title: "Projects, Files, Apps and Tasks execution with Seven Bridges API R Client"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
toc_float: true
toc_depth: 4
number_sections: false
theme: "flatly"
highlight: "textmate"
css: "sevenbridges.css"
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Projects, Files, Apps and Tasks execution with Seven Bridges API R Client}
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
eval = FALSE
# Projects
Projects are the core building blocks of the platform. Each project corresponds
to a distinct scientific investigation, serving as a container for its data,
analysis tools, results, and collaborators.
All projects related operations can be accessed through the `projects` path from
the `Auth` object. `Projects` is also a `Resource` R6 class which contains
implementation of `query()`, `get()` and `delete()` methods for listing,
fetching a single project and deleting a specific project. Besides those, there
is also a custom method to create projects.
When you fetch a single project, it is represented as an object of the `Project`
class containing all project information and additional methods that can be
executed directly on the project such as: updating the project, project members
management, listing project files, apps and tasks etc.
## List all projects
The following call returns a Collection with a list of all projects you are a
member of. Each project's `project_id` and name will be printed. For full
project information, you can access the `items` field in the `Collection` object
and preview the list of projects.
# List and view your projects
all_my_projects <- a$projects$query()
If you want to list the projects owned by and accessible to a particular user,
specify the `owner` argument as follows.
# List projects of particular user
a$projects$query(owner = "")
a$projects$query(owner = "")
## Partial match project name
For a more friendly interface and convenient search, the `sevenbridges2`
package supports _partial name matching_. Set the `name` parameter in the
`query()` method:
# List projects whose name contains 'demo'
a$projects$query(name = "demo")
## Filter by project creation date, modification date, and creator
Project creation date, modification date, and creator information is useful
for quickly locating the project you need, especially when you want to
follow the life cycle of a large number of projects and distinguish recent
projects from old ones. To facilitate such needs, the fields `created_by`,
`created_on`, and `modified_on` are returned in the project query calls.
Since these fields cannot be passed to the `query()` function as parameters,
you can use the helper code below in order to perform such action:
# Return all projects matching the name "wgs"
wgs_projects <- a$projects$query(name = "wgs")
# Filter by project creators
creators <- sapply(wgs_projects$items, "[[", "created_by")
wgs_projects$items[which(creators == "")]
# Filter by project creation date
create_date <- as.Date(sapply(wgs_projects$items, "[[", "created_on"))
wgs_projects$items[which(as.Date(create_date) < as.Date("2019-01-01"))]
# Filter by project modification date
modify_date <- as.Date(sapply(wgs_projects$items, "[[", "modified_on"))
wgs_projects$items[which(as.Date(modify_date) < as.Date("2019-01-01"))]
## Create a new project
To create a new project, use the `create()` method on the Projects path.
Users need to specify the following:
- `name` (required)
- `billing_group` (required)
Other parameters and settings are optional. You can find more information in
the `create()` function documentation on `?Projects`.
# Get billing group
billing_groups <- a$billing_groups$query()
billing_group <- a$billing_groups$get("")
# Create a project named 'API Testing'
name = "API Testing", billing_group = billing_group,
description = "Test for API"
## Get a single project
Let's fetch the project we've just created by its ID.
For this purpose, we can use Projects' `get()` method.
This method accepts only project ID which consists of:
- user's username or division name (for Seven Bridges platform users that are
part of some divisions) and
- project's short name in lowercase with spaces replaced by dashes,
in the form of `/`.
This id can also be seen in the URL of the project on the UI.
# Fetch previously created project
p <- a$projects$get(id = "/api-testing")
To print all details about the project, use `detailed_print()` method directly
on the `Project` object:
# Print all project info
## Delete a project
There are two ways to delete a project.
One is from the `projects` path on the authentication object and the other
one is to call the `delete()` method directly on the `Project` object you want
to delete:
# Delete project using Auth$projects path
a$projects$delete(project = "")
# Delete project directly from the project object
Please be careful when using this method and note that calling it will
permanently delete the project from the platform.
## Edit an existing project
If you want to edit an existing project, you can do so by using
the `update()` method on the Project object. As a project Admin you can
use it to change the name, description, settings, tags or billing group of the
For example, if you want to change the name and description of the project, you
can do it in the following way:
# Update project
name = "Project with modified name",
description = "This is the modified description."
Keep in mind that this modifies only the name of the project, not its short
name. Therefore, after calling this method, the ID of the project will remain
the same.
If something changes in the project in the Platform UI, you can refresh your
Project object to fetch the changes, by reloading it with:
# Reload project object
## Project members management
### List project members
This call returns a `Collection` with a list of members of the specified
For each member, the response is wrapped into a Member class object containing:
- The member's username, email, id, and type and
- The member's permissions in the specified project.
# List project members
### Add a member to a project
This call adds a new user to the specified project. It can only be made by
a user who has admin permissions in the project.
Requests to add a project member must include the key `permissions`.
However, if you do not include a value, the member's permissions will be set
to default values, which is read-only (only the `read` value will be set to
Set permissions by creating a named list with `copy`, `write`, `execute`,
`admin`, or `read` names and assign TRUE or FALSE values to them.
Note: `read` is implicit and set by default. You can not be a project member
without having `read` permissions.
# Add project member
user = "",
permissions = list(write = TRUE, execute = TRUE)
── Member ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: USER
• email: new_user@velsera.com
• username:
• id:
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/projects//api-testing/members/
• permissions:
• write: TRUE
• read: TRUE
• copy: FALSE
• execute: TRUE
• admin: FALSE
### Get and modify a project member's permissions
Sometimes you may just want to investigate a member's permissions within a
specified project or update them, and you can do that by calling the
`modify_member_permissions()` method.
