title: "Creating realistic data"
    - "Roel M. Hogervorst"
    toc: true
    toc_float: true
    theme: readable
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating realistic data}

```{r, include = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

```{r setup}

# Introduction

Charlatan creates realistic looking data. By now you have seen some
examples of the high level and low level APIs. But maybe you would like
to see some examples of generating data for specific use-cases? Then
this vignette is for you. It will show you how to create fake
transactional data, fake health care (PII) data and finally an example
of a plumber API that returns fake data.

But first a slight detour into different ways of faking data.

## Other options for faking data

Simulation of data (creating fake data that looks realistic) is not
always the best option, there are other options that we will discuss

-   use real data
-   use pseudonomous or anonymous data
-   create a dataset from scratch

Using **real actual data** is great for live systems. You want actual
data for actual predictions or actual inference. It is, however smart to
reduce your data to only the columns you need.

Using real actual data is a bad idea for demonstration use-cases.
Personal Identifyable Information (PII) are sensitive data and need to
be handled with care. Even if you strip away the full names it is
relatively easy to pinpoint specific people on the basis of several data

**Pseudonymous or anonymous data** is a safer way to deal with personal
identifyable data. By stripping away PII or replacing values with other
random values you make it harder to link the data back to actual people.
The main pro in using this kind of data is that you keep the data
structure intact. The relationship between variables remain, and you can
do predictions/inference on that.

It is quite a lot of work to make your data truly anonymous. You need
surprisingly little data to de-anonomize data and link it back to actual

**Creating a fake dataset from scratch** is relatively easy when the
data is small. Using the build-in functions like`sample`, `runif`, and
`rnorm` etc. is very doable. It is slightly faster than using this

Using completely random values does make it difficult to talk to
stakeholders, they would not understand the random values. It is also
really a lot of work to generate more complex data or many different

## What this package does, and does not do

This package creates realistic looking values, but does not help you in
creating relations in a data set. For instance you can create streets,
cities and postal codes, but those components are unrelated, the postal
code is not related to the street nor to the city.

This package creates realistic **names**, **jobs**, **streets**, **business names**,
**phone numbers** and much more. It also can create those things for
different countries and languages (locales). For example:

-   You could create a dataset with real Czech names like 'František
    Krejčí' or 'Nikol Machová'.
-   You can create addresses that look like they come from New
    Zealand: "68 Morris Concourse Tererongo 6128" or "485 Manawarongo
    Way, Pedersen 3196".
-   You can create Danish jobs like "Børsmægler" or

# Examples

Next are a few examples of faked data with the help of the {charlatan}
package. The examples are with the en_US locale, but work for many

## Fake business transactional data

This example shows transactional data, from an ecommerce website for
example, and will also show you how to add some logical structure to
your data. *This example comes from an issue opened on our github.*

Let's imagine we sell clothes on the internet. What would that data look

I would need:

-   ids for items
-   item information
-   a price paid
-   customer information (Who bought it, where do we ship it)

### Steps for creating realistic looking business transactional data

-   create products
-   create orders
-   combine the two

# setup
fraudster_cl <- fraudster("en_US")
n <- 5

We first create a few categories and subcategories. This is too specific
for the {charlatan} package (and different for every store). I imagine
you have a better idea for this data then I have.

In this example I have categories Shoes, Jeans and Dresses. All Shoes
have a prefix that starts with 1, all Jeans have prefix starting with 2,
and Dresses start with 5. We combine the prefix with a random number to
have consistent product ids ( I have no idea if clothing stores actually
do this, but it looked neat).

