## ---- echo = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------------------------------- library(knitr) knitr::opts_chunk$set( error = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, message = FALSE, comment = NA, fig.align = "center") library(GetoptLong) ## ---- echo = FALSE, out.width = "600px"--------------------------------------- include_graphics("workflow.png") ## ----simple, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # library(GetoptLong) # # cutoff = 0.05 # GetoptLong( # "number=i", "Number of items.", # "cutoff=f", "Cutoff for filtering results.", # "verbose", "Print message." # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["simple"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") GetoptLong.options("help_style" = "two-column") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["simple"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) GetoptLong.options("help_style" = "one-column") ## ----template, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # spec = " # This is an example of using template to specify options. # # Usage: Rscript foo.R [options] # # Options: # <number=i> Number of items. # <cutoff=f> Cutoff for filtering results. # <verbose> Print messages. # # Contact: name@address # " # # GetoptLong(spec, template_control = list(opt_width = 21)) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["template"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ----print_var, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # library(GetoptLong) # # cutoff = 0.05 # GetoptLong( # "number=i{1,}", "Number of items.", # "cutoff=f", "Cutoff for filtering results.", # "param=s%", "Parameters specified by name=value pairs.", # "verbose", "Print message." # ) # # print(number) # print(cutoff) # print(param) # print(verbose) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--number 1 2 --param var1=a var2=b --verbose") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["print_var"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # verbose = TRUE # GetoptLong( # "verbose!", "Print message." # ) ## ----with_env, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # opt = new.env() # # opt$cutoff = 0.05 # GetoptLong( # "number=i@", "Number of items.", # "cutoff=f", "Cutoff for filtering results.", # "param=s%", "Parameters specified by name=value pairs.", # "verbose", "Print message.", # # envir = opt # ) # print(as.list(opt)) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--number 1 2 --param var1=a var2=b --verbose") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["with_env"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ----complex_example, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # GetoptLong( # "count=i", paste("This is a count. This is a count. This is a count.", # "This is a count. This is a count. This is a count."), # "number=f", paste("This is a number. This is a number. This is a number.", # "This is a number. This is a number. This is a number."), # "array=f@", paste("This is an array. This is an array. This is an array.", # "This is an array. This is an array. This is an array."), # "hash=s%", paste("This is a hash. This is a hash. This is a hash.", # "This is a hash. This is a hash. This is a hash."), # "verbose!", "Whether show messages", # "flag", "a non-sense option" # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["complex_example"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ count = 1 number = 0.1 array = c(1, 2) hash = list("foo" = "a", "bar" = "b") verbose = TRUE eval(parse(text = chunks[["complex_example"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # GetoptLong.options(help_style = "two-column") # # specifying the defaults # GetoptLong{ # ... # } ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") GetoptLong.options("help_style" = "two-column") local({ count = 1 number = 0.1 array = c(1, 2) hash = list("foo" = "a", "bar" = "b") verbose = TRUE eval(parse(text = chunks[["complex_example"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) GetoptLong.options("help_style" = "one-column") ## ----sub_opt, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # foo = list(a = 1, b = 2) # GetoptLong( # "foo=i%", paste("This is foo. This is foo. This is foo. This is foo.", # "This is foo. This is foo. This is foo. This is foo."), # "foo$name1", paste("name1 in foo. name1 in foo. name1 in foo. name1 in foo.", # "name1 in foo. name1 in foo. name1 in foo. name1 in foo."), # "foo$name2", paste("name2 in foo. name2 in foo. name2 in foo. name2 in foo.", # "name2 in foo. name2 in foo. name2 in foo. name2 in foo."), # "bar=s%", paste("This is bar. This is bar. This is bar. This is bar.", # "This is bar. This is bar. This is bar. This is bar."), # "bar$name3", paste("name3 in bar. name3 in bar. name3 in bar. name3 in bar.", # "name3 in bar. name3 in bar. name3 in bar. name3 in bar."), # "bar$name4", paste("name4 in bar. name4 in bar. name4 in bar. name4 in bar.", # "name4 in bar. name4 in bar. name4 in bar. name4 in bar.") # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["sub_opt"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # GetoptLong.options(help_style = "two-column") # GetoptLong{ # ... # } ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") GetoptLong.options(help_style = "two-column") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["sub_opt"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) GetoptLong.options(help_style = "one-column") ## ----head_and_foot, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # GetoptLong( # help_head = "This is a demonstration of adding usage head and foot.", # # "number=i", "Number of items.", # "cutoff=f", "Cutoff for filtering results.", # "verbose", "Print message.", # # help_foot = "Please contact name@address." # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["head_and_foot"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ----grouped_options, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # count = 1 # array = c(0.1, 0.2) # GetoptLong( # "--------", "Binary options:", # "verbose!", "Whether show messages", # "flag", "a non-sense option", # # "-------", "Single-value options:", # "count=i", paste("This is a count. This is a count. This is a count.", # "This is a count. This is a count. This is a count."), # "number=f", paste("This is a number. This is a number. This is a number.", # "This is a number. This is a number. This is a number."), # # "--------", paste("Multiple-vlaue options: long text long text long text", # " long text long text long text long text long text"), # "array=f@", paste("This is an array. This is an array. This is an array.", # "This is an array. This is an array. This is an array."), # "hash=s%", paste("This is a hash. This is a hash. This is a hash.", # "This is a hash. This is a hash. This is a hash."), # # "-------", "Other options:" # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["grouped_options"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # GetoptLong.options(help_style = "two-column") # GetoptLong{ # ... # } ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") GetoptLong.options(help_style = "two-column") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["grouped_options"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) GetoptLong.options(help_style = "one-column") ## ----complex_template, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------- # GetoptLong(" # This is a demonstration of using template as the option specification. # # Usage: Rscript foo.R [options] # # Binary options: # <verbose!> Whether show messages # <flag> A non-sense option # # Single-value options: # <count=i> This is a count. This is a count. # <number=f> This is a number. This is a number. # # Multiple-vlaue options: # <array=f@> This is an array. This is an array. # <hash=s%> This is a hash. This is a hash. # # Questions, please contact your.name@email # ", template_control = list(opt_width = c(verbose = 23, flag = 23, # count = 22, number = 22, # array = 30, hash = 30) # )) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["complex_template"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ----template_multi_line, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------- # GetoptLong(" # Usage: Rscript foo.R [options] # # <count=i{2,}> This is a count. This is a count. This is a count. # <#count> This is a count. This is a count. # <number=f> This is a number. This is a number. This is a number. # <#number> This is a number. This is a number. # ", template_control = list(opt_width = c(count = 28, number = 28)) # ) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ chunks <- knitr:::knit_code$get() GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = "--help") local({ eval(parse(text = chunks[["template_multi_line"]])) }) GetoptLong.options("__argv_str__" = NULL) ## ----version, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # VERSION = "0.0.1" # GetoptLong( # "tag=i", "...", # ) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # GetoptLong.options("config" = "bundling") # GetoptLong.options("config" = c("no_ignore_case", "bundling")) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # source_script("foo.R", argv_str = "--cutoff 0.01 --input file=foo.txt --verbose") ## ---- eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo() ## ---- echo = FALSE, results = "asis"------------------------------------------ get_os <- function(){ sysinf <- Sys.info() if (!is.null(sysinf)){ os <- sysinf['sysname'] if (os == 'Darwin') os <- "osx" } else { ## mystery machine os <- .Platform$OS.type if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)) os <- "osx" if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os)) os <- "linux" } tolower(os) } is.solaris = function() { os = get_os() !(os %in% c("windows", "unix", "linux", "osx")) } if(is.solaris()) { cat("**GetoptLong** is not supported on Solaris platform.\n") } else { if(!is.solaris()) { invisible(knit("GetoptLong.Rmd2", "GetoptLong.md2")) } if(Sys.info()["user"] == "jokergoo") { invisible(file.copy("GetoptLong.md2", "/Users/jokergoo/project/GetoptLong/vignettes/GetoptLong.md2", overwrite = TRUE)) } ln = readLines("GetoptLong.md2") cat(paste(ln, collapse = "\n")) }