For this method to work, the user calling it must have admin permissions in
the project. For example, you may want to give `write` permissions to a
project member:
# Modify project member's permissions
user = "",
permissions = list(copy = TRUE)
### Remove a project member
On the other hand, you can delete a member from the project in a similar way
with the `remove_member()` operation:
# Remove a project member
p$remove_member(user = "")
## List project files
In order to list all files and folders (special type of files) within the
specified project object, you can use the Project's `list_files()` method.
# List project files
It will return a `Collection` object with the `items` field containing a list
of returned `File` objects, along with pagination options.
## Create a folder within project Files
You are also able to create a folder within a project's root Files directory
using the `create_folder()` method. You have to specify the folder name which
should not start with '__' or contain spaces.
# Create a folder within project files
p$create_folder(name = "My_new_folder")
## Get a project's root folder object
Lastly, the project's root directory with all your files is a folder itself,
therefore you are able to get this folder as a File object too using
# Get a project's root folder object
## List project's apps, tasks and import jobs
We will just briefly mention that you can also list all project's apps, tasks
and import jobs (created for Volume imports) directly on the Project object,
but more details about these topics will be explained in the upcoming chapters:
# List project's apps
# List project's tasks
# List project's imports
## Create a new app and task within a project
Another shortcut is available on the Project object and that is creation of
apps and tasks.
More details about this topic will be provided in the next chapters.
# Files, folders and metadata
All file-related operations can be accessed through the `files` path from the
`Auth` object. `Files` also inherits `Resource` R6 class which contains an
implementation of `query()`, `get()` and `delete()` methods for listing,
fetching a single file/folder, and deleting a specific file/folder.
Besides those, there are also custom methods to copy files/folders and
create folders.
When you fetch single file/folder, it is represented as an object of `File`
Note that class of both `files` and `subdirectories` is `File`. The difference
between them is in the `type` parameter which is:
- `File` for `files`
- `Folder` for `subdirectories`.
`File` object contains all file/folder information and additional methods that
can be executed directly on the object like updating, adding tags, setting
metadata, copying or moving files, exporting to volumes etc.
## List files
This call lists `files` and `subdirectories` in a specified **project** or
**directory** within a project, with specified properties that you can access.
The project or directory whose contents you want to list is specified as a
parameter in the call.
The result will be a `Collection` class containing a list of File objects in
the `items` field.
# List files in the project root directory
api_testing_files <- a$files$query(project = "project_object_or_id")
── File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 61f3f9c6e6aad23247516bf30
• url: NA
• modified_on: 2023-04-15T08:54:32Z
• created_on: 2023-04-11T10:04:50Z
• project: /api-testing
• size: 56 bytes
• name: Drop-seq_small_example.bam
• id: 643530c28345522d97313d17
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/643530c28345522d97313d17
── File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 61f3f9c6e6aae54367516bf30
• url: NA
• modified_on: 2023-04-11T10:29:13Z
• created_on: 2023-04-11T10:29:13Z
• project: /api-testing
• size: 56 bytes
• name: G20479.HCC1143.2_1Mreads.tar.gz
• id: 6435367943r4456ecb66cfb2
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/6435367943r4456ecb66cfb2
Note that this call lists both `files` and `subdirectories` in the
specified project or directory within a project,
but **not the contents of the subdirectories**. To list the contents of a
subdirectory, make a new call and specify the subdirectory as the `parent`
``` {r}
# List files in a subdirectory
a$files$query(parent = "")
You can also try and find a file with specific:
1. **Name** - List the file with the specified name. Note that the name must be
an exact complete string for the results to match.
2. **Metadata** - List only files that have the specified value in a metadata
field. Note that multiple instances of the same metadata field are implicitly
separated by the OR operation. Conversely, different metadata fields are
implicitly separated by the AND operation.
3. **Tag** - List files containing the specified tag. Note that the tag must
be an exact complete string for the results to match. The OR operation is
performed between multiple tags.
4. **Origin task** - List only files produced by the task specified by the
ID in this field.
# List files with these names
project = "", "")
# List files with metadata fields sample_id and library values set
project = "",
metadata = list(
"sample_id" = "",
"library" = ""
# List files with this tag
a$files$query(project = "", tag = c(""))
# List files from this task
a$files$query(project = "", task = "")
To combine everything in a more realistic example - the following code gives us
all files in the `user1/api-testing` project that have sample_id metadata set
to "Sample1" __OR__ "Sample2", __AND__ the library id "EXAMPLE", __AND__ have
either "hello" __OR__ "world" tag:
# Query project files according to described criteria
my_files <- a$files$query(
project = "user1/api-testing",
metadata = list(
sample_id = "Sample1",
sample_id = "Sample2",
library_id = "EXAMPLE"
tag = c("hello", "world")
### List public data
To list publicly available files on the Seven Bridges Platform, set the project
parameter to `admin/sbg-public-data`.
# Query public files
public_files <- a$files$query(project = "admin/sbg-public-data")
## Get a single file/folder
To return a specific file or folder, knowing their ID, you can use the `get()`
method, same as for other resources.
File id can also be extracted from the URL in the Platform's visual interface.
# Get a single File object by ID
a$files$get(id = "")
── File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 61f3f9c6e6aad8667516rf543
• url: NA
• modified_on: 2023-04-11T10:29:13Z
• created_on: 2023-04-11T10:29:13Z
• project: /api-testing
• size: 56 bytes
• name: G20479.HCC1143.2_1Mreads.tar.gz
• id: 6435367997d934334fb66cfb2
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/6435367997d934334fb66cfb2
## Delete a file
The `delete` action only works for one file at a time. It can be called from
the `Auth$files` path and accepts the `File` object or ID of the file you want
to delete.
# Delete a file
a$files$delete(file = "")
### Asynchronous delete action on multiple files/folders
To delete multiple files at once, you can use async action for bulk delete.
