params <- list(EVAL = TRUE) ## ----echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = if (isTRUE(exists("params"))) params$EVAL else FALSE ) ## ----setup, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, dpi = 100, fig.asp = 0.8, fig.width = 6, out.width = "60%", fig.align = "center" ) library(mvgam) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) # A custom ggplot2 theme theme_set( theme_classic(base_size = 12, base_family = "serif") + theme( axis.line.x.bottom = element_line( colour = "black", size = 1 ), axis.line.y.left = element_line( colour = "black", size = 1 ) ) ) options( ggplot2.discrete.colour = c( "#A25050", "#00008b", "darkred", "#010048" ), ggplot2.discrete.fill = c( "#A25050", "#00008b", "darkred", "#010048" ) ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(999) # Simulate observations for species 1, which shows a declining trend and 0.7 detection probability data.frame( site = 1, # five replicates per year; six years replicate = rep(1:5, 6), time = sort(rep(1:6, 5)), species = "sp_1", # true abundance declines nonlinearly truth = c( rep(28, 5), rep(26, 5), rep(23, 5), rep(16, 5), rep(14, 5), rep(14, 5) ), # observations are taken with detection prob = 0.7 obs = c( rbinom(5, 28, 0.7), rbinom(5, 26, 0.7), rbinom(5, 23, 0.7), rbinom(5, 15, 0.7), rbinom(5, 14, 0.7), rbinom(5, 14, 0.7) ) ) %>% # add 'series' information, which is an identifier of site, replicate and species dplyr::mutate( series = paste0( "site_", site, "_", species, "_rep_", replicate ), time = as.numeric(time), # add a 'cap' variable that defines the maximum latent N to # marginalize over when estimating latent abundance; in other words # how large do we realistically think the true abundance could be? cap = 100 ) %>% dplyr::select(-replicate) -> testdat # Now add another species that has a different temporal trend and a smaller # detection probability (0.45 for this species) testdat <- testdat %>% dplyr::bind_rows( data.frame( site = 1, replicate = rep(1:5, 6), time = sort(rep(1:6, 5)), species = "sp_2", truth = c( rep(4, 5), rep(7, 5), rep(15, 5), rep(16, 5), rep(19, 5), rep(18, 5) ), obs = c( rbinom(5, 4, 0.45), rbinom(5, 7, 0.45), rbinom(5, 15, 0.45), rbinom(5, 16, 0.45), rbinom(5, 19, 0.45), rbinom(5, 18, 0.45) ) ) %>% dplyr::mutate( series = paste0( "site_", site, "_", species, "_rep_", replicate ), time = as.numeric(time), cap = 50 ) %>% dplyr::select(-replicate) ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testdat$species <- factor(testdat$species, levels = unique(testdat$species)) testdat$series <- factor(testdat$series, levels = unique(testdat$series)) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dplyr::glimpse(testdat) head(testdat, 12) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testdat %>% # each unique combination of site*species is a separate process dplyr::mutate(trend = as.numeric(factor(paste0(site, species)))) %>% dplyr::select(trend, series) %>% dplyr::distinct() -> trend_map trend_map ## ----include = FALSE, results='hide'--------------------------------------------------------- mod <- mvgam( # the observation formula sets up linear predictors for # detection probability on the logit scale formula = obs ~ species - 1, # the trend_formula sets up the linear predictors for # the latent abundance processes on the log scale trend_formula = ~ s(time, by = trend, k = 4) + species, # the trend_map takes care of the mapping trend_map = trend_map, # nmix() family and data family = nmix(), data = testdat, # priors can be set in the usual way priors = c( prior(std_normal(), class = b), prior(normal(1, 1.5), class = Intercept_trend) ), samples = 1000 ) ## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mod <- mvgam( # # the observation formula sets up linear predictors for # # detection probability on the logit scale # formula = obs ~ species - 1, # # # the trend_formula sets up the linear predictors for # # the latent abundance processes on the log scale # trend_formula = ~ s(time, by = trend, k = 4) + species, # # # the trend_map takes care of the mapping # trend_map = trend_map, # # # nmix() family and data # family = nmix(), # data = testdat, # # # priors can be set in the usual way # priors = c( # prior(std_normal(), class = b), # prior(normal(1, 1.5), class = Intercept_trend) # ), # samples = 1000 # ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- code(mod) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(mod) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loo(mod) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(mod, type = "smooths", trend_effects = TRUE) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- marginaleffects::plot_predictions( mod, condition = "species", type = "detection" ) + ylab("Pr(detection)") + ylim(c(0, 1)) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "none") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hc <- hindcast(mod, type = "latent_N") # Function to plot latent abundance estimates vs truth plot_latentN <- function(hindcasts, data, species = "sp_1") { all_series <- unique( data %>% dplyr::filter(species == !!species) %>% dplyr::pull(series) ) # Grab the first replicate that represents this series # so we can get the true simulated values series <- as.numeric(all_series[1]) truths <- data %>% dplyr::arrange(time, series) %>% dplyr::filter(series == !!levels(data$series)[series]) %>% dplyr::pull(truth) # In case some replicates have missing observations, # pull out predictions for ALL replicates and average over them hcs <- rbind, lapply(all_series, function(x) { ind <- which(names(hindcasts$hindcasts) %in% as.character(x)) hindcasts$hindcasts[[ind]] }) ) # Calculate posterior empirical quantiles of predictions pred_quantiles <- data.frame(t(apply(hcs, 2, function(x) { quantile( x, probs = c( 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95 ) ) }))) pred_quantiles$time <- 