## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- rmarkdown::find_pandoc(version = '') knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----IV1, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------- library(PartialNetwork) set.seed(123) # Number of groups M <- 30 # size of each group N <- rep(50,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network distribution distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(distr) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) y <- y$y # generate instruments instr <- sim.IV(distr, X, y, replication = 1, power = 1) GY1c1 <- instr[[1]]$G1y # proxy for Gy (draw 1) GXc1 <- instr[[1]]$G1X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 1) GXc2 <- instr[[1]]$G2X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 2) # build dataset # keep only instrument constructed using a different draw than the one used to proxy Gy dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, GY1c1, GXc1, GXc2)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2","G1y", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G2X1", "G2X2") ## ----IV2, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE----------------------------- library(AER) # Same draws out.iv1 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G1X1 + G1X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv1) ## ----IV3, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE----------------------------- # Different draws out.iv2 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G2X1 + G2X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv2) ## ----IV3bias------------------------------------------------------------------ ddS <- as.matrix(cbind(1, dataset[,c("X1", "X2", "G1y")])) #\ddot{S} dZ <- as.matrix(cbind(1, dataset[,c("X1", "X2", "G2X1", "G2X2")]))#\dot{Z} dZddS <- crossprod(dZ, ddS)/sum(N) W <- solve(crossprod(dZ)/sum(N)) matM <- solve(crossprod(dZddS, W%*%dZddS), crossprod(dZddS, W)) maxbias <- apply(sapply(1:1000, function(...){ dddGy <- peer.avg(sim.network(distr, normalise = TRUE) , y) abs(matM%*%crossprod(dZ, dddGy - dataset$G1y)/sum(N)) }), 1, max); names(maxbias) <- c("(Intercept)", "X1", "X2", "G1y") {cat("Maximal absolute bias\n"); print(maxbias)} ## ----IV4, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------- rm(list = ls()) library(PartialNetwork) set.seed(123) # Number of groups M <- 30 # size of each group N <- rep(50,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # contextual effects gamma <- c(5, -3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network distribution distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(distr) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # GX GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) y <- y$y # generate instruments # we need power = 2 for models with contextual effetcs instr <- sim.IV(distr, X, y, replication = 1, power = 2) GY1c1 <- instr[[1]]$G1y # proxy for Gy (draw 1) GXc1 <- instr[[1]]$G1X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 1) GXc2 <- instr[[1]]$G2X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 2) GXc2sq <- instr[[1]]$G2X[,,2] # proxy for G^2X (draw 2) # build dataset # keep only instrument constructed using a different draw than the one used to proxy Gy dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, GX, GY1c1, GXc1, GXc2, GXc2sq)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "GX1", "GX2", "G1y", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G2X1", "G2X2", "G2X1sq", "G2X2sq") ## ----IV5, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE----------------------------- # Different draws out.iv2 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + GX1 + GX2 + G1X1 + G1X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + GX1 + GX2 + G1X1 + G1X2 + G2X1 + G2X2 + G2X1sq + G2X2sq, data = dataset) summary(out.iv2) ## ----IV5bias------------------------------------------------------------------ ddS <- as.matrix(cbind(1, dataset[,c("X1", "X2", "GX1", "GX2", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G1y")])) dZ <- as.matrix(cbind(1, dataset[,c("X1", "X2", "GX1", "GX2", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G2X1", "G2X2", "G2X1sq", "G2X2sq")])) dZddS <- crossprod(dZ, ddS)/sum(N) W <- solve(crossprod(dZ)/sum(N)) matM <- solve(crossprod(dZddS, W%*%dZddS), crossprod(dZddS, W)) maxbias <- apply(sapply(1:1000, function(...){ dddGy <- peer.avg(sim.network(distr, normalise = TRUE) , y) abs(matM%*%crossprod(dZ, dddGy - dataset$G1y)/sum(N)) }), 1, max); names(maxbias) <- c("(Intercept)", "X1", "X2", "GX1", "GX2", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G1y") {cat("Maximal absolute bias\n"); print(maxbias)} ## ----smm1, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------- rm(list = ls()) library(PartialNetwork) set.seed(123) # Number of groups M <- 100 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network distribution distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(distr) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # Matrix GX GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) Gy <- y$Gy y <- y$y # build dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") ## ----Smmload, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------ load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/smm.rda?raw=true')) ## ----Smm2, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smm1 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 | Gy | GX1 + GX2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 1, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(out.smm1) ## ----Smm2a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smm1) ## ----Smm3, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smm2 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 || GX1 + GX2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 1, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(out.smm2) ## ----Smm3a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smm2) ## ----Smm4, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smm3 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 | Gy, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(out.smm3) ## ----Smm4a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smm3) ## ----Smm5, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smm4 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(out.smm4) ## ----Smm5a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smm4) ## ----smm6a, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) ## ----smm6b, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------ library(PartialNetwork) set.seed(123) # Number of groups M <- 200 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # individual effects beta <- c(1, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network distribution distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5), rpois(sum(N),7)) # Groups' fixed effects # In order to have groups' heterogeneity correlated to X (fixed effects), # We consider the quantile of X2 at 25% in the group eff <- unlist(lapply(1:M, function(x) rep(quantile(X[(c(0, cumsum(N))[x]+1):(cumsum(N)[x]),2], probs = 0.25), each = N[x]))) print(c("cor(eff, X1)" = cor(eff, X[,1]), "cor(eff, X2)" = cor(eff, X[,2]))) # We can see that eff is correlated to X2. We can confirm that the correlation is # strongly significant. print(c("p.value.cor(eff, X1)" = cor.test(eff, X[,1])$p.value, "p.value.cor(eff, X2)" = cor.test(eff, X[,2])$p.value)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(distr) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # Matrix GX GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ -1 + eff + X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) Gy <- y$Gy y <- y$y # build dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") ## ----Smm7, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smmeff1 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 || GX1 + GX2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # fixed.effects = T, smm.ctr = list(R = 1, print = F), # data = dataset) # summary(out.smmeff1) ## ----Smm7a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smme1) ## ----Smm8, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smmeff2 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 | Gy, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # fixed.effects = T, smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), # data = dataset) # summary(out.smmeff2) ## ----Smm8a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smme2) ## ----Smm9, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------- # out.smmeff3 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, fixed.effects = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(out.smmeff3) ## ----Smm9a, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- print(smm$smme3) ## ----Smm10, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------- # fMC <- function(...){ # # Number of groups # M <- 200 # # size of each group # N <- rep(30,M) # # individual effects # beta <- c(1, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 1 # # network distribution # distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) # distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5), rpois(sum(N),7)) # # Groups' fixed effects # # We defined the groups' fixed effect as the quantile at 25% of X2 in the group # # This implies that the effects are correlated with X # eff <- unlist(lapply(1:M, function(x) # rep(quantile(X[(c(0, cumsum(N))[x]+1):(cumsum(N)[x]),2], probs = 0.25), each = N[x]))) # # true network # G0 <- sim.network(distr) # # normalise # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # Matrix GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ -1 + eff + X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) # Gy <- y$Gy # y <- y$y # # build dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) # colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") # out.smmeff1 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 || GX1 + GX2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # fixed.effects = T, smm.ctr = list(R = 1, print = F), # data = dataset) # out.smmeff2 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2 | Gy, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, # fixed.effects = T, smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), # data = dataset) # out.smmeff3 <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = distr, contextual = T, fixed.effects = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), data = dataset) # out <- data.frame("GX.observed" = out.smmeff1$estimates, # "Gy.observed" = out.smmeff2$estimates, # "None.observed" = out.smmeff3$estimates) # out # } ## ----Smm10a, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------- # smm.Monte.C <- lapply(1:250, fMC) ## ----Smm10b, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------- # Reduce('+', smm.Monte.C)/250 ## ----Smm10c, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------- print(smm$smmmc) ## ----smmsave, echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------- # smm <- list(smm1 = out.smm1, smm2 = out.smm2, # smm3 = out.smm3, smm4 = out.smm4, # smme1 = out.smmeff1, smme2 = out.smmeff2, # smme3 = out.smmeff3, smmmc = smm$smmmc) # save(smm, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/smm.rda") ## ----Smmlogitload, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE------------------- load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/smmlogit.rda?raw=true')) ## ----smmp1, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------- # library(PartialNetwork) # rm(list = ls()) # set.seed(123) # # Number of groups # M <- 100 # # size of each group # N <- rep(30,M) # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # network formation model parameter # rho <- c(-0.8, 0.2, -0.1) # # individual effects # beta <- c(2, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 1 # # network # tmp <- c(0, cumsum(N)) # X1l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],1]) # X2l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],2]) # dist.net <- function(x, y) abs(x - y) # X1.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X1l[[m]], X1l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # X2.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X2l[[m]], X2l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # Xnet <- as.matrix(cbind("Const" = 1, # "dX1" = mat.to.vec(X1.mat), # "dX2" = mat.to.vec(X2.mat))) # ynet <- Xnet %*% rho # ynet <- c(1*((ynet + rlogis(length(ynet))) > 0)) # G0 <- vec.to.mat(ynet, N, normalise = FALSE) # # normalise # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # Matrix GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) # Gy <- y$Gy # y <- y$y # # build dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) # colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") ## ----smmp2, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------- # nNet <- nrow(Xnet) # network formation model sample size # Aobs <- sample(1:nNet, round(0.3*nNet)) # We observed 30% # # We can estimate rho using the gml function from the stats package # logestim <- glm(ynet[Aobs] ~ -1 + Xnet[Aobs,], family = binomial(link = "logit")) # slogestim <- summary(logestim) # rho.est <- logestim$coefficients # rho.var <- slogestim$cov.unscaled # we also need the covariance of the estimator ## ----smmp3, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------- # d.logit <- lapply(1:M, function(x) { # out <- 1/(1 + exp(-rho.est[1] - rho.est[2]*X1.mat[[x]] - # rho.est[3]*X2.mat[[x]])) # diag(out) <- 0 # out}) ## ----Smmp4, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------- # smm.logit <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = d.logit, contextual = T, # smm.ctr = list(R = 100, print = F), data = dataset) # summary(smm.logit) ## ----Smmp4b, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------- print(smmlo$smm1) ## ----Smmp5, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------- # fdist <- function(rho.est, rho.var, M, X1.mat, X2.mat){ # rho.est1 <- MASS::mvrnorm(mu = rho.est, Sigma = rho.var) # lapply(1:M, function(x) { # out <- 1/(1 + exp(-rho.est1[1] - rho.est1[2]*X1.mat[[x]] - # rho.est1[3]*X2.mat[[x]])) # diag(out) <- 0 # out}) # } ## ----Smmp6a, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------- # fdist_args <- list(rho.est = rho.est, rho.var = rho.var, M = M, X1.mat = X1.mat, # X2.mat = X2.mat) # summary(smm.logit, dnetwork = d.logit, data = dataset, .fun = fdist, .args = fdist_args, # sim = 500, ncores = 8) # ncores performs simulations in parallel ## ----Smmp6c, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------- print(smmlo$smm2) ## ----smmlogitsave, echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------------------- # smm2 <- summary(smm.logit, dnetwork = d.logit, data = dataset, .fun = fdist, .args = fdist_args, sim = 500, ncores = 8) # smmlo <- list(smm1 = smm.logit, smm2 = smm2) # save(smmlo, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/smmlogit.rda") ## ----BayesNone0, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/out.none.rda?raw=true')) #save(out.none1, out.none2.1, out.none2.2, out.none3.1, out.none3.2, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/out.none.rda") ## ----BayesNone1as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # set.seed(123) # # EXAMPLE I: WITHOUT NETWORK FORMATION MODEL # # Number of groups # M <- 50 # # size of each group # N <- rep(30,M) # # individual effects # beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # # contextual effects # gamma <- c(5,-3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 1 # # network distribution # distr <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) # distr <- vec.to.mat(distr, N, normalise = FALSE) # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # true network # G0 <- sim.network(distr) # # normalize # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) # y <- y$y # # dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) ## ----BayesNone1ae, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # Example I-1: When the network is fully observed # out.none1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all", # G0 = G0, data = dataset, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.none1) ## ----BayesNone1b, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- summary(out.none1) ## ----BayesNone21s, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # Example I-2: When a part of the network is observed # # 60% of the network data is observed # G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(rbinom(x^2, 1, 0.6), x)) ## ----BayesNone21e, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # replace the non-observed part of the network by 0 (missing links) # G0.start <- lapply(1:M, function(x) G0[[x]]*G0.obs[[x]]) # # Use network with missing data as the true network # out.none2.1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all", # G0 = G0.start, data = dataset, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.none2.1) # the peer effets seem overestimated ## ----BayesNone21b, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- summary(out.none2.1) # the peer effets seem overestimated ## ----BayesNone22a, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # out.none2.2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = G0.obs, # G0 = G0.start, data = dataset, # mlinks = list(dnetwork = distr), iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.none2.2) ## ----BayesNone22b, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- summary(out.none2.2) ## ----BayesNone31as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # Example I-3: When only the network distribution is available # # Simulate a fictitious network and use as true network # G0.tmp <- sim.network(distr) # out.none3.1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all", # G0 = G0.tmp, data = dataset, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.none3.1) # the peer effets seem overestimated ## ----BayesNone31b, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- summary(out.none3.1) # the peer effets seem overestimated ## ----BayesNone32a, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # out.none3.2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "none", # data = dataset, mlinks = list(dnetwork = distr), iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.none3.2) ## ----BayesNone32b, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- summary(out.none3.2) ## ----BayesLog0, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/out.logi.rda?raw=true')) # save(out.logi2.2, out.logi3.2, slogestim, sout.logi4.1, sout.logi4.2, sout.logi4.3, sout.selb1, sout.selb2, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/out.logi.rda") ## ----BayesLog1as, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # EXAMPLE II: NETWORK FORMATION MODEL: LOGIT # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # set.seed(123) # # Number of groups # M <- 50 # # size of each group # N <- rep(30,M) # # individual effects # beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # # contextual effects # gamma <- c(5,-3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 2 # # parameters of the network formation model # rho <- c(-2, -.5, .2) # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # compute distance between individuals # tmp <- c(0, cumsum(N)) # X1l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],1]) # X2l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],2]) # dist.net <- function(x, y) abs(x - y) # X1.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X1l[[m]], X1l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # X2.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X2l[[m]], X2l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # # true network # Xnet <- as.matrix(cbind("Const" = 1, # "dX1" = mat.to.vec(X1.mat), # "dX2" = mat.to.vec(X2.mat))) # ynet <- Xnet %*% rho # ynet <- 1*((ynet + rlogis(length(ynet))) > 0) # G0 <- vec.to.mat(ynet, N, normalise = FALSE) # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) # y <- y$y # # dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) ## ----BayesLog21as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # Example II-1: When a part of the network is observed # # 60% of the network data is observed # G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(rbinom(x^2, 1, 0.6), x)) # # replace the non-observed part of the network by 0 # G0.start <- lapply(1:M, function(x) G0[[x]]*G0.obs[[x]]) # # Infer the missing links in the network data # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet)) ## ----BayesLog21ae, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # out.logi2.2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = G0.obs, # G0 = G0.start, data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, # iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.logi2.2) ## ----BayesLog22b, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- summary(out.logi2.2) ## ----BayesLog22c, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"------------------------ plot(out.logi2.2, plot.type = "sim", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----BayesLog22cc, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"----------------------- plot(out.logi2.2, plot.type = "sim", which.parms = "rho", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----BayesLog31as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # Example II-2: When only the network distribution is available # # Infer the network data # # We only provide estimate of rho and its variance # Gvec <- mat.to.vec(G0, ceiled = TRUE) # logestim <- glm(Gvec ~ -1 + Xnet, family = binomial(link = "logit")) # slogestim <- summary(logestim) # estimates <- list("rho" = logestim$coefficients, # "var.rho" = slogestim$cov.unscaled, # "N" = N) # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet), estimates = estimates) # out.logi3.2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "none", # data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.logi3.2) ## ----BayesLog32b, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- summary(out.logi3.2) ## ----BayesLog32c, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"------------------------ plot(out.logi3.2, plot.type = "sim", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----BayesLog32cc, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"----------------------- plot(out.logi3.2, plot.type = "sim", which.parms = "rho", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----BayesLog21ae3, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # estimates <- list("rho" = logestim$coefficients, # "var.rho" = slogestim$cov.unscaled) # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet), estimates = estimates) # out.logi4.1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = G0.obs, # G0 = G0.start, data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, # iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.logi4.1) ## ----BayesLog21ae4, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------- print(sout.logi4.1) ## ----BayesLog21ae1, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------- print(slogestim) ## ----BayesLog21ae5, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # prior <- list("rho" = c(0, 0, 0), # "var.rho" = diag(3)) # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet), prior = prior) # out.logi4.2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = G0.obs, # G0 = G0.start, data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, # iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.logi4.2) ## ----BayesLog21ae6, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------ print(sout.logi4.2) ## ----BayesLog21ae8, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------ print(sout.logi4.3) ## ----Bayesard0, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/out.ard.rda?raw=true')) # save(data.plot1, data.plot2, genz, genv, zi, vk, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/out.ard.rda") ## ----ard1, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # set.seed(123) # # LATENT SPACE MODEL # N <- 500 # genzeta <- 1 # mu <- -1.35 # sigma <- 0.37 # K <- 12 # number of traits # P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # # ARD parameters # # Generate z (spherical coordinates) # genz <- rvMF(N, rep(0,P)) # # Generate nu from a Normal(mu, sigma^2) (The gregariousness) # gennu <- rnorm(N, mu, sigma) # # compute degrees # gend <- N*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # # Link probabilities # distr <- sim.dnetwork(gennu, gend, genzeta, genz) # # Adjacency matrix # G <- sim.network(distr) # # Generate vk, the trait location # genv <- rvMF(K, rep(0, P)) # # set fixed some vk distant # genv[1,] <- c(1, 0, 0) # genv[2,] <- c(0, 1, 0) # genv[3,] <- c(0, 0, 1) # # eta, the intensity parameter # geneta <- abs(rnorm(K, 2, 1)) # # Build traits matrix # densityatz <- matrix(0, N, K) # for(k in 1:K){ # densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz, genv[k,]*geneta[k]) # } # trait <- matrix(0, N, K) # NK <- floor(runif(K, 0.8, 0.95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) # for (k in 1:K) { # trait[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) # } # # Build ADR # ARD <- G %*% trait # # generate b # genb <- numeric(K) # for(k in 1:K){ # genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) # } ## ----ard1as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # Example1: ARD is observed for the whole population # # initialization # d0 <- exp(rnorm(N)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K) # zeta0 <- 2; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N, rep(0,P)), N); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0, P)), K) # # We should fix some vk and bk # vfixcolumn <- 1:5 # bfixcolumn <- c(3, 7, 