kysela) [805658] - [target] fcoe: Remove printk message from ft_dump_cmd (Neil Horman) [813678] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix bh use in alloc pdu path (Mike Christie) [813550] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas port naming (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] libsas: fix panic when single phy is disabled on a wide port (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: firmware update to latest firmware generator (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: enable BCN in sci_port_add_phy() (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: Changes in COMSAS timings enabling ISCI to detect buggy disc drives (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: implement suspend/resume support (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: kill isci_host.shost (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: fix interrupt disable (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: fix 'link-up' events occur after 'start-complete' (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: fix controller stop (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: refactor initialization for S3/S4 (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: kill isci_port.domain_dev_list (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: kill ->status, and ->state_lock in isci_host (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: Don't filter BROADCAST CHANGE primitives (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: kill sci_phy_protocol and sci_request_protocol (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: kill ->is_direct_attached (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] isci: improve 'invalid state' warnings (David Milburn) [759210] - [scsi] libsas: suspend / resume support (David Milburn) [759210] - [ata] libsas: drop sata port multiplier infrastructure (David Milburn) [759210] - [ata] libata: export ata_port suspend/resume infrastructure for sas (David Milburn) [759210] - [net] bonding: 802.3ad - fix agg_device_up (Veaceslav Falico) [806081] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix race on comm channel (Jay Fenlason) [808926] - [scsi] libfc: cache align struct fc_fcp_pkt fields (Neil Horman) [815984] - [scsi] libfc: cache align fc_exch_pool (Neil Horman) [815984] - [scsi] fcoe: setup default initial value for DDP threshold (Neil Horman) [815984] - [virt] virtio_console: tell host of open ports after resume from s3/s4 (Amit Shah) [816099] - [scsi] st: fix memory leak with 1MB tape I/O (David Milburn) [811703] - [drm] i915: Don't do MTRR setup if PAT is enabled (Adam Jackson) [802539] - [scsi] device_handler: Add Netapp storage array to rdac array list (Rob Evers) [811364] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix parity error code conflict (Mike Christie) [808619] - [sound] alsa: Fix No sound with Conexant CX20585 / Recording fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [798923] - [kernel] default to clocksource unstable switching off (Prarit Bhargava) [804535] - [x86] Backout X86_FEATURE_ARAT checks in hpet initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [804535] - [kernel] clocksource: Make watchdog robust vs. interruption (Prarit Bhargava) [804535] - [fs] cifs: Show various mount options in /proc/mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [815751] - [ata] libata: make ata_print_id atomic numbering fix (David Milburn) [815861] - [md] raid1: Don't set 'fullsync' unnecessarily (Jonathan E Brassow) [813948] - [md] dm-raid: Record and handle missing devices. (Jonathan E Brassow) [809231] - [md] dm-raid: Set recovery flags on resume. (Jonathan E Brassow) [811669] - [netdrv] bnx2x: changed initial dcb configuration (Michal Schmidt) [812612] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix NVRAM writes on newer devices (John Feeney) [808617]- [x86] efi: Remove unnecessary error message (Matthew Garrett) [788428] - [hid] wacom: Add serial and id reporting for Wacom Intuos4 WL (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: fix proximity tool release (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: report distance for Intuos4 WL (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: Add pad buttons reporting on Intuos4 WL (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: set ABS_MISC bit for Intuos4 WL (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: introduce support for Intuos4 bluetooth (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: introduce sysfs interface to control the device reporting speed (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: separate mode switching function (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [hid] wacom: add missing events for pad buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [bluetooth] hidp: implement raw output support for HIDP layer (Aristeu Rozanski) [769676] - [fs] nfsd: vfs_llseek() with 32 or 64 bit offsets (hashes) (J. Bruce Fields) [813070] - [fs] nfsd: rename 'int access' to 'int may_flags' in nfsd_open() (J. Bruce Fields) [813070] - [fs] ext4: return 32/64-bit dir name hash according to usage type (J. Bruce Fields) [813070] - [fs] add new FMODE flags FMODE_32bithash and FMODE_64bithash (J. Bruce Fields) [813070] - [fs] nfsd: Remove check for a 32-bit cookie in nfsd4_readdir() (J. Bruce Fields) [813070] - [net] bonding: remove entries for master_ip and vlan_ip and query devices instead (Andy Gospodarek) [810299] - [net] netfilter: place conntrack in source hash after SNAT is done (Neil Horman) [740747] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix RSS ring refill race condition (John Feeney) [808247] - [scsi] Revert: rdac: Add dynamic match to rdac handler (Jarod Wilson) [811364]- [x86] therm_throt: Don't report power limit and package level thermal throttle events in mcelog (Naoya Horiguchi) [803913] - [x86] Use this_cpu_has for thermal_interrupt current cpu (Naoya Horiguchi) [803913] - [x86] percpu: add this_cpu_has() macro (Naoya Horiguchi) [803913] - [virt] KVM: lock slots_lock around device assignment (Alex Williamson) [811653] - [virt] kvm: unmap pages from the iommu when slots are removed (Alex Williamson) [811653] {CVE-2012-2121} - [scsi] fix eh wakeup (scsi_schedule_eh vs scsi_restart_operations) (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas, libata: fix start of life for a sas ata_port (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: continue revalidation (David Milburn) [798776] - [ata] libata: make ata_print_id atomic (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: fix ata_eh clobbering ex_phys via smp_ata_check_ready (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: fix false positive 'device attached' conditions (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: unify domain_device sas_rphy lifetimes (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: fix delete vs scan race (David Milburn) [798776] - [ata] libata: reset once (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas_get_port_device regression (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: sas_rediscover_dev did not look at the SMP exec status. (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas_find_bcast_phy() in the presence of 'vacant' phys (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: trim sas_task of slow path infrastructure (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] isci: use sas eh strategy handlers (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: use ->lldd_I_T_nexus_reset for ->eh_bus_reset_handler (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: add sas_eh_abort_handler (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: enforce eh strategy handlers only in eh context (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libata, libsas: introduce sched_eh and end_eh port ops (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: cleanup spurious calls to scsi_schedule_eh (David Milburn) [798776] - [scsi] libsas: introduce sas_work to fix sas_drain_work vs sas_queue_work (David Milburn) [798776] - [net] fib: fix BUG_ON in fib_nl_newrule when add new fib rule (Weiping Pan) [814059] - [scsi] isci: fix oem parameter validation on single controller skus (David Milburn) [812415] - [x86] tsc: Don't divide by zero if TSC kHz calibration fails (Richard W.M. Jones) [813413] - [x86] Avoid check hlt for newer cpus (Don Zickus) [812439]- [virt] kvm: Allow adjust_tsc_offset to be in host or guest cycles (Frank Arnold) [807215] - [virt] Revert: x86: Make tsc_delta calculation a function of guest tsc (Frank Arnold) [807215] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with mailbox handling of REG_VFI (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: flush PCI function reset register write (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system panic when extents enabled (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed the system panic during EEH recovery (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix resource leak when acc fails (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 driver module load and unload test loop (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed missing CVL event (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix deadlock during adapter offline request (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix same RPI registered multiple times (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix handling of XRI Aborted CQE response (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure handling SLI4 FC port reset (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix not sending a LOGO with vport delete (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for SLI4 Port delivery for BLS ABORT ACC (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix ndlp list not empty during unloading (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix mailbox and vpi memory leaks (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: create char device to take a reference (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for FDISC failures (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for driver using duplicate RPIs (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix discovery problem when in pt2pt (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed handling large CQ/EQ ids in an IOV env (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Locking code raising IRQ twice (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix not returning when bad ndlp found (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with driver returning the wrong ndlp (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver behavior when receiving an ADISC (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed unbounded firmware revision string (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix dump command type 4 using 16Gb FC Adapter (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix port not reset when needed during fw_dump (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix ELS FDISC failing local rej./inv. RPI (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI4 FC port internal loopback (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix REG_RPI fails on SLI4 HBA (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix els command using 16Gb FC Adapter (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NMI seen due to CQE starvation (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 FC port obtained link-type/num (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 FC port int. loopback without SFP (Rob Evers) [810522] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix incorrect fcpCdb during scsi command prep (Rob Evers) [810522] - [drm] i915: Do not set "Enable Panel Fitter" on SNB pageflips (Adam Jackson) [731632] - [drm] radeon: fix load detect on rn50 with hardcoded EDIDs. (Dave Airlie) [813962] - [fs] ext4: change return value from int to ssize_t in ext4_file_write (Eric Sandeen) [814302] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add option to disable 5GHz band (Stanislaw Gruszka) [812259] - [scsi] rdac: Add dynamic match to rdac handler (Rob Evers) [811364] - [virt] xenfv: fix hangs when kdumping (Andrew Jones) [811815] - [netdrv] mlx4: allocate just enough pages instead of always 4 pages (Steve Best) [812470] - [mm] Prevent panic while reading /proc/vmallocinfo (Larry Woodman) [767889]- [fs] GFS2: Instruct DLM to avoid queue convert slowdowns (Robert S Peterson) [799165] - [fs] GFS2: Allow caching of rindex glock (Robert S Peterson) [799165] - [fs] GFS2: Don't use a try lock when promoting to a higher mode (Robert S Peterson) [799165] - [fs] GFS2: Make sure rindex is uptodate before starting transactions (Robert S Peterson) [799165] - [netdrv] p54spi: Release GPIO lines and IRQ on error in p54spi_probe (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: always monitor for stuck queues (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] rt2x00: Add support for D-Link DWA-127 to rt2800usb (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] iwl3945: fix possible il->txq NULL pointer dereference in delayed works (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] rt2x00: fix random stalls (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix key removal (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] ath9k_hw: prevent writes to const data on AR9160 (John Linville) [808571] - [net] mac80211: zero initialize count field in ieee80211_tx_rate (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] ath9k: stop on rates with idx -1 in ath9k rate control's .tx_status (John Linville) [808571] - [net] mac80211: Fix a rwlock bad magic bug (John Linville) [808571] - [net] mac80211: timeout a single frame in the rx reorder buffer (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] ath9k_hw: fix a RTS/CTS timeout regression (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix a WEP crypto related regression (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] ath9k: Fix kernel panic during driver initilization (John Linville) [808571] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix memory leak in bnx2x_init_firmware() (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix a crash on corrupt firmware file (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: FCoE statistics id fixed (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dcb bit indices flags used as bits (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: added cpu_to_le16 when preparing ramrod's data (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: pfc statistics counts pfc events twice (Michal Schmidt) [811231] - [fs] dlm: fix QUECVT when convert queue is empty (David Teigland) [809986] - [netdrv] bnx2x: correction to firmware interface (Michal Schmidt) [810296]- [net] Fix netdevice reference leak (Thomas Graf) [719600]- [net] ipmr: Enable multiple multicast routing tables (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipmr: Don't leak memory if fib lookup fails (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipmr: dont corrupt lists (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipmr: off by one in __ipmr_fill_mroute() (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] IPv4: unresolved multicast route cleanup (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipmr: add support for dumping routing tables over netlink (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] rtnetlink: decouple rtnetlink address families from real address families (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: fix NULL pointer deref during unres queue destruction (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: fix invalid cache resolving when adding a non-matching entry (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: support multiple tables (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: move mroute data into seperate structure (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: convert struct mfc_cache to struct list_head (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: remove net pointer from struct mfc_cache (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipv4: ipmr: move unres_queue and timer to per-namespace data (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] fib_rules: decouple address families from real address families (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] fib_rules: set family in fib_rule_hdr centrally (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] fib_rules: consolidate IPv4 and DECnet ->default_pref() functions (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [net] ipmr/ip6mr: prevent out-of-bounds vif_table access (Thomas Graf) [631984] - [fs] direct-io.c: fix truncation error in dio_complete() return (Vivek Goyal) [783992] - [net] add sysctl to accept packets with local source addresses (Weiping Pan) [719600] - [scsi] Model description fixes for Brocade adapters (Rob Evers) [808558] - [x86] kdump: No need to disable ioapic in crash path (Don Zickus) [783322] - [kernel] uevent: send events in correct order according to seqnum (Naoya Horiguchi) [801694] - [net] SUNRPC: We must not use list_for_each_entry_safe() in rpc_wake_up() (Steve Dickson) [809928] - [mm] Fix race in process_vm_rw_core (Kyle McMartin) [739136] - [mm] Backport Cross Memory Attach patch from upstream (Larry Woodman) [739136] - [drm] enable CONFIG_VGA_SWITCHEROO (Dave Airlie) [632635]- [net] bonding: send igmp report for its master (Weiping Pan) [797780] - [net] allow to get master bridge device for bridge port (Weiping Pan) [797780] - [s390x] zcrypt: Fix parameter checking for ZSECSENDCPRB ioctl (Hendrik Brueckner) [808487] - [net] fix vlan gro path (Jiri Pirko) [720611] - [net] bonding: emit event when bonding changes MAC (Veaceslav Falico) [800231] - [net] sctp: Fix getsockopt with SCTP_EVENTS regression and allow sctp_event_subscribe to grow (Thomas Graf) [808086] - [net] vlan: Avoid broken offload configuration when reorder_hdr is disabled (Michal Schmidt) [781652] - [virt] xen: Revert "xen: mask MTRR feature from guest"" (Andrew Jones) [810222]- [x86] Don't inject GP for non-XSAVE enabled guests (Don Dugger) [705242] - [drm] i915: suspend fbdev device around suspend/hibernate (Dave Airlie) [746169] - [fs] cifs: Add mount options backupuid and backugid. (Sachin Prabhu) [806336] - [kernel] genirq: Respect NUMA node affinity in setup_affinity() (Prarit Bhargava) [788579] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: do not nulify ctx->vif on reset (Stanislaw Gruszka) [801730] - [virt] VMX: vmx_set_cr0 expects kvm->srcu locked (Marcelo Tosatti) [807507] {CVE-2012-1601} - [virt] KVM: Ensure all vcpus are consistent with in-kernel irqchip settings (Marcelo Tosatti) [807507] {CVE-2012-1601} - [virt] virtio-pci: S3 support (Amit Shah) [803187] - [virt] virtio-pci: drop restore_common() (Amit Shah) [803187] - [virt] virtio: drop thaw PM operation (Amit Shah) [803187] - [virt] virtio: balloon: Allow stats update after restore from S4 (Amit Shah) [803187]- [scsi] be2iscsi: fix include order (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Get Port State and Speed of the Adapter (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: adding functionality to change network settings using iscsiadm (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Adding bsg interface for be2iscsi (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Get Initiator Name for the iSCSI_Host (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Return async handle of unknown opcode to free list (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Check ASYNC PDU Handle corresponds to HDR/DATA Handle (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver Version (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update in Copyright information (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the function return values (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Code cleanup, removing the goto statement (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix double free of MCCQ info memory (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Set num_cpu = 1 if pci_enable_msix fails (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi:Fix typo function name mismatch (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Freeing of WRB and SGL Handle in cleanup task (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: WRB Initialization and Failure code path change (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix in ASYNC PDU stitching logic (Mike Christie) [738043] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix in the Asynchronous Code Path (Mike Christie) [738043] - [net] ipv4: Constrain UFO fragment sizes to multiples of 8 bytes (Jiri Benc) [797731] - [net] ipv4: Don't use ufo handling on later transformed packets (Jiri Benc) [797731] - [net] udp: Add UFO to NETIF_F_GSO_SOFTWARE (Jiri Benc) [797731] - [fs] Fix length of buffer copied in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (Sachin Prabhu) [808036] - [net] bond: Make LRO flag follow slave settings (Neil Horman) [794647] - [net] make dev_disable_lro use physical device if passed a vlan dev (Andy Gospodarek) [713641] - [net] move is_vlan_dev into public header file (Andy Gospodarek) [713641]- [mm] memcg: fix coalescing uncharge during truncate (Johannes Weiner) [717803] - [mm] thp: allow a hwpoisoned head page to be put back to LRU (Dean Nelson) [795574] - [block] md: Avoid OOPS when reshaping raid1 to raid0 (Jes Sorensen) [805857] - [net] bridge: fix use after free of skb in bridge when netpoll in use (Neil Horman) [769725] - [scsi] fcoe: Move destroy_work to a private work queue (Neil Horman) [806119] - [virt] xen: only check xen_platform_pci_unplug if hvm (Andrew Jones) [807354]- [fs] epoll: kabi fixups for epoll limit wakeup paths (Jason Baron) [681689] {CVE-2011-1083} - [fs] epoll: limit paths (Jason Baron) [681689] {CVE-2011-1083} - [perf] tool: Fix diff command to work with new hists design (Jiri Olsa) [794689] - [x86] call restore_sched_clock_state after gs is initialized (Marcelo Tosatti) [803132] - [virt] virtio-scsi: fix whitespace in fix TMF use-after-free patch (Paolo Bonzini) [802127] - [netdrv] macvtap: add ioctl to modify vnet header size (Michael S. Tsirkin) [789362] - [netdrv] firmware: add bnx2x FW 7.2.16 (Michal Schmidt) [798316] - [netdrv] cnic: update for FW 7.2.xx (Michal Schmidt) [798316] - [netdrv] bnx2fc: HSI dependent changes for 7.2.xx FW (Michal Schmidt) [798316] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use FW 7.2.16 (Michal Schmidt) [798316] - [fs] GFS2: put glock reference in error patch of read_rindex_entry (Robert S Peterson) [803384] - [infiniband] rdmacm: fix initialization bug (Doug Ledford) [805996] - [pci] Don't touch ASPM at all when it's forcibly disabled (Matthew Garrett) [801877]- [security] Fix negative key error handling (David Howells) [806393] - [char] ipmi: Increase KCS timeouts (Matthew Garrett) [803378] - [scsi] cxgb3: Add latest upstream firmware (Neil Horman) [747139] - [scsi] cxgb3 driver update to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [747139] - [x86] uv_mmrs.h cleanup patch (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] reduce clock calibration time during slave cpu startup (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] uv: Fix uninitialized spinlocks (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] uv: Fix uv_gpa_to_soc_phys_ram() shift (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Add accounting for BAU strong nacks (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Ack BAU interrupt earlier (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Remove stale no-resources test for UV2 BAU (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Work around BAU bug (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Fix BAU destination timeout initialization (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV2: Fix new UV2 hardware by using native UV2 broadcast mode (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV: Update Boot messages for SGI UV2 platform (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV: Fix UV2 hub part number (George Beshers) [737747] - [mm] vmstat.c: cache align vm_stat (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] uv2: Workaround for UV2 Hub bug (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV: Remove UV delay in starting slave cpus (George Beshers) [737747] - [x86] UV: Clean up uv_mmrs.h (George Beshers) [737747] - [net] ehash_size cleanup in tcp (George Beshers) [737748] - [x86] print EST-capable warning message only once (George Beshers) [737748] - [mm] Overflow computing _hash_mask (George Beshers) [737748] - [x86] ACPI: Remove repeated cooling_device messages (George Beshers) [737748] - [fs] vfs: fix panic in __d_lookup() (George Beshers) [737748] - [x86] Fix bootmem allocator large bitmap (George Beshers) [737748] - [net] Limit sysctl_tcp_mem and sysctl_udp_mem initializers (George Beshers) [737748] - [mm] alloc_large_system_hash() printk overflow on 16TB boot (George Beshers) [737748] - [fs] On a 16TB machine, max_user_watches has an integer overflow (George Beshers) [737748] - [fs] allow for more than 2^31 file (George Beshers) [737748] - [netdrv] bnx2x: consistent statistics after internal driver reload (Michal Schmidt) [747522] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Sysfs support for firmware dump (Veaceslav Falico) [801653]- [kernel] sched: Fix ancient race in do_exit() (Motohiro Kosaki) [784758] - [virt] xen: initialize platform_pci even if xen_emul_unplug=never (Igor Mammedov) [803239] - [virt] virtio-scsi: fix TMF use-after-free (Paolo Bonzini) [802127] - [virt] KVM: increase max vcpu count to 160 (Marcelo Tosatti) [748946] - [scsi] sd: Unmap discard alignment needs to be converted to bytes (Mike Snitzer) [805519] - [scsi] sd: Fix VPD buffer allocations (Mike Snitzer) [805519] - [scsi] isci: improvements in driver unloading routine (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] isci: improve phy event warnings (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] isci: debug, provide state-enum-to-string conversions (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: 'enable' phys on reset (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] libsas: don't recover end devices attached to disabled phys (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] libsas: fixup target_port_protocols for expanders that don't report sata (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] libsas: set attached device type and target protocols for local phys (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] isci: T10 DIF support (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] isci: enable clock gating (David Milburn) [805530] - [scsi] isci: Fix NULL ptr dereference when no firmware is being loaded (David Milburn) [805530] - [fs] Pstore supplies a wrong header to kmsg files (Seiji Aguchi) [804789] - [fs] nfs: Try using machine credentials for RENEW calls (Sachin Prabhu) [795441] - [kernel] perf/x86/kvm: Fix Host-Only/Guest-Only counting with SVM disabled (Gleb Natapov) [805496]- [fs] jbd2: clear BH_Delay & BH_Unwritten in journal_unmap_buffer (Eric Sandeen) [748713] {CVE-2011-4086} - [kernel] sched: Call tick_check_idle before __irq_enter (George Beshers) [635817] - [kernel] sched: Increment cache_nice_tries only on periodic lb (George Beshers) [635817] - [cpuidle] menu: fixed wrapping timers at 4.294 seconds (George Beshers) [635817] - [kernel] sched: Fix softirq time accounting (George Beshers) [635817] - [x86] UV: Lower UV rtc clocksource rating (George Beshers) [635817] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: fix bug in modify_cq wrapper for resize flow (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: remove buggy sched_queue masking (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fixing array indexes when setting port types (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: Setting new port types after all interfaces unregistered (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: Replacing pool_lock with mutex (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Do not map BF area if capability is 0 (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: add unicast steering entries to resource_tracker (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix QP tree trashing (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix buffer overrun (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix kcalloc parameters swapped (Doug Ledford) [801111] - [net] net_sched: qdisc_alloc_handle() can be too slow (Jiri Pirko) [785891] - [net] RFC3069, private VLAN proxy arp support (Weiping Pan) [786544] - [scsi] aio: fix the "too late munmap()" race (Jeff Moyer) [801528] - [scsi] aio: fix io_setup/io_destroy race (Jeff Moyer) [801528] - [scsi] aio: fix rcu ioctx lookup (Jeff Moyer) [801528]- [fs] GFS2: Change truncate page allocation to be GFP_NOFS (Robert S Peterson) [796017] - [fs] GFS2: Remove a __GFP_NOFAIL allocation (Robert S Peterson) [796017] - [fs] GFS2: flush work when clearing inode (Robert S Peterson) [796017] - [scsi] hpsa: change version string (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: rename HPSA_MAX_SCSI_DEVS_PER_HBA (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: update device attributes when they change (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: improve naming on external target device functions (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: eliminate 8 external target limitation (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: fix potential array overflow in hpsa_update_scsi_devices (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor hpsa_figure_bus_target_lun (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: make target and lun match what SCSI REPORT LUNs returns (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: Fix problem with MSA2xxx devices (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [scsi] hpsa: add P2000 to list of shared SAS devices (Tomas Henzl) [785262] - [virt] KVM: PMU: Fix raw event check (Gleb Natapov) [803620] - [virt] KVM: PMU: warn when pin control is set in eventsel msr (Gleb Natapov) [803620] - [virt] x86 emulator: correctly mask pmc index bits in RDPMC instruction emulation (Gleb Natapov) [803620] - [powerpc] perf: Fix frequency calculation for overflowing counters (Steve Best) [804608] - [security] keys: add a "logon" key type (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: testing wrong bit for KEY_FLAG_REVOKED (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Permit key_serial() to be called with a const key pointer (David Howells) [788634] - [security] keys: fix user_defined key sparse messages (David Howells) [788634] - [security] keys: fix trusted/encrypted keys sparse rcu_assign_pointer messages (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Add missing smp_rmb() primitives to the keyring search code (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Make garbage collector nonreentrant under RHEL-6 (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Correctly destroy key payloads when their keytype is removed (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: The dead key link reaper should be non-reentrant (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Make the key reaper non-reentrant (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Move the unreferenced key reaper to the keys garbage collector file (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: __key_link() should use the RCU deref wrapper for keyring payloads (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: keyctl_get_keyring_ID() should create a session keyring if create flag set (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: If install_session_keyring() is given a keyring, it should install it (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Fix error handling in construct_key_and_link() (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Don't return EAGAIN to keyctl_assume_authority() (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Make request_key() and co. return an error for a negative key (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Improve /proc/keys (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Add an iovec version of KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Add a new keyctl op to reject a key with a specified error code (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Add an RCU payload dereference macro (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Fix __key_link_end() quota fixup on error (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Fix up comments in key management code (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Do some style cleanup in the key management code (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Don't call up_write() if __key_link_begin() returns an error (David Howells) [788634] - [security] Add a dummy printk function for the maintenance of unused printks (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: request_key() should return -ENOKEY if the constructed key is negative (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Reinstate lost passing of process keyring ID in call_sbin_request_key() (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Use the variable 'key' in keyctl_describe_key() (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Make /proc/keys check to see if a key is possessed before security check (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Authorise keyctl_set_timeout() on a key if we have its authorisation key (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Propagate error code instead of returning -EINVAL (David Howells) [788634] - [security] keyctl_session_to_parent(): use thread_group_empty() to check singlethreadness (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: Do preallocation for __key_link() (David Howells) [788634] - [security] KEYS: keyring_serialise_link_sem is only needed for keyring->keyring links (David Howells) [788634] - [security] whitespace coding style fixes (David Howells) [788634] - [security] key: keyring: fix some code style issues (David Howells) [788634] - [security] Fix some coding styles in security/keys/keyring.c (David Howells) [788634] - [x86] EFI: Only set regions uncacheable if they support it (Matthew Garrett) [767291] - [virt] KVM: Fix fetch fault error code (Avi Kivity) [802453] - [netdrv] add myri10ge firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [796099] - [fs] xfs: fix inode lookup race (Dave Chinner) [796277] - [x86] amd: Fix L1i and L2 cache sharing information for AMD family 15h processors (Frank Arnold) [798399] - [x86] cache_info: Update calculation of AMD L3 cache indices (Frank Arnold) [798399] - [x86] cache_info: Remove bogus free of amd_l3_cache data (Frank Arnold) [798399] - [hwmon] k10temp: Add support for Fam15h Bulldozer (Frank Arnold) [798209] - [hwmon] k10temp: add support for AMD Family 12h/14h CPUs (Frank Arnold) [798209] - [x86] AMD, PCI: Add AMD northbridge PCI device id for CPU families 12h and 14h (Frank Arnold) [798209] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: modify Kconfig/Makefile and config-generic (Veaceslav Falico) [728177] - [netdrv] pch_gbe: new network driver from upstream (Veaceslav Falico) [728177] - [x86] Ivy Bridge kernel rdrand support (Jay Fenlason) [696442]- [net] gro: more generic L2 header check (Doug Ledford) [789123] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Stop lying about hard_header_len and use skb->cb to stash LL addresses (Doug Ledford) [789123] - [net] Make qdisc_skb_cb upper size bound explicit (Doug Ledford) [789123] - [fs] GFS2: Invalidate directory hash table on inode deallocate (Robert S Peterson) [801171] - [fs] GFS2: Fix a use-after-free that coverity spotted (Robert S Peterson) [801171] - [kernel] lkdtm: avoid calling lkdtm_do_action() with spinlock held (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [x86] Fix printk levels for panic, softlockups and stack dumps (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] lkdtm.c: fix race when crashpoint is hit multiple times before checking count (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] lkdtm: prefix enum constants (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] lkdtm: use generic_file_llseek in debugfs (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] param: remove unnecessary writable charp (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] lktdm: add support for hardlockup, softlockup and hung task crashes (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [kernel] lkdtm: add debugfs access and loosen KPROBE ties (Prarit Bhargava) [770621] - [scsi] aacraid: Fixes kernel oops in "aac_eh_abort" (Tomas Henzl) [760396] - [kernel] sys_poll: fix incorrect type for 'timeout' parameter (Oleg Nesterov) [794681] - [kernel] kdump: round up total_size to 128M for crashkernel reserving threshold (Dave Young) [798727] - [block] loop: fix partial read infomation leak (Dave Young) [761418] - [netdrv] mlx4: Don't show RoCE interfaces if the hpn channel is not installed (Doug Ledford) [753004] - [mm] thp: fix pmd_bad() triggering in code paths holding mmap_sem read mode (Andrea Arcangeli) [800328] - [target] fix build on i386 (Andy Grover) [765982] - [target] Backport from stable-3.2.6 (Andy Grover) [765982]- [dm] fixing test for NULL pointer testing (Paolo Bonzini) [752380] {CVE-2011-4127} - [dm] do not forward ioctls from logical volumes to the underlying device (Paolo Bonzini) [752380] {CVE-2011-4127} - [block] fail SCSI passthrough ioctls on partition devices (Paolo Bonzini) [752380] {CVE-2011-4127} - [block] add and use scsi_blk_cmd_ioctl (Paolo Bonzini) [752380] {CVE-2011-4127} - [kernel] regset: Return -EFAULT, not -EIO, on host-side memory fault (Jerome Marchand) [799213] {CVE-2012-1097} - [kernel] regset: Prevent null pointer reference on readonly regsets (Jerome Marchand) [799213] {CVE-2012-1097} - [scsi] qla4xxx: update version (Mike Christie) [800664] - [scsi] iscsi class: fix gfp use in ping compl and host event (Mike Christie) [800664] - [scsi] iscsi if: Removed packed attr from struct iscsi_chap_rec (Mike Christie) [800664] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Added error status code for ping comp event (Mike Christie) [800664] - [scsi] fix system lock up from scsi error flood (Neil Horman) [800555] - [scsi] libcxgbi: do not print a message when memory allocation fails (Steve Best) [800114] - [infiniband] iser: post initial receive buffers before sending the final login request (Mike Christie) [800041] - [sound] ALSA: pcm midlevel code - add time check for (Jaroslav Kysela) [798984] - [fs] GFS2: call gfs2_write_alloc_required for each fallocate chunk (Benjamin Marzinski) [801141]- [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [virt] VMX: VMXON/VMXOFF usage changes (Avi Kivity) [704173] - [virt] VMX: VMCLEAR/VMPTRLD usage changes (Avi Kivity) [704173] - [virt] VMX: Some minor changes to code structure (Avi Kivity) [704173] - [virt] VMX: Define new functions to wrapper direct call of asm code (Avi Kivity) [704173] - [net] bonding: move dev_addr cpy to bond_enslave (Thomas Graf) [799794] - [net] bonding: move slave MTU handling from sysfs (Thomas Graf) [799794] - [ppc] Implement CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM (Steve Best) [655689] - [scsi] fcoe: Only define ndo_fcoe_get_hbainfo if fcoe is configured (Neil Horman) [789086] - [x86] ACPI / PM: Fix build problem for !CONFIG_ACPI related to NVS rework (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ips: use interruptible waits in ips-monitor (Neil Horman) [727944] - [x86] kvmclock: abstract save/restore sched_clock_state (Marcelo Tosatti) [694801] - [virt] fix a merge problem in "KVM steal time suspend/resume bugfix" series (Aristeu Rozanski) [612320] - [virt] reapply "KVM steal time suspend/resume bugfix" series (Aristeu Rozanski)- [net] nfs: set vs_hidden on nfs4_callback_version4 (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: remove rpcbind clients destruction on module cleanup (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: remove rpcbind clients creation during service registering (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] NFSd: call svc rpcbind cleanup explicitly (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: cleanup service destruction (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: setup rpcbind clients if service requires it (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: introduce svc helpers for prepairing rpcbind infrastructure (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: use rpcbind reference counting helpers (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: introduce helpers for reference counted rpcbind clients (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [net] SUNRPC: Use AF_LOCAL for rpcbind upcalls (Jeff Layton) [741039] - [fs] nfs4: Fix nfs4_init and reset_slot_table (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Change the default limit to the number of TCP slots (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Ensure we always bump the backlog queue in xprt_free_slot (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Replace xprt->resend and xprt->sending with a priority queue (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Allow caller of rpc_sleep_on() to select priority levels (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Support dynamic slot allocation for TCP connections (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Clean up the slot table allocation (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Initalise the struct xprt upon allocation (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Ensure that we grab the XPRT_LOCK before calling xprt_alloc_slot (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Convert struct rpc_xprt to use atomic_t counters (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [net] SUNRPC: Support for RPC over AF_LOCAL transports (Steve Dickson) [785823] - [mm] memcg: fix wake up in oom wait queue (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] memcg: oom kill disable and oom status (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] memcg: oom notifier (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] memcg: oom wakeup filter (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] kabi: __GENKSYMS__ for event_list in struct cgroup (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] cgroup: implement eventfd-based generic API for notifications (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [mm] cgroups: fix CONTENTS in cgroups documentation (Frantisek Hrbata) [739615] - [virt] Revert "KVM steal time suspend/resume bugfix" series (Aristeu Rozanski)- [fs] procfs: add hidepid= and gid= mount options (Jerome Marchand) [770652] - [fs] procfs: parse mount options (Jerome Marchand) [770652] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: assign correct address for iscsi_cls_host (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: trivial cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix sparse warning (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for multiple session per host (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Export CHAP index as sysfs attribute (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] scsi_transport: Export CHAP index as sysfs attribute (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support to display CHAP list and delete CHAP entry (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Add support to display CHAP list and delete CHAP entry (Chad Dupuis) [798721] - [block] Fix io_context leak after failure of clone with CLONE_IO (Vivek Goyal) [791125] {CVE-2012-0879} - [block] Fix io_context leak after clone with CLONE_IO (Vivek Goyal) [791125] {CVE-2012-0879} - [fs] dlm: fix slow rsb search in dir recovery (David Teigland) [772376] - [fs] GFS2: rename existing file after mount crashes (Robert S Peterson) [794839] - [fs] GFS2: Eliminate sd_rindex_mutex (Robert S Peterson) [798763] - [fs] cifs: fix dentry refcount leak when opening a FIFO on lookup (Sachin Prabhu) [781893] - [fs] NFSv4: Handle expired stateids when the lease is still valid (Sachin Prabhu) [757876] - [perf] header: Fix build on old systems (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [perf] hists browser: Add missing stdarg.h include (Jiri Olsa) [784888]- [netdrv] bnx2: revert firmware load modifications (Neil Horman) [720428] - [virt] virtio: balloon: leak / fill balloon across S4 (Amit Shah) [798583] - [scsi] silencing 'killing requests for dead queue' (David Milburn) [798672] - [scsi] sd_dif: fix setting bio flags (Jeff Moyer) [799075] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver update to version (Tomas Henzl) [749923] - [infiniband] srp: fix include ordering issue (Doug Ledford) [791209] - [sched] Fix Kernel divide by zero panic in find_busiest_group() (Larry Woodman) [785959]- [virt] KVM steal time suspend/resume bugfix (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [virt] guest: KVM Steal time registration (Laszlo Ersek) [612320] - [virt] KVM guest: Steal time accounting (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [virt] KVM guest: Add a pv_ops stub for steal time (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [virt] KVM: Steal time implementation (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [virt] KVM: KVM Steal time guest/host interface (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [virt] KVM: Add constant to represent KVM MSRs enabled bit in guest/host interface (Rik van Riel) [612320] - [kernel] perf: Fix parsing of __print_flags() in TP_printk() (Jiri Olsa) [756311] - [x86] perf: Check that current->mm is alive before getting user callchain (Jiri Olsa) [756311] - [fs] NFSv4: Propagate the error NFS4ERR_BADOWNER to nfs4_do_setattr (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix hash record accounting bug (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix regression where ftrace breaks when modules are loaded (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix dynamic selftest failure on some archs (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Update filter when tracing enabled in set_ftrace_filter() (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Balance records when updating the hash (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Do not disable interrupts for modules in mcount update (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix regression of :mod:module function enabling (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix possible undefined return code (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Have ftrace_startup() return failure code (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Modify ftrace_set_filter/notrace to take ops (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Allow dynamically allocated function tracers (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Implement separate user function filtering (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Free hash with call_rcu_sched() (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Have global_ops store the functions that are to be traced (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Add ops parameter to ftrace_startup/shutdown functions (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Use counters to enable functions to trace (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Separate hash allocation and assignment (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Create a global_ops to hold the filter and notrace hashes (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Use hash instead for FTRACE_FL_FILTER (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Replace FTRACE_FL_NOTRACE flag with a hash of ignored functions (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Consolidate the function match routines for normal and mods (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Return EINVAL when writing invalid val to set_ftrace_filter (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Consolidate updating of ftrace_trace_function (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Move record update for normal and modules into a separate function (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove FTRACE_FL_CONVERTED flag (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] tracing: Enable records during the module load (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove FTRACE_FL_FAILED flag (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove failures file (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Make FTRACE_WARN_ON() work in if condition (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Only update the function code on write to filter files (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] tracing: Remove leftover FTRACE_ENABLE/DISABLE_MCOUNT enums (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [kernel] ftrace: Call trace_parser_clear() properly (Steven Rostedt) [454694] - [fs] NFSv4: include bitmap in nfsv4 get acl data (Sachin Prabhu) [753232 767288] - [pci] Add pcie_hp=nomsi to disable MSI/MSI-X for pciehp driver (hiro muneda) [728852] - [netdrv] enic: enhance SR-IOV support (Stefan Assmann) [795976]- [infiniband] mlx4/fw: Fix ppc64 build (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Added missing iounmap upon releasing a device (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392 787762] - [infiniband] mlx4: allow device removal by fixing dma unmap size (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: use correct port for steering (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: use correct flag for unicast_promisc (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: fix memory leak at multi_func_cleanup (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Copyright update (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: pass SMP vendor-specific attribute MADs to firmware (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 751220 755741 756147 756392 787572] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix fast memory registration opcode (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix fast memory registration length (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucma: Discard all events for new connections until accepted (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Roll back PCIe tuning change (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Use GFP_ATOMIC when locks are held (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix for sending MPA reject frame (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Calling PTR_ERR() on right variable in create_file() (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Fix kernel panic by always initializing qp->usecnt (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] rds: Make rds_sock_lock BH rather than IRQ safe. (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: map async events to arbitrary slave eqs (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix mtt profile issue (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: removed function index from vf. (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: eth statistics modification (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: VF is not allowed to perform dump stats (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: clear all eth statistics when port goes up (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] RDS: Remove some unused iWARP code (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Fix sparse warnings (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Fix endianness bugs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix terminate during AE (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Make unnecessarily global nes_set_pau() static (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Change MDIO bus clock to 2.5MHz (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Fix layout of APR message (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Fix SL to 802.1Q priority-bits mapping for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Default some module parameters optimally (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Optimize locking for get_txreq() (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Fix a possible data corruption when receiving packets (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Eliminate 64-bit jiffies use (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Fix style issues (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Protect QP multicast list (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Elaborating limitation on VF port options (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: fix mtt range deallocation (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: limiting VF port options (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: using array index for sense_allowed (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add missing include of linux/slab.h (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: FIX: Setting default_qpn before using it (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fixing wrong error codes in communication channel (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: not using spin_lock_irq when getting vf by resource. (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: nullify cached multicast address list after cleanup (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Changing link sensing logic (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: capability for link sensing (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix compile error when driver is comiled-in (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: updated driver version to 2.0 (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: updated driver version to 1.1 (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Modify driver initialization flow to accommodate SRIOV for Ethernet (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: adjust catas operation for SRIOV mode (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: mtts resources units changed to offset (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Allow communication between functions on same host (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Ethernet port management modifications (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Traffic steering management support for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_ib: disable SRIOV mode for IB ports (not yet supported) (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: resource tracking for HCA resources used by guests (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Add wrapper functions and comm channel and slave event support to EQs (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: mtt modifications for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: cq modifications for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: qp modifications for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: srq modifications for SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Added FW commands and their wrappers for supporting SRIOV (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4_core: Implement the master-slave communication channel (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Reduce number of PD bits to 17 (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Add "native" argument to mlx4_cmd and its callers (where needed) (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Extanding port_mask functionality (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: initial header-file changes for SRIOV support (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4_en: bug fix for the case of vlan id 0 and UP 0 (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4_en: fix WOL handlers were always looking at port2 capability bit (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4_en: using non collapsed CQ on TX (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4_en: fix sparse warning on a cast which truncates bits from constant value (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4: fix UDP RSS related settings (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Recording rx queue for gro packets (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Adding rxhash support (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/mlx4: move RSS related definitions to be global (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/cxgb{3, 4} - get rid of stale firmware usage technique (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB: various strlcpy conversions to make the code match upstream (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Correct sense on freectxts increment and decrement (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Verify private data length (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Fix shutdown crash accessing a non-existent bitmap (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/ipoib: Prevent hung task or softlockup processing multicast response (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Fix over-scheduling of QSFP work (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Fix retry with MPAv1 logic for MPAv2 (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Fix iw_cxgb4 count_rcqes() logic (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] rds: drop "select LLIST" (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Don't use schedule_work() (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Fix panic in RC error flushing logic (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/iser: DMA unmap TX bufs used for iSCSI/iSER headers (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/iser: Use separate buffers for the login request/response (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mthca: Fix buddy->num_free allocation size (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: add moduleparam.h for users of module_param/MODULE_PARM_DESC (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: Fix files explicitly needing to include module.h (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Deprecate log_num_vlan module param (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Don't set VLAN in IBoE WQEs' control segment (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Enable 4K mtu for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Mark QP in error before disabling the queue in firmware (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Serialize calls to CQ's comp_handler (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb3: Serialize calls to CQ's comp_handler (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Fix issue with link states and QSFP cables (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Configure extended active speeds (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 751220 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Add extended port capabilities support (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Hold links until tuning data is available (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Clean up checkpatch issue (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Remove s_lock around header validation (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Use RCU for qpn lookup (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Eliminate divide/mod in converting idx to egr buf pointer (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Decode path MTU optimization (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Optimize RC/UC code by IB operation (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Controlling FCS header removal (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Use the right function to do DMA unmap pages (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Use correct QID in insert_recv_cqe() (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Make sure flush CQ entries are collected on connection close (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Export ib_open_qp() capability to user space (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Export ib_open_qp() to share XRC TGT QPs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add support for XRC QPs (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add support for XRC SRQs (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add support for XRC domains (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Do not automatically disconnect XRC TGT QPs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Support XRC QPs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucm: Allow user to specify QP type when creating id (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Define new RDMA port space specific to IB (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Update XRC support based on XRC annex errata (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Update protocol to support XRC (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Export XRC TGT QPs to user space (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Export XRC INI QPs to userspace (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Export XRC SRQs to user space (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Export XRC domains to user space (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/verbs: Cleanup XRC TGT QPs when destroying XRCD (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Add XRC QPs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Add XRC SRQ type (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Add SRQ type field (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/core: Add XRC domain support (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Handle extended rates in debugfs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB: Add new InfiniBand link speeds (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 751220 755741] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Add missing in ipath_chip_init.c (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Support for Packed And Unaligned fpdus (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Print IP address for critcal errors (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix terminate connection (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: use DMA_x_DEVICE and dma_mapping_error with skb_frag_dma_map (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add support for MPAv2 Enhanced RDMA Negotiation (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Add support for MPAv2 Enhanced RDMA Negotiation (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/{amso1100,cxgb3}: Minimal MPAv2 support (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/iwcm: Propagate ird/ord values upwards (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Correct nfreectxts for multiple HCAs (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add missing calls to ib_umem_release() (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix buddy->num_free allocation size (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Use the right function to free eq->page_list entries (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Clean up error flow in mlx4_register_mac() (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucm: Removed checks for unsigned value < 0 (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mad: Verify mgmt class in received MADs (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Check for NULL conn_param in rdma_accept (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Fail RDMA initialization for unsupported cards (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Fix crash in cma_req_handler (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/amso1100: Use 'pM' format option to print MAC (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net, rds, Replace xlist in net/rds/xlist.h with llist (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: return whether list is empty before adding in llist_add fix (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Add back llist_add_batch() and llist_del_first() prototypes (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Remove cpu_relax() usage in cmpxchg loops (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Add llist_next() (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Return whether list is empty before adding in llist_add() (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Move cpu_relax() to after the cmpxchg() (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Remove the platform-dependent NMI checks (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] llist: Make some llist functions inline (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] lib, Add lock-less NULL terminated single list (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: Convert vmalloc/memset to vzalloc (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IPoIB: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB: nes: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB: amso1100: convert to SKB paged frag API. (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDSRDMA: Fix cleanup of rds_iw_mr_pool (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/iser: Support iSCSI PDU padding (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IBiser: Fix wrong mask when sizeof (dma_addr_t) > sizeof (unsigned long) (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4: decreasing ref count when removing mac (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fixing Ethernet unicast packet steering (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Defer HCA error events to tasklet (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Bump the driver version to 1.0 (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Use printk_ratelimited() instead of printk_ratelimit() (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Support PMA counters for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Use flow counters on IBoE ports (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/pma: Add include file for IBA performance counters definitions (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] Revert "[infiniband] qib: add thresholds to VendorPortCounters PMA operation" (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Add network flow counters (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix location of counter index in QP context struct (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Read extended capabilities into the flags field (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Extend capability flags to 64 bits (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Generate GID change events in IBoE code (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] IB/core: Add GID change event (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Don't allow IPoIB port space for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA: Allow for NULL .modify_device() and .modify_port() methods (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Update active link width (Doug Ledford) [722308 726127 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Add sysfs interface to read free contexts (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mthca: Remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Remove double define (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Convert old cpumask api into new one (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/qib: Convert old cpumask api into new one (Doug Ledford) [722308 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] cpumask: rename tsk_cpumask to tsk_cpus_allowed (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Avoid assigning an IS_ERR value to cm_id pointer in CMA id object (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] IB/mthca: Stop returning separate error and status from FW commands (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: rds: fix const array syntax (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: use pci_dev->revision (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] net/rds: use prink_ratelimited() instead of printk_ratelimit() (Doug Ledford) [683318 689657 738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] net: remove interrupt.h inclusion from netdevice.h (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix kfree on error path in new_steering_entry() (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] Fix common misspellings (Doug Ledford) [738491 739139 749059 755741] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fixing use after free (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Enabling new steering (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add support for promiscuous mode in the new steering model. (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4: generalization of multicast steering. (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: UDP RSS support (Doug Ledford) [737661 738491 739139 749059 755741 756147 756392] - [fs] GFS2: fix NULL pointer dereference on mkdir/symlink/mknod (Abhijith Das) [797305] - [net] implement IP_RECVTOS for IP_PKTOPTIONS (Jiri Benc) [677351] - [scsi] mptsas: Added check for the LU type is SSC (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [dm] raid: add flush support (Mike Snitzer) [797967]- [build] update RHEL_MINOR to '3' (Aristeu Rozanski) - [fs] keyring: allow special keyrings to be cleared (Steve Dickson) [772495] - [fs] NFS: Update idmapper documentation (Steve Dickson) [772495] - [fs] NFS: Keep idmapper include files in one place (Steve Dickson) [772495] - [fs] NFS: Fall back on old idmapper if request_key() fails (Steve Dickson) [772495] - [virt] KVM: do not #GP on perf MSR writes when vPMU is disabled (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: Expose the architectural performance monitoring CPUID leaf (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] perf, x86: expose perf capability to other modules (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] x86, perf: disable non available architectural events (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Intercept RDPMC (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: SVM: Intercept RDPMC (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: Add generic RDPMC support (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: Expose a version 2 architectural PMU to a guests (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: Expose kvm_lapic_local_deliver() (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Check for automatic switch msr table overflow (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Add support for guest/host-only profiling (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: add support for switching of PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] perf, intel: Use GO/HO bits in perf-ctr (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] perf, amd: Use GO/HO bits in perf-ctr (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] perf, core: Introduce attrs to count in either host or guest mode (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Add definitions for more vm entry/exit control bits (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Add facility to atomically switch MSRs on guest entry/exit (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Add definition for msr autoload entry (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] KVM: Let vcpu structure alignment be determined at runtime (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] perf: Add context field to perf_event (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [virt] irq_work: Add generic hardirq context callbacks (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_do_pending() fallback callsite (Gleb Natapov) [645365] - [netdrv] bnx2: update firmware to latest upstream (Neil Horman) - [netdrv] bnx2: update to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [720428] - [netdrv] mii.c: Add ethtool advertisement functions (John Feeney) [787753] - [scsi] dcb: add DCBX mode to event notifier attributes (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: use real dev in case of HW vlan acceleration (Neil Horman) [789086] - [netdrv] netdev: FCoE: Add new ndo_get_fcoe_hbainfo() call (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: Handle discovery failure during ctlr link down (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Getting FC Port Speed in sync with FC-GS (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Add FDMI host attributes (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: Fix panic in fc_exch_recv (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Remove reference counting on 'stuct fcoe_interface' (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Do not switch context in vport_delete callback (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Rename out_nomod label to out_putmod (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Allow exposing FDMI attributes via sysfs (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Add support for FDMI in fcoe (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: Add support for FDMI (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: Make the libfc Common Transport(CT) code generic (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfcoe: Don't KERN_ERR on netdev notification (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: remove redundant timer init for fcp (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Move fcoe_debug_logging from fcoe.h to fcoe.c (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] libfc: Declare local functions static (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: fix regression on offload em matching function for initiator/target (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: remove double check if skb is nonlinear (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: fix fcoe in a DCB environment by adding DCB notifiers to set skb priority (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix preempt count leak in fcoe_filter_frames() (Neil Horman) [789086] - [scsi] Fix up files implicitly depending on module.h inclusion (Neil Horman) [789086] - [x86] efivars: add missing parameter to efi_pstore_read() (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: gracefully handle NULL pstore_info functions (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: pass reason to backend write callback (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: pass allocated memory region back to caller (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: make pstore write function return normal success/fail value (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: change mutex locking to spin_locks (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: defer inserting OOPS entries into pstore for RHEL (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: fix warnings when CONFIG_PSTORE=n (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Introduce PSTORE_EFI_ATTRIBUTES (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Use string functions in pstore_write (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: introduce utf16_strncmp (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: String functions (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efi: Add support for using efivars as a pstore backend (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] include cleanup: Update gfp.h and slab.h includes to prepare for breaking implicit slab.h inclusion from percpu.h (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: Make "part" unsigned (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: Add extra context for writes and erases (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] Fix argument types for SetVariable() for RHEL (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] pstore: Extend API for more flexibility in new backends (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efi: Fix argument types for SetVariable() (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] treewide: fix a few typos in comments (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: prevent oops on unload when efi is not enabled (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: handle errors from register_efivars() (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: memory leak on error in create_efivars_bin_attributes() (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] Fix common misspellings (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Expose efivars functionality to external drivers (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Parameterize operations (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Split out variable registration (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: parameterize efivars (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: Make efivars bin_attributes dynamic (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] sysfs: Use one lockdep class per sysfs attribute (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [x86] efivars: move efivars globals into struct efivars (Seiji Aguchi) [696383] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: make "Tx aggregation enabled on ra =" be at DEBUG level (John Linville) [788055] - [netdrv] Add firmware blobs required by the integrated compat-wireless build (John Linville) - [netdrv] Add/modify config settings as appropriate for the wireless rebase (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b44: replace the ssb_dma API with the generic DMA API (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] orinoco: minimal changes to build with wireless rebase from 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] ar9170: minor fixups to get it building with 3.2.6-based mac80211 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Revert "ar9170: fix for driver-core ABI change" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Revert "ath5k: use kstrtoint() to parse numbers coming from sysfs" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] libertas_tf: Revert bits of "param: simple locking for sysfs-writable..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] ipw2100: Revert "PM QOS update" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Revert "ipw2100: mark ipw2100_pm_qos_req static" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Revert "ipw2100: register pm_qos request before registering pci driver" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] ipw2100: Revert "pm_qos: Get rid of the allocation in pm_qos_add_request()" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] rndis_wlan: minor build fixups for wireless rebase from 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] at76c50x-usb: undo "lib: rename pack_hex_byte()..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: reduce frame usage of driver_state_read (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: convert a few more kstrtoul back to strict_strtoul (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl1251: revert change from "drivers: Final irq namespace conversion" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: Revert "wl1251: fix ELP_CTRL register reads" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: Revert "wl12xx: use kstrtoul functions" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: Revert "wl12xx: strict_stroul introduced converted to kstrtoul" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: Revert "wl12xx: use kstrtoul_from_user" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wl12xx: Revert "wl12xx: use freezable workqueue for netstack_work" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] rt2x00: switch to use the kfifo-new.h header file (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] rt2x00: Revert "rt2x00: Move TX/RX work into dedicated workqueue" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] rt2x00: Revert "rt2x00: simplify txstatus_fifo handling" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: don't include bcma header files (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: Revert relevant portion of "pcmcia: Convert pcmcia_device_id..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: Revert relevant portions of "pcmcia: move driver name to..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: Revert relevant portions of "pcmcia: re-work..." commit eb14120f (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: Revert bits of "pcmcia: do not use win_req_t when..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] b43: Revert bits of "pcmcia: convert pcmcia_request..." commit 1ac71e5a (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] b43-pci-bridge: Add new vendor for BCM4318 (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] Revert "pcmcia: convert ssb pcmcia driver to use new CIS helpers" (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] Implement pcmcia_{read, write}_config_byte for drivers/ssb/pcmcia.c (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] Revert relevant portion of "pcmcia: re-work pcmcia..." commit eb14120f (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] Revert relevant portions of "pcmcia: remove cs_types.h" commit ac8b4228 (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c: convert kstrtoull to strict_strtoull (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: remove reference to lockdep_rtnl_is_held (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: continue using USHORT_MAX (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "net/mac80211/debugfs: Convert to kstrou8_from_user" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert mac80211 bits of "param: simple locking for sysfs-writable..." (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "mac80211: Speedup ieee80211_remove_interfaces()" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "net/mac80211, rcu: convert call_rcu(work_free_rcu) to kfree_rcu()" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "net, rcu: convert call_rcu(kfree_tid_tx) to kfree_rcu()" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert mac80211 bits of "PM QOS update" upstream commit ed77134b (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert mac80211 bits of "rcu: convert uses of rcu_assign_pointer..." (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "mac80211: fix race condition between assoc_done and first EAP packet" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "mac80211: annotate station rcu dereferences" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "mac80211: cancel restart_work explicitly instead of depending on flush_scheduled_work()" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: Revert "mac80211: sparse RCU annotations" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless: Revert "nl80211: use netlink consistent dump feature for BSS dumps" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] wireless rebase: Revert bits of "cfg80211: support sysfs namespaces" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] wireless rebase: Revert "wext: refactor" (John Linville) [766952] - [net] mac80211: borrow leds compat implementation from compat project (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless: borrow genetlink compat implementation from compat project (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: remove references to noop_llseek (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: Revert bits of "PM QoS: Move and rename the implementation..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: accomodate lack of "net: convert multicast list to list_head" (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: undo bits of "USB: rename usb_buffer_alloc()..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: Revert bits of "net: Add export.h..." (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] wireless rebase: Revert bits of "atomic: use " (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] drivers/net/wireless/ath: remove references to ath6kl (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] drivers/net/wireless/ath: remove references to carl9170 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170 from commit 7bb45683 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/rndis_wlan.c from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.* from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/at76c50x-usb.* from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/adm8211.* from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Add drivers/net/wireless/wl1251 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/p54 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/b43 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [ssb] Rebase drivers/ssb from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/ath from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Add drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] Rebase drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [735934 735936 735939 766952 770780] - [net] Rebase net/mac80211 from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [net] Rebase net/wireless from linux 3.2.6 (John Linville) [766952] - [net] introduce NETDEV_POST_INIT notifier (John Linville) [766952] - [net] bridge: support IFF_DONT_BRIDGE (John Linville) [766952] - [usb] Add a usb_pipe_endpoint() convenience function (John Linville) [766952] - [kernel] compiler: Introduce __always_unused (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] eeprom_93cx6: Add support for 93c86 EEPROMs (John Linville) [766952] - [netdrv] if_ether.h: add definition of ETH_P_TDLS (John Linville) [766952] - [kernel] Cherry-pick core bits of "bitops: rename for_each_bit() to for_each_set_bit()" (John Linville) [766952] - [kernel] Cherry-pick the core bits of "bitops: Provide generic sign_extend32 function" (John Linville) [766952] - [dma] dma-mapping.h: add the dma_unmap state API (John Linville) [766952] - [pci] pci-dma: add include/linux/pci-dma.h (John Linville) [766952] - [kernel] lib: Improve EWMA efficiency by using bitshifts (John Linville) [766952] - [kernel] lib: Add generic exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) function (John Linville) [766952]- [virt] virtio-scsi: add power management (Paolo Bonzini) [782027] - [virt] virtio-scsi: add driver (Paolo Bonzini) [782027] - [fs] CIFS: Fix DFS handling in cifs_get_file_info (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] CIFS: fix automount for DFS shares (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: don't overwrite dentry name in d_revalidate (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: demote DFS referral lookup errors to cFYI (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: Unconditionally copy mount options to superblock info (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: Use kstrndup for cifs_sb->mountdata (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: Simplify handling of submount options in cifs_mount (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: do not tokenize mount options in-place (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: Add support for mounting Windows 2008 DFS shares (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [fs] cifs: Extract DFS referral expansion logic to separate function (Jarod Wilson) [786989] - [drm] rebase upstream fixes (Dave Airlie) [797142] - [drm] rebase for RHEL 6.3 (Dave Airlie) [786494] - [kernel] swiotlb: export swiotlb_nr_tbl backport (Dave Airlie) [786494] - [pci] msi: fix imbalanced refcount of msi irq sysfs objects (Prarit Bhargava) [794767] - [pci] sysfs: add per pci device msi[x] irq listing (Prarit Bhargava) [794767] - [mm] vmscan: immediately reclaim end-of-LRU dirty pages when writeback completes (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [mm] vmscan: throttle reclaim if encountering too many dirty pages under writeback (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [mm] vmscan: do not writeback filesystem pages in kswapd except in high priority (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [fs] ext4: warn if direct reclaim tries to writeback pages (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [fs] xfs: warn if direct reclaim tries to writeback pages (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [mm] vmscan: remove dead code related to lumpy reclaim waiting on pages under writeback (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [mm] vmscan: do not writeback filesystem pages in direct reclaim (Satoru Moriya) [788536] - [security] audit: fix signedness bug in audit_log_execve_info() (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: comparison on interprocess fields (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: implement all object interfield comparisons (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: allow interfield comparison between gid and ogid (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: complex interfield comparison helper (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: allow interfield comparison in audit rules (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: allow audit matching on inode gid (Eric Paris) [661765] - [audit] allow matching on obj_uid (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: check current inode and containing object when filtering on major and minor (Eric Paris) [661765] - [security] audit: make filetype matching consistent with other filters (Eric Paris) [661765] - [ppc] Reserve iommu page 0 (Steve Best) [784088] - [fs] fuse: add O_DIRECT support (Josef Bacik) [753798] - [bluetooth] Add support for Broadcom BCM20702A0 (Don Zickus) [746041] - [kernel] sysctl: restrict write access to dmesg_restrict (Phillip Lougher) [749251]- [pci] RH backport changes for MaxPayload patchset (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Clean-up MPS debug output (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Clamp pcie_set_readrq() when using "performance" settings (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] enable MPS "performance" setting to properly handle bridge MPS (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Workaround for Intel MPS errata (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Disable MPS configuration by default (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Don't crash when reading mpss from root complex (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Remove MRRS modification from MPS setting code (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Fix pointer dereference before call to pcie_bus_configure_settings (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] set PCI-E Max Payload Size on fabric (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] correct pcie_set_readrq write size (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [pci] Set PCIE maxpayload for card during hotplug insertion (Shyam Iyer) [692531] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add latest upstream firmware (Neil Horman) [747141] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update to latest upstream version (Neil Horman) [747141] - [block] dm io: fix discard support (Mike Snitzer) [758404] - [block] dm thin: add call to mark_tech_preview (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [block] dm raid: remove call to mark_tech_preview (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [block] dm thin metadata: decrement counter after removing mapped block (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [block] dm thin metadata: unlock superblock in init_pmd error path (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [block] dm thin metadata: remove incorrect close_device on creation error paths (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [block] dm ioctl: do not leak argv if target message only-contains whitespace (Mike Snitzer) [790618] - [fs] ext3: fix start and len arguments handling in ext3_trim_fs() (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext3: Add fixed tracepoints - batched_discard (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3/ioctl.c: silence sparse warnings about different address spaces (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3/balloc.c: local functions should be static (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: Return -EINVAL when start is beyond the end of fs in ext3_trim_fs() (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: Fix an overflow in ext3_trim_fs (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: speed up group trim with the right free block count (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: Adjust trim start with first_data_block (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: Add FITRIM handling (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] ext3: Add batched discard support for ext3 (Lukas Czerner) [786987] - [fs] NFS: Optimise away unnecessary setattrs for open(O_TRUNC) (J. Bruce Fields) [636590] - [s390x] kdump: Add s390 description to kernel documentation (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [net] bridge: Reset IPCB when entering IP stack (Herbert Xu) [717407] - [net] netlink: wrong size was calculated for vfinfo list blob (Andy Gospodarek) [772136] - [net] sctp: implement event notification SCTP_SENDER_DRY_EVENT (Thomas Graf) [787652] - [net] ipv6: fix default multicast hops setting (Jiri Benc) [767435] - [scsi] libfcoe: Do not sends FDISCs before FLOGI during CVL (Neil Horman) [790942] - [misc] hpilo: Increase number of channels (Tony Camuso) [737920] - [fs] dlm: fix kmalloc args (David Teigland) [752539] - [block] cciss: add some older controllers to the kdump blacklist (Tomas Henzl) [738930] - [netdrv] 8139cp: properly config rx mode after resuming (Jason Wang) [665515] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix endianness with blue frame support (Steve Best) [750166] - [mm] remove debug printk's from memory_hotplug.c (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862]- [kernel] kmsg_dump: Don't run on non-error paths by default (Seiji Aguchi) [696394] - [kernel] kmsg_dump: add kmsg_dump() calls to the reboot, halt, poweroff and emergency_restart paths (Seiji Aguchi) [696394] - [net] af_iucv: offer new getsockopt SO_MSGSIZE (Hendrik Brueckner) [786997] - [net] af_iucv: performance improvements for new HS transport (Hendrik Brueckner) [786996] - [s390x] qeth: Fix recovery in case of concurrent asynchronous deliveries (Hendrik Brueckner) [786958] - [s390x] af_iucv: remove IUCV-pathes completely (Hendrik Brueckner) [786960] - [kdump] Define KEXEC_NOTE_BYTES arch specific for s390x (Hendrik Brueckner) [786959] - [s390x] dasd: fix expiration handling for recovery requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [768890] - [kernel] console interrupts vs. panic (Hendrik Brueckner) [768891] - [fs] ext4: fix start and len arguments handling in ext4_trim_fs() (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [block] blkdev: Do not return -EOPNOTSUPP if discard is supported (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [block] blkdev: Submit discard bio in batches in blkdev_issue_discard() (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: Adjust minlen with discard_granularity in the FITRIM ioctl (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: add FITRIM to compat_ioctl (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: check if device support discard in FITRIM ioctl (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: Change the wrong param comment for ext4_trim_all_free (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: Speed up FITRIM by recording flags in ext4_group_info (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: Add new ext4 trim tracepoints (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: speed up group trim with the right free block count (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: fix trim length underflow with small trim length (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: protect bb_first_free in ext4_trim_all_free() with group lock (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: only load buddy bitmap in ext4_trim_fs() when it is needed (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: ignore errors when issuing discards (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [fs] ext4: fix a BUG in mb_mark_used during trim (Lukas Czerner) [767219] - [s390x] config: Add kdump kernel config options for s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] kdump: Add KEXEC_AUTO_RESERVE for s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] zfcpdump: Do not initialize zfcpdump in kdump mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] crashkernel: Add arch code for unmapping crashkernel memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] kernel: kdump backend code (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] zcore: Add real memory access functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] Add PSW restart shutdown trigger (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [s390x] kernel: Use diagnose 308 for system reset (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [mm] Replace diag10() with diag10_range() function (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] reipl: Export do_store_status() function (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] crashk_res init check for /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] Add missing RAM resource in crash_shrink_memory() (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kernel] Create udev events for memory hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] fix crash_kexec()/smp_send_stop() race in panic (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] Add infrastructure for unmapping crashkernel memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] Initialize vmcoreinfo note at startup (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [kexec] Add KEXEC_CRASH_CONTROL_MEMORY_LIMIT (Hendrik Brueckner) [738862] - [pci] Disable this patch set's SRIOV reallocation unless booted with pci=realloc (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] update bridge resources to get more big ranges (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] PCI-Clear-bridge-resource-flags-if-requested (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] bus allocation alignment handling (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] pre-allocate additional resources to devices only after successful allocation of essential resources (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] introduce reset_resource (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] data structure agnostic free list function (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] refactor io size calculation code (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] don't shrink bridge resources (James Takahashi) [587729] - [sound] ALSA: enable OSS emulation layer for PCM and mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [657291] - [fs] Stable page cache to better support T10/DIF (Data Integrity storage) (Steve Best) [706189] - [char] ipmi: Decrease the IPMI message transaction time in interrupt mode (Shyam Iyer) [739359] - [security] IMA: fix audit res field to indicate 1 for success and 0 for failure (Eric Paris) [784351] - [mm] fix nrpages assertion (Josef Bacik) [766861] - [mm] Eliminate possible panic in page compaction code (Larry Woodman) [714902 755885] - [mm] Prevent panic on 2-node x3850 X5 w/2 MAX5 memory drawers panics while running certification tests caused by page list corruption (Larry Woodman) [755885]- [netdrv] netdev: ethernet dev_alloc_skb to netdev_alloc_skb (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: signedness bug in netxen_md_entry_err_chk() (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen: report valid speed and duplex status when link is down (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix a panic during driver unload in device_remove_file (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Error logging on firmware hang (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Fix phy link status (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: fw dump support (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: fix cdrp race condition (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen: convert .get_drvinfo routine to strlcpy (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [netdrv] netxen: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Veaceslav Falico) [722304] - [mm] thp: fix BUG on mm->nr_ptes (Andrea Arcangeli) [794497] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, ERST, Fix erst-dbg long record reading issue (Don Zickus) [728993] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, ERST, Prevent erst_dbg from loading if ERST is disabled (Don Zickus) [728993] - [netdrv] cnic: update for RHEL6.3, part 2 (Michal Schmidt) [740048] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update for RHEL6.3 (Michal Schmidt) [741676] - [netdrv] cnic, bnx2fc: update for RHEL6.3, part 1 (Michal Schmidt) [740048] - [net] introduce build_skb() (Michal Schmidt) [741676] - [net] more accurate skb truesize (Michal Schmidt) [741676] - [net] skbuff: add skb frag size accessors (Michal Schmidt) [741676] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic: update to current upstream (Michal Schmidt) - [s390x] qeth: improve recovery during resource shortage (Hendrik Brueckner) [766785] - [s390x] qeth: support ipv6 query arp cache for HiperSockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [738874] - [s390x] qeth: add OSA concurrent hardware trap (Hendrik Brueckner) [738861] - [s390x] dasd: add enhanced DASD statistics interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [738871] - [kernel] mutex: Introduce arch_mutex_cpu_relax() (Hendrik Brueckner) [738872] - [s390x] ap: Setup timer for sending messages after reset (Hendrik Brueckner) [760544] - [s390x] cio: disallow driver io for known to be broken paths (Hendrik Brueckner) [765810] - [netdrv] qeth: forbid recovery during shutdown (Hendrik Brueckner) [765809] - [netdrv] qeth: reduce SIGA-r to avoid CPU cost implications (Hendrik Brueckner) [765808] - [kernel] cpu hotplug vs missing pfault completion interrupts (Hendrik Brueckner) [753080] - [scsi] aacraid: fix return value (Tomas Henzl) [741724] - [scsi] aacraid: Add new code for PMC-Sierra's SRC based controller family (Tomas Henzl) [741724] - [scsi] aacraid: fix File System going into read-only mode (Tomas Henzl) [640011] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add missing allocation check (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove unused duplicate diag_buffer_enable param (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix possible integer truncation of cpu_count (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix leak on mpt2sas_base_attach() error path (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Removed redundant calling of _scsih_probe_devices() from _scsih_probe (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver vesion to (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for memory allocation error for large host credits (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Do not retry a timed out direct IO for warpdrive (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Release spinlock for the raid device list before blocking it (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI next revision header update (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added support for customer specific branding (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Increase max transfer support from 4MB to 16MB (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Support for greater than 2TB capacity WarpDrive (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Rearrange the the code so that the completion queues are initialized prior to sending the request to controller firmware (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Do not set sas_device->starget to NULL from the slave_destroy callback when all the LUNS have been deleted (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI next revision header update (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added support for customer specific branding (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: When IOs are terminated, update the result to DID_SOFT_ERROR to avoid infinite resets (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Better handling DEAD IOC (PCI-E LInk down) error condition (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: _scsih_smart_predicted_fault uses GFP_KERNEL in interrupt context (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add missing allocation (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for issue - Panic when inactive volume is tried deleting (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for issue Port Reset is taking long time to complete while issued during creating a volume (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for issue deadlock between hot plug worker threads and host reset context (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for dead lock occurring between host_lock and sas_device_lock (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix drives not getting properly deleted if sas cable is removed while host reset is active (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix failure message displayed during diag reset (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for system hang when discovery in progress (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fast Load Support (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas : MPI next revision header update (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: take size of pointed value, not pointer (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added NUNA IO support in driver which uses multi-reply queue support of the HBA (Tomas Henzl) [736229] - [scsi] mptsas: Add device ID for SAS1068_820XELP (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptsas: ensure NUL-termination of MptCallbacksName elements (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptfusion: Fix for device offline while doing aggressive HBA reset (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptfusion: Bump version 3.4.20 (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptfusion: Avoid out of order Event processing due to cpu migration (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptfusion: Set max sector count module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptfusion: Added check for SILI bit in READ_6 CDB for DATA UNDERRUN ERRATA (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [scsi] mptsas: Fix annoying warning (Tomas Henzl) [735895] - [input] ALPS: add support for protocol versions 3 and 4 (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: remove assumptions about packet size (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: add protocol version field in alps_model_info (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: fix stuck buttons on some touchpads (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: do not set REL_X/REL_Y capabilities on the touchpad (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: add support for touchpads with 4-directional button (John Feeney) [637229] - [input] ALPS: move protocol information to Documentation (John Feeney) [637229] - [ppc] mpic: Fix problem that affinity is not updated (Steve Best) [738451] - [sound] alsa: enable snd-cmipci driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [661316] - [fs] procfs: return ENOENT on opening a being-removed proc entry (Neil Horman) [735881] - [fs] pnfs: simplify pnfs files module autoloading (Steve Dickson) [790961] - [fs] GFS2: panic during glock reclaim, ref count 0 (Steven Whitehouse) [781468] - [s390x] ap: Setup timer for processing messages in request queue (Hendrik Brueckner) [753085] - [kernel] ulimit: raise default hard ulimit on number of files to 4096 (Jarod Wilson) [786307] - [kernel] time: cast jiffies_to_clock_t() argument to unsigned long (Prarit Bhargava) [783401] - [kernel] watchdog: softdog.c: enhancement to optionally invoke panic instead of reboot on timer expiry (Don Zickus) [738894] - [kernel] Prevent system hang and eventual crash when using CPU cgroups (Larry Woodman) [790945] - [usb] Fix deadlock in hid_reset when Dell iDRAC is reset (Shyam Iyer) [782374] - [dm] RAID: Print correct status characters (Jonathan E Brassow) [749684] - [virt] vmxnet3: Cap the length of the pskb_may_pull on transmit (bz 790673) (Neil Horman) [790673] - [mm] shmem: reduce pagefault lock contention (Jarod Wilson) [786320] - [x86] Fix i386 debug kernel fails to boot on some systems (Larry Woodman) [773138] - [mm] memcg: add memcg sanity checks at allocating and freeing pages (Johannes Weiner) [752137]- [pci] use security_capable() when checking capablities during config space read (Eric Paris) [596419] - [security] add cred argument to security_capable() (Eric Paris) [596419] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update LICENSE.qla2xxx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid invalid request queue dereference for bad response packets (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Stop iteration after first failure in *_id functions (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix incorrect register access in qla2x00_start_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle device mapping changes due to device logout (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Complete mailbox command timedout to avoid initialization failures during next reset cycle (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ha->max_fibre_devices to keep track of the maximum number of targets (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cache swl during fabric discovery (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove EDC sysfs interface (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform firmware dump procedure on mailbox command timeout (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change the log message when previous dump is available to retrieve for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Log messages to use correct vha (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add new message when a new loopid is assigned (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix ql_dbg arguments (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use ql_log* (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Convert remaining printk's to ql_log format (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print mailbox command opcode and return code when a command times out (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct out of bounds read of ISP2200 mailbox registers (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove errant clearing of MBX_INTERRUPT flag during CT-IOCB processing (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reduce mbx-command timeout for Login/Logout requests (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear options-flags while issuing stop-firmware mbx command (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add an "is reset active" helper (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prep zero-length BSG data-transfer requests (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix byte swapping in IPE print statement (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle failure cases during fabric_login (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase speed of flash access in ISP82xx adapters to improve firmware load speed (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add check for null fcport references in qla2xxx_queuecommand (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle change notifications based on switch scan results (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct print format for edc ql_log() calls (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use consistent DL mask for ELS/CT passthru requests (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Consolidation of SRB processing (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use a valid enode-mac if none defined (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Propagate up abort failures (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add vmalloc.h include to qla_nx.c (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enhancements to support ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enhanced the dump routines to capture multiple request and response queues (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable generating pause frames when firmware hang detected for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not check for minidump when device state is QLA82XX_DEV_READY (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear mailbox busy flag during premature mailbox completion for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Encapsulate prematurely completing mailbox commands during ISP82xx firmware hang (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display IPE error message for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Return the correct value for a mailbox command if 82xx is in reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix "active_mask" may be used uninitialized warning (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct fc_host port_state display (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move initialization of some variables before iospace_config (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Minidump by default with default capture mask 0x1f (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Stop unconditional completion of mailbox commands issued in interrupt mode during firmware hang (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] fix qla2xxx printk format warning (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Ensure there's enough request-queue space for passthru IOCBs (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash in qla2x00_abort_all_cmds() on unload (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implement FCP priority tagging for 82xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert back the request queue mapping to request queue 0 (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Consolidated IOCB processing routines (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Process marker IOCB request on request queue 0 (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Added a new entry to ISP specific function pointers structure (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Submit all chained IOCBs for passthrough commands on Request queue 0 (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Corrected the display of firmware dump availability for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Corrected the default setting of the help text of Minidump capture mask (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Corrections to returned sysfs error codes (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct report-id acquisiton check (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix to include FCE data as part of dump (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Limit excessive DPC cycles (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix race that could hang kthread_stop() (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Only read requested mailbox registers (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Proper cleanup of pass through commands when firmware returns error (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update to dynamic logging (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add dynamic logging (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Queue depth ramp up/down modification changes (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for SCSI status on underruns (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display FCP_CMND priority on update (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove qla2x00_wait_for_loop_ready function (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't call alloc_fw_dump for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Issue mailbox command only when firmware hung bit is reset for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Return sysfs error codes appropriate to conditions (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct inadvertent loop state transitions during port-update handling (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set the task attributes after memsetting fcp cmnd (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Provide method for updating I2C attached VPD (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable write permission to some debug related module parameters to be changed dynamically (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for ISP82xx to capture dump (minidump) on failure (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF - Fix incorrect error reporting (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF - Handle uninitalized sectors (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Double check for command completion if abort mailbox command fails (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implemeted beacon on/off for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix qla24xx revision check while enabling interrupts (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: check for marker IOCB during response queue processing (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Acquire hardware lock while manipulating dsd list (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix array out of bound warning (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent CPU lockups when "ql2xdontresethba" module param is set (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Save and restore irq in the response queue interrupt handler (Chad Dupuis) [722295] - [scsi] qla2xxx: During loopdown perform Diagnostic loopback (Chad Dupuis) [722295]- [scsi] libsas: convert to standard kernel debugging (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: dynamic queue depth (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas, libata: fix ->change_queue_{depth|type} for sata devices (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix panic when single phy is disabled on a wide port (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix failure to revalidate domain for anything but the first expander child (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: async ata scanning (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] mvsas: remove mvs_slave_{alloc|configure} (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: revert ata srst (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix lifetime of SAS_HA_FROZEN (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: restore scan order (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: delete device on sas address changed (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: let libata recover links that fail to transmit initial sig-fis (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: set sas_address and device type of rphy (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas port naming (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: improve debug statements (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: kill spurious sas_put_device (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas_unregister_ports vs sas_drain_work (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: route local link resets through ata-eh (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix mixed topology recovery (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: close scsi_remove_target() vs libata-eh race (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: mark all domain devices gone if root port disappears (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: pre-clean commands that won the eh vs completion race (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: remove IDEV_EH hack to disable "discovery-time" ata resets (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: remove bus and reset handlers (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: ->lldd_ata_check_ready handler (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: stop interpreting ->lldd_lu_reset() as an ata soft-reset (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: fix interpretation of "hard" reset (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] isci: kill isci_port->status (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: don't recover 'gone' devices in sas_ata_hard_reset() (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix sas_find_local_phy(), take phy references (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: check for 'gone' expanders in smp_execute_task() (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: don't mark expanders as gone when a child device is removed (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: poll for ata device readiness after reset (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: async ata-eh (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: add mutex for SMP task execution (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: Remove redundant phy state notification calls (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: sas_phy_enable via transport_sas_phy_reset (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: execute transport link resets with libata-eh via host workqueue (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: perform sas-transport resets in shost->workq context (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: use libata-eh-reset for sata rediscovery fis transmit failures (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: defer SAS_TASK_NEED_DEV_RESET commands to libata (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: let libata handle command timeouts (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix timeout vs completion race (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: prevent double completion of scmds from eh (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: close error handling vs sas_ata_task_done() race (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: kill invocation of scsi_eh_finish_cmd from sas_ata_task_done (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: use ->set_dmamode to notify lldds of NCQ parameters (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: prevent domain rediscovery competing with ata error handling (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: convert dev->gone to flags (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: remove ata_port.lock management duties from lldds (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: introduce sas_drain_work() (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: convert ha->state to flags (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: replace event locks with atomic bitops (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix leak of dev->sata_dev.identify_[packet_]device (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix domain_device leak (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: kill sas_slave_destroy (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: remove unused ata_task_resp fields (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: fix port->dev_list locking (David Milburn) [782929] - [scsi] libsas: remove expander from dev list on error (David Milburn) [782929] - [block] export blk_{get,put}_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] floppy: fix a crash during rmmod() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] floppy: Cleanup disk->queue before calling put_disk() if add_disk() was never called (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] add missing blk_queue_dead() checks (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] fix drain_all condition in blk_drain_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] add blk_queue_dead() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] don't call blk_drain_queue() if elevator is not up (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] blk-throttle: use queue_is_locked() instead of lockdep_is_held() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] fix request_queue lifetime handling by making blk_queue_cleanup() properly shutdown (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] make get_request[_wait]() fail if queue is dead (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] reorganize throtl_get_tg() and blk_throtl_bio() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] reorganize queue draining (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] drop unnecessary blk_get/put_queue() in scsi_cmd_ioctl() and blk_get_tg() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] pass around REQ_* flags instead of broken down booleans during request alloc/free (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] move blk_throtl prototypes to block/blk.h (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] fix genhd refcounting in blkio_policy_parse_and_set() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] make gendisk hold a reference to its queue (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] Free queue resources at blk_release_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] fix crash in scsi_dispatch_cmd() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] Fix oops caused by queue refcounting failure (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] add proper state guards to __elv_next_request (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] fix oops in scsi_run_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [block] put stricter guards on queue dead checks (Jeff Moyer) [757362] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix warning on i386 system (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed FCP EQ memory check prevent initialize to single interrupt vector case (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 16Gbit FC port internal and external diagnostic loopback tests (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system panic during EEH recovery on SLI4 FC port (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FLOGI fails with invalid RPI (0x04) after connecting to a arbitrated loop (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix ELS SCR failing with local reject / invalid RPI (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI4 port failures after firmware reset or dump (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix port reset log messages indicate error when no error is seen (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: HBQ buffers are uninitialized in the base driver (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed missing shost lock protection on setting/clearing bit in vport->fc_flag (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed missing hbalock protection on setting/clearing bit in phba->link_flag (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed illegal state transition during driver unload (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system crash on SLI4 FC port looopback diagnostic test with large buffers (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a potential error path that might try to free DMA memory not allocated (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 FC port Internal and External loopback diagnostic tests (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix a crash while deleting 256 vports (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix vport never finished discovery if switch runs out of resources (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix kernel build warnings (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix kernel panic when putting board in offline state twice (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix memory leak when running hba resets to SLI-4 board (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver message 3092 and 3116 to KERN_WARNING (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix PCI read failure looks like a over temperature event (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver event reporting to mgmt on error attention due to forced dump (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix not displaying firmware rev for BE boards (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Add asynchronous ABTS notification event feature to driver (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with driver not byte swapping extended mailbox data (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix premature ndlp cleanup after second target LOGO (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Add loop support for sli4 fc (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed OCM failing COMN_READ_OBJECT and COMN_WRITE_OBJECT mailbox pass-through (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: No longer read fcoe parameters if board is not fcoe (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with driver passing a wrong count value (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added restore state and error log when sysfs board_mode attribute access failed (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added support for SLI4_CONFIG non-embedded COMN_GET_CNTL_ADDL_ATTR pass-through (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added support for SLI4 FC port persistent linkdown through config region 23 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for ABTS. Do not free original IOCB whenever ABTS fails (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Linux driver inconsistency in reporting FC host port-state through OCM (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Return an error if the mbox sysfs is called (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix firmware upgrade attempt on unsupported adapter (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix incomplete message number 2889 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix system crash when LPe16000 fails to initialize (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix multiple non-functional discrepancies with upstream (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix virtual fabrics bit set in FLOGI incorrectly (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: remove cmd->serial_number litter (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: Fix common misspellings (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with driver not returning extended mailbox data (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix unsupported link speed accepted by SLI4 port (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Increment mix-and-match minor number by 1 for added "protocol" sysfs attribute (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix kernel build warnings (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Modify WQ handling to use entry_repost (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Moved macro definition to a location proper location in lpfc_hw4.h file (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added a sysfs attribute "protocol" to report SLI4 port link protocol type (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added SLI4 INTF_TYPE and SLI_FAMILY as sub-fieled to the fwrev sysfs attribute (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Adding structure to support T10 DIF in SLI4 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix performance slowed due to too many register accesses (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a warning when converting from simple_strtoul to strict_strtoul (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Initial code to inject T10 DIF errors (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed non-embedded COMMON_GET_CNTL_ATTR mbox command failed with status 0x4 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Changed the way of SLI4 device detecting physical port name (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Add new check to lpfc_decode_firmware_rev to handle releases that have an 'X' (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed RPI leaks in ELS protocol handling (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed NPIV FDISC failure on SLI4 if-type 2 ports (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver failed to follow IP reset procedure in SLI4 error attention handler (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix sysfs lists fabric name for port that has been disconnected from fabric (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Changed the timeout to 300 seconds for SLI_CONFIG (0x9B) mailbox command (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed fcp underrun reporting (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a driver handling IP reset issue when PCI read return error (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed casting problem (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added proper error code return for management API to make proper decisions (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix sli4 mailbox status code. Management software has dependancies (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Made error log include PCI BAR bitmap from kernel when enable PCI device failed (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed incomplete scsi messages displayed (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix enable_bg config parameter for SLI4 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: fix potentially dangerous trailing ';' (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver firmware update to match new firmware image format (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: Silence DEBUG_STRICT_USER_COPY_CHECKS=y warning (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: treewide: fix a few typos in comments (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: treewide: remove extra semicolons (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI4 CT handling for sequences > 4K (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed handling of unsolicited frames for vports (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed handling of CVL for vports (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crash when aborting els IOs (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix up CT and oxid/rxid for unsol rcv frames (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Added fcf priority record selection for fcf failover (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed mailbox double free panic (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Removed unused argument passing to the lpfc_bsg_diag_mode_enter routine (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Add sysfs logging when writeable parameters are changed (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag added SLI4 device PCI BAR memory mapped reigster access methods (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Consolidated duplicating macro definitions (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed cosmetic issues with T10 DIF (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag fixed mailbox capture and dump overlapping bitmap macro definition (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag changed command structure data array indexing by using macro defines (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag extended debugfs setting up inline mailbox capture and dump capability (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix the case where the SCSI host supplies the CRC, only support T10 DIF type 1 (Rob Evers) [738037] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure to show 16 Gbit from FC host supported_speeds sysfs entry (Rob Evers) [738037] - [fs] ext4: fix the deadlock in mpage_da_map_and_submit() (Lukas Czerner) [737780] - [fs] ext4: fix deadlock in ext4_ordered_write_end() (Lukas Czerner) [737780] - [fs] ext4: mark multi-page IO complete on mapping failure (Lukas Czerner) [737780] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_da_block_invalidatepages() to handle page range properly (Lukas Czerner) [737780] - [fs] ext4: call mpage_da_submit_io() from mpage_da_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [737780]- [virt] blkfront: don't change to closing if we're busy (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: don't put bdev right after getting it (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Remove obsolete info->users (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Lock blockfront_info during xbdev removal (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Fix blkfront backend switch race (bdev release) (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Fix blkfront backend switch race (bdev open) (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Lock blkfront_info when closing (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Clean up vbd release (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Fix gendisk leak (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: Fix backtrace in del_gendisk (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] blkfront: fixes for 'xm block-detach ... --force' (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [virt] xen: use less generic names in blkfront driver (Andrew Jones) [773219] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added ping support (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Added Ping support (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: added support for host event (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: added support for host event (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Proper detection of firmware abort error code for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove un-necessary print statment (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Modified debug log messages for boot info (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix verify boot idx correctly (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix un-necessary delay on invalid DDB (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove unused code (Chad Dupuis) [725502] - [scsi] scsi_error: classify some ILLEGAL_REQUEST sense as a permanent TARGET_ERROR (Mike Snitzer) [789021] - [scsi] Make sure provisioning mode is reported correctly (Mike Snitzer) [789021] - [scsi] Ensure discard failure gets treated as a target problem (Mike Snitzer) [789021] - [x86] iommu/amd: Fix wrong shift direction (Don Dutile) [781531] - [x86] iommu/amd: Don't use MSI address range for DMA addresses (Don Dutile) [781524] - [pci] kabi: fix potential use of older pci_[un]block_user_cfg_access (Don Dutile) [786610] - [uio] Convert uio_generic_pci to new intx masking API (Don Dutile) [786610] - [pci] Introduce INTx check & mask API (Don Dutile) [786610] - [pci] Rework config space blocking services (Don Dutile) [786610] - [uio] uio_pci_generic: Remove useless spin_lock (Don Dutile) [786610] - [fs] autofs4: autofs4_wait() vs. autofs4_catatonic_mode() race (Ian Kent) [786693] - [fs] autofs4: catatonic_mode vs. notify_daemon race (Ian Kent) [786693] - [fs] autofs4: deal with autofs4_write/autofs4_write races (Ian Kent) [786693] - [block] md/raid1: perform bad-block tests for WriteMostly devices too (Jes Sorensen) [789570] - [fs] GFS2: Sort the ordered write list (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: combine duplicated block freeing routines (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: Fix multi-block allocation (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: decouple quota allocations from block allocations (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: split function rgblk_search (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: Fix up "off by one" in the previous patch (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] GFS2: move toward a generic multi-block allocator (Robert S Peterson) [788627] - [fs] vfs: Provide function to get superblock and wait for it to thaw (Eric Sandeen) [747740] - [fs] quota: Fix deadlock with suspend and quotas (Eric Sandeen) [747740] - [fs] vfs: In get_super() and user_get_super() restarts are unconditional (Eric Sandeen) [747740] - [fs] vfs: remove LOOKUP_NO_AUTOMOUNT flag (Ian Kent) [745775] - [fs] VFS: Fix the remaining automounter semantics regressions (Ian Kent) [745775] - [fs] vfs pathname lookup: Add LOOKUP_AUTOMOUNT flag (Ian Kent) [745775] - [fs] vfs: automount should ignore LOOKUP_FOLLOW (Ian Kent) [745775]- [netdrv] tg3: fix ipv6 header length computation (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 57766 ASIC rev support (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.122 (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Return flowctrl config through ethtool (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Save stats across chip resets (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove ethtool stats member from dev struct (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Scale back code that modifies MRRS (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix TSO CAP for 5704 devs w / ASF enabled (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add MDI-X reporting (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Restrict large prod ring cap devices (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Adjust BD replenish thresholds (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Make 1000Base-X FC resolution look like 1000T (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] convert .get_drvinfo routines to strlcpy (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.121 (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Eliminate timer race with reset_task (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Schedule at most one tg3_reset_task run (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Obtain PCI function number from device (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix irq alloc error cleanup path (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 4k skb error recovery path (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 4k tx bd segmentation code (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix APE mutex init and use (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: add tx_dropped counter (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: fix tigon3_dma_hwbug_workaround() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix VLAN tagging regression (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Code movement (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Eliminate tg3_halt_cpu() prototype (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Eliminate tg3_write_sig_post_reset() prototype (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Eliminate tg3_stop_fw() prototype (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add ability to turn off 1shot MSI (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove tp->rx_offset term when unneeded (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix missed MSI workaround (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Check all adv bits when checking config (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.120 (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add external loopback support to selftest (John Feeney) [740052] - [net] add external loopback test in ethtool self test (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Restructure tg3_test_loopback (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Pull phy int lpbk setup into separate function (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove dead code (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove 5719 jumbo frames and TSO blocks (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Break larger frags into 4k chunks for 5719 (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add tx BD budgeting code (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Consolidate code that calls tg3_tx_set_bd() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add partial fragment unmapping code (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Generalize tg3_skb_error_unmap() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove short DMA check for 1st fragment (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Simplify tx bd assignments (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Reintroduce tg3_tx_ring_info (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix NVRAM selftest failures for 5720 devs (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Return size from tg3_vpd_readblock() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix int selftest for recent devices (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix RSS indirection table distribution (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5719 and 5720 to EEE_CAP list (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix link down notify failure when EEE disabled (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix link flap at 100Mbps with EEE enabled (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix io failures after chip reset (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Match power source to driver state (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add function status reporting (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Create critical section around GPIO toggling (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Determine PCI function number in one place (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Check transitions to D0 power state (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Move power state transitions to init_one (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Detect APE enabled devs earlier (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Migrate phy preprocessor defs to system defs (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Show flowctrl settings through get_settings() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove 4G_DMA_BNDRY_BUG flag (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove 40BIT_DMA_LIMIT_BUG (John Feeney) [740052] - [net] remove interrupt.h inclusion from netdevice.h (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix tg3_skb_error_unmap() (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] Add Fujitsu 1000base-SX PCI ID to tg3 (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add braces around 5906 workaround (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add TSO loopback test (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Add jumbo frame loopback tests to selftest (John Feeney) [740052] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup transmit error path (John Feeney) [740052] - [scsi] iscsi: don't hang in endless loop if no targets present (Mike Christie) [747846] - [scsi] libiscsi: fix cmd timeout/completion race (Mike Christie) [747846] - [scsi] libiscsi_tcp: fix max_r2t manipulation (Mike Christie) [747846] - [scsi] iscsi: fix setting of pid from netlink skb (Mike Christie) [747846] - [kernel] sched: Cure nr_iowait_cpu() users (Larry Woodman) [760479] - [kernel] proc: Consider NO_HZ when printing idle and iowait times (Larry Woodman) [760479] - [kernel] nohz: Make idle/iowait counter update conditional (Larry Woodman) [760479] - [kernel] nohz: Fix update_ts_time_stat idle accounting (Larry Woodman) [760479] - [kernel] cputime: Clean up cputime_to_usecs and usecs_to_cputime macros (Larry Woodman) [760479] - [mm] memcg: avoid css_get() (Johannes Weiner) [717803] - [mm] memcg: coalesce charging via percpu storage (Johannes Weiner) [717803] - [mm] memcg: coalesce uncharge during unmap/truncate (Johannes Weiner) [717803] - [kernel] tracing: send_sigqueue() needs trace_signal_generate() too (Oleg Nesterov) [738720] - [kernel] tracing: let trace_signal_generate() report more info, kill overflow_fail/lose_info (Oleg Nesterov) [738720] - [tracing] latency: Fix header output for latency tracers (Jiri Olsa) [734757] - [kernel] tracing: Fixing wakeup tracer function for disabled function trace (Jiri Olsa) [734757] - [kernel] tracing: Convert nop macros to static inlines (Jiri Olsa) [734757] - [sched] Fix cgroup movement of waking process (Larry Woodman) [773517] - [sched] Fix cgroup movement of forking process (Larry Woodman) [773517] - [sched] Fix cgroup movement of newly created process (Larry Woodman) [773517] - [sched] Fix ->min_vruntime calculation in dequeue_entity() (Larry Woodman) [773517] - [sched] cgroup: Fixup broken cgroup movement (Larry Woodman) [773517] - [fs] GFS2: Read in rindex if necessary during unlink (Robert S Peterson) [790997] - [fs] GFS2: More automated code analysis fixes (Robert S Peterson) [790997] - [usb] serial: use port endpoint size to determine if ep is available (Don Zickus) [744113] - [ppc] pseries: Cancel RTAS event scan before firmware flash (Steve Best) [718252] - [ppc] Fix device tree claim code (Steve Best) [740544] - [ppc] Fix accounting of softirq time when idle (Steve Best) [740550] - [fs] GFS2: panic in gfs2_rindex_update during gfs2_grow (Robert S Peterson) [791010] - [fs] GFS2: Implement FITRIM ioctl (Steven Whitehouse) [656959] - [x86] ACPI: Fix possible alignment issues with GAS 'address' references (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI / PM: Use existing ACPI iomaps for NVS save/restore (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Introduce acpi_os_get_iomem() (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Do not use krefs under a mutex in osl.c (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Make acpi_os_map_memory() avoid creating unnecessary mappings (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Avoid walking the list of memory mappings in osl.c twice in a row (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Change acpi_ioremap_lock into a mutex (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Do not export functions that are only used in osl.c (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Fix acpi_os_read_memory() and acpi_os_write_memory() (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Introduce acpi_os_ioremap() (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: fix resource check message (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Use ioremap_cache() (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Page based coalescing of I/O remappings optimization (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Convert simple locking to RCU based locking (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Pre-map 'system event' related register blocks (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Add interfaces for ioremapping/iounmapping ACPI registers (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: Maintain a list of ACPI memory mapped I/O remappings (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [x86] ACPI: fix unused but set variables in ACPI (Myron Stowe) [708447] - [net] make bonding slaves honour master's skb->priority (Andy Gospodarek) [749416] - [net] ipv6: Allow inet6_dump_addr() to handle more than 64 addresses (Jiri Pirko) [742588] - [scsi] hpsa: add some older controllers to the kdump blacklist (Tomas Henzl) [738930] - [kernel] perf: add examples.txt file (Jason Baron) [569502] - [tracing] Fix returning of duplicate data after EOF in trace_pipe_raw (Jason Baron) [746009] - [block] Fix sysctl check failure update (James Paradis) [714021] - [pci] Workaround hard-wired bus number (Myron Stowe) [790557] - [x86] APEI: Avoid resource conflict errors (Matthew Garrett) [696521] - [netdrv] igbvf driver update (Stefan Assmann) [737716] - [netdrv] enic driver update (Stefan Assmann) [747384] - [scsi] revert remove tech_preview tag for mpt2sas lockless mode (Tomas Henzl) [559393]- [block] md: Fix sysctl check failure (James Paradis) [714021] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix DMA mapping leak when allocation fails (Steve Best) [787771] - [kernel] perf, tool: Fix scripts dependent on upstream raw_syscall event (Jiri Olsa) [726600] - [kernel] perf, tool: Fix prefix matching for kernel maps (Jiri Olsa) [755873] - [fs] NFSv4: Further reduce the footprint of the idmapper (Steve Dickson) [730045] - [fs] NFSv4: Reduce the footprint of the idmapper (Steve Dickson) [730045] - [netdrv] be2net: bump version (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Use new implementation of get mac list command (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix link status query command (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: add descriptions for stat counters reported via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: create RSS rings even in multi-channel configs (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: query link status in be_open() (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix range check for set_qos for a VF (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix be_vlan_add/rem_vid (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix INTx processing for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Add support for Skyhawk cards (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor/cleanup vf configuration code (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix ethtool ringparam reporting (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: workaround to fix a bug in BE (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: update some counters to display via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: netpoll support (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix non utilization of RX queues (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Use new hash key (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Add error handling for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix error recovery paths (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Move to new SR-IOV implementation in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Use V1 query link status command for lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix VLAN promiscous mode for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Add EEPROM dump feature for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: add register dump feature for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix TX queue create for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: stop issuing FW cmds if any cmd times out (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: don't log more than one error on detecting EEH/UE errors (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: stop checking the UE registers after an EEH error (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: init (vf)_if_handle/vf_pmac_id to handle failure scenarios (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] sweep the floors and convert some .get_drvinfo routines to strlcpy (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Add detect UE feature for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Prevent CQ full condition for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix disabling multicast promiscous mode (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix endian issue in RX filter command (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Changing MAC Address of a VF was broken (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Refactored be_cmds.c file (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: don't create multiple RX/TX rings in multi channel mode (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: don't create multiple TXQs in BE2 (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor VF setup/teardown code into be_vf_setup/clear() (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix truesize errors (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Making die temperature ioctl call async (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Modified PCI MaxReadReq size to 4096 bytes (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Change the data type of the 'on die temperature' stat (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Add 60 second delay to allow FAT dump completion on recovery from EEH (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Show newly flashed FW ver in ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix multicast filter programming (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: increase FW update completion timeout (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix erx->rx_drops_no_frags wrap around (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: get rid of memory mapped pci-cfg space address (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix race in posting rx buffers (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: Storing the 'vid' got by the grp5 event instead of storing the vlan_tag (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] benet: fix build error on 32bit arch (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: fix cmd-rx-filter not notifying MCC (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: drop pkts that do not belong to the port (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: add support for flashing Teranetics PHY firmware (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: use RX_FILTER cmd to program multicast addresses (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: no need to query link status (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: remove wrong and unnecessary calls to netif_carrier_off() (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: use stats-sync to read/write 64-bit stats (Ivan Vecera) [738041] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup and refactor stats code (Ivan Vecera) [738041]- [netdrv] e1000: update DRV_VERSION to match upstream (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: add dropped DMA receive enable back in for WoL (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: Adding e1000_dump function (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: Remove unnecessary k.alloc/v.alloc OOM messages (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: cleanup CE4100 MDIO registers access (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: unmap ce4100_gbe_mdio_base_virt in e1000_remove (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: fix lockdep splat in shutdown handler (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: remove not used fw_version from .get_drvinfo (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: Convert _LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS to ETH_ALEN (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: cleanup .get_drvinfo (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: fix skb truesize underestimation (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] net: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: convert to private mutex from rtnl (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: convert mdelay to msleep (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: convert hardware management from timers to threads (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: Fix driver to be used on PA RISC C8000 workstations (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: convert to SKB paged frag API (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: repair missing flush operations (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: always call e1000_check_for_link() on e1000_ce4100 MACs (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] Fix common misspellings (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] e1000: fix comment/printk typos (Dean Nelson) [737719] - [netdrv] bnx2i: Fixed kernel panic caused by unprotected task->sc->request deref (Mike Christie) [740051] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Update version (Mike Christie) [740051] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed the override of the error_mask module param (Mike Christie) [740051] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed kernel panic due to illegal usage of sc->request->cpu (Mike Christie) [740051] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added the use of kthreads to handle SCSI cmd completion (Mike Christie) [740051] - [netdrv] e1000e: minor whitespace and indentation cleanup (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix sparse warnings with -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix checkpatch warning from MINMAX test (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - use braces in both branches of a conditional statement (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup e1000_init_mac_params_82571() (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan() (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup - check return values consistently (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: add missing initializers reported when compiling with W=1 (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: update copyright year (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: split lib.c into three more-appropriate files (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: call er16flash() instead of __er16flash() (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: increase version number (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert final strncpy() to strlcpy() (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: concatenate long debug strings which span multiple lines (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: conditionally restart autoneg on 82577/8/9 when setting LPLU state (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: increase Rx PBA to prevent dropping received packets on 82566/82567 (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: ICHx/PCHx LOMs should use LPLU setting in NVM when going to Sx (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: update workaround for 82579 intermittently disabled during S0->Sx (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: disable Early Receive DMA on ICH LOMs (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: Need to include vmalloc.h (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82574/82583 Tx hang workaround (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: use hardware default values for Transmit Control register (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: use default settings for Tx Inter Packet Gap timer (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82579: workaround for link drop issue (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: always set transmit descriptor control registers the same (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: re-factor ethtool get/set ring parameter (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: pass pointer to ring struct instead of adapter struct (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert head, tail and itr_register offsets to __iomem pointers (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: re-enable alternate MAC address for all devices which support it (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: default IntMode based on kernel config & available hardware support (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: hitting BUG_ON() from napi_enable (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup strlcpy conversion of .get_drvinfo routines (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup .get_drvinfo on strncpy usage (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert to real ndo_set_rx_mode (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: Convert printks to pr_ (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: demote a debugging WARN to a debug log message (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix skb truesize underestimation (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: locking bug introduced by commit 67fd4fcb (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: bad short packets received when jumbos enabled on 82579 (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: make function tables const (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] intel: convert to SKB paged frag API (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: workaround for packet drop on 82579 at 100Mbps (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] 1000e: Spurious interrupts and dropped packets with 82577/8/9 in half-duplex (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert driver to use extended descriptors (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: workaround invalid Tx/Rx tail descriptor register write (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove e1000_queue_stats (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add module.h to drivers who were implicitly using it (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert short duration msleep() to usleep_range() (Dean Nelson) [737713] - [netdrv] e100: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Dean Nelson) [737718] - [netdrv] e100: remove unused fw_version from .get_drvinfo routine (Dean Nelson) [737718] - [netdrv] e100: use strcpy in .get_drvinfo routines (Dean Nelson) [737718] - [netdrv] e100: make sure vlan support isn't advertised on old adapters (Dean Nelson) [737718] - [netdrv] e100: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Dean Nelson) [737718] - [mmc] sd: Fix SDR12 timing regression (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix tuning timer incorrect setting when suspending host (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: Macro name cleanup for high speed dtr (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: Handle SD3.0 cards not supporting UHS-I bus speed mode (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: UHS-I bus speed should be set last in UHS initialization (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: fix retuning timer wrongly deleted in sdhci_tasklet_finish (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: change CONFIG_MMC_RICOH_MMC to y (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [pci] quirk: Always check for lower base frequency quirk for Ricoh 1180:e823 (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [mmc] sdhci: Add Ricoh e823 PCI ID (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [mmc] Added quirks for Ricoh 1180:e823 