## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE------------------------------ library(flowchart) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(purrr) library(stringr) library(tibble) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # install.packages("flowchart") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # install.packages("remotes") # remotes::install_github('bruigtp/flowchart') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(flowchart) data(safo) head(safo) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo_fc <- safo |> as_fc() str(safo_fc, max.level = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo_fc$fc ## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ as_fc(N = 230) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo_fc |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(N = 215, label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> dplyr::filter(!is.na(group)) |> as_fc(label = "Randomized patients") |> fc_split(group) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> dplyr::filter(!is.na(group)) |> as_fc(label = "Randomized patients") |> fc_split(N = c(105, 110), label = c("cloxacillin plus fosfomycin", "cloxacillin alone")) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4-------------------------------------------- safo_fc <- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) safo_fc |> fc_draw() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo_fc |> fc_view("fc") ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo_fc |> fc_modify( ~ . |> mutate( text = ifelse(id == 3, str_glue("- {sum(safo$inclusion_crit == 'Yes')} not met the inclusion criteria\n- {sum(safo$exclusion_crit == 'Yes')} met the exclusion criteria"), text), x = case_when( id == 3 ~ 0.75, TRUE ~ x ), y = case_when( id == 1 ~ 0.8, id == 2 ~ 0.2, TRUE ~ y ) ) ) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 8------------------------------------------------------------ # Create first flowchart for ITT fc1 <- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(itt == "Yes", label = "Intention to treat (ITT)") fc_draw(fc1) # Create second flowchart for visits fc2 <- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(pp == "Yes", label = "Per protocol (PP)") fc_draw(fc2) list(fc1, fc2) |> fc_merge() |> fc_draw() ## ----warning = FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5--------------------------- list(fc1, fc2) |> fc_stack() |> fc_draw() ## ----warning=FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5----------------------------- fc1 <- fc1 |> fc_split(group) list(fc1, fc2) |> fc_stack(unite = TRUE) |> fc_draw() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # safo |> # as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> # fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> # fc_draw() |> # fc_export("flowchart.png") ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # safo |> # as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> # fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> # fc_draw() |> # fc_export("flowchart.png", width = 3000, height = 4000, res = 700) ## ----warning = FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7--------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_filter(itt == "Yes", label = "Included in ITT") |> fc_filter(pp == "Yes", label = "Included in PP") |> fc_draw() ## ----warning=FALSE, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 8---------------------------- # Create labels for exclusion box: label_exc <- paste( c(str_glue("{sum(safo$inclusion_crit == 'Yes' | safo$exclusion_crit == 'Yes' | safo$decline_part == 'Yes', na.rm = T)} excluded:"), map_chr(c("inclusion_crit", "decline_part", "exclusion_crit"), ~str_glue("{sum(safo[[.x]] == 'Yes', na.rm = TRUE)} {attr(safo[[.x]], 'label')}")), map_chr(4:15, ~str_glue(" - {sum(safo[[.x]] == 'Yes')} {attr(safo[[.x]], 'label')}"))), collapse = "\n") label_exc <- gsub("exclusion criteria", "exclusion criteria:", label_exc) safo1 <- safo |> filter(group == "cloxacillin alone", !is.na(reason_pp)) |> mutate(reason_pp = droplevels(reason_pp)) label_exc1 <- paste( c(str_glue("{nrow(safo1)} excluded:"), map_chr(levels(safo1$reason_pp), ~str_glue(" - {sum(safo1$reason_pp == .x)} {.x}"))), collapse = "\n") label_exc1 <- str_replace_all(label_exc1, c("resistant" = "resistant\n", "blood" = "blood\n")) safo2 <- safo |> filter(group == "cloxacillin plus fosfomycin", !is.na(reason_pp)) |> mutate(reason_pp = droplevels(reason_pp)) label_exc2 <- paste( c(str_glue("{nrow(safo2)} excluded:"), map_chr(levels(safo2$reason_pp), ~str_glue(" - {sum(safo2$reason_pp == .x)} {.x}"))), collapse = "\n") label_exc2 <- str_replace_all(label_exc2, c("nosocomial" = "nosocomial\n", "treatment" = "treatment\n")) ## ----warning=FALSE, fig.width = 13, fig.height = 9---------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "patients assessed for eligibility", text_pattern = "{N} {label}") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "randomized", text_pattern = "{n} {label}", show_exc = TRUE, just_exc = "left", text_pattern_exc = "{label}", label_exc = label_exc, text_fs_exc = 7) |> fc_split(group, text_pattern = "{n} asssigned\n {label}") |> fc_filter(itt == "Yes", label = "included in intention-to-treat\n population", show_exc = TRUE, text_pattern = "{n} {label}", label_exc = "patient did not receive allocated\n treatment (withdrew consent)", text_pattern_exc = "{n} {label}", text_fs_exc = 7) |> fc_filter(pp == "Yes", label = "included in per-protocol\n population", show_exc = TRUE, just_exc = "left", text_pattern = "{n} {label}", text_fs_exc = 7) |> fc_modify( ~.x |> filter(n != 0) |> mutate( text = case_when(id == 11 ~ label_exc1, id == 13 ~ label_exc2, TRUE ~ text), x = case_when(id == 3 ~ x + 0.15, id %in% c(11, 13) ~ x + 0.01, TRUE ~ x), y = case_when(id %in% c(1, 3) ~ y + 0.05, id >= 2 ~ y - 0.05, TRUE ~ y) ) ) |> fc_draw() ## ----warning=FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 6----------------------------- as_fc(N = 300) |> fc_filter(N = 240, label = "Randomized patients", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(N = c(100, 80, 60), label = c("Group A", "Group B", "Group C")) |> fc_filter(N = c(80, 75, 50), label = "Finished the study") |> fc_draw() ## ----warning=FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 6----------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_split(N = c(50, 55, 10, 100), label = c("Group A", "Group B")) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_draw(title = "SAFO flowchart") ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE, perc_total = TRUE) |> fc_split(group, perc_total = TRUE, title = "Treatment", bg_fill_title = "skyblue") |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE, perc_total = TRUE) |> fc_split(group, perc_total = TRUE) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE, perc_total = TRUE) |> fc_split(group, offset = 0.1) |> fc_draw() safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE, perc_total = TRUE) |> fc_split(group, offset = -0.1) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE, offset_exc = 0.1) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_draw(box_corners = "sharp") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = expression(paste("Patients ", italic("assessed"), " for ", bold("eligibility")))) |> fc_draw() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = expression(paste(y, " = ", alpha, " + ", beta, x))) |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_split(N = c(50, 60), sel_group = "cloxacillin alone") |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_split(N = c(50, 60), sel_group = "cloxacillin alone") |> fc_filter(N = 50, sel_group = "cloxacillin plus fosfomycin") |> fc_draw() ## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 7-------------------------------------------- safo |> as_fc(label = "Patients assessed for eligibility") |> fc_filter(!is.na(group), label = "Randomized", show_exc = TRUE) |> fc_split(group) |> fc_split(N = c(50, 55, 10, 100)) |> fc_filter(N = 60, sel_group = c("cloxacillin alone", "group 2")) |> fc_draw()