title: "Querying bulk files from the API"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >

```{r, include = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

```{r setup, message=FALSE}

### Why use bulk files? 📦📦📦

When you are on the free API tier, you can get relatively large 
amounts of data already. I explained this [here](https://docs.ropensci.org/comtradr/articles/large_data.html). There is 
essentially two reasons why you still want to use bulk-files. 

a) you want to get A LOT more data, in like hundreds of millions of rows 
b) you want to get consistent HS codes across years. 

While a) is certainly a possibility, b) is a lot more likely and a very common
scenario. I will focus on explaining b) in the following.

#### Accounting for HS Code changes 🏗️👷

Let us assume, you want to compare the amount of imported shrimp from other
countries into the EU. You could use HS code 
[3003](https://www.trade-tariff.service.gov.uk/headings/0306) for this purpose 
and query the data for this across the last 30 years. In the free tier API this 
would look similar to something like this: 
```{r, echo = FALSE}
hs0 <- system.file("extdata", "vignette_data_8.rda", package = "comtradr")
if (!file.exists(hs0)) {
  stop("internal vignette data set '~/extdata/vignette_data_8.rda' not found",
       call. = FALSE)

```{r, echo = FALSE}
hs5 <- system.file("extdata", "vignette_data_9.rda", package = "comtradr")
if (!file.exists(hs5)) {
  stop("internal vignette data set '~/extdata/vignette_data_9.rda' not found",
       call. = FALSE)

```{r free_api, eval = F}
hs0 <- comtradr::ct_get_data(
  reporter = c("DEU","FRA"), # only some examples here,
  commodity_classification = 'HS',
  commodity_code = '0306',
  start_date = 1990, # only one year here
  end_date = 1990)

hs5 <- comtradr::ct_get_data(
  reporter = c("DEU","FRA"), # only some examples here,
  commodity_classification = 'HS',
  commodity_code = '0306',
  start_date = 2020, # only one year here
  end_date = 2020)

However, as you might not know, the HS code definitions change over the years.
That makes this operation a lot more tricky, because if you compare the two
HS code descriptions for your code, you will see that they are different!

```{r cmd_desc_differences}

To a degree then, you are comparing Apples with Oranges. Or in this case, 
Crustaceans that are smoked with the ones that are not. 

Hence, you are not really only seeing actual changes in trading values, but 
these might change simply because of changes in definition. 

With the free API tier, you would now have to engage in lengthy comparisons
between different HS codes, e.g. using the 
[concordance](https://github.com/insongkim/concordance)-package. The package is 
quite amazing, but the exercise of matching HS codes can be cumbersome, as 
there are multiple many-to-many-matches. 

#### Getting started with bulk files 🏃 

The bulk tier API offers a solution. You can specify which HS Classification
scheme you want to use across all the years you are interested in. The above
code becomes: 

```{r, eval = FALSE}
hs0_all <- comtradr::ct_get_bulk(
  reporter = c("DEU","FRA"), # only some examples here,
  commodity_classification = 'H0',
  frequency = 'A',
  verbose = T,
  start_date = 1990, # only one year here
  end_date = 2020)

Essentially, the bulk file facility only allows you to list years/month, 
reporters and a classification scheme you want to query. You will then
receive one file per period for each reporter. There is multiple requests
involved, which the `ct_get_bulk` function will handle for you. 

Be careful though, you cannot query individual commodity codes, hence the 
datasets you are querying become very large very quickly. The above query will 
download more than 3GB of data, which once it is unpacked becomes even larger. 

The bulk function will download this data, unpack it on your computer, read it
in and then delete the files again. This is a costly operation and you want 
to think about how much data you will actually need and after first reading it
in save it in a appropriately compressed file for future use instead of querying 
it every time you need it (see e.g. [fst](https://www.fstpackage.org/)). 

#### Formatting bulk files 📝

```{r, echo = FALSE}
hs0_all <- system.file("extdata", "vignette_data_10.rda", package = "comtradr")
if (!file.exists(hs0_all)) {
  stop("internal vignette data set '~/extdata/vignette_data_10.rda' not found",
       call. = FALSE)

The bulk files come with less information, in that there is no descriptive 
variables included. E.g. partner countries are only included by code, not by
name. Since in most cases we want the description for plotting and further 
analysis these need to be merged on. This is very straight forward with the 
reference tables included in the package. 

reporter <- comtradr::ct_get_ref_table("reporter") |>
    reporter_code = as.character(id),
    reporter_iso = iso_3,
    reporter_desc = country

partner <- comtradr::ct_get_ref_table("partner") |>
    partner_code = as.character(id),
    partner_iso = iso_3,
    partner_desc = country

flow <- comtradr::ct_get_ref_table("flow_direction") |>
  dplyr::transmute(flow_code = as.character(id), flow_desc = tolower(text))

clean_data <- hs0_all |>
  dplyr::filter(customs_code == "C00" &
                  mot_code == "0" & partner2code == "0")  |>
  dplyr::left_join(reporter) |>
  dplyr::left_join(partner) |>
  dplyr::left_join(flow) |>
    frequency = freq_code,
    flow_desc = tolower(flow_desc),
    time = period,