## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flavjack/inti/master/pkgdown/favicon/docs.r") ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # Install packages and dependencies library(GerminaR) library(dplyr) # load data fb <- prosopis %>% mutate(across(c(nacl, temp, rep), as.factor)) # Prosopis data set fb %>% head(10) %>% kable(caption = "Prosopis dataset") ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # germination analysis (ten variables) gsm <- ger_summary(SeedN = "seeds" , evalName = "D" , data = fb ) # Prosopis data set processed gsm %>% head(10) %>% mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(., 2))) %>% kable(caption = "Function ger_summary performe ten germination indices") ## ----echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Germination experiment with *Prosopis juliflor* under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. Bar graph with germination percentage in a factorial analisys"---- ## Germination Percentage (GRP) # analysis of variance av <- aov(grp ~ nacl*temp + rep, data = gsm) # mean comparison test mc_grp <- ger_testcomp(aov = av , comp = c("temp", "nacl") , type = "snk" ) # data result mc_grp$table %>% kable(caption = "Germination percentage mean comparision") # bar graphics for germination percentage grp <- mc_grp$table %>% fplot(data = . , type = "bar" , x = "temp" , y = "grp" , group = "nacl" , ylimits = c(0, 120, 30) , ylab = "Germination ('%')" , xlab = "Temperature" , glab = "NaCl (MPa)" , error = "ste" , sig = "sig" , color = F ) grp ## ----echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Germination experiment with *Prosopis juliflor* under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. Bar graph for mean germination time in a factorial analisys."---- ## Mean Germination Time (MGT) # analysis of variance av <- aov(mgt ~ nacl*temp + rep, data = gsm) # mean comparison test mc_mgt <- ger_testcomp(aov = av , comp = c("temp", "nacl") , type = "snk") # data result mc_mgt$table %>% kable(caption = "Mean germination time comparison") # bar graphics for mean germination time mgt <- mc_mgt$table %>% fplot(data = . , type = "bar" , x = "temp" , y = "mgt" , group = "nacl" , ylimits = c(0,10, 1) , ylab = "Mean germination time (days)" , xlab = "Temperature" , glab = "NaCl (MPa)" , sig = "sig" , error = "ste" , color = T ) mgt ## ----echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Germination experiment with *Prosopis juliflor* under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. Line graph from cumulative germination under different osmotic potentials."---- # data frame with percentage or relative germination in time by NaCl git <- ger_intime(Factor = "nacl" , SeedN = "seeds" , evalName = "D" , method = "percentage" , data = fb ) # data result git %>% head(10) %>% kable(caption = "Cumulative germination by nacl factor") # graphic germination in time by NaCl nacl <- git %>% fplot(data = . , type = "line" , x = "evaluation" , y = "mean" , group = "nacl" , ylimits = c(0, 110, 10) , ylab = "Germination ('%')" , xlab = "Day" , glab = "NaCl (MPa)" , color = T , error = "ste" ) nacl ## ----echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Germination experiment with *Prosopis juliflor* under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. Line graph from cumulative germination under different temperatures."---- # data frame with percentage or relative germination in time by temperature git <- ger_intime(Factor = "temp" , SeedN = "seeds" , evalName = "D" , method = "percentage" , data = fb) # data result git %>% head(10) %>% kable(caption = "Cumulative germination by temperature factor") # graphic germination in time by temperature temp <- git %>% fplot(data = . , type = "line" , x = "evaluation" , y = "mean" , group = "temp" , ylimits = c(0, 110, 10) , ylab = "Germination ('%')" , xlab = "Day" , glab = "Temperature" , color = F ) temp ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) git <- ger_intime(Factor = "temp" , SeedN = "seeds" , evalName = "D" , method = "percentage" , data = fb ) ggplot <- git %>% fplot(data = . , type = "line" , x = "evaluation" , y = "mean" , group = "temp" , ylimits = c(0, 110, 10) , ylab = "Germination ('%')" , xlab = "Day" , glab = "Temperature" , color = T ) + scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 10, limits = c(0, 11)) ggplot ## ----references--------------------------------------------------------------- if(!file.exists("files/pkgs.bib")){write_bib(c(.packages()),'files/pkgs.bib')}