9) # b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] # v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] # start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, # "zeta" = zeta0) ## ----ard1e, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # # MCMC # estim.ard1 <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, # consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) ## ----ardaa1, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # plot coordinates of individual 123 # i <- 123 # zi <- estim.ard1$simulations$z[i,,] # par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(2.1, 2.1, 1, 1)) # invisible(lapply(1:3, function(x) { # plot(zi[x,], type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) # abline(h = genz[i, x], col = "red") # })) ## ----ardaa1a, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 4, fig.align = "center"---------------- i <- 123 par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(2.1, 2.1, 1, 1)) invisible(lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(zi[x,], type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genz[i, x], col = "red") })) ## ----ardaa2, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # plot coordinates of the trait 8 # k <- 8 # vk <- estim.ard1$simulations$v[k,,] # par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(2.1, 2.1, 1, 1)) # invisible(lapply(1:3, function(x) { # plot(vk[x,], type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) # abline(h = genv[k, x], col = "red") # })) ## ----ardaa2a, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 4, fig.align = "center"---------------- k <- 8 par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(2.1, 2.1, 1, 1)) invisible(lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(vk[x,], type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genv[k, x], col = "red") })) ## ----ardb, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # # plot degree # library(ggplot2) # data.plot1 <- data.frame(True_degree = gend, # Estim_degree = colMeans(tail(estim.ard1$simulations$d, 2500))) # ggplot(data = data.plot1, aes(x = True_degree, y = Estim_degree)) + # geom_abline(col = "red") + geom_point(col = "blue") ## ----ardbb, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"---- library(ggplot2) ggplot(data = data.plot1, aes(x = True_degree, y = Estim_degree)) + geom_abline(col = "red") + geom_point(col = "blue") ## ----ard2as, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # Example2: ARD is observed for 70% population # # sample with ARD # n <- round(0.7*N) # # individual with ARD # iselect <- sort(sample(1:N, n, replace = FALSE)) # ARDs <- ARD[iselect,] # traits <- trait[iselect,] # # initialization # d0 <- d0[iselect]; z0 <- z0[iselect,] # start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) ## ----ard2ae, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # MCMC # estim.ard2 <- mcmcARD(Y = ARDs, traitARD = traits, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, # consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) ## ----ard2b, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # # estimation for non ARD # # we need a logical vector indicating if the i-th element has ARD # hasARD <- (1:N) %in% iselect # # we use the matrix of traits to estimate distance between individuals # estim.nard2 <- fit.dnetwork(estim.ard2, X = trait, obsARD = hasARD, m = 1) ## ----arde, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # estimated degree # estd <- estim.nard2$degree # data.plot2 <- data.frame(True_degree = gend, # Estim_degree = estd, # Has_ARD = ifelse(hasARD, "YES", "NO")) # ggplot(data = data.plot2, aes(x = True_degree, y = Estim_degree, colour = Has_ARD)) + # geom_abline(col = "red") + geom_point() ## ----ardee, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"---- ggplot(data = data.plot2, aes(x = True_degree, y = Estim_degree, colour = Has_ARD)) + geom_abline(col = "red") + geom_point() ## ----Bayesard00, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- load(url('https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/blob/master/datavignettes/out.lsp.rda?raw=true')) #save(out.lspa1, out.lspa2, file = "~/Dropbox/Papers - In progress/Partial Network/Package/AH/PartialNetwork/datavignettes/out.lsp.rda") ## ----bayesard1, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # set.seed(123) # M <- 30 # N <- rep(60, M) # genzeta <- 3 # mu <- -1.35 # sigma <- 0.37 # K <- 12 # number of traits # P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # # # IN THIS LOOP, WE GENERATE DATA FOLLOWING BREZA ET AL. (2020) AND # # ESTIMATE THEIR LATENT SPACE MODEL FOR EACH SUB-NETWORK. # estimates <- list() # list.trait <- list() # G0 <- list() # for (m in 1:M) { # ####################################################################################### # ####### SIMULATION STAGE ######## # ####################################################################################### # # ARD parameters # # Generate z (spherical coordinates) # genz <- rvMF(N[m], rep(0,P)) # # Generate nu from a Normal(mu, sigma^2) (The gregariousness) # gennu <- rnorm(N[m],mu,sigma) # # compute degrees # gend <- N[m]*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # # Link probabilities # distr <- sim.dnetwork(gennu, gend, genzeta, genz) # # Adjacency matrix # G <- sim.network(distr) # G0[[m]] <- G # # Generate vk, the trait location # genv <- rvMF(K, rep(0, P)) # # set fixed some vk distant # genv[1,] <- c(1, 0, 0) # genv[2,] <- c(0, 1, 0) # genv[3,] <- c(0, 0, 1) # # eta, the intensity parameter # geneta <-abs(rnorm(K, 2, 1)) # # Build traits matrix # densityatz <- matrix(0, N[m], K) # for(k in 1:K){ # densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz, genv[k,]*geneta[k]) # } # trait <- matrix(0, N[m], K) # NK <- floor(runif(K, .8, .95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) # for (k in 1:K) { # trait[,k] <- rbinom(N[m], 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) # } # list.trait[[m]] <- trait # # Build ADR # ARD <- G %*% trait # # generate b # genb <- numeric(K) # for(k in 1:K){ # genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) + 1e-8 # } # # ####################################################################################### # ####### ESTIMATION STAGE ######## # ####################################################################################### # # initialization # d0 <- gend; b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- genzeta # z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N[m], rep(0,P)), N[m]); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0, P)), K) # # We should fix some vk and bk # vfixcolumn <- 1:5 # bfixcolumn <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) # b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] # v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] # start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, # "zeta" = zeta0) # estimates[[m]] <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, # consb = bfixcolumn, sim.d = FALSE, sim.zeta = FALSE, # iteration = 5000, ctrl.mcmc = list(print = FALSE)) # } # # # SIMULATE DATA FOR THE OUTCOME MODEL # # individual effects # beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # # contextual effects # gamma <- c(5,-3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 1 # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # Normalise G0 # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) # y <- y$y # # dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) ## ----bayesard2s, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # mlinks <- list(model = "latent space", estimates = estimates) # out.lspa1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "none", # data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.lspa1) ## ----Bayesard2b, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- summary(out.lspa1) ## ----Bayesard2c, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"------------------------- plot(out.lspa1, plot.type = "sim", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----bayesard3, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # set.seed(123) # M <- 30 # N <- rep(60, M) # genzeta <- 3 # mu <- -1.35 # sigma <- 0.37 # K <- 12 # P <- 3 # # # IN THIS LOOP, WE GENERATE DATA FOLLOWING BREZA ET AL. (2020) AND # # ESTIMATE THEIR LATENT SPACE MODEL FOR EACH SUB-NETWORK. # estimates <- list() # list.trait <- list() # obARD <- list() # G0 <- list() # for (m in 1:M) { # ####################################################################################### # ####### SIMULATION STAGE ######## # ####################################################################################### # # ARD parameters # # Generate z (spherical coordinates) # genz <- rvMF(N[m], rep(0,P)) # # Generate nu from a Normal(mu, sigma^2) (The gregariousness) # gennu <- rnorm(N[m],mu,sigma) # # compute degrees # gend <- N[m]*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # # Link probabilities # distr <- sim.dnetwork(gennu, gend, genzeta, genz) # # Adjacency matrix # G <- sim.network(distr) # G0[[m]] <- G # # Generate vk, the trait location # genv <- rvMF(K, rep(0, P)) # # set fixed some vk distant # genv[1,] <- c(1, 0, 0) # genv[2,] <- c(0, 1, 0) # genv[3,] <- c(0, 0, 1) # # eta, the intensity parameter # geneta <-abs(rnorm(K, 2, 1)) # # Build traits matrix # densityatz <- matrix(0, N[m], K) # for(k in 1:K){ # densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz, genv[k,]*geneta[k]) # } # trait <- matrix(0, N[m], K) # NK <- floor(runif(K, .8, .95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) # for (k in 1:K) { # trait[,k] <- rbinom(N[m], 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) # } # list.trait[[m]] <- trait # # Build ADR # ARD <- G %*% trait # # generate b # genb <- numeric(K) # for(k in 1:K){ # genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) + 1e-8 # } # # sample with ARD # n <- round(runif(1, .7, 1)*N[m]) # # individual with ARD # iselect <- sort(sample(1:N[m], n, replace = FALSE)) # hasARD <- (1:N[m]) %in% iselect # obARD[[m]] <- hasARD # ARDs <- ARD[iselect,] # traits <- trait[iselect,] # ####################################################################################### # ####### ESTIMATION STAGE ######## # ####################################################################################### # # initialization # d0 <- gend[iselect]; b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- genzeta # z0 <- matrix(rvMF(n, rep(0,P)), n); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K, rep(0, P)), K) # # We