1:NROW(pred_quantiles) pred_quantiles$truth <- truths # Grab observations data %>% dplyr::filter(series %in% all_series) %>% dplyr::select(time, obs) -> observations # Plot ggplot(pred_quantiles, aes(x = time, group = 1)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = X5., ymax = X95.), fill = "#DCBCBC") + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = X30., ymax = X70.), fill = "#B97C7C") + geom_line(aes(x = time, y = truth), colour = "black", linewidth = 1) + geom_point( aes(x = time, y = truth), shape = 21, colour = "white", fill = "black", size = 2.5 ) + geom_jitter( data = observations, aes(x = time, y = obs), width = 0.06, shape = 21, fill = "darkred", colour = "white", size = 2.5 ) + labs( y = "Latent abundance (N)", x = "Time", title = species ) } ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot_latentN(hc, testdat, species = "sp_1") plot_latentN(hc, testdat, species = "sp_2") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Date link load(url( "" )) <- dataNMixSim # Pull out observations for one species$y <-$y[1, , ] # Abundance covariates that don't change across repeat sampling observations abund.cov <- dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 1] abund.factor <- as.factor(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 2]) # Detection covariates that can change across repeat sampling observations # Note that `NA`s are not allowed for covariates in mvgam, so we randomly # impute them here det.cov <- dataNMixSim$det.covs$det.cov.1[,] det.cov[] <- rnorm(length(which( det.cov2 <- dataNMixSim$det.covs$det.cov.2 det.cov2[] <- rnorm(length(which( ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod_data <- rbind, lapply(1:NROW($y), function(x) { data.frame( y =$y[x, ], abund_cov = abund.cov[x], abund_fac = abund.factor[x], det_cov = det.cov[x, ], det_cov2 = det.cov2[x, ], replicate = 1:NCOL($y), site = paste0("site", x) ) }) ) %>% dplyr::mutate( species = "sp_1", series = as.factor(paste0(site, "_", species, "_", replicate)) ) %>% dplyr::mutate( site = factor(site, levels = unique(site)), species = factor(species, levels = unique(species)), time = 1, cap = max($y, na.rm = TRUE) + 20 ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NROW(mod_data) dplyr::glimpse(mod_data) head(mod_data) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod_data %>% # each unique combination of site*species is a separate process dplyr::mutate(trend = as.numeric(factor(paste0(site, species)))) %>% dplyr::select(trend, series) %>% dplyr::distinct() -> trend_map trend_map %>% dplyr::arrange(trend) %>% head(12) ## ----include = FALSE, results='hide'--------------------------------------------------------- mod <- mvgam( # effects of covariates on detection probability; # here we use penalized splines for both continuous covariates formula = y ~ s(det_cov, k = 3) + s(det_cov2, k = 3), # effects of the covariates on latent abundance; # here we use a penalized spline for the continuous covariate and # hierarchical intercepts for the factor covariate trend_formula = ~ s(abund_cov, k = 3) + s(abund_fac, bs = "re"), # link multiple observations to each site trend_map = trend_map, # nmix() family and supplied data family = nmix(), data = mod_data, # standard normal priors on key regression parameters priors = c( prior(std_normal(), class = "b"), prior(std_normal(), class = "Intercept"), prior(std_normal(), class = "Intercept_trend"), prior(std_normal(), class = "sigma_raw_trend") ), # use Stan's variational inference for quicker results algorithm = "meanfield", # no need to compute "series-level" residuals residuals = FALSE, samples = 1000 ) ## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # mod <- mvgam( # # effects of covariates on detection probability; # # here we use penalized splines for both continuous covariates # formula = y ~ s(det_cov, k = 4) + s(det_cov2, k = 4), # # # effects of the covariates on latent abundance; # # here we use a penalized spline for the continuous covariate and # # hierarchical intercepts for the factor covariate # trend_formula = ~ s(abund_cov, k = 4) + # s(abund_fac, bs = "re"), # # # link multiple observations to each site # trend_map = trend_map, # # # nmix() family and supplied data # family = nmix(), # data = mod_data, # # # standard normal priors on key regression parameters # priors = c( # prior(std_normal(), class = "b"), # prior(std_normal(), class = "Intercept"), # prior(std_normal(), class = "Intercept_trend"), # prior(std_normal(), class = "sigma_raw_trend") # ), # # # use Stan's variational inference for quicker results # algorithm = "meanfield", # # # no need to compute "series-level" residuals # residuals = FALSE, # samples = 1000 # ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(mod, include_betas = FALSE) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- marginaleffects::avg_predictions(mod, type = "detection") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abund_plots <- plot( conditional_effects( mod, type = "link", effects = c( "abund_cov", "abund_fac" ) ), plot = FALSE ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abund_plots[[1]] + ylab("Expected latent abundance") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abund_plots[[2]] + ylab("Expected latent abundance") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- det_plots <- plot( conditional_effects( mod, type = "detection", effects = c( "det_cov", "det_cov2" ) ), plot = FALSE ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- det_plots[[1]] + ylab("Pr(detection)") det_plots[[2]] + ylab("Pr(detection)") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fivenum_round <- function(x) round(fivenum(x, na.rm = TRUE), 2) marginaleffects::plot_predictions( mod, newdata = marginaleffects::datagrid( det_cov = unique, det_cov2 = fivenum_round ), by = c("det_cov", "det_cov2"), type = "detection" ) + theme_classic() + ylab("Pr(detection)")