## ----include=FALSE-------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", dev = "svg", fig.width = 7.2916667, fig.asp = 0.618, fig.align = "center", out.width = "80%" ) ## ----echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------- library(gsDesign) library(dplyr) library(tibble) library(ggplot2) library(gt) ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Poisson mixture survival pPM <- function(x = 0:20, cure_rate = .5, t1 = 10, s1 = .6) { theta <- -log(cure_rate) lambda <- -log(1 + log(s1) / theta) / t1 return(exp(-theta * (1 - exp(-lambda * x)))) } # Poisson mixture hazard rate hPM <- function(x = 0:20, cure_rate = .5, t1 = 10, s1 = .6) { theta <- -log(cure_rate) lambda <- -log(1 + log(s1) / theta) / t1 return(theta * lambda * exp(-lambda * x)) } ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Control group assumptions for three Poisson mixture cure models cure_rate <- c(.5, .35, .55) # Second time point for respective models t1 <- c(24, 24, 24) # Survival rate at 2nd time point for respective models s1 <- c(.65, .5, .68) time_unit <- "month" # Hazard ratio for experimental versus control for respective models hr <- c(.7, .75, .7) # Total study duration study_duration <- c(48, 48, 56) # Number of bins for piecewise approximation of Poisson mixture rates bins <- 5 ## ------------------------------------------------------- # This code should be updated by user for their scenario # Enrollment duration by scenario enroll_duration <- c(12, 12, 20) # Dropout rate (exponential failure rate per time unit) by scenario dropout_rate <- c(.002, .001, .001) ## ----warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE----------- t <- seq(0, study_duration[1] + 12, (study_duration[1] + 12) / bins) survival <- NULL for (scenario in 1:length(cure_rate)) { survival <- rbind( survival, tibble( Scenario = scenario, Treatment = "Control", Time = t, Survival = pPM( x = t, cure_rate = cure_rate[scenario], t1 = t1[scenario], s1 = s1[scenario] ) ), tibble( Scenario = scenario, Treatment = "Experimental", Time = t, Survival = pPM( x = t, cure_rate = cure_rate[scenario]^hr[scenario], t1 = t1[scenario], s1 = s1[scenario]^hr[scenario] ) ) ) } survival <- survival %>% mutate(Scenario = as.factor(Scenario)) ggplot(survival, aes(x = Time, y = Survival, lty = Treatment, col = Scenario)) + geom_point() + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, study_duration[1] + 12, (study_duration[1] + 12) / bins)) + geom_line() + ggtitle("Poisson Mixture Model with Proportional Hazards") + theme(legend.position = "bottom") ## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------- hazard <- survival %>% filter(Time > 0) %>% group_by(Scenario, Treatment) %>% mutate( cumulative_hazard = -log(Survival), time_lagged = lag(Time, default = 0), hazard_rate = (cumulative_hazard - lag(cumulative_hazard, default = 0)) / (Time - time_lagged), ) %>% ungroup() hazardC1 <- tibble(time_lagged = seq(0, study_duration[1] + 12, .5)) %>% mutate(hazard_rate = hPM(time_lagged, cure_rate = cure_rate[1], t1 = t1[1], s1 = s1[1])) ggplot() + geom_step( data = hazard %>% filter(Treatment == "Control", Scenario == 1), aes(x = time_lagged, y = hazard_rate) ) + ylab("Hazard rate") + xlab("Time") + ggtitle("Step Function Approximated Hazard Rate for Design Cure Model", subtitle = "Control Group, Scenario 1" ) + geom_line(data = hazardC1, aes(x = time_lagged, y = hazard_rate), lty = 2) + annotate(geom = "text", x = 35, y = .02, label = "Dashed line shows actual hazard rate") ## ----echo=FALSE, echo=FALSE----------------------------- # DO NOT ALTER CODE event_accrual <- NULL for (scenario in 1:length(cure_rate)) { control_accrual <- tibble(Time = 0, Events = 0, Treatment = "Control") experimental_accrual <- control_accrual %>% mutate(Treatment = "Experimental") control <- hazard %>% filter(Scenario == scenario, Treatment == "Control") for (T in 1:(study_duration[1] + 12)) { xc <- eEvents( lambda = control$hazard_rate, S = (control$Time - control$time_lagged)[1:(bins - 1)], gamma = 100 / enroll_duration[scenario], R = enroll_duration[scenario], eta = dropout_rate[scenario], T = T, Tfinal = study_duration[1] ) control_accrual <- rbind(control_accrual, tibble(Time = xc$T, Events = xc$d, Treatment = "Control")) xe <- eEvents( lambda = control$hazard_rate * hr[scenario], S = (control$Time - control$time_lagged)[1:(bins - 1)], gamma = 100 / enroll_duration[scenario], R = enroll_duration[scenario], eta = dropout_rate[scenario], T = T, Tfinal = study_duration[1] ) experimental_accrual <- rbind(experimental_accrual, tibble(Time = xe$T, Events = xe$d, Treatment = "Experimental")) } overall_accrual <- rbind(control_accrual, experimental_accrual) %>% group_by(Time) %>% summarize(Events = sum(Events), Scenario = scenario, Hypothesis = "H1") # Get max planned events for enrollment rates for scenario 1 under H1 # This will be modified for the design, but relative accrual will remain the same if (scenario == 1) max_events_planned <- overall_accrual$Events[study_duration[1] + 1] overallH0_accrual <- rbind(control_accrual, control_accrual) %>% group_by(Time) %>% summarize(Events = sum(Events), Scenario = scenario, Hypothesis = "H0") %>% ungroup() # Combine for all scenarios event_accrual <- rbind( event_accrual, overall_accrual, overallH0_accrual ) } event_accrual <- event_accrual %>% mutate(EF = Events / max_events_planned, Scenario = as.factor(Scenario)) ggplot(event_accrual, aes(x = Time, y = EF, color = Scenario, lty = Hypothesis)) + geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 2, .2)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, study_duration[1] + 12, 12)) + ylab("Fraction of planned events") + ggtitle( "Fraction of planned events expected over time by scenario", subtitle = "Fraction based on planned final events for scenario 1" ) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Calendar time from start of randomization until each analysis time calendarTime <- c(14, 24, 36, 48) ## ------------------------------------------------------- # Get hazard rate info for Scenario 1 control group control <- hazard %>% filter(Scenario == 1, Treatment == "Control") # Failure rates lambdaC <- control$hazard_rate # Interval durations S <- (control$Time - control$time_lagged)[1:(bins - 1)] # 1-sided Type I error alpha <- 0.025 # Type II error (1 - power) beta <- .1 # Test type 6: asymmetric 2-sided design, non-binding futility bound test.type <- 6 # 1-sided Type I error used for safety (for asymmetric 2-sided design) astar <- .2 # Spending functions (sfu, sfl) and parameters (sfupar, sflpar) sfu <- sfHSD sfupar <- -3 sfl <- sfLDPocock # Near-equal Z-values for each analysis sflpar <- NULL # Not needed for Pocock spending # Dropout rate (exponential parameter per unit of time) dropout_rate <- 0.002 # Experimental / control randomization ratio ratio <- 1 ## ------------------------------------------------------- design_calendar <- gsSurvCalendar( calendarTime = calendarTime, spending = "calendar", alpha = alpha, beta = beta, astar = astar, test.type = test.type, hr = hr[1], R = enroll_duration[1], gamma = 1, minfup = study_duration[1] - enroll_duration[1], ratio = ratio, sfu = sfu, sfupar = sfupar, sfl = sfl, sflpar = sflpar, lambdaC = lambdaC, S = S ) design_calendar %>% gsBoundSummary(exclude = c("B-value", "CP", "CP H1", "PP")) %>% gt() %>% tab_header( title = "Calendar-Based Design", subtitle = "Calendar Spending" )