## ----setup, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(knitr) opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) options(width = 83) ## ----initialise------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a directory in tempdir root <- tempfile(pattern = "git2r-") dir.create(root) # Create dummy data set.seed(20190222) x <- data.frame( x = sample(LETTERS), y = factor( sample(c("a", "b", NA), 26, replace = TRUE), levels = c("a", "b", "c") ), z = c(NA, 1:25), abc = c(rnorm(25), NA), def = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 26, replace = TRUE), timestamp = seq( as.POSIXct("2018-01-01"), as.POSIXct("2019-01-01"), length = 26 ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) str(x) ## ----row_order------------------------------------------------------------------- library(git2rdata) write_vc(x, file = "row_order", root = root) write_vc(x[sample(nrow(x)), ], file = "row_order", root = root) ## ----apply_sorting, error = TRUE------------------------------------------------- try({ fn <- write_vc(x, "row_order", root, sorting = "y") }) ## ----update_sorting-------------------------------------------------------------- fn <- write_vc(x, "row_order", root, sorting = "y", strict = FALSE) fn <- write_vc(x, "row_order", root, sorting = c("y", "x"), strict = FALSE) ## ----update_sorted--------------------------------------------------------------- print_file <- function(file, root, n = -1) { fn <- file.path(root, file) data <- readLines(fn, n = n) cat(data, sep = "\n") } print_file("row_order.yml", root, 7) fn <- write_vc(x[sample(nrow(x)), ], "row_order", root) fn <- write_vc(x[sample(nrow(x)), ], "row_order", root, sorting = c("y", "x")) fn <- write_vc(x[sample(nrow(x), replace = TRUE), ], "row_order", root) ## ----variable_order-------------------------------------------------------------- write_vc(x, "column_order", root, sorting = c("x", "abc")) print_file("column_order.tsv", root, n = 5) write_vc(x[sample(nrow(x)), sample(ncol(x))], "column_order", root) print_file("column_order.tsv", root, n = 5) ## ----factor---------------------------------------------------------------------- old <- data.frame(color = c("red", "blue"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) write_vc(old, "factor", root, sorting = "color") print_file("factor.yml", root) ## ----factor2--------------------------------------------------------------------- updated <- data.frame( color = c("red", "green", "blue"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) write_vc(updated, "factor2", root, sorting = "color") print_file("factor2.yml", root) ## ----factor_update, error = TRUE------------------------------------------------- try({ write_vc(updated, "factor", root) fn <- write_vc(updated, "factor", root, strict = FALSE) print_file("factor.yml", root) }) ## ----factor_deleted-------------------------------------------------------------- deleted <- data.frame( color = factor(c("red", "green"), levels = c("red", "green")) ) write_vc(deleted, "factor", root, sorting = "color", strict = FALSE) print_file("factor.yml", root) ## ----factor_ordered-------------------------------------------------------------- ordered <- data.frame( color = factor(c("red", "green"), levels = c("red", "green"), ordered = TRUE) ) write_vc(ordered, "factor", root, sorting = "color", strict = FALSE) print_file("factor.yml", root) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_vc(old, "write_vc", root, sorting = "color") print_file("write_vc.yml", root) relabeled <- old # translate the color names to Dutch levels(relabeled$color) <- c("blauw", "rood") write_vc(relabeled, "write_vc", root, strict = FALSE) print_file("write_vc.yml", root) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_vc(old, "relabel", root, sorting = "color") relabel("relabel", root, change = list(color = c(red = "rood", blue = "blauw"))) print_file("relabel.yml", root) relabel( "relabel", root, change = data.frame( factor = "color", old = "blauw", new = "blue", stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) ) print_file("relabel.yml", root)