should fix some vk and bk # vfixcolumn <- 1:5 # bfixcolumn <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) # b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn]; v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] # start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, # "zeta" = zeta0) # estimates[[m]] <- mcmcARD(Y = ARDs, traitARD = traits, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, # consb = bfixcolumn, sim.d = FALSE, sim.zeta = FALSE, # iteration = 5000, ctrl.mcmc = list(print = FALSE)) # } # # # SIMULATE DATA FOR THE OUTCOME MODEL # # individual effects # beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # # contextual effects # gamma <- c(5,-3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 1 # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # Normalise G0 # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) # y <- y$y # # dataset # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) ## ----bayesard4s, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # mlinks <- list(model = "latent space", estimates = estimates, # mlinks.data = list.trait, obsARD = obARD) # out.lspa2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "none", # data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.lspa2) ## ----Bayesard4b, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- summary(out.lspa2) ## ----Bayesard4c, fig.height = 3, fig.align = "center"------------------------- plot(out.lspa2, plot.type = "sim", mar = c(3, 2.1, 1, 1)) ## ----selb1, echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # rm(list = ls()) # library(PartialNetwork) # library(dplyr) # set.seed(123) # # Number of groups # M <- 50 # # size of each group # N <- rep(30,M) # # individual effects # beta <- c(2, 1, 1.5) # # contextual effects # gamma <- c(5,-3) # # endogenous effects # alpha <- 0.4 # # std-dev errors # se <- 2 # # parameters of the network formation model # rho <- c(-0.5, -.5, .4) # # covariates # X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # # compute distance between individuals # tmp <- c(0, cumsum(N)) # X1l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],1]) # X2l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],2]) # dist.net <- function(x, y) abs(x - y) # X1.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X1l[[m]], X1l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # X2.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { # matrix(kronecker(X2l[[m]], X2l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) # # true network # Xnet <- as.matrix(cbind("Const" = 1, # "dX1" = mat.to.vec(X1.mat), # "dX2" = mat.to.vec(X2.mat))) # ynet <- Xnet %*% rho # ynet <- c(1*((ynet + rlogis(length(ynet))) > 0)) # G0 <- vec.to.mat(ynet, N, normalise = FALSE) # # number of friends # nfriends <- unlist(lapply(G0, function(x) rowSums(x))) # # number of missing links # nmislink <- sapply(nfriends, function(x) sample(0:x, 1)) ## ----selb2, echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # Gobs <- list(M) # The observed network # G0.obs <- list(M) # Which information is true and doubtful # for(x in 1:M){ # Gx <- G0[[x]] # G0.obsx <- matrix(1, N[x], N[x]); diag(G0.obsx) <- 0 # csum <- cumsum(c(0, N)) # nmis <- nmislink[(csum[x] + 1):csum[x + 1]] # for (i in 1:N[x]) { # if(nmis[i] > 0){ # tmp <- which(c(Gx[i,]) == 1) # if(length(which(c(Gx[i,]) == 1)) > 1) { # tmp <- sample(which(c(Gx[i,]) == 1), nmis[i]) # } # Gx[i,tmp] <- 0 # G0.obsx[i,] <- 0 # } # } # Gobs[[x]] <- Gx # G0.obs[[x]] <- G0.obsx # } # G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # # GX # GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # # simulate dependent variable use an external package # y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, # theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) # y <- y$y # # data set # dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) ## ---- selb3a, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------- # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet)) # out.selb1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0 = Gobs, # G0.obs = G0.obs, data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, # iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.selb1) ## ---- selb3b, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ print(sout.selb1) ## ---- selb3c, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------- # G0.obsvec <- as.logical(mat.to.vec(G0.obs)) # Gvec <- mat.to.vec(Gobs, ceiled = TRUE)[G0.obsvec] # W <- unlist(data.frame(nfriends = nfriends, nmislink = nmislink) %>% # group_by(nfriends) %>% # summarise(w = length(nmislink)/sum(nmislink == 0)) %>% # select(w)) # W <- lapply(1:M, function(x){ # matrix(rep(W[rowSums(G0[[x]]) + 1], each = N[x]), N[x], byrow = TRUE)}) # weights <- mat.to.vec(W)[G0.obsvec] # mlinks <- list(model = "logit", mlinks.formula = ~ dX1 + dX2, # mlinks.data = as.data.frame(Xnet), weights = weights) # out.selb2 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0 = Gobs, # G0.obs = G0.obs, data = dataset, mlinks = mlinks, # iteration = 2e4) # summary(out.selb2) ## ---- selb3d, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ print(sout.selb2)