lower base clock frequency (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [mmc] Add PCI fixup quirks for Ricoh 1180:e823 reader (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [mmc] ricoh_mmc: port from driver to pci quirk (Don Zickus) [738180 757948] - [mmc] sdhci: add support for retuning mode 1 (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: add support for programmable clock mode (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: enable preset value after uhs initialization (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: add support for tuning during uhs initialization (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: report correct speed and capacity of uhs cards (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: set current limit for uhs cards (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: add support for uhs bus speed mode selection (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: reset sdclk before setting high speed enable (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: add support for driver type selection (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: query function modes for uhs cards (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sd: add support for signal voltage switch procedure (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] sdhci: print SD Command and CAPABILITY_1 when dumping registers (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] implement SD-combo (IO+mem) support (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] split mmc_sd_init_card() (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] SDHC 3.0: correct f_min calculation for SD 3.0 spec (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] SDHC 3.0: Base clock frequency change in spec 3.0 (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] SDHC 3.0: support 10-bit divided clock mode (Don Zickus) [671335] - [mmc] Test bus-width for old MMC devices (Don Zickus) [671335] - [virt] x86: Update last_guest_tsc in vcpu_put (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] x86: Implement userspace interface to set virtual_tsc_khz (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] x86: Delegate tsc-offset calculation to architecture code (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] x86: Implement call-back to propagate virtual_tsc_khz (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] x86: Make tsc_delta calculation a function of guest tsc (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] x86: Let kvm-clock report the right tsc frequency (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [virt] SVM: Implement infrastructure for TSC_RATE_MSR (Frank Arnold) [634293] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix instance access in megasas_reset_timer (Tomas Henzl) [759318] - [scsi] fcoe: Make fcoe_transport_destroy a synchronous operation (Neil Horman) [771251] - [dm] RAID: Prevent DM RAID from loading bitmap twice (Jonathan E Brassow) [789409] - [x86] APEI: Add some upstream updates (Matthew Garrett) [728987] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove the 'poll' module option (Michal Schmidt) [690070] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: update to upstream version 2.2.0-k (Andy Gospodarek) [737717] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update to upstream version 3.6.7-k (Andy Gospodarek) [737715] - [netdrv] macvtap: Fix the minor device number allocation (Steve Best) [786518]- [x86] microcode_amd: Add support for CPU family specific container files (Frank Arnold) [787698] - [mm] HWPOISON: convert pr_debug()s to pr_info() (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] mm/memory-failure.c: fix page isolated count mismatch (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] mem-hwpoison: fix page refcount around isolate_lru_page() (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] include cleanup: Update gfp.h and slab.h includes to prepare for breaking implicit slab.h inclusion from percpu.h (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] thp: fix unsuitable behavior for hwpoisoned tail page (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] thp: fix the wrong reported address of hwpoisoned hugepages (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] thp: fix splitting of hwpoisoned hugepages (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] thp: compound_trans_order (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [mm] memcontrol: move if-statement to reflect upstream in prep for next patch (Dean Nelson) [789789] - [block] DM RAID: Handle failure to read superblock (Jonathan E Brassow) [759567] - [block] DM RAID: Set MD_CHANGE_DEVS on device rebuild (Jonathan E Brassow) [754271] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Updated License file (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] netdev: ethernet dev_alloc_skb to netdev_alloc_skb (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix API unlock (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix firmware abort code check (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: report valid speed and duplex status when link is down (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Stop pause ctrl frames on fw hang (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove alloc_etherdev error messages (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] sweep the floors and convert some .get_drvinfo routines to strlcpy (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] net: Remove unnecessary driver assignments of ethtool_ringparam fields to zero (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix beacon and LED test (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: updated reset sequence (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: skip IDC ack check in fw reset path (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: reset loopback mode if promiscous mode setting fails (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix external loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Change CDRP function (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Added error logging for firmware abort (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add beacon test support (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix cdrp race condition (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add FLT entry for CO cards FW image region (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Change debug messages in loopback path (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: detect fan failure (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix ethtool link status (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Added debug info (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Move get template from probe to start fw (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix delay in reset path (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: FW dump related changes (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix enviroment variable for udev event generation during FW dump (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: change capture mask for FW dump (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: define error code for loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix race in skb->len access (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: enable mac-learning in promiscous mode (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: updated supported cards information (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix chip reset logic (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add external loopback support through sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: multi protocol internal loopback support added (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support to enable/disable FW dump capability (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix default operating state of interface (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix initial number of msix entries in adapter (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add code to tune FW dump (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove holding api lock while taking the dump (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add capability to take FW dump deterministically (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove casts of void * (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Added sysfs node support (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Avoid double free of skb in tx path (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix bug in FW queue dump (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bumped up version number to 5.0.18 (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] qlcnic: FW dump support (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [netdrv] ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Chad Dupuis) [722299] - [virt] xen/events: BUG() when we can't allocate our event->irq array (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen: Populate xenbus device attributes (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen: use static initializers in xen-balloon.c (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen-netfront: correct MAX_TX_TARGET calculation (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen/irq: Alter the locking to use a mutex instead of a spinlock (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen-blkfront: Fix one off warning about name clash (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [virt] xen: set max_pfn_mapped to the last pfn mapped + partial revert (Igor Mammedov) [772981] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support to show port_state and port_speed in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Added support to show port_state and port_speed in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support to show targetalias in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] libiscsi: Added support to show targetalias in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: trivial cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update license (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added error logging for firmware abort (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Cleanup modinfo display (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear the RISC interrupt bit during FW init (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Disable generating pause frames in case of FW hung (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Temperature monitoring for ISP82XX core (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Break the loop if the sendtargets list was empty (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Limit the ACB Default Timeout value to 12s (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: cleanup, make qla4xxx_build_ddb_list short (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: check for FW alive before calling chip_reset (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix qla4xxx_dump_buffer to dump buffer correctly (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix the IDC locking mechanism (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Wait for disable_acb before doing set_acb (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Don't recover adapter if device state is FAILED (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix call trace on rmmod with ql4xdontresethba=1 (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix CPU lockups when ql4xdontresethba set (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Perform context resets in case of context failures (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] treewide: Fix typos in various parts of the kernel, and fix some comments (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: select iscsi boot sysfs attrs (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] scsi: qla4xxx driver depends on NET (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed BFS with sendtargets as boot index (Chad Dupuis) [722297] - [scsi] qlge: Bumped driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [722307] - [scsi] qlge: Fix memory leak in the process of refill (Chad Dupuis) [722307] - [scsi] qlge: Removing needless print's which are not (Chad Dupuis) [722307] - [scsi] qlge: Fixed invalid reference to ip header (Chad Dupuis) [722307] - [scsi] qlge: Updating Schultz LICENSE.qlge file (Chad Dupuis) [722307]- [usb] xHCI: set USB2 hardware LPM (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: Check host USB2 LPM capability (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] Add a strtobool function matching semantics of existing in kernel equivalents (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Fix USB 3.0 device restart on resume (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] usb3.0 ch9 definitions (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Clean up 32-bit build warnings (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Properly handle COMP_2ND_BW_ERR (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Better debugging for critical host errors (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Be less verbose during URB cancellation (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove debugging about ring structure allocation (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove debugging about toggling cycle bits (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove debugging for individual transfers (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove useless sg-list debugging (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove warnings about MSI and MSI-X capabilities (Don Zickus) [787110] - [usb] xhci: Remove scary warnings about transfer issues (Don Zickus) [770571 787110] - [usb] Trivial: xhci: Fix copy-paste error (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: fix bug in xhci_clear_command_ring() (Don Zickus) [773109] - [usb] xHCI: Adding #define values used for hub descriptor (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] XHCI: resume root hubs when the controller resumes (Don Zickus) [738877 747531] - [usb] xhci: Set slot and ep0 flags for address command (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: fix lockdep warning on endpoint timeout (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] fix implicit usage of gfp.h in host/xhci-hub.c (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: Make xHCI driver have a BOS descriptor (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: remove CONFIG_PCI in xhci.c's probe function (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: move xhci_gen_setup() away from -pci (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: refactor xhci_pci_setup() (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: replace pci_*_consistent() with dma_*_coherent() (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: hide MSI code behind PCI bars (Don Zickus) [683681] - [usb] xhci: group MSI interrupt registration into its own function (Don Zickus) [683681] - [usb] host: introduce USB_ARCH_HAS_XHCI (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: fix debug message (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: AMD isoc link TRB chain bit quirk (Don Zickus) [742100] - [usb] usbcore: add sysfs support to xHCI usb2 hardware LPM (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: test USB2 software LPM (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: Clear PLC for USB2 root hub ports (Don Zickus) [754045] - [usb] xHCI: test and clear RWC bit (Don Zickus) [738147 754045] - [usb] xHCI: set link state (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] usbcore: check device's LPM capability (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] usbcore: get BOS descriptor set (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci-mem.c: xhci_segment_free: No need for checking seg argument (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci-mem.c: Check for ring->first_seg != NULL (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: USB 3.0 BW checking (Don Zickus) [735951] - [usb] xhci: Fix mult base in endpoint bandwidth info (Don Zickus) [735951] - [usb] xhci: ignore xhci version while checking for the link quirk (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: prevent infinite loop when processing MSE event (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Redundant check in xhci_check_args for xhci->devs (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: refine td allocation (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Don't print short isoc packets. (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Add software BW checking quirk to Intel PPT xHCI (Don Zickus) [735951] - [usb] xhci: Implement HS/FS/LS bandwidth checking (Don Zickus) [735951] - [usb] xhci: Track interval bandwidth tables per port/TT (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Store endpoint bandwidth information (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Store information about roothubs and TTs (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Store the "real" root port number (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Refactor endpoint limit checking (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Rename virt_dev->port to fake_port (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: If no endpoints changed, don't issue BW command (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Handle zero-length isochronous packets (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Remove TDs from TD lists when URBs are canceled (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Fix failed enqueue in the middle of isoch TD (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak during failed enqueue (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] xHCI: report USB2 port in resuming as suspend (Don Zickus) [768238] - [usb] xHCI: fix port U3 status check condition (Don Zickus) [768238] - [usb] rename USB_SPEED_VARIABLE to USB_SPEED_WIRELESS (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] Mark EHCI LPM functions as __maybe_unused (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] ehci: disable LPM and PPCD for nVidia MCP89 chips (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] EHCI: Disable langwell/penwell LPM capability (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] EHCI: EHCI 1.1 addendum: Enable Per-port change detect bits (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] EHCI: EHCI 1.1 addendum: Basic LPM feature support (Don Zickus) [738877] - [usb] EHCI: EHCI 1.1 addendum: preparation (Don Zickus) [738877] - [net] ipvs: RHEL6: Enable SCTP transport loadbalancing (Thomas Graf) [786953] - [net] ipvs: Use frag walker helper in SCTP proto support (Thomas Graf) [786953] - [net] ipvs: provide default ip_vs_conn_{in, out}_get_proto (Thomas Graf) [786953] - [net] ipvs: lvs sctp protocol handler is incorrectly invoked ip_vs_app_pkt_out (Thomas Graf) [786953] - [net] ipvs: SCTP Transport Loadbalancing Support (Thomas Graf) [786953] - [block] mtip32xx: removed the irrelevant argument of mtip_hw_submit_io() and the unused member of struct driver_data (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: do rebuild monitoring asynchronously (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: uninitialized variable in mtip_quiesce_io() (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: updates based on feedback (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: add module.h include to avoid conflict with moduleh tree (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: mark a few more items static (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: ensure that all local functions are static (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: cleanup compat ioctl handling (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: fix warnings/errors on 32-bit compiles (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] mtip32xx: RHEL specific config changes (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [ata] Split ahci.c to ahci.h (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [block] Add driver for Micron RealSSD pcie flash cards (Shyam Iyer) [658388] - [usb] When hot reset for USB3 fails, try warm reset (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [usb] usbcore: refine warm reset logic (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [usb] xhci: Set change bit when warm reset change is set (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [usb] xhci: Clear warm reset change event during init (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [usb] Reset USB 3.0 devices on (re)discovery (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [usb] use "device number" instead of "address" (Don Zickus) [734699 738151 742146 784430] - [fs] nfs: Additional readdir cookie loop information (Steve Dickson) [770250] - [fs] NFS: Fix spurious readdir cookie loop messages (Steve Dickson) [770250] - [fs] NFSv4: Save the owner/group name string when doing open (Jeff Layton) [739797] - [fs] tracepoint: add drop_transaction/update_superblock_end to jbd2 (Lukas Czerner) [738726] - [scsi] Fix block queue and elevator memory leak in scsi_alloc_sdev (Jeff Moyer) [769652] - [scsi] Make scsi_free_queue() kill pending SCSI commands (David Milburn) [784117] - [scsi] isci: kill iphy->isci_port lookups (David Milburn) [718264] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Fix for unbalanced reference count (Mike Snitzer) [749265] - [x86] tsc: Fix SMI induced variation in quick_pit_calibrate() (John Villalovos) [787332] - [virt] kvm: introduce x86_cpuinit.early_percpu_clock_init hook (Igor Mammedov) [788562] - [netdrv] igb driver update (Stefan Assmann) [737714]- [kernel] mm-tracepoint: fix documentation and examples (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix compile error on x86_64 Ubuntu (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf report: Fix --stdio output alignment when --showcpuutilization used (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf annotate: Get rid of field_sep check (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf annotate: Fix usage string (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf kmem: Fix a memory leak (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf kmem: Add missing closedir() calls (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf top: Add error message for EMFILE (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf test: Change type of '-v' option to INCR (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Add missing closedir() calls (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Add const.h to MANIFEST to make perf-tar-src-pkg work again (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf top: Don't update total_period on process_sample (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf hists: Stop using 'self' for struct hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf hists: Rename total_session to total_period (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf kvm: Fix copy & paste error in description (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Kill script_spec__delete (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf top: Fix a memory leak (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf stat: Introduce get_ratio_color() helper (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf session: Remove impossible condition check (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix feature-bits rework fallout, remove unused variable (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Add generic perl handler to process events (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Use for_each_set_bit() to iterate over feature flags (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Unify handling of features when writing feature section (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf report: Accept fifos as input file (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Moving code in some files (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix out-of-bound access to struct perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Continue processing header on unknown features (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Improve macros for struct feature_ops (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf: builtin-record: Document and check that mmap_pages must be a power of two (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf: builtin-record: Provide advice if mmap'ing fails with EPERM (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix truncated annotation (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: look up thread using tid instead of pid (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Look up thread names for system wide profiling (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix comm for processes with named threads (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf report: Fix usage string (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf test: Add more automated tests for event parsing (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf events: Tidy up perf_event__preprocess_sample (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Remove stale git headlines from top comment (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix a memory leak on perf_read_values_destroy (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf symbols: Fix error path on symbol__init() (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf symbols: Get rid of duplicated snprintf() (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Fix errno value reporting on failed mmap (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf report: Document '--call-graph' for optional print_limit argument (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evsel: Fix uninitialized memory access to struct perf_sample (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf record: Add ability to record event period (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Add ability to synthesize event according to a sample (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Implement option for system-wide profiling (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Fix mem leaks and NULL pointer checks around strdup()s (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf test: Soft errors shouldn't stop the "Validate PERF_RECORD_" test (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf test: Validate PERF_RECORD_ events and perf_sample fields (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf event: Introduce perf_event__fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf test: Allow running just a subset of the available tests (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Always do automatic allocation of pollfd and mmap structures (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Save some loops using perf_evlist__id2evsel (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf script: Add comm filtering option (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: make -C consistent across commands (for cpu list arg) (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf top: Stop using globals for tool state (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Rename perf_event_ops to perf_tool (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Resolve machine earlier and pass it to perf_event_ops (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Pass tool context in the the perf_event_ops functions (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf annotate: Group options in a struct (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf report: Group options in a struct (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Use evsel->attr.sample_type instead of session->sample_type (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf session: Remove superfluous callchain_cursor member (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf event: perf_event_ops->attr() manipulates only an evlist (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Introduce id_hdr_size method out of perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf symbols: Add nr_events to symbol_conf (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf ui progress: Fix divide by zero (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf record: Move 'group' to perf_event_ops (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf session: Move threads to struct machine (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf record: Move mmap_pages to perf_record_opts (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Handle default value for 'pages' on mmap method (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Introduce {prepare, start}_workload refactored from 'perf record' (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evsel: Introduce config attr method (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Introduce add_tracepoints method (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__add_attrs (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Simplify debugfs mountpoint handling code (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf tools: Eliminate duplicate code and use PATH_MAX consistently (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [kernel] perf/powerpc: Fix build for PowerPC with uclibc toolchains (Jiri Olsa) [788156] - [fs] epoll: fix compiler warning and optimize the non-blocking path (Jason Baron) [709197] - [fs] epoll: move ready event check into proper inline (Jason Baron) [709197] - [fs] epoll: epoll_wait() should not use timespec_add_ns() (Jason Baron) [709197] - [fs] epoll: make epoll_wait() use the hrtimer range feature (Jason Baron) [709197] - [fs] select: rename estimate_accuracy() to select_estimate_accuracy() (Jason Baron) [709197] - [fs] ext4: don't dereference null pointer when make_indexed_dir() fails (Lukas Czerner) [773342] - [fs] ext4: Fix fs corruption when make_indexed_dir() fails (Lukas Czerner) [773342] - [fs] ext4: ext4_mkdir should dirty dir_block with newly created directory inode (Lukas Czerner) [773342] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.10 (Mike Christie) [740059] - [scsi] bnx2fc: NPIV ports go offline when interface is brought down & up (Mike Christie) [740059] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle LOGO flooding from the target (Mike Christie) [740059] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix panic in bnx2fc_post_io_req (Mike Christie) [740059] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle SRR LS_ACC drop scenario (Mike Christie) [740059] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle ABTS timeout during ulp timeout (Mike Christie) [740059] - [fs] ext4: ignore EXT4_INODE_JOURNAL_DATA flag with delalloc (Lukas Czerner) [767199] - [fs] tmpfs: fix off-by-one in max_blocks checks (Eric Sandeen) [783497] - [s390x] kernel: fix 3215 console deadlock (Hendrik Brueckner) [753578] - [net] sctp: implement socket option SCTP_GET_ASSOC_ID_LIST (Thomas Graf) [787622] - [net] tcp: bind() fix autoselection to share ports (Flavio Leitner) [784671] - [fs] xfs: Fix missing xfs_iunlock() on error recovery path in xfs_readlink() (Carlos Maiolino) [694702] - [net] sch_qfq: Enable as module (Thomas Graf) [787637] - [net] sch_qfq: accurate wsum handling (Thomas Graf) [787637] - [net] sch_qfq: fix overflow in qfq_update_start() (Thomas Graf) [787637] - [net] pkt_sched: QFQ - quick fair queue scheduler (Thomas Graf) [787637] - [x86] Add hpet_mmap kernel parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [785667] - [x86] Configure HPET_MMAP on (Prarit Bhargava) [785667] - [net] tcp: fix undo after RTO for CUBIC (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: fix undo after RTO for BIC (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: drop SYN+FIN messages (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: skip cwnd moderation in TCP_CA_Open in tcp_try_to_open (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: allow undo from reordered DSACKs (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: use SACKs and DSACKs that arrive on ACKs below snd_una (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: use DSACKs that arrive when packets_out is 0 (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: make is_dupack a parameter to tcp_fastretrans_alert() (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: use TCP_DEFAULT_INIT_RCVWND in tcp_fixup_rcvbuf() (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: use TCP_INIT_CWND in tcp_fixup_sndbuf() (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: properly update lost_cnt_hint during shifting (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: ECN blackhole should not force quickack mode (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: fix validation of D-SACK (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: RFC2988bis + taking RTT sample from 3WHS for the passive open side (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp_cubic: limit delayed_ack ratio to prevent divide error (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: Make undo_ssthresh arg to tcp_undo_cwr() a bool (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: avoid cwnd moderation in undo (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: undo_retrans counter fixes (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: fix a bug that triggers large number of TCP RST by mistake (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [net] tcp: cleanup of cwnd initialization in tcp_init_metrics() (Thomas Graf) [786956] - [virt] x86, cpu: add FMA4 and TBM to allowed CPUID bits (Eduardo Habkost) [784856] - [fs] cifs: change oplock break slow work to very slow work (Jeff Layton) [772874]- [kernel] timer: add the usleep_range() timer (Dean Nelson) [786458] - [net] SUNRPC: Add trace events to the sunrpc subsystem (Steve Dickson) [784103] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Module parameter to control use of async or sync port login (Chad Dupuis) [769007] - [x86] powernow-k8: Fix indexing issue (Frank Arnold) [781566] - [x86] powernow-k8: Avoid Pstate MSR accesses on systems supporting CPB (Frank Arnold) [781566] - [x86] hpet: Immediately disable HPET timer 1 if rtc irq is masked (Frank Arnold) [787695] - [x86] rtc: disable hpet emulation on suspend (Frank Arnold) [787695] - [x86] Report cpb and eff_freq_ro flags correctly (Frank Arnold) [787687] - [x86] cpuinfo: Add feature flags for AMD fam15h model 10h-1fh processors (Frank Arnold) [787687] - [net] ipv6: Generic TTL Security Mechanism (Weiping Pan) [786948] - [net] ipv4: Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (Weiping Pan) [787311] - [scsi] fix the new host byte settings (DID_TARGET_FAILURE and DID_NEXUS_FAILURE) (Mike Snitzer) [787282] - [scsi] Correctly set the scsi host/msg/status bytes (Mike Snitzer) [787282] - [scsi] Add all the definitions of host bytes to hostbyte_table (Mike Snitzer) [787282] - [virt] virtio: balloon: Add freeze, restore handlers to support S4 (Amit Shah) [624189] - [virt] virtio: balloon: Move vq initialization into separate function (Amit Shah) [624189] - [virt] virtio: net: Add freeze, restore handlers to support S4 (Amit Shah) [582178] - [virt] virtio: net: Move vq and vq buf removal into separate function (Amit Shah) [582178] - [virt] virtio: net: Move vq initialization into separate function (Amit Shah) [582178] - [virt] virtio: blk: Add freeze, restore handlers to support S4 (Amit Shah) [542378] - [virt] virtio: blk: Move vq initialization to separate function (Amit Shah) [542378] - [virt] virtio: console: Disable callbacks for virtqueues at start of S4 freeze (Amit Shah) [623913] - [virt] virtio: console: Add freeze and restore handlers to support S4 (Amit Shah) [623913] - [virt] virtio: console: Move vq and vq buf removal into separate functions (Amit Shah) [623913] - [virt] virtio: pci: add PM notification handlers for restore, freeze, thaw, poweroff (Amit Shah) [542378 582178 623913 624189] - [virt] virtio: pci: switch to new PM API (Amit Shah) [542378 582178 623913 624189] - [virt] virtio_blk: fix config handler race (Amit Shah) [542378] - [virt] virtio_net: use singlethread workqueue (Amit Shah) [582178] - [virt] virtio_net: set/cancel work on ndo_open/ndo_stop (Amit Shah) [582178] - [serial] jsm: Fixed EEH recovery error (Steve Best) [742551] - [serial] jsm: adding EEH handlers (Steve Best) [742551] - [scsi] isci: fix, prevent port from getting stuck in the 'configuring' state (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: fix start OOB (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: fix io failures while wide port links are coming up (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: allow more time for wide port targets (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: enable wide port targets (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: Fix IO fails when pull cable from phy in x4 wideport in MPC mode (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: update version to 1.1 (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: remove unused 'isci_tmf->device' field (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: performance-fix, shorten default "no outbound task" timeout (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: oem parameter format v1.3 (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: oem parameter format v1.1 (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: update afe (analog-front-end) recipe for C1 (David Milburn) [747533] - [scsi] isci: Cleanup oem parameter and recipe handling (David Milburn) [747533] - [net] skbuf.h: Fix parameter documentation (Dean Nelson) [786639] - [net] add APIs for manipulating skb page fragments (Dean Nelson) [786639] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Retry the check-condition in case Mode Parameters Changed (Mike Snitzer) [772305] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Add one more check-condition for alua handler (Mike Snitzer) [772305] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Adding NetApp as a brand name for rdac (Mike Snitzer) [772305] - [net] config: Adding generic config option to enable netprio cgroups (Neil Horman) [772974] - [net] add documentation for net_prio cgroups (Neil Horman) [772974] - [net] add network priority cgroup infrastructure (Neil Horman) [772974] - [s390x] dasd: wait for terminated request (Hendrik Brueckner) [745999] - [sound] Update the ALSA HDA audio driver from upstream (Jaroslav Kysela) [760490] - [kernel] perf header: Use event_name() to get an event name (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Failure with "Operation not supported" (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf: Fix parsing of __print_flags() in TP_printk() (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf session: Fix crash with invalid CPU list (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf python: Fix undefined symbol problem (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Fix live annotation in the --stdio interface (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top tui: Don't recalc column widths considering just the first page (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf report: Add progress bar when processing time ordered events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Warn about lost events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix a typo of command name as trace-cmd (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Fix recalculation of total_period when sorting entries (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Handle K_RESIZE in dialog windows (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: No need to switch char sets that often (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Use K_TIMER (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui: Rename ui__warning_paranoid to ui__error_paranoid (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui: Reimplement the popup windows using libslang (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui: Reimplement ui__popup_menu using ui__browser (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui: Reimplement ui_helpline using libslang (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui: Improve handling sigwinch a bit (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui progress: Reimplement using slang (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf evlist: Fix grouping of multiple events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf symbols: Increase symbol KSYM_NAME_LEN size (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Refuse 'a' hotkey on non symbolic views (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Use libslang to read keys (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix tracing info recording (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Elide DSO column when it is set to just one DSO, ditto for threads (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Don't consider filtered entries when calculating column widths (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Don't decay total_period for filtered entries (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Honour symbol_conf.show_nr_samples, total_period (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Do not exit on tab key with single event (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Don't change selection line when returning from callq (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: handle endianness of feature bitmap (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Add prelink suggestion to dso update message (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf script: Fix unknown feature comment (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Apply the dso and thread filters when merging new batches (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Move the dso and thread filters from hist_browser (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Honour the xterm colors (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top tui: Give color hints just on the percentage, like on --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Make the colors configurable and change the defaults (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tui: Remove unneeded call to newtCls on startup (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Don't format the percentage on hist_entry__snprintf (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Allow initial use without navigation UI elements (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tui: Catch signals to exit gracefully (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Add missing hotkeys to the help window (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Fix the 'E' hotkey, select among multiple events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Honour --hide_{user, kernel}_symbols and the 'U' hotkey (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf buildid: Fix possible unterminated readlink() result buffer (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Allow toggling the visualization of source code lines (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Add filter method (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Exit when pressing ESC or the left arrow (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Invalidate ui_browser->top after timer calls (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Fix handling of TAB/UNTAB for multiple events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Remove entries from entries_collapsed on decay (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Remove ui_browser__add_exit_keys (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Handle SIGWINCH (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Fix compilation when NO_NEWT_SUPPORT is set (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Don't free decayed entries if in the annotation browser (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Recalculate browser pointers after resort/decay (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix to show correct error string (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Make --no-asm-raw the default (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Make perf.data more self-descriptive (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf: Move arch specific code into separate arch directory (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Update the browser.nr_entries after the timer (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Fix TAB/UNTAB use with multiple events (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Don't offer symbol actions when symbols not on --sort (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Use -> to navigate on assembly lines (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix broken number of samples for perf report -n (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Use the TUI interface by default (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Allow navigation to called functions (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Add callgraph support (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Reuse the 'report' hist_entry/hists classes (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf browsers: Add live mode to the hists, annotate browsers (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Threaded addition and sorting of entries (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf report: Add option to show total period (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Allow limiting the number of rows and columns in fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf hists: Stop using 'self' for struct hists (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf report: Fix stdio event name header printing (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf: Support setting the disassembler style (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf tools: Make stat/record print fatal signals of the target program (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Fix spelling in comment (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Allow tab as cvs delimiter (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Suppress printing std-dev when its 0 (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Fix +- nan in --no-aggr runs (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Add --log-fd option to redirect stderr elsewhere (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top: Improve lost events warning (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf, tool: Leftover from latest util/event.[ch] 3.1 sync (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf top browser: Fix up line width calculation (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf buildid-list: Support showing the build id in an ELF file (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf buildid-list: Add option to show the running kernel build id (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf script: Add drop monitor script (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf symbols: Stop using 'self' in map_groups__ methods (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf stat: Add -o and --append options (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate: Add --symfs option (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] perf annotate: Make output more readable (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [kernel] doc: fix broken references (Jiri Olsa) [784888] - [fs] ecryptfs: fix regression that prevents umount of underlying filesystem (Brian Foster) [766554] - [scsi] ipr: fix eeh recovery for 64-bit adapters (Steve Best) [783875] - [kernel] ipc: introduce shm_rmid_forced sysctl (Rafael Aquini) [781600] - [pm] sleep: Fix race between CPU hotplug and freezer (Prarit Bhargava) [747224] - [kernel] Prevent system deadlock when moving tasks between cgroups (Larry Woodman) [773522] - [kernel] sched: Fix rt_rq runtime leakage bug (Steve Best) [736931] - [x86] Remove AMD microcode warning (Prarit Bhargava) [786961] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix single-vector MSI-X code (John Feeney) [703555] - [netdrv] netxen: suppress false lro warning messages (Veaceslav Falico) [699382] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove forgotten real_num_tx_queues inicialization (Jiri Pirko) [745952] - [mm] export remove_from_page_cache() to modules (Jerome Marchand) [751419] - [fs] GFS2: Corrections to directory read-ahead (Robert S Peterson) [681906] - [fs] GFS2: Corrections to cache dir hash table in a contiguous buffer (Robert S Peterson) [681906]- [scsi] bfa: fix enidan and bit field check bug (Rob Evers) [737727] - [scsi] bfa: fix formating and checkpatch issues (Rob Evers) [737727] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reconfigure SR-IOV Init (Don Dutile) [769499] - [netdrv] igb: Check if subordinate VFs are assigned to virtual machines (Don Dutile) [769499] - [pci] Add flag indicating device has been assigned by KVM (Don Dutile) [769499] - [scsi] st: fix race in st_scsi_execute_end (Tomas Henzl) [716593] - [scsi] st: Increase success probability in driver buffer allocation (Tomas Henzl) [716593] - [scsi] st: Store page order before driver buffer allocation (Tomas Henzl) [716593] - [fs] GFS2: remove vestigial al_alloced (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: combine gfs2_alloc_block and gfs2_alloc_di (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Resource group related fixes (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] Use cached rgrp in gfs2_rlist_add() (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Call do_strip() directly from recursive_scan() (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Remove obsolete assert patch (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Cache the most recently used resource group in the inode (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Make resource groups "append only" during lifetime of fs (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [fs] GFS2: Use rbtree for resource groups and clean up bitmap buffer ref count scheme (Steven Whitehouse) [747896] - [virt] SVM: Add support for perf-kvm (Gleb Natapov) [632768] - [virt] KVM: Implement perf callbacks for guest sampling (Gleb Natapov) [632768] - [net] mqprio: Enable as module (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: RHEL6 modifications (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: Avoid panic if no options are provided (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: cleanups (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: Always set num_tc to 0 in mqprio_destroy() (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: dont leak kernel memory (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [net] mqprio: implement a root container qdisc sch_mqprio (Thomas Graf) [695553] - [fs] NFSv4: Change the default setting of the nfs4_disable_idmapping parameter (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [fs] NFSv4: Send unmapped uid/gids to the server when using auth_sys (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [fs] NFSv4: cleanup idmapper functions to take an nfs_server argument (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [fs] NFSv4: Send unmapped uid/gids to the server if the idmapper fails (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [fs] NFSv4: If the server sends us a numeric uid/gid then accept it (Steve Dickson) [705099] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix cfq_cic_link() race confition (Vivek Goyal) [765673] - [ata] ahci: AHCI mode SATA patch for Intel DH89xxCC DeviceIDs (Jes Sorensen) [773295] - [fs] autofs4: fix expire race (Ian Kent) [766818] - [fs] cifs: lower default wsize when unix extensions are not used (Jeff Layton) [773705] - [fs] wake up s_wait_unfrozen when ->freeze_fs fails (Eric Sandeen) [759942] - [net] bonding: Allow Bonding driver to disable/enable LRO on slaves (Neil Horman) [772317] - [net] Fix RFS backport error (Neil Horman) [757040] - [kexec] kdump: lower KEXEC_AUTO_THRESHOLD to 2G (Dave Young) [772311] - [kernel] sched: fix {s,u}time values decrease (Stanislaw Gruszka) [748559] - [block] Add missing config option ASYNC_RAID6_TEST (Jes Sorensen) [704003] - [block] Introduce blk_set_stacking_limits function (Mike Snitzer) [755046] - [netdrv] bna: clear some statistics before filling them (Ivan Vecera) [756931] - [x86] Fix c-state transitions when !NOHZ (Prarit Bhargava) [767753] - [x86] tsc: Skip TSC synchronization checks for tsc=reliable (Prarit Bhargava) [767753] - [mm] Backport upstream vmalloc fix to verify address is valid before dereferencing pointer (Larry Woodman) [767889]- [scsi] remove tech_preview tag for mpt2sas lockless mode (Luming Yu) [559393] - [dm] thinp: port to RHEL6 (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [dm] thinp: use simple_strtox rather than kstrtox (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [dm] thinp: enable on all supported RHEL6 architectures (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [dm] add thin provisioning target (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [dm] add persistent data library (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [dm] add bufio (Mike Snitzer) [723018] - [md] bitmap: It is OK to clear bits during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] don't give up looking for spares on first failure-to-add (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: ensure correct assessment of drives during degraded reshape (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] linear: fix hot-add of devices to linear arrays (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5 crash during degradation (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: never wait for bad-block acks on failed device (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] ensure new badblocks are handled promptly (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bad blocks shouldn't cause a Blocked status on a Faulty device (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] take a reference to mddev during sysfs access (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] refine interpretation of "hold_active == UNTIL_IOCTL" (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] lock: ensure updates to page_attrs are properly locked (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: STRIPE_ACTIVE has lock semantics, add barriers (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: abort any pending parity operations when array fails (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] Add module.h to all files using it implicitly (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Fix bug when activating a hot-spare (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] Fix some bugs in recovery_disabled handling (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: fix bug that could result in reads from a failed device (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] trivial comment fix (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] Allow restarting an interrupted incremental recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] clear In_sync bit on devices added to an active array (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] add proper write-congestion reporting to RAID1 and RAID10 (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] rename "mdk_personality" to "md_personality" (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bitmap remove fault injection options (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: typedef removal: raid5_conf_t -> struct r5conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: typedef removal: conf_t -> struct r1conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: typedef removal: conf_t -> struct r10conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid0: typedef removal: raid0_conf_t -> struct r0conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] multipath: typedef removal: multipath_conf_t -> struct mpconf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] linear: typedef removal: linear_conf_t -> struct linear_conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] faulty: remove typedef: conf_t -> struct faulty_conf (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] linear: remove typedefs: dev_info_t -> struct dev_info (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove typedefs: mirror_info_t -> struct mirror_info (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove typedefs: r10bio_t -> struct r10bio and r1bio_t -> struct r1bio (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove typedefs: mdk_thread_t -> struct md_thread (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove typedefs: mddev_t -> struct mddev (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] removing typedefs: mdk_rdev_t -> struct md_rdev (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid0: convert some printks to pr_debug (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove PRINTK and dprintk debugging and use pr_debug (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove some old DEBUGging code (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: convert to macros into inline functions (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: avoid bio search in end_sync_read() (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: factor out common bio handling code (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: remove pointless NULL test (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: add documentation to r1_private_data_s data structure (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] don't delay reboot by 1 second if no MD devices exist (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] trival: md_k.h should be md.h in the beginning comment of file md.h (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bitmap: improve handling of 'allclean' (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bitmap: rename and tidy up BITMAP_PAGE_CLEAN (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] Fix handling for devices from 2TB to 4TB in 0.90 metadata (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1, raid10: Remove use-after-free bug in make_request (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: unify handling of write completion (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: fix a hang on device failure (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] fix clearing of 'blocked' flag in the presence of bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] linear: avoid corrupting structure while waiting for rcu_free to complete (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] ensure changes to 'write-mostly' are reflected in metadata (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] report failure if a 'set faulty' request doesn't (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: handle further errors during fix_read_error better (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Handle read errors during recovery better (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: simplify read error handling during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: record bad blocks due to write errors during resync/recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: attempt to fix read errors during resync/check (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Handle write errors by updating badblock log (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: clear bad-block record when write succeeds (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: avoid writing to known bad blocks on known bad drives (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10 record bad blocks as needed during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: avoid reading known bad blocks during resync/recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Split handle_read_error out from raid10d (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: simplify/reindent some loops (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Clear bad blocks on successful write (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Don't write to known bad block on doubtful devices (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: write errors should be recorded as bad blocks if possible (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: use bad-block log to improve handling of uncorrectable read errors (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: factor several functions out or raid1d() (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: improve handling of read failure during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: record badblocks found during resync (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: Handle write errors by updating badblock log (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: store behind-write pages in bi_vecs (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: clear bad-block record when write succeeds (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: avoid writing to known-bad blocks on known-bad drives (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] add 'write_error' flag to component devices (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: avoid reading known bad blocks during resync (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: avoid reading from known bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] Disable bad blocks and v0.90 metadata (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] load/store badblock list from v1.x metadata (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] don't allow arrays to contain devices with bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bad-block-log: add sysfs interface for accessing bad-block-log (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] beginnings of bad block management (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove suspicious size_of() (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] bitmap: Revert DM dirty log hooks (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Avoid BUG caused by multiple failures (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: move rdev->corrected_errors counting (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move rdev->corrected_errors counting (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid1: move rdev->corrected_errors counting (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] get rid of unnecessary casts on page_address() (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Improve decision on whether to fail a device with a read error (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid10: Make use of new recovery_disabled handling (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] change managed of recovery_disabled (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] remove ro check in md_check_recovery() (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] introduce link/unlink_rdev() helpers (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid: use printk_ratelimited instead of printk_ratelimit (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: finalise new merged handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move some more common code into handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move more common code into handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: unite handle_stripe_dirtying5 and handle_stripe_dirtying6 (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: unite fetch_block5 and fetch_block6 (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: rearrange a test in fetch_block6 (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move more code into common handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Move code for finishing a reconstruction into handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Remove stripe_head_state arg from handle_stripe_expansion (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move stripe_head_state and more code into handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: add some more fields to stripe_head_state (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: unify stripe_head_state and r6_state (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: move common code into handle_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: replace sh->lock with an 'active' flag (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Protect some more code with ->device_lock (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: Remove use of sh->lock in sync_request (Jes Sorensen) [747574] - [md] raid5: remove some sparse warnings (Jes Sorensen) [747574]- [fs] Revert "proc: enable writing to /proc/pid/mem" (Johannes Weiner) [782650] {CVE-2012-0056} - [fs] nfs: fix regression in handling of context= option in NFSv4 (Jeff Layton) [757896] - [kernel] panic: call console_verbose() in panic (Alexander Gordeev) [771521] - [net] igmp: Avoid zero delay when receiving odd mixture of IGMP queries (Jiri Pirko) [772871] {CVE-2012-0207} - [fs] cifs/nfs: don't allow TASK_KILLABLE sleeps to block the freezer (Jeff Layton) [702630] - [fs] xfs: validate acl count (Eric Sandeen) [773283] - [ppc] POWER7 optimised copy_to_user/copy_from_user using VMX (Steve Best) [739137] - [fs] GFS2: Update fallocate to match upstream (Steven Whitehouse) [732744] - [pci] portdrv: cleanup pcie_device registration (Myron Stowe) [742460] - [tpm] NSC driver X86 dependency fix (Steve Best) [741557] - [net] sunrpc: remove xpt_pool (J. Bruce Fields) [753301] - [fs] Fix sendfile write-side file position (Steven Whitehouse) [770023] - [mm] Make task in balance_dirty_pages() killable (Lukas Czerner) [769115] - [virt] kvm: x86: fix missing checks in syscall emulation (Marcelo Tosatti) [773391] {CVE-2012-0045} - [virt] kvm: x86: extend "struct x86_emulate_ops" with "get_cpuid" (Marcelo Tosatti) [773391] {CVE-2012-0045} - [net] svcrpc: fix double-free on shutdown of nfsd after changing pool mode (J. Bruce Fields) [753030] - [net] svcrpc: avoid memory-corruption on pool shutdown (J. Bruce Fields) [753030] - [net] svcrpc: destroy server sockets all at once (J. Bruce Fields) [753030] - [net] svcrpc: simplify svc_close_all (J. Bruce Fields) [753030] - [net] svcrpc: fix list-corrupting race on nfsd shutdown (J. Bruce Fields) [753030]- [virt] virtio: console: add port stats for bytes received, sent and discarded (Amit Shah) [772194] - [virt] virtio: console: make discard_port_data() use get_inbuf() (Amit Shah) [772194] - [virt] virtio: console: rename variable (Amit Shah) [772194] - [virt] virtio: console: make get_inbuf() return port->inbuf if present (Amit Shah) [772194] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix return type for get_inbuf() (Amit Shah) [772194] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix indentation (Amit Shah) [772194] - [netdrv] r8169: fix Config2 MSIEnable bit setting (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix Rx index race between FIFO overflow recovery and NAPI handler (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Rx FIFO overflow fixes (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: corral some wayward N/A fw_version dust bunnies (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Convert MAC_ADDR_LEN uses to ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: sweep the floors and convert some .get_drvinfo routines to strlcpy (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: jumbo fixes (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: expand received packet length indication (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support new chips of RTL8111F (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: define the early size for 8111evl (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove use of ndo_set_multicast_list in drivers (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: MAC address change fix for the 8168e-vl (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Add support for D-Link 530T rev C1 (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use pci_dev->subsystem_{vendor|device} (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix sticky accepts packet bits in RxConfig (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: adjust the RxConfig settings (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: don't enable rx when shutdown (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix wake on lan setting for non-8111E (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support RTL8111E-VL (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: add ERI functions (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: modify the flow of the hw reset (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: adjust some registers (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix wrong register use (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: check firmware content sooner (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support new firmware format (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: explicit firmware format check (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: move the firmware down into the device private data (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix static initializers (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: avoid late chip identifier initialisation (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: merge firmware information into the chipset description data (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: provide some firmware information via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove non-NAPI context invocation of rtl8169_rx_interrupt (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: link speed selection timer rework (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: rtl8169_set_speed_xmii cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove some code duplication (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: style cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix merge conflict fix (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: don't request firmware when there's no userspace (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: TSO fixes (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: convert to hw_features (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support RTL8168E (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: add a new chip for RTL8168DP (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: add a new chip for RTL8105 (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix a bug in rtl8169_init_phy() (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support control of advertising (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: support the new chips for RTL8105E (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: disable ASPM (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: adjust rtl8169_set_speed_xmii function (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix RTL8168DP power off issue (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: correct settings of rtl8102e (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix incorrect args to oob notify (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Call netif_carrier_off at the end of the probe (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: prevent RxFIFO induced loops in the irq handler (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: keep firmware in memory (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Update the function of parsing firmware (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: delay phy init until device opens (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: more 8168dp support (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: rtl_csi_access_enable rename (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: magic (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: phy power ops (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: 8168DP specific MII registers access methods (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use device dependent methods to access the MII registers (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: identify different registers (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove the firmware of RTL8111D (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Use static const (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: move PHY regs tables to .rodata (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: don't use flush_scheduled_work() (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix sleeping while holding spinlock (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: print errors when dma mapping fail (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: (re)init phy on resume (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: changing mtu clean up (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: do not account fragments as packets (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use pointer to struct device as local variable (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: replace PCI_DMA_{TO, FROM}DEVICE to DMA_{TO, FROM}_DEVICE (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: init rx ring cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: check dma mapping failures (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use 50 less ram for RX ring (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use device model DMA API (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: allocate with GFP_KERNEL flag when able to sleep (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: add gro support (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: avoid some skb->ip_summed initializations (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: incorrect identifier for a 8168dp (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix mdio_read and update mdio_write according to hw specs (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: fix random mdio_write failures (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: remove unnecessary cast of readl()'s return value (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: failure to enable mwi should not be fatal (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix rtl8169_rx_interrupt() (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Use netif_printk macros (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use netdev_mc_count and netdev_mc_empty when appropriate (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: use pM to shown MAC address (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [netdrv] r8169: Move && and || to end of previous line (Ivan Vecera) [772565] - [fs] nfsd4: name->id mapping should fail with BADOWNER not BADNAME (J. Bruce Fields) [754834] - [net] Potential null skb->dev dereference (Flavio Leitner) [769590] - [mm] mempolicy.c: refix mbind_range() vma issue (Motohiro Kosaki) [697996 727700] - [mm] mempolicy.c: fix pgoff in mbind vma merge (Motohiro Kosaki) [697996 727700]- [scsi] hpsa: add the Smart Array 5i to the kdump blacklist (Tomas Henzl) [758675] - [scsi] cciss: add Smart Array 5i to the kdump blacklist (Tomas Henzl) [758675] - [powerpc] perf_event: Skip updating kernel counters if register value shrinks (Steve Best) [706528] - [ppc] pseries: Fix kexec on recent firmware versions (Steve Best) [741586] - [ppc] hvc_console: Improve tty/console put_chars handling (Steve Best) [740543] - [ppc] pseries/hvconsole: Fix dropped console output (Steve Best) [740551] - [ppc] pseries: Do not search for dma-window property on dlpar remove (Steve Best) [738483] - [ppc] pseries: Fix kexec on machines with more than 4TB of RAM (Steve Best) [741581] - [ppc] Fix oops when echoing bad values to /sys/devices/system/memory/probe (Steve Best) [739161] - [fs] ext2, ext3, ext4: don't inherit APPEND_FL or IMMUTABLE_FL for new inodes (Eric Sandeen) [749117] - [fs] ext4: fix race in xattr block allocation path (Eric Sandeen) [735105] - [fs] nfs: when attempting to open a directory, fall back on normal lookup (Jeff Layton) [755380] - [fs] nfs: don't try to migrate pages with active requests (Jeff Layton) [739811 741241] - [fs] nfs: don't redirty inode when ncommit == 0 in nfs_commit_unstable_pages (Jeff Layton) [746541] - [kernel] crypto: ghash - Avoid null pointer dereference if no key is set (Jiri Benc) [749482] {CVE-2011-4081} - [fs] jbd2: validate sb->s_first in journal_get_superblock() (Eryu Guan) [693981] - [fs] xfs: Fix memory corruption in xfs_readlink (Carlos Maiolino) [694702] - [net] rds_rdma: don't assume infiniband device is PCI (Jes Sorensen) [740149] - [net] ipv4: correct description for tcp_max_syn_backlog (Weiping Pan) [738796] - [net] ipv6: tcp: fix tcp_v6_conn_request() (Jiri Benc) [742099] - [net] netfilter: use __aligned_be64 in nfnetlink_log.h (Weiping Pan) [767992] - [net] sctp: Do not account for sizeof(struct sk_buff) in estimated rwnd (Thomas Graf) [698119] - [net] fib: fix fib_nl_newrule() (Neil Horman) [743459] - [net] fix unsafe pointer access in sendmmsg (Jiri Benc) [760798] {CVE-2011-4594} - [net] vlan: should take into account needed_headroom (Weiping Pan) [692013] - [net] tcp: tcp_syn_retries sysctl is not honored (Jiri Benc) [692024] - [net] pkt_sched: Fix sch_sfq vs tcf_bind_filter oops (Jiri Pirko) [667925] - [net] ipv6: check for IPv4 mapped addresses when connecting IPv6 sockets (Jiri Benc) [728123] - [net] mac80211: cancel auth retries when deauthenticating (John Linville) [754356] - [net] bonding: Don't allow mode change via sysfs with slaves present (Veaceslav Falico) [747282] - [net] bonding: update speed/duplex for NETDEV_CHANGE (Weiping Pan) [747546] - [scsi] isci: link speed default to gen2 (David Milburn) [769376] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Fix error path in rdac_init (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] hpsa: add small delay when using PCI Power Management to reset for kdump (Dave Young) [746267] - [block] cciss: add small delay when using PCI Power Management to reset for kdump (Dave Young) [746317] - [scsi] increase qla2xxx firmware ready time-out (Mark Goodwin) [731917] - [usb] ch9: use proper endianess for wBytesPerInterval (Steve Best) [738578] - [perf] powerpc: Handle events that raise an exception without overflowing (Steve Best) [755737] - [kernel] clocksource: Install completely before selecting (Paolo Bonzini) [745713] - [md] Avoid waking up a thread after it has been freed (Jes Sorensen) [754424] - [pci] Fix unbootable HP DL385G6 on 2.6.32-220 by properly disabling pcie aspm (Dave Wysochanski) [769626] - [virt] virtio-pci: fix use after free (Michael S. Tsirkin) [751805 772194] - [pci] hotplug: shpchp: don't blindly claim non-AMD 0x7450 (Myron Stowe) [735218] - [sched] x86: Avoid unnecessary overflow in sched_clock (Prarit Bhargava) [765720] - [x86] binutils, xen: Fix another wrong size directive (Igor Mammedov) [720982] - [x86] ACPI atomicio: Convert width in bits to bytes in __acpi_ioremap_fast() (Myron Stowe) [754341] - [x86] x2apic_optout: Change WARN to printk (Prarit Bhargava) [755061] - [x86] cpufreq: handle CPUs with different capabilities in acpi-cpufreq (Prarit Bhargava) [749056] - [x86] mtrr: Kill over the top warn (Prarit Bhargava) [746232] - [x86] setup: Set ax register in boot vga query (Prarit Bhargava) [742441] - [virt] x86: Prevent starting PIT timers in the absence of irqchip support (Marcelo Tosatti) [769550] - [virt] vmxnet3: revert hw features change (Neil Horman) [759613] - [virt] xen: mask MTRR feature from guest BZ#750758 (Igor Mammedov) [750758] - [virt] fix broken build if xen is disabled in config (Igor Mammedov) [729488] - [netdrv] qlge: fix size of external list for TX address descriptors (Steve Best) [772237] - [kernel] script to create symlinks for new network driver layout (Andy Gospodarek) - [netdrv] e1000e: Avoid wrong check on TX hang (Dean Nelson) [751087] - [netdrv] igb: Loopback functionality supports for i350 devices (Stefan Assmann) [756601] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixed Endianness issues in the response read log length field while retrieving FAT (Steve Best) [743226] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix EEH on IBM P7IOC (Steve Best) [721074] - [x86] kdump, ioapic: Reset remote-IRR in clear_IO_APIC (Prarit Bhargava) [754335] - [x86] ioapic: Move trigger defines to io_apic.h (Prarit Bhargava) [754335] - [scsi] ipr: add definitions for additional adapter (Steve Best) [738891] - [scsi] ipr: Add support to flash FPGA and flash back DRAM images (Steve Best) [738891] - [scsi] ipr: Fix BUG on adapter dump timeout (Steve Best) [738891] - [scsi] ipr: Stop reading adapter dump prematurely (Steve Best) [738891] - [x86] hpet: Disable per-cpu hpet timer if ARAT is supported (Prarit Bhargava) [750201] - [x86] Improve TSC calibration using a delayed workqueue (Prarit Bhargava) [750201] - [kernel] clocksource: Add clocksource_register_hz/khz interface (Prarit Bhargava) [750201] - [kernel] clocksource: Provide a generic mult/shift factor calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [750201] - [ppc] gup_huge_pmd() return 0 if pte changes (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [mm] thp: share get_huge_page_tail() (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [ppc] gup_hugepte() support THP based tail recounting (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [ppc] gup_hugepte() avoid to free the head page too many times (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [ppc] get_hugepte() don't put_page() the wrong page (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [ppc] remove superflous PageTail checks on the pte gup_fast (Andrea Arcangeli) [751493] - [virt] KVM: Device assignment permission checks (Alex Williamson) [756093] - [virt] KVM: Remove ability to assign a device without iommu support (Alex Williamson) [756093] - [virt] kvm: device-assignment: revert Disable the option to skip iommu setup (Alex Williamson) [756093] - [scsi] hpsa: Add IRQF_SHARED back in for the non-MSI(X) interrupt handler (Tomas Henzl) [758707] - [block] cciss: Add IRQF_SHARED back in for the non-MSI(X) interrupt handler (Tomas Henzl) [758707] - [fs] Make write(2) interruptible by a fatal signal (Lukas Czerner) [769115] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix a kbuild regression (Vivek Goyal) [705698] - [block] cfq-iosched: rethink seeky detection for SSDs (Vivek Goyal) [705698] - [block] cfq-iosched: rework seeky detection (Vivek Goyal) [705698] - [block] cfq-iosched: don't regard requests with long distance as close (Vivek Goyal) [705698] - [scsi] isci: Adding documentation to API change and fixup sysfs registration (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: change sas phy timeouts from 54us to 59us (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: fix 32-bit operation when CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=n (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: overriding max_concurr_spinup oem parameter by max(oem, user) (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: revert bcn filtering (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] libsas: export sas_alloc_task() (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Fix hard reset timeout conditions (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: No need to manage the pending reset bit on pending requests (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Remove redundant isci_request.ttype field (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Fix task management for SMP, SATA and on dev remove (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: No task_done callbacks in error handler paths (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Handle task request timeouts correctly (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Fix tag leak in tasks and terminated requests (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Immediately fail I/O to removed devices (David Milburn) [751434] - [scsi] isci: Lookup device references through requests in completions (David Milburn) [751434] - [virt] xen-blkfront: conditionally drop name and minor adjustments for emulated scsi devs (Laszlo Ersek) [729586] - [virt] xen-blk: plug device number leak on error path in xlblk_init (Laszlo Ersek) [729586] - [virt] xen-blkfront: more informative message when resizing vbd (Laszlo Ersek) [654982] - [virt] xen-blkfront: pick up vbd size change through xenstore (Laszlo Ersek) [654982]- [kernel] Remove "WARNING: at kernel/sched.c:5915" (Larry Woodman) [766051] - [x86] kernel: Fix memory corruption in module load (Prarit Bhargava) [767140]- [virt] xen: Find an unbound irq number in reverse order high to low (Igor Mammedov) [756307] - [virt] xen: add get_nr_hw_irqs req for finding an unbound irq number in reverse order (Igor Mammedov) [756307] - [x86] io_apic: add get_nr_irqs_gsi() (Igor Mammedov) [756307] - [virt] Do not init xen platform pci if xen_emul_unplug=never (Igor Mammedov) [756307] - [fs] GFS2: Add readahead to sequential directory traversal (Robert S Peterson) [681906] - [fs] GFS2: Cache dir hash table in a contiguous buffer (Robert S Peterson) [681906] - [scsi] scsi_dh: move .match to an auxiliary structure (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: code cleanup and remove the references to scsi_dev_info (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_hp_sw: Adding the match function for hp_sw device handler (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Adding the match function for rdac device handler (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_emc: Adding the match function for emc device handler (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Implement match callback function (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Evaluate TPGS setting from inquiry data (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Use scsi_devinfo functions to do matching of device_handler tables (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: check queuedata pointer before proceeding further (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix the time inteval for alua rtpg commands (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Decrease retry interval (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Check for sdev state in store_dh_state() (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: always update TPGS status on activate (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Fixup kernel-doc comments (Mike Snitzer) [690523] - [block] Don't check QUEUE_FLAG_SAME_COMP in __blk_commplete_request (David Milburn) [724055] - [block] Fix queue_flag update when rq_affinity goes from 2 to 1 (David Milburn) [724055] - [block] improve rq_affinity placement (David Milburn) [724055] - [block] Make rq_affinity = 1 work as expected (David Milburn) [724055] - [block] fix warning with calling smp_processor_id() in preemptible section (David Milburn) [724055] - [block] strict rq_affinity (David Milburn) [724055] - [x86] mtrr: use stop_machine APIs for doing MTRR rendezvous (Prarit Bhargava) [729223] - [x86] stop_machine: implement stop_machine_from_inactive_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [729223] - [x86] stop_machine: reorganize stop_cpus() implementation (Prarit Bhargava) [729223] - [x86] mtrr: lock stop machine during MTRR rendezvous sequence (Prarit Bhargava) [729223] - [virt] KVM: fix guest SMEP support (Chris Wright) [703053] - [x86] cpu: fix CPUID leaf 7 detection (Chris Wright) [703053] - [perf] tools: Fix raw sample reading (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] python: Add missing perf_event__parse_sample 'swapped' parm (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Add support for disabling -Werror via WERROR=0 (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] top: Fix userspace sample addr map offset (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Fix issue with binaries using 16-bytes buildids (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tool: Fix endianness handling of u32 data in samples (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] sort: Fix symbol sort output by separating unresolved samples by type (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Synthesize anonymous mmap events (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] record: Create events initially disabled and enable after init (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Add some heuristics for choosing the best duplicate symbol (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Preserve symbol scope when parsing /proc/kallsyms (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: /proc/kallsyms does not sort module symbols (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Fix ppc64 SEGV in dso__load_sym with debuginfo files (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix regression of variable finder (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Add group event scheduling option to perf record/stat (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Fix build against newer glibc (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Fix error handling of unknown events (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] evlist: Fix missing event name init for default event (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] list: Fix exit value (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Filter out redundant inline-instances (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Search concrete out-of-line instances (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Avoid searching variables in intermediate scopes (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix to search local variables in appropriate scope (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Warn when more than one line are given (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix to walk all inline instances (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix to search nested inlined functions in CU (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix line walker to check CU correctly (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix a memory leak for scopes array (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] fix temporary file ownership check (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] top browser: Remove spurious helpline update (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] symbols: Check '/tmp/perf-' symbol file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Check $HOME/.perfconfig ownership (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Make clean leaves some files (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] lock: Dropping unsupported ':r' modifier (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Fix coredump introduced by probe module option (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] report: Use ui__warning in some more places (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] python: Add PERF_RECORD_{LOST, READ, SAMPLE} routine tables (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] evlist: Introduce 'disable' method (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Make test use the preset debugfs path (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Add automated tests for events parsing (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: De-opt the parse_events function (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] script: Fix display of IP address for non-callchain path (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Fix endian conversion reading event attr from file header (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Support adding probes on offline kernel modules (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Add probed module in front of function (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Introduce debuginfo to encapsulate dwarf information (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] perf-probe: Move dwarf library routines to dwarf-aux.{c, h} (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Remove redundant dwarf functions (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Move strtailcmp to string.c (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] probe: Rename DIE_FIND_CB_FOUND to DIE_FIND_CB_END (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] Robustify proc and debugfs file recording (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] report/annotate/script: Add option to specify a CPU range (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] stat: Add noise output for csv mode (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Only display parent field if explictly sorted (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Allow sort dimensions to be registered more than once (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Don't display ignored entries on stdio ui (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Remove sort print helpers declarations (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Make sort operations static (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] tools: Add inverted call graph report support (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] script: Add printing of sample address (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] script: Make printing of dso a separate field option (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] script: "sym" field really means show IP data (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] stat: clarify unsupported events from uncounted events (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [perf] Cleanup useless double NULL termination in method arg names (Jiri Olsa) [752353] - [pci] x86: reduce severity of host bridge window conflict warnings (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: avoid high BIOS area when allocating address space (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: avoid E820 regions when allocating address space (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: avoid low BIOS area when allocating address space (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: add arch hook for preventing allocation in reserved areas (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: coalesce overlapping host bridge windows (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: update iomem_resource end based on CPU physical address capabilities (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: handle overflow when aligning start of available area (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: ensure callback doesn't allocate outside available space (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: factor out resource_clip() to simplify find_resource() (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: add a default alignf to simplify find_resource() (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] PNP: log PNP resources, as we do for PCI (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: use host bridge _CRS info on ASRock ALiveSATA2-GLAN (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] fall back to original BIOS BAR addresses (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] change resource collision messages from KERN_ERR to KERN_INFO (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: compute Address Space length rather than using _LEN (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: never allocate PCI MMIO resources below BIOS_END (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: parse additional host bridge window resource types (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: ignore Consumer/Producer bit in ACPI window descriptions (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [acpi] pci_root: pass acpi_pci_root to arch-specific scan (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [acpi] pci_root: save downstream bus range (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: truncate _CRS windows with _LEN > _MAX - _MIN + 1 (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: for host bridge address space collisions, show conflicting resource (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] don't say we claimed a resource if we failed (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] print resources consistently with pR (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] make disabled window printk style match the enabled ones (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] reject mmio ranges starting at 0 on pci_bridge read (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] break out primary/secondary/subordinate for readability (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] for address space collisions, show conflicting resource (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resources: add interfaces that return conflict information (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resource: add window support (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resource: add bus number support (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] resource: expand IORESOURCE_TYPE_BITS to make room for bus resource type (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: move pR resource printf_specs off the stack (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: clarify comments for printf_spec flags (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: use host bridge _CRS info by default on 2008 and newer machines (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] augment bus resource table with a list (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] add pci_bus_for_each_resource(), remove direct bus->resource[] refs (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] read bridge windows before filling in subtractive decode resources (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] split up pci_read_bridge_bases() (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] don't dump resource when bus resource flags indicates unused (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: remove 64-bit division (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86/PCI: fix bogus host bridge window start/end alignment from _CRS (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: for debuggability, show host bridge windows even when ignoring _CRS (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] improve discovery/configuration messages (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] replace pr_debug with dev_dbg (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: print domain:bus in conventional format (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: use pR, pr instead of pRt, pRf (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: use -DDEBUG when CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG set (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] PNP: print resources consistently with pRt (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] x86: print resources consistently with pRt (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] print resources consistently with pRt (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: add pRt, pRf to print struct resource details (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: add pR support for IRQ and DMA resources (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] vsprintf: fix io/mem resource width (Myron Stowe) [567487] - [pci] reverting "[Fedora] [pci] silence some PCI resource allocation errors" (Myron Stowe) [567487]- [x86] amd: Fix align_va_addr kernel parameter (Frank Arnold) [753237] - [md] RAID1: Do not call md_raid1_unplug_device while holding spinlock (Jonathan E Brassow) [752528] - [pci] intel-iommu: Default to non-coherent for domains unattached to iommus (Don Dutile) [746484] - [x86] initialize min_delta_ns in one_hpet_msi_clockevent() (Prarit Bhargava) [728315] - [x86] Update hpet_next_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [728315]- [net] Restrict pktgen from using shared skbs on bridge interfaces (Neil Horman) [750777] - [kernel] sched: Use resched IPI to kick off the nohz idle balance (Vivek Goyal) [717179] - [virt] xenfv: mask smep, even if the HV doesn't (Andrew Jones) [752382] - [drm] i915: enable ring freq scaling, RC6 and graphics turbo on Ivy Bridge (Prarit Bhargava) [752163] - [drm] i915: load a ring frequency scaling table (Prarit Bhargava) [752163] - [x86] cpufreq: expose a cpufreq_quick_get_max routine (Prarit Bhargava) [752163] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Make sure we discover targets if the cable is plugged in after the driver is loaded (Chad Dupuis) [751509] - [sched] Cleanup/optimize clock updates (Larry Woodman) [750237] - [sched] fix skip_clock_update optimization (Larry Woodman) [750237] - [kernel] Reset clocksource watchdog after sysrq-t (Prarit Bhargava) [742890] - [x86] AMD: Make tsc=reliable override boot time stability checks (Prarit Bhargava) [742890] - [block] virtio-blk: Use ida to allocate disk index (Michael S. Tsirkin) [692767] - [virt] virtio_blk: Replace cryptic number with the macro (Michael S. Tsirkin) [692767] - [kernel] ida: simplified functions for id allocation (Michael S. Tsirkin) [692767] - [virt] revert virtio-blk: Use ida to allocate disk index (Aristeu Rozanski) [692767]- [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [751286] - [scsi] qla4xxx: set ql4xdisablesysfsboot=1 by default (Chad Dupuis) [751286] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correct ipaddress match check (Chad Dupuis) [751286]- [drm] i915: fix unmap race condition introduced with VT-d fix (Dave Airlie) [750583] - [scsi] iscsi: revert lockless queuecommand dispatch (Rob Evers) [751426]- [kernel] KEYS: Fix a NULL pointer deref in the user-defined key type (David Howells) [751190] {CVE-2011-4110} - [scsi] fc class: fix building of Fibre Channel DUP drivers in 6.2 (Mike Christie) [750268] - [fs] nfs: don't call __mark_inode_dirty while holding i_lock (Steve Dickson) [747391] - [netdrv] vxge: allow rebinding the driver with a different number of SR-IOV VFs (Michal Schmidt) [694742] - [netdrv] vxge: fix crash of VF when unloading PF (Michal Schmidt) [694742] - [ata] revert libata: remove SCSI host lock (David Milburn) [751426] - [crypto] ansi_cprng: enforce key != seed in fips mode (Jarod Wilson) [751198] - [net] mac80211: Fix reassociation processing within ESS roaming (John Linville) [750350] - [net] nl80211: Allow association to change channels during reassociation (John Linville) [750350] - [net] mac80211: let cfg80211 manage auth state (John Linville) [750350] - [net] cfg80211: avoid sending spurious deauth to userspace (John Linville) [750350] - [net] mac80211: recalculate idle later in MLME (John Linville) [750350] - [net] mac80211: avoid spurious deauth frames/messages (John Linville) [750350] - [net] cfg80211: Allow reassociation in associated state (John Linville) [750350] - [net] cfg80211: remove warning in deauth case (John Linville) [750350] - [net] netfilter: fix nf_conntrack refcount leak in l4proto->error() (Thomas Graf) [745472] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove check for null fcport from host reset handler (Chad Dupuis) [744741] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform implicit logout during rport tear-down (Chad Dupuis) [744741] - [scsi] Revert "qla2xxx: Remove host_lock in queuecommand function" (Chad Dupuis) [744741] - [drm] nv50/disp: shutdown display on suspend/hibernate (Ben Skeggs) [740857] - [edac] Add sb_edac driver into the Red Hat Building system (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [647700] - [edac] Fix incorrect edac mode reporting in sb_edac (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [647700] - [edac] Add an experimental new driver to support Sandy Bridge CPU's (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [647700]- [netdrv] benet: remove bogus "unlikely" on vlan check (Ivan Vecera) [736429] {CVE-2011-3347} - [netdrv] be2net: non-member vlan pkts not received in promiscous mode (Ivan Vecera) [736429] {CVE-2011-3347} - [netdrv] be2net: fix crash receiving non-member VLAN packets (Ivan Vecera) [736429] {CVE-2011-3347} - [mm] fix race between mremap and removing migration entry (Andrea Arcangeli) [751084]- [fs] GFS2: rewrite fallocate code to write blocks directly (Benjamin Marzinski) [750208] {CVE-2011-4098} - [netdrv] bnx2x: link fixes for 57810 (Andy Gospodarek) [749421] - [netdrv] enic: fix accidental GRO off by default (Stefan Assmann) [749390] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct inadvertent clearing of RISC_INTR status (Chad Dupuis) [748978] - [debug] lockdep: double MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES (Kyle McMartin) [748941] - [x86] Add missing KERN_DEBUG to x86 module printk (Prarit Bhargava) [747837] - [x86] Update module alternatives message (Prarit Bhargava) [745596] - [x86] UV: KABI breakage in uv_blade_info (George Beshers) [745253] - [net] vlan: fix panic when handling priority tagged frames (Andy Gospodarek) [714936] {CVE-2011-3593} - [scsi] qla4xxx: Autologin persisted target entries update (Mike Christie) [747696] - [mm] oom: fix integer overflow of points in oom_badness (Frantisek Hrbata) [741207] {CVE-2011-4097}- [scsi] lockless queuecommand dispatch fixup (Rob Evers) [749018] - [scsi] iscsi class: export pid of process that created session (Mike Christie) [747696] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Autologin persisted target entries (Mike Christie) [747696] - [netdrv] iwlagn: enable 11n aggregation without checking traffic load (John Linville) [744361] - [s390x] qdio: EQBS retry after CCQ 96 (Hendrik Brueckner) [747578] - [s390x] dasd: fix UID readout for z/VM (Hendrik Brueckner) [746000] - [x86] PCI: irq and pci_ids patch for Intel Panther Point DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [747638] - [netdrv] Help 6.1 out of tree drivers cope with ABI breakage (Thomas Graf) [746570] - [mm] shmem: let shared anonymous be nonlinear again (Larry Woodman) [690129] - [fs] ext4: fix BUG_ON() in ext4_ext_insert_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [742091] {CVE-2011-3638} - [ipc] mqueue: separate mqueue default value from maximum value (Motohiro Kosaki) [746606] - [ipc] mqueue: don't use kmalloc with KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE (Motohiro Kosaki) [746606] - [ipc] mqueue: revert bump up DFLT_*MAX (Motohiro Kosaki) [746606] - [kernel] ipc/mqueue: Up the hard limit on message queues per namespace (Doug Ledford) [746606] - [kernel] ipc/mqueue: update maximums for the mqueue subsystem (Doug Ledford) [746606] - [kernel] ipc/mqueue: enforce hard limits (Doug Ledford) [746606] - [kernel] ipc/mqueue: switch back to using non-max values on create (Doug Ledford) [746606 746898] - [kernel] ipc/mqueue: cleanup definition names and locations (Doug Ledford) [746606] - [kernel] Revert "Restore max mqueue message size to its previous RHEL 5 value" (Doug Ledford) [746606]- [virt] index of virtio disk is not decremented when removed (Mark Wu) [692767] - [edac] i7core_edac: Initialize memory name with cpu, channel, bank (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [712957] - [kernel] perf: Optimize event scheduling locking (Steve Best) [744986] - [drm] i915: set the right SDVO transcoder for CPT (Adam Jackson) [735122] - [scsi] libfc: Prevent race that causes panic during FCoE port destroy (Neil Horman) [735959] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k8 (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: updated device id check for BFS (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed target discovery failed issue (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed active session re-open issue (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed device blocked issue on link up-down (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed session destroy issue on link up-down (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear DDB map index on the basis of AEN (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Free Device Database (DDB) reserved by FW (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix getting BIDI CHAP for boot targets (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix exporting boot targets to sysfs (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Do not add duplicate CHAP entry in FLASH (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix bidirectional CHAP (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add new FLT firmware region (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update license (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] iscsi class: fix vlan configuration (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix data alignment and use nl helpers (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] iscsi class: fix link local mispelling (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added Get ACB support using BSG (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added restore factory defaults support using BSG (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: added support to update initiator iscsi port (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Added support to update initiator iscsi port (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added vendor specific sysfs attributes (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add read/update NVRAM support for 40xx adapters using BSG (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add get ACB state support using BSG (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Code cleanup for read/update flash using BSG (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support to update mtu (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Added support to update mtu (Mike Christie) [732622] - [scsi] libfc: improve flogi retries to avoid lport stuck (Mike Christie) [745667] - [scsi] libfc: avoid exchanges collision during lport reset (Mike Christie) [745667] - [scsi] libfc: fix checking FC_TYPE_BLS (Mike Christie) [745667] - [scsi] libfc: revert fix deadlock bug in fc_exch_abort_locked (Mike Christie) [745667] - [dm] log userspace: Allow for 'log device name' response in CTR msg exchange (Jonathan E Brassow) [746254] - [dm] kcopyd: fix job_pool leak (Mike Snitzer) [748441] - [netdrv] igb: Fix for Alt MAC Address feature on 82580 and later (Andy Gospodarek) [748503]- [dm] table: add immutable feature (Mike Snitzer) [747438] - [mm] reduce overhead on paravirt functions (Larry Woodman) [743554]- [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in niu.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in myri10ge.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in igb_main.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in cxgb4_main.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in cxgb3_main.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [netdrv] Fixing use of netif_set_real_num_tx_queues in bnx2.c (Neil Horman) [742117] - [ppc] kabi: add symbol 'paca' to ppc KABI (Jiri Olsa) [737466] - [fs] proc: fix oops on invalid /proc/pid/maps access (Johannes Weiner) [746613] {CVE-2011-3637} - [nfs] fix pNFS hang and oops on umounts (Steve Dickson) [746861] - [scsi] qla4xxx: export address/port of connection (Mike Christie) [728156] - [netdrv] Fix pktgen to not oops on unsupported drivers (Neil Horman) [678794] - [kernel] tracing: Update the comm field in the right variable in update_max_tr (Jiri Olsa) [736955] - [kernel] kabi: Add missing compat_alloc_user_space symbol to kABI (Jiri Olsa) [747047] - [kernel] fix taskstats io infoleak (Jerome Marchand) [716848] {CVE-2011-2494} - [x86] ACPI, APEI, HEST: Detect duplicated hardware error source ID (Don Zickus) [737189] - [netdrv] Add latest cxgb3 firmware (Neil Horman) [742011]- [net] bridge: fix use after free in __br_deliver() (Amerigo Wang) [730756] {CVE-2011-2942} - [scsi] Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [746668] - [scsi] Fix crash when cfg_fcp_eq_count is zero (Rob Evers) [746668] - [scsi] Fix kernel crash during boot with SLI4 card installed (Rob Evers) [746668] - [scsi] Properly clean up EQ and CQ child lists to prevent kernel crash (Rob Evers) [746668] - [kabi] add missing symbols for Emulex be2net driver (Jiri Olsa) [745712] - [netdrv] netxen-firmware: Install the 4.0.579 firmware (Kyle McMartin) [741776] - [perf] symbols: Treat all memory maps without dso file as loaded (Jiri Olsa) [726582] - [debug] increase MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES (Kyle McMartin) [645777] - [fs] cifs: add fallback in is_path_accessible for old servers (Jeff Layton) [692709] {CVE-2011-3363} - [tpm] Zero buffer after copying to userspace (Jiri Benc) [732633] {CVE-2011-1161 CVE-2011-1162} - [pci] intel-iommu: IOTLB hang workaround (Dave Airlie) [728476] - [drm] i915: Fix hang on Ironlake mobile GPU with VT-d (Dave Airlie) [728476] - [drm] i915: Remove early exit on i915_gpu_idle (Dave Airlie) [728476] - [drm] nv50/bios: fixup mpll programming from the init table parser (Ben Skeggs) [744992] - [drm] nv50/vram: fix incorrect detection of bank count on newer chipsets (Ben Skeggs) [744992] - [drm] radeon: fix llano output setup + memory corruption (Dave Airlie) [747292] - [drm] radeon caicos enablement fixes (Dave Airlie) [747291] - [pci] Disable SRIOV on powerpc (Prarit Bhargava) [742089] - [pci] Add pci=nosriov to disable SRIOV (Prarit Bhargava) [742089] - [x86] apic: ack all pending irqs when crashed/on kexec (Takao Indoh) [704142]- [scsi] libsas: fix warnings when checking sata/stp protocol (David Milburn) [695950] - [scsi] libsas: disable scanning lun > 0 on ata devices (David Milburn) [695950] - [scsi] libsas: Allow expander T-T attachments (David Milburn) [695950] - [usb] xhci: Make xHCI driver endian-safe (Don Zickus) [745967] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb3: Don't post zero-byte read if endpoint is going away (Neil Horman) [717379] - [scsi] isci: atapi support (David Milburn) [743692] - [x86] amd: Move BSP code to cpu_dev helper (Larry Woodman) [739456] - [x86] Add a BSP cpu_dev helper (Larry Woodman) [739456] - [x86] amd: Avoid cache aliasing penalties on AMD family 15h (Larry Woodman) [739456] - [net] ipv6: fix NULL dereference in udp6_ufo_fragment() (Jason Wang) [740465] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Updating NIC driver firmware (Neil Horman) [717806] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Fix NULL pointer dereference in t3_l2t_get (Neil Horman) [729737] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remaining fixes from upstream 3.1 (Michal Schmidt) [743917] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix WoL on 82578DM and 82567V3 (Andy Gospodarek) [699042] - [netdrv] tg3: Use netif_set_real_num_tx_queues() (Jiri Pirko) [740477] - [netdrv] bnx2x: critical fixes (Veaceslav Falico) [745211] - [netdrv] bonding: properly stop queuing work when requested (Andy Gospodarek) [736904] - [netdrv] tg3: negate USE_PHYLIB flag check (Jiri Pirko) [746006] - [x86] Add new cpu capabilities to /proc/cpuinfo (Prarit Bhargava) [745799] - [kabi] add missing multipath symbols for s390x (Aristeu Rozanski) [714992] - [perf] sched: Fix script command documentation (Jiri Olsa) [726589] - [pm] hibernate: Fix memory corruption related to swap (Stanislaw Gruszka) [701857] - [scsi] hpsa: add heartbeat sysfs host attribute (Tomas Henzl) [730027] - [scsi] Revert megaraid_sas: Driver only report tape drive, JBOD and logic drives (Tomas Henzl) [736667] - [fs] GFS2: Fix ->page_mkwrite() races (Steven Whitehouse) [725091] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Fix deadlock during fc_remove_host (Mike Christie) [714320] - [kernel] workqueue: Fix workqueue deadlock during destroy_workqueue (Mike Christie) [714320] - [sched] Avoid expensive initial update_cfs_load() (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Simplify update_cfs_shares parameters (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Fix/remove redundant cfs_rq checks (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Fix sign under-flows in wake_affine (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Update effective_load() to use global share weights (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Fix interactivity bug by charging unaccounted run-time on entity re-weight (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Move periodic share updates to entity_tick() (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Fix UP build breakage (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414] - [sched] Update tg->shares after cpu.shares write (Larry Woodman) [741569 742414]- [drm] i915: fix IVB cursor support (Adam Jackson) [741780] - [drm] i915: always set FDI composite sync bit (Adam Jackson) [745564] - [netdrv] bnx2i: Fixed the endian on TTT for NOP out transmission (Mike Christie) [745676] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add driver workaround for PERC5/1068 kdump kernel panic (Tomas Henzl) [723218] - [ata] AHCI: Add new Panther Point RAID DeviceID (Prarit Bhargava) [745484] - [scsi] isci: export phy events via ->lldd_control_phy() (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: The port state should be set to stopping on the last phy (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: fix decode of DONE_CRC_ERR TC completion status (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: SATA/STP I/O is only returned in the normal path to libsas (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: fix support for large smp requests (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: fix missed unlock in apc_agent_timeout() (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: fix event-get pointer increment (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: add version number (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: dynamic interrupt coalescing (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: fix sata response handling (David Milburn) [743654] - [scsi] isci: Leave requests alone if already terminating (David Milburn) [743654] - [fs] jbd: Fix forever sleeping process in do_get_write_access() (Harshula Jayasuriya) [744979] - [fs] jbd2: Fix forever sleeping process in do_get_write_access() (Harshula Jayasuriya) [744979] - [net] ipv6: fix refcnt problem related to POSTDAD state (Weiping Pan) [709280 731608] - [x86] paravirt: PTE updates in k(un)map_atomic need to be synchronous, regardless of lazy_mmu mode (Igor Mammedov) [632802] - [s390x] qdio: 2nd stage retry on SIGA-W busy conditions (Hendrik Brueckner) [732708] - [s390x] kernel: NSS creation with initrd fails (Hendrik Brueckner) [730780] - [s390x] qeth: wrong number of output queues for HiperSockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [730701] - [s390x] qeth: l3 ipv6 vlan not working on shared OSA chpid (Hendrik Brueckner) [727850] - [x86] Intel pci: Provide option to enable 64-bit IOMMU pass through mode (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Remove Host Bridge devices from identity mapping (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Add domain check in domain_remove_one_dev_info (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Use coherent DMA mask when requested (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Dont cache iova above 32bit (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Speed up processing of the identity_mapping function (George Beshers) [696420] - [x86] intel-iommu: Check for identity mapping candidate using system dma mask (George Beshers) [696420] - [scsi] tcm_fc: Fix to activate non-offload path for FCoE target (Andy Grover) [638007]- [pci] edd: Treat "XPRS" host bus type the same as "PCI" (Mike Christie) [742059] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Move driver Version (Mike Christie) [738163 738934] - [scsi] be2iscsi: memset wrb for ring create (Mike Christie) [738163 738934] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for case where task->sc was cleanedup earlier (Mike Christie) [738163 738934] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for wrong dmsg setting in wrb (Mike Christie) [738163 738934] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for kdump failure (Mike Christie) [738163 738934] - [sched] wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout() should return signed long (J. Bruce Fields) [738379]- [net] fix net_dev_xmit tracepoint use of freed skb (Jiri Pirko) [705253] - [block] kabi: symbols missing for FusionIO iomemory-vsl driver (Jiri Olsa) [735227] - [netdrv] kabi: symbols missing for Emulex be2net driver (Jiri Olsa) [735229] - [virt] xen: use maximum reservation to limit amount of usable RAM (Igor Mammedov) [743590] - [usb] additional regression fix for device removal (Don Zickus) [744154] - [usb] fix regression occurring during device removal (Don Zickus) [744154] - [usb] Lower USB storage settling delay to something more reasonable (Don Zickus) [743959]- [netdrv] bna: Multiple Definition and Interface Setup Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Driver Version changed to (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Add Callback to Fix RXQ Stop (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: PLL Init Fix and Add Stats Attributes (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Brocade 1860 HW Enablement (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Implement FW Download for New HW (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Capability Map and MFG Block Changes for New HW (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: PCI Probe Conf Lock Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Eliminate Small Race Condition Window in RX Path (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Set Ring Param Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Semaphore Lock Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: make function tables cont (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Driver Version changed to (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: SKB PCI UNMAP Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: TX Queue Depth Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: MBOX IRQ Flag Check after Locking (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Async Mode Tx Rx Init Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Ethtool Enhancements and Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Initialization and Locking Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Formatting and Code Cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: TX Path and RX Path Changes (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Interrupt Polling and NAPI Init Changes (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: PCI Probe Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: Naming Change and Minor Macro Fix (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: off by one in bfa_msgq_rspq_pi_update() (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [netdrv] bna: unlock on error path in pnad_pci_probe() (Ivan Vecera) [743347] - [scsi] libfc: fix deadlock bug in fc_exch_abort_locked (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.8 (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Return error statistics of remote peer (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] fcoe/libfcoe: Move common code for fcoe_get_lesb to fcoe_transport (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: call ctlr_link_up only when the interface is enabled (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Add driver documentation (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.7 (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle bnx2fc_map_sg failure (Mike Christie) [740096] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Replace scsi_dma_map() with dma_map_sg() (Mike Christie) [740096] - [x86] acpi: Prevent acpiphp from deadlocking on PCI-to-PCI bridge remove (Prarit Bhargava) [732706] - [x86] UV2: add missing kABI bits (George Beshers) [741432] - [ppc] pci: Check devices status property when scanning OF tree (Steve Best) [738450] - [drm] radeon/kms: reject video mode that would go over bandwidth limit on RN50 (Jerome Glisse) [729976] - [fs] deal with races in /proc/*/syscall, stack, personality (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] proc: enable writing to /proc/pid/mem (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] proc: make check_mem_permission() return an mm_struct on success (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] proc: hold cred_guard_mutex in check_mem_permission() (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] proc: disable mem_write after exec (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] implement access_remote_vm (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] factor out main logic of access_process_vm (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] use mm_struct to resolve gate vma's in __get_user_pages (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] rename in_gate_area_no_task to in_gate_area_no_mm (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] make in_gate_area take an mm_struct instead of a task_struct (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [mm] make get_gate_vma take an mm_struct instead of a task_struct (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [x86] mark associated mm when running a task in 32 bit compatibility mode (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [x86] add context tag to mark mm when running a task in 32-bit compatibility mode (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] auxv: require the target to be tracable (or yourself) (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] close race in /proc/*/environ (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] report errors in /proc/*/*map* sanely (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] pagemap: close races with suid execve (Johannes Weiner) [692039] - [fs] make sessionid permissions in /proc/*/task/* match those in /proc/* (Johannes Weiner) [692039] {CVE-2011-1020}- [ppc] ibmveth: Fix leak when recycling skb and hypervisor returns error (Steve Best) [740548] - [fs] nfs: Do not allow multiple mounts on same mountpoint when using -o noac (Sachin Prabhu) [584768] - [scsi] megaraid: fix FastPath and update to v5.40 (Tomas Henzl) [726225] - [acpi] APEI: set enable bit for OSC call (Matthew Garrett) [734509] - [block] Whitelist symbols for dm-switch multipathing driver (Shyam Iyer) [714992] - [x86] Missing "unregister_cpu_notifier" in powernow-k8.c (Prarit Bhargava) [741302] - [virt] xen-netfront: fix MTU reset after migration (Paolo Bonzini) [733651]- [mm] add extra free kbytes tunable (Rik van Riel) [696395] - [build] Makefile: include RHEL_RELEASE in version.h (Aristeu Rozanski) - [ppc] Fix bogus it_blocksize in VIO iommu code (Steve Best) [738449] - [ppc] hvcs: Ensure page aligned partner info buffer (Steve Best) [739749] - [virt] KVM: Enable RDRAND feature support for KVM (Don Dugger) [721131] - [virt] x86, cpu: Add CPU flags for F16C and RDRND (Don Dugger) [721131] - [mm] zram: prevent accessing an unallocated table when init fails early (Jerome Marchand) [732707] - [mm] zram: fix zram locking (Jerome Marchand) [732707] - [ppc] eeh: Display eeh error location for bus and device (Steve Best) [707843] - [ppc] pseries/eeh: Handle functional reset on non-PCIe device (Steve Best) [707843] - [ppc] pseries/eeh: Propagate needs_freset flag to device at PE (Steve Best) [707843] - [ppc] eeh: Add support for ibm, configure-pe RTAS call (Steve Best) [707843] - [scsi] isci: initial sgpio write support (David Milburn) [735318] - [scsi] isci: fix sgpio register definitions (David Milburn) [735318] - [scsi] libsas: sgpio write support (David Milburn) [735318] - [drm] i915: set GFX_MODE to pre-Ivybridge default value even on Ivybridge (Adam Jackson) [695793]- [netdrv] firmware: add bnx2x FW 7.0.23 (Michal Schmidt) [733693] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add new PHY BCM54616 (Michal Schmidt) [733888] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fixes from upstream 3.1-rc (Michal Schmidt) [733693] - [netdrv] bnx2x: driver-side changes for firmware 7.0.23 (Michal Schmidt) [733693] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing DCB callbacks (Michal Schmidt) [733693] - [scsi] scan: don't fail scans when host is in recovery (Mike Christie) [713682] - [usb] don't let errors prevent system sleep (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] don't let the hub driver prevent system sleep (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: Reject double add of active endpoints (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] Free bandwidth when usb_disable_device is called (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] disable endpoints after unbinding interfaces, not before (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: Don't warn about zeroed bMaxBurst descriptor field (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Force Stopped Event(FSE) (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: introduce Incompatible Device Error (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: Add reset on resume quirk for asrock p67 host (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: Always set urb->status to zero for isoc endpoints (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] Fix up URB error codes to reflect implementation (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] config: use proper endian access for wMaxPacketSize (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: fix OS want to own HC (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] xhci: Don't submit commands or URBs to halted hosts (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] usbcore: warm reset USB3 port in SS.Inactive state (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] Refine USB3.0 device suspend and resume (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] fix system suspend with USB3.0 device connected to USB3.0 hub (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [usb] Clear "warm" port reset change (Don Zickus) [732457 732909 735048 735050 735263] - [netdrv] b43: allocate receive buffers big enough for max frame len + offset (RuiRui Yang) [738205] {CVE-2011-3359} - [netdrv] tg3: call netif_carrier_off to initialize operstate value (John Feeney) [727330] - [fs] fuse: check size of FUSE_NOTIFY_INVAL_ENTRY message (RuiRui Yang) [736765] {CVE-2011-3353} - [fs] cifs: fix possible memory corruption in CIFSFindNext (Jeff Layton) [730354] {CVE-2011-3191} - [fs] nfsd4: fix open downgrade, again (J. Bruce Fields) [729176] - [fs] jbd[2]: Use WRITE_SYNC_PLUG in journal_commit_transaction (Jeff Moyer) [720918] - [fs] mbcache: Limit the maximum number of cache entries (Eric Sandeen) [731585] - [netdrv] netxen: Add firmware version 4.0.557[579]. (Chad Dupuis) [741776] - [netdrv] netxen: Add pcie workaround (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: add vlan LRO support (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: add fw version compatibility check (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: drivers/net: Remove casts of void * (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: fix race in skb->len access (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: drivers/net: Remove unnecessary semicolons (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Chad Dupuis) [741774] - [netdrv] netxen: ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Chad Dupuis) [741774]- [fs] xfs: avoid direct I/O write vs buffered I/O race (Dave Chinner) [732976] - [fs] xfs: don't serialise adjacent concurrent direct IO appending writes (Dave Chinner) [732976] - [fs] xfs: don't serialise direct IO reads on page cache checks (Dave Chinner) [732976] - [fs] gfs2: Ignore buffers with wrong state during fsync (Abhijith Das) [740066] - [fs] GFS2: balance pages on gfs2_fallocate. (Benjamin Marzinski) [737989] - [fs] xfs: avoid synchronous transactions when deleting attr blocks (Dave Chinner) [740312] - [fs] GFS2: large file delete/unlink is slow (Robert S Peterson) [739987] - [fs] ext4: optimize ext4_check_dir_entry() (Eric Sandeen) [714007] - [fs] Fix do_lookup false negative. (David Howells) [693841] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix VLAN creation problem (John Feeney) [731268 732769] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix improper check of dma address for NULL (Neil Horman) [683611] - [netdrv] e1000: don't enable dma receives until after dma address has been setup (Dean Nelson) [703357] - [net] sctp: deal with multiple COOKIE_ECHO chunks (Max Matveev) [729220]- [net] br_multicast: Ensure to initialize BR_INPUT_SKB_CB(skb)->mrouters_only. (Herbert Xu) [738110]- [x86] Add rh_kabi.c and protect struct alt_instr under KABI (Prarit Bhargava) [737753] - [x86] Fix module alt_instr KABI breakage (Prarit Bhargava) [737753]- [build] Makefile: update RHEL_MINOR to 2 (Aristeu Rozanski) - [scsi] scsi_lib: pause between error retries (Rob Evers) [736812] - [kernel] perf tools: do not look at ./config for configuration (Jiri Benc) [730204] {CVE-2011-2905} - [scsi] Fix out of spec CD-ROM problem with media change (Rob Evers) [703366] - [netdrv] bna: Driver Version changed to (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove Obsolete Files (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove Unused Code (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: ENET and Tx Rx Redesign Enablement (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Add New HW Defs (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Tx and Rx Redesign (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Introduce ENET as New Driver and FW Interface (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: MSGQ Implementation (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove Obsolete File bfi_ctreg.h (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Consolidated HW Registers for Supported HWs (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove get_regs Ethtool Support (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: HW Interface Init Update (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove Unnecessary CNA Check (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Header File Consolidation (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: HW Error Counter Fix (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Add HW Semaphore Unlock Logic (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: IOC Event Name Change (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Mboxq Flush When IOC Disabled (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Minor IRQ Index and Definition Change (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: State Machine Fault Handling Cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: IOC Event Notification Enhancement (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: CheckPatch Cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Print Driver Version (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [net] bna: fix compile warning of bfa_ioc_smem_pgoff defined but not used (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Fix set-but-unused variables. (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: use device model DMA API (Ivan Vecera) [701486] - [netdrv] bna: Remove unnecessary memset(,0,) (Ivan Vecera) [701486]- [scsi] libfcoe: fix compilation when fcoe.ko is not used (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.6 (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix FW assert during RSCN stress tests (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix panic caused because of incorrect errror handling in create() (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Avoid calling bnx2fc_if_destroy with unnecessary locks (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Validate vlan id in NETDEV_UNREGISTER handler (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: No abort issued for REC when it times out (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Send solicitation only after vlan discovery is complete (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Reset max receive frame size during link up (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Do not use HBA_DBG macro when lport is not available (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: increase cleanup wait time (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bump version to 1.0.5 (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Prevent creating of NPIV port with duplicate WWN (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Obtain WWNN/WWPN from the shared memory (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] fcoe: Move common functions to fcoe_transport library (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Drop incoming ABTS (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: code cleanup in bnx2fc_offload_session (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix NULL pointer deref during arm_cq (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Do not reuse the fcoe connection id immediately (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Clear DESTROY_CMPL flag after firmware destroy (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle NETDEV_UNREGISTER for vlan devices (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Reorganize cleanup code between interface_cleanup and if_destroy (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Change function names of bnx2fc_netdev_setup/bnx2fc_netdev_cleanup (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Do not attempt destroying NPIV port twice (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove erroneous kref_get on IO request (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Enable bsg_request support for bnx2fc (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bug fixes in percpu_thread_create/destroy (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Reset the max receive frame size (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Wait for all Context IDs to be deleted before sending FCOE_DESTROY_FUNC (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix Context ID space calculation (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Return proper error code if we fail to send netlink message (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix ring setup/shutdown code (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix port_mode setting (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Replace get_random_bytes() with random32() (Mike Christie) [727304] - [scsi] cnic, bnx2i: Add support for new devices - 57800, 57810, and 57840 (Mike Christie) [727304] - [netdrv] cnic: Add VLAN ID as a parameter during netevent upcall (Mike Christie) [727304] - [x86] mm: Fix pgd_lock deadlock (Andrew Jones) [691310] - [mm] pdpte registers are not flushed when PGD entry is changed in x86 PAE mode (Andrew Jones) [691310] - [mm] Revert "fix pgd_lock deadlock" (Andrew Jones) [691310] - [scsi] libfc: fix referencing to fc_fcp_pkt from the frame pointer via fr_fsp() (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: block SCSI eh thread for blocked rports (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: fix fc_eh_host_reset (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix deadlock between fip's recv_work and rtnl (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] fcoe: add fip retry to avoid missing critical keep alive (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: fix warn on in lport retry (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: Remove the reference to FCP packet from scsi_cmnd in case of error (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: cleanup sending SRR request (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: two minor changes in comments (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc, fcoe: ignore rx frame with wrong xid info (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: release exchg cache (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] libfc: use FC_MAX_ERROR_CNT (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] fcoe: remove unused ptype field in fcoe_rcv_info (Mike Christie) [734961] - [scsi] fcoe: Rearrange fcoe port and NPIV port cleanup (Mike Christie) [734961] - [x86] intel_idle: Fix mismerge (Matthew Garrett) [733730] - [x86] x2apic: enable the bios request for x2apic optout (Prarit Bhargava) [696902] - [x86] ACPI: fix ioremap failure regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [731546]- [fs] corrupted GUID partition tables can cause kernel oops (Jerome Marchand) [695982] {CVE-2011-1577} - [x86] perf: Fix Intel fixed counters base initialization (Don Zickus) [736284] {CVE-2011-2521} - [netdrv] iwlagn: use 6000g2b uCode for 130 series devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [737185] - [block] Missing portions of DM/MD RAID1 plugging patch (Jonathan E Brassow) [735124] - [net] Compute protocol sequence numbers and fragment IDs using MD5. (Jiri Pirko) [732665] {CVE-2011-3188} - [crypto] Move md5_transform to lib/md5.c (Jiri Pirko) [732665] {CVE-2011-3188}- [block] blktrace: fix handling of requests with SYNC and META flags (Mike Snitzer) [726437] - [block] blktrace: add FLUSH/FUA support (Mike Snitzer) [726437] - [kernel] Restore max mqueue message size to its previous RHEL 5 value (Doug Ledford) [730632]- [scsi] qla4xxx: updated device id check for BFS (Chad Dupuis) [732622] - [fs] nfsd4: return nfserr_symlink on v4 OPEN of non-regular file (J. Bruce Fields) [697659] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix some late breaking bnx2 bugs (Neil Horman) [728328] - [netdrv] e1000: save skb counts in TX to avoid cache misses (Dean Nelson) [690780] - [netdrv] bonding: reset queue mapping prior to transmission (Neil Horman) [726688] - [netdrv] e1000e: update to upstream version 1.4.4 (Andy Gospodarek) [730607] - [netdrv] bonding: add missing xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3 info (Weiping Pan) [706018] - [net] vlan: do not transfer real_num_tx_queues (Weiping Pan) [735015] - [mm] thp: tail page refcounting fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [732986] - [virt] xen: x86_32: do not enable iterrupts when returning from exception in interrupt context (Igor Mammedov) [713399] - [mm] oom: task->mm == NULL doesn't mean the memory was freed (Frantisek Hrbata) [734732] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Associate HBA and storage in rdac_controller to support partitions in storage (Mike Snitzer) [733763] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Use WWID from C8 page instead of Subsystem id from C4 page to identify storage (Mike Snitzer) [733763] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix compiler warning due to uninitialized local variable (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bus reset handler fails with bad failure code (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix proper error code return value for management API (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed ctlreg write bug (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix default adapter name for the OCe15100 (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix cable pull failure on interface type 2 SLI-4 adapters (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not able to perform firmware reset through sysfs board_mode attribute (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI4 device firmware reset with SR-IOV virtual functions (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not recovering SLI port in handling error attention with RN bit set (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix two crashes when unsolicted ELS ECHO_CMD is received (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix direct connect does not come up for SLI4 FC ports (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed long wait when firmware reset to a SLI port without required privilege (Rob Evers) [733500] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix request firmware support for little endian systems (Rob Evers) [733500]- [drm] radeon/kms: set a default max_pixel_clock (Dave Airlie) [729545] - [pci] pciehp: change wait time for valid configuration access (Myron Stowe) [727720] - [pci] ACPI: Report ASPM support to BIOS if not disabled from command line (Myron Stowe) [732501] - [ppc] pci: Add calls to set_pcie_port_type() and set_pcie_hotplug_bridge() (Steve Best) [734192] - [ppc] pci: Add missing hookup to pci_slot (Steve Best) [734192] - [ppc] pci: Add missing call to header fixup (Steve Best) [734192] - [virt] xen events: implement mask_ack (Andrew Jones) [733672] - [virt] Revert "[virt] xen/events: change to using fasteoi" (Andrew Jones) [733672] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add pci_disable device (Mike Christie) [688076] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Adding a shutdown Routine (Mike Christie) [688076] - [net] ipv6: make fragment identifications less predictable (Jiri Pirko) [723433] {CVE-2011-2699} - [fs] Ecryptfs: Add mount option to check uid of device being mounted = expect uid (Eric Sandeen) [731176] {CVE-2011-1833}- [md] raid5: fix FUA request handling in ops_run_io() (Mike Snitzer) [733527] - [md] raid5: fix errant REQ_FUA that should be BIO_FUA (Mike Snitzer) [733527] - [perf] report: Use properly build_id kernel binaries (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [ppc] pseries/xics: Use cpu_possible_mask rather than cpu_all_mask (Steve Best) [732357] - [drm] i915: Post-3.0 updates from drm-intel-fixes (Adam Jackson) [720702] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to store driver configuration in flash (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to collect fabric stats (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Added support to configure QOS and collect stats (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to configure trunking on Brocade adapter ports (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add support to configure and query flash boot partition (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Added support to collect and reset fcport stats (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add support for IO profiling (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Extend BSG to support more user commands (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Check supported speed based on port mode (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Update RME interrupt handling (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: BSG return value fix to be compatible with kernel convention (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Add FC-transport based Asynchronous Event Notification support (Rob Evers) [725913] - [scsi] bfa: Move debugfs initialization before bfa init (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Driver and BSG enhancements (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added support to query PHY (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added HBA diagnostics support (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added support for flash configuration (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added support to obtain SFP info (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added support for CEE info and stats query (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Extend BSG interface (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: FCS bug fixes (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: DMA memory allocation enhancement (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Brocade-1860 Fabric Adapter vHBA support (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Brocade-1860 Fabric Adapter PLL init fixes (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Added Fabric Assigned Address(FAA) support (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: IOC bug fixes (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Enable ASIC block configuration and query (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Add BSG interface to support ELS, CT and vendor commands (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Driver initialization and model description fix (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Enhancement for fcpim and IO tag handling (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: FC credit recovery and misc bug fixes (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Brocade-1860 Fabric Adapter 16Gbs support and flash controller fixes (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: IOC and PLL init changes for Brocade-1860 Fabric Adapter (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Changes to support vport disable and enable operations (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Brocade-1860 Fabric Adapter Hardware Enablement (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Add pbc port disable check and fix LPS message name (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Introduce IOC event notification mechanism (Rob Evers) [701485] - [scsi] bfa: Introduced generic address len pair to represent DMA memory chunk (Rob Evers) [701485]- [pci] remove quirk for pre-production systems with Intel 82576 NIC (Prarit Bhargava) [729677] - [x86] efi: Revert new_memmap code (Matthew Garrett) [723274] - [infiniband] mlx4: add new module parameters (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: Avoid duplicate devices from LUN scan (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: Fix integer -> pointer cast warnings (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: try to use larger FMR sizes to cover our mappings (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: add support for indirect tables that don't fit in SRP_CMD (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: rework mapping engine to use multiple FMR entries (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: allow sg_tablesize to be set for each target (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: move IB CM setup completion into its own function (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: always avoid non-zero offsets into an FMR (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: Test only once whether iu allocation succeeded (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Add GRO support (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Remove LRO support (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: consolidate hot-path variables into cache lines (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: stop sharing the host lock with SCSI (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] Touch up a merge issue, fixes compilation (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: reduce lock coverage of command completion (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: reduce local coverage for command submission and EH (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: don't move active requests to their own list (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: allow lockless work posting (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: consolidate state change code (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/srp: allow task management without a previous request (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] rds/ib: use system_wq instead of rds_ib_fmr_wq (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [net] rds: Makefile: Remove deprecated items (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] Manual backport of alloc_netdev_mqs (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] Fix a merge issue (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Restoring RX buffer pointer in case of failure (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Sensing link type at device initialization (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fixing bad size of event queue buffer (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Fix loss of promiscuity (Doug Ledford) [612992 688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Removing HW info from ethtool -i report (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: updated driver version to (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Using blue flame support (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: reserve UARs for userspace consumers (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: maintain available field in bitmap allocator (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add blue flame support for kernel consumers (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: Reporting HW revision in ethtool -i (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Wake on LAN support (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: using new mlx4 interrupt scheme (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Changing interrupt scheme (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: bringing link up when registering netdevice (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: optimize adaptive moderation algorithm for better latency (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: moderation parameters are not reseted (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_en: going out of range of TX rings when reporting stats (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Handle protocol field in multicast table (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_core, ib, en: Fix driver when sizeof phys_addr_t > sizeof long (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Handle -ENOMEM in forward_trap() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Avoid vunmap() of invalid pointer if allocation fails (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Don't call dma_free_coherent() with irqs disabled (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] mlx4: Call alloc_etherdev to allocate RX and TX queues (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add a check for strict_strtoul() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Use pci_dev->revision, again (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB: Increase DMA max_segment_size on Mellanox hardware (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Don't print success message at level KERN_ERR (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Don't reset disabled devices (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Don't generate async events for unregistered devices (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/amso1100: Fix compile warnings (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix incorrect SFP+ link status detection on driver init (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix SFP+ link down detection issue with switch port disable (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Generate IB_EVENT_PORT_ERR/PORT_ACTIVE events (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix bonding on iw_nes (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Use vzalloc() to replace vmalloc()+memset(0) (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mthca: Fix driver when sizeof (phys_addr_t) > sizeof (long) (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix string continuation line (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mthca: Handle -ENOMEM in forward_trap() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Use printf extension pR for struct resource (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Check for NULL mode in .devnode methods (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Save PID of ID's owner (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Add support for netlink statistics export (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Pass QP type into rdma_create_id() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Update exported headers list (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Export enum cma_state in (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB: Add devnode methods to cm_class and umad_class (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mad: Return EPROTONOSUPPORT when an RDMA device lacks the QP required (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Add devnode method to set path/mode (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucma: Add .nodename/.mode to tell userspace where to create device node (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Add netlink infrastructure (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] Backports to fix compile of changes that upstream made but relied on changes that don't exist in rhel6 (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Add error handling to ib_core_init() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/iwcm: Get rid of enum iw_cm_event_status (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Add an ID_REUSEADDR option (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Fix handling of IPv6 addressing in cma_use_port (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/mad: Improve an error message so error code is included (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Replace global lock in rdma_destroy_id() with id-specific one (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Cancel pending LAP message when exiting IB_CM_ESTABLISH state (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Update missed conversion of flush_scheduled_work() (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucma: Copy iWARP route information on queries (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] RDMA: Update workqueue usage (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [infiniband] infiniband: remove dev_base_lock use (Doug Ledford) [688944 690152 698275 698279 698283 700277 707092 710159] - [virt] vmalloc: eagerly clear ptes on vunmap (Igor Mammedov) [730503]- [build] spec: add more drivers to initrd (Andy Gospodarek) [714883] - [target] add to tech-preview.txt and call mark_tech_preview (Andy Grover) [638007] - [x86] ucode-amd: Don't warn when no ucode is available for a CPU revision (Anton Arapov) [731409] - [scsi] isci: remove core/scic_sds_port_configuration_agent.c (David Milburn) [730136] - [scsi] qla4xxx: export iface name (Mike Christie) [730599] - [s390x] config: switch on CONFIG_DEBUG_PAGEALLOC on s390x-debug kernel (Hendrik Brueckner) [702405] - [char] tpm: Fix uninitialized usage of data buffer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [684675] {CVE-2011-1160} - [ata] libata: remove SCSI host lock (David Milburn) [732062] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: decide on whether to send mode select or not (Tomas Henzl) [683613] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Detect the different RDAC operating modes (Tomas Henzl) [683613] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Add definitions for different RDAC operating modes (Tomas Henzl) [683613] - [target] modify rhel config for tcm (Andy Grover) [638007] - [target] backport to old queuecommand interface (Andy Grover) [638007] - [target] fixup file backstore for vfs_fsync_range api change (Andy Grover) [638007] - [target] fixes for iblock backport (Andy Grover) [638007] - [scsi] add ACA_TAG definition to scsi/scsi_tcq.h (Andy Grover) [638007] - [scsi] Add missing SPC-4 CDB and MAINTENANCE_[IN, OUT] service action definitions (Andy Grover) [638007] - [target] Fix UTS_RELEASE build errors (Andy Grover) [638007] - [scsi] tcm_fc: Fixing reference counting problem which was causing ft_sess to be deleted (Andy Grover) [638007] - [scsi] Add FCoE Target support (Andy Grover) [638007] - [block] cfq-iosched: Reduce linked group count upon group destruction (Vivek Goyal) [726099] - [kdump] x86: Fix crashkernel=auto to take into account memory needed by filtering utility (Vivek Goyal) [730077]- [drm] radeon: post-3.0 fixes (Jerome Glisse) [730838] - [netdrv] netxen-firmware: rename firmware files (Andy Gospodarek) [693743] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Fix common misspellings (Tony Camuso) [693740] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Add support for VLAN RX HW acceleration (Tony Camuso) [693740] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Fix ethtool->set_flags not intended -EINVAL return value (Tony Camuso) [693740] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Support for GbE port settings (Tony Camuso) [693740] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Notify firmware of Flex 10 interface down (Tony Camuso) [693740] - [netdrv] netxen-firmware: Update firmware to version 4.0.544 or greater (Tony Camuso) [693743] - [fs] autofs: fix some further kabi inconsistencies (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] kabi - add back do_add_mount() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] kabi - rename follow_down_one() to follow_down() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] VFS: Fix automount for negative autofs dentries (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] VFS: Fix vfsmount overput on simultaneous automount (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - reinstate last used update on access (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] tidy up around finish_automount() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] don't drop newmnt on error in do_add_mount() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] Take the completion of automount into new helper (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: Merge the remaining dentry ops tables (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] Unexport do_add_mount() and add in follow_automount(), not ->d_automount() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] vfs - Remove a further kludge from __do_follow_link() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - bump version (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - add v4 pseudo direct mount support (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - fix wait validation (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: cleanup autofs4_free_ino() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: cleanup dentry operations (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: cleanup inode operations (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: removed unused code (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: add d_manage() dentry operation (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4: add d_automount() dentry operation (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] CIFS: Use d_automount() rather than abusing follow_link() [ver #2] (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] NFS: Use d_automount() rather than abusing follow_link() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] VFS: Add an AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT flag to suppress terminal automount [ver #2] (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] Add a dentry op to allow processes to be held during pathwalk transit (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] VFS: Add a dentry op to handle automounting rather than abusing follow_link() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] dcache remove d_mounted (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] Sanitize autofs_dev_ioctl_ismountpoint() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - rename dentry to expiring in autofs4_lookup_expiring() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - rename dentry to active in autofs4_lookup_active() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - eliminate d_unhashed in path walk checks (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - cleanup active and expire lookup (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - rename unhashed to active in autofs4_lookup() (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - use autofs_info for pending flag (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - use helper for need mount check (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - use helpers for expiring list (Ian Kent) [704941] - [fs] autofs4 - use helpers for active list handling (Ian Kent) [704941] - [md] Using poll /proc/mdstat can monitor the events of adding a spare disks (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid5: get rid of duplicated call to bio_data_dir() (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid5: use kmem_cache_zalloc() (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: share pages between read and write bio's during recovery (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: factor out common bio handling code (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: get rid of duplicated conditional expression (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid5: remove unusual use of bio_iovec_idx() (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid5: fix raid5_set_bi_hw_segments (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] bitmap: remove unused fields from struct bitmap (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] bitmap: use proper accessor macro (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] check ->hot_remove_disk when removing disk (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] use is_power_of_2 macro (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] allow resync_start to be set while an array is active (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: reformat some loops with less indenting (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: remove unused variable (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: make more use of 'slot' in raid10d (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid10: some tidying up in fix_read_error (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid1: improve handling of pages allocated for write-behind (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid1: try fix_sync_read_error before process_checks (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid1: tidy up new functions: process_checks and fix_sync_read_error (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid1: split out two sub-functions from sync_request_write (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] make error_handler functions more uniform and correct (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] multipath: discard working_disks in favour of degraded (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid1: clean up read_balance (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] simplify raid10 read_balance (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] bitmap: fix saving of events_cleared and other state (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] reject a re-add request that cannot be honoured (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] Fix race when creating a new md device (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] raid5: fix build error, sector_t usage (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [md] Fix dev_sectors on takeover from raid0 to raid4/5 (Doug Ledford) [729696] - [input] kabi fixes after addition of MT slot fields (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: retry failed resets when reconnecting (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: fix reconnect logic on MT devices (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: ignore bogus mt packet (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: add multi-finger and semi-mt support (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] create a separate code for handling mt slots (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] introduce MT event slots (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: fix handling of 2-button ClickPads (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: simplify pass-through port handling (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: relax capability ID checks on newer hardware (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: set min/max for finger width (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: only report width on hardware that supports it (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] synaptics: set dimensions as reported by firmware (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] Add support of Synaptics Clickpad device (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653] - [input] psmouse: fix Synaptics detection when protocol is disabled (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [464653]- [mm] mremap: resurrect overflow check in move_page_tables() (Andrea Arcangeli) [725926] - [security] SELinux: indicate fatal error in compat netfilter code (Eric Paris) [656952] - [security] SELinux: Only return netlink error when we know the return is fatal (Eric Paris) [656952] - [security] SELinux: return -ECONNREFUSED from ip_postroute to signal fatal error (Eric Paris) [656952] - [net] tcp_connect should return certain errors up the stack (Eric Paris) [656952] - [net] netfilter: allow hooks to pass error code back up the stack (Eric Paris) [656952] - [scsi] isci: remove reserved device IDs from isci_id_table (David Milburn) [730131] - [kernel] perf: Fix software event overflow (Peter Zijlstra) [730708] - [watchdog] hpwdt support for upcoming ProLiant generations (Tony Camuso) [726719] - [perf] spec: Adding python-perf package (Jiri Olsa) [725812] - [perf] tools: Add support to install perf python extension (Jiri Olsa) [725812] - [perf] sched: Usage leftover from trace -> script rename (Jiri Olsa) [726589] - [perf] sched: Do not delete session object prematurely (Jiri Olsa) [726595] - [perf] buildid-cache: Zero out buffer of filenames when adding/removing buildid (Jiri Olsa) [696044] - [x86] UV: Correct UV2 BAU destination timeout (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Allow for non-consecutive sockets (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Correct failed topology memory leak (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Remove cpumask_t from the stack (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Rename hubmask to pnmask (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Correct reset_with_ipi() (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Inline header file functions (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Fix smp_processor_id() use in a preemptable region (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Clean up uv_tlb.c (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] Fix UV BAU for non-consecutive nasids (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Enable 64-bit ACPI MFCG support (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Avoid KABI breakage (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Add support for SGI UV2 hub chip (George Beshers) [696269] - [x86] UV: Update node controller MMRs (George Beshers) [696269] - [scsi] libsas: fix/amend device gone notification is sas_deform_port() (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] revert libsas: fix/amend device gone notification is sas_deform_port() (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: fix loopback topology bug during discovery (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libata: fix locking for sas paths (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: plumb sas port scan into standard libata paths (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: Add option for SATA soft reset (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: fix SATA NCQ error (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: fix ata list corruption issue (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: convert to libata new error handler (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libata: separate error handler into usable components (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] libsas: remove spurious sata control register read/write (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libata: fix eh locking (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libsas: fix ATAPI check condition termination (David Milburn) [695955] - [scsi] Unify SAM_ and SAM_STAT_ macros (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libata: kill ATA_FLAG_DISABLED (David Milburn) [695955] - [ata] libata-sff: kill unused ata_bus_reset() (David Milburn) [695955]- [dm] RAID: add RAID1 to DM_RAID Kconfig (Mike Snitzer) [723010] - [block] DM RAID: add call to 'mark_tech_preview' (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: add RAID module to config (Mike Snitzer) [723010] - [md] RAID1: Generic unplug (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: Included header cleanup (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: Support RAID1 personality (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: Support Metadata devices (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: Allow write_mostly specification (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: Allow region_size specification (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: documentation update (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: cleanup parameter handling (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] RAID: RAID 4/5/6 basic support (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] RAID1 changes for device-mapper (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] Generate event on sync completion (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] Prevent NULL ptr dereference (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] support bitmap creation by DM (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] raid5 do not set fullsync (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] add sync_super to mddev_t struct (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] move thread wakeups into resume (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] Misc message clean-up (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] No sync I/O while suspended (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [md] No integrity register if no gendisk (Jonathan E Brassow) [723010] - [dm] table: propagate non-rotational flag (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: avoid crash if integrity profile changes (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: fix corrupt_bio_byte error path (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] add features flag to dm_target structure (Mike Snitzer) [714992] - [block] dm table: set flush capability based on underlying devices (Mike Snitzer) [725816] - [block] dm: suppress endian warnings (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [block] eliminate potential for infinite loop in blkdev_issue_discard (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] introduce and use BIO_DISCARD (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] ioctl: prevent empty message (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] export dm_get_md (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: add always-writeable feature (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: add singleton feature (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: clean dm_get_device and move exports (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] ioctl: forbid multiple device specifiers (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] ioctl: introduce __get_dev_cell (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] ioctl: fill in device parameters in more ioctls (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: add corrupt_bio_byte feature (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: add drop_writes (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: support feature args (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: use dm_target_offset and support discards (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: share target argument parsing functions (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] snapshot: skip reading origin when overwriting complete chunk (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] ignore merge_bvec for-snapshots when safe (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: add dm_kcopyd_zero to zero an area (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] snapshot: style cleanups (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] snapshot: remove unused definitions (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: remove nr_pages field from job structure (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: remove offset field from job structure (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] use vzalloc (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] log userspace: use list_move (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: fix discard support (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] mpath: fix potential NULL pointer in feature arg processing (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] snapshot: flush disk cache when merging (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] io: RHEL specific updates to support interface changes (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: return client directly and not through a pointer (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: reserve fewer pages (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] io: use fixed initial mempool size (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: alloc pages from the main page allocator (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: add gfp parm to alloc_pl (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: remove superfluous page allocation spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: preallocate sub jobs to avoid deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] kcopyd: avoid pointless job splitting (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: reject devices without request fns (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] table: allow targets to support discards internally (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] mpath: allow table load with no priority groups (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] mpath: fail message ioctl if specified path is not valid (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] flakey: enable on all supported RHEL6 architectures (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] add flakey target (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] fix opening log and cow devices for read only tables (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] per target unplug callback support (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] introduce target callbacks and congestion callback (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [dm] snapshot: remove unused dm_snapshot queued_bios_work (Mike Snitzer) [723005] - [block] cciss: do not attempt to read from a write-only register (Tony Camuso) [728676] - [scsi] mpt2sas: mark lockless mode tech preview (Prarit Bhargava) - [perf] x86: Add model 45 SandyBridge support (Prarit Bhargava) [729557] - [x86] section mismatch fix for boot_cpu_data_rh (Prarit Bhargava) [729341] - [mm] Avoid merging a VMA with another VMA which is cloned from the parent process. (Larry Woodman) [725855] - [pci] revert latest SRIOV patchset (Aristeu Rozanski) [730144]- [fs] sysfs: use rb-tree for inode number lookup (Mikulas Patocka) [725580] - [fs] sysfs: remove s_sibling hacks (Mikulas Patocka) [725580] - [fs] sysfs: use rb-tree for name lookups (Mikulas Patocka) [725580] - [fs] sysfs: count subdirectories (Mikulas Patocka) [725580] - [mm] backing-dev: use synchronize_rcu_expedited instead of synchronize_rcu (Mikulas Patocka) [725580] - [fs] cifs: don't start signing too early (Jeff Layton) [729437] - [fs] cifs: Fix signing failure when server mandates signing for NTLMSSP (Jeff Layton) [729437] - [net] net: don't set VLAN_TAG_PRESENT for VLAN 0 frames (Stefan Assmann) [706208] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix undesired VLAN stripping (Michal Schmidt) [702752] - [fs] nfs: don't use d_move in nfs_async_rename_done (Jeff Layton) [729434] - [net] af_packet: prevent information leak (Jiri Pirko) [728033] - [net] gro: Only reset frag0 when skb can be pulled (Jiri Pirko) [726556] - [net] Fix security_socket_sendmsg() bypass problem. (Jiri Pirko) [708365] - [net] Cap number of elements for sendmmsg (Jiri Pirko) [708365] - [net] sendmmsg should only return an error if no messages were sent (Jiri Pirko) [708365] - [net] net: Add sendmmsg socket system call (Jiri Pirko) [708365] - [gfs2] assert in __gfs2_ail_flush after #676626 patch is applied (Robert S Peterson) [724921] - [fs] FS-Cache: Only call mark_tech_preview() when caching is actually begun (David Howells) [696396] - [fs] Fix mark_tech_preview() to not disable lock debugging (David Howells) [696396] - [netdrv] bonding: fix potential deadlock in bond_uninit() (Andy Gospodarek) [719587] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Update to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [694893]- [fs] xfs: unpin stale inodes directly in IOP_COMMITTED (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: prevent bogus assert when trying to remove non-existent attribute (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clear XFS_IDIRTY_RELEASE on truncate down (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reset inode per-lifetime state when recycling it (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make log devices with write back caches work (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix ->mknod() return value on xfs_get_acl() failure (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: correctly decrement the extent buffer index in xfs_bmap_del_extent (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: check for valid indices in xfs_iext_get_ext and xfs_iext_idx_to_irec (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix up asserts in xfs_iflush_fork (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not do pointer arithmetic on extent records (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use unchecked extent indices in xfs_bunmapi (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use unchecked extent indices in xfs_bmapi (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use unchecked extent indices in xfs_bmap_add_extent_* (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove if_lastex (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove the unused XFS_BMAPI_RSVBLOCKS flag (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: obey minleft values during extent allocation correctly (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reset buffer pointers before freeing them (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: avoid getting stuck during async inode flushes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_itruncate_start tracing (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill off xfs_printk() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: treewide: fix a few typos in comments (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make AIL target updates and compares 32bit safe. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: always push the AIL to the target (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: ensure reclaim cursor is reset correctly at end of AG (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add an x86 compat handler for XFS_IOC_ZERO_RANGE (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix compiler warning in xfs_trace.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: cleanup duplicate initializations (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reduce the number of pagb_lock roundtrips in xfs_alloc_clear_busy (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: exact busy extent tracking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not immediately reuse busy extent ranges (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: optimize AGFL refills (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix duplicate message output (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_debug warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix variable set but not used warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert log tail checking to a warning (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: catch bad block numbers freeing extents. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix extent format buffer allocation size (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Fix common misspellings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix unreferenced var error in xfs_buf.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: stop using the page cache to back the buffer cache (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: register the inode cache shrinker before quotachecks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_trans_read_buf() should return an error on failure (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduce inode cluster buffer trylocks for xfs_iflush (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: vmap: flush vmap aliases when mapping fails (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: preallocation transactions do not need to be synchronous (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: don't name variables "panic" (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor agf counter updates into a helper (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up the xfs_alloc_compute_aligned calling convention (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill support/debug.[ch] (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Convert remaining cmn_err() callers to new API (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert the quota debug prints to new API (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: rename xfs_cmn_err_fsblock_zero() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert xfs_fs_cmn_err to new error logging API (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_fs_mount_cmn_err() macro (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_fs_repair_cmn_err() macro (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert xfs_cmn_err to xfs_alert_tag (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Convert xlog_warn to new logging interface (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Convert linux-2.6/ files to new logging interface (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduce new logging API. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: enable delaylog by default (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: more sensible inode refcounting for ialloc (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: stop using xfs_trans_iget in the RT allocator (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: check if device support discard in xfs_ioc_trim() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add lockdep annotations for the rt inodes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_get_extsz_hint for a zero extent size hint (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: only lock the rt bitmap inode once per allocation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_bmap_add_extent_delay_real should init br_startblock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix dquot shaker deadlock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: handle CIL transaction commit failures correctly (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: limit extsize to size of AGs and/or MAXEXTLEN (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: prevent extsize alignment from exceeding maximum extent size (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: limit extent length for allocation to AG size (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: speculative delayed allocation uses rounddown_power_of_2 badly (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix efi item leak on forced shutdown (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix log ticket leak on forced shutdown. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Do not name variables "panic" (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: prevent NMI timeouts in cmn_err (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: workqueue: convert cancel_rearming_delayed_work[queue]() users to cancel_delayed_work_sync() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] make the feature checks in ->fallocate future proof (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Add log level to assertion printk (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix an assignment within an ASSERT() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix error handling for synchronous writes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add FITRIM support (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: ensure log covering transactions are synchronous (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor common write setup code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split buffered IO write path from xfs_file_aio_write (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split direct IO write path from xfs_file_aio_write (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_rw_lock() helpers for locking the inode (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor post-write newsize updates (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor common post-write isize handling code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert grant head manipulations to lockless algorithm (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduce new locks for the log grant ticket wait queues (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: log timestamp changes to the source inode in rename (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert log grant heads to atomic variables (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert l_tail_lsn to an atomic variable. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert l_last_sync_lsn to an atomic variable (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make AIL tail pushing independent of the grant lock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use wait queues directly for the log wait queues (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: combine grant heads into a single 64 bit integer (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: rework log grant space calculations (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fact out common grant head/log tail verification code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert log grant ticket queues to list heads (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use AIL bulk delete function to implement single delete (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use AIL bulk update function to implement single updates (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove all the inodes on a buffer from the AIL in bulk (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: consume iodone callback items on buffers as they are processed (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reduce the number of AIL push wakeups (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: bulk AIL insertion during transaction commit (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_ail_delete() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Pull EFI/EFD handling out from under the AIL lock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix EFI transaction cancellation. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: connect up buffer reclaim priority hooks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add a lru to the XFS buffer cache (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: only run xfs_error_test if error injection is active (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: avoid moving stale inodes in the AIL (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: delayed alloc blocks beyond EOF are valid after writeback (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: push stale, pinned buffers on trylock failures (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix failed write truncation handling. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert xfsbud shrinker to a per-buftarg shrinker. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert pag_ici_lock to a spin lock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert inode cache lookups to use RCU locking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: rcu free inodes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: don't truncate prealloc from frequently accessed inodes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: dynamic speculative EOF preallocation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use KM_NOFS for allocations during attribute list operations (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: provide a inode iolock lockdep class (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor duplicate code in xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near into a helper (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_exact (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_map_at_offset (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove the all_bh flag from xfs_convert_page (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_probe_cluster (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_map_blocks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_iomap (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: cleanup the xfs_iomap_write_* helpers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: a few small tweaks for overwrites in xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove some dead bio handling code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: improve mapping type check in xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: untangle phase1 vs phase2 recovery helpers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: refactor xlog_recover_commit_trans (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use struct list_head for the buf cancel table (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove leftovers of old buffer log items in recovery code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix exporting with left over 64-bit inodes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove incorrect assert in xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix a few compiler warnings with CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA=n (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: tell lockdep about parent iolock usage in filestreams (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: move delayed write buffer trace (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix per-ag reference counting in inode reclaim tree walking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_ioctl: fix information leak to userland (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove experimental tag from the delaylog option (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] tree-wide: fix comment/printk typos (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] writeback: remove nonblocking/encountered_congestion references (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: semaphore cleanup (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Extend project quotas to support 32bit project ids (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_buf wrappers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_cred.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_globals.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_version.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_refcache.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix the xfs_trans_committed (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove unused t_callback field in struct xfs_trans (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix bogus m_maxagi check in xfs_iget (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use xfs_mod_incore_sb_batch for per-cpu counters (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use xfs_mod_incore_sb for per-cpu counters (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_MOUNT_NO_PERCPU_SB (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: pack xfs_buf structure more tightly (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert buffer cache hash to rbtree (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: serialise inode reclaim within an AG (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: batch inode reclaim lookup (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: implement batched inode lookups for AG walking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split out inode walk inode grabbing (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split inode AG walking into separate code for reclaim (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove buftarg hash for external devices (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use unhashed buffers for size checks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill XBF_FS_MANAGED buffers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: store xfs_mount in the buftarg instead of in the xfs_buf (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduced uncached buffer read primitve (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: rename xfs_buf_get_nodaddr to be more appropriate (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: don't use vfs writeback for pure metadata modifications (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: lockless per-ag lookups (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove debug assert for per-ag reference counting (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reduce the number of CIL lock round trips during commit (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: eliminate some newly-reported gcc warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove the ->kill_root btree operation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: stop using xfs_qm_dqtobp in xfs_qm_dqflush (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_qm_dqusage_adjust (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Introduce XFS_IOC_ZERO_RANGE (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use range primitives for xfs page cache operations (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: force background CIL push under sustained load (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Make fiemap work with sparse files (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: prevent 32bit overflow in space reservation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Disallow 32bit project quota id (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: improve buffer cache hash scalability (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not discard page cache data on EAGAIN (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: don't do memory allocation under the CIL context lock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Reduce log force overhead for delayed logging (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: dummy transactions should not dirty VFS state (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: ensure f_ffree returned by statfs() is non-negative (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: handle negative wbc->nr_to_write during sync writeback (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: unlock items before allowing the CIL to commit (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: new truncate sequence (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: get rid of block_write_begin_newtrunc (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] sort out blockdev_direct_IO variants (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs simplify and speed up direct I/O completions (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix big endian build (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_bmap_get_bp (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_truncate_file (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill the b_strat callback in xfs_buf (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove obsolete osyncisosync mount option (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up filestreams helpers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix gcc 4.6 set but not read and unused statement warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Fix build when CONFIG_XFS_POSIX_ACL=n (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix unsigned underflow in xfs_free_eofblocks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use GFP_NOFS for page cache allocation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix memory reclaim recursion deadlock on locked inode buffer (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_trans_add_item() lockdep warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify and remove xfs_ireclaim (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove a dmapi leftover (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: writepage always has buffers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: allow writeback from kswapd (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove incorrect log write optimization (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_itrace_entry (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_iput (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_iput_new (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: some iget tracing cleanups / fixes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: do not use emums for flags used in tracing (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove explicit xfs_sync_data/xfs_sync_attr calls on umount (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: small cleanups for xfs_iomap / __xfs_get_blocks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reduce stack usage in xfs_iomap (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: avoid synchronous transaction in xfs_fs_write_inode (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_vm_writepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_vm_releasepage (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove unused delta tracking code in xfs_bmapi (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove unused XFS_BMAPI_ flags (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove the unused XFS_TRANS_NOSLEEP/XFS_TRANS_WAIT flags (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove the unused XFS_LOG_SLEEP and XFS_LOG_NOSLEEP flags (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill the unused xlog_debug variable (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix the xfs_log_iovec i_addr type (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify inode to transaction joining (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify buffer pinning (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: give li_cb callbacks the correct prototype (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: give xfs_item_ops methods the correct prototypes (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: merge iop_unpin_remove into iop_unpin (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify log item descriptor tracking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove unneeded #include statements (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: drop dmapi hooks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: improve xfs_isilocked (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: skip writeback from reclaim context (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix access to upper inodes without inode64 (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix might_sleep() warning when initialising per-ag tree (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs/quota: Add missing mutex_unlock (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove duplicated #include (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert more trace events to DEFINE_EVENT (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_trace.c: remove duplicated #include (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Check new inode size is OK before preallocating (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xlog_align (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: cleanup log reservation calculactions (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: be more explicit if RT mount fails due to config (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: replace E2BIG with EFBIG where appropriate (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Ensure inode allocation buffers are fully replayed (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: enable background pushing of the CIL (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: forced unmounts need to push the CIL (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Introduce delayed logging core code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Improve scalability of busy extent tracking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make the log ticket ID available outside the log infrastructure (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up log ticket overrun debug output (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Clean up XFS_BLI_* flag namespace (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: modify buffer item reference counting (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: allow log ticket allocation to take allocation flags (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Don't reuse the same transaction ID for duplicated transactions. (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: mark xfs_iomap_write_ helpers static (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up end index calculation in xfs_page_state_convert (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up mapping size calculation in __xfs_get_blocks (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_iomap_valid (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: move I/O type flags into xfs_aops.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill struct xfs_iomap (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: report iomap_bn in block base (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: report iomap_offset and iomap_bsize in block base (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove iomap_delta (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove iomap_target (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: limit xfs_imap_to_bmap to a single mapping (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify buffer to transaction matching (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill off l_sectbb_mask (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: record log sector size rather than log2(that) (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove dead XFS_LOUD_RECOVERY code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: removed unused XFS_QMOPT_ flags (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove a few macro indirections in the quota code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: access quotainfo structure directly (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: wait for direct I/O to complete in fsync and write_inode (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_trace.c: duplicated include (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: minor odds and ends in xfs_log_recover.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: avoid repeated pointer dereferences (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: change a few labels in xfs_log_recover.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: enforce synchronous writes in xfs_bwrite (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove periodic superblock writeback (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make the log ticket transaction id random (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: nothing special about 1-block log sector (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: encapsulate bbcount validity checking (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill XLOG_SECTOR_ROUND*() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: simplify XLOG_SECTOR_ROUND*() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix min bufsize bugs in two places (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add const qualifiers to xfs error function args (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_dqmarker (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert the dquot free list to use list heads (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert the dquot hash list to use list heads (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove duplicate code from dquot reclaim (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert the per-mount dquot list to use list heads (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add log item recovery tracing (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xlog_write_adv_cnt (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: introduce new internal log vector structure (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: reindent xlog_write (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor xlog_write (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: log ticket reservation underestimates the number of iclogs (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Clean up xfs_trans_committed code after factoring (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: update and factor xfs_trans_committed() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_trans_commit logic even more (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split out iclog writing from xfs_trans_commit() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix reservation release commit flag in xfs_bmap_add_attrfork() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove stale parameter from ->iop_unpin method (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Add inode pin counts to traces (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor log item initialisation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: add blockdev name to kthreads (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Fix integer overflow in fs/xfs/linux-2.6/xfs_ioctl*.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] include cleanup: Update gfp.h and slab.h includes to prepare for breaking implicit slab.h inclusion from percpu.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: use scalable vmap API (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove old vmap cache (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: backport of vmapped buffer helpers (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] quota: drop permission checks from xfs_fs_set_xstate/xfs_fs_set_xquota (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] quota: clean up Q_XQUOTASYNC (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_ipin/xfs_iunpin (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_iunpin_wait/xfs_iunpin_nowait (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_lrw.h (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: factor common xfs_trans_bjoin code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: stop passing opaque handles to xfs_log.c routines (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_bmap_btalloc (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_fsblock_t tracing (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: implement optimized fdatasync (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove wrapper for the fsync file operation (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: remove wrappers for read/write file operations (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: merge xfs_lrw.c into xfs_file.c (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] fs/xfs: Correct NULL test (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: only clear the suid bit once in xfs_write (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: turn off sign warnings (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: replace KM_LARGE with explicit vmalloc use (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: rearrange xfs_mod_sb() to avoid array subscript warning (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: suppress spurious uninitialised var warning in xfs_bmapi() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make compile warn about char sign mismatches again (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: clean up sign warnings in dir2 code (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert attr to use unsigned names (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: xfs_buf_iomove() doesn't care about signedness (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_dir_cilookup_result use unsigned char (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert dirnameops to unsigned char names (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: convert DM ops to use unsigned char names (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: directory names are unsigned (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: Use list_heads for log recovery item lists (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: make several more functions static (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] xfs: fix incorrect quota return value sign (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [kernel] vsprintf: Recursive vsnprintf: Add "pV", struct va_format (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] check ATTR_SIZE contraints in inode_change_ok (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] new helper: ihold() (Dave Chinner) [695827] - [fs] introduce new truncate sequence (Dave Chinner) [695827]- [virt] KVM: Don't spin on virt instruction faults during reboot (Marcelo Tosatti) [637520] - [virt] KVM: Mask unsupported cpuid leaves (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: move and fix substitue search for missing CPUID entries (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: fix XSAVE bit scanning (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: SVM: Add xsetbv intercept (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: fix poison overwritten caused by using wrong xstate size (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: Fix OSXSAVE after migration (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] Fix OSXSAVE VXEXIT handling (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: x86: Enable AVX for guest (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: Fix xsave and xcr save/restore memory leak (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: x86: XSAVE/XRSTOR live migration support (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Enable XSAVE/XRSTOR for guest (Don Dugger) [729060] - [x86] Export FPU API for KVM use (Don Dugger) [729060] - [virt] KVM: x86: Use FPU API (Don Dugger) [729060] - [perf] Fix static build of perf tool (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] clear out make flags when calling kernel make kernelver (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] Use make kernelversion instead of parsing the Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] python: Fix argument name list of read_on_cpu() (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] evlist: Don't die if sample_{id_all|type} is invalid (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] python: Use exception to propagate errors (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] evlist: Remove dependency on debug routines (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] top: Don't stop if no kernel symtab is found (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] top: Handle kptr_restrict (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] top: Remove unused macro (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] events: initialize fd array to -1 instead of 0 (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Make sure kptr_restrict warnings fit 80 col terms (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Fix build on older systems (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] symbols: Handle /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] Remove duplicate headers (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Fix sample type size calculation in 32 bits archs (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Fix sample size bit operations (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Fix ommitted mmap data update on remap (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Propagate event parse error handling (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Robustify dynamic sample content fetch (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Pre-check sample size before parsing (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Move evlist sample helpers to evlist area (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Remove junk code in mmap size handling (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Check we are able to read the event size on mmap (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] Only include annotate.h once in tools/perf/util/ui/browsers/annotate.c (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add more cache-miss percentage printouts (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add -d -d and -d -d -d options to show more CPU events (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] bench, x86: Add alternatives-asm.h wrapper (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] Fix multi-event parsing bug (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] probe: Fix the missed parameter initialization (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Tell user about unsupported events in the list (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] list: Fix max event string size (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Fail softly on unsupported events (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Leave more room for percentages (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Adjust stall cycles warning percentages (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Analyze front-end and back-end stall counts (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Add front-end and back-end stalled cycles support (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Fix compatibility behavior (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add --sync/-S option (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Fix printout vertical alignment (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add -d/--detailed flag to run with a lot of events (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Print out miss/hit ratio for L1 data-cache events (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Print branch misses warning colors (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Print stalled cycles warning colors (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Fix -nan output in perf stat noise printouts (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add stalled cycles to the default output (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Add stalled cycles accounting, prettify the resulting output (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Factor our shadow stats (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Make all displayed event names parseable as well (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Fail more clearly when an invalid modifier is specified (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Accept case-insensitive symbolic event variants (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Print cache misses as percentage (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] stat: Print stalled cycles percentage (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] events: Add stalled cycles generic event - PERF_COUNT_HW_STALLED_CYCLES (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] script: improve validation of sample attributes for output fields (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] script: Add support for PERF_TYPE_RAW (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: git mv tools/perf/{features-tests.mak, config/} (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Move `try-cc' (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Makefile: PYTHON{, _CONFIG} to bandage Python 3 incompatibility (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tools: Makefile: Clean up `python/perf.so' rule (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] symbols: Give more useful names to 'self' parameters (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] script: Add more documentation about the -f/--fields parameters (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] script: If type not given fields apply to all event types (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] probe: Add fastpath to do lookup by function name (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] Fix a build error with some GCC versions (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] python: Add cgroup.c to setup.py to get it building again (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [perf] tool: Add cgroup support (Jiri Olsa) [725522] - [x86] perf: Cherry pick from linux-3.1 for pentium 4 (Peter Zijlstra) [692677 725524] {CVE-2011-2693} - [x86] perf: Cherry pick from linux-3.1 (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [kernel] perf: Redo RHEL fixups (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [x86] perf: Sync to linux-3.0 (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [kernel] perf: Core perf sync to linux-3.0 (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [powerpc] perf: Roll-back to last mainline sync (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [x86] perf: Roll-back to last mainline sync (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [kernel] perf: Undo core perf differences (Peter Zijlstra) [725524] - [kernel] perf: enable perf-cgroup support (Peter Zijlstra) [725524]- [scsi] isci: fix checkpatch errors (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Retrieve the EFI variable for OEM parameter (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Device reset should request sas_phy_reset (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: pare back error messages (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup silicon revision detection (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge scu_unsolicited_frame.h into unsolicited_frame_control.h (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge sata.[ch] into request.c (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill 'get/set' macros (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: retire scic_sds_ and scic_ prefixes (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_host and scic_sds_controller (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_remote_device and scic_sds_remote_device (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_port and scic_sds_port (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix scic_sds_remote_device_terminate_requests (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_phy and scic_sds_phy (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_request and scic_sds_request (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: rename / clean up scic_sds_stp_request (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: preallocate requests (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: combine request flags (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify can_queue tracking on the tci_pool, uplevel tag assignment (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Terminate dev requests on FIS err bit rx in NCQ (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix frame received locking (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: possible buffer overflow in isci_parse_oem_parameters fixed (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix isci_task_execute_tmf completion (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix support for arbitrarily large smp requests (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix dma_unmap_sg usage (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix smp response frame overrun (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill device_sequence (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill isci_remote_device_change_state() (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: atomic device lookup and reference counting (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix ssp response iu buffer size in isci_tmf (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup request allocation (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup/optimize queue increment macros (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup tag macros (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup/optimize pool implementation (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Disable link layer hang detection (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Hard reset failure will link reset all phys in the port (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Explicitly decode remote node ready and suspended states (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix isci_terminate_pending() list management (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Handle timed-out request terminations correctly (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Requests that do not start must be set to "complete" (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Add decode for SMP request retry error condition (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: filter broadcast change notifications during SMP phy resets (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Move the reset delay after the remote node resumption (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove 'min memory' infrastructure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Added support for C0 to SCU Driver (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: additional state machine cleanup (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: state machine cleanup (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removing unused variables compiler warnings (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: removing the kmalloc in smp request construct (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove isci_timer interface (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Remove tmf timeout_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: convert phy_startup_timer to sci_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: convert scic_timeout_timer to sci_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: convert power control timer to sci_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: convert phy sata_timeout_timer to sci_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: convert port config agent timer to sci_timer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: replace isci_timer list with proper embedded timers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: add some type safety to the state machine interface (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify rnc start{io|task} handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify rnc suspend/resume handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify rnc destruct handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify rnc event handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify port start_io and complete_io handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify port link_up and link_down handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove port frame and event handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify port reset, add_phy, and remove_phy handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove port destruct handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify port stop handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove port start handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge port ready substates into primary state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: c99 port state handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: clarify phy to port lookups (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy consume_power handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy event handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy frame handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove phy destruct handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy reset handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy stop handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy start handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge phy substates (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove the completion and event state handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove request task context completion state handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify request frame handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify request start handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify request abort handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge stp request substates into primary state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge smp request substates into primary state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge ssp task management substates into primary state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: uplevel port infrastructure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: uplevel phy infrastructure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: uplevel request infrastructure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: uplevel state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: uplevel register hardware data structures and unsolicited frame handling (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: move core/controller to host (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify constants (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify request data structures (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: make command/response iu explicit request object members (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: move task context alignment from run-time to compile time (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: make sgl explicit/aligned request object member (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: move stp request info to scic_sds_request (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify port data structures (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify phy data structures (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: rnc state machine table c99 conversion (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove scic_sds_port_increment_request_count (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill scic_controller_get_port_handle function (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removing unnecessary functions in request.c (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify isci_host data structures (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: implement I_T_nexus_reset (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix ata locking (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: removing intel_*.h headers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Using Linux SSP frame header (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Remove SCIC_SWAP_DWORD() (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fixup SAS iaf protocols data structure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove redundant copies of IAF (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Converting smp_response to Linux native smp_resp (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Fixup of smp request (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Convert of sci_ssp_response_iu to ssp_response_iu (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Fixup SSP command IU and task IU (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: renaming sas_capabilities to scic_phy_cap (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Collapsing of phy_type data structure (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Convert SAS identify address frame to Linux Native format (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Convert ATA defines to Linux native defines (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Convert SATA fis data structures to Linux native (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove compile-time silicon configuration (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removing unused define SCIC_SDS_4_ENABLED (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill scic_sds_remote_device.state_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device frame_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device event_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill remote_device resume_handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device suspend_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill remote_device complete_task_handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device start_task_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill remote_device continue_io_handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device complete_io_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device start_io_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device reset_complete_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device reset_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device destruct_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill remote_device fail_handler (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device stop_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device start_handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: fix remote_device start_io regressions (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill scic_remote_device_get_connection_rate (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: merge remote_device substates into a single state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_object.h from project (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_request (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_remote_node_context (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_remote_device (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_port (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_phy (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed sci_base_object from scic_sds_controller (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Removed struct sci_base_object from state machine (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Implement SCU AFE recipe 10 (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: Remove excessive log noise with expander hot-unplug (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: allow fallback to option-rom if efi variable retrieval fails (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: removing non-working ATAPI code (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove scic_sds_remote_device_get_port_index (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove usage of sci_sas_address in scic_sds_remote_device (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill smp_discover_response (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill smp_discover_response_protocols in favor of domain_device.dev_type (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: cleanup remote device construction and comments (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: move remote_device handling out of the core (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: unify remote_device data structures (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove rnc->device back pointer (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: make a remote_node_context a proper member of a remote_device (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: rely on irq core for intx multiplexing, and silence screaming intx (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: replace this_* and this_* to variable names that are more meaningful and tell us what they actually are (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: audit usage of BUG_ON macro in isci driver (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: sparse warnings cleanup (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: replace sci_sas_link_rate with sas_linkrate (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove base_phy abstraction (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove base_port abstraction (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove base_remote_device abstraction (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove scic_controller state handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: simplify dma coherent allocation (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: simplify request state handlers (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: kill dead data structurs in scic_io_request.h (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove base_request abstraction (David Milburn) [695954] - [scsi] isci: remove base_controller abstraction (David Milburn) [695954]- [s390x] qeth: add support for af_iucv HiperSockets transport (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] qeth: exploit asynchronous delivery of storage blocks (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] qeth: support forced signal adapter indications (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] qdio: support forced signal adapter indications (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] qdio: support asynchronous delivery of storage blocks (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] af_iucv: add HiperSockets transport (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] if_ether: add new Ethernet Protocol ID (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] af_iucv: cleanup - use iucv_sk(sk) early (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] af_iucv: use loadable iucv interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] iucv: kernel option for z/VM IUCV and HiperSockets transports (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [s390x] iucv: introduce loadable iucv interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [694262] - [scsi] Taints the kernel for mpt2sas inlockless mode (Luming Yu) [717090] - [scsi] mpt2sas: lockless mode (Tomas Henzl) [717090] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Boot from SAN support for open-iscsi (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove reduandant code after open-iscsi integration (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: support session management using iscsiadm (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add conn login, kernel to user, event to support offload session login (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: add bsg support (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: add bsg support to iscsi class (Mike Christie) [634584] - [block] bsg: add bsg heler library (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add VLAN support (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] libiscsi: don't bugon when if user sets markers (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: expand vlan support (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] be2iscsi: remove host and session casts (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: sysfs group is_visible callout for iscsi host attrs (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: remove iface param mask (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: sysfs group is_visible callout for session attrs (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi cls: sysfs group is_visible callout for conn attrs (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: added support to show multiple iface in sysfs (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi class: add iface representation (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new "struct ipaddress_config" (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] qla4xxx: add support for set_net_config (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: add support for net settings (Mike Christie) [634584] - [scsi] iscsi: support qla4xxx boot and session mgmt (Mike Christie) [634584] - [drm] nvc0/gr: remove MODULE_FIRMWARE() lines (Ben Skeggs) [727981] - [ppc] kdump: CPUs assume the context of the oopsing CPU, remove extra longjmp (Steve Best) [727478] - [virt] SVM: Implement Flush-By-Asid feature (Frank Arnold) [634275] - [virt] SVM: Use svm_flush_tlb instead of force_new_asid (Frank Arnold) [634275] - [virt] SVM: Remove flush_guest_tlb function (Frank Arnold) [634275] - [x86] kvm: add new AMD SVM feature bits (Frank Arnold) [634275] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for LBR state (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for CR2 register (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for segments and CPL (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for GDT and IDT (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for DR6 and DR7 (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for control registers (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for NPT state (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for interrupt state (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for the ASID (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for IOPM_BASE and MSRPM_BASE (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bit for intercepts, tsc-offset and pause filter count (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: Add clean-bits infrastructure code (Frank Arnold) [634288] - [virt] SVM: copy instruction bytes from VMCB (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] SVM: implement enhanced INVLPG intercept (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] SVM: enhance MOV DR intercept handler (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] SVM: enhance MOV CR intercept handler (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] SVM: add Decode Assist SVM feature bit name (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] cleanup emulate_instruction (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] x86: fix CR8 handling (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [virt] SVM: implement NEXTRIPsave SVM feature (Frank Arnold) [634291] - [scsi] IB/qib: Fix potential deadlock with link down interrupt (Chad Dupuis) [724021] - [scsi] megaraid: update to v5.38 (Tomas Henzl) [705835] - [scsi] arcmsr: driver update (Tomas Henzl) [697403]- [pci] Only enable SRIOV on the bootstring pci=realloc (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] update bridge resources to get more big ranges in PCI assign unssigned (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] Clear bridge resource flags if requested size is 0 (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] fix PCI bus allocation alignment handling (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] pre-allocate additional resources to devices only after successful allocation of essential resources. (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] introduce reset_resource() (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] data structure agnostic free list function (James Takahashi) [587729] - [pci] refactor io size calculation code (James Takahashi) [587729] - [scsi] mpt2sas: WarpDrive Infinite command retries due to wrong scsi command entry in MPI message (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Adding support for customer specific branding (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added DID_NO_CONNECT return when driver remove and avoid shutdown call (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix broadcast AEN and task management issue (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Set max_sector count from module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas MPI next revision header update (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fixed Big Indian Issues on 32 bit PPC (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix missing reference tag seed with Type 2 devices (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas : WarpDrive New product SSS6200 support added (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: do not check serial_number in the abort handler (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mpt2sas: remove flush_scheduled_work() usages (Tomas Henzl) [703192] - [scsi] mptfusion: Bump version 3.4.19 (Tomas Henzl) [703194] - [scsi] mptfusion: Adding inline data padding support for TAPE drive. (Tomas Henzl) [703194] - [scsi] mptfusion: Remove debug print from mptscsih_qcmd() (Tomas Henzl) [703194] - [scsi] mptfusion: do not check serial_number in the abort handler (Tomas Henzl) [703194] - [fs] dio: don't zero out the pages array inside struct dio (Jeff Moyer) [725444] - [scsi] bnx2fc: set lockless to 1 in scsi_host_template (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update copyright and bump version to 1.0.4 (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Tx BDs cache in write tasks (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Do not arm CQ when there are no CQEs (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: hold tgt lock when calling cmd_release (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Enable support for sequence level error recovery (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: HSI changes for tape (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Handle REC_TOV error code from firmware (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: REC/SRR link service request and response handling (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Support 'sequence cleanup' task (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Enable REC & CONF support for the session (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Introduce interface structure for each vlan interface (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Replace printks with KERN_ALERT to KERN_ERR/KERN_INFO (Mike Christie) [696773] - [scsi] bnx2fc: call ethtool's get/set_settings callbacks with cleaned data (Mike Christie) [696773] - [netdrv] firmware: add bnx2x FW (Michal Schmidt) - [netdrv] bnx2x: update driver to v1.70 (Michal Schmidt) [695631 695847 695857 698285 701288] - [fs] jbd2: Improve scalability by not taking j_state_lock in jbd2_journal_stop() (Larry Woodman) [721044] - [net] lo: Do not allow VLAN on loopback (Jiri Pirko) [703709] - [fs] ext4: Rewrite ext4_page_mkwrite() to use generic helpers (Eric Sandeen) [692167] - [fs] vfs: Block mmapped writes while the fs is frozen (Eric Sandeen) [692167] - [fs] vfs: Create __block_page_mkwrite() helper passing error values back (Eric Sandeen) [692167] - [fs] cifs: fix compiler warning in CIFSSMBQAllEAs (Jeff Layton) [725370] - [fs] cifs: fix name parsing in CIFSSMBQAllEAs (Jeff Layton) [725370]- [virt] KVM: Enable ERMS feature support for KVM (Don Dugger) [721135] - [virt] KVM: Expose RDWRGSFS bit to KVM guests (Don Dugger) [721205] - [virt] KVM: Add RDWRGSFS support when setting CR4 (Don Dugger) [721205] - [virt] KVM: Remove RDWRGSFS bit from CR4_RESERVED_BITS (Don Dugger) [721205] - [virt] KVM: MMU: Adjust shadow paging to work when SMEP=1 and CR0.WP=0 (Don Dugger) [703053] - [virt] KVM: Add instruction fetch checking when walking guest page table (Don Dugger) [703053] - [virt] KVM: Mask function7 ebx against host capability word9 (Don Dugger) [703053] - [virt] KVM: Add SMEP support when setting CR4 (Don Dugger) [703053] - [virt] KVM: Remove SMEP bit from CR4_RESERVED_BITS (Don Dugger) [703053] - [virt] KVM: Mask KVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID data with Linux cpuid info (Don Dugger) [703053] - [x86] enable supervision mode execution protection (Luming Yu) [696152] - [x86] cpufeature: Fix cpuid leaf 7 feature detection (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem, intel: Initialize Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, alternative, doc: Add comment for applying alternatives order (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] alternative: Add altinstruction_entry macro (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem: clear_page_64.S: Support clear_page() with enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem: copy_user_64.S: Support copy_to/from_user by enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] mem: memcpy_64.S: Optimize memcpy by enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] mem: memset_64.S: Optimize memset by enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] mem: memmove_64.S: Optimize memmove by enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, cpufeature: Add CPU feature bit for enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] Fix spelling error in the memcpy() source code comment (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86-64, mem: Convert memmove() to assembly file and fix return value bug (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem: Optimize memmove for small size and unaligned cases (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem: Optimize memcpy by avoiding memory false dependence (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, mem: Don't implement forward memmove() as memcpy() (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, alternatives: Fix one more open-coded 8-bit alternative number (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] cpu: Support the features flags in new CPUID leaf 7 (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86, alternatives: Use 16-bit numbers for cpufeature index (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86-32: Rework cache flush denied handler (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86-64: Modify memcpy()/memset() alternatives mechanism (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86-64: Modify copy_user_generic() alternatives mechanism (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86/alternatives: Check replacementlen <= instrlen at build time (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [x86] x86-64: __copy_from_user_inatomic() adjustments (Prarit Bhargava) [696457] - [mm] oom killer output should display UID (Frantisek Hrbata) [700499] - [mm] avoid wrapping vm_pgoff in mremap() and stack expansion (Jerome Marchand) [716541] {CVE-2011-2496} - [pci] MSI: Restore read_msi_msg_desc(); add get_cached_msi_msg_desc() (Don Zickus) [696511] - [pci] MSI: Remove unsafe and unnecessary hardware access (Don Zickus) [696511] - [mm] Fix node_start/end_pfn() definition for mm/page_cgroup.c (Johannes Weiner) [703499] - [mm] memcg: fix init_page_cgroup nid with sparsemem (Johannes Weiner) [703499] - [mm] page_cgroup: allocate memory cgroup structures on local nodes (Johannes Weiner) [703499] - [mm] add alloc_pages_exact_nid() (Johannes Weiner) [703499] - [mm] page_cgroup: reduce allocation overhead for page_cgroup array (Johannes Weiner) [703499] - [scsi] ipr: fix possible false positive detection of stuck interrupt (Steve Best) [693817] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.2 (Steve Best) [693817] - [scsi] ipr: increase the dump size for 64 bit adapters (Steve Best) [693817] - [mm] mem-hotplug: update pcp->stat_threshold when memory hotplug occur (Johannes Weiner) [625264] - [mm] vmstat: use a single setter function and callback for adjusting percpu thresholds (Johannes Weiner) [625264] - [mm] page allocator: adjust the per-cpu counter threshold when memory is low (Johannes Weiner) [625264] - [mm] page allocator: calculate a better estimate of NR_FREE_PAGES when memory is low and kswapd is awake (Johannes Weiner) [625264] - [mm] vmstat: update zone stat threshold when onlining a cpu (Johannes Weiner) [625264] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k7 (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added vendor specific sysfs attributes (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: do not take host lock in queuecommand (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove AF_DPC_SCHEDULED flag from ha. (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Don't check FW alive if ISP82XX reset is in progress (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Don't process mbx interrupt unconditionally (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Complete the cmd if sense_len is zero (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Dump HW/FW reg to figure out what caused FW to be hung for ISP82XX (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Updated the reset sequence for ISP82xx (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: update function qla4xxx_isr_decode_mailbox() (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] treewide: fix a few typos in comments (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] remove cmd->serial_number litter (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] Fix common misspellings (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use polling mode for disable interrupt mailbox completion (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k6 (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: masking required bits of add_fw_options during initialization (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: added new function qla4xxx_relogin_all_devices (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: add support for ql4xsess_recovery_tmo cmd line param (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for ql4xmaxqdepth command line parameter (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: cleanup function qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Prevent other port reinitialization during remove_adapter (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove unused ddb flag DF_NO_RELOGIN (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: cleanup DDB relogin logic during initialization (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Do not retry ISP82XX initialization if H/W state is failed (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Do not send mbox command if FW is in failed state (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] qla4xxx: cleanup qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list() (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] drivers:scsi Change printk typo initate -> initiate (Mike Christie) [694098] - [scsi] bnx2i: Updated version (Mike Christie) [696760] - [scsi] bnx2i: Modified to skip CNIC registration if iSCSI is not supported (Mike Christie) [696760] - [scsi] bnx2i: Optimized the iSCSI offload performance (Mike Christie) [696760] - [scsi] bnx2i: Updated the connection shutdown/cleanup timeout (Mike Christie) [696760] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fixed packet error created when the sq_size is set to 16 (Mike Christie) [696760] - [scsi] Bumping the driver version (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] Fix for proper setting of FW (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] Set a timeout to FW (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] Modifying Maintainer's emailid (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] change in copyright notice (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] remove extra semicolons (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] Fix common misspellings (Mike Christie) [647268 698288] - [scsi] libiscsi_tcp: fix LLD data allocation (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: fix locking around iscsi sk user data (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_ibft, be2iscsi, iscsi_boot: fix boot kobj data lifetime management (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi: Use struct scsi_lun in iscsi structs instead of u8[8] (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] libiscsi_tcp: use kmap in xmit path (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] Fix common misspellings (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: make priv_sess file writeable only by root (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix null ptr ref in conn get param (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iser: export addr and port (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] bnx2i: fix null ptr ref in conn get param (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] cxgbi: convert to use iscsi_conn_get_addr_param (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi class: add callout to get iscsi_endpoint values (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: use iscsi_conn_get_addr_param libiscsi function (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] libiscsi: add helper to convert addr to string (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi: fix iscsi_endpoint leak (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi: add module alias (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi transport: fix kernel-doc notation (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: wait on session in error handler path (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Modidify recovery_tmo from sysfs (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: added new iscsi_param to display target alias in sysfs (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] libiscsi: use bh locking instead of irq with session lock (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288] - [scsi] libiscsi: do not take host lock in queuecommand (Mike Christie) [647268 694098 696760 698288]- [net] Fix prior ABI breakage in net_device (Neil Horman) [725716] - [net] fix xps patches kabi breakage (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] Adjust TX queue kobjects if number of queues changes during unregister (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] xps: NUMA allocations for per cpu data (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] xps: Transmit Packet Steering (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] xps: Improvements in TX queue selection (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] check queue_index from sock is valid for device (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] fix tx queue selection for bridged devices implementing select_queue (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] check the return value of ndo_select_queue() (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] fix problem in reading sock TX queue (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] dev_pick_tx() fix (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] Use sk_tx_queue_mapping for connected sockets (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] Introduce sk_tx_queue_mapping (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] change set_real_num_tx_queues to fail on invalid number of queues (Jiri Pirko) [668256] - [net] sock: do not change prot->obj_size (Jiri Pirko) [668256 725711] - [netdrv] be2net: bump version (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: request native mode each time the card is reset (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: account for skb allocation failures (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] benet: Add missing comma between constant string array (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: create/destroy rx-queues on interface open/close (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix initialization of vlan_prio_bmap (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: get rid of multi_rxq module param (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix netdev_stats_update (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: support multiple TX queues (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Enable NETIF_F_TSO6 for VLAN traffic for BE (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix Rx pause counter for lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fallback to the older opcode if MCC_CREATE_EXT opcode is not supported on the card (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: hash key for rss-config cmd not set (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Kill set but unused variable 'req' in lancer_fw_download() (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Enable SR-IOV for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: FW download for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Stats for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Support for version 1 of stats for BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix mbox polling for signal reception (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: handle signal reception while waiting for POST (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to prevent flooding of TX queue (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Use NTWK_RX_FILTER command for promiscous mode (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: In case of UE, do not dump registers for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Disable coalesce water mark mode of CQ for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Handle error completion in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixed bugs related to PVID. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixed a bug in be_cmd_get_regs(). (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: increment work_counter in be_worker (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: add code to display default value of tx rate for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: pass domain id to be_cmd_link_status_query (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix be_mcc_compl_process to identify eth_get_stat command (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Add code to display nic speeds other than 1Gbps/10Gbps (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: allow register dump only for PFs (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix unused-but-set variables. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] benet: convert to hw_features (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: call FLR after setup wol in be_shutdown (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: dynamically allocate adapter->vf_cfg (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix to get max VFs supported from adapter (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: use common method to check for sriov function type (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: add rxhash support (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix suspend/resume operation (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Rename some struct members for clarity (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix a potential crash during shutdown. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix common misspellings (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: remove one useless line (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: cancel be_worker in be_shutdown() even when i/f is down (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: remove redundant code in be_worker() (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: parse vid and vtm fields of rx-compl only if vlanf bit is set (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor code that decides adapter->num_rx_queues (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Support for FAT dump retrieval using ethtool --register-dump option (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Bump up the version number (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Copyright notice change. Update to Emulex instead of ServerEngines (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix UDP packet detected status in RX compl (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Add multicast filter capability for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Disarm CQ and EQ to disable interrupt in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove TX Queue stop in close (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Add error recovery during load for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] benet: use GFP_KERNEL allocations when possible (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: use hba_port_num instead of port_num (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: add code to display temperature of ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: variable name change (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fixes in ethtool selftest (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: add new counters to display via ethtool stats (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: restrict WOL to PFs only. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: detect a UE even when a interface is down. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: gracefully handle situations when UE is detected (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix be_suspend/resume/shutdown (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix broken priority setting when vlan tagging is enabled. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: For the VF MAC, use the OUI from current MAC address (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: Cleanup the VF interface handles (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: call be_vf_eth_addr_config() after register_netdev (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: endianness fix in be_cmd_set_qos(). (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: use device model DMA API (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: remove netif_stop_queue being called before register_netdev. (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [netdrv] be2net: fix a crash seen during insmod/rmmod test (Ivan Vecera) [702739] - [fs] NFS readdirs losing their cookies (Steve Dickson) [722257] - [fs] jbd: Add fixed tracepoints (Lukas Czerner) [696332] - [fs] ext3: Add fixed tracepoints (Lukas Czerner) [696332] - [fs] ext4: remove alloc_semp (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [fs] ext4: teach ext4_mb_init_cache() to skip uptodate buddy caches (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [fs] ext4: synchronize ext4_mb_init_group() with buddy page lock (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [fs] ext4: implement ext4_add_groupblocks() by freeing blocks (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [fs] ext4: move ext4_add_groupblocks() to mballoc.c (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [fs] ext4: move ext4_mb_{get, put}_buddy_cache_lock and make them static (Lukas Czerner) [527222] - [net] bridge: Only flood traffic for unregistered groups to routers (Herbert Xu) [711592] - [net] bridge: restore the right netpoll dev (Amerigo Wang) [680759] - [net] bridge: call NETDEV_JOIN notifiers when add a slave (Amerigo Wang) [680759] - [net] netpoll: prevent setup netpoll on a slave device (Amerigo Wang) [680759] - [net] netpoll: fix use after free (Amerigo Wang) [680759] - [net] netpoll: fix a softirq warning (Amerigo Wang) [680759] - [net] Revert "[net] Revert "[net] bridge: make bridge support netpoll"" (Amerigo Wang) [680759]- [sched] dont reference cfs_rq->tg outside CONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTH (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] update config options for CFS bandwidth (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] kabi specific fixes (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] replace raw calls (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Move inc_nr_running and dec_nr_running (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Add CFS Bandwidth Documentation (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] return majority of remaining quota to global bandwidth pool (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] introduce statistics exports for the cpu sub-system (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] enable throttling (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Throttled tasks are invisisble to cpu-offline (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] ensure that throttled entities arent falsely nominated as buddies (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] make throttled entities invisible (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Extend walk_tg_tree to accept a positional argument (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] refresh the global bandwidth pool (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] add support to throttle group entities (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] ensure that per-cpu state is synchronized (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] adds a per-task_group timer (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Account bandwidth usage (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Add constraints validation for CFS bandwidth hierarchies (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] introduce the notion of CFS bandwidth (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [sched] Introduce hierarchical task accounting (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [kernel] sched: dont update shares twice on on_rq parent (Larry Woodman) [632509] - [fs] ext4: backport fixes for lazy inode table initialization (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [fs] ext4: use sb_issue_zeroout in ext4_ext_zeroout (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [fs] ext4: use sb_issue_zeroout in setup_new_group_blocks (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [fs] ext4: add batched_discard into ext4 feature list (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [fs] ext4: add interface to advertise ext4 features in sysfs (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [fs] ext4: add support for lazy inode table initialization (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [block] Add helper function for blkdev_issue_zeroout sb_issue_discard (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [block] blkdev: add blkdev_issue_zeroout helper function (Lukas Czerner) [696559] - [s390x] ap: Fix ap_queue_status structure declaration (Hendrik Brueckner) [724904] - [kernel] first time swap use results in heavy swapping (Hendrik Brueckner) [722461] - [hwmon] lm78: Make ISA interface depend on CONFIG_ISA (Dean Nelson) [717215] - [hwmon] lm78: Avoid forward declarations (Dean Nelson) [717215] - [hwmon] KConfig: avoid building drivers for powerpc that read/write ISA addresses (Dean Nelson) [717215] - [security] SELinux: do not compute transition labels on mountpoint labeled filesystems (Eric Paris) [658291] - [security] SELinux: implement the new sb_remount LSM hook (Eric Paris) [656952] - [security] LSM: Pass -o remount options to the LSM (Eric Paris) [656952] - [block] Support Ricoh memstick driver with new KFIFO api (Shyam Iyer) [637234] - [block] add RICOH memstick Config option (Shyam Iyer) [637234] - [block] memstick: make enable_dma less generic in r592 (Shyam Iyer) [637234] - [block] memstick: add driver for Ricoh R5C592 card reader (Shyam Iyer) [637234]- [usb] remove remaining usages of hcd->state from usbcore and fix regression (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] UHCI: remove uses of hcd->state (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Initialize hcd->state roothubs. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci - fix interval calculation for FS isoc endpoints (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Disable MSI for some Fresco Logic hosts. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Do not issue device reset when device is not setup (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Add defines for hardcoded slot states (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Bigendian fix for xhci_check_bandwidth() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Bigendian fix for skip_isoc_td() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Intel xhci: Limit number of active endpoints to 64. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Intel xhci: Ignore spurious successful event. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Intel xhci: Add PCI id for Panther Point xHCI host. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Intel xhci: Support EHCI/xHCI port switching. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: STFU: Be quieter during URB submission and completion. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: STFU: Don't print event ring dequeue pointer. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: STFU: Remove function tracing. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Don't submit commands when the host is dead. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Clear stopped_td when Stop Endpoint command completes. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak bug when dropping endpoints (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak in ring cache deallocation. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix full speed bInterval encoding. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: move the common code to a function to get max ports and port array (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix bug in control transfer cancellation. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Max Exit Latency Too Large Error (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: TT_THINK_TIME set (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Block Interrupts for Isoch transfer (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Isoch endpoint CErr field set (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Control endpoint average TRB length field set (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI 1.0: Setup Stage TRB Transfer Type flag (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: Clear PLC in xhci_bus_resume() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci 1.0: Set transfer burst last packet count field. (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci 1.0: Set transfer burst count field. (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci 1.0: Update TD size field format. (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci 1.0: Only interrupt on short packet for IN EPs. (Don Zickus) [695615 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Remove sparse warning about cmd_status. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: report USB3.0 portstatus comply with USB3.0 specification (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: Set link state support (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: Clear link state change support (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: warm reset support (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci-hcd: Include in xhci-pci.c (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: Implement AMD PLL quirk (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Tell USB core both roothubs lost power. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci - also free streams when resetting devices (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix NULL pointer deref in handle_port_status() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci - fix math in xhci_get_endpoint_interval() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: simplify logic of skipping missed isoc TDs (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci - remove excessive 'inline' markings (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: unsigned char never equals -1 (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci - fix unsafe macro definitions (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Clean up cycle bit math used during stalls. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix cycle bit calculation during stall handling. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Update internal dequeue pointers after stalls. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Remove bogus USB_PORT_STAT_SUPER_SPEED symbol. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Return canceled URBs immediately when host is halted. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fixes for suspend/resume of shared HCDs. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix re-init on power loss after resume. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Make roothub functions deal with device removal. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Limit roothub ports to 15 USB3 & 31 USB2 ports. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Return a USB 3.0 hub descriptor for USB3 roothub (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Register second xHCI roothub. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Change xhci_find_slot_id_by_port() API. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Refactor bus suspend state into a struct. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Index with a port array instead of PORTSC addresses. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Set usb_hcd->state and flags for shared roothubs. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Make core allocate resources per PCI-device. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Store bus type in usb_hcd, not in driver flags. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Change usb_hcd->bandwidth_mutex to a pointer. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Refactor irq enabling out of usb_add_hcd() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Change hcd_priv into a pointer. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Always use usb_hcd in URB instead of converting xhci_hcd. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Modify check for TT info. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] USB 3.0 Hub Changes (Don Zickus) [696520 696600 696602 696603] - [usb] USB3.0 ch11 definitions (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Remove references to HC_STATE_RUNNING. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Remove references to HC_STATE_HALT. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: prolong host controller halt time limit (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xHCI: Remove redundant variable in xhci_resume() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Rename variables and reduce register reads. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Rework port suspend structures for limited ports. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] Remove bitmap #define from hcd.h (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Remove old no-op test. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] move usbcore away from hcd->state (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: mark local functions as static (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: fix couple sparse annotations (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: rework xhci_print_ir_set() to get ir set from xhci itself (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix an error in count_sg_trbs_needed() (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix errors in the running total calculations in the TRB math (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Clarify some expressions in the TRB math (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] host: Move AMD PLL quirk to pci-quirks.c (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] EHCI: ASPM quirk of ISOC on AMD SB800 (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] xhci: Fix issue with port array setup and buggy hosts. (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [usb] convert usb_hcd bitfields into atomic flags (Don Zickus) [696600 696602 696603] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, EINJ Param support is disabled by default (Don Zickus) [725435] - [fs] pstore: Allow the user to explicitly choose a backend (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Add WHEA _OSC support (Don Zickus) [717515] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Add APEI bit support in generic _OSC call (Don Zickus) [696088] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, GHES, Support disable GHES at boot time (Don Zickus) [696088] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, GHES, Prevent GHES to be built as module (Don Zickus) [696088] - [x86] PCI / ACPI: Fix build of the AER driver for CONFIG_ACPI unset (Don Zickus) [696081] - [x86] PCI: remove unused AER functions (Don Zickus) [696081] - [x86] pstore: Fix Kconfig dependencies for apei->pstore (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: fix one type of return value in pstore (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: fix pstore filesystem mount/remount issue (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: fix one type of return value in pstore (Don Zickus) [696081 696135] - [x86] pstore: cleanups to pstore_dump() (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Add PCIe AER error information printing support (Don Zickus) [696078] - [x86] PCIe, AER, use pre-generated prefix in error information printing (Don Zickus) [696078] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Add ERST record ID cache (Don Zickus) [713716] - [x86] pstore: use mount option instead sysfs to tweak kmsg_bytes (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: fix leaking ->i_private (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] Some fixes for pstore (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] ACPI: Fix boot problem related to APEI with acpi_disabled set (Don Zickus) [696081] - [x86] PCI/ACPI: Request _OSC control once for each root bridge (v3) (Don Zickus) [696081] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Generic Hardware Error Source POLL/IRQ/NMI notification type support (Don Zickus) [696088] - [x86] pstore: fix build warning for unused return value from sysfs_create_file (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: X86 platform interface using ACPI/APEI/ERST (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] pstore: new filesystem interface to platform persistent storage (Don Zickus) [696135] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Report GHES error information via printk (Don Zickus) [696078] - [x86] ACPI, APEI, Add APEI generic error status printing support (Don Zickus) [696078] - [x86] Add CPER PCIe error section structure and constants definition (Don Zickus) [696078] - [ppc] perf: Handle events that raise an exception without overflowing (Steve Best) [720743] - [fs] powerpc: Wire up sys_syncfs (Lukas Czerner) [691267] - [fs] s390: wire up sys_syncfs (Lukas Czerner) [691267] - [fs] introduce sys_syncfs to sync a single file system (Lukas Czerner) [691267] - [v4l] Avoid kABI to complain about is_stereo() unused callback (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [679755] - [v4l] em28xx: Fix handling of V4L2 ctrl ioctl's (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [679755] - [v4l] Fix tuner-core behavior to properly return the right flags (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [679755] - [x86] UV Scalability: improve drain_pages (George Beshers) [635800] - [virt] x86: report valid microcode update ID (Marcelo Tosatti) [694747]- [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver build not building in debugfs even kernel CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y is set (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix issue where the FC/FCoE Async Receive CQE did not scale for 16G FC adapters (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FLOGI payload having multiple N_port_ID set when lpfc_enable_npiv is 0 (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed new ASIC device-mgmt BSG pass-through failed multi-buffer fw download (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed bug with improperly reported number of supported VFs (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed bug were driver was not waiting for SLI port status after firmware reset (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove unnecessary define that is causing warnings (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure to enable PCIe AER prevent driver initialize and attach to device (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix split pde code (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard error path handling (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix EEH recovery so state is saved after every PCI reset for SLI4 (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FC Port swap on SLI3 adapters (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Virtual link loss during Face plate failover test (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix 2KB limitation for extended mailbox command (Rob Evers) [725092] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix vpi initialization in lpfc_init_vfi (Rob Evers) [725092] - [netdrv] bonding: reduce noise during init (Andy Gospodarek) [563174] - [netdrv] bonding: fix string comparison errors (Andy Gospodarek) [682946] - [netdrv] bonding: allow non-standard link-speeds (Andy Gospodarek) [723032] - [netdrv] bonding: don't lock when copying/clearing VLAN list on slave (Andy Gospodarek) [722901] - [net] enable GRO by default for vlan devices (Weiping Pan) [725891] - [fs] nfsd4: fix file leak on open_downgrade (J. Bruce Fields) [714153] - [fs] nfsd4: remember to put RW access on stateid destruction (J. Bruce Fields) [714153] - [fs] nfsd4: Fix filp leak (J. Bruce Fields) [714153] - [netdrv] bonding:delete lacp_fast from ad_bond_info (Weiping Pan) [707142] - [netdrv] bonding: make 802.3ad use latest lacp_rate (Weiping Pan) [707142] - [netdrv] bonding 802.3ad: Rename rx_machine_lock to state_machine_lock (Weiping Pan) [707142] - [netdrv] bonding 802.3ad: Fix the state machine locking (Weiping Pan) [707142]- [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed compiler warning for putting large amount of memory on stack (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Turn on MSI-X by default (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added setting specific pf_number in GET_PROFILE_CONFIG to get maximum virtfn (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added driver capability of reseting new ASIC firmware and device from sysfs entry (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add firmware upgrade code to driver (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added capability of inducing new ASIC firmware dump obj file to flash filesystem (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added 100ms delay before driver action following IF_TYPE_2 function reset (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added Linux driver SR-IOV management support for both SLI3 and SLI4 devices (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fragment ELS and SCSI SGE lists based on Extent regions (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove GET_ALLOCATED extent count response work-around (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed potential missed SLI4 device initialization failure conditions (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed build warning (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Back to back Flogis sent without a logo (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add model names for new hardware (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with lpfc driver not updating the wwnn and wwpn after a name change (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Set the maximum SGE size to 0x80000000 when HBA does not have any restriction (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: New ASIC device link diagonstic test and link diagnostic loopback test support (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework svn rev 10898 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed mix-and-match backward compability with the new new ASIC device management (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI3 and non-NPIV crashes with new extent code (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed BSG failure in handing pass-through mailbox with multiple external buffers (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix CT command never completing on Big Endian system (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Refactor lpfc_sli4_alloc_extent some more (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Restore SLI4_PARAMETER mailbox can fail as nonerror functionality (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework svn rev 11479 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework svn rev 11379 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Do not post RPI Headers to SLI4 port that support extents (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Back out r9872 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Refactor code in lpfc_sli4_alloc_extent (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix port capabilities and get parameters mailbox calls (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI2 crashes with new extent code (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed EEH failure on PPC-P7 due to the platform required PCI fundamental reset (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed incorrect size set into the sysfs binary file access interface (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Brought debugfs accessing new ASIC extents information into the iDiag framework (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix mailbox processing to not overwrite mailbox status codes (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Changed enumerate members starting from none zero value (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove driver workaround for COMMON_ALLOC_RESOURCE_EXTENTS endianess issue (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix lpfc_printf_log message numbers (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement debugfs support for resource extents (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag method for read write bitset bitclear access to new ASIC control registers (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Call correct mailbox cleanup routine after extents are allocated (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement extent block list member cleanup and free memory resources (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix memory leak in extent block lists (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Modified variables for XRIs to be unsigned variable (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag method for endian explicit dumping at iussue SLI4 mailbox command routine (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed compilation error/warning (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag method for dumping mailbox command from SLI4 issue mailbox command routine (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement support for nonembedded Extent mailbox IOCTLs (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in rpi clean when driver load fails (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed race condition between driver multi-buffer seesion reset and bsg job done (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework revision 10933 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed mask size for the wq_id mask (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Port Error detected during POST (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag dump methods for new ASIC BSG multiple buffer mailbox command pass-through (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added protection on new ASIC specific mbox cmd passed to existing interface type (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added protection on non-embedded mailbox command for number of external buffers (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Apply dropped patch from initial new ASIC bring up (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework revision 10898 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed mailbox command completion invoke BSG job_done while holding spinlock (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed double byte swap on received RRQ (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed no BSG data transfer size protection in mailbox command pass-through path (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Make adjustments for systems with Page Size Larger than 4k (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Reorganize CQ and EQ usage to comply with SLI4 Specification (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix KERN levels on log messages 3008, 2903, 0383 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed new ASIC mbox queue id collision with work queue id in debugfs queue access (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not resetting session on pass-through read mbox cmd with single buffer (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Initial checkin of SLI4 Extents code (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added new ASIC pass-through mbox cmd extension on multi-external-buffer handling (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed bug in BSG pass-through mailbox size check to non-embedded external buffer (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add LOG_ELS message to NPIV LOGO (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Vports not sending FDISC after lips (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added 0x9B multi-buffer subsystem/opcode macros in user-kernel shared BSG header (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Extended dfc_mbox_req struct with mbox tag and multi-buffer sequence number (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a bug BSG treated all SLI_CONFIG (0x9B) mailbox commands as non-embedded (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Removed unnecessary buffer-to-buffer copies in handling pass-through mbox cmds (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed the mixed declarations and codes which violate ISO C90 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCFI incorrect on received unsolicited frames (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Misc upstream fixes (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with lpfc driver causing a system crash during driver unload (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added user-kernel shared sli-config mailbox header for new ASIC device management (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs SLI4 device doorbell reigster access methods (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RQ_CREATE version 1 fails (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCFI incorrect on received unsolicited frames (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs SLI4 device display host/port index in decimal (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Do not limit RPI Count to a minimum of 64 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Do not override CT field in issue_els_flogi for SLI4 IF type 2 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix build introduced in r10532 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Temporary RPI field to the ELS request WQE (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Allow SLI4 with FCOE_MODE not set for new SLI4 FC adapters (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Restrict driver to look at BAR2 or BAR4 only for if_type 0 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs SLI4 device queue entry access methods (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyright date for all changed files (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed the compiler warning (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Modified existing driver code to handle PCI Link drop detection failure (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: 4K boundary issue + lpfc driver (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix debugfs build error caused by undefined Macro (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add selective reset jump table entry (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: lpfc: lower stack use in lpfc_fc_frame_check (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: fix comment typo diable -> disable (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: tree-wide: fix comment/printk typos (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add new Queue create Mailbox versions for new ASIC (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Place LPFC driver module parameters to /sys/module//parameters (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Performance Hints support (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Add new driver interfaces for encryption products (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs queue information get (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs PCI config space register bits set/clear methods (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: iDiag driver support debugfs framework and read/write PCI config space registers (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Configuration parameter lpfc_suppress_link_up is ignored for SLI-4 (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Modified lpfc_delay_discovery implementation (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Print something out if the link_speed is not supported by this adapter (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [706517] - [scsi] lpfc: Added support for clean address bit (Rob Evers) [706517] - [x86] x86, UV: Fix NMI handler for UV platforms (George Beshers) [689026] - [x86] x86, NMI: Add priorities to handlers (George Beshers) [689026] - [x86] x86, nmi_watchdog: Remove ARCH_HAS_NMI_WATCHDOG and rely on CONFIG_HARDLOCKUP_DETECTOR (George Beshers) [689026] - [mm] zram: Fix kunmapping order (Jerome Marchand) [722926] - [mm] zram: Replace mutex lock by a R/W semaphore (Jerome Marchand) [722926] - [mm] zram: allow partial page operations (Jerome Marchand) [722926] - [mm] zram: Refactor zram_read/write() functions (Jerome Marchand) [722926] - [mm] zram: Remove useless offset calculation in handle_uncompressed_page (Jerome Marchand) [722926] - [kernel] sched: Next buddy hint on sleep and preempt path (Rik van Riel) [711600] - [kernel] sched: Make set_*_buddy() work on non-task entities (Rik van Riel) [711600] - [dma] ioatdma: add support for SandyBridge (John Feeney) [701443] - [x86] Don't use the EFI reboot method by default (Matthew Garrett) [723849] - [mm] thp: fix move_huge_pmd (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385]- [virt] xen: x86_32: Ignore not present at boot time HIGHMEM pages (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: prevent crashes with non-HIGHMEM 32-bit kernels with largeish memory (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen/balloon: Move dec_totalhigh_pages() from __balloon_append() to balloon_append() (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen/balloon: Use PageHighMem() for high memory page detection (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen/balloon: Removal of driver_pages (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: Mark all initial reserved pages for the balloon as INVALID_P2M_ENTRY (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: clean up "extra" memory handling some more (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen/balloon: the balloon_lock is useless (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen/balloon: make sure we only include remaining extra ram (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: add extra pages to balloon (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: don't add extra_pages for RAM after mem_end (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: make sure xen_max_p2m_pfn is up to date (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: limit extra memory to a certain ratio of base (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: add extra pages for E820 RAM regions, even if beyond mem_end (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: make sure xen_extra_mem_start is beyond all non-RAM e820 (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: implement "extra" memory to reserve space for pages not present at boot (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: Use host-provided E820 map (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: don't map missing memory (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: Rename the balloon lock (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: make sure pages are really part of domain before freeing (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] xen: release unused free memory (Igor Mammedov) [523122] - [virt] vhost: optimize interrupt enable/disable (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost: set log when updating used flags or avail event (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost: init used ring after backend was set (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost-net: remove unlocked use of receive_queue (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost: lock receive queue, not the socket (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost-net: Unify the code of mergeable and big buffer handling (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost-net: check the support of mergeable buffer outside the receive loop (Jason Wang) [725199] - [virt] vhost: copy_from_user -> __copy_from_user (Jason Wang) [725199] - [infiniband] qib: Adjust to use cpumask_weight() and cpumask_first() (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Ensure that LOS and DFE are being turned off (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Prevent driver hang with unprogrammed boards (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Fix M_Key field in SubnGet and SubnGetResp MADs (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Set default LE2 value for active cables to 0 (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Return correct MAD when setting link width to 255 (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Prevent double completions after a timeout or RNR error (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Kernel BUG at include/linux/timer.h:82 (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Hold link for Tx SERDES settings (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Improve SERDES tunning on QMH boards (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Un-necessary delayed completions on RC connection (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Issue pre-emptive NAKs on eager buffer overflow (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: RDMA lkey/rkey validation is inefficient for large MRs (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: change qpn increment (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: adding fix missing from earlier patch (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: change rcv queue/qpn selection (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: interrupt mitigation fix (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Avoid duplicate writes to the rcv head register (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Add a few new SERDES tunings (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Reset packet list after freeing (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: New SERDES init routine and improvements to SI quality (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: clear WAIT_SEND flags when setting QP to error state (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: fix context allocation with multiple HCAs (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Multi Florida HCA Hosts panic on reboot (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: Handle transitions from ACTIVE_DEFERRED to ACTIVE better (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: UD send with immediate Rx completion has wrong size (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: set port physical state even if other fields are invalid (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: generate completion callback on errors (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: add thresholds to VendorPortCounters PMA operation (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: add support for the new QME7362 card (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: add receive header queue size module parameters (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [infiniband] qib: remove IB latency turnoff (Chad Dupuis) [696226] - [ata] Add Intel IDE-R support (John Feeney) [695587] - [agp] fix arbitrary kernel memory writes (Jerome Marchand) [699308] {CVE-2011-1745 CVE-2011-2022} - [agp] fix OOM and buffer overflow (Jerome Marchand) [699306] {CVE-2011-1746} - [kernel] run_rebalance_domains() is using too much cpu time (George Beshers) [635848] - [x86] Enable UV MMTIMER (George Beshers) [635713] - [ppc] Use correct ccr bit for syscall error status (Steve Best) [691579] - [s390x] qdio: clear shared DSCI before scheduling the queue handler (Hendrik Brueckner) [725690] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Attach to UNAVAILABLE/OFFLINE AAS devices (Mike Christie) [698329] - [kernel] backport upstream change to remove prefetch instructions from list and rculist functions (Larry Woodman) [725538] - [input] wacom: add support for DTU-2231 (Aristeu Rozanski) [705210] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: update driver to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [717377] - [kernel] taskstats: don't allow duplicate entries in listener mode (Jerome Marchand) [715448] {CVE-2011-2484} - [kernel] Monitor and log change in system time when the system time drifts by user configured time interval warning (James Takahashi) [694910] - [security] Translate secctx to 0 if SELinux disabled (David Howells) [667177] - [pm] hibernate: Handle marginal memory conditions correctly (Matthew Garrett) [700264] - [kernel] Oprofile support for Sandy Bridge processors (John Villalovos) [696562] - [kernel] misc: add support for IB700 module (Don Zickus) [667090] - [x86] ACPI: Use ioremap_cache() (George Beshers) [635860] - [x86] ACPI: introduce "acpi_rsdp=" parameter for kdump (Takao Indoh) [723670] - [x86] UV: Kernel log overflows on boot on large systems (George Beshers) [696287] - [x86] amd-iommu: Fix 3 possible endless loops (Frank Arnold) [713517] - [x86] amd-iommu: Use only per-device dma_ops (Frank Arnold) [712369] - [x86] setup: Fix EDD3.0 data verification (Gleb Natapov) [704128] - [virt] xen: Revert p2m tree (Andrew Jones) [725519] - [virt] xen-blkfront: fix data size for xenbus_gather in blkfront_connect (Andrew Jones) [716452] - [virt] xen/hvc: only notify if we actually sent something (Igor Mammedov) [725041] - [virt] xen mmu: fix a race window causing leave_mm BUG() (Radim Krcmar) [724995] - [virt] xen: off by one errors in multicalls.c (Radim Krcmar) [725007] - [virt] virtio_net: introduce VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_DATA_VALID (Jason Wang) [713337]- [netdrv] be2net: clear intr bit in be_probe() (Ivan Vecera) [702739 722596] - [fs] fs: call security_d_instantiate in d_obtain_alias (Josef Bacik) [656458] - [fs] dlm: use vmalloc for hash tables (David Teigland) [719357] - [fs] quota: Fix WARN_ON in lookup_one_len (Eric Sandeen) [718332] - [net] skbuff: fix error handling in pskb_copy() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [net] vlan: allow TSO setting on vlan interfaces (Andy Gospodarek) [645785] - [netdrv] Support 'passthru' mode using macvlan/macvtap (James Takahashi) [693874] - [netdrv] asix: fix setting mac address for AX88772 (Jiri Pirko) [725234] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: update to upstream version 2.1.0-k (Andy Gospodarek) [694231] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove a log-spamming message (Michal Schmidt) [712000] - [netdrv] cxgb4 driver update (Neil Horman) [717801] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: accept EEPROM version 0x423 for iwl6000 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [691846] - [netdrv] cxgb3 driver update (Neil Horman) [717805] - [netdrv] net: bonding: allow all slave speeds (Jiri Pirko) [720941] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update to upstream version 3.4.8-k (Andy Gospodarek) [689998 696045] - [netdrv] e1000e: update to upstream version 1.3.16-k (Andy Gospodarek) [694223 698291] - [net] introduce __netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align (Andy Gospodarek) [694223] - [net] dcbnl: unlock on an error path in dcbnl_cee_fill() (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcbnl: Add CEE notification (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcbnl: Aggregated CEE GET operation (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: use nlmsg_free() instead of kfree() (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: Add missing error check in dcb_ieee_set() (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: fix return type on dcb_setapp() (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: Add dcb_ieee_getapp_mask() for drivers to query APP settings (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: Add ieee_dcb_delapp() and dcb op to delete app entry (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: Add ieee_dcb_setapp() to be used for IEEE 802.1Qaz APP data (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcbnl, add multicast group for DCB (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcb: Add DCBX capabilities bitmask to the get_ieee response (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcbnl: Update copyright dates (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcbnl: Fix misspellings (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcbnl: Add IEEE app selector value definitions (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcbnl: add support for retrieving peer configuration - cee (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcbnl: add support for retrieving peer configuration - ieee (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcbnl: check correct ops in dcbnl_ieee_set() (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcb: match dcb_app protocol field with 802.1Qaz spec (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] ixgbe: DCB, implement 802.1Qaz routines (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: dcb: application priority is per net_device (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] dcbnl: make get_app handling symmetric for IEEE and CEE DCBx (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] include cleanup: Update gfp.h and slab.h includes to prepare for breaking implicit slab.h inclusion from percpu.h (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] const: struct nla_policy (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: Move && and || to end of previous line (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [net] net: use net_eq to compare nets (Dean Nelson) [695947] - [kernel] include/linux/kernel.h: abs(): fix handling of 32-bit unsigneds on 64-bit (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: stop pending timers and purge queues when peer restart asoc (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix memory leak of the ASCONF queue when free asoc (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] SCTP: fix race between sctp_bind_addr_free() and sctp_bind_addr_conflict() (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: move chunk from retransmit queue to abandoned list (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix to check the source address of COOKIE-ECHO chunk (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: handle ootb packet in chunk order as defined (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: check invalid value of length parameter in error cause (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: check parameter value of length in ERROR chunk (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Release all routes when processing acks ADD_IP or DEL_IP (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Allow bindx_del to accept 0 port (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: teach CACC algorithm about removed transports (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix oops while removed transport still using as retran path (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix oops when updating retransmit path with DEBUG on (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: malloc enough room for asconf-ack chunk (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix auth_hmacs field's length of struct sctp_cookie (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Pass __GFP_NOWARN to hash table allocation attempts. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix compile warnings in sctp_tsnmap_num_gabs (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix reporting of unknown parameters (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: user perfect name for Delayed SACK Timer option (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix the return value of getting the sctp partial delivery point (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] SCTP: Fix SCTP_SET_PEER_PRIMARY_ADDR to accpet v4mapped address (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: prevent reading out-of-bounds memory (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix test for end of loop (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: dubious bitfields in sctp_transport (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix append error cause to ERROR chunk correctly (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: delete active ICMP proto unreachable timer when free transport (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Fix a race between ICMP protocol unreachable and connect() (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Tag messages that can be Nagle delayed at creation. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Optimize computation of highest new tsn in SACK. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: correctly mark missing chunks in fast recovery (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: rwnd_press should be cumulative (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fast recovery algorithm is per association. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: update transport initializations (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Save some room in the sctp_transport by using bitfields (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Do not force T3 timer on fast retransmissions. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: remove 'resent' bit from the chunk (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Make sure we always return valid retransmit path (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Do no select unconfirmed transports for retransmissions (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix to retranmit at least one DATA chunk (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: missing set src and dest port while lookup output route (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: discard ABORT chunk with zero verification tag in COOKIE-WAIT state (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: assure at least one T3-rtx timer is running if a FORWARD TSN is sent (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: send SHUTDOWN-ACK chunk back to the source. (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Use correct address family in sctp_getsockopt_peer_addrs() (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Fix oops when sending queued ASCONF chunks (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: per_cpu variables should be in bh_disabled section (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix potential reference of a freed pointer (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: avoid irq lock inversion while call sk->sk_data_ready() (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: eliminate useless code (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Use ipv6_addr_diff() in sctp_v6_addr_match_len(). (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp/socket.c: squish warning (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix sctp_setsockopt_autoclose compile warning (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: prevent too-fast association id reuse (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: fix integer overflow when setting the autoclose timer (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: limit maximum autoclose setsockopt value (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Fix mis-ordering of user space data when multihoming in use (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Update max.burst implementation (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Remove useless last_time_used variable (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: allow setting path_maxrxt independent of SPP_PMTUD_ENABLE (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Update SWS avaoidance receiver side algorithm (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Select a working primary during sctp_connectx() (Thomas Graf) [679456] - [net] sctp: Fix malformed "Invalid Stream Identifier" error (Thomas Graf) [679456]- [drm] radeon/kms: fix DP training for DPEncoderService revision bigger than 1.1 (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [drm] nouveau fixes for RHEL 6.2 (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [drm] i915: Skip GPU wait for scanout pin while wedged (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [drm] i915: Fix opregion notifications (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [drm] ACPI: Don't send KEY_UNKNOWN for random video notifications (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [drm] drm/agp: complete 3.0.0 fixes backport. (Dave Airlie) [722957] - [kernel] /proc/stat: fix scalability of irq sum of all cpu (George Beshers) [635855] - [kernel] /proc/stat: scalability of irq num per cpu (George Beshers) [635855] - [virt] vhost: handle wrap around in # of bufs math (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [virt] vhost-net: update used ring on backend change (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [virt] vhost: fix zcopy reference counting (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [virt] vhost: vhost TX zero-copy support (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [netdrv] macvtap: macvtapTX zero-copy support (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [net] skbuff: clear tx zero-copy flag (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [net] skbuff: skb supports zero-copy buffers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [net] sock.h: Add a new sock zero-copy flag (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [net] pskb_expand_head() optimization (Michael S. Tsirkin) [632752] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Support for GBE port settings (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: support rcv ring configuration through sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version number to 5.0.16 (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix LRO disable (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use flt method to determine flash fw region (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove unused code (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Code optimization patch (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Cleanup patch (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Memory leak fix (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Make PCI info available in all modes (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [net] fix ethtool->set_flags not intended -EINVAL return value (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove validation for max tx and max rx queues (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix checks for auto_fw_reset (Chad Dupuis) [693735] - [virt] virtio_net: delay TX callbacks (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [virt] virtio: add api for delayed callbacks (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [virt] vhost: support event index (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [virt] virtio_ring: support event idx feature (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [virt] virtio ring: inline function to check for events (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [virt] virtio: event index interface (Michael S. Tsirkin) [710945] - [scsi] fcoe: cleanup cpu selection for incoming requests (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: post reset event on lport reset (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: Fix for exchange/seq loopup failure when FCoE stack is used as target and connected to windows initiator (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] fcoe: Amends previous patch, Round-robin based selection of CPU for post processing of incoming request for FCoE target (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] fcoe: Round-robin based selection of CPU for post-processing of incoming commands (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] fcoe: Unable to select the exchangeID from offload pool for storage targets (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: Enhancement to RPORT state machine applicable only for VN2VN mode (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfcoe: Remove unnecessary module state checks (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: do not immediately retry the cmd when seq_send fails in fc_fcp_send_data (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: fix race in SRR response (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: don't call resp handler after FC_EX_TIMEOUT (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: release DDP context if frame_send() fails (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] libfc: fix mm leak in handling incoming request for target discovery (Mike Christie) [695945] - [scsi] fcoe: Prevent creation of an NPIV port with duplicate WWPN (Mike Christie) [695945] - [sound] Update the ALSA HDA audio driver from upstream (Jaroslav Kysela) [723853] - [mm] exec: account anon_rss instead of total_vm in acct_arg_size (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] debug: reintroduce would_have_oomkilled procfs ctl (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] kabi: __GENKSYMS__ for oom_disable_count struct mm_struct (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] kabi: __GENKSYMS__ for oom_score_adj in struct signal_struct (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: replace PF_OOM_ORIGIN with toggling oom_score_adj (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: use pte pages in OOM score (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [kernel] lib, arch: add filter argument to show_mem and fix private implementations (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: suppress nodes that are not allowed from meminfo on page alloc failure (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: suppress show_mem() for many nodes in irq context on page alloc failure (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: suppress nodes that are not allowed from meminfo on oom kill (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: avoid deferring oom killer if exiting task is being traced (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: skip zombies when iterating tasklist (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: prevent unnecessary oom kills or kernel panics (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: allow a non-CAP_SYS_RESOURCE proces to oom_score_adj down (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: fix locking for oom_adj and oom_score_adj (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: rewrite error handling for oom_adj and oom_score_adj tunables (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: kill all threads sharing oom killed task's mm (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: avoid killing a task if a thread sharing its mm cannot be killed (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: add per-mm oom disable count (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: filter unkillable tasks from tasklist dump (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: always return a badness score of non-zero for eligible tasks (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: __task_cred() need rcu_read_lock() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: fix tasklist_lock leak (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: fix NULL pointer dereference (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] memcg: use find_lock_task_mm() in memory cgroups oom (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: badness heuristic rewrite (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: move badness() declaration into oom.h (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: multi threaded process coredump don't make deadlock (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: give the dying task a higher priority (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: remove child->mm check from oom_kill_process() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: cleanup has_intersects_mems_allowed() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: move OOM_DISABLE check from oom_kill_task to out_of_memory() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: kill duplicate OOM_DISABLE check (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: /proc//oom_score treat kernel thread honestly (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: oom_kill_process() needs to check that p is unkillable (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: make oom_unkillable_task() helper function (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: oom_kill_process() doesn't select kthread child (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: don't try to kill oom_unkillable child (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: fold __out_of_memory into out_of_memory (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: remove constraint argument from select_bad_process and __out_of_memory (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] rename try_set_zone_oom() to try_set_zonelist_oom() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: remove unnecessary code and cleanup (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: remove special handling for pagefault ooms (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: extract panic helper function (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: enable oom tasklist dump by default (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: select task from tasklist for mempolicy ooms (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: sacrifice child with highest badness score for parent (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: filter tasks not sharing the same cpuset (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: avoid sending exiting tasks a SIGKILL (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: give current access to memory reserves if it has been killed (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: dump_tasks use find_lock_task_mm too fix (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: improve commentary in dump_tasks() (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: dump_tasks use find_lock_task_mm too (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: introduce find_lock_task_mm() to fix !mm false positives (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: PF_EXITING check should take mm into account (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: check PF_KTHREAD instead of !mm to skip kthreads (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] memcg: make oom killer a no-op when no killable task can be found (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] memcg: handle panic_on_oom=always case (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom-kill: dump_header takes task_struct as parameter (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom-kill: fix NUMA constraint check with nodemask (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom-kill: use task_lock when accessing task_struct members in __oom_kill_task (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] oom: dump stack and VM state when oom killer panics (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770] - [mm] Revert "[Fedora] [debug] add would_have_oomkilled procfs ctl" (Frantisek Hrbata) [645770]- [mm] hold the page lock until after set_page_stable_node (Andrea Arcangeli) [683658]- [netdrv] be2net: remove certain cmd failure logging (Ivan Vecera) [719304] - [netdrv] enic driver update (Stefan Assmann) [695882] - [net] nl80211: missing check for valid SSID size in scan operation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [718158] {CVE-2011-2517} - [net] bluetooth: l2cap and rfcomm: fix 1 byte infoleak to userspace. (Thomas Graf) [703023] {CVE-2011-2492} - [net] inet_diag: fix validation of user data in inet_diag_bc_audit() (Thomas Graf) [714541] {CVE-2011-2213} - [fs] proc: restrict access to /proc/PID/io (Oleg Nesterov) [716830] {CVE-2011-2495} - [fs] validate size of EFI GUID partition entries (Anton Arapov) [703030] {CVE-2011-1776} - [fs] GFS2: Print warning rather than calling assert during direct I/O page invalidation race (Steven Whitehouse) [697019] - [fs] ext4: Fix max file size and logical block counting of extent format file (Lukas Czerner) [722569] {CVE-2011-2695} - [netdrv] e1000: remove unnecessary code (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: Add appropriate include for prefetch users (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: more robust ethtool duplex/speed configuration (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: fix sparse warning (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: add support for Marvell Alaska M88E1118R PHY (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [netdrv] e1000: drivers/net: avoid some skb->ip_summed initializations (Dean Nelson) [694233] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix use of static variable in rpcb_getport_async (Steve Dickson) [723650] - [fs] NFSv4.1: update nfs4_fattr_bitmap_maxsz (Steve Dickson) [723650] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix a race between work-queue and rpc_killall_tasks (Steve Dickson) [723650] - [fs] SUNRPC: Ensure we always run the tk_callback before tk_action (Steve Dickson) [723650] - [netdrv] e100: net: remove interrupt.h inclusion from netdevice.h (Dean Nelson) [694236] - [netdrv] e100: fix build warning (Dean Nelson) [694236] - [netdrv] e100: ethtool: Use full 32 bit speed range in ethtool's set_settings (Dean Nelson) [694236] - [netdrv] e100: ethtool: cosmetic: Use ethtool ethtool_cmd_speed API (Dean Nelson) [694236] - [netdrv] e100: ethtool: Call ethtool's get/set_settings callbacks with cleaned data (Dean Nelson) [694236] - [netdrv] bna: Separate handling of irq type flags variable from the irq_flags request_irq variable (Ivan Vecera) [717011] - [netdrv] Fix call trace when interrupts are disabled while sleeping function kzalloc is called (Ivan Vecera) [717011] - [netdrv] Additional tg3 bug fixes (John Feeney) [695996 696004 696068 698308 705492 716693] - [netdrv] Update tg3 to version 3.119 (John Feeney) [695996 696004 696068 698308 705492 716693] - [netdrv] Update tg3 to version 3.118 (John Feeney) [695996 696004 696068 698308 705492 716693] - [netdrv] Update tg3 to version 3.117 (John Feeney) [695996 696004 696068 698308 705492 716693]- [virt] kvm: Disable device assignment without interrupt remapping (Alex Williamson) [711504] {CVE-2011-1898} - [virt] iommu-api: Extension to check for interrupt remapping (Alex Williamson) [711504] {CVE-2011-1898} - [net] core: add tracepoints for queueing skb to rcvbuf (Satoru Moriya) [696387] - [net] udp: add tracepoints for queueing skb to rcvbuf (Satoru Moriya) [696387] - [serial] 8250: Fix capabilities when changing the port type (Steve Best) [696695] - [serial] 8250_pci: Add EEH support to the 8250 driver for IBM/Digi PCIe 2-port Adapter (Steve Best) [696695] - [serial] 8250_pci: Add support for the Digi/IBM PCIe 2-port Adapter (Steve Best) [696695] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Adding couple more vendor product ids (David Milburn) [690952] - [scsi] lock pushdown in error handling (Rob Evers) [695542] - [scsi] Reduce error recovery time by reducing use of TURs (Mike Christie) [691945] - [scsi] Fix /proc/interrupts corruption when be2iscsi driver is loaded (Prarit Bhargava) [706511] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Disable interrupts/free_irq() in megasas_shutdown() (Tomas Henzl) [613564] - [pci] ARI is a PCIe v2 feature (Don Dutile) [632086] - [pci] add latency tolerance reporting enable/disable support (Myron Stowe) [696532] - [pci] Assign values to 'pci_obff_signal_type' enumeration (Myron Stowe) [696534] - [pci] add OBFF enable/disable support (Myron Stowe) [696534] - [pci] add ID-based ordering enable/disable support (Myron Stowe) [696530] - [fs] nfsd: fix NULL dereference in nfsd_statfs() (Eric Sandeen) [689223] - [fs] add f_flags to struct statfs(64) (Eric Sandeen) [689223] - [fs] pass a struct path to vfs_statfs (Eric Sandeen) [689223] - [fs] Take statfs variants to fs/statfs.c (Eric Sandeen) [689223] - [netdrv] tg3: Apply rx_discards fix to 5719/5720 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix stats for 5704 and later devices (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix IPv6 TCP problems for 5719 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix int generation hw bug for 5719 / 5720 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Workaround rx_discards stat bug (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Automatically size stat/test string arrays (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable 5720 support (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5720 PHY ID (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5720 H2BMC support (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5720 NVRAM decoding (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5720 ASIC rev (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Reintroduce 5717_PLUS (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: 5717_PLUS => 57765_PLUS (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add missed 5719 workaround change (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Expand 5719 workaround (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable multivec mode for 1 MSIX vector (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 5719 A0 tx completion bug (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Revise 5719 internal FIFO overflow solution (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.116 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: use dma_alloc_coherent() instead of pci_alloc_consistent() (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Always turn on APE features in mac_mode reg (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Do not call device_set_wakeup_enable() under spin_lock_bh (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] vlan: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present. (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.115 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Report invalid link from tg3_get_settings() (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't allocate jumbo ring for 5780 class devs (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup tg3_alloc_rx_skb() (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable unused transmit rings (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Add support for selfboot format 1 v6 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] net/tg3: simplify conditional (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.114 (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Futureproof the loopback test (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup missing VPD partno section (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove 5724 device ID (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix potential netpoll crash (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] drivers/net: return operator cleanup (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: phy tmp variable roundup (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Dynamically allocate VPD data memory (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Use skb_is_gso_v6() (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Move producer ring struct to tg3_napi (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Clarify semantics of TG3_IRQ_MAX_VECS (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't send APE events for NCSI firmware (John Feeney) [696206] - [netdrv] drivers/net: avoid some skb->ip_summed initializations (John Feeney) [696206] - [x86] x86, boot: Wait for boot cpu to show up if nr_cpus limit is about to hit (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [x86] x86: Fix and clean up generic_processor_info() (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [x86] x86, ia64, acpi: Clean up x86-ism in drivers/acpi/numa.c (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [x86] x86, acpi: Add MAX_LOCAL_APIC for 32bit (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [x86] x86, acpi: Parse all SRAT cpu entries even above the cpu number limitation (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [kernel] smp: Use nr_cpus= to set nr_cpu_ids early (Vivek Goyal) [717918] - [mm] do not use page_count without a page pin (Andrea Arcangeli) [722565] - [mm] improve isolate_lru_pages neighbour isolation (Andrea Arcangeli) [722565] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove host_lock in queuecommand function (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Refactor call to qla2xxx_read_sfp for thermal temperature. