## ----include=FALSE-------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = FALSE, comment = "#>", dev = "svg", fig.width = 7.2916667, fig.asp = 0.618, fig.align = "center", out.width = "80%" ) options(width = 58) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------------- library(gsDesign) library(gt) library(dplyr) ## ------------------------------------------------------- pi1 <- .7 ratio <- 3 p1 <- ratio / (ratio + 1 / (1 - pi1)) p1 ## ------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 1 / (ratio * (1 / p1 - 1)) ## ------------------------------------------------------- pi0 <- .3 p0 <- ratio / (ratio + 1 / (1 - pi0)) p0 ## ------------------------------------------------------- ve <- c(.5, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8) prob_experimental <- ratio / (ratio + 1 / (1 - ve)) tibble(VE = ve, "P(Experimental)" = prob_experimental) %>% gt() %>% tab_options(data_row.padding = px(1)) %>% fmt_number(columns = 2, decimals = 3) ## ------------------------------------------------------- alpha <- 0.025 # Type I error beta <- 0.1 # Type II error (1 - power) k <- 3 # number of analyses in group sequential design timing <- c(.45, .7) # Relative timing of interim analyses compared to final sfu <- sfHSD # Efficacy bound spending function (Hwang-Shih-DeCani) sfupar <- -3 # Parameter for efficacy spending function sfl <- sfHSD # Futility bound spending function (Hwang-Shih-DeCani) sflpar <- -3 # Futility bound spending function parameter timename <- "Month" # Time unit failRate <- .002 # Exponential failure rate dropoutRate <- .0001 # Exponential dropout rate enrollDuration <- 8 # Enrollment duration trialDuration <- 24 # Planned trial duration VE1 <- .7 # Alternate hypothesis vaccine efficacy VE0 <- .3 # Null hypothesis vaccine efficacy ratio <- 3 # Experimental/Control enrollment ratio test.type <- 4 # 1 for one-sided, 4 for non-binding futility ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Derive Group Sequential Design # This determines final sample size x <- gsSurv( k = k, test.type = test.type, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, timing = timing, sfu = sfu, sfupar = sfupar, sfl = sfl, sflpar = sflpar, lambdaC = failRate, eta = dropoutRate, # Translate vaccine efficacy to HR hr = 1 - VE1, hr0 = 1 - VE0, R = enrollDuration, T = trialDuration, minfup = trialDuration - enrollDuration, ratio = ratio ) ## ------------------------------------------------------- xx <- toInteger(x) gsBoundSummary(xx, tdigits = 1, logdelta = TRUE, deltaname = "HR", Nname = "Events", exclude = c("B-value", "CP", "CP H1", "PP") ) %>% gt() %>% tab_header( title = "Initial group sequential approximation", subtitle = "Integer event counts at analyses" ) %>% tab_options(data_row.padding = px(1)) ## ----results='asis'------------------------------------- cat(summary(xx, timeunit = "months")) ## ------------------------------------------------------- xb <- toBinomialExact(x) ## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------- # Function to print summary table for VE design veTable <- function(xbDesign, tteDesign, ve) { # Analysis, N, Time, Total Cases, Success(Cases, VE, VE lower CI, Spend), Futility (Cases, VE, Spend), Type I Error, Power table ratio <- tteDesign$ratio prob_experimental <- ratio / (ratio + 1 / (1 - ve)) power_table <- gsBinomialExact( k = xbDesign$k, theta = prob_experimental, n.I = xbDesign$n.I, a = xbDesign$lower$bound, b = xbDesign$upper$bound )$lower$prob # Cumulative sum within rows power_table <- apply(power_table, 2, cumsum) colnames(power_table) <- paste(ve * 100, "%", sep = "") out_tab <- tibble( Analysis = 1:tteDesign$k, Time = tteDesign$T, N = as.vector(round(tteDesign$eNC + tteDesign$eNE)), Cases = xbDesign$n.I, Success = xb$lower$bound, Futility = xb$upper$bound, ve_efficacy = 1 - 1 / (ratio * (xbDesign$n.I / xbDesign$lower$bound - 1)), # Efficacy bound ve_futility = 1 - 1 / (ratio * (xbDesign$n.I / xbDesign$upper$bound - 1)), # Futility bound alpha = as.vector(cumsum( gsBinomialExact( k = k, theta = xbDesign$theta[1], n.I = xbDesign$n.I, a = xbDesign$lower$bound, b = xbDesign$n.I + 1 )$lower$prob )), beta = as.vector(cumsum(xbDesign$upper$prob[, 2])) ) out_tab <- cbind(out_tab, power_table) } ## ----echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- veTable(xb, x, ve) %>% gt() %>% fmt_number(columns = 2, decimals = 1) %>% fmt_number(columns = c(7:8, 11:16), decimals = 2) %>% fmt_number(columns = 9:10, decimals = 4) %>% tab_spanner(label = "Experimental Cases at Bound", columns = 5:6, id = "cases") %>% tab_spanner(label = "Power by Vaccine Efficacy", columns = 11:16, id = "power") %>% tab_spanner(label = "Error Spending", columns = 9:10, id = "spend") %>% tab_spanner(label = "Vaccine Efficacy at Bound", columns = 7:8, id = "vebound") %>% cols_label( ve_efficacy = "Efficacy", ve_futility = "Futility" ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Cumulative spending at each analysis", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "spend") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Experimental case counts to cross between success and futility counts do not stop