<!-- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Comparing sizes when training on same or other groups} --> ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( fig.width=6, fig.height=6) data.table::setDTthreads(1) ## output: rmarkdown::html_vignette above creates html where figures are limited to 700px wide. ## Above CSS from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34906002/increase-width-of-entire-html-rmarkdown-output main-container is for html_document, body is for html_vignette knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` The goal of this vignette is explain how to use `ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV` for various kinds of cross-validation. # Simulations We begin with a simple simulated data set. ## Comparing training on Same/Other/All subsets ```{r simulationScatter} N <- 2100 abs.x <- 70 set.seed(2) x.vec <- runif(N, -abs.x, abs.x) str(x.vec) library(data.table) (task.dt <- data.table( x=x.vec, y = sin(x.vec)+rnorm(N,sd=0.5))) if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( x, y), shape=1, data=task.dt)+ coord_equal() } ``` Above we see a scatterplot of the simulated data. The goal of the learning algorithm will be to predict y from x. The code below assigns three test groups to the randomly simulated data. ```{r} atomic.group.size <- 2 task.dt[, agroup := rep(seq(1, N/atomic.group.size), each=atomic.group.size)][] task.dt[, random_group := rep( rep(c("A","B","B","C","C","C","C"), each=atomic.group.size), l=.N )][] table(group.tab <- task.dt$random_group) ``` The output above shows the number of rows in each random group. Below we define a task, ```{r} reg.task <- mlr3::TaskRegr$new( "sin", task.dt, target="y") reg.task$col_roles$group <- "agroup" reg.task$col_roles$stratum <- "random_group" reg.task$col_roles$feature <- "x" ``` Note that if we assign the `subset` role at this point, we will get an error, because this is not a standard mlr3 role. ```{r error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} reg.task$col_roles$subset <- "random_group" ``` Below we define the cross-validation object, which loads the mlr3resampling package, and then we assign the random group column to be used as the `subset` role. ```{r} same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() reg.task$col_roles$subset <- "random_group" ``` Below we instantiate the resampler, in order to show details about how it works (but normally you should not instantiate it yourself, as this will be done automatically inside the call to `mlr3::benchmark`). ```{r} same_other_sizes_cv$instantiate(reg.task) same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt ``` So using the K-fold cross-validation, we will do one train/test split for each row of the table above. There is one row for each combination of test subset (A, B, C), train subset (same, other, all), and test fold (1, 2, 3). We compute and plot the results using the code below, ```{r SameOtherCV} (reg.learner.list <- list( mlr3::LearnerRegrFeatureless$new())) if(requireNamespace("rpart")){ reg.learner.list$rpart <- mlr3::LearnerRegrRpart$new() } (same.other.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid( reg.task, reg.learner.list, same_other_sizes_cv)) ##if(require(future))plan("multisession") lgr::get_logger("mlr3")$set_threshold("warn") (same.other.result <- mlr3::benchmark( same.other.grid, store_models = TRUE)) same.other.score <- mlr3resampling::score(same.other.result) same.other.score[, n.train := sapply(train, length)] same.other.score[1] if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse, train.subsets, color=algorithm), shape=1, data=same.other.score)+ geom_text(aes( Inf, train.subsets, label=sprintf("n.train=%d ", n.train)), hjust=1, vjust=1.5, data=same.other.score[algorithm=="featureless" & test.fold==1])+ facet_grid(. ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both, scales="free")+ scale_x_log10( "Mean squared prediction error (test set)") } same.other.wide <- dcast( same.other.score, algorithm + test.subset + train.subsets ~ ., list(mean, sd), value.var="regr.mse") if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_segment(aes( regr.mse_mean+regr.mse_sd, train.subsets, xend=regr.mse_mean-regr.mse_sd, yend=train.subsets, color=algorithm), data=same.other.wide)+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse_mean, train.subsets, color=algorithm), shape=1, data=same.other.wide)+ geom_text(aes( Inf, train.subsets, label=sprintf("n.train=%d ", n.train)), hjust=1, vjust=1.5, data=same.other.score[algorithm=="featureless" & test.fold==1])+ facet_grid(. ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both, scales="free")+ scale_x_log10( "Mean squared prediction error (test set)") } ``` The figures above show a test subset in each panel, the train subsets on the y axis, the test error on the x axis, the two different algorithms are shown in two different colors. We can clearly see that * For `train.subsets=same`, test error is largest, sometimes almost as large as featureless, which is the error rate when no relationship has been learned between inputs and outputs (not enough data). * For `train.subsets=other`, rpart test error is significantly smaller than featureless, indicating that some non-trivial relationship between inputs and outputs has been learned. Sometimes other has larger error than same, sometimes smaller (depending on sample size). * For `train.subsets=all`, rpart test error tends to be minimal, which indicates that combining all of the subsets is beneficial in this case (when the pattern is exactly the same in the different subsets). Overall in the plot above, all tends to have less prediction error than same, which suggests that the subsets are similar (and indeed there are iid in this simulation). Below we visualize test error as a function of train size. ```{r} if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_line(aes( n.train, regr.mse, color=algorithm, group=paste(algorithm, test.fold)), data=same.other.score)+ geom_label(aes( n.train, regr.mse, color=algorithm, label=train.subsets), data=same.other.score)+ facet_grid(. ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both, scales="free")+ scale_y_log10( "Mean squared prediction error (test set)") } ``` ## Downsample to see how many train data are required for good accuracy overall In the previous section we defined a task using the `subset` role, which means that the different values in that column will be used to define different subsets for training/testing using same/other/all CV. In contrast, below we define a task without the `subset` role, which means that we will not have separate CV iterations for same/other/all (full data is treated as one subset / train subset is same). ```{r} task.no.subset <- mlr3::TaskRegr$new( "sin", task.dt, target="y") task.no.subset$col_roles$group <- "agroup" task.no.subset$col_roles$stratum <- "random_group" task.no.subset$col_roles$feature <- "x" str(task.no.subset$col_roles) ``` Below we define cross-validation, and we set the `sizes` to 5 so we can see what happens when we have have train sets that are 5 sizes smaller than the full train set size. ```{r} same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$sizes <- 5 same_other_sizes_cv$instantiate(task.no.subset) same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt ``` So using the K-fold cross-validation, we will do one train/test split for each row of the table above. There is one row for each combination of `n.train.groups` (full train set size + 5 smaller sizes), and test fold (1, 2, 3). We compute and plot the results using the code below, ```{r} (reg.learner.list <- list( mlr3::LearnerRegrFeatureless$new())) if(requireNamespace("rpart")){ reg.learner.list$rpart <- mlr3::LearnerRegrRpart$new() } (same.other.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid( task.no.subset, reg.learner.list, same_other_sizes_cv)) ##if(require(future))plan("multisession") lgr::get_logger("mlr3")$set_threshold("warn") (same.other.result <- mlr3::benchmark( same.other.grid, store_models = TRUE)) same.other.score <- mlr3resampling::score(same.other.result) same.other.score[, n.train := sapply(train, length)] same.other.score[1] if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_line(aes( n.train, regr.mse, color=algorithm, group=paste(algorithm, test.fold)), data=same.other.score)+ geom_point(aes( n.train, regr.mse, color=algorithm), data=same.other.score)+ facet_grid(. ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both, scales="free")+ scale_x_log10( "Number of train rows", breaks=unique(same.other.score$n.train))+ scale_y_log10( "Mean squared prediction error (test set)") } ``` From the plot above, it looks like about 700 rows is enough to get minimal test error, using the rpart learner. ## Downsample to sizes of other sets ```{r simulationShort} N <- 600 abs.x <- 20 set.seed(1) x.vec <- sort(runif(N, -abs.x, abs.x)) str(x.vec) library(data.table) (task.dt <- data.table( x=x.vec, y = sin(x.vec)+rnorm(N,sd=0.5))) if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( x, y), shape=1, data=task.dt)+ coord_equal() } atomic.subset.size <- 2 task.dt[, agroup := rep(seq(1, N/atomic.subset.size), each=atomic.subset.size)][] task.dt[, random_subset := rep( rep(c("A","B","B","B"), each=atomic.subset.size), l=.N )][] table(subset.tab <- task.dt$random_subset) reg.task <- mlr3::TaskRegr$new( "sin", task.dt, target="y") reg.task$col_roles$subset <- "random_subset" reg.task$col_roles$group <- "agroup" reg.task$col_roles$stratum <- "random_subset" reg.task$col_roles$feature <- "x" same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() ``` In