It can be called from the `Auth$files` path and accepts a list of file/folder
IDs or `File` objects. Deletion of non-empty folders including their content
is allowed.
# Delete multiple files
async_delete_job <- a$files$async_bulk_delete(
items = list("file1-id", "file2-id", file_obj)
Since the response returned is an asynchronous job of class `AsyncJob`, you can
check its status by reloading the object or by calling the function
# Reload object to check its status
# Or fetch async delete job object by id
async_delete_job <- a$files$async_get_delete_job(job_id = "")
## Copy files
The `copy()` method allows you to copy multiple files between projects at a
time. It can also be called from the `Auth$files` path and accepts a list of
File objects or their ids within the `files` parameter. Besides this, you have
to specify the destination project too.
The result will contain a printed response with information about the copied
files - their destination names and ids.
# Fetch files by id to copy into the api-testing project
file1 <- a$files$get(id = "6435367997d9446ecb66cfb2")
file2 <- a$files$get(id = "6435367997d9446ecb66cgr2")
# Copy files to the project
files = list(file1, file2),
destination_project = "/api-testing"
### Asynchronous bulk copy of multiple files
This operation lets you perform a bulk copy operation of files and folders.
Any underlying folder structure will be preserved. You can copy:
- to a folder within the same project
- to another project
- to a folder in another project.
# Fetch files by id to copy into the api-testing project
file1 <- a$files$get(id = "6435367997d9446ecb66cfb2")
file2 <- a$files$get(id = "6435367997d9446ecb66cgr2")
# Copy files to a project
async_job_copy <- a$files$async_bulk_copy(
items = list(
file = file1,
project = "/api-testing"
file = file2,
parent = "",
name = "copied_file_new_name"
# Reload object to check status
# Or fetch async copy job object by id
async_job_copy <- a$files$async_get_copy_job(job_id = "")
This operation allows you to perform bulk copy action and continue your work
in an R session. The status of the copy operation can be previewed by reloading
the AsyncJob object or by calling the operation `a$files$async_get_copy_job()`.
## Get details of multiple files
The `bulk_get()` method allows you to retrieve details for multiple files
efficiently - in a single API call. This method accepts an argument,
`files`, which can be either a list of File objects or a list of strings
representing file IDs.
File ID can also be extracted from the URL in the Platform's visual interface.
# Get details of multiple files by providing their IDs
a$files$bulk_get(files = list("", ""))
── 1 ──
── File ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 52e0ed0de4b069f418bc13c7
• modified_on: 2022-01-11T11:41:17Z
• created_on: 2016-06-17T16:43:52Z
• project: admin/sbg-public-data
• size: 2780048573 bytes
• name: mouse_mm10_ucsc.fasta
• id: 5772b6dc507c1752674486eb
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/5772b6dc507c1752674486eb
── 2 ──
── File ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 52e0ed0de4b069f418bc13c7
• modified_on: 2022-01-11T11:41:17Z
• created_on: 2016-06-17T16:42:50Z
• project: admin/sbg-public-data
• size: 3189750467 bytes
• name: human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta
• id: 5772b6d8507c1752674486e6
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/5772b6d8507c1752674486e6
## Update details of multiple files
The `bulk_update()` method updates the details for multiple specified files. It
requires a single argument, `files`, which should be a list of `File` objects.
Use this call to set new information for the files, thus replacing all existing
information and erasing omitted parameters. For each of the specified files,
the call sets a new name, new tags, and metadata.
When editing fields in the File objects you wish to update, keep the
following in mind:
- The `name` field should be a string representing the new name of the file.
- The `metadata` field should be a named list of key-value pairs. The keys and
values should be strings.
- The `tags` field should be an unnamed list of values.
The maximum number of files you can update the details for per call is 100.
# Get files
file_obj_1 <- a$files$get(id = "")
file_obj_2 <- a$files$get(id = "")
# Edit file_obj_1 fields
file_obj_1$name <- "new_file_1_name.txt"
file_obj_1$metadata <- list("new_metadata_field" = "123")
file_obj_1$tags <- list("bulk_update_tag")
# Edit file_obj_2 fields
file_obj_2$name <- "new_file_2_name.txt"
file_obj_2$metadata <- list("new_metadata_field" = "123")
file_obj_2$tags <- list("bulk_update_tag")
# Bulk update
a$files$bulk_update(files = list(file_obj_1, file_obj_2))
## Edit details of multiple files
The `bulk_edit()` method edits the details for multiple specified files. It
requires a single argument, `files`, which should be a list of `File` objects.
Use this call to modify the existing information for the files or add new
information while preserving omitted parameters. For each of the specified
files, the call edits its name, tags, and metadata.
When editing fields in the File objects you wish to update, keep the
following in mind:
- The `name` field should be a string representing the new name of the file.
- The `metadata` field should be a named list of key-value pairs. The keys and
values should be strings.
- The `tags` field should be an unnamed list of values.
The maximum number of files you can edit the details for per call is 100.
# Get files
file_obj_1 <- a$files$get(id = "")
file_obj_2 <- a$files$get(id = "")
# Edit file_obj_1 fields
file_obj_1$name <- "new_file_1_name.txt"
file_obj_1$metadata <- list("new_metadata_field" = "123")
file_obj_1$tags <- list("bulk_edit_tag")
# Edit file_obj_2 fields
file_obj_2$name <- "new_file_2_name.txt"
file_obj_2$metadata <- list("new_metadata_field" = "123")
file_obj_2$tags <- list("bulk_edit_tag")
# Bulk edit
a$files$bulk_edit(files = list(file_obj_1, file_obj_2))
## Get details of all asynchronous file jobs
The `async_list_file_jobs()` method retrieves details of all asynchronous file
jobs (async_copy, async_delete, async_move) in a single API call.