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Unify the read/write sfp mailbox command routines. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear complete initialization control block. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow an override of the registered maximum LUN. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add host number in reset and quiescent message logs. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix virtual port failing to login after chip reset. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly read sfp single byte mailbox register. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix vport delete hang when logins are outstanding. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix hang during driver unload when vport is active. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly set the dsd_list_len for dsd_chaining in cmd type 6. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct buffer start in edc sysfs debug print. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Log if firmware fails to load from flash for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correction to sysfs edc interface. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add qla82xx_rom_unlock() function. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update firmware version after flash update. (Chad Dupuis) [693744] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Fix section mismatch (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Update comments describing the handling of HT CPUs (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Add comments describing the handling of HT CPUs (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Fix compile error if CONFIG_SMP is not defined (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Fix checkpatch errors (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: Remove pkgtemp driver (Jane Lv) [709252] - [hwmon] hwmon: (coretemp) Merge pkgtemp with coretemp (Jane Lv) [709252] - [netdrv] igbvf driver update (Stefan Assmann) [694229] - [netdrv] igb driver update (Stefan Assmann) [694211] - [netdrv] r8169: fix Rx checksum offloading bugs (Ivan Vecera) [635596] - [netdrv] be2net: changes for BE3 native mode support (Ivan Vecera) [695231] - [net] bridge gets duplicate packets when using vlan over bonding (Flavio Leitner) [700610] - [net] bonding: fix receiving of dups due vlan hwaccel (Flavio Leitner) [720689] - [kernel] Fix nohz balance kick (Matthew Garrett) [695606] - [kernel] repair gdbstub to match the gdbserial protocol specification (Prarit Bhargava) [710668] - [misc] enclosure: fix error path to actually return ERR_PTR() on error (Tomas Henzl) [713730] - [x86] fix memory leak in acpu_cpufreq_exit (Luming Yu) [688038] - [x86] Ensure MTRR config is applied to all CPUs on resume (Matthew Garrett) [695612]- [s390x] crypto: prng error in initial seed calculation. (Hendrik Brueckner) [709710] - [s390x] qeth: serialize device removal and config changes (Hendrik Brueckner) [707293] - [s390x] ap: Toleration for ap bus devices with device type 10 (Hendrik Brueckner) [694267] - [s390x] chsc: process channel-path-availability information (Hendrik Brueckner) [694464] - [s390x] kernel: Get CPC name (Hendrik Brueckner) [694265] - [s390x] qeth: change some configurations defaults (Hendrik Brueckner) [694248] - [s390x] crypto: Exploit z196 hardware accelerated crypto aplgorithms (Hendrik Brueckner) [694246] - [s390x] dasd: do path verification for paths added at runtime (Hendrik Brueckner) [694460] - [s390x] cio: notify drivers of channel path events (Hendrik Brueckner) [694460] - [s390x] dasd: automatic recognition of read-only devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [633389] - [s390x] dasd: Add support for raw ECKD access (Hendrik Brueckner) [633543] - [s390x] kernel: diagnose 10 does not release memory above 2GB (Hendrik Brueckner) [701274] - [s390x] qdio: reset error states immediately (Hendrik Brueckner) [700463] - [s390x] dasd: check sense type in device change handler (Hendrik Brueckner) [700688] - [s390x] dasd: fix race between open and offline (Hendrik Brueckner) [695677] - [s390x] cio: prevent purging of CCW devices in the online state (Hendrik Brueckner) [695377] - [s390x] kernel: missing ASLR for exec/heap/libc/vdso/mmap in s390x (Hendrik Brueckner) [647363] - [ppc] nvram: Unbreak kABI, efficiency tweaks, remove unnecessary casts (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] pseries/nvram: Capture oops/panic reports in ibm, oops-log partition (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Generalize code for OS partitions in NVRAM (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Handle partition names >= 12 chars (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Fix NVRAM partition list setup (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Rename ppc64, linux partition to ibm, rtas-log (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Move the log partition stuff to pseries (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Change nvram_setup_partition() to use new helper (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Add nvram_find_partition() (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Improve partition removal (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Shuffle code around in nvram_create_partition() (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Completely clear a new partition (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Ensure that the partition header/block size is right (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: nvram_create_partitions() now uses bytes (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: More flexible nvram_create_partition() (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram: Move things out of asm/nvram.h (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] Fix continuation line formats (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] Use unlocked ioctl in nvram_64 (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram_64: Mark init code __init (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram_64: Check nvram_error_log_index in nvram_clear_error_log() (Steve Best) [694509] - [ppc] nvram_64: Remove unused code (Steve Best) [694509] - [netdrv] qlge: Version change to v1.00.00.29 (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix printk priority so chip fatal errors are always reported. (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix crash caused by mailbox execution on wedged chip. (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [netdrv] qlge: make nic_operations struct const (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix incorrect usage of module parameters and netdev msg level (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [netdrv] qlge: Remove unnecessary casts of netdev_priv (Chad Dupuis) [713168] - [fs] NFS: Detect loops in a readdir due to bad cookies (Steve Dickson) [720712] - [fs] NFS: Create nfs_open_dir_context (Steve Dickson) [720712] - [fs] NFS: Ensure that we update the readdir filp->f_pos correctly (Steve Dickson) [720712] - [fs] GFS2: Get rid of metadata pages for inodes we can't deallocate (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: list_del_entry corruption (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Fix ail list traversal (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Add an AIL writeback tracepoint (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Make writeback more responsive to system conditions (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Improve tracing support (adds two flags) (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Optimise glock lru and end of life inodes (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Clean up fsync() (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] fs: add sync_inode_metadata (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Make ->write_inode() really write (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Use filemap_fdatawrite() to write back the AIL (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Alter point of entry to glock lru list for glocks with an address_space (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: Update to AIL list locking (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [fs] GFS2: introduce AIL lock (Robert S Peterson) [676626] - [netdrv] bnx2: update to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [696756] - [fs] cifs: don't allow cifs_reconnect to exit with NULL socket pointer (Jeff Layton) [711400]- [x86] apic: Fix spurious error interrupts triggering on all non-boot APs (Prarit Bhargava) [712286] - [x86] apic: Print verbose error interrupt reason on apic=debug (Prarit Bhargava) [712286] - [mm] fix negative commitlimit when gigantic hugepages are allocated (Andrea Arcangeli) [704511] - [mm] migrate: dont account swapcache as shmem (Andrea Arcangeli) [712260] - [mm] compaction: Ensure that the compaction free scanner does not move to the next zone (Andrea Arcangeli) [712258] - [mm] vmscan: correctly check if reclaimer should schedule during shrink_slab (Andrea Arcangeli) [712252] - [virt] ksm: fix race between ksmd and exiting task (Andrea Arcangeli) [710341] - [mm] thp: fix build with !SMP (Andrea Arcangeli) [711636] - [kernel] !SMP build quirks fixes (Andrea Arcangeli) [711636] - [kernel] allow sched.c to build with !SMP (Andrea Arcangeli) [711636] - [net] dev.c: allow build when !SMP (Andrea Arcangeli) [711636] - [virt] xen-netfront: send gARP after backend moved to XenbusStateConnected (Laszlo Ersek) [713585] - [x86] UV: add_smp_affinity_list (George Beshers) [696422] - [pci] aer-inject: Override PCIe AER Mask Registers (Prarit Bhargava) [719373] - [kernel] proc: signedness issue in next_pidmap() (Jerome Marchand) [697825] {CVE-2011-1593} - [net] bluetooth: Prevent buffer overflow in l2cap config request (Jiri Pirko) [716810] {CVE-2011-2497} - [netdrv] cnic: Move indexing function pointers to struct kcq_info (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] cnic, bnx2: Check iSCSI support early in bnx2_init_one() (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] cnic: Improve NETDEV_UP event handling (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] cnic: Randomize initial TCP port for iSCSI connections (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix race conditions with firmware (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix interrupt logic (Mike Christie) [696757] - [netdrv] Add appropriate include for prefetch users (Mike Christie) [696757]- [fs] NFS41: do not update isize if inode needs layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Clean ups for the device id cache (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [net] igmp: call ip_mc_clear_src() only when we have no users of ip_mc_list (Thomas Graf) [707479] - [net] bridge: fix bridging to properly recieve/forward ipv6 RA's (Neil Horman) [716263] - [net] sctp: ABORT if receive, reassmbly, or reodering queue is not empty while closing socket (Thomas Graf) [705840] - [net] sctp: Enforce retransmission limit during shutdown (Thomas Graf) [705840] - [net] netfilter: Enable CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_SET and CONFIG_IP_SET (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Use the stored first cidr value instead of '1' (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix return code for destroy when sets are in use (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix ip_set_flush return code (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: remove unused variable from type_pf_tdel() (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Use proper timeout value to jiffies conversion (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix the order of listing of sets (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: SCTP, UDPLITE support added (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: set match and SET target fixes (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: bitmap:ip, mac type requires "src" for MAC (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: remove extra semicolons (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: references are protected by rwlock instead of mutex (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: list:set timeout variant fixes (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix common misspellings (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: References are protected by rwlock instead of mutex (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: list:set timeout variant fixes (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix checking the type revision at create command (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix address ranges at hash:*port* types (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix the compile warning in ip_set_create (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: add dependency on CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: send error message manually (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix linking with CONFIG_IPV6=n (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: add missing break statemtns in ip_set_get_ip_port() (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: install ipset related header files (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: remove unnecessary includes (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: use nla_parse_nested() (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: xtables: "set" match and "SET" target support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: list:set set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:net, port set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:net set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:ip, port, net set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:ip, port, ip set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:ip, port set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: hash:ip set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset; bitmap:port set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: bitmap:ip,mac type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: bitmap:ip set type support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: ipset: IP set core support (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] netfilter: NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET id and NLA_PUT_NET* macros (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [net] ipv6: Prepare the tree for un-inlined jhash. (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [kernel] The new jhash implementation (Thomas Graf) [599054] - [fs] cifs: fix wsize negotiation to respect max buffer size and active signing (try #4) (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: clean up wsize negotiation and allow for larger wsize (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: convert cifs_writepages to use async writes (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: convert async write callback to slow_work (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: add cifs_async_writev (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: don't call mid_q_entry->callback under the Global_MidLock (try #5) (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: add ignore_pend flag to cifs_call_async (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: make cifs_send_async take a kvec array (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: consolidate SendReceive response checks (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: don't allow mmap'ed pages to be dirtied while under writeback (try #3) (Jeff Layton) [708000] - [fs] cifs: turn BCC into a static inlined function (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: keep BCC in little-endian format (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: consistently use smb_buf_length as be32 for cifs (try 3) (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] CIFS: Add match_port check during looking for an existing connection (try #4) (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] CIFS: Simplify ipv*_connect functions into one (try #4) (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix cifsConvertToUCS() for the mapchars case (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: handle errors from coalesce_t2 (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: refactor mid finding loop in cifs_demultiplex_thread (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: sanitize length checking in coalesce_t2 (try #3) (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: check for bytes_remaining going to zero in CIFS_SessSetup (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: change bleft in decode_unicode_ssetup back to signed type (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: Fix memory over bound bug in cifs_parse_mount_options (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: clean up various nits in unicode routines (try #2) (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: clean up length checks in check2ndT2 (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix broken BCC check in is_valid_oplock_break (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: always do is_path_accessible check in cifs_mount (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: add check for kmalloc in parse_dacl (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: various endian fixes to cifs (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: simplify SMB header check routine (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix up CIFSSMBEcho for unaligned access (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix unaligned accesses in cifsConvertToUCS (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: clean up unaligned accesses in cifs_unicode.c (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix unaligned access in check2ndT2 and coalesce_t2 (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: clean up unaligned accesses in validate_t2 (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: use get/put_unaligned functions to access ByteCount (Jeff Layton) [692709] - [fs] cifs: fix up KConfig options with latest changes (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: mark CONFIG_CIFS_NFSD_EXPORT as BROKEN (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Don't compile in unused reparse point symlink code (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Remove unused CIFSSMBNotify worker function (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: cleanup: Rename and remove config flags (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: replace /proc/fs/cifs/Experimental with a module parm (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: move "ntlmssp" and "local_leases" options out of experimental code (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: fix use of CONFIG_CIFS_ACL (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Handle extended attribute name cifs_acl to generate cifs acl blob (try #4) (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Misc. cleanup in cifsacl handling [try #4] (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Percolate error up to the caller during get/set acls [try #4] (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: Fix lease break for writes (Jeff Layton) [668791] - [fs] cifs: clarify the meaning of tcpStatus == CifsGood (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: don't always drop malformed replies on the floor (try #3) (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: Possible slab memory corruption while updating extended stats (repost) (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: clean up checks in cifs_echo_request (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: Do not send SMBEcho requests on new sockets until SMBNegotiate (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: remove checks for ses->status == CifsExiting (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: don't send an echo request unless NegProt has been done (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: enable signing flag in SMB header when server has it on (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: fix length vs. total_read confusion in cifs_demultiplex_thread (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: fix length checks in checkSMB (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: force a reconnect if there are too many MIDs in flight (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: don't pop a printk when sending on a socket is interrupted (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: send an NT_CANCEL request when a process is signalled (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: handle cancelled requests better (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: mangle existing header for SMB_COM_NT_CANCEL (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: remove code for setting timeouts on requests (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: reconnect unresponsive servers (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: set up recurring workqueue job to do SMB echo requests (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: add ability to send an echo request (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: add cifs_call_async (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: allow for different handling of received response (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: clean up sync_mid_result (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: don't reconnect server when we don't get a response (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: wait indefinitely for responses (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: move mid result processing into common function (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: move locked sections out of DeleteMidQEntry and AllocMidQEntry (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: clean up accesses to midCount (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: make wait_for_free_request take a TCP_Server_Info pointer (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: no need to mark smb_ses_list as cifs_demultiplex_thread is exiting (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: don't fail writepages on -EAGAIN errors (Jeff Layton) [654198] - [fs] cifs: free blkcipher in smbhash (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: correctly handle NULL tcon pointer in CIFSTCon (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: show sec= option in /proc/mounts (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: silence printk when establishing first session on socket (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Fix extended security auth failure (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: make CIFS depend on CRYPTO_ECB (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Use ecb des kernel crypto APIs instead of local cifs functions (repost) (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: wrap received signature check in srv_mutex (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Max share size is too small (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Allow user names longer than 32 bytes (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Fix regression in LANMAN (LM) auth code (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: No need to check crypto blockcipher allocation (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: make CIFS depend on CRYPTO_MD4 (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: fix two compiler warning about uninitialized vars (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: More crypto cleanup (try #2) (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Replace cifs md5 hashing functions with kernel crypto APIs (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Fix regression during share-level security mounts (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: remove unnecessary locking around sequence_number (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Support NTLM2 session security during NTLMSSP authentication [try #5] (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: fs/cifs/Kconfig: CIFS depends on CRYPTO_HMAC (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup and thus reduce smb session structure and fields used during authentication (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM auth and sign - Use appropriate server challenge (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM auth and sign - minor error corrections and cleanup (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: fix module refcount leak in find_domain_name (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM auth and sign - Use kernel crypto apis to calculate hashes and smb signatures (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM auth and sign - Define crypto hash functions and create and send keys needed for key exchange (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM auth and sign - Allocate session key/client response dynamically (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: ntlm authentication and signing - Correct response length for ntlmv2 authentication without extended security (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: convert cifs_tcp_ses_lock from a rwlock to a spinlock (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: Clean up two declarations of blob_len (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLM authentication and signing - Calculate auth response per smb session (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: ntlm authentication and signing - Build a proper av/ti pair blob for ntlmv2 without extended security authentication (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLMv2/NTLMSSP ntlmv2 within ntlmssp autentication code (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: NTLMv2/NTLMSSP Change variable name mac_key to session key to reflect the key it holds (Jeff Layton) [662626] - [fs] cifs: ntlmv2/ntlmssp remove-unused-function CalcNTLMv2_partial_mac_key (Jeff Layton) [662626]- [block] initialise bd_super in bdget() (Lachlan McIlroy) [718107] - [virt] Revert "virtio balloon: kill tell-host-first logic" (Aristeu Rozanski) [712044] - [fs] NLM: Don't hang forever on NLM unlock requests (Jeff Layton) [709549] - [x86] x86-64: Only set max_pfn_mapped to 512 MiB if we enter via head_64.S (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: correct size of level2_kernel_pgt (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] Unset CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_WEAK_PER_CPU on x86/x86_64 platforms (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: bump memory limit for x86 domU PV guest to 128Gb (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: annotate functions which only call into __init at start of day (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: correctly rebuild mfn list list after migration (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: don't map missing memory (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: defer building p2m mfn structures until kernel is mapped (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: add return value to set_phys_to_machine() (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: allocate level1_ident_pgt (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: use early_brk for level2_kernel_pgt (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: convert p2m to a 3 level tree (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: make install_p2mtop_page() static (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: set shared_info->arch.max_pfn to max_p2m_pfn (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: allocate p2m size based on actual max size (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [virt] xen: dynamically allocate p2m space (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [x86] add RESERVE_BRK_ARRAY() helper (Igor Mammedov) [716498] - [edac] Correct MiB_TO_PAGES() macro (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Erratum #637 workaround (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Factor in CC6 save area (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove node interleave warning (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] Remove debugging output in scrub rate handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix potential memleak (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix decode_syndrome types (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix DCT argument type (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix ranges signedness (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Drop local variable (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix PCI config addressing types (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix DRAM base macros (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix node id signedness (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Drop redundant declarations (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Enable driver on F15h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [pci] Rename CPU PCI id define (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Adjust ECC symbol size to F15h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Simplify scrubrate setting (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Improve DRAM address mapping (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Sanitize ->read_dram_ctl_register (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Adjust sys_addr to chip select conversion routine to F15h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Beef up early exit reporting (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Revamp online spare handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix channel interleave removal (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Correct node interleaving removal (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add support for interleaved region swapping (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Unify get_error_address (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Simplify decoding path (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Adjust channel counting to F15h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup old defines cruft (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup NBSH cruft (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup NBCFG handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup NBCTL code (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup DCT Select Low/High code (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup Dram Configuration registers handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup DBAM handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Replace huge bitmasks with a macro (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Sanitize f10_get_base_addr_offset (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Sanitize channel extraction (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup chipselect handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup DHAR handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove DRAM base/limit subfields caching (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add support for F15h DCT PCI config accesses (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix DIMMs per DCTs output (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Fix NB error formatting (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Use BIT_64() to eliminate warnings on 32-bit (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Enable MCE decoding on F15h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Allow F15h bank 6 MCE injection (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Shorten error report formatting (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Overhaul error fields extraction macros (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F15h FP MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F15 EX MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add an F15h NB MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: No F15h LS MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F15h CU MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F15h IC MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F15h DC MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Select extended error code mask (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Disable DRAM ECC injection on K8 (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] Fixup scrubrate manipulation (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove two-stage initialization (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Check ECC capabilities initially (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Carve out ECC-related hw settings (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove PCI ECS enabling functions (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Allocate driver instances dynamically (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Rework printk macros (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Rename CPU PCI devices (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Concentrate per-family init even more (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Cleanup the CPU PCI device reservation (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Simplify CPU family detection (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add per-family init function (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Use cached extended CPU model (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove F11h support (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix interleaving check (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Fix edac_init_mce_inject error handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Fix shift warning on 32-bit (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add a BIT_64() macro (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Enable MCE decoding on F12h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F12h NB MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F12h IC MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add F12h DC MCE decoder (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Add support for F11h MCEs (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Enable MCE decoding on F14h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Fix FR MCEs decoding (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Complete NB MCE decoders (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Warn about LS MCEs on F14h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Adjust IC decoders to F14h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Adjust DC decoders to F14h (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Rename files (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] MCE: Rework MCE injection (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] Export edac sysfs class to users (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] EDAC: Fix error return (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] EDAC, MCE: Pass complete MCE info to decoders (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] EDAC, MCE: Sanitize error codes (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] EDAC, MCE: Remove unused function parameter (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] EDAC, MCE: Add HW_ERR prefix (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Do not report error overflow as a separate error (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] MCE, AMD: Limit MCE decoding to current families for now (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Minor formatting fix (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Fix operator precendence error (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] edac, mc: Improve scrub rate handling (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Correct scrub rate setting (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Fix DCT base address selector (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Remove polling mechanism (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Remove unneeded defines (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [edac] amd64_edac: Sanitize syndrome extraction (Frank Arnold) [633935] - [x86] amd64_edac: Fix syndrome calculation on K8 (Frank Arnold) [633935]- [x86] efi: Default to virtual mode (Matthew Garrett) [695859] - [x86] Backport upstream EFI fixups (Matthew Garrett) [695859] - [x86] bootmem: Add free_bootmem_late() (Matthew Garrett) [695859] - [x86] UV: warnings on slowpath (George Beshers) [699763] - [scsi] cxgb3i: fix EEH error on ppc due to invalid page size computation (Neil Horman) [714325] - [block] elevator: fix O_DIRECT I/O starving readers (Jeff Moyer) [587402] - [fs] NFS: Fix NFSv3 exclusive open semantics (Jeff Layton) [694210] - [fs] GFS2: Incorrect inode state during deallocation (Steven Whitehouse) [712139] - [net] tcp: Increase the initial congestion window to 10. (Thomas Graf) [667754] - [net] TCP: update initial windows according to RFC 5681 (Thomas Graf) [667754] - [net] tcp/dccp: Consolidate common code for RFC 3390 conversion (Thomas Graf) [667754]- [v4l] Remove the old V4L1 v4lgrab.c file (Don Zickus) [714183] - [scsi] libfc, fcoe: Remove usage of the Scsi_Host's host_lock (Rob Evers) [695542] - [scsi] Host lock pushdown using Scsi_Host flag (Rob Evers) [695542] - [drm] drm backport from 3.0-rc3 + fixes (Dave Airlie) [713621] - [drm] agp: backport intel driver from 3.0-rc3 (Dave Airlie) [713621] - [drm] Backport gpu VGA drivers from 3.0-rc3 (Dave Airlie) [713620] - [x86] x86/platform: backport MXM driver from 3.0-rc3 (Dave Airlie) [713620] - [kernel] kref: Add a kref_sub function (Dave Airlie) [713620] - [kernel] Move round_up/down to kernel.h (Dave Airlie) [713620] - [virt] virtio-blk: fix request leak (Amit Shah) [694553] - [virt] virtio_blk: Add 'serial' attribute to virtio-blk devices (Amit Shah) [694553] - [virt] Add virtio disk identification support (Amit Shah) [694553] - [mm] remove is_hwpoison_address (Dean Nelson) [696095] - [virt] KVM: Replace is_hwpoison_address with __get_user_pages (Dean Nelson) [696095] - [mm] make __get_user_pages return -EHWPOISON for HWPOISON page optionally (Dean Nelson) [696095] - [mm] export __get_user_pages (Dean Nelson) [696095] - [ppc] kexec: Check crash_base for relocatable kernel (Steve Best) [713868] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix Virtual I/O failover hang (Steve Best) [710497] - [tty] Clean console safely (Frantisek Hrbata) [714684] - [kernel] build: backport LSMOD=file for localmodconfig (Andrew Jones) - [perf] x86: Add Intel SandyBridge CPU support (Neil Horman) [695608] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fix locking around ioc->ioc_data assignment (Vivek Goyal) [716520] - [x86] AMD IOMMU: Re-enable AMD IOMMU (Alex Williamson) [716553] - [virt] KVM: Fix register corruption in pvclock_scale_delta (Avi Kivity) [712102] - [virt] Mask dangerous features when running as xen guest hvm (Igor Mammedov) [711317] - [virt] virtio balloon: kill tell-host-first logic (Amit Shah) [712044]- [fs] nfs: set lock context and fix error handling in new DIO functions (Jeff Layton) [694309] - [net] ipv6: Fix tcp_v6_send_response transport header setting (Jiri Olsa) [702508] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix general 11n instability (Stanislaw Gruszka) [714590] - [netdrv] ehea: Fix memory hotplug oops (Steve Best) [702036] - [netdrv] tun: do not put self in waitq if doing a nonblock read (Amos Kong) [713612] - [fs] ext4: check for a good block group before loading buddy pages (Eric Sandeen) [652262] - [fs] Bouncing locks in a cluster is slow in GFS2 (Robert S Peterson) [663356] - [fs] NFSv4.1: do not use deviceids after MDS clientid invalidation (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Fix a refcounting issue in the pNFS device id cache (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: deprecate headerpadsz in CREATE_SESSION (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: allow zero fh array in filelayout decode layout (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: allow nfs_fhget to succeed with mounted on fileid (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFS: fix umount of pnfs filesystems (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: use layout driver in global device cache (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] pnfs: CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: purge deviceid cache on nfs_free_client (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: make deviceid cache global (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Correct offset for LAYOUTCOMMIT (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure we request the ordinary fileid when doing readdirplus (Steve Dickson) [714740] - [net] TCP: increase default initial receive window. (Thomas Graf) [664725] - [net] tcp: Bug fix in initialization of receive window. (Thomas Graf) [664725] - [net] tcp: update also tcp_output with regard to RFC 5681 (Thomas Graf) [664725]- [net] Fix memory leak/corruption on VLAN GRO_DROP (Herbert Xu) [695176] {CVE-2011-1576} - [block] cfq-iosched: Set group_isolation=1 by default (Vivek Goyal) [707757] - [scsi] cciss: Annotate cciss_kdump_soft_reset and cciss_sent_reset as __devinit (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: Don't wait forever for soft reset to complete, give up after awhile (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: use cmd_alloc not cmd_special_alloc for the kdump soft reset command (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: do not use bit 2 doorbell reset (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: do not attempt PCI power management reset method if we know it won't work (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: increase timeouts for post-reset no-ops (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: remove superfluous sleeps around reset code (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: do soft reset if hard reset is broken (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: clarify messages around reset behavior (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: increase time to wait for board reset to start (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: factor out irq_request code (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: factor out scatterlist allocation functions (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: factor out command pool allocation functions (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: use new doorbell-bit-5 reset method (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: wait longer for no-op to complete after resetting controller (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] cciss: do a better job of detecting controller reset failure (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: do not attempt PCI PM reset if we know it will not work (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: remove superfluous sleeps around reset code (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: do soft reset if hard reset is broken (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: clarify messages around reset behavior (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out irq request code (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out cmd_pool allocation functions (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: do not use bit 2 doorbell reset, it causes NMIs (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: wait longer for no-op to complete after resetting controller (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: use new doorbell-bit-5 reset method (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: adjust timing of post-reset sleeps (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [scsi] hpsa: do a better job of detecting controller reset failure (Tomas Henzl) [698268] - [usb] xhci: Remove some unnecessary casts and tidy some endian swap code (Steve Best) [693903] - [usb] xhci: Remove recursive call to xhci_handle_event (Steve Best) [693903] - [usb] xhci: Add an assertion to check for virt_dev=0 bug (Steve Best) [693903] - [usb] xhci: Add rmb() between reading event validity & event data access (Steve Best) [693903] - [usb] xhci: Make xHCI driver endian-safe (Steve Best) [693903] - [hwmon] setting CONFIG_THERMAL_HWMON as built in (Dean Nelson) [619044] - [hwmon] thermal framework: fix crash during hwmon unregister (Dean Nelson) [619044] - [md] Fix resync hang after surprise removal (James Paradis) [707268] - [pci] Skip id checking if no id is passed (Prarit Bhargava) [714044] - [pci] Make PCIe error handling boot messages less scary (Prarit Bhargava) [710291]- [virt] xen: bump memory limit for x86_64 domU PV guest to 128Gb (Igor Mammedov) [669739]- [kernel] perf evlist: Fix per thread mmap setup (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Honour the cpu list parameter when also monitoring a thread list (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Fix use of inherit (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Fix seg fault when annotate null symbol (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix listing incorrect line number with inline function (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix to find recursively inlined function (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix multiple --vars options behavior (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix to remove redundant close (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix to ensure function declared file (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf: mmap 512 kiB by default (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Emit clearer message for sys_perf_event_open ENOENT return (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Fixup exit path when not able to open events (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix NO_NEWT=1 python build error (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf symbols: Properly align symbol_conf.priv_size (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf symbols: Fix vsyscall symbol lookup (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf symbols: Look at .dynsym again if .symtab not found (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf build-id: Add quirk to deal with perf.data file format breakage (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf session: Pass evsel in event_ops->sample() (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Fix uninitialized 'counter' variable (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf lock: Fix sorting by wait_min (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Version incorrect with some versions of grep (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: New command to list the names of events present in a perf.data file (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf script: Add support for H/W and S/W events (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf script: Add support for dumping symbols (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf script: Support custom field selection for output (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf script: Move printing of 'common' data from print_event and rename (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tracing: Remove print_graph_cpu and print_graph_proc from trace-event-parse (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf script: Change process_event prototype (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf stat: Provide support for filters (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf symbol: Move sym_entry->skip to symbol->ignore (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf symbols: Rename dso->origin to dso->symtab_type (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Remove redundant syme->origin field (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Remove redundant perf_top->sym_counter (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Clean up probe_point_lazy_walker() return value (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf header: Stop using 'self' (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf session: Use evlist/evsel for managing perf.data attributes (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Don't let events to eat up whole header line (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Fix events overflow in top command (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf report tui: Improve multi event session support (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Improve support for sessions with multiple events (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Split perf_evlist__id_hash (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf hists browser: Handle browsing empty hists tree (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf hists: Remove needless global col lenght calcs (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf report tui: Fix multi event switching (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf: Fix undefined PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT in python 2.5 (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf: Fix missing strndup declaration (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf: Set filters before mmaping events (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top tui: Wait till the first sample to refresh the screen. (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Fix reporting of invalid --vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tui: Make ui__warning modal (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top browser: Handle empty active symbols list (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf ui browser: Introduce ui_browser__show_title (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top browser: Fix up exit keys (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Show better message when no vmlinux is found (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf lock: Document valid sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top browser: Adjust the browser indexes when refreshing (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Live TUI Annotation (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Remove redundant checks (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Fix inverted test for fixing up attr.inherit flag (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix error propagation leading to segfault (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Makefile: Remove various and sundry cruft (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Makefile: Remove tool-specific cruft (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Makefile: Remove platform-specific cruft (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Makefile: Remove vestigial git-specific cruft (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf list: Allow filtering list of events (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf report: Tell the user when a perf.data file has no samples (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Delay setting the header writing atexit call (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf: make perf stat print user provided full event names (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Show filename which contains target function (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Support function@filename syntax for --line (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Update Makefile with some help (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate browser: Use the percent color for the whole line (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Check if offset is less than symbol size (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf ui: Serialize screen updates (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf report: Fix initializion of annotate symbol priv area (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Fix annotate context lines regression (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Move locking to struct annotation (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Fix --stdio rendering (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Add bitfield member support (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tool: Fix gcc 4.6.0 issues (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Rewrite find_lazy_match_lines() by using getline(3) (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Use pid_t for target_{pid|tid} (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Makefile: Use $(QUIET_GEN) for perf.so (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Ditch private annotation code, share perf annotate's (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Separate objdump parsing from actual screen rendering (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Config options for symbol__tty_annotate (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Support multiple histograms in annotation (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf annotate: Move annotate functions to util/ (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Remove superfluous name_len field (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Fix TUI compilation (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Don't try to build python bindings if Python.h not available (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf stat: Fix up resource release order (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix up 'make clean' target (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Remove verbose build messages for the python binding (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf python: Fix build on 32-bit (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Use td for pointer arithmetic result (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Introduce slang based TUI (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Don't fallback to setup_pager unconditionally (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Move display agnostic routines to util/top.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Store pointer to the cpu and thread maps (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Move evlist methods to evlist.c (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Initial python binding (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Kill event_t typedef, use 'union perf_event' instead (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Rename 'struct sample_data' to 'struct perf_sample' (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Switch to non overwrite mode (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Support non overwrite mode in perf_evlist__read_on_cpu (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf events: Account PERF_RECORD_LOST events in event__process (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: No need to check for overwrites (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf test: Fix return values checking (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Add filters support for available functions (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Add variable filter support (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Add strfilter for general purpose string filter (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__{in, ex}it (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Move event__parse_sample to evsel.c (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf threads: Move thread_map to separate file (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Pass the struct opt to the wildcard parsing routine (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: auto detect when stdout is a pipe (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Add --funcs to show available functions in symtab (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Enable to put probe inline function call site (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf probe: Introduce lines walker interface (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Add native_safe_halt to skip symbols (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf callchain: Don't give arbitrary gender to callchain tree nodes (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf callchain: Rename register_callchain_param into callchain_register_param (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf callchain: Rename cumul_hits into callchain_cumul_hits (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf callchain: Feed callchains into a cursor (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf test: Add test for the evlist mmap routines (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Steal mmap reading routine from 'perf top' (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf test: check if cpu_map__new() return NULL (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf test: Check counts on all cpus in test__open_syscall_event_on_all_cpus (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf tools: Add missing cpu_map__delete() (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Use perf_evlist__mmap (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Move the mmap array from perf_evsel (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Move perf_mmap__write_tail to perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Use struct perf_mmap and helpers (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Introduce mmap support (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Use perf_evsel__open (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf top: Use perf_evsel__open (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Allow specifying if the inherit bit should be set (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Support event groups (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evlist: Adopt the pollfd array (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf evsel: Introduce perf_evlist (Jiri Olsa) [691343] - [kernel] perf record: Enable counters only when kernel is execing subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [691343]- [audit] ia32entry.S sign extend error codes when calling 64 bit code (Eric Paris) [703935] - [audit] push audit success and retcode into arch ptrace.h (Eric Paris) [703935]- [net] force new skbs to allocate a minimum of 16 frags (Neil Horman) [694307] - [net] rtnetlink: ignore NETDEV_RELEASE and NETDEV_JOIN event (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] net: rename NETDEV_BONDING_DESLAVE to NETDEV_RELEASE (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] netpoll: disable netpoll when enslave a device (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] netconsole: clarify stopping message (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] netconsole: don't announce stopping if nothing happened (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] bond: service netpoll arp queue on master device (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] net: Convert netpoll blocking api in bonding driver to be a counter (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] netpoll: Remove netpoll blocking from uninit path (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] bonding: Fix deadlock in bonding driver resulting from internal locking when using netpoll (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] bonding: Fix bonding drivers improper modification of netpoll structure (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] Revert "[net] Revert "[net] bonding: make bonding support netpoll"" (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] bonding: documentation and code cleanup for resend_igmp (Flavio Leitner) [698506] - [virt] KVM: make guest mode entry to be rcu quiescent state (Gleb Natapov) [712653] - [virt] rcu: provide rcu_virt_note_context_switch() function (Gleb Natapov) [712653] - [fs] cifs: display fsc in /proc/mounts (Jeff Layton) [646224] - [fs] cifs: enable fscache iff fsc mount option is used explicitly (Jeff Layton) [646224] - [fs] cifs: allow fsc mount option only if CONFIG_CIFS_FSCACHE is set (Jeff Layton) [646224] - [x86] intel-iommu: Flush unmaps at domain_exit (Alex Williamson) [705441] - [x86] intel-iommu: Only unlink device domains from iommu (Alex Williamson) [705441] - [watchdog] iTCO_wdt: TCO Watchdog patch for Intel Panther Point PCH (Prarit Bhargava) [695792] - [i2c] i2c-i801: SMBus patch for Intel Panther Point DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [695792] - [ata] ahci: AHCI-mode SATA patch for Intel Panther Point DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [695792] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE-mode SATA patch for Intel Panther Point DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [695792] - [pci] lpc: irq and pci_ids patch for Intel DH89xxCC DeviceIDs (Prarit Bhargava) [695792] - [x86] perf: Fix AMD family 15h FPU event constraints (Frank Arnold) [698739] - [x86] perf: Fix pre-defined cache-misses event for AMD family 15h cpus (Frank Arnold) [698739] - [fs] GFS2: force a log flush when invalidating the rindex glock (Benjamin Marzinski) [702263] - [fs] GFS2: remove potential race in flock code (Steven Whitehouse) [612608] - [fs] gfs2: Call gfs2_meta_wipe for directory hash blocks (Abhijith Das) [706614] - [ppc] remove exec-shield (Steve Best) [655688] - [ppc] perf_event: Skip updating kernel counters if register value shrinks (Steve Best) [706528] - [fs] nfs: coalesce small, page-aligned direct I/Os (Jeff Layton) [694309] - [x86] Reboot via ACPI when appropriate (Matthew Garrett) [677476] - [virt] xen: drop xen_sched_clock in favour of using plain wallclock time (Igor Mammedov) [711326] - [virt] kvm: device-assignment: Disable the option to skip iommu setup (Alex Williamson) [710192] - [virt] x86: Mask out unsupported CPUID features if running on xen (Igor Mammedov) [703055] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add MACVLAN support (Neil Horman) [694254] - [block] fix accounting bug on cross partition merges (Jerome Marchand) [669363] - [block] blk-cgroup: Initialize ioc->cgroup_changed at ioc creation time (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fix a memory leak of per cpu stats for root group (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Make no throttling rule group processing lockless (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-cgroup: Make cgroup stat reset path blkg->lock free for dispatch stats (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-cgroup: Make 64bit per cpu stats safe on 32bit arch (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Make dispatch stats per cpu (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Free up a group only after one rcu grace period (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Use helper function to add root throtl group to lists (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Introduce a helper function to fill in device details (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Dynamically allocate root group (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-cgroup: Allow sleeping while dynamically allocating a group (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fix a possible race with cfq cgroup removal code (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] cfq-iosched: Get rid of redundant function parameter "create" (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: Do the new group initialization with the help of a function (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [net] u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh() and u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh() (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [net] u64_stats_sync improvements (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [net] Introduce u64_stats_sync infrastructure (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] cfq: Remove useless css reference get (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] cfq: don't use atomic_t for cfq_group (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] cfq: don't use atomic_t for cfq_queue (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] blk-throttle: Use task_subsys_state() to determine a task's blkio_cgroup (Vivek Goyal) [698094] - [block] Store return Value of xchg() to supress compiler warning (Vivek Goyal) [707755] - [block] blk-throttle: don't call xchg on bool (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] blk-throttle: Reset group slice when limits are changed (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] blk-throttle: Some cleanups and race fixes in limit update code (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] blk-throttle: process limit change only through one function (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] Move blk_throtl_exit() call to blk_cleanup_queue() (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] Initialize ->queue_lock to internal lock at queue allocation time (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] blk-throttle: Correct the placement of smp_rmb() (Vivek Goyal) [707762] - [block] Revert "[block] blk-throttle: Correct the placement of smp_rmb()" (Vivek Goyal) [707762]- [net] vlan: remove multiqueue ability from vlan device (Neil Horman) [703245] - [kernel] cgroupfs: use init_cred when populating new cgroupfs mount (Eric Paris) [700538]- [block] don't delay blk_run_queue_async (Mike Snitzer) [708542] - [scsi] remove performance regression due to async queue run (Mike Snitzer) [708542] - [block] get rid of QUEUE_FLAG_REENTER (Mike Snitzer) [708542] - [block] flush-merge RHELisms (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] share request flush fields with elevator_private (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [ata] libata: enable non-queueable flush flag (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [ata] libata: set queue DMA alignment to sector size for ATAPI too (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [ata] libata: support for > 512 byte sectors (e.g. 4K Native) (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] hold queue if flush is running for non-queueable flush drive (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] add a non-queueable flush flag (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] Add sysfs documentation for the discard topology parameters (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [block] Fix discard topology stacking and reporting (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [scsi] sd: retry read_capacity on UNIT_ATTENTION (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [ata] libata: Use Maximum Write Same Length to report discard size limit (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [block] add blk_run_queue_async (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] add API for delaying work/request_fn a little bit (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] make the flush insertion use the tail of the dispatch list (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] skip elevator initialization for flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] reimplement FLUSH/FUA to support merge (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] improve flush bio completion (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] add REQ_FLUSH_SEQ (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] blk-flush shouldn't call directly into q->request_fn() (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [block] add @force_kblockd to __blk_run_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [672988] - [scsi] sd: Fail discard requests when logical block provisioning has been disabled (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [scsi] scsi_debug: Logical Block Provisioning (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [scsi] sd: Logical Block Provisioning update (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [block] Consolidate min_not_zero (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [ata] libata: Signal that our SATL supports WRITE SAME(16) with UNMAP (Mike Snitzer) [697995] - [dm] improve block integrity support (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [dm] mpath: integrity errors should not cause failover (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [block] Require subsystems to explicitly allocate bio_set integrity mempool (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [kernel] Include protection operation in SCSI command trace (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [kernel] tracing: scsi: sync with upstream scsi tracing (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [block] biovec_slab not needed for CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [block] Make the integrity mapped property a bio flag (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [block] Fix double free in blk_integrity_unregister (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [scsi] Fix printing of failed 32-byte commands (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [scsi] sd: Combine DIF/DIX error handling (Mike Snitzer) [697992] - [scsi] fix propagation of errors other than EIO (Mike Snitzer) [698655] - [netdrv] ixgbe: adding FdirMode module option (Andy Gospodarek) [707287] - [crypto] testmgr: add xts-aes-256 self-test (Jarod Wilson) [706167] - [fs] ext3: Fix lost extented attributes for inode with ino == 11 (Eric Sandeen) [662666] - [fs] ext4: Fix possible lost inode write in no journal mode (Lukas Czerner) [699151] - [ppc] pseries: Add page coalescing support (Steve Best) [694530] - [x86] ACPI/ACPICA: Fix global lock acquisition (Frank Arnold) [601120] - [block] dm: add missing RAID45 Makefile bits (Aristeu Rozanski) [700772] - [netdrv] netjet: blacklist Digium TDM400P (Prarit Bhargava) [700343] - [virt] xenpv: mask MWAIT cpuid feature (Andrew Jones) [712131] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Ensure that layoutget uses the correct gfp modes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] Cleanup XDR parsing for LAYOUTGET, GETDEVICEINFO (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: remove pnfs_layout_hdr from pnfs_destroy_all_layouts tmp_list (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv41: Resend on NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] nfs: Don't mark_inode_dirty_sync() while holding lock (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] SUNRPC: Deal with the lack of a SYN_SENT sk->sk_state_change callback (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] SUNRPC: Never reuse the socket port after an xs_close() (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure that clientid and session establishment can time out (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] RPC: killing RPC tasks races fixed (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] nfs: don't lose MS_SYNCHRONOUS on remount of noac mount (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] SUNRPC: Allow RPC calls to return ETIMEDOUT instead of EIO (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Don't loop forever in nfs4_proc_create_session (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Don't update sequence number if rpc_task is not sent (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Ensure state manager thread dies on last umount (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix the SUNRPC Kerberos V RPCSEC_GSS module dependencies (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFS: Eliminate duplicate call to nfs_mark_request_dirty (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFS: NFSv4 readdir loses entries (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFS: Don't use vm_map_ram() in readdir (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [x86] AMD, cacheinfo: Fix L3 cache index disable checks (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd-nb: Convert spaces to tabs in amd_nb.c (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd-nb: Misc cleanliness fixes (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd: Support L3 Cache Partitioning on AMD family 0x15 CPUs (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd: Extend AMD northbridge caching code to support "Link Control" devices (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd: Enable L3 cache index disable on family 0x15 (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd: Normalize compute unit IDs on multi-node processors (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Cleanup L3 cache index disable support (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd-nb: Cleanup AMD northbridge caching code (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] amd-nb: Complete the rename of AMD NB and related code (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] k8: Rename k8.[ch] to amd_nb.[ch] and CONFIG_K8_NB to CONFIG_AMD_NB (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] k8-gart: Decouple handling of garts and northbridges (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Fix dependency of AMD L3 CID (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Carve out L3 cache slot accessors (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Disable index in all four subcaches (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Make L3 cache info per node (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Reorganize AMD L3 cache structure (Frank Arnold) [638748] - [x86] cacheinfo: Enable L3 CID only on AMD (Frank Arnold) [638748]- [virt] xenpv: zero all x86 power feature bits from cpuid (Andrew Jones) [709856]- [mm] Prevent Disk IO throughput degradation due to memory allocation stalls (Larry Woodman) [679526] - [x86] Add support for newer Thinkpads to thinkpad_acpi (Matthew Garrett) [682789] - [x86] fix a shutdown regression in intel_idle (Prarit Bhargava) [707701] - [fs] dlm: delayed reply message warning (David Teigland) [677409] - [fs] dlm: make plock operation killable (David Teigland) [707005] - [fs] ext4: Add mount options in superblock (Eric Sandeen) [704557] - [fs] dlm: increase default hash table sizes (David Teigland) [678102] - [fs] GFS2: Processes waiting on inode glock that no processes are holding (Robert S Peterson) [707263] - [x86] microcode, AMD: Extend ucode size verification (Frank Arnold) [698014] - [x86] amd-ucode: Remove needless log messages (Frank Arnold) [698014] - [ppc] pseries/iommu: Add additional checks when changing iommu mask (Steve Best) [704401] - [ppc] pseries/iommu: Use correct return type in dupe_ddw_if_already_created (Steve Best) [704401] - [ppc] iommu: Restore iommu table pointer when restoring iommu ops (Steve Best) [704401] - [ppc] Fix kexec with dynamic dma windows (Steve Best) [704401] - [mm] smaps: have smaps show transparent huge pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] smaps: teach smaps_pte_range() about THP pmds (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] smaps: pass pte size argument in to smaps_pte_entry() (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] smaps: break out smaps_pte_entry() from smaps_pte_range() (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] pagewalk: only split huge pages when necessary (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] /proc/pid/smaps: export amount of anonymous memory in a mapping (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt: improve smaps field documentation (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] thp: fix /dev/zero MAP_PRIVATE and vm_flags cleanups (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] thp: mremap support and TLB optimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mprotect: transparent huge page support (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mprotect: pass vma down to page table walkers (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] add pmd_modify (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mincore transparent hugepage support (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mincore: do nested page table walks (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mincore: pass ranges as start, end address pairs (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mincore: break do_mincore() into logical pieces (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] mincore: cleanups (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] add VM counters for transparent hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [mm] compaction: enforce no writeback for async migration (Andrea Arcangeli) [706385] - [fs] pNFS: request WRITE and COMMIT to DS be cached (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] pNFS: revert layoutcommit xdr (Steve Dickson) [701788]- [fs] NFSv4.1 pnfs_layoutcommit_inode fixes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1 convert layoutcommit sync to boolean (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1 remove temp code that prevented ds commits (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: filelayout driver specific code for COMMIT (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: remove GETATTR from ds commits (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: add generic layer hooks for pnfs COMMIT (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: alloc and free commit_buckets (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: shift filelayout_free_lseg (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pull out code from nfs_commit_release (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pull error handling out of nfs_commit_list (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: add callback to nfs4_commit_done (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: rearrange nfs_commit_rpcsetup (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: don't send COMMIT to ds for data sync writes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Clear lseg pointer in ->doio function (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: rearrange ->doio args (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfs filelayout driver write (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: remove GETATTR from ds writes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: implement generic pnfs layer write switch (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: trigger LAYOUTGET for writes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Send lseg down into nfs_write_rpcsetup (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: add callback to nfs4_write_done (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: rearrange nfs_write_rpcsetup (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: lseg documentation (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: turn off pNFS on ds connection failure (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1 move deviceid cache to filelayout driver (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: filelayout async error handler (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: filelayout read (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: filelayout i/o helpers (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: data server connection (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: generic read (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: shift pnfs_update_layout locations (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: coelesce across layout stripes (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: lseg refcounting (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: add MDS mount DS only check (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: new flag for lease time check (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: new flag for state renewal check (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: send zero stateid seqid on v4.1 i/o (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFS: move nfs_client initialization into nfs_get_client (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4.1: put_layout_hdr can remove nfsi->layout (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFSv4: remove CONFIG_NFS_V4 from nfs_read_data (Steve Dickson) [701788] - [fs] NFS: Allow walking nfs_client.cl_superblocks list outside client.c (Steve Dickson) [701788]- [net] ipv6: Add GSO support on forwarding path (Thomas Graf) [683455] - [net] ipv6/udp: fix the wrong headroom check (Thomas Graf) [698170] - [net] dcbnl: potential risk in code in getapp handling (John Villalovos) [694354] - [net] Fix netif_set_real_num_tx_queues (Neil Horman) [702742] - [net] sock: adjust prot->obj_size always (Jiri Pirko) [704231] - [net] dccp: Fix a few bugs in module loading (Neil Horman) [702183] - [fs] GFS2: resource group bitmap corruption resulting in panics and withdraws (Robert S Peterson) [702057] - [ppc] Add pgprot_writecombine (Steve Best) [694595] - [input] xen-kbdfront: advertise either absolute or relative coordinates (Igor Mammedov) [703474]- [cpuidle] Ensure poll_idle_init() is called (Matthew Garrett) [696850] - [x86] intel_idle: add Sandy Bridge support (Matthew Garrett) [696172] - [x86] intel_idle: disable NHM/WSM HW C-state auto-demotion (Matthew Garrett) [690393] - [x86] intel_idle: open broadcast clock event (Matthew Garrett) [690392] - [x86] gart: Make sure GART does not map physmem above 1TB (Myron Stowe) [698162] - [x86] gart: Set DISTLBWALKPRB bit always (Myron Stowe) [698162] - [x86] gart: Convert spaces to tabs in enable_gart_translation (Myron Stowe) [698162] - [x86] amd: Disable GartTlbWlkErr when BIOS forgets it (Myron Stowe) [698162] - [virt] virtio: console: Enable call to hvc_remove() on console port remove (Amit Shah) [693054] - [virt] virtio_pci: Prevent double-free of pci regions after device hot-unplug (Amit Shah) [699358] - [virt] virtio: Decrement avail idx on buffer detach (Amit Shah) [681122] - [x86] cpufreq: Add APERF/MPERF support for AMD processors (Frank Arnold) [668085] - [x86] k8: Fix section mismatch for powernowk8_exit() (Frank Arnold) [668085] - [x86] powernow-k8: Add core performance boost support (Frank Arnold) [668085] - [fs] ext3: Always set dx_node's fake_dirent explicitly (Eric Sandeen) [703329] - [fs] GFS2: Tag all metadata with jid of last node to change it (Steven Whitehouse) [701578] - [fs] nfs: Open with O_CREAT flag set fails to open existing files on non writable directories (J. Bruce Fields) [701825] - [ppc] rtas: Only sleep in rtas_busy_delay if we have useful work to do (Steve Best) [702674] - [scsi] ipr: fix synchronous request flags for better performance (Steve Best) [696640] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Improve CRQ reset reliability (Steve Best) [700165] - [scsi] mpt2sas: move event handling of MPT2SAS_TURN_ON_FAULT_LED in process context (Tomas Henzl) [701951] - [kernel] posix-timers: RCU conversion (Avi Kivity) [705082] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Reset wait condition atomically (Steve Best) [693930] - [x86] kprobes: Disable irqs during optimized callback (Jiri Olsa) [699865] - [x86] AMD IOMMU: Display warning for AMD systems (Prarit Bhargava) [681104] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Apply interrupt coalescing settings to all queues (Neil Horman) [694581] - [mm] slab, kmemleak: pass the correct pointer to kmemleak_erase() (Steve Best) [698023]- [kernel] smp_call_function_many: handle concurrent clearing of mask (Jeff Moyer) [668775] - [kernel] smp_call_function_many: add missing ordering (Jeff Moyer) [668775] - [kernel] call_function_many: fix list delete vs add race (Jeff Moyer) [668775] - [kernel] smp.c: consolidate writes in smp_call_function_interrupt() (Jeff Moyer) [668775] - [kernel] smp.c: fix smp_call_function_many() SMP race (Jeff Moyer) [668775] - [fs] NFS: change nfs_writeback_done to return void (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFS: remove pointless if statement in nfs_direct_write_result (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [net] RPC: clarify rpc_run_task error handling (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [net] RPC: remove check for impossible condition in rpc_make_runnable (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] pnfs: fix pnfs lock inversion of i_lock and cl_lock (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] pnfs: do not need to clear NFS_LAYOUT_BULK_RECALL flag (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4: nfs4_state_mark_reclaim_nograce() should be static (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] pnfs: avoid incorrect use of layout stateid (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4.1 reclaim complete must wait for completion (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFS: NFSROOT should default to "proto=udp" (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4/4.1: Fix nfs4_schedule_state_recovery abuses (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] nfs4: remove duplicated #include (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4: remove duplicate clientid in struct nfs_client (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix the setlk error handler (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Fix the handling of the SEQUENCE status bits (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Retry CREATE_SESSION on NFS4ERR_DELAY (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] nfs: fix compilation warning (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [net] SUNRPC: Remove resource leak in svc_rdma_send_error() (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] Fix nfs_compat_user_ino64 so it doesn't cause problems if bit 31 or 63 are set in fileid (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] nfs: add kmalloc return value check in decode_and_add_ds (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] nfs: close NFSv4 COMMIT vs. CLOSE race (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] SUNRPC: Close a race in __rpc_wait_for_completion_task() (Steve Dickson) [701373] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Various fixes to the sequence flag error handling (Steve Dickson) [701373]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Driver only report tape drive, JBOD and logic drives (Tomas Henzl) [619422] - [kernel] lib/vsprintf.c: add pU to print UUID/GUIDs (Stefan Assmann) [700299]- [x86] MCE: Drop the default decoding notifier (Prarit Bhargava) [688281] - [x86] MCE: Do not taint when handling correctable errors (Prarit Bhargava) [688281] - [kernel] printk: use pK for /proc/kallsyms and /proc/modules (Phillip Lougher) [679262] - [kernel] timer debug: Hide kernel addresses via pK in /proc/timer_list (Phillip Lougher) [679262] - [drm] do not leak kernel addresses via /proc/dri/*/vma (Phillip Lougher) [679262] - [kernel] kptr_restrict for hiding kernel pointers from unprivileged users (Phillip Lougher) [679262] - [net] fix netns vs proto registration ordering (Wade Mealing) [702306] {CVE-2011-1767 CVE-2011-1768}- [net] dccp: handle invalid feature options length (Jiri Pirko) [703013] {CVE-2011-1770} - [fs] cifs: check for private_data before trying to put it (Jeff Layton) [702642] {CVE-2011-1771} - [net] can: add missing socket check in can/raw and can/bcm release (Jiri Pirko) [698483] {CVE-2011-1598 CVE-2011-1748} - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not clear FCoE DDP error status for received ABTS (Andy Gospodarek) [695966] - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB remove ixgbe_fcoe_getapp routine (Andy Gospodarek) [694358] - [fs] setup_arg_pages: diagnose excessive argument size (Oleg Nesterov) [645229] {CVE-2010-3858} - [scsi] bfa: change tech-preview to cover all cases (Rob Evers) [703251] - [scsi] bfa: driver version update (Rob Evers) [703265] - [scsi] bfa: kdump fix (Rob Evers) [703265] - [scsi] bfa: firmware download fix (Rob Evers) [703265] - [netdrv] bna: fix memory leak during RX path cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [698625] - [netdrv] bna: fix for clean fw re-initialization (Ivan Vecera) [698625]- [build] disable Werr for external modules (Aristeu Rozanski) [703504]- [scsi] hpsa: fix reading a write only register causes a hang (Rob Evers) [703262] - [scsi] mpt2sas: remove the use of writeq, since writeq is not atomic (Tomas Henzl) [701947]- [kernel] sched: resched proper CPU on yield_to (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] sched: avoid kABI breakage (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] kvm: use yield_to instead of sleep in kvm_vcpu_on_spin (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] kvm: keep track of which task is running a KVM vcpu (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] export pid symbols needed for kvm_vcpu_on_spin (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] sched: Add yield_to(task, preempt) functionality (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] sched: Use a buddy to implement yield_task_fair() (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] sched: Limit the scope of clear_buddies (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] sched: Check the right ->nr_running in yield_task_fair() (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] VMX: increase ple_gap to 128 (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] KVM: introduce kvm_vcpu_on_spin (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] SVM: Support Pause Filter in AMD processors (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [virt] VMX: Add support for Pause-Loop Exiting (Rik van Riel) [464276] - [ppc] Add POWER7+ cputable entry (Steve Best) [694586] - [fs] ext4: Allow indirect-block file to grow the file size to max file size (Lukas Czerner) [681647] - GFS2: make sure fallocate bytes is a multiple of blksize (Benjamin Marzinski) [695763] - [x86] Use KERN_DEFAULT log-level in __show_regs() (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [x86] Make sure we also print a Code: line for show_regs() (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [x86] Combine printk()s in show_regs_common() (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [x86] dmi, debug: Log board name (when present) in dmesg/oops output (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [x86] Factor duplicated code out of __show_regs() into show_regs_common() (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [x86] dmi: log board, system, and BIOS information (Prarit Bhargava) [691509] - [ppc] Fix oops if scan_dispatch_log is called too early (Steve Best) [696777] - [scsi] ipr: improve interrupt service routine performance (Steve Best) [696754] - [kernel] taskstats: use real microsecond granularity for CPU times (Oleg Nesterov) [662208] - [x86] ACPI: Fix ioremap size for MMIO reads and writes (Myron Stowe) [690486] - [virt] i8259: initialize isr_ack (Avi Kivity) [670765] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove warning message about firmware bug (Steve Best) [695229] - Check if PTE is already allocated during page fault (Andrea Arcangeli) [696998] - [mm] thp: simple fix for /dev/zero THP mprotect bug (Andrea Arcangeli) [690444] - [mm] hugetlbfs: correct handling of negative input to nr_hugepages and nr_overcommit_hugepages (Petr Holasek) [673629]- [scsi] hpsa: fix lost command problem (Tomas Henzl) [700430] - [scsi] cciss: fix lost command problem (Tomas Henzl) [700430] - [scsi] ibft: fix oops during boot (Mike Christie) [698737]- [scsi] beiscsi: update version (Mike Christie) [674340] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix chip cleanup (Mike Christie) [674340] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix boot hang due to interrupts not getting rearmed (Mike Christie) [674340] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix regression due to incorrect setup of em for npiv port (Mike Christie) [700672] - [ppc] pseries: Use a kmem cache for DTL buffers (Steve Best) [695678]- [kdump] revert commit 8f4ec27fc to keep crashkernel=auto (Amerigo Wang) [605786] - [kernel] sched: Drop rq->lock from idle_balance() (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Fix unregister_fair_sched_group() (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Allow update_cfs_load() to update global load (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Implement demand based update_cfs_load() (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Update shares on idle_balance (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Add sysctl_sched_shares_window (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Introduce hierarchal order on shares update list (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Fix update_cfs_load() synchronization (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Fix load corruption from update_cfs_shares() (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Make tg_shares_up() walk on-demand (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Implement on-demand (active) cfs_rq list (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] sched: Rewrite tg_shares_up (Larry Woodman) [623712] - [kernel] Prevent rt_sigqueueinfo and rt_tgsigqueueinfo from spoofing the signal code (Oleg Nesterov) [690033] {CVE-2011-1182} - [net] ethtool RXHASH flag (Neil Horman) [690619] - [fs] Revert "[fs] nfs: use unstable writes for groups of small DIO writes" (Jeff Layton) [694309] - [fs] sendfile(): check f_op.splice_write() rather than f_op.sendpage() (Lukas Czerner) [689426] - [fs] dcache: allow __d_obtain_alias() to return unhashed dentries (J. Bruce Fields) [636926] - [virt] VMX: Save and restore tr selector across mode switches (Gleb Natapov) [693894] - [virt] VMX: update live TR selector if it changes in real mode (Gleb Natapov) [693894] - [mm] memcg: remove direct page_cgroup-to-page pointer (Johannes Weiner) [692490] - [mm] memcg: condense page_cgroup-to-page lookup points (Johannes Weiner) [692490] - [mm] memcg: change page_cgroup_zoneinfo signature (Johannes Weiner) [692490] - [mm] memcg: no uncharged pages reach page_cgroup_zoneinfo (Johannes Weiner) [692490] - [s390x] dasd: prevent panic with unresumed devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [676720] - [s390x] qeth: wrong MAC-address displayed in error message (Hendrik Brueckner) [675211]- [netdrv] cnic: fix hang due to rtnl_lock (Mike Christie) [694874] - [netdrv] firmware: re-add the recently deleted bnx2x fw (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] firmware/bnx2x: add fw, remove unused fw (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic: Disable iSCSI if DCBX negotiation is successful (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] bnx2x: don't write dcb/llfc fields in STORM memory (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update firmware to 6.2.9 (Michal Schmidt) [690470]- [net] limit socket backlog add operation to prevent possible DoS (Jiri Pirko) [694396] {CVE-2010-4251} - [scsi] mpt2sas: prevent heap overflows and unchecked (Tomas Henzl) [694023] {CVE-2011-1494 CVE-2011-1495} - [fs] epoll: prevent creating circular epoll structures (Don Howard) [681683] {CVE-2011-1082} - [mm] Prevent page_fault at do_mm_track_pte+0xc when Stratus dirty page tracking is active (Larry Woodman) [693786] - [fs] GFS2 causes kernel panic in spectator mode (Steven Whitehouse) [696535] - [net] bonding: interface doesn't issue IGMP report on slave interface during failover (Flavio Leitner) [640690] - [scsi] isci: validate oem parameters early, and fallback (David Milburn) [698016] - [scsi] isci: fix oem parameter header definition (David Milburn) [698016]- [scsi] mark bfa fc adapters tech preview (Rob Evers) [698384] - [virt] Revert pdpte registers are not flushed when PGD entry is changed in x86 PAE mode (Aristeu Rozanski) [691310] - [i686] nmi watchdog: Enable panic on hardlockup (Don Zickus) [677532] - [netdrv] Adding Chelsio Firmware for cxgb4 (Neil Horman) [691929]- [virt] x86: better fix for race between nmi injection and enabling nmi window (Aristeu Rozanski) - [virt] x86: revert "fix race between nmi injection and enabling nmi window" (Aristeu Rozanski)- [net] bonding: fix jiffy comparison issues (Andy Gospodarek) [696337]- [kernel] perf: add script command help (Jiri Olsa) [693050] - [drm] radeon/kms: make radeon i2c put/get bytes less noisy (Frank Arnold) [693829] - [drm] radeon/kms: fix hardcoded EDID handling (Frank Arnold) [693829] - [x86] Revert "[x86] perf: P4 PMU - Fix unflagged overflows handling" (Don Zickus) [688547] - [x86] perf: let everyone share counters on a P4 machine (Don Zickus) [688547] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that NFS4 acl requests don't use slab in skb fraglist (Neil Horman) [682645] {CVE-2011-1090} - [fs] partitions: Validate map_count in Mac partition tables (Danny Feng) [679286] {CVE-2011-1010}- [scsi] ibft: search for broadcom specific ibft sign (Mike Christie) [696275] - [fs] Fix corrupted OSF partition table parsing (Danny Feng) [688025] {CVE-2011-1163} - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB, X540 devices do not respond to pause frames (Andy Gospodarek) [694930] - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB, misallocated packet buffer size with X540 device (Andy Gospodarek) [694930] - [netdrv] ixgbe: refactor common start_hw code for 82599 and x54 (Andy Gospodarek) [694930] - [netdrv] ixgbe: balance free_irq calls with request_irq calls (Andy Gospodarek) [692988]- [net] sctp: fix the INIT/INIT-ACK chunk length calculation (Thomas Graf) [690743] {CVE-2011-1573} - [kernel] sched: Fix granularity of task_u/stime() (Jerome Marchand) [690998] - [pci] Call PCIe _OSC methods earlier (Matthew Garrett) [693974] - [fs] nfs: use unstable writes for groups of small DIO writes (Jeff Layton) [694309] - [net] CAN: Use inode instead of kernel address for /proc file (Danny Feng) [664561] {CVE-2010-4565} - [x86] mce: reject CEs on Westmere EX MCE bank 6 (Prarit Bhargava) [694891] - [scsi] libfcoe: Incorrect CVL handling for NPIV ports (Mike Christie) [694906] - [x86] perf: Complain louder about BIOSen corrupting CPU/PMU state and continue (Don Zickus) [694913] - [fs] inotify: fix double free/corruption of stuct user (Eric Paris) [656832] {CVE-2010-4250} - [netdrv] netxen: limit skb frags for non tso packet (Chad Dupuis) [695478] - [fs] nfsd4: fix oops on lock failure (J. Bruce Fields) [696376] - [netdrv] Return bnx2 firmware files to Makefile (John Feeney) [696365] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix be2iscsi rmmod (Mike Christie) [695585] - [netdrv] qlcnic: limit skb frags for non tso packet (Bob Picco) [695488] - [md] Cleanup after raid45->raid0 takeover (Dean Nelson) [694106] - [md] revert "Cleanup after raid45->raid0 takeover patch" (Dean Nelson) [694106] - [net] bonding: fix incorrect tx queue offset (Andy Gospodarek) [695548] {CVE-2011-1581} - [netdrv] igb: for 82576 EEPROMs reporting invalid size default to 16kB (Stefan Assmann) [695751] - [pci] return correct value when writing to the "reset" attribute (Alex Williamson) [690291] - [kernel] Initalize call_single_queue during boot to handle left over ipi (Neil Horman) [680478]- [virt] x86: better fix for race between nmi injection and enabling nmi window (Marcelo Tosatti) [684719] - [virt] x86: revert "fix race between nmi injection and enabling nmi window" (Marcelo Tosatti) [684719]- [mm] pdpte registers are not flushed when PGD entry is changed in x86 PAE mode (Larry Woodman) [691310] - [drm] i915: backports from stable to fix some regressions (Dave Airlie) [690865] - [fs] svcrpc: complete svsk processing on cb receive failure (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [netdrv] cnic: fix hang due to rtnl_lock (Mike Christie) [694874] - [netdrv] firmware/bnx2x: add fw, remove unused fw (Michal Schmidt) - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic: Disable iSCSI if DCBX negotiation is successful (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] bnx2x: don't write dcb/llfc fields in STORM memory (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update firmware to 6.2.9 (Michal Schmidt) [690470] - [ppc] pseries: fix hang caused by missing spin_unlock in dtl_disable (Steve Best) [694327] - [ppc] pseries: Disable VPNH feature (Steve Best) [694266] - [netdrv] bna: Avoid kernel panic in case of FW heartbeat failure (Ivan Vecera) [694115] - [input] wacom: Move the cintiq initialization down (Peter Hutterer) [693573] - [input] wacom: specify Cinitq supported tools (Peter Hutterer) [693573] - [input] wacom: fix pressure in Cintiq 21UX2 (Peter Hutterer) [693573] - [input] wacom: fix serial number handling on Cintiq 21UX2 (Peter Hutterer) [693573] - [input] wacom: add Cintiq 21UX2 and Intuos4 WL (Peter Hutterer) [693573] - [kernel] spec: strip note and comment from ppc64's vmlinux before checksum is calculated (Aristeu Rozanski) [692515] - [scsi] fcoe: have fcoe log off and lport destroy before ndo_fcoe_disable (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfc: rec tov value and REC_TOV_CONST units usages is incorrect (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfcoe: fix wrong comment in fcoe_transport_detach (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfcoe: clean up netdev mapping properly when the transport goes away (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe: remove unnecessary module state check (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe: Remove mutex_trylock/restart_syscall checks (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfcoe: Remove mutex_trylock/restart_syscall checks (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe: correct checking for bonding (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe: fix broken fcoe interface reset (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe: precedence bug in fcoe_filter_frames() (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfcoe: Move FCOE_MTU definition from fcoe.h to libfcoe.h (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfc: remove duplicate ema_list init (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fcoe, libfc: initialize EM anchors list and then update npiv EMs (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] libfc: Fixing a memory leak when destroying an interface (Mike Christie) [691611] - [scsi] fc: Add GSPN_ID request to header file (Mike Christie) [691611] - [x86] mce: don't print "human readable" message for corrected errors (Prarit Bhargava) [688281] - [scsi] hpsa: fix pci_device_id table (Tomas Henzl) [684997] - [netdrv] ixgbe: only enable WoL for magic packet by default (Andy Gospodarek) [632598] - [mm] zram: disable zram on ppc64 (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: update config file (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: initialize device on first read (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: fix data corruption issue (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: xvmalloc: combine duplicate block delete code (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: Return zero'd pages on new reads (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: xvmalloc: Close 32byte hole on 64bit CPUs (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: xvmalloc: create CONFIG_ZRAM_DEBUG for debug code (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: xvmalloc: free bit block insertion optimization (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: Prevent overflow in logical block size (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: vmalloc: Correct tunings to enable use with 64K pages (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: xvmalloc.c: Fix a typo (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: Fix sparse warning 'Using plain integer as NULL pointer' (Jerome Marchand) [661293]- [tracing] t_start: reset FTRACE_ITER_HASH in case of seek/pread (Jiri Olsa) [631626] {CVE-2010-3079} - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: fix for lun_table update for rdac (Rob Evers) [687878] - [usb] EHCI: unlink unused QHs when the controller is stopped (Don Zickus) [680987] - [fs] Revert "[fs] sunrpc: Use static const char arrays" (Steve Dickson) [690754] - [fs] sunrpc: Propagate errors from xs_bind() through xs_create_sock() (Steve Dickson) [689777] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix buffer overflow (Jiri Pirko) [689342] - [net] ipv6: netfilter: ip6_tables: fix infoleak to userspace (Jiri Pirko) [689351] {CVE-2011-1172} - [net] netfilter: ip_tables: fix infoleak to userspace (Jiri Pirko) [689334] {CVE-2011-1171} - [net] netfilter: arp_tables: fix infoleak to userspace (Jiri Pirko) [689325] {CVE-2011-1170} - [kernel] remove kernel-debuginfo-common requires from perf-debuginfo (Jason Baron) [682012] - [drm] radeon/kms: check AA resolve registers on r300 + regression fix (Dave Airlie) [680002] {CVE-2011-1016} - [net] fix ebtables stack infoleak (Eugene Teo) [681323] {CVE-2011-1080} - [drm] fix unsigned vs signed comparison issue in modeset ctl ioctl (Don Howard) [679928] {CVE-2011-1013} - [fs] svcrpc: take advantage of tcp autotuning (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] SUNRPC: Don't wait for full record to receive tcp data (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [net] svcrpc: copy cb reply instead of pages (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] svcrpc: close connection if client sends short packet (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] svcrpc: note network-order types in svc_process_calldir (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] SUNRPC: svc_tcp_recvfrom cleanup (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] SUNRPC: requeue tcp socket less frequently (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [fs] rpc: move sk_bc_xprt to svc_xprt (J. Bruce Fields) [629030] - [acpi] ACPICA: Truncate I/O addresses to 16 bits for Windows compatibility (Frank Arnold) [593766]- [kernel] kcore: restrict access to the whole memory (Amerigo Wang) [663864] - [scsi] libsas: flush initial device discovery before completing ->scan_finished (David Milburn) [682265] - [md] Cleanup after raid45->raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] partition detection when array becomes active (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] avoid spinlock problem in blk_throtl_exit (Doug Ledford) [679096 688725] - [md] correctly handle probe of an 'mdp' device (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] don't set_capacity before array is active (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Fix raid1->raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] process hangs at wait_barrier after 0->10 takeover (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] md_make_request: don't touch the bio after calling make_request (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Don't allow slot_store while resync/recovery is happening (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] don't clear curr_resync_completed at end of resync (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Don't use remove_and_add_spares to remove failed devices from a read-only array (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Add raid1->raid0 takeover support (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Remove the AllReserved flag for component devices (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] don't abort checking spares as soon as one cannot be added (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] fix the test for finding spares in raid5_start_reshape (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] simplify some 'if' conditionals in raid5_start_reshape (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] revert change to raid_disks on failure (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Fix removal of extra drives when converting RAID6 to RAID5 (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] range check slot number when manually adding a spare (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] raid5: handle manually-added spares in start_reshape (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] fix sync_completed reporting for very large drives (>2TB) (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] allow suspend_lo and suspend_hi to decrease as well as increase (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Don't let implementation detail of curr_resync leak out through sysfs (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] separate meta and data devs (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] add new param to_sync_page_io() (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] new param to calc_dev_sboffset (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Be more careful about clearing flags bit in ->recovery (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] md_stop_writes requires mddev_lock (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] raid5: use sysfs_notify_dirent_safe to avoid NULL pointer (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Ensure no IO request to get md device before it is properly initialised (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] Fix single printks with multiple KERN_s (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] fix regression resulting in delays in clearing bits in a bitmap (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] fix regression with re-adding devices to arrays with no metadata (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] pick some changes from commits to match upstream (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] raid1: add takeover support for raid5->raid1 (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] pick up some percpu annotations that upstream has (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [md] update includes to match upstream (Doug Ledford) [688725] - [scsi] isci: fix fragile/conditional isci_host lookups (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: cleanup isci_remote_device[_not]_ready interface (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Qualify when the host lock is managed for STP/SATA callbacks (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Fix use of SATA soft reset state machine (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Free host lock for SATA/STP abort escalation at submission time (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Properly handle requests in the "aborting" state (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Remove "screaming" data types (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: remove unused "remote_device_started" (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: namespacecheck cleanups (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: kill some long macros (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: reorder init to cleanup unneeded declarations (David Milburn) [691591] - [scsi] isci: Remove event_* calls as they are just wrappers (David Milburn) [691591] - [netdrv] iwlagn: Support new 5000 microcode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [682742] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix dma mappings and skbs leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [682726] - [netdrv] iwl3945: remove plcp check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [679002] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add {ack,plpc}_check module parameters (Stanislaw Gruszka) [620501] - [fs] ext4: Fix ext4_quota_write cross block boundary behaviour (Lukas Czerner) [680105] - [fs] quota: Don't write quota info in dquot_commit() (Lukas Czerner) [680105] - [netdrv] be2net: Change f/w command versions for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: Remove ERR compl workaround for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: fix to ignore transparent vlan ids wrongly indicated by NIC (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: pass proper hdr_size while flashing redboot (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: Allow VFs to call be_cmd_reset_function (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: pass domain numbers for pmac_add/del functions (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: Initialize and cleanup sriov resources only if pci_enable_sriov has succeeded (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: Use domain id when be_cmd_if_destroy is called (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] be2net: While configuring QOS for VF, pass proper domain id (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] benet: Avoid potential null deref in be_cmd_get_seeprom_data() (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [netdrv] benet: fix be_cmd_multicast_set() memcpy bug (Ivan Vecera) [685027] - [ppc] kdump: Override crash_free_reserved_phys_range to avoid freeing RTAS (Steve Best) [672983] - [kernel] kdump: Allow shrinking of kdump region to be overridden (Steve Best) [672983] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bumped version to 1.0.2 (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix kernel panic when deleting NPIV ports (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: scsi_dma_unmap() not invoked on IO completions (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: host stats show the link speed 'unknown' on NIC partitioned interfaces (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: IO completion not processed due to missed wakeup (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bump version to 1.0.1 (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove unnecessary module state checks (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix MTU issue by using static MTU (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove network bonding checking (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Call bnx2fc_return_rqe and bnx2fc_get_next_rqe with tgt lock held (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: common free list for cleanup commands (Mike Christie) [683153] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove rtnl_trylock/restart_syscall checks (Mike Christie) [683153] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix lost interrupt on bnx2x (Mike Christie) [683153] - [netdrv] cnic: Prevent status block race conditions with hardware (Mike Christie) [683153] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Use sync sched protection on ring buffer resizing (Jiri Olsa) [676583] - [kernel] tracing: avoid soft lockup in trace_pipe (Jiri Olsa) [676583] - [kernel] tracing: Fix a race in function profile (Jiri Olsa) [676583] - [block] cfq-iosched: Don't update group weights when on service tree (Vivek Goyal) [689551] - [block] cfq-iosched: Get rid of on_st flag (Vivek Goyal) [689551] - [net] tcp_cubic: fix low utilization of CUBIC with HyStart (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp_cubic: make the delay threshold of HyStart less sensitive (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp_cubic: enable high resolution ack time if needed (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp_cubic: fix clock dependency (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp_cubic: make ack train delta value a parameter (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp_cubic: fix comparison of jiffies (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [net] tcp: fix RTT for quick packets in congestion control (Thomas Graf) [616985] - [fs] fix GFS2 filesystem hang caused by incorrect lock order (Robert S Peterson) [651584] - [fs] btrfs: bring us up to date with .38 (Josef Bacik) [684667] - [ppc] add dynamic dma window support minor updates (Steve Best) [691952] - [ppc] ptrace: Remove BUG_ON when full register set not available (Steve Best) [678099] - [ppc] pseries: Disable MSI using new interface if possible (Steve Best) [684961] - [ppc] kexec: Fix orphaned offline CPUs across kexec (Steve Best) [682875] - [net] ipsec: Disable granular bundles (Herbert Xu) [631833] - [scsi] libsas: fix runaway error handler problem (David Milburn) [691527] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added customer specific display support (Tomas Henzl) [684841] - [scsi] Add next gen Dell Powervault controller MD36xxf into RDAC device list (Shyam Iyer) [688979] - [kernel] perf: Fix task context scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [688065] - [drm] nouveau: disable acceleration on NVA3/NVA5/NVA8/NVAF by default (Ben Skeggs) [684816] - [kernel] radix: don't tag the root if we didn't tag within our range (Josef Bacik) [681439] - [block] blk-throttle: Do not use kblockd workqueue for throtl work (Vivek Goyal) [681360] - [sound] ALSA: HDA hdmi related fixes (Jaroslav Kysela) [671501] - [pci] Preserve Existing pci sort whitelists for Dell systems (Shyam Iyer) [688954] - [x86] perf: Add support for AMD family 15h core counters family 15h core counters (Robert Richter) [635671] - [x86] hpwdt: fix section mismatch warning (Prarit Bhargava) [689837] - [x86] UV: Correct kABI from upstream (George Beshers) [684957] - [x86] When cleaning MTRRs, do not fold WP into UC (Prarit Bhargava) [682758] - [virt] xen-blkfront: handle Xen major numbers other than XENVBD (Andrew Jones) [691339] - [virt] Fix regression with SMP guests (Zachary Amsden) [681133] - [netdrv] enic: update to version (Andy Gospodarek) [684865] - [netdrv] igb: full support for i350 devices (Stefan Assmann) [687932] - [fs] NFS: Fix a hang/infinite loop in nfs_wb_page() (Steve Dickson) [672305] - [fs] nfsd: fix auth_domain reference leak on nlm operations (J. Bruce Fields) [690900] - [fs] svcrpc: ensure cache_check caller sees updated entry (J. Bruce Fields) [690900] - [fs] svcrpc: take lock on turning entry NEGATIVE in cache_check (J. Bruce Fields) [690900] - [fs] svcrpc: modifying valid sunrpc cache entries is racy (J. Bruce Fields) [690900] - [fs] sunrpc: extract some common sunrpc_cache code from nfsd (Steve Dickson) [690900] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Initialization errors can cause crash (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Don't change QP state outside EP lock (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Remove db_drop_task (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Do CIDX_INC updates every 1/16 CQ depth CQE reaps (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Dispatch FATAL event on EEH errors (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Set the correct device physical function for iwarp connections (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: limit MAXBURST EQ context field to 256B (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Don't re-init wait object in init/fini paths (Steve Best) [647013] - [infiniband] RMDA/cxgb4 kfifo changes (Steve Best) [647013] - [netdrv] cxgb4 driver update (Neil Horman) [647006] - [tracing] Add unstable sched clock note to the warning (Jiri Olsa) [666264] - [x86] Reevaluate T-states on CPU hot-add (Matthew Garrett) [673442] - [scsi] libsas: fix/amend device gone notification in sas_deform_port (David Milburn) [682315] - [kdump] kexec: move the crashkernel=auto logic into kernel spec file (Amerigo Wang) [605786]- [fs] buffer: make invalidate_bdev() drain all percpu LRU add caches (Dave Chinner) [665056] - [s390x] uaccess: missing sacf in uaccess error handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [670555] - [v4l] media: minor v4l/dvb/rc regression fixes (Jarod Wilson) [682906] - [kernel] capabilities: do not special case calculation of pE during exec of init (Eric Paris) [684008] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display hardware/firmware registers to get more information about the error for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Updated the reset sequence for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Limit the logs in case device state does not change for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add test for valid loop id to qla2x00_relogin() (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove extra call to qla82xx_check_fw_alive() (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] Revert "qla2xxx: Remove code to not reset ISP82xx on failure" (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Log fcport state transitions when debug messages are enabled (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Free firmware PCB on logout request (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Include request queue ID in the upper 16-bits of the I/O handle for Abort I/O IOCBs (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform FCoE context reset before trying adapter reset for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update copyright banner (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Verify login-state has transitioned to PRLI-completed (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove extraneous setting of FCF_ASYNC_SENT during login-done completion (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for a match before attempting to set FCP-priority information (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct calling contexts of qla2x00_mark_device_lost() in async paths (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display PortID information during FCP command-status handling (Chad Dupuis) [686341] - [misc] mark various drivers/features as tech preview (Don Zickus) [689566] - [mm] compaction beware writeback (Andrea Arcangeli) [690921] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix iMR OCR support to work correctly (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix max_sectors for IEEE SGL (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix fault state handling (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix tasklet_init call (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add CFG_CLEARED AEN (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix megasas_build_dcdb_fusion to use correct LUN field (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix megasas_build_dcdb_fusion to not filter by TYPE_DISK (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Call tasklet_schedule for MSI-X (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Enable MSI-X before calling megasas_init_fw (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add missing check_and_restore_queue_depth call (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix failure gotos (Shyam Iyer) [692673] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix probe_one to clear MSI-X flags in kdump (Tomas Henzl) [682110] - [fs] jbd/ocfs2: Fix block checksumming when a buffer is used in several transactions (Eric Sandeen) [618440] - [x86] UV: RHEL: avoid parsing the ACPI OSC table (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Fix the effect of extra bits in the hub nodeid register (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: use native_halt on a halt (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Fix initialization of max_pnode (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Add common uv_early_read_mmr() function for reading MMR (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Fix a problem with long bitops during boot (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: use BOOT_ACPI after crash dump (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Make kdump avoid stack dumps (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: NMI_UNKNOWN (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] UV: Upstream enable NMI backtrace (George Beshers) [619426] - [x86] Fix AMD PMU detection issue (Frank Arnold) [689065] - [s390x] tape: deadlock on global work queue (Hendrik Brueckner) [681306] - [s390x] qeth: remove needless IPA-commands in offline (Hendrik Brueckner) [679514] - [s390x] qeth: allow channel path changes in suspend state (Hendrik Brueckner) [678067] - [netdrv] ixgbe: receive packet statistics not incrementing (Andy Gospodarek) [689032] - [netdrv] bnx2: update driver to latest upstream (Neil Horman) [669813] - [mm] memcg: avoid deadlock between charge moving and try_charge() (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: move charges of file pages (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: clean up charge moving (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: improve performance of swap charge moving (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: move charges of anonymous swap (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: avoid oom during charge moving (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: improve performance of moving charges (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: move charges of anonymous pages (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: add interface to move charge at task migration (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [kernel] cgroup: introduce __css_get/put() for multiple references (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [kernel] cgroup: introduce cancel_attach() (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: remove memcg_tasklist mutex (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: cleanup mem_cgroup_move_parent() (Johannes Weiner) [592269] - [mm] memcg: add mem_cgroup_cancel_charge() (Johannes Weiner) [592269]- [netdrv] spec: add phy drivers to initrd (Andy Gospodarek) [650907]- [x86] export SMBIOS version via sysfs (Prarit Bhargava) [684329] - [fs] aio: fix up kabi breakage (Jeff Moyer) [690224] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed an issue where SLI4 adapter running on Powerpc was unable to login into Fabric (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver sending FLOGI to a disconnected FCF (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: block target when port queuing limit is hit (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Merge from upstream: force retry in queuecommand when port is transitioning (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with incorrect BLS Response to BLS Abort (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crash when mailbox commands timeout through BSG (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix rrq cleanup for vport delete (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: LOGO completion routine must invalidate both RPI and D_ID (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Do not take lock when clearing rrq active (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Save IRQ level when taking host_lock in findnode_did (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed hang in lpfc_get_scsi_buf_s4 (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix xri lookup for received rrq (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed missed setting of RRQ active for target aborted IOs (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed fdisc sent with invalid VPI (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed UE error reported by OneConnect UCNA BE2 hba with f/w 2.702.542.0 during reboot (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed XRI reuse issue. (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Unreg login when PLOGI received from logged in port (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crashes for NULL vport dereference (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for kmalloc failures in lpfc_workq_post_event (build error fix) (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for kmalloc failures in lpfc_workq_post_event (Rob Evers) [689937] - [scsi] lpfc: Adjust payload_length and request_length for sli4_config mailbox commands (Rob Evers) [689937] - [fs] NFSD, VFS: Remove dead code in nfsd_rename() (J. Bruce Fields) [687935] - [fs] nfsd: break lease on unlink due to rename (J. Bruce Fields) [687935] - [fs] nfsd4: fix struct file leak (J. Bruce Fields) [687921] - [fs] nfsd4: minor nfs4state.c reshuffling (J. Bruce Fields) [687921] - [mm] thp+memcg-numa: fix BUG at mm.h:370 (Andrea Arcangeli) [687918] - [mm] memcg: never OOM when charging huge pages, reinstated (Johannes Weiner) [685161] - [ata] ahci: AHCI mode SATA patch for Intel Patsburg SATA RAID controller (David Milburn) [684366] - [fs] GFS2: directly write blocks past i_size (Benjamin Marzinski) [684115] - [net] netfilter: fix xt_AUDIT to work with ebtables (Thomas Graf) [683888] - [net] bonding: change test for presence of VLANs (Jiri Pirko) [683496] - [x86] UV: Initialize the broadcast assist unit base destination node id properly (Dean Nelson) [683268] - [ppc] add missing mutex lock/unlock to device_pm_pre_add and device_pm_pre_add_cleanup (Steve Best) [683115] - [mm] thp: fix page_referenced to modify mapcount/vm_flags only if page is found (Andrea Arcangeli) [683073] - [netdrv] niu: Fix races between up/down and get_stats (Stefan Assmann) [683069] - [fs] ext4: don't scan/accumulate more pages than mballoc will allocate (Eric Sandeen) [682831] - [powerpc] kdump: CPUs assume the context of the oopsing CPU (Steve Best) [682303] - [scsi] cciss: export resettable host attribute (Tomas Henzl) [682239] - [scsi] hpsa: export resettable host attribute (Tomas Henzl) [682239] - [scsi] hpsa: move device attributes to avoid forward declarations (Tomas Henzl) [682239] - [pci] Fix missing pcie_port_platform_notify() (Prarit Bhargava) [681870] - [scsi] ipr: Fix a race on multiple configuration changes (Steve Best) [681679] - [net] bnep: fix buffer overflow (Don Howard) [681316] {CVE-2011-1079} - [pci] Enable ASPM state clearing regardless of policy (Alex Williamson) [681017] - [pci] Disable ASPM if BIOS asks us to (Alex Williamson) [681017] - [scsi] scsi_dh: fix reference counting in scsi_dh_activate error path (Mike Snitzer) [680140] - [scsi] aic94xx: world-writable sysfs update_bios file (Don Howard) [679307] - [x86] tc1100-wmi: world-writable sysfs wireless and jogdial files (Don Howard) [679307] - [x86] acer-wmi: world-writable sysfs threeg file (Don Howard) [679307] - [mfd] ab3100: world-writable debugfs *_priv files (Don Howard) [679307] - [v4l] sn9c102: world-wirtable sysfs files (Don Howard) [679307] - [virt] unbreak userspace that does not sets tss address (Gleb Natapov) [677314] - [virt] fix rcu usage in init_rmode_* functions (Gleb Natapov) [677314] - [virt] VMX: Initialize vm86 TSS only once (Gleb Natapov) [677314] - [virt] VMX: fix rcu usage warning in init_rmode() (Gleb Natapov) [677314] - [netdrv] enic: update to upstream version (Andy Gospodarek) [676134] - [net] fix ipv6 binding to device (Shyam Iyer) [675321] - [net] add POLLPRI to sock_def_readable() (Jiri Pirko) [672234] - [x86] Fix mwait_usable section mismatch (Frank Arnold) [666493] - [x86] Fix EFI pagetable to map whole memory (Takao Indoh) [664364] - [netdrv] bnx2x: some more fixes from upstream (Michal Schmidt) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: bugfixes from driver version 1.62.00-6 (Michal Schmidt) [635942] - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB: enable RSS to be used with DCB (Andy Gospodarek) [684857] - [netdrv] ixgbe: DCB, use multiple Tx rings per traffic class (Andy Gospodarek) [684856] - [net] Implement infrastructure for HW based QOS (Neil Horman) [634006] - [x86] intel-iommu: Fix get_domain_for_dev() error path (Alex Williamson) [619455] - [x86] intel-iommu: Unlink domain from iommu (Alex Williamson) [619455]- [kernel] CAP_SYS_MODULE bypass via CAP_NET_ADMIN (Phillip Lougher) [681773] {CVE-2011-1019} - [kernel] failure to revert address limit override in OOPS error path (Dave Anderson) [659573] {CVE-2010-4258} - [fs] xfs: zero proper structure size for geometry calls (Phillip Lougher) [677268] - [fs] xfs: prevent leaking uninitialized stack memory in FSGEOMETRY_V1 (Phillip Lougher) [677268] {CVE-2011-0711} - [watchdog] quiet down the boot messages (Don Zickus) [588861 684356] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: compile-in i686 but disable by default (Don Zickus) [685021] - [kernel] watchdog: Always return NOTIFY_OK during cpu up/down events (Don Zickus) [684649] - [kernel] watchdog, nmi: Lower the severity of error messages (Don Zickus) [684649] - [kernel] watchdog: Don't change watchdog state on read of sysctl (Don Zickus) [684649] - [kernel] watchdog: Fix sysctl consistency (Don Zickus) [684649] - [kernel] watchdog: Fix broken nowatchdog logic (Don Zickus) [684649] - [scsi] isci: fix apc mode definition (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: Revert "isci: only call sas_task_abort for tasks with NEED_DEV_RESET" (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: Revert "isci: reset hardware at init (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: Revert "isci: SATA/STP and SMP tasks are never explicity put in the error (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci config change (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: fixes (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: firmware (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci: lldd (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: common definitions and utility functions (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: base state machine and memory descriptors (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: unsolicited frame handling and registers (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: request (general, ssp and smp) (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: stp (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: remote node context (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: remote device (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: port (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: phy (David Milburn) [638569] - [scsi] isci/core: controller (David Milburn) [638569] - [x86] introduce pci_map_biosrom() (David Milburn) [683211] - [kernel] perf symbols: Avoid resolving [kernel.kallsyms] to real path for buildid cache (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf symbols: Fix vmlinux path when not using --symfs (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf timechart: Fix max number of cpus (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf timechart: Fix black idle boxes in the title (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf hists: Print number of samples, not the period sum (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix thread_map event synthesizing in top and record (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Fix aggreate counter reading accounting (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix time function double declaration with glibc (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix build by checking if extra warnings are supported (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix build when using gcc 3.4.6 (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Add missing header, fixes build (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix 64 bit integer format strings (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Fix build on older glibcs (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Use cpu_map->[cpu] when setting affinity (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf symbols: Fix annotation of thumb code (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix tracepoint id to string perf.data header table (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix handling of wildcards in tracepoint event selectors (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf record: Add "nodelay" mode, disabled by default (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf sched: Fix list of events, dropping unsupported ':r' modifier (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] Revert "perf tools: Emit clearer message for sys_perf_event_open ENOENT return" (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf top: Fix annotate segv (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Fix order of event list deletion (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Fix infinite loop in __perf_session__process_events (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Support perf_evsel__open(cpus > 1 && threads > 1) (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Emit clearer message for sys_perf_event_open ENOENT return (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: better error message for unsupported events (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf sched: Fix allocation result check (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Pass whole attr to event selectors (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Build with frame pointer (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix buffer overflow error when specifying all tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf script: Make some lists static (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf script: Use the default lost event handler (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Warn about errors when processing pipe events too (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix perf_event.h header usage (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Clarify some error reports in the open syscall test (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf: add DWARF register lookup for s390 (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf timechart: Adjust perf timechart to the new power events (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Add test for counting open syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Auto allocate resources needed for some methods (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Use {cpu, thread}_map to shorten list of parameters (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Refactor all_tids to hold nr and the map (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Refactor cpumap to hold nr and the map (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Introduce per cpu and per thread open helpers (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Steal the counter reading routines from stat (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Delete the event selectors at exit (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf util: Move do_read from session to util (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf evsel: Adopt MATCH_EVENT macro from 'stat' (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Introduce event selectors (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix short file name probe location reporting (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf script: Fix event ordering settings to work with older kernels (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf record: Fix use of sample_id_all userspace with !sample_id_all kernels (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf script: Finish the rename from trace to script (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix wrong warning in __show_one_line() if read(1) errors happen (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Look forward for symbol aliases (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf symbols: Improve kallsyms symbol end addr calculation (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Handle gracefully some stupid and buggy line syntaxes (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Don't always consider EOF as an error when listing source code (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix line range description since a single file is allowed (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Clean up redundant tests in show_line_range() (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Rewrite show_one_line() to make it simpler (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Make -L display the absolute path of the dumped file (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Cleanup messages (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf symbols: Add symfs option for off-box analysis using specified tree (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf record, report, annotate, diff: Process events in order (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Fallback to unordered processing if no sample_id_all (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Remove unneeded dump_printf calls (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Split out user event processing (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Split out sample preprocessing (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Move dump code to event delivery path (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Add file_offset to event delivery function (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Store file offset in sample_queue (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Consolidate the dump code (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Dont queue events w/o timestamps (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf event: Prevent unbound event__name array access (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Sort all events if ordered_samples=true (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf report: Allow user to specify path to kallsyms file (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf makefile: Allow strong and weak functions in LIB_OBJS (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Catch a few uncheck calloc/malloc's (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf script: Fix compiler warning in builtin_script.c:is_top_script() (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf options: add OPT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT_NOOPT (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf hist: Better displaying of unresolved DSOs and symbols (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Ask for ID PERF_SAMPLE_ info on all PERF_RECORD_ events (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Parse sample earlier (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Add csv-style output (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Use --big-num format by default (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf test: Fix spelling mistake in documentation (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf trace: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf top: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf sched: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf report: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf record: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf probe: Fix spelling mistake in documentation (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf lock: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf kvm: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf diff: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf diff: Fix displacement and modules options short flag (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf buildid-list: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf annotate: Document missing options (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: fix event parsing of comma-separated tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf packaging: add memcpy to perf MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf debug: Simplify trace_event (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Allocate chunks of sample objects (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Cache sample objects (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Keep file mmaped instead of malloc/memcpy (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Use sensible mmap size (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Simplify termination checks (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Move ui_progress_update in __perf_session__process_events() (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Cleanup __perf_session__process_events() (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Use appropriate pointer type instead of silly typecasting (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf session: Fix list sort algorithm (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Fix lost and unknown events handling (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf trace: Handle DT_UNKNOWN on filesystems that don't support d_type (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf symbols: Correct final kernel map guesses (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf events: Default to using event__process_lost (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf record: Add option to disable collecting build-ids (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Change and clean up sys_perf_event_open error handling (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf tools: Remove hardcoded include paths for elfutils (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf stat: Add no-aggregation mode to -a (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [kernel] perf: Rename 'perf trace' to 'perf script' (Jiri Olsa) [664900] - [fs] dlm: record full callback state (David Teigland) [635041] - [net] bridge: do not learn from exact matches (Jiri Pirko) [623199] - [x86] x86-32: Separate 1:1 pagetables from swapper_pg_dir (Frank Arnold) [638743] - [tty] tty_audit: fix tty_audit_add_data live lock on audit disabled (Danny Feng) [680126] - [kernel] sched: Try not to migrate higher priority RT tasks (Larry Woodman) [676948]- [fs] GFS2: umount stuck on gfs2_gl_hash_clear (Steven Whitehouse) [682951] - [fs] GFS2: add missed unlock_page() (Steven Whitehouse) [684705] - [fs] GFS2: fix block allocation check for fallocate (Benjamin Marzinski) [674603] - [fs] gfs2: quota allows exceeding hard limit (Abhijith Das) [675944] - [ppc] perf: Fix frequency calculation for overflowing counters (Steve Best) [682842] - [powerpc] rtas_flash needs to use rtas_data_buf (Steve Best) [682801] - [powerpc] Use more accurate limit for first segment memory allocations (Steve Best) [682267] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix oops when probing in early boot (Steve Best) [681668] - [kernel] proc: protect mm start_code/end_code in /proc/pid/stat (Eugene Teo) [684573] {CVE-2011-0726} - [net] dccp oops (Eugene Teo) [682958] {CVE-2011-1093} - [scsi] sd: Export effective protection mode in sysfs (Mike Snitzer) [683266] - [kernel] remove execute bit from perf scripts (Jason Baron) [676692] - [firmware] dcdbas: force SMI to happen when expected (Shyam Iyer) [664832] - [perf] record: Enable the enable_on_exec flag if record forks the target (Steve Best) [664598] - [security] ima: fix add LSM rule bug (Eric Paris) [667915] {CVE-2011-0006} - [block] dm stripe: implement merge method (Mike Snitzer) [688376] - [dm] dm-ioctl: Fix using of possible uninitialised params struct, secure flag (Milan Broz) [683167] - [block] Fix over-zealous flush_disk when changing device size (Jeff Moyer) [678357] - [sound] caiaq: Fix possible string buffer overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [678476] - [x86] Fix AMD iommu over suspend/resume (Matthew Garrett) [625569] - [virt] virtio: console: Don't access vqs if device was unplugged (Amit Shah) [681181] - [netdrv] sfc: disable RX hash insertion (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [netdrv] sfc: remove filter management code (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [netdrv] sfc: add private ioctl to allow reset during online firmware update (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [netdrv] sfc: remove RX_FILTER_TBL0 from the register dump (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [netdrv] sfc: lower stack usage in efx_ethtool_self_test (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [drm] nouveau/vbios: parse more gpio tag bits from connector table (Ben Skeggs) [658896] - [drm] nouveau: fix suspend/resume on GPUs that don't have PM support (Ben Skeggs) [658896] - [drm] nv50: insert a delay before fb change to prevent display engine hang (Ben Skeggs) [658896] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct errant 82xx hardware state message (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check return value of fc_block_scsi_eh() (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: The ISP82XX should be online while waiting for commands completion (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Propagate block-layer tags on submitted I/Os (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear any stale login-states during an adapter reset (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Adjust FCP_RSP response-info field check after TMF completion (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Pass right CT command string for CT status processing (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't wait for active mailbox command completion when firmware is hung (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Abort pending commands for faster recovery during ISP reset (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change from irq to irqsave with host_lock (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not return DID_NO_CONNECT when fcport state is FCS_DEVICE_LOST in qla2xxx_queuecommand() (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display nport_id when any SNS command fails (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ROM lock recovery if fw hangs while holding the lock (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix array subscript is above array bounds in qla2xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use sg_next to fetch next sg element while walking sg list (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix to avoid recursive lock failure during BSG timeout (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove code to not reset ISP82xx on failure (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display mailbox register 4 during 8012 AEN for ISP82XX parts (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove redundant module parameter permission bits (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't perform a BIG_HAMMER if Get-ID (0x20) mailbox command fails on CNAs (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add sysfs node for displaying board temperature (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unwanted check for bad spd (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Memory wedge with peg_halt test in loop with ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update FCP priority information to firmware before sending IOs (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fixed zero test on new_config in qla2x00_process_loopback() (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Populate FCP_PRIO location for no *FLT* case (Chad Dupuis) [678104] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Added support for quiescence mode for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [678104]- [mm] thp: add extra_gfp in alloc_hugepage non NUMA (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Use GFP_OTHER_NODE for transparent huge pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Add __GFP_OTHER_NODE flag (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Use correct numa policy node for transparent hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Preserve original node for transparent huge page copies (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Add alloc_page_vma_node (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Change alloc_pages_vma to pass down the policy node for local policy (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: Fix interleaving for transparent hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] compaction: fix high compaction latencies and remove compaction-kswapd (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] compaction: Minimise the time IRQs are disabled while isolating free pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] thp: prevent hugepages during args/env copying into the user stack (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] memcg: fix leak of accounting at failure path of hugepage collapsing (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] vmscan: kswapd should not free an excessive number of pages when balancing small zones (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] optimistic migration limited to movable pageblocks (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] migrate_pages api bool (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] migration: allow migration to operate asynchronously and avoid synchronous compaction in the faster path (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] add compound_trans_head helper (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] compaction: Avoid a potential deadlock due to lock_page() during direct compaction (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] hugetlbfs fix hugepage migration in the same way (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147] - [mm] fix migration hangs on anon_vma lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [674147]- [net] gro: reset dev and skb_iff on skb reuse (Andy Gospodarek) [681970] - [netdrv] ixgbe: limit VF access to network traffic (Andy Gospodarek) [678717] - [netdrv] ixgbe: work around for DDP last buffer size (Andy Gospodarek) [678717] - [x86] mtrr: Assume SYS_CFG[Tom2ForceMemTypeWB] exists on all future AMD CPUs (Frank Arnold) [652208 662238]- [kernel] capabilites: allow the application of capability limits to usermode helpers (Eric Paris) [665080] - [kernel] allow kernel-debuginfo-common to be biarch installable (Jason Baron) [682012] - [mm] fix pgd_lock deadlock (Andrea Arcangeli) [671477] - [net] Fix BUG halt in RDS when cong map len is returned to rds_send_xmit (Neil Horman) [680200] {CVE-2011-1023}- [x86] watchdog, nmi: Allow hardlockup to panic by default (Don Zickus) [677532] - [mm] Avoid possible bogus TLB entries (Larry Woodman) [681024] - [net] udp: lockless transmit path (Thomas Graf) [680549] - [mm] memcg: fix race at move_parent around compound_order() (Johannes Weiner) [679025] - [mm] memcg: correctly order reading PCG_USED and pc->mem_cgroup (Johannes Weiner) [679025] - [mm] memcg: fix race in mapped file accounting (Johannes Weiner) [679025] - [mm] memcg: make memcg's file mapped consistent with global VM (Johannes Weiner) [679021] - [net] fix rx queue refcounting (Neil Horman) [677786] - [kernel] /proc/vmcore: speed up access to vmcore file (Neil Horman) [672937] - [mm] ksm: drain pagevecs to lru (Andrea Arcangeli) [670063] - [mm] memcg: fix charged shmem swapcache migration (Johannes Weiner) [663223] - [mm] memcg: race-free migration of charged file pages (Johannes Weiner) [663223] - [virt] KVM: SVM: check for progress after IRET interception (Avi Kivity) [612436] - [virt] KVM: Fix race between nmi injection and enabling nmi window (Avi Kivity) [612436] - [net] ipv6: Implement Any-IP support for IPv6 (Neal Kim) [591335] - [net] netfilter: fix TPROXY IPv6 support build dependency (Andrew Jones) [591335] - [x86] hpwdt: Include hpwdt in rh-configs by default (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [x86] hpwdt and ipmi: use DIE_NMIUNKNOWN (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix big endian bug (Steve Best) [676640]- [scsi] libfcoe: check buffer length before write (Tomas Henzl) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: add modparm compat interface (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Avoid holding cq_lock when iounmap() is called (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Makefile, Kconfig changes and FCoE interfaces (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: SCSI IO handling and session offload (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Firmware interface and ELS handling (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Header files (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: Remove stale fcoe-netdev entries (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2x: Proper netdev->ndo_set_rx_mode() implementation (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2x: MTU for FCoE L2 ring (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2x: multicasts in NPAR mode (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] bnx2x, cnic: Consolidate iSCSI/FCoE shared mem logic in bnx2x (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: introduce __fc_fill_fc_hdr that accepts fc_hdr as an argument (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: revert patch to fix exchange being deleted when the abort itself is timed out (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: remove fcoe_ctlr_mode (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: Move common code from fcoe to libfcoe module (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: introduce LLD event callback (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: Extending lport's roles for target if there is a registered target (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: convert fcoe.ko to become an fcoe transport provider driver (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: prepare fcoe for using fcoe transport (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: include fcoe_transport.c into kernel libfcoe module (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: rename libfcoe.c to fcoe_cltr.c for the coming fcoe_transport.c (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: add implementation to support fcoe transport (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: add fcoe_transport structure defines to include/scsi/libfcoe.h (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfcoe: move logging macros into the local libfcoe.h header file (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: Enhanced exchange ID selection mechanism and fix related EMA selection logic (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: export seq_release() for users of seq_assign() (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: use PRLI hook to get parameters when sending outgoing PRLI (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: add hook to notify providers of local port changes (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: add local port hook for provider session lookup (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: add method for setting handler for incoming exchange (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: add hook for FC-4 provider registration (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] libfc: fix sparse static and non-ANSI warnings (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: drop FCoE LOGO in FIP mode (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix module reference count for vports (Mike Christie) [635898 668114] - [s390x] remove task_show_regs (Danny Feng) [677855] {CVE-2011-0710}- [ib] cm: Bump reference count on cm_id before invoking callback (Doug Ledford) [676191] - [rdma] cm: Fix crash in request handlers (Doug Ledford) [676191] - [virt] Revert "kvm: Allow XSAVE/XRSTOR for a guest" series (Dor Laor) [464271] - [x86] perf: Add support for AMD family 15h core counters (Frank Arnold) [635671] - [x86] perf: Store perfctr msr addresses in config_base/event_base (Frank Arnold) [635671] - [x86] perf: P4 PMU - Fix unflagged overflows handling (Frank Arnold) [635671] - [x86] perf: Add new AMD family 15h msrs to perfctr reservation code (Frank Arnold) [635671] - [x86] perf: Calculate perfctr msr addresses in helper functions (Frank Arnold) [635671] - [x86] perf: Use helper function in x86_pmu_enable_all() (Frank Arnold) [635671]- [netdrv] Keep all bnx2 firmware files (John Feeney) [678429] - [crypto] sha-s390: Reset index after processing partial block (Herbert Xu) [626515] - [kernel] make /dev/crash require CAP_SYS_RAWIO for access (Dave Anderson) [675998] - [block] add sysfs knob for turning off disk entropy contributions (Jeff Moyer) [677447] - [misc] support for marking code as tech preview (Don Zickus) [645198] - [misc] move kernel/unsupported.c to kernel/rh_taint.c (Don Zickus) [645198] - [scsi] ipr: clean up ipr_format_res_path (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.5.1 (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix mailbox register definition and add a delay before