## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(PerseusR) dataFolder <- system.file('extdata', package = 'PerseusR') dataFiles <- list.files(dataFolder, pattern = "matrix[[:digit:]]*.txt", full.names=TRUE) dataFile <- dataFiles[[1]] default_output <- read.perseus.default(dataFile) class(default_output) print(default_output) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dm_out <- read.perseus.as.matrixData(dataFile) class(dm_out) print(dm_out) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ main(dm_out) annotRows(dm_out) annotCols(dm_out) PerseusR::description(dm_out) # Biobase has a descr function as well... ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ require(Biobase) eSet_out <- read.perseus.as.ExpressionSet(dataFile) class(eSet_out) print(eSet_out) eSet_out@annotation ## ----error=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- df <- matrixData( main = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 6:8), annotCols = data.frame(c = c('a','b','c')), annotRows = data.frame(x = factor(c('1','1')))) MatrixDataCheck(df) my_error <- try({ matrixData( main = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 6:8, c = 1:3), annotCols = data.frame(c = c('a','b','c')), annotRows = data.frame(x = factor(c('1','1')))) }) print(my_error) ## ---- message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------- my_list <- list(main = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 6:8), annotCols = data.frame(c = c('a','b','c')), annotRows = data.frame(x = factor(c('1','1')))) MatrixDataCheck(my_list) my_list <- list(main = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 6:8, c = 1:3), annotCols = data.frame(c = c('a','b','c')), annotRows = data.frame(x = factor(c('1','1')))) my_error <- try({ MatrixDataCheck(my_list) }) print(my_error) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eSet <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2)) MatrixDataCheck(eSet) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Here you can use any tipe of conection, similar to th base write... functions # The usage should be fairly similar to the write.table function tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(dm_out, tmp.file) # which would output somethint like this cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_df <- data.frame(Con1 = 1:3, Con2 = 4:6, An1 = letters[1:3]) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(my_df, con = tmp.file) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_matrix <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[11:15], letters[1:2])) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(my_matrix, con = tmp.file) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_list <- list(main = data.frame(A = 1:5, B = 6:10), annotRows = data.frame(is_control = c(TRUE, FALSE)), annotCols = data.frame(Names = letters[1:5]), descr = c('something', 'something else', 'yet another thing')) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(my_list, con = tmp.file) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eSet <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2)) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(eSet, con = tmp.file) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_matrix <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[11:15], letters[1:2])) my_annotations_rows <- data.frame(My_Names = letters[1:2]) my_annotations_cols <- data.frame(My_Genes = letters[11:15]) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(my_matrix, con = tmp.file, annotCols = my_annotations_cols, annotRows = my_annotations_rows) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_matrix <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[11:15], letters[1:2])) tmp.file <- tempfile(fileext="txt") write.perseus(my_matrix, con = tmp.file, annotCols = NULL) cat(readLines(tmp.file), sep = '\n')