the previous section we analyzed prediction accuracy of same/other/all, which corresponds to keeping `sizes` parameter at default of -1. The main difference in this section is that we change `sizes` to 0, which means to down-sample same/other/all, so we can see if there is an effect for sample size (there should be for iid problems with intermediate difficulty). We set sizes to 0 in the next line: ```{r} same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$sizes <- 0 same_other_sizes_cv$instantiate(reg.task) same_other_sizes_cv$instance$it (reg.learner.list <- list( mlr3::LearnerRegrFeatureless$new())) if(requireNamespace("rpart")){ reg.learner.list$rpart <- mlr3::LearnerRegrRpart$new() } (same.other.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid( reg.task, reg.learner.list, same_other_sizes_cv)) ##if(require(future))plan("multisession") lgr::get_logger("mlr3")$set_threshold("warn") (same.other.result <- mlr3::benchmark( same.other.grid, store_models = TRUE)) same.other.score <- mlr3resampling::score(same.other.result) same.other.score[1] ``` The plot below shows the same results (no down-sampling) as if we did `sizes=-1` (like in the previous section. ```{r} if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse, train.subsets, color=algorithm), shape=1, data=same.other.score[groups==n.train.groups])+ facet_grid(. ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both) } ``` The plots below compare all six train subsets (including three down-sampled), and it it is clear there is an effect for sample size. ```{r} same.other.score[, subset.N := paste(train.subsets, n.train.groups)][] (levs <- same.other.score[order(train.subsets, n.train.groups), unique(subset.N)]) same.other.score[, subset.N.fac := factor(subset.N, levs)] if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse, subset.N.fac, color=algorithm), shape=1, data=same.other.score)+ facet_wrap("test.subset", labeller=label_both, scales="free", nrow=1) } (levs <- same.other.score[order(n.train.groups, train.subsets), unique(subset.N)]) same.other.score[, N.subset.fac := factor(subset.N, levs)] if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse, N.subset.fac, color=algorithm), shape=1, data=same.other.score)+ facet_wrap("test.subset", labeller=label_both, scales="free", nrow=1) } ``` Another way to view the effect of sample size is to plot the test/prediction error, as a function of number of train data, as in the plots below. ```{r} if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( n.train.groups, regr.mse, color=train.subsets), shape=1, data=same.other.score)+ geom_line(aes( n.train.groups, regr.mse, group=paste(train.subsets, seed, algorithm), linetype=algorithm, color=train.subsets), data=same.other.score)+ facet_grid(test.fold ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both)+ scale_x_log10() } rpart.score <- same.other.score[algorithm=="rpart" & train.subsets != "other"] if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( n.train.groups, regr.mse, color=train.subsets), shape=1, data=rpart.score)+ geom_line(aes( n.train.groups, regr.mse, group=paste(train.subsets, seed, algorithm), color=train.subsets), data=rpart.score)+ facet_grid(test.fold ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both)+ scale_x_log10() } ``` ## Use with auto_tuner on a task with stratification and grouping In this section we show how `ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV` can be used on a task with stratification and grouping, for hyper-parameter learning. First we recall the previously defined task and evaluation CV. ```{r} str(reg.task$col_roles) ``` We see in the output aove that the task has column roles for both `stratum` and `group`, which normally errors when used with `ResamplingCV`: ```{r error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} mlr3::ResamplingCV$new()$instantiate(reg.task) ``` Below we show how `ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV` can be used instead: ```{r} ignore.cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() ignore.cv$param_set$values$ignore_subset <- TRUE ignore.cv$instantiate(reg.task) ignore.cv$instance$iteration.dt ``` To use the above CV object with a learning algorithm in a benchmark experiment, we need to use it as the `resampling` argument to `auto_tuner`, as in the code below, ```{r} do_benchmark <- function(subtrain.valid.cv){ reg.learner.list <- list( mlr3::LearnerRegrFeatureless$new()) if(requireNamespace("rpart")){ reg.learner.list$rpart <- mlr3::LearnerRegrRpart$new() if(requireNamespace("mlr3tuning")){ rpart.learner <- mlr3::LearnerRegrRpart$new() ##mlr3tuningspaces::lts(rpart.learner)$param_set$values rpart.learner$param_set$values$cp <- paradox::to_tune(1e-4, 0.1, log=TRUE) reg.learner.list$rpart.tuned <- mlr3tuning::auto_tuner( tuner = mlr3tuning::tnr("grid_search"), #mlr3tuning::TunerBatchGridSearch$new() learner = rpart.learner, resampling = subtrain.valid.cv, measure = mlr3::msr("regr.mse")) } } same.other.