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Simulation study

In this simulation study, we aim to see whether AMIS is capable of recovering the true parameter values used to simulate data.

Data generating process

We assumed that the number of worms X per host has negative binomial distribution NB(W,k), where W is the mean number of worms and k the dispersion parameter describing the degree of clumping of parasites. The probability mass function is given by Pr(X=x)=Γ(x+k)Γ(k)x!(kk+W)k(Wk+W)x,x=0,1,2,.

As such, the prevalence is given by the probability of observing worms:

P=1Pr(X=0 | W,k)=1(1+Wk)k.

We assumed that the mean number of worms is spatially-varying: Wl=3exp{0.5 slΣsl},l=1,,L. where sl=(lonl,latl) are the spatial coordinates of location l and Σ is a 2×2 matrix with entries Σ11=Σ22=1 and Σ12=Σ21=0.7. We generated data on a regular grid of L=50×50=2500 coordinate values, with lonl[4,4] and latl[2,2].

Finally, we assumed the dispersion parameter is given by kl=0.5exp{0.3Wl},l=1,,L, so that it is also spatially-varying.

We assumed each location l has nl hosts, so that the number of worms per host in location l at time t was simulated by Xi,l,tNB(Wl,kl),i=1,,nl, so that the prevalence in location l at time t is given by Pl,t=1nlnli=1I{Xi,l,t>0}.

We set nl=500 and generated M=100 map samples for each location at each time t{1,2,3}. Then, we fit AMIS to these map samples using a maximum of 10 iterations, with 1000 samples per iteration, and putting independent exponential priors on W and k.

Loading packages


Generating spatially-varying mean number of worms

lon <- seq(-4, 4, length.out=50)
lat <- seq(-2, 2, length.out=50)
simData <- expand.grid(lon=lon, lat=lat, W=NA, k=NA, expectedPrev=NA)
L <- nrow(simData) # number of locations
Sigma <- diag(2)
Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- 0.7
for(l in 1:L){
  pos <- as.numeric(simData[l,c("lon","lat")])
  W <- 5*exp(-0.5*c(t(pos)%*%Sigma%*%pos))
  k <- 0.4
  simData$W[l] <- W
  simData$k[l] <- k
  simData$expectedPrev[l] <- 1 - (1 + W/k)^(-k)

Below we can see how the mean number of worms and the corresponding prevalence (at the equilibrium distribution) vary over space.

simData_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(simData, coords=c("lon","lat"))
th <- theme(axis.text=element_text(size=10), 
plots_true_data <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
plots_true_data[[1]] <- ggplot(data=simData_sf) + 
  geom_sf(aes(colour=W),shape=15,size=5) + xlab("Lon") + ylab("Lat") + th + 
  scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rev(viridis::magma(6)), name="W", na.value="grey100")
plots_true_data[[2]] <- ggplot(data=simData_sf) + 
  geom_sf(aes(colour=expectedPrev),shape=15,size=5) + 
  xlab("Lon") + ylab("Lat") + th + 
                         name="E[P]", na.value="grey100", 
wrap_plots(plots_true_data, guides = 'keep', ncol = 2)
plot of chunk sim_plot_true_data
plot of chunk sim_plot_true_data

Generating map samples for multiple time points

n_hosts <- 500  # number of hosts per location
M <- 100        # number of statistical map samples per location
n_tims <- 3     # number of time points
prevalence_map <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_tims)
for(t in 1:n_tims){
  prevs_t <- matrix(NA,L,M)
  for (l in 1:L) {
    for(m in 1:M){
      W <- simData$W[l]
      k <- simData$k[l]
      num_worms_l <- rnbinom(n=n_hosts, mu=W, size=k)
      prevs_t[l,m] <- sum(num_worms_l>0)/n_hosts
  prevalence_map[[t]]$data <- prevs_t

Choosing the transmission model function

transmission_model <- function(seeds, params, n_tims){
  n_samples <- nrow(params)
  p <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_samples, ncol=n_tims)
  for(tt in 1:n_tims){
    for (i in 1:n_samples){
      W <- params[i,1]
      k <- params[i,2]
      p[i,tt] <- 1-(1+W/k)^(-k)

Choosing the prior distributions and AMIS control parameters

# Prior distribution for the model parameters
rprior <- function(n) {
  params <- matrix(NA, n, 2)
  colnames(params) <- c("W", "k")
  params[,1] <- rexp(n=n, rate=lambda_W)
  params[,2] <- rexp(n=n, rate=lambda_k)
dprior <- function(x, log=FALSE) {
  if (log) {
    return(dexp(x=x[1], rate=lambda_W, log=TRUE) + dexp(x=x[2], rate=lambda_k, log=TRUE))
  } else {
    return(dexp(x=x[1], rate=lambda_W) * dexp(x=x[2], rate=lambda_k))
prior <- list(rprior=rprior,dprior=dprior)

amis_params <- AMISforInfectiousDiseases:::default_amis_params()
amis_params$n_samples <- 500
amis_params$target_ess <- 10000
amis_params$max_iters <- 10
amis_params$delta <- 0.1

Running AMIS

In the lines below, we fit AMIS to the statistical maps by using different prior specifications for k, namely Exp(λk), λk{0.1,0.3,1}.

lambda_W <- 1/3
lambda_k_values <- c(0.1,0.3,1)
num_lambda_k <- length(lambda_k_values)
outList <- vector("list", num_lambda_k)
i <- 1
for(lambda_k in lambda_k_values){
  outList[[i]] <- amis(prevalence_map, transmission_model, prior, amis_params, seed=1)
  i <- i + 1

