CHANGELOG: v1.19.0 - Non-visible and documentation changes for CRAN compliance. - Internal argument handling changes; should generally be invisible, but may in some complex cases avoid problems when calling network(). - Added more internal checks to edge allocation and handling. These should not be visible for normal use, but should catch/avoid errors due to improper use (e.g., trying to make/use network objects with malformed edges). This is not expected to break any working code, but if you have been doing things you shouldn't have been doing (e.g., edges without both inl and outl elements), then you might find that you need to fix things. (This usually takes effort, so you are not likely to have done it by accident.) - Bolstered add.edge and add.edges against improper edge.check arguments. - Made get.inducedSubgraph() and permute.vertexIDs() generic. - Replaced now non-functional Pajek URLs with Internet Archive versions. v1.18.2 - Non-visible changes for CRAN compliance. v1.18.1 - Non-visible changes for CRAN compliance. - now handles deleted edges correctly. - can now mimic as_tibble_network() behavior. v1.18.0 - Many network methods are now S3 generics (to facilitate objects like networkLite). - get.dyads.eids now has an na.omit argument. - Minor bug fixes. v1.17.2 - Deactivated tests to appease CRAN. - Modified various protection calls in a hopefully more conservative manner. This should not produce user-visible changes, but will be cleaner on rchk. v1.17.1 - Coercion from an edgelist could fail with a single edge when redundant edges were being removed. - Zero-row matrices are now assumed to be empty edgelists when not explicitly specified. (Before, they just failed.) v1.17 - Michal Bojanowski, Pavel N. Krivitsky, Chad Klumb, and Brendan Knapp have been added as contributors. - summary.character() and print.summary.character() are no longer exported as it interfered with - Added functions and for converting between data.frames and networks. - and now optionally return edge IDs, controlled with the store.eid argument - Fixes to read.paj(). - Various testthat improvements. - Bugs fixed in - Updated tests for compatibility with R 4.0 - Converted is.bipartite, is.directed, get.edge.attribute, get.edge.value,, list.edge.attributes,, set.vertex.attribute, set.edge.attribute, set.edge.value,, delete.vertex.attribute, delete.edge.attribute,, has.vertex.attribute, has.edge.attribute, and to generics for greater extensibility. - Using an out-of-bounds index in nw[i,j] and nw[i,j]<- now produces a sensible error message (i.e., same one as for a matrix). - mixingmatrix() now produces output inheriting from "table" rather than a list; its printing, handling of missing attributes, bipartite networks, and other scenarios has been improved. - as.mixingmatrix() has been added. - network now uses statnet::statnetStartupMessage(). - Updated constructor code per Kurt Hornik's suggestion to future proof versus upcoming sapply() changes. - network.edgelist() now automagically prunes loops and redundant edges for networks that should not have them; previously, the function trusted the user not to supply such things (and would go ahead and make edges if asked to do so). v1.16 - Converted get.vertex.attribute and list.vertex.attributes to generics for greater extensibility. - Updated tests to fix a color-related issue. - Switched explicit class matching checks to inherits(). This avoids a compatibility problem with future R releases (and facilitates further class extensions). v1.15 - made na.omit a non-required arguments S3 method generics for network.edgecount and network.dyadcount for exensibility by downstream packages v1.14 Fixes & Features - revamped the network C API, which had been broken by earlier regrestration changes. Users making use of the C API will need to update their networkapi.c and networkapi.h files, but no other changes need to be made to existing code. - Fixed an un-handled case for plot edge.lwd expansion when called from other contexts. It can now replicate a single numeric value even if scaling is not otherwise included. - network now has an as_tibble() method to convert it to a tibble edgelist with specified edge attributes as columns or to a tibble vertex list with vertex attributes as columns. - as.edgelist() can return a tibble as well. - network print() methods now handle formula network attributes intelligently. - mixingmatrix() is now a generic, with a method. - Improved handling for NAs in network subsetting assignment operation. - A number of functions (network.edge.count(), network.dyadcount(), network.naedgecount(), and network.size()) are now generics. - Assigning a vector (as opposed to a matrix) to %e% (edge attribute) now sets the edge attribute of corresponding edges (in the same order as the internal representation). - Various changes made to satisfy CRAN's ever-shifting code requirements. v1.13 Fixes & Features - added some CRAN requested imports to NAMESPACE - added get.dyads.eids function to return sets of edge ids for vectors of tails