%% *********************************************************************** %% Copyright 2024 by M.Y. XIA <xiamyphys@gmail.com> * %% * %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions * %% of the LaTeX Project Public License * %% * %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt * %% * %% either version 1.3c of this license or any later version. * %% * %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. * %% * %% The Current Maintainers of this work is M.Y. XIA * %% * %% This work consists of the files whatsnote.cls, * %% whatsnote-cover-module.code.tex, * %% whatsnote-layout-module.code.tex, * %% whatsnote-font-module.code.tex, * %% whatsnote-theorem-module.code.tex, * %% and README.md. * %% available at https://github.com/xiamyphys/whatsnote * %% *********************************************************************** \def\whatsnote@date{2024/11/26} \def\whatsnote@version{3.0B} \ProvidesExplClass {whatsnote} {\whatsnote@date} {\whatsnote@version} {LaTeX Class for taking Note} % module loading \cs_new_protected:Npn \whatsnote_msg_new:nn #1#2 { \msg_new:nnn { whatsnote } {#1} {#2} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \whatsnote_msg_error:nn #1#2 { \msg_error:nnn { whatsnote } {#1} {#2} } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \whatsnote_msg_error:nn { nx } \whatsnote_msg_new:nn { not found module } { The~Whats~module~`#1'~not~found. } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \whatsnote_provide_module:n #1 { \ProvidesExplFile{Whats-#1-module.code.tex} {\whatsnote@date}{\whatsnote@version} {WhatsNote~ \text_titlecase:n {#1} ~Module} } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \whatsnote_load_module:n #1 { \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { \file_if_exist_input:nF { Whats-##1-module.code.tex } { \whatsnote_msg_error:nn { not found module } {##1} } } } % global options \clist_new:N \g__whats_base_class_options_clist \keys_define:nn { whats / classoption } { hideanswer .bool_set:N = \g__whatsnote_hideanswer_bool, hideanswer .initial:n = false, hideanswer .default:n = true, darkmode .bool_set:N = \g__whatsnote_darkmode_bool, darkmode .initial:n = false, darkmode .default:n = true, math-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_math_font, main-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_main_font, sans-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_sans_font, mono-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_mono_font, CJKmain-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_main_CJK_font, CJKsans-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_sans_CJK_font, CJKmono-font .tl_set:N = \g__whatsnote_mono_CJK_font, unknown .code:n = \__whatsnote_unknown_option:n { #1 }, } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__whatsnote_unknown_option:n #1 { \tl_if_empty:nTF { #1 } { \clist_gput_right:NV \g__whats_base_class_options_clist \l_keys_key_str } { \exp_args:NNx \clist_gput_right:Nn \g__whats_base_class_options_clist { \l_keys_key_str = \exp_not:n {#1} } } } \ProcessKeyOptions[ whats / classoption ] \PassOptionsToClass{book}{11pt} \PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor} \exp_args:NNV \LoadClass[\g__whats_base_class_options_clist]{book} %% *********************************************************************** \whatsnote_load_module:n { cover } \whatsnote_load_module:n { layout } \whatsnote_load_module:n { theorem } \whatsnote_load_module:n { font } \RequirePackage { hyperref, cleveref, booktabs, caption, fancyhdr, pgfplots, lipsum } \sys_if_engine_pdftex:F { \RequirePackage{zhlipsum} } \hypersetup { hidelinks } \pgfplotsset{ compat = newest } \endinput % End of file whatsnote.cls