Looking at posterior distribution of parameters

We can look at the posterior distribution for k at some particular location, e.g. the location with the largest mean number of worms:

loc <- which.max(simData$W)
xlimW <- c(0,10)
Wvals <- seq(xlimW[1],xlimW[2],len=100)
W_prior_dens <- dexp(Wvals, rate=lambda_W)
xlimk <- c(0,10)
kvals <- seq(xlimk[1],xlimk[2],len=100) 
i <- 1
plots_k <- vector(mode = "list", length = num_lambda_k)
plots_W <- vector(mode = "list", length = num_lambda_k)
for(lambda_k in lambda_k_values){
  k_prior_dens <- dexp(kvals, rate=lambda_k)
  out <- outList[[i]]
  # plotting W
  plot(out, what = "W", type="hist", breaks=50, xlim=xlimW, 
         locations=loc, main=NA)
  lines(Wvals, W_prior_dens, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=2)
    abline(v = simData$W[loc], col="red", lwd=2, lty=2)
    plots_W[[i]] <- recordPlot()
  # plotting k
    plot(out, what = "k", type="hist", breaks=100, xlim=xlimk, 
       locations=loc, main=bquote(lambda[k]*"="*.(lambda_k)))
  lines(kvals, k_prior_dens, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=2)
    abline(v = simData$k[loc], col="red", lwd=2, lty=2)
    plots_k[[i]] <- recordPlot()
    i <- i + 1

plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t1plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t1


plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t2plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t2


plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t3plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t3

We can clearly see that the posterior distribution of k is largely determined by the prior, and that the existence of multiple time points did not help the recovery of the true parameter values.

Introducing intervention

Now, we assume that an intervention (reduction of the mean number of worms by 70%) occurs at time t=2 and still has effect at t=3.

for(t in 2:3){
  prevs_t <- matrix(NA,L,M)
  for (l in 1:L) {
    for(m in 1:M){
      W <- simData$W[l] * 0.3
      k <- simData$k[l]
      num_worms_l <- rnbinom(n=n_hosts, mu=W, size=k)
      prevs_t[l,m] <- sum(num_worms_l>0)/n_hosts
  prevalence_map[[t]]$data <- prevs_t

The intervention is known and is also taken into account in the transmission model:

transmission_model <- function(seeds, params, n_tims){
  n_samples <- nrow(params)
  p <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_samples, ncol=n_tims)
  for(t in 1:n_tims){
    for (i in 1:n_samples){
        W <- params[i,1]
        W <- params[i,1] * 0.3
      k <- params[i,2]
      p[i,t] <- 1-(1+W/k)^(-k)

We then fit AMIS using different priors for k as before.

outList <- vector("list", num_lambda_k)
i <- 1
for(lambda_k in lambda_k_values){
  outList[[i]] <- amis(prevalence_map, transmission_model, prior, amis_params, seed=1)
  i <- i + 1

Now, after introducing intervention, the posterior distribution for k is no longer determined by the prior:

xlimk <- c(0,3)
kvals <- seq(xlimk[1],xlimk[2],len=100)
i <- 1
for(lambda_k in lambda_k_values){
  k_prior_dens <- dexp(kvals, rate=lambda_k)
  out <- outList[[i]]
  # plotting W
  plot(out, what = "W", type="hist", breaks=50, xlim=xlimW, 
         locations=loc, main=NA)
  lines(Wvals, W_prior_dens, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=2)
    abline(v = simData$W[loc], col="red", lwd=2, lty=2)
    plots_W[[i]] <- recordPlot()
    # plotting k
    plot(out, what = "k", type="hist", breaks=100/lambda_k, xlim=xlimk, 
         locations=loc, main=bquote(lambda[k]*"="*.(lambda_k)))
  lines(kvals, k_prior_dens, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=2)
    abline(v = simData$k[loc], col="red", lwd=2, lty=2)
    plots_k[[i]] <- recordPlot()
    i <- i + 1

plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t1_intervplot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t1_interv


plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t2_intervplot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t2_interv


plot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t3_intervplot of chunk sim_plot_posterior_t3_interv

In what follows, using the model with Exp(0.1) prior on k, we look at the posterior median for W over space at time t=1.

out <- outList[[3]]
th <- theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5))
limits <- c(0,5)
W_post_medians <- sapply(1:L, function(l) calculate_summaries(out, what="W", locations=l)$median)
simData_sf$W_post_medians <- W_post_medians
plot_W_post_median <- ggplot(data=simData_sf) + 
    geom_sf(aes(colour=W_post_medians),shape=15,size=5) +
                           na.value = "grey100",
                           limits = limits) + 
    xlab("Lon") + ylab("Lat") + th + 
  ggtitle("Posterior median of W")
pWtrue <- ggplot(data=simData_sf) + 
  geom_sf(aes(colour=W),shape=15,size=5) +
                         na.value = "grey100", 
                         limits = limits) + xlab("Lon") + ylab("Lat") + th + 
  ggtitle("True W")
wrap_plots(list(pWtrue, plot_W_post_median), guides = 'collect', ncol = 2)
plot of chunk sim_plot_interv_vs_true
plot of chunk sim_plot_interv_vs_true

Note that we assumed a constant true parameter value k=0.4 for all locations, but obtained posterior samples for each location. To see how much the estimates for k varied over space, we can look at the posterior median of each location:

k_post_medians <- sapply(1:L, function(l) calculate_summaries(out, what="k", locations=l)$median)
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   0.340   0.348   0.419   0.413   0.462   0.573