## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse=TRUE,comment="#>") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(LinkageMapView) data(carrot) head(carrot) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(qtl) data(hyper) class(hyper) summary(hyper) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "hyper.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot(hyper,outfile,mapthese=c(1,4,6,15)) ## ---- out.width = "680px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("hyper.png") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "hyper_dupnbr.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot(hyper,outfile,mapthese=c(1,4,6,15),dupnbr = TRUE) ## ---- out.width = "680px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("hyper_dupnbr.png") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "hyper_showonly.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot(hyper,outfile,mapthese=c(1,4,6,15),lcol="green",lcex=2,lfont=2, rcol="red",rcex=2,rfont=3, showonly=c("D1Mit123","D4Mit80","D6Mit135","D15Mit156")) ## ---- out.width = "680px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("hyper_showonly.png") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "hyper_titles.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot(hyper,outfile,mapthese=c(1,4,6,15),col.lgtitle = "blue",cex.lgtitle=2, col.main = "red",main="Overall Title for the Output Map") ## ---- out.width = "680px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("hyper_titles.png") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## plot a carrot comparative linkage map ## kindly provided by Massimo Iorizzo: ## Cavagnaro et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:1118 data(carrot) # make a df to pass qtl info qtldf <- data.frame( chr = character(), qtl = character(), so = numeric(), si = numeric(), ei = numeric(), eo = numeric(), col = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) qtldf <- rbind(qtldf, data.frame( chr = "70349LG3", qtl = "RTPE-Q1", so = 36.6, si = 37, ei = 37, eo = 38, col="red" )) # make a list to pass label options flist <- list() locus <- c("BSSR-094", "K0149", "K0627", "K2161", "ESSR-087", "ESSR-057") font <- c(2) #bold flist[[1]] <- list(locus = locus, font = font) locus <- c("F3H", "FLS1") font <- c(4) #bold italic flist[[2]] <- list(locus = locus, font = font) locus <- c("P3", "P1", "Raa1") font <- c(3) #italic col <- c("red") flist[[3]] <- list(locus = locus, font = font, col = col) outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "carrot.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot( carrot, outfile = outfile, ruler = TRUE, lgtitle = c("2170", "70349", "10117"), maxnbrcolsfordups = 2, markerformatlist = flist, lg.col = "lightblue1", pdf.height = 16, pdf.width = 10, revthese = c("70349LG3"), qtldf=qtldf ) ## ---- out.width = "500px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("carrot.png") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## do a density map with default colors and customize the axis data(oat) ## draw tickmarks at each cM from 0 to largest position of linkage groups to be drawn maxpos <- floor(max(oat$Position[oat$Group == "Mrg01" | oat$Group == "Mrg02"])) at.axis <- seq(0, maxpos) ## put labels on ruler at every 10 cM axlab <- vector() for (lab in 0:maxpos) { if (!lab %% 10) { axlab <- c(axlab, lab) } else { axlab <- c(axlab, NA) } } outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "oat_denmap.pdf") lmv.linkage.plot(oat,outfile,mapthese=c("Mrg01","Mrg02"),denmap=TRUE, cex.axis = 1, at.axis = at.axis, labels.axis = axlab) ## ---- out.width = "120px",echo=FALSE------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("oat_denmap.png")