This method accepts `limit` and `offset` arguments to control the
number of returned results. The output is a `Collection` object containing a
list of `AsyncJob` objects, each with details such as type, ID, status, start
and completion time, etc.
# Get details of all async file jobs
all_jobs <- a$files$async_list_file_jobs()
## Create a folder within the destination project or parent folder
To create a new folder on the Platform, use the `Auth$files` method
`create_folder()`. It allows you to create a new folder on the Platform
within the root folder of a specified destination project or the provided
parent folder. Remember that you should provide either the destination project
(as the `project` parameter) or the
destination folder (as the `parent` parameter), not both.
# Option 1 - Using the project parameter
# Option 1.a (providing a Project object as the project parameter)
my_project <- a$projects$get(project = "/api-testing")
demo_folder <- a$files$create_folder(
name = "my_new_folder",
project = my_project
# Option 1.b (providing a project's ID as the project parameter)
demo_folder <- a$files$create_folder(
name = "my_new_folder",
project = "/api-testing"
Alternatively, you can provide the `parent` parameter to specify the
destination where the new folder is going to be created. The `parent`
parameter can be either a File object (must be of type `folder`) or
an ID of the parent destination folder.
# Option 2 - Using the parent parameter
# Option 2.a (providing a File (must be a folder) object as parent parameter)
my_parent_folder <- a$files$get(id = "")
demo_folder <- a$files$create_folder(
name = "my_new_folder",
parent = my_parent_folder
# Option 2.b (providing a file's (folder's) ID as project parameter)
demo_folder <- a$files$create_folder(
name = "my_new_folder",
parent = ""
## Asynchronous bulk move of multiple files
This operation lets you perform a bulk move operation of files and folders.
You can move:
- to a root project folder
- to a subfolder within the same project or a different project
Rules for moving files and folders:
- The file ID is preserved after the move.
- The folder ID is changed after the move.
- The destination has to be an existing folder.
- If the target folder contains a folder with the same name, the contents of
both folders will be merged.
- If a file with the same name already exists, the source file will be
automatically renamed (by adding a numeric prefix).
- You need to have `WRITE` permissions for both the source and destination
# Fetch files by ID to move them into the "api-testing" project
file1 <- a$files$get(id = "")
file2 <- a$files$get(id = "")
# Move files to a project
async_job_move <- a$files$async_bulk_move(
items = list(
file = file1,
project = "/api-testing"
file = file2,
parent = "",
name = "moved_file_new_name"
# Reload the object to check the status
# Or fetch the async move job object by id
async_job_move <- a$files$async_get_move_job(job_id = "")
This operation enables you to perform a bulk move action while continuing your
work in an R session. You can check the status of the move operation by
reloading the `AsyncJob` object or calling `a$files$async_get_move_job()`.
## File object operations
Let's see now all available operations on the `File` objects that can be called.
### File print
File object has a regular `print()` method which gives you most important
information about the file:
# Get some file
demo_file <- a$files$get(id = "")
# Regular file print
── File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 61f3f9c6e6aad86675453ff30
• url: NA
• modified_on: 2023-04-15T08:54:32Z
• created_on: 2023-04-11T10:04:50Z
• project: /api-testing
• size: 56 bytes
• name: Drop-seq_small_example.bam
• id: 643530c286c9522d9222213d17
• href: `https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/643530c286c9522d9222213d17`
But if you want to see all the details about a file in a specific format,
you can use the `detailed_print()` method:
# Pretty print
── File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• type: file
• parent: 61f3f9c6e6aad86675453ff30
• url: NA
• modified_on: 2023-04-15T08:54:32Z
• created_on: 2023-04-11T10:04:50Z
• project: /api-testing
• size: 56 bytes
• name: Drop-seq_small_example.bam
• id: 643530c286c9522d9222213d17
• href: `https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/files/643530c286c9522d9222213d17`
• tags
• tag_1: TEST
• tag_2: SEQ
• metadata
• reference_genome: GSM1629193_hg19_ERCC
• investigation: GSM1629193
• md5_sum: 6294fee8200b29e03d3dc464f9c46a9c
• sbg_public_files_category: test
• storage
• type: PLATFORM
• hosted_on_locations: list("aws:us-east-1", "aws:us-west-2")
### Update file details
You can call the `update()` function on the File object. With this call,
the following can be updated:
- The file's `name`,
- The file's `metadata`,
- The file's `tags`.
Read more details about this method in our [API documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/reference/update-file-details).
# Update file name
demo_file$update(name = "")
# Update file metadata
metadata = list("" = "")
# Update file tags
demo_file$update(tags = list(""))
### Add tags to a file
You can tag your files with keywords or strings to make it easier to identify
and organize files. Tags are different from metadata and are more convenient
and visible from the files list in the visual interface.
You can tag your files using the `add_tag()` method. This method will
automatically just add a new tag to a list of already existing ones, but you
also have the option to set the `overwrite` parameter, which will erase old
ones and set the new one.
# Add a new tag to a file
demo_file$add_tag(tags = list("new_tag"))
# Add a new tag to a file and overwrite old ones
demo_file$add_tag(tags = list("new_tag"), overwrite = TRUE)
# Delete all tags - just set tags to NULL
demo_file$add_tag(tags = NULL, overwrite = TRUE)
### Copy a single file between projects
This call copies the specified file to a new project. Files retain their
metadata when copied, but may be assigned new names in their target project.
If you don't specify a new name, the file will retain its old name in the new
project. To make this call, you should have the
[copy permission](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/docs/set-permissions)
within the project you are copying from. This call returns the `File` object of
the newly copied file.
# Copy a file to a new project and set a new name
project = "",
name = ""
### Get downloadable URL for a file
To get a URL that you can use to download the specified file, you can use the
`get_download_url()` method. This will set the `url` parameter in the File
object and can later be used to download the file.
