## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(EDIutils) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # context("Create journal citation") # # testthat::test_that("Test attributes of returned object", { # skip_if_logged_out() # journalCitationId <- create_journal_citation( # packageId = get_test_package(), # articleDoi = "10.1890/11-1026.1", # articleUrl = "https://doi.org/10.1890/11-1026.1", # articleTitle = "Corridors promote fire via connectivity and edge effects", # journalTitle = "Ecological Applications", # relationType = "IsCitedBy", # env = "staging") # expect_type(journalCitationId, "double") # res <- delete_journal_citation(journalCitationId, env = "staging") # expect_true(res) # }) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # context("Evaluate data package") # # testthat::test_that("Test attributes of returned object", { # skip_if_logged_out() # skip_if_missing_eml_config() # # Create data package for evaluation # identifier <- create_reservation(scope = "edi", env = "staging") # packageId <- paste0("edi.", identifier, ".1") # eml <- create_test_eml(path = tempdir(), packageId = packageId) # on.exit(file.remove(eml), add = TRUE, after = FALSE) # # Evaluate # transaction <- evaluate_data_package(eml, env = "staging") # res <- check_status_evaluate(transaction, env = "staging") # expect_true(res) # # Read evaluation report # report <- read_evaluate_report(transaction, env = "staging") # expect_true("xml_document" %in% class(report)) # delete_reservation("edi", identifier, env = "staging") # }) #