trial", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "cases") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Exact vaccine efficacy required to cross bound", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "vebound") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Cumulative power at each analysis by underlying vaccine efficacy", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "power") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "alpha-spending for efficacy ignores non-binding futility bound", location = cells_column_labels(columns = alpha) ) %>% tab_header("Design Bounds and Operating Characteristics") ## ------------------------------------------------------- efficacyNominalPValue <- pnorm(-xx$upper$bound) efficacyNominalPValue ## ------------------------------------------------------- qbinom(p = efficacyNominalPValue, size = xx$n.I, prob = p0) - 1 ## ------------------------------------------------------- xb$lower$bound ## ------------------------------------------------------- xb$init_approx$a xb$init_approx$b ## ------------------------------------------------------- xb$upper$bound ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Exact design cumulative alpha-spending at efficacy bounds # (non-binding) nb <- gsBinomialExact(k = xb$k, theta = xb$theta, n.I = xb$n.I, b= xb$n.I + 1, a = xb$lower$bound) cumsum(nb$lower$prob[,1]) # Targeted alpha-spending xx$upper$sf(alpha, t = xx$timing, xx$upper$param)$spend ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Check that increasing any bound goes above cumulative spend excess_alpha_spend <- matrix(0, nrow = nb$k, ncol=nb$k) for(i in 1:xb$k){ a <- xb$lower$bound a[i] <- a[i] + 1 excess_alpha_spend[i,] <- cumsum(gsBinomialExact(k = xb$k, theta = xb$theta, n.I = xb$n.I, b= xb$n.I + 1, a = a)$lower$prob[,1]) } excess_alpha_spend ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Cumulative beta-spending for exact design cumsum(xb$upper$prob[,2]) ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Targeted beta-spending xx$lower$sf(beta, t = xx$timing, xx$lower$param)$spend ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Check that increasing any bound goes above cumulative spend excess_beta_spend <- matrix(0, nrow = nb$k - 1, ncol=nb$k) for(i in 1:(xb$k - 1)){ b <- xb$upper$bound b[i] <- b[i] - 1 excess_beta_spend[i,] <- cumsum(as.numeric(gsBinomialExact(k = xb$k, theta = xb$theta, n.I = xb$n.I, b = b, a = xb$lower$bound)$upper$prob[,2])) } excess_beta_spend ## ------------------------------------------------------- ebUpdate <- toBinomialExact(xx, observedEvents = c(20, 78)) ## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------- ve <- c(.65, .75, .85) # Analysis, Total Cases, Success(Cases, VE, VE lower CI, Spend), Futility (Cases, VE, Spend), Type I Error, Power table ratio <- xx$ratio prob_experimental <- ratio / (ratio + 1 / (1 - ve)) power_table <- gsBinomialExact( k = ebUpdate$k, theta = prob_experimental, n.I = ebUpdate$n.I, a = ebUpdate$lower$bound, b = ebUpdate$upper$bound )$lower$prob # Cumulative sum within rows power_table <- apply(power_table, 2, cumsum) colnames(power_table) <- paste(ve * 100, "%", sep = "") out_tab <- tibble( Analysis = 1:ebUpdate$k, Cases = ebUpdate$n.I, Success = ebUpdate$lower$bound, Futility = ebUpdate$upper$bound, ve_efficacy = 1 - 1 / (ratio * (ebUpdate$n.I / ebUpdate$lower$bound - 1)), # Efficacy bound ve_futility = 1 - 1 / (ratio * (ebUpdate$n.I / ebUpdate$upper$bound - 1)), # Futility bound alpha = as.vector(cumsum( gsBinomialExact( k = ebUpdate$k, theta = ebUpdate$theta[1], n.I = ebUpdate$n.I, a = ebUpdate$lower$bound, b = ebUpdate$n.I + 1 )$lower$prob )), beta = as.vector(cumsum(ebUpdate$upper$prob[, 2])) ) out_tab <- cbind(out_tab, power_table) out_tab %>% gt() %>% fmt_number(columns = c(5:6, 9:11), decimals = 2) %>% fmt_number(columns = 7:8, decimals = 4) %>% tab_spanner(label = "Cases at Bound", columns = 3:4, id = "cases") %>% tab_spanner(label = "Power by VE", columns = 9:11, id = "power") %>% tab_spanner(label = "Error Spending", columns = 7:8, id = "spend") %>% tab_spanner(label = "VE at Bound", columns = 5:6, id = "vebound") %>% cols_label( ve_efficacy = "Efficacy", ve_futility = "Futility" ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Cumulative spending at each analysis", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "spend") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Experimental case counts; counts between success and futility bounds do not stop trial", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "cases") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Exact vaccine efficacy required to cross bound", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "vebound") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Cumulative power at each analysis by underlying vaccine efficacy", locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "power") ) %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Efficacy spending ignores non-binding futility bound", location = cells_column_labels(columns = alpha) ) %>% tab_header(title = "Updated Bounds for Actual Analyses from SPUTNIK trial")