%%% copy Sweave.sty definitions
%%% keeps `sweave' from adding `\usepackage{Sweave}': DO NOT REMOVE
%%% environment for raw output
%%% environment for labeled output
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%%% S code with line numbers
%% numbers=left
%%% R / System symbols
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\newcommand{\rpackage}[1]{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
\newcommand{\Rclass}[1]{\index{#1 class@\textit{#1} class}\textit{#1}}
\newcommand{\Rcmd}[1]{\index{#1 function@\texttt{#1} function}\texttt{#1}}
%%% other symbols
\newcommand{\booktitle}[1]{\textit{#1}} %%'
%%% Math symbols
%%% links
pdftitle = {A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R},
pdfsubject = {Book},
pdfauthor = {Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn},
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%%% captions & tables
%% : conflics with figure definition in chapman.cls
%%% R symbol in chapter 1
%%% Bibliography
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%%% texi2dvi complains that \newblock is undefined, hm...
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
%%% Example sections
\newcommand{\exercise}{\item{\stepcounter{exercise} Ex.
\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{exercise} }}
%% URLs
\newcommand{\curl}[1]{\begin{center} \url{#1} \end{center}}
%%% for manual corrections
%%% plot sizes
%%% color
%%% hyphenations
%%% new bidirectional quotes need
%% Title page
\title{A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using \R{} --- 2nd Edition}
\author{Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn}
rm(list = ls())
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"package:utils", "package:datasets", "package:methods", "Autoloads"), s)]
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### hm, R-2.4.0 --vanilla seems to need this
a <- Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C")
book <- TRUE
refs <- cbind(c("AItR", "DAGD", "SI", "CI", "ANOVA", "MLR", "GLM",
"DE", "RP", "GAM", "SA", "ALDI", "ALDII", "SIMC", "MA", "PCA",
"MDS", "CA"), 1:18)
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ch <- refs[which(refs[,1] == x),]
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We would like to thank your Japanese translators,
Prof. Takashi Daimon, Prof. Satoshi Teramukai, and
Prof. Toshihiro Yoshikawa for bringing inconsistenties and typos
to our attention. Typos have been fixed silently, more serious
mistakes are listed below. We would also like to thank
Antony Unwin for helpful comments on several displays. Typos
in formulae in Chapters~16 and 17 were spotted and reported
by Prof. Schader.
\section{Data Analysis Using Graphical Displays}
The correct title is Chinese Health and Family Life Survey, not Study.
\section{Simple Inference}
page 54 top: The \Rcmd{qqnorm} statements are in lines 7 and 10, not 8 and 11.
\section{Conditional Inference}
page 69: $n_{jk}$ instead of $n_{ij}$
\section{Density Estimation}
Line numbering on page 147 was wrong and should read:
The \Rcmd{hist} function places an ordinary
histogram of the geyser data in each of the three plotting regions (lines 4,
9, 14). Then, the \Rcmd{density} function with three different kernels
(lines 7, 12, 17, with a Gaussian kernel being the default in line 7) is
plotted in addition.
\section{Smoothers and Generalised Additive Models}
page 194: interpretation of Figure 10.9 was wrong and now reads:
``The risk of kyphosis being present decreases with higher
starting vertebral level and lower number of vertebrae involved.
Children about $100$ months old are under higher risk compared
to younger or older children.''
\section{Simultaneous Inference}
page 262: $\mathbf{K} = \text{diag}(5)$ instead of $\mathbf{K} = \text{diag}(6)$. Browsing
is \textit{more} frequent in hardwood. No data on ash, elm and lime shown here.
\section{Principal Components}
page 287: formula reads
\sum_{r = 1}^n \sum_{s = 1}^n \left(d^2_{rs} - \hat{d}^2_{rs}\right)^2
page 292: hurdles and long jump have highest weight.
\section{Multidimensional Scaling}
page 303: formula reads
b_{ij} = -\frac{1}{2}\left(d_{ij}^2 - n^{-1} \sum_{r = 1}^n d_{ir}^2 -
n^{-1} \sum_{s = 1}^n d_{sj}^2 + n^{-2} \sum_{r = 1}^n \sum_{s = 1}^n
d_{rs}^2 \right).
page 283, Table~15.4: Several typos corrected.
\section{Cluster Analysis}
Pages 328, Table~18.6, and 334, Table~18.18: also
display observations with \texttt{eccen == 0}.