## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE, out.width = "100%", dpi = 150 ) ## ----setup, message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- library(metalite) library(metalite.sl) library(dplyr) ## ----out.width = "100%", out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics("pdf/treatment0compliance.pdf") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- adsl <- r2rtf::r2rtf_adsl adex <- metalite.ae::metalite_ae_adex adex1 <- adex |> filter(EXNUMDOS > 0 & !(is.na(AENDY))) |> group_by(USUBJID) |> slice(n()) |> select(USUBJID, AENDY) |> rename(ADURN = AENDY) adsl <- merge(adsl, adex1, by = "USUBJID") adsl <- adsl |> mutate( TRTDUR = as.numeric(TRTDUR), ADURN = as.numeric(ADURN), CMPLPCT = round((ADURN / TRTDUR) * 100, 2) ) adsl <- adsl |> mutate( CMPLRNG = case_when( CMPLPCT >= 0 & CMPLPCT <= 20 ~ "0% to <=20%", CMPLPCT > 20 & CMPLPCT <= 40 ~ ">20% to <=40%", CMPLPCT > 40 & CMPLPCT <= 60 ~ ">40% to <=60%", CMPLPCT > 60 & CMPLPCT <= 80 ~ ">60% to <=80%", CMPLPCT > 80 ~ ">80%" ), CMPLRNGN = case_when( CMPLPCT >= 0 & CMPLPCT <= 20 ~ 1, CMPLPCT > 20 & CMPLPCT <= 40 ~ 2, CMPLPCT > 40 & CMPLPCT <= 60 ~ 3, CMPLPCT > 60 & CMPLPCT <= 80 ~ 4, CMPLPCT > 80 ~ 5 ) ) head(adsl) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- adsl$TRTA <- adsl$TRT01A adsl$TRTA <- factor(adsl$TRTA, levels = c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", "Xanomeline High Dose"), labels = c("Placebo", "Low Dose", "High Dose") ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plan <- plan( analysis = "trt_compliance", population = "apat", observation = "apat", parameter = "CMPLRNG;CMPLPCT" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta <- meta_adam( population = adsl, observation = adsl ) |> define_plan(plan = plan) |> define_population( name = "apat", group = "TRTA", subset = quote(SAFFL == "Y"), var = c("USUBJID", "TRTA", "SAFFL", "CMPLPCT", "CMPLRNG") ) |> metalite::define_parameter( name = "CMPLPCT", var = "CMPLPCT", label = "Treatment Compliance Percent", ) |> metalite::define_parameter( name = "CMPLRNG", var = "CMPLRNG", label = "Treatment Compliance Range", ) |> define_analysis( name = "trt_compliance", title = "Summary of Treatment Compliance", label = "treatment compliance table" ) |> meta_build() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata <- prepare_trt_compliance(meta) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$parameter ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$n ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$group ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$char_n ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$char_var ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$char_prop ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata <- outdata |> format_trt_compliance() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata$tbl ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl <- outdata |> format_trt_compliance(display_stat = c("mean", "sd", "median", "range"), display_col = c("n", "prop", "total")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl$tbl ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- outdata |> format_trt_compliance() |> rtf_trt_compliance( "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]", path_outtable = "outtable/treatment0compliance.rtf" ) ## ----out.width = "100%", out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center"---- knitr::include_graphics("pdf/treatment0compliance.pdf")