reading (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix lun assignment and comparison (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add definitions for a new adapter (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix array error logging (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: reverse the isr optimization changes (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix resource address formatting and add attribute for device ID (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix resource type update and add sdev and shost attributes (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix transition to operational for new adapters (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: change endian swap key to match hardware spec change (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add support for new Obsidian-E embedded adapter (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add MMIO write to perform BIST for 64 bit adapters (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add writeq definition if needed (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add endian swap enablement for 64 bit adapters (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix resource path display and formatting (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: improve interrupt service routine performance (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: set the data list length in the request control block (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: fix a register read to use correct address for 64 bit adapters (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: include the resource path in the IOA status area structure (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: Fixes for 64 bit support (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: adds PCI ID definitions for new adapters (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add support for new IOASCs (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add support for multiple stages of initialization (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: implement shutdown changes and remove obsolete write cache parameter (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add hardware assisted smart dump functionality (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: define new offsets to registers for the next generation chip (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add error handling updates for the next generation chip (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: update the configuration table code for the next generation chip (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] ipr: add support for new adapter command structures for the next generation chip (Steve Best) [633327] - [scsi] hpsa: change version string (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: change version string (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix dma addr before freeing (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: do not rescan luns on UNIT ATTN LUN DATA CHANGED (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix missing command status value CMD_UNABORTABLE (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: retry driver initiated cmds (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: update the vendor, model, rev, serial number (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: convert hlist_* functions to list_* functions (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: prevent from cycling thru nonexistent luns (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix revalidate panic (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Fix cciss driver for CONFIG_PROC_FS not enabled (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: do not leak stack contents to userspace (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: limit commands in kdump scenario (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: do not proceed with kdump if reset fails (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: use kernel provided pci save and restore state functions (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix board status waiting code (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Remove superfluous tests from cciss_bigpassthru (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_bigpassthru (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_passthru (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getluninfo (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getdrivver (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getfirmver (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getbustypes (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getheartbeat (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_setnodename (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getnodename (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_setintinfo (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_getintinfo (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_get_pci_info (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix queue depth reporting (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix botched tag masking for scsi tape commands (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: separate cmd_alloc() and cmd_special_alloc() (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix leak of ioremapped memory (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out cciss_enter_performant_mode (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: use consistent variable names (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: change printks to dev_warn, etc (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: cleanup some debug ifdefs (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Remove unnecessary kmalloc casts (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: set SCSI max cmd len (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: sanitize max commands (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: cleanup interrupt_not_for_us (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Fix tape commandlist size (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: use performant mode (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: clean up interrupt handler (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out enqueue_and_submit_io (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Fix ENXIO weirdness (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix scatter gather code on scsi side of driver (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: add more commands for tapes (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: eliminate unnecessary pointer use (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: dont use void pointer for hba (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out scatter gather chain block mapping code (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: fix DMA direction kludge (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: simplify scatter gather code (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: factor out scatter gather chain block (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: support for enhanced scatter/gather (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: remove sendcmd (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: remove the "withirq" parameter (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: clean up code in cciss_shutdown (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Remove double setting of busy_configuring (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: Fix problem with remove_from_scan_list on driver unload (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] cciss: detect bad alignment of scsi commands at build time (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: tell controller that we only use short tags (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad compare (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup debug ifdefs (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: add new transport_mode sys entry (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: make hpsa_simple_mode module parameter work (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: do not re-order commands in internal queues (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Remove superflous variable (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: avoid leaking stack contents to userland (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Add a commands_outstanding attribute in /sys (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: add hpsa_simple_mode option (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: take the adapter lock in hpsa_wait_for_mode_change_ack (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: do not reset unknown boards on reset_devices (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: limit commands allocated on reset_devices (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Use kernel PCI functions (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fix board status waiting code (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: disable doorbell reset on reset_devices (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Fix problem with CMD_UNABORTABLE (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fix botched tag masking in interrupt handler (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: correct new controller ids (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: wait for board ready condition after hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: sanitize max commands (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: separate intx and msi/msix interrupt handlers (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: enable Compaq Smart Arrays with hpsa_allow_any (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: add new controllers (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Fix use of unitialized variable (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fix block fetch table problem (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: expose ctlr firmware rev via sys (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: initial add of hpsa.txt documentation (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused firm_ver member of per-hba structure (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_enter_performant_mode (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused variable trans_offset (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_wait_for_mode_change_ack (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: mark as __devinit (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup debug ifdefs (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_enter_simple_mode (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: add back the p600 quirk (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: add hpsa_enable_scsi_prefetch (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_CISS_signature_present (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_find_board_params (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fix leak of ioremapped memory (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_find_cfgtables (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_wait_for_board_ready (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: remove redundant board_id parameter from hpsa_interrupt_mode (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_board_disabled (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: save pdev pointer early (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: hpsa remove READ_CAPACITY code (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: Remove duplicate defines of DIRECT_LOOKUP_ constants (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: fixup DMA address before freeing (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: defend against zero sized buffers in passthru ioctls (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: do not consider RAID level to be part of device identity (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [scsi] hpsa: do not consider firmware revision when looking for device changes (Tomas Henzl) [630060] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix panic due to uninitialized pointer (Andy Gospodarek) [676875] - [net] Fix use-after-free in RPS sysfs handling (Herbert Xu) [676099]- [usb] xhci: Remove more doorbell-related reads (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: fix printk_ratelimit() usage (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: replace dev_dbg() with xhci_dbg() (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: fix cycle bit set in giveback_first_trb() (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: remove redundant parameter in giveback_first_trb() (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: fix queue_trb in isoc transfer (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xhci: Use GFP_NOIO during device reset (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] Realloc xHCI structures after a hub is verified (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xhci: Do not run xhci_cleanup_msix with irq disabled (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xHCI: synchronize irq in xhci_suspend() (Don Zickus) [674409] - [usb] xhci: Resume bus on any port status change (Don Zickus) [674409] - [x86] i2c-i801: Add PCI idents for Patsburg IDF SMBus controllers (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] i2c-i801: Handle multiple instances instead of keeping global state (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] PCI: update Intel chipset names and defines (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] hwmon: Fix autoloading of fschmd on recent Fujitsu machines (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] i2c-i801: Fix all checkpatch warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] i2c-i801: All newer devices have all the optional features (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [x86] i2c-i801: Let the user disable selected driver features (Prarit Bhargava) [649054] - [virt] KVM: SVM: Add xsetbv intercept (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: fix poison overwritten caused by using wrong xstate size (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] Fix OSXSAVE after migration (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] Fix OSXSAVE VXEXIT handling (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: x86: Enable AVX for guest (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: Fix xsave and xcr save/restore memory leak (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: x86: XSAVE/XRSTOR live migration support (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Enable XSAVE/XRSTOR for guest (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] x86: Export FPU API for KVM use (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] KVM: x86: Use FPU API (Don Dugger) [464271] - [virt] x86: Introduce 'struct fpu' and related API (Don Dugger) [464271] - [net] bridge: Fix mglist corruption that leads to memory corruption (Herbert Xu) [659421] - [sched] autogroup: Do not create autogroups for sessions if user has not enabled autogroups (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [virt] virtio_net: Add schedule check to napi_enable call (Michael S. Tsirkin) [676579] - [netdrv] r8169: use RxFIFO overflow workaround and prevent RxFIFO induced infinite loops (Ivan Vecera) [630810] - [netdrv] ehea: Increase the skb array usage (Steve Best) [676139]- [fs] Btrfs: fix slot count logic in space info ioctl (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [video] vgacon: check for efi machine (Dave Airlie) [609516] - [dm] wipe dm-ioctl buffers (Milan Broz) [674813] - [virt] xen/events.c: clean up section mismatch warning (Andrew Jones) [676346] - [virt] xen: microcode: no backtrace on guest restore (Andrew Jones) [671161] - [virt] xen: fix save/restore: unmask evtchn for IRQF_TIMER (Andrew Jones) [676009] - [crypto] export DSA_verify as a gpl symbol (Jarod Wilson) [673577] - [fs] NFS: Micro-optimize nfs4_decode_dirent() (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: construct consistent co_ownerid for v4.1 (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: fix the setting of exchange id flag (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: nfs_wcc_update_inode() should set nfsi->attr_gencount (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: improve pnfs_put_deviceid_cache debug print (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS fix cb_sequence error processing (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS do not find client in NFSv4 pg_authenticate (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: Prevent memory allocation failure in nfsacl_encode() (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: nfsacl_{encode, decode} should return signed integer (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: Fix "kernel BUG at fs/aio.c:554!" (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS4: Avoid potential NULL pointer dereference in decode_and_add_ds() (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] NFS: fix handling of malloc failure during nfs_flush_multi() (Steve Dickson) [675815] - [fs] GFS2: panics on quotacheck update (Abhijith Das) [675745] - [fs] GFS2: Fails to clear glocks during unmount (Abhijith Das) [675270] - [net] clear heap allocations for privileged ethtool actions (Jiri Pirko) [672435] {CVE-2010-4655} - [netdrv] s2io: update to driver version (Michal Schmidt) [611869] - [x86] Include ACPI _DSM index and label support (Matthew Garrett) [639971] - [mm] zram: simplify zram_make_request (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: make zram_read return a bio error if the device is not initialized (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: round up the disk size provided by user (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [mm] zram: make ZRAM depends on SYSFS (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: fix up my fixup for some sysfs attribute permissions (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: fix up some sysfs attribute permissions (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: Makefile: replace the use of -objs with -y (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: free device memory when init fails (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: Update zram documentation (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: Remove need for explicit device initialization (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: Replace ioctls with sysfs interface (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [block] zram: fix build errors, depends on BLOCK (Jerome Marchand) [661293] - [fs] Revert "inotify: rework inotify locking to prevent double free use when free in inotify" [674880 675299]- [s390x] Fix hang on s390x while running LTP (Larry Woodman) [675294] - [fs] make it possible to log all attempts to walk into a subtree (Alexander Viro) [661402] - [x86] intel-iommu: Fix double lock in get_domain_for_dev() (Alex Williamson) [675304] - [virt] fix WinXP BSOD when boot up with -cpu Penryn (John Cooper) [635539] - [virt] KVM: Keep guest TSC synchronized across host suspend (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: make cyc_to_nsec conversions more reliable (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: Backport TSC catchup for KHZ rate change / unstable CPUs fixes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: Backport of math fixes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: Backport of backwards warp fixes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: Backport of pvclock scale_delta changes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: backport x86: Unify TSC logic (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: Backport of TSC reset compensation changes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: backport Convert TSC writes to TSC offset writes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: backport of upstream TSC khz restructuring and fixes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [virt] KVM: backport of SVM TSC init fixes (Zachary Amsden) [651635] - [kernel] perf: Enable 'perf lock' for the perf user tool (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] tracing: Factorize lock events in a lock class (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] tracing: Drop the nested field from lock_release event (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] tracing: Drop lock_acquired waittime field (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] perf lock: Enhance information of lock trace events (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] tracing: Rename 'lockdep' event subsystem into 'lock' (Jason Baron) [593763] - [kernel] perf: fix lock recursion (Jason Baron) [593763] - [net] tcp thin streams kabi workaround (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [net] Add getsockopt support for TCP thin-streams (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [net] TCP thin dupack (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [net] TCP thin linear timeouts (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [net] TCP thin-stream detection (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [net] Corrected spelling error heurestics->heuristics (Jiri Pirko) [645793] - [x86] kexec: Make sure to stop all CPUs before exiting the kernel (Paolo Bonzini) [667340] - [x86] xen: don't bother to stop other cpus on shutdown/reboot (Paolo Bonzini) [667340] - [virt] netfront: explicitly generate arp_notify event after migration (Paolo Bonzini) [622575] - [net] arp_notify: allow drivers to explicitly request a notification event (Paolo Bonzini) [622575] - [net] arp_notify: document that a gratuitous ARP request is sent when this option is enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [622575] - [fs] Prevent freeing uninitialized pointer in compat_do_readv_writev (Jeff Moyer) [636906] - [fs] compat_rw_copy_check_uvector: add missing compat_ptr call (Jeff Moyer) [636906] - [fs] aio: fix the compat vectored operations (Jeff Moyer) [636906] - [fs] compat: factor out compat_rw_copy_check_uvector from compat_do_readv_writev (Jeff Moyer) [636906] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix VPHN build errors on non-SMP systems (Steve Best) [633513] - [powerpc] pseries: Poll VPA for topology changes and update NUMA maps (Steve Best) [633513] - [powerpc] Disable VPHN polling during a suspend operation (Steve Best) [633513] - [powerpc] Add VPHN firmware feature (Steve Best) [633513] - [fs] make block fiemap mapping length at least blocksize long (Josef Bacik) [663042] - [fs] mmapping a read only file on a gfs2 filesystem incorrectly acquires an exclusive glock (Steven Whitehouse) [674286] - [fs] improve remount,ro vs buffercache coherency (Dave Chinner) [665056] - [kexec] include sysctl to disable (Eric Paris) [665169] - [net] Backport receive flow steering (Neil Horman) [625487] - [crypto] unmark gcm(aes) as fips_allowed (Jarod Wilson) [638133] - [crypto] bring cprng in line with upstream (Neil Horman) [673385] - [usb] iowarrior: don't trust report_size for buffer size (Don Zickus) [672422] - [pci] enable_drhd_fault_handling() section mismatch cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [674571] - [x86] amd-iommu: Fix rounding-bug in __unmap_single (Frank Arnold) [636249] - [x86] Use MWAIT to offline a processor (Luming Yu) [666493] - [virt] virtio_blk: allow re-reading config space at runtime (Christoph Hellwig) [669744]- [scsi] fix use-after-free in scsi_init_io() (Mike Christie) [674064]- [fs] include missing header in fs.h (Aristeu Rozanski) [675102]- [sched] Replace kernel command line option "noautogroup" with "autogroup" (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] autogroup: Fix CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED sched_setscheduler() failure (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Display autogroup names in /proc/sched_debug (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Reinstate group names in /proc/sched_debug (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Enable autogroup CONFIG_SCHED_AUTOGROUP=y in rhel6 (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Fix struct autogroup memory leak (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Mark autogroup_init() __init (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] autogroup: Fix potential access to freed memory (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [sched] Add 'autogroup' scheduling feature: automated per session task groups (Vivek Goyal) [656042] - [v4l] dvb/rc: fix IR setkeycode operations (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: additional pending IR fixes (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: pull in (most) changes up to 2.6.38-rc2 (Jarod Wilson) [663280 672404] {CVE-2011-0521} - [v4l] configs: enable v4l/dvb/rc bits (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: fix dvb_adapter kabi compliance (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: fix dvb_demux kabi compliance (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: add back support for get_umapped_area fop (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: necessary dvb-usb rc support kabi fixes (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: kabi work-arounds for internal structs (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: revert constification and unlocked_ioctl changes (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: backport to 2.6.32 interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: pending IR driver fixes (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: add remaining 2.6.38-rc1 v4l changes (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: add webcam support from 2.6.38-rc1 (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: add remote control core from 2.6.38-rc1 (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: update to dvb code from 2.6.38-rc1 (Jarod Wilson) [663280] - [v4l] dvb/rc: add 2.6.38-rc1 base tuner code (Jarod Wilson) [663280]- [block] md: protect against NULL reference when waiting to start a raid10. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: really fix recovery looping when single good device fails. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix return value of rdev_size_change() (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: tidy up device searches in read_balance. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: fix some typos in comments. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: discard unused variable. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: unplug writes to external bitmaps. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: use separate bio pool for each md device. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: change type of first arg to sync_page_io. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: perform mem allocation before disabling writes during resync. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: use bio_kmalloc rather than bio_alloc when failure is acceptable. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Fix possible deadlock with multiple mempool allocations. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix and update workqueue usage (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: use sector_t in bitmap_get_counter (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Fix regression with raid1 arrays without persistent metadata. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] mm: strictly nested kmap_atomic() (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] move async raid6 test to lib/Kconfig.debug (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: check return code of read_sb_page (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: minor bio initialisation improvements. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: avoid overflow in raid1 resync when bitmap is in use. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix v1.x metadata update when a disk is missing. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: call md_update_sb even for 'external' metadata arrays. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: resolve confusion of MD_CHANGE_CLEAN (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: don't clear MD_CHANGE_CLEAN in md_update_sb() for external arrays (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: provide appropriate return value for spare_active functions. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Notify sysfs when RAID1/5/10 disk is In_sync. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] Update recovery_offset even when external metadata is used. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] Make lib/raid6/test build correctly. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: clean up do_md_stop (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix another deadlock with removing sysfs attributes. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: move revalidate_disk() back outside open_mutex (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid10: fix deadlock with unaligned read during resync (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: separate out loading a bitmap from initialising the structures. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: prepare for storing write-intent-bitmap via dm-dirty-log. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: optimise scanning of empty bitmaps. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: clean up plugging calls. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: reduce dependence on sysfs. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/bitmap: white space clean up and similar. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: export raid5 unplugging interface. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/plug: optionally use plugger to unplug an array during resync/recovery. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: add simple plugging infrastructure. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: export is_congested test (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] raid5: Don't set read-ahead when there is no queue (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: add support for raising dm events. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: export various start/stop interfaces (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: split out md_rdev_init (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: be more careful setting MD_CHANGE_CLEAN (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: ensure we create a unique name for kmem_cache when mddev has no gendisk (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: factor out code for changing size of stripe cache. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: reduce dependence on sysfs. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: don't include 'spare' drives when reshaping to fewer devices. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: add a missing 'continue' in a loop. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: Allow recovered part of partially recovered devices to be in-sync (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: More careful check for "has array failed". (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Don't update ->recovery_offset when reshaping an array to fewer devices. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: avoid oops when number of devices is reduced then increased. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: enable raid4->raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: clear layout after ->raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix raid10 takeover: use new_layout for setup_conf (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: fix handling of array level takeover that re-arranges devices. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: raid10: Fix null pointer dereference in fix_read_error() (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: convert cpu notifier to return encapsulate errno value (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Fix read balancing in RAID1 and RAID10 on drives > 2TB (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/linear: standardise all printk messages (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid0: tidy up printk messages. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid10: tidy up printk messages. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: improve printk messages (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: improve consistency of error messages. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid4: permit raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: delay reads that could overtake behind-writes. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: fix confusing 'redirect sector' message. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid5: small tidyup in raid5_align_endio (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: add support for raid5 to raid4 conversion (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Add support for Raid0->Raid10 takeover (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: don't use mddev->raid_disks in raid0 or raid10 while array is active. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/raid1: fix counting of write targets. (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md/linear: avoid possible oops and array stop (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] async_tx: Move ASYNC_RAID6_TEST option to crypto/async_tx/, fix dependencies (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623] - [block] md: Factor out RAID6 algorithms into lib/ (Doug Ledford) [633695 659623]- [block] dm mpath: delay activate_path retry on SCSI_DH_RETRY (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm: remove superfluous irq disablement in dm_request_fn (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm log: use PTR_ERR value instead of ENOMEM (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm snapshot: avoid storing private suspended state (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm ioctl: suppress needless warning messages (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm log userspace: add version number to comms (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm log userspace: group clear and mark requests (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm log userspace: split flush queue (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm log userspace: trap all failed log construction errors (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm kcopyd: delay unplugging (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm io: remove BIO_RW_SYNCIO flag from kcopyd (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm crypt: set key size early (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm raid1: support discard (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] dm ioctl: allow rename to fill empty uuid (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [block] block: max hardware sectors limit wrapper (Mike Snitzer) [668852] - [netdrv] bna: include new bna ethernet driver (Ivan Vecera) [475692] - [cdrom] Fix NULL pointer dereference in cdrom driver (James Paradis) [673567] - [mm] hugetlb: fix handling of parse errors in sysfs (Dean Nelson) [673203] - [mm] hugetlb: do not allow pagesize >= MAX_ORDER pool (Dean Nelson) [673203] - [mm] hugetlb: check the return value of string (Dean Nelson) [673203] - [mm] hugetlb.c: fix error-path memory leak in (Dean Nelson) [673203] - [mm] hugetlb: abort a hugepage pool resize if a signal (Dean Nelson) [673203] - [block] improve detail in I/O error messages (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [block] dm mpath: propagate target errors immediately (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [scsi] Detailed I/O errors (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [scsi] always pass Unit Attention upwards from scsi_check_sense (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [scsi] make error handling more robust in the face of reservations (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [scsi] Return NEEDS_RETRY for eh commands with status BUSY (Mike Snitzer) [431754] - [fs] Btrfs: btrfs_iget() returns ERR_PTR (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: handle error returns from btrfs_lookup_dir_item() (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Fix null dereference in relocation.c (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix remap_file_pages error (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: The file argument for fsync() is never null (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: handle kzalloc() failure in open_ctree() (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix split_leaf double split corner case (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: handle ERR_PTR from posix_acl_from_xattr() (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Fix BUG_ON for fs converted from extN (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Fix btrfs b0rkage (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: prevent RAID level downgrades when space is low (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: account for missing devices in RAID allocation profiles (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: EIO when we fail to read tree roots (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix compiler warnings (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Make async snapshot ioctl more generic (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: pwrite blocked when writing from the mmaped buffer of the same page (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Fix a crash when mounting a subvolume (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix sync subvol/snapshot creation (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Fix page leak in compressed writeback path (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: do not BUG if we fail to remove the orphan item for dead snapshots (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fixup return code for btrfs_del_orphan_item (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: do not do fast caching if we are allocating blocks for tree_root (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: deal with space cache errors better (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix use after free in O_DIRECT (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: don't use migrate page without CONFIG_MIGRATION (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: deal with DIO bios that span more than one ordered extent (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: setup blank root and fs_info for mount time (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix fiemap (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs - fix race between btrfs_get_sb() and umount (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: update inode ctime when using links (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: make sure new inode size is ok in fallocate (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix typo in fallocate to make it honor actual size (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: avoid NULL pointer deref in try_release_extent_buffer (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: make btrfs_add_nondir take parent inode as an argument (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: hold i_mutex when calling btrfs_log_dentry_safe (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: use dget_parent where we can UPDATED (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix more ESTALE problems with NFS (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: handle NFS lookups properly (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: make 1-bit signed fileds unsigned (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: Show device attr correctly for symlinks (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: Set file size correctly in file clone (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix CLONE ioctl destination file size expansion to block boundary (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: Check if dest_offset is block-size aligned before cloning file (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: handle the space_cache option properly (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: Fix early enospc because 'unused' calculated with wrong sign. (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: fix panic caused by direct IO (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup duplicate bio allocating functions (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: fix free dip and dip->csums twice (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: add migrate page for metadata inode (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: deal with errors from updating the tree log (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: allow subvol deletion by unprivileged user with -o user_subvol_rm_allowed (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: make SNAP_DESTROY async (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: add SNAP_CREATE_ASYNC ioctl (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: add START_SYNC, WAIT_SYNC ioctls (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: async transaction commit (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix deadlock in btrfs_commit_transaction (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix lockdep warning on clone ioctl (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix clone ioctl where range is adjacent to extent (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix delalloc checks in clone ioctl (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: drop unused variable in block_alloc_rsv (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: cleanup warnings from gcc 4.6 (nonbugs) (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Fix variables set but not read (bugs found by gcc 4.6) (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Use ERR_CAST helpers (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: use memdup_user helpers (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix raid code for removing missing drives (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Switch the extent buffer rbtree into a radix tree (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: restructure try_release_extent_buffer() (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: use the flusher threads for delalloc throttling (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Add new functions for triggering inode writeback (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: tune the chunk allocation to 5 of the FS as metadata (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: don't loop forever on bad btree blocks (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: let the user know space caching is enabled (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: Add a clear_cache mount option (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: add support for mixed data+metadata block groups (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: check cache->caching_ctl before returning if caching has started (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: load free space cache if it exists (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: write out free space cache (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: create special free space cache inode (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: remove warn_on from use_block_rsv (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: set trans to null in reserve_metadata_bytes if we commit the transaction (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix error handling in btrfs_get_sb (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: rework how we reserve metadata bytes (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: don't allocate chunks as aggressively (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: re-work delalloc flushing (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix reservation code for mixed block groups (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix df regression (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: fix the df ioctl to report raid types (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] Btrfs: stop trying to shrink delalloc if there are no inodes to reclaim (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] btrfs: remove junk sb_dirt change (Josef Bacik) [663749] - [fs] ext4: serialize unaligned direct asynchronous IO (Eric Sandeen) [615309] - [fs] ext4: fix inconsistency with EOFBLOCK_FL (Eric Sandeen) [657553] - [fs] ext4: Use bitops to read/modify i_flags in struct ext4_inode_info (Eric Sandeen) [657553] - [net] GRO: fix merging a paged skb after non-paged skbs (Michal Schmidt) [672541] - [net] netfilter: create audit records for x_table changes (Thomas Graf) [665129] - [block] Fix race during disk initialization (Eric Sandeen) [607605] - [virt] fix xen hvm fullvirt guest boot failure (Stefan Assmann) [673496] - [virt] virtio: console: Wake up outvq on host notifications (Amit Shah) [643750] - [netdrv] sfc: update to fix rss_cpus and sync with upstream (Michal Schmidt) [673532] - [mm] hugetlb: fix section mismatch with hugetlb_sysfs_add_hstate() (Dean Nelson) [672844] - [mm] put_page: recheck PageHead after releasing the compound_lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [664772] - [mm] unconditional setup_per_zone_wmarks in set_recommended_min_free_kbytes (Andrea Arcangeli) [664772] - [mm] adjust compound_lock_irqsave interface to match upstream (Andrea Arcangeli) [664772]- [fcoe] libfc: dereferencing ERR_PTR in fc_tm_done() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: Cleanup return paths in fc_rport_error_retry (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: Return a valid return code in fc_fcp_pkt_abort() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: always initialize the FCoE DDP exchange id for fsp as FC_XID_UNKNOWN (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix statistics for FCP input/output megabytes (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: change fip_select to return new FCF (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: reorder FCF list to put latest advertiser first (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: add debug message for FCF destination MAC (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: retry rejected FLOGI to another FCF if possible (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: fix checking of conflicting fabrics in fcoe_ctlr_select() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: move some timer code to make it reusable (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: update FIP FCF announcements (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix fc_tm_done not freeing the allocated fsp pkt (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: the timeout for the REC itself is 2 * R_A_TOV_els (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix exchange being deleted when the abort itself is timed out (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: do not fc_io_compl on fsp w/o any scsi_cmnd associated (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add print of exchange id for debugging fc_fcp (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] Update WARN uses (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix memory leakage in remote port (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix memory leakage in local port (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix memory leakage in local port (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: remove tgt_flags from fc_fcp_pkt struct (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: use rport timeout values for fcp recovery (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: incorrect scsi host byte codes returned to scsi-ml (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix stats computation in fc_queuecommand() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix mem leak in fc_seq_assign() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: tune fc_exch_em_alloc() to be O(2) (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix mem leak in fc_exch_recv_seq_resp() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix NULL pointer dereference bug in fc_fcp_pkt_release (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: remove define of fc_seq_exch in fc_exch.c (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: VN2VN connection setup causing stack memory corruption (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: Do not let disc work cancel itself (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: use DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED while lport not ready (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: fix setting of rport dev loss (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: don't require a local exchange for incoming requests (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add interface to allocate a sequence for incoming requests (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add fc_fill_reply_hdr() and fc_fill_hdr() (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add fc_frame_sid() and fc_frame_did() functions (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: eliminate rport LOGO state (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] config via separate create_vn2vn module parameter (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: use correct FC-MAP for VN2VN mode (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: Fix FIP ELS encapsulation details for FLOGI responses (Mike Christie) [633915] - [fcoe] libfcoe: fcoe: fnic: add FIP VN2VN point-to-multipoint support (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] lib/random32: export pseudo-random number generator for modules (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: add state change debugging (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: add protocol description of FIP VN2VN mode (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: track FIP exchanges (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add FLOGI state to rport for VN2VN (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: Add local port point-to-multipoint flag (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] fnic: change fcoe_ctlr_init interface to specify mode (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: add discovery-private pointer for LLD (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfcoe: convert FIP to lock with mutex instead of spin lock (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: provide space for LLD after remote port structure (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] libfc: convert rport lookup to be RCU safe (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [fcoe] make it possible to verify fcoe with sparse (Mike Christie) [633915 663561] - [block] fix performance regression introduced by the blkio-throttle code (Jeff Moyer) [669398] - [scsi] iscsi class: remove unused active variable (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] cxgbi: enable TEXT PDU support (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] cxgb3i: fixed connection problem with iscsi private ip (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix null ptr when accessing task hdr (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix gfp use in alloc_pdu (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] libiscsi: add more informative failure message during iscsi scsi eh (Mike Christie) [668632] - [scsi] cxgbi: set ulpmode only if digest is on (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgb4i: ignore informational act-open-rpl message (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgb4i: connection and ddp setting update (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgb3i: fixed connection over vlan (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] libcxgbi: pdu read fixes (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgbi: rename alloc_cpl to alloc_wr (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgb3i: change cxgb3i to use libcxgbi (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] cxgb4i iscsi driver (Mike Christie) [636291] - [scsi] libcxgbi: common library for cxgb3i and cxgb4i (Mike Christie) [636291] - [mm] avoid resetting wb_start after each writeback round (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [fs] ext4: update writeback_index based on last page scanned (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [fs] ext4: implement writeback livelock avoidance using page tagging (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [lib] radix-tree: radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged() can set incorrect tags (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [lib] radix-tree: clear all tags in radix_tree_node_rcu_free (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [lib] radix-tree.c: fix overflow in radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged() (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [lib] radix-tree: omplement function radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [mm] implement writeback livelock avoidance using page tagging (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [scsi] ibft/be2iscsi: update iscsi boot support and add be2iscsi boot support (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove premature free of cid (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: More time for FW (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for Login failure (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Driver Version change (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Increase max sector (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add support for iscsi boot (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: add Kconfig dependency on NET (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] The extended shift must be 1 (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for premature buffer free (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove debug print in IO path (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Limit max_xmit_length (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Maintain same ITT across login (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Adding crashdump support (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Free tags allocate (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to handle request_irq failure (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: No return value for hwi_enable_intr (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for freeing cid (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: pass the return from beiscsi_open_conn (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fixing the return type of functions (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fixing return value (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix warnings from new checkpatch.pl (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix null dereference on error path (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix memory leak on error path (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix disconnection cleanup (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] be2iscsi: correct return value in mgmt_invalidate_icds (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft: convert iscsi_ibft module to iscsi boot lib (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft: separate ibft parsing from sysfs interface (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft: Use IBFT_SIGN instead of open-coding the search string (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft: For UEFI machines actually do scan ACPI for iBFT (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft: Update iBFT handling for v1.03 of the spec (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] iscsi_ibft.c: remove NIPQUAD_FMT, use pI4 (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] iscsi_ibft.c: use pM to show MAC address (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [scsi] ibft, x86: Change reserve_ibft_region() to find_ibft_region() (Mike Christie) [585751 635746] - [fs] inotify: rework inotify locking to prevent double free use when free in inotify (Eric Paris) [582109] - [s390x] kernel: Enhanced node affinity support (Hendrik Brueckner) [632315] - [netdrv] qeth: support for priority tags and VLAN-ID 0 tags (Hendrik Brueckner) [633570] - [net] enable VLAN NULL tagging (Neil Horman) [633571] - [s390x] qeth: fix online setting of OSN-devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [669218] - [s390x] qeth: wait for recovery finish in open function (Hendrik Brueckner) [668845] - [s390x] qdio: prevent race for shared indicators (Hendrik Brueckner) [668835] - [s390x] qeth: l3 hw tx csum circumvent hw bug (Hendrik Brueckner) [663984] - [s390x] mm: add devmem_is_allowed() for STRICT_DEVMEM checking (Hendrik Brueckner) [647365] - [s390x] qeth: l3 add vlan hdr in passthru frames (Hendrik Brueckner) [659825] - [s390x] kernel: nohz vs cpu hotplug system hang (Hendrik Brueckner) [668470] - [s390x] qdio: use proper QEBSM operand for SIGA-R and SIGA-S (Hendrik Brueckner) [668468] - [s390x] cio: prevent kernel panic when path to network device is lost (Hendrik Brueckner) [662747] - [s390x] qeth: enable VIPA add/remove for offline devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [660688] - [s390x] hvc_iucv: do not call iucv_unregister if iucv_register has failed (Hendrik Brueckner) [661108] - [s390x] zcrypt: Handling of 4096 bit RSA keys in CRT format (Hendrik Brueckner) [633458] - [s390x] zcrypt: cope with cca restriction of cex3 (Hendrik Brueckner) [633458] - [s390x] zcrypt: support for 4096 bit keys for cex3c (Hendrik Brueckner) [633458] - [s390x] zcrypt: support for 4096 bit keys for cex3a (Hendrik Brueckner) [633458] - [s390x] zcrypt: Introduce check for 4096 bit support (Hendrik Brueckner) [633458] - [s390x] dasd: Improve handling of stolen DASD reservation (Hendrik Brueckner) [644942] - [s390x] dasd: add High Performance FICON multitrack support (Hendrik Brueckner) [632332] - [s390x] cio: reduce memory consumption of itcw structures (Hendrik Brueckner) [632332] - [s390x] cio: obtain mdc value per channel path (Hendrik Brueckner) [632332] - [s390x] kernel: display capacity adjustment indicator in /proc/sysinfo (Hendrik Brueckner) [632023] - [s390x] dasd: provide a Sense Path Group ID ioctl (Hendrik Brueckner) [644928] - [s390x] dasd: Add tunable default grace period for missing interrupts (Hendrik Brueckner) [633386] - [s390x] dasd: Add dasd part of cio internal unit check handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [633384] - [s390x] dasd: add dynamic PAV toleration (Hendrik Brueckner) [631518] - [s390x] zfcpdump: Add prefix registers to dump header (Hendrik Brueckner) [633454] - [s390x] zfcp: HBA API completion to support events (Hendrik Brueckner) [633413] - [s390x] dasd: improve error recovery for internal I/O (Hendrik Brueckner) [631497] - [s390x] s390_hypfs: Add new binary attributes (Hendrik Brueckner) [631533] - [s390x] memory hotplug: set phys_device (Hendrik Brueckner) [659474] - [memory] allow setting of phys_device (memory hotplug) (Hendrik Brueckner) [659474] - [s390x] kernel: fix clock comparator revalidation (Hendrik Brueckner) [658578] - [s390x] vmlogrdr: purge after recording is switched off (Hendrik Brueckner) [653477] - [s390x] zfcp: Cancel gid_pn work when removing port (Hendrik Brueckner) [653482] - [s390x] smsgiucv_app: deliver z/VM CP special messages as uevents (Hendrik Brueckner) [632318] - [s390x] qeth: exploit HW TX checksumming (Hendrik Brueckner) [633531] - [s390x] qeth: NAPI support for l2 and l3 discipline (Hendrik Brueckner) [633525] - [s390x] qdio: extend API to allow polling (Hendrik Brueckner) [633525] - [s390x] cio: improve resume handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [633468] - [s390x] cio: unit check handling during internal I/O (Hendrik Brueckner) [633384] - [s390x] zfcp: Trigger logging in FCP channel on qdio error conditions (Hendrik Brueckner) [632331] - [s390x] cio: add CHSC SIOSL Support (Hendrik Brueckner) [632331] - [s390x] cio: introduce cio_settle (Hendrik Brueckner) [631517]- [watchdog] hpwdt: Make NMI decoding a compile-time option (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: move NMI-decoding init and exit to seperate functions (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Use "decoding" instead of "sourcing" (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: hpwdt_pretimeout reorganization (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: implement WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: allow full range of timer values supported by hardware (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Introduce SECS_TO_TICKS() macro (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Make x86 assembly ifdef guard more strict (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Despecificate driver from iLO2 (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Group NMI sourcing specific items together (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Group options that affect watchdog behavior together (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: clean-up include-files (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: formatting of pointers in printk() (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: fix lower timeout limit (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [watchdog] hpwdt: make the watchdog_info struct const where possible (Tony Camuso) [462945] - [scsi] fix id computation in scsi_eh_target_reset (Mike Christie) [643236] - [scsi] fix the return value of scsi_target_queue_read() (Mike Christie) [643236] - [fs] cifs: add cruid= mount option (Jeff Layton) [667654] - [fs] ext3, ext4: update ctime when changing the file's permission by setfacl (Eric Sandeen) [668915] - [net] update igbvf driver (Stefan Assmann) [636327] - [scsi] fix locking around blk_abort_request() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [620391] - [scsi] megaraid: update to version 5.29 (Tomas Henzl) [642052] - [virt] MMU: only write protect mappings at pagetable level (Marcelo Tosatti) [634100] - [virt] xen: disable ACPI NUMA for PV guests (Andrew Jones) [669773] - [virt] xen: unplug the emulated devices at resume time (Paolo Bonzini) [667356] - [virt] xenfs: enable for HVM domains too (Paolo Bonzini) [667361] - [virt] KVM: Activate Virtualization On Demand (Avi Kivity) [616042] - [pci] Fix KABI breakage (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe/AER: Disable native AER service if BIOS has precedence (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: fix uninitialized variable warning (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] hotplug: Fix build with CONFIG_ACPI unset (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe: Ask BIOS for control of all native services at once (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe: Introduce commad line switch for disabling port services (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] ACPI/PCI: Negotiate _OSC control bits before requesting them (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] ACPI/PCI: Make acpi_pci_query_osc() return control bits (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [x86] ACPI: cleanup pci_root _OSC code (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe AER: Introduce pci_aer_available() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: fix annoying warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: trivial cleanup for aerdrv_core.c (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: trivial cleanup for aerdrv.c (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: introduce default_downstream_reset_link (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework find_aer_service (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: remove is_downstream (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: remove magical ROOT_ERR_STATUS_MASKS (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: redefine PCI_ERR_ROOT_*_SRC (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework do_recovery (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework get_e_source() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework aer_isr_one_error() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework add_error_device (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: remove compare_device_id (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: introduce is_error_source (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: rework find_source_device (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: make aer_{en, dis}able_rootport static (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: cleanup inconsistent functions (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: RsvdP of PCI_ERR_ROOT_COMMAND (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] aerdrv: use correct bit defines and add 2ms delay to aer_root_reset (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] change PCI nomenclature in drivers/pci/ (non-comment changes) (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] change PCI nomenclature in drivers/pci/ (comment changes) (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] remove ifdefed pci_cleanup_aer_correct_error_status (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] Remove unnecessary struct pcie_port_data (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] Backport upstream PCIE interrupt assignment code (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe AER: use pci_is_pcie() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] introduce pci_is_pcie() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] PCIe AER: use pci_pcie_cap() (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] fix memory leak in aer_inject (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] use better error return values in aer_inject (Prarit Bhargava) [661301] - [pci] add support for PCI domains to aer_inject (Prarit Bhargava) [661301]- [x86] lockup detector: enable config options (Don Zickus) [669808] - [x86] lockup detector: Kconfig fixes to seperate hard and soft lockup options (Don Zickus) [669808] - [x86] NMI: Add back unknown_nmi_panic and nmi_watchdog sysctls (Don Zickus) [669808] - [x86] perf, arch: Cleanup perf-pmu init vs lockup-detector (Don Zickus) [669808] - [x86] nmi: Add in new nmi_watchdog/softlockup changes (Don Zickus) [669808] - [x86] Move notify_die from nmi.c to traps.c (Don Zickus) [669808] - [kernel] perf_event backport (Peter Zijlstra) [672264] - [scsi] fnic: Bumping up fnic version from to (Mike Christie) [663222] - [scsi] fnic: fix memory leak (Mike Christie) [663222] - [irq] Add new IRQ flag IRQF_NO_SUSPEND (Andrew Jones) [671147] - [virt] xen: events: do not unmask event channels on resume (Andrew Jones) [671147] - [virt] xen: Do not suspend IPI IRQs (Andrew Jones) [671147] - [virt] ixp4xx-beeper: Use IRQF_NO_SUSPEND not IRQF_TIMER for non-timer interrupt (Andrew Jones) [671147] - [fs] ext3: avoid WARN() messages when failing to write the superblock (Edward Shishkin) [591466] - [fs] ext3: unify log messages (Edward Shishkin) [591466] - [kernel] add 'make rh-perf' target (Jason Baron) [644991] - [kernel] perf: .spec file updates (Jason Baron) [644991] - [kernel] perf: updates from 2.6.34 -> 2.6.37 (Jason Baron) [644991] - [kernel] perf: sync to 2.6.34 (Jason Baron) [644991] - [x86] Westmere apicid fix (George Beshers) [635808] - [x86] Fix a hard coded limit of a maximum of 16 cpu's per socket (George Beshers) [635808] - [x86] uv: More Westmere support on SGI UV (George Beshers) [635808] - [x86] uv: Enable Westmere support on SGI UV (George Beshers) [635808] - [scsi] scsi_dh: propagate SCSI device deletion (Mike Snitzer) [669411] - [scsi] scsi_dh_hp_sw: fix deadlock in start_stop_endio (Mike Snitzer) [652024] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: add scalable ONTAP lun to dev list (Mike Snitzer) [667661] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Add Promise VTrak to dev list (Mike Snitzer) [652024] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix stpg_endio group state reporting (Mike Snitzer) [652024] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix deadlock in stpg_endio (Mike Snitzer) [652024] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix submit_stpg return (Mike Snitzer) [652024] - [pci] Fix mmap address check in pci_mmap_fits (Prarit Bhargava) [645287] - [pci] fix size checks for mmap() on /proc/bus/pci files (Prarit Bhargava) [645287] - [fs] GFS2: recovery stuck on transaction lock (Robert S Peterson) [672600] - [fs] nfs4: fix units bug causing hang on recovery (J. Bruce Fields) [672345] - [fs] ext4: Update ext4 documentation (Lukas Czerner) [519467] - [fs] jbd2: fix /proc/fs/jbd2/ when using an external (Lukas Czerner) [655875] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack snmp helper (Jiri Olsa) [638176] - [net] netfilter: audit target to record accepted/dropped packets (Thomas Graf) [642391] - [net] packet_mmap: expose hw packet timestamps to network packet capture utilities (Thomas Graf) [645800] - [scsi] bfa rebase reflecting scsi-misc bfa (Rob Evers) [641052] - [scsi] libsas: Don't issue commands to devices that have been hot-removed (David Milburn) [669154] - [security] crypto: mark ghash as fips_allowed (Jarod Wilson) [638133] - [kernel] Fix over-scheduling bug (Jane Lv) [666484] - [kernel] trace: add several tracepoints/scripts for analyzing network stack (Neil Horman) [611700] - [sound] disable NVIDIA HDMI PCI device for Lenovo T410 models (Jaroslav Kysela) [662660] - [sound] Update the ALSA HDA audio driver from upstream (Jaroslav Kysela) [583745 618797 619430 636922 637240 646771 663946 667460] - [x86] UEFI IBM boot regression (Bob Picco) [668825] - [netdrv] ehea: Add some info messages and fix an issue (Steve Best) [658185]- [crypto] mark xts(aes) as fips_allowed (Jarod Wilson) [625489] - [fs] nfsd: break lease on unlink, link, and rename (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] nfsd4: break lease on nfsd setattr (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] nfsd: remove some unnecessary dropit handling (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] nfsd: stop translating EAGAIN to nfserr_dropit (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] svcrpc: simpler request dropping (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] svcrpc: avoid double reply caused by deferral race (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [fs] nfsd: don't drop requests on -ENOMEM (J. Bruce Fields) [626814] - [x86] numa: Cacheline aliasing makes for_each_populated_zone extremely expensive (George Beshers) [635850] - [scsi] mptas: version string change 3.04.18 (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Incorrect return value in mptscsih_dev_reset (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: inDMD deleted (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: remove bus reset (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: 3gbps - 6gbps (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: sysfs sas addr handle (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: fix warning when not using procfs (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Fix 32 bit platforms with 64 bit resources (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: convert to seq_file (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: use module_param in drivers/message/fusion/mptbase.c (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: drivers/message/fusion: Adjust confusing indentation (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: print Doorbell register in a case of hard reset and timeout (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: fixed hot-removal processing (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Cleanup some duplicate calls in mptbase.c (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Added missing reset for ioc_reset_in_progress in SoftReset (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Proper error handling is added after mpt_config timeout (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Event data alignment with 4 byte (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Check for command status is added after completion (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Task abort is not supported for Volumes (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: sanity check for vdevice pointer is added (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Setting period, offset and width for SPI driver (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Proper bus_type check is added (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: mpt_detach is called properly at the time of rmmod (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: mpt config will do Hard Reset based upon retry counts (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Updated SCSI IO IOCTL error handling (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Added new less expensive RESET (Message Unit Reset) (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: modify mptctl_exit() to call proper deregister functions (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: hold off error recovery while alternate ioc is initializing (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: corrected if condition check for SCSIIO and PASSTHROUGH commands (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: block device when target is being removed by FW (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Added sysfs expander manufacture information (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [scsi] mptsas: Added-MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_HEADOFQ-priority (Tomas Henzl) [642618] - [fs] ext4: Add FITRIM ioctl to handle ext4 batched discard (Lukas Czerner) [651021] - [fs] ext4: Add batched discard support for ext4 (Lukas Czerner) [651021] - [fs] ext4: Create ext4 helper for sb_issue_discard (Lukas Czerner) [651021] - [fs] Added a #include to eliminate a compilation failure (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: layout roc code (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: update nfs4_callback_recallany to handle layouts (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: add CB_LAYOUTRECALL handling (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: CB_LAYOUTRECALL xdr code (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: change lo refcounting to atomic_t (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: check that partial LAYOUTGET return is ignored (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: add layout to client list before sending rpc (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: serialize LAYOUTGET(openstateid) (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: layoutget rpc code cleanup (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: change how lsegs are removed from layout list (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: change layout state seqlock to a spinlock (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: add prefix to struct pnfs_layout_hdr fields (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: add prefix to struct pnfs_layout_segment fields (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: remove unnecessary field lgp->status (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] pnfs: fix incorrect comment in destroy_lseg (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: rename client back channel transport field (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: add session back channel draining (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: RPC_AUTH_GSS unsupported on v4.1 back channel (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS refactor nfs_find_client and reference client across callback processing (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] nfs41: do not allocate unused back channel pages (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS associate sessionid with callback connection (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS implement v4.0 callback_ident (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: do not clear minor version at nfs_client free (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: use svc_create_xprt for NFSv4.1 callback service (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] SUNRPC: register and unregister the back channel transport (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] SUNRPC: new transport for the NFSv4.1 shared back channel (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] SUNRPC: fix bc_send print (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] SUNRPC: move svc_drop to caller of svc_process_common (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix deadlock when cancelling worker (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: New release P27 (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Generate the coredump to ethtool user buffer (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: pull NULL check ahead of dereference (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix a deadlock when the interface is going down (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: reset the chip before freeing the buffers (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Restoring the vlan setting during ql_adapter_up (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: New release P25 (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: fix a eeh handler to not add a pending timer (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: New release P24 (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Remove all error packet flags and enable tcp/udp and ip csum error (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Restoring the promiscuous setting in ql_adapter_up (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Changing cpu_to_be16 to htons for udp checksum (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [netdrv] qlge: Eliminate firmware dependency for MPI coredump (Chad Dupuis) [635703] - [kernel] driver core: Convert link_mem_sections to use find_memory_block_hinted (George Beshers) [635866] - [kernel] driver core: Introduce find_memory_block_hinted which utilizes kset_find_obj_hinted (George Beshers) [635866] - [kernel] kobject: Introduce kset_find_obj_hinted (George Beshers) [635866] - [x86] UV: memory_block_size_bytes for x86_64 when CONFIG_X86_UV (George Beshers) [635866] - [ppc] add dynamic dma window support (Steve Best) [632770] - [ppc] add memory_hotplug_max (Steve Best) [632770] - [ppc] dma: Add optional platform override of dma_set_mask() (Steve Best) [632770] - [x86] therm_throt.c: Trivial printk message fix for a unsuitable abbreviation of 'thermal' (Prarit Bhargava) [666859] - [x86] mce: Notify about corrected events too (Prarit Bhargava) [666859] - [x86] asm: Introduce and use percpu_inc() (Prarit Bhargava) [666859] - [mm] memory hotplug: fix notifier's return value check (Steve Best) [632694] - [powerpc] Make the CMM memory hotplug aware (Steve Best) [632694] - [mm] Add notifier in pageblock isolation for balloon drivers (Steve Best) [632694] - [kernel] tracing: Allow to disable cmdline recording (Jiri Olsa) [632065] - [kernel] tracing: Combine event filter_active and enable into single flags field (Jiri Olsa) [632065] - [fs] GFS2: [RFE] glock scalability patches (Abhijith Das) [656939] - [net] bonding: prevent sysfs from allowing arp monitoring with alb/tlb (Andy Gospodarek) [605189] - [net] fix oops in RPS when netdevice has no parent dev (Neil Horman) [670907] - [scsi] libsas: fix bug for vacant phy (David Milburn) [668754] - [scsi] sr: fix sr_drive_status handling when initialization required (Tomas Henzl) [663159]- [ppc] Export memstart_addr and kernstart_addr on ppc64 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] fix compiling problem with i386 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4: add ConnectX-3 PCI IDs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4: fix mc usage after IBoE addition (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3/t3_hw.c: use new hex_to_bin() method (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] uverbs: Handle large number of entries in poll CQ (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix MAC address hash filter (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Fix information leak in marshalling code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] pack: Remove some unused code added by the IBoE patches (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix IBoE link state (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix IBoE reported link rate (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Workaround firmware bug in query dev cap (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix memory ordering of VLAN insertion control bits (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Integer overflow in RDS cmsg handling (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Fix rds message leak in rds_message_map_pages (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Remove kfreed tcp conn from list (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Lost locking in loop connection freeing (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove call to stop TX queues at load time (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: remove call to stop TX queues at load time (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Let rds_message_alloc_sgs() return NULL (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Copy rds_iovecs into kernel memory instead of rereading from userspace (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Clean up error handling in rds_cmsg_rdma_args (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Return -EINVAL if rds_rdma_pages returns an error (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] fix rds_iovec page count overflow (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: Fix panic in free_tx_desc() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix crash due to manipulating queues before registration (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [kernel] kernel.h: add {min,max}3 macros (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: clean up properly if pci_set_consistent_dma_mask() fails (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Allow driver to load if PCIe AER fails (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Fix uninitialized pointer if CONFIG_PCI_MSI not set (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Fix extra log level in qib_early_err() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove unnecessary KERN_ use (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Remove unnecessary KERN_ use (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix out of bounds array access (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix device opening error path (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Add link layer type information to sysfs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Add VLAN support for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Add VLAN support for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Add support for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Change multicast promiscuous mode to support IBoE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Update data structures and constants for IBoE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Allow protocol drivers to find corresponding interfaces (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] uverbs: Return link layer type to userspace for query port operation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Sync buffer before posting send (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Use list_first_entry() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Reduce number of BUSY conditions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Eliminate two forward declarations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix crash due to manipulating queues before registration (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4: make functions local and remove dead code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Signal node desc changes to SM by using FW to generate trap 144 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Replace EXTRA_CFLAGS with ccflags-y (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [kernel] kernel.h: add BUILD_BUG_ON_NOT_POWER_OF_2() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ucma: Allow tuning the max listen backlog (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Set dev_id field of net_device (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Implement SRP_CRED_REQ and SRP_AER_REQ (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Preparation for transmit ring response allocation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Process RDMA WRITE ONLY with IMMEDIATE properly (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: When a user QP is marked in error, also mark the CQs in error (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use cxgb4 service for packet gl to skb (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Export T4 TCP MIB (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: function namespace cleanup (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: make local functions/variables static (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: function namespace cleanup (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] fix mlx4 kconfig dependency warning (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] pack: IBoE UD packet packing support (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cm: Add RDMA CM support for IBoE devices (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mad: IBoE supports only QP1 (no QP0) (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Skip IBoE ports (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] iwcm: Fix hang in uninterruptible wait on cm_id destroy (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use simple_read_from_buffer() for debugfs handlers (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add default_llseek to debugfs files (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Limit size of fast registration WRs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Turn carrier off on ifdown (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Report correct port state if interface is down (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ehca: Fix driver on relocatable kernel (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove a bogus PCI function number check (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] umad: Make user_mad semaphore a real one (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] amso1100: Remove KERN_ from pr_ use (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Remove unneeded variable (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Set pkt_type correctly for multicast packets (fix IGMP breakage) (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fastreg NSMR fixes (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't set completion flag for read requests (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Set the default TCP send window to 128KB (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use a mutex for QP and EP state transitions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Support on-chip SQs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Centralize the wait logic (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: debugfs files for dumping active stags (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Log HW lack-of-resource errors (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Handle CPL_RDMA_TERMINATE messages (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Ignore TERMINATE CQEs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Ignore positive return values from cxgb4_*_send() functions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Zero out ISGL padding (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't use null ep ptr (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix cast-to-pointer warnings on 32-bit (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Add link layer property to ports (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Revert "[infiniband] Add IBoE support" (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Revert "[infiniband] mlx4: enable IBoE feature" (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix warnings about casts to/from pointers of different sizes (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Turn off RX coalescing for iWARP connections (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] fix a lockdep splat (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove unnecessary casts of private_data (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: spin_lock_irq() is not nestable (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: double unlock in rds_ib_cm_handle_connect() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: signedness bug (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: remove undefined operations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Implement masked atomic operations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] print string constants in more places (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: cancel connection work structs as we shut down (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: don't call rds_conn_shutdown() from rds_conn_destroy() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: have sockets get transport module references (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: remove old rs_transport comment (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: lock rds_conn_count decrement in rds_conn_destroy() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] protect the list of IB devices (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] print IB event strings as well as their number (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: flush fmrs before allocating new ones (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: properly use sg_init_table (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] track signaled sends (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: remove __init and __exit annotation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Use SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN flag for kmem_cache_create() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] always process recv completions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: return to a single-threaded krdsd (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] create a work queue for FMR flushing (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] destroy connections on rmmod (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] wait for IB dev freeing work to finish during rmmod (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Make ib_recv_refill return void (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Remove unused XLIST_PTR_TAIL and xlist_protect() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: whitespace (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: use delayed work for the FMR flushes (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: more FMRs are faster (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: recycle FMRs through lockless lists (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: fix rds_send_xmit() serialization (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: block ints when acquiring c_lock in rds_conn_message_info() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: remove unused rds_send_acked_before() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: use friendly gfp masks for prefill (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Add caching of frags and incs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove ib_recv_unmap_page() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Assume recv->r_frag is always NULL in refill_one() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Use page_remainder_alloc() for recv bufs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] disconnect when IB devices are removed (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: introduce rds_conn_connect_if_down() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] add refcount tracking to struct rds_ib_device (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] get the xmit max_sge from the RDS IB device on the connection (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] rds_ib_cm_handle_connect() forgot to unlock c_cm_lock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Fix reference counting on the for xmit_atomic and xmit_rdma (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: use RCU to protect the connection hash (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: use locking on the connection hash list (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Fix RDMA message reference counting (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: don't let RDS shutdown a connection while senders are present (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Use RCU for the bind lookup searches (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] add _to_node() macros for numa and use {k, v}malloc_node() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove unused variable in ib_remove_addr() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: rcu-ize rds_ib_get_device() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: per-rm flush_wait waitq (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: switch to rwlock on bind_lock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Update comments in rds_send_xmit() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Use a generation counter to avoid rds_send_xmit loop (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Get pong working again (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Do wait_event_interruptible instead of wait_event (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Remove send_quota from send_xmit() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Move atomic stats from general to ib-specific area (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: rds_message_unmapped() doesn't need to check if queue active (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix locking in send on m_rs_lock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Use NOWAIT in message_map_pages() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Bypass workqueue when queueing cong updates (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Call rds_send_xmit() directly from sendmsg() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: rds_send_xmit() locking/irq fixes (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Change send lock from a mutex to a spinlock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Refill recv ring directly from tasklet (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Stop supporting old cong map sending method (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Do not wait for send ring to be empty on conn shutdown (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Perform unmapping ops in stages (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Make sure cmsgs aren't used in improper ways (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Add flag for silent ops. Do atomic op before RDMA (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Move some variables around for consistency (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: queue failure notifications for dropped atomic ops (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Add a warning if trying to allocate 0 sgs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Do not set op_active in r_m_copy_from_user() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Rewrite rds_send_xmit (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Rename data op members prefix from m_ to op_ (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Remove struct rds_rdma_op (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: purge atomic resources too in rds_message_purge() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Inline rdma_prepare into cmsg_rdma_args (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Implement silent atomics (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Move loop-only function to loop.c (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Make all flow control code conditional on i_flowctl (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Remove unsignaled_bytes sysctl (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: rewrite rds_ib_xmit (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove ib_[header/data]_sge() functions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove dead code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Disallow connections less than RDS 3.1 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] eliminate duplicate code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: inc_purge() transport function unused - remove it (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Whitespace (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Do not mask address when pinning pages (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Base init_depth and responder_resources on hw values (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Implement atomic operations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Clear up some confusing code in send_remove_from_sock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: make sure all sgs alloced are initialized (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: make m_rdma_op a member of rds_message (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: fold rdma.h into rds.h (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Explicitly allocate rm in sendmsg() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: cleanup/fix rds_rdma_unuse (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: break out rdma and data ops into nested structs in rds_message (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: cleanup: remove "== NULL"s and "!= NULL"s in ptr comparisons (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: move rds_shutdown_worker impl. to rds_conn_shutdown (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix locking in send on m_rs_lock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Rewrite rds_send_drop_to() for clarity (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix corrupted rds_mrs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix BUG_ONs to not fire when in a tasklet (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix hang with modified FIN handling on A0 cards (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Change state to closing after FIN (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix double CLOSE event indication crash (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Write correct register write to set TX pause param (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixed Ethtool statistics report (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Consider napi_get_frags() failure (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Don't exceed the max HW CQ depth (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4: use bitmap library (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix build warning in mlx4_en_create_rx_ring (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: updated driver version (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Moving to work with GRO (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: reconfiguring mac address (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: get/set ringsize uses actual ring size (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixing report in Ethtool get_settings (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Added self diagnostics test implementation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Validate port up prior to transmitting (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Reporting link state with KERN_INFO (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixed MAX_TX_RINGS definition (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: performing CLOSE_PORT at the end of tear-down process (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Setting dev->perm_addr field (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Setting actual RX ring size (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixed incorrect unmapping on RX flow (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: update PCI ids (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix setting of the function number in transmit descriptors (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: support eeprom read/write on functions other than 0 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: handle Rx/Tx queue ranges not starting at 0 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4: remove num_lro parameter (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: fix a leak of kernel memory (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] Convert unbounded kzalloc calls to kcalloc (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Obtain RDMA QID ranges from LLD/FW (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Add missing include (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ehca: Drop unnecessary NULL test (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix confusing if statement indentation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: do not use PCI resources before pci_enable_device() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix misindented code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix showing wqm_quanta (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Get rid of "set but not used" variables (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Read firmware version from correct place (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Export req_lim via sysfs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Make receive buffer handling more robust (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] srp: Use print_hex_dump() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Rename RAW_ETY to RAW_ETHERTYPE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix two sparse warnings (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Make needlessly global iwch_l2t_send() static (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add timeouts when waiting for FW responses (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Fix race between qib_error_qp() and receive packet processing (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Limit the number of packets processed per interrupt (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Allow writes to the diag_counters to be able to clear them (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Set cfgctxts to number of CPUs by default (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Set/reset the EP timer inside EP lock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use correct control txq (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix race in fini path (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: update driver version (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new PCI IDs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix wrong shift direction (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: support running the driver on PCI functions besides 0 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: advertise NETIF_F_TSO_ECN (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: get on-chip queue info from FW and create a memory window for them (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix TSO descriptors (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: don't offload Rx checksums for IPv6 fragments (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: disable an interrupt that is neither used nor serviced (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cm: Check LAP state before sending an MRA (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix hangs on ifdown (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Store and print eeprom version (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Convert pci_table entries to PCI_VDEVICE (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Allow PSM to select from multiple port assignment algorithms (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Turn off IB latency mode (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Use generic_file_llseek (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Support variable sized work requests (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Clean up signed check of unsigned variable (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove dependency on __GFP_NOFAIL (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add module option to tweak delayed ack (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ipath: Fix probe failure path (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Remove unnecessary casts of private_data (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Avoid variable-length array (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove unneeded NULL check (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove unneeded assignment (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Rewrite expression to avoid undefined semantics (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] umad: Remove unused-but-set variable 'already_dead' (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: exclude registers with read side effects from register dumps (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid duplicating some resource freeing code (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: move the choice of interrupt type before net_device registration (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Use request_firmware() to load SD7220 firmware (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use kfree_skb for skb pointers (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Fix world-writable child interface control sysfs attributes (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Clean up properly if qib_init() fails (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Completion queue callback needs to be single threaded (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Update 7322 serdes tables (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Clear 6120 hardware error register (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Clear eager buffer memory for each new process (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Mask hardware error during link reset (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Don't mark VL15 bufs as WC to avoid a rare 7322 chip problem (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Derive smac_idx from port viid (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Avoid false GTS CIDX_INC overflows (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't call abort_connection() for active connect failures (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add code to provision T4 PCI-E SR-IOV Virtual Functions with hardware resources (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add new macros and definitions for hardware constants (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: update to latest T4 firmware API file (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: small changes to message processing structures/macros (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: request 7.10 firmware (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: minor cleanup (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: update FW definitions (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: add a missing error interrupt (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: propagate link initialization errors to .ndo_open's callers (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: set dev_id to the port number (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: implement EEH (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: rearrange initialization code in preparation for EEH (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: dynamically determine flash size and FW image location (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] fix the deadlock in qib_fs (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_en: use net_device dev_id to indicate port number (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb3: Use memdup_user (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: Add missing mutex_unlock (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Remove DCA support until feature is finished (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ehca: convert cpu notifier to return encapsulate errno value (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Use a single txselect module parameter for serdes tuning (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Don't rely on (undefined) order of function parameter evaluation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ucm: Use memdup_user() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Fix undefined symbol error when CONFIG_PCI_MSI=n (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Fix incorrect unlock in nes_process_mac_intr() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Async event for closed QP causes crash (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Have ethtool read hardware registers for rx/tx stats (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Only insert sq qid in lookup table (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Support IB_WR_READ_WITH_INV opcode (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Set fence flag for inv-local-stag work requests (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update some HW limits (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't limit fastreg page list depth (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Return proper errors in fastreg mr/pbl allocation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix overflow bug in CQ arm (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Optimize CQ overflow detection (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: CQ size must be IQ size - 2 (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Register RDMA provider based on LLD state_change events (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Detach from the LLD after unregistering RDMA device (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ipath: Remove support for QLogic PCIe QLE devices (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] qib: Add new qib driver for QLogic PCIe InfiniBand adapters (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mad: Make needlessly global mad_sendq_size/mad_recvq_size static (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Allow device-specific per-port sysfs files (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Clean up mlx4_alloc_icm() a bit (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix possible chunk sg list overflow in mlx4_alloc_icm() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: notify upper drivers if the device is already up when they load (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: keep interrupts available when the ports are brought down (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix initial addition of MAC address (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Use kmemdup() instead of kmalloc()+memcpy() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: report GRO stats with ethtool -S (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: configure HW VLAN extraction through FW (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] MAINTAINERS: Add cxgb4 and iw_cxgb4 entries (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Shrink .text with compile-time init of handlers arrays (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: increase serial number length (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: Make unnecessarily global functions static (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use ntohs() on __be16 value instead of htons() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Allow disabling/enabling TSO on the fly through ethtool (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] mlx4: Add support for masked atomic operations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] core: Add support for masked atomic operations (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cma: Randomize local port allocation (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Make unnecessarily global functions static (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] nes: Make nesadapter->phy_lock usage consistent (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [kernel] Enable the new kfifo API (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [kernel] kfifo: add the new generic kfifo API (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add driver for Chelsio T4 RNIC (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] cxgb3: Don't free skbs on NET_XMIT_* indications from LLD (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Explicitly rule out llseek to avoid BKL in default_llseek() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] rds: cleanup: remove unneeded variable (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ipoib: remove addrlen check for mc addresses (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Enable per-cpu workqueue threads (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Do not call set_page_dirty() with irqs off (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Properly unmap when getting a remote access error (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: only put sockets that have seen congestion on the poll_waitq (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix locking in rds_send_drop_to() (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Turn down alarming reconnect messages (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Workaround for in-use MRs on close causing crash (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix send locking issue (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Fix congestion issues for loopback (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS/TCP: Wait to wake thread when write space available (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: update copy_to_user state in tcp transport (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: sendmsg() should check sndtimeo, not rcvtimeo (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [net] RDS: Do not BUG() on error returned from ib_post_send (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] Fix typos in comments (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296} - [infiniband] ib_qib: back out driver entirely (Doug Ledford) [607396 633157 633329 633875 635914 660674 660680] {CVE-2010-3296}- [ppc] fix oops in device_pm_remove (Steve Best) [632683] - [fs] Allow gfs2 to update quota usage through the quotactl interface (Steven Whitehouse) [671267] - [x86] thp: pte alloc trans splitting (John Villalovos) [464222] - [x86] Enable CONFIG_INTEL_TXT so that Intel Trusted Execution Technology can work (John Villalovos) [464222] - [scsi] pmcraid: disable msix and expand device config entry (Rob Evers) [633880] - [scsi] pmcraid: add support for set timestamp command and other fixes (Rob Evers) [633880] - [scsi] pmcraid: MSI-X support and other changes (Rob Evers) [633880] - [kprobes] x86, alternative: Call stop_machine_text_poke() on all cpus (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Remove redundant text_mutex lock in optimize (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Add sparse context annotations (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Remove __dummy_buf (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Make functions static (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Verify jprobe entry point (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Remove redundant address check (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Fix the return address of multiple kretprobes (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: fix swapped segment registers in kretprobe (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Move enable/disable_kprobe() out from debugfs code (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Calculate the index correctly when freeing the out-of-line execution slot (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Issue at least one memory barrier in stop_machine_text_poke() (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Support kprobes jump optimization on x86 (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Add text_poke_smp for SMP cross modifying code (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Cleanup save/restore registers (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Boost probes when reentering (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Jump optimization sysctl interface (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Introduce kprobes jump optimization (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Introduce generic insn_slot framework (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Cleanup RELATIVEJUMP_INSTRUCTION to RELATIVEJUMP_OPCODE (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Add mcount to the kprobes blacklist (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Check probe address is reserved (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86/alternatives: Fix build warning (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] ftrace/alternatives: Introducing *_text_reserved functions (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Disable booster when CONFIG_PREEMPT=y (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Fix distinct type warning (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Sanitize struct kretprobe_instance allocations (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: use kernel_stack_pointer() in kprobes.c (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Prevent re-registration of the same kprobe (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86-32: Move irq-exit functions to kprobes section (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Prohibit to probe native_get_debugreg (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86-64: Allow to reenter probe on post_handler (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] x86: Call BUG() when reentering probe into KPROBES_HIT_SS (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] tracing: Dump the culprit kprobe in case of kprobe recursion (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Cleanup fix_riprel() using insn decoder on x86 (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [kprobes] Checks probe address is instruction boudary on x86 (Jiri Olsa) [464658] - [fs] fix kernel panic at __rpc_create_common() when mounting nfs (Takashi Sato) [670734] - [fs] inotify: stop kernel memory leak on file creation failure (Eric Paris) [656832] {CVE-2010-4250} - [fs] GFS2: remove iopen glocks from cache on failed deletes (Benjamin Marzinski) [669877] - [fs] ext2, ext3: directory handling speedups for smaller blocksizes (Eric Sandeen) [520462] - [powerpc] add support for new hcall H_BEST_ENERGY (Steve Best) [630086] - [mm] filemap: fix race condition in xip_file_fault (Hendrik Brueckner) [623251] - [fs] nfs4: set source address when callback is generated (J. Bruce Fields) [662589] - [net] ipv4: correct IGMP behavior on v2/v3 query responses (Jiri Pirko) [671153] - [net] Fix definition of netif_vdbg() when VERBOSE_DEBUG is not defined (Michal Schmidt) [669749] - [net] sctp: fix kernel panic resulting from mishandling of icmp dest unreachable msg (Neil Horman) [667029] - [net] backport Receive Packet Steering (Neil Horman) [620680] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix overflow in alua_rtpg port group id check (Mike Snitzer) [670572] - [scsi] libsas: fix definition of wideport, include local sas address (David Milburn) [669782] - [kernel] tracing: fix recursive user stack trace (Jiri Olsa) [602804] - [security] audit: include subject in login records (Eric Paris) [670328] - [security] audit: consistent naming of field types in tty audit logs (Eric Paris) [670556] - [security] audit: capture mmap arguments in audit logs (Eric Paris) [661398] - [perf] sched: Use PTHREAD_STACK_MIN to avoid pthread_attr_setstacksize() fail (Jiri Pirko) [663891] - [kernel] lib: fix vscnprintf() if @size is == 0 (Anton Arapov) [667328] - [usb] EHCI: AMD periodic frame list table quirk (Don Zickus) [651332] - [kernel] tracing: Shrink max latency ringbuffer if unnecessary (Jarod Wilson) [632063] - [edac] i7core_edac: return -ENODEV if no MC is found (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [646505] - [block] mmc: Add support for O2Micro SD/MMC (John Feeney) [637243] - [sound] ALSA: add snd-aloop module (Jaroslav Kysela) [647012] - [x86] Add ACPI APEI support (Matthew Garrett) [641036] - [x86] Enabling/Fixing Warm reboots on Dell UEFI systems (Shyam Iyer) [641434] - [x86] Add Intel Intelligent Power Sharing driver (Matthew Garrett) [513536] - [x86] Include support for DMI OEM flag to set pci=bfsort in future Dell systems (Shyam Iyer) [658537] - [x86] Add support for Sandybridge temperature monitoring and thermal/power throttling (Matthew Garrett) [638254] - [x86] cpuidle: Add a repeating pattern detector to the menu governor (Matthew Garrett) [638259] - [virt] virtio: remove virtio-pci root device (Michael S. Tsirkin) [583064] - [virt] xen/events: change to using fasteoi (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] x86/pvclock: Zero last_value on resume (Andrew Jones) [663755] - [netdrv] e1000: prevent unhandled IRQs from taking down virtual machines (Dean Nelson) [655521] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: update to upstream version 1.0.19-k0 (Andy Gospodarek) [636329] - [netdrv] enic: update to upstream version (Andy Gospodarek) [641092] - [netdrv] sfc: update to current upstream version with SFC9000 support (Michal Schmidt) [556563] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix inconsistent lock state (Stanislaw Gruszka) [669373] - [mm] writeback: write_cache_pages doesn't terminate at nr_to_write <= 0 (Josef Bacik) [638349] - [mm] allow MMCONFIG above 4GB (Seiji Aguchi) [635753] - [mm] install_special_mapping skips security_file_mmap check (Frantisek Hrbata) [662199] {CVE-2010-4346} - [mm] KSM on THP (Andrea Arcangeli) [647334] - [mm] performance optimization to retry page fault when blocking on disk transfer (Larry Woodman) [667186] - [mm] allocate memory in khugepaged outside of mmap_sem write mode (Andrea Arcangeli) [647849] - [mm] make exclusively owned pages belong to the local anon_vma on swapin (Rik van Riel) [617199]- [security] selinux: include vmalloc.h for vmalloc_user (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: implement mmap on /selinux/policy (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] SELinux: allow userspace to read policy back out of the kernel (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] kernel: rounddown helper function (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] SELinux: drop useless (and incorrect) AVTAB_MAX_SIZE (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] SELinux: break ocontext reading into a separate function (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] SELinux: move genfs read to a separate function (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: fix error codes in symtab_init() (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: fix error codes in cond_policydb_init() (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: fix error codes in cond_read_node() (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: fix error codes in cond_read_av_list() (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: propagate error codes in cond_read_list() (Eric Paris) [667225] - [security] selinux: fix up style problem on /selinux/status (Eric Paris) [667500] - [security] selinux: fast status update interface (Eric Paris) [667500] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k5 (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Updated the Copyright header (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: do not reset hba if ql4xdontresethba is set (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: do not check for fw hung if reset retry is in progress (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: cache new IP address acquired via DHCP (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fail initialization if qla4_8xxx_pci_mem_write_2M fails (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: put device in FAILED state for 82XX initialization failure (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: do not process interrupt unconditionally (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: use correct fw_ddb_index in abort task (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: memory wedge with peg_halt test in loop (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: initialize MSI in correct way (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Drop use of IRQF_DISABLE (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix cmd check in qla4xxx_cmd_wait (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k4 (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: grab hardware_lock in eh_abort before accessing srb (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove unwanted check for bad spd (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: update AER support for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear the rom lock if the firmware died while holding it (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: use CRB Register for Request Queue in-pointer (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: dump mailbox registers on System Error (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for 8130/8131 AENs (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Reset seconds_since_last_heartbeat correctly (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: On firmware hang do not wait for the outstanding commands to complete (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: free_irqs on failed initialize_adapter (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: correct data type of sense_len in qla4xxx_status_cont_entry (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: remove "ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt" from wait_for_hba_online (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: honor return status of qla4xxx_hw_reset (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Trivial cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix build on PPC (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix build (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix compilation warning (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k3 (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added AER support for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Handle outstanding mbx cmds on hung f/w scenarios (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: updated mbx_sys_info struct to sync with FW 4.6.x (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: clear AF_DPC_SCHEDULED flage when exit from do_dpc (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Stop firmware before doing init firmware (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use the correct request queue (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: set correct value in sess->recovery_tmo (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix typos concerning "initiali[zs]e" (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.02.00-k2 (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: wait for device_ready before device discovery (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: replace all dev_info, dev_warn, dev_err with ql4_printk (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Handle one H/W Interrupt at a time (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix the freeing of the buffer allocated for DMA (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: correct return status in function qla4xxx_fw_ready (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: unblock iscsi session after setting ddb state online (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [scsi] qla4xxx: set driver ddb state correctly in process_ddb_changed (Chad Dupuis) [516846] - [hwmon] config: enable k10temp module (Michal Schmidt) [623968] - [hwmon] k10temp: add hwmon driver for AMD family 10h/11h CPUs (Michal Schmidt) [623968] - [x86] Calgary: Limit the max PHB number to 256 (James Takahashi) [579480] - [x86] Calgary: Increase max PHB number (James Takahashi) [579480] - [tracing] wakeup latency tracer graph support (Jiri Olsa) [667519] - [tracing] Have graph flags passed in to ouput functions (Jiri Olsa) [667519] - [tracing] Add ftrace events for graph tracer (Jiri Olsa) [667519] - [uv] sgi-xpc: XPC fails to discover partitions (George Beshers) [662996] - [uv] sgi-xpc: Incoming XPC channel messages (George Beshers) [662996] - [uv] x86: Use allocated buffer in tlb_uv.c:tunables_read() (George Beshers) [662722] - [uv] x86: Initialize BAU hub map (George Beshers) [662722] - [uv] x86: Initialize BAU MMRs only on hubs with cpus (George Beshers) [662722] - [scsi] bsg: correct fault if queue object removed while dev_t open (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] fc class: add fc host dev loss sysfs file (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] lpfc: prep for fc host dev loss tmo support (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] qla2xxx: prep for fc host dev loss tmo support (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] ibmvfc: prep for fc host dev loss tmo support (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] fnic: prep for fc host dev loss tmo support (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: fix blocked bsg request when fc object deleted (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] ibmvfc: do not reset dev_loss_tmo in slave callout (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] fnic: do not reset dev_loss_tmo in slave callout (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] lpfc: do not reset dev_loss_tmo in slave callout (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] qla2xxx: do not reset dev_loss_tmo in slave callout (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] fc class: add fc host default default dev loss setting (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Protect against overflow in dev_loss_tmo (Mike Christie) [619818 658248] - [md] fix bug with re-adding of partially recovered device (Mike Snitzer) [663783] - [md] fix possible deadlock in handling flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [663783] - [md] move code in to submit_flushes (Mike Snitzer) [663783] - [md] remove handling of flush_pending in md_submit_flush_data (Mike Snitzer) [663783] - [virt] enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y (Stefan Assmann) [614455] - [virt] xen: fix section mismatch in reference from the function xen_hvm_init_shared_info() (Stefan Assmann) [614455] - [powerpc] Don't use kernel stack with translation off (Steve Best) [628951] - [powerpc] Initialise paca->kstack before early_setup_secondary (Steve Best) [628951] - [edac] i7core_edac: return -ENODEV when devices were already probed (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: use edac's own way to print errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Avoid PCI refcount to reach zero on successive load/reload (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Fix refcount error at PCI devices (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: it is safe to i7core_unregister_mci() when mci=NULL (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Fix an oops at i7core probe (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Remove unused member channels in i7core_pvt (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Remove unused arg csrow from get_dimm_config (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Reduce args of i7core_register_mci (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Introduce i7core_unregister_mci (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Use saved pointers (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Check probe counter in i7core_remove (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Call pci_dev_put() when alloc_i7core_dev() failed (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Fix error path of i7core_register_mci (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Fix order of lines in i7core_register_mci (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Always do get/put for all devices (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Introduce i7core_pci_ctl_create/release (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Introduce free_i7core_dev (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Introduce alloc_i7core_dev (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Reduce args of i7core_get_onedevice (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Fix the logic in i7core_remove() (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Don't do the legacy PCI probe by default (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: don't use a freed mci struct (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] edac_core: Print debug messages at release calls (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] edac_core: Don't let free(mci) happen while using it (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] edac_core: Do a better job with node removal (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: explicitly remove PCI devices from the devices list (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: MCE NMI handling should stop first (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Initialize all priv vars before start polling (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Improve debug to seek for register/remove errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: move #if PAGE_SHIFT to edac_core.h (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: properly terminate the group of udimm counters (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Properly mark const static vars as such (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: move static vars to the beginning of the file (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [edac] i7core_edac: Be sure that the edac pci handler will be properly released (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [603124] - [net] bonding: prevent oopsing on calling pskb_may_pull on shared skb (Andy Gospodarek) [665110]- [netdrv] e1000: Add support for the CE4100 reference platform (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] Intel Wired LAN drivers: Use static const (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use vzalloc() (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: fix screaming IRQ (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: fix return value not set on error (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: make e1000_reinit_safe local (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] vlan: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: return operator cleanup (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use GRO for receive (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: fix occasional panic on unload (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use work queues (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: set NETIF_F_HIGHDMA for VLAN feature flags (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: fix Tx hangs by disabling 64-bit DMA (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Remove address use from assignments of function pointers (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Add missing read memory barrier (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use netif_ instead of netdev_ (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: allow option to limit number of descriptors down to 48 per ring (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Fix message logging defect (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Remove unnecessary returns from void function()s (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Use new function for copybreak tests (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: fix WARN_ON with mac-vlan (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Use netdev_, pr_ and dev_ (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use DMA API instead of PCI DMA functions (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: use skb_headlen() (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: do not modify tx_queue_len on link speed change (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] intel: remove trailing space in messages (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Fix DMA mapping error handling on RX (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: correct wrong coding style for "else" (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: convert to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: call pci_save_state after pci_restore_state (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Report link status in ethtool when interface is down (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Fix tests of unsigned in *_tx_map() (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Move && and || to end of previous line (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] request_irq - Remove unnecessary leading & from second arg (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] net: Use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Fix erroneous display of stats by ethtool -S (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [netdrv] e1000: Use the instance of net_device_stats from net_device (Dean Nelson) [636330] - [net] dcb: use after free in dcb_flushapp() (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] dcb: unlock on error in dcbnl_ieee_get() (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] dcbnl: more informed return values for new dcbnl routines (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] dcbnl: cleanup (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] dcbnl: adding DCBX feature flags get-set (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [x86] dcbnl: adding DCBX engine capability (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] net_dcb: add application notifiers (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [dbc] dcbnl: add appliction tlv handlers (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [net] Fix KABI breakage caused by backport of commit 3e29027af43728c2a91fe3f735ab2822edaf54a8 (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [x86] dcbnl: add support for ieee8021Qaz attributes (John Villalovos) [634003 634008] - [ata] ahci: Fix bug in storing EM messages (David Milburn) [653789] - [ata] ahci: add em_buffer attribute for AHCI hosts (David Milburn) [653789] - [ata] ahci: EM message type auto detect (David Milburn) [653789] - [x86] ACPICA: Optimization: Reduce the number of namespace walks (George Beshers) [635866] - [x86] ACPICA: Performance enhancement for namespace search and access (George Beshers) [635866] - [x86] ACPICA: Update flags for operand object (George Beshers) [635866] - [net] cxgb4: fix GRO stats counting (Michal Schmidt) [669737] - [net] gro: make gro_result_t a separate type for the sparse checker (Michal Schmidt) [669737] - [net] gro: add receive functions that return GRO result codes (Michal Schmidt) [669737] - [net] gro: Name the GRO result enumeration type (Michal Schmidt) [669737] - [virt] xen/events: use locked set|clear_bit() for cpu_evtchn_mask (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: synch event channels delivery on HVM (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: dynamically allocate irq & event structures (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: improvements to VIRQ_DEBUG output (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen/evtchn: clear secondary CPUs' cpu_evtchn_mask[] after restore (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: ensure that all event channels start off bound to VCPU 0 (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: use dynamic_irq_init_keep_chip_data (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: set up IRQ before binding virq to evtchn (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [virt] xen: statically initialize cpu_evtchn_mask_p (Andrew Jones) [667359] - [scsi] mpt2sas: version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: DIF Type 2 Protection Support (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Call the_scsih_ir_shutdown prior to reporting the volumes missing from the OS (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Basic code cleanup in mpt2sas_base (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Prevent access to freed memory from port enable process (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix the race between broadcast asyn event (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Add support for customer specific branding messages (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Revision P-MPI header update (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Correct resizing calculation for max_queue_depth (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Internal device reset complete event is not supported for older firmware prior to MPI Rev-K (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Device removal handshake even though the PHYSTATUS_VACANT bit is set in the PhyStatus (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Debug string changes from target to device (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Sanity check for phy count is added using maxphy (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove code for TASK_SET_FULL from-driver (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2.0 header updated (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Modify code to support Expander switch (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Create a pool of chain buffer instead of dedicated (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added loadtime parameters for IOMissingDelay and parameters (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added sanity check for cb_idx and smid access (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Copy message frame before releasing to free pool to have a local reference (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Copy sense buffer instead of working on direct memory location (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Adding additional message to error escalation callback (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Add additional check for responding volumes after Host Reset (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added ENOMEM return type when allocation fails (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Redesign raid devices event handling using pd_handles per HBA (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Tie a log info message to a specific PHY (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: print level KERN_DEBUG is replaced by KERN_INFO (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added sysfs support for tracebuffer (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI header version N is updated (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added sysfs counter for ioc reset (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added expander phy control support (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added expander phy counter support (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Staged device discovery disable_discovery module parameter is added (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Hold Controller reset when another reset is in progress (Tomas Henzl) [642590] - [netdrv] bnx2: Free IRQ before freeing status block memory (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: remove cancel_work_sync() from remove_one (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use static const (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: don't use flush_scheduled_work() (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Remove config access to non-standard registers (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix reset bug on 5709 (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] Update to firmware 6.0.x (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Enable AER on PCIE devices only (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add PCI Advanced Error Reporting support (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version to 2.0.17 (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Remove some unnecessary smp_mb() in tx fast path (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Call pci_enable_msix() with actual number of vectors (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use proper counter for net_device_stats->multicast (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: use device model DMA API (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: allocate with GFP_KERNEL flag on RX path init (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version to 2.0.16 (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Dump some config space registers during TX timeout (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: fix dma_get_ops compilation breakage (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use netif_carrier_off() to prevent timeout (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix register printouts during NETEV_WATCHDOG (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add prefetches to rx path (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add GRO support (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version to 2.0.9 (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Remove now useless VPD code (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add helper to search for VPD keywords (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add VPD information field helper functions (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add helper to find a VPD resource data type (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add large and small resource data type code (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] pci: Add PCI LRDT tag size and section size (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use (pr|netdev|netif)_ macro helpers (John Feeney) [635889] - [netdrv] be2net: update be2net driver to version 2.103.298r (Ivan Vecera) [635741] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update to upstream version 3.0.12-k2 (Andy Gospodarek) [561359 617193 622640 629909 632598 637332] - [netdrv] igb driver update (Stefan Assmann) [636322] - [netdrv] e1000e: upstream to upstream version 1.2.20 (Andy Gospodarek) [636325] - [pci] Fix warnings when CONFIG_DMI unset (Jon Masters) [639965] - [pci] export SMBIOS provided firmware instance and label to sysfs (Jon Masters) [639965] - [fs] xfs: don't block on buffer read errors (Dave Chinner) [581838] - [fs] xfs: serialise unaligned direct IOs (Dave Chinner) [669272] - [fs] xfs: ensure sync write errors are returned (Dave Chinner) [669272] - [netdrv] hostap_cs: fix sleeping function called from invalid context (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54usb: New USB ID for Gemtek WUBI-100GW (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54usb: add 5 more USBIDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] orinoco: clear countermeasure setting on commit (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] orinoco: fix TKIP countermeasure behaviour (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54/eeprom.c: Return -ENOMEM on memory allocation failure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54usb: add five more USBIDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54usb: fix off-by-one on !CONFIG_PM (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] wext: fix potential private ioctl memory content leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] hostap_pci: set dev->base_addr during probe (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath5k: check return value of ieee80211_get_tx_rate (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54: fix tx feedback status flag check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k_hw: fix parsing of HT40 5 GHz CTLs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath5k: disable ASPM L0s for all cards (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] cfg80211: don't get expired BSSes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix yet another buffer leak in the tx aggregation code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix TSF after reset on AR913x (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] cfg80211: ignore spurious deauth (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k_hw: fix an off-by-one error in the PDADC boundaries calculation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: enable serialize_regmode for non-PCIE AR9160 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath5k: initialize ah->ah_current_channel (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix supported rates IE if AP doesn't give us it's rates (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] libertas/sdio: 8686: set ECSI bit for 1-bit transfers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] mac80211: do not wip out old supported rates (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54pci: add Symbol AP-300 minipci adapters pciid (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] hostap: Protect against initialization interrupt (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: Avoid corrupt frames being forwarded to mac80211 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: re-enable ps by default for new single chip families (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath5k: drop warning on jumbo frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] wl1251: fix a memory leak in probe (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath9k: add support for 802.11n bonded out AR2427 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] wireless: report reasonable bitrate for MCS rates through wext (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] p54usb: Add device ID for Dell WLA3310 USB (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ath5k: retain promiscuous setting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix rts threshold check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] mac80211: Fix robust management frame handling (MFP) (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ar9170usb: fix panic triggered by undersized rxstream buffer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] ar9170usb: add a couple more USB IDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [netdrv] rtl8180: fix tx status reporting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [621103] - [drm] fix writeback on rn50 powerpc (Dave Airlie) [667565] - [net] backport of vlan_get_protocol() (Andy Gospodarek) [669787] - [mm] backport vzalloc() and vzalloc_node() (Andy Gospodarek) [669787]- [block] blk-cgroup: Allow creation of hierarchical cgroups (Vivek Goyal) [658482] - [netdrv] tg3: Provide EEE support (John Feeney) [632105] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable TSS except for 5719 (John Feeney) [634316] - [netdrv] tg3: Raise the jumbo frame BD flag threshold (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable phy APD for 5717 and later asic revs (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable mult rd DMA engine on 5719 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix 5719 internal FIFO overflow problem (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Assign correct tx margin for 5719 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Apply 10Mbps fix to all 57765 revisions (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Add extend rx ring sizes for 5717 and 5719 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Prepare for larger rx ring sizes (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: 5719: Prevent tx data corruption (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Unlock 5717 B0+ support (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix read DMA FIFO overruns on recent devices (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.113 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Migrate tg3_flags to phy_flags (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Create phy_flags and migrate phy_is_low_power (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Add phy-related preprocessor constants (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Add error reporting to tg3_phydsp_write() (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Improve small packet performance (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove 5720, 5750, and 5750M (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Detect APE firmware types (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Restrict ASPM workaround devlist (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Manage gphy power for CPMU-less devs only (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't access phy test ctrl reg for 5717+ (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Create TG3_FLG3_5717_PLUS flag (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Disable TSS also during tg3_close() (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Add 5784 ASIC rev to earlier PCIe MPS fix (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.112 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix some checkpatch errors (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Revert PCIe tx glitch fix (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Report driver version to firmware (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Relax 5717 serdes restriction (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix single MSI-X vector coalescing (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Revert RSS indir tbl setup change (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: allow TSO on vlan devices (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.111 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: 5717: Allow serdes link via parallel detect (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow single MSI-X vector allocations (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Off-by-one error in RSS setup (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable GRO by default. (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.110 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove function errors flagged by checkpatch (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Unify max pkt size preprocessor constants (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Re-inline VLAN tags when appropriate (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Optimize rx double copy test (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.109 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove tg3_dump_state() (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Cleanup if codestyle (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: The case of switches (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Whitespace, constant, and comment updates (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Use VPD fw version when present (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Prepare FW version code for VPD versioning (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix message 80 char violations (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: netdev_err() => dev_err() (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Replace pr_err with sensible alternatives (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Restore likely() check in tg3_poll_msix() (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] drivers/net/tg3.c: change the field used with the TG3_FLAG_10_100_ONLY constant (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove now useless VPD code (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] pci: Add helper to search for VPD keywords (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] pci: Add VPD information field helper functions (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] pci: Add helper to find a VPD resource data type (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] pci: Add large and small resource data type code (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] pci: Add PCI LRDT tag size and section size (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] net: convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr, part6 (John Feeney) [635078] - [netdrv] drivers/net/tg3.c: Use (pr|netdev)_ macro helpers (John Feeney) [635078] - [kdump] vt-d: Handle previous faults after enabling fault handling (Takao Indoh) [617137] - [kdump] Enable the intr-remap fault handling after local apic setup (Takao Indoh) [617137] - [kdump] vt-d: Fix the vt-d fault handling irq migration in the x2apic mode (Takao Indoh) [617137] - [kdump] vt-d: Quirk for masking vtd spec errors to platform error handling logic (Takao Indoh) [617137] - [netdrv] return operator cleanup (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] e100: Add missing read memory barrier (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [net] trans_start cleanups (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] e100: Fix the TX workqueue race (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] Use pr_ and netif_ (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [net] convert multiple drivers to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr, part4 (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [net] use netdev_mc_count and netdev_mc_empty when appropriate (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] e100: Fix to allow systems with FW based cards to resume from STD (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [net] Use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() (Dean Nelson) [636331] - [netdrv] qlcnic: change module parameter permissions (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix ethtool diagnostics test (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix flash fw version read (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] Use static const (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: reset pci function unconditionally during probe (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix ocm window register offset calculation (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix LED test when interface is down (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Updated driver version to 5.0.13 (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: LICENSE file for qlcnic (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: validate eswitch config values for PF (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Disable loopback support (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: avoid using reset_devices as it may become obsolete (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Bumped up driver version to 5.0.12 (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix panic on load (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: lro off message log from set rx checsum (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add description for CN1000Q adapter (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix for kdump (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Allow minimum bandwidth of zero (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: define valid vlan id range (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: reduce rx ring size (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix mac learning (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [netdrv] qlcnic: update ethtool stats (Chad Dupuis) [667192] - [scsi] QLogic's qlcnic driver (Bob Picco) [562921] - [mm] notifier_from_errno() cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [669041] - [x86] convert cpu notifier to return encapsulate errno value (Prarit Bhargava) [669041] - [kernel] notifier: change notifier_from_errno(0) to return NOTIFY_OK (Prarit Bhargava) [669041] - [netdrv] netxen: update driver version 4.0.75 (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: enable LRO based on NETIF_F_LRO (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: update module description (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Use static const (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: avoid using reset_devices as it may become obsolete (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: remove unused firmware exports (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Fix the tx queue manipulation bug in netxen_nic_probe (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: fix kdump (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: make local function static (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: mask correctable error (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] netxen: fix race in tx stop queue (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [netdrv] net: return operator cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [667194] - [mm] page-types.c: fix name of unpoison interface (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] Documentation/vm: fix spelling in page-types.c (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] page-types: exit early when invoked with -d|--describe (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] page-types: whitespace alignment (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] page-types: learn to describe flags directly from command line (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] page-types: unsigned cannot be less than 0 in add_page() (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] page-types: constify read only arrays (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [mm] tree-wide: fix assorted typos all over the place (Dean Nelson) [667686] - [kernel] kmsg_dump: use stable variable to dump kmsg buffer (Jarod Wilson) [632041] - [kernel] kmsg_dump: build fixups (Jarod Wilson) [632041] - [kernel] kmsg_dump: Dump on crash_kexec as well (Jarod Wilson) [632041] - [kernel] core: Add kernel message dumper to call on oopses and panics (Jarod Wilson) [632041] - [mm] shmem: put_super must percpu_counter_destroy (Jeff Moyer) [667550] - [fs] tmpfs: make tmpfs scalable with percpu_counter for used blocks (Jeff Moyer) [667550] - [fs] tmpfs: add accurate compare function to percpu_counter library (Jeff Moyer) [667550] - [netdrv] iwlagn: enable only rfkill interrupt when device is down (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [netdrv] wireless: use a dedicated workqueue for cfg80211 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [netdrv] mac80211: do not requeue scan work when not needed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [netdrv] mac80211: compete scan to cfg80211 if deferred scan fail to start (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix scan locking wrt. hw scan (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [netdrv] mac80211: flush workqueue before restarting device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [drm] Backport AGP/DRM from 2.6.37-rc8 (Dave Airlie) [667565] - [drm] vga_switcheroo: backport (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [drm] fbcon: fix situation where fbcon gets deinitialised and can't reinit (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [char] vt: fix issue when fbcon wants to takeover a second time (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [drm] fb/kms: fix kABI issue in the aperture code (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [drm] fbdev: updates needed for drm backport (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [kernel] Revert "debug_locks: set oops_in_progress if we will log messages." (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [i2c] i2c-algo-bit: Add pre- and post-xfer hooks (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [x86] io-mapping: move asm include inside the config option (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [drm] io-mapping: Specify slot to use for atomic mappings (Dave Airlie) [667281] - [x86] Add array variants for setting memory to wc caching (Dave Airlie) [667281]- [x86] xsave: Use xsaveopt in context-switch path when supported (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] cpu: Enumerate xsaveopt (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] cpu: Add xsaveopt cpufeature (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] cpu: Make init_scattered_cpuid_features() consider cpuid subleaves (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] xsave: Sync xsave memory layout with its header for user handling (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] xsave: Track the offset, size of state in the xsave layout (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] fpu: Use static_cpu_has() to implement use_xsave() (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] Add new static_cpu_has() function using alternatives (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] fpu: Use the proper asm constraint in use_xsave() (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] Eliminate TS_XSAVE (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] cpu: Make APERF/MPERF a normal table-driven flag (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] Unify APERF/MPERF support (John Villalovos) [492912] - [x86] x86, cpu: Add AMD core boosting feature flag to /proc/cpuinfo (John Villalovos) [492912] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Turned parity and serr bits back on after performing sli4 board reset PCI access (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Use VPI for ALL ELS commands and allocate RPIs at node creation (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct bit-definitions in SLI4 data structures (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement new SLI4 initialization procedures based on if_type (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement the FC and SLI async event handlers (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Comment update, minor re-order to sync w/ upstream (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed panic in the __lpfc_sli_get_sglq (Rob Evers) [663119] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed management command context setting (Rob Evers) [663119] - [netdrv] vxge: make functions local and remove dead code (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Convert unbounded kzalloc calls to kcalloc (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge-main.c: Use pr_ and netdev_ (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: Version update (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: Update copyright information (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: NETIF_F_LLTX removal (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: Fix multicast issues (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: Remove queue_state references (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] vxge: show startup message with KERN_INFO (Bob Picco) [636869] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Remove unnecessary returns from void function()s (Bob Picco) [636869] - [x86] additional LPC Controller DeviceID for Intel Patsburg PCH for TCO Watchdog (David Milburn) [464257] - [x86] additional LPC Controller DeviceID for Intel Patsburg PCH (David Milburn) [464257] - [i2c] i2c-i801: Add Intel Patsburg device ID (David Milburn) [464257] - [pci] update Intel Patsburg defines (David Milburn) [464257] - [pci] irq and pci_ids patch for Intel Patsburg DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [464257] - [sound] ALSA HD Audio patch for Intel Patsburg DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [464257] - [x86] watchdog: TCO Watchdog patch for Intel Patsburg DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [464257] - [x86] ahci: AHCI and RAID mode SATA patch for Intel Patsburg DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [464257] - [ata] ata_piix: IDE Mode SATA patch for Intel Patsburg DeviceIDs (David Milburn) [464257] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Free irq on error path (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Cleanup error handling inside ibmveth_open (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Update module information and version (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Remove some unnecessary include files (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Convert driver specific assert to BUG_ON (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Return -EINVAL on all ->probe errors (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Coding style fixes (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Some formatting fixes (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Convert driver specific error functions to netdev_err (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Convert driver specific debug to netdev_dbg (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Remove redundant function prototypes (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Convert to netdev_alloc_skb (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: remove procfs code (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Enable IPv6 checksum offload (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Remove duplicate checksum offload setup code (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add optional flush of rx buffer (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add scatter-gather support (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Use lighter weight read memory barrier in ibmveth_poll (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add rx_copybreak (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add tx_copybreak (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Remove LLTX (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: batch rx buffer replacement (Steve Best) [632706] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Remove integer divide caused by modulus (Steve Best) [632706] - [scsi] ibmvfc: version 1.0.9 (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Handle Virtual I/O Server reboot (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Log link up/down events (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix terminate_rport_io (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix rport add/delete race resulting in oops (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Add support for fc_block_scsi_eh (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Add FC Passthru support (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix adapter cancel flags for terminate_rport_io (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Remove unnecessary parameter to ibmvfc_init_host (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix locking in ibmvfc_remove (Steve Best) [632710] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fixup TMF response handling (Steve Best) [632710] - [ppc64] Enable PM_SLEEP on POWER w/o KABI changes (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] pseries: Partition hibernation support for RHEL6.1 (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] pseries: Partition hibernation support (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] ibmvscsi: Fix softlockup on resume (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] ibmvfc: Fix soft lockup on resume (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] ibmvscsi: Add suspend/resume support (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] ibmvfc: Add suspend/resume support (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] ibmveth: Add suspend/resume support (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] vio: Add power management support (Steve Best) [632683] - [ppc64] pseries: Migration code reorganization / hibernation prep (Steve Best) [632683] - [configs] redhat: added CONFIG_SECURITY_DMESG_RESTRICT option (Frantisek Hrbata) [653245] - [kernel] restrict unprivileged access to kernel syslog (Frantisek Hrbata) [653245] - [edac] i7300_edac: Fix an error with RHEL6 build (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Add it to x86 RHEL6 build (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Properly initialize per-csrow memory size (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: better initialize page counts (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] MAINTAINERS: Add maintainer for i7300-edac driver (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300-edac: CodingStyle cleanup (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Improve comments (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Cleanup: reorganize the file contents (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Properly detect channel on CE errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: enrich FBD error info for corrected errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: enrich FBD error info for fatal errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: pre-allocate a buffer used to prepare err messages (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Fix MTR x4/x8 detection logic (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Make the debug messages coherent with the others (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Cleanup: remove get_error_info logic (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Add a code to cleanup error registers (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Add support for reporting FBD errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Properly detect the type of error correction (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Detect if the device is on single mode (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Adds detection for enhanced scrub mode on x8 (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Clear the error bit after reading (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Add error detection code for global errors (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Better name PCI devices (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: Add a FIXME note about the error correction type (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: add global error registers (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: display info if ECC is enabled or not (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [edac] i7300_edac: start a driver for i7300 chipset (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [638237] - [net] ipsec: fragment locally generated tunnel-mode IPSec6 packets as needed (Herbert Xu) [661113] - [dma] Fix incorrect iommu in ioatdma (John Feeney) [611884] - [pci] sysfs: Update ROM to include default owner write access (Alex Williamson) [668478] - [x86] tboot: Add support for S3 memory integrity protection (John Villalovos) [464222] - [x86] Fix checking of SRAT when node 0 ram is not from 0 (Amerigo Wang) [668340] - [virt] VMX: when entering real mode align segment base to 16 bytes (Gleb Natapov) [665970] - [virt] xenbus: implement O_NONBLOCK (Paolo Bonzini) [607262] - [virt] x86: Push potential exception error code on task switches (Gleb Natapov) [654284] - [virt] VMX: add module parameter to avoid trapping HLT instructions (Gleb Natapov) [661540] - [netdrv] QLogic nextxen driver updates (Bob Picco) [562940] - [scsi] libsas: fix NCQ mixing with non-NCQ (David Milburn) [621606]- [netdrv] BNX2I: Updated version, copyright, and maintainer info (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added iSCSI text pdu support for iSCSI offload (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added jumbo MTU support for the no shost case (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added support for the 57712(E) devices (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added handling for unsupported iSCSI offload hba (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed the 32-bit swapping of the LUN field for nopouts for 5771X (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Allow ep CONNECT_FAILED condition to go through proper cleanup (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added reconnect fix connecting against Lefthand targets (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Cleaned up various error conditions in ep_connect/disconnect (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added return code check for chip kwqe submission request (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Modified the bnx2i stop path to compensate for in progress ops (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Removed the dynamic registration of CNIC (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added mutex lock protection to conn_get_param (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Allow to abort the connection if connect request times out (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed the remote TCP RST handling for the 570X (1g) (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed a cid leak issue for 5771X (10g) (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed the endian bug in the TMF LUN cmd send (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added chip cleanup for the remove module path (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Recouple the CFC delete cleanup with cm_abort/close completion (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added support for other TMFs besides ABORT_TASK (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed a protocol violation on nopout responses (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Added host param ISCSI_HOST_PARAM_IPADDRESS (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fixed the TCP graceful termination initiation (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] BNX2I: Fine tuned conn destroy and context destroy timeout values (Mike Christie) [635894] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix the type field in SPQ messages (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Do not call bnx2i when bnx2i is calling cnic_unregister_driver() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Do not allow iSCSI and FCoE on bnx2x multi-function mode (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: fix mem leak on allocation failures in cnic_alloc_uio_rings() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add FCoE support on 57712 (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add kcq2 support on 57712 (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Call cm_connect_complete() immediately on error (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Check device state before reading the kcq pointer in IRQ (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Support NIC Partition mode (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Use proper client and connection IDs on iSCSI ring (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Improve ->iscsi_nl_msg_send() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Prevent "scheduling while atomic" when calling ->cnic_init() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix iSCSI TCP port endian order (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] drivers/net/cnic.c: Remove unnecessary semicolons (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add support for 57712 device (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Decouple uio close from cnic shutdown (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add cnic_uio_dev struct (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add cnic_free_uio() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Defer iscsi connection cleanup (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add cnic_bnx2x_destroy_ramrod() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Convert ctx_flags to bit fields (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Add common cnic_request_irq() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic: Fix SPQ return credit (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic, bnx2i: use new FW/HSI (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Fine-tune ring init code (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Use pfid for internal memory offsets (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Pass cp pointer to BNX2X_HW_CID (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Convert unbounded kzalloc calls to kcalloc (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Update version to 2.1.3 (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Further unify kcq handling code (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Restructure kcq processing (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Unify kcq allocation for all devices (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Unify IRQ code for all hardware types (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Fine-tune CID memory space calculation (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix cnic_cm_abort() error handling (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Refactor and fix cnic_ready_to_close() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Refactor code in cnic_cm_process_kcqe() (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Return error code in cnic_cm_close() if unsuccessful (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Return SPQ credit to bnx2x after ring setup and shutdown (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] cnic: Convert cnic_local_flags to atomic ops (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Remove unnecessary returns from void function()s (Mike Christie) [635892] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.62.00-2 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: replace FW to 6.2.5 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add FW 6.2.5 files (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add DCB/PFC support - link layer (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add DCB support (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add a select queue callback (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Take the distribution range definition out of skb_tx_hash() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add FCoE ring (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update version number and a date (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fixed a compilation warning (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use dma_alloc_coherent() semantics for ILT memory allocation (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: LSO code was broken on BE platforms (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add Nic partitioning mode (57712 devices) (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use helpers instead of direct access to the shinfo(skb) fields (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Do interrupt mode initialization and NAPIs adding before register_netdev() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Disable local BHes to prevent a dead-lock situation (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] net: bnx2x: fix error value sign (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] drivers/net/bnx2x: Remove unnecessary semicolons (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update version number (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Reset 8073 phy during common init (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Do not enable CL37 BAM unless it is explicitly enabled (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix resetting BCM8726 PHY during common init (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Clear latch indication on link reset (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix port selection in case of E2 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix waiting for reset complete on BCM848x3 PHYs (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Restore appropriate delay during BMAC reset (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: make local function static and remove dead code (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't check for vlan group before vlan_tx_tag_present (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.60.00-3 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent false parity error in MSI-X memory of HC block (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix possible deadlock in HC hw block (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.60.00-2 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unnecessary FUNC_FLG_RSS flag and related (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use correct FW constant for header padding (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: do not deal with power if no capability (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove redundant commands during error handling (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Optimized the branching in the bnx2x_rx_int() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fixing a typo: added a missing RSS enablement (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update version to 1.60.00-1 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: properly initialize FW stats (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: code beautify (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic: Fix SPQ return credit (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: move msix table initialization to probe() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use L1_CACHE_BYTES instead of magic number (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unused fields in main driver structure (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove unused parameter in reuse_rx_skb() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add 57712 support (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: change type of spq_left to atomic (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: rename MF related fields (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove old FW files (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x, cnic, bnx2i: use new FW/HSI (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add 6.0.34 fw files (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: create folder for bnx2x firmware files (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Moved enabling of MSI to the bnx2x_set_num_queues() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use netif_set_real_num_{rx, tx}_queues() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: return operator cleanup (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Spread rx buffers between allocated queues (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] drivers/net/bnx2x: use ARRAY_SIZE macro in bnx2x_main.c (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update bnx2x version to 1.52.53-6 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change LED scheme for dual-media (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add dual-media changes (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Organize PHY functions (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Apply logic changes for the new scheme (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move common function into aggregated function (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Adjust flow-control with the new scheme (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Adjust alignment of split PHY functions (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Split PHY functions (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Unify PHY attributes (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid skb->ip_summed initialization (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] skbuff.h: add skb_checksum_none_assert() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update version to 1.52.53-5 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add BCM84823 to the supported PHYs (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change BCM848xx LED configuration (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove unneeded setting of XAUI low power to BCM8727 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change BCM848xx configuration according to IEEE (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Reset link before any new link settings (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix potential link issue In BCM8727 based boards (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix potential link issue of BCM8073/BCM8727 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix wrong return from bnx2x_trylock_hw_lock (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: small fix in stats handling (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Update bnx2x version to 1.52.53-4 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix PHY locking problem (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] drivers/net/bnx2x: Adjust confusing if indentation (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Load firmware in open() instead of probe() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Protect statistics ramrod and sequence number (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Protect a SM state change (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] net: bnx2x_cmn.c needs net/ip6_checksum.h for csum_ipv6_magic (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update driver version to 1.52.53-3 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move statistics handling code to bnx2x_stats.* (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Create separate file for ethtool routines (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Create bnx2x_cmn.* files (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: move global variable load_count to bnx2x.h (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: store module parameters in driver main structure (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Create separate folder for bnx2x driver (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Set RXHASH for LRO packets (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Make ethtool_ops::set_flags() return -EINVAL for unsupported flags (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fail when try to setup unsupported features (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link problem with some DACs (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid TX timeout when stopping device (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove two prefetch() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add support for receive hashing (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Date and version (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Rework power state handling code (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use mask in test_registers() to avoid parity error (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fixed MSI-X enabling flow (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added new statistics (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: White spaces (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Protect code with NOMCP (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Increase DMAE max write size for 57711 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Parity errors handling for 57710 and 57711 (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] Revert "[netdrv] bnx2x: fix system hung after netdev watchdog" (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Added GRO support (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove trailing space in messages (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typo (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: convert to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] drivers/net/bnx2x: Use (pr|netdev|netif)_ macro helpers (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use netdev_mc_count and netdev_mc_empty when appropriate (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove HAVE_ leftovers (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typos (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move && and || to end of previous line (Mike Christie) [635942] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Convert ethtool {get_stats, self_test}_count() ops to get_sset_count() (Mike Christie) [635942]- [virt] kvm: fast-path msi injection with irqfd (Michael S. Tsirkin) [658442] - [fs] cifs: make cifs_set_oplock_level() take a cifsInodeInfo pointer (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: Add cifs_set_oplock_level (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: eliminate cifsInodeInfo->write_behind_rc (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: Fix checkpatch warnings and bump cifs version number (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: wait for writeback to complete in cifs_flush (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: convert cifsFileInfo->count to non-atomic counter (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: move close processing from cifs_close to cifsFileInfo_put (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: move cifsFileInfo_put to file.c (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: convert GlobalSMBSeslock from a rwlock to regular spinlock (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: Fix minor checkpatch warning and update cifs version (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: move cifs_new_fileinfo to file.c (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: eliminate pfile pointer from cifsFileInfo (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: cifs_write argument change and cleanup (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: clean up cifs_reopen_file (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: eliminate the inode argument from cifs_new_fileinfo (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: eliminate oflags option from cifs_new_fileinfo (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: fix flags handling in cifs_posix_open (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: eliminate cifs_posix_open_inode_helper (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: don't use vfsmount to pin superblock for oplock breaks (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: keep dentry reference in cifsFileInfo instead of inode reference (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] Fix f_flags/f_mode in case of lookup_instantiate_filp() from open(pathname, 3) (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] Kill path_lookup_open() (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] add OPEN_FMODE definition (Jeff Layton) [656461] - [fs] cifs: allow calling cifs_build_path_to_root on incomplete cifs_sb (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: fix check of error return from is_path_accessable (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: don't take extra tlink reference in initiate_cifs_search (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: make cifs_ioctl handle NULL filp->private_data correctly (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: remove unneeded NULL tests (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: convert tlink_tree to a rbtree (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: store pointer to master tlink in superblock (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: on multiuser mount, set ownership to current_fsuid/current_fsgid (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: initialize tlink_tree_lock and tlink_tree (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: unregister as a user of slow work on module removal (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: implement recurring workqueue job to prune old tcons (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: on multiuser mount, set ownership to current_fsuid/current_fsgid (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add "multiuser" mount option (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add routines to build sessions and tcons on the fly (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: fix cifs_show_options to show "username=" or "multiuser" (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: have find_readable/writable_file filter by fsuid (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: have cifsFileInfo hold a reference to a tlink rather than tcon pointer (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add refcounted and timestamped container for holding tcons (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add kfree() on error path (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: fix handling of signing with writepages (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: have cifs_new_fileinfo take a tcon arg (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add cifs_sb_master_tcon and convert some callers to use it (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: temporarily rename cifs_sb->tcon to ptcon to catch stragglers (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add function to get a tcon from cifs_sb (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: make various routines use the cifsFileInfo->tcon pointer (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: Remove unnecessary casts of private_data (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add tcon field to cifsFileInfo struct (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: eliminate redundant xdev check in cifs_rename (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: consolidate error handling in several functions (Jeff Layton) [646223] - [fs] cifs: add "mfsymlinks" mount option (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: use Minshall+French symlink functions (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: implement CIFSCreateMFSymLink() (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: implement CIFSFormatMFSymlink() (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: implement CIFSQueryMFSymLink() (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: implement CIFSCouldBeMFSymlink() and CIFSCheckMFSymlink() (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: implement CIFSParseMFSymlink() (Jeff Layton) [651878] - [fs] cifs: set CONFIG_CIFS_FSCACHE to 'no' for now (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: fix another memleak, in cifs_root_iget (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: cancel_delayed_work() + flush_scheduled_work() -> cancel_delayed_work_sync() (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: cifs_convert_address() returns zero on error (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: handle FindFirst failure gracefully (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: prevent infinite recursion in cifs_reconnect_tcon (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Cannot allocate memory error on mount (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Remove obsolete header (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Allow binding to local IP address (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: fix broken oplock handling (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: use type __u32 instead of int for the oplock parameter (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: reduce false positives with inode aliasing serverino autodisable (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: don't allow cifs_iget to match inodes of the wrong type (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: remove redundant path walking in dfs_do_refmount (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: ignore the "mand", "nomand" and "_netdev" mount options (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: update README to include details about 'fsc' option (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Fix ordering of cleanup on module init failure (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: relinquish fscache cookie before freeing CIFSTconInfo (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Missing ifdef (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Missing line from previous commit (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: Fix build break when CONFIG_CIFS_FSCACHE disabled (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: fsc should not default to "on" (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: add mount option to enable local caching (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: read pages from FS-Cache (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: store pages into local cache (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: FS-Cache page management (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: define inode-level cache object and register them (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: define superblock-level cache index objects and register them (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: define server-level cache index objects and register them (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: register CIFS for caching (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: add kernel config option for CIFS Client caching support (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: guard cifsglob.h against multiple inclusion (Jeff Layton) [651865] - [fs] cifs: map NT_STATUS_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED to -EROFS (Jeff Layton) [618175] - [fs] cifs: allow matching of tcp sessions in CifsNew state (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [fs] cifs: fix potential double put of TCP session reference (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [fs] cifs: prevent possible memory corruption in cifs_demultiplex_thread (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [fs] cifs: eliminate some more premature cifsd exits (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [fs] cifs: prevent cifsd from exiting prematurely (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [fs] CIFS: Make cifs_convert_address() take a const src pointer and a length (Jeff Layton) [629085] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for 6 counters for AMD family 15h (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for AMD family 15h (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] GART: Disable GART table walk probes, add warning (Frank Arnold) [633479 633916] - [x86] amd_nb: Enable GART support for AMD family 0x15 CPUs (Frank Arnold) [633479 633916] - [x86] cacheinfo: Unify AMD L3 cache index disable checking (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [x86] powernow-k8: Limit Pstate transition latency check (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [x86] AMD: Extend support to future families (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [x86] amd: Use compute unit information to determine thread siblings (Frank Arnold) [633479 633922] - [x86] amd: Extract compute unit information for AMD CPUs (Frank Arnold) [633479 633922] - [x86] amd: Add support for CPUID topology extension of AMD CPUs (Frank Arnold) [633479 633922] - [x86] cpu: Fix renamed, not-yet-shipping AMD CPUID feature bit (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [x86] cpu: Update AMD CPUID feature bits (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [x86] nmi: Support NMI watchdog on newer AMD CPU families (Frank Arnold) [633479] - [virt] vhost: get/put_user -> __get/__put_user (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost: copy_to_user -> __copy_to_user (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost: fix log ctx signalling (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost: fix return code for log_access_ok() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost-net: batch use/unuse mm (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] drivers/vhost/vhost.c: delete double assignment (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost: put mm after thread stop (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360] - [virt] vhost-net: replace workqueue with a kthread (Michael S. Tsirkin) [665360]- [mm] do not keep kswapd awake for an unreclaimable zone (Johannes Weiner) [633825] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Convert to new PCI PM framework (John Linville) [611075] - [virt] Add AES to CPUID ext_features recognized by kvm (John Cooper) [663538] - [net] tcp: Increase TCP_MAXSEG socket option minimum to TCP_MIN_MSS (Frantisek Hrbata) [652511] {CVE-2010-4165} - [net] tproxy: use the interface primary IP address as a default value for --on-ip (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: Add missing CAP_NET_ADMIN check to ipv6 side (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added IPv6 support to the socket match (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: split off ipv6 defragmentation to a separate module (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: check for transparent flag in ip_route_newports (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] netfilter: tproxy: nf_tproxy_assign_sock() can handle tw sockets (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added IPv6 support to the TPROXY target (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: allow non-local binds of IPv6 sockets if IP_TRANSPARENT is enabled (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added IPv6 socket lookup function to nf_tproxy_core (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added const specifiers to udp lookup functions (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added tproxy sockopt interface in the IPV6 layer (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: added udp6_lib_lookup function (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: add lookup type checks for UDP in nf_tproxy_get_sock_v4() (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: kick out TIME_WAIT sockets in case a new connection comes in with th (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] tproxy: fix hash locking issue when using port redirection in __inet_inherit_port() (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] netfilter: use NFPROTO_IPV4 instead of AF_INET (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [net] netfilter: xt_TPROXY: the length of lines should be within 80 (Thomas Graf) [591335] - [mm] fix memory-failure hugetlbfs vs THP collision (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] mm/hugetlb.c: avoid double unlock_page() in hugetlb_fault() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] mm/hugetlb.c: add missing spin_lock() to hugetlb_cow() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] Fix migration.c compilation on s390 (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON/signalfd: add support for addr_lsb (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] Encode huge page size for VM_FAULT_HWPOISON errors (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] Fix build error with !CONFIG_MIGRATION (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Remove retry loop for try_to_unmap (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Turn addr_valid from bitfield into char (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Disable DEBUG by default (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Convert pr_debugs to pr_info (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Improve comments in memory-failure.c (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] x86: HWPOISON: Report correct address granuality for huge hwpoison faults (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugepage: move is_hugepage_on_freelist inside ifdef to avoid warning (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] Clean up __page_set_anon_rmap (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: fix unpoison for hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: soft offlining for hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOSION, hugetlb: recover from free hugepage error when !MF_COUNT_INCREASED (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: move refcounting in hugepage allocation inside hugetlb_lock (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: add free check to dequeue_hwpoison_huge_page() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: hugepage migration core (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] mm/migrate.c: kill anon local variable from migrate_page_copy (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: redefine hugepage copy functions (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: add allocate function for hugepage migration (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: fix metadata corruption in hugetlb_fault() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Stop shrinking at right page count (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Report correct address granuality for AO huge page errors (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Copy si_addr_lsb to user (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb, rmap: add BUG_ON(!PageLocked) in hugetlb_add_anon_rmap() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb, rmap: fix confusing page locking in hugetlb_cow() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb, rmap: use hugepage_add_new_anon_rmap() in hugetlb_cow() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb, rmap: always use anon_vma root pointer (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: call mmu notifiers on hugepage cow (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: add missing unlock in avoidcopy path in hugetlb_cow() (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hwpoison: rename CONFIG (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: support hwpoison injection for hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: detect hwpoison in hugetlb code (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: isolate corrupted hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: maintain mce_bad_pages in handling hugepage error (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: set/clear PG_hwpoison bits on hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON, hugetlb: enable error handling path for hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb, rmap: add reverse mapping for hugepage (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: move definition of is_vm_hugetlb_page() to hugepage_inline.h (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] HWPOISON: Add PROC_FS dependency to hwpoison injector (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: acquire the i_mmap_lock before walking the prio_tree to unmap a page (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] hugetlb: prevent deadlock in __unmap_hugepage_range() when alloc_huge_page() fails (Dean Nelson) [531476] - [mm] nodemask: fix the declaration of NODEMASK_ALLOC() (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] add gfp flags for NODEMASK_ALLOC slab allocations (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: add generic definition of NUMA_NO_NODE (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: offload per node attribute registrations (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: use only nodes with memory for huge pages (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: handle memory hot-plug events (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: update hugetlb documentation for NUMA controls (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: add per node hstate attributes (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: derive huge pages nodes allowed from task mempolicy (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: add nodemask arg to huge page alloc, free and surplus adjust functions (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: rework hstate_next_node_* functions (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] hugetlb: factor init_nodemask_of_node() (Dean Nelson) [630170] - [mm] nodemask: make NODEMASK_ALLOC more general (Dean Nelson) [630170]- [netdrv] be2net: Avoid firmware update when interface is not open (Ivan Vecera) [651952] - [netdrv] be2net: use mutex instead of spin lock for mbox_lock (Ivan Vecera) [623201] - [netdrv] rhel config: changes for 2.6.37-era iwlwifi backport (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] mac80211: add ieee80211_alloc_hw2 (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: remove skb_linearize for rx frames" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: misc backporting fixups for 2.6.37-era iwlwifi (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlagn: use mutex for aggregation" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: dump firmware build info in error case" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: send PAN parameters" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlagn: send RXON timing before associating" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert iwlwifi bits of "cfg80211: convert bools into flags" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: fix regulatory" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: provide firmware version" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert iwlwifi bits of "mac80211: use cipher suite selectors" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: debugfs file for txfifo command testing" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert iwlwifi bits of "mac80211: move QoS-enable to BSS info" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: use new mac80211 SMPS" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: manage IBSS station properly" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: use the DMA state API instead of the pci equivalents" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: remove mac_addr assignment" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: support channel switch offload in driver" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: remove priv->mac_addr" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: add mac80211 flush callback support" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: add support for device tx flush request" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] revert "iwlwifi: read multiple MAC addresses" (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: resync bits from 2.6.37 (John Linville) [616104 637888 637897 638219 638230 648841] - [netdrv] mac80211: improve IBSS scanning (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: allow scan to complete from any context (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: split hardware scan by band (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: Fix sta_mtx unlocking on insert STA failure path (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: explicitly disable/enable QoS (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: allow station add/remove to sleep (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: async station powersave handling (John Linville) [653978] - [netdrv] mac80211: remove sent_ps_buffered (John Linville) [653978] - [kernel] lib: add EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for debug_locks (John Linville) [653974] - [firmware] firmware_class: make request_firmware_nowait more useful (John Linville) [653974] - [kernel] sched: Update rq->clock for nohz balanced cpus (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Change nohz idle load balancing logic to push model (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Avoid side-effect of tickless idle on update_cpu_load (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Reduce update_group_power() calls (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix the place where group powers are updated (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Add enqueue/dequeue flags (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove AFFINE_WAKEUPS feature (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove ASYM_GRAN feature (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove SYNC_WAKEUPS feature (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove WAKEUP_SYNC feature (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove FAIR_SLEEPERS feature (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove NORMALIZED_SLEEPER (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Cleanup/optimize clock updates (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove avg_overlap (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove avg_wakeup (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Discard some old bits (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Clean up check_preempt_wakeup() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Move update_curr() in check_preempt_wakeup() to avoid redundant call (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] mutex: Improve the scalability of optimistic spinning (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Pre-compute cpumask_weight(sched_domain_span(sd)) (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix select_idle_sibling() logic in select_task_rq_fair() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix select_idle_sibling() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: More generic WAKE_AFFINE vs select_idle_sibling() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix rq->clock synchronization when migrating tasks (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove the cfs_rq dependency from set_task_cpu() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Add pre and post wakeup hooks (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove forced2_migrations stats (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove rq->clock coupling from set_task_cpu() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove unused cpu_nr_migrations() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] rcu: apply RCU protection to wake_affine() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Remove unnecessary RCU exclusion (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix nr_uninterruptible count (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Optimize task_rq_lock() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix TASK_WAKING vs fork deadlock (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Make select_fallback_rq() cpuset friendly (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: _cpu_down(): Don't play with current->cpus_allowed (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: sched_exec(): Remove the select_fallback_rq() logic (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: move_task_off_dead_cpu(): Remove retry logic (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: move_task_off_dead_cpu(): Take rq->lock around select_fallback_rq() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Kill the broken and deadlockable cpuset_lock/cpuset_cpus_allowed_locked code (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: set_cpus_allowed_ptr(): Don't use rq->migration_thread after unlock (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Queue a deboosted task to the head of the RT prio queue (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Implement head queueing for sched_rt (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Extend enqueue_task to allow head queueing (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix race between ttwu() and task_rq_lock() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix incorrect sanity check (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix fork vs hotplug vs cpuset namespaces (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix hotplug hang (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix broken assertion (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Make warning less noisy (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix select_task_rq() vs hotplug issues (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Fix sched_exec() balancing (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Ensure set_task_cpu() is never called on blocked tasks (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Use TASK_WAKING for fork wakups (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Use rcu in sched_get_rr_param() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Use rcu in sched_get/set_affinity() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Use rcu in sys_sched_getscheduler/sys_sched_getparam() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Make wakeup side and atomic variants of completion API irq safe (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Sanitize fork() handling (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Clean up ttwu() rq locking (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Consolidate select_task_rq() callers (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Protect sched_rr_get_param() access to task->sched_class (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562] - [kernel] sched: Protect task->cpus_allowed access in sched_getaffinity() (Larry Woodman) [557364 611867 613812 635558 635562]- [virt] KVM: x86: zero kvm_vcpu_events->interrupt.pad (Marcelo Tosatti) [665409] {CVE-2010-4525} - [x86] KVM: enlarge number of possible CPUID leaves (Robert Richter) [663295] - [x86] apic, amd: Make firmware bug messages more meaningful (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] mce, amd: Remove goto in threshold_create_device() (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] mce, amd: Add helper functions to setup APIC (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] mce, amd: Shorten local variables mci_misc_{hi, lo} (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] mce, amd: Implement mce_threshold_block_init() helper function (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] AMD, MCE thresholding: Fix the MCi_MISCj iteration order (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] mcheck: Avoid duplicate sysfs links/files for thresholding banks (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Fix uninitialized variable use in debug printk (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for IBS periodic op counter extension (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for IBS branch target address reporting (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Introduce struct ibs_state (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Check IBS capability bits 1 and 2 (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for AMD family 14h (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add support for AMD family 12h (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] apic: Use BIOS settings for IBS and MCE threshold interrupt LVT offsets (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] apic: Check if EILVT APIC registers are available (AMD only) (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] kernel.h: add pr_warn for symmetry to dev_warn, netdev_warn (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: disable write access to oprofilefs while profiler is running (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Remove duplicate code around __oprofilefs_create_file() (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Simplify init/exit functions (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Adding backtrace dump for 32bit process in compat mode (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Using struct stack_frame for 64bit processes dump (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] Unify dumpstack.h and stacktrace.h (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] perf: Fix unsafe frame rewinding with hot regs fetching (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add Support for Intel CPU Family 6 / Model 29 (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: Add Support for Intel CPU Family 6 / Model 22 (Intel Celeron 540) (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: fix init_sysfs() function stub (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: don't call arch exit code from init code on failure (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: fix init_sysfs error handling (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: fix crash when accessing freed task structs (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: add support for Intel processor model 30 (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: make event buffer nonseekable (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] Oprofile: Change CPUIDS from decimal to hex, and add some comments (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: make AMD IBS hotplug capable (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: notify cpus only when daemon is running (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: reordering some functions (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: stop disabled counters in nmi handler (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: protect cpu hotplug sections (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: remove CONFIG_SMP macros (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: fix uninitialized counter usage during cpu hotplug (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: remove duplicate IBS capability check (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: move IBS code (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: return -EBUSY if counters are already reserved (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: moving shutdown functions (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: reserve counter msrs pairwise (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: rework error handler in nmi_setup() (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: protect from not being in an IRQ context (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: convert oprofile from timer_hook to hrtimer (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: add comment to counter-in-use warning (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: warn user if a counter is already active (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: implement randomization for IBS periodic op counter (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: implement lsfr pseudo-random number generator for IBS (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: implement IBS cpuid feature detection (Robert Richter) [647750] - [x86] oprofile: remove OPROFILE_IBS config option (Robert Richter) [647750] - [kbuild] fixes for using make 3.82 (Don Zickus) [663994] - [kbuild] powerpc: fix build with make 3.82 (Don Zickus) [663994] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly set the return value in function qla2xxx_eh_abort (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct issue where NPIV-config data was not being allocated for 82xx parts (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update copyright banner (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add flash read/update support using BSG interface (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change MSI initialization from using incorrect request_irq parameter (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Populate Command Type 6 LUN field properly (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: list cursors are not null (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid depending on SCSI host_lock in queuecommand function (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct PRLI failure response code handling (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Drop srb reference before waiting for completion (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Addition of shutdown callback handler (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Initialize the vport_slock spinlock (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove scsi_cmnd->serial_number from debug traces (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Group CS_RESET return status with other link level event statuses (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove port down retry count (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: locking problem in qla2x00_init_rings() (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: AER Support-Return recovered from mmio_enable function for 82XX (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update to AER support, do early abort commands (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase SG table size to support large IO size per scsi command (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear local references of rport on device loss timeout notification from FC transport (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle MPI timeout indicated by AE8002 (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Added AER support for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cover UNDERRUN case where SCSI status is set (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly set fw hung and complete only waiting mbx (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset seconds_since_last_heartbeat correctly. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change del_timer_sync() to del_timer() in qla2x00_ctx_sp_free() (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: make rport deletions explicit during vport removal (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix vport delete issues (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Pass first 64 bytes of MBX information when vendor commands fail (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Return proper fabric name based on device state (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't issue set or get port param MBC if port is not online (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add module parameter to enable GFF_ID device type check (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup some dead-code and make some functions static. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not allow ELS Passthru commands for ISP23xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't issue set or get port param MBC if remote port is not logged in (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't issue set or get port param MBC if invalid port loop id (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix flash write failure on ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle outstanding mbx cmds on hung f/w scenarios. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Support for loading Unified ROM Image (URI) format firmware file. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add internal loopback support for ISP81xx. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Appropriately log FCP priority data messages (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Rearranged and cleaned up the code for processing the pending commands (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Updates for ISP82xx. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add qla2x00_free_fcports() function (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for golden firmware and show version if available (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use GFF_ID to check FCP-SCSI FC4 type before logging into Nx_Ports (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct extended sense-data handling. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Stop firmware before doing init firmware. (Chad Dupuis) [635710] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF Type 2 support (Chad Dupuis) [520855] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF enablement for 81XX (Chad Dupuis) [520855] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10 DIF support added (Chad Dupuis) [520855]- [fs] nfsd: Fix possible BUG_ON firing in set_change_info (Steve Dickson) [663448] - [fs] sunrpc: prevent use-after-free on clearing XPT_BUSY (Steve Dickson) [663448] - [fs] nfsd: fix BUG at fs/nfsd/nfsfh.h:199 on unlink (Steve Dickson) [663448] - [fs] nfsd4: typo fix in find_any_file (Steve Dickson) [663448] - [fs] sunrpc: Correct a misapplied patch (Steve Dickson) [663448] - [fs] nfs: Make new aop kABI friendly (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix panic after nfs_umount() (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] nfs: remove extraneous and problematic calls to nfs_clear_request (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] nfs: kernel should return EPROTONOSUPPORT when not support NFSv4 (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix fcntl F_GETLK not reporting some conflicts (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] nfs: Discard ACL cache on mode update (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Readdir cleanups (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: nfs_readdir_search_for_cookie() don't mark as eof if cookie not found (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix a memory leak in nfs_readdir (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] Call the filesystem back whenever a page is removed from the page cache (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Ensure we use the correct cookie in nfs_readdir_xdr_filler (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix a readdirplus bug (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Ensure we return the dirent->d_type when it is known (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Correct the array bound calculation in nfs_readdir_add_to_array (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Don't ignore errors from nfs_do_filldir() (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix the error handling in "uncached_readdir()" (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix a page leak in uncached_readdir() (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix a page leak in nfs_do_filldir() (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Assume eof if the server returns no readdir records (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Buffer overflow in ->decode_dirent() should not be fatal (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] Pure nfs client performance using odirect (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix an infinite loop in call_refresh/call_refreshresult (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] nfs: Ignore kmemleak false positive in nfs_readdir_make_qstr (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] SUNRPC: Simplify rpc_alloc_iostats by removing pointless local variable (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] nfs: trivial: remove unused nfs_wait_event macro (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: readdir shouldn't read beyond the reply returned by the server (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [fs] NFS: Fix a couple of regressions in readdir (Steve Dickson) [662782] - [usb] teach "devices" file about Wireless and SuperSpeed USB (Don Zickus) [642206] - [perf] perf_events: Fix perf_counter_mmap() hook in mprotect() (Oleg Nesterov) [651673] - [usb] changes to make local suspend/resume work (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Don't let the USB core disable SuperSpeed ports (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Setup array of USB2 and USB3 ports (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix reset-device and configure-endpoint commands (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix command ring replay after resume (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: fix wMaxPacketSize mask (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: release spinlock when setup interrupt (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove excessive printks with shared IRQs (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Fix linker errors with CONFIG_PM=n (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix compile error when CONFIG_PM=n (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: PCI power management implementation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: bus power management implementation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: port remote wakeup implementation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI port power management implementation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] core: use kernel assigned address for devices under xHCI (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: change xhci_reset_device() to allocate new device (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Add pointer to udev in struct xhci_virt_device (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: update ring dequeue pointer when process missed tds (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove buggy assignment in next_trb() (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Set DMA mask for host (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Don't flush doorbell writes (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Reduce reads and writes of interrupter registers (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Make xhci_set_hc_event_deq() static (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Minimize HW event ring dequeue pointer writes (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Make xhci_handle_event() static (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove unnecessary reads of IRQ_PENDING register (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Performance - move xhci_work() into xhci_irq() (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Performance - move interrupt handlers into xhci-ring.c (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Performance - move functions that find ep ring (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Isoc urb enqueue (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: allocate bigger ring for isochronous endpoint (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Isochronous transfer implementation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Introduce urb_priv structure (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Missed Service Error Event process (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: adds new cases to trb_comp_code switch (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: remove redundant print messages (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] USB xHCI: handle_tx_event() refactor: process_bulk_intr_td (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: handle_tx_event() refactor: process_ctrl_td (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: handle_tx_event() refactor: finish_td (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Supporting MSI/MSI-X (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: trivial: use ARRAY_SIZE (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove obsolete debugging printk (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Set Mult field in endpoint context correctly (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Set EP0 dequeue ptr after reset of configured device (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Fix another bug in link TRB activation change (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] clean up some host controller sparse warnings (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Support for allocating USB 3.0 streams (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] split hub.h into ch11.h and merge-in hcd.h (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] make hub.h public (drivers dependency) (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] make hcd.h public (drivers dependency) (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Add parsing of SuperSpeed endpoint companion descriptor (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Fix bug in link TRB activation change (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Print NEC firmware version (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Wait for host to start running (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Wait for controller to be ready after reset (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: fix compiler warning (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove the arbitrary limit of 15 xHCI ports (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xHCI: Fix wrong usage of macro TRB_TYPE (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Transfer ring link TRB activation change (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Set stream ID to 0 after cleaning up stalls (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Avoid double free after streams are disabled (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Correct assumptions about number of rings per endpoint (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Add memory allocation for USB3 bulk streams (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix check for room on the ring (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Limit bus sg_tablesize to 62 TRBs (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix issue with set interface after stall (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Make endpoint interval debugging clearer (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] usb-storage: use max_hw_sectors instead of max_sectors (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] rearrange code in usb_probe_interface (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Use bInterfaceNumber in bandwidth allocations (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix compile issues with xhci_get_slot_state() (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: No GFP_KERNEL in block error handling (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] retain USB device power/wakeup setting across reconfiguration (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Add call to notify xHC of a device reset (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Notify the xHC when a device is reset (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Allow roothub ports to be disabled (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Refactor code to clear port change bits (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Refactor test for vendor-specific completion codes (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Allow allocation of commands without input contexts (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Refactor code to free or cache endpoint rings (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix error path when configuring endpoints (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] check the endpoint type against the pipe type (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Fix duplicate sysfs problem after device reset (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] USB core: fix recent kernel-doc warnings (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] fix section mismatch in early ehci dbgp (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Check bandwidth when switching alt settings (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] Refactor code to find alternate interface settings (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Fix command completion after a drop endpoint (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Make reverting an alt setting "unfailable" (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci-mem.c: introduce missing kfree (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] add remove_id sysfs attr for usb drivers (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Handle errors that cause endpoint halts (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Return success for vendor-specific info codes (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Return -EPROTO on a split transaction error. (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Set transfer descriptor size field correctly (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Add tests for TRB address translation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] fix a bug in the scatter-gather library (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] add a "remove hardware" sysfs attribute (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] don't use a fixed DMA mapping for hub status URBs (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Remove unused HCD statistics code. (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Add watchdog timer for URB cancellation (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Re-purpose xhci_quiesce() (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] xhci: Handle URB cancel, complete and resubmit race (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] whci-hcd: correctly handle sg lists longer than QTD_MAX_XFER_SIZE (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] whci-hcd: fix type and format warnings in sg code (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] make urb scatter-gather support more generic (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [usb] whci-hcd: support urbs with scatter-gather lists (Don Zickus) [591794 591796 591797 624615 637237] - [virt] vhost: max s/g to match qemu (Jason Wang) [619002] - [x86] eliminate mcp55 quirk boot chattiness (Bob Picco) [661172] - [security] SELinux: define permissions for DCB netlink messages (Eric Paris) [662125] - [net] bonding: add feature to support output port selection steering (Neil Horman) [601849] - [net] clarify documentation for net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships (Jiri Pirko) [593397] - [ppc64] Remove CDTRDSR warning from ppc64 compile (Prarit Bhargava) [597333] - [ata] libata-scsi passthru: fix bug which truncated LBA48 return values (David Milburn) [663679] - [fs] ext4: speed up ext4_rec_len_(from|to)_disk for smaller blocksizes (Eric Sandeen) [653213] - [dlm] reduce cond_resched during send (David Teigland) [663372] - [dlm] use TCP_NODELAY (David Teigland) [663372] - [dlm] Handle application limited situations properly (David Teigland) [663372] - [virt] vhost-net: fix range checking in mrg bufs case (Jason Wang) [616660 632745] - [virt] vhost-net: mergeable buffers support (Jason Wang) [616660 632745] - [virt] vhost-net: minor cleanup (Jason Wang) [616660 632745] - [virt] vhost: Storage class should be before const qualifier (Jason Wang) [616660 632745] - [netdrv] tun: add ioctl to modify vnet header size (Jason Wang) [616660 632745] - [virt] vhost: fix sparse warnings (Jason Wang) [616660 632745]- [s390x] kernel: virtualization aware cpu measurement (Hendrik Brueckner) [631483] - [s390x] kernel: Add breaking event address for user space (Hendrik Brueckner) [632322] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Removed dependency for SRB structure for Marker processing (Chad Dupuis) [635707] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Support for asynchronous TM and Marker IOCBs (Chad Dupuis) [635707] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add CT passthru support for ISP23xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [635707] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Provide common framework for BSG and IOCB commands (Chad Dupuis) [635707] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable CRB based doorbell posting for request queue as default for ISP 82xx (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for empty slot in request queue before posting Command type 6 request (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear drive active CRB register when not in use (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Optionally disable target reset (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove HSRX_RISC_PAUSED check for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid infinite abort-isps when chip reset fails (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow transition to NEED RESET state only from READY state for ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup and rearrange ISP 82xx specific code (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove comments having reference to netxen_nic (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove duplicate initialization during configuring rings (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove non P3P code and reference (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: IDC: Check firmware alive prior to initialization (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid transitioning to RESET state during initializing (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable fw_dump operations on ISP82xx (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Implement a quick (FCoE context only) reset (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Corrected the logic to avoid continuous ISP reset (Chad Dupuis) [516845] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ISP82XX support (Chad Dupuis) [516845]- [fs] xfs: ensure we mark all inodes in a freed cluster XFS_ISTALE (Dave Chinner) [654294] - [fs] xfs: fix race in inode cluster freeing failing to stale inodes (Dave Chinner) [654294] - [block] change BARRIER referenced in error message and comments (Mike Snitzer) [657046] - [md] Call blk_queue_flush() to establish flush/fua support (Mike Snitzer) [657046] - [scsi] scsi_debug: Update thin provisioning support (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix map_region and unmap_region oops (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] scsi_debug: Block Limits VPD page fixes (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] scsi_debug: add max_queue + no_uld parameters (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix Thin provisioning support (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] sd: Update thin provisioning support (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] Fix VPD inquiry page wrapper (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [scsi] sd: quiet spurious error messages in READ_CAPACITY(16) (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [block] fix problem with sending down discard that isn't of correct granularity (Mike Snitzer) [646552] - [block] blk-throttle: Correct the placement of smp_rmb() (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-throttle: Trim/adjust slice_end once a bio has been dispatched (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] Enable block bio throttling (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] fix use-after-free bug in blk throttle code (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio-throttle: Fix possible multiplication overflow in iops calculations (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio-throttle: limit max iops value to UINT_MAX (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio-throttle: There is no need to convert jiffies to milli seconds (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio-throttle: Fix link failure failure on i386 (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: Recalculate the throttled bio dispatch time upon throttle limit change (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: Add root group to td->tg_list (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: deletion of a cgroup was causes oops (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: Do not export throttle files if CONFIG_BLK_DEV_THROTTLING=n (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: Implementation of IOPS limit logic (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-cgroup: cgroup changes for IOPS limit support (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blkio: Core implementation of throttle policy (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-cgroup: Introduce cgroup changes for throttling policy (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-cgroup: Prepare the base for supporting more than one IO control policies (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-cgroup: Kill the header printed at the start of blkio.weight_device file (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] blk-cgroup: Fix an RCU warning in blkiocg_create() (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [block] kill some useless goto's in blk-cgroup.c (Vivek Goyal) [636022] - [kernel] ptrace: fix exit_ptrace() vs ptrace_report_signal() races (Oleg Nesterov) [631968] - [kernel] ptrace: introduce PTRACE_O_DETACHED to mark the self-detaching engine (Oleg Nesterov) [631968] - [kernel] ptrace: don't assume resume != UTRACE_RESUME means stepping (Oleg Nesterov) [631968] - [kernel] ptrace: the tracee shouldn never change ctx->resume (Oleg Nesterov) [631968] - [kernel] ptrace: ptrace_reuse_engine()->utrace_barrier() should ignore ERESTARTSYS (Oleg Nesterov) [631968] - [fs] fsck.gfs2 reported statfs error after gfs2_grow (Robert S Peterson) [661048] - [fs] ext4: 2 writeback perf fixes (Eric Sandeen) [648632] - [powerpc] Correct smt_enabled=X boot option for > 2 threads per core (Steve Best) [659807] - [watchdog] iTCO wdt: Cleanup warning messages (Prarit Bhargava) [616268] - [md] dm mpath: revert "dm: Call blk_abort_queue on failed paths" (Mike Snitzer) [636771] - [x86] UV: Address interrupt/IO port operation conflict (George Beshers) [659480] - [x86] Fix x2apic preenabled system with kexec (Gleb Natapov) [657261] - [virt] vhost: correctly set bits of dirty pages (Jason Wang) [658437] - [mm] guard page for stacks that grow upwards (Johannes Weiner) [630562] - [mm] fix numa khugepaged memcg memleak (Andrea Arcangeli) [659119] - [mm] Enable extraction of hugepage pfn(s) from /proc//pagemap (Larry Woodman) [644987]- [s390x] dasd: Fix unimplemented DIAG function (Hendrik Brueckner) [646951] - [s390x] dasd: fix unsolicited interrupt recognition (Hendrik Brueckner) [635021] - [s390x] dasd: fix dump_sense_dbf (Hendrik Brueckner) [643998] - [s390x] dasd: let recovery cqr inherit flags from failed cqr (Hendrik Brueckner) [635021] - [s390x] qeth: tolerate OLM-limitation (Hendrik Brueckner) [633568] - [s390x] qdio: convert global statistics to per-device stats (Hendrik Brueckner) [633308] - [s390x] cio: use all paths for some internal I/O (Hendrik Brueckner) [623248] - [s390x] dasd: allocate fallback cqr for reserve/release (Hendrik Brueckner) [619515] - [s390x] qeth: OSX message for z/VM specific authorization failure (Hendrik Brueckner) [619508] - [s390x] qeth: avoid loop if ipa command response is missing (Hendrik Brueckner) [619506] - [s390x] dasd: fix refcounting for sysfs entry (Hendrik Brueckner) [529362] - [s390x] dasd: remove uid from devmap (Hendrik Brueckner) [529362] - [fs] ext4: improve llseek error handling for overly large seek offsets (Eric Sandeen) [652013] - [fs] ext4: fix EFBIG edge case when writing to large non-extent file (Eric Sandeen) [646498] - [fs] procfs: fix numbering in /proc/locks (Jerome Marchand) [637846] - [scsi] enable state transistions from OFFLINE to RUNNING (Mike Christie) [643237] - [scsi] set queue limits no_cluster for stacked devices (Mike Snitzer) [658293] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Add two new SUN devices to rdac_dev_list (Rob Evers) [643820] - [kernel] utrace: move user_disable_single_step() logic from utrace_control() to utrace_reset() (Oleg Nesterov) [635853] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix a kernel OOPs when usb key is inserted (Vivek Goyal) [639427] - [x86] tsc, sched: Recompute cyc2ns_offset's during resume from sleep states (Matthew Garrett) [635560] - [virt] virtio: console: Don't block entire guest if host doesn't read data (Amit Shah) [643751] - [mm] memcg: handle charge moving race with hugepage split (Johannes Weiner) [615860] - [mm] Out-of-memory under memory cgroup can call both of oom-killer-for-memcg and oom-killer-for-page-fault (Larry Woodman) [592879] - [mm] only return EIO once on msync/fsync after IO failure (Rik van Riel) [652371] - [mm] Backport upstream code it avoid side-effect of tickless idle on update_cpu_load() (Larry Woodman) [635558] - [virtio] console: fix memory leak (Amit Shah) [656835] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Really clear cr0.ts when giving the guest ownership of the fpu (Avi Kivity) [655718] - [virt] SVM: Initialize fpu_active in init_vmcb() (Avi Kivity) [654532] - [x86] Look for IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS support (Matthew Garrett) [464655] - [x86] Disable paranoid check in ACPI power meter driver (Matthew Garrett) [634640] - [pci] dma-mapping: dma-mapping.h: add dma_set_coherent_mask (Stefan Assmann) [650960] - [block] Allow third party modules to use blk_queue_ordered() (Vivek Goyal) [657046] - [security] audit: add support to match lsm labels on user audit messages (Eric Paris) [634303] - [cpufreq] Fix ondemand to not request targets outside policy limits (Matthew Garrett) [651339] - [scsi] libfc: possible race could panic system due to NULL fsp->cmd (Mike Christie) [638297] - [fs] gfs: Use 512 B block sizes to communicate with userland quota tools (Abhijith Das) [658590] - [fs] GFS2: support for growing a full filesytem (Benjamin Marzinski) [659137] - [kernel] div64_u64(): improve precision on 32bit platforms (Oleg Nesterov) [616105] - [kernel] exec: copy-and-paste the fixes into compat_do_execve() paths (Oleg Nesterov) [625695] {CVE-2010-4243} - [kernel] exec: make argv/envp memory visible to oom-killer (Oleg Nesterov) [625695] {CVE-2010-4243} - [ata] sata_via: apply magic FIFO fix to vt6420 too (David Milburn) [659748] - [ata] sata_via: explain the magic fix (David Milburn) [659748] - [ata] sata_via: magic vt6421 fix for transmission problems w/ WD drives (David Milburn) [659748] - [virt] KVM: create aggregate kvm_total_used_mmu_pages value (Marcelo Tosatti) [632772] - [virt] KVM: replace x86 kvm n_free_mmu_pages with n_used_mmu_pages (Marcelo Tosatti) [632772] - [virt] KVM: rename x86 kvm->arch.n_alloc_mmu_pages (Marcelo Tosatti) [632772] - [virt] KVM: abstract kvm x86 mmu->n_free_mmu_pages (Marcelo Tosatti) [632772]- [scsi] sd: Fix overflow with big physical blocks (Mike Snitzer) [632644] - [block] Ensure physical block size is unsigned int (Mike Snitzer) [632644] - [fs] Turn on the NFSv4.1 kernel config (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: rename nfs.upcall -> nfsidmap (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: Fix a compile issue in nfs_root (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] sunrpc: Use static const char arrays (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] nfs4: fix channel attribute sanity-checks (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Use more sensible names for 'initialize_mountpoint' (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfs: filelayout: add driver's LAYOUTGET and GETDEVICEINFO infrastructure (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfs: add LAYOUTGET and GETDEVICEINFO infrastructure (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: client needs to maintain list of inodes with active layouts (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: create and destroy inode's layout cache (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfs: filelayout: introduce minimal file layout driver (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfs: full mount/umount infrastructure (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: set layout driver (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: ask for layouttypes during v4 fsinfo call (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFS: change stateid to be a union (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSv4.1: pnfsd, pnfs: protocol level pnfs constants (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] SUNRPC: define xdr_decode_opaque_fixed (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] NFSD: remove duplicate NFS4_STATEID_SIZE (Steve Dickson) [479351] - [fs] Revert "NFSv4: Fall back to ordinary lookup if nfs4_atomic_open() returns EISDIR" (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Regression: fix mounting NFS when NFSv3 support is not compiled (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NLM: Fix a regression in lockd (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs4: The difference of 2 pointers is ptrdiff_t (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: testing the wrong variable (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: handle lock context allocation failures in nfs_create_request (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Fixed Regression in NFS Direct I/O path (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfsd4: fix 4.1 connection registration race (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] lib: introduce common method to convert hex digits (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] Keep the deprecated nfsd system call interface (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: svc_tcp_sendto XPT_DEAD check is redundant (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: no need for XPT_DEAD check in svc_xprt_enqueue (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: assume svc_delete_xprt() called only once (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: never clear XPT_BUSY on dead xprt (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: fix connection allocation in sequence() (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: only require krb5 principal for NFSv4.0 callbacks (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: move minorversion to client (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: delay session removal till free_client (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: separate callback change and callback probe (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: callback program number is per-session (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: track backchannel connections (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: confirm only on succesful create_session (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: make backchannel sequence number per-session (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: use client pointer to backchannel session (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: move callback setup into session init code (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: don't cache seq_misordered replies (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] SUNRPC: Properly initialize sock_xprt.srcaddr in all cases (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] SUNRPC: Use conventional switch statement when reclassifying sockets (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Turn list_for_each-s into the ..._entry-s (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove dead "else" branch from bc xprt creation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't return NULL from rpcb_create (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove useless if (task == NULL) from xprt_reserve_xprt (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove UDP worker wrappers (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove TCP worker wrappers (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Pass family to setup_socket calls (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Merge xs_create_sock code (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Merge the xs_bind code (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Call xs_create_sockX directly from setup_socket (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Factor out v6 sockets creation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Factor out v4 sockets creation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Factor out udp sockets creation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove duplicate xprt/transport arguments from calls (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Get xprt pointer once in xs_tcp_setup_socket (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove unused sock arg from xs_next_srcport (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove unused sock arg from xs_get_srcport (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrdma: Cleanup DMA unmapping in error paths (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrdma: Change DMA mapping logic to avoid the page_address kernel API (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: expire clients more promptly (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Use helper to set v4 mapped addr in ip_map_parse (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: centralise handling of size limit on deferred list (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Simplify cache_defer_req and related functions (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: return expired on unfound stateid's (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: add new connections to session (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: refactor connection allocation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: use callbacks on svc_xprt_deletion (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: provide callbacks on svc_xprt deletion (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: keep per-session list of connections (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: clean up session allocation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: fix alloc_init_session return type (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: fix alloc_init_session BUILD_BUG_ON() (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: Move callback setup to callback queue (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: remove separate cb_args struct (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: use generic callback code in null case (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: generic callback code (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: rename nfs4_rpc_args->nfsd4_cb_args (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: combine nfs4_rpc_args and nfsd4_cb_sequence (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: minor variable renaming (cb -> conn) (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: fix race in new cache_wait code. (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Create sockets in net namespaces (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [net] Export __sock_create (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Tag rpc_xprt with net (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Add net to xprt_create (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Add net to rpc_create_args (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Pull net argument downto svc_create_socket (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Add net argument to svc_create_xprt (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Factor out rpc_xprt freeing (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Factor out rpc_xprt allocation (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: adjust buflen for encoded attrs bitmap based on actual bitmap length (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: fix up rpcauth_remove_module section mismatch (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Tag svc_xprt with net (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Add routines that allow registering per-net caches (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Add net to pure API calls (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Pass xprt to cached get/put routines (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Make xprt auth cache release work with the xprt (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: Pass the ip_map_parse's cd to lower calls (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: fix /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.export/content display (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: Export get_task_comm for nfsd (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: allow deprecated interface to be compiled out (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: formally deprecate legacy nfsd syscall interface (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: fix recent breakage of cache_clean_deferred (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] lockd: Mostly remove BKL from the server (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: don't use custom hex_to_bin() converter (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: change deferred-request hash table to use hlist (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcauth_gss: replace a trivial 'switch' with an 'if' (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd/idmap: drop special request deferal in favour of improved default (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd: disable deferral for NFSv4 (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: close connection when a request is irretrievably lost (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] nfsd4: fix hang on fast-booting nfs servers (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: cache deferral cleanup (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] svcrpc: minor cache cleanup (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: allow threads to block while waiting for cache update (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [net] sunrpc: use seconds since boot in expiry cache (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [fs] sunrpc: extract some common sunrpc_cache code from nfsd (Steve Dickson) [653068] - [kernel] kernel.h: add printk_ratelimited and pr__rl (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Set new kernel configs (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Cleanup duplicate assignment in rpcauth_refreshcred (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: fix unchecked value (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Ask for time_delta during fsinfo probe (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Revalidate caches on lock (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: After calling xprt_release(), we must restart from call_reserve (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix up the 'dircount' hint in encode_readdir (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up nfs4_decode_dirent (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: nfs4_decode_dirent must clear entry->fattr->valid (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix a regression in decode_getfattr (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix up decode_attr_filehandle() to handle the case of empty fh pointer (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Ensure we check all allocation return values in new readdir code (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Readdir plus in v4 (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: introduce generic decode_getattr function (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: check xdr_decode for errors (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: nfs_readdir_filler catch all errors (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: readdir with vmapped pages (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: remove page size checking code (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: decode_dirent should use an xdr_stream (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Add a helper function xdr_inline_peek (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: remove readdir plus limit (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: re-add readdir plus (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Optimise the readdir searches (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: add readdir cache array (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: include ratelimit.h, fix nfs4state build error (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: The state manager must ignore EKEYEXPIRED (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Don't ignore the error return codes from nfs_intent_set_file (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Don't call nfs4_reclaim_complete() on receiving NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Don't SIGBUS if nfs_vm_page_mkwrite races with a cache invalidation (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: new idmapper (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Use kernel DNS resolver (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: We must use list_for_each_entry_safe in nfs_access_cache_shrinker (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: don't use FLUSH_SYNC on WB_SYNC_NONE COMMIT calls (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Really fix put_nfs_open_context() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4.1: keep seq_res.sr_slot as pointer rather than an index (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] add a couple of mntget+dget -> path_get in nfs4proc (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: show "local_lock" mount option in /proc/mounts (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: handle inode==NULL in __put_nfs_open_context (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: introduce mount option '-olocal_lock' to make locks local (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Refactor logic to NUL-terminate strings in pages (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Correct an rpcbind debugging message (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Fix NFSv3 debugging messages in fs/nfs/nfs3proc.c (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Fix the slotid initialisation in nfs_async_rename() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Fix a use-after-free case in nfs_async_rename() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: make sillyrename an async operation (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: move nfs_sillyrename to unlink.c (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: standardize the rename response container (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] nfs: standardize the rename args container (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Add an 'open_context' element to struct nfs_rpc_ops (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Clean up nfs4_proc_create() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Further cleanups for nfs4_open_revalidate() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up nfs4_open_revalidate (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Further minor cleanups for nfs4_atomic_open() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up nfs4_atomic_open (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] Switch alloc_nfs_open_context() to struct path (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Remove rpcb_getport_sync() (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Allow NFSROOT debugging messages to be enabled dynamically (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Clean up nfsroot.c (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Use super.c for NFSROOT mount option parsing (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Clean up NFSROOT command line parsing (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] NFS: Remove \t from mount debugging message (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] SUNRPC: Don't truncate tail data unnecessarily in xdr_shrink_pagelen (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] sunrpc: simplify xdr_shrink_pagelen use of "copy" (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] sunrpc: don't use the copy variable in nested block (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] sunrpc: clean up xdr_shrink_pagelen use of temporary pointer (Steve Dickson) [653066] - [fs] sunrpc: don't shorten buflen twice in xdr_shrink_pagelen (Steve Dickson) [653066]- [netdrv] igb: only use vlan_gro_receive if vlans are registered (Stefan Assmann) [660192] {CVE-2010-4263}- [net] core: neighbour update Oops (Jiri Pirko) [658518] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Added support for ELS RRQ command (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Init VFI and VPI for the physical port (Lancer SLI4 FC Support) (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Set heartbeat timer off by default (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement doorbell register changes for new hardware support (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a NULL pointer dereference duing memory allocation failure (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Modified the return status of unsupport ELS commands (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement READ_TOPOLOGY mailbox command and add new 16G speeds (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Implement the new SLI 4 SLI_INTF register definitions (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with remote SLI4 firmware download data not being transmitted (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Added PCI ID definitions for new hardware support (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Updated driver to handle CVL after Nameserver PLOGI timeouts (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for failure to log into FDMI_DID after link bounce (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Cleanup mailbox commands in mboxq_cmpl when CVL is received (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Add new SLI4 WQE support (Rob Evers) [655935] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix locking issue for security mailbox commands (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Properly handle devloss timeout during various phases of FIP engine state transactions (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Abort all I/Os and wait XRI exchange busy complete before function reset ioctl in SLI4 driver unload (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Prevent lock_irqsave from being called twice in a row (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix regression error for handling SLI4 unsolicted ELS (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix regression error for handling ECHO response support (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix regression error for handling SLI4 unsolicted ELS (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix internal loopback causing kernel panic (Rob Evers) [635733] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crashes for NULL pnode dereference (Rob Evers) [635733]- [block] cfq: fix recursive call in cfq_blkiocg_update_completion_stats() (Vivek Goyal) [626989]- [kernel] posix-cpu-timers: workaround to suppress the problems with mt exec (Oleg Nesterov) [656268] - [fs] bio: take care not overflow page count when mapping/copying user data (Danny Feng) [652531] {CVE-2010-4162} - [net] can-bcm: fix minor heap overflow (Danny Feng) [651847] {CVE-2010-3874} - [net] filter: make sure filters dont read uninitialized memory (Jiri Pirko) [651705] {CVE-2010-4158} - [net] inet_diag: Make sure we actually run the same bytecode we audited (Jiri Pirko) [651269] - [v4l] ivtvfb: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [648833] {CVE-2010-4079} - [drm] via/ioctl.c: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Dave Airlie) [648719] {CVE-2010-4082} - [char] nozomi: clear data before returning to userspace on TIOCGICOUNT (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [648706] {CVE-2010-4077} - [serial] clean data before filling it on TIOCGICOUNT (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [648703] {CVE-2010-4075}- [fs] configs: enable CONFIG_PRINT_QUOTA_WARNING (Aristeu Rozanski) [579638] - [net] af_unix: limit unix_tot_inflight (Neil Horman) [656762] - [block] check for proper length of iov entries in blk_rq_map_user_iov() (Danny Feng) [652959] {CVE-2010-4163} - [net] Limit sendto()/recvfrom()/iovec total length to INT_MAX (Jiri Pirko) [651895] {CVE-2010-4160} - [netdrv] mlx4: Add OFED-1.5.2 patch to increase log_mtts_per_seg (Jay Fenlason) [637284] - [kernel] kbuild: fix external module compiling (Aristeu Rozanski) [655231] - [mm] Fix broken use of end variable in remap_file_pages() system call (Larry Woodman) [637049] - [virt] virtio: console: Disable lseek(2) for port file operations (Amit Shah) [635537] - [virt] virtio: console: Prevent userspace from submitting NULL buffers (Amit Shah) [635535] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix poll blocking even though there is data to read (Amit Shah) [634232] - [virt] virtio: console: Send SIGIO in case of port unplug (Amit Shah) [624628] - [virt] virtio: console: Send SIGIO on new data arrival on ports (Amit Shah) [624628] - [virt] virtio: console: Send SIGIO to processes that request it for host events (Amit Shah) [624628] - [block] cfq-iosched: blktrace print per slice sector stats (Vivek Goyal) [626989] - [block] cfq-iosched: Implement tunable group_idle (Vivek Goyal) [626989] - [block] cfq-iosched: Do group share accounting in IOPS when slice_idle=0 (Vivek Goyal) [626989] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fixed boot warning with BLK_CGROUP=y and CFQ_GROUP_IOSCHED=n (Vivek Goyal) [626989] - [block] blk-cgroup: Fix RCU correctness warning in cfq_init_queue() (Vivek Goyal) [626989] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add registers etc. printout code just before resetting adapters (Dean Nelson) [611696] - [netdrv] e1000e: suppress compile warnings on certain archs (Dean Nelson) [611696] - [netdrv] e1000e: add registers etc. printout code just before resetting adapters (Dean Nelson) [611696] - [net] bluetooth: Fix missing NULL check (Jarod Wilson) [655668] - [v4l] Fix garbled image with zc3xx-based webcam (Jay Fenlason) [590404] - [mm] Backport missing kmemleak check into kmem_cache_create() (Larry Woodman) [654761] - [x86] acpi: mark hardware unsupported on x86 32bit cpu hot add events (Prarit Bhargava) [625585] - [x86] UEFI/EFI x86_64 pagetable initialization (Bob Picco) [654665] - [kernel] add RSS and swap size information to /proc/sysvipc/shm (Jerome Marchand) [634994] - [kernel] fix integer overflow in groups_search (Jerome Marchand) [629629] - [kernel] ipc: initialize structure memory to zero for compat functions (Danny Feng) [648695] {CVE-2010-4073} - [kernel] shm: fix information leak to userland (Danny Feng) [648689] {CVE-2010-4072} - [kernel] Prevent panic caused by divide by zero in find_busiest_group() (Larry Woodman) [644903] - [kernel] Backport upstream fix for a race in pid generation that causes pids to be reused immediately (Larry Woodman) [646321] - [scsi] megaraid: fix make legacy i/o ports free (Tomas Henzl) [632558] - [net] ipv6: balance pernet_operations [de]registration (Neil Horman) [625173] - [kdump] kexec: accelerate vmcore copies by marking oldmem in /proc/vmcore as cached (Neil Horman) [641315] - [mm] use compaction for GFP_ATOMIC order > 0 (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [kernel] module: initialize module dynamic debug later (Jason Baron) [627648] - [kernel] dynamic debug: move ddebug_remove_module() down into free_module() (Jason Baron) [627648] - [md] dm: remove extra locking when changing device size (Mike Snitzer) [644380] - [block] read i_size with i_size_read() (Mike Snitzer) [644380]- [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix mailbox handling for UNREG_RPI_ALL case (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a race condition that can cause driver send FDISC to un-initialized VPI (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Used PCI function reset ioctl mbox command to clean up CNA during driver unload (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crashes for BUG_ONs hit in the lpfc_abort_handler (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fail I/O when adapter detects a lost frame and target reports a check condition (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed abort WQEs for FIP frames (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Instantiate iocb_stat so compiler does not error out (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Added unreg all rpi mailbox command before unreg vpi (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Make all error values negative (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove duplicate code from lpfc_els_retry routine (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed circular spinlock dependency between low-level driver and SCSI midlayer (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed cases of skipping possible roundrobin fail over of multiple eligible FCFs (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed FC-AL bit set issue in FLOGI rejected by McData4700 FC swich in NPV setup (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver not able to unregister unused FCF upon devloss timeout to all nodes (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with external loopback testing not becoming ready (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed heartbeat timeout during controller pause test (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Added support for Falcon firmware download authentication and SLI authentication (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for bsg MBX_SLI4_CONFIG (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: adjust lpfc_els_retry delay/retry for PLOGI, attr remove owner (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Replaced some unnecessary spin_lock_irqsave with spin_lock_irq (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed lpfc_initial_flogi not returning failure in one of failure condition (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed r8828 stray state update in case a new FCF matched in-use FCF (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Treated firmware matching FCF property with different index as error condition (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Move Unload flag earlier in vport delete (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for IOCB leak on FDISC completion (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Start looking at the return code for fc_block_scsi_eh (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove unused variables that were removed from upstream submission (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Change log message 0318 from an error to a warning as it is not an error (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Security Crypto support to CONFIG_PORT mailbox command (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Switch call to memcpy_toio to __write32_copy to prevent unaligned 64 bit copy (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with cable swap and nodelist not empty message on console after rmmod (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure to roundrobin on all available FCFs when FLOGI to in-use FCF rejected by switch (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed heartbeat timeout during fabric reconfiguration (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure to recover from back-to-back Clear Virtual Link with a single FCF (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Clear VFI_REGISTERED flag when UNREG_VFI completes (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: r8088 had to be backed out temporary because it was part of a larger patch that was rejected, now put r8088 back with r8608 (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Added code to ignore the failure of REG_VPI mailbox with UPD bit set on older tigershark firmware (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Added code to support UPD bit of REG_VPI mailbox command (Rob Evers) [645882] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bug with cable swap and ndlp not becoming active (Rob Evers) [645882] - [virt] virtio: console: Reference counting portdev structs is not needed (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Add reference counting for port struct (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Use cdev_alloc() instead of cdev_init() (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Add a find_port_by_devt() function (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Add a list of portdevs that are active (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: open: Use a common path for error handling (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: remove_port() should return void (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Make write() return -ENODEV on hot-unplug (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Make read() return -ENODEV on hot-unplug (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Unblock poll on port hot-unplug (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Un-block reads on chardev close (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Check if portdev is valid in send_control_msg() (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Remove control vq data only if using multiport support (Amit Shah) [628805] - [virt] virtio: console: Reset vdev before removing device (Amit Shah) [628805] - [pci] Add FW_WARN to warn_invalid_dmar() (Prarit Bhargava) [588638] - [pci] Clean up warn_invalid_dmar() (Prarit Bhargava) [588638] - [pci] intel-iommu: Combine the BIOS DMAR table warning messages (Prarit Bhargava) [588638] - [kernel] Really add TAINT_FIRMWARE_WORKAROUND (Prarit Bhargava) [588638] - [x86] ACPI: create "processor.bm_check_disable" boot param (Matthew Garrett) [635572] - [fs] Fix nfsv4 client lock reclaim behaviour (Sachin Prabhu) [638269] - [fs] ext4: Don't error out the fs if the user tries to make a file too big (Eric Sandeen) [645824] - [fs] xfs: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Dave Chinner) [630809] {CVE-2010-3078} - [s390x] cio: prevent kernel panic in I/O cancel function (Hendrik Brueckner) [647825] - [s390x] qeth: timeout on connection isolation configuration errors (Hendrik Brueckner) [635053] - [kernel] etr clock synchronization race (Hendrik Brueckner) [619511] - [net] tc: Ignore noqueue_qdisc default qdisc when dumping (Thomas Graf) [627142] - [net] fix rds_iovec page count overflow (Jiri Pirko) [647424] {CVE-2010-3865} - [net] netfilter: Avoid freeing pointers representing an error value (Thomas Graf) [608980] - [scsi] Fix megaraid_sas driver SLAB memory leak detected with CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB (Shyam Iyer) [633836] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Handle all states correctly (Mike Snitzer) [636994] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Fix oops when an interrupt is pending during probe (Steve Best) [624169] - [usb] serial/mos*: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Don Zickus) [648698] {CVE-2010-4074} - [kbuild] don't sign out-of-tree modules (Aristeu Rozanski) [653507] - [kernel] tracing: Fix circular dead lock in stack trace (Jiri Olsa) [601047] - [watchdog] iTCO wdt: remove extra pci_dev_put()'s from init code (Prarit Bhargava) [574546] - [kernel] ecryptfs_uid_hash() buffer overflow (Jerome Marchand) [611388] {CVE-2010-2492} - [sound] seq/oss - Fix double-free at error path of snd_seq_oss_open() (Jaroslav Kysela) [630555] {CVE-2010-3080} - [x86] ACPI: allow C3 > 1000usec (Matthew Garrett) [572821] - [virt] virtio-net: init link state correctly (Jason Wang) [646369] - [virt] i8259: fix migration (Gleb Natapov) [629197] - [netdrv] prevent reading uninitialized memory in hso driver (Thomas Graf) [633144] {CVE-2010-3298}- [virt] KVM: x86: Use unlazy_fpu() for host FPU (Avi Kivity) [651005] - [fs] GFS2: reserve more blocks for transactions (Benjamin Marzinski) [637972] - [fs] core_pattern: fix truncation by core_pattern handler with long parameters (Danny Feng) [618602] - [fs] Do not mix FMODE_ and O_ flags with break_lease() and may_open() (Harshula Jayasuriya) [642677] - [fs] GFS2: fallocate support (Benjamin Marzinski) [626561] - [fs] GFS2: fix filesystem consistency error on rename (Robert S Peterson) [638657] - [fs] aio: check for multiplication overflow in do_io_submit (Jeff Moyer) [629451] - [x86] Backport several upstream CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA optimizations and bugfixes from Intel (Larry Woodman) [557364] - [fs] GFS2: Fix typo in stuffed file data copy handling (Abhijith Das) [619810] - [powerpc] Remove redundant xics badness warning (Steve Best) [641932] - [ppc] Account time using timebase rather than PURR (Steve Best) [633515] - [ppc] pseries: Increase cpu die timeout (Steve Best) [636230] - [s390x] zfcp: Fix reference counter for point-to-point port (Hendrik Brueckner) [644005] - [powerpc] ibmveth: lost IRQ while closing/opening device leads to service loss (Steve Best) [620799] - [net] fix info leak from kernel in ethtool operation (Neil Horman) [646728] {CVE-2010-3861} - [net] drop_monitor: add EAGAIN return code to detect duplicate state changes (Neil Horman) [615788 616919] - [net] packet: fix information leak to userland (Jiri Pirko) [649900] {CVE-2010-3876} - [net] Fix stack corruption in icmp_send() (James Paradis) [629590] - [net] clean up info leak in act_police (Neil Horman) [636394] - [net] bonding: introduce primary_reselect option (Jiri Pirko) [628492] - [net] bonding: check if clients MAC addr has changed (Flavio Leitner) [610237] - [scsi] mpt2sas: driver fails to recover from injected PCIe bus errors (Steve Best) [612584] - [kernel] sys_semctl: fix kernel stack leakage (Danny Feng) [648724] {CVE-2010-4083} - [security] Fix install_process_keyring error handling (David Howells) [647440] - [kernel] sysctl: fix min/max handling in __do_proc_doulongvec_minmax() (Amerigo Wang) [643290] - [kernel] kbuild: Really don't clean bounds.h and asm-offsets.h (Danny Feng) [594065] - [kernel] execve: improve interactivity and respond to SIGKILL with large arguments (Dave Anderson) [629178] - [kernel] kbuild: respect LDFLAGS when linking module signatures (Johannes Weiner) [629423] - [kernel] kbuild: fix modpost segfault (Johannes Weiner) [629418] - [fs] CIFS: Remove __exit mark from cifs_exit_dns_resolver() (David Howells) [619752] - [block] Range check cpu in blk_cpu_to_group (Steve Best) [636981] - [sound] sound/pci/rme9652: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [648711 648716] - [pci] add pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot function (Chad Dupuis) [641132] - [pci] intr-remap: allow disabling source id checking (Alex Williamson) [530618] - [x86] Add native Intel cpuidle driver (Matthew Garrett) [637899] - [x86] add quirk to fixup mcp55 interrupt routing to let kdump work (Neil Horman) [562134] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Disallow NMI while blocked by STI (Avi Kivity) [616296] - [virt] KVM: x86: fix information leak to userland (Marcelo Tosatti) [649840] - [virt] kvm: write protect memory after slot swap (Michael S. Tsirkin) [647367] - [net] generic get_drvinfo() fallback in "ethtool.c" (Laszlo Ersek) [649248] - [virt] Revert "vhost: max s/g to match qemu" (Jason Wang) [623915] - [virt] KVM: Fix reboot on Intel hosts (Avi Kivity) [637520] - [virt] KVM: SVM: init_vmcb should reset vcpu->efer (Marcelo Tosatti) [554506] - [virt] fix vhost_net lanana violation (Bob Picco) [602499] - [virt] KVM: x86 emulator: Allow LOCK prefix for NEG and NOT (Avi Kivity) [618202] - [mm] Prevent Out Of Memory when changing cpuset's mems on NUMA (Larry Woodman) [597127] - [kernel] tracing: fix recursive user stack trace (Jiri Olsa) [602804] - [mm] revalidate page->mapping after locking page in do_generic_file_read() (Johannes Weiner) [651373] - [fs] introduce GLF_QUEUED flag (Abhijith Das) [629920] - [fs] dlm: Don't send callback to node making lock request when "try 1cb" fails (David Teigland) [629920] - [virt] KVM: Set cr0.et when the guest writes cr0 (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Give the guest ownership of cr0.ts when the fpu is active (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [virt] KVM: Lazify fpu activation and deactivation (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Allow the guest to own some cr0 bits (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [virt] KVM: Replace read accesses of vcpu->arch.cr0 by an accessor (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [virt] KVM: VMX: trace clts and lmsw instructions as cr accesses (Avi Kivity) [645898] - [x86] mce: Use HW_ERR in MCE handler (Bob Picco) [641039] - [x86] mce: Add HW_ERR printk prefix for hardware error logging (Bob Picco) [641039] - [dm] sync trivial changes from 2.6.36 (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] crypt: simplify crypt_ctr (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] crypt: simplify crypt_config destruction logic (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] ioctl: refactor dm_table_complete (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] snapshot: persistent use define for disk header chunk size (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] crypt: use kstrdup (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [dm] ioctl: use nonseekable_open (Mike Snitzer) [641432] - [virt] Xen PV-HVM: Enable xen pv hvm always for Xen HVM guests (Don Dutile) [632021] - [virt] Xen PV-HVM: skip vnif cfg if match 8139 macaddr (Don Dutile) [632021] - [virt] Xen PV-HVM: Synch unplug to upstream and tweak for rhel (Don Dutile) [632021] - [virt] Xen PV-HVM: change xen_pv_hvm param from _setup to early_param (Don Dutile) [632021] - [virt] KVM: Send SRAR SIGBUS directly (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: Add MCG_SER_P into KVM_MCE_CAP_SUPPORTED (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: Return EFAULT from kvm ioctl when guest accesses bad area (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: define hwpoison variables static (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: Fix a race condition for usage of is_hwpoison_address() (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: Avoid killing userspace through guest SRAO MCE on unmapped pages (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] KVM: make double/triple fault promotion generic to all exceptions (Dean Nelson) [550938] - [virt] xen: handle events as edge-triggered (Andrew Jones) [550724] - [virt] xen: use percpu interrupts for IPIs and VIRQs (Andrew Jones) [550724] - [hwmon] coretemp: get TjMax value from MSR (Dean Nelson) [580700] - [hwmon] coretemp: detect the thermal sensors by CPUID (Dean Nelson) [580700] - [x86] mtrr: Use stop machine context to rendezvous all the cpus (Prarit Bhargava) [612659] - [kernel] Backport linux-2.6 stop_machine code (Prarit Bhargava) [612659] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Fix opps during MTU change on an active device (Steve Best) [644959] - [netdrv] ehea: Fix synchronization between HW and SW send queue (Steve Best) [620792] - [netdrv] be2net: remove a BUG_ON in be_cmds.c (Ivan Vecera) [627958] - [netdrv] e1000e: don't inadvertently re-set INTX_DISABLE (Dean Nelson) [627926] - [mm] fix mbind_range() vma merge problem (Larry Woodman) [643942] - [mm] kernel: possible integer overflow in mm/fremap.c (Larry Woodman) [637049] - [mm] fix BUG() in do_coredump when out of memory (Rik van Riel) [623007]- [block] Re-introduce blk_queue_flushing() (Vivek Goyal) [635199] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix the NFSv4 and RPCSEC_GSS Kconfig dependencies (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] statfs() gives ESTALE error (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: Fix a typo in nfs_sockaddr_match_ipaddr6 (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] sunrpc: increase MAX_HASHTABLE_BITS to 14 (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] gss:spkm3 miss returning error to caller when import security context (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] gss:krb5 miss returning error to caller when import security context (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] Remove incorrect do_vfs_lock message (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] SUNRPC: cleanup state-machine ordering (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix a race in rpc_info_open (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix race corrupting rpc upcall (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] Fix null dereference in call_allocate (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: Fix the selection of security flavours in Kconfig (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: NFS_V4 is no longer an EXPERIMENTAL feature (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: fix the return value of nfs_file_fsync() (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] rpcrdma: Fix SQ size calculation when memreg is FRMR (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] xprtrdma: Do not truncate iova_start values in frmr registrations (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] nfs: Remove redundant NULL check upon kfree() (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] nfs: Add "lookupcache" to displayed mount options (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: allow close-to-open cache semantics to apply to root of NFS filesystem (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] SUNRPC: fix NFS client over TCP hangs due to packet loss (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] NFS: Ensure that writepage respects the nonblock flag (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] nfs: include space for the NUL in root path (Steve Dickson) [637278] - [fs] nfsd4: mask out non-access bits in nfs4_access_to_omode (Steve Dickson) [637279] - [fs] nfsd4: fix downgrade/lock logic (Steve Dickson) [637279] - [fs] nfsd4: bad BUG() in preprocess_stateid_op (Steve Dickson) [637279] - [fs] nfsd4: fix file open accounting for RDWR opens (Steve Dickson) [637279] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure the lockowners are labelled using the fl_owner and/or fl_pid (Harshula Jayasuriya) [621304 624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Add support for the RELEASE_LOCKOWNER operation (Harshula Jayasuriya) [621304 624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up for lockowner XDR encoding (Harshula Jayasuriya) [621304 624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure that we track the NFSv4 lock state in read/write requests (Harshula Jayasuriya) [621304 624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up struct nfs4_state_owner (Harshula Jayasuriya) [621304 624069] - [fs] Add back dentry argument to ->fsync (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: kswapd must not block in nfs_release_page (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: Fix the locking in nfs4_callback_getattr (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] NFSv4: Remember to clear NFS_DELEGATED_STATE in nfs_delegation_claim_opens (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Defer deleting the security context until gss_do_free_ctx() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: prevent task_cleanup running on freed xprt (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Reduce asynchronous RPC task stack usage (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Move the bound cred to struct rpc_rqst (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Clean up of rpc_bindcred() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Move remaining RPC client related task initialisation into clnt.c (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Ensure that rpc_exit() always wakes up a sleeping task (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Make the credential cache hashtable size configurable (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: Store the hashtable size in struct rpc_cred_cache (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: Ensure the AUTH_UNIX credcache is allocated dynamically (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: Fix the NFS users of rpc_restart_call() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [net] SUNRPC: The function rpc_restart_call() should return success/failure (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Get rid of the bogus RPC_ASSASSINATED(task) checks (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Clean up the process of renewing the NFSv4 lease (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY on SEQUENCE correctly (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: nfs_rename() should not have to flush out writebacks (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: Clean up the callers of nfs_wb_all() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFS: Fix up the fsync code (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: There is no need to init the session more than once (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Cleanup for nfs4_alloc_session (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Clean up exclusive create (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Deprecate nfs_client->cl_minorversion (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Fix nfs_async_inode_return_delegation() ugliness (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Convert the various reboot recovery ops etc to minor version ops (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Clean up the NFSv4.1 minor version specific operations (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] nfs: kill renewd before clearing client minor version (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Don't store session state in the nfs_client->cl_state (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Further cleanup for nfs4_sequence_done (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Make nfs4_setup_sequence take a nfs_server argument (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Merge the nfs41_proc_async_sequence() and nfs4_proc_sequence() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4: Kill nfs4_async_handle_error() abuses by NFSv4.1 (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Simplify nfs41_sequence_done() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Clean up nfs4_setup_sequence (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] NFSv41: Fix a memory leak in nfs41_proc_async_sequence() (Steve Dickson) [624069] - [fs] nfsd41: Fix a crash when a callback is retried (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd: minor nfsd read api cleanup (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] gcc-4.6: nfsd: fix initialized but not read warnings (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: share file descriptors between stateid's (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: fix openmode checking on IO using lock stateid (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: miscellaneous process_open2 cleanup (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: don't pretend to support write delegations (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd: bypass readahead cache when have struct file (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd: remove unused assignment from nfsd_link (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] NFSD: Fill in WCC data for REMOVE, RMDIR, MKNOD, and MKDIR (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: comment nitpick (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [net] sunrpc: make the cache cleaner workqueue deferrable (Steve Dickson) [624081] - [fs] nfsd4: fix delegation recall race use-after-free (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: fix deleg leak on callback error (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: remove some debugging code (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4callback encode_stateid helper function (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: translate memory errors to delay, not serverfault (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4; fix session reference count leak (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: don't bother storing callback reply tag (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: fix use of op_share_access (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: treat more recall errors as failures (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [fs] nfsd4: remove extra put() on callback errors (Steve Dickson) [624081 637278] - [virt] xen-blkfront: disable barrier/flush write support (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] revert to old blkdev_issue_discard to preserve kABI (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] revert to old blkdev_issue_flush to preserve kABI (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] revert bio flag changes to preserve kABI (Jeff Moyer) [635199] - [block] restore rq_flag_bits to their original values (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] initialize old barrier members of request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] reintroduce blk_queue_ordered to maintain compatibility (Vivek Goyal) [635199] - [block] Documentation: fix block api docbook documentation (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] remove BLKDEV_IFL_WAIT (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] remove the BLKDEV_IFL_BARRIER flag (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [mm] swap: do not send discards as barriers (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] fat: do not send discards as barriers (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] ext4: do not send discards as barriers (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] jbd2: replace barriers with explicit flush and FUA usage (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] jbd2: Modify ASYNC_COMMIT code to not rely on queue draining on barrier (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] jbd: replace barriers with explicit flush and FUA usage (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] gfs2: replace barriers with explicit flush and FUA usage (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] btrfs: replace barriers with explicit flush and FUA usage (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] xfs: replace barriers with explicit flush and FUA usage (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] pass gfp_mask and flags to sb_issue_discard (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] disallow FS recursion from sb_issue_discard allocation (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] convey that all flushes are processed as empty (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] fix locking context in queue_io() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] relax ordering of bio-based flush implementation (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] implement REQ_FLUSH/FUA support for request-based dm (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] implement REQ_FLUSH/FUA support for bio-based dm (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] make __blk_rq_prep_clone() copy most command flags (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [md] implment REQ_FLUSH/FUA support (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [virt] virtio_blk: drop REQ_HARDBARRIER support (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] loop: implement REQ_FLUSH/FUA support (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] use REQ_FLUSH in blkdev_issue_flush() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] update documentation for REQ_FLUSH / REQ_FUA (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] make sure FSEQ_DATA request has the same rq_disk as the original (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] kick queue after sequencing REQ_FLUSH/FUA (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] initialize flush request with WRITE_FLUSH instead of REQ_FLUSH (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] simplify queue_next_fseq (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] filter flush bio's in __generic_make_request() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] preserve RHEL6.0 struct request_queue kABI (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] implement REQ_FLUSH/FUA based interface for FLUSH/FUA requests (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] replace internal uses of SWRITE I/O types by sync_dirty_buffer() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] removing the use of the BH_Ordered flag (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] rename barrier/ordered to flush (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] rename blk-barrier.c to blk-flush.c (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] blkdev: check for valid request queue before issuing flush (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] blkdev: move blkdev_issue helper functions to separate file (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] blkdev: allow async blkdev_issue_flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] blkdev: generalize flags for blkdev_issue_fn functions (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] ext4: check missed return value in ext4_sync_file() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] ext4, jbd2: Add barriers for file systems with exernal journals (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] drop barrier ordering by queue draining (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] misc cleanups in barrier code (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] remove spurious uses of REQ_HARDBARRIER (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] deprecate barrier and replace blk_queue_ordered() with blk_queue_flush() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] kill QUEUE_ORDERED_BY_TAG (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [xen] blkfront: update use of barriers to ease flush+fua backport (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] loop: queue ordered mode should be DRAIN_FLUSH (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [ide] remove unnecessary blk_queue_flushing() test in do_ide_request() (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] remove q->prepare_flush_fn completely (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [scsi] use REQ_TYPE_FS for flush request (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] set up rq->rq_disk properly for flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] set REQ_TYPE_FS on flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [virt] virtio_blk: stop using q->prepare_flush_fn (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [dm] stop using q->prepare_flush_fn (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] osdblk: stop using q->prepare_flush_fn (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [scsi] stop using q->prepare_flush_fn (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] permit PREFLUSH and POSTFLUSH without prepare_flush_fn (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] introduce REQ_FLUSH flag (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [md] raid-1/10 Fix bio_rw bit manipulations again (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] fixup missing conversion from BIO_RW_DISCARD to REQ_DISCARD (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] define READA constant in terms of unified flag (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [fs] bio: separate out blk_types.h (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] unify flags for struct bio and struct request (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] BARRIER request should imply SYNC (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] fix some more cmd_type cleanup fallout (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [block] remove wrappers for request type/flags (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [scsi] scsi_dh_emc: request flag cleanup (Mike Snitzer) [635199] - [ide] Fix IDE taskfile with cfq scheduler (Mike Snitzer) [635199]- [mm] remove false positive THP pmd_present BUG_ON (Andrea Arcangeli) [646384]- [drm] ttm: fix regression introduced in dfb4a4250168008c5ac61e90ab2b86f074a83a6c (Dave Airlie) [644896]- [block] fix a potential oops for callers of elevator_change (Jeff Moyer) [641408]- [security] IMA: require command line option to enabled (Eric Paris) [643667]- [net] Fix priv escalation in rds protocol (Neil Horman) [642900] {CVE-2010-3904} - [v4l] Remove compat code for VIDIOCSMICROCODE (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [642473] {CVE-2010-2963} - [kernel] tracing: do not allow llseek to set_ftrace_filter (Jiri Olsa) [631626] - [virt] xen: hold mm->page_table_lock in vmalloc_sync (Andrew Jones) [643371] - [fs] xfs: properly account for reclaimed inodes (Dave Chinner) [641764] - [drm] fix ioctls infoleak (Danny Feng) [621437] {CVE-2010-2803} - [netdrv] wireless extensions: fix kernel heap content leak (John Linville) [628438] {CVE-2010-2955} - [netdrv] niu: buffer overflow for ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL (Danny Feng) [632072] {CVE-2010-3084} - [mm] add debug checks for mapcount related invariants (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] move VM_BUG_ON inside the page_table_lock of zap_huge_pmd (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] compaction: handle active and inactive fairly in too_many_isolated (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] start_khugepaged after setting transparent_hugepage_flags (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] fix hibernate memory corruption (Andrea Arcangeli) [633344 642570] - [mm] ksmd wait_event_freezable (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] khugepaged wait_event_freezable (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 625875 642570] - [mm] unlink_anon_vmas in __split_vma in case of error (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] fix memleak in copy_huge_pmd (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] fix hang on anon_vma->root->lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570] - [mm] avoid breaking huge pmd invariants in case of vma_adjust failures (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 642570]- [scsi] fcoe: set default FIP mode as FIP_MODE_FABRIC (Mike Christie) [636233]- [virt] KVM: Fix fs/gs reload oops with invalid ldt (Avi Kivity) [639885] {CVE-2010-3698} - [drm] i915: prevent arbitrary kernel memory write (Jerome Marchand) [637691] {CVE-2010-2962} - [scsi] libfc: adds flogi retry in case DID is zero in RJT (Mike Christie) [633907] - [kernel] prevent heap corruption in snd_ctl_new() (Jerome Marchand) [638486] {CVE-2010-3442} - [scsi] lpfc: lpfc driver oops during rhel6 installation with snapshot 12/13 and emulex FC (Rob Evers) [634703] - [fs] ext4: Always journal quota file modifications (Eric Sandeen) [624909] - [mm] fix split_huge_page error like mapcount 3 page_mapcount 2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [622327 640611] - [block] Fix pktcdvd ioctl dev_minor range check (Jerome Marchand) [638089] {CVE-2010-3437} - [drm] ttm: Fix two race conditions + fix busy codepaths (Dave Airlie) [640871] - [drm] Prune GEM vma entries (Dave Airlie) [640870] - [virt] ksm: fix bad user data when swapping (Andrea Arcangeli) [640579] - [virt] ksm: fix page_address_in_vma anon_vma oops (Andrea Arcangeli) [640576] - [net] sctp: Fix out-of-bounds reading in sctp_asoc_get_hmac() (Jiri Pirko) [640462] {CVE-2010-3705} - [mm] Move vma_stack_continue into mm.h (Mike Snitzer) [638525] - [net] sctp: Do not reset the packet during sctp_packet_config() (Jiri Pirko) [637682] {CVE-2010-3432} - [mm] vmstat incorrectly reports disk IO as swap in (Steve Best) [636978] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix NPIV (Neil Horman) [631246]- [block] prevent merges of discard and write requests (Mike Snitzer) [637805] - [drm] nouveau: correct INIT_DP_CONDITION subcondition 5 (Ben Skeggs) [636678] - [drm] nouveau: enable enhanced framing only if DP display supports it (Ben Skeggs) [636678] - [drm] nouveau: fix required mode bandwidth calculation for DP (Ben Skeggs) [636678] - [drm] nouveau: disable hotplug detect around DP link training (Ben Skeggs) [636678] - [drm] nouveau: set DP display power state during DPMS (Ben Skeggs) [636678] - [mm] remove "madvise" from possible /sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage/enabled options (Larry Woodman) [634500] - [netdrv] cxgb3: don't flush the workqueue if we are called from the workqueue (Doug Ledford) [631547] - [netdrv] cxgb3: deal with fatal parity error status in interrupt handler (Doug Ledford) [631547] - [netdrv] cxgb3: now that we define fatal parity errors, make sure they are cleared (Doug Ledford) [631547] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Add define for fatal parity error bit manipulation (Doug Ledford) [631547] - [virt] Emulate MSR_EBC_FREQUENCY_ID (Jes Sorensen) [629836] - [virt] Define MSR_EBC_FREQUENCY_ID (Jes Sorensen) [629836] - [redhat] s390x: kdump: allow zfcpdump to mount and write to ext4 file systems [628676] - [kernel] initramfs: Fix initramfs size calculation (Hendrik Brueckner) [626956] - [kernel] initramfs: Generalize initramfs_data.xxx.S variants (Hendrik Brueckner) [626956] - [drm] radeon/kms: fix sideport detection on newer rs880 boards (Dave Airlie) [626454]- [x86] kernel: fix IA32 System Call Entry Point Vulnerability (Danny Feng) [634452] {CVE-2010-3301} - [kernel] compat: Make compat_alloc_user_space() incorporate the access_ok() (Danny Feng) [634466] {CVE-2010-3081} - [block] switch s390 tape_block and mg_disk to elevator_change() (Mike Snitzer) [632631] - [block] add function call to switch the IO scheduler from a driver (Mike Snitzer) [632631]- [security] Make kernel panic in FIPS mode if modsign check fails (David Howells) [625914] - [virt] Guests on AMD with CPU type 6 and model >= 8 trigger errata read of MSR_K7_CLK_CTL (Jes Sorensen) [629066] - [x86] UV: use virtual efi on SGI systems (George Beshers) [627653]- [fs] nfsd: initialize nfsd versions before creating svc (J. Bruce Fields) [628084] - [fs] nfsd: fix startup/shutdown order bug (J. Bruce Fields) [628084] - [security] KEYS: Fix bug in keyctl_session_to_parent() if parent has no session keyring (David Howells) [627808] {CVE-2010-2960} - [security] KEYS: Fix RCU no-lock warning in keyctl_session_to_parent() (David Howells) [627808] {CVE-2010-2960}- [x86] Disable AMD IOMMU by default (Matthew Garrett) [593787] - [netdrv] Revert "iwlwifi: disable hardware scanning by default" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [625981] - [s390x] kernel: fix tlb flushing vs. concurrent /proc accesses (Hendrik Brueckner) [587587] - [s390x] kernel: prepare mm_context_t for new tlb flush handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [587587] - [fs] NFS: Fix an Oops in the NFSv4 atomic open code (Jeff Layton) [625718] - [net] can: add limit for nframes and clean up signed/unsigned variables (Danny Feng) [625702] {CVE-2010-2959} - [fs] aio: bump i_count instead of using igrab (Jeff Moyer) [626595] - [fs] cifs: check for NULL session password (Jeff Layton) [625583] - [fs] cifs: fix NULL pointer dereference in cifs_find_smb_ses (Jeff Layton) [625583]- [mm] make stack guard page logic use vm_prev pointer (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [mm] make the mlock() stack guard page checks stricter (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [mm] make the vma list be doubly linked (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [drm] nv50: insert a delay before fb change to prevent display engine hang (Ben Skeggs) [618225] - [mm] fix up some user-visible effects of the stack guard page (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [net] sched: fix some kernel memory leaks (Jiri Pirko) [624637] {CVE-2010-2942}- [virt] xen pvhvm: don't start xenbus w/out pvhvm (Andrew Jones) [624665] - [virt] xen pvhvm: don't unplug emulated devs w/out pvhvm (Andrew Jones) [625460] - [virt] xen pvhvm: export xen_pv_hvm_enable (Andrew Jones) [625460] - [fs] ext4: fix one more tracing oops (Eric Sandeen) [619013] - [drm] Provide for HDMI output on NVIDIA GPUs (John Feeney) [619877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: disable aspm by default (John Linville) [611075] - [x86] acpi: Update battery information on notification 0x81 (Matthew Garrett) [606388]- [x86] acpi: Update battery information on notification 0x81 (Matthew Garrett) [606388] - [mm] fix up some user-visible effects of the stack guard page (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [mm] fix page table unmap for stack guard page properly (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [x86] don't send SIGBUS for kernel page faults (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [mm] fix missing page table unmap for stack guard page failure case (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [mm] keep a guard page below a grow-down stack segment (Mike Snitzer) [607859] - [fs] xfs: fix untrusted inode number lookup (Dave Chinner) [624860] - [kernel] init, sched: Fix race between init and kthreadd (Gleb Natapov) [624329] - [net] Fix IGMP3 report parsing (Aristeu Rozanski) [621431]- [netdrv] be2net: maintain multicast packet count in driver (Ivan Vecera) [621287] - [scsi] hpsa: don't use doorbel reset (Tomas Henzl) [612486] - [x86] Fix the kdump kernel OOMs caused by passthrough mode setting (Bhavna Sarathy) [624059] - [acpi] Force "pci=noacpi" on HP xw9300 (Prarit Bhargava) [615276] - [mm] Revert mm-vmstat-Actively-update-vmstat-counters-in-low-memory-situations (Larry Woodman) [622328] - [x86] Run EFI in physical mode to enable kdump on EFI-booted system (Takao Indoh) [593111] - [fs] ext4: protect inode bitmap clearing w/ spinlock (Eric Sandeen) [623666] - [scsi] libfc: call fc_remote_port_chkready under the host lock (Mike Christie) [623786] - [x86] Ensure that we provide per-cpu ACPI support (Matthew Garrett) [623874] - [fs] ext4: consolidate in_range() definitions (Eric Sandeen) [621829] - [fs] ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference in tracing (Eric Sandeen) [619013] - [block] O_DIRECT: fix the splitting up of contiguous I/O (Jeff Moyer) [622504]- [fs] ext4: fix discard failure detection (Eric Sandeen) [608731] - [x86] Avoid potential NULL dereference in pcc-cpufreq (Matthew Garrett) [623768] - [scsi] bfa: vport create/delete fix (Rob Evers) [619226] - [net] tcp: fix crash in tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue (Jerome Marchand) [618386] - [build] Skip depmod when installing to non-standard INSTALL_MOD_PATH (Jon Masters) [609170] - [sound] disable NVIDIA HDMI PCI device for Lenovo T410 (Jaroslav Kysela) [605742] - [scsi] increase flush timeout (Mike Christie) [605322] - [x86] local_irq_save/restore when issuing IPI in early bootup (Prarit Bhargava) [602823]- [kernel] Revert "[kernel] sched: Fix a race between ttwu() and migrate_task()" (Matthew Garrett) [620883] - [fs] btrfs: fix checks in BTRFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE (Eugene Teo) [617003] {CVE-2010-2537 CVE-2010-2538} - [kernel] Makefile.build: make KBUILD_SYMTYPES work again (Don Zickus) [617749] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: disable hardware scanning by default (Stanislaw Gruszka) [593566] - [scsi] Revert: qla2xxx: Propogate transport disrupted status for cable pull conditions for faster failover (Chad Dupuis) [622041] - [drm] radeon: Don't limit vram size to aperture size (Matthew Garrett) [622039] - [fs] xfs: don't walk AGs that can't hold inodes (Dave Chinner) [621044] - [mmc] add Ricoh e822 support (Stanislaw Gruszka) [619900] - [scsi] mvsas: fix hot plug handling and IO issues (David Milburn) [616178] - [dm] mpath: enable discard support (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [block] update request stacking methods to support discards (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] stripe: enable discard support (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] stripe: optimize sector division (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] stripe: move sector translation to a function (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] error: return error for discards (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] delay: enable discard support (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] zero: silently drop discards (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] split discard requests on target boundaries (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] use dm_target_offset macro (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] factor out max_io_len_target_boundary (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] use common __issue_target_request for flush and discard support (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] rename map_info flush_request to target_request_nr (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] remove the DM_TARGET_SUPPORTS_DISCARDS feature flag (Mike Snitzer) [619196] - [dm] introduce num_discard_requests in dm_target structure (Mike Snitzer) [619196]- [fs] ext4: protect io completion lists with locking (Eric Sandeen) [621660] - [trace] Packport new mm tracepoint Documentation to RHEL6 (Larry Woodman) [618305] - [virt] KVM: Trace exception injection (Gleb Natapov) [616427] - [s390x] qeth: Clear mac_bits field when switching between l2/l3 (Hendrik Brueckner) [621333] - [net] ethtool: Fix potential kernel buffer overflow in ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL (Jiri Pirko) [608953] {CVE-2010-2478} - [infiniband] Update QLogic QIB InfiniBand driver to version OFED 1.5.2 (Jay Fenlason) [572401] - [fs] update RWA_MASK, READA and SWRITE to match the corresponding BIO_RW_ bits (Jeff Moyer) [621693]- [drm] Revert matroxfb support for G200EV chip (Peter Bogdanovic) [604830] - [drm] i915: more DP/eDP backport fixes (Dave Airlie) [615058] - [drm] correctly update connector DPMS status in drm_fb_helper (Dave Airlie) [615058] - [x86] ACPI/PM: Move ACPI video resume to a PM notifier (Dave Airlie) [615058] - [virt] x86: preset lpj values when on VMware (Zachary Amsden) [617390] - [virt] Revert "vhost-net: utilize PUBLISH_USED_IDX feature" (Michael S. Tsirkin) - [virt] Revert "virtio: put last seen used index into ring itself" (Michael S. Tsirkin) [616503] - [virt] Revert "virtio: net: Remove net-specific advertising of PUBLISH_USED feature" (Michael S. Tsirkin) [616503] - [virt] vhost: max s/g to match qemu (Michael S. Tsirkin) [619002] - [kernel] sched: Fix set_cpu_active() in cpu_down() (Danny Feng) [620807] - [dm] separate device deletion from dm_put (Mike Snitzer) [619199] - [dm] prevent access to md being deleted (Mike Snitzer) [619199] - [dm] ioctl: release _hash_lock between devices in remove_all (Mike Snitzer) [619199]- [netdrv] r8169: disable PCIe ASPM (Michal Schmidt) [619880] - [fusion] mptfusion: fix DMA boudary (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: Bump version to 3.04.16 (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: Added code for occationally SATA hotplug failure (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: schedule_target_reset