## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, collapse=TRUE, error=TRUE, comment = "#") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library("TITAN2") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(glades.taxa) str(glades.taxa, list.len = 5) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(glades.env) str(glades.env) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # glades.titan <- titan(glades.env, glades.taxa) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # glades.titan <- titan(glades.env, glades.taxa, # minSplt = 5, numPerm = 250, boot = TRUE, nBoot = 500, imax = FALSE, # ivTot = FALSE, pur.cut = 0.95, rel.cut = 0.95, ncpus = 8, memory = FALSE # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(glades.titan) str(glades.titan, 1) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- cli::cli_alert_info("Screening taxa...") cli::cli_alert(" 100% occurrence detected 1 times (0.6% of taxa),") cli::cli_alert(" use of TITAN less than ideal for this data type.") cli::cli_alert_success(" Taxa frequency screen complete.") ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- cli::cli_alert_info("Partitioning along gradient...") cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating observed IndVal maxima and class values...") cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating IndVals using mean relative abundance...") cli::cli_alert_info("Permuting IndVal scores...") cli::cli_alert_info("Summarizing observed results...") cli::cli_alert_info("Estimating taxa change points using z-score maxima...") ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- cli::cli_alert_info("Bootstrap resampling in sequence...") ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- cli::cli_alert_info("Bootstrap resampling in parallel using 8 CPUs... no index will be printed to screen.") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- glades.titan$sumz.cp ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(glades.titan$sppmax) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str(glades.titan, max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_sumz_density(glades.titan) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_sumz_density(glades.titan, ribbon = FALSE, points = TRUE) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_sumz_density(glades.titan, ribbon = TRUE, points = FALSE, sumz1 = FALSE, change_points = FALSE, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface Water Total Phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")) ) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_sumz(glades.titan, filter = TRUE) ## ----fig.height = 9, fig.width = 8-------------------------------------------- plot_taxa_ridges(glades.titan, axis.text.y = 8) ## ----fig.height = 9, fig.width = 8-------------------------------------------- plot_taxa_ridges(glades.titan, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")), n_ytaxa = 50 ) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa_ridges(glades.titan, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")), z2 = FALSE ) ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa_ridges(glades.titan, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")), z2 = FALSE, grid = FALSE ) ## ----fig.height = 10,fig.width = 8-------------------------------------------- plot_taxa_ridges( glades.titan, axis.text.x = 12, axis.text.y = 8, axis.title.x = 14, rel_heights = c(0.45, 0.55), xaxis = TRUE, d_lines = TRUE, trans = "log10", xlim = c(4, 200), breaks = c( 10, 20, 40, 80, 160), xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")) ) ## ----fig.height = 8,fig.width = 9--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa(glades.titan, xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)") ## ----fig.height = 8,fig.width = 9--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa( glades.titan, z.med = FALSE, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")) ) ## ----fig.height = 8,fig.width = 9--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa( glades.titan, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")), cex.taxa = 0.5, cex = 1.25, cex.axis = 1.1, legend = FALSE, col1 = "black", col2 = "red", fil2 = "red" ) ## ----fig.height = 8,fig.width = 9--------------------------------------------- plot_taxa( glades.titan, xlabel = expression(paste("Surface water total phosphorus ("*mu*"g/l)")), cex.taxa = 0.5, cex = 1.25, cex.axis = 1.1, legend = FALSE, prob95 = TRUE, col1 = "black", col2 = "red", fil2 = "red" ) ## ----fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10------------------------------------------ plot_cps(glades.titan) ## ----fig.height = 5,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_cps(glades.titan, taxaID = "ENALCIVI", xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)") ## ----fig.height = 5,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_cps(glades.titan, taxaID = "ENALCIVI", cp.trace = TRUE, xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)") ## ----fig.height = 5,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_cps(glades.titan, taxaID = "OSTRASP5", cp.trace = TRUE, xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)") ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_cps(glades.titan, taxa.dist = FALSE, xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)") ## ----fig.height = 6,fig.width = 8--------------------------------------------- plot_cps(glades.titan, taxa.dist = FALSE, xlabel = "Surface Water TP (ug/l)", stacked = TRUE)