## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(RTSA) packageVersion("RTSA") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(alpha = 0.05, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(beta = 0.1, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(fixed = FALSE, tau2 = 0.05, ...) # adjusted by a specific size of heterogeneity ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(fixed = FALSE, D2 = 0.5, ...) # adjusted by diversity ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(pC = 0.1, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(RRR = 0.2, ...) # RTSA(mc = 0.8, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(zero_adj = 0.5, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(mc = 5, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(sd_mc = X, ...) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # RTSA(fixed = FALSE, re_method = "DL") # for DerSimonian-Laird. # RTSA(fixed = FALSE, re_method = "DL_HKSJ") # for the Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman adjustment of DerSimonian-Laird.