## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>") ## ----echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # library(madrat, quietly = TRUE) # retrieveData("EXAMPLE", rev = 42, puc = TRUE, extra = "Extra Argument") ## ----echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # calcExample <- function() { # return(list(x = data, # putInPUC = FALSE)) # } ## ----echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # fullEXAMPLE <- function(rev = 0, dev = "", extra = "Example argument") { # # "!# @pucArguments extra" # # writeLines(extra, "test.txt") # # if (rev >= numeric_version("1")) { # calcOutput("TauTotal", years = 1995, round = 2, file = "fm_tau1995.cs4") # } # if (dev == "test") { # message("Here you could execute code for a hypothetical development version called \"test\"") # } # # return is optional, tag is appended to the tgz filename, pucTag is appended to the puc filename # return(list(tag = "customizable_tag", # pucTag = "tag")) # }