## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 7 ) CDMConnector::requireEunomia() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(duckdb) library(CDMConnector) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(ggplot2) library(CodelistGenerator) library(PatientProfiles) library(CohortCharacteristics) con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), dbdir = eunomiaDir()) cdm <- cdmFromCon( con = con, cdmSchem = "main", writeSchema = "main", cdmName = "Eunomia" ) cdm <- generateConceptCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "injuries", conceptSet = list( "ankle_sprain" = 81151, "ankle_fracture" = 4059173, "forearm_fracture" = 4278672, "hip_fracture" = 4230399 ), end = "event_end_date", limit = "all" ) settings(cdm$injuries) cohortCount(cdm$injuries) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars <- cdm$injuries |> summariseCharacteristics(ageGroup = list(c(0, 49), c(50, Inf))) chars |> glimpse() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tableCharacteristics(chars) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars |> filter(variable_name == "Age") |> plotCharacteristics( plotType = "boxplot", colour = "cohort_name", facet = c("cdm_name") ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars <- cdm$injuries |> addAge(ageGroup = list( c(0, 49), c(50, Inf) )) |> summariseCharacteristics(strata = list("age_group")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tableCharacteristics(chars, groupColumn = "age_group" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars |> filter(variable_name == "Prior observation") |> plotCharacteristics( plotType = "boxplot", colour = "cohort_name", facet = c("age_group") ) + coord_flip() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- medsCs <- getDrugIngredientCodes( cdm = cdm, name = c("acetaminophen", "morphine", "warfarin") ) cdm <- generateConceptCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "meds", conceptSet = medsCs, end = "event_end_date", limit = "all", overwrite = TRUE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars <- cdm$injuries |> summariseCharacteristics(cohortIntersectFlag = list( "Medications prior to index date" = list( targetCohortTable = "meds", window = c(-Inf, -1) ), "Medications on index date" = list( targetCohortTable = "meds", window = c(0, 0) ) )) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tableCharacteristics(chars) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot_data <- chars |> filter( variable_name == "Medications prior to index date", estimate_name == "percentage" ) plot_data |> plotCharacteristics( plotType = "barplot", colour = "variable_level", facet = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name") ) + scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(sort(unique(plot_data$variable_level)))) + coord_flip() + ggtitle("Medication use prior to index date") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars <- cdm$injuries |> summariseCharacteristics(conceptIntersectFlag = list( "Medications prior to index date" = list( conceptSet = medsCs, window = c(-Inf, -1) ), "Medications on index date" = list( conceptSet = medsCs, window = c(0, 0) ) )) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tableCharacteristics(chars) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chars <- cdm$injuries |> summariseCharacteristics( tableIntersectCount = list( "Visits in the year prior" = list( tableName = "visit_occurrence", window = c(-365, -1) ) ), tableIntersectFlag = list( "Any drug exposure in the year prior" = list( tableName = "drug_exposure", window = c(-365, -1) ), "Any procedure in the year prior" = list( tableName = "procedure_occurrence", window = c(-365, -1) ) ) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tableCharacteristics(chars)