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid( reg.task, reg.learner.list, same_other_sizes_cv) lgr::get_logger("bbotk")$set_threshold("warn") same.other.result <- mlr3::benchmark( same.other.grid, store_models = TRUE) } ``` ```{r error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} do_benchmark(mlr3::ResamplingCV$new()) ``` The error above is because `ResamplingCV` does not support stratification and grouping. To fix that, we can use the code below: ```{r} ignore.cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() ignore.cv$param_set$values$ignore_subset <- TRUE (same.other.result <- do_benchmark(ignore.cv)) ``` The output above shows that the benchmark worked. The code below plots the results. ```{r} same.other.score <- mlr3resampling::score(same.other.result) same.other.score[1] same.other.wide <- dcast( same.other.score, algorithm + test.subset + train.subsets ~ ., list(mean, sd), value.var="regr.mse") if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_segment(aes( regr.mse_mean+regr.mse_sd, train.subsets, xend=regr.mse_mean-regr.mse_sd, yend=train.subsets), data=same.other.wide)+ geom_point(aes( regr.mse_mean, train.subsets), shape=1, data=same.other.wide)+ facet_grid(algorithm ~ test.subset, labeller=label_both) } ``` The plot above has different panels for `rpart` (without tuning) and `tuned` (rpart with tuning of `cp`). ## Conclusions `mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV` can be used for model evaluation (train/test split): * compare prediction accuracy of models trained on same/other/all subsets (need to set column role `subset`). * compare prediction accuracy of models trained on down-sampled subsets (need to set param `sizes`). It can also be used for model training (subtrain/validation split): * to learn regularization hyper-parameters, on a task with both `stratum` and `group` roles (use is as `resampling` argument of `auto_tuner`). # Arizona trees data The goal of this section is explain the differences between various column roles: * `group` is used to designate observations which should stay together when splitting. In other words, two rows in the same `group` should never appear in different sets. * `subset` designates a column whose values are each treated as a test set (the train data come from Same/Other/All subsets). ## What is a group? Below we load the data set. ```{r} data(AZtrees,package="mlr3resampling") library(data.table) AZdt <- data.table(AZtrees) AZdt[1] ``` Above we see one row of data. Below we see a scatterplot of the data: * Every row is a labeled pixel. * Every dot is plotted at the xcoord/ycoord (lat/long) position on a map around Flagstaff, AZ. ```{r} x.center <- -111.72 y.center <- 35.272 rect.size <- 0.01/2 x.min.max <- x.center+c(-1, 1)*rect.size y.min.max <- y.center+c(-1, 1)*rect.size rect.dt <- data.table( xmin=x.min.max[1], xmax=x.min.max[2], ymin=y.min.max[1], ymax=y.min.max[2]) if(require(ggplot2)){ tree.fill.scale <- scale_fill_manual( values=c(Tree="black", "Not tree"="white")) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ tree.fill.scale+ geom_rect(aes( xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax), data=rect.dt, fill="red", linewidth=3, color="red")+ geom_point(aes( xcoord, ycoord, fill=y), shape=21, data=AZdt)+ coord_equal() } ``` Note the red square in the plot above. Below we zoom into that square. ```{r} if(require(ggplot2)){ gg <- ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ tree.fill.scale+ geom_point(aes( xcoord, ycoord, fill=y), shape=21, data=AZdt)+ coord_equal()+ scale_x_continuous( limits=x.min.max)+ scale_y_continuous( limits=y.min.max) if(require(directlabels)){ gg <- gg+geom_dl(aes( xcoord, ycoord, label=polygon), data=AZdt, method="smart.grid") } gg } ``` In the plot above, we see that there are several groups of points, each with a black number. Each group of points comes from a single polygon (label drawn in GIS software), and the black number is the polygon ID number. So each polygon represents one label, either tree or not, and there are one or more points/pixels with that label inside each polygon. A polygon is an example of a group. Each polygon results in one or more rows of training data (pixels), but since pixels in a given group were all labeled together, we would like to keep them together when splitting the data. ## What is a subset? Below we plot the same data, but this time colored by region. ```{r} ##dput(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")) region.colors <- c(NW="#1B9E77", NE="#D95F02", S="#7570B3") if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ tree.fill.scale+ scale_color_manual( values=region.colors)+ geom_point(aes( xcoord, ycoord, color=region3, fill=y), shape=21, data=AZdt)+ coord_equal() } ``` We can see in the plot above that there are three values in the `region3` column: NE, NW, and S (different geographical regions on the map which are well-separated). We would like to know if it is possible to train on one region, and then accurately predict on another region. ## Cross-validation First we create a task: ```{r} ctask <- mlr3::TaskClassif$new( "AZtrees", AZdt, target="y") ctask$col_roles$subset <- "region3" ctask$col_roles$group <- "polygon" ctask$col_roles$stratum <- "y" ctask$col_roles$feature <- grep("SAMPLE",names(AZdt),value=TRUE) str(ctask$col_roles) ``` Then we can instantiate the CV to see how it works (but usually you do not need to instantiate, if you are using `benchmark` it does it for you). ```{r} same.other.cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() same.other.cv$param_set$values$folds <- 3 same.other.cv$instantiate(ctask) same.other.cv$instance$iteration.dt[, .( train.subsets, test.fold, test.subset, n.train.groups, train.rows=sapply(train, length))] ``` The table above has one row per train/test split for which error/accuracy metrics will be computed. The `n.train.groups` column is the number of polygons which are used in the train set, which is defined as the intersection of the train subsets and the train folds. To double check, below we compute the total number of groups/polygons per subset/region, and the expected number of train groups/polygons. ```{r} AZdt[, .( polygons=length(unique(polygon)) ), by=region3][ , train.polygons := polygons*with(same.other.cv$param_set$values, (folds-1)/folds) ][] ``` It is clear that the counts in the `train.polygons` column above match the numbers in the previous table column `n.train.groups`. To determine the number of rows of train data, we can look at the `train.rows` column in the previous table. ## Benchmark and test error computation Below we define the benchmark experiment. ```{r} same.other.cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new() (learner.list <- list( mlr3::LearnerClassifFeatureless$new())) if(requireNamespace("rpart")){ learner.list$rpart <- mlr3::LearnerClassifRpart$new() } for(learner.i in seq_along(learner.list)){ learner.list[[learner.i]]$predict_type <- "prob" } (bench.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid(ctask, learner.list, same.other.cv)) ``` Above we see one row per combination of task, learner, and resampling. Below we compute the benchmark result and test accuracy. ```{r} bench.result <- mlr3::benchmark(bench.grid) measure.list <- mlr3::msrs(c("classif.acc","classif.auc")) score.dt <- mlr3resampling::score(bench.result, measure.list) score.dt[1] ``` Above we see one row of the result, for one train/test split. Below we plot the accuracy results. ```{r} score.long <- melt( score.dt, measure.vars=measure(variable, pattern="classif.(acc|auc)")) if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( value, train.subsets, color=algorithm), data=score.long)+ facet_grid(test.subset ~ variable, labeller=label_both, scales="free") } ``` Above we show one dot per train/test split, and below we take the mean/SD over folds. ```{r} score.wide <- dcast( score.long, algorithm + test.subset + train.subsets + variable ~ ., list(mean, sd), value.var="value") if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( value_mean, train.subsets, color=algorithm), size=3, fill="white", shape=21, data=score.wide)+ geom_segment(aes( value_mean+value_sd, train.subsets, color=algorithm, linewidth=algorithm, xend=value_mean-value_sd, yend=train.subsets), data=score.wide)+ scale_linewidth_manual(values=c(featureless=2, rpart=1))+ facet_grid(test.subset ~ variable, labeller=label_both, scales="free")+ scale_x_continuous( "Mean +/- SD of test accuracy/AUC over folds/splits") } ``` The plot above shows an interesting pattern: * For test subsets NE and NW, training on other subsets is less accurate than training on the same subset. Training on All subsets is no more accurate than training on the same subset. These results suggest that learnable patterns in other subsets are too different to be beneficial for predicting on these subsets. * For test subset S, training on other subsets is slightly more accurate than training on the same subset, and training on all subsets is slightly more accurate still. These results suggest that the learnable pattern is similar enough in the other subsets so as to be beneficial for prediction in subset S. ## Conclusion Column roles `group`, `stratum`, and `subset` may be used together, in the same task, in order to perform a cross-validation experiment which captures the structure in the data. # Session info ```{r} sessionInfo() ```