## ----knitr-mechanics, include = F--------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>") ## ----pre-setup, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE--------------------------------- # devtools::install_github("lter/ltertools") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # devtools::install_github("lter/ltertools") library(ltertools) ## ----make-json-1-------------------------------------------------------------- # Create user-specific information my_info <- c("data_path" = "Users/me/dropbox/big-data-project/data") # Generate a local folder for exporting temp_folder <- tempdir() # Create a JSON with those contents make_json(x = my_info, file = file.path(temp_folder, "user.json")) # Read it back in (user_info <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(content = file.path(temp_folder, "user.json"))) ## ----make-json-2-------------------------------------------------------------- # df <- read.csv(file = file.path(user_info$data_path, "data_2024.csv")) ## ----harmony-prep-1----------------------------------------------------------- # Generate two simple tables ## Dataframe 1 df1 <- data.frame("xx" = c(1:3), "unwanted" = c("not", "needed", "column"), "yy" = letters[1:3]) ## Dataframe 2 df2 <- data.frame("LETTERS" = letters[4:7], "NUMBERS" = c(4:7), "BONUS" = c("plantae", "animalia", "fungi", "protista")) # Generate a known temporary folder for exporting temp_folder <- tempdir() # Export both files to that folder utils::write.csv(x = df1, file = file.path(temp_folder, "df1.csv"), row.names = FALSE) utils::write.csv(x = df2, file = file.path(temp_folder, "df2.csv"), row.names = FALSE) ## ----harmony-prep-2----------------------------------------------------------- # Generate a key that matches the data we created above key_obj <- data.frame("source" = c(rep("df1.csv", 3), rep("df2.csv", 3)), "raw_name" = c("xx", "unwanted", "yy", "LETTERS", "NUMBERS", "BONUS"), "tidy_name" = c("numbers", NA, "letters", "letters", "numbers", "kingdom")) # Check that out key_obj ## ----harmonize---------------------------------------------------------------- # Use the key to harmonize our example data harmony <- ltertools::harmonize(key = key_obj, raw_folder = temp_folder, data_format = "csv", quiet = TRUE) # Check the structure of that utils::str(harmony) ## ----begin-key---------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate a column key with "guesses" at tidy column names test_key <- ltertools::begin_key(raw_folder = temp_folder, data_format = "csv", guess_tidy = TRUE) # Examine what that generated test_key ## ----expand-key--------------------------------------------------------------- # Make another simple 'raw' file df3 <- data.frame("xx" = c(10:15), "letters" = letters[10:15]) # Export this locally to the temp folder too utils::write.csv(x = df3, file = file.path(temp_folder, "df3.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Identify what needs to be added to the existing column key ltertools::expand_key(key = key_obj, raw_folder = temp_folder, harmonized_df = harmony, data_format = "csv", guess_tidy = TRUE) ## ----read--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read in all of the CSVs that we created above data_list <- ltertools::read(raw_folder = temp_folder, data_format = "csv") # Check the structure of that utils::str(data_list) ## ----solar-day-info----------------------------------------------------------- # Identify day information in Santa Barbara (California) for one week solar_day_info(lat = 34.41, lon = -119.71, start_date = "2022-02-07", end_date = "2022-02-12", quiet = TRUE) ## ----cv----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate CV (excluding missing values) ltertools::cv(x = c(4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5), na_rm = TRUE) ## ----convert-temp------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert some temperatures from F to Kelvin convert_temp(value = c(0, 32, 110), from = "Fahrenheit", to = "k") ## ----site-timeline-1, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 3, fig.width = 7----- # Check the timeline for all grassland or forest LTER sites ltertools::site_timeline(habitats = c("grassland", "forest")) ## ----site-timeline-2, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 4, fig.width = 7----- # Check the timeline for all LTER sites ltertools::site_timeline()