from all Reset context (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: Added sanity to check B_T mapping for device before adding to OS (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: Corrected declaration of device_missing_delay (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [fusion] mptfusion: Set fw_events_off to 1 at driver load time (Tomas Henzl) [618625] - [net] s2io: fixing DBG_PRINT() macro (Danny Feng) [619097] - [trace] backport file writeback tracepoints from upstream to RHEL6 (Larry Woodman) [618305] - [virt] vhost: thread per device attached to owner cgroups (Alex Williamson) [615118] - [cgroups] fix API thinko (Alex Williamson) [615118] - [cgroup] Revert: "workqueue: API to create a workqueue in cgroup" (Alex Williamson) [615118] - [net] bonding: allow arp_ip_targets on separate vlans to use arp validation (Andy Gospodarek) [581657] - [x86] Revert "[x86] kernel performance optimization with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA" (Aristeu Rozanski)- [security] selinux: convert the policy type_attr_map to flex_array (Eric Paris) [617255] - [net] bridge: Fix IGMPv3 report parsing (Herbert Xu) [621431] - [kernel] CRED: Fix get_task_cred() and task_state() to not resurrect dead credentials (Jiri Olsa) [620380] - [net] bonding: set device in RLB ARP packet handler (Andy Gospodarek) [619450] - [x86] Remove warning in p4-clockmod driver (Prarit Bhargava) [618415] - [trace] Back port upstream mm/vmscan.c tracepoints to RHEL6 (Larry Woodman) [618305] - [net] bridge: Fix skb leak when multicast parsing fails on TX (Jiri Pirko) [617505] - [x86] Retract nmi-stacktrace patch (George Beshers) [598586] - [fs] cifs: account for new creduid parameter in spnego upcall string (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: add separate cred_uid field to sesInfo (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: check kmalloc() result (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: remove unused cifsUidInfo struct (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: clean up cifs_find_smb_ses (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: match secType when searching for existing tcp session (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: move address comparison into separate function (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: set the port in sockaddr in a more clearly defined fashion (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: remove an potentially confusing, obsolete comment (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: remove unused ip_address field in struct TCP_Server_Info (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: have decode_negTokenInit set flags in server struct (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: break negotiate protocol calls out of cifs_setup_session (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: eliminate "first_time" parm to CIFS_SessSetup (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: save the dialect chosen by server (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: change && to || (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: rename "extended_security" to "global_secflags" (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: move tcon find/create into separate function (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: move SMB session creation code into separate function (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [fs] cifs: track local_nls in volume info (Jeff Layton) [618608] - [drm] nouveau: support fetching LVDS EDID from ACPI (Ben Skeggs) [616860] - [drm] ACPI: Export EDID blocks to the kernel (Ben Skeggs) [616860] - [fs] Fix for stuck recovery issue in GFS2 (Steven Whitehouse) [590878] - [powerpc] fix unsupported hardware to only be power5 (Steve Best) [619501] - [scsi] megaraid: fix sas expander issue (Tomas Henzl) [607930] - [virt] Default Xen PV-HVM to off (Don Dutile) [618172] - [mm] Correctly assign the number of MIGRATE_RESERVE pageblocks (Andrea Arcangeli) [614427] - [fs] return EINVAL when thawing unfrozen filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [601324] - [fs] GFS2: Fix problem where try locks were trying too hard (Steven Whitehouse) [585299] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fix iscsi connection cleanup (Mike Christie) [616939] - [scsi] bfa: fix sysfs crash while reading error_frames stats (Rob Evers) [594882] - [fusion] Block Error handling for deleting devices or Device in DMD (Tomas Henzl) [615866] - [netdrv] tun: avoid BUG, dump packet on GSO errors (Herbert Xu) [616845] - [netdr] rt2500usb: Fix WEP Enterprise (Stanislaw Gruszka) [609721] - [kernel] cmdline disable real time scheduler (George Beshers) [607587] - [fs] ext4: re-inline ext4_rec_len_(to|from)_disk functions (Eric Sandeen) [522808] - [netdrv] be2net: include latest upstream fixes (Ivan Vecera) [617187]- [virt] Revert "[virt] vhost: create a vhost thread per device" (Aristeu Rozanski) [615118]- [scsi] Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fix endian conversion for BlockGuard in IOCB response (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fixed a driver discovery issue where driver was unable to discover a target after Eveready back link bounce test (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fixed BlockGuard endian conversion problem for supporting PowerPC EEH (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fixed VLAN ID 0xFFF set to reg_fcfi mailbox command on FCF empty FCF VLAN bitmap (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fixed a race condition causing FLOGI issued from dual processes (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fix bug with ct response data not being sent with sli4 (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fixed RoundRobin FCF failover due to mis-interpretation of kernel find_next_bit (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Enhanced round-robin FCF failover algorithm to re-start on new FCF async event (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Clear Ignore Reg Login Flag when purging mailbox queue (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fix for ELS commands stuck on txq (Rob Evers) [612235] - [scsi] Fix bug with unsolicited CT event command not setting a flag (Rob Evers) [612235] - [drm] radeon/kms: fix possible mis-detection of sideport on rs690/rs740 (Jerome Glisse) [614583] - [scsi] fcoe: remove check for zero fabric name (Mike Christie) [614264] - [scsi] libfc: Add retry logic to lport state machine when receiving LS_RJT (Mike Christie) [614264] - [scsi] fcoe: fix offload feature flag change from netdev (Mike Christie) [614264] - [scsi] fcoe: adds src and dest mac address checking for fcoe frames (Mike Christie) [614264] - [scsi] fcoe: cleans up fcoe_disable and fcoe_enable (Mike Christie) [614264] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [603808] - [fusion] mptfusion: release resources in error return path (Tomas Henzl) [618560] - [scsi] IO error on SuperTrak EX4650 (Muuhh IKEDA) [593969] - [virt] vhost: create a vhost thread per device (Michael S. Tsirkin) [615118] - [kernel] workqueue: API to create a workqueue in cgroup (Michael S. Tsirkin) [615118] - [cgroup] Add an API to attach a task to current task's cgroup (Michael S. Tsirkin) [615118]- [mm] avoid stalling allocations by introducing watermark_wait (Rik van Riel) [589604] - [mm] scale nr_rotated to balance memory pressure (Rik van Riel) [619384] - [mm] fix anon memory statistics with transparent hugepages (Rik van Riel) [619384] - [pci] avoid compiler warning in quirks.c (Alex Williamson) [619525] - [pci] Fix build if quirks are not enabled (Alex Williamson) [619525] - [pci] add Intel 82599 Virtual Function specific reset method (Alex Williamson) [619525] - [pci] add Intel USB specific reset method (Alex Williamson) [619525] - [pci] support device-specific reset methods (Alex Williamson) [619525] - [kernel] Documentation: Update memory-hotplug documentation (Steve Best) [612579] - [powerpc] Define memory_block_size_bytes() for ppc/pseries (Steve Best) [612579] - [kernel] Update the node sysfs code (Steve Best) [612579] - [kernel] Allow memory_block to span multiple memory sections (Steve Best) [612579] - [kernel] Add section count to memory_block (Steve Best) [612579] - [kernel] Add new phys_index properties (Steve Best) [612579] - [kernel] Move the find_memory_block() routine up (Steve Best) [612579] - [usb] xhci: rename driver to xhci_hcd (Don Zickus) [617217] - [usb] kabi placeholders for xhci (Don Zickus) [617217] - [fs] nfsd: minor nfsd_svc() cleanup (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd: move more into nfsd_startup() (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd: just keep single lockd reference for nfsd (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd: clean up nfsd_create_serv error handling (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd: fix error handling in __write_ports_addxprt (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd: fix error handling when starting nfsd with rpcbind down (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [fs] nfsd4: fix v4 state shutdown error paths (Jeff Layton) [599675] - [mm] page allocator: Update free page counters after pages are placed on the free list (Andrea Arcangeli) [614427] - [mm] page allocator: Drain per-cpu lists after direct reclaim allocation fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [614427] - [mm] vmstat: Actively update vmstat counters in low memory situations (Andrea Arcangeli) [614427] - [kernel] mem-hotplug: fix potential race while building zonelist for new populated zone (John Villalovos) [581557] - [kernel] mem-hotplug: avoid multiple zones sharing same boot strapping boot_pageset (John Villalovos) [581557] - [kernel] cpu/mem hotplug: enable CPUs online before local memory online (John Villalovos) [581557] - [mm] remove khugepaged young bit check (Andrea Arcangeli) [615381]- [fs] GFS2: Backup plan for "vmalloc is slow" (Steven Whitehouse) [619331] - [s390x] zfcp: Do not try "forced close" when port is already closed (Hendrik Brueckner) [612594] - [s390x] zfcp: Do not unblock rport from REOPEN_PORT_FORCED (Hendrik Brueckner) [612597] - [s390x] zfcp: Fix retry after failed "open port" erp action (Hendrik Brueckner) [612601] - [s390x] zfcp: Fail erp after timeout (Hendrik Brueckner) [612618] - [s390x] zfcp: Use forced_reopen in terminate_rport_io callback (Hendrik Brueckner) [612621] - [s390x] zfcp: Register SCSI devices after fc_remote_port_add (Hendrik Brueckner) [612586] - [scsi] sg: fix bio leak with a detached device (Matthew Garrett) [619103] - [powerpc] hash_huge_page: pte_insert failed (Steve Best) [618831] - [block] md: fix lock ordering problem (Doug Ledford) [616103] - [fs] sysfs: add attribute to indicate hw address assignment type (Stefan Assmann) [614786] - [infiniband] ehca: init irq tasklet before irq can happen (Steve Best) [617741] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix scan abort (Stanislaw Gruszka) [619686] - [powerpc] ONLINE to OFFLINE CPU state transition during removal (Steve Best) [619212] - [fs] ext4: fix potential NULL dereference while tracing (Eric Sandeen) [619013] - [infiniband] ehca: Catch failing ioremap() (Steve Best) [617747] - [netdrv] Add missing read memory barrier to Intel Ethernet device (Steve Best) [617279] - [netdrv] igb: Fix Tx hangs seen when loading igb with max_vfs > 7 (Stefan Assmann) [617214] - [pci] Revert "[pci] update bridge resources to get more big ranges in PCI assign unssigned" (Shyam Iyer) [617007] - [netdrv] cnic: Fix context memory init on 5709 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [616952] - [virt] vmxnet3: fix network connectivity issues (Andy Gospodarek) [616252] - [drm] i915: eDP/DP fixes from upstream (Dave Airlie) [615058] - [ata] ata_piix: fix locking around SIDPR access (David Milburn) [608542] - [md] Fix md raid partition detection update (Doug Ledford) [607477] - [netdrv] e1000e: 82577/82578 PHY register access issues (Andy Gospodarek) [592480] - [s390x] Remove PSF order/suborder check for dasd ioctl (John Feeney) [566183] - [x86] kernel performance optimization with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (Danny Feng) [557364] - [netdrv] Revert "[Fedora] [e1000] add quirk for ich9" (Andy Gospodarek) [613196] - [block] cfq: always return false from should_idle if slice_idle is set to zero (Jeff Moyer) [616904] - [block] cfq/jbd: Fix fsync performance for small files (Jeff Moyer) [578515]- [kernel] Add -Werror and WAR for bogus array bounds warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [pci] Remove pci_bus_dump_resources() (Prarit Bhargava) [613972] - [fs] CIFS: Compile fix for malicious redirect fix (David Howells) [612136] {CVE-2010-2524}- [block] Disable async multicore raid xor function (Doug Ledford) [596490] - [kernel] taint: Add mark_hardware_unsupported() (Prarit Bhargava) [600509] - [kernel] panic: Allow warnings to set different taint flags (Prarit Bhargava) [600509] - [kernel] taint: Add taint padding and TAINT_HARDWARE_UNSUPPORTED (Prarit Bhargava) [600509] - [mm] disable transparent hugepages by default on small systems (Rik van Riel) [618444] - [net] Kernel lockups with bonding and IPV6 (Shyam Iyer) [614240] - [x86] ACPI: Improve C3 residency (Matthew Garrett) [583792] - [x86] cpufreq: pcc driver should check for pcch method before calling _OSC (Matthew Garrett) [616908] - [x86] Add PCC Cpufreq driver (Matthew Garrett) [465354] - [x86] Disable IOMMU graphics on Cantiga chipset (John Villalovos) [602207] - [fs] vfsmount: pad for future fanotify support (Eric Paris) [320631] - [ipmi] Run a dummy command before submitting a new command (Matthew Garrett) [616089] - [block] mmc: Avoid hangs with mounted SD cards (Matthew Garrett) [615318] - [md] Fix md raid partition detection (Doug Ledford) [607477] - [ipmi] Make sure drivers were registered before unregistering them (Matthew Garrett) [601376] - [s390x] Enhanced qeth for new network device type support (Hendrik Brueckner) [599650] - [fs] cifs: fix security issue with dns_resolver upcall (David Howells) [612136] {CVE-2010-2524}- [fs] xfs: track AGs with reclaimable inodes in per-ag radix tree (Dave Chinner) [617035] - [fs] xfs: convert inode shrinker to per-filesystem contexts (Dave Chinner) [617035] - [mm] add context argument to shrinker callback (Dave Chinner) [617035] - [netdrv] enic: bug fix: make the set/get netlink VF_PORT support symmetrical (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [netdrv] enic: Use random mac addr when associating port-profile (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [netdrv] enic: bug fix: sprintf UUID to string as u8 rather than u16 array (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [net] netlink: bug fix: don't overrun skbs on vf_port dump (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [netdrv] enic: Bug Fix: Handle surprise hardware removals (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [netdrv] enic: Bug Fix: Change hardware ingress vlan rewrite mode (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [drm] nouveau: cleanup connector/encoder creation (Ben Skeggs) [612402] - [drm] nouveau: move LVDS detection back to connector detect() time (Ben Skeggs) [612402] - [net] add missing header needed for sunrpc tracepoints (Steve Dickson) [567741] - [drm] nouveau: fix race condition when under memory pressure (Ben Skeggs) [602663] - [tty] fix tty->pgrp races (Jiri Olsa) [586022] {CVE-2009-4895} - [scsi] Log msg when getting Unit Attention (Mike Christie) [585432] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for 64K data (Mike Christie) [608795] - [cgroups] Fix device cgroup not allowing access to a partition (Vivek Goyal) [589662] - [audit] fix for audit misreporting return code on amd64 if we had to reschedule (Alexander Viro) [604993] - [x86] Fix ioremap() so will boot on IA-32 system with PAE (John Feeney) [607029] - [netdrv] macvtap: Limit packet queue length (Herbert Xu) [614119] - [virt] vhost: avoid pr_err on condition guest can trigger (Michael S. Tsirkin) [607177] - [mm] ksmd and khugepaged freezing (Andrea Arcangeli) [617430] - [pci] Allow read/write access to sysfs I/O port resources (Alex Williamson) [616174] - [netdrv] improve ipv6 pkt throughput with TSO (John Feeney) [613770] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use GFP_ATOMIC when allocating FCoE DDP context from the dma pool (Andy Gospodarek) [614243] - [netdrv] ixgbe: properly toggling netdev feature flags when disabling FCoE (Andy Gospodarek) [614243] - [scsi] fcoe: remove vlan ID from WWPN (Neil Horman) [611974] - [fs] xfs: fix corruption case for block size < page size (Dave Chinner) [581432] - [fs] xfs: unregister inode shrinker before freeing filesystem structures (Dave Chinner) [607750] - [drm] i915: add 'reclaimable' to i915 self-reclaimable page allocations (Dave Airlie) [616614] - [drm] i915: fix 945GM stability issues on Lenovo T60 laptops (Dave Airlie) [568780] - [security] SELinux: check OPEN on truncate calls (Eric Paris) [578841] - [fs] ext4: Fix buffer dirtying in data=journal mode (Eric Sandeen) [602251] - [fs] ext3: Fix buffer dirtying in data=journal mode (Eric Sandeen) [602251]- [virt] Call mask notifiers from pic (Gleb Natapov) [608613] - [virt] Convert mask notifiers to use irqchip/pin instead of gsi (Gleb Natapov) [608613] - [virt] Reenter guest after instruction emulation failure if emulation was due to access to non-mmio address (Gleb Natapov) [608595] - [virt] Return EFAULT from kvm ioctl when guest access bad area (Gleb Natapov) [608595] - [drm] nouveau: fix dual-link displays when plugged into single-link outputs (Ben Skeggs) [615154] - [drm] nv50: obey dcb->duallink_possible (Ben Skeggs) [615154] - [drm] nv50: fix duallink_possible calculation for DCB 4.0 cards (Ben Skeggs) [615154] - [mm] Rename ramzswap to zram in documentation (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] Rename ramzswap to zram in code (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] Rename ramzswap files to zram (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] ramzswap: Support generic I_O requests (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] ramzswap: Handler for swap slot free callback (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] swap: Add swap slot free callback to block_device_operations (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] swapfile: Add flag to identify block swap devices (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] ramzswap: Remove backing swap support (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [drm] i915: Output IRQ setup fixes (Adam Jackson) [591709] - [drm] nouveau: fix oops on chipsets that only have a single crtc (Ben Skeggs) [602290] - [drm] i915: fix oops on single crtc devices (Dave Airlie) [610002] - [drm] radeon: check/restore sanity before doing anything else with GPU (Dave Airlie) [612767] - [fs] jbd2: Fix I/O hang in jbd2_journal_release_jbd_inode (Steve Best) [607254] - [fs] GFS2: rename causes kernel Oops (Robert S Peterson) [614642] - [ipmi] Provide kipmid_max_busy_us parameter to cap CPU usage (Shyam Iyer) [609156] - [kernel] kprobes: "repz ret" causes bad EIP value crash (Dave Anderson) [607215] - [pci] panic on access to hot-removed device's proc fs (Don Zickus) [612024] - [pci] don't reassign to ROM res if it is not going to be enabled (Peter Bogdanovic) [612950] - [x86] i386: Update CPU & Memory Hot Add Not Supported messages (Prarit Bhargava) [600435] - [x86] nmi: limit hrtimer to lapic or ioapic mode (Don Zickus) [581722] - [virt] emulator: inc/dec can have lock prefix (Gleb Natapov) [615925] - [virt] Implement xen_panic_block notifier for RHEL6 Xen guests (Don Dutile) [614476] - [virt] KVM: MMU: fix conflict access permissions in direct sp (Avi Kivity) [607650] - [virt] vhost-net: avoid flush under lock (Michael S. Tsirkin) [612421] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't report link down if has been already down (Stanislaw Gruszka) [610311] - [netdrv] mac80211: improve error checking if WEP fails to init (John Linville) [608704] - [netdrv] ath9k: cleanup init error path (John Linville) [610224] - [mm] memcontrol: never oom when charging huge pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [608996] - [mm] memcontrol: prevent endless loop with huge pages and near-limit group (Andrea Arcangeli) [608996] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: prevent null chip data ref ptr on newer xen hv (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: modularize platform-pci support (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] HPET: Do not disable hpet if not initialized (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: suspend-resume-support (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: refactor platform-pci, grant-table, enlighten support (Don Dutile) [523134 600360] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: update evtchn delivery on HVM (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: update hvm_op hypercall & related h files to upstream (Don Dutile) [523134]- [block] cciss: bump version 3626RH (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: cleanup compiletime warnings (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: do not reset 640x boards (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: fix hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out reset devices code (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss find cfg addrs (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss wait for mode change ack (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss disable dma prefetch on p600 (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss enable scsi prefetch (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out CISS signature present (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss find board params (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss find cfgtables (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss wait for board ready (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss find memory BAR (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: remove board-id param from cciss interrupt mode (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss_board_disabled (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: factor out cciss lookup board id (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [block] cciss: save pdev early to avoid passing it around (Tomas Henzl) [609522] - [audit] dynamically allocate audit_names when not enough space is in the names array (Eric Paris) [586108] - [mm] mmu notifier index huge spte fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [606131] - [x86] Update x86 MCE code part 2 (Prarit Bhargava) [580587] - [kernel] execshield: respect disabled randomization (Roland McGrath) [605516] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix to use sas device list instead of enclosure list (Tomas Henzl) [599049] - [kernel] disable kmemleak by default for -debug kernels (Jason Baron) [612244]- [net] CHECKSUM: header export and fixup (Michael S. Tsirkin) [605555] - [pci] iommu/intel: Disable IOMMU for graphics if BIOS is broken (Adam Jackson) [593516] - [fs] xfs: remove block number from inode lookup code (Jiri Pirko) [607031] - [fs] xfs: rename XFS_IGET_BULKSTAT to XFS_IGET_UNTRUSTED (Jiri Pirko) [607031] - [fs] xfs: validate untrusted inode numbers during lookup (Jiri Pirko) [607031] - [fs] xfs: always use iget in bulkstat (Jiri Pirko) [607031] - [igb] avoid platform reset and MCE with DCA (Stefan Assmann) [572732 606687] - [drm] nouveau: downgrade severity of most init table parser errors (Ben Skeggs) [596679] - [drm] nouveau: INIT_CONFIGURE_PREINIT/CLK/MEM on newer BIOSes is not an error (Ben Skeggs) [596679] - [netdrv] enic: Replace LRO with GRO (Andy Gospodarek) [609635] - [net] decreasing real_num_tx_queues needs to flush qdisc (Andy Gospodarek) [609260] - [net] sched: qdisc_reset_all_tx is calling qdisc_reset without qdisc_lock (Andy Gospodarek) [609260] - [fs] inotify: send IN_UNMOUNT events (Eric Paris) [580825] - [fs] inotify: fix inotify oneshot support (Eric Paris) [614595] - [s390x] zfcp: Zero memory for gpn_ft and adisc requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [609537] - [s390x] zfcp: Do not escalate scsi eh after fast_io_fail_tmo fired (Hendrik Brueckner) [606365] - [s390x] zfcp: Remove SCSI device during unit_remove (Hendrik Brueckner) [589278] - [scsi] Allow FC LLD to fast-fail scsi eh by introducing new eh return (Hendrik Brueckner) [606365] - [s390x] zfcp: Do not wait for SBALs on stopped queue (Hendrik Brueckner) [606359] - [x86] efi: Fill all reserved memmap entries if add_efi_memmap specified (George Beshers) [607386]- [edac] i7core_edac: Avoid doing multiple probes for the same card (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [604564] - [edac] i7core_edac: Properly discover the first QPI device (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [604564] - [usb] Disable XHCI (USB 3) HCD module autoloading (Matthew Garrett) [608343] - [fs] xfs: prevent swapext from operating on write-only files (Jiri Pirko) [605162] {CVE-2010-2226} - [powerpc] Add symbols to kernel to allow makedumpfile to filter on ppc64 (Neil Horman) [611710] - [net] netfilter: add CHECKSUM target (Michael S. Tsirkin) [605555] - [security] audit: dynamically allocate audit_names when not enough space is in the names array (Eric Paris) [586108] - [pci] iommu/intel: Disable IOMMU for graphics if BIOS is broken (Adam Jackson) [593516] - [virt] stop vpit before irq_routing freed (Gleb Natapov) [612648] - [netdrv] Allow for BCM5709S to dump vmcore via NFS (John Feeney) [577809] - [netdrv] igb: drop support for UDP hashing w/ RSS (Stefan Assmann) [613782] - [netdrv] mac80211: remove wep dependency (John Linville) [608704] - [mm] fix swapin race conditions (Andrea Arcangeli) [606131] - [crypto] authenc: Add EINPROGRESS check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [fs] inotify: don't leak user struct on inotify release (Stanislaw Gruszka) [592399 604611] - [x86] amd: Check X86_FEATURE_OSVW bit before accessing OSVW MSRs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [kernel] profile: fix stats and data leakage (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [sound] ice1724: Fix ESI Maya44 capture source control (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [mm] hugetlbfs: kill applications that use MAP_NORESERVE with SIGBUS instead of OOM-killer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [dma] dma-mapping: fix dma_sync_single_range_* (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [hwmon] hp_accel: fix race in device removal (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611] - [net] ipv4: udp: fix short packet and bad checksum logging (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604611]- [scsi] SCSI: Retry commands with UNIT_ATTENTION sense codes to fix ext3/ext4 I/O error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [scsi] Enable retries for SYNCRONIZE_CACHE commands to fix I/O error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [scsi] debug: virtual_gb ignores sector_size (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [x86] acpi power_meter: acpi_device_class "power_meter_resource" too long (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [v4l] budget: Oops: "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [virt] virtio: initialize earlier (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [security] testing the wrong variable in create_by_name() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] r8169: more broken register writes workaround (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] r8169: fix broken register writes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] r8169: use correct barrier between cacheable and non-cacheable memory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [kernel] kgdb: don't needlessly skip PAGE_USER test for Fsl booke (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [kernel] initramfs: handle unrecognised decompressor when unpacking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [sound] snd-meastro3: Ignore spurious HV interrupts during suspend / resume (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [sound] snd-meastro3: Add amp_gpio quirk for Compaq EVO N600C (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [x86] Disable large pages on CPUs with Atom erratum AAE44 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [x86] x86-64: Clear a 64-bit FS/GS base on fork if selector is nonzero (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [edac] mce: Fix wrong mask and macro usage (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] p54pci: fix bugs in p54p_check_tx_ring (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] dm9601: fix phy/eeprom write routine (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [block] ensure jiffies wrap is handled correctly in blk_rq_timed_out_timer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [serial] 8250_pnp: add Fujitsu Wacom device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [block] raid6: fix recovery performance regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [fs] procfs: fix tid fdinfo (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] xhci: properly set endpoint context fields for periodic eps (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] xhci: properly set the "Mult" field of the endpoint context (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] OHCI: don't look at the root hub to get the number of ports (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] don't choose configs with no interfaces (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] fix testing the wrong variable in fs_create_by_name() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] Add id for HP ev2210 a.k.a Sierra MC5725 miniPCI-e Cell Modem (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] fix remote wakeup settings during system sleep (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [mm] hugetlb: fix infinite loop in get_futex_key() when backed by huge pages (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [kernel] flex_array: fix the panic when calling flex_array_alloc() without __GFP_ZERO (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] mac80211: remove bogus TX agg state assignment (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [ata] libata: fix locking around blk_abort_request() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [netdrv] p54usb: Add usbid for Corega CG-WLUSB2GT (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [usb] EHCI: defer reclamation of siTDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604610] - [drm] nouveau: initialise display before enabling interrupts (Ben Skeggs) [596703] - [drm] nv50: fix DP->DVI if output has been programmed for native DP previously (Ben Skeggs) [596703] - [block] dm ioctl: return uevent flag after rename (Mike Snitzer) [609591] - [block] dm ioctl: make __dev_status return void (Mike Snitzer) [609591] - [block] dm ioctl: remove __dev_status from geometry and target message (Mike Snitzer) [609591] - [infiniband] mlx4: enable IBoE feature (Doug Ledford) [529397] - [dm] dm-replicator: Fix replicator_ctr() error path (Heinz Mauelshagen) [612743] - [virt] vmware: disable NMI watchdog in guest (Don Zickus) [612321] - [virt] KVM: Expose MCE control MSRs to userspace (Avi Kivity) [558416]- [x86] eeepc-laptop: disable cpu speed control on EeePC 701 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] gart: Disable GART explicitly before initialization (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [netdrv] r8169: clean up my printk uglyness (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [input] wacom: switch mode upon system resume (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] eCryptfs: Decrypt symlink target for stat size (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [usb] cdc-acm: Update to new autopm API (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [netdrv] e1000e: stop cleaning when we reach tx_ring->next_to_use (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [kernel] sched: Fix a race between ttwu() and migrate_task() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] ecryptfs: fix error code for missing xattrs in lower fs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [pci] fix nested spinlock hang in aer_inject (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] ecryptfs: fix use with tmpfs by removing d_drop from ecryptfs_destroy_inode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [scsi] add scsi target reset support to scsi ioctl (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [pci] PCIe AER: prevent AER injection if hardware masks error reporting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] quota: Fix possible dq_flags corruption (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] fix NFS4 handling of mountpoint stat (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [agp] intel-agp: Switch to wbinvd_on_all_cpus (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [drm] radeon/kms: add FireMV 2400 PCI ID (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] amd-iommu: Use helper function to destroy domain (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [hwmon] sht15: Fix sht15_calc_temp interpolation function (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [hwmon] sht15: Properly handle the case CONFIG_REGULATOR=n (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [ata] libata: disable NCQ on Crucial C300 SSD (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: lock down video output state access (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: convert to seq_file (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [sound] usb: Fix Oops after usb-midi disconnection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: log initial state of rfkill switches (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: use input_set_capability (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: expose module parameters (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] ext3: Don't update the superblock in ext3_statfs() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: log temperatures on termal alarm (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: adopt input device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: issue backlight class events (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: silence bogus complain during rmmod (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: fix some version quirks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [kernel] resource: move kernel function inside __KERNEL__ (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] ext3: journal all modifications in ext3_xattr_set_handle (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [video] backlight: mbp_nvidia_bl - add five more MacBook variants (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [sound] mixart: range checking proc file (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [hid] fix oops in gyration_event() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [ata] pata_ali: Fix regression with old devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [hwmon] lis3: fix show rate for 8 bits chips (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [cgroup] freezer: Fix buggy resume test for tasks frozen with cgroup freezer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [kernel] genirq: Force MSI irq handlers to run with interrupts disabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [fs] fat: fix buffer overflow in vfat_create_shortname() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [604608] - [netdrv] mlx4: add dynamic LRO disable support (Amerigo Wang) [584359] - [netdrv] s2io: add dynamic LRO disable support (Amerigo Wang) [584359] - [drm] nv50: rewrite display irq handler (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [drm] nv50: send evo "update" command after each disconnect (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [drm] nv50: when debugging on, log which crtc we connect an encoder to (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [drm] nv50: supply encoder disable() hook (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [drm] disable encoder rather than dpms off in drm_crtc_prepare_encoders() (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [drm] nv50: DCB quirk for Dell M6300 (Ben Skeggs) [598842] - [fs] writeback: limit write_cache_pages integrity scanning to current EOF (Dave Chinner) [602490] - [fs] xfs: remove nr_to_write writeback windup. (Dave Chinner) [602490] - [fs] writeback: pay attention to wbc->nr_to_write in write_cache_pages (Eric Sandeen) [602490]- [fs] ext4: stop issuing discards if not supported by device (Eric Sandeen) [608731] - [block] dm: only initialize full request_queue for request-based device (Mike Snitzer) [595393] - [block] dm: prevent table type changes after initial table load (Mike Snitzer) [595393] - [dm] skip second flush if request unsupported (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [dm] only ignore -EOPNOTSUPP for empty barrier requests (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [dm] snapshot: implement a merge method for snapshot origin (Mike Snitzer) [612375] - [dm] snapshot: test chunk size against both origin and snapshot sector size (Mike Snitzer) [612375] - [dm] snapshot: open origin before exception store initialization (Mike Snitzer) [612375] - [dm] snapshot: iterate both the origin and snapshot devices (Mike Snitzer) [612375] - [block] dm: support discard if at least one underlying device supports it (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [block] dm: support discard for multiple devices (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [block] dm: clear the discard flag if the device loses discard capability (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [block] dm: check that target supports discard just before submitting request (Mike Snitzer) [612014] - [scsi] convert discard to REQ_TYPE_FS instead of REQ_TYPE_BLOCK_PC (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [scsi] fix leak in scsi_setup_discard_cmnd error path (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [scsi] remove unused free discard page in sd_done (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [scsi] add sd_unprep_fn to free discard page (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [block] implement an unprep function corresponding directly to prep (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [block] don't allocate a payload for discard request (Mike Snitzer) [610054] - [fs] ext4: move aio completion after unwritten extent conversion (Christoph Hellwig) [589985] - [fs] xfs: move aio completion after unwritten extent conversion (Christoph Hellwig) [589985] - [fs] direct-io: move aio_complete into ->end_io (Christoph Hellwig) [589985] - [drm] radeon/kms/igp: fix possible divide by 0 in bandwidth code (Dave Airlie) [609755] - [drm] nouveau: disable acceleration on NVA3/NVA5/NVA8 by default (Ben Skeggs) [591062] - [drm] vt/fbcon: try harder to print output when panicing (Dave Airlie) [579002] - [fs] GFS2: fix BUG in gfs2_adjust_quota (Abhijith Das) [603827] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd_setattr needs to call commit_metadata (Christoph Hellwig) [593652] - [net] netfilter: remove config option NF_CT_ACCT completely (Jiri Pirko) [578476] - [net] Revert "[net] bonding: make bonding support netpoll" (Andy Gospodarek) [604672] - [scsi] stex: fix inconsistent usage of max_lun (David Milburn) [593255] - [kernel] sched: Kill migration thread in CPU_POST_DEAD event in migration_call, instead of CPU_DEAD (Steve Best) [604846] - [tracing] ftrace: fix function_graph livelock under kvm (Jason Baron) [596653] - [block] dm: mpath fix NULL pointer dereference when path parameters missing (Mike Snitzer) [607242] - [dm] dm-replicator: mandatory API change for replicator_resume(), replicator_dev_resume() and reference count fix calling dm_table_get_md() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [594922] - [x86] AMD IOMMU: change default to passthrough mode (Bhavna Sarathy) [607631] - [x86] dell-laptop: Add another Dell laptop family to the DMI whitelist (Matthew Garrett) [609268] - [netdrv] cnic: fix bnx2x panics with multiple interfaces enabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [609184] - [mm] fix khugepaged startup race (Andrea Arcangeli) [612217] - [mm] add robustness to pmd_same checks (Andrea Arcangeli) [607650] - [mm] Fix vmalloc slow down (Steven Whitehouse) [583026]- [drm] i915: fix display setup bugs + hibernate (Dave Airlie) [608515 609763] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix an embarassing typo in encode_attrs() (Steve Dickson) [560786] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure that /proc/self/mountinfo displays the minor version number (Steve Dickson) [560786] - [fs] NFSv4.1: Ensure that we initialise the session when following a referral (Steve Dickson) [560786] - [fs] SUNRPC: Fix a re-entrancy bug in xs_tcp_read_calldir() (Steve Dickson) [560786] - [fs] nfs4: use mandatory attribute file type in nfs4_get_root (Steve Dickson) [560786] - [x86] UV: uv_irq.c: Fix all sparse warnings (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] uv: Remove recursion in uv_heartbeat_enable() (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] pat: Update the page flags for memtype atomically instead of using memtype_lock (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] UV: Improve BAU performance and error recovery (George Beshers) [573095] - [mm] ksm.c: remove an unneeded _notify in write_protect_page (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] UV: Delete unneeded boot messages (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] UV: Fix target_cpus() in x2apic_uv_x.c (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] UV: Clean up UV headers for MMR definitions (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] Enable NMI on all cpus on UV (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] uv: Add serial number parameter to uv_bios_get_sn_info() (George Beshers) [573095] - [virt] xen: sync upstream xen_init_cpuid_mask (Andrew Jones) [609028] - [virt] xen: disable gbpages on pv guests (Andrew Jones) [609028] - [virt] KVM: Fix mov cr3 #GP at wrong instruction (Marcelo Tosatti) [611889] - [virt] KVM: Fix mov cr4 #GP at wrong instruction (Marcelo Tosatti) [611889] - [virt] KVM: Fix mov cr0 #GP at wrong instruction (Marcelo Tosatti) [611889] - [virt] KVM: Add missing srcu_read_lock() for kvm_mmu_notifier_release() (Marcelo Tosatti) [601320] - [virt] KVM: limit the number of pages per memory slot (Marcelo Tosatti) [601318] - [virt] KVM: MMU: Remove user access when allowing kernel access to gpte.w=0 page (Marcelo Tosatti) [601316] - [virt] KVM: x86: Add missing locking to arch specific vcpu ioctls (Marcelo Tosatti) [601313] - [virt] KVM: MMU: remove rmap before clear spte (Marcelo Tosatti) [601311] - [virt] KVM: MMU: Segregate shadow pages with different cr0.wp (Marcelo Tosatti) [601308] - [virt] KVM: x86: Check LMA bit before set_efer (Marcelo Tosatti) [601307] - [virt] KVM: Dont allow lmsw to clear cr0.pe (Marcelo Tosatti) [601305] - [virt] KVM: VMX: blocked-by-sti must not defer NMI injections (Marcelo Tosatti) [601304] - [virt] KVM: x86: Call vcpu_load and vcpu_put in cpuid_update (Marcelo Tosatti) [601303] - [virt] KVM: x86: Inject #GP with the right rip on efer writes (Marcelo Tosatti) [601301] - [virt] KVM: MMU: Dont read pdptrs with mmu spinlock held in mmu_alloc_roots (Marcelo Tosatti) [601300] - [virt] KVM: x86: properly update ready_for_interrupt_injection (Marcelo Tosatti) [601298] - [virt] KVM: VMX: enable VMXON check with SMX enabled (Marcelo Tosatti) [601297] - [virt] KVM: VMX: free vpid when fail to create vcpu (Marcelo Tosatti) [601292] - [virt] vhost: add unlikely annotations to error path (Michael S. Tsirkin) [602607] - [virt] vhost: break out of polling loop on error (Michael S. Tsirkin) [602607]- [mm] Prevent soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! in kswapd0 (Larry Woodman) [596971]- [x86] properly account for IRQ injected only into BSP (Gleb Natapov) [609082]- [block] writeback: simplify the write back thread queue (Christoph Hellwig) [602595]- [mm] Fix slabcache corruption (Larry Woodman) [602595]- [infiniband] Add IBoE support (Doug Ledford) [571959] - [scsi] hpsa: don't pretend the reset works (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [fs] revert "procfs: provide stack information for threads" and its fixup commits (George Beshers) [573095] - [x86] mce: Fix MSR_IA32_MCI_CTL2 CMCI threshold setup (John Villalovos) [593558] - [s390x] cio: use exception-save stsch (Hendrik Brueckner) [596333] - [s390x] cio: add hook to reenable mss after hibernation (Hendrik Brueckner) [596333] - [s390x] cio: allow enable_facility from outside init functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [596333] - [x86] wmi: Free the allocated acpi objects through wmi_get_event_data (Stanislaw Gruszka) [606736] - [mtd] UBI: fix volume creation input checking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [606736] - [mm] avoid THP expose VM bugs (Andrea Arcangeli) [606131] - [dm] discard support for the linear target (Mike Snitzer) [608280] - [block] fix DISCARD_BARRIER requests (Mike Snitzer) [608280] - [block] Don't count_vm_events for discard bio in submit_bio (Mike Snitzer) [608280]- [x86] disable PentiumPro memory ordering errata workaround (Gleb Natapov) [605745 606054] - [net] Bluetooth: Keep a copy of each HID device's report descriptor (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [565583] - [hid] make Wacom modesetting failures non-fatal (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [565583] - [hid] Implement Wacom quirk in the kernel (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [565583] - [hid] make raw reports possible for both feature and output reports (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [565583] - [kernel] resources: fix call to alignf() in allocate_resource() (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [kernel] resources: when allocate_resource() fails, leave resource untouched (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [pci] introduce pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [pci] update bridge resources to get more big ranges in PCI assign unssigned (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [pci] add failed_list to pci_bus_assign_resources (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [pci] add pci_bridge_release_resources and pci_bus_release_bridge_resources (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [kernel] resource: add release_child_resources (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [pci] separate pci_setup_bridge to small functions (Peter Bogdanovic) [587729] - [scsi] aacraid: Disable ASPM by default (Matthew Garrett) [599735] - [pci] Don't enable aspm before drivers have had a chance to veto it (Matthew Garrett) [599735] - [netdrv] ehea: Fix kernel deadlock in DLPAR-mem processing (Steve Best) [605736] - [netdrv] ehea: fix delayed packet processing (Steve Best) [605738] - [netdrv] ehea: fix possible DLPAR/mem deadlock (Steve Best) [600516] - [netdrv] ehea: error handling improvement (Steve Best) [600516] - [x86] Fall back to GART if initialization fails (Bhavna Sarathy) [598974] - [x86] AMD IOMMU memory region fail with buggy BIOS (Bhavna Sarathy) [598974] - [virt] Search the LAPIC's for one that will accept a PIC interrupt (Christopher Lalancette) [596223] - [virt] KVM: x86: Kick VCPU outside PIC lock again (Christopher Lalancette) [596223] - [virt] KVM: x86: In DM_LOWEST, only deliver interrupts to vcpus with enabled LAPIC's (Christopher Lalancette) [596223] - [virt] KVM: x86: Allow any LAPIC to accept PIC interrupts (Christopher Lalancette) [596223] - [virt] KVM: x86: Introduce a workqueue to deliver PIT timer interrupts (Christopher Lalancette) [596223] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Reduce error recovery timeout (Steve Best) [605729] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix command completion handling (Steve Best) [605729] - [powerpc] Enable asymmetric SMT scheduling on POWER7 (Steve Best) [596304] - [kernel] sched: Add asymmetric group packing option for sibling domain (Steve Best) [596304] - [kernel] sched: Fix capacity calculations for SMT4 (Steve Best) [596304] - [fs] Btrfs: update to latest upstream code (Josef Bacik) [593834] - [fs] direct-io: do not merge logically non-contiguous requests (Josef Bacik) [593834] - [fs] direct-io: add a hook for the fs to provide its own submit_bio function (Josef Bacik) [593834] - [fs] allow short direct-io reads to be completed via buffered IO (Josef Bacik) [593834] - [fs] GFS2: O_TRUNC not working on stuffed files across cluster (Robert S Peterson) [606428] - [nfs] nfsd4: shut down callback queue outside state lock (Jeff Layton) [599522] - [security] IMA: policy handling and general cleanups (Eric Paris) [584901] - [security] IMA: fix object lifetime to support non ext* FS (Eric Paris) [584901] - [netdrv] be2net: Include latest fixes from upstream (Ivan Vecera) [604729] - [netdrv] be2net: Add PCI SR-IOV support (Ivan Vecera) [602451] - [scsi] hpsa: do not allow hard reset of 640x-boards (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [scsi] hpsa: fix hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [scsi] hpsa: reset devices code (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [scsi] hpsa: find cfg addrs (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [scsi] hpsa: finding the memory BAR (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [scsi] hpsa: look up the board id (Tomas Henzl) [598681] - [x86] uv: uv_global_gru_mmr_address() macro fix (George Beshers) [607696] - [crypto] vmac: make it work on big-endian (Jarod Wilson) [605688] - [net] ipvs: One-Packet Scheduler (Thomas Graf) [584336] - [drm] i915: Disable Sandybridge support for 6.0 (Adam Jackson) [604838 605302] - [netdrv] vxge: fix memory leak in vxge_alloc_msix() error path (Michal Schmidt) [580392] - [netdrv] vxge: fix SINGLE/MULTI_FUNCTION definitions (Michal Schmidt) [580392] - [netdrv] vxge: update to (Michal Schmidt) [580392] - [sound] fix PCM ring buffer issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [574844 590159 600311] - [netdrv] e1000/e1000e: implement a simple interrupt moderation (Andy Gospodarek) [607283] - [netdrv] e1000e: add PCI device id to enable support for 82567V-4 (Andy Gospodarek) [607264] - [netdrv] e1000e: update driver version number (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable support for EEE on 82579 (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: initial support for 82579 LOMs (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: move settting of flow control refresh timer to link setup code (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix/cleanup PHY reset code for ICHx/PCHx (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix check for manageability on ICHx/PCH (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: separate out PHY statistics register updates (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: more cleanup e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan() (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan() (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup ethtool loopback setup code (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: reset MAC-PHY interconnect on 82577/82578 (Andy Gospodarek) [582803] - [netdrv] e1000e: Incorrect function pointer set for force_speed_duplex on 82577 (Andy Gospodarek) [598570] - [netdrv] e1000e: Reset 82577/82578 PHY before first PHY register read (Andy Gospodarek) [598570] - [fs] GFS2: Fix kernel NULL pointer dereference by dlm_astd (Robert S Peterson) [604244] - [fs] GFS2: recovery stuck on transaction lock (Robert S Peterson) [590878] - [netdrv] tg3: Include support for 5719 device (John Feeney) [595511] - [mm] Do not attempt to allocate memory below mmap_min_addr (Eric Paris) [540333] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Updated driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add portid to async-request messages (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Propogate transport disrupted status for cable pull conditions for faster failover (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not restrict flash operations to specific regions for 4G adapters (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: For ISP 23xx, select user specified login timeout value if greater than minuimum value(4 secs) (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Removed redundant check for ISP 84xx (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not enable VP in non fabric topology (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Make the FC port capability mutual exclusive (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Limit rport-flaps during link-disruptions (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct async-srb issues (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct use-after-free oops seen during EH-abort (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix cpu-affinity usage for non-capable ISPs (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Limit mailbox command contention for ADISC requests (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Further generalization of SRB CTX infrastructure (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ensure flash operation and host reset via sg_reset are mutually exclusive (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent sending mbx commands from sysfs during isp reset (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup FCP-command-status processing debug statements (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear error status after uncorrectable non-fatal errors (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add char device to incease driver use count (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Display proper link state for disconnected ports (Chad Dupuis) [595477] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for ISP84xx before processing to get 84xx firmware version (Chad Dupuis) [595477]- [ata] ahci: Fix failure to detect devices (Matthew Garrett) [608146] - [ata] ahci: Fix device detection when stopping DMA engines (Matthew Garrett) [601195] - [mm] Disable transparent hugepages when running under Xen (Andrea Arcangeli) [605566] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix TX BD corruption on 5755+ devices (John Feeney) [603936] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix memory leak on 5717/57765/5719 devices (John Feeney) [603933] - [netdrv] bnx2: update firmware to 09-5.0.0.j15 to improve performance (John Feeney) [593797] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: cancel scan watchdog in iwl_bg_abort_scan (John Linville) [604266] - [netdrv] add bnx2_del_napi() to stop rmmod hangs (John Feeney) [599630] - [virt] virtio: net: Remove net-specific advertising of PUBLISH_USED feature (Amit Shah) [605591] - [virt] KVM: Increase NR_IOBUS_DEVS limit to 200 (Michael S. Tsirkin) [602262] - [virt] account only for IRQ injected into BSP (Gleb Natapov) [601564] - [virt] KVM: read apic->irr with ioapic lock held (Marcelo Tosatti) [579970] - [x86] ACPI: Disable ASPM if the platform won't provide _OSC control for PCIe (Matthew Garrett) [584466] - [x86] Move notify_cpu_starting() callback to a later stage (Prarit Bhargava) [600296] - [x86] cpuidle: Fix incorrect optimization (John Villalovos) [593549] - [block] cfq: Don't allow queue merges for queues that have no process references (Jeff Moyer) [605264] - [infiniband] ehca: bitmask handling for lock_hcalls (Steve Best) [605739] - [tpm] Fix tpm_readpubek_params_out struct (Peter Bogdanovic) [597235] - [usb] Fix a hang of khubd if UHCI is removed (Pete Zaitcev) [579093] - [oprofile] fix oprofile samples dropping under load on larger systems (John Villalovos) [561557] - [kernel] check SEND_SIG_FORCED on TP_STORE_SIGINFO() (Oleg Nesterov) [591780] - [kernel] pids: increase pid_max based on num_possible_cpus (Oleg Nesterov) [593164] - [kernel] sys_personality: change sys_personality() to accept "unsigned int" instead of u_long (Oleg Nesterov) [593265] - [kernel] fix cgroup's cpu controller to provide fair CPU usage to each group in some conditions (Larry Woodman) [544197] - [gpu] vgaarb: fix incorrect dereference of userspace pointer (Danny Feng) [564247] - [kernel] sched: avoid cache misses on large machines due to sibling preference (Jerome Marchand) [592302] - [scsi] ipr: move setting of the allow_restart flag for vsets (Steve Best) [603090] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: fix DMA API misuse (Steve Best) [595417] - [netdrv] l2tp: Fix oops in pppol2tp_xmit (Danny Feng) [607055] - [net] sysfs: ethtool_ops can be NULL (Danny Feng) [603662] - [net] udp: Fix bogus UFO packet generation (Herbert Xu) [602878] - [net] vlan: fix vlan_skb_recv() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [598920] - [net] bonding: Fix fcoe mpio over inactive slave in a bond (Neil Horman) [603239] - [net] bridge: Fix OOM crash in deliver_clone (Herbert Xu) [604494] - [s390x] kernel: fix kernel panic caused by using kprobes (Hendrik Brueckner) [596876] - [s390x] ccwgroup: add locking around drvdata access (Hendrik Brueckner) [598563] - [s390x] cmm: fix module unload handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [598554] - [powerpc] Rework VDSO gettimeofday to prevent time going backwards (Steve Best) [591495] - [powerpc] Move kdump default base address to 64MB on 64bit (Steve Best) [603779] - [fs] gfs2: Better error reporting when mounting a gfs fs without enough journals (Abhijith Das) [600408] - [tty] Revert "[tty] fix race in tty_fasync" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [606747] - [kdump] kexec: fix OOPS in crash_kernel_shrink (Steve Best) [592336] - [fs] btrfs: prevent users from setting ACLs on files they do not own (Danny Feng) [603594] {CVE-2010-2071} - [fs] cifs: remove bogus first_time check in NTLMv2 session setup code (Jeff Layton) [604785] - [fs] cifs: don't attempt busy-file rename unless it's in same directory (Jeff Layton) [603707] - [fs] ext4: Fix compat EXT4_IOC_ADD_GROUP (Eric Sandeen) [602428] - [fs] ext4: Prevent creation of files larger than RLIMIT_FSIZE using fallocate (Eric Sandeen) [602427] - [fs] ext4: Use our own write_cache_pages() (Eric Sandeen) [602384] - [fs] xfs: Make fiemap work in query mode (Eric Sandeen) [602061] - [fs] ext4: restart ext4_ext_remove_space() after transaction restart (Josef Bacik) [589645] - [fs] ext4: Make sure the MOVE_EXT ioctl can't overwrite append-only files (Eric Sandeen) [601009] {CVE-2010-2066} - [fs] btrfs: check for read permission on src file in the clone ioctl (Danny Feng) [593227] {CVE-2010-1636} - [drm] radeon: fixes for radeon driver from upstream (Dave Airlie) [589098] - [drm] radeon port 2.6.35 HDMI audio to RHEL6 (Jerome Glisse) [604435] - [drm] nv50: fix iommu errors caused by device reading from address 0 (Ben Skeggs) [602498] - [ata] libata: don't flush dcache on slab pages (Stanislaw Gruszka) [606719] - [fs] cifs: don't call cifs_new_fileinfo unless cifs_open succeeds (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: don't ignore cifs_posix_open_inode_helper return value (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: clean up arguments to cifs_open_inode_helper (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: pass instantiated filp back after open call (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: move cifs_new_fileinfo call out of cifs_posix_open (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: implement drop_inode superblock op (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] cifs: checkpatch cleanup (Jeff Layton) [593422] - [fs] nfsd: ensure sockets are closed on error (Jeff Layton) [603735] - [fs] Revert "sunrpc: move the close processing after do recvfrom method" (Jeff Layton) [603735] - [fs] Revert "sunrpc: fix peername failed on closed listener" (Jeff Layton) [603735] - [virt] kvm: Prevent internal slots from being COWed (Glauber Costa) [601192] - [virt] kvm: Keep slot ID in memory slot structure (Glauber Costa) [601192] - [fs] writeback: split writeback_inodes_wb (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: remove writeback_inodes_wbc (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: fix pin_sb_for_writeback (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: add missing requeue_io in writeback_inodes_wb (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: simplify and split bdi_start_writeback (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: simplify wakeup_flusher_threads (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: fix writeback_inodes_wb from writeback_inodes_sb (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: enforce s_umount locking in writeback_inodes_sb (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: queue work on stack in writeback_inodes_sb (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: fix writeback completion notifications (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] vfs: improve writeback_inodes_wb() (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: remove unused nonblocking and congestion checks (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [fs] writeback: remove the always false bdi_cap_writeback_dirty() test (Christoph Hellwig) [601202] - [misc] hpilo: fix pointer warning in ilo_ccb_setup (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] libertas_tf: Fix warning in lbtf_rx for stats struct (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [scsi] Fix userspace warning in /usr/include/scsi/scsi.h (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [pci] Fix section mismatch warning in pcibios_scan_specific_bus() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [fs] Fix warning in fs/ecryptfs/messaging.c: ecryptfs_process_response() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [fs] Fix warning in fs/btrfs/ordered-data.c: btrfs_dec_test_ordered_pending() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] Fix warnings in drivers/net/bnx2.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [doc] Fix warning in Documentation/spi/spidev_fdx.c: do_msg() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [kernel] Fix stack warning in lib/decompress_bunzip2.c: get_next_block() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] Fix warning in drivers/net/vxge/vxge-main.c: vxge_probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [v4l] Fix warnings in drivers/media/dvb/frontends (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [trace] Fix warning in include/trace/events/kmem.h: mm_kswapd_ran() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [scsi] Fix warning in drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_sas.c: process_fw_state_change_wq() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [pcmcia] Fix warnings in drivers/pcmcia/socket_sysfs.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] Fix warning in drivers/net/wireless/wl3501_cs.c: wl3501_esbq_exec() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [drm] Workaround broken check_headers.pl (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [isdn] Fix warning in drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcpci.c: hfcpci_softirq() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [virt] Fix warning in drivers/vhost/vhost.c: vhost_signal() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [md] Fix warning in drivers/md/dm-repl.c: _replicator_slink_message() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [virt] Fix warning in arch/x86/kvm/svm.c: svm_handle_mce() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [net] Fix stack warning in net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c: sta_agg_status_read() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [kernel] Fix warnings in scripts/mod/mod-extract.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [mm] Fix warning in mm/mprotect.c: mprotect_fixup() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [mm] Fix warning in mm/mmap.c: __split_vma() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [mca] Fix warning in include/linux/mca-legacy.h (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [mm] Fix warning in include/linux/khugepaged.h (Andrea Arcangeli) [603733] - [virt] Fix warnings in drivers/xen/events.c() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] Fix warning in drivers/platform/x86/thinkpad_acpi.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] Fix warnings in drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_lp.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [block] Fix warning in drivers/block/cciss.c: fail_all_cmds() (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [isdn] Fix warnings in drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/w6692.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [kernel] Fix compiler warning in sched.c (Larry Woodman) [544197] - [fs] fscache/object-list.c: fix warning on 32-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [sysfs] Fix warning in sysfs_open_file (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [kdump] Fix warning in kexec_crash_size_show (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] libertas: fix uninitialized variable warning (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [drm] Fixes linux-next & linux-2.6 checkstack warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] acpi_pad: squish warning (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: dynamically allocate buffer for sram debugfs file (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [isdn] Fix warnings in eicon driver (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [net] bridge: Make first arg to deliver_clone const (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [kernel] linux/elfcore.h: hide kernel functions (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [fs] quota: suppress warning: "quotatypes" defined but not used (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [fs] fuse: fix large stack use (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [uwb] wlp: refactor wlp_get_() macros (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [usb] Remove large struct from the stack in USB storage isd200 driver (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [usb] isp1362: better 64bit printf warning fixes (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [pci] PCI: kill off pci_register_set_vga_state() symbol export (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] intel-iommu: Fix section mismatch dmar_ir_support() uses dmar_tbl (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [v4l] dvb-bt8xx: fix compile warning (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [tty] tty_buffer: Fix distinct type warning (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [virt] virtio: fix section mismatch warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [ata] Fix warning in libata-eh.c (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [crypto] testmgr: Fix warning (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] Use __builtin_memset and __builtin_memcpy for memset/memcpy (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] apic: Fix prototype in hw_irq.h (Prarit Bhargava) [603733] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: relax the nmi checks during bootup (Don Zickus) [596760] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: disable correct cpu if it fails check (Don Zickus) [596760] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: update supported PCI_ID list for 5xx0 series (John Linville) [599148] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: recalculate average tpt if not current (John Linville) [595845] - [netdrv] iwl3945: enable stuck queue detection on 3945 (John Linville) [595847] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix internal scan race (John Linville) [595846] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix scan races (John Linville) [595846] - [virt] virtio: fix balloon without VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_STATS_VQ (Amit Shah) [601690] - [virt] virtio: Fix scheduling while atomic in virtio_balloon stats (Amit Shah) [601690] - [virt] virtio: Add memory statistics reporting to the balloon driver (Amit Shah) [601690] - [block] make blk_init_free_list and elevator_init idempotent (Mike Snitzer) [594584] - [block] avoid unconditionally freeing previously allocated request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [594584] - [virt] vhost: fix the memory leak which will happen when memory_access_ok fails (Michael S. Tsirkin) [599299] - [virt] vhost-net: fix to check the return value of copy_to/from_user() correctly (Michael S. Tsirkin) [599299] - [virt] vhost: fix to check the return value of copy_to/from_user() correctly (Michael S. Tsirkin) [599299] - [virt] vhost: Fix host panic if ioctl called with wrong index (Michael S. Tsirkin) [599299] - [block] writeback: fixups for !dirty_writeback_centisecs (Mike Snitzer) [594570] - [fs] writeback: disable periodic old data writeback for !dirty_writeback_centisecs (Mike Snitzer) [594570] - [modsign] Include the GNU build ID note in the digest (David Howells) [581965] - [modsign] Fix a number of module signing bugs (David Howells) [581965] - [modsign] KEYS: Return more accurate error codes (David Howells) [591891] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix automatic LRO/RSC settings for low latency (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [scsi] sync fcoe with upstream (Mike Christie) [603263] - [trace] conflicting tracepoint power.h headers (Mark Wielaard) [599175] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix panic when shutting down system with WoL enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [601066] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ixgbe_down needs to stop dev_watchdog (Andy Gospodarek) [604807] - [scsi] sync fcoe (Mike Christie) [595558] - [kernel] CRED: Fix a race in creds_are_invalid() in credentials debugging (James Leddy) [578268] - [kernel] Remove timeout logic in mutex_spin_on_owner() to match upstream (Steve Best) [602805]- [virt] Disable transparent hugepages when running under Xen (Dor Laor) [605566] - [pci] fix compilation when CONFIG_PCI_MSI=n (Vivek Goyal) [589397] - [block] virtio_blk: support barriers without FLUSH feature (Christoph Hellwig) [602595] - [mm] make compound_lock irqsafe in put_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [605354] - [mm] remove compound_lock from futex (Andrea Arcangeli) [605354] - [mm] memcontrol compound_lock irqsafe (Andrea Arcangeli) [605354] - [mm] add compound_lock_irqsave/irqrestore (Andrea Arcangeli) [605354]- [virt] virtio-pci: Disable MSI at startup (Vivek Goyal) [589397] - [mm] Reenable transparent hugepages (Aristeu Rozanski) [602436]- [mm] Revert "[redhat] Enable transparent hugepages by default" (Aristeu Rozanski) [602436]- [net] Revert "[net] bridge: make bridge support netpoll" (Herbert Xu) [602927] - [virt] always invalidate and flush on spte page size change (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] root anon vma bugchecks (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] resurrect the check in page_address_in_vma (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] root anon vma use root (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] avoid ksm hang (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] always add new vmas at the end (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] remove unnecessary lock from __vma_link (Andrea Arcangeli) [578134] - [mm] optimize hugepage tracking for memcgroup & handle splitting (Rik van Riel) [597108] - [mm] properly move a transparent hugepage between cgroups (Rik van Riel) [597081] - [mm] scale statistics if the page is a transparent hugepage (Rik van Riel) [597077] - [mm] enhance mem_cgroup_charge_statistics with a page_size argument (Rik van Riel) [597058] - [virt] add option to disable spinlock patching on hypervisor (Gleb Natapov) [599068] - [virt] xen: don't touch xsave in cr4 (Andrew Jones) [599069] - [drm] Update core to current drm-linus (Adam Jackson) [589547 589792 597022] - [mm] fix refcount bug in anon_vma code (Rik van Riel) [602739]- [netdrv] vlan: allow null VLAN ID to be used (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add boolean parameter to ixgbe_set_vmolr (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix bug when EITR=0 causing no writebacks (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable extremely low latency (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: added compat bits (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: dcb, do not tag tc_prio_control frames (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_tx_is_paused logic (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: always enable vlan strip/insert when DCB is enabled (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove some redundant code in setting FCoE FIP filter (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix wrong offset to fc_frame_header in ixgbe_fcoe_ddp (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix header len when unsplit packet overflows to data buffer (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix setting of promisc mode when using mac-vlans (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for VF MAC and VLAN configuration (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix bug with vlan strip in promsic mode (Andy Gospodarek) [595555] - [virt] use unfair spinlock when running on hypervisor (Gleb Natapov) [599068]- [kernel] sched: update normalized values on user updates via proc (Hendrik Brueckner) [590748] - [kernel] sched: Make tunable scaling style configurable (Hendrik Brueckner) [590748] - [s390x] nohz: Introduce arch_needs_cpu (Hendrik Brueckner) [590009] - [ppc64] Use form 1 affinity to setup node distance (Steve Best) [594502] - [ppc64] numa: Use ibm, architecture-vec-5 to detect form 1 affinity (Steve Best) [594502] - [ppc64] Set a smaller value for RECLAIM_DISTANCE to enable zone reclaim (Steve Best) [594502] - [block] Add padding to writeback_control (Mike Snitzer) [594570] - [fs] cifs: fix page refcount leak (Jeff Layton) [595827] - [scsi] megaraid_sas - Add three times Online controller reset (Tomas Henzl) [594821] - [scsi] megaraid: update driver version to 4.28 (Tomas Henzl) [577010] - [netdrv] tg3: Provide more support for 57765 with v3.108 (John Feeney) [581691] - [scsi] skip sense logging for some ATA PASS-THROUGH cdbs (Jeff Moyer) [596997] - [block] allow initialization of previously allocated request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [594584] - [usb] Fix oops on switching USB controllers (Pete Zaitcev) [578979] - [drm] nouveau: important fixes to vbios parser (Ben Skeggs) [596604] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix crash when port is unplugged and blocked for write (Amit Shah) [596635] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix crash when hot-unplugging a port and read is blocked (Amit Shah) [596635] - [kernel] signals: check_kill_permission(): don't check creds if same_thread_group() (Oleg Nesterov) [595499] - [drm] fix issue with wake up like upstream commit (Dave Airlie) [577959] - [x86] Fix AMD IOMMU suspend/resume (Matthew Garrett) [593787] - [mm] do_generic_file_read: clear page errors when issuing a fresh read of the page (Rik van Riel) [596334] - [x86] Fix loud HPET warning on Intel Platforms (Prarit Bhargava) [592036] - [x86] Intel Cougar Point PCH support for SATA, USB, HD Audio, I2C(SMBUS), and iTCO Watchdog (John Villalovos) [560077] - [x86] dell-laptop: Update to match mainline (Matthew Garrett) [586495] - [kernel] proc: backport afinity_hint code (Neil Horman) [591509] - [scsi] bfa: powerpc compilation warning and endian fix (Rob Evers) [583154] - [scsi] bfa: code review fixes (Rob Evers) [583154] - [s390x] dasd: fix race between tasklet and dasd_sleep_on (Hendrik Brueckner) [591963] - [s390x] vdso: add missing vdso_install target (Hendrik Brueckner) [587368] - [mm] mempolicy: fix get_mempolicy() for relative and static nodes (Steve Best) [592327] - [net] reserve ports for applications using fixed port numbers (Amerigo Wang) [580970] - [kernel] sysctl: add proc_do_large_bitmap (Amerigo Wang) [580970] - [kernel] sysctl: refactor integer handling proc code (Amerigo Wang) [580970] - [virt] VMware Balloon: clamp number of collected non-balloonable pages (Amit Shah) [582826] - [virt] x86, hypervisor: add missing (Amit Shah) [582826] - [nfs] nfsd4: bug in read_buf (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] svcrdma: RDMA support not yet compatible with RPC6 (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] Revert "nfsd4: distinguish expired from stale stateids" (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd: safer initialization order in find_file() (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfs4: minor callback code simplification, comment (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] NFSD: don't report compiled-out versions as present (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: implement reclaim_complete (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: nfsd4_destroy_session must set callback client under the state lock (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: keep a reference count on client while in use (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: mark_client_expired (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: introduce nfs4_client.cl_refcount (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: refactor expire_client (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: extend the client_lock to cover cl_lru (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: use list_move in move_to_confirmed (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: fold release_session into expire_client (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: rename sessionid_lock to client_lock (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: fix bare destroy_session null dereference (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: use local variable in nfs4svc_encode_compoundres (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd: further comment typos (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] sunrpc: centralise most calls to svc_xprt_received (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: fix unlikely race in session replay case (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: fix filehandle comment (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd: potential ERR_PTR dereference on exp_export() error paths (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: complete enforcement of 4.1 op ordering (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: allow 4.0 clients to change callback path (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: rearrange cb data structures (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] NFSD: NFSv4 callback client should use RPC_TASK_SOFTCONN (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: cl_count is unused (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: don't sleep in lease-break callback (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: indentation cleanup (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: consistent session flag setting (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: remove probe task's reference on client (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: remove dprintk (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: shutdown callbacks on expiry (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: preallocate nfs4_rpc_args (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] svcrpc: don't hold sv_lock over svc_xprt_put() (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd: don't break lease while servicing a COMMIT (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd: factor out hash functions for export caches (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] sunrpc: never return expired entries in sunrpc_cache_lookup (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] sunrpc/cache: factor out cache_is_expired (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] sunrpc: don't keep expired entries in the auth caches (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: document lease/grace-period limits (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: allow setting grace period time (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: reshuffle lease-setting code to allow reuse (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: remove unnecessary lease-setting function (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: simplify lease/grace interaction (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] nfsd4: simplify references to nfsd4 lease time (Steve Dickson) [597215] - [nfs] Fix another nfs_wb_page() deadlock (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Ensure that we mark the inode as dirty if we exit early from commit (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Fix a lock imbalance typo in nfs_access_cache_shrinker (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] sunrpc: fix leak on error on socket xprt setup (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [pci] Add padding to PCI structs for future enhancements (Prarit Bhargava) [590286]- [mm] fix vma_adjust lock inversion (Andrea Arcangeli) [595808] - [mm] eliminate compiler warning introduced by my "kernel pagefault tracepoint for x86 & x86_64 patch" (Larry Woodman) [526032] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix INTx fallback when MSI fails (Steve Best) [594456] - [virt] correctly trace irq injection on SVM (Gleb Natapov) [594020] - [virt] KVM: remove CAP_SYS_RAWIO requirement from kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_irq (Alex Williamson) [594912] - [virt] KVM: Fix wallclock version writing race (Glauber Costa) [592033] - [x86] Fix double enable_IR_x2apic call on SMP kernel on !SMP boards (Luming Yu) [585122] - [block] Adjust elv_iosched_show to return "none" for bio-based DM (Mike Snitzer) [595393] - [dm] mpath: Add a feature flag attribute to the multipath structure (Mike Snitzer) [594503] - [kernel] fix compat_sys_sched_getaffinity() (Oleg Nesterov) [582407] - [usb] usbcore: Fix issue with disabled USB3 protocol ports (Bhavna Sarathy) [591916] - [kernel] python: change scripts to use system python instead of env (Don Zickus) [575965] - [scsi] mpt2sas: update to (Tomas Henzl) [591971] - [virt] Fix FV Xen guest when xen_pv_hvm not enabled (Don Dutile) [523134] - [net] enhance network cgroup classifier to work in softirq context (Neil Horman) [595351] - [net] gro: Fix bogus gso_size on the first fraglist entry (Herbert Xu) [594561] - [nfs] sunrpc trace points (Steve Dickson) [567741] - [nfs] don't try to decode GETATTR if DELEGRETURN returned error (Jeff Layton) [584391] - [nfs] d_revalidate() is too trigger-happy with d_drop() (Jeff Layton) [587225] - [ppc64] Fix zero length strncmp() on powerpc (Steve Best) [593129] - [ppc64] pseries: Fix xics interrupt affinity (Steve Best) [592438] - [ppc] Improve 64bit copy_tofrom_user (Steve Best) [591344] - [fs] GFS2: Fix permissions checking for setflags ioctl() (Steven Whitehouse) [595395] {CVE-2010-1641} - [gfs] GFS2: Add two useful messages (Steven Whitehouse) [589510] - [serial] fix serial console hang after entering username (John Villalovos) [590851] - [kdump] kexec can't load capturing kernel on some big RAM systems (Vitaly Mayatskikh) [580843] - [fs] cleanup generic block based fiemap (Josef Bacik) [578560] - [fs] vfs: add NOFOLLOW/UNUSED to umount flags (Josef Bacik) [562078] - [fs] dlm: fix ast ordering for user locks (David Teigland) [592418] - [fs] cifs: fix noserverino handling when unix extensions are enabled (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: don't update uniqueid in cifs_fattr_to_inode (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: always revalidate hardlinked inodes when using noserverino (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Fix losing locks during fork() (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: propagate cifs_new_fileinfo() error back to the caller (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: add comments explaining cifs_new_fileinfo behavior (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Allow null nd (as nfs server uses) on create (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: remove unused parameter from cifs_posix_open_inode_helper() (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: drop quota operation stubs (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Remove unused cifs_oplock_cachep (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup various minor breakage in previous cFYI cleanup (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Neaten cERROR and cFYI macros, reduce text space (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: trivial white space (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: use add_to_page_cache_lru (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: not overwriting file_lock structure after GET_LK (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: Fix a kernel BUG with remote OS/2 server (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: initialize nbytes at the beginning of CIFSSMBWrite() (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: back out patches that didn't make it upstream (Jeff Layton) [591483] - [fs] cifs: guard against hardlinking directories (Jeff Layton) [591229] - [pci] check caps from sysfs file open to read device dependent config space (Don Dutile) [559709] - [fs] sysfs: add struct file* to bin_attr callbacks (Don Dutile) [559709] - [ata] pata_via: fixup detection issues (David Milburn) [591074] - [security] keys: call_sbin_request_key() must write lock keyrings before modifying them (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: Use RCU dereference wrappers in keyring key type code (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: find_keyring_by_name() can gain access to a freed keyring (David Howells) [585101 591891] {CVE-2010-1437} - [security] keys: Fix RCU handling in key_gc_keyring() (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: the request_key() syscall should link an existing key to the dest keyring (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: don't need to use RCU in keyring_read() as semaphore is held (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: fix an RCU warning (David Howells) [591891] - [security] keys: PTR_ERR return of wrong pointer in keyctl_get_security() (David Howells) [591891] - [fs] CacheFiles: Fix error handling in cachefiles_determine_cache_security() (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] CacheFiles: Fix occasional EIO on call to vfs_unlink() (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] fs-cache: order the debugfs stats correctly (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] SLOW_WORK: CONFIG_SLOW_WORK_PROC should be CONFIG_SLOW_WORK_DEBUG (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] fscache: add missing unlock (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] FS-Cache: Remove the EXPERIMENTAL flag (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] CacheFiles: Fix a race in cachefiles_delete_object() vs rename (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] switch cachefiles to kern_path() (David Howells) [591894] - [fs] FS-Cache: Avoid maybe-used-uninitialised warning on variable (David Howells) [591894] - [net] bonding: make bonding support netpoll (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] bridge: make bridge support netpoll (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [net] netpoll: add generic support for bridge and bonding devices (Amerigo Wang) [587751] - [ppc64] Use lwarx/ldarx hint in bit locks (Steve Best) [594515] - [ppc64] 85xx: Make sure lwarx hint isn't set on ppc32 (Steve Best) [594515] - [ppc64] Use lwarx hint in spinlocks (Steve Best) [594515] - [fs] tmpfs: Insert tmpfs cache pages to inactive list at first (Rik van Riel) [595210] - [mm] vmscan: detect mapped file pages used only once (Rik van Riel) [595210] - [mm] vmscan: drop page_mapping_inuse() (Rik van Riel) [595210] - [mm] vmscan: factor out page reference checks (Rik van Riel) [595210] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Don't spam gssd with upcall requests when the kerberos key expired (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Reorder the struct rpc_task fields (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Remove the 'tk_magic' debugging field (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Move the task->tk_bytes_sent and tk_rtt to struct rpc_rqst (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Don't call iput() in nfs_access_cache_shrinker (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Clean up nfs_access_zap_cache() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Don't run nfs_access_cache_shrinker() when the mask is GFP_NOFS (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Ensure rpcauth_prune_expired() respects the nr_to_scan parameter (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Ensure memory shrinker doesn't waste time in rpcauth_prune_expired() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Dont run rpcauth_cache_shrinker() when gfp_mask is GFP_NOFS (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Read requests can use GFP_KERNEL (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Clean up nfs_create_request() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Don't use GFP_KERNEL in rpcsec_gss downcalls (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Don't use GFP_KERNEL allocations in state recovery (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix xs_setup_bc_tcp() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Replace jiffies-based metrics with ktime-based metrics (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [kernel] ktime: introduce ktime_to_ms() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: RPC metrics and RTT estimator should use same RTT value (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Calldata for nfs4_renew_done() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] nfs4: renewd renew operations should take/put a client reference (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Squelch compiler warning in nfs_add_server_stats() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Clean up fscache_uniq mount option (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Squelch compiler warning (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Trivial cleanups in include/linux/sunrpc/xdr.h (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Clean up the NFSv4 setclientid operation (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Allow attribute caching with 'noac' mounts if client holds a delegation (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fail over more quickly on connect errors (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Move the test for XPRT_CONNECTING into xprt_connect() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Cleanup - make rpc_new_task() call rpc_release_calldata on failure (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Clean up xprt_release() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Fix up the documentation for nfs_do_refmount (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Replace nfsroot on-stack filehandle (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Cleanup file handle allocations in fs/nfs/super.c (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Prevent the mount code from looping forever on broken exports (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs3_proc_getacl() and nfs3_proc_setacl() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs_statfs() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs_setattr() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs4_proc_create() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_proc_symlink() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_proc_create (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_rmdir (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs_proc_remove() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs3_proc_readlink() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_link() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs_readdir() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs3_proc_rename() and nfs4_proc_rename() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce stack footprint of nfs_revalidate_inode() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Reduce stack footprint of nfs4_proc_access() and nfs3_proc_access() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Reduce the stack footprint of nfs4_remote_referral_get_sb (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Reduce stack footprint of nfs4_get_root() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_follow_remote_path() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_lookup (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Reduce the stack footprint of try_location() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_create_server (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Reduce the stack footprint of nfs_follow_mountpoint() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Eliminate nfs4_path_walk() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Add helper functions for allocating filehandles and fattr structs (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Fix the locking in nfs_inode_reclaim_delegation() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] fix memory leak in nfs_get_sb with CONFIG_NFS_V4 (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] fix some issues in nfs41_proc_reclaim_complete() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Ensure that nfs_wb_page() waits for Pg_writeback to clear (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Fix an unstable write data integrity race (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] testing for null instead of ERR_PTR() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Don't attempt an atomic open if the file is a mountpoint (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix a bug in rpcauth_prune_expired (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: fix delegated locking (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Ensure that the WRITE and COMMIT RPC calls are always uninterruptible (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Fix a race with the new commit code (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] Fix the mode calculation in nfs_find_open_context (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] NFSv4: Fall back to ordinary lookup if nfs4_atomic_open() returns EISDIR (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix the return value of rpc_run_bc_task() (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix a use after free bug with the NFSv4.1 backchannel (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] ensure bdi_unregister is called on mount failure (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] fix unlikely memory leak (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] nfs41: renewd sequence operations should take/put client reference (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] prevent backlogging of renewd requests (Steve Dickson) [595478] - [nfs] rpc client can not deal with ENOSOCK, so translate it into ENOCONN (Steve Dickson) [595478]- [perf] sync tools/perf to 2.6.34 (Jason Baron) [578987] - [drm] i915: Update to 2.6.34-rc7 (Adam Jackson) [592003] - [perf] userspace and core update fix (Jason Baron) [567828 578987] - [perf] rhel6 perf fixups (Jason Baron) [567828 578987] - [perf] backport latest core perf support (Jason Baron) [567828 578987] - [perf] pull back 'perf' userspace (Jason Baron) [567828 578987] - [drm] radeon/kms: report lvds status as unknown with closed lid (Jerome Glisse) [585111 591628] - [drm] fbdev: fix cloning on fbcon (Dave Airlie) [512023] - [drm] fbcon disconnected + hotplug operation (Jerome Glisse) [580789] - [kernel] slow-work: use get_ref wrapper instead of directly calling get_ref (Dave Airlie) [580789] - [drm] radeon/kms: add special workaround for triple head servers (Dave Airlie) [512023] - [infiniband] RDMA: Use rlimit helpers (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] ipoib: returned back addrlen check for mc addresses (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/amso1100: Fix error paths in post_send and post_recv (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/srp: Clean up error path in srp_create_target_ib() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/srp: Split send and recieve CQs to reduce number of interrupts (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] rdma: potential ERR_PTR dereference (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Set num_paths when manually assigning path records (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/cm: Fix device_create() return value check (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ucm: Clean whitespace errors (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ucm: Increase maximum devices supported (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ucm: Use stack variable 'base' in ib_ucm_add_one (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ucm: Use stack variable 'devnum' in ib_ucm_add_one (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Remove unused definition of RDMA_PS_SCTP (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Revert association of an RDMA device when binding to loopback (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/addr: Correct CONFIG_IPv6 to CONFIG_IPV6 (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/addr: Fix IPv6 routing lookup (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/addr: Simplify resolving IPv4 addresses (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cm: fix loopback address support (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/addr: Store net_device type instead of translating to RDMA transport (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/addr: Verify source and destination address families match (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Replace net_device pointer with index (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Fix AF_INET6 support in multicast joining (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/cma: Correct detection of SA Created MGID (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/addr: Use appropriate locking with for_each_netdev() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/ucma: Add option to manually set IB path (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mad: Ignore iWARP devices on device removal (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Clean whitespace (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Increase maximum devices supported (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Use stack variable 'base' in ib_umad_init_port (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Use stack variable 'devnum' in ib_umad_init_port (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Remove port_table[] (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/umad: Convert *cdev to cdev in struct ib_umad_port (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Use anon_inodes instead of private infinibandeventfs (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/core: Fix and clean up ib_ud_header_init() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/core: Pack struct ib_device a little tighter (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Whitespace cleanup (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Pack struct ib_uverbs_event_file tighter (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Increase maximum devices supported (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: use stack variable 'base' in ib_uverbs_add_one (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Use stack variable 'devnum' in ib_uverbs_add_one (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Remove dev_table (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Convert *cdev to cdev in struct ib_uverbs_device (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/uverbs: Fix return of PTR_ERR() of wrong pointer in ib_uverbs_get_context() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB: Clarify the documentation of ib_post_send() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ehca: Allow access for ib_query_qp() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ehca: Do not turn off irqs in tasklet context (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ehca: Fix error paths in post_send and post_recv (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ehca: Rework destroy_eq() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Include return code in trace message for ib_post_send() failures (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Fix TX queue lockup with mixed UD/CM traffic (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Remove TX moderation settings from ethtool support (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/ipath: Use bitmap_weight() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] Remove BKL from ipath_open() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] remove uses of NIPQUAD, use pI4 (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] RDS/IB+IW: Move recv processing to a tasklet (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] Do not send congestion updates to loopback connections (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] Fix panic on unload (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] Fix potential race around rds_i[bw]_allocation (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [rds] Add GET_MR_FOR_DEST sockopt (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Check correct variable for allocation failure (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] mlx4: replace the dma_sync_single_range_for_cpu/device API (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Simplify retrieval of ib_device (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix cleanup in __mlx4_init_one() error path (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Fix queue overflow check in post_recv (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Initialize SRQ scatter entries when creating an SRQ (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] mlx4: use bitmap_find_next_zero_area (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: return a negative error value (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] mlx4_core: Fix parsing of reserved EQ cap (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Remove limitation on LSO header size (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Remove unneeded code (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Correct cap.max_inline_data assignment in nes_query_qp() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix CX4 link problem in back-to-back configuration (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Clear stall bit before destroying NIC QP (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Set assume_aligned_header bit (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] convert to use netdev_for_each_mc_addr (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add support for KR device id 0x0110 (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Change WQ overflow return code (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Multiple disconnects cause crash during AE handling (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix crash when listener destroyed during loopback setup (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Use atomic counters for CM listener create and destroy (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix stale ARP issue (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: FIN during MPA startup causes timeout (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Free kmap() resources (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Check for zero STag (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix Xansation test crash on cm_node ref_count (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Abnormal listener exit causes loopback node crash (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix crash in nes_accept() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Resource not freed for REJECTed connections (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: MPA request/response error checking (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix query of ORD values (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Fix MAX_CM_BUFFER define (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Pass correct size to ioremap_nocache() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Update copyright and branding string (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add max_cqe check to nes_create_cq() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Clean up struct nes_qp (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Implement IB_SIGNAL_ALL_WR as an iWARP extension (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add additional SFP+ PHY uC status check and PHY reset (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Correct fast memory registration implementation (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: Add support for IB_WR_*INV (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: In nes_post_recv() always set bad_wr on error (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [infiniband] RDMA/nes: In nes_post_send() always set bad_wr on error (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix linkup issue (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Wait at least one schedule cycle during device removal (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix hot plug removal crash (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Mark RDMA device with CXIO_ERROR_FATAL when removing (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Don't allocate the SW queue for user mode CQs (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Increase the max CQ depth (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Doorbell overflow avoidance and recovery (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: convert to use netdev_for_each_addr (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix link flap (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: FIx VLAN over Jumbo frames (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Remove BUG_ON() on CQ rearm failure (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix GRO checksum check (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: add memory barriers (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] iwch_cm.c: use pM to show MAC address (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Use kzalloc for allocating only one thing (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] RDMA/cxgb3: Fix error paths in post_send and post_recv (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: declare MODULE_FIRMWARE (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Set the rxq (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: No need to wake queue in xmit handler (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Added private MAC address and provisioning packet handler for iSCSI (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [net] Hook up cxgb4 to Kconfig and Makefile (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add remaining driver headers and L2T management (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add main driver file and driver Makefile (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add HW and FW support code (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add packet queues and packet DMA code (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add register, message, and FW definitions (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [net] use helpers to access mc list (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [net] use helpers to access uc list (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [kernel] strstrip incorrectly marked __must_check (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [pci] introduce pci_pcie_cap() (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [pci] cache PCIe capability offset (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [kernel] bitmap: introduce bitmap_set, bitmap_clear, bitmap_find_next_zero_area (Doug Ledford) [500229] - [md] Remove unnecessary casts of void * (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] expose max value of behind writes counter (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] remove some dead fields from mddev_s (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] allow integers to be passed to md/level (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] notify mdstat waiters of level change (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] don't unregister the thread in mddev_suspend (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] factor out init code for an mddev (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] pass mddev to make_request functions rather than request_queue (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] call md_stop_writes from md_stop (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] split md_set_readonly out of do_md_stop (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] factor md_stop_writes out of do_md_stop (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] start to refactor do_md_stop (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] factor do_md_run to separate accesses to ->gendisk (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] remove ->changed and related code (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] don't reference gendisk in getgeo (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] move io accounting out of personalities into md_make_request (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] notify level changes through sysfs (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] Relax checks on ->max_disks when external metadata handling is used (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] Correctly handle device removal via sysfs (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] Add support for Raid5->Raid0 and Raid10->Raid0 takeover (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] Add support for Raid0->Raid5 takeover (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] discard StateChanged device flag (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] manage redundancy group in sysfs when changing level (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] remove unneeded sysfs files more promptly (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] set mddev readonly flag on blkdev BLKROSET ioctl (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] don't insist on valid event count for spare devices (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] simplify updating of event count to sometimes avoid updating spares (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] restore ability of spare drives to spin down (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] raid6: Fix raid-6 read-error correction in degraded state (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] raid5: allow for more than 2^31 chunks (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] deal with merge_bvec_fn in component devices better (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] fix some lockdep issues between md and sysfs (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] fix 'degraded' calculation when starting a reshape (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] allow a resync that is waiting for other resync to complete, to be aborted (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] remove unnecessary code from do_md_run (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] make recovery started by do_md_run() visible via sync_action (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] use pU to print UUIDs (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] add 'recovery_start' per-device sysfs attribute (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] rcu_read_lock() walk of mddev->disks in md_do_sync() (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] integrate spares into array at earliest opportunity (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] move compat_ioctl handling into md.c (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] add MODULE_DESCRIPTION for all md related modules (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] raid: improve MD/raid10 handling of correctable read errors (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] raid10: print more useful messages on device failure (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] bitmap: update dirty flag when bitmap bits are explicitly set (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] Support write-intent bitmaps with externally managed metadata (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] bitmap: move setting of daemon_lastrun out of bitmap_read_sb (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] support updating bitmap parameters via sysfs (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] factor out parsing of fixed-point numbers (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] support bitmap offset appropriate for external-metadata arrays (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] remove needless setting of thread->timeout in raid10_quiesce (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] change daemon_sleep to be in 'jiffies' rather than 'seconds' (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] move offset, daemon_sleep and chunksize out of bitmap structure (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] collect bitmap-specific fields into one structure (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] add honouring of suspend_{lo,hi} to raid1 (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] raid5: don't complete make_request on barrier until writes are scheduled (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] support barrier requests on all personalities (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] don't reset curr_resync_completed after an interrupted resync (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371] - [md] adjust resync_min usefully when resync aborts (Doug Ledford) [583050 586296 586299 588371]- [mm] fix mm_take_all_locks regression in 3-7/49 (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] avoid __cpuset_node_allowed_softwall to run when allocation is atomic (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572 591283] - [mm] fix race between do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page and pte_alloc_map (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add missing update for root-anon-vma drop_anon_vma in memory compactation (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] exec vs split_huge_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] include anon hugepages into the anon stats (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] split_huge_page anon_vma ordering dependency (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] align page_add_new_anon_rmap (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] do_pages_move cannot handle hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] padding to decrease risk of kabi breakage (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] transhuge isolate_migratepages() (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] select CONFIG_COMPACTION if TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] compaction: Do not schedule work on other CPUs for compaction (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Defer compaction using an exponential backoff when compaction fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Add a tunable that decides when memory should be compacted and when it should be reclaimed (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Direct compact when a high-order allocation fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Add /sys trigger for per-node memory compaction (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Add /proc trigger for memory compaction (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Memory compaction core (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Move definition for LRU isolation modes to a header (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Export fragmentation index via /proc/extfrag_index (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Export unusable free space index via /proc/unusable_index (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Allow CONFIG_MIGRATION to be set without CONFIG_NUMA or memory hot-remove (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Allow the migration of PageSwapCache pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Do not try to migrate unmapped anonymous pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Share the anon_vma ref counts between KSM and page migration (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] Take a reference to the anon_vma before migrating (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add numa awareness to hugepage allocations (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] enable direct defrag (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] ksm: check for ERR_PTR from follow_page() (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] err.h: add helper function to simplify pointer error checking (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] don't leave orhpaned swap cache after ksm merging (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] adapt to anon-vma root locking (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] set default to never (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] transparent hugepage bootparam (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] remove lumpy reclaim (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572 583003] - [mm] memcg fix prepare migration (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] avoid false positive warning in mmio (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [virt] fix kvm swapping memory corruption (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572 583861] - [mm] remove khugepaged/enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] use only khugepaged_wait (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] khugepaged user stack (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] define hugetlb_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] migration: avoid race between shift_arg_pages() and rmap_walk() during migration by not migrating temporary stacks (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] extend KSM refcounts to the anon_vma root (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] always lock the root (oldest) anon_vma (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] track the root (oldest) anon_vma (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] change direct call of spin_lock(anon_vma->lock) to inline function (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] rename anon_vma_lock to vma_lock_anon_vma (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] rmap: remove anon_vma check in page_address_in_vma() (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] mmap: check ->vm_ops before dereferencing (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [fs] xfs_export_operations.commit_metadata (Christoph Hellwig) [585442] - [fs] xfs: fix inode pincount check in fsync (Christoph Hellwig) [585442] - [fs] xfs: miscellaneous fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: reserved block pool and ENOSPC fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [542712 585442] - [fs] xfs: delayed write metadata from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [lib] introduce list_sort (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: log fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: quota changes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: buffer API cleanups from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: AG indexing fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] xfs: idle kernel thread fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] online defrag fixes from 2.6.34 (Dave Chinner) [585442] - [fs] jbd2: delay discarding buffers in journal_unmap_buffer (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Use slab allocator for sub-page sized allocations (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] jbd2: don't use __GFP_NOFAIL in journal_init_common() (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] jbd: jbd-debug and jbd2-debug should be writable (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Fixed inode allocator to correctly track a flex_bg's used_dirs (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Fix estimate of # of blocks needed to write indirect-mapped files (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: fix up rb_root initializations to use RB_ROOT (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Release page references acquired in ext4_da_block_invalidatepages (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: make "offset" consistent in ext4_check_dir_entry() (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Convert BUG_ON checks to use ext4_error() instead (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Handle non empty on-disk orphan link (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: explicitly remove inode from orphan list after failed direct io (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Fix fencepost error in chosing choosing group vs file preallocation (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Fix BUG_ON at fs/buffer.c:652 in no journal mode (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: correctly calculate number of blocks for fiemap (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: add missing error checking to ext4_expand_extra_isize_ea() (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: move __func__ into a macro for ext4_warning, ext4_error (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Use bitops to read/modify EXT4_I(inode)->i_state (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: Drop EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_UPDATE_RESERVE_SPACE flag (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: return correct wbc.nr_to_write in ext4_da_writepages (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [fs] ext4: replace BUG() with return -EIO in ext4_ext_get_blocks (Eric Sandeen) [593082] - [virt] KVM SVM Implement workaround for Erratum 383 (Bhavna Sarathy) [592311] - [virt] KVM SVM Handle MCEs early in the vmexit process (Bhavna Sarathy) [592311] - [usb] serial: ftdi: add CONTEC vendor and product id (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] fix usbfs regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] add new ftdi_sio device ids (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add device IDs (several ELV, one Mindstorms NXT) (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] ftdi_sio: new device id for papouch AD4USB (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] gspca_mr973010a: Fix cif type 1 cameras not streaming on UHCI controllers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] DVB: Add support for Asus Europa Hybrid DVB-T card (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [usb] mos7840: add device IDs for B&B electronics devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [ppc64] fsl: Add PCI device ids for new QoirQ chips (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [fs] vfs: Fix vmtruncate() regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [kernel] sched: Fix task priority bug (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [serial] 8250_pnp: add a new Fujitsu Wacom Tablet PC device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [i2c] pca: Don't use *_interruptible (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [i2c] Do not use device name after device_unregister (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [kernel] sched: Fix cpu_clock() in NMIs, on !CONFIG_HAVE_UNSTABLE_SCHED_CLOCK (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [hid] add device IDs for new model of Apple Wireless Keyboard (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [v4l] gspca: sn9c20x: Fix test of unsigned (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [x86] SGI UV: Fix mapping of MMIO registers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [perf] timechart: Use tid not pid for COMM change (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] fix usbstorage for 2770:915d delivers no FAT (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [x86] PCI/PAT: return EINVAL for pci mmap WC request for !pat_enabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [acpi] EC: Add wait for irq storm (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [acpi] EC: Accelerate query execution (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] add speed values for USB 3.0 and wireless controllers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] add missing delay during remote wakeup (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] EHCI & UHCI: fix race between root-hub suspend and port resume (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] EHCI: fix handling of unusual interrupt intervals (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] Don't use GFP_KERNEL while we cannot reset a storage device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] serial: fix memory leak in generic driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [char] nozomi: quick fix for the close/close bug (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [tty] fix race in tty_fasync (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [netdrv] netiucv: displayed TX bytes value much too high (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [block] md: fix small irregularity with start_ro module parameter (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [input] i8042: add Dritek quirk for Acer Aspire 5610 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [hid] fixup quirk for NCR devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [dmi] allow omitting ident strings in DMI tables (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [scsi] scsi_dh: create sysfs file, dh_state for all SCSI disk devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [nfs] Revert default r/wsize behavior (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [usb] SIS USB2VGA DRIVER: support KAIREN's USB VGA adaptor USB20SVGA-MB-PLUS (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [input] alps: add support for the touchpad on Toshiba Tecra A11-11L (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [fs] gfs2: stuck in inode wait, no glocks stuck (Robert S Peterson) [583737] - [netdrv] cnic: update to to 2.1.1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [590019] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix system hung after netdev watchdog (Stanislaw Gruszka) [581907] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix most severe bugs in bnx2 2.0.8+ (John Feeney) [590879] - [netdrv] Update bnx2 driver to 2.0.8 and fw to mips-06-5.0.0.j6 et al (John Feeney) [464728] - [virt] VMware Balloon driver (Amit Shah) [582826] - [x86] With Sandybridge graphics, kernel reboots unless 'agp=off' used on command line (John Villalovos) [591294] - [kernel] unify string representation of NULL in vsprintf.c (Dave Anderson) [589613] - [kernel] coredump: fix the page leak in dump_seek() (Oleg Nesterov) [580126] - [edac] EDAC support for Nehalem Memory Controllers (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [584507] - [iscsi] Include support for next gen Dell iSCSI PowerVault controller MD36xxi into RDAC scsi device handler's device list (Shyam Iyer) [593814] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [591648] - [infiniband] iser: fix failover slowdown (Mike Christie) [589174] - [net] TCP: avoid to send keepalive probes if receiving data (Flavio Leitner) [593052] - [nfs] commit_metadata export operation replacing nfsd_sync_dir (Christoph Hellwig) [593652] - [ppc64] numa: Add form 1 NUMA affinity (Steve Best) [593466] - [ppc64] eeh: Fix a bug when pci structure is null (Steve Best) [593854] - [ppc64] perf_event: Fix oops due to perf_event_do_pending call (Steve Best) [593464] - [ppc] pseries: Quieten cede latency printk (Steve Best) [591739] - [fs] GFS2: Don't "get" xattrs for ACLs when ACLs are turned off (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [kexec] fix OOPS in crash_kernel_shrink (Steve Best) [592336] - [fs] ext4: don't use quota reservation for speculative metadata blocks (Eric Sandeen) [587095] - [fs] quota: add the option to not fail with EDQUOT in block allocation (Eric Sandeen) [587095] - [fs] quota: use flags interface for dquot alloc/free space (Eric Sandeen) [587095] - [fs] ext4: Fix quota accounting error with fallocate (Eric Sandeen) [587095] - [fs] ext4: Ensure zeroout blocks have no dirty metadata (Eric Sandeen) [587095] - [virt] vhost-net: utilize PUBLISH_USED_IDX feature (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio: put last seen used index into ring itself (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] vhost: fix barrier pairing (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio: use smp_XX barriers on SMP (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio_ring: remove a level of indirection (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] trans_virtio: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio-rng: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio_net: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio_blk: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio_console: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio_balloon: use virtqueue_xxx wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] virtio: add virtqueue_ vq_ops wrappers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] vhost-net: fix vq_memory_access_ok error checking (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] vhost: fix error handling in vring ioctls (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] vhost: fix interrupt mitigation with raw sockets (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [virt] vhost: fix error path in vhost_net_set_backend (Michael S. Tsirkin) [593158] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: iwl_good_ack_health() only apply to AGN device (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: code cleanup for connectivity recovery (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Recover TX flow failure (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: move plcp check to separated function (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Recover TX flow stall due to stuck queue (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add internal short scan support for 3945 (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: separated time check for different type of force reset (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Adjusting PLCP error threshold for 1000 NIC (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: multiple force reset mode (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Tune radio to prevent unexpected behavior (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Logic to control how frequent radio should be reset if needed (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add function to reset/tune radio if needed (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: clear all the stop_queue flag after load firmware (John Linville) [573029] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: check for aggregation frame and queue (John Linville) [573029] - [ppc64] kdump: Fix race in kdump shutdown (Steve Best) [559709] - [ppc64] kexec: Fix race in kexec shutdown (Steve Best) [593853] - [net] Add ndo_{set|get}_vf_port support for enic dynamic vnics (Chris Wright) [581087] - [net] Add netlink support for virtual port management (was iovnl) (Chris Wright) [581087] - [net] core: add IFLA_STATS64 support (Chris Wright) [581087] - [netdrv] igb: support for VF configuration tools (Chris Wright) [581087] - [net] rtnetlink: Add SR-IOV VF configuration methods (Chris Wright) [581087] - [pci] Add SR-IOV convenience functions and macros (Chris Wright) [581087] - [scsi] sync iscsi layer (Mike Christie) [564148 570682]- [mm] New round-robin rotor for SLAB allocations (Larry Woodman) [593154] - [netdrv] ixgbe: FCoE fixes (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [net] vlan: updates vlan real_num_tx_queues (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [net] vlan: adds vlan_dev_select_queue (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [net] vlan: Precise RX stats accounting (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [net] add dev_txq_stats_fold() helper (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [net] vlan: Add support to netdev_ops.ndo_fcoe_get_wwn for VLAN device (Andy Gospodarek) [593474] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fixes for link problems, possible DMA errors, and VF/SR-IOV changes (Andy Gospodarek) [575188] - [sound] ALSA HDA driver update 2010-05-11 (Jaroslav Kysela) [591083] - [mm] show per-process swap usage via procfs (Larry Woodman) [546533] - [netdrv] cxgb3 won't recover from EEH event twice (Steve Best) [591738] - [virt] x86, cpu: Print AMD virtualization features in /proc/cpuinfo (Gleb Natapov) [592688] - [x86] Intel ICH9 workaround for HPET timer issue on IbexPeak Platform (Luming Yu) [502629] - [pci] Update pci_dev and pci_bus structs before kabi freeze (Prarit Bhargava) [593322] - [pci] Output FW warning in pci_read/write_vpd (Prarit Bhargava) [586979] - [infiniband] ehca: Require in_wc in process_mad() (Steve Best) [593095] - [security] mmap_min_addr check CAP_SYS_RAWIO only for write (Eric Paris) [592417] - [scsi] aacraid: Eliminate use after free (Tomas Henzl) [592926] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [580677] - [char] Eliminate use after free (Amit Shah) [593189] - [ipmi] fix unlock balance (Tomas Henzl) [592925] - [ppc64] only call start-cpu when a CPU is stopped (Steve Best) [592440] - [ppc64] make query_cpu_stopped callable outside hotplug cpu (Steve Best) [592440] - [kernel] cpufreq: make the iowait-is-busy-time a sysfs tunable (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] ondemand: Solve the big performance issue with ondemand during disk IO (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: introduce get_cpu_iowait_time_us() (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: eliminate the ts->idle_lastupdate field (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: fold updating of the last update time into update_ts_time_stats() (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: update the idle statistics in get_cpu_idle_time_us (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: introduce a function to update the idle statistics (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] sched: add a comment to get_cpu_idle_time_us (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [kernel] nohz: Reuse ktime in sub-functions of tick_check_idle (Rik van Riel) [585330] - [virt] Xen PV-on-HVM: Disable xen-blkfront for IDE & SCSI devices (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] xen: PV-on-HVM: Disable xen-blkfront for PV-on-HVM for now (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] xen: PV-on-HVM: Prevent pv drivers from crashing a FV guest if pv-on-hvm not configured (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] xen: PV-on-HVM: Add kernel command line enablement control (Don Dutile) [523134] - [virt] xen: backport PV-on-HVM (Don Dutile) [523134] - [ppc] pseries: Pass more accurate number of supported cores to firmware (Steve Best) [591341] - [ppc] Add static fields to ibm, client-architecture call (Steve Best) [591341] - [kernel] mutex: Fix optimistic spinning vs. BKL (Steve Best) [591735] - [kernel] mutex: Don't spin when the owner CPU is offline or other weird cases (Steve Best) [591735] - [kernel] sched: Don't use possibly stale sched_class (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] unusual_devs: Add support for multiple Option 3G sticks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] cp210x: Add 81E8 Zephyr Bioharness (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] serial: ftdi: add CONTEC vendor and product id (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] ftdi_sio: sort PID/VID entries in new ftdi_sio_ids.h header (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] ftdi_sio: isolate all device IDs to new ftdi_sio_ids.h header (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] Move hcd free_dev call into usb_disconnect to fix oops (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] remove debugging message for uevent constructions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] fix crash in uhci_scan_schedule (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] fix the idProduct value for USB-3.0 root hubs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] xhci: Fix finding extended capabilities registers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] Fix SCI on IOAPIC != 0 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] Avoid race condition in pci_enable_msix() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: make driver events work in NVRAM poll mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: document HKEY event 3006 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: R52 brightness_mode has been confirmed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: fix poll thread auto-start (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] scm: Only support SCM_RIGHTS on unix domain sockets. (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [usb] serial: sierra driver indat_callback fix (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tty] Fix the ldisc hangup race (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [kernel] devtmpfs: reset inode permissions before unlinking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [kernel] driver-core: fix race condition in get_device_parent() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [pm] hibernate: Fix preallocating of memory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tpm] tpm_tis: TPM_STS_DATA_EXPECT workaround (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [fs] Switch proc/self to nd_set_link() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [hid] usbhid: introduce timeout for stuck ctrl/out URBs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [hid] add multi-input quirk for NextWindow Touchscreen (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [hid] remove TENX iBuddy from blacklist (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [fs] vfs: take f_lock on modifying f_mode after open time (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [acpi] thinkpad-acpi: wrong thermal attribute_group removed in thermal_exit() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [acpi] fix "acpi=ht" boot option (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [acpi] remove Asus P2B-DS from acpi=ht blacklist (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [pci] hotplug: check ioremap() return value in ibmphp_ebda.c (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [pci] hotplug: ibmphp: read the length of ebda and map entire ebda region (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] msr/cpuid: Pass the number of minors when unregistering MSR and CPUID drivers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [fs] fnctl: f_modown should call write_lock_irqsave/restore (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [sound] ASoC: fix a memory-leak in wm8903 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [mtd] UBI: initialise update marker (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [mtd] UBI: fix memory leak in update path (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [ipc] ns: fix memory leak (idr) (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [input] i8042: remove identification strings from DMI tables (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [netdrv] starfire: clean up properly if firmware loading fails (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [kernel] random: drop weird m_time/a_time manipulation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [kernel] random: Remove unused inode variable (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [mm] purge fragmented percpu vmap blocks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [mm] percpu-vmap fix RCU list walking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [x86] Add quirk for Intel DG45FC board to avoid low memory corruption (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [regulator] Specify REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS for WM835x LED constraints (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [x86] Add Dell OptiPlex 760 reboot quirk (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [mm] fix migratetype bug which slowed swapping (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [input] winbond-cir: remove dmesg spam (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [acpi] Advertise to BIOS in _OSC: _OST on _PPC changes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [infiniband] Fix failure exit in ipathfs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [acpi] fix OSC regression that caused aer and pciehp not to load (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [acpi] Add platform-wide _OSC support (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [acpi] Add a generic API for _OSC (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [s390x] fix single stepped svcs with TRACE_IRQFLAGS=y (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [fs] sysfs: sysfs_sd_setattr set iattrs unconditionally (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [acpi] fix High cpu temperature with 2.6.32 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [usb] usbfs: properly clean up the as structure on error paths (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [kernel] class: Free the class private data in class_release (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [serial] 8250: add serial transmitter fully empty test (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [rtc] rtc-fm3130: add missing braces (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [ata] Call flush_dcache_page after PIO data transfers in libata-sff.c (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [net] dst: call cond_resched() in dst_gc_task() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [crypto] padlock-sha: Add import/export support (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [x86] dell-wmi, hp-wmi: check wmi_get_event_data() return value (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [tpm] tpm_infineon: fix suspend/resume handler for pnp_driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add USB device ID's for B&B Electronics line (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [fs] anon_inode: set S_IFREG on the anon_inode (Eric Paris) [591813]- [ppc] pseries: Flush lazy kernel mappings after unplug operations (Steve Best) [591340] - [fs] ext3: enable barriers by default (Eric Sandeen) [586062] - [tracing] regset xstate extensions + generic PTRACE_{GET,SET}REGSET support (Oleg Nesterov) [587724] - [scsi] hpsa: update to 2.0.2 (Tomas Henzl) [587418] - [mm] Print more information about the task being OOM killed (Larry Woodman) [546533] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() (Stefan Assmann) [589497] - [acpi] Fix regression where _PPC is not read at boot even when ignore_ppc=0 (Matthew Garrett) [571893] - [x86] i386: Do a global tlb flush on S4 resume (Matthew Garrett) [572818] - [pci] Add ABI for PCI runtime power management (Matthew Garrett) [589781] - [block] Fix regression in O_DIRECT|O_SYNC writes to block devices (Jeff Moyer) [582628] - [kernel] add skip_spaces() implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [591078] - [kernel] sched: cpuacct: Use bigger percpu counter batch values for stats counters (Steve Best) [591343] - [kernel] idr: fix a critical misallocation bug (Eric Paris) [582109] - [net] tcp: Fix OOB POLLIN avoidance (Oleg Nesterov) [584786] - [s390x] qeth: synchronize configuration interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [586962] - [fs] inotify: race use after free/double free in inotify inode marks (Eric Paris) [582109] - [fs] ext4: Add flag to files with blocks intentionally past EOF (Eric Sandeen) [578562] - [drm] backport patches up to 2.6.34-rc7 (Adam Jackson) [589792] - [kernel] elf coredump: add extended numbering support (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [kernel] binfmt_elf_fdpic: Fix build breakage introduced by coredump changes. (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [kernel] elf coredump: make offset calculation process and writing process explicit (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [kernel] elf coredump: replace ELF_CORE_EXTRA_* macros by functions (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [kernel] coredump: move dump_write() and dump_seek() into a header file (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [kernel] coredump: unify dump_seek() implementations for each binfmt_*.c (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [mm] introduce coredump parameter structure (Amerigo Wang) [578659] - [powerpc] Reduce printk from pseries_mach_cpu_die() (Steve Best) [590754] - [powerpc] Move checks in pseries_mach_cpu_die() (Steve Best) [590754] - [powerpc] Reset kernel stack on cpu online from cede state (Steve Best) [590754] - [virt] don't compute pvclock adjustments if we trust the tsc (Glauber Costa) [569603] - [virt] Try using new kvm clock msrs (Glauber Costa) [569603] - [virt] Add a global synchronization point for pvclock (Glauber Costa) [569603] - [virt] Enable pvclock flags in vcpu_time_info structure (Glauber Costa) [569603] - [virt] Tell the guest we'll warn it about tsc stability (Glauber Costa) [592296] - [virt] export paravirtual cpuid flags in KVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID (Glauber Costa) [592296] - [virt] add new KVMCLOCK cpuid feature (Glauber Costa) [592296] - [virt] change msr numbers for kvmclock (Glauber Costa) [592296] - [scsi] enclosure: fix oops while iterating enclosure_status array (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [usb] fix bitmask merge error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [acpi] enable C2 and Turbo-mode on Nehalem notebooks on A/C (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [input] i8042: add Gigabyte M1022M to the noloop list (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [kernel] nohz: Prevent clocksource wrapping during idle (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [kernel] sched: Fix missing sched tunable recalculation on cpu add/remove (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [netdrv] atl1c: use common_task instead of reset_task and link_chg_task (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [netdrv] atl1e: disable NETIF_F_TSO6 for hardware limit (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [kernel] driver-core: fix devtmpfs crash on s390 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [kernel] devtmpfs: set root directory mode to 0755 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [input] ALPS: add interleaved protocol support for Dell E6x00 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [mm] flush dcache before writing into page to avoid alias (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [block] pktcdvd: removing device does not remove its sysfs dir (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [mm] add new 'read_cache_page_gfp()' helper function (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [acpi] Add NULL pointer check in acpi_bus_start (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [usb] usbfs: only copy the actual data received (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [net] netfilter: xtables: compat out of scope fix (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [net] pktgen: Fix freezing problem (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065]- [scsi] Sync fcoe to upsteam (Mike Christie) [590781] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix memory barrier (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580477] - [x86] kprobes: fix removed int3 checking order (Dave Anderson) [585400] - [net] fix oops at bootime in sysctl code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [net] af_packet: Don't use skb after dev_queue_xmit() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [net] restore ip source validation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [net] tcp: update the netstamp_needed counter when cloning sockets (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [net] icmp: send fragment reassembly timeout w/ conntrack enabled (Neil Horman) [563175] - [fs] GFS2: stuck in inode wait, no glocks stuck (Robert S Peterson) [583737] - [mm] compcache: Backport compcache: ramzswap documentation (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] compcache: xvmalloc memory allocator (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] compcache: virtual block device driver (ramzswap) (Jerome Marchand) [578641] - [mm] readahead: fix NULL filp dereference (Josef Bacik) [591055] - [netdrv] tg3: 57780 and 5785 devices refuse to attach (Andy Gospodarek) [564117] - [x86] Fetch valid frequencies for powernow_k8.o from ACPI _PST table (Bhavna Sarathy) [464630] - [s390x] ptrace: fix return value of do_syscall_trace_enter() (Hendrik Brueckner) [588216] - [fs] gfs2: fix oops while copying from ext3 to gfs2 (Abhijith Das) [586009] {CVE-2010-1436} - [virt] virtio: console: Accept console size along with resize control message (Amit Shah) [589307] - [virt] virtio: console: Store each console's size in the console structure (Amit Shah) [589307] - [virt] virtio: console: Resize console port 0 on config intr only if multiport is off (Amit Shah) [589307] - [sound] ac97: Add IBM ThinkPad R40e to Headphone/Line Jack Sense blacklist (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [sound] ac97: Add Toshiba P500 to ac97 jack sense blacklist (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [x86] amd: Restrict usage of c1e_idle() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [x86] Fix placement of FIX_OHCI1394_BASE (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [net] netfilter: xt_recent: fix regression in rules using a zero hit_count (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [kernel] softlockup: Stop spurious softlockup messages due to overflow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [kernel] cpuset: fix the problem that cpuset_mem_spread_node() returns an offline node (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [pci] cleanup error return for pcix get and set mmrbc functions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [pci] fix access of PCI_X_CMD by pcix get and set mmrbc functions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [pci] fix return value from pcix_get_max_mmrbc() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [net] if_tunnel.h: add missing ams/byteorder.h include (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] jme: Protect vlgrp structure by pause RX actions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] jme: Fix VLAN memory leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] option: add support for a new CMOTECH device to usb/serial/option (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] option: move hardcoded PID to a macro in usb/serial/option (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] option: fix incorrect manufacturer name in usb/serial/option: MAXON->CMOTECH (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] xHCI: re-initialize cmd_completion (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] EHCI: adjust ehci_iso_stream for changes in ehci_qh (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [usb] EHCI: fix ITD list order (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tty] Take a 256 byte padding into account when buffering below sub-page units (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tty] Keep the default buffering to sub-page units (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [mm] tmpfs: cleanup mpol_parse_str() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [perf] Make the install relative to DESTDIR if specified (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [perf] perf_event: Fix oops triggered by cpu offline/online (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [isdn] gigaset: prune use of tty_buffer_request_room (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [isdn] gigaset: correct clearing of at_state strings on RING (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [sound] hda: Disable MSI for Nvidia controller (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [sound] hda: Fix 0 dB offset for HP laptops using CX20551 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [sound] hda: Fix secondary ADC of ALC260 basic model (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [virt] virtio: fix out of range array access (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [ipc] mqueue: fix mq_open() file descriptor leak on user-space processes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [security] sysctl: require CAP_SYS_RAWIO to set mmap_min_addr (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [kernel] sched: Mark boot-cpu active before smp_init() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [pci] add support for 82576NS serdes to existing SR-IOV quirk (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [v4l] DVB: em28xx-dvb: fix memleak in dvb_fini() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [pci] unconditionally clear AER uncorr status register during cleanup (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] Do not record user stack trace from NMI context (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] Disable buffer switching when starting or stopping trace (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] Use same local variable when resetting the ring buffer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] function-graph: Init curr_ret_stack with ret_stack (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] ring-buffer: Move disabled check into preempt disable section (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [input] i8042: add ALDI/MEDION netbook E1222 to qurik reset table (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [net] netfilter: xt_recent: fix false match (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] netfilter: xt_recent: fix buffer overflow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tracing] oprofile/x86: fix msr access to reserved counters (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tracing] oprofile/x86: use kzalloc() instead of kmalloc() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tracing] oprofile/x86: remove node check in AMD IBS initialization (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [tracing] oprofile: remove tracing build dependency (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] oprofile: fix perfctr nmi reservation for mulitplexing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] via-rhine: Fix scheduling while atomic bugs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] ipv6: conntrack: Add member of user to nf_ct_frag6_queue structure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] Remove bogus IGMPv3 report handling (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] sysfs: Use rtnl_trylock in wireless sysfs methods (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [net] Fix sysctl restarts (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [mm] slab: initialize unused alien cache entry as NULL at alloc_alien_cache() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] DVB: cxusb: Select all required frontend and tuner modules (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] dvb: l64781.ko broken with gcc 4.5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] DVB: uvcvideo: Fix controls blacklisting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix hash resizing with namespaces (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: restrict runtime expect hashsize modifications (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [net] netfilter: xtables: fix conntrack match v1 ipt-save output (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [v4l] DVGB: DocBook/media: create links for included sources (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [v4l] DVB: DocBook/media: copy images after building HTML (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [v4l] DVB: dvb-core: fix initialization of feeds list in demux filter (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [dma] ioat: fix infinite timeout checking in ioat2_quiesce (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [v4l] DVB: smsusb: add autodetection support for five additional Hauppauge USB IDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [x86] cpufreq: Fix use after free of struct powernow_k8_data (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [regulator] Fix display of null constraints for regulators (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065]- [fs] exec: Fix 'flush_old_exec()/setup_new_exec()' split (Jiri Olsa) [586024] {CVE-2010-0307} - [powerpc] TIF_ABI_PENDING bit removal (Jiri Olsa) [586024] {CVE-2010-0307} - [x86] set_personality_ia32() misses force_personality32 (Jiri Olsa) [586024] {CVE-2010-0307} - [x86] get rid of the TIF_ABI_PENDING bit (Jiri Olsa) [586024] {CVE-2010-0307} - [kernel] split 'flush_old_exec' into two functions (Jiri Olsa) [586024] {CVE-2010-0307} - [net] sctp: fix skb_over_panic from processing too many unknown params (Neil Horman) [584659] {CVE-2010-1173} - [virt] kvm: fix vmx null pointer dereference (Eduardo Habkost) [570534] {CVE-2010-0435} - [fs] gfs2: fix quota state reporting (Christoph Hellwig) [589945] - [fs] gfs2: fix quota file size not a multiple of struct gfs2_quota (Abhijith Das) [589813] - [x86] Use physical mode for IBM Summit platforms (John Villalovos) [558397] - [mm] page allocator: update NR_FREE_PAGES only when necessary (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [mm] memcg: ensure list is empty at rmdir (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [video] revert "drivers/video/s3c-fb.c: fix clock setting for Samsung SoC Framebuffer" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [v4l] DVB: gspca - sunplus: Fix bridge exchanges (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [hwmon] fschmd: Fix a memleak on multiple opens of /dev/watchdog (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [sound] hda: Fix HP T5735 automute (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [sound] hda: Fix quirk for Maxdata obook4-1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [sound] ice1724: Patch for suspend/resume for ESI Juli@ (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [sound] usb-audio: Avoid Oops after disconnect (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [sound] ctxfi: fix PTP address initialization (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [hwmon] lm78: Request I/O ports individually for probing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [hwmon] w83781d: Request I/O ports individually for probing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [hwmon] tmp421: Fix temperature conversions (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sound] via82xx: add quirk for D1289 motherboard (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [hwmon] tmp421: Restore missing inputs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sound] USB MIDI support for Access Music VirusTI (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sound] hda-intel: Add position_fix quirk for ASUS M2V-MX SE (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sound] pcm core: fix fifo_size channels interval check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sound] hda: Use 3stack quirk for Toshiba Satellite L40-10Q (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [bluetooth] Fix potential bad memory access with sysfs files (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [hwmon] coretemp: Add missing newline to dev_warn() message (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [bluetooth] Fix kernel crash on L2CAP stress tests (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [input] wacom: ensure the device is initialized properly upon resume (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [sound] hda: Fix input source elements of secondary ADCs on Realtek (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [x86] nmi watchdog: use generic interrupt source to determine deadlocks (Don Zickus) [574570] - [dm] eliminate some holes in data structures (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] ioctl: introduce flag indicating uevent was generated (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] free dm_io before bio_endio not after (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] table: remove unused dm_get_device range parameters (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] ioctl: only issue uevent on resume if state changed (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] raid1: always return error if all legs fail (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: refactor pg_init (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: wait for pg_init completion when suspending (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: hold io until all pg_inits completed (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: avoid storing private suspended state (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] document when snapshot has finished merging (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] table: remove dm_get from dm_table_get_md (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: skip activate_path for failed paths (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [dm] mpath: pass struct pgpath to pg init done (Mike Snitzer) [586089] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix deferred hardware scan requests (John Linville) [561762] - [x86] asus-laptop: add Lenovo SL hotkey support (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [input] pmouse: move Sentelic probe down the list (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [pci] cardbus: Add a fixup hook and fix powerpc (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [mfd] Correct WM835x ISINK ramp time defines (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [mfd] WM835x GPIO direction register is not locked (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [edac] i5000_edac critical fix panic out of bounds (Stanislaw Gruszka) [579693] - [i2c] i2c-tiny-usb: Fix on big-endian systems (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [x86] thinkpad-acpi: fix bluetooth/wwan resume (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [v4l] DVB: bttv: Move I2C IR initialization (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [bluetooth] Fix sleeping function in RFCOMM within invalid context (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [i2c] i2c-i801: Don't use the block buffer for I2C block writes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [s390x] vdso: use ntp adjusted clock multiplier (Hendrik Brueckner) [575728] - [s390x] timekeeping: Fix clock_gettime vsyscall time warp (Hendrik Brueckner) [575728] - [s390x] timekeeping: Fix accumulation bug triggered by long delay (Hendrik Brueckner) [575728] - [netdrv] igb: fix warning in drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c (Stefan Assmann) [589272] - [x86] Re-get cfg_new in case reuse/move irq_desc (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065 583555] - [hwmon] adt7462: fix wrong ADT7462_VOLT_COUNT (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [fs] exec.c: fix initial stack reservation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [fs] exec.c: restrict initial stack space expansion to rlimit (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [kernel] resource: add helpers for fetching rlimits (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [tracing] ext4: Convert some events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some jbd2 events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some block events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some power events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some workqueue events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert softirq events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some kmem events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert module refcnt events to DEFINE_EVENT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] xfs: use DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Harmonize event field names and print output names (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Add DEFINE_EVENT(), DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT() support to docbook (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [block] blk-cgroup: config options re-arrangement (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Fix another BUG_ON() crash due to cfqq movement across groups (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Fix blkio crash during rq stat update (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Initialize blkg->stats_lock for the root cfqg too (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Fix