and heads vertex ids for non-multiplex networks - copied as.edgelist functions from ergm, they serve as wrapper for that enforces sorting and adds an 'edgelist' class. - added a has.edges() function to determine if a vertex has any edges (is not an isolate) - updated network.dyadcount to account for loops and directed bipartite networks - added optional opacity paramter to as.color, and new docs for as.color. - rewrote read.paj() parser for Pajek formatted files, now supports timing and edge attributes, fixes error for empty network - added Suggests dependency for testthat for testing v1.12 Fixes & Features - fix error with when as.sna.edgelist=TRUE and network has 0 edges - updated citation generation code - NAMESPACE file updated to explicitly register S3 methods (and some pseduo S3 methods as requested by CRAN check) - changing the vertex.sides argument to now produces polygons of equal area instead of equal radius. - can now plot labels on curved edges - refactored so that much of the argument expansion is handled by a public method so that it can be accessed by depending packages v1.11 Fixes & Features - minor change to layout.c to fix UBSAN warning flagged by CRAN - minor changes to to give more informative info about some network attributes - get.edge.attribute now has C-level backend - get.edge.attribute and get.edge.value now have arguments to avoid returning attribute values from 'missing' edges (na.omit) and unset/deleted edges (deleted.edges.omit) and edges with no value assigned for the attribute ( - network now includes an explicit list of exported functions in NAMESPACE - the following 'internal' functions have been removed from NAMESPACE: networkOperatorSetup, switchArcDirection, readAndVectorizeLine, read.paj.simplify - network now follows R conventions for exporting some of its C-level API functions for use by other packages - get.inducedSubgraph() now has an optional 'eid' argument for inducing a network including specified edges and their incident vertices - fixed bug in that caused it to ignore the na.rm argument. - added patch to which.matrix. type to handle NAs submitted by Philip Leifeld - fixed na.rm argument to - changed plot function to force lazy evaluation of displaylabels=!missing(label) argument before value of label is changed v1.10 Fixes - fixed vertex label plotting bug when vertices have the same positions - added dimension checks and more informative error for for case when it assumes a square edgelist is an adjacency matrix - added dependency on statnet.common library to facilitate some development testing - The 'modify in place' syntax for network functions that modify their arguments now works correctly when the network to be modified is an element of a list - Modified so that if a single value is passed in that matches with a vertex attribute name, the value of the attribute will be used (to make it consistent with the rest of the plot arguments) - Fix to C-level stack protection bug in delete.vertices that could cause crashes under some conditions - removed $< assignment operator so that dispatch will occur via R internals. - Fix stack protection overflow in set.edge.value. Also check for correct dimension on value argument for set.edge.value. - Minor documentation fixes v1.9 Features & Fixes New Features - minor tweak to to not show summary information for net.obs.period and .active attributes when called from network dynamic - add.vertices, add.edge, and add.edges have been converted to S3 methods - set.vertex.attributes and set.edge.attributes can now modify a list of on a network attributes with a single call - modified all of the set and add methods to remove the x$RisTooLazy?<-NULL copy-inducing kludge in favor of x<-duplicate(x) in the C version of the function. Seems to give moderate speed improvement for large networks Fixes - fixed a c-level bug in get.edge.ids that was giving bad values on undirected networks with loops. - fixed a bug where [< assignment operator fails to add edge in non-directed loops case v1.8 Fixes & Features New Features - now supports bipartite networks with zero-sized first mode. (bipartite=0 no longer means the same thing as bipartite=FALSE, and is.bipartite() reflects this) - added vertex.lwd attribute to for controlling line widths around vertices - added basic plotting for edge labels (new arguments: edge.label, edge.label.cex, edge.label.col) - added valid.eids function to return the ids of non-NULL edges in a network - added a loading.attributes man page with more examples of attaching vertex and edge attributes - now lists edge attributes if there are less than 1k edges, otherwise a notice that attribute names are not shown (listing edge attributes is expensive) Bug Fixes - permute.vertexIDs was triggering a protection stack overflow on large graphs. - fixes for the undirected network subtraction operator and ! operator bug. resolution involved forcing a i=2.0). [CTB] Bug Fixes: - The network summary and print methods could in some cases fail if called on a network with non-trivial