# Get downloadable URL for a file
### Get a file's metadata
Files from curated datasets on Seven Bridges environments have a defined set of
metadata which is visible in the visual interface of each environment.
`File` object has the `get_metadata()` method which returns the metadata values
for the specified file. This will pull and reload file's metadata from the
# Get file metadata
### Modify file metadata
You can also pass additional metadata for each file which is stored with your
copy of the file in your project.
To modify a file's metadata use the `set_metadata()` method.
Here you can also use the `overwrite` parameter if you want to erase previous
metadata fields and add a new one (by default it's set to `FALSE`).
# Set file metadata
metadata_fields = list("" = "metadata_field_value"),
overwrite = TRUE
### List folder contents
Directories can have multiple `files`/`subdirectories` inside. You can see them
using the `list_contents()` method.
Note that this operation will work only on `File` objects whose type is
`folder`. The result will also be a `Collection` class object containing a list
of File objects in the `items` field.
# List folder contents
### Move a file into a folder
This call moves a file from one folder to another. Moving folders is not
allowed by the API. Moving of files is only allowed within the same project.
Parent parameter must be a folder id or a `File` object whose type is `folder`.
A file can also be renamed at the destination by setting the `name` argument.
# Move a file to a folder
parent = "",
name = "Moved_file.txt"
### Download a file
`File` object has a `download()` method, which allows you to download that file
to your local computer. You should provide the `directory_path` parameter,
which specifies the destination directory to which your file will be
downloaded. By default, this parameter is set to your current working
directory. You can also set the new name for your resulting (downloaded)
file by providing the `filename` parameter. Otherwise, the default name
(the one stored in the `name` field of your `File` object) will be used.
# Download a file
demo_file$download(directory_path = "/path/to/your/destination/folder")
### Get a file's parent directory
Sometimes, it's convenient to get the parent folder ID for a file or folder:
This information is stored in the `parent` field of the `File` object.
# Get a file's parent directory
[1] "5bd7c53ee4b04b8fb1a9f454x"
This is essentially the root folder ID. Alternatively, to get the parent folder
as an object, use:
# Get a folder object
parent_folder <- a$files$get(demo_file$parent)
### Delete a file/folder
User can delete files and folders using the `delete()` method directly on the
`File` object.
Please be aware that `folder` can only be deleted if it's empty.
# Delete a file
# Delete a folder
### Delete multiple files/folders
To delete multiple files in a single API call, use the `bulk_delete()` method.
This method accepts either a list of `File` objects or a vector of strings
(IDs) representing the files you intend to delete.
The method also works with `folders`. However, please note that a `folder` can
only be deleted if it is empty.
# Delete two files by providing their IDs
a$files$delete(files = list("", ""))
# Delete two files by providing a list of File objects
file_object_1 <- a$files$get(id = "")
file_object_2 <- a$files$get(id = "")
a$files$delete(files = list(file_object_1, file_object_2))
### Reload a file
To keep your local `File` object up to date with the file on the platform,
you can always call the `reload()` function:
# Reload file/folder objects
# Apps
Following the same logic as with other `Resource` classes, all apps related
operations are grouped under the `Apps` class, that can be accessed within
`Auth` objects on the `Auth$apps` path.
From here you can call operations to list all apps, fetch single app by its
id, copy or create a new app.
When you operate with a single app, it is represented as an object of `App`
The `App` object contains almost all app information and additional methods
that can be executed directly on the object, such as getting or creating new
app revisions, copying, syncing with the latest revision or creating tasks with
this app, etc.
Note that we say almost all information, because we don't return all fields by
default for apps - the raw CWL field is excluded due to its size and speed of
execution. Therefore, if you wish to fetch the raw CWL of an app, there is a
separate method for this purpose that you can call on the App object
## List apps
You can list all apps available to you by calling the `apps$query()` method from
the authentication object. The method has several parameters that allow you to
search for apps in various places and by specified search terms.
Note that you can see all of the publicly available apps on the Seven Bridges
Platform by setting the `visibility` parameter to `public`. If you omit this
parameter (it will use the default value `private`), and you will see all your
private apps, i.e. those in projects that you can access. Learn more about
public apps in our documentation.
# Query public apps - set visibility parameter to "public"
a$apps$query(visibility = "public", limit = 10)
The same can be done for private apps. The following call will return all the
apps available to you, i.e. all the apps that you have in your projects:
# Query private apps
my_apps <- a$apps$query()
Just to remind you that not all of the available apps are going to be returned,
because the `limit` parameter is set to 50 by default.
Since the result is a `Collection` object, you can navigate through results
by calling `next_page()` and `prev_page()` or call `all()` to return all
# Load next 50 apps
Alternatively, you can query all the apps in a specific project by providing
the project of interest using the `project` parameter. You can either use the
`Project` object, or a project ID (string).
# Query apps within your project - set limit to 10
a$apps$query(project = "", limit = 10)
You can also use one or more search terms via the `query_terms` parameter to
query all apps that are available to you. Search terms should relate to the
following app details:
* name
* label
* toolkit
* toolkit version
* category
* tagline
* description
For example, to get public apps that contain the term **"VCFtools"** anywhere in
the app details, you can make a call similar to this one:
# List public apps containing the term "VCFtools" in app's details
a$apps$query(visibility = "public", query_terms = list("VCFtools"), limit = 10)
For the query to return results, each term must match at least one of the
fields that describe an app. For example, the first term can match the app's
name while the second one can match the app description. However, if any part of
the search fails to match app details, the call will return an empty list.
Another useful option is to query apps by id. You can do so either for public
apps, or for private apps (apps available to you). The following example
illustrates how this can be done for public apps:
# List files in project root directory
visibility = "public",
id = "admin/sbg-public-data/vcftools-convert"
### List project apps
All available apps in a specific project can also be listed by calling the
`list_apps()` method directly on the `Project` object. This method has the
`project` and `visibility` arguments predefined, while all other parameters
are identical to those presented in the `apps$query()` function.
