## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) if(!require(zscorer)) install.packages("zscorer") ## ----example1, eval = TRUE----------------------------------------------- # weight-for-age z-score waz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1, # 1 = Male / 2 = Female firstPart = 14.6, # Weight in kilograms up to 1 decimal place secondPart = 52, # Age in whole months index = "wfa") # Anthropometric index (weight-for-age) waz # height-for-age z-score haz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1, firstPart = 98, # Height in centimetres secondPart = 52, index = "hfa") # Anthropometric index (height-for-age) haz # weight-for-height z-score whz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1, firstPart = 14.6, secondPart = 98, index = "wfh") # Anthropometric index (weight-for-height) whz ## ----sample-data1, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # # Make a call for the anthro1 dataset # anthro1 ## ---- echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------ library(zscorer) ## ----sample-data2, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------- head(anthro1) ## ----example2, eval = TRUE----------------------------------------------- # weight-for-age z-score waz <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1, sexObserved = "sex", firstPart = "weight", secondPart = "age", index = "wfa") head(waz, 50) # height-for-age z-score haz <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1, sexObserved = "sex", firstPart = "height", secondPart = "age", index = "hfa") head(haz, 50) # weight-for-height z-score whz <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1, sexObserved = "sex", firstPart = "weight", secondPart = "height", index = "wfh") head(whz, 50) ## ----example3, eval = TRUE----------------------------------------------- # weight-for-age z-score zScores <- getAllWGS(data = anthro1, sex = "sex", weight = "weight", height = "height", age = "age", index = "all") head(zScores, 20)