title: "Ensemble Quadratic MCMC algorithm detailed example for fitting a Weibull distribution"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Ensemble Quadratic MCMC algorithm detailed example for fitting a Weibull distribution}

```{r, include = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.width = 7,
  fig.height = (4/6)*7

```{r setup}
Load the 'svMisc' package to use the progress bar in the Ensemble MCMC algorithm and load the 'coda' package to return a 'mcmc.list' object from the Ensemble MCMC algorithm that can be used with various MCMC diagnostic functions in the 'coda' package.

```{r eval=TRUE}
Set the seed for this example.

```{r eval=TRUE}

Assume the true parameters in the Weibull distribution are shape $a = 20$ and scale 
$\sigma = 900$, $\textrm{WEI}(a = 20, \sigma = 900)$. Then we take 50 random samples from this Weibull distribution, $Y \sim \textrm{WEI}(a = 20, \sigma = 900)$. 
These random samples, $y_i$ for $i = 1, ..., 50$, are the data to be fitted.

```{r eval=TRUE}

a_shape = 20
sigma_scale = 900

num_ran_samples = 50

data_weibull = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = num_ran_samples)

data_weibull = rweibull(num_ran_samples, shape = a_shape, scale = sigma_scale)

plot(c(1:num_ran_samples), data_weibull, xlab="random samples", ylab="y")
Now, we want to fit a Weibull distribution with shape parameter $a$ and scale 
parameter $\sigma$ to this $y_i$ data using the Ensemble Quadratic MCMC 
algorithm and the prior knowledge that the shape parameter 
$a \sim \textrm{U}(0.01, 100)$ and scale parameter 
$\sigma \sim \textrm{U}(1, 10000)$.

The log prior function and the log likelihood function for $a$ and $\sigma$ are 
coded below.

```{r eval=TRUE}

logp <- function(param)
  a_shape_use = param[1]
  sigma_scale_use = param[2]

  logp_val = dunif(a_shape_use, min = 1e-2, max = 1e2, log = TRUE) + dunif(sigma_scale_use, min = 1, max = 1e4, log = TRUE)


logl <- function(param)
  a_shape_use = param[1]
  sigma_scale_use = param[2]

  logl_val = sum(dweibull(data_weibull, shape = a_shape_use, scale = sigma_scale_use, log = TRUE))


logfuns = list(logp = logp, logl = logl)
It is recommended to use at least twice as many chains as the number of 
parameters to be estimated. Since there are two parameters to be estimated in 
this example, four MCMC chains will be used in the Ensemble Quadratic MCMC 

Next, initial guesses are proposed for each of the four MCMC chains and the 
following while loops ensure that the initial guesses for each of the four MCMC 
chains produces a log unnormalized posterior density value that is not NA or 

```{r eval=TRUE}
num_par = 2

num_chains = 2*num_par

theta0 = matrix(0, nrow = num_par, ncol = num_chains)

temp_val = 0
j = 0

while(j < num_chains)
  initial = c(runif(1, 1e-2, 1e2), runif(1, 1, 1e4))
  temp_val = logl(initial) + logp(initial)

  while(is.na(temp_val) || is.infinite(temp_val))
    initial = c(runif(1, 1e-2, 1e2), runif(1, 1, 1e4))
    temp_val = logl(initial) + logp(initial)
  j = j + 1

  message(paste('j:', j))

  theta0[1,j] = initial[1]
  theta0[2,j] = initial[2]

The Ensemble Quadratic MCMC algorithm will be used with 1e5 iterations for each 
chain in the Ensemble MCMC algorithm and each 10th iteration is returned.

The total number of samples returned by the algorithm is given by

```{r eval=TRUE}
num_chain_iterations = 1e5
thin_val_par = 10

Next, the Ensemble Quadratic MCMC algorithm is run.

```{r eval=TRUE}

Weibull_Quad_result = ensemblealg(theta0, logfuns, T_iter = num_chain_iterations, Thin_val = thin_val_par, ShowProgress = TRUE, ReturnCODA = TRUE)

After the Ensemble Quadratic MCMC algorithm is run, the matrix of parameter 
samples, matrix of log likelihood samples, matrix of log prior samples, and 
'coda' package 'mcmc.list' object are returned from the algorithm.

```{r eval=TRUE}
my_samples = Weibull_Quad_result$theta_sample
my_log_prior = Weibull_Quad_result$log_prior_sample
my_log_like = Weibull_Quad_result$log_like_sample
my_mcmc_list_coda = Weibull_Quad_result$mcmc_list_coda
Use the 'plot' function on the 'mcmc.list' object to view the convergence of the 
chains over the iterations.

```{r eval=TRUE}
varnames(my_mcmc_list_coda) = c("a_shape", "sigma_scale")

Now, we remove (also called burn-in) 25% of each MCMC chain to ensure that we 
use the samples that converged to the estimated unnormalized posterior 

```{r eval=TRUE}
my_samples_burn_in = my_samples[,,-c(1:floor((num_chain_iterations/thin_val_par)*0.25))]

my_log_prior_burn_in = my_log_prior[,-c(1:floor((num_chain_iterations/thin_val_par)*0.25))]

my_log_like_burn_in = my_log_like[,-c(1:floor((num_chain_iterations/thin_val_par)*0.25))]

Then we calculate the potential scale reduction factors, which provide a formal 
test of the convergence of the MCMC sampling to the estimated posterior distribution. The potential scale reduction factor are close to 1 for 
all the estimated parameters, this indicates that the MCMC sampling converged to the estimated posterior distribution for each parameter.

```{r eval=TRUE}
diagnostic_result = psrfdiagnostic(my_samples_burn_in, 0.05)


We collapse the sample matrices into sample vectors to pool all of the MCMC 
chain samples together. 

