## ----example_plot, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5---- library(Tendril) data("TendrilData") test <- Tendril(mydata = TendrilData, rotations = Rotations, AEfreqThreshold = 9, Tag = "Comment", Treatments = c("placebo", "active"), Unique.Subject.Identifier = "subjid", Terms = "ae", Treat = "treatment", StartDay = "day", SubjList = SubjList, SubjList.subject = "subjid", SubjList.treatment = "treatment" ) plot(test) plot(test, coloring = "p.adj") plot(test, term = c("AE40", "AE42", "AE44")) ## ----tendrildata_head, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------- head(TendrilData) ## ----call_Tendril, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------- test <- Tendril(mydata = TendrilData, rotations = Rotations, AEfreqThreshold = 9, Tag = "Comment", Treatments = c("placebo", "active"), Unique.Subject.Identifier = "subjid", Terms = "ae", Treat = "treatment", StartDay = "day", SubjList = SubjList, SubjList.subject = "subjid", SubjList.treatment = "treatment" ) ## ----call_TendrilPerm, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----- perm <- TendrilPerm(test, "AE40", n.perm = 500) perm2 <- TendrilPerm(test, "AE42", n.perm = 500, perm.from.day = 120) ## ----plot_tendril, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5---- plot(test) plot(test, coloring = "p.adj") plot(test, term = "AE40", coloring = "fish") plot(test, term = paste("AE", c(40, 42, 44), sep = ""), coloring = "Terms") ## ----plot_TendrilPerm, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5---- plot(perm) plot(perm, coloring = "OR", percentile = TRUE) plot(perm2, coloring = "p.adj", percentile = TRUE) ## ----plot_timeseries, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5---- plot_timeseries(test) plot_timeseries(test, term = paste("AE", c(40, 42, 44), sep = "")) ## ----full_example, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------- # #load library # library("Tendril") # #compute tendril data # data.tendril <- Tendril(mydata = TendrilData, # rotations = Rotations, # AEfreqThreshold = 9, # Tag = "Comment", # Treatments = c("placebo", "active"), # Unique.Subject.Identifier = "subjid", # Terms = "ae", # Treat = "treatment", # StartDay = "day", # SubjList = SubjList, # SubjList.subject = "subjid", # SubjList.treatment = "treatment", # filter_double_events = FALSE, # suppress_warnings = FALSE) # # #compute permutations # data.tendril <- TendrilPerm(tendril = data.tendril, # PermTerm="AE40", # n.perm = 200, # perm.from.day = 1) # # #do plot # p <- plot(data.tendril$tendril) # # #plot permutations # p <- plot(data.tendril) # # #plot permutations and percentile # p <- plot(data.tendril, percentile = TRUE) # # #save tendril coordinates and stat results # write.table(data.tendril$tendril$data, "mydata.txt", sep="\t", row.names = FALSE) # # #save permutation coordinates # write.table(data.tendril$perm.data, "my_permutation_data.txt", sep="\t", row.names = FALSE) # # #save permutation percentiles # write.table(data.tendril$tendril.pi, "my_percentile_data.txt", sep="\t", row.names = FALSE) #