## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE) ## ----libraries, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # devtools::install_github("ATFutures/geoplumber") # # require("geojsonsf") # library(pct) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # head(santiago_od) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sf:::print.sf(santiago_zones) # plot(santiago_zones) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # desire_lines = stplanr::od2line(flow = santiago_od, zones = santiago_zones) ## ----out.width="100%"--------------------------------------------------------- # plot(santiago_zones$geometry) # plot(santiago_lines["pcycle"], lwd = santiago_lines$n / 3, add = TRUE) # # gj = geojsonsf::sf_geojson(santiago_lines) # # path = file.path(tempdir(), "dl.geojson") # # write(gj, path) # # html_map = geoplumber::gp_map(path, browse_map = FALSE) # # htmltools::includeHTML(html_map) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # desire_lines$hilliness = 0 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # desire_lines$distance = as.numeric(sf::st_length(desire_lines)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # desire_lines$godutch_pcycle = uptake_pct_godutch(distance = desire_lines$distance, gradient = 0) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cor(x = desire_lines$pcycle, y = desire_lines$godutch_pcycle) # plot(x = desire_lines$pcycle, y = desire_lines$godutch_pcycle) # plot(x = desire_lines$distance, y = desire_lines$godutch_pcycle, ylim = c(0, 1)) ## ----out.width="50%", fig.show='hold'----------------------------------------- # library(leaflet) # leaflet(width = "100%") %>% # addTiles() %>% # addPolylines(data = desire_lines, weight = desire_lines$pcycle * 5) # leaflet(width = "100%") %>% # addTiles() %>% # addPolylines(data = desire_lines, weight = desire_lines$godutch_pcycle * 5) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # santiago_routes_cs = stplanr::line2route(desire_lines) # # > 10 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 20 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 30 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 40 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 50 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 60 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 70 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 80 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 90 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > 100 % out of 200 distances calculated # # > Warning message: # # > In value[[3L]](cond) : Fail for line number 32 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # leaflet() %>% # addTiles() %>% # addPolylines(data = santiago_routes_cs[32, ]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # routes = sf::st_sf( # cbind(sf::st_drop_geometry(santiago_routes_cs), # sf::st_drop_geometry(desire_lines)), # geometry = santiago_routes_cs$geometry # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # routes$godutch_slc = round(routes$godutch_pcycle * routes$all) # rnet = stplanr::overline2(routes, "godutch_slc") # plot(rnet, lwd = rnet$godutch_slc / mean(rnet$godutch_slc)) # # library(tmap) # # tmap_mode("view") # # tm_shape(rnet) + # # tm_lines(lwd = "godutch_slc", scale = 9) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # route_segments_1_5 = route(l = desire_lines[1:5, ], route_fun = cyclestreets::journey) # mapview::mapview(route_segments_1_5)