# create product data
products <- data.frame(
  prefix = c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 2), rep(5, 2)),
  product_id = fraudster_cl$integer(n = 9, min = 1000, max = 9999),
  main_category = c(rep("Shoes", 5), rep("Jeans", 2), rep("Dresses", 2)),
  sub_category = c(
    "Dress shoes", "Tennis shoes", "Boots", "Hiking boots", "Country & Western style boots",
    "Regular fit", "Straight fit",
    "Summer dress", "Evening gown"
## when you have {dplyr} installed there are way cleaner ways to do this
products$product_id <- as.integer(sprintf("%s%s", as.character(products$prefix), products$product_id))

Then we create the orders with a price, a product id, and location.
Orders also have an email address and are shipped to an address.

# create orders
orders <- data.frame(
  order_id = fraudster_cl$integer(n = n, min = 10000, max = 90000),
  location_id = fraudster_cl$integer(n = n, min = 1, max = 5),
  price_paid = fraudster_cl$integer(n = n, min = 1, max = 9900) / 100,
  product_id = sample(products$product_id, size = n, replace = TRUE),
  order_email = fraudster_cl$email(n = n),
  customer_name = fraudster_cl$name(n = n),
  shipping_address = fraudster_cl$address(n = n)

Finally we combine everything:

# combine orders and transactions
example_transactions <- merge(orders, products)
## reorder the columns to let it make more sense.
example_transactions[, c("order_id", "location_id", "product_id", "main_category", "sub_category", "price_paid", "customer_name", "order_email", "shipping_address")]

Notice that customer_name and email are completely unrelated. You could
create a customer 'table' like the product table above to create a bit
more structure.

## Protected health information

Here is how you simulate protected health information with {charlatan}.
Here we use the low level api.

*This example also comes from an issue in our github.*

First a setup:

# setup the providers
ap <- AddressProvider_en_US$new()
pp <- PersonProvider_en_US$new()
ip <- InternetProvider_en_US$new()
lp <- LoremProvider_en_US$new()
SSNP <- SSNProvider_en_US$new()
dtp <- DateTimeProvider$new()
np <- NumericsProvider$new()
pnp <- PhoneNumberProvider_en_US$new()


We don't have a list of counties in the US (there are 3007 of them). So
we will use a random word from the `LoremProvider` with county. It is
probably nicer if you wrap this into a function.

Generate a single 'record' for a person:

prot_health <- list(
  first_name = pp$first_name(),
  last_name = pp$last_name(),
  phone_number = pnp$render(),
  fax_number = pnp$render(),
  street = ap$street_address(),
  zipcode = ap$postcode(),
  email = ip$email(),
  county = paste0(lp$word(), " county"),
  SSN = SSNP$render(),
  dob = as.Date(dtp$date_time_between("1930-01-01", "1990-12-31")),
  # I've decided record number is an integer between 10000 - 99999
  medical_record_number = np$integer(min = 10000, max = 99999),
  ip_address = ip$ipv4()

We can also create medical records in sequence with a custom function.
In the following example I create a sequence of events based on a date.

#' Generate a bunch of dates in sequence
gen_med_record <- function(date_value, events = 4, event_types = c("admission", "x-ray", "blood-test", "general exam")) {
  days <- sort(np$integer(events, 1, 365))
  result <- data.frame(
    date = date_value + days
  result$event <- sample(event_types, size = nrow(result), replace = TRUE)

result <- gen_med_record(date_value = as.Date("2022-03-01"), events = 5)
## And add the generated data to this dataframe too
result$medical_record_number <- prot_health$medical_record_number
result$last_name <- prot_health$last_name
result$date_of_birth <- prot_health$dob

## Plumber api

You can also create a plumber API that returns realistic data. For this example to work you need the
[{plumber}](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=plumber) package

``` r
# plumber.R

fraudster_cl <- fraudster('en_US')

#* Create a random address
#* @param n how many do you want
#* @get /adress

#* Create a random company
#* @param n how many do you want
#* @get /company

Then run the file like this to start an API:

`plumber::plumb("R/plumber.R") %>% plumber::pr_run()`

# Conclusion

As you can see this package helps you in generating plausible data, but
to add structure (relationships between variables) to your data you need
to do work yourself.