2023-11-26 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * .Rd files SkewHyperbolic-package.Rd, ais.Rd, skewhypMom.Rd, and skewhypTailPlotLine.Rd changed to UTF-8 to appease CRAN * skewhypFit.Rd changed itemize to describe 2021-05-21 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * plot.skewhypFit changed to plot log-density better on log-histogram 2018-06-08 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * skewhypMeanVarMode.R changed to fix some errors in skewhypKurt function noted by Alexios Ghalanos, email 9/8/13 * DESCRIPTION updated to add imports, grDevices, graphics, stats, DistributionUtils, GeneralizedHyperbolic and change depends to >= 3.0.1 2014-10-05 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * DESCRIPTION update to change RUnit to suggests, not depends 2013-05-13 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * skewhypParam updated to avoid creating mu, delta, beta, and nu which might overwrite existing values * dskewhyp updated to deal with underflow of Bessel function 2013-02-26 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * version changed to 0.3-2 * testskewhypTailPlotLine.R changed to have a fixed seed when simulating data, at request of CRAN maintainers 2012-04-13 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * version changed to 0.3-1 * test.qskewhyp changed to level2test.qskewhyp in unitTests because of intermittent failures 2010-03-31 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * Version updated to 0.3-0 * skewhypParam introduced to enable unit testing. Unit tests developed for pskewhyp, qskewhyp and skewhypCalcRange * pskewhyp, qskewhyp totally altered to try and improve numeric performance. Extra arguments added to allow specification of tolerances in calls to integrate and uniroot. Integration to be carried out from infinity closer to value than mode and complementation used. lower.tail argument honoured. 2010-03-18 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * skewhypCalcRange changed to refer to probability, not density skewhypStepSize introduced to step out properly in long tail * NAMESPACE changed to export all with 'skewhyp' 2010-02-12 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * Depends changed to DistributionUtils and GeneralizedHyperbolic. Version 0.2-0 completed. 2010-01-11 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * SkewHyperbolic updated to 0.1-3 * ais (Australian Institute of Sport) data set added. Taken from package sn * plot.skewhypFit: dots added to curve function calls so parameters can be supplied (e.g. n, the number of points) * ppskewhyp and qqskewhyp subtitle default changed to match those for hist and logHist (param = (parameter values vector)) 2009-10-10 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * SkewHyperbolic-package.Rd and skewhypMom.Rd edited to fix problems with links to HyperbolicDist 2009-10-08 <d.scott@auckland.ac.nz> * skewhypMom.R added and updated version to 0.1-2, help files edited.