## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(RRPP) data("PupfishHeads") PupfishHeads$logHeadSize <- log(PupfishHeads$headSize) fit <- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex + locality/year, SS.type = "I", data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) summary(fit) anova(fit, effect.type = "F") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- anova(fit, effect.type = "F", error = c("Residuals", "locality:year", "Residuals")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fit.sex <- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex, data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE) fit.sex.loc<- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex + locality, data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE) fit.sex.loc.year<- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex + locality/year, data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE) anova(fit.sex, fit.sex.loc, fit.sex.loc.year, print.progress= FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- coef(fit, test = TRUE) ## ----fig.height=3, fig.width=5------------------------------------------------ sizeDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Female", "Male")) rownames(sizeDF) <- c("Female", "Male") sizePreds <- predict(fit, sizeDF) plot(sizePreds) ## ----fig.height=3, fig.width=5------------------------------------------------ plot(sizePreds, pch = 21, cex = 3, bg = c(2,4), lwd = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fit2 <- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex + locality/year, SS.type = "II", data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE) fit3 <- lm.rrpp(logHeadSize ~ sex + locality/year, SS.type = "III", data = PupfishHeads, print.progress = FALSE) anova(fit) anova(fit2) anova(fit3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(Pupfish) Pupfish$logSize <- log(Pupfish$CS) fit <- lm.rrpp(coords ~ logSize + Sex*Pop, SS.type = "I", data = Pupfish, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) summary(fit, formula = FALSE) anova(fit) coef(fit, test = TRUE) ## ----error = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------- try({ fit$LM$data$coords <- Pupfish$coords fit.par <- lm(fit$call$f1, data = fit$LM$data) all.equal(fit$LM$coefficients, fit.par$coefficients) summary(manova(fit.par)) }) ## ----fig.height=5, fig.width=6------------------------------------------------ shapeDF <- expand.grid(Sex = levels(Pupfish$Sex), Pop = levels(Pupfish$Pop)) rownames(shapeDF) <- paste(shapeDF$Sex, shapeDF$Pop, sep = ".") shapePreds <- predict(fit, shapeDF, confidence = 0.95) plot(shapePreds, PC = TRUE, ellipse = TRUE) # generic plot(shapePreds, PC = TRUE, ellipse = TRUE, pch = 19, col = 1:NROW(shapeDF)) # with added par arguments groups <- interaction(Pupfish$Sex, Pupfish$Pop) plot(fit, type = "PC") # generic plot(fit, type = "PC", pch = 19, col = groups) # with added par arguments ## ----fig.height=5, fig.width=6------------------------------------------------ plot(fit, type = "regression", reg.type = "PredLine", predictor = Pupfish$logSize, pch=19, col = as.numeric(groups)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWT <- pairwise(fit, groups = interaction(Pupfish$Sex, Pupfish$Pop)) summary(PWT, confidence = 0.95) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fit2 <- lm.rrpp(coords ~ logSize * Sex * Pop, SS.type = "I", data = Pupfish, print.progress = FALSE, iter = 999) summary(fit2, formula = FALSE) anova(fit, fit2, print.progress = FALSE) PW2 <- pairwise(fit2, fit.null = fit, groups = groups, covariate = Pupfish$logSize, print.progress = FALSE) PW2 summary(PW2, confidence = 0.95, test.type = "dist") # distances between slope vector lengths summary(PW2, confidence = 0.95, test.type = "dist", stat.table = FALSE) summary(PW2, confidence = 0.95, test.type = "VC", angle.type = "deg") # correlation between slope vectors (and angles) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D <- dist(Pupfish$coords) # inter-observation Euclidean distances Pupfish$D <- D fitD <- lm.rrpp(D ~ logSize + Sex*Pop, SS.type = "I", data = Pupfish, print.progress = FALSE) summary(fitD) summary(fit) anova(fitD) anova(fit) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(PlethMorph) fitOLS <- lm.rrpp(TailLength ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) fitGLS <- lm.rrpp(TailLength ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, Cov = PlethMorph$PhyCov, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) anova(fitOLS) anova(fitGLS) coef(fitOLS, test = TRUE) coef(fitGLS, test = TRUE) ## ----fig.height=4, fig.width=8------------------------------------------------ Y <- as.matrix(cbind(PlethMorph$TailLength, PlethMorph$HeadLength, PlethMorph$TailLength, PlethMorph$Snout.eye, PlethMorph$BodyWidth, PlethMorph$Forelimb, PlethMorph$Hindlimb)) PlethMorph$Y <- Y fitOLSm <- lm.rrpp(Y ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) fitGLSm <- lm.rrpp(Y ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, Cov = PlethMorph$PhyCov, print.progress = FALSE, turbo = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) anova(fitOLSm) anova(fitGLSm) sizeDF <- data.frame(SVL = sort(PlethMorph$SVL)) plot(predict(fitOLSm, sizeDF), PC= TRUE) # Correlated error plot(predict(fitGLSm, sizeDF), PC= TRUE) # Independent error ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- attributes(fit)