# Get project
p <- a$projects$get("/api-testing")
# List apps in the specified project
p$list_apps(limit = 10)
## Get app information
If you need information about a specific app, you can get it using the
`apps$get()` method. Keep in mind that the app should be in a project that you
can access. This could be an app that has been uploaded to the Seven Bridges
Platform by a project member, or a publicly available app. You should provide
the `id` of the app of interest, and optionally its `revision`. If no
revision is specified, the latest one will be used.
# Get a public App object
bcftools_app <- a$apps$get(id = "admin/sbg-public-data/bcftools-call-1-15-1")
## Copy an app
To copy an app to a specified destination project, you can use the
`apps$copy()` method.
Keep in mind that the app should be in a project that you can access.
This could be an app that has been uploaded to the Seven
Bridges Platform by a project member, or a publicly available app.
Destination project (`project` parameter) should be provided either as an
object of the `Project` class, or as an ID of the target project of interest.
You might want to set the new name that the app will have in the target
project. To do so, use the `name` parameter. If the app's name will not change,
omit the `name` parameter.
Keep in mind that there are different strategies for copying the apps on the
* `clone` : copy all revisions; get updates from the same app as the copied app (default)
* `direct`: copy latest revision; get updates from the copied app
* `clone_direct`: copy all revisions; get updates from the copied app
* `transient`: copy latest revision; get updates from the same app as the copied app
Learn more about copy strategies in our public [API documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/reference/copy-an-app).
The following example demonstrates how can you copy the previously created
`bcftools_app` to a project:
# Copy an app to a project
app_copy <- a$apps$copy(bcftools_app,
project = "",
name = "New_app_name"
## Create new app
The `apps$create()` method allows you to add an app using raw CWL.
The raw CWL can be provided either through the `raw` parameter, or by using the
`file_path` parameter. Keep in mind that these two parameters should not be
used together.
If you choose to use the `raw` parameter, make sure to provide a list
containing raw CWL for the app you are about to create. To generate
such a list, you might want to load an existing `JSON` / `YAML` file. In case
that your CWL file is in JSON format, please use the `fromJSON` function from
the `jsonlite` package to minimize potential problems with parsing the JSON
file. If you want to load a CWL file in YAML format, it is highly recommended
to use the `read_yaml` function from the `yaml` package.
Make sure to set the `raw_format` parameter to match the type of the provided
raw CWL file (`JSON` / `YAML`). By default, this parameter is set to `JSON`.
# Load the JSON file
file_json <- jsonlite::read_json("/path/to/your/raw_cwl_in_json_format.cwl")
# Create app from raw CWL (JSON)
new_app_json <- a$apps$create(
project = "",
raw = file_json,
name = "New_app_json",
raw_format = "JSON"
If you opt for the `file_path` parameter instead, you should provide a path to a
file containing the raw CWL for the app (`JSON` or `YAML`).
# Create an app from raw CWL (YAML)
new_app_yaml <- a$apps$create(
project = "",
from_path = "/path/to/your/raw_cwl_in_yaml_format.cwl",
name = "New_app_yaml",
raw_format = "YAML"
### Create an app in a project
The app can also be directly created on a `Project` object by invoking
`create_app()`. Except for the predefined `project` parameter, the
`create_app()` has the same other parameters as `apps$create()`.
# Load the JSON file
file_json <- jsonlite::read_json("/path/to/your/raw_cwl_in_json_format.cwl")
# Get project
p <- a$projects$get("/api-testing")
# Create app from raw CWL (JSON) in specified project
raw = file_json,
name = "New_app_json",
raw_format = "JSON"
## App object operations
Once you've fetched the `App` object, you'll see that it also has various useful
methods within itself.
The following actions are available for an App object:
* print
* input_matrix
* output_matrix
* get_revision
* create_revision
* copy
* sync
* create_task
* reload
### Print an app
The `print` method prints the app details to the console.
# Fetch the first app from project's apps
p <- a$projects$get("/api-testing")
my_apps <- p$list_apps()
my_new_app <- my_apps$items[[1]]
# Print app's details
── App ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• revision: 0
• name: BCFtools Call
• project: /api-testing
• id: /api-testing/new_app_json
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/apps//api-testing/new_app_json/0
### Get an app's raw CWL
If the app's `raw` field is empty, just call the `reload()` method, to fetch
app's raw CWL.
### Preview app's inputs and expected outputs
Usually, for most of the tasks, some inputs should be defined, which are
required by the app. Information about which inputs are required or optional to
be set for the app is stored in its CWL. However, we have provided a utility
function `input_matrix()` on the `App` object that can parse this information
and return the app's input matrix for you.
This way, users will know how to construct the list of inputs (how to name
them and make them available within files) when creating the task.
**NOTE** that `id` field in the data frame is the name you should
use when specifying task inputs.
# Get app's inputs details
id label required type
in_variants Input Mpileup VCF file TRUE File
regions_file Regions from file FALSE File?
output_name Output file name FALSE string?
output_type Output type FALSE enum
regions Regions for processing FALSE string[]?
Besides id and label describing the input, you can see whether the input is
required or not and which type is expected.
For most of the inputs, if you notice that `type` field contains '?', it means
that the field is optional.
There is another utility operation on the `App` object to list expected outputs
of an app or task. This information can be received by calling the
`output_matrix()` method:
# Get app's outputs details
id label type
1 summary_metrics Summary Metrics File
2 out_filtered_variants Output filtered VCF File?
3 html_report HTML report File?
### Get an app revision
To obtain a particular revision of an app, use the `get_revision()` method and
set the `revision` parameter to the number of the version you want to get.
