## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(drugdevelopR) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # res <- optimal_multiarm(hr1 = 0.75, hr2 = 0.80, ec = 0.6, # define assumed true HRs and control arm event rate # n2min = 100, n2max = 200, stepn2 = 10, # define optimization set for n2 # hrgomin = 0.76, hrgomax = 0.9, stephrgo = 0.02, # define optimization set for HRgo # alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, # drug development planning parameters # c2 = 0.75, c3 = 1, c02 = 100, c03 = 150, # define fixed and variable costs for phase II and III # b1 = 1000, b2 = 2000, b3 = 3000, # gains for each effect size category # strategy = 3, # num_cl = 3) ## ----eval=TRUE, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # Comment this chunk after running it once # res <- optimal_multiarm(hr1 = 0.75, hr2 = 0.80, ec = 0.6,# define assumed true HRs and control arm event rate # n2min = 100, n2max = 200, stepn2 = 10, # define optimization set for n2 # hrgomin = 0.76, hrgomax = 0.9, stephrgo = 0.02, # define optimization set for HRgo # alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, # drug development planning parameters # c2 = 0.75, c3 = 1, c02 = 100, c03 = 150, # define fixed and variable costs for phase II and III # b1 = 1000, b2 = 2000, b3 = 3000, # gains for each effect size category # strategy = 3, # num_cl = 3) # saveRDS(res, file="optimal_multiarm.RDS") ## ----eval=TRUE, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------- res <- readRDS(file="optimal_multiarm.RDS") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- res