## ----echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, include = FALSE--------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", out.width = "100%" ) ## ----message = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- library(metalite) library(r2rtf) ## ----echo = FALSE, out.width = "100%", fig.align = "center"------------------- knitr::include_graphics("images/design-diagram.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta_adam( observation = r2rtf_adae, population = r2rtf_adsl ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plan <- plan( analysis = "ae_summary", population = "apat", observation = c("wk12", "wk24"), parameter = "any;rel;ser" ) |> add_plan( analysis = "ae_specific", population = "apat", observation = c("wk12", "wk24"), parameter = c("any", "aeosi", "rel", "ser") ) plan ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta_adam( population = r2rtf_adsl, observation = r2rtf_adae ) |> define_plan(plan) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta_adam( population = r2rtf_adsl, observation = r2rtf_adae ) |> define_plan(plan) |> define_population(name = "apat") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta_adam( population = r2rtf_adsl, observation = r2rtf_adae ) |> define_plan(plan) |> define_population( name = "apat", group = "TRT01A", subset = SAFFL == "Y" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta_adam( population = r2rtf_adsl, observation = r2rtf_adae ) |> define_plan(plan = plan) |> define_population( name = "apat", group = "TRT01A", subset = SAFFL == "Y" ) |> define_observation( name = "wk12", group = "TRTA", subset = SAFFL == "Y", label = "Weeks 0 to 12" ) |> define_observation( name = "wk24", group = "TRTA", subset = AOCC01FL == "Y", # just for demo, another flag shall be used. label = "Weeks 0 to 24" ) |> define_parameter( name = "rel", subset = AEREL %in% c("POSSIBLE", "PROBABLE") ) |> define_parameter( name = "aeosi", subset = AEOSI == "Y", label = "adverse events of special interest" ) |> define_analysis( name = "ae_summary", title = "Summary of Adverse Events" ) |> meta_build() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # ae_summary( # meta, # population, # observation, # parameter, ... # )