## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE) ## ----webscraping-------------------------------------------------------------- # # 2019 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2019/publishedweek522019.xls", # destfile = "2019Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2018 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2018/publishedweek522018withupdatedrespiratoryrow.xls", # destfile = "2018Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2017 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2017/publishedweek522017.xls", # destfile = "2017Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2016 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2016/publishedweek522016.xls", # destfile = "2016Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2015 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2015/publishedweek2015.xls", # destfile = "2015Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2014 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2014/publishedweek2014.xls", # destfile = "2014Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2013 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2013/publishedweek2013.xls", # destfile = "2013Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2012 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2012/publishedweek2012.xls", # destfile = "2012Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2011 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2011/publishedweek2011.xls", # destfile = "2011Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # # # 2010 # download.file( # "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=%2fpeoplepopulationandcommunity%2fbirthsdeathsandmarriages%2fdeaths%2fdatasets%2fweeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales%2f2010/publishedweek2010.xls", # destfile = "2010Mortality.xls", # method = "wininet", # mode = "wb") # ## ----extracting worksheets---------------------------------------------------- # # library(readxl) # library(dplyr) # # files_list <- list.files(path = "working_files", # pattern = "*.xls", # full.names = TRUE) # # # read_then_csv <- function(sheet, path) { # pathbase <- path %>% # basename() %>% # tools::file_path_sans_ext() # path %>% # read_excel(sheet = sheet) %>% # write_csv(paste0(pathbase, "-", sheet, ".csv")) # } # # # for(j in 1:length(files_list)){ # # path <- paste0(files_list[j]) # # path %>% # excel_sheets() %>% # set_names() %>% # map(read_then_csv, path = path) # } # ## ----load_files--------------------------------------------------------------- # # files_list_sheets <- list.files(path = "working_files", # pattern = "Weekly", # full.names = TRUE # ) # # for(i in files_list_sheets) { # # x <- read_csv((i), col_types = cols(.default = col_character())) # # assign(i, x) # } # ## ----format function 2010 to 2015--------------------------------------------- # # library(janitor) # library(tidyr) # library(stringi) # library(lubridate) # # # Column names that are not related to data points to be removed. This is the same for all years' spreadsheets. # # Note that single quotes are used for the categories as one sentence includes '' in the text (4). # # remove_lookup <- c('week over the previous five years1', # 'Deaths by underlying cause2,3', # 'Footnotes', # '1 This average is based on the actual number of death registrations recorded for each corresponding week over the previous five years. Moveable public holidays, when register offices are closed, affect the number of registrations made in the published weeks and in the corresponding weeks in previous years.', # '2 Counts of deaths by underlying cause exclude deaths at age under 28 days.', # '3 Coding of deaths by underlying cause for the latest week is not yet complete.', # "4Does not include deaths where age is either missing or not yet fully coded. For this reason counts of 'Persons', 'Males' and 'Females' may not sum to 'Total Deaths, all ages'.", # '5 Does not include deaths of those resident outside England and Wales or those records where the place of residence is either missing or not yet fully coded. For this reason counts for "Deaths by Region of usual residence" may not sum to "Total deaths, all ages".', # 'Source: Office for National Statistics', # 'Deaths by age group' # ) # # formatFunction <- function(file){ # # ONS <- file %>% # clean_names %>% # remove_empty(c("rows","cols")) %>% # filter(!contents %in% remove_lookup) %>% # # # useful categories are found in the column contents but also include the footnote number # mutate(Category = case_when(is.na(x2) & str_detect(contents, "Region") ~ "Region", # is.na(x2) & str_detect(contents, "Persons") ~ "Persons", # is.na(x2) & str_detect(contents, "Females") ~ "Females", # is.na(x2) & str_detect(contents, "Males") ~ "Males") # ) %>% # select(contents, Category, everything()) %>% # # # to ensure data like Persons, Males and Females # fill(Category) %>% # # # categories with Persons, Males and Females in the original column do not correspond directly to data points (wide form data) so are removed by referring to str_detect to find the word # filter(!str_detect(contents, "Persons"), # !str_detect(contents, "Males"), # !str_detect(contents, "Females")) %>% # # # the two columns for Category and contents are merged to Categories to bring the Category column first. Some categories don't have subcategories and these are preceded by NA_ with this merge # unite("Categories", Category, contents) %>% # filter(Categories != "Region_Deaths by Region of usual residence 5") %>% # # # the NA_ is removed from some of the category names # mutate(Categories = case_when(str_detect(Categories, "NA_") ~ str_replace(Categories, "NA_", ""), # TRUE ~ Categories)) # # # Push date row to column names # onsFormattedJanitor <- row_to_names(ONS, 3) # # # move data from wide to long form using pivot_longer # x <- onsFormattedJanitor %>% # pivot_longer(cols = -`Week ended`, # names_to = "allDates", # values_to = "counts") %>% # # # some spreadsheets import with Excel serial numbers for dates and others as dates, janitor is used to correct this # mutate(realDate = dmy(allDates), # ExcelSerialDate = case_when(stri_length(allDates) == 5 ~ excel_numeric_to_date(as.numeric(allDates), date_system = "modern")), # date = case_when(is.na(realDate) ~ ExcelSerialDate, # TRUE ~ realDate)) %>% # group_by(`Week ended`) %>% # # # the week number is replaced as this was lost with the moving of dates to the column headers # mutate(week_no = row_number()) %>% # ungroup() %>% # # # Category is a staging name as this is followed by a splitting of the column into category_1 and category_2 # rename(Category = `Week ended`) %>% # # # to split the columns there are various characters used as a split point ",", "-", and ":" in the respiratory category the version is denoted by "v" # mutate(category_1 = case_when(str_detect(Category, ",") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, ",") -1), # str_detect(Category, ":") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, ":") -1), # str_detect(Category, "_") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, "_") -1), # str_detect(Category, "respiratory") ~ # "All respiratory diseases (ICD-10 J00-J99) ICD-10"), # category_2 = case_when(str_detect(Category, ",") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, ", ") +2, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, ":") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, ": ") +2, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, "_") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, "_") +1, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, "respiratory") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, "v"), str_length(Category)) ), # # # the data for Total deaths: average of corresponding week over the previous 5 years is split over two cells in the spreasheet # category_2 = recode(category_2, # "average of corresponding" = "average of same week over 5 years")) %>% # select(category_1, # category_2, # counts, # date, # week_no # ) %>% # # # 2011 requires this code to remove rows where there are no counts and because there are 2 rows relating to respiratory death numbers (see the Respiratory section) the previous methodology has been included in the spreadsheet with : for counts. This code does not affect other years' data/ # filter(!is.na(counts), # counts != ":") %>% # fill(category_1) # # return(x) # # } # # Mortality2010 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2010Mortality-Weekly Figures 2010.csv`) # # # 2011 has two lines relating to respiratory, v 2001 only has one data point and the rest of the year is 2010 # Mortality2011 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2011Mortality-Weekly Figures 2011.csv`) %>% # mutate(category_2 = case_when(is.na(category_2) & category_1 == "All respiratory diseases (ICD-10 J00-J99) ICD-10" ~ "v 2010", # TRUE ~ category_2)) # # Mortality2012 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2012Mortality-Weekly Figures 2012.csv`) # Mortality2013 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2013Mortality-Weekly Figures 2013.csv`) # Mortality2014 