Keep in mind that there is another important parameter that can be set for this
method. If the `in_place` parameter is set to `TRUE`, the current app object
will be replaced with the new one for specified app revision. By default, this
parameter is set to `FALSE`.
# Get an app revision
my_app <- a$apps$get(id = "/api-testing/new_app_json/0")
── App ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• latest_revision: 1
• copy_of: admin/sbg-public-data/bcftools-call-1-15-1/0
• revision: 0
• name: BCFtools Call
• project: /api-testing
• id: /api-testing/new_app_json
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/apps//api-testing/new_app_json/0
# Get an app revision
my_app$get_revision(revision = 1)
# Get an app revision and update the object
my_app$get_revision(revision = 1, in_place = TRUE)
── App ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• latest_revision: 1
• copy_of: admin/sbg-public-data/bcftools-call-1-15-1/0
• revision: 1
• name: BCFtools Call
• project: /api-testing
• id: /api-testing/new_app_json
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/apps//api-testing/new_app_json/1
### Create an app revision
The `create_revision()` method allows you to create a new revision for an
existing app.
The raw CWL can be provided either through the `raw` parameter, or by using the
`file_path` parameter. Keep in mind that these two parameters should not be
used together.
If you choose to use the `raw` parameter, make sure to provide a list
containing raw CWL for the app revision you are about to create. To generate
such a list, you might want to load an existing `JSON` / `YAML` file. In case
that your CWL file is in JSON format, please use the `fromJSON` function from
the `jsonlite` package to minimize potential problems with parsing the JSON
file. If you want to load a CWL file in YAML format, it is highly recommended
to use the `read_yaml` function from the `yaml` package.
Make sure to set the `raw_format` parameter to match the type of the provided
raw CWL file (`JSON` / `YAML`). By default, this parameter is set to `JSON`.
Using `in_place` parameter will overwrite the current app object with new app
revision information.
# Create an app revision from a file
raw_cwl_as_list <- jsonlite::read_json(
path = "/path/to/your/raw_cwl_in_json_format.cwl"
my_app$create_revision(raw = raw_cwl_as_list, in_place = TRUE)
If you opt for the `file_path` parameter instead, you should provide a path to a
file containing the raw CWL for the app (`JSON` or `YAML`).
# Create a new revision for an existing app
from_path = "/path/to/your/raw_cwl_in_json_format.cwl",
in_place = TRUE
### Copy an app
An app can be copied to a specified destination project directly from an
app's object too, by calling its own `copy()`method.
Destination project (`project` parameter) should be provided either as an
object of the `Project` class, or as an ID of the target project of interest.
You can set the new name that the app will have in the target project with the
`name` parameter.
Keep in mind that are different strategies for copying apps on the platform:
* `clone` : copy all revisions; get updates from the same app as the copied app (default)
* `direct`: copy latest revision; get updates from the copied app
* `clone_direct`: copy all revisions; get updates from the copied app
* `transient`: copy latest revision; get updates from the same app as the copied app
Learn more about copy strategies in our public [API documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/reference/copy-an-app).
# Copy app
copied_app <- my_app$copy(
project = "",
name = "New_app_name"
### Sync a copied app
To synchronize a copied app with the source app from which it has been copied,
so it uses the latest revision, you can call the `sync()` method.
The `App` object will be overwritten with the latest app.
# Sync a copied app to the latest revision created
### Reload an app
To keep your local `App` object up to date with the app on the platform, you can always call the `reload()` function:
# Reload an app object
# Tasks
All task related operations are grouped under the `Tasks` class within the
authentication object, which also inherits the `Resource` class and implements
`query()`, `get()` and `delete()` operations for listing tasks, fetching
single task and deleting tasks. Besides these, users are able to create new
tasks with the `create()` operation from this `Auth$tasks` path.
Furthermore, users can retrieve details for multiple tasks with a single API
call using the `bulk_get()` method, also available from `Auth$tasks`.
When you operate with a single task, it is represented as an object of the
`Task` class.
The `Task` object contains all task information and additional methods that can
be executed directly on the object such as running, aborting, cloning, updating,
deleting the task, etc.
## List tasks
As mentioned above, you can list your tasks by calling the `tasks$query()`
method from the authentication object. The method has many additional
query parameters that could allow you to search for tasks by specific
criteria such as: `status`, `parent`, `project`, `created_from`, `created_to`,
`started_from`, `started_to`, `ended_from`, `ended_to`, `order_by`, `order`,
Let's list all tasks that were completed:
# Query all tasks
# Query tasks by their status
a$tasks$query(status = "COMPLETED", limit = 5)
To list all the tasks in a project, use the following.
# Find the project and pass it in the project parameter
p <- a$projects$query(id = "")
a$tasks$query(project = p)
# Alternatively you can list all tasks directly from the Project object
p <- a$projects$get(id = "")
Similar to previous query methods, here you will also get the `Collection`
object where resulting tasks will be stored in the `items` fields and you can
use pagination to navigate through results.
## Get single task information
In order to retrieve information about a single task of interest, you can get
it using the `tasks$get()` method using its id as parameter.
# Get specific task by ID
a$tasks$get(id = "")
## Get details of multiple tasks
To retrieve details of multiple tasks in a single API call, use the
`tasks$bulk_get()` method.
The `tasks$bulk_get()` method allows you to retrieve details of multiple tasks
efficiently - in a single API call. This method accepts a single argument,
`tasks`, which can be either a list of Task objects or a list of strings
representing task IDs.
Task ID can be extracted from the URL in the Platform's visual interface.
# Get details of multiple tasks by providing their IDs
a$tasks$bulk_get(tasks = list("", "task_2_id"))
# Get details of multiple tasks by providing Task objects
task_obj_1 <- a$tasks$get("")
task_obj_2 <- a$tasks$get("")
a$tasks$bulk_get(tasks = list(task_obj_1, task_obj_2))
## Create a draft task
To create a new draft task, you can use the `tasks$create` method.
