

% Look in the Adobe Acrobat JavaScript manual under the doc.importIcon to see all the possible parameters.
  var retn=\importIcon({cName:"A man",cDIPath:"graphics/man1.pdf"});
  if ( retn < 0 ) console.println("The file man1.pdf could not be opened or is invalid");
  var retn=\importIcon({cName:"A girl",cDIPath:"graphics/girl.pdf"});
  if ( retn < 0 ) console.println("The file girl.pdf could not be opened or is invalid");
  var retn=\importIcon({cName:"A scotsman",cDIPath:"graphics/scot.pdf"});
  if ( retn < 0 ) console.println("The file scot.pdf could not be opened or is invalid");
  var retn=\importIcon({cName:"AdobeDon",cDIPath:"graphics/AdobeDonIcon.pdf"});
  if ( retn < 0 ) console.println("The file AdobeDonIcon.pdf could not be opened or is invalid");


if (typeof indexIcon == "undefined") var indexIcon=0;
var oIconName=this.icons[indexIcon].name;
var f=this.getField("iconContainer");
var oIcon=this.getIcon(oIconName);
indexIcon = (indexIcon+1) \% (this.icons.length);
% define a clear button feature, it clears the button iconContainer
% so it no longer displays an icon; pressing the Cycle button resumes
% the display as before.
// save
var sv=f.buttonPosition;
var cptn=f.buttonGetCaption();
// clear

A slide show of Icons and Photos
