## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, fig.width=6, fig.height=4) library(PKNCA) library(knitr) library(testthat) library(dplyr) run_tests <- dir.exists(system.file(package="PKNCA", "tests/")) testing_results <- "Tests were not run because tests are not installed." ## ----validation, include=FALSE, eval=run_tests-------------------------------- # testresult <- test_package(package="PKNCA") # test_log <- as.data.frame(testresult) # failed_tests <- sum(test_log$failed) # testing_results <- # if (failed_tests == 0) { # "All tests passed." # } else { # "Some tests failed (see below)." # } ## ----testing_log, results="asis", echo=FALSE, eval=run_tests------------------ # cat("# Testing Log\n\n") # # all_contexts <- unique(test_log$context) # test_log_printing <- # test_log %>% # select(context, file, test, nb, failed) %>% # rename(`Testing Filename`=file, # `Test Description`=test, # `Number of Tests`=nb, # `Number of Failed Tests`=failed) # # for (current_context in all_contexts) { # current_log <- # test_log_printing[ # test_log_printing$context %in% current_context, # setdiff(names(test_log_printing), "context"), # context is in the header # drop=FALSE] # cat("## ", current_context, "\n\n") # print(kable(x=current_log, # row.names=FALSE)) # cat("\n\n") # } ## ----session_info------------------------------------------------------------- Sys.Date() sessionInfo()