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2014Mortality-Weekly Figures 2014.csv`) # Mortality2015 <- formatFunction(`working_files/Weekly/2015Mortality-Weekly Figures 2015.csv`) # ## ----format function 2016 to 2019--------------------------------------------- # # formatFunction2016 <- function(file){ # # ONS <- file %>% # clean_names %>% # # # An extra column has been added for region codes (not included in the dataset) meaning contents are now found in the janitor generated column name x2 # mutate(x2 = case_when(is.na(x2) ~ contents, # TRUE ~ x2)) %>% # remove_empty(c("rows","cols")) %>% # select(-contents) %>% # filter(!x2 %in% remove_lookup) %>% # # # Region has changed to region # mutate(Category = case_when(is.na(x3) & str_detect(x2, "region") ~ "Region", # is.na(x3) & str_detect(x2, "Persons") ~ "Persons", # is.na(x3) & str_detect(x2, "Females") ~ "Females", # is.na(x3) & str_detect(x2, "Males") ~ "Males", # TRUE ~ NA_character_) # ) %>% # select(x2, Category, everything()) %>% # fill(Category) %>% # filter(!str_detect(x2, 'Persons'), # !str_detect(x2, 'Males'), # !str_detect(x2, 'Females')) %>% # unite("Categories", Category, x2) %>% # filter(Categories != 'Region_Deaths by Region of usual residence 5') %>% # mutate(Categories = case_when(str_detect(Categories, "NA_") ~ str_replace(Categories, "NA_", ""), # TRUE ~ Categories)) # # # Push date row to column names # onsFormattedJanitor <- row_to_names(ONS, 3) # # # move data from wide to long form using pivot_longer # x <- onsFormattedJanitor %>% # pivot_longer(cols = -`Week ended`, # names_to = "allDates", # values_to = "counts") %>% # mutate(realDate = dmy(allDates), # ExcelSerialDate = case_when(stri_length(allDates) == 5 ~ excel_numeric_to_date(as.numeric(allDates), date_system = "modern")), # date = case_when(is.na(realDate) ~ ExcelSerialDate, # TRUE ~ realDate)) %>% # group_by(`Week ended`) %>% # mutate(week_no = row_number()) %>% # ungroup() %>% # rename(Category = `Week ended`) %>% # mutate(category_1 = case_when(str_detect(Category, ",") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, ",") -1), # str_detect(Category, ":") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, ":") -1), # str_detect(Category, "_") ~ # substr(Category,1,str_locate(Category, "_") -1), # str_detect(Category, "respiratory") ~ # "All respiratory diseases (ICD-10 J00-J99) ICD-10"), # category_2 = case_when(str_detect(Category, ",") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, ", ") +2, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, ":") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, ": ") +2, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, "_") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, "_") +1, str_length(Category)), # str_detect(Category, "respiratory") ~ # substr(Category,str_locate(Category, "v"), str_length(Category)) ), # category_2 = recode(category_2, # "average of corresponding" = "average of same week over 5 years")) %>% # select(category_1, # category_2, # counts, # date, # week_no # ) %>% # filter(!is.na(counts)) # # return(x) # # } # # # Mortality2016 <- formatFunction2016(`working_files/Weekly/2016Mortality-Weekly figures 2016.csv`) # Mortality2017 <- formatFunction2016(`working_files/Weekly/2017Mortality-Weekly figures 2017.csv`) # Mortality2018 <- formatFunction2016(`working_files/Weekly/2018Mortality-Weekly figures 2018.csv`) # Mortality2019 <- formatFunction2016(`working_files/Weekly/2019Mortality-Weekly figures 2019.csv`) # ## ----bind together------------------------------------------------------------ # # ons_mortality <- do.call("rbind", list( # Mortality2010, # Mortality2011, # Mortality2012, # Mortality2013, # Mortality2014, # Mortality2015, # Mortality2016, # Mortality2017, # Mortality2018, # Mortality2019)) # ## ----load, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------------------- # # library(NHSRdatasets) # library(dplyr) # # data("ons_mortality") # ## ----respiratory categories--------------------------------------------------- # # ons_mortality %>% # mutate(year = year(date)) %>% # select(year, category_1, category_2) %>% # group_by(year, category_1, category_2) %>% # filter(category_1 == 'All respiratory diseases (ICD-10 J00-J99) ICD-10') %>% # slice(1) # ## ----age bands---------------------------------------------------------------- # # ons_mortality %>% # select(category_1, category_2) %>% # group_by(category_1, category_2) %>% # filter(category_1 %in% c('Persons','Females','Males')) %>% # slice(1) # ## ----removefiles-------------------------------------------------------------- # unlink("working_files", recursive = TRUE)