title: "Tutorial for urlshorteneR -- v4"
author: "dmpe @ github"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Tutorial for urlshorteneR -- v4}
  chunk_output_type: console

`urlshorteneR` wraps 2 URL services `Bit.ly` and its 2 friends `is.gd` as well as `v.gd`. 
For Bit.ly, in order to shorten URLs and downloading useful statistics about them, you have to 
authenticate using OAuth2.0 protocol, for which you need user account and API keys..

For 2 other services `is.gd` & `v.gd`, there is no authentication needed. 
Just create desired short links, see below.

# Bit.ly

## User/App Information & Authentication for Bit.ly

Return some basic information about my user on Bit.ly. Additionally, is my account a "premium" one?


if(interactive()) {
# You must register a new pair of keys yourself
# bitly_token <- bitly_auth(key = "xxx", secret = "xxx")
# bitly_token <- bitly_auth()

  ui <- bitly_user_info(showRequestURL = TRUE)

We can also decide to update my username with a different one.

if (interactive()) {
bitly_update_user(name = "John Malc", showRequestURL = TRUE)

And what about the metadata about our OAUTH application?

if (interactive()) {

## Group Information

This retrieves information about a single group that user belongs to and and then about all groups that user are associated with.

if (interactive()) {


## Information about Organizations

Official API documentation <https://dev.bitly.com/api-reference>.

The first method returns an information about myself.

if (interactive()) {

### Custom Bitlinks

if (interactive()) {
  df <- data.frame(pubDate = rep("2016-02-10", 4),
                   link = c("https://www.google.com",
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  fin = NULL
  for (p in 1:length(df$link)) {
    fin[[p]] <- bitly_create_bitlink(long_url = df$link[p])

**BEWARE:** This will proceed only with the two real links, not with the NA, NULL or an empty strings. These, however, will stop the flow of the code (i.e. are errors).

# Is.gd & V.gd

## Is.gd

isgd_LinksShorten(longUrl = "https://us.cnn.com", showRequestURL = TRUE)

## V.gd

vgd_LinksShorten(longUrl = "https://www.cbs.com", showRequestURL = TRUE)