## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # install.packages("ADPclust", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(ADPclust) ## ---- fig.height=5, fig.width=9------------------------------------------ # Load a simple simulated data set with 3 clusters. data(clust3) ans <- adpclust(clust3) # Above is equivalent to # ans <- adpclust(clust3, centroids = "auto") plot(ans) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(ans) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # A simple wrapper of dist() with normalization # distm <- FindDistm(clust3, normalize = TRUE) # ans.distm <- adpclust(distm = distm, p = 2) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # Result is similar. Not shown. # ans <- adpclust(clust3, htype = "ROT") ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # Setting a single h. Result not shown. # ans <- adpclust(clust3, h = 10) # # Setting a vector of testing h's. Result not shown. # ans <- adpclust(clust3, h = c(10, 12, 18)) # # Setting h to the 'ROT' bandwidth. result not shown. # ans <- adpclust(clust3, h = ROT(clust3)) ## ---- fig.height=5, fig.width=5------------------------------------------ # Setting different testing cluster numbers ans <- adpclust(clust3, nclust = 2:15) # Specifying one cluster number. ans <- adpclust(clust3, nclust = 3) plot(ans, to.plot = "fd") ## ---- fig.height=5, fig.width=9------------------------------------------ # Load a data set with 10 clusters data(clust10) ans <- adpclust(clust10, f.cut = 0.1, nclust = 5:13, h = ROT(clust10)) plot(ans) ## ---- fig.height=5, fig.width=9------------------------------------------ ans <- adpclust(clust10, f.cut = 0.95, nclust = 5:13, h = ROT(clust10)) plot(ans) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # data(clust5.1) # ans <- adpclust(clust5.1, centroids = "user")