## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(TwoTimeScales) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot(mod) ## ----original, fig = TRUE, dependson="load-mod", fig.width=6, fig.align='center', fig.height=9---- # par(mfrow = c(2,1), # font.main = 1) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # rectangular_grid = TRUE, # for grid of rectangles # original = TRUE, # for plot in (t,s)-plane # main = "Original plane - rectangular grid", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # rectangular_grid = F, # for grid of parallelograms # original = TRUE, # for plot in (t,s)-plane # main = "Original plane - grid of parallelograms", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot(mod, # plot_grid = list(c(umin = 0, umax = 2300, du = 10), # c(smin = 0, smax = 2730, du = 10)), # plot_options = list(n_shades = 100, # main = "Denser plotting grid", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # par(mfrow = c(2,1), # font.main = 1) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # loghazard = TRUE, # main = "Log-hazard (u,s)", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # original = TRUE, # loghazard = TRUE, # main = "Log-hazard (t,s)", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # par(mfrow = c(2,1), # font.main = 1) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # log10hazard = TRUE, # main = "Log10-hazard (u,s)", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list( # original = TRUE, # log10hazard = TRUE, # main = "Log10-hazard (t,s)", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Time since recurrence" # )) # par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # par(mfrow = c(2,1), # font.main = 1) # plot(mod, # plot_options = list(cut_extrapolated = TRUE, # tmax = 3214, # main = "Cut extrapolated hazard", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) # # plot(mod, # plot_options = list(cut_extrapolated = TRUE, # tmax = 3214, # original = TRUE, # main = "Cut extrapolated hazard", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mycol <- function(nshades){ # colorspace::sequential_hcl(n = nshades, "Blues 3") # } # plot(mod, # plot_options = list(col_palette = mycol, # main = "New colors", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence", # contour_col = "pink", # contour_nlev = 20)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot(mod, # which_plot = "SE", # plot_options = list(main = "Standard Errors of the hazard", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) # # plot(mod, # which_plot = "SE", # plot_options = list( # loghazard = TRUE, # main = "Standard Errors of the log-hazard", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) # # plot(mod, # which_plot = "SE", # plot_options = list( # log10hazard = TRUE, # main = "Standard Errors of the log10-hazard", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot(mod, # which_plot = "slices", # where_slices = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # direction = "u", # plot_options = list(main = "Slices of the hazard", # xlab = "Time since recurrence", # ylab = "Hazard")) # legend("topright", # legend = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # lty = 1, # col = grDevices::gray.colors(7)) ## ----slices-s, fig = TRUE, chache = TRUE, dependson="load-mod", fig.width=6, fig.align='center', fig.height=4.5---- # plot(mod, # which_plot = "slices", # where_slices = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # direction = "s", # plot_options = list(main = "Slices of the hazard", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Hazard")) # legend("topright", # legend = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # lty = 1, # col = grDevices::gray.colors(7)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mycol2 <- function(nshades){ # colorspace::sequential_hcl(n = nshades, "PurpOr") # } # plot(mod, # which_plot = "survival", # plot_options = list(col_palette = mycol2, # main = "Survival function", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence", # contour_nlev = 20)) # # plot(mod, # which_plot = "survival", # where_slices = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # direction = "u", # plot_options = list( # surv_slices = TRUE, # main = "Slices of the survival function", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Survival")) # legend(x = 3000, y = .9, # xpd = TRUE, # inset = c(-0.3,0), # legend = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # lty = 1, # lwd = 2, # bty = "n", # title = "Time of\n recurrence", # col = grDevices::gray.colors(7)) # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mycol3 <- function(nshades){ # colorspace::sequential_hcl(n = nshades, "BluGrn") # } # plot(mod, # which_plot = "cumhaz", # plot_options = list(col_palette = mycol3, # main = "Cumulative hazard", # xlab = "Time at recurrence", # ylab = "Time since recurrence", # contour_nlev = 20)) # # plot(mod, # which_plot = "cumhaz", # where_slices = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # direction = "u", # plot_options = list( # cumhaz_slices = TRUE, # main = "Slices of the cumulative hazard", # xlab = "Time since randomization", # ylab = "Cumulative hazard")) # legend(x = 3000, y = 3.5, # xpd = TRUE, # inset = c(-0.3,0), # legend = c(30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 1000, 2000), # lty = 1, # lwd = 2, # bty = "n", # title = "Time of\n recurrence", # col = grDevices::gray.colors(7))