## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## libraries needed for example library(PracTools) library(sampling) library(ggplot2) ## Use PracTools smho.N874 data set data(smho.N874) ## Remove hosp.type == 4 as it is out-patient and has no BEDS smho <- smho.N874[smho.N874$hosp.type != 4, ] ## Use co-variate BEDS for MOS ## Re-code BEDS to have a minimum MOS of 5 smho$BEDS[smho$BEDS <= 5] <- 5 ## Create 1-draw probability vector based on BEDS smho$pi1 <- inclusionprobabilities(smho$BEDS, 1) ## Create vector for sampling n=50 pik <- inclusionprobabilities(smho$BEDS, 50) ## Create sample seed <- 20230802 set.seed(seed) sample <- UPrandomsystematic(pik = pik) smho.samp <- smho[sample == 1, ] ## Create vector of weights wgt <- 1/pik[sample == 1]