compile errors (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] Update to io-controller stats (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] io-controller: Add a new interface "weight_device" for IO-Controller (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fix the incorrect timeslice accounting with forced_dispatch (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Add more debug-only per-cgroup stats (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Add io_queued and avg_queue_size stats (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Add io_merged stat (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Changes to IO controller additional stats patches (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] expose the statistics in blkio.time and blkio.sectors for the root cgroup (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Increment the blkio cgroup stats for real now (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Add io controller stats like (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] blkio: Remove per-cfqq nr_sectors as we'll be passing (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] cfq-iosched: Add additional blktrace log messages in CFQ for easier debugging (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [block] cfq-iosched: requests "in flight" vs "in driver" clarification (Vivek Goyal) [586182] - [ppc] cxgb3: Wait longer for control packets on initialization (Steve Best) [588848] - [virt] KVM: convert ioapic lock to spinlock (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: fix the handling of dirty bitmaps to avoid overflows (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: MMU: fix kvm_mmu_zap_page() and its calling path (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Save/restore rflags.vm correctly in real mode (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: Dont spam kernel log when injecting exceptions due to bad cr writes (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: SVM: Fix memory leaks that happen when svm_create_vcpu() fails (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [virt] KVM: VMX: Update instruction length on intercepted BP (Marcelo Tosatti) [588811] - [drm] nouveau: initial eDP support + additional fixes (Ben Skeggs) [588581] - [s390x] zcore: Fix reipl device detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [587025] - [connector] Delete buggy notification code (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064 586025] {CVE-2010-0410} - [netdrv] ath9k: fix beacon slot/buffer leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [fusion] mptsas: Fix issue with chain pools allocation on katmai (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [sunrpc] Fix a potential memory leak in auth_gss (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [tracing] scsi: Enhance SCSI command tracing (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] scsi: Add missing verify command definitions (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] scsi: ftrace based SCSI command tracing (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] add __print_hex() (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Add notrace to TRACE_EVENT implementation functions (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Move a printk out of ftrace_raw_reg_event_foo() (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Rename TRACE_EVENT_TEMPLATE() to DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS() (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Convert some sched trace events to DEFINE_EVENT and _PRINT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Create new DEFINE_EVENT_PRINT (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Create new TRACE_EVENT_TEMPLATE (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] additional interface changes and fixes (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [tracing] Ftrace dynamic ftrace_event_call support (Mike Snitzer) [588108] - [fs] quota: fix WARN_ON when quota reservations get out of sync (Eric Sandeen) [581951] - [scsi] fcoe: sync with upstream (Mike Christie) [577049 578328]- [fs] ecryptfs: disallow ecryptfs as underlying filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [585185] - [mm] Fix Section Mismatch warning in put_page_bootmem() (Prarit Bhargava) [587040] - [mm] transparent hugepage support update (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [netdrv] ath9k: revert fb6635f6c114313f246cc34abc0b677264a765ed (Aristeu Rozanski) [584757] - [virt] KVM: take srcu lock before call to complete_pio() (Gleb Natapov) [585887] - [virt] virtio: Fix GFP flags passed from the virtio balloon driver (Amit Shah) [584680] - [x86] Check chip_data value in irq_force_complete_move() (Prarit Bhargava) [564398] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: use __cpuinit for 32-bit nmi_watchdog_default (Prarit Bhargava) [586967] - [acpi] Fall back to manually changing SCI_EN (Matthew Garrett) [587008] - [pci] Ensure that devices are resumed properly (Matthew Garrett) [586780] - [serial] usb-serial: Rework and update qcserial (Matthew Garrett) [587009] - [scsi] scsi_lib: Fix bug in completion of bidi commands (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [net] phonet: add check for null pernet mem pointer in notifier (Jiri Pirko) [573122] - [nfs] Ensure that writeback_single_inode() calls write_inode() when syncing (Jeff Layton) [584382] - [serial] 8250_pnp: use wildcard for serial Wacom tablets (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [fs] ext4: check s_log_groups_per_flex in online resize code (Eric Sandeen) [519461] - [x86] Fix sched_clock_cpu for systems with unsynchronized TSC (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [x86] Reenable TSC sync check at boot, even with NONSTOP_TSC (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [mm] slab: add memory hotplug support (Prarit Bhargava) [562880] - [x86] Set hotpluggable nodes in nodes_possible_map (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [x86] acpi: Auto Online Hot-Added Memory (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [mm] memory hotplug: fix a bug on /dev/mem for 64-bit kernels (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [mm] update all PGDs for direct mapping changes on 64 bit (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [x86] acpi: Map hotadded cpu to correct node (Prarit Bhargava) [568344] - [ipmi] Change timeout and event poll to one second (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Attempt to register multiple SIs of the same type (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Reduce polling (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Reduce polling when interrupts are available (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Change device discovery order (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Only register one si per bmc (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Split device discovery and registration (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [ipmi] Change addr_source to an enum rather than strings (Matthew Garrett) [584106] - [drm] radeon: rs780/rs880: MSI quirk fixes (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon/kms: MC + watermark fixes + reset (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon/kms/evergreen: add evergreen stage 2 - HPD irq (Dave Airlie) [580757] - [drm] radeon: fixup radeon_asic struct c/h files (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon/kms: misc + tv dac fixes (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon/kms: squash upstream HDMI audio commits (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] kms/radeon: Integrated graphics fixes (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon/kms: spread spectrum + pll fixes (Dave Airlie) [586168] - [drm] radeon: add initial evergreen support + fixes (Dave Airlie) [580757] - [kernel] tty: tty->pgrp races (Jiri Olsa) [586022] - [netdrv] kernel: fix the r8169 frame length check error (Jiri Olsa) [586017] {CVE-2009-4537}- [doc] add the documentation for mpol=local (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [fs] tmpfs: handle MPOL_LOCAL mount option properly (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [fs] tmpfs: mpol=bind:0 don't cause mount error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] tun: orphan an skb on tx (Michael S. Tsirkin) [584428] - [s390x] vmalloc: IPL failure with enabled memory cgroups (Hendrik Brueckner) [580918] - [netdrv] b43: fall back gracefully to PIO mode after fatal DMA errors (John Linville) [583069] - [netdrv] b43: Allow PIO mode to be selected at module load (John Linville) [583069] - [netdrv] b43: Remove reset after fatal DMA error (John Linville) [583069] - [netdrv] b43: Optimize PIO scratchbuffer usage (John Linville) [583069] - [fs] vfs: get_sb_single() - do not pass options twice (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [fs] tmpfs: fix oops on mounts with mpol=default (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [kernel] cred.c: use kmem_cache_free (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [fs] partition/msdos: fix unusable extended partition for > 512B sector (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [fs] partitions/msdos: add support for large disks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [fs] eCryptfs: Add getattr function (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [fs] ecryptfs: initialize private persistent file before dereferencing pointer (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [fs] ecryptfs: use after free (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580062] - [ppc] Track backing pages used allocated by vmemmap_populate() (Steve Best) [547854] - [netdrv] be2net: recent bug fixes from upstream (Ivan Vecera) [583766] - [sunrpc] handle allocation errors from __rpc_lookup_create() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [nfs] Prevent another deadlock in nfs_release_page() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [nfs] NFSv4: Don't ignore the NFS_INO_REVAL_FORCED flag in nfs_revalidate_inode() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [nfs] Fix an allocation-under-spinlock bug (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sunrpc] Handle EINVAL error returns from the TCP connect operation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [sunrpc] remove unnecessary svc_xprt_put (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [x86] Add iMac9,1 to pci_reboot_dmi_table (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [rtc] rtc-core: fix memory leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [mm] readahead: introduce FMODE_RANDOM for POSIX_FADV_RANDOM (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [fs] fix LOOKUP_FOLLOW on automount "symlinks" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [nfs] Too many GETATTR and ACCESS calls after direct I/O (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [virt] kvmclock: count total_sleep_time when updating guest clock (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [kernel] Export the symbol of getboottime and mmonotonic_to_bootbased (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [nfs] NFS: Fix the mapping of the NFSERR_SERVERFAULT error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [nfs] NFS: Fix a umount race (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [x86] amd-iommu: Fix possible integer overflow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [ata] libata: retry FS IOs even if it has failed with AC_ERR_INVALID (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [firewire] firewire: ohci: fix crashes with TSB43AB23 on 64bit systems (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [ata] pata_hpt3x2n: always stretch UltraDMA timing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [cgroup] memcg: fix oom killing a child process in an other cgroup (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [ata] libata: retry link resume if necessary (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [firewire] core: add_descriptor size check (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix scan race (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: clear all tx queues when firmware ready (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: need check for valid qos packet before free (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] mac80211: tear down all agg queues when restart/reconfig hw (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] mac80211: move netdev queue enabling to correct spot (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] setup correct int pipe type in ar9170_usb_exec_cmd (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: range checking issue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix nfreed-- (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: counting number of tfds can be free for 4965 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584759] - [netdrv] b43: Workaround circular locking in hw-tkip key update callback (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [ata] ahci: use BIOS date in broken_suspend list (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] mac80211: Reset dynamic ps timer in Rx path (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath9k: Enable IEEE80211_HW_REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS flag for ath9k (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] mac80211: Retry null data frame for power save (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath9k: Enable TIM timer interrupt only when needed. (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix BUG_ON triggered by PAE frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Silence tfds_in_queue message (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: use dma_alloc_coherent (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] wl1251: fix potential crash (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [block] readahead: add blk_run_backing_dev (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix lockdep warning when unloading module (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [scsi] mvsas: add support for Adaptec ASC-1045/1405 SAS/SATA HBA (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath5k: fix setup for CAB queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] ath5k: dont use external sleep clock in AP mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix tg3_poll_controller() passing wrong pointer to tg3_interrupt() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [584757] - [netdrv] b43/b43legacy: Wake queues in wireless_core_start (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] ath5k: use correct packet type when transmitting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] ath9k: disable RIFS search for AR91xx based chips (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix rate control fallback rate selection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix beacon timer restart after a card reset (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] p54usb: Add the USB ID for Belkin (Accton) FD7050E ver 1010ec (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] rndis_wlan: disable stall workaround (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] rndis_wlan: fix buffer overflow in rndis_query_oid (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] rndis_wlan: handle NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] sky2: fix transmit DMA map leakage (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] airo: fix setting zero length WEP key (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] mac80211: quit addba_resp_timer if Tx BA session is torn down (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: sanity check before counting number of tfds can be free (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: set HT flags after channel in rxon (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: error checking for number of tfds in queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580067] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Fix to set correct ht configuration (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [netdrv] mac80211: Fix probe request filtering in IBSS mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [netdrv] ath9k: Fix sequence numbers for PAE frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [netdrv] b43: Fix throughput regression (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [netdrv] rtl8187: Add new device ID (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [ata] ahci: add Acer G725 to broken suspend list (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [scsi] mptfusion: mptscsih_abort return value should be SUCCESS instead of value 0 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [nfs] Fix an Oops when truncating a file (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [block] cciss: Make cciss_seq_show handle holes in the h->drv[] array (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580065] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix eeprom INI values override for 2GHz-only cards (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix NULL pointer dereference when ftrace is enabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [block] fix bugs in bio-integrity mempool usage (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] sky2: Fix oops in sky2_xmit_frame() after TX timeout (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: set default aggregation frame count limit to 31 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] e1000/e1000e: don't use small hardware rx buffers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [netdrv] e1000: enhance frame fragment detection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580064] - [mm] rmap: anon_vma_prepare() can leak anon_vma_chain (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] rmap: add exclusively owned pages to the newest anon_vma (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] anonvma: when setting up page->mapping, we need to pick the _oldest_ anonvma (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] anon_vma: clone the anon_vma chain in the right order (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] vma_adjust: fix the copying of anon_vma chains (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] Simplify and comment on anon_vma re-use for anon_vma_prepare() (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [mm] rmap: fix anon_vma_fork() memory leak (Rik van Riel) [579936] - [s390x] nss: add missing .previous statement to asm function (Hendrik Brueckner) [581521] - [ata] pata_mavell: correct check of AHCI config option (David Milburn) [584483] - [fs] ext4: Issue the discard operation before releasing the blocks (Eric Sandeen) [575884] - [scsi] 3w_sas: new driver (Tomas Henzl) [572781] - [kernel] hrtimer: Tune hrtimer_interrupt hang logic (Marcelo Tosatti) [576355]- [netdrv] b43: ssb: do not read SPROM if it does not exist (John Linville) [574895] - [netdrv] igb: add support for Intel I350 Gigabit Network Connection (Stefan Assmann) [580727] - [kernel] exec: refactor how usermodehelpers work and modify core_pipe recursion check (Neil Horman) [557387] - [kernel] re-export page_is_ram() for crash module (Prarit Bhargava) [583032] - [x86] amd_iommu: allow iommu to complete dma transactions during transition to kdump kernel (Neil Horman) [577788] - [nfs] rsize and wsize settings ignored on v4 mounts (Steve Dickson) [582697] - [net] igmp: fix ip_mc_sf_allow race (Flavio Leitner) [578932] - [net] Remove skb_dma_map/unmap calls from drivers (Thomas Graf) [576690] - [scsi] mpt2sas: IOs needs to be pause until handles are refreshed for all device after recovery (Tomas Henzl) [577909] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Reworked scmd->result priority for _scsih_qcmd (Tomas Henzl) [577909] - [x86] Suppress stack overrun message for init_task (Prarit Bhargava) [582625] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Advertise rc4-hmac enctype support in the rpcsec_gss/krb5 upcall (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Add support for rc4-hmac encryption (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Use confounder length in wrap code (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gssd_krb5: More arcfour-hmac support (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Save the raw session key in the context (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gssd_krb5: arcfour-hmac support (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Advertise AES enctype support in the rpcsec_gss/krb5 upcall (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: add remaining pieces to enable AES encryption support (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: add support for new token formats in rfc4121 (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] xdr: Add an export for the helper function write_bytes_to_xdr_buf() (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Advertise triple-des enctype support in the rpcsec_gss/krb5 upcall (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: add support for triple-des encryption (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Add upcall info indicating supported kerberos enctypes (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: handle new context format from gssd (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: import functionality to derive keys into the kernel (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: add ability to have a keyed checksum (hmac) (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: introduce encryption type framework (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: prepare for new context format (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: split up functions in preparation of adding new enctypes (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Don't expect blocksize to always be 8 when calculating padding (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Added and improved code comments (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [sunrpc] gss_krb5: Introduce encryption type framework (Steve Dickson) [498317] - [mm] Fix vfree race resulting in kernel bug (Steven Whitehouse) [582522] - [ata] libata: fix accesses at LBA28 boundary (David Milburn) [582432] - [netdrv] b43: Rewrite DMA Tx status handling sanity checks (John Linville) [574533] - [char] tty: release_one_tty() forgets to put pids (Oleg Nesterov) [582077] {CVE-2010-1162} - [mm] oom: fix the unsafe usage of badness() in proc_oom_score() (Oleg Nesterov) [582069] - [netdrv] bonding: fix broken multicast with round-robin mode (Andy Gospodarek) [581644] - [x86] Remove sysfs_attr_init, sysfs_bin_attr_init changes introduced in last MCE patch (Prarit Bhargava) [581659] - [kernel] sched_getaffinity: allow less than NR_CPUS length (Oleg Nesterov) [578970] - [scsi] bfa sync w/ upstream (Rob Evers) [576716] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix ordering of ordered buffers (Steven Whitehouse) [581011] - [gfs] GFS2: Don't withdraw on partial rindex entries (Robert S Peterson) [581009] - [gfs] GFS2: livelock while reclaiming unlinked dinodes (Robert S Peterson) [570182] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Do not reset handle before calling _scsih_remove_device in RESCAN task after HBA RESET (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Device removal algorithm in interrupt ctx (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix the incorrect scsi_dma_map error checking (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] Upgrading version to (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] mpt2sas: modified _scsih_sas_device_find_by_handle/sas_address (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] mpt2sas: RESCAN Barrier work is added in case of HBA reset (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] update the version to (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: add support for transport layer retries (TLR) (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added raid transport support (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [scsi] eliminate potential kmalloc failure in scsi_get_vpd_page() (Tomas Henzl) [572646] - [ata] libata: fix ata_id_logical_per_physical_sectors (David Milburn) [582021] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Fix throughput stall issue in HT mode for 5000 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [infiniband] IPoIB: Clear ipoib_neigh.dgid in ipoib_neigh_alloc() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [net] cfg80211: fix channel setting for wext (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [net] mac80211: check that ieee80211_set_power_mgmt only handles STA interfaces (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [ata] ata_piix: fix MWDMA handling on PIIX3 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [ata] ahci: disable SNotification capability for ich8 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [netdrv] ar9170: Add support for D-Link DWA 160 A2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix DMA mapping cleanup in case of an error in TSO (Stanislaw Gruszka) [580063] - [fs] ext4: don't call write_inode under the journal (Josef Bacik) [576202] - [fs] ext4: Calculate metadata requirements more accurately (Josef Bacik) [576202] - [fs] ext4: Patch up how we claim metadata blocks for quota purposes (Josef Bacik) [576202] - [fs] ext4: fix potential quota deadlock (Josef Bacik) [576202] - [virt] virtio: console: Add support for nonblocking write()s (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Rename wait_is_over() to will_read_block() (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Don't always create a port 0 if using multiport (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Use a control message to add ports (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Move code around for future patches (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Remove config work handler (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Don't call hvc_remove() on unplugging console ports (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Return -EPIPE to hvc_console if we lost the connection (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Let host know of port or device add failures (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Add a __send_control_msg() that can send messages without a valid port (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] hvc_console: Fix race between hvc_close and hvc_remove (Amit Shah) [577222] - [virt] virtio: console makes incorrect assumption about virtio API (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] MAINTAINERS: Put the virtio-console entry in correct alphabetical order (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix early_put_chars usage (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Check if port is valid in resize_console (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Generate a kobject CHANGE event on adding 'name' attribute (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Use better variable names for fill_queue operation (Amit Shah) [576241] - [virt] virtio: console: Fix type of 'len' as unsigned int (Amit Shah) [576241] - [vfs] rename block_fsync() to blkdev_fsync() (Jeff Moyer) [579781] - [char] raw: add an fsync method (Jeff Moyer) [579781] - [x86] Don't use logical-flat mode when more than 8 CPUs are possible (John Villalovos) [563798] - [net] Backport the new socket API recvmmsg, receive multiple messages (Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo) [579850] - [kernel] coredump: fix the page leak in dump_seek() (Oleg Nesterov) [580126] - [s390x] callhome: fix broken proc interface and activate comp ID (Hendrik Brueckner) [579482]- [x86] Update x86 MCE code (Prarit Bhargava) [580587] - [scsi] 3w-xxxx: Force 60 second timeout default (Tomas Henzl) [572778] - [netdrv] enic: update to upstream version (Andy Gospodarek) [575950] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for 82576 ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (Stefan Assmann) [577421] - [kernel] resource: Fix generic page_is_ram() for partial RAM pages (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [x86] Use the generic page_is_ram() (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [x86] Remove BIOS data range from e820 (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [kernel] Move page_is_ram() declaration to mm.h (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [kernel] Generic page_is_ram: use __weak (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [kernel] resources: introduce generic page_is_ram() (Prarit Bhargava) [578834] - [fs] GFS2: Clean up copying from stuffed files (Steven Whitehouse) [580857] - [netdrv] igb: restrict WoL for 82576 ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (Stefan Assmann) [578804] - [drm] radeon/kms: move radeon KMS on/off switch out of staging (Dave Airlie) [580766] - [netdrv] p54: fix deadlocks under tx load (Michal Schmidt) [580557] - [gfs2] GFS2: Mandatory locking fix (Steven Whitehouse) [571606] {CVE-2010-0727} - [x86] AMD: Fix NULL pointer dereference on 32-bit (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [x86] Add wbinvd SMP helper routines (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [x86] L3 cache: Remove NUMA dependency (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [x86] Calculate L3 indices (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [x86] Add cache index disable sys attributes (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [x86] Fix disabling of L3 cache indices (Bhavna Sarathy) [571474] - [fs] NFS: Avoid a deadlock in nfs_release_page (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Remove requirement for inode->i_mutex from nfs_invalidate_mapping (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Clean up nfs_sync_mapping (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Simplify nfs_wb_page() (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Replace __nfs_write_mapping with sync_inode() (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Simplify nfs_wb_page_cancel() (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Ensure inode is always marked I_DIRTY_DATASYNC, if it has unstable pages (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Run COMMIT as an asynchronous RPC call when wbc->for_background is set (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Reduce the number of unnecessary COMMIT calls (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Add a count of the number of unstable writes carried by an inode (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] NFS: Cleanup - move nfs_write_inode() into fs/nfs/write.c (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] writeback: pass writeback_control to ->write_inode (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] writeback: make sure data is on disk before calling ->write_inode (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [fs] writeback: introduce wbc.for_background (Jeff Layton) [525963] - [netdrv] macvlan: fix support for multiple driver backends (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] net/macvtap: add vhost support (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvtap: add GSO/csum offload support (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvtap: rework object lifetime rules (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvtap: fix reference counting (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] net: macvtap driver (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvlan: export macvlan mode through netlink (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvlan: implement bridge, VEPA and private mode (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvlan: cleanup rx statistics (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvlan: Precise RX stats accounting (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] macvlan: add private dev_txq_stats_fold function (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [netdrv] veth: move loopback logic to common location (Anthony Liguori) [553337 566731] - [s390x] zfcp: Remove lock dependency on unit remove (Hendrik Brueckner) [576860] - [s390x] zfcp: Remove lock dependency on unit add (Hendrik Brueckner) [576860] - [s390x] zfcp: Remove lock dependency on CCW remove (Hendrik Brueckner) [576860] - [s390x] dasd: fix alignment of transport mode recovery TCW (Hendrik Brueckner) [575824] - [s390x] cio: fix drvdata usage for the console subchannel (Hendrik Brueckner) [575826] - [s390x] zcore: CPU registers are not saved under LPAR (Hendrik Brueckner) [575221] - [s390x] zfcpdump: Use direct IO in order to increase dump speed (Hendrik Brueckner) [575189] - [s390x] qeth: change checksumming default for HiperSockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [572227] - [s390x] qeth: l3 send dhcp in non pass thru mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [572225] - [s390x] zfcp: Remove attached ports and units correctly (Hendrik Brueckner) [571938] - [drm] Bring in nouveau updates from upstream (Ben Skeggs) [558468] - [vfs] pass struct file to do_truncate on O_TRUNC opens (Jeff Layton) [573995] - [vfs] O_TRUNC open shouldn't fail after file truncation (Jeff Layton) [573995] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: compute message size properly (Jiri Pirko) [578476] - [block] cfq-iosched: Do not merge queues of BE and IDLE classes (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] remove 16 bytes of padding from struct request on 64bits (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] cfq: remove 8 bytes of padding from cfq_rb_root on 64 bit builds (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] cfq-iosched: quantum check tweak (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] remove padding from io_context on 64bit builds (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] cfq: reorder cfq_queue removing padding on 64bit (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [block] cfq-iosched: split seeky coop queues after one slice (Jeff Moyer) [577393] - [x86] edac, mce: Filter out invalid values (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] edac, mce, amd: silence GART TLB errors (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] edac, mce: correct corenum reporting (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] edac, mce: update AMD F10h revD check (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: Simplify ECC override handling (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: Do not falsely trigger kerneloops (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: Ensure index stays within bounds in amd64_get_scrub_rate (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: restrict PCI config space access (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: fix K8 chip select reporting (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: bump driver version (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: fix use-uninitialised bug (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: correct sys address to chip select mapping (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: add a leaner syndrome decoding algorithm (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: remove early hw support check (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: detect DDR3 memory type (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] edac: add memory types strings for debugging (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: remove unneeded extract_error_address wrapper (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: rename StinkyIdentifier (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: remove superfluous dbg printk (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: enhance address to DRAM bank mapping (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: cleanup f10_early_channel_count (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: dump DIMM sizes on K8 too (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: cleanup rest of amd64_dump_misc_regs (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: cleanup DRAM cfg low debug output (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: wrap-up pci config read error handling (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: make DRAM regions output more human-readable (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487] - [x86] amd64_edac: clarify DRAM CTL debug reporting (Bhavna Sarathy) [574487]- [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix kdump hang (Stanislaw Gruszka) [575122] - [kernel] clockevent: Don't remove broadcast device when cpu is dead (Danny Feng) [572438] - [block] Export max number of segments and max segment size in sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Finalize conversion of block limits functions (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Fix overrun in lcm() and move it to lib (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] jiffies fixes (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Consolidate phys_segment and hw_segment limits (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Rename blk_queue_max_sectors to blk_queue_max_hw_sectors (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Add BLK_ prefix to definitions (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Remove unused accessor function (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [block] Update blk_queue_max_sectors and documentation (Jeff Moyer) [574132] - [ata] ahci: Turn off DMA engines when there's no device attached (Matthew Garrett) [577967] - [scsi] qla2xxx: minor updates and fixes from upstream (Rob Evers) [574526] - [scsi] Additional BSG corrections from upstream (Rob Evers) [574590] - [netdrv] be2net: Update be2net 10GB NIC driver to version 2.102.147u (Ivan Vecera) [576172] - [scsi] update fibre channel layer (Mike Christie) [571824] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [576174] - [netdrv] e100: fix the 'size' argument passed to pci_pool_create() (Dean Nelson) [576887] - [kernel] futex: remove rw parameter from get_futex_key() (Amerigo Wang) [555700] - [drm] Add drm_gem_object_handle_unreference_unlocked and drm_gem_object_unreference_unlocked (Adam Jackson) [575910] - [drm] i915: Update to 2.6.34-rc1 (pre-vga-switcheroo) (Adam Jackson) [575910] - [scsi] libfcoe: Send port LKA every FIP_VN_KA_PERIOD secs (Rob Evers) [570693] - [scsi] fnic: updating driver to syncs w/ upstream (Rob Evers) [570693] - [sound] snd-hda-intel: avoid divide by zero (Jaroslav Kysela) [567173] {CVE-2010-1085} - [netdrv] bnx2x: use new firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [560993] - [netdrv] bnx2: remove old firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [560993] - [netdrv] bnx2x: 1.52.1-6 firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [560993] - [netdrv] bnx2x: 1.52.1-6 bug fixes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [560993] - [ata] ahci: support FIS-based switching (David Milburn) [463152] - [drm] radeon: better GPU reset for lockup (Jerome Glisse) [576511] - [block] cciss: add 30 second initial timeout wait on controller reset (Tomas Henzl) [574094] - [serial] fix hang in serial console open (Neil Horman) [568418] - [virt] vmw_pvscsi: adding vmware paravirtualized driver (Rob Evers) [553062] - [scsi] 3w-9xxx: update 3w-9xxx to v2.26.02.014RH (Tomas Henzl) [572779] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: initial support for 82599VF driver (Andy Gospodarek) [462790] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update to version 2.0.62-k2 (Andy Gospodarek) [462790] - [netdrv] netxen: More critical bug fixes and AER support (Tony Camuso) [516840] - [netdrv] netxen: Sync with upstream kernel bug fixes (Tony Camuso) [516840] - [fs] dlm: use bastmode in debugfs output (David Teigland) [568102] - [fs] dlm: send reply before bast (David Teigland) [568102] - [fs] dlm: fix ordering of bast and cast (David Teigland) [568102] - [virt] virtio-net: remove send queue (Anthony Liguori) [555698] - [virt] virtio-net: Defer skb allocation and remove recv queue (Anthony Liguori) [555698] - [net] bridge: Allow enable/disable UFO on bridge device via ethtool (Anthony Liguori) [555537] - [net] Make UFO on master device independent of attached devices (Anthony Liguori) [555537] - [fs] xfs: fix locking for inode cache radix tree tag updates (Christoph Hellwig) [573836] - [uv] fix microcode.ctl slow down in boot-time on large systems (George Beshers) [573018] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [568889] - [mm] transparent hugepage support update (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix data corruptor in NFS packet split filtering hw (Neil Horman) [572350] - [security] selinux: dynamic class/perm discovery (Eric Paris) [570812] - [security] selinux/ss: correct size computation (Eric Paris) [573000] - [security] SELinux: reduce size of access vector hash table (Eric Paris) [570433] - [security] SELinux: reset the security_ops before flushing the avc cache (Eric Paris) [572998] - [sched] Fix sched_mc_power_savings for !SMT (Danny Feng) [571879] - [security] selinux: Only audit permissions specified in policy (Eric Paris) [573002] - [security] selinux: fix memory leak in sel_make_bools (Eric Paris) [573008] - [security] SELinux: Make selinux_kernel_create_files_as() shouldn't just always return 0 (Eric Paris) [573011] - [security] selinux: convert range transition list to a hashtab (Eric Paris) [572702] - [virt] x86: remove kmap_atomic_pte paravirt op (Paolo Bonzini) [567203] - [virt] vmi: disable highmem PTE allocation even when CONFIG_HIGHPTE=y (Paolo Bonzini) [567203] - [virt] xen: disable highmem PTE allocation even when CONFIG_HIGHPTE=y (Paolo Bonzini) [567203] - [virt] x86: allow allocation of highmem user page tables to be disabled when CONFIG_HIGHPTE=y (Paolo Bonzini) [567203] - [netdrv] qlge: update to latest upstream (Andy Gospodarek) [562311] - [netdrv] add netif_printk helpers (Andy Gospodarek) [562311] - [net] bridge: Fix build error when IGMP_SNOOPING is not enabled (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast count/interval sysfs entries (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add hash elasticity/max sysfs entries (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast_snooping sysfs toggle (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast_router sysfs entries (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast data-path hooks (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast start/stop hooks (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add multicast forwarding functions (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Move NULL mdb check into br_mdb_ip_get (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: ensure to unlock in error path in br_multicast_query() (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Fix RCU race in br_multicast_stop (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Use RCU list primitive in __br_mdb_ip_get (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: cleanup: remove unneed check (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: depends on INET (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Make IGMP snooping depend upon BRIDGE. (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Add core IGMP snooping support (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Fix br_forward crash in promiscuous mode (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Split may_deliver/deliver_clone out of br_flood (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Use BR_INPUT_SKB_CB on xmit path (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Avoid unnecessary clone on forward path (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Allow tail-call on br_pass_frame_up (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] bridge: Do br_pass_frame_up after other ports (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [net] Add netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() helper (Herbert Xu) [574321] - [kernel] futex_lock_pi() key refcnt fix (Danny Feng) [566347] {CVE-2010-0623} - [pci] AER: fix aer inject result in kernel oops (Prarit Bhargava) [568515] - [scsi] fix 32bit compatibility in BSG interface (Rob Evers) [554538] - [x86] ACPI: don't cond_resched if irq is disabled (Danny Feng) [572441] - [x86] Ensure dell-laptop buffers are below 4GB (Matthew Garrett) [570036] - [hwmon] add hex '0x' indication to coretemp module output (Dean Nelson) [571865] - [cifs] update cifs client code to latest upstream code (Jeff Layton) [562788] - [block] fix merge_bvec_fn return value checks (Mike Snitzer) [571455] - [fs] ext4: avoid uninit mem references on some mount options (Eric Sandeen) [562008] - [s390x] dasd: Correct offline processing (Hendrik Brueckner) [568376] - [s390x] dasd: Fix refcounting (Hendrik Brueckner) [568376] - [x86] amd_iommu: remove dma-ops warning message (Bhavna Sarathy) [560002] - [x86] amd_iommu: Fix IO page fault by adding device notifiers (Bhavna Sarathy) [560002] - [x86] amd_iommu: Fix IOMMU API initialization for iommu=pt (Bhavna Sarathy) [560002] - [x86] amd_iommu: Fix possible integer overflow (Bhavna Sarathy) [560002] - [x86] amd_iommu: Fix deassignment of a device from the pt domain (Bhavna Sarathy) [560002] - [gfs2] Allow the number of committed revokes to temporarily be negative (Benjamin Marzinski) [563907] - [ppc64] powerpc: export data from new hcall H_EM_GET_PARMS (Steve Best) [570019] - [x86] ACPI: Be in TS_POLLING state during mwait based C-state entry (Avi Kivity) [571440] - [net] tcp: fix ICMP-RTO war (Jiri Olsa) [567532] - [mm] Add padding to mm structures allow future patches during the RHEL6 life (Larry Woodman) [554511]- [mm] Switch to SLAB (Aristeu Rozanski) [570614]- [kernel/time] revert cc2f92ad1d0e03fe527e8ccfc1f918c368964dc8 (Aristeu Rozanski) [567551] - [virt] hvc_console: Fix race between hvc_close and hvc_remove (Amit Shah) [568624] - [scsi] Add netapp to scsi dh alua dev list (Mike Christie) [559586] - [scsi] scsi_dh_emc: fix mode select setup (Mike Christie) [570685] - [drm] Remove loop in IronLake graphics interrupt handler (John Villalovos) [557838] - [x86] Intel Cougar Point chipset support (John Villalovos) [560077] - [vhost] vhost-net: restart tx poll on sk_sndbuf full (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] fix get_user_pages_fast error handling (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] initialize log eventfd context pointer (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] logging thinko fix (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] vhost-net: switch to smp barriers (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [net] bug fix for vlan + gro issue (Andy Gospodarek) [569922] - [uv] Fix unmap_vma() bug related to mmu_notifiers (George Beshers) [253033] - [uv] Have mmu_notifiers use SRCU so they may safely schedule (George Beshers) [253033] - [drm] radeon/kms: bring all v2.6.33 fixes into EL6 kernel (Dave Airlie) [547422 554323 566618 569704] - [dvb] Fix endless loop when decoding ULE at dvb-core (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [569243] - [kernel] sched: Fix SCHED_MC regression caused by change in sched cpu_power (Danny Feng) [568123] - [s390x] vdso: glibc does not use vdso functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [567755] - [drm] bring drm core/ttm/fb layer fixes in from upstream (Dave Airlie) [569701] - [kernel] Fix SMT scheduler regression in find_busiest_queue() (Danny Feng) [568120] - [s390x] qeth: avoid recovery during device online setting (Hendrik Brueckner) [568781] - [mm] Fix potential crash with sys_move_pages (Danny Feng) [562591] {CVE-2010-0415} - [scsi] pmcraid: bug fixes from upstream (Rob Evers) [567376] - [scsi] lpfc Update from to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [564508] - [ata] ahci: disable FPDMA auto-activate optimization on NVIDIA AHCI (David Milburn) [568815] - [selinux] netlabel: fix corruption of SELinux MLS categories > 127 (Eric Paris) [568370] - [gfs2] print glock numbers in hex (Robert S Peterson) [566755] - [mm] Fix hugetlb.c clear_huge_page parameter (Andrea Arcangeli) [566604] - [mm] fix anon_vma locking updates for transparent hugepage code (Andrea Arcangeli) [564515] - [netdrv] cxgb3: add memory barriers (Steve Best) [568390] - [dm] raid45 target: constructor error path oops fix (Heinz Mauelshagen) [567605] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix missing initialization (Tomas Henzl) [567965] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: per netns nf_conntrack_cachep (Jiri Pirko) [567181] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: use __cpuinit for nmi_watchdog_default (Don Zickus) [567601] - [netdrv] ixgbe: prevent speculative processing of descriptors (Steve Best) [568391] - [kvm] Fix emulate_sys[call, enter, exit]()'s fault handling (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] Fix segment descriptor loading (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] Fix load_guest_segment_descriptor() to inject page fault (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Forbid modifying CS segment register by mov instruction (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Fix x86_emulate_insn() not to use the variable rc for non-X86EMUL values (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: X86EMUL macro replacements: x86_emulate_insn() and its helpers (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: X86EMUL macro replacements: from do_fetch_insn_byte() to x86_decode_insn() (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] inject #UD in 64bit mode from instruction that are not valid there (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Fix properties of instructions in group 1_82 (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: code style cleanup (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Add LOCK prefix validity checking (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Check CPL level during privilege instruction emulation (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Fix popf emulation (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Check IOPL level during io instruction emulation (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: fix memory access during x86 emulation (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Add Virtual-8086 mode of emulation (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Add group9 instruction decoding (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Add group8 instruction decoding (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Introduce No64 decode option (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [kvm] x86 emulator: Add 'push/pop sreg' instructions (Gleb Natapov) [560903 560904 563466] {CVE-2010-0298 CVE-2010-0306 CVE-2010-0419} - [x86] AES/PCLMUL Instruction support: Various fixes for AES-NI and PCLMMUL (John Villalovos) [463496] - [x86] AES/PCLMUL Instruction support: Use gas macro for AES-NI instructions (John Villalovos) [463496] - [x86] AES/PCLMUL Instruction support: Various small fixes for AES/PCMLMUL and generate .byte code for some new instructions via gas macro (John Villalovos) [463496] - [x86] AES/PCLMUL Instruction support: Add PCLMULQDQ accelerated implementation (John Villalovos) [463496] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix for 32bit apps (Tomas Henzl) [559941] - [kvm] fix large packet drops on kvm hosts with ipv6 (Neil Horman) [565525] - [kvm] Add MAINTAINERS entry for virtio_console (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: Fill ports' entire in_vq with buffers (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: Error out if we can't allocate buffers for control queue (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: Add ability to remove module (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: Ensure no memleaks in case of unused buffers (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: update Red Hat copyright for 2010 (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: Initialize vq->data entries to NULL (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: outbufs are no longer needed (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: return -efault for fill_readbuf if copy_to_user fails (Amit Shah) [566391] - [kvm] virtio: console: Allow sending variable-sized buffers to host, efault on copy_from_user err (Amit Shah) [566391]- [s390] hvc_iucv: allocate IUCV send/receive buffers in DMA zone (Hendrik Brueckner) [566188] - [s390] qdio: continue polling for buffer state ERROR (Hendrik Brueckner) [565528] - [s390] qdio: prevent kernel bug message in interrupt handler (Hendrik Brueckner) [565542] - [s390] zfcp: report BSG errors in correct field (Hendrik Brueckner) [564378] - [s390] zfcp: cancel all pending work for a to be removed zfcp_port (Hendrik Brueckner) [564382] - [nfs] mount.nfs: Unknown error 526 (Steve Dickson) [561975] - [x86] x86-64, rwsem: Avoid store forwarding hazard in __downgrade_write (Avi Kivity) [563801] - [x86] x86-64, rwsem: 64-bit xadd rwsem implementation (Avi Kivity) [563801] - [x86] x86-64: support native xadd rwsem implementation (Avi Kivity) [563801] - [x86] clean up rwsem type system (Avi Kivity) [563801] - [x86] x86-32: clean up rwsem inline asm statements (Avi Kivity) [563801] - [x86] nmi_watchdog: enable by default on RHEL-6 (Don Zickus) [523857] - [block] freeze_bdev: don't deactivate successfully frozen MS_RDONLY sb (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [block] fix bio_add_page for non trivial merge_bvec_fn case (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [watchdog] Add support for iTCO watchdog on Ibex Peak chipset (John Villalovos) [536698] - [kernel] time: Remove xtime_cache (Prarit Bhargava) [563135] - [kernel] time: Implement logarithmic time accumalation (Prarit Bhargava) [563135] - [dm] raid1: fail writes if errors are not handled and log fails (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [dm] mpath: fix stall when requeueing io (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [dm] log: userspace fix overhead_size calcuations (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [dm] stripe: avoid divide by zero with invalid stripe count (Mike Snitzer) [565890] - [mm] anon_vma locking updates for transparent hugepage code (Rik van Riel) [564515] - [mm] anon_vma linking changes to improve multi-process scalability (Rik van Riel) [564515] - [virt] virtio_blk: add block topology support (Christoph Hellwig) [556477] - [kvm] PIT: control word is write-only (Eduardo Habkost) [560905] {CVE-2010-0309} - [kernel] Prevent futex user corruption to crash the kernel (Jerome Marchand) [563957] - [selinux] print the module name when SELinux denies a userspace upcall (Eric Paris) [563731] - [gfs] GFS2 problems on single node cluster (Steven Whitehouse) [564329] - [ppc] Add kdump support to Collaborative Memory Manager (Steve Best) [563316]- [nfs] Remove a redundant check for PageFsCache in nfs_migrate_page() (Steve Dickson) [563938] - [nfs] Fix a bug in nfs_fscache_release_page() (Steve Dickson) [563938] - [mm] fix BUG()s caused by the transparent hugepage patch (Larry Woodman) [556572] - [fs] inotify: fix inotify WARN and compatibility issues (Eric Paris) [563363] - [net] do not check CAP_NET_RAW for kernel created sockets (Eric Paris) [540560] - [pci] Enablement of PCI ACS control when IOMMU enabled on system (Don Dutile) [523278] - [pci] PCI ACS support functions (Don Dutile) [523278] - [uv] x86: Fix RTC latency bug by reading replicated cachelines (George Beshers) [562189] - [s390x] ctcm / lcs / claw: remove cu3088 layer (Hendrik Brueckner) [557522] - [uv] vgaarb: add user selectability of the number of gpus in a system (George Beshers) [555879] - [gpu] vgaarb: fix vga arbiter to accept PCI domains other than 0 (George Beshers) [555879] - [uv] x86_64: update uv arch to target legacy VGA I/O correctly (George Beshers) [555879] - [pci] update pci_set_vga_state to call arch functions (George Beshers) [555879] - [uv] PCI: update pci_set_vga_state to call arch functions (George Beshers) [555879] - [mm] remove madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE) (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] hugepage redhat customization (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] introduce khugepaged (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] transparent hugepage vmstat (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] memcg huge memory (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] memcg compound (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] pmd_trans_huge migrate bugcheck (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE) (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] verify pmd_trans_huge isnt leaking (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] transparent hugepage core (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] dont alloc harder for gfp nomemalloc even if nowait (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] introduce _GFP_NO_KSWAPD (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] backport page_referenced microoptimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] kvm mmu transparent hugepage support (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] clear_copy_huge_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] clear_huge_page fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] split_huge_page paging (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] split_huge_page_mm/vma (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add pmd_huge_pte to mm_struct (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] clear page compound (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add pmd mmu_notifier helpers (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] pte alloc trans splitting (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] bail out gup_fast on splitting pmd (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add pmd mangling functions to x86 (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add pmd mangling generic functions (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] special pmd_trans_* functions (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] config_transparent_hugepage (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] comment reminder in destroy_compound_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] export maybe_mkwrite (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] no paravirt version of pmd ops (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add pmd paravirt ops (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add native_set_pmd_at (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] clear compound mapping (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] update futex compound knowledge (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] alter compound get_page/put_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] add a compound_lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [mm] define MADV_HUGEPAGE (Andrea Arcangeli) [556572] - [oprofile] Support Nehalem-EX CPU in Oprofile (John Villalovos) [528998] - [nfs] nfs: handle NFSv3 -EKEYEXPIRED errors as we would -EJUKEBOX (Jeff Layton) [479359] - [nfs] handle NFSv2 -EKEYEXPIRED returns from RPC layer appropriately (Jeff Layton) [479359] - [nfs] sunrpc: parse and return errors reported by gssd (Jeff Layton) [479359] - [nfs] nfs4: handle -EKEYEXPIRED errors from RPC layer (Jeff Layton) [479359] - [net] nf_conntrack: fix memory corruption (Jon Masters) [559471] - [kvm] emulate accessed bit for EPT (Rik van Riel) [555106] - [vhost] fix TUN=m VHOST_NET=y (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] vhost-net: defer f->private_data until setup succeeds (Chris Wright) [562837] - [vhost] vhost-net: comment use of invalid fd when setting vhost backend (Chris Wright) [562837] - [vhost] access check thinko fixes (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] make default mapping empty by default (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] add access_ok checks (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] prevent modification of an active ring (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [vhost] fix high 32 bit in FEATURES ioctls (Michael S. Tsirkin) [562837] - [dm] dm-raid1: fix deadlock at suspending failed device (Takahiro Yasui) [557932] - [dm] fix kernel panic at releasing bio on recovery failed region (Takahiro Yasui) [557934] - [scsi] lpfc Update from 8.3.4 to FC/FCoE (Rob Evers) [531028] - [nfs] sunrpc/cache: fix module refcnt leak in a failure path (Steve Dickson) [562285] - [nfs] Ensure that we handle NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID correctly (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] NFSv4.1: Don't call nfs4_schedule_state_recovery() unnecessarily (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] NFSv4: Don't allow posix locking against servers that don't support it (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] Ensure that the NFSv4 locking can recover from stateid errors (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] Avoid warnings when CONFIG_NFS_V4=n (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] Make nfs_commitdata_release static (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] Try to commit unstable writes in nfs_release_page() (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] Fix a reference leak in nfs_wb_cancel_page() (Steve Dickson) [560784] - [nfs] nfs41: cleanup callback code to use __be32 type (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: clear NFS4CLNT_RECALL_SLOT bit on session reset (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: fix nfs4_callback_recallslot (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: resize slot table in reset (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: implement cb_recall_slot (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: back channel drc minimal implementation (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: prepare for back channel drc (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: remove uneeded checks in callback processing (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: directly encode back channel error (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: fix wrong error on callback header xdr overflow (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: Process callback's referring call list (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: Check slot table for referring calls (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfs41: Adjust max cache response size value (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] NFSD: Create PF_INET6 listener in write_ports (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] SUNRPC: NFS kernel APIs shouldn't return ENOENT for "transport not found" (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Bury "#ifdef IPV6" in svc_create_xprt() (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] NFSD: Support AF_INET6 in svc_addsock() function (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Use rpc_pton() in ip_map_parse() (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfsd: 4.1 has an rfc number (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfsd41: Create the recovery entry for the NFSv4.1 client (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfsd: use vfs_fsync for non-directories (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfsd4: Use FIRST_NFS4_OP in nfsd4_decode_compound() (Steve Dickson) [560785] - [nfs] nfsd41: nfsd4_decode_compound() does not recognize all ops (Steve Dickson) [560785]- [block] blk-cgroup: Fix lockdep warning of potential deadlock in blk-cgroup (Vivek Goyal) [561903] - [block] cfq: Do not idle on async queues and drive deeper WRITE depths (Vivek Goyal) [561902] - [quota] 64-bit quota format fixes (Jerome Marchand) [546311] - [x86] fix Add AMD Node ID MSR support (Bhavna Sarathy) [557540] - [fs] ext4: fix type of "offset" in ext4_io_end (Eric Sandeen) [560097] - [x86] Disable HPET MSI on ATI SB700/SB800 (Prarit Bhargava) [557332] - [x86] arch specific support for remapping HPET MSIs (Prarit Bhargava) [557332] - [x86] intr-remap: generic support for remapping HPET MSIs (Prarit Bhargava) [557332] - [gfs] GFS2: Extend umount wait coverage to full glock lifetime (Steven Whitehouse) [561287] - [gfs] GFS2: Wait for unlock completion on umount (Steven Whitehouse) [561287] - [gfs] GFS2: Use MAX_LFS_FILESIZE for meta inode size (Steven Whitehouse) [561307] - [gfs] GFS2: Use GFP_NOFS for alloc structure (Steven Whitehouse) [561307] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix refcnt leak on gfs2_follow_link() error path (Steven Whitehouse) [561307]- [s390x] dasd: fix online/offline race (Hendrik Brueckner) [552840] - [netdrv] update tg3 to version 3.106 and fix panic (John Feeney) [555101] - [s390x] dasd: Fix null pointer in s390dbf and discipline checking (Hendrik Brueckner) [559615] - [s390x] zcrypt: Do not remove coprocessor in case of error 8/72 (Hendrik Brueckner) [559613] - [s390x] cio: channel path vary operation has no effect (Hendrik Brueckner) [559612] - [uv] x86: Ensure hub revision set for all ACPI modes (George Beshers) [559752] - [uv] x86: Add function retrieving node controller revision number (George Beshers) [559752]- [virtio] console: show error message if hvc_alloc fails for console ports (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Add debugfs files for each port to expose debug info (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Add ability to hot-unplug ports (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] hvc_console: Export (GPL'ed) hvc_remove (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] Add ability to detach unused buffers from vrings (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Handle port hot-plug (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Remove cached data on port close (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Register with sysfs and create a 'name' attribute for ports (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Ensure only one process can have a port open at a time (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Add file operations to ports for open/read/write/poll (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Associate each port with a char device (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Prepare for writing to / reading from userspace buffers (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Add a new MULTIPORT feature, support for generic ports (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Introduce a send_buf function for a common path for sending data to host (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Introduce function to hand off data from host to readers (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Separate out find_vqs operation into a different function (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Separate out console init into a new function (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: Separate out console-specific data into a separate struct (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: ensure console size is updated on hvc open (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: struct ports for multiple ports per device. (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: remove global var (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: don't assume a single console port. (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: use vdev->priv to avoid accessing global var. (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: introduce a get_inbuf helper to fetch bufs from in_vq (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: ensure add_inbuf can work for multiple ports as well (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: encapsulate buffer information in a struct (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: port encapsulation (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: We support only one device at a time (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] hvc_console: Remove __devinit annotation from hvc_alloc (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] hvc_console: make the ops pointer const. (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: statically initialize virtio_cons (Amit Shah) [543824] - [virtio] console: comment cleanup (Amit Shah) [543824] - [x86] Fix crash when profiling more than 28 events (Bhavna Sarathy) [557570] - [x86] Add AMD Node ID MSR support (Bhavna Sarathy) [557540] - [kvm] fix spurious interrupt with irqfd (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] eventfd: allow atomic read and waitqueue remove (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] properly check max PIC pin in irq route setup (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] only allow one gsi per fd (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] x86: Fix leak of free lapic date in kvm_arch_vcpu_init() (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] x86: Fix probable memory leak of vcpu->arch.mce_banks (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] MMU: bail out pagewalk on kvm_read_guest error (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] x86: Fix host_mapping_level() (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [kvm] Fix race between APIC TMR and IRR (Marcelo Tosatti) [559343] - [x86] acpi: Export acpi_pci_irq_{add|del}_prt() (James Paradis) [553781] - [kdump] backport upstream ppc64 kcrctab fixes (Neil Horman) [558803] - [mm] Memory tracking for Stratus (James Paradis) [512400]- [drm] radeon possible security issue (Jerome Glisse) [556692] - [mm] Memory tracking for Stratus (James Paradis) [512400] - [pci] Always set prefetchable base/limit upper32 registers (Prarit Bhargava) [553471] - [scsi] Sync be2iscsi with upstream (Mike Christie) [515256] - [x86] msr/cpuid: Register enough minors for the MSR and CPUID drivers (George Beshers) [557554] - [x86] Remove unnecessary mdelay() from cpu_disable_common() (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633] - [x86] ioapic: Document another case when level irq is seen as an edge (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633] - [x86] ioapic: Fix the EOI register detection mechanism (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633] - [x86] io-apic: Move the effort of clearing remoteIRR explicitly before migrating the irq (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633] - [x86] Remove local_irq_enable()/local_irq_disable() in fixup_irqs() (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633] - [x86] Use EOI register in io-apic on intel platforms (Peter Bogdanovic) [463633]- [kdump] Remove the 32MB limitation for crashkernel (Steve Best) [529270] - [dm] dm-raid45: export missing dm_rh_inc (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552329] - [block] dm-raid45: add raid45 target (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552329] - [block] dm-replicator: blockdev site link handler (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552364] - [block] dm-replicator: ringbuffer replication log handler (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552364] - [block] dm-replicator: replication log and site link handler interfaces and main replicator module (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552364] - [block] dm-replicator: documentation and module registry (Heinz Mauelshagen) [552364] - [s390x] qeth: set default BLKT settings dependend on OSA hw level (Hendrik Brueckner) [557474] - [drm] bring RHEL6 radeon drm up to 2.6.33-rc4/5 level (Jerome Glisse) [557539] - [netdrv] e1000e: enhance frame fragment detection (Andy Gospodarek) [462780] - [stable] ipv6: skb_dst() can be NULL in ipv6_hop_jumbo(). (David S. Miller) [555084] - [stable] module: handle ppc64 relocating kcrctabs when CONFIG_RELOCATABLE=y (Rusty Russell) [555084] - [stable] fix more leaks in audit_tree.c tag_chunk() (Al Viro) [555084] - [stable] fix braindamage in audit_tree.c untag_chunk() (Al Viro) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: fix skb buffering issue (and fixes to that) (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] kernel/sysctl.c: fix stable merge error in NOMMU mmap_min_addr (Mike Frysinger) [555084] - [stable] libertas: Remove carrier signaling from the scan code (Samuel Ortiz) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: add missing sanity checks for action frames (Felix Fietkau) [555084] - [stable] iwl: off by one bug (Dan Carpenter) [555084] - [stable] cfg80211: fix syntax error on user regulatory hints (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] ath5k: Fix eeprom checksum check for custom sized eeproms (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] iwlwifi: fix iwl_queue_used bug when read_ptr == write_ptr (Zhu Yi) [555084] - [stable] xen: fix hang on suspend. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] quota: Fix dquot_transfer for filesystems different from ext4 (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] hwmon: (adt7462) Fix pin 28 monitoring (Roger Blofeld) [555084] - [stable] hwmon: (coretemp) Fix TjMax for Atom N450/D410/D510 CPUs (Yong Wang) [555084] - [stable] netfilter: nf_ct_ftp: fix out of bounds read in update_nl_seq() (Patrick McHardy) [555084] - [stable] netfilter: ebtables: enforce CAP_NET_ADMIN (Florian Westphal) [555084] - [stable] ASoC: Fix WM8350 DSP mode B configuration (Mark Brown) [555084] - [stable] ALSA: atiixp: Specify codec for Foxconn RC4107MA-RS2 (Daniel T Chen) [555084] - [stable] ALSA: ac97: Add Dell Dimension 2400 to Headphone/Line Jack Sense blacklist (Daniel T Chen) [555084] - [stable] mmc_block: fix queue cleanup (Adrian Hunter) [555084] - [stable] mmc_block: fix probe error cleanup bug (Jarkko Lavinen) [555084] - [stable] mmc_block: add dev_t initialization check (Anna Lemehova) [555084] - [stable] kernel/signal.c: fix kernel information leak with print-fatal-signals=1 (Andi Kleen) [555084] - [stable] dma-debug: allow DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL mappings to be synced with DMA_FROM_DEVICE and (Krzysztof Halasa) [555084] - [stable] lib/rational.c needs module.h (Sascha Hauer) [555084] - [stable] drivers/cpuidle/governors/menu.c: fix undefined reference to `__udivdi3' (Stephen Hemminger) [555084] - [stable] rtc_cmos: convert shutdown to new pnp_driver->shutdown (OGAWA Hirofumi) [555084] - [stable] Revert "x86: Side-step lguest problem by only building cmpxchg8b_emu for pre-Pentium" (Rusty Russell) [555084] - [stable] exofs: simple_write_end does not mark_inode_dirty (Boaz Harrosh) [555084] - [stable] modules: Skip empty sections when exporting section notes (Ben Hutchings) [555084] - [stable] ASoC: fix params_rate() macro use in several codecs (Guennadi Liakhovetski) [555084] - [stable] fasync: split 'fasync_helper()' into separate add/remove functions (Linus Torvalds) [555084] - [stable] untangle the do_mremap() mess (Al Viro)- [mm] mmap: don't return ENOMEM when mapcount is temporarily exceeded in munmap() (Danny Feng) [557000] - [netdrv] vxge: fix issues found in Neterion testing (Michal Schmidt) [493985] - [x86] Force irq complete move during cpu offline (Prarit Bhargava) [541815] - [sound] Fix SPDIF-In for AD1988 codecs + add Intel Cougar IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [557473] - [scsi] aic79xx: check for non-NULL scb in ahd_handle_nonpkt_busfree (Tomas Henzl) [557753] - [s390x] fix loading of PER control registers for utrace. (CAI Qian) [556410] - [s390x] ptrace: dont abuse PT_PTRACED (CAI Qian) [552102] - [perf] Remove the "event" callback from perf events (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Use overflow handler instead of the event callback (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Fix locking for PERF_FORMAT_GROUP (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Fix event scaling for inherited counters (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Fix PERF_FORMAT_GROUP scale info (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Allow for custom overflow handlers (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] Add a callback to perf events (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] improve error reporting (Jason Baron) [525517] - [perf] add kernel internal interface (Jason Baron) [525517] - [utrace] fix utrace_maybe_reap() vs find_matching_engine() race (Oleg Nesterov) [557338] - [x86] Disable Memory hot add on x86 32-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [557131] - [netdrv] e1000e: update to the latest upstream (Andy Gospodarek) [462780] - [gfs] Use dquot_send_warning() (Steven Whitehouse) [557057] - [gfs] Add quota netlink support (Steven Whitehouse) [557057] - [netdrv] qlge: update to upstream version v1. (Andy Gospodarek) [553357] - [s390x] zfcp: set HW timeout requested by BSG request (Hendrik Brueckner) [556918] - [s390x] zfcp: introduce BSG timeout callback (Hendrik Brueckner) [556918] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Allow LLD to reset FC BSG timeout (Hendrik Brueckner) [556918]- [kvm] fix cleanup_srcu_struct on vm destruction (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [x86] core: make LIST_POISON less deadly (Avi Kivity) [554640] - [x86] dell-wmi: Add support for new Dell systems (Matthew Garrett) [525548] - [fs] xfs: 2.6.33 updates (Eric Sandeen) [554891] - [x86] Add kernel pagefault tracepoint for x86 & x86_64. (Larry Woodman) [526032] - [pci] PCIe AER: honor ACPI HEST FIRMWARE FIRST mode (Matthew Garrett) [537205] - [block] direct-io: cleanup blockdev_direct_IO locking (Eric Sandeen) [556547] - [tracing] tracepoint: Add signal tracepoints (Masami Hiramatsu) [526030] - [cgroups] fix for "kernel BUG at kernel/cgroup.c:790" (Dave Anderson) [547815] - [irq] Expose the irq_desc node as /proc/irq/*/node (George Beshers) [555866] - [scsi] qla2xxx - Update support for FC/FCoE HBA/CNA (Rob Evers) [553854] - [scsi] bfa update from to (Rob Evers) [475704] - [nfs] sunrpc: fix build-time warning (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] sunrpc: on successful gss error pipe write, don't return error (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix the return value in gss_import_sec_context() (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] SUNRPC: Fix up an error return value in gss_import_sec_context_kerberos() (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] sunrpc: fix peername failed on closed listener (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] nfsd: make sure data is on disk before calling ->fsync (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [uv] React 2.6.32.y: isolcpus broken in 2.6.32.y kernel (George Beshers) [548842] - [gru] GRU Rollup patch (George Beshers) [546680] - [uv] XPC: pass nasid instead of nid to gru_create_message_queue (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] x86: XPC receive message reuse triggers invalid BUG_ON (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] x86: xpc_make_first_contact hang due to not accepting ACTIVE state (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] x86: xpc NULL deref when mesq becomes empty (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] x86: update XPC to handle updated BIOS interface (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] xpc needs to provide an abstraction for uv_gpa (George Beshers) [546695] - [uv] x86, irq: Check move_in_progress before freeing the vector mapping (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86: Remove move_cleanup_count from irq_cfg (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86, irq: Allow 0xff for /proc/irq/[n]/smp_affinity on an 8-cpu system (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86, apic: Move SGI UV functionality out of generic IO-APIC code (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86 SGI: Fix irq affinity for hub based interrupts (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86 RTC: Always enable RTC clocksource (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86 RTC: Rename generic_interrupt to x86_platform_ipi (George Beshers) [546668] - [uv] x86, mm: Correct the implementation of is_untracked_pat_range() (George Beshers) [548524] - [uv] x86: Change is_ISA_range() into an inline function (George Beshers) [548524] - [uv] x86, platform: Change is_untracked_pat_range() to bool (George Beshers) [548524] - [uv] x86, mm: is_untracked_pat_range() takes a normal semiclosed range (George Beshers) [548524] - [uv] x86, mm: Call is_untracked_pat_range() rather than is_ISA_range() (George Beshers) [548524] - [uv] x86 SGI: Dont track GRU space in PAT (George Beshers) [548524] - [scsi] megaraid: upgrade to 4.17 (Tomas Henzl) [520729] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump version (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: don't update links nor unblock device at no link rate change (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add support for RAID Action System Shutdown Initiated at OS Shutdown (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: freeze the sdev IO queue when firmware sends internal device reset (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix PPC endian bug (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: mpt2sas_base_get_sense_buffer_dma returns little endian (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: return DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED in nexus loss and SCSI_MLQUEUE_DEVICE_BUSY if device is busy (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: retrieve the ioc facts prior to putting the controller into READY state (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add new info messages for IR and Expander events (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: limit the max_depth to 32 for SATA devices (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add TimeStamp support when sending ioc_init (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add extended type for diagnostic buffer support (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: add command line option diag_buffer_enable (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix some comments (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: stop driver when firmware encounters faults (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: adding MPI Headers - revision L (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: new device SAS2208 support (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: check for valid response info (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix expander remove fail (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [scsi] mpt2sas: use sas address instead of handle as a lookup (Tomas Henzl) [470848] - [sound] ALSA HDA driver update 2009-12-15 (Jaroslav Kysela) [555812] - [block] Honor the gfp_mask for alloc_page() in blkdev_issue_discard() (Mike Snitzer) [554719] - [scsi] sync fcoe with upstream (Mike Christie) [549945] - [net] dccp: modify how dccp creates slab caches to prevent bug halt in SLUB (Neil Horman) [553698] - [s390x] tape: Add pr_fmt() macro to all tape source files (Hendrik Brueckner) [554380] - [s390] qeth: fix packet loss if TSO is switched on (Hendrik Brueckner) [546632] - [s390x] qeth: Support for HiperSockets Network Traffic Analyzer (Hendrik Brueckner) [463706] - [serial] 8250: add support for DTR/DSR hardware flow control (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) [523848]- [build] Revert "[redhat] disabling temporaly DEVTMPFS" (Aristeu Rozanski)- [drm] minor printk fixes from upstream (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [offb] add support for framebuffer handoff to offb. (Dave Airlie) [554948] - [x86] allow fbdev primary video code on 64-bit. (Dave Airlie) [554930] - [drm] nouveau: update to 2.6.33 level (Dave Airlie) [549930] - [drm] ttm: validation API changes + ERESTART fixes. (Dave Airlie) [554918] - [drm] radeon/kms: update to 2.6.33 (without TTM API changes) (Dave Airlie) [554918] - [drm] i915: bring Intel DRM/KMS driver up to 2.6.33 (Dave Airlie) [554616] - [drm] radeon/intel: realign displayport helper code with upstream. (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] kms: rollup KMS core and helper changes to 2.6.33 (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] remove address mask param for drm_pci_alloc() (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] add new userspace core drm interfaces from 2.6.33 (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] unlocked ioctl support for core + macro fixes (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] ttm: rollup upstream TTM fixes (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] mm: patch drm core memory range manager up to 2.6.33 (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [drm] drm/edid: update to 2.6.33 EDID parser code (Dave Airlie) [554601] - [net] dccp: fix module load dependency btw dccp_probe and dccp (Neil Horman) [554840] - [powerpc] pseries: Correct pseries/dlpar.c build break without CONFIG_SMP (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] cpu-allocation/deallocation process (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] Add code to online/offline CPUs of a DLPAR node (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] CPU DLPAR handling (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] sysfs cpu probe/release files (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] Kernel handling of Dynamic Logical Partitioning (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] pseries: Add hooks to put the CPU into an appropriate offline state (Steve Best) [539318] - [powerpc] pseries: Add extended_cede_processor() helper function. (Steve Best) [539318] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix glock refcount issues (Steven Whitehouse) [546634] - [gfs] GFS2: Ensure uptodate inode size when using O_APPEND (Steven Whitehouse) [547639] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix locking bug in rename (Steven Whitehouse) [547640] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix lock ordering in gfs2_check_blk_state() (Steven Whitehouse) [554673] - [gfs2] only show nobarrier option on /proc/mounts when the option is active (Steven Whitehouse) [546665] - [gfs2] add barrier/nobarrier mount options (Steven Whitehouse) [546665] - [gfs2] remove division from new statfs code (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Improve statfs and quota usability (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Add set_xquota support (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Add get_xquota support (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Clean up gfs2_adjust_quota() and do_glock() (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Remove constant argument from qd_get() (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Remove constant argument from qdsb_get() (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Add proper error reporting to quota sync via sysfs (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Add get_xstate quota function (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Remove obsolete code in quota.c (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Hook gfs2_quota_sync into VFS via gfs2_quotactl_ops (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Alter arguments of gfs2_quota/statfs_sync (Steven Whitehouse) [298561] - [gfs2] Fix -o meta mounts for subsequent mounts (Steven Whitehouse) [546664] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix gfs2_xattr_acl_chmod() (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] VFS: Use GFP_NOFS in posix_acl_from_xattr() (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] GFS2: Add cached ACLs support (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] GFS2: Clean up ACLs (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] GFS2: Use gfs2_set_mode() instead of munge_mode() (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] GFS2: Use forget_all_cached_acls() (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] VFS: Add forget_all_cached_acls() (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [gfs] GFS2: Fix up system xattrs (Steven Whitehouse) [546294] - [netdrv] igb: Update igb driver to support Barton Hills (Stefan Assmann) [462783] - [dm] add feature flags to reduce future kABI impact (Mike Snitzer) [547756] - [block] Stop using byte offsets (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [dm] Fix device mapper topology stacking (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [block] bdev_stack_limits wrapper (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [block] Fix discard alignment calculation and printing (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [block] Correct handling of bottom device misaligment (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [block] Fix incorrect alignment offset reporting and update documentation (Mike Snitzer) [554718] - [kvm] Fix possible circular locking in kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_device() (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] only clear irq_source_id if irqchip is present (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] fix lock imbalance in kvm_*_irq_source_id() (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] VMX: Report unexpected simultaneous exceptions as internal errors (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] Allow internal errors reported to userspace to carry extra data (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] x86: disable paravirt mmu reporting (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] x86: disallow KVM_{SET, GET}_LAPIC without allocated in-kernel lapic (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] x86: disallow multiple KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] VMX: Disable unrestricted guest when EPT disabled (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] SVM: remove needless mmap_sem acquision from nested_svm_map (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] SVM: Notify nested hypervisor of lost event injections (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] SVM: Move INTR vmexit out of atomic code (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] remove pre_task_link setting in save_state_to_tss16 (Marcelo Tosatti) [554762] - [kvm] x86: Extend KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS with selective updates (Marcelo Tosatti) [554500] - [kvm] x86: Add KVM_GET/SET_VCPU_EVENTS (Marcelo Tosatti) [554500] - [kvm] fix kvmclock-adjust-offset ioctl to match upstream (Marcelo Tosatti) [554524] - [kvm] SVM: init_vmcb(): remove redundant save->cr0 initialization (Marcelo Tosatti) [554506] - [kvm] SVM: Reset cr0 properly on vcpu reset (Marcelo Tosatti) [554506] - [kvm] VMX: Use macros instead of hex value on cr0 initialization (Marcelo Tosatti) [554506] - [kvm] avoid taking ioapic mutex for non-ioapic EOIs (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Bump maximum vcpu count to 64 (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] convert slots_lock to a mutex (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] switch vcpu context to use SRCU (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] convert io_bus to SRCU (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] x86: switch kvm_set_memory_alias to SRCU update (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] use SRCU for dirty log (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] introduce kvm->srcu and convert kvm_set_memory_region to SRCU update (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] use gfn_to_pfn_memslot in kvm_iommu_map_pages (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] introduce gfn_to_pfn_memslot (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] split kvm_arch_set_memory_region into prepare and commit (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] modify alias layout in x86s struct kvm_arch (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] modify memslots layout in struct kvm (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] rcu: Enable synchronize_sched_expedited() fastpath (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] rcu: Add synchronize_srcu_expedited() to the documentation (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] rcu: Add synchronize_srcu_expedited() to the rcutorture test suite (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Add synchronize_srcu_expedited() (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Drop kvm->irq_lock lock from irq injection path (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Move IO APIC to its own lock (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Convert irq notifiers lists to RCU locking (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Move irq ack notifier list to arch independent code (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Move irq routing data structure to rcu locking (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Maintain back mapping from irqchip/pin to gsi (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Change irq routing table to use gsi indexed array (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Move irq sharing information to irqchip level (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Call pic_clear_isr() on pic reset to reuse logic there (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809] - [kvm] Dont pass kvm_run arguments (Marcelo Tosatti) [550809]- [modsign] Remove Makefile.modpost qualifying message for module sign failure (David Howells) [543529] - [nfs] fix oops in nfs_rename() (Jeff Layton) [554337] - [x86] AMD: Fix stale cpuid4_info shared_map data in shared_cpu_map cpumasks (Prarit Bhargava) [546610] - [s390] kernel: improve code generated by atomic operations (Hendrik Brueckner) [547411] - [s390x] tape: incomplete device removal (Hendrik Brueckner) [547415] - [netdrv] be2net: update be2net driver to latest upstream (Ivan Vecera) [515262] - [x86] mce: fix confusion between bank attributes and mce attributes (hiro muneda) [476606] - [tpm] autoload tpm_tis driver (John Feeney) [531891] - [stable] generic_permission: MAY_OPEN is not write access (Serge E. Hallyn) [555084] - [stable] rt2x00: Disable powersaving for rt61pci and rt2800pci. (Gertjan van Wingerde) [555084] - [stable] lguest: fix bug in setting guest GDT entry (Rusty Russell) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Update documentation to correct the inode_readahead_blks option name (Fang Wenqi) [555084] - [stable] sched: Sched_rt_periodic_timer vs cpu hotplug (Peter Zijlstra) [555084] - [stable] amd64_edac: fix forcing module load/unload (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] amd64_edac: make driver loading more robust (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] amd64_edac: fix driver instance freeing (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] x86, msr: msrs_alloc/free for CONFIG_SMP=n (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] x86, msr: Add support for non-contiguous cpumasks (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] amd64_edac: unify MCGCTL ECC switching (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] cpumask: use modern cpumask style in drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c (Rusty Russell) [555084] - [stable] x86, msr: Unify rdmsr_on_cpus/wrmsr_on_cpus (Borislav Petkov) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix sleep inside spinlock issue with quota and dealloc (#14739) (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Convert to generic reserved quota's space management. (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] quota: decouple fs reserved space from quota reservation (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] Add unlocked version of inode_add_bytes() function (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] udf: Try harder when looking for VAT inode (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] orinoco: fix GFP_KERNEL in orinoco_set_key with interrupts disabled (Andrey Borzenkov) [555084] - [stable] drm: disable all the possible outputs/crtcs before entering KMS mode (Zhao Yakui) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: fix crtc vblank update for r600 (Dave Airlie) [555084] - [stable] sched: Fix balance vs hotplug race (Peter Zijlstra) [555084] - [stable] Keys: KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT needs TIF_NOTIFY_RESUME architecture support (Geert Uytterhoeven) [555084] - [stable] b43: avoid PPC fault during resume (Larry Finger) [555084] - [stable] hwmon: (sht15) Off-by-one error in array index + incorrect constants (Jonathan Cameron) [555084] - [stable] netfilter: fix crashes in bridge netfilter caused by fragment jumps (Patrick McHardy) [555084] - [stable] ipv6: reassembly: use seperate reassembly queues for conntrack and local delivery (Patrick McHardy) [555084] - [stable] e100: Fix broken cbs accounting due to missing memset. (Roger Oksanen) [555084] - [stable] memcg: avoid oom-killing innocent task in case of use_hierarchy (Daisuke Nishimura) [555084] - [stable] x86/ptrace: make genregs[32]_get/set more robust (Linus Torvalds) [555084] - [stable] V4L/DVB (13596): ov511.c typo: lock => unlock (Dan Carpenter) [555084] - [stable] kernel/sysctl.c: fix the incomplete part of sysctl_max_map_count-should-be-non-negative.patch (WANG Cong) [555084] - [stable] 'sysctl_max_map_count' should be non-negative (Amerigo Wang) [555084] - [stable] NOMMU: Optimise away the {dac_,}mmap_min_addr tests (David Howells) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: fix race with suspend and dynamic_ps_disable_work (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] iwlwifi: fix 40MHz operation setting on cards that do not allow it (Reinette Chatre) [555084] - [stable] iwlwifi: fix more eeprom endian bugs (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] iwlwifi: fix EEPROM/OTP reading endian annotations and a bug (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] iwl3945: fix panic in iwl3945 driver (Zhu Yi) [555084] - [stable] iwl3945: disable power save (Reinette Chatre) [555084] - [stable] ath9k_hw: Fix AR_GPIO_INPUT_EN_VAL_BT_PRIORITY_BB and its shift value in 0x4054 (Vasanthakumar Thiagarajan) [555084] - [stable] ath9k_hw: Fix possible OOB array indexing in gen_timer_index[] on 64-bit (Vasanthakumar Thiagarajan) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: fix suspend by waking device prior to stop (Sujith) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: wake hardware during AMPDU TX actions (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: fix missed error codes in the tx status check (Felix Fietkau) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: Fix TX queue draining (Sujith) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: wake hardware for interface IBSS/AP/Mesh removal (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] ath5k: fix SWI calibration interrupt storm (Bob Copeland) [555084] - [stable] cfg80211: fix race between deauth and assoc response (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: Fix IBSS merge (Sujith) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: fix WMM AP settings application (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: fix propagation of failed hardware reconfigurations (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] iwmc3200wifi: fix array out-of-boundary access (Zhu Yi) [555084] - [stable] Libertas: fix buffer overflow in lbs_get_essid() (Daniel Mack) [555084] - [stable] KVM: LAPIC: make sure IRR bitmap is scanned after vm load (Marcelo Tosatti) [555084] - [stable] KVM: MMU: remove prefault from invlpg handler (Marcelo Tosatti) [555084] - [stable] ioat2,3: put channel hardware in known state at init (Dan Williams) [555084] - [stable] ioat3: fix p-disabled q-continuation (Dan Williams) [555084] - [stable] x86/amd-iommu: Fix initialization failure panic (Joerg Roedel) [555084] - [stable] dma-debug: Fix bug causing build warning (Ingo Molnar) [555084] - [stable] dma-debug: Do not add notifier when dma debugging is disabled. (Shaun Ruffell) [555084] - [stable] dma: at_hdmac: correct incompatible type for argument 1 of 'spin_lock_bh' (Nicolas Ferre) [555084] - [stable] md: Fix unfortunate interaction with evms (NeilBrown) [555084] - [stable] x86: SGI UV: Fix writes to led registers on remote uv hubs (Mike Travis) [555084] - [stable] drivers/net/usb: Correct code taking the size of a pointer (Julia Lawall) [555084] - [stable] USB: fix bugs in usb_(de)authorize_device (Alan Stern) [555084] - [stable] USB: rename usb_configure_device (Alan Stern) [555084] - [stable] Bluetooth: Prevent ill-timed autosuspend in USB driver (Oliver Neukum) [555084] - [stable] USB: musb: gadget_ep0: avoid SetupEnd interrupt (Sergei Shtylyov) [555084] - [stable] USB: Fix a bug on appledisplay.c regarding signedness (pancho horrillo) [555084] - [stable] USB: option: support hi speed for modem Haier CE100 (Donny Kurnia) [555084] - [stable] USB: emi62: fix crash when trying to load EMI 6|2 firmware (Clemens Ladisch) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon: fix build on 64-bit with some compilers. (Dave Airlie) [555084] - [stable] ASoC: Do not write to invalid registers on the wm9712. (Eric Millbrandt) [555084] - [stable] powerpc: Handle VSX alignment faults correctly in little-endian mode (Neil Campbell) [555084] - [stable] ACPI: Use the return result of ACPI lid notifier chain correctly (Zhao Yakui) [555084] - [stable] ACPI: EC: Fix MSI DMI detection (Alexey Starikovskiy) [555084] - [stable] acerhdf: limit modalias matching to supported (Stefan Bader) [555084] - [stable] ALSA: hda - Fix missing capsrc_nids for ALC88x (Takashi Iwai) [555084] - [stable] sound: sgio2audio/pdaudiocf/usb-audio: initialize PCM buffer (Clemens Ladisch) [555084] - [stable] ASoC: wm8974: fix a wrong bit definition (Guennadi Liakhovetski) [555084] - [stable] pata_cmd64x: fix overclocking of UDMA0-2 modes (Bartlomiej Zolnierkiewicz) [555084] - [stable] pata_hpt3x2n: fix clock turnaround (Sergei Shtylyov) [555084] - [stable] clockevents: Prevent clockevent_devices list corruption on cpu hotplug (Thomas Gleixner) [555084] - [stable] sched: Select_task_rq_fair() must honour SD_LOAD_BALANCE (Peter Zijlstra) [555084] - [stable] x86, cpuid: Add "volatile" to asm in native_cpuid() (Suresh Siddha) [555084] - [stable] sched: Fix task_hot() test order (Peter Zijlstra) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: fc class: fix fc_transport_init error handling (Mike Christie) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: st: fix mdata->page_order handling (FUJITA Tomonori) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: qla2xxx: dpc thread can execute before scsi host has been added (Michael Reed) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: ipr: fix EEH recovery (Kleber Sacilotto de Souza) [555084] - [stable] implement early_io{re,un}map for ia64 (Luck, Tony) [555084] - [stable] perf_event: Fix incorrect range check on cpu number (Paul Mackerras) [555084] - [stable] netfilter: xtables: document minimal required version (Jan Engelhardt) [555084] - [stable] intel-iommu: ignore page table validation in pass through mode (Chris Wright) [555084] - [stable] jffs2: Fix long-standing bug with symlink garbage collection. (David Woodhouse) [555084] - [stable] ipvs: zero usvc and udest (Simon Horman) [555084] - [stable] mm: sigbus instead of abusing oom (Hugh Dickins) [555084] - [stable] drm/i915: Fix LVDS stability issue on Ironlake (Zhenyu Wang) [555084] - [stable] drm/i915: PineView only has LVDS and CRT ports (Zhenyu Wang) [555084] - [stable] drm/i915: Avoid NULL dereference with component_only tv_modes (Chris Wilson) [555084] - [stable] x86: Under BIOS control, restore AP's APIC_LVTTHMR to the BSP value (Yong Wang) [555084] - [stable] bcm63xx_enet: fix compilation failure after get_stats_count removal (Florian Fainelli) [555084] - [stable] V4L/DVB (13116): gspca - ov519: Webcam 041e:4067 added. (Rafal Milecki) [555084] - [stable] ext3: Fix data / filesystem corruption when write fails to copy data (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] net: Fix userspace RTM_NEWLINK notifications. (Eric W. Biederman) [555084] - [stable] ACPI: Use the ARB_DISABLE for the CPU which model id is less than 0x0f. (Zhao Yakui) [555084] - [stable] vmalloc: conditionalize build of pcpu_get_vm_areas() (Tejun Heo) [555084] - [stable] asus-laptop: change light sens default values. (Corentin Chary) [555084] - [stable] acerhdf: add new BIOS versions (Peter Feuerer) [555084] - [stable] matroxfb: fix problems with display stability (Alan Cox) [555084] - [stable] ipw2100: fix rebooting hang with driver loaded (Zhu Yi) [555084] - [stable] thinkpad-acpi: preserve rfkill state across suspend/resume (Henrique de Moraes Holschuh) [555084] - [stable] thinkpad-acpi: fix default brightness_mode for R50e/R51 (Henrique de Moraes Holschuh) [555084] - [stable] memcg: fix memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes for root cgroup (Kirill A. Shutemov) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: Fix dynamic power save for scanning. (Vivek Natarajan) [555084] - [stable] ath9k: fix tx status reporting (Felix Fietkau) [555084] - [stable] tracing: Fix event format export (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] b43legacy: avoid PPC fault during resume (Larry Finger) [555084] - [stable] sparc: Set UTS_MACHINE correctly. (David S. Miller) [555084] - [stable] sparc64: Fix stack debugging IRQ stack regression. (David S. Miller) [555084] - [stable] sparc64: Fix overly strict range type matching for PCI devices. (David S. Miller) [555084] - [stable] sparc64: Don't specify IRQF_SHARED for LDC interrupts. (David S. Miller) [555084] - [stable] b44 WOL setup: one-bit-off stack corruption kernel panic fix (Stanislav Brabec) [555084] - [stable] ip_fragment: also adjust skb->truesize for packets not owned by a socket (Patrick McHardy) [555084] - [stable] tcp: Stalling connections: Fix timeout calculation routine (Damian Lukowski) [555084] - [stable] slc90e66: fix UDMA handling (Bartlomiej Zolnierkiewicz) [555084] - [stable] xen: try harder to balloon up under memory pressure. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] Xen balloon: fix totalram_pages counting. (Gianluca Guida) [555084] - [stable] xen: explicitly create/destroy stop_machine workqueues outside suspend/resume region. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: use iret for return from 64b kernel to 32b usermode (Jeremy Fitzhardinge) [555084] - [stable] xen: don't leak IRQs over suspend/resume. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: improve error handling in do_suspend. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: call clock resume notifier on all CPUs (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: register runstate info for boot CPU early (Jeremy Fitzhardinge) [555084] - [stable] xen: don't call dpm_resume_noirq() with interrupts disabled. (Jeremy Fitzhardinge) [555084] - [stable] xen: register runstate on secondary CPUs (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: register timer interrupt with IRQF_TIMER (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: correctly restore pfn_to_mfn_list_list after resume (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen: restore runstate_info even if !have_vcpu_info_placement (Jeremy Fitzhardinge) [555084] - [stable] xen: re-register runstate area earlier on resume. (Ian Campbell) [555084] - [stable] xen/xenbus: make DEVICE_ATTR()s static (Jeremy Fitzhardinge) [555084] - [stable] drm/i915: Add the missing clonemask for display port on Ironlake (Zhao Yakui) [555084] - [stable] drm/i915: Set the error code after failing to insert new offset into mm ht. (Chris Wilson) [555084] - [stable] drm/ttm: Fix build failure due to missing struct page (Martin Michlmayr) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: rs6xx/rs740: clamp vram to aperture size (Alex Deucher) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: fix vram setup on rs600 (Alex Deucher) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: fix legacy crtc2 dpms (Alex Deucher) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: handle vblanks properly with dpms on (Alex Deucher) [555084] - [stable] drm/radeon/kms: Add quirk for HIS X1300 board (Alex Deucher) [555084] - [stable] powerpc: Fix usage of 64-bit instruction in 32-bit altivec code (Benjamin Herrenschmidt) [555084] - [stable] powerpc/therm_adt746x: Record pwm invert bit at module load time] (Darrick J. Wong) [555084] - [stable] powerpc/windfarm: Add detection for second cpu pump (Bolko Maass) [555084] - [stable] mm: hugetlb: fix hugepage memory leak in walk_page_range() (Naoya Horiguchi) [555084] - [stable] mm: hugetlb: fix hugepage memory leak in mincore() (Naoya Horiguchi) [555084] - [stable] x86: Fix bogus warning in apic_noop.apic_write() (Thomas Gleixner) [555084] - [stable] rtl8187: Fix wrong rfkill switch mask for some models (Larry Finger) [555084] - [stable] wireless: correctly report signal value for IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_UNSPEC (John W. Linville) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: fix scan abort sanity checks (Johannes Berg) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: Revert 'Use correct sign for mesh active path refresh' (Javier Cardona) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: Fixed bug in mesh portal paths (Javier Cardona) [555084] - [stable] mac80211: Fix bug in computing crc over dynamic IEs in beacon (Vasanthakumar Thiagarajan) [555084] - [stable] Serial: Do not read IIR in serial8250_start_tx when UART_BUG_TXEN (Ian Jackson) [555084] - [stable] Driver core: fix race in dev_driver_string (Alan Stern) [555084] - [stable] debugfs: fix create mutex racy fops and private data (Mathieu Desnoyers) [555084] - [stable] devpts_get_tty() should validate inode (Sukadev Bhattiprolu) [555084] - [stable] futex: Take mmap_sem for get_user_pages in fault_in_user_writeable (Andi Kleen) [555084] - [stable] md/bitmap: protect against bitmap removal while being updated. (NeilBrown) [555084] - [stable] hfs: fix a potential buffer overflow (Amerigo Wang) [555084] - [stable] pxa/em-x270: fix usb hub power up/reset sequence (Igor Grinberg) [555084] - [stable] USB: Close usb_find_interface race v3 (Russ Dill) [555084] - [stable] USB: usb-storage: add BAD_SENSE flag (Alan Stern) [555084] - [stable] USB: usbtmc: repeat usb_bulk_msg until whole message is transfered (Andre Herms) [555084] - [stable] USB: option.c: add support for D-Link DWM-162-U5 (Zhang Le) [555084] - [stable] USB: musb_gadget_ep0: fix unhandled endpoint 0 IRQs, again (Sergei Shtylyov) [555084] - [stable] USB: xhci: Add correct email and files to MAINTAINERS entry. (Sarah Sharp) [555084] - [stable] jbd2: don't wipe the journal on a failed journal checksum (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] UBI: flush wl before clearing update marker (Sebastian Andrzej Siewior) [555084] - [stable] bsdacct: fix uid/gid misreporting (Alexey Dobriyan) [555084] - [stable] V4L/DVB: Fix test in copy_reg_bits() (Roel Kluin) [555084] - [stable] pata_hpt{37x|3x2n}: fix timing register masks (take 2) (Sergei Shtylyov) [555084] - [stable] x86: Fix typo in Intel CPU cache size descriptor (Dave Jones) [555084] - [stable] x86: Add new Intel CPU cache size descriptors (Dave Jones) [555084] - [stable] x86: Fix duplicated UV BAU interrupt vector (Cliff Wickman) [555084] - [stable] x86/mce: Set up timer unconditionally (Jan Beulich) [555084] - [stable] x86, mce: don't restart timer if disabled (Hidetoshi Seto) [555084] - [stable] x86: Use -maccumulate-outgoing-args for sane mcount prologues (Thomas Gleixner) [555084] - [stable] x86: Prevent GCC 4.4.x (pentium-mmx et al) function prologue wreckage (Thomas Gleixner) [555084] - [stable] KVM: x86: include pvclock MSRs in msrs_to_save (Glauber Costa) [555084] - [stable] KVM: fix irq_source_id size verification (Marcelo Tosatti) [555084] - [stable] KVM: s390: Make psw available on all exits, not just a subset (Carsten Otte) [555084] - [stable] KVM: s390: Fix prefix register checking in arch/s390/kvm/sigp.c (Carsten Otte) [555084] - [stable] KVM: x86 emulator: limit instructions to 15 bytes (Avi Kivity) [555084] - [stable] ALSA: hrtimer - Fix lock-up (Takashi Iwai) [555084] - [stable] hrtimer: Fix /proc/timer_list regression (Feng Tang) [555084] - [stable] ath5k: enable EEPROM checksum check (Luis R. Rodriguez) [555084] - [stable] ath5k: allow setting txpower to 0 (Bob Copeland) [555084] - [stable] ssb: Fix range check in sprom write (Michael Buesch) [555084] - [stable] x86, apic: Enable lapic nmi watchdog on AMD Family 11h (Mikael Pettersson) [555084] - [stable] x86: ASUS P4S800 reboot=bios quirk (Leann Ogasawara) [555084] - [stable] x86: GART: pci-gart_64.c: Use correct length in strncmp (Joe Perches) [555084] - [stable] x86: Fix iommu=nodac parameter handling (Tejun Heo) [555084] - [stable] x86, Calgary IOMMU quirk: Find nearest matching Calgary while walking up the PCI tree (Darrick J. Wong) [555084] - [stable] x86/amd-iommu: un__init iommu_setup_msi (Joerg Roedel) [555084] - [stable] x86/amd-iommu: attach devices to pre-allocated domains early (Joerg Roedel) [555084] - [stable] sched: Fix and clean up rate-limit newidle code (Mike Galbraith) [555084] - [stable] sched: Rate-limit newidle (Mike Galbraith) [555084] - [stable] sched: Fix affinity logic in select_task_rq_fair() (Mike Galbraith) [555084] - [stable] sched: Check for an idle shared cache in select_task_rq_fair() (Mike Galbraith) [555084] - [stable] PM / Runtime: Fix lockdep warning in __pm_runtime_set_status() (Rafael J. Wysocki) [555084] - [stable] perf_event: Initialize data.period in perf_swevent_hrtimer() (Xiao Guangrong) [555084] - [stable] perf_event: Fix invalid type in ioctl definition (Arjan van de Ven) [555084] - [stable] rcu: Remove inline from forward-referenced functions (Paul E. McKenney) [555084] - [stable] rcu: Fix note_new_gpnum() uses of ->gpnum (Paul E. McKenney) [555084] - [stable] rcu: Fix synchronization for rcu_process_gp_end() uses of ->completed counter (Paul E. McKenney) [555084] - [stable] rcu: Prepare for synchronization fixes: clean up for non-NO_HZ handling of ->completed counter (Paul E. McKenney) [555084] - [stable] firewire: ohci: handle receive packets with a data length of zero (Jay Fenlason) [555084] - [stable] USB: option: add pid for ZTE (zhao.ming9@zte.com.cn) [555084] - [stable] USB: usb-storage: fix bug in fill_inquiry (Alan Stern) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Fix potential fiemap deadlock (mmap_sem vs. i_data_sem) (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Wait for proper transaction commit on fsync (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix incorrect block reservation on quota transfer. (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] ext4: quota macros cleanup (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] ext4: ext4_get_reserved_space() must return bytes instead of blocks (Dmitry Monakhov) [555084] - [stable] ext4: remove blocks from inode prealloc list on failure (Curt Wohlgemuth) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Avoid data / filesystem corruption when write fails to copy data (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Return the PTR_ERR of the correct pointer in setup_new_group_blocks() (Roel Kluin) [555084] - [stable] jbd2: Add ENOMEM checking in and for jbd2_journal_write_metadata_buffer() (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: move_extent_per_page() cleanup (Akira Fujita) [555084] - [stable] ext4: initialize moved_len before calling ext4_move_extents() (Kazuya Mio) [555084] - [stable] ext4: Fix double-free of blocks with EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT (Akira Fujita) [555084] - [stable] ext4: make "norecovery" an alias for "noload" (Eric Sandeen) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix error handling in ext4_ind_get_blocks() (Jan Kara) [555084] - [stable] ext4: avoid issuing unnecessary barriers (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix block validity checks so they work correctly with meta_bg (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix uninit block bitmap initialization when s_meta_first_bg is non-zero (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: don't update the superblock in ext4_statfs() (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: journal all modifications in ext4_xattr_set_handle (Eric Sandeen) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix i_flags access in ext4_da_writepages_trans_blocks() (Julia Lawall) [555084] - [stable] ext4: make sure directory and symlink blocks are revoked (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: plug a buffer_head leak in an error path of ext4_iget() (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix possible recursive locking warning in EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT (Akira Fujita) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix lock order problem in ext4_move_extents() (Akira Fujita) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix the returned block count if EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT fails (Akira Fujita) [555084] - [stable] ext4: avoid divide by zero when trying to mount a corrupted file system (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] ext4: fix potential buffer head leak when add_dirent_to_buf() returns ENOSPC (Theodore Ts'o) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: megaraid_sas: fix 64 bit sense pointer truncation (Yang, Bo) [555084] - [stable] SCSI: osd_protocol.h: Add missing #include (Martin Michlmayr) [555084] - [stable] signal: Fix alternate signal stack check (Sebastian Andrzej Siewior) [555084]- [scsi] cciss: fix spinlock use (Tomas Henzl) [552910] - [scsi] cciss,hpsa: reassign controllers (Tomas Henzl) [552192] - [modsign] Don't attempt to sign a module if there are no key files (David Howells) [543529] - [x86] Compile mce-inject module (Prarit Bhargava) [553323] - [nfs] fix insecure export option (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] NFS update to 2.6.33 part 3 (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] NFS update to 2.6.33 part 2 (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [nfs] NFS update to 2.6.33 part 1 (Steve Dickson) [437715] - [s390] cio: deactivated devices can cause use after free panic (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: memory leaks when checking unusable devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: DASD steal lock task hangs (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: DASD cannot be set online (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: erratic DASD I/O behavior (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: not operational devices cannot be deactivated (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: initialization of I/O devices fails (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: kernel panic after unexpected interrupt (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: incorrect device state after device recognition and recovery (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: setting a device online or offline fails for unknown reasons (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: device recovery fails after concurrent hardware changes (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: device recovery stalls after multiple hardware events (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [s390] cio: double free under memory pressure (Hendrik Brueckner) [548490] - [sunrpc] Don't display zero scope IDs (Jeff Layton) [463530] - [sunrpc] Deprecate support for site-local addresses (Jeff Layton) [463530] - [input] dell-laptop: Update rfkill state on switch change (Matthew Garrett) [547892] - [input] Add support for adding i8042 filters (Matthew Garrett) [547892] - [vfs] force reval of target when following LAST_BIND symlinks (Jeff Layton) [548153] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: add two IBM devices to rdac_dev_list (Rob Evers) [528576] - [fs] ext4: flush delalloc blocks when space is low (Eric Sandeen) [526758] - [fs] fs-writeback: Add helper function to start writeback if idle (Eric Sandeen) [526758] - [fat] make discard a mount option (Jeff Moyer) [552355] - [ext4] make trim/discard optional (and off by default) (Jeff Moyer) [552355] - [fusion] bump version to 3.04.13 (Tomas Henzl) [548408] - [fusion] fix for incorrect data underrun (Tomas Henzl) [548408] - [fusion] remove unnecessary printk (Tomas Henzl) [548408] - [cifs] NULL out tcon, pSesInfo, and srvTcp pointers when chasing DFS referrals (Jeff Layton) [545984] - [fs] ext4: wait for log to commit when unmounting (Josef Bacik) [524267] - [mm] hwpoison: backport the latest patches from linux-2.6.33 (Dean Nelson) [547705] - [netdrv] bnx2i: update to 2.1.0 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [463268] - [netdrv] cnic: fixes for RHEL6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [463268] - [gfs2] Fix potential race in glock code (Steven Whitehouse) [546279] - [scsi] make driver PCI legacy I/O port free (Tomas Henzl) [549118] - [scsi] eliminate double free (Tomas Henzl) [549351] - [dlm] always use GFP_NOFS (David Teigland) [545904] - [block] Fix topology stacking for data and discard alignment (Mike Snitzer) [549766] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Make alua hardware handler s activate async (Rob Evers) [537257] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Make hp hardware handler s activate async (Rob Evers) [537257] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Make rdac hardware handler s activate async (Rob Evers) [537257] - [scsi] scsi_dh: Change the scsidh_activate interface to be asynchronous (Rob Evers) [537257] - [netdrv] update tg3 to version 3.105 (John Feeney) [465194] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update to 1.52.1-5 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [464427] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for 82599-KR and update to latest upstream (Andy Gospodarek) [462781] - [block] cfq-iosched: Remove prio_change logic for workload selection (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: Get rid of nr_groups (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: Remove the check for same cfq group from allow_merge (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq: set workload as expired if it doesn't have any slice left (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] Fix a CFQ crash in "for-2.6.33" branch of block tree (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq: Remove wait_request flag when idle time is being deleted (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: commenting non-obvious initialization (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: Take care of corner cases of group losing share due to deletion (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: Get rid of cfqq wait_busy_done flag (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq: Optimization for close cooperating queue searching (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [block] cfq-iosched: reduce write depth only if sync was delayed (Jeff Moyer) [548796] - [x86] ucode-amd: Load ucode-patches once and not separately of each CPU (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] Remove enabling x2apic message for every CPU (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] Limit number of per cpu TSC sync messages (George Beshers) [548840] - [sched] Limit the number of scheduler debug messages (George Beshers) [548840] - [init] Limit the number of per cpu calibration bootup messages (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] Limit the number of processor bootup messages (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] cpu: mv display_cacheinfo -> cpu_detect_cache_sizes (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] Remove CPU cache size output for non-Intel too (George Beshers) [548840] - [x86] Remove the CPU cache size printk's (George Beshers) [548840]- [kvm] VMX: Use shared msr infrastructure (Avi Kivity) [547777] - [kvm] x86 shared msr infrastructure (Avi Kivity) [547777] - [kvm] VMX: Move MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE out of the vmx autoload msr area (Avi Kivity) [547777] - [kvm] core, x86: Add user return notifiers (Avi Kivity) [547777] - [quota] ext4: Support for 64-bit quota format (Jerome Marchand) [546311] - [quota] ext3: Support for vfsv1 quota format (Jerome Marchand) [546311] - [quota] Implement quota format with 64-bit space and inode limits (Jerome Marchand) [546311] - [quota] Move definition of QFMT_OCFS2 to linux/quota.h (Jerome Marchand) [546311] - [scsi] cciss: remove pci-ids (Tomas Henzl) [464649] - [scsi] hpsa: new driver (Tomas Henzl) [464649] - [mm] Add file page writeback mm tracepoints. (Larry Woodman) [523093] - [mm] Add page reclaim mm tracepoints. (Larry Woodman) [523093] - [mm] Add file page mm tracepoints. (Larry Woodman) [523093] - [mm] Add anonynmous page mm tracepoints. (Larry Woodman) [523093] - [mm] Add mm tracepoint definitions to kmem.h (Larry Woodman) [523093] - [ksm] fix ksm.h breakage of nommu build (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] remove unswappable max_kernel_pages (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] memory hotremove migration only (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] rmap_walk to remove_migation_ptes (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] mem cgroup charge swapin copy (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] share anon page without allocating (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] take keyhole reference to page (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] hold anon_vma in rmap_item (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] let shared pages be swappable (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] fix mlockfreed to munlocked (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] stable_node point to page and back (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] separate stable_node (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] singly-linked rmap_list (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] cleanup some function arguments (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] remove redundancies when merging page (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [ksm] three remove_rmap_item_from_tree cleanups (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [mm] stop ptlock enlarging struct page (Izik Eidus) [548586] - [mm] vmscan: do not evict inactive pages when skipping an active list scan (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: make consistent of reclaim bale out between do_try_to_free_page and shrink_zone (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: kill sc.swap_cluster_max (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: zone_reclaim() dont use insane swap_cluster_max (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: kill hibernation specific reclaim logic and unify it (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: separate sc.swap_cluster_max and sc.nr_max_reclaim (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: stop kswapd waiting on congestion when the min watermark is not being met (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] vmscan: have kswapd sleep for a short interval and double check it should be asleep (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] pass address down to rmap ones (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] CONFIG_MMU for PG_mlocked (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] mlocking in try_to_unmap_one (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] define PAGE_MAPPING_FLAGS (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: note SWAP_MAP_SHMEM (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: swap count continuations (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: swap_map of chars not shorts (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: SWAP_HAS_CACHE cleanups (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: miscellaneous minor cleanups (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: include first_swap_extent (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: change to array of pointers (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] swap_info: private to swapfile.c (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [mm] move inc_zone_page_state(NR_ISOLATED) to just isolated place (Rik van Riel) [548457] - [xen] support MAXSMP (Andrew Jones) [547129] - [xen] wait up to 5 minutes for device connetion and fix fallout (Paolo Bonzini) [523630] - [uv] x86 SGI: Map low MMR ranges (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] gru: function to generate chipset IPI values (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86 RTC: Clean up error handling (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86: RTC: Add clocksource only boot option (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86: RTC: Fix early expiry handling (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86: introduce uv_gpa_is_mmr (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86: function to translate from gpa -> socket_paddr (George Beshers) [548181] - [uv] x86: SGI UV: Fix BAU initialization (George Beshers) [548181] - [s390] zfcp: Block SCSI EH thread for rport state BLOCKED (Hendrik Brueckner) [547413] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Introduce helper function for blocking scsi_eh (Hendrik Brueckner) [547413] - [s390] zfcp: improve FSF error reporting (Hendrik Brueckner) [547386] - [s390] zfcp: fix ELS ADISC handling to prevent QDIO errors (Hendrik Brueckner) [547385] - [s390] zfcp: Assign scheduled work to driver queue (Hendrik Brueckner) [547377] - [s390] zfcp: Don't fail SCSI commands when transitioning to blocked fc_rport (Hendrik Brueckner) [547379] - [s390] ctcm: suspend has to wait for outstanding I/O (Hendrik Brueckner) [546633] - [s390] cmm: free pages on hibernate (Hendrik Brueckner) [546407] - [s390] iucv: add work_queue cleanup for suspend (Hendrik Brueckner) [546319] - [s390] dasd: let device initialization wait for LCU setup (Hendrik Brueckner) [547735] - [s390] dasd: remove strings from s390dbf (Hendrik Brueckner) [547735] - [s390] dasd: enable prefix independent of pav support (Hendrik Brueckner) [547735] - [sound] ALSA HDA driver update 2009-12-15 (Jaroslav Kysela) [525391] - [utrace] utrace core (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [utrace] implement utrace-ptrace (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] reorder the code in kernel/ptrace.c (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] export __ptrace_detach() and do_notify_parent_cldstop() (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace_signal] check PT_PTRACED before reporting a signal (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [tracehooks] check PT_PTRACED before reporting the single-step (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [tracehooks] kill some PT_PTRACED checks (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [signals] check ->group_stop_count after tracehook_get_signal() (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] x86: change syscall_trace_leave() to rely on tracehook when stepping (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] x86: implement user_single_step_siginfo() (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] change tracehook_report_syscall_exit() to handle stepping (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] powerpc: implement user_single_step_siginfo() (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] introduce user_single_step_siginfo() helper (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] copy_process() should disable stepping (Roland McGrath) [549491] - [ptrace] cleanup ptrace_init_task()->ptrace_link() path (Roland McGrath) [549491]- [modsign] Don't check e_entry in ELF header (David Howells) [548027] - [pci] pciehp: Provide an option to disable native PCIe hotplug (Matthew Garrett) [517050] - [s390] OSA QDIO data connection isolation (Hendrik Brueckner) [537496] - [s390] zcrypt: adjust speed rating of cex3 adapters (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] zcrypt: adjust speed rating between cex2 and pcixcc (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] zcrypt: use definitions for cex3 (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] zcrypt: add support for cex3 device types (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] zcrypt: special command support for cex3 exploitation (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] zcrypt: initialize ap_messages for cex3 exploitation (Hendrik Brueckner) [537495] - [s390] kernel: performance counter fix and page fault optimization (Hendrik Brueckner) [546396] - [s390] kernel: fix dump indicator (Hendrik Brueckner) [546285] - [s390] dasd: support DIAG access for read-only devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [546309] - [s390] zcrypt: Do not simultaneously schedule hrtimer (Hendrik Brueckner) [546291] - [s390] kernel: clear high-order bits after switching to 64-bit mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [546314] - [virt] vhost: add missing architectures (Michael S. Tsirkin) [540389] - [virt] vhost_net: a kernel-level virtio server (Michael S. Tsirkin) [540389] - [virt] mm: export use_mm/unuse_mm to modules (Michael S. Tsirkin) [540389] - [virt] tun: export underlying socket (Michael S. Tsirkin) [540389] - [dm] snapshot-merge support from 2.6.33 (Mike Snitzer) [547563] - [dm] snapshot changes from 2.6.33 (Mike Snitzer) [547563] - [dm] crypt changes from 2.6.33 (Mike Snitzer) [547563] - [dm] raid1 changes from 2.6.33 (Mike Snitzer) [547563] - [dm] core and mpath changes from 2.6.33 (Mike Snitzer) [547563] - [scsi] fix dma handling when using virtual hosts (Mike Christie) [525241] - [nfs] convert proto= option to use netids rather than a protoname (Jeff Layton) [545973]- [block] config: enable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY (Jeff Moyer) [490732] - [block] config: enable CONFIG_BLK_CGROUP (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [libata] Clarify ata_set_lba_range_entries function (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [libata] Report zeroed read after Trim and max discard size (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [scsi] Correctly handle thin provisioning write error (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [scsi] sd: WRITE SAME(16) / UNMAP support (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [scsi] scsi_debug: Thin provisioning support (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [scsi] Add missing command definitions (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [block] Add support for the ATA TRIM command in libata. (Jeff Moyer) [528046] - [block] dio: fix performance regression (Jeff Moyer) [545507] - [block] cfq-iosched: Do not access cfqq after freeing it (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] include linux/err.h to use ERR_PTR (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: use call_rcu() instead of doing grace period stall on queue exit (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Allow CFQ group IO scheduling even when CFQ is a module (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Implement dynamic io controlling policy registration (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Export some symbols from blkio as its user CFQ can be a module (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: make nonrot check logic consistent (Jeff Moyer) [545225] - [block] io controller: quick fix for blk-cgroup and modular CFQ (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: move IO controller declerations to a header file (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix compile problem with !CONFIG_CGROUP (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Documentation (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Wait on sync-noidle queue even if rq_noidle = 1 (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Implement group_isolation tunable (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Determine async workload length based on total number of queues (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Wait for cfq queue to get backlogged if group is empty (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Propagate cgroup weight updation to cfq groups (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Drop the reference to queue once the task changes cgroup (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Provide some isolation between groups (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Export disk time and sectors used by a group to user space (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Some debugging aids for CFQ (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Take care of cgroup deletion and cfq group reference counting (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Dynamic cfq group creation based on cgroup tasks belongs to (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Group time used accounting and workload context save restore (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Implement per cfq group latency target and busy queue avg (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Introduce per cfq group weights and vdisktime calculations (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Introduce blkio controller cgroup interface (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Introduce the root service tree for cfq groups (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Keep queue on service tree until we expire it (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Implement macro to traverse each service tree in group (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Introduce the notion of cfq groups (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkio: Set must_dispatch only if we decided to not dispatch the request (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: no dispatch limit for single queue (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] Allow devices to indicate whether discarded blocks are zeroed (Jeff Moyer) [545203] - [block] Revert "cfq: Make use of service count to estimate the rb_key offset" (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix corner cases in idling logic (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: idling on deep seeky sync queues (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix no-idle preemption logic (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix ncq detection code (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: cleanup unreachable code (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq: Make use of service count to estimate the rb_key offset (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] partitions: read whole sector with EFI GPT header (Jeff Moyer) [463632] - [block] partitions: use sector size for EFI GPT (Jeff Moyer) [463632] - [block] Expose discard granularity (Jeff Moyer) [545203] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix next_rq computation (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: simplify prio-unboost code (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] blkdev: flush disk cache on ->fsync (Jeff Moyer) [545199] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix style issue in cfq_get_avg_queues() (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: fairness for sync no-idle queues (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: enable idling for last queue on priority class (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: reimplement priorities using different service trees (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: preparation to handle multiple service trees (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: adapt slice to number of processes doing I/O (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq-iosched: improve hw_tag detection (Jeff Moyer) [425895] - [block] cfq: break apart merged cfqqs if they stop cooperating (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - [block] cfq: change the meaning of the cfqq_coop flag (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - [block] cfq: merge cooperating cfq_queues (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - [block] cfq: calculate the seek_mean per cfq_queue not per cfq_io_context (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - [block] CFQ is more than a desktop scheduler (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - [block] revert: cfq-iosched: limit coop preemption (Jeff Moyer) [533932] - perf: Don't free perf_mmap_data until work has been done (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - ext4: Fix insuficient checks in EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - agp: clear GTT on intel (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - drm/i915: Fix sync to vblank when VGA output is turned off (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - drm: nouveau fixes (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - drm: radeon dp support (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - drm: radeon fixes (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - KVM: allow userspace to adjust kvmclock offset (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - ath9k backports (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - intel-iommu backport (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - updating patch linux-2.6-nfsd4-proots.patch (2.6.32-8.fc13 reference) (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432] - updating linux-2.6-execshield.patch (2.6.32-8.fc13 reference) (Aristeu Rozanski) [547432]- [rebase] Rebased to 2.6.32- [edac] amd64_edac: disabling temporarily (Aristeu Rozanski) - [x86] Enable CONFIG_SPARSE_IRQ (Prarit Bhargava) [543174] - [x86] panic if AMD cpu_khz is wrong (Prarit Bhargava) [523468] - [infiniband] Rewrite SG handling for RDMA logic (Mike Christie) [540269]- [net] Add acession counts to all datagram protocols (Neil Horman) [445366] - [modsign] Enable module signing in the RHEL RPM (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Don't include .note.gnu.build-id in the digest (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Apply signature checking to modules on module load (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Module signature checker and key manager (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Module ELF verifier (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Add indications of module ELF types (David Howells) [517341] - [modsign] Multiprecision maths library (David Howells) [517341] - [procfs] add ability to modify proc file limits from outside a processes own context (Neil Horman) [461946] - [s390x] fix build failure with CONFIG_FTRACE_SYSCALLS (Aristeu Rozanski) [538978]- [x86] AMD Northbridge: Verify NB's node is online (Prarit Bhargava) [536769] - [scsi] devinfo update for Hitachi entries (Takahiro Yasui) [526763] - [net] export device speed and duplex via sysfs (Andy Gospodarek) [453432] - [ppc64] Fix kcrctab_ sections to undo undesireable relocations that break kdump (Neil Horman) [509012] - [mm] Limit 32-bit x86 systems to 16GB and prevent panic on boot when system has more than ~30GB (Larry Woodman) [532039]- [kernel] Set panic_on_oops to 1 (Prarit Bhargava) [529963] - [kdump] kexec: allow to shrink reserved memory (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] doc: update the kdump document (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] powerpc: implement crashkernel=auto (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] powerpc: add CONFIG_KEXEC_AUTO_RESERVE (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] ia64: implement crashkernel=auto (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] ia64: add CONFIG_KEXEC_AUTO_RESERVE (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] x86: implement crashkernel=auto (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [kdump] x86: add CONFIG_KEXEC_AUTO_RESERVE (Amerigo Wang) [523091] - [block] aio: implement request batching (Jeff Moyer) [533931] - [block] get rid of the WRITE_ODIRECT flag (Jeff Moyer) [533931]- [crypto] padlock-aes: Use the correct mask when checking whether copying is required (Chuck Ebbert) - [rfkill] add support to a key to control all radios (Aristeu Rozanski) - [acpi] be less verbose about old BIOSes (Aristeu Rozanski) - [drm] intel big hammer (Aristeu Rozanski) - [e1000] add quirk for ich9 (Aristeu Rozanski) - [pci] cacheline sizing (Dave Jones) - [crash] add crash driver (Dave Anderson) - [fb] disable fbcon logo with parameter (Aristeu Rozanski) - [pci] silence some PCI resource allocation errors (Aristeu Rozanski) - [serio] disable error messages when i8042 isn't found (Peter Jones) - [serial] Enable higher baud rates for 16C95x (Aristeu Rozanski) - [input] remove pcspkr modalias (Aristeu Rozanski) - [floppy] remove the floppy pnp modalias (Aristeu Rozanski) - [input] remove unwanted messages on spurious events (Aristeu Rozanski) - [sound] hda intel prealloc 4mb dmabuffer (Aristeu Rozanski) - [sound] disables hda beep by default (Aristeu Rozanski) - [pci] sets PCIE ASPM default policy to POWERSAVE (Aristeu Rozanski) - [pci] add config option to control the default state of PCI MSI interrupts (Aristeu Rozanski) - [debug] always inline kzalloc (Aristeu Rozanski) - [debug] add would_have_oomkilled procfs ctl (Aristeu Rozanski) - [debug] add calls to print_tainted() on spinlock functions (Aristeu Rozanski) - [debug] display tainted information on other places (Aristeu Rozanski) - [x86] add option to control the NMI watchdog timeout (Aristeu Rozanski) - [debug] print common struct sizes at boot time (Aristeu Rozanski) - [acpi] Disable firmware video brightness change by default (Matthew Garrett) - [acpi] Disable brightness switch by default (Aristeu Rozanski) - [usb] enable autosuspend on UVC by default (Matthew Garrett) - [usb] enable autosuspend by default on qcserial (Matthew Garrett) - [usb] Allow drivers to enable USB autosuspend on a per-device basis (Matthew Garrett) - [nfs] make nfs4 callback hidden (Steve Dickson) - [nfsd4] proots (Aristeu Rozanski) - [execshield] introduce execshield (Aristeu Rozanski) - [powerpc] add modalias_show operation (Aristeu Rozanski) - [hwmon] add VIA hwmon temperature sensor support (Aristeu Rozanski) - [utrace] introduce utrace implementation (Aristeu Rozanski) - [build] introduce AFTER_LINK variable (Aristeu Rozanski)/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shkbuild-rh6-x32 1422524091  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~                           ! 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85.koi2c-nforce2.koi2c-parport-light.koi2c-parport.koi2c-pca-platform.koi2c-piix4.koi2c-scmi.koi2c-simtec.koi2c-sis5595.koi2c-sis630.koi2c-sis96x.koi2c-stub.koi2c-tiny-usb.koi2c-via.koi2c-viapro.koi2c-voodoo3.kochipstsl2550.koi2c-core.koi2c-dev.koieee802154fakehard.koinfinibandcoreib_addr.koib_cm.koib_core.koib_mad.koib_sa.koib_ucm.koib_umad.koib_uverbs.koiw_cm.kordma_cm.kordma_ucm.kohwcxgb3iw_cxgb3.kocxgb4iw_cxgb4.komlx4mlx4_ib.komlx5mlx5_ib.komthcaib_mthca.konesiw_nes.koocrdmaocrdma.koulpipoibib_ipoib.koiserib_iser.kosrpib_srp.koinputinput-polldev.kokeyboardadp5588-keys.komax7359_keypad.koopencores-kbd.komiscapanel.koati_remote.koati_remote2.koatlas_btns.kocm109.kokeyspan_remote.kopcspkr.kopowermate.korotary_encoder.kouinput.kowistron_btns.kowm831x-on.koyealink.komouseappletouch.kobcm5974.kosermouse.kosynaptics_i2c.kovsxxxaa.koseriohyperv-keyboard.koserio_raw.kotabletacecad.koaiptek.kogtco.kokbtab.kowacom.kotouchscreenad7879.koeeti_ts.koelo.kofujitsu_ts.kogunze.kohtcpen.koinexio.komcs5000_ts.komtouch.kopenmount.kotouchit213.kotouchright.kotouchwin.kotsc2007.kousbtouchscreen.kowacom_w8001.koisdncapicapi.kocapidrv.kocapifs.kokernelcapi.kodivertdss1_divert.kogigasetbas_gigaset.kogigaset.koser_gigaset.kousb_gigaset.kohardwareavmavm_cs.kob1.kob1dma.kob1pci.kob1pcmcia.koc4.kot1pci.komISDNavmfritz.kohfcmulti.kohfcpci.kohfcsusb.komISDNinfineon.komISDNipac.komISDNisar.konetjet.kospeedfax.kow6692.kohisaxavma1_cs.koelsa_cs.kohfc4s8s_l1.kohisax.kohisax_fcpcipnp.kohisax_isac.kohisax_st5481.kosedlbauer_cs.koteles_cs.kohysdnhysdn.koi4lisdn.koisdnhdlc.komISDNl1oip.komISDN_core.komISDN_dsp.koledsleds-alix2.koleds-clevo-mail.koleds-lp3944.koleds-wm831x-status.koleds-wm8350.koledtrig-backlight.koledtrig-default-on.koledtrig-heartbeat.koledtrig-timer.komddm-bio-prison.kodm-bufio.kodm-cache-cleaner.kodm-cache-mq.kodm-cache.kodm-crypt.kodm-delay.kodm-era.kodm-flakey.kodm-log-userspace.kodm-log.kodm-memcache.kodm-mirror.kodm-mod.kodm-multipath.kodm-queue-length.kodm-raid.kodm-raid45.kodm-region-hash.kodm-round-robin.kodm-service-time.kodm-snapshot.kodm-thin-pool.kodm-zero.kofaulty.kolinear.kopersistent-datadm-persistent-data.koraid0.koraid1.koraid10.koraid456.komediacommonsaa7146.kosaa7146_vv.kotunersmax2165.komc44s803.komt2060.komt20xx.komt2131.komt2266.komxl5005s.komxl5007t.koqt1010.kotda18218.kotda18271.kotda827x.kotda8290.kotda9887.kotea5761.kotea5767.kotuner-simple.kotuner-types.kotuner-xc2028.koxc5000.kodvbb2c2b2c2-flexcop-pci.kob2c2-flexcop-usb.kob2c2-flexcop.kobt8xxbt878.kodst.kodst_ca.kodvb-bt8xx.kodm1105dm1105.kodvb-coredvb-core.kodvb-usbdvb-usb-a800.kodvb-usb-af9005-remote.kodvb-usb-af9005.kodvb-usb-af9015.kodvb-usb-anysee.kodvb-usb-au6610.kodvb-usb-az6027.kodvb-usb-ce6230.kodvb-usb-cinergyT2.kodvb-usb-cxusb.kodvb-usb-dib0700.kodvb-usb-dibusb-common.kodvb-usb-dibusb-mb.kodvb-usb-dibusb-mc.kodvb-usb-digitv.kodvb-usb-dtt200u.kodvb-usb-dtv5100.kodvb-usb-dw2102.kodvb-usb-ec168.kodvb-usb-friio.kodvb-usb-gl861.kodvb-usb-gp8psk.kodvb-usb-lmedm04.kodvb-usb-m920x.kodvb-usb-nova-t-usb2.kodvb-usb-opera.kodvb-usb-ttusb2.kodvb-usb-umt-010.kodvb-usb-vp702x.kodvb-usb-vp7045.kodvb-usb.kofirewirefiredtv.kofrontendsaf9013.koatbm8830.koau8522.kobcm3510.kocx22700.kocx22702.kocx24110.kocx24113.kocx24116.kocx24123.kodib0070.kodib0090.kodib3000mb.kodib3000mc.kodib7000m.kodib7000p.kodib8000.kodibx000_common.kods3000.kodvb-pll.koec100.koisl6405.koisl6421.koisl6423.koitd1000.koix2505v.kol64781.kolgdt3305.kolgdt330x.kolgs8gxx.kolnbp21.komb86a20s.komt312.komt352.konxt200x.konxt6000.koor51132.koor51211.kos5h1409.kos5h1411.kos5h1420.kos921.kosi21xx.kosp8870.kosp887x.kostb0899.kostb6000.kostb6100.kostv0288.kostv0297.kostv0299.kostv0900.kostv090x.kostv6110.kostv6110x.kotda10021.kotda10023.kotda10048.kotda1004x.kotda10086.kotda8083.kotda8261.kotda826x.kotua6100.koves1820.koves1x93.kozl10036.kozl10039.kozl10353.kongenengene.kopluto2pluto2.kopt1earth-pt1.kosianosmsdvb.kosmsmdtv.kosmssdio.kosmsusb.kottpcibudget-av.kobudget-ci.kobudget-core.kobudget-patch.kobudget.kodvb-ttpci.kottpci-eeprom.kottusb-budgetdvb-ttusb-budget.kottusb-decttusb_dec.kottusbdecfe.korcene_ir.koimon.koir-jvc-decoder.koir-lirc-codec.koir-nec-decoder.koir-rc5-decoder.koir-rc5-sz-decoder.koir-rc6-decoder.koir-sony-decoder.kokeymapsrc-adstech-dvb-t-pci.korc-alink-dtu-m.korc-anysee.korc-apac-viewcomp.korc-asus-pc39.korc-ati-tv-wonder-hd-600.korc-avermedia-a16d.korc-avermedia-cardbus.korc-avermedia-dvbt.korc-avermedia-m135a.korc-avermedia-m733a-rm-k6.korc-avermedia-rm-ks.korc-avermedia.korc-avertv-303.korc-azurewave-ad-tu700.korc-behold-columbus.korc-behold.korc-budget-ci-old.korc-cinergy-1400.korc-cinergy.korc-dib0700-nec.korc-dib0700-rc5.korc-digitalnow-tinytwin.korc-digittrade.korc-dm1105-nec.korc-dntv-live-dvb-t.korc-dntv-live-dvbt-pro.korc-em-terratec.korc-encore-enltv-fm53.korc-encore-enltv.korc-encore-enltv2.korc-evga-indtube.korc-eztv.korc-flydvb.korc-flyvideo.korc-fusionhdtv-mce.korc-gadmei-rm008z.korc-genius-tvgo-a11mce.korc-gotview7135.korc-hauppauge-new.korc-imon-mce.korc-imon-pad.korc-iodata-bctv7e.korc-kaiomy.korc-kworld-315u.korc-kworld-plus-tv-analog.korc-leadtek-y04g0051.korc-lirc.korc-lme2510.korc-manli.korc-msi-digivox-ii.korc-msi-digivox-iii.korc-msi-tvanywhere-plus.korc-msi-tvanywhere.korc-nebula.korc-nec-terratec-cinergy-xs.korc-norwood.korc-npgtech.korc-pctv-sedna.korc-pinnacle-color.korc-pinnacle-grey.korc-pinnacle-pctv-hd.korc-pixelview-002t.korc-pixelview-mk12.korc-pixelview-new.korc-pixelview.korc-powercolor-real-angel.korc-proteus-2309.korc-purpletv.korc-pv951.korc-rc5-hauppauge-new.korc-rc5-tv.korc-rc6-mce.korc-real-audio-220-32-keys.korc-streamzap.korc-tbs-nec.korc-terratec-cinergy-xs.korc-terratec-slim.korc-tevii-nec.korc-total-media-in-hand.korc-trekstor.korc-tt-1500.korc-twinhan1027.korc-videomate-m1f.korc-videomate-s350.korc-videomate-tv-pvr.korc-winfast-usbii-deluxe.korc-winfast.kolirc_dev.komceusb.konuvoton-cir.korc-core.kostreamzap.kowinbond-cir.kovideoau0828au0828.kobt8xxbttv.kobtcx-risc.kocafe_ccic.kocs5345.kocs53l32a.kocx18cx18-alsa.kocx18.kocx231xxcx231xx-alsa.kocx231xx-dvb.kocx231xx.kocx2341x.kocx23885cx23885.kocx25840cx25840.kocx88cx88-alsa.kocx88-blackbird.kocx88-dvb.kocx88-vp3054-i2c.kocx8800.kocx8802.kocx88xx.koem28xxem28xx-alsa.koem28xx-dvb.koem28xx.kogspcagl860gspca_gl860.kogspca_benq.kogspca_conex.kogspca_cpia1.kogspca_etoms.kogspca_finepix.kogspca_jeilinj.kogspca_konica.kogspca_main.kogspca_mars.kogspca_mr97310a.kogspca_ov519.kogspca_ov534.kogspca_ov534_9.kogspca_pac207.kogspca_pac7302.kogspca_pac7311.kogspca_sn9c2028.kogspca_sn9c20x.kogspca_sonixb.kogspca_sonixj.kogspca_spca1528.kogspca_spca500.kogspca_spca501.kogspca_spca505.kogspca_spca506.kogspca_spca508.kogspca_spca561.kogspca_sq905.kogspca_sq905c.kogspca_sq930x.kogspca_stk014.kogspca_stv0680.kogspca_sunplus.kogspca_t613.kogspca_tv8532.kogspca_vc032x.kogspca_xirlink_cit.kogspca_zc3xx.kom5602gspca_m5602.kostv06xxgspca_stv06xx.kohdpvrhdpvr.koir-kbd-i2c.koivtvivtv.koivtvfb.kom52790.komsp3400.komt9m001.komt9m111.komt9t031.komt9v011.komt9v022.koov7670.koov772x.kopvrusb2pvrusb2.kopwcpwc.kos2255drv.kosaa6588.kosaa7115.kosaa7127.kosaa7134saa6752hs.kosaa7134-alsa.kosaa7134-dvb.kosaa7134-empress.kosaa7134.kosaa7164saa7164.kosaa717x.kosoc_camera.kosoc_camera_platform.kosoc_mediabus.kostkwebcam.kotda7432.kotlg2300poseidon.kotuner.kotvaudio.kotveeprom.kotvp5150.kotw9910.koupd64031a.koupd64083.kousbvisionusbvision.kouvcuvcvideo.kov4l2-common.kov4l2-int-device.kovideobuf-core.kovideobuf-dma-sg.kovideobuf-dvb.kovideobuf-vmalloc.kovideodev.kovp27smpx.kowm8739.kowm8775.kozr364xx.komemstickcorememstick.komspro_block.kohostjmb38x_ms.kor592.kortsx_pci_ms.kotifm_ms.komessagefusionmptbase.komptctl.komptfc.komptlan.komptsas.komptscsih.komptspi.komfdab3100-core.koab3100-otp.kolpc_ich.kolpc_sch.komfd-core.kortsx_pci.kosm501.kowm831x.kowm8350-i2c.kowm8350.kowm8400-core.komisccb710cb710.koeepromat24.koeeprom.koeeprom_93cx6.komax6875.koenclosure.kohpilo.koibmasmibmasm.koics932s401.koisl29003.kotifm_7xx1.kotifm_core.kovmware_balloon.kommccardmmc_block.kosdio_uart.kocoremmc_core.kohostcb710-mmc.kortsx_pci_sdmmc.kosdhci-pci.kosdhci-pltfm.kosdhci.kosdricoh_cs.kotifm_sd.kovia-sdmmc.komtdar7part.kochipscfi_cmdset_0001.kocfi_cmdset_0002.kocfi_cmdset_0020.kocfi_probe.kocfi_util.kogen_probe.kojedec_probe.komap_absent.komap_ram.komap_rom.kodevicesblock2mtd.komtdram.kopmc551.koftl.koinftl.kolpddrlpddr_cmds.koqinfo_probe.komapsck804xrom.koesb2rom.konetsc520.kopci.kosc520cdp.koscb2_flash.kots5500_flash.komtd_blkdevs.komtdblock.komtdblock_ro.komtdchar.komtdconcat.komtdoops.konandalauda.kocafe_nand.kocs553x_nand.kodiskonchip.konand.konand_ecc.konand_ids.konandsim.konftl.koredboot.korfd_ftl.kossfdc.koubiubi.konet3c509.ko3c59x.ko8139cp.ko8139too.ko8390.ko8390p.koacenic.koamd8111e.koatl1catl1c.koatl1eatl1e.koatlxatl1.koatl2.kob44.kobenetbe2net.kobnabna.kobnx2.kobnx2xbnx2x.kobondingbonding.kocancan-dev.kosja1000ems_pci.kokvaser_pci.kosja1000.kosja1000_isa.kosja1000_platform.kousbems_usb.kovcan.kocassini.kochelsiocxgb.kocnic.kocxgb3cxgb3.kocxgb4cxgb4.kodl2k.kodnet.kodummy.koe100.koe1000e1000.koe1000ee1000e.koenicenic.koepic100.koethoc.koewrk3.kofealnx.koforcedeth.kohypervhv_netvsc.koi40ei40e.koi40evfi40evf.koifb.koigbigb.koigbvfigbvf.koipg.koixgbixgb.koixgbeixgbe.koixgbevfixgbevf.kojme.komacvlan.komacvtap.komdio.komii.komlx4mlx4_core.komlx4_en.komlx5coremlx5_core.komyri10gemyri10ge.konatsemi.kone.kone2k-pci.konetconsole.konetxennetxen_nic.koniu.kons83820.kopch_gbepch_gbe.kopcmcia3c574_cs.ko3c589_cs.koaxnet_cs.kofmvj18x_cs.konmclan_cs.kopcnet_cs.kosmc91c92_cs.koxirc2ps_cs.kopcnet32.kophybroadcom.kocicada.kodavicom.koet1011c.koicplus.kolxt.komarvell.komdio-bitbang.konational.koqsemi.korealtek.kosmsc.koste10Xp.kovitesse.koppp_async.koppp_deflate.koppp_generic.koppp_mppe.koppp_synctty.kopppoe.kopppol2tp.kopppox.koqla3xxx.koqlcnicqlcnic.koqlgeqlge.kor6040.kor8169.kos2io.kosc92031.kosfcsfc.kosis190.kosis900.koskge.kosky2.koslhc.koslip.kosmc-ultra.kosmsc9420.kostarfire.kosundance.kosungem.kosungem_phy.kosunhme.kotehuti.kotg3.kotlan.kotulipde2104x.kode4x5.kodmfe.kotulip.kouli526x.kowinbond-840.koxircom_cb.kotun.kotyphoon.kousbasix.kocatc.kocdc-phonet.kocdc_eem.kocdc_ether.kocdc_ncm.kocdc_subset.kodm9601.kogl620a.kohso.koint51x1.kokaweth.komcs7830.konet1080.kopegasus.koplusb.korndis_host.kortl8150.kosierra_net.kosmsc95xx.kousbnet.kozaurus.koveth.kovia-rhine.kovia-velocity.kovirtio_net.kovmxnet3vmxnet3.kovxgevxge.kovxlan.kovzethdev.kovznetdev.kowandlci.kohdlc.kohdlc_cisco.kohdlc_fr.kohdlc_ppp.kohdlc_raw.kowimaxi2400mi2400m-sdio.koi2400m-usb.koi2400m.kowirelessadm8211.koairo.koairo_cs.koat76c50x-usb.koathath.koath5kath5k.koath9kath9k.koath9k_common.koath9k_htc.koath9k_hw.kocarl9170carl9170.koatmel.koatmel_cs.koatmel_pci.kob43b43.kob43legacyb43legacy.kobrcm80211brcmsmacbrcmsmac.kobrcmutilbrcmutil.kohostaphostap.kohostap_cs.kohostap_pci.kohostap_plx.koipw2x00ipw2100.koipw2200.kolibipw.koiwlegacyiwl3945.koiwl4965.koiwlegacy.koiwlwifidvmiwldvm.koiwlwifi.komvmiwlmvm.kolibertaslibertas.kolibertas_cs.kolibertas_sdio.kousb8xxx.kolibertas_tflibertas_tf.kolibertas_tf_usb.komac80211_hwsim.komwl8k.koorinocoorinoco.koorinoco_cs.koorinoco_nortel.koorinoco_pci.koorinoco_plx.koorinoco_tmd.kospectrum_cs.kop54p54common.kop54pci.kop54usb.korndis_wlan.kort2x00rt2400pci.kort2500pci.kort2500usb.kort2800lib.kort2800pci.kort2800usb.kort2x00lib.kort2x00mmio.kort2x00pci.kort2x00usb.kort61pci.kort73usb.kortl818xrtl8180rtl8180.kortl8187rtl8187.kotiwl1251wl1251.kowl1251_sdio.kowl12xxwl12xx.kowlcorewlcore.kowl3501_cs.kozd1201.kozd1211rwzd1211rw.koxen-netfront.koparportparport.koparport_cs.koparport_pc.koparport_serial.kopcihotplugacpiphp_ibm.kocpqphp.kofakephp.koibmphp.kopcieaeraer_inject.kopcmciai82365.kopd6729.korsrc_nonstatic.koyenta_socket.koplatformx86acer-wmi.koasus-laptop.kocompal-laptop.kodell-laptop.kodell-wmi.koeeepc-laptop.kofujitsu-laptop.kohp-wmi.kointel_ips.komsi-laptop.komxm-wmi.kopanasonic-laptop.kosony-laptop.kotc1100-wmi.kothinkpad_acpi.kotopstar-laptop.kotoshiba_acpi.kowmi.kopowerbq27x00_battery.komax17040_battery.kowm831x_power.kowm8350_power.koppspps_core.koptpptp.koregulatorab3100.kobq24022.kofixed.kolp3971.komax1586.kotps65023-regulator.kotps6507x-regulator.kouserspace-consumer.kowm831x-dcdc.kowm831x-isink.kowm831x-ldo.kowm8350-regulator.kowm8400-regulator.kortcrtc-ab3100.kortc-bq4802.kortc-ds1286.kortc-ds1307.kortc-ds1374.kortc-ds1511.kortc-ds1553.kortc-ds1672.kortc-ds1742.kortc-fm3130.kortc-isl1208.kortc-m41t80.kortc-m48t35.kortc-m48t59.kortc-max6900.kortc-pcf8563.kortc-pcf8583.kortc-rs5c372.kortc-rx8025.kortc-rx8581.kortc-stk17ta8.kortc-v3020.kortc-wm831x.kortc-wm8350.kortc-x1205.koscsi3w-9xxx.ko3w-sas.ko3w-xxxx.koaacraidaacraid.koaha152x.koaha1542.koaic7xxxaic79xx.koaic7xxx.koaic94xxaic94xx.koarcmsrarcmsr.kobe2iscsibe2iscsi.kobfabfa.kobnx2fcbnx2fc.kobnx2ibnx2i.koch.kocxgbicxgb3icxgb3i.kocxgb4icxgb4i.kolibcxgbi.kodevice_handlerscsi_dh_alua.koscsi_dh_emc.koscsi_dh_hp_sw.koscsi_dh_rdac.kofcoefcoe.kolibfcoe.kofnicfnic.kohpsa.kohptiop.kohv_storvsc.koimm.koinitio.koips.koisciisci.koiscsi_boot_sysfs.koiscsi_tcp.kolibfclibfc.kolibiscsi.kolibiscsi_tcp.kolibsaslibsas.kolibsrp.kolpfclpfc.komegaraidmegaraid_mbox.komegaraid_mm.komegaraid_sas.kompt2sasmpt2sas.kompt3sasmpt3sas.komvsasmvsas.koosdlibosd.koosd.koosst.kopcmciafdomain_cs.kopm8001pm80xx.kopmcraid.koppa.koqla2xxxqla2xxx.koqla4xxxqla4xxx.koraid_class.koscsi_debug.koscsi_tgt.koscsi_transport_fc.koscsi_transport_iscsi.koscsi_transport_sas.koscsi_transport_spi.koscsi_transport_srp.koscsi_wait_scan.kosd_mod.koses.kosg.kosr_mod.kost.kostex.kosym53c8xx_2sym53c8xx.kovirtio_scsi.kovmw_pvscsi.koserialjsmjsm.koserial_cs.kossbssb.kostagingzramzram.kotargetloopbacktcm_loop.kotarget_core_file.kotarget_core_iblock.kotarget_core_mod.kotarget_core_pscsi.kotcm_fctcm_fc.kouiouio.kouio_aec.kouio_cif.kouio_pci_generic.kouio_pdrv.kouio_pdrv_genirq.kouio_sercos3.kouio_smx.kousbatmcxacru.kospeedtch.koueagle-atm.kousbatm.koxusbatm.koclasscdc-acm.kocdc-wdm.kousblp.kousbtmc.kohosthwa-hc.koisp1362-hcd.kosl811-hcd.kou132-hcd.kowhciwhci-hcd.koxhci-hcd.koimagemdc800.komicrotek.komiscadutux.koappledisplay.koberry_charge.koemi26.koemi62.koftdi-elan.koidmouse.koiowarrior.koisight_firmware.koldusb.kolegousbtower.kosisusbvgasisusbvga.kousblcd.kousbled.kousbsevseg.kouss720.kovstusb.kootgnop-usb-xceiv.koserialaircable.koark3116.kobelkin_sa.koch341.kocp210x.kocyberjack.kocypress_m8.kodigi_acceleport.koempeg.koftdi_sio.kofunsoft.kogarmin_gps.kohp4x.koio_edgeport.koio_ti.koipaq.koipw.koir-usb.koiuu_phoenix.kokeyspan.kokeyspan_pda.kokl5kusb105.kokobil_sct.komct_u232.komos7720.komos7840.komoto_modem.konavman.koomninet.koopticon.kooption.kooti6858.kopl2303.koqcserial.kosafe_serial.kosiemens_mpi.kosierra.kospcp8x5.kosymbolserial.koti_usb_3410_5052.kousb_debug.kousb_wwan.kousbserial.kovisor.kowhiteheat.kostorageums-alauda.koums-cypress.koums-datafab.koums-freecom.koums-isd200.koums-jumpshot.koums-karma.koums-onetouch.koums-sddr09.koums-sddr55.koums-usbat.kousb-storage.kowusbcorewusb-cbaf.kowusb-wa.kowusbcore.kouwbhwa-rc.koi1480dfui1480-dfu-usb.koi1480-est.koi1480u-wlpi1480u-wlp.koumc.kouwb.kowhc-rc.kowhci.kowlpwlp.kovhostvhost_net.kovideoatyaty128fb.koatyfb.koradeonfb.kobacklightlcd.kombp_nvidia_bl.koplatform_lcd.koprogear_bl.kowm831x_bl.kocirrusfb.kodisplaydisplay.kofb_ddc.kohyperv_fb.komacmodes.konvidianvidiafb.kooutput.korivarivafb.kosavagesavagefb.kosm501fb.kovfb.kovga16fb.kovgastate.koviaviafb.kovirtiovirtio.kovirtio_balloon.kovirtio_pci.kovirtio_ring.kowatchdogalim1535_wdt.koalim7101_wdt.kohpwdt.koi6300esb.koiTCO_vendor_support.koiTCO_wdt.koib700wdt.koibmasr.koie6xx_wdt.koit8712f_wdt.koit87_wdt.komachzwd.kopcwd_pci.kopcwd_usb.kosbc_fitpc2_wdt.kosch311x_wdt.kosoftdog.kow83627hf_wdt.kow83697hf_wdt.kow83697ug_wdt.kow83877f_wdt.kow83977f_wdt.kowdt_pci.kowm831x_wdt.kowm8350_wdt.koxenevtchn.koxenfsxenfs.kofsautofs4autofs4.kobtrfsbtrfs.kocachefilescachefiles.kocifscifs.koconfigfsconfigfs.kocramfscramfs.kodlmdlm.koecryptfsecryptfs.koext2ext2.koext3ext3.koext4ext4.kofatfat.komsdos.kovfat.kofscachefscache.kofusecuse.kofuse.kogfs2gfs2.kojbdjbd.kojbd2jbd2.kojffs2jffs2.kolockdlockd.kombcache.konfsnfs.konfs_layout_nfsv41_files.konfs_commonnfs_acl.konfsdnfsd.konlsnls_cp1250.konls_cp1251.konls_cp1255.konls_cp737.konls_cp775.konls_cp850.konls_cp852.konls_cp855.konls_cp857.konls_cp860.konls_cp861.konls_cp862.konls_cp863.konls_cp864.konls_cp865.konls_cp866.konls_cp869.konls_cp874.konls_cp932.konls_cp936.konls_cp949.konls_cp950.konls_euc-jp.konls_iso8859-1.konls_iso8859-13.konls_iso8859-14.konls_iso8859-15.konls_iso8859-2.konls_iso8859-3.konls_iso8859-4.konls_iso8859-5.konls_iso8859-6.konls_iso8859-7.konls_iso8859-9.konls_koi8-r.konls_koi8-ru.konls_koi8-u.konls_utf8.koquotavzdquotavzdquota.koreiserfsreiserfs.kosimfs.kosquashfssquashfs.koubifsubifs.koudfudf.kokernelcptvzcpt.kovzrst.kotracering_buffer_benchmark.kovevzdev.kovzevent.kovziolimit.kovzmon.kovzwdog.kolibcordic.kocrc-ccitt.kocrc-itu-t.kocrc-t10dif.kocrc7.kolzolzo_compress.kolzo_decompress.koraid6raid6_pq.koreed_solomonreed_solomon.kots_bm.kots_fsm.kots_kmp.kozlib_deflatezlib_deflate.konet802garp.kop8022.kopsnap.kostp.ko8021q8021q.ko9p9pnet.ko9pnet_rdma.ko9pnet_virtio.koatmatm.kobr2684.koclip.kolec.kopppoatm.kobluetoothbluetooth.kobnepbnep.kocmtpcmtp.kohidphidp.kol2cap.korfcommrfcomm.kosco.kobridgebridge.konetfilterebt_802_3.koebt_among.koebt_arp.koebt_arpreply.koebt_dnat.koebt_ip.koebt_ip6.koebt_limit.koebt_log.koebt_mark.koebt_mark_m.koebt_nflog.koebt_pkttype.koebt_redirect.koebt_snat.koebt_stp.koebt_ulog.koebt_vlan.koebtable_broute.koebtable_filter.koebtable_nat.koebtables.kocancan-bcm.kocan-raw.kocan.kocorepktgen.kodccpdccp.kodccp_diag.kodccp_ipv4.kodccp_ipv6.kodccp_probe.koieee802154af_802154.konl802154.kowpan-class.koipv4ah4.koesp4.koinet_diag.koip_gre.koip_tunnel.koipcomp.koipip.konetfilterarp_tables.koarpt_mangle.koarptable_filter.koip_queue.koip_tables.koipt_CLUSTERIP.koipt_ECN.koipt_LOG.koipt_MASQUERADE.koipt_NETMAP.koipt_REDIRECT.koipt_REJECT.koipt_ULOG.koipt_addrtype.koipt_ah.koipt_ecn.koiptable_filter.koiptable_mangle.koiptable_nat.koiptable_raw.konf_conntrack_ipv4.konf_defrag_ipv4.konf_nat.konf_nat_amanda.konf_nat_ftp.konf_nat_h323.konf_nat_irc.konf_nat_pptp.konf_nat_proto_dccp.konf_nat_proto_gre.konf_nat_proto_sctp.konf_nat_proto_udplite.konf_nat_sip.konf_nat_snmp_basic.konf_nat_tftp.kotcp_bic.kotcp_diag.kotcp_highspeed.kotcp_htcp.kotcp_hybla.kotcp_illinois.kotcp_lp.kotcp_scalable.kotcp_vegas.kotcp_veno.kotcp_westwood.kotcp_yeah.kotunnel4.koxfrm4_mode_beet.koxfrm4_mode_transport.koxfrm4_mode_tunnel.koxfrm4_tunnel.koipv6ah6.koesp6.koip6_tunnel.koipcomp6.koipv6.komip6.konetfilterip6_queue.koip6_tables.koip6t_LOG.koip6t_REJECT.koip6t_ah.koip6t_eui64.koip6t_frag.koip6t_hbh.koip6t_ipv6header.koip6t_mh.koip6t_rt.koip6table_filter.koip6table_mangle.koip6table_raw.konf_conntrack_ipv6.konf_defrag_ipv6.kosit.kotunnel6.koxfrm6_mode_beet.koxfrm6_mode_ro.koxfrm6_mode_transport.koxfrm6_mode_tunnel.koxfrm6_tunnel.kokeyaf_key.kollcllc.komac80211mac80211.konetfilteripsetip_set.koip_set_bitmap_ip.koip_set_bitmap_ipmac.koip_set_bitmap_port.koip_set_hash_ip.koip_set_hash_ipport.koip_set_hash_ipportip.koip_set_hash_ipportnet.koip_set_hash_net.koip_set_hash_netport.koip_set_list_set.koipvsip_vs.koip_vs_dh.koip_vs_ftp.koip_vs_lblc.koip_vs_lblcr.koip_vs_lc.koip_vs_nq.koip_vs_pe_sip.koip_vs_rr.koip_vs_sed.koip_vs_sh.koip_vs_wlc.koip_vs_wrr.konf_conntrack.konf_conntrack_amanda.konf_conntrack_broadcast.konf_conntrack_ftp.konf_conntrack_h323.konf_conntrack_irc.konf_conntrack_netbios_ns.konf_conntrack_netlink.konf_conntrack_pptp.konf_conntrack_proto_dccp.konf_conntrack_proto_gre.konf_conntrack_proto_sctp.konf_conntrack_proto_udplite.konf_conntrack_sane.konf_conntrack_sip.konf_conntrack_snmp.konf_conntrack_tftp.konf_tproxy_core.konfnetlink.konfnetlink_log.konfnetlink_queue.koxt_AUDIT.koxt_CHECKSUM.koxt_CLASSIFY.koxt_CONNMARK.koxt_CONNSECMARK.koxt_DSCP.koxt_HL.koxt_LED.koxt_MARK.koxt_NFLOG.koxt_NFQUEUE.koxt_NOTRACK.koxt_RATEEST.koxt_SECMARK.koxt_TCPMSS.koxt_TCPOPTSTRIP.koxt_TPROXY.koxt_TRACE.koxt_cluster.koxt_comment.koxt_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