graph-level attributes. [CTB, submitted by Zack Almquist; closely related bug fixed by MSH] - If called with ignore.eval=T but no specified names.eval, and friends generated an object with mislabeled edge attributes; note that a warning is still given with such a call, since it is unwise not to specify attribute names. [CTB, submitted by DH] v1.6 Changes/Bug Fixes Changes: - In-place modification methods now use draconian measures to force evaluation of their arguments prior to modification, and overwrite non-anonymous arguments in their original frame on exit. This is a kludge to cope with R's lazy evaluation strategy, which does not play well with in-place modification of arguments. Bug Fixes: - Per the above, semantics for in-place modification of objects should now operate correctly (was conflicting with R's lazy evaluation scheme, sometimes resulting in bizarre behavior). [CTB, submitted by Ronggui Huang] - was failing when edge.col was called with single color terms. [CTB, submitted by Philip Leifeld] - network.layout.fruchtermanreingold failed when called with a network having exactly one edge. [DRH] v1.5-1 Minor Changes/Bug Fixes Changes: - The mixingmatrix function has been moved from ergm to network (currently as an undocumented internal function). [CTB, but original function is due to MSH] Bug fixes: - generated an error in some cases when edge.curv was set. [CTB, submitted by Brian Ripley] - generated an error if mixingmatrices=TRUE was set and ergm was not loaded. (The mixingmatrix function has now been moved into the network package.) [CTB, submitted by Ronggui Huang] v1.5 New Functions, New Features, Changes, and Bug Fixes New Functions: - get.inducedSubgraph: return induced subgraphs and edge cuts from a network object. A new operator, %s%, has been introduced to simplify this process. [CTB] New Features: - add.vertices now supports adding vertices to the first mode of a bipartite network (default behavior is unchanged). [CTB] - and as.sociomatrix now support an optional argument to force bipartite graphs to be returned in full one-mode adjacency form (rather than the current, two-mode default). [CTB] - and now support an argument to allow suppression of matrix output (helpful for very large graphs). [CTB] - network.layout.fruchtermanreingold now uses a cell-based acceleration scheme for large graphs, which can be adjusted using layout.par; it also operates entirely on edgelists, and is no longer O(N^2) in typical applications. - Network coercion methods now recognize/use sna edgelist attributes (even if the matrix is not actually an sna edgelist!) automagically. Coercion to edgelist form also sets the sna edgelist attributes. In addition to being useful for interoperability, this now makes it easier to import network data in edgelist form (previously, one had to be careful about setting vertex sizes, which could only be crudely inferred from the edgelist matrix itself). [CTB] Changes: - By very popular demand, network now uses R name spaces. [Credit to Michal Bojanowski for convincing us to make the leap] - Also by popular demand, no longer displays the network itself by default. [CTB] - Elementwise network operators now support multigraphs, and use basic network attributes in a sane way. Operator semantics have been substantially expanded for the muligraph case; hypergraphs are not yet supported, but missingness is. [CTB, submitted by MSH] - Support for bipartite graphs in read.paj has been improved. [MSH] - In addition to changes noted above, network.layout.fruchtermanreingold uses a lightly different repulse radius by default; this seems to work better on large graphs. [CTB] - has some overdue performance enhancements, including a more scalable Fruchterman-Reingold implementation. Note that no longer coerces anything to adjacency form, although particular layout methods might. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - add.edge and add.edges would crash when called with NA vertex IDs in the head or tail lists. [CTB, submitted by Skye Bender-deMoll] - failed when called on networks with deleted edges. [CTB, submitted by MSH] - network.dyadcount handled NAs improperly in some cases. [MSH] - network.initialize now stops with an error when called with <=0 vertices, rather than producing undefined behavior. [CTB, submitted by Skye Bender-deMoll] - Various minor issues in have bee fixed. [CTB, mostly based on imports from gplot in sna; some gplot fixes contributed by Alex Montgomery] - and could fail when called on multiplex or hypergraphic networks with the wrong matrix.type settings. [CTB] v1.4-1 Minor Changes/Bug Fixes Changes: - print.summary.character now behaves in a more intuitive way (and always generates at least marginally useful output). [CTB] - has been rewritten -- too much confusion about what it was supposed to do. [CTB] - The na.omit option to and should now be considered deprecated (it does essentially nothing at this point. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - was giving the same information twice (and other information badly. [CTB] v1.4 New Functions, New Features, Changes, and Bug Fixes New Functions: - returns a network whose edges correspond to missing edges in the original network. (Also supported by new backend function isNANetwork_R.) [CTB] - network.naedgecount: returns the number of missing edges in a network object. [CTB] - Internal functions summary.character and print.summary.character have been added for use with network print/summary methods. [MSH] - Internal function is.color has been added to allow heuristic identification of color names (for use with attribute plotting). as.color similarly attempts to coerce its input into some reasonable color value for display purposes. [CTB] New Features: - The network edge assignment operator ([< now allows NAs to be given as assignment values (resulting in missing edges if no attribute specified, or missing attribute values otherwise). [CTB] - The C-level network API headers are now contained in the "inst" directory; from now on, they will be maintained there. [CTB] - read.paj now imports vertex attributes. [Patch submitted by Alexander Montgomery] Changes: - Many minor documentation updates (including adding references to the recent JSS article). [CTB] - CITATION file has been updated to reflect current R standards. [CTB] - Color support in has been greatly expanded and rationalized. [CTB] - is.adjacent now sets na.omit=FALSE by default; there seems to be a general consensus that this results in the more obvious pattern of behavior (i.e., missing edges from i to j result in a value of NA, unless there are also non-missing (i,j) edges present). The man page has also been updated to describe this behavior in greater detail. [CTB] - Per the above, as.sociomatrix and related coercion methods also now display missing data information by default. [CTB] - now returns a object, and printing takes place within (which is standard R behavior). Something approximately like this was being done before, but behavior should now be more conventional; objects can also carry optional information as network attributes with names of the form "summary.*". [CTB; Submitted by DRH] - now automagically displays labels if manually supplied (following the behavior of sna's gplot). [CTB] - now shows missing edge information. [CTB] - The man page for network.dyadcount now emphasizes the fact that directed dyads are returned when is.directed(x)==TRUE. (This was noted in the example, but was explicitly discussed in the main page.) [CTB; Submitted by DRH] - and now return degenerate matrices instead of NULL when called with an empty graph. [Pavel Krivitsky] - Undocumented support for the design matrix and special "respondent" attributes should be considered deprecated, and will be removed in the next version. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - dropped the dimensions of its output when called on a graph with one edge. [CTB] - produced an error when called with an empty graph, and generated incorrect matrices when called with graphs containing missing or previously deleted edges. [CTB] - get.neighborhood was incorrectly including ego for loopless undirected graphs. [CTB] - list.vertex.attributes produced an error when called on networks with different attributes on each vertex. [CTB] - was not displaying colors as advertised in some cases [CTB; Submitted by Cori Mar] - and were giving ugly output. [MSH] - read.paj was reversing arc directions. [CTB; Submitted by Kevin Lewis] - The initial startup message was giving the wrong help command. [CTB; Submitted by Kevin Zembower] - read.paj was failing in some cases. [Pavel Krivitsky] - didn't call the mixing matrix summary properly. [MSH] v1.3 New Functions, New Features, Changes, and Bug Fixes New Functions: - network.vertex.names<-: simplified assignment for vertex names. [CTB] New Features: - A CITATION file has now been added to the package, to encourage good behavior. The initial on-load announcements have been tweaked accordingly. [CTB] Changes: - add.edges (via the backend routine add_edges_R) now adds edges in a more efficient way; substantial performance gains should be observed when adding multiple edges at one time, versus previous package versions. [CTB] - network print and summary methods now consistently refer to "vertex attributes" instead of "nodal attributes." [CTB] - network constructors now set vertex names by default; this brings the actual behavior of the package in line with its apparent behavior (since network.vertex names and similar routines will "fake" vertex names if none are present, thus producing results which are inconsistent with get.vertex.attribute in the latter case). [CTB] - The DESCRIPTION file has been tweaked to be a bit more professional, and to add the statnet web site. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - Fixed "virtual subsetting" for network objects when a single vector of virtual cell numbers is provided, or when a one-row, two-column matrix is given. In both cases, network was treating the numbers as if they were first-column selectors. [CTB] - Direct assignment to internal components of network objects was failing in certain cases. This has been fixed, although users should note that this behavior is both unsupported and generally a Bad Idea (TM). Please use interface methods instead! [CTB; Submitted by Skye Bender-deMoll] - Fixed bug in read.paj. [MSH] - Fixed display of attribute information in [MSH] - is now compatible with the updated ergm package. [CTB] - Previously implemented functionality in allowing one-word specification of vertex or edge attributes for display parameters was not working uniformly. [CTB] v1.2 New Functions, Changes, Bug Fixes New Functions: - $< replacement method for network objects. [CTB] -, sums and products of multiple network objects. [CTB] Changes: - Direct assignments with network objects on the right-hand side now copy their right-hand argument (per standard R semantics). Originally, a pointer to the right-hand argument was copied (and network.copy was required for direct assignment). The direct use of network.copy is now unnecessary for most purposes, and should be avoided. [CTB] - network.density now allows explicit control of missing data behavior, support for ignoring "structural zeros" (per bipartite), and supports a wider range of hypergraphic cases. [CTB] - Some adjustments have been made to the overloading of network arithmetic operators, to ensure compatibility with future versions of R. Most importantly, the passing of an attrname argument to arithmetic operators is now defunct (since it violates the S3 generics). The addition of more general sum and prod methods hopefully make up for this regression. [CTB] - The network extraction and assignment operators now behave more like conventional matrices. In particular, single vectors are assumed to contain lists of cell indices (when given in isolation), and one-row, two-column matrices are treated as other two-column matrices. [CTB] - Various minor documentation and test file updates. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - as.matrix arguments have been modified to harmonize with the new R (2.5) generics definitions. [CTB] - Annoying but harmless tracer messages have been removed. [CTB] - Protection stack could overflow when large numbers of edges were deleted in a single call. [CTB; Submitted by Pavel Krivitsky] v1.1-2 Changes, Bug Fixes Changes: - getNeighborhood, getEdges, and getEdgeIDs (internal) now force type="combined" behavior on undirected networks; this was done at the R level before, but is now enforced in C as well. This is not generally user-level transparent, but affects the experimental network API [CTB] Bug Fixes: - was not setting the bipartite attribute of the returned network properly, when called with a non-FALSE bipartite argument [MSH] - An error was present in some error return functions, causing errors on errors (which, happily, were only relevant when an error occurred) [CTB; Submitted by Skye Bender-deMoll] v1.1-1 New Functions, Changes New Functions: - The internal function setVertexAttribute has been added. This has no immediate user-level effect, but the new function is supported in the C API [CTB] Changes: - Use of the protection stack has been changed, so as to avoid racking up huge stacks when creating very large networks. This is expected to have a minimal impact on performance, but will avoid protection stack overflow issues in some cases [CTB] - A change in R 2.4.0 has apparently made it impossible for generic two-argument Ops (e.g., +,-,*) to dispatch to functions with more than two arguments. A side effect of this is that "" and friends must be called with the full function name (as opposed to simply "+") when the optional attrname argument is being used. Note that this is not a change in the network package (although the test code has been updated to reflect it), but a regression due to R. Go complain to the R team [CTB] v1.1 New Features, Bug Fixes, Changes New Features: - [.network and [< now allow the use of vertex names (where present) for selection of vertices [CTB] Bug Fixes: - add.vertices did not verify the integrity of vattr, and could generate a segfault if incorrectly called with a non-null, non-list value [CTB; reported by Skye Bender-deMoll] - (and friends) could segfault if matrix.type was forced to adjacency while bipartite>0; new behavior essentially forces the use of the bipartite matrix method in this case [CTB] - delete.edges and set.edge.attribute returned an annoying (but harmless) warning when called with zero-length eid [CTB; reported by David Hunter] - delete.vertices did not adjust bipartite attribute (where present) to account for loss of mode 1 vertices [CTB] - get.vertex.attribute generated an error when called with na.omit=TRUE in some cases [CTB] - network.incidence could not be used to construct undirected dyadic networks [CTB] - set.vertex.attribute generated an error if called with attribute lists of length != network.size [CTB; reported by Skye Bender-deMoll] Changes: - Added a new overview