```{r eval=TRUE}
log_un_post_vec = as.vector(my_log_prior_burn_in + my_log_like_burn_in)

k1 = as.vector(my_samples_burn_in[1,,])

k2 = as.vector(my_samples_burn_in[2,,])
Next, we calculate the posterior median, 95% credible intervals, and maximum 
posterior for the parameters.

```{r eval=TRUE}
#a_shape posterior median and 95% credible interval
hpdparameter(k1, 0.05)
#(The 95% CI is narrower than the prior distribution and it contains the true 
#value of a_shape, 20)

#sigma_scale posterior median and 95% credible interval
hpdparameter(k2, 0.05)
#(The 95% CI is narrower than the prior distribution and it contains the true 
#value of sigma_scale, 900)

#a_shape and sigma_scale maximum posterior

The following plots display the silhouette of the unnormalized posterior surface 
from the chosen parameter's perspective.

```{r eval=TRUE}
plot(k1, exp(log_un_post_vec), xlab="a_shape", ylab="unnormalized posterior density")

```{r eval=TRUE}
plot(k2, exp(log_un_post_vec), xlab="sigma_scale", ylab="unnormalized posterior density")
Now, ten thousand MCMC samples are used to generate the posterior predictive 
distribution. (Also, the Bayesian p-value is calculated in this for loop, which 
assesses the goodness of fit of the Weibull distribution to data).

```{r eval=TRUE}
num_samples = 10000

w_predict = matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = length(data_weibull))

discrepancy_w = matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = 1)
discrepancy_w_pred = matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = 1)
ind_pred_exceeds_w = matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = 1)

for (i in (length(log_un_post_vec) - num_samples + 1):length(log_un_post_vec))
  l = i - (length(log_un_post_vec) - num_samples)

    w_predict[l,] = rweibull(length(data_weibull), shape = k1[i], scale = k2[i])

    my_w_mean = k2[i]*gamma(1 + (1/k1[i]))

    discrepancy_w[l,1] = sum((data_weibull - rep(my_w_mean, length(data_weibull)))^2)

    discrepancy_w_pred[l,1] = sum((w_predict[l,] - rep(my_w_mean, length(data_weibull)))^2)

    if(discrepancy_w_pred[l,1] > discrepancy_w[l,1])
      ind_pred_exceeds_w[l,1] = 1
      ind_pred_exceeds_w[l,1] = 0

  svMisc::progress(l,num_samples,progress.bar = TRUE,init = (l == 1))

The Bayesian p-value uses the sum of squares discrepancy function and the
Bayesian p-value is 0.6613, which indicates that there is no evidence against 
the null hypothesis that the model predictions fit the data.

This Bayesian p-value measures how extreme is the realized value of the sum of 
squares discrepancy among all possible values that could have been realized
under this model with the same parameters that generates the current data.

Note: If this Bayesian p-value was close to 0 or 1, then there would be
evidence against the null hypothesis that the model predictions fit the data.
Extreme tail-area probabilities, less than 0.01 or more than 0.99, indicate a
major failure of the model predictions to fit the data.

```{r eval=TRUE}
Bayes_p_value = sum(ind_pred_exceeds_w)/length(ind_pred_exceeds_w)

Next, the lower and upper 95% prediction interval is calculated.

```{r eval=TRUE}
w_predict_lower = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(data_weibull))
w_predict_upper = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(data_weibull))

for(j in 1:length(data_weibull))
  w_predict_lower[j] = quantile(w_predict[,j], probs = 0.025)
  w_predict_upper[j] = quantile(w_predict[,j], probs = 0.975)
Lastly, the data, posterior predictive mean, and 95% prediction interval is 
plotted., and this plot illustrates the good fit of the Weibull distribution to 
the generated data.

```{r eval=TRUE}
plot(c(1:num_ran_samples), data_weibull, main="Weibull dist. (a = 20, sigma = 900) Example",
     xlab="random samples", ylab="y", type = "p", lty = 0, ylim = c(600, 1000))
lines(c(1:num_ran_samples), colMeans(w_predict), type = "l", lty = 1, col = "blue")
lines(c(1:num_ran_samples), w_predict_lower, type = "l", lty = 2, col = "blue")
lines(c(1:num_ran_samples), w_predict_upper, type = "l", lty = 2, col = "blue")

legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Data", "Posterior predictive mean", "95% prediction interval"), lty=c(0,1,2), col = c("black", "blue", "blue"), pch=c(1,NA,NA))