The method accepts various arguments such as: in which project to create a task,
which app and its revision to use, task name, description, which inputs it
requires, batching options, execution settings, etc.
However, we can create a draft task by only defining the project and the app
that will be run, since all other parameters are optional:
# Create a draft task
draft_task <- a$tasks$create(
project = "",
app = ""
This will create an empty task, without any parameter defined.
User has the option to set execution settings by using `execution_settings`
parameter, and also to define usage of interruptible instances through
`use_interruptible_instances` parameter.
# Create task with execution settings and with use of interruptible instances
execution_settings <- list(
"instance_type" = "c4.2xlarge;ebs-gp2;2000",
"max_parallel_instances" = 2,
"use_memoization" = TRUE,
"use_elastic_disk" = FALSE
task_exec_settings <- a$tasks$create(
project = "",
app = "",
execution_settings = execution_settings,
use_interruptible_instances = FALSE,
To run the app immediately after it was created we have `action` parameter,
which when set to `run` will start the analysis task when it's created.
# Create and run task
task_exec_settings <- a$tasks$create(
project = "",
app = "",
input = "",
action = "run"
## Create a batch task
To run tasks in batch mode we have `batch`, `batch_input` and `batch_by`
The `batch` parameter defines whether to run a batch task or not,
while `batch_input` and `batch_by` define the input by which the task will be
batched and by which criteria, respectively.
The example below shows the format of creating a batch task for an input file
named 'reads', with batch criteria set to the 'sample_id' metadata field:
# Create a draft task
batch_task <- a$tasks$create(
project = "",
app = "",
inputs = list(
"reads" = "",
"reference" = ""
batch = TRUE,
batch_input = "reads",
batch_by = list(
type = "CRITERIA",
criteria = list("metadata.sample_id")
## Task operations
Once you've fetched the `Task` object, you can execute various operations
directly on it.
### Print task
To print all task details, call the print() method directly on the `Task`
# Print task details
── Task ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• batch: FALSE
• end_time: 2023-11-22T16:58:16Z
• start_time: 2023-11-22T16:51:35Z
• executed_by:
• created_by:
• app: /api-testing/rna-seq-alignment-star/0
• project: /api-testing
• description: STAR test 2
• status: COMPLETED
• name: Star-alignment-task
• id: 66f7a639-85fb-4594-aa93-d435ra37fb1b
• href: https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/tasks/66f7a639-85fb-4594-aa93-d435ra37fb1b
### Run a task
To actually start the execution of a created draft task, use the task object's
`run()` function.
You can modify input parameters values for:
`in_place` - set to FALSE if you wish to store response in new task object,
`batch` - this is used for tasks that are already batch tasks and this option
allows the users to switch the batch mode off,
`use_interruptible_instances` - This field can be TRUE or FALSE. Set this field
to TRUE to allow the use of spot instances.
Only tasks with a `DRAFT` status may be run.
# Run a task
draft_task$run(in_place = TRUE)
### Abort a task
Users can abort the task execution by calling the `abort()` function.
It immediately stops the execution and puts it into `ABORT` status.
Only tasks whose status is `RUNNING` may be aborted.
# Abort a task
### Clone a task
In order to copy a task, the user can clone it.
Once cloned, the task can either be in `DRAFT` mode or immediately run, by
setting the `run` parameter to `TRUE`.
# Clone a task
cloned_task <- draft_task$clone_task()
### Get execution details
If users would like to explore or debug the logs of task execution, they can
use the `get_execution_details()` function.
It returns execution details of the specified task and breaks down the
information into the task's distinct jobs. A job is a single subprocess
carried out in a task. The information returned by this call is broadly
similar to the one that can be found in the task stats and logs provided
on the Platform.
Task execution details include the following information:
* The name of the command line job that executed
* The start time of the job
* End time of the job (if it completed)
* The status of the job (`DONE`, `FAILED`, or `RUNNING`)
* Information on the computational instance that the job was run on,
including the provider ID, the type of instance used and the cloud service
* A link that can be used to download the standard error logs for the job
* SHA hash of the Docker image ('checksum').
# Get execution details of the task
details <- draft_task$get_execution_details()
### List batch children
This operation retrieves child tasks for a batch task. It works just like the `tasks$query()` function, so you can set query parameters such as `status`,
`created_from`, `created_to`, `started_from`, `started_to`, `ended_from`,
`ended_to`, `origin`, and `order` to narrow down the search.
# List batch children
children_tasks <- batch_task$list_batch_children()
### Update task
Users can use the `update()` method to change the details of the specified task,
including its name, description, and inputs.
Note that you can only modify tasks with a task status of `DRAFT`.
Tasks which are `RUNNING`, `QUEUED`, `ABORTED`, `COMPLETED` or `FAILED` cannot
be modified in order to enable the reproducibility of analyses.
There are two things to note if you are editing a batch task:
* If you want to change the input on which to batch and the batch criteria,
you need to specify the `batch_input` and `batch_by` parameters together in the
same function call.
* If you want to disable batching on a task, set `batch` to false. Or, you can
also set the parameters `batch_input` and `batch_by` to `NULL`.
# Update task
description = "New description",
batch_by = list(
type = "CRITERIA",
criteria = list("metadata.diagnosis")
inputs = list("in_reads" = "")
### Rerun a task
Users can also rerun the task which will actually clone the original task for
them and start the execution immediately.
# Rerun task
### Reload task
In order to refresh the `Task` object and get the up to date info about its
status, you can always call the `reload()` function:
# Reload task object
### Delete task
Lastly, the task can be deleted using `delete()` method directly on the `Task`
object too:
# Delete task