man page (network-package) with information on how to get started with network [CTB] - [< will now remove edges with zero values if both names.eval and add.edges are set, and will not add edges for those cells. Previously, the standard behavior was to add edges for all cells [CTB] - Added delete.edges to the "see also" for add.edges [CTB; suggested by Skye Bender-deMoll] - permute.vertexIDs now throws a warning when called with a cross-mode vertex exchange on a bipartite graph [CTB] - Default matrix type for is now "adjacency," rather than the output of which.matrix.type(). Coercion methods should not have variable behavior depending on features such as network size, even if it is convenient for some purposes! The old behavior can be easily obtained via setting matrix.type=which.matrix.type(x), for those who want it [CTB] v1.0-1 Minor Bug Fixes, Changes Bug Fixes: - Various warnings were removed (apparently, these only appeared in R<2.1) [CTB] - was failing on networks where is.bipartite==TRUE [CTB] Changes: - The generic form of %c% was temporarily removed, to avoid namespace issues with sna. (This will be rectified in future releases.) [CTB] v1.0 New Functions, New Features, Changes, and Bug Fixes New Functions: - Operator overloading for +, -, *, |, &, and ! have been added, as has the composition operator, %c% [CTB] - Operator overloading is now supported for "[" and "[<-"; this allows network objects to be treated transparently as if they were adjacency matrices (in some cases, at least). New extraction/replacement operators %n%, %n%<-, %v%, %v%<- have been added for extracting/assigning values to network and vertex attributes (respectively) [CTB] - network.copy: returns a copy of the input network [CTB] - network.dyadcount: return the number of dyads in a network (optionally adjusting for the missing dyads) [MSH] New Features: - add.edges now checks for illegal loop-like edges when edge.check==TRUE [CTB] - get.neighborhood now allows users to specify whether missing edges should be ignored [CTB] - set.edge.value now accepts edge values in vector format [CTB] Changes: - All access access functions now modify their arguments in place; this greatly improves performance, but may produce unexpected behavior. If users wish to generate a modified copy of a network, they must first generate the copy and then modify it. Otherwise, the old object will be modified as well. In accordance with this, modification methods now return their (modified) arguments invisibly. [CTB] - Most access functions have now been backended; this has improved the performance of many operations by as much as two orders of magnitude [CTB] - get.edges and get.edgeIDs now treat all undirected networks as if called with neighborhood=="combined" [CTB] - now handles undirected edges in a more conventional way [CTB] - network.adjacency will now ignore diagonal entries if has.loops=FALSE [CTB] Bug Fixes: - and were producing spurious edge attributes [CTB] - list.edge.attributes generated failed under certain conditions (submitted by Matthew Wiener) [CTB] - set.edge.attribute was able to write attributes into non-existent (NULL) edges [CTB] - set.edge.value could exhibit strange behavior when carelessly chosen edge subsets were selected [CTB] v0.5-4 New Facilities for Bipartite, New Features, Changes, and Bug Fixes New Functions: - network.bipartite to store an explicit bipartite network. Modified network.initialize, etc, to accept "bipartite" argument. [MSH] - is.bipartite: logical test for a bipartite network [MSH] - read.paj: read one or more network objects from a Pajek file [MSH, DS] New Features: - now reports on edge attributes [MSH] Changes: - The composition operator (%c%) has been removed due to a name conflict with the sna package; since sna now supports network objects, its version can be used instead. [CTB] - as.sociomatrix is now properly configured to work in tandem with as.sociomatrix.sna (in the sna package). The functionality of the routine has also been extended slightly. [CTB] Bug Fixes: - .First.lib: Print out correct welcome banner for package [MSH] - Fix displayisolates determination in [MSH] v0.5-3 New Functions, New Data Set, and Changes New Functions: - permute.vertexIDs: Permute vertices in their internal representation [CTB] New Data: - emon: Drabek et al.'s Emergent Multi-organizational Networks [CTB] Changes: - The obsolete examples directory has been removed. [CTB] v0.5-2 New Features, New Functions and Bug Fixes New Functions: - delete.vertices: Remove one or more vertices (and associated edges) from a network object. - delete.edge.attribute,, delete.vertex attribute: Remove an edge/network/vertex attribute. - list.edge.attributes,, list.vertex attributes: List all edge/network/vertex attribute names. New Features: - plot.graph.default now accepts vertex/edge attribute names for most vertex/edge display properties. Bug Fixes: - Edge deletion produced exciting and unexpected behavior in some cases